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Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. objection B. obey C. impose D. forbid

Question 2. A. sounds B. obstacles C. situations D. secrets

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3. A. description B. understand C. inspector D. adoption

Question 4. A. studious B. century C. well-done D. similar

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 5. In spite of poverty and dreaful conditions, they still manage to keep their self-respect.
A. self-reliant B. self-restraint C. self-esteem D. self-assured

Question 6. Scientists hope that this new drug will be a major breakthrough in the fight against AIDS.
A. new cure B. important therapy C. sudden remedy D. dramatic development

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 7. This reference book is essential material for us to prepare for the next assignment.
A. necessary B. dispensable C. vital D. fundamental

Question 8. Most students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to get bachelor’s degree.
A. following B. giving up C. trying D. interrupting

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.

Question 9. Keith had so interesting and creative plans that everyone wanted to work on his committee.

Question 10. The purpose of the United Nations, broadly speaking, is to maintain peace and security and
encourage respect for human rights.

Question 11. Although the quantity was small, we had supplied enough to finish the experiment.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
the following exchanges.
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

Question 12. Peter is going on vacation next week. Today, he drops in on Tom before he travels to American.
Peter: “Where do you suggest I stay?”
- Tom: “_______”
A. Let’s stay at the Hilton! B. I suggest you to Hilton.
C. I prefer the Hilton. D. I recommend the Hilton.

Question 13. Sarah and Kathy are talking about bad habits of children.
Sarah: “Children under ten shouldn’t stay up late to play computer games”
- Kathy: “_______”
A. You are absolute right. B. Surely, they shouldn’t.
C. Yes, I share your opinion. D. I don’t quite agree with you.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following

Question 14. _______ all the hard work they put in, the students got good exam results.
A. As a result of B. In compared with C. According to D. In addition to

Question 15. What a (n) _______ behaviour! He went straight into the line.
A. shame B. shameful C. ashamed D. shameless

Question 16. _______, he could not lift the trap door.

A. As he was strong B. Strong as was he C. As strong he was D. Strong as he was

Question 17. It is necessary to be careful _______ your career.

A. when choosing B. when you will choose
C. when you have chosen D. when you chose

Question 18. Species become extinct or endangered for _______ number of reasons, but _______ primary cause
is the destruction of habitat by human activities.
A. a/a B. a/the C. the/a D. the/the

Question 19. I _______ in trouble now if I had listened to you in the first place.
A. wont be B. wouldn’t be C. am not D. wouldn’t have been

Question 20. We all know that it is important _______ medical directions to be understood clearly.
A. with B. for C. to D. in

Question 21. I _______ a better job, and I am going to accept it.

A. was offering B. have been offered
C. was going to be offered D. am offering

Question 22. That honest man always speaks _______ is true even if it is bitter.
A. that it B. that C. what D. which

Question 23. He is doing very badly but he tries to _______ appearances.

A. hold on B. stick to C. keep up D. make out

Question 24. Unlike the other Asian states, Singapore has _______ raw materials.
A. hardly any B. any hardly C. hardly no D. hardly some
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

Question 25. Of the two new secretaries, one is competent and _______ is not.
A. another B. other C. the other D. the second

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.

Question 26. Because I hadn’t heard the weather forecast, I was surprised to see the heavy rain.
A. Not having heard the weather forecast, I was surprised by the heavy rain.
B. The heavy rain caused me surprising because I hadn’t heard the weather forecast.
C. It was raining heavily, so I was surprised by the weather.
D. The weather forecast prevented me from knowing about the heavy rain.

Question 27. Ann’s parents said to her, “You are too young to get married.”
A. Ann’s parents said that she can’t get married at quite a young age.
B. Ann’s parents stopped her from getting married at quite a young age.
C. Ann’s parents said that she is so young that she can’t get married.
D. Ann’s parents advised her to get married.

Question 28. Payment must be made at the time of booking.

A You must pay before you book B. You are not allowed to pay when you book.
C. You must pay when you book. D. Payment in advance is acceptable if you want to book.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to complete each of the
following sentences.

Question 29. I spent one hour _______.

A. trying to find the answer to the question
B. to try to find the answer to the question
C. trying to find the answer for the question
D. to try to find the answer for the question

Question 30. Modern women now work outside the home .

A. because they want to be economically independent
B. in spite of their economical independence
C. although they are economically independent
D. so that they are economically dependent

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


We tend to assume that people like Shakespeare or Darwin owe their success (31) _______ their genius. In
his new book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that the truth may be more complex. Of course, all successful
people are bound to have some natural (32) _______. But the true (33) _______of success are most probably hard
work, opportunity, and the environment you grow up in.

