Our Town April 1, 1948

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., .L.. • L. ,-: . \ .• ,


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;~:~~;TA~:~ncil Function School Directors State No Reduct'ion in Tax


~n~! ~~,,~,u~~~~~!~!i~~,!of~~!d1u,n'l b,ndl~u", Foreseen for Coming Year; Hold Per Capita Tax
lett: p~nted In Our Town lleVeral!howevel' meritorious theil' use, why
weeks ago, undel' the personal au- is it overlooked that our tithes are
. f this I'eporter there is evi- far Jells than Philadelphia pays and
:plces ~hat s'ome thln~ an aU~l1iary that each of us g-ets a direct and
McConnell Opposes Constituents IE.b
'I rary I nerease Costs of Needed Repairs and Additional Teacher

On World Government I ssue ill At·e Ion Tabled

Salary Raise Expected to Offset Money Received;:
ence . 'I t th old-time Nar- suhstantial money-value return C ·d L FCC b
~:~~:' ~:~~ a:ss~cia~ion. Ilhould he ~rom any pUblic improvement the onsl er etter rom ouncil overing Li rary
tormed "to cooperate and work with Borough mal<es.; something- that
Boroug h Counc. 1'1"
IdOl'S not oCCur 10 the city or the
I voiced his
By Seh00I Board
Rep. Samuel J. McConnell, Jr.,
opinion on the subject reduced,
Possibility that Narberth's school tax rate will not be
as foreseen earlier this year, and that the $;) per
There Ileems t 0 b I' no pa .
reason, however, why Council it- This reporter is now s~~~n~ a C~!~IOf world government on two oc- Officials Say Request capita tax will be retained, was voiced this week by a.
..cit cannot be both a legislali.velhOu~e .fOt' ~7.~~0. The 1.
aX. casions, least week, to groups of Borough school official.
body and an improvement allsocla-Ion It IS $1,8.w;). OUI' 1947 Nar~elt~ his main Lne constituents.
ion at one and the same time. Thatltax hill was $265.48. hut DurblO ., .
for $1500 Fund Boost
New developments have erased the earlier thought
~dea has never been acceptl'd hy!Howard say this Borou!:h home. is A delegatIOn VISited McConnell Must Wait Few Weeks that perhaps the millage might come down and the per
OUr loca I Ila Ions a nd . I. .
when that is 'wort h three-times-pIlls the sellll1~ in his Wynnewood home Sund'lY
'd It should be rememhNed that pl'lce of the cIty house. SUbUl b:tn to acquaint him with the fact that
. \
The Nal'berth School Board last capita tax abolished 01' decreased.
:~~ ~ta;ement is supposed to inter-!incomes exceed thc aver'age of city 6760 signitures of Main Line dwel- Thursday night withheld acllon on Last year, according to school directors, the main rea-
pret a pellO 0
and docs .
now 10 0 ceo I
.' d f at least 30 years!pay envelopl's and commuters can

' I
not pertain merely to men be supposed to have a
t I t th leI'S had been collected on a petItion
F '001 that It should lequal of city abiiltv and disPosltionl favoring a revIsion of the UOlted
. . ' .
eas. e .. '
. a leltel' from Waltel' A. Fox, presl-
Ident of the Narberth Borough
Council. requesting additional mon-
son for a millage J'ump from 19 to 23 nl1'lIs .and for th'"'"

A rmy Day
Iestahlishment of the per cap a ax,
was the expense of Installing two
it' t

