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Week: 5
DEADLINE: February 21, 2021 (Sunday) 5:00 PM

Introduction: Poetry analysis is examining the independent elements of a poem to

understand the literary work in its entirety. Analyzing poems line by line allows you to
break poems down in order to study their structure, form, language, metrical pattern, and
theme. TASK: Analyze the poem and answer the poetry analysis worksheet below.


Whenever people of a country truly love

The language which by heav'n they were taught to use
That country also surely liberty pursue
As does the bird which soars to freer space above.

For language is the final judge and referee

Upon the people in the land where it holds sway;
In truth our human race resembles in this way
The other living beings born in liberty.

Whoever knows not how to love his native tongue

Is worse than any best or evil smelling fish.
To make our language richer ought to be our wish
The same as any mother loves to feed her young.

Tagalog and the Latin language are the same

And English and Castilian and the angels' tongue;
And God, whose watchful care o'er all is flung,
Has given us His blessing in the speech we claim,

Our mother tongue, like all the highest that we know

Had alphabet and letters of its very own;
But these were lost -- by furious waves were overthrown
Like bancas in the stormy sea, long years ago.


NAME: Carl Edward B. Feliciano

What does the title suggest the poem is about?


Paraphrase: What is the persona Rizal is saying that language is important. It is the
saying? What is the literal meaning bridge and intermediary connecting people's
of the poem? Does it seem countries to each other.
different from what the poet is
Connotation: What are the layers The whole poem tells about the love for language and for
of meaning in the poem? Diction, the love for his motherland. The language, the rhythm and
figurative language, imagery, the structure of this poem are smooth that the readers will
rhyme, rhythm, stanza structure, easily understand in tagalog ii is really deep but you can
conventional forms, symbolism, get the meaning after reading.
point of view.
Attitude: What is the tone of the Rizal are encouraging the youth of his country that's why I
poem? What creates the tone? feel the eagerness in every words, that someday his poem
Does the speaker have one will inspire many Pilipino and it is happening right now.
attitude and the poet has a He also showed love for his motherland by being proud of
different one? its mother tongue.

Shift: Does the persona seem to Yes, I think the tone was changed when he was in the 3rd
change during the course of the stanza because in this stanza you will feel the real
poem? Is there a change in tone? message of his poem cause he uses words that will wake
What is the change? Where does it up the readers and in this stanza there is angriness that
occur? Look for transition words, you will feel because he’s saying here that whoever dont
punctuation, stanza love his/her language are worst than any best or evil
division, changes in line smelling fish.
length, irony, changes in
rhyme or diction.
Title: Look at the title again – does Yes, because he didn't say in her title what words he was
your reading of the poem change going to tell and focus instead he directly told the title of
your original analysis? How? his poem that it is for his fellow youth or for the rising
Do you notice any new youth of his country.
Theme: What is the theme of the The love, pride, and importance for our own language.
Prepared by:


Noted by:

Coordinator of COLA and Dean of COGE

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