You need about 10.000 hours of practice before you get really good at something. Mozart’s early work was
certainly not great or (34) _______ . By the time he composed his first true masterpieces, he must have spent about
ten years composing concertos.
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

But hard work is not enough, you have to get your chance. Most Silicon Valley tycoons, like Bill Gates or
Steve Jobs, were born around 1955. When the personal computer revolution came twenty years later, they were at
a(n) (35) _______ age to lead it.

Question 31. A. about B. for C. to D. on

Question 32. A. presents B. prizes C. opportunities D. gifts

Question 33. A. ingredients B. recipes C. elements D. details

Question 34. A. different B. original C. ordinary D. strange

Question 35. A. average B. earlier C. perfect D. true

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Philadelphia is a city known for many things. It is where the Declaration of Independence was signed in
1776, and it was also the first capital of the United States. But one fact about Philadelphia is not so well-known: it
is home to nearly 3,000 murals painted on the sides of homes and buildings around the city. In fact, it is said that
Philadelphia has more murals than any other city in the world, with the exception of Rome. How did this come to

More than 20 years ago, a New Jersey artist named Jane Golden started a program pairing troubled youth
with artists to paint murals on a few buildings around the city. From this small project, something magical
happened. The young people involved helped to create magnificent pieces of art, but there were other, perhaps
more important benefits. The young people learned to collaborate and get along with many different kinds of people
during the various steps required to paint and design a mural. They learned to be responsible, because they needed
to follow a schedule to make sure the murals were completed. They also learned to take pride in their community.
It is hard for any resident to see the spectacular designs and not feel proud to be a part of Philadelphia.

Take a walk around some of the poorest neighborhoods in Philadelphia, neighborhoods full of broken
windows and littered front steps, and you will find beautiful works of art on the sides and fronts of buildings. Of
course the murals are not just in poor neighborhoods, but more affluent ones as well. Special buses take tourists
to different parts of the city to see the various murals, which range from huge portraits of historical heroes, to
cityscapes, to scenes depicting the diverse ethnic groups that call Philadelphia home.

As a result of its success, the mural program created by Jane Golden has now become the nation’s largest
public art program and a model for other cities throughout the country seeking to help troubled youth.

Question 36. The main focus of the passage is _______.

A. an art program designed to help troubled youth
B. the many tourists who come to Philadelphia to see murals
C. the reasons why Philadelphia is a unique city
D. how Jane Golden came up with the idea to start a mural program

Question 37. As used in paragraph 1, the phrase “it is said” suggests that the author is _______.
A. knowingly misleading the reader
B. using a quote from someone else
C. referring to something that is widely believed, but may be untrue
D. referring to something that he or she does not personally believe
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

Question 38. According to the passage, the murals in Philadelphia _______.

I. draw tourists who want to see them
II. instill responsibility and pride in the people who paint them
III. are solely designed by the youth who paint them
A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II, and III

Question 39. As used in paragraph 3, which is the best definition of “affluent”?

A. popular B. clean C. well-known D. wealthy

Question 40. Based on information in the passage, the author most likely believes that _______.
A. there are too many murals in Philadelphia
B. the mural program was an inspirational idea
C. all troubled youth should learn how to paint
D. every city in the country should adopt the mural program

Question 41. Based on information in the passage, it can be inferred that the author believes the two best reasons
for other cities to adopt the mural program are to _______.
A. beautify their city and draw tourists
B. help troubled youth and beautify their city
C. have as many murals as Philadelphia and help troubled youth
D. draw tourists and surpass Philadelphia in terms of number of murals

Question 42. In order to make this passage more engaging to readers, the author could have included _______.
I. a brief history of Philadelphia
II. pictures of some of the murals
III. an interview with a program muralist
A. I only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I, II, and III

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.


In modern times, we seem to be getting more separate from nature with each passing day. Most of us spend
the majority of our time indoors, typing away at computers and fiddling with digital devices. All the while, we are
destroying the planet’s natural beauty by cutting down forests and building cities in their place. In an effort to
preserve nature for future generations, national parks were created.

The primary function of national parks is conservation. In many cases, it is a matter of national pride for
countries to protect their indigenous species. Although several nations considered opening national parks, the US
was the first country to officially do so when Yellowstone Park opened in 1872. This designation made the federal
government responsible for taking care of the territory. Soon after, national parks started to open in Australia, New
Zealand, Europe, and eventually across the globe. Today, almost 100 countries have established their own national
parks. In total, there are over 6,500 worldwide.

