Our Town January 29, 1948

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0 "-'~,1 R, TO N
{ P_R_I_c_E_~_E_._C_E_N_ft_
• .'

iPlan Penn Valley School; To Malce.Additions

., iTo Penn Wynnrt School, High School Cafeteria ,
• (135 000 Blaze
I, - ~---r--!
· Board Aets to i;!
I ,'~,
!P. V. Garden Ass.ociation
ITo Hear W. C. Hampton • • -".
RoutsWynnewood\ ~
' ,
I Thc Penn Valley Garden ASilO-
:cialion will hold a meeting in thc
AVOId CrowdIng !

·'y Frl-day I" 'Parish House of Ali Sa1l1ts Church.
M - C
~'l ~r~on,. ynwy
FNarberth and Ardmore I. FcbrullI'y 9,

.' ° ° _L I:
The spcal(Cr will be W. C. Hamp-
,ton, of CollcgcvlIlc, Pa.. formci'
LIghtmg, Kmdergarten,
V" I Ed • ,
• FIremen FIK1lt Flames mcmhl'r of the faculty of Swal·th- Isua ucataon
More Than Three Hours I' 1l1~~. ~~\~~pCton. who wili spcak on to Be Studied
Firc swept through the Intcriar:" . ·\Voodcraft." wili illustratc his Icc- Thl'ec mOVCS to alleviatc crowded
I ure with examplcs "f woodcraft conditions In thc Lowel' Mcrion
, o't a large Wynnewoad home r.~r from his studio in Coliegcvl'1 Ic. schools wel'e made at a special
• lIonr)" l,. Clll\;lhan, whos" t('cordlllJ;" 11Ihor.ltor) in :'ti.nl,,·,lh IS
Illlore than Ihree hours Friday mecting of the School Board Mon-
fallt he,·oJll1lJ/:" wl'lI knOwn. is shown in his control roolll Iistcning ,nlOl'nlllg" he fore fircmcn from the' dey night. The boa I'd dcclded:
r to a short \ 'c hroadellst.
_ Photo hy L \~'l!lIams
iNa"bcrth aend Ardmorc companies
D,·str,·ct Holds J.-Thal prices for
"rough" dl a I of Pi I) ed
• bl ing it under control. Dam-i
,ages werc cstimatcd al $35,000. I t -t t f w ng- a 'op s
I'lementary school 111 Pcnn Valley
Now ~Cl't1Z0en of I~'
Sns I U e or
~ Callallan
_.\ World': The blaze, which startcd in thl' ;. to hegInning constl
be ascerlaincd at onee witha~a soon
uction view

u h R dO
h IL h
C 00. anc es
a 10 and Record" DI~triet
celIar of thc home of Mrs. Charles '.' as posslhle;

ThBy N'j\XCYg ,rln:X(,I~

,Y Fox. of ·122 Sabine Avc., was I 2.--That the shan CII'Ct
• ro lngs,d;scovcled by a m!ud. Ma1'!~ar.el " A school instIlutc-tir:<t of .tslan additIOn to the Penn W~nne
I.A HI" contI a, I WII h these p.'ople BUI·d. wh('n she cam" downstairs '" lund in Lower MCI ion-was held ,f'chool III the ncar fulUl e; linG
, }lenl'~' 10 Callahan. Whose 11'- IS 'oley thlollgh tlw mcdl\lll1 of the' to plcl'alc breakfast shortly he· Satulday in the Aldmol'e Avenuc l lO :I. -That Ihe propc,sed additIon
~fltly established Jecol<!Ing- 1,11,- l.lt'ge sholt wa\'e I ('ce"','r set \'4 hlch fOle 7 A. M. She rousen Mrs. Fox's School. AlI cafeteria personncl. asl the SCIllOl high school cafc(el"la.
oratories in ~arbel th al C I ap"lIy "(,Cllple~ a Pi omlnl'n' place III ItIC "on. Edwin G. an Antocar otflcial well as the pIInclpab and teache/" jplans fo/" which have ah ca ly heen
" groWIng In llopulalltv. might Wl'1l eOI'lI 01 100nl. \V111I I he set he Fox a wakenl'd hiS mother ann I epl escntal,,·es from thc twclvc I~I
awn. he tul,en up hy th" bTllld-
claim the distinctIOn of hplng a )llel,' up h/"oa.lc:1st~
flom fOlelgn Do/"olhy. and ttied to tcle ~i~t.;'r. ,chools. atlendl'd. Therc were 15 lng, and gronnds committl'" that ~c
"citizen of the WOl Id " ['ollnilles IIno I hl'll corresponds I phone an alarm. when he found III all. Iwork ca n hegin as soon us pos-
• }lis attraCl".c coutlol loom is with tl'" "h:1Ill" lamdteur radlo,that the tire had already hurncd The plogl'am, a lecognlt,on Oft"lhIC. . \ I
lined \'nt!1 pietul e~
and cal ds from hI o"d(,:1 st ['l) or announcer who has out the \\ Ires. he sent the famil~ the many pi obI ems faced by those TllP III Penn 'al ,'Y ,":'as ~chool.
~,'nt II~t 'T:~m"rol'l( t1~c
all OVl'r Ille wOlld nnd hi- 1'011- them Through Ih,s hiS chauffcur. Fred Lulz. 10 a nClgh- !tfr. llml Mrs. ,John Irwin IHig-ht. Jr.• \\ith thr,'" ,,: til" Irlsll sdt"rs fl •. 1ll t1 ...,r IlI"ho selVe lunchcs tl) shool chil_lgI\'"n top PllOl"lty on blllldlnd
"olio • Ipt1et s_ from fOI el"U
O' co un,
- of JIltt'lr",! I"nal filelllh has slea,J- hOI·lng homc to call (ll emen. \drcn. ojlPned With g"1 el'till"S from' pIh ogram. Since popUlatIOn
h iIren s
J1~' g-IO~'l1 ,Fnlnk A DuBol~. supl'lintcndcnt ~ ow that some of t e pnl'o men
• " , , I{eulw!s" in ]"'nn Ynllcy. This .':cl'l. one of their champions, "Collecn;' was misslng;-Iost, stru)cd <> lt
tries Is VOhllllinCllls. I The flames splead quickly or sloll'n.
\ All thIS IS II resul t of Ius Int"r- C" 1],1 h" n. a nn t Ive of Yorl" P?_.. ' Ihrough I he JOlsl s III the cellar to: 10f schools. Frances L"'ingstoD must be dl'awn off flom the l\1er-
pst in lad llnd ~hort
wave hlo ad - n, a voUlh sludH'<l Iht' \'lOlIn at,the walls and of the fir't l floorll~.'~ Hoag, ,late supl'l"Iisor of school ion and whele the ('~'nwyd s~hools.
casts to wiJich he lIsil'ns lpgulnlly.1
(Con!lIltled on 1'agl' FOllL)
I,and second flool s . oa'lIy damagl:,gl
the hallwav~ I lIVing loom and din,
~Colleen, ' Tamerock Kennels Champt·on R e p o r t e d IlunC'lll's. then
, II pOl t ance 0 f th p.
h I
C' r"The
.. unc
1m- ll1c~'I'~se~
h 'lU fe" ~('lUS populallOn o~ the l.lstill
has swollpn .tltl'ndance.

