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Synchronization of grid tied inverter using dq-PLL

Ms. Prajakta R. Narkhede, Dr.P.J.Shah

Department of Electrical Power System
SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology,
North Maharashtra university,425001, Jalgaon, Maharashtra


To achieve proper grid synchronization the phase, amplitude and frequency of the inverter and grid are
important factors.This factors are required for the operation of grid connected power conditioning
equipments. In those applications an accurate and rapid detection of the grid voltage is essential to obtain
the correct generation of reference signals. The main aim of this paper is to simulate the grid tied inverter
and to apply the phase locked loop. In order to operate the inverter and the grid in synchronization, the
input angle of the grid voltage is achieved by using Phase Locked Loop in the dq-synchronous reference

This paper describes about the Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation(SPWM) technology which overcomes
the low performance of conventional pulse width modulation technique use for active filter. In this
method the desired output voltage is obtained by comparing the reference waveform with the triangular
‘Carrier Waveform’. Therefore by using SPWM method, the voltage source inverter can be controlled as
well as THD can be reduced to the limit of IEEE harmonic standard. The simulation results shows that the
inverter output voltage and grid voltage are in same phase and frequency.

Keywords- Grid Synchronization, PLL, SPWM, THD.

Introduction available renewable energy sources, solar and

wind energy is widely available in India. Out of
As in the present days utilization of electrical above, solar energy is becoming popular choice
energy is increasing and the rate of increment of among installers due to its stationary structure.
generation of electrical energy is less as The control can be done by using various
compared with the rate of increment of equipments such as charge controller, inverter
utilization. Hence, distributed generation of etc. In this, inverter control is very much
electricity from various renewable sources is important because generated energy is DC in
need of time [1]. The generation of electricity case of solar system. The aim of the design is to
from renewable sources can be done by using synchronize incoming DC signal with grid in
sources such as water, air, solar irradiation, etc. phase and magnitude. The proposed grid-tied
These sources are available in bulk amount in inverter uses transformation of three phase
the nature and hence their adoption in the signals into direct and quadrature axis for their
electricity generation is increasing throughout analysis. The transformation makes it easy to
the world. The leading problem with the synchronize the inverted signal with grid by
renewable sources is that they are fluctuating in obtaining phase angle signals from Phase
nature. Hence, it is important to change their Locked Loop (PLL) block. The output of
characteristics before connecting to the grid. The analyzed signals is given as input to the
equipment’s used to change the characteristics sinusoidal PWM gate pulse generator. The
vary with the type of generation. Out of all PWM signals fire the MOSFET switches as per

the input signals. The block diagram of proposed correctly, then it can build oscillations around
system is shown below in Figure 1. The PLL is the loop and enormous signals will appear on the
non-linear feedback system in which output AC tune line. This may end in VCO being forced to
signal of inverter is maintained and comb over wide band of frequency. Hence,
synchronized with grid [2]-[4]. proper filter design is required.

The DC component is then amplified and passed

to VCO which might be a PI controller to get a
frequency of output. The frequency is then
integrated to make the phase of output. If the
output frequency is locked with the input
frequency, the phase difference of PD is
eventually driven to zero. As a result, phase of
output is locked with the input[6].

PLL algorithm
Figure 1: Block Diagram of Proposed system
The PLL algorithm that's wont to synchronize
Method use for inverter grid Synchronization the phase of Voltage Source Inverter output
voltage with the utility grid voltage at the grid
interactive operation may be a typical closed-
loop servo system where the instantaneous
phase-angle of the grid voltage, θ, is detected.
The block scheme of PLL designed in dq
synchronous-rotating coordinate system is
illustrated in figure 3. As seen from the figure,
the three-phase grid voltages Va, Vb, Vc are
measured and transformed into the stationary
Figure 2: Block Diagram of conventional PLL reference voltages Vα and Vβ, then converted to
the rotating reference voltages Vd and Vq .Vd
PLL is a feedback control system. It and Vq appear as DC quantities. The PI worked
automatically matches the phase of a locally as a loop filter of PLL is typically wont to
generated signal with the phase of input signal. control Vq parameter, and under ideal conditions
In grid connected system, PLL synchronizes the like no harmonics, balanced grid voltages, Vq
instantaneous phase angle of inverter voltage value is zero while Vd is adequate to the utmost
with the phase angle of grid voltage to get power value of the grid voltage. On the opposite part,
factor close to unity. The block diagram of the output of PI controller becomes the grid
conventional PLL is given in figure 2[5]. frequency by adding feedforward angular
It consist of PD, LF and VCO. The PD measures
the phase difference between the input and
reproduced output then generates a voltage
consistent with the phase difference between the
two signals. It is often analog or digital.