There are several incredible national parks that have a lot to offer. Kruger National Park in South Africa at
19,633 square kilometers is one of the largest game reserves. Tourists can go on safari and witness elephants,
rhinoceroses, lions, and several other large mammals in their natural environments. At 75,000 square miles, the
Northeast Greenland National Park is the world’s largest. In fact, it is larger than all but 30 countries in the world.
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

Despite differences in names, location, and rules, most natural parks have certain traits in common. For
one, they are usually open to visitors throughout the year. Those who come to the park can take part in a wide
scope of outdoor activities including hiking, camping, cycling, bird watching, and fishing. Other options may
include horseback riding, rafting, or scuba diving if the territory is suitable. In most places, visitors are encouraged
not to feed the animals. The purpose for this law is twofold: to protect the animals as well as those who might feed
them. Animals also have strict dietary needs, so feeding them exotic foods could make them sick. Feeding wild
animals could also cause them to aggressively pester humans they encounter in the future for food. However, as
long as you follow the rules, you are assured of having a great time at whichever national park you visit.

Question 43. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A. What people will likely see when they visit a national park.
B. How national parks will probably be different in the future.
C. A few things you will likely see if you go to visit a national park.
D. Some reasons why national parks are necessary.

Question 44. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The establishment of national parks
B. The main purposes of national parks
C. Some interesting facts about national parks
D. The first American national parks

Question 45. Which of the following people would probably be most interested in visiting Kruger National
A. Someone who is interested in hiking
B. Someone who is interested in rare plants
C. Someone who likes observing large creatures
D. Someone who needs to adopt an animal

Question 46. The word “indigenous’' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. rare B. native C. large D. extinct

Question 47. Which of these activities would probably NOT be featured at a national park?
A. Flying lessons B. Rafting C. Mountain climbing D. Canoeing

Question 48. Which of the following is NOT true about national parks?
A. They lies at locations with different traits.
B. They offer a variety of activities to visitors.
C. There are rules against feeding animals by tourists.
D. They have been established to avoid disasters.

Question 49. The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to _______.
A. visitors B. guards C. animals D. exotic foods

Question 50. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. National parks were established in Britain earlier than those in the US.
B. National parks are not open to visitors in winter.
C. The Northeast Greenland National Park is only smaller than 30 countries in the world.
D. National parks in the US are under the control of the state authorities.
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

N0 Key Explanation

1 C /ə/ vs /əʊ/

2 D quy tắc phát âm đuôi s/es.

3 B 2-3-2-2

description /dɪˈskrɪpʃn/ undersatand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/

inspector /ɪnˈspektə(r)/ adoption /əˈdɒpʃn/

4 C 1-1-2-1

studious /ˈstjuːdiəs/ century /ˈsentʃəri/

well-done /ˌwel ˈdʌn/ similar /ˈsɪmələ(r)/

* Tính từ ghép dạng: Trạng từ + Vp2 = trọng âm luôn rơi vào âm của V

5 C self-respect: lòng tự trọng, tự tôn ~ self-esteem

6 D breakthrough: phát minh quan trọng ~ dramatic development

7 B essential: thiết yếu, cần thiết >< dispensable: không cần thiết, có thể bỏ đi.

(3 lựa chọn còn lại đều đồng nghĩa với essential)

8 B pursue: theo đuổi >< give up: từ bỏ.

9 A so interesting => such interesting

such + Adj + N + that - trong cấu trúc such … that … >< nếu dùng so, không có N ở sau.

10 C encourage => to encourage

- Các từ liên kết nhau = and sẽ đồng dạng với nhau - ở đây phải là to encourage để đồng
dạng với to maintain.

(trường hợp khác có thể bỏ to được - nhưng câu này liệt kê các tính chất của UN tách biệt
nhau nên cần dùng đúng dạng)
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

11 supplied enough => been supplied enough

=> cần phải là bị động - phải là: "được cung cấp đủ".

12 D I recommend sth = I think you should choose sth.

- recommend sth: giới thiệu cái gì (cho ai để họ dùng/ chọn).

(ý B sai ngữ pháp với Suggest - phải là suggest sth)

13 X Câu này hơi gây tranh cãi. Họ cho B đó - nhưng mà có vài cái không nên cho lẫn.
- ý A thì họ nghĩ là nói quá lên - mặc dù là câu đồng ý.

- ý C họ nghĩ thừa từ "Yes" - đoạn sau cũng có nghĩa đồng ý.

* Các bạn chọn B cũng được - nhưng lưu ý 2 ý trên.