..Tax R;se Woul. d Aid., Chairman

'" Ing room of the til st !loor and the
\hallWad y IIand . t\\O

th~ MISSIng- Flr~t"ln

" . ' I"
C a·s51111946
N Y 0 orr Show '~1odprn
O'lC Ol)

Education" She was fol"Menon. It was pOinted Ollt. W

e. \,' hedrooms
t. d on ,;, .. •• ~ , lowed . bv l\Ils Jeanette \\·olshll. soon populatIon hp accommOdnlll1g.1h"
of IhI' Rh:>1 tl'ldg-e Iract new

;st L;.b~ary
~ _ ~.,
,econ 001 a el an smo.w
!dalllag- e was pxtl'nsive tlllOUgholltl' "Col1pen." th" Il'lsn ~etter
\vhf) lestlgalol' h,l\"e JOlllNI thc huntfol'l he was stalionl'd 'wlth Ih,' 11. S Ai,' R,'d C'!'hS nutlltlOn oPIVlce. w:1llse
1001. til"st pInel' In her class at til(' II),' Mell.' Lld~' of 'J'.1merocl'
assoCI.lle director of The Amel'l~"n

'Corps C'ap(:lln BII~:l1 found Ihe tOJlIC was "Eat Gleens Evcry'lpst I'nlollment of
Cynwyd aheady has the heav-
an~' of the
oard em ers nvislOn O
,Ih(' housl'.
The rapid ~plead of the fhe made
':\ladlson squal e Gal den Dog ~how
lIt nece-sar~' for the family to Ieav'J'
l\Iost cdncl'I"ned wllh the loss -- hOll'lllg- shOl la~e ,lI'ute hut h" D ."
,allhoug-h Ihe\ wen' ,00 ~()unc: 10 flnall\· mana .r'd to ~"('UIl' :t ',lIl'I'l, James Hutton' of th .. SlatpI" Sv~-I • lIlee , ~"on lln
' • a~.
>; l\[ d C
8 M b E i housc llllmedlall'l~' aftel' don,:1n 1916. w'" I<,poded lo"t Ihls wel'l leall70C thc pll'cl:<e \·:tlue of a ,!,)~ hou-l' In j'lo.al"ncp. on ellndllion t,'nl, Inc, dl,cu~sed bUSllH's., m;ll.iI"Ulll'ntly nandhng studentI' pWhO
'ning- their clol lung in the lutchen' by hel owners. 1\1r. and ~:l's. JOh~1 hsl ed in I he Alllencan Kennell t hat the youn,.: "Hlpl,' t.ll,l' C.1l e ofl ag-"ll1pnt, and FI"ances Randolph, I -l~~llld o.e :ltlendll~g' I hI' ,enn
End of Budget Problem
Iwhpre they !led to escapc the hea\·y!In\·ln EIIg-hl.•Tr., o~ "laml'roCI' Club's ullrll-l'xcltbive "SOCI.t1 HI':- the IllslJ <l'ltl'I" 01 the OWII"I"S Both l of the Ashland School, told of sand- \'\)nne >;ehool .. lt IS felt th:lt the
If the contI ovel SIal I HISp In tax- smokl'. !Kenneb," P,'nn Yallcy. ,,,ter," "ele Ihe young- Blights lowncrs did \Ial" \\ol"k, and wele un-,WICh lllaklllg- Elizabeth C. Cook ex- pI.opo>ed addition to that ~chool
IItion IS pC1Illltted n:o' the Colinly, weut v_ 11111mles• aft~I' ~ the al"l'ival' "CoJleell" red h'1I1<,d •and e\·el" .' •Tohn 1]'''111
n '11'] "JlhbIP" , 'asl·s !llain"all!n to, C'lI(' IHOllel'\· fll! tlll'dog • p I amed the p lace of Ill"'] t m the Will al:<o aid m cullmg down Ihe I
of I.ower ::\1enon TownshIp Fil e IJl1ch a lady. as well as a champlou. I iV{'ly 11)1· IllS lal ':1' pl'l\·mate on II n' Till'\" beeallli' IiN'ph' IntpI t'~l<'d In ,'I' hool Iuuch and I ('til Rol h of hc:,,·\· I'nJ ollmpnt of those schoo s.
, • • ',' " . '.
Court8. the htHlgd 1" oh1l'ms of t he I
Narberth ['l1l)llc LIljl.1I ~- 11I:'Y hI' I
~ pttled. bO.II·1! lllem!J' I, \\"('1" told
:\lar~hal Harvev" Benfon and Nar- disappeared With hel" "Iother, "Tur- IlI'el:lc;e
bel'lh filemcn. Benson called on thc,loch." on Thulsday Illg-ht
. of:\o tinws a d.lv. And ht-Iher and Wht'l1 Ihl'~· ,·... 11' tt:lllsfpr-IBI'vn ::\[IlW"
, "
\\h.r" tie Sisler Tln,l. 100 small 10 asl, lcd. lIolu,d If the~ IIlI~ht I,epp h,'r'l~chools "~pt up' It IUllch countcr'
., " I :llld
• "AI~mol e1 J\vc • rlulhollzed Plans fO! ICI,t
the ::\lal<'ll
n"w cafelnllaand on l\1on-