The LP may be a low pass filter (LPF) which

blocks all higher frequency signals and extracts
DC component. The filter regulates the
steadiness of the loop. If it's not designed
Figure 3: Basic block diagram of the dq-PLL

frequency of the grid (where angular frequency, shows the pulse width modulation technique.
ωg=2πf and f is that the fundamental of the grid Comparator compares the carrier waveform with
voltage waveform). θ is decided by the mixing the reference waveform and generates PWM
of angular frequency. The estimated phase-angle signals[9].
is fed back to the αβ-dq transformation block.
Also, the grid voltage frequency, f are often
determined during this system[7],[8].

Method use for inverter control

The voltage source inverter manipulated here
mainly adopts the sinusoidal PWM technique Figure 4: Block diagram of Pulse Width Modulation
which uses the DC input voltage of constant
magnitude. Here the function of the converter
Controlling of Voltage Source Inverter
is to control the frequency and magnitude of DC
to AC converted output. So as to control the
inverter, modulation strategies are used which The Proportional Integral controller which is used
mainly determine the efficiency parameter of for three phase system is as shown in figure 5. The
inverter like switching losses and harmonic most important advantage of PI controller is that
reduction. In accordance with the sine function, after the set point change there will be no any
the inverter output voltage and frequency are remaining control error. But on the other hand it
often controlled by using SPWM technique. In has disadvantage that there is steady state error for
SPWM technique each period is characterized three phase system. But it is effective for single
by constant amplitude pulses, but with different phase system. As shown in figure 5. The filtered
duty cycles[8]. Here so as to scale voltage is sensed and phase lock loop is used to
back harmonic content and to regulate the output determine the angular frequency from it. Here the
voltage, width of the pulses are modulated. In stationary dqo transformation is used to determine
SPWM to get the PWM signal, three sine waves the error signal and then these error signal is again
and a triangular carrier of high frequency is converted into abc quantities. Then these signal is
employed. The sinusoidal waves of 120 deg given to PWM generator. The main function of PI
phase difference with one another are controller is to decrease the error signal which is
often considered because the reference generated between actual current quantities sensed
signal supported the need of inverter output before the filter and reference signal after the filter.
frequency, the frequency of sinusoidal waves is The reference generator block takes grid voltage in
chosen. dqo reference frame ( 𝑉𝑜𝑑 and 𝑉𝑜𝑞 ) as input
A wave with high frequency is taken into
account as triangular wave. By analyzing the After that they generate the reference current signal
comparison between sinusoidal wave and ( 𝑖𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑓 and 𝑖𝑞𝑟𝑒𝑓 ). These reference signals are
triangular wave, generation of switching signal compared with the actual current signals.[10]
takes place. When sine voltage exceeds the
triangular voltage, comparator generates a pulse The active power (P) and reactive power (Q)
and it is utilized in triggering of respective supplied to grid can be given in synchronous
inverter switches. And hence the voltage reference frame as
regulation and harmonic reduction takes
place. Just in case of harmonics with several P = 1.5(𝑉𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑑 +𝑉𝑜𝑞 𝑖𝑞 ) (1)
orders, it becomes difficult to eradicate
harmonics with SPWM technique, hence to Q = 1.5(𝑉𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑞 +𝑉𝑜𝑞 𝑖𝑑 ) (2)
beat from that problem LC filter is
Where the 𝑉𝑜𝑑 , 𝑉𝑜𝑞 , 𝑖𝑑 , 𝑖𝑞 are the voltages and
synchronized within the circuit which is capable
of eradicating higher order harmonics. Figure 4 currents after the filter in dqo reference frame

Figure.5. Proportional Integral controller block diagram

and P, Q are the active and reactive power voltage employing a Voltage Source Inverter .To
respectively. get rid of high frequency switching components
from the inverter output LC filter is employed. The
Assume 𝑉𝑜𝑞 = filtered output of inverter is totally synchronized
0, and hence (1) and (2) can be written as with grid and is therefore connected with grid.
Phase locked loop and dq current controller using
P = 1.5( 𝑉𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑑 ) (3)
PI controller also are implemented in Simulink.
Q = 1.5(𝑉𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑞 ) (4) Figure 6 shows