14 A as a result of = because of: bởi vì

15 B shameful: đáng xấu hổ - dùng cho tính chất của vậy.

- ashamed: cảm thấy xấu hổ - dùng cho người.

- shameless: trơ trẽn, mặt dày; không biết xấu hổ - dùng cho người.

- shame: làm cho xấu hổ - thêm -d chỉ là dạng thêm -ED của nó thôi.

16 D cấu trúc: Adj + as/though + S + to be: dù ai có thế nào.

17 A đây là 1 dạng khuyết chủ ngữ với câu trúc It is + Adj + to V - chủ ngữ khuyết ở đây luôn
được hiểu ngầm là I, We hoặc You.

- các ý B, C, D đều sai Thì - chỉ có thể dùng Hiện tại đơn/ Hiện tại tiếp diễn cho câu này.

18 B - ý đầu chọn "a" ví nó là a number of sth: một vài cái gì ( = some)=> a number of
reasons: một vài lý do.

- Ý sau chọn "the" vì nó phải là the primary cause: nguyên nhân chủ yếu - cái này phải xác
định mạnh rồi - nó như kiểu cái duy nhất của việc này.

19 B câu điều liện mixed (trộn) giữa loại 2 (vế hệ quả) và loại 3 (vế if).

Việc ở vế if là điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ nên phải dùng Quá khứ hoàn Thành -
còn việc ở vế hệ quả có từ now nên nó ở dạng would + V-nguyên thể.

20 B cấu trúc: It is + Adj + for + sb/sth + To V: thật là như thế nào cho ai để/ khi làm gì.

Để dịch câu cho "nuột" thì nên dịch như sau:

"Chúng ta đều biết rằng việc hiểu rõ những chỉ dẫn y tế thì quan trọng."
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

21 B câu này cần ở dạng Bị động => chỉ có B và C - nhưng xét vế sau thì chỉ có thì Hiện Tại
Hoàn Thành là hợp.

22 C what ở đây dùng trong Mệnh Đề Danh Ngữ - dịch câu: Người đàn ông thật thà luôn nói
những điều là sự thật dù nó có cay đắng.

- which cần có Danh từ đứng trước nó.

- that it bị sai nghĩa.

- that chỉ dùng trong các câu như: hope that, said that, promise that …. - hoặc khi có Danh
từ đứng trước nó (để nó làm Đại từ quan hệ)

23 C keep up appearance: làm ra vẻ không có chuyện gì (xấu) xảy ra; giữ thể diện.

24 A hardly any + sth: hầu như không có cái gì.

25 C ở đây đã xác định 2 đối tượng - one là 1 người rồi thì khi nói đến người còn lại phải dùng the

26 A dạng Tách V chung chủ ngữ - dạng rất phổ biến trong đề thi.

(ý B đúng nếu suprising => surprised)

27 B đây là câu ngăn cản, cấm đoán.

28 C cả 2 câu đều có nghĩa: Phải thanh toán luôn khi đặt phòng.

29 A spend + thời gian + V-ing: dành thời gian làm gì.

anwser to sth (question): câu trả lời cho cái gì (câu hỏi).

30 A Phụ nữ muốn ra ngoài làm bởi vì họ muốn tự chủ về kinh tế.

(ý D tuy có ý na ná nhưng nếu thay are = can be/ will be - thì chuẩn ý diễn đạt hơn)

Bài đục lỗ này không hay về tính chất sát đề Minh Họa hay để tránh những câu tranh cãi hay khó hơn
lên giời. Dù sao các bạn cứ xem để tham khảo vậy. Anh phải tách nó thành bài giải thích riêng để
tránh những suy nghĩ tiêu cực và gây mất tinh thần.

31 C cấu trúc owe sth to sth: có được cái gì là nhờ đâu.

owe their success to their genius: có được thành công là nhờ thiên tài/ tài năng hơn người.

32 D gift: khả năng thiên bẩm

(không phải nghĩa món quá đâu - nhưng khả năng thiên bẩm cũng là 1 món quà trời cho :3 )
Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

33 A ingredient of success: yếu tố tạo nên thành công/ thành tố của thành công - đây là cụm cố

34 B original: độc đáo, đầy sáng tạo - đang nói về tác phẩm của Mozart nên phải dùng từ mang
tính tích cực.

(Tuy nhiên câu này khó - và hơi mang tính chủ quan, cá nhân của người ra đề)

35 C câu này khó quá - chỉ biết giải thích là: perfect age: tuổi lý tưởng.


Đoạn 1: Đặc điểm của thành phố này và cái đặc biệt của nó ít người biết đến là mural /'mjʊərəl/ =
tranh bích họa (tranh vẽ trên tường)

Đoạn 2: Qúa trình những bức tranh được tạo ra: do ông Golden khởi xướng kết hợp với thanh niên
trẻ, và lợi ích của việc này với giới trẻ tham gia.