• 8t the at1J1\lCl.l tllPet lIlt{ la<..;t ,,~(lk I

Medon Fi,c Company of ArdmorelBrlg-ht was taklll~
tlH'l1' 10 th" hltl:l''llll'sllOll-, leal"hp, out rplesllOnlll,;-:Bpcnuce th,'v \1·( It' stIli unable tn' Luuellpon. plep:l,"<1 h\' MIS. d:l\· mg-ht thl'\' w.'le Ipfl'lIed to the
hy H(>lll y (\.rl. IllI'lub"l of the for a~slstance. The Nal'berth com- fol' fl'eding. "Tlllloeh" "as' pl('l,e.l II" for 0", ~oft led "odr that I~n't I calc for !leI. tIl(' O\\IH'IS agl[,l'd, [aura ••
\\'hltem'ln ,,]
. nd mPI;lhers' W or,hlllldlll;:"S
I I h I he .111d g-round,.
I PCOmnlelH!a lioncomnuttee
t hal It
• BOI'OUgh CotlllCl1. I ',pan~· I
,,'uyed fOl fOUl hOlllS. and,up I I ly the I lavl'I'fol 0 'Io"nShljl'thele I • .. InlHI
I turned 01,,'1 the p·lJ"'IS TlIe'l' Oil' staff
. . of the S('nlO ,~ hwh school I •
. g-et pl"lees ano conSider he!!1nntng
'fhe deCiSIOn WIll, he llIau,' all oul , :Aldnlorc fl1en)(~n t\\"o hours and 9. Po lCp the llf'Xt 1110['Jllllg, 0\'("1' ·n rJhe BlIghts' Inl('lll. ... l l l l 1118h Ret- ' hrgan " an t'lllbl~O 1..'n:1('1 )\\[1:-; SPl\"f'U to the 7, . "\'\If'sts
' . An c".1
('I)noll ucllon as soon a~ po~slhlp. M

Ft,hrual y 1. 111' added i 'half.

l t d tl d
,l'enf,,'Jd. Bllt then' W,lS nO traee )f,t"I:,. wluli' It goes hack for sonw
"C II "t d ' •
'lhe dog wv" OIIg-llwlIy
Rl'~d s \\'all1~lltln helllll"

flom a11ll,Ie of a tVIHell1 "A" lunch the
1 • • AI.'o eon:<lderpd a. the meelln~,

