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Junk Food Vs Healthy Food: Advantages, Disadvantages And

Healthier Food Choices
Many of us love greasy and sugary foods and for those used to eating junk food - cheese, deep
fried, sweetness loaded delicacies are an obsession of sorts.
Thanks to globalization, various junk foods belonging to global cuisine have crept into your daily
diet plan in the last couple of decades leading to an increase in the rate of childhood obesity and the
risk of developing chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases etc.
If you ask, which one is better from the taste point of view, the battle between healthy food and junk
food never ends. Mindful eaters might argue that nutritional food items are tastier too but when it
comes to choosing between the two, junk food always win the race.
But why? Well, agree or disagree cravings are irresistible and unhealthy eating habits are actually a
norm. We can kill our mid-day hunger pangs with an apple or a fistful of nuts, but most of us end
nibbling upon a pile of French fries or pizza and even guzzle down fizzy drinks. It in fact, has
become a mammoth task for these days parents in convincing their children to pick fresh veggies,
fruits, nuts, salads, soups over these unhealthy and calorie loaded recipes.

Junk Food
Junk food is the best example of an unbalanced diet categorised by a huge proportion of simple
carbs, refined sugar, salt, saturated fat and with very low nutritional value. These foods are
processed to a great extent where they almost lose all of their vital nutrients, fibre and water
content. Junk food may be quite convenient, readily available on the go, cheap whereas healthy
food is best for maintaining weight, getting an adequate amount of essential nutrients and for
keeping you in good state of health.
Junk Vs Healthy Food
Healthy food refers to a whole lot of fresh and natural products such as fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, lean proteins and good fats that deliver your body with essential nutrients for carrying out
several bodily processes, combat sickness and keep diseases at bay. Some of the healthy foods
include apples, greens, carrots, oatmeal, whole grain, beans and legumes, fish, eggs, avocado, milk
and milk products and olive oil to mention a few.
While, junk food is a highly processed food that is made up of ‘empty’ calories foods loaded with
full of saturated fat, sugar and devoid of nutrients which neither helps the body to nurture, focus and
perform vital functions all through the day. It includes packaged food products like chips, cookies,
cakes, pastry, candy soda, ice-cream and a list of fast food items on the restaurant menus like pizza,
pasta, burgers and French fries.
When you consume a diet that is packed with natural fresh produce, it facilitates to lower the risk of
several chronic disorders like cancer, obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and many more.
Furthermore, healthy foods are mostly low on calories and contain huge amounts of vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre that are well-known for promoting total well-being.

Advantages Of Healthy Foods

Healthy foods like fruits and veggies or whole grain cereals are a source of good dietary fibre. An
adequate amount of fibre in the diet helps with delaying gastric emptying time, keep you satiated
and prevent you from overeating. Fibre-rich foods also benefit to maintain the digestive system
healthy and function effectively thereby lowering cholesterol and blood glucose level.
Lean meat, legumes and nuts packed with a complete source of protein in a balanced meal plan promotes
growth and development, maintain muscle mass, repairs and build body tissues, promotes cell regeneration
and proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Healthy foods are basically unprocessed, low on calories and do not miss out on vital nutrients.
Consuming a wholesome meal comprising of whole-grain cereal, legume, low-fat dairy –paneer
or curd, veggies and fruit meets your daily demands of nutrition.
Natural food produce is low on saturated fat, trans fat and calories which help you to manage
Incorporating a rich array of healthful foods imbued with dense nutrient profile safeguard your
heart, maintain lipid profile, control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, avert the risk of
inflammation, boost metabolism, promote smooth digestion process, bolster immunity and keep
diseases at bay.
Yes, healthy food not only provides you with needed essential nutrients but also delivers you with a
spectrum of health incentives which hold a significant role in uplifting your overall physical, mental
and emotional well-being.
When kids prefer healthy food it ensures them to be more productive and efficient with time and memorize
things they have learned, rather than being sleepy and reading the same things over and over again.

Junk food can result in long-term damage, going for unhealthy food stuffs like French fries, pizza, pastries
and candy can increase your risk of developing depression, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

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