follow that any discussion Ilhould Iin. footmg community costs. In Nations Charter to "enact, Interpret B h L'brary new furnaces and rebUilding ths
be an obJ'ective one in order to de-,thls town. e\"ery dollar. would be and enfol'ce world law to prevent ey f or tl11' ?roug I .
f cor- wal'." d s t ate d th a t gymnallium tloor, pIus a substantial
tel 'mine whf'ther or n.ot th. e long-I·clean.ly spent, no. ,suggestlo.n 0 Officials of the Boar A proclamat ion dE'signating
raise fot' the teachers.
'ooted official convictIOn IS really1ruptlon, which IS not said to b e The dl'lngation ,- was headed by no action could be taken on the let- Tuesnay, April 6, as Army Day This year. however, the removal
the best thing- for Narbl'rth. the case in Philadelphia. Dr. Stual't Mudd and Joseph Sloanf', tel' until after a budget meeting was issued Ihis week by Rich· of two of the ahove expensivs
In the last qU8rter- cen tmy OnlY! Some one h~s said that a $15 hl'ad JI·.. members of the Main Line scheduled for the laller pal'! of arel L. Miller, BUI'gess of the items from the hudget will he off-
three "dispensable" additio,ns ha.v.e;tax would underwrite a' quart'lr- Citizens Committee for \'.'orld Unity " . , ud- Borough of Narberth. set hy other imperative needs, in-
heen made to the B01'ough s faCll1-\million dollars of borough bonds, and Wi1Iiam Chapman, a member ApIII. A special meeting of the B . The move foIl owen a Pl'OC'la- cluding installation of an emer-
ties. the Playg-round. the Com-;which may be an extrava!:ant 01' of the Haverford Colleg-e Chapter get committee will be held APi'll/ CADET HANGER malion by President HatTy S. ~ency lighting system and paint-
munlty Buildin~ and the LibrarY·ltechnicaily defecti\'e statement' United 'World Fedel'llsls. 8 but discussion at that meeting Albert Hoover Han!:,er. son of Truman, designating Apl'il 6 as inO' of the exteriors of both school
lof ~.K 1\01 1'" a IHI Mrs.. Hugh II . II an f.:'er ,
None of them came as tl1e lesu . IIIITrue 01' no. t 111e pam l' f act 'IS th a t McConnell rl'pOl·ted that he . McCONNEI.I. , JR. ' '11' 1 d 0 Iv teachers' salaries. A rmyD ayan d ca 11'109 upon th I' ...
of Council initlallve.
cil provl e 'd d th
I n f ac,
hal'dest .
I Coun -I N ar IJP!' th"IS m ahe tt er POSI't'Ion to "favored the idea of wOI'ld govcrn- instrument for I<eeping the peace, WI mc u e n J
hurdle . on d
I~pen 11,,', • o-Il'at
the Playground and pressure had1lhe basis of a hig-hl~' profitable re- A~al:e of the fact that 90 percent
dl"l! of ~r'
- ,('
money .
on ment bu t thought it a long- way 0 . the U N is impractical ff ' Fox's
':Ro;nethlng praCtical:' Mrs. Pettit School .B~ard pa~s an ~nc~ea;:.
letter requeste
d th t th
. a e:
d I of 440 Haverford Ave., Nar.
berth, was I:'radnnlE'rl
Citadel, Ihe l\'IlIitar~' ColIE'ge of
from The
peop 1e 0 f th e U'I
pa.\' hanOI'
on this o('casion,
nl e d St a t es I 0
Oll!' 81'med forces
Rising ... costs will al~o enter intl)
the picture as well as another prob-
ahle teacher salary, raise O\'er and
to b I' apllll' so r d that Ihe ' people I I t";t
\ l'n 0 .. s CI " ·tizens th~n
, an" J
other of his constituents signe d h ~
t e concluded "is Ilomething that works. , !approprlatlon of $1500 fOI t e th t 1- Soulh Carolina, III ceremonies TIle local proclamalion reaels above the n1andatol'y ~150 I'ncl'e-
·t f '1 d ' b r a r y and gave as a reason a! 'L' il .•
would have nn opportunl y 0 pass-IPlace fOI' mIl'S aroun . petition as wcll as the fact that The only thing that has ever work- ' . . .... 1' (ay. as follo\\'s: ment all required by State law.
\ 't Th approved it bv a One thino- however c o n s t a n t l y ' I . the CounCil wall fOI'ced to cut Its Hano-!'r was awar<led Ihe de. BOROUGIT OF NARBERTH
Inl:' on I . ey . , , , , ' . manl' European nations are a - ed to keep peace among men IS . . . . d ... ~ At 8 school boal'd meetl'n'" la .•t
10 to 1 vote. I(an d Ila dl yl In . t ru(Ies w h en Ih ell'eady ' on I'ccord all favorino- wol'1d law." alJpropl'latlon from a plopose J:'ree of I)ac IU' Ior 0 f s(' Ien c e In A PROCLAMATION T d ... .,
... $ 000 t $2500 hursday nig-ht. hoar member,
Then. as now, Council'll idea ap-Itown's tomorrow ill considered, viz· .. government McConnell neverthe- TI d' , d the id al. 4 0.. ., cOll1mer('e. DESIGNATING TUESDAY, d' b d
. th t 't' there to save 'I • '" ttinO' ld ou h 01(' a d ' . le leamelS an e Fox's letter stated, "We thtnlt A "'radnat!' of I.ower Merion APRIl 6 1948 Iscussed all u get items excent
paren tl y IS a I dis f.