:Mrs. j"tol,el t l\f. C.I~npl on. t I{'as-I I Benson. who e;; IIHale Ie am" ' 0 een. Los. :,Iray,· or 'stolen, ,tllnc. llf'g"lIn Ihe e.llne t. or hlel',l-,\\all('l! ,~. menu l1lcludl'd cle'llned ' wham hi and'ch . was callpd pl"lrnanly . . to ac-
lII·er. l"epOI t (><1 t h,lt S:i797 w,,~ re-J age to
"l ( . . . ilton~ a.. nd the ..
. - the .three-ston· Ihr.P.l·-re'lI·-old~
~ ~~ - \1:.\)QH1 .. I;:;..llt~\l
~-:qrfP l.n!r. £Log,' uunO,1:: r th~ war. .· In Jan· ! ::ihe .was 11 I'l'at gl ttlldd<lllf~litci •
of I ("'<'S
~I:l on creo'e '
corllbrad , ' hal<e
jl quaint n('\v '" S
nl<"nlIJ(\l W '11 i lthe
-. -eeh'cd bV t 11" lihral'Y in- 1·!Jj'j. AP-I II s UCCO dwelling- I said thc flam~s ' Identlllcation lIlcludc the mark 0 Itmry . ' 1941.. MIS.
. Blight. \1 ho W:h I HIggins' \
l~('d )',Jl-pI'on'lhly the l,otato • frl'sh •
~alad r o
Ihl1l1dlng pro~ranl t h at h eg-an tVlo
• proximalpl)' S1200 of that WIlS ('on- IImay ha\'C resUIll'< from spontane- a tight over her left eye, had not 1l\11~s Vlr~lnllt L. Houston. (,f'g-reatl'st 11'1, h s"II"I' of llI('m all. and hntler plllI'allple-and-aplll e clIlll \f'aI~ nno "~Ith
I ' ' ( . a Slll'\"(J:\· 0 f popu-
tdbutCd hY lp.<lden[,. In auswer to ',ous d combustIOn IIin pOlch fUlnlt\lrc retulned 1- l'lte
.. . \Vednesday
, · night.· Pll-,Gw~'ncdd Valle\', '1'
w('nl to Jom h"1 and" gltJtHllhug-hter of l'atll· and ' and a 111nl-~ of milk J . ~ d
Plollcrl,' pre- 1.1tl0ntl(lIl~.,\'asapan . I' t 0 f pnce
• r. ~peCial llPl1efll fOI (.lIld,. F.X!lI'n- I~~~~the_ce _al" ICC. the :-;PCA and Insurance~-~I~~balld at. I rO\"ld("lcc. R . .::whe'·G~ _(Contll1~!I'd On Page Flllll.) (C01~~~~I"I!_~..':_Page ].'0\1.·.) _ _ :\'aziou~ ~chool pr'opl'l"lles Tilis
dituns tol~lied ~~J,O:iG I
:Ml'~ Hpl e1l Kllld)lllle. I,hlallan.' ».;
• rep0l'l<.>d that the total cllclllatlOn
of bOOks fOI t hc \"<' II Was 21014 '
Miss OYall,·, or tllt' .\ yon I
'\Water CO.pRaises
C Dorothy
S Lawley''\Narberth Home Sold
For $15,00011
County Polio ClablLutherans
Hold !~:;:l~~:!~"~i~,:l;Pl~~:~~':::f 'asked to malle a Sll1\"I'Y With a.
Mrs. E: C. b l·ew. ~h">I111all of the' A(lar1l1lt'llt s.
• l'd minlstra liOn ("0 lllllll Ilee. salll I ;lat
Xarlwrt h. will IRates 10 er ent vs now Queen .. .'
I Tllt' tll'O and onc-h1lf story
gle ('olol\lal house at 149 :\Iellon
~lll- Holds Elect-ions Church Dinner i\"ll'W to 11l0\·idlng- vlsllal I'dllcatlOn
' e q l l l p m e n l fOI the >'ehoo! system.
spr\(' as ('hairmall of Aic1,'s for
the hUdgel Was oelllg III awn up
• with the e)cPl'clation I)~ :In Illel eas"
th,. M.lin Lill(' I'I\I~ hOlls("s
H.-xi produ('{iuJ1. UI{pre 'roda~,"
WOII Aff e c
t 100, 000 e dt
rowne a Annua I BaII
IA\·c .. K:Ill1l'1 th h::h ')een sold by
IE. R. Kill:. to I h,' Rev Frcderic'"
Ne\vly Formed {j-oroup I Committee Chairman I Tlw plohlem of an adequate
Itgchting syst<'m, not only in clails-
;from 13ololl~h CounCi'. to hI' [lrps('nted In Ih,' Lowl'r 3~County
Users in Area Saturday in High School L Ppdmen. of Illl' Huard of lIon!'" To Aid Polio Victims \ Present Annual Reports roollls hut ou1docrs. called for a
Mel11belS '·oted all allH'nllment 11) :\ll'fioll SPllior Hil:"h S"llOol au- l:\lls~lon, Methodist Episcopal "llrvey. BO'lld memh"ls felt. ThIs
- the b~·.laW" \"hleh pp! nlll s ,lll\· I eg- ditorilJnl Salllrda~' nig-ht, .Jan- i The Phliadelpilla ~uburban \V.,- I Dorothy Lawley. of 132:1 GI "nox' Chul "h. fOI ~1.j.OOO Ernl',t Br own. of
\\'orel's~('I'1 The annual congl er;allonal llIepl- wa~ nut hOllz['d Thp pI obiI'm of
i~tered \'ot e ,. to en" a halinl at nar) :H. I . Company is raiSin.; Its rates to·Rd .• \Vynnewood. a H('nior at tlll'
E A. (:1:llI'e. RealtOr of Mellon,;Townchlp, was plPcled
rellrp~('ntl'd the huvel and H~II' _
of ing- of thc Holy Tlluitr LUlheran gludmg was refened to the hUlld-
• the annlill l nll'et mg'. _______________ • ' (Conllllued on Pnge Four.)