Đoạn 3: Tranh tường có ở mọi nơi quanh thành phố và sự đa dạng của chúng.

Đoạn 4: Tranh tường giờ là chương trình nghệ thuật lớn cho các thành phố làm theo để giúp giới trẻ.

36 A cả bài nói về nghệ thuật vẽ tranh tường và lợi ích của nó giúp giới trẻ.

37 C It is said = Người ta nói rằng => liên quan đến 1 việc được nhiều người tin nhưng chưa chắc
đã đúng.

38 B I = Special buses take tourists to different parts of the city to see the various murals

II = They learned to be responsible, because they needed to follow a schedule to make sure
the murals were completed. They also learned to take pride in their community.

ý III không thấy có vì không nói rõ là chỉ nguyên giới trẻ làm - ý tưởng của ông Golden (mà
chả biết ông này còn "chẻ" không :3 )

39 D affluent: giàu có, khá giả ~ wealthy ( = rich)

40 B Ở đây có yếu tố: "Tác giả có lẽ tin rằng _______"

và câu cuối cùng: "and a model for other cities throughout the country seeking to help
troubled youth".

=> Tác giả cho rằng chương trình tranh bích họa này là 1 ý tưởng tạo cảm hứng (1 kiểu
mẫu) cho các nơi khác giáo dục giới trẻ.
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41 B "and a model for other cities throughout the country seeking to help troubled youth"

"beatify their city" thể hiện ở đoạn 3 = những bức tranh tường này giúp nhà cửa đẹp hơn,
kể cả ở nơi không giàu có lắm, và thu hút khách du lịch nhờ vẻ đẹp này.

(thực ra các ý khác hơi mang tính tiêu cực nên có thể loại trừ)

42 B I = Philadelphia is a city known for many things. It is where the Declaration of

Independence was signed in 1776, and it was also the first capital of the United States.

II = Special buses take tourists to different parts of the city to see the various murals, which
range from huge portraits of historical heroes, to cityscapes, to scenes depicting the
diverse ethnic groups that call Philadelphia home.


Đoạn 1: Sự xa cách tự nhiên và dí mắt vào máy móc; sự phá họa môi trường => vườn quốc gia cần
được xây dựng.

Đoạn 2: Nhiệm vụ chính của vườn quốc gia (bảo tồn thiên nhiên, bảo vệ các loài bản địa); lịch sử quy
mô bây giờ của các vườn.

Đoạn 3: Một vài vườn quốc gia lớn và vài điều du khách có thể thực hiện khi đến đây.

Đoạn 4: Những hoạt động khi du khách đến các vườn quốc gia và một số điều cấm kị (không cho
động vật ăn).

43 D Lí do để vườn quốc gia được thành lập là bảo vệ tự nhiên giúp con người gần gũi với thiên
nhiên hơn.

44 C Lướt qua các đặc điểm của vườn quốc gia:

từ bảo tồn => niềm tự hào quốc gia => vườn QG đầu tiên => số lượng hiện tại của chúng.

45 C Tourists can go on safari and witness elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, and several other
large mammals in their natural environments.

=> toàn loài to để ngắm.

46 B indigenous: bản xứ, bản địa ~ native

47 A chả có bài học lái máy bay nào hết !

rafting = đi mảng ; mountain clinbing: leo núi ; canoeing: đi xuồng

Lớp Luyện Đề + Tổng Ôn - Hoàng Việt Hưng

(Câu hỏi là loại hoạt động nào có thể không có - có nghĩa chúng ta phải đoán khi bài không
cho dữ liệu. Liên quan thiên nhiên thì leo núi tỉ lệ có cao chứ học lái máy bay là không hợp

48 D không thấy nhắc đến việc xây vườn quốc gia để tránh bệnh tật.

49 C Feeding wild animals could also cause them to aggressively pester humans they encounter in
the future for food.

=> Cho động vật hoang dã ăn có thể khiến chúng đòi ăn những người chúng gặp trong tương

=> they = animals.

50 C * Cuối đoạn 3:

At 75,000 square miles, the Northeast Greenland National Park is the world’s largest. In
fact, it is larger than all but 30 countries in the world.

=> Nó lớn hơn tất cả trừ 30 đất nước trên thế giới => Nó chỉ nhỏ hơn 30 nước.

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