~ e nt e ...; T~ 0 '. I' ~ 5 h n less conveyed the impreSSion I hat illts." she continued, "arc those who that no doubt you ag-ree that the " • , I
;;alaries. which will be inv('lltig-a ted
money, not to fin l'xtra WIays °t IOUI' peop e.. lCI'e IS no ~ a?e e~e he would not snpport the resolutions believe that human beings will .t f the i: ibrarv i- a respon- 1Iigh S('hool, Hauger entered as at a special meeting April 8. A ten-
Ilpendini;' it, as when money 5 spen for the newly-weds and It IS theil' now in committee to hm'e PI'esi- b h th I' d' 'h SUpPOI 0 ~ The Citadel Septl'lI1hcr, 1942. ARl\IY DAY
the taxpayers must foot I he
h'll . . .
I 'IYO~lI1g spirit that IS neede~ to I<eep dent Truman c7l1l a const itutional The rice of peace is the same as s I I
~ ave ems 1'\ es un et analC y'l ibTt
'! ~ a 0
f II f the taxpayers and
,':' Called 10 a<'ll\'l' duly the foI-
. . I tative budget will he pllssed at thll
WHEREAS, thp. mIllion 01' more I April 22 meet Ing-. and in May the
and it can he undHstood why COn-1thlngs alert and .aggTeSSI\"e . . 'convention under Article 109 of the the ~'ice of libcl.t. and that rice' tha~ It IS not. h~a,lth) to P~"S Ihe lOWing Mar('\1 h" sen'p<I With mE'n and women 111 our Army are lofficial bud"'et will be adopted.
Iliderllte men al'e I'eluclant to draft and wtere"tll1g. "'111 It be.soll1ed8~·, IT N Ch .t I' to stl'nno-then that· I P,,,
the other fellow's h ar cl -earne<I cas I1.,1 h at smart opera t 01'5 WI move inlorg-anizalion In the dil'ection of a
'11 I·· al (' . . ,-" IS a\\.
McConnell admitted that the U, N 0 as year. .
d I t ",e
hat as the Llblaty was fOlced to
arc ,,-150 sure t h a t ·
' . . t'
the ('OrrIS of I'ngirll'ers at Fort 1 f t · .
BelVOir, \"a., 11IId was honor. !serurlty ann peace, lind
,instl'l~ments 0 Ihe na ron 5 WI
'11 f ...
or I At ThursdRY's tnCleting. board
imemhers pointed out that all IlUP-
c you agTee WIth us ~hat 0111 who, pll'n,~ had almo,"t dOtlblnd I'n pl'ice,
" On the other hand. the record and hu.\· up the whole town. mal<lng- world o-overnment capale of enforc-
teems WI h eVI .ence. ~R
'd II t N h tI I't th h '
ar el 1 I I' aSls 0 . - " , .
f $~- 000000 t I hi ..
axa es ing- peace under law.
t . .J'
was no '\\01 ung 0
t k
eep pea e, b
but insistpd he did not J<now whall oar Il rea y. .
d II have the responsibll-'

abl" elis('harged in May, 1913.
lie rl'tnrJlpd 10 The a a( pI t III
(I I I
\VHEREAS, free mpn
throu~hout se"entepn elecadps. of!Rnd that most other hudget items
,-., , ,
citizens al'e qutle wllImg to Il p en.j I (could he). a\·.enues of apartments On Monday night, at a meeting should be done about it. For the' ity fOI'" provldmg the necessaty tollowini;' Odoher 1I11l1 has held our hIstory, have sen'ed t hI' Unlled had increased substantially.
money when they get value fOr It:no .end .. for thIS bonanza 7-nl1le 10- of the League of Wotnen \'otet·s, present. he advanced two panaceas: s u p p o r t . . ('adel rllnl< ('aeh ~'('ar that he Statps Ihat we might stann sll'Ong Even Fixed Chal'o-es bud'get Items
nnd it would seem the\' . 'should . havel'catlOn .IS. a natuml to ta]<p cal'e of It he ConO'I'e.oI11all ... .,~ repll'ed. to ques -Ito reac 1 1 a"ml'I't I arv un d erll t an d'100- The letter pomted out "
lhat the d WIIIl" eli O'lble. land safe among t h e na rIons 0 f the snch all payments ...to the State Reo,
ff ~ 1948 budget of the Library h,\ ..
had more opportunlly to gl\'e Vl'n!,the mereaslng throngs who dellireltions regarding his support of thelle .·th Ru 'a nd t' p t ' t
10 their civic .Ilpirit than has heen to leave the City, .hut who still have,resolutions, that he did not consider ~hle Mal':~~li a IRn 001' uan~~h~re Ili~~- been set at $6175, Of. which $01000 .
uSlness G OUp 'worln. ancl . !il'ement Board and to the insur-
WHEREAS. In the latest confll.ct ance companies, will rise, officl'al~
Ihe case durmg the last sevel'8ll to be close to thPII' work. That l<lndlth
If it is Ilaid that taxes arc highlYorl,
of venture is seen all around NClWI Men~ PH
City and it could happen hel'e . th e ."aln
• IS
"I'aclical" at this lime
P tt.t h"
orace e I c aIrman 0 what '-Olt can get and hope It WIll
~;. L"me C't ' Comml'tt ee he efficientlv
" . P 'h would have been recel\"ed from the
f I ar plan. smce you ave t~ ta~Cl Councll and $400 from the School
18 r .
IPIans Survey T0
n d
our soldiel's. on the groun an \nlstRted. and the formel' payment will
the air. serving shouleler 10 shOll -ll·I·,·e I'n PI'OPOI'II'on to the alnount of
. ' I ezenll J
handled'" ner with 1hpi!' comrades in Ihe 1the teachel' slllar~" raise.
enough, and that thpre ('XIStS nO,pl'rhllpll. -THE SPECTATOR Ifor "'orld Unity and of the I ower
., ' . ~
Main Lme branch of United World plans for oppollition to the spread-.
e cou
Id' d 'I Included in the letter were nU-
a vllnce no ong-rang-e merous excel' ts from national sta-I1
p... . 'II mpro l)e Stores Na\'Y and of Ihp. Allied Forccll., c.ar-I Inslll'ance pa)'nlent may almo.'t
riE'd on and enl'lcheo I hI' Iradlt Ions double if lhe WOI·1t of recent ap-