sIre Lass
-r p.ar'F-
Miss Jeltn stape, was un:llll- the a\'el age honschold consumel' b,r'J,owel' Merion Selllor High 81"10011" : " . I, the Polio Pal enls Cluh of l\10n'- (hurch of Nat he!lh. was held at
I , & Bunt mg-. of :\Ienon I eprcsented I
mously elccted 10 the bo.1I d. and OUR TO\VN an averagc of 10 perccnt. I
The wa.s crowned "Snow Qupen" at thel ~ th P. Sf' II PI', gomel \" ~ COUIU.\,• at the 01 ."anl7oa.- the church JanlHll ~I' 21. I, ,
I t"o. ,

• lIfl·s. E: C. Dt·cw and Ihe Re\·. Roh- I~ ox SAI,..~ I,;ACII "I~EK AT 'company servl's 50 communities I I
ert G. l\Ilddleton was lc-cII'CI{'d TEl': 1"OLLl)\\ 1:\(; STOnES: Delaware. Monigomci i and Chc3.1
Elllolt ,l. lItol se. I del pnce Ithral'- J)1I\ is Slorl'. 224 Hd\"el fOI dAve.
senior pro'11 f'aturday, Scttlement has be,'n made.
l1lg ht. January 24.
ff I PIayhouse
tlOn mCl'tlng l\londaj' lllght. Th." Repol ts on thl' \"allOUS church
meeting- \\ as held III ~C • .1Ohn·s·:,I·ou p s weI c given hv Ihell Il'adel s'l D-
M~., rJ,)}1f/1!est
on eeor
-Ian at the lJnivcrsilY of Pennoyl- NaIll!'! tho
vania. was l1aml'd to nil an unex- Granil.· Ihug Slor,', l\10ntgolll-
tel' countics.
Thc ncw charges for mctere:l I
Miss Lawley. a member of thcl
class of 1948, IS prc"ldcnt ' of thcl:>J
'oca C'hUlch. Norllslown.
I d
Other new OtllccIs mc u c nr~., d<'nl:< of the Lumate<,
. I J hOile mal"ng lepolts were
l\~. "nd Mrs. HUll'\' Gchharl Plcsl-1
. '
~ •.:.';
• pi,:cd terlll and MI·s. Flederlcl{ 1\1 \,11' A\·e. Kllbelth
Hav('rfold '
'servlcc were filed \Vcdnesday with hridgc club and vlcc-presldpnt of'
't! S C I . T0 St afie Farce \\'alter \\·ag'1I'r. of AldmOle, \'Icc-I 'pd'
I' I I'
(OUP Ps c u l. ' I. an
young" mar-
d 11"
• IS.:\[ i
I ss in LO\\'l'r
l' wnsllp for 194~ was the
Robb. Jr., \\'ho WIll I epl'espnt the Xarlwrth :\'('\"'s, 2:18 Ithc Pubhc tTtllIty Commission at, 11' tudent ounCl1. n her JUlllor prpsldent. F,tith Maxon, of Gle'l- , \VIIl Rchew.'II, ~ec! el'.1 I y-tre<lsul er's ' 1'1 on .0 : 1 .'. . , '. '"
school bolt rd on thc exeCntive eom- A\l'. Nmbelth IHall'lshurg, to oecomc effcctivc,year ohe was seclpt"ry 01 th" Red • :;) , ., ~Ide. lecordlng ~eclet,'l'~'; Kancy10f the Luam:es. n.oht'r~t R. God- hlghcst m 111stOI~, accoldlllg-. to.
i mittel', was Introduced. Dr. Allan ·l'raitll·r·s. 2~8 \\'Ol)dbllle AI·e, 'M "9 IClo.sS Cluh. and In hl'l" sophomore To Present 'Here Today', CI·es~on. of NOlI btown. corl csponu- ' sall. dll eetol of mUSIc "-Ilham ,I ppol'l relpa,ed lust week n b~ FI~1l
G. Chester ilresldcd. Nalbplth. L alch -.. n·ear she belonged to Ihp HI-Y, and ' 1m" oeclelalY' Thoma, Yholla of Hof SI It S d R I 'I . 1:l1al'shal Hal\'e~· \\' Bcnso . D.-
_ _ _ _ _- -- ....._ An otlicer of thc cOlllpany l'sti. illC Latin-American Club. Snow In H S AudlOt"'rloum IIN:lb-erth,t;'~asurel' and S;ellal t d P er· F • udn a\s' • c 100 superlhn- lect fin' loss cost the Township
· Townsh"lip Bu dget matcd Ihat thc company's avcrageiQuC'l'ns arc chosen on Ihe ha~ls ofl
I •• v "
Chlllchilla of Non isto" n histOl'-
. I en en,t
e Il
I e . egel'mark.
t 1 It d
\\" 0 ~
1'10 w n s hip. fOI
• 7
194. was
. th
• L OWer
M erton

I"d nle-tl .. b II
0 C
a $'"
I W S . _< a yeal', u I
b t,lheir populanty as wcll as their ac- Thc Malll Line Playhouse Will hn • ',' (ta\t' pnropmeln
:< a ISUCS; all C au We ,JUnIOI 1'-
"In' II a cn andec 'ullately thl' <ame number or fircs,
d t $149169

x d
n 't
0 •• , , ,• , • •
Itlvltles. Ipresent . I-fl'l I' Today a thl ce-act \Valter \Vanner of AI'dmorc act-' . Ithl' loss was e"tlmale a · . .
ecelpts an Od
pe . . .I
that thIS includcs apal'tmcnt houscs . '
Ser\"lllg in the Qlwen's COIll t Rat- fa I Ce by George Opnenhellner. lfi cd as chall man of Ihe mec!m" and IC ' I " , .
p::11' tment . . supenntelllll'ni . . . Albert I Fll'C at the Taylor resl'd cnce. In .

R vEel'
• ~Il'TS
ures 1 so that the avcragc 0111 for a on~'IUrday night werc Libby Ridenou .. llhe Lowl'l Mcrion High School au-iannounced the statcJ !lUIPo:e of' • delstlom. finance "fIICI'I of the YllIano\·a. last August. aecoun'l'd
Ifanllly housc Is nearer' $20. Hc saiJ l\!lmho Simons. Peggy Smylhe
. and, dltonum .
, . "
~lIturday lllE:ht, January: thc npwl"- fornJed glO·lll
- .
• ,a'·., lollo'''~'n ~
Men's Org-al1l7oatlOn, and 1\11< Shel-'
Ion l\
,1\·er" women .s "luld presl- 'for $110,000 of the !o's.. ar . 0
,. P t t
• . Ihe proposed mcrca£c would add Dorothy Boswell. Pegg-y D.lglt. Inst ' 31. I "Our g-roup IS :I service cluh." he,dpnl . . ." 'thiS was due to exceedmgl\' high
Actual E~tllnated I . Iyear's Quecn, presided. Each ofl To b~ ditectl'd hy ·Charles Tin-Ilsaiu "whose function is to aId Chil-I . rl'pair and replacement loss,'·, and
fOI Ple\ lOllS for CIllI'e"1t 150 cents to thc quarterly bill Of;lI1C me'mbl'rs of the cOllrt. as welI dle, of Haverford, the play's cailt dl'''~ and adult< whJ h'lye had I AI~O Mr5 . .T. Harold 1\lIll11l'el'. vice lIn this case. the house \\"as a mile
_ cash BalanCe for Anlll'ollll'j\lon Y(':ll, 1947 Yeaz·.1948 the a\'l'ragc householdel·. las the QtIPen was pr eselfled With I' \\ ill ineluue Philtppa Hl'rman i r I I' t I.' d"d 1 pl'('sident of Ihe women's glllld; I from the a\ allable watl'r supply.
. ~ "0417"4S
_, ~ .,• 148"8" ,_ ~ 81 1 Ill' said that this was the flrgt;colsags of roses. . .
.Jeanne Smith, Mrs H. O~bornc'IPo als 10,oPI;ortunltics
'Y llmgmg" 0fOI'SUClI' In cle 11·1
ti ll-
"1 I'
111S. \'elllon R Dtlnl"p ..• snel'et a I' y and delay in leaching it causc(l th"
Receipts Ironl CUl"lent Tax Le\'y............. U07.HjQ 4:i • . 150 (\Q mel ea~e since 1920 and that thc:'c I TI1C a f all
(111 r . was III' Id I n D owns' I\\. a It on, J,.1 l\K 01"1"1 II D I'. Phi'1·Ip I ~t udy and SOCial
- tl llyn .... ,and e a 0 • of tlI"
\'oca-ional . women s gwll1, alld J. F.' I I amag-e t· 0 sPI ea d .
Recclpts fronl T"xes of PI iOI ye~1J s... .. .. ...• • TI·lplclan. who pll'sent,'d a nnance I
~ othc .." \len R . t 3801:i.43
. . "~, have been ti\'e I cductions In rates
;;8000 r.0 • G '
m. w IC
h' h
I" " d' .. t I
\\as. I COI.I e( WI.
th I I .
-qolI' .1[' ")}I:JII;)Og uonplD ·.5u0'1na contacts, and to aclh·ely supple- I
.. .
A 11 I' In
I'r .on
.• nor
I' ••e ue eeeip S...................... 221,29:08 22109.,.0 lonow men. stars. !Cycles and whlte1clt Scott and Philip Bentz. Iment thl' \\01'1, of thc l\lonog II .. ,lepOlt of tne C.hUlch. pleplllted bYIApaltnwnts, earlIer In the year,
Miscellaneolls Rccelpts .......•. ............•

sltmatcd ReceIpts and C bh
17,170.U6Islncc 1
I .~.
Icloth strctched IICIOSS the g-ym to
Llta Ovalle. of NarlH'l"lh, will he 'Connt v Chaptel' of tl
1 Ie \\"a cr company. orgalllzed In ",11'(' an Ruthcn Ically WlntelY 1111'. chainl1un of aides. aSSisted by Pa- FoundallOn fOI' Infantll p . . I'"
$1,3UJ,781.H $1,;;:15.':99 -17 Ihe 1880's. has I'llghtly morc than ,In the center stood the thronc. t!lcia Z,"g-Icr, GCI aldmc MUI phy, when sO desh "d bV' the eCh'I~lt~}.~ls At t hI' medlng fOUl' lllemhers I'd ::;34.000 to thc total. There ai,'aln
N' ~.' 1'1)1 ,MI.;S Elinor BI·mel·. ltnancial secrc- aecounled for morro than $50,000
.t lona t:ll Y
I . 1
loss. and two homes m Merion :1 d-