SaIvatl·on Army Scout DI·strr·ct

I .' . . tistlcs concerning hbrarlcs. which I ' f f tI s
IFede~ aIJsts. told League memhels 109- of the Communist doctrine. sbowed the relationship bet ween ~st a~lisheel't .h Y . tt .1el,II·' ore a e~,:I;:\: pI'alserll Is finally jud~ed cotTect.
that In vIew of recent dl'\'elopments. such as the concept of a universal I'' . I
Ser\'lng \\'1 1 d.1' II,IC 10~. on . 1:\"' Three appt'lIisers ha\'e said ths
I't WllS 0 b"· \ 10,15 th a t th e l' , N . ISllaw: . . did hel the school. and , .' the hbrarv, student A • C· b a ttl I" fl e Id . tlle. n\ aC(OnlIJI"hed I
e\p ' school di"lrict would have to can'Y

Campal·gn Opens To Gl·ve Courses nOI'. he admItted. '. , oint omrndtee ' .
lincapahle of enforcing d~cisions. think such a plRn was an issue at. use of IJl>laJles. and coopelathe pp. ltask anll pa,seo on to the s01111el's $154,000 more I'l'placl'l11ent value in-
Iprovision of library servi,CI'~:" '1of looay tl1t~ mbsion given to t hem ISUl'aIlCl' next year than the current

· hL h AU· · Thel't'fore. she continued, as an thl' present time.

The lelle.r ended h). ~tat,mg, F
To Complete Plans
II h~' the American IJ po ple a Sl'('Ure $158.000. School directors unable
WIt unc eon t n,verslty Sh P
i "8inee the.Llb.rar y Board I~ anxIous
. . ... 'Speaker TLJlls of ~ I'Young PeAple tQfletermln: Its cOUrse for the ~al-
or opper 0 l'ountry. and
The possibilit)· of malting a Ell) \'.'HEREM;. th" PI'E'sid"nl of Ih.e; so within one yeaI'. had a
!IO belteve that values cOllld change

I bind~r
OflU S Need f or W·,l S
The annual Sal\'atton. Army The MaIO 1.1I1e dlsll'Il't, Vallev\ . . " V ance of thiS. year at the earltest I\'ey am 0 ng- slJoppera~ In NadJerlh UnitE'd •Slatps. has. nesignateel . Api'll p Iacl' d on th e po 'I"ICll'S pen dl ng f ur-
:Mai~tenance Fund camp8l g.n opens Forge Council of Boy Scouts pOSSIble moment, we hope that. ).OU!to determine what is needed to im- 6 as Army Da~·.
.Api'll I, under the leadership of ~. AI11('J'\('a, announced this week thel • • I ponsor
i~.' may be able to m~k~ a deCISlOn!prove the Borough business area. NOW', THEREFORE. r. Richard
ther Investi alion .
A letter ~Iom Borotlg-h Council
orergn Tra,de
Lawrence ''.'orstall, general chalr-
Et. . .,
with reference to thiS Item on your
. . b I f th L l\K'll B - f Ihe Borou"h .

I n er alnmen t
oppning of its "Uni\'el'sit \. of scout-IF • was discussed y mem )ers 0 e . 11 1"1', urges, 0 ,D asklOg the school hoard to increase
man. ." . . ' , ? IbUdget With leasonable plompt- Narherth Business Council at a of Narberth. 00 hE'reby proclaim ils d . . .
. ~he camp~ig~, which contin~~:-s mg.. 011, Api'll 6~ In !he Narb~rlh: ness," Imeeting' held l'CCenl1~' in the Ar-ITUeSday, April 6, 1948: as "A~MY fl:om ~~~~I~: $t1~0~h;a~~~I~~nh~~~:~
thl'~~~~hM:r.~~~II:u~ec~:~~c~~d:~I~~ ~l~hhC School, Essex and Sabll1e i H. J. Oslerndorf, re~ional man- Thp Young- Adults Group of Ihp I Icadia Chios Restlluranl. IDAY" in accornance \\'It h l\. pI oCla- consideration.
~ which 1200 ward chalt'men and \?;'e "P ' . . ·t... '11 t' Iagel' of internalional communica-; Narbert h Met hoclist Church Willi C. Alfred Peeney, 69, "The survey." an official stated ;mal i?n issupd hy Harr~ ~t 1/umal~,1 The genpml feeling was that al.
c~Ptains will attend In the maIn l'l ~;I\~ISI) ~'.! con .Inueilions for th Western Un'o T le_lsponsOl' a "Breakfast In Hollywood" S b . H . I this week. "will proba?IY be made: President of Ihe Ul1Ite • a es, an ['\lough $1900 was more than I.he
b R 1I f th B Ii
H tr~o;h'~ d I e · e ~vue~ x: SI' tr d?n
P~I .,' _0 and 21. unelel the
l ·
. o~d .10ml direction of Ray Shank, Nal"lgraph Co., tolel membel's of the 8 P. M., in Ihe church' building.'
I' I n I' Iprogl.am on Thursdav April 22 at uccum S m osplla lamon g the shoppers 10 our local <Conlinupd on Page Three.) ischool distriel could afford II con.

h la
o e 'I I.a e p k . ab~?lf edldn~l_ berth. anel Hal'l'Y Reihl', \~aYl1e. jBala - Cynwyel - Narberlh Rot a I' y
Funeral services fOI' C. A'lfred stores. In lin effort to determine
"Goon Neighhor" letters men- Peene\" of 309 S. Narberth Ave,.1 what Ihe customers want in the l . Cast For
IS t
'siderably lal'g-er sum thnn the cu.-
rent $400 could probably he aI'-
.amue WI ll ma e a Ill' a le"s
pi e dgl'ng tb e s u ppOl·t 0 f th e CI't y ad
An expert faculty \\'lll offer CI b
' I U k T d ' , . ,
on ues ay that Amel'!ca has tioning your candidale for Nar- Narherth. who died Fridav inlway of serVice, pro ucts, stores an
I .
. d dl
I L ranged. Final decision on the mat-

,PIay house Sh 0 w . .
- COurses for cuh masters cub den ' E . . .
mlnl'stl'ation and ul'o-ing all Ph'lla- I' . .... la sta"e In Ul'ope, and that It was berth's best ann most useful citizen Presbyterian Hospital artel' a five other Item". tel' WM postponed. however. until
delphians •
to' backb
the dri\'e. mOl
,. leI'S ' umt committeemen .. ann
, I't ems on \1.hl('h . we reqUIre . he 1p to her community, . shouln be senl weel<1l Illness, . were held Monday I " \Ve expcct . t 0 ma k e a SlOcel " eI furthel' diSCUSSIOn of the bUdget
Principal speal<er 9.t the luncheon tl'JO?I~ ~an:p le~d~
will be Theodore Roosevelt Mc- \\ llC 1 e ll1. at
\1 Th: COUl ses, from abroael. They al'e dependent to Mrs. Martin Dubson, 241 Iona Ievenini;' from the Stllard Funer':!1 effort." the otllcial added, "to give
. . : 111 I' open to on us in many \\'ays-and we are Avp. Home. Ardmore. He was 69. ,the customel's what they want. and
as a whole.
When hoal'd memhers discuss
.. Keldin, former maYor of' Baltimore ~ll ~Jt·son.s I~tel'est eel.m t.h,e Sco~t equally nependent on t hem. and on Masl PI' of ceremonies will be Re,". A native of Wilmington. Del., MI'.llo maliC NlIl'berth one of the lead- Group to Present teachers' salaries they will take
a practicing' lawy~r who is also >l ~ml ~ Ilto.glam, ?r mteHsted III theil' rpsources. Exporting and il11- Richal'd H. ,Jones. of Philaclelphia. Peeney hael lived in Narbel·th fOl'jln g shopping centel's on the Main
well-known speaker, \Vol'stall \'ice- s(outlng 0" 'I' d
tI01 bpcOI11Il1" a fleader. 'I:l 4 I pOling ·t· . t\\0
all' · necessar)
,- . p Ilases -In ' addition
" to the grand Jll'lze 10 the past 30 years. He served as dl- . L'inC. " I "P eop .
Ie at Sea"
into consideration a recent reque~t
111 of t h e teach(,l's that the school dIS- .
P resident of the
tional Bank will preside and I t '
p a
hi' Na- \el.le
, fori \" Mall1 1.lI1e dlst nct leaders Will
0 Apn
'-. 'Iof our
national life."
. .
the "Good Nelghbol'"
. '.
the eldest recting engineer
. .
Ost el ndol f laId hIS audlE'nce they lud\" pl'esent Will be given an 01'-, Iron Co. WJlmmgton fol' 38 yeal's CounCil, appomted a conll1l111ee in- pi esent
the Edgemore
I··.·.Rog-('I' BtII:];e. president of the The MaIO Lme
J B p.' tl's three-act
. .
III'S y,
w tl'ict establish a
and that the schedllie mclude hlgh-
Col Edgar ,AI'kett divisional
of tbe .Armv . will spea'< course at amp .
com- "attend a C Campol'PP Tech11lCjuesl'h
DC'lmont ' the Val- ling
( Jac k'l 1e Ip t 0 E uropes
neecI y 01' t hl'ee f
.. s IarY-
good reasons:'
' I'" wllh the comp I'Iments of Tom I
. be a
Je ol'e
He .
· '.In 1943. jlld'
c l mg R'I
,t p h ..
. an d D I'.,
R Du n n e, \\' . Ala"
(,Isman. t0·St U d'~ ,1\1"
'IP J ' "Peop]eatSea" In the . Lower er maXlmtlm
ellon Hi"'h '~chool auditorium I pI'o\'lded .
salarlps. than thoss
alllo. .' . , . lev ' Forge . Coun('r! . camp. .' IJecuuse t Iley are husmess . ' men; be- WIde
BI'enneman and t here Will
. vanety. ' of ("her prizes.
IS SU1'vl\'ed
' .JI1clud- Joseph F. and Thomas
hy two hrothers "apes
" 1
E., and twolme th ~ d 5 an d p 1anll f or ma k'mg th I' .,a t Ul'd ay, Ma" I'" ...
15•Cast •
In the State Act.
Under the State law. the salary
Worstall has also called on all l\l 01.1 Tuesda~ 1'\ enlng, ApI 11 6,. the ause they are members of Inter- ing t he Brenneman favorite for the sisters. Mrs. Edgar P. Hoopes. and sun'ey In the neal' future, include: . range for teachers with standard
volunteer workers to get their lists er.101l ~ost b of t1.1e Am::lcan national Rolary, and because as funniest hat. Mrs. ''.'iiliam C. Lindberi;'. all of The gl'oup also appointed a com- Mark MOl'gan. of Merion, as certitlcates runs bet ween $1950 and
and wOl'k sbeets in ol'der that· 'no ~:BpgIOns\\'l1l °N~el've lis I tradltlO~lal good Americans they have a stake Committee mpmbers arranging Wilmington BUl'ial was In Rivel'- mit tee to study Christmas decOl'a-1lFrank Jefferson, fourth officer on $2700; for t hOse with AB degrees
. " ov cout Ight" T le evenmp' . , Z'II h' II ction '
time will be lost in making a thor- .' 'b ~ " ,.. . . . <" (Continued on Page Three.) (Continued on Page Thl'ee.) view Cemetery, \\'Ilming-ton. tlOns for the Borough. The com- the ship I a, w ele a a $2000 to $3200; fol' MA degrees,
I' gl\en o\et 10 .~ntelt~ll1I~g millee includ'ls Miss A. E. McCor- takes pla~e; Chal:les Bol~nd, or $2200 to $3400. All recei\'ing lesll
Saga 0 £ t he Three James Br 0 thers
ough canvass. \\111

' ', ' "

"Th Sit' A . members of the MellOl1 Llbelty mick Charles Sauerbr" and F P Philadelphia as Ripton ship stew- th th . . th' .
e • a va IOn rmy "oal IS N 1 b an e maxImum In ell' partlc-
C~rter Jr
J • . , ,

..·750000 , - th e b are minImum . . '" rc- Troop 1 .o. ,sponsoreel . y Ihe post, ard', Hal'l'Y' U Hewitt of Ardmore, l lasI I" gloup mllst h '
e glvpn velll'lv
On tillS occasIOn. a Troo~ memo
qUlr'ed to maintain thl! work of the
A I'my 's 3 2
't "Wors t a I Isal.
servIce centel's .
' d "Despite
In . thlll her whose
' .m" been outslan
- work el" lt1 Scoutmg has W"
rlt es N ew Chapter Itt
· LocaI H IS
" t ory
Thl'ee membel'll of the Council. Mills,
" .' ,..,
Georo-e Alhel·t Carter and Dunne Nancy Reelle as Nona Stockton, I·t .
second wireless officeI'; increments of $150 until they 'reach

CI y, .'11 b mg Id dUl'lng
b the past . I . were appointed to represent . the I young American passenger; Barry N'b aIel ·th h as no I eachpl' Ilalary
creased living cosls dm'ing the past year 1\ I e l~n~I'e " y a s p e c I a " ICouncil at the April 14 meeting of, Thompson. of Cynwytl: as Profe"sor schedUle or its own. However, If th~
~"ear-a fact which every housewife Post M~rl~1 A\\.atd . .1 he n~me of Ilhe Main Line Chamber of Com-! Pawlet, elderly Enghllhman; Mrs. boa I'd docs pass a Ilchedule whi('h
' the reclpl('nt IS being Withheld, Imerce John Haig of Germantown as Mrs.. h" th th
rea II ze d on Iy t 00 WI'I I, we al'e ask- . . . . . • • IS IKner an at of the State it
I th t penning the ceremony. An mVlta· I Westmoreland elderly English- '11 b II '
gl 'ea t nee,
e same amoun as In 1947. lion 10 attend has been extended to
I'm sUI'e the public realizes thej
give gen- f
fathers of the Scouts, members and
b P k N 'J I d
Se n"lOr ClU b woman,

Also Philip Bentz of Philadel- CI'
WI pro a J y mean that every hor-
oug-h teacher' will receive an in-
ease 0 more
f th
an t he reqUIred
el'OU I"
s y.
Mrs, Joseph M. PlI.lterllon, of
at hers of ClI
Isons of all Post members
1:1 St'
ac - O. ~9, an
". l' fI
. Fetes 27 at '
phia as Carlo Velbet''''. Central Eu- $150 ~h Id
ropean supercargo;
MD" " ou
I .
a sa al'y schedule not
c el- he set, t he result may be additional
(Continued on Page Three)
-----_ .
le, cou group•. c,onsls 1l1g 0 I'
.10 a('tl\'e membprs, IS III charge. of T ea T uesday molt. of Haverford, as Boyne, deck" raises fOI' onll" a cel'lain ercenta e
hand; Philippa Hel'man, of Ard- of the teache·rs. p g

William H. Haws Gardner Dpan, scoutmaster, aSSIst.,

Pel by Walter Groff and Oshorne
Roberts. .
Imol.e. as Mi"iam Pick, companion
:;ecretar)' 10 actrells Diane Lis,
Honor New Members'. more; Nancy Rimpson. of Narberth. Narberth Boys On
' IUS Diane Lismore, and Palll Good-
Suceumbs at 70 The Boy Scout commIttee, head.
I'd by Samuel P. Blal,eman and in·
cluding IIel'bert J. Egmore. .Jr.,
• •
COmm1ttee to LISt Slate ypal'. of Mel'ion, as a well-known, College Dean s LISt
for April Elections \English author. Colin r Browl1p of 'J29 W 'ne
, •

Funeral sen'ices fOI' William Edward M. I-Tan'is, Jr., J. Maxwell : 1'1\'1' n" \ . ,. -_, a}
Howard Haws, of 106 Dudley Ave .. Smith John Alelen Tifft Jr' and
N arberth, well-known borough res" Philip B \Vilson will represent the • , , .,
The Narberth ''.'omen's Club en-I
. .
tel·tamed Its Iwenty-seven new B I Vasady
Drea C· ., a.el Vdbul W. OaKS. of 911
entenmalb" Rei both of Narbprth ,

lT0 Spea k Aprl., 9

Iden\, who died at his home early p o s t ' , memhers of the past year at a tell • and nth students at Lafayette Col-
Easter morning, WCl'e held Wed- . at the community building, Tues- IPo~e, were placE'n on the Dean·.ll
nesday after'noon fl'om the Stuard day afternoon, L.lst for the ~ast sem~slel' for theIr
Funeral Home, Ardmore. He was Letter to the Editor Mrs. A. C. Jones wall chairman hIgh schola:~tlc stannlt1g.
70. To the Editor: In chal'ge and Mrs, C. Arley Far- Dr. Bela Vasady, a leading figure ~I'owne IS a sophomore at Ihe
A native' of Berkll County, Pa .. Sir: mel' and Mrs Q. A. B. Co-mman in the Refot'lned Church of Hun- co lege and Oaks is a freshman.
Mr. Haws had lived in Nal'bel'lh Please let nle use the paper 10 wel'e in charge of t.he program. g-Rl'y, "'ill speak April 9 at 8 P. M ----- - -
tor the past 24 yellrs, and ban a('coro appreciation for the man)'j MI·s. J. So, Erickson was the an- at a meeting of the Men's LeagUelCamera Club Sponsored
owned and managed Haws Hard- nice hirl hday messages which came nouncer for the program which in- of the First Presbyterian Churcb
ware Store, formerly at 108 ~2 FOl'- to me as a result of Mrs. Mueller's cluded charades and an Eastel' par- of Ardmore. His topic will be "Des- By Narberth Shop
rest Ave., Narberth, fl'om 1932 un- kindly leiter. Dr, Welty still has/ ade of spring hats. pail' and Hope in EtII·ope." A camCl'a club for residents of
til ]946, when he retired because me in the restricted zones and I Each new member was pl'esented Dr. Vasady Is a professor at the Narberth Merion. Penn Valley and
of a heart ailment. . cannot write Ihe personal note with a handket'chief b)' the club. Refol'med Theological' Faculty of Wynnew~od. has been started by ths
He was a graduate of PeJt'ce which is due each of those fdends At the next meeting- Tuesday aft- the Universit)· at Debt'ecen and Photo-Hobb)" Shop of Narberth.
Business School and West Chestel' who was sO good as to wish me ernoon, at 2, the Nominating Com- president of the theological depart- Meellngs of the organization will
State Teachers College and sel'ved well. mil tee, headed by Mrs. Robert ment of the 400-yeal'-0Id Reformed be held twice a month and will In-
In tbe At'med Forces during the The Iruth also is that Ihe hand· Price, will pl'esent a slate of nom- College In the same city. A memher clude lectut'es and n;ovies. 1\0{ m-
Spanlsh·Amel·lcan Vvar. Pl'lol' 10 writing of some of them is almost The days when the name of "thelmeasllre to the eidc and political in the Roxborough and Philadel- Inees fOI' elections April 20. On of the Pl'ovlsiollal Committee of bershlp has been limited to l00~
his ownership of the hardware as bael as my own and I am not James' boys" was associated With/well-being of his community. phia pUblic schools. Ben and Evan her committee are MI·s. William lhe World Council of Churches, be
business, he was associated with sure that I have l\l'l'urutely de- highway robbery ann assorted may· Among the three, they represent chose the Unh"ersilv of Pennsyl. Lakeman, Mrs, W. Ralph Giles, has been in consultation with lead-
the Folwell Brothers and Com- ciphered all the signatures. hem ha\'e gi\'en way to another lthe high type of good citizenship vania as alma mate;', and Wall~ls- MI·s. A. W. Ayres and Mr·s. R. W. ers of tbe Council In France, Swit-
pany. Inc., PhIladelphia, for 30 As Ihese generous remembranceslkind of fame, at least in Delawnrelwhich l11ay he attained by men of,ton was graduated from Temple Phillips. Nominees will be pl'esent- zel'land, England and Scotland and OUR TO\NN
yeat's. wel'e induced by the suggestion and Montgomery counties. As a intelligence, ambition and good will!uni\.ersitv. ed fOl' the offices of 2nd vice pres!- came to the United States at the IS ON SALE EACH WEEK AT
He was also a member of the which Mrs, Mupllet· published In matter of fact t he inclusion of thel to his fellow-man. Ben, tI;e plelE'st, was named for dent. I'ecor'ding secI'etal'y, treasur- invitation or the Federal Council THE FOI.I.O\\"ING STORESl
Narberth Presbyterian Church and Our Town, it can be assumed that ,name of one of the James brothers The Ihree, Benjamin Franklin his grandfather. Although the el' and three dil'ectOl's will be and the American office of the DaviA Siore, 224 Haverford Ave"
a former membel' of the Narberth these greetings will come to the lin the roslel' of the United States James, 3rd, Evan Lewis James and James family tree fails to show a elected. WOl'Id Council. Narberth.
Business Council. notice of all who wrole me and to House of Represeptatives may nol Wallaston K. James, were sons of dire('t descent from the Franklin of Jessie Lewis will present a re- Prior to the wal', DI·. Vasady vi~· Granite Drult' Storl', Montgom- I'
He Is survived by his wife, the whom I now express most grate- be far off, if local political prog- Ella Vit'ginia aand Evan L. James, "POOl' Richal'd" fame, the current \'iew of a play anQ Miss Jane ited America twice. He holds de- ery Ave" Nal'berth,
fOl'mer Mrs. Mabel Pollock, of ful t hanks. It means that the old nostlcators are accurate. of Philadelphia and Roxborough. Congressional candidate ft'om the Weidensaul. harpist, will provide r:rees from Central TheoloKlcal
Narberth; a daughtel', Ml'S, Grace Narberth spirit continues to be The James bo)'s of local fame Both parents are now clead, but the Se\"enth Congressional district ill the musical selections. Seminary In Dayton, 0" and from Narberth News, 238 Haverford

• M\·lIer. of Berlin, N. J,; two broth- something with which to conjecl- Ih"e In Radnor Township ano Low('l'lsenior James' homestead at Klm- president of the Franklin Printing Hostesses at the tea tahle will be Princeton Theological Seminary, Ave., Narberth.
lin, three .lllters and three step- urI'. Merion Township; and each, In his berton, outside Phoenixville, is still Company, founded by the original Ml'S, E, F, Chubb and Mrs. C. C. where he Is at present a guest pro- Trainer'.., 238 Woodbine Av...
ohlldren. J. J. CABREY own way, has contributed in a full standing. The three were educated (Continued on Page Three.) Offenhauser. feBllor. Narberth•

.'. , ,

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