I;;Xp[;;NJ l1TVRES . 100,000 cllslomcrs On mctered sCI'v-lcoyel'ed with a \'elvct lobe. Nanc,· >;ihlp-on and Bclt v Landl'l Olle' f th I I' f tl' ' . Iwere r.lected to I he Church Coun-, high I cplacemcnt costs swclIed the
j I"~ "0\ _.. - - , 0 I' U es 0 IC 01 g-am- I f II II I t' f
ice in an al ea inclu,l n~ all thc' Edmund Wilcox sponsor for the all of N'll bel th le presen a IOn 0 !l.. t1re~
'-7""nel'al v 'el'nmer:t;
Ad tr
miniS ation
I ' "I . I" t .
7.a IOn he sald was th:t only poho It I .
~ fil.7t,7 2'1 ~ 1l7,120 17 Mam Llnc to beyond Paoli, sou~hlser.ior class, said that 281 cou p ll:s The scenery committee Will be victims 01' theil' palents cO;lld hel \('Ir .nan::,s 01" I' erllOn hy t c , CIlIPless sllloldng-. wood 'lIngle
. ('I 0 OWing
f I h I ~
Treasurer . 13 and Tax COllector ,.... 1042107 11 000. O~ Ito • ChestI'I west throug-h Conshu- Iattendl'd. . .and that the $200 Pl"ohtl Paul and Allce .McVlclHll', chair- e leeted t 0 0 !l'Ice or ~(,1 vc as CO!l'- InOmll1<ltlll" I .. cO~lmllt\ ' ep Those elect-, roofs. burnIsh rubhish, ovcrheated
T oWnshlP lJII(!lng s ' .......• ,... .. .....• 2.; 7::1)72 21;,84;;.1-1 hocl,en, northca~t to the Bucks l~eahZCd WIll ~e placed In Ih~ "Iass men. R[lhert and Etnc Dolen. Rulpn mittec chall"men. Ie( weI e .urs. '\. G B 1"ll1e 1". Ches- fUlnaces and lightnllll{ were the
VeteranS ~el"\'icc Centel ,... -1.74300 counly Ime ' lakin~ (~ In WiIlow Ir·casur~·. It IS an annual affair atl GIlcs~. Anlh Cal t
loll , Pe"gv Easlcy 'l'h C nc\v pi eSI'd ('n t nnnounc'd IleI" T .Jones.
. C.F.Osner Jr. and J.F. leadin"" ~ causes of flr'e III 1947. FIl'ld.,
0; h,)

.Pro t eclion t 0 Per~ons and ploperly: Glove and .Plyntoulh. thc school. (CO!;I Inued Oa Page Four.) \ 'I that lit a fnturc mect ing he woulr! IlplCl:lI1. (Continued on Page Four.)
'~' .' 'I
POll cc ..•........ , ..•..•.••.. ,..............
• , BUilding" l'tcg-Illallon:< and 2onln;::...........
_ .,
400 ""91)4 In a notlcc scnt to consumcrs
90,41;,0Q the company explallled that the
I t e Inc I·e.ase h as h ecn a d op t c d bol-\' o r m e r
F M· aglstrate
L ownes
S ays
Iappoin t memher'S to 'he followmg
pUblicity. ..
rC"ional lIlforma"on
" , ' C1ll1cation,
lecreation. .• so-
I ~Y' W kS or prea
d D s e m o c r a c y,
Health and SanitatIon: Icause of Increased costs and afte:- cial. transportatIOn, l'qulpmcnt and

DlSJlo~,II........... conclusio~" th~.t

rI Health BIlI'eau . .....• 308:i108 30.946.0:; canful stUdy "Icd to thc unavoid- N o T a x I n c r e a s e I s N e c e s s a r y IcmPloyml'nt. ir-roup Told- Expanst·on Needed
Garbage Colleclion and 2:3 212 Oli 2:1.3:1:; (,(J able thc company I Vocal selectlOns w"rc presented J ,
SanitarY Sewel s . . ,. . . ' . .. .. . ... , '" 8:i.580A2 112.506 7~ I could not contlnuc to render adi}-! A former Justice of the pcace IWhO has an officc in Ardmorc and by Helen Downe\' or Norristown Jacob McColly. an outstanding the Main Line. Now, like the won-
ASh anel l'tubbish CollectIOn anti DI~posal.. 88.00000 II ~uate. and satlsf.~ctory serviCe ht and a taxpayer this wcp!t rcg-Istel cd a homc in Gladwyne, said that a accompanied on ti,e plllno hy Elea: layman in YMCA worl<. told the'dl'rful one·hoss shay, the building
HighWayS; Its plcsent I·ates. a protcst agaInst Lower MCllOn's stUdy of the National Index In- no!' Holdcn. also of "'orri~town. audience of morl' than 150 at Thurs- is literally falIing apart. There are
, streets and Bndgcs........................ 201).531.52 209,073 fi71 .The company spo!{esman emphil- township tax lIlcrcase and the lim-, crease in the pcrecntagc cost of liv- Iday nig-ht's annual dlllner. th~t Isome who feci that Its condition
strQQt r.Ml·hting :...... 62.278.17 63,500.00, slzcd that the ncw ratp.s do not ap- ited cost-of-living pay Irtel'ease the ling Jusli!led $600 mO!'E> a year for Yl\lCA is one of thl' most potent, I epl'cscnts a hazard to ·safety. Tho!
Llbral'lcs ..•...••.••••..•...•.• " ••... " . , . • 12.90000 14050:;0 ~Iyt~O any form I . of I tlre pl'otectlon commissioncrs voted for theil' 2851 thc employl'l's.What's you r fa vorite factol's in leaclung democracy time is herc for its rcplaccment. I
_ Recr&e.tion: • In C commun tles t sel·ves. cmployccs. In his Il'lter of protest hc sug- abload. Cel'lainl)' the Main I,lne board ·.>f
Pal'ks ~nel Playgrounds.............. 89,'13537
84654 3,,1 Lafore EI t d Ch ° Thc Lowel' Merion commiSSion-rgested fOUl' ways in which tbc
flavor? "There, fOI' the first tllne. peopl~!
\lllanag-ers deservcs thp full support
i i ellane ll8: '-, ec e aIrman ers passed 6 tl'ntative 1948 budgct Board of Commissioners could Read "ICE CREAM arc seeing democl'ucy at worl<." h~ of the community at lurge, as It de-
M sc o last Wcdnesday night which wili savc I'Il0ugh money to avoid a tax said, "It is thc finest I<ind of ad-, velops plaml fOI' the ultlmatc goal f
P 175. ~I() IOf Montgomery HaII Board be avallablc for inspcctlon at the increase and grant a cost-of-living EA'fERS, ARISE"
Sha t rlotic and Civic CelehratIUIl<...........
aele 'free COtlll1lISSlon.................... 1l1.9H.67 24.869.1)0
Montgomery County Controller Township Building In Ardmore fori pay boost.
veltisCml'nt, both for thc YMCA. Of new hp.adqulll·tcrs."
and fOI' thl' US," In his rcsume of the year's actlv-
Planning" Commiosion ......•....... ' .' . . . • •
.. 9"0 ')~ .Tohn A. Lafore, Jr., 01 Rosc La:le 30 days before it COllies up fOl' 61 FOI'mer Magistrate Lownes sug-
7 ••J. 111
• Charles U. Shellenberger. g"l'ncr- itlcs the executiJol,e Eecrctary, ~-t.
R e t IrclTlent Plan for Township l~lllplo.vees.,
2U •_~ 5"~,tl"15 ... at secretary of YMCt\'s In Phila- Rowland "'~aver.

T otal f 01'
• Opel ation, Malntenancc and
""0 •65•

"1';alld Avonwood Rd .• Haverfol·d.WllS flnul,vote. The 30-day holdover perl-Igested
lelccted chairman of the Board of od bcforc final passage was fixed,'moves;
the following

IMlinage.1 s of Montgomery Hull, Jcr- by the Statc LegIslature to givc' "I. By 01 dinancc a formel' boarj It
')'IIINT'{INC" r" J ,.
.. repol·ted thcre
delphia and dcinity. declared that ale now 1008 members on the roll.
tllP prl'sent fneillt iI'S of the Mam One hundrcd ninety-six diffcrcct
CaPltal OUtllly •••••••.•.••••.• ,., ... $1.214,15201
Debt Se/'\'ice:
. • . f el'son\. III c, a t a mee ti ng I n t'":Ie t axpaycrs an oppor tum
Icounly COUl·t house last weck. He a budgct protcst.
' t y to en t cr 0 f comnussioncl's
. crcarcd the offices
of malor of policc and captain of
() IJ'I' I.. ()IJI) I L'Ine Y are Insull
thc program.
. lClen
' t to h an dl e g-roups h avc an agg,t'ga t c R tt cn-
dance of 48.717. he continued. and
Interest , $ 221.92
$ 250.00 Isuccecds DI·. Frank P. K. Barker, Formcr Magismte Waltci' B. detl'ctives. "The program Is neing carrlcd with additional groups and sp~cll,\l
Transfcr to Sinking Fund.................. 2,12500 2,125 CO Iof Conshohocken state Rd., Glad- Lownes. Jr., Who is making the pro- "My suggestion Is to do away with lout now only because Of the coop-I eve~t<. 284 g"roups met In 18,Ot1
I\\Tnc. fOI'mer controlll'r. Itcst, dl'clarcd in 6 lettcr to the both of thcse offices and thl'rebv The popular new col- eration of the schools. churchcs and Isesslons. The agg-rl'gate total at-
'rotal ~llProprlatlOns from G(!neral Laforc also was named to replaCe commissioners that the employl'cs saVe at least $30,000 a ycar. Tb~
I umn with"a :i\lain Line 10thCl' facilities in othe area." he re.\tendance was 74,973. During the
FU cls " $1.246,498.93 $1,335.699.471 Dr. Barlter as secretal'y of the \ should have been given a $600 a, department could be adcquately ~\.l- Locale portl'd. "Fol' half a century the "y" summer R special daB)' program
'r4-X ~J\TE,
1948-10 1.(, Mills or $10..50 on each $1000.0~
of Asseascll County Retiremcnt Board at an- year Increase to meet added costslpervlsed by the captain of police, Ibulldln g at 116 WI'S~
Lancaster lwas held for bo)·s. Ninety-two boy.
• valuation, 10 Mills Gcneral Fundi \" MIll Parks and Playgmunds. other recent meeting. 10f living. The former magistrate. (Continued on Page Four.) ~rurn to Page 2 Ave. has .served boys and girls oj (Continued on Page Four.)

h ' 1
, '"
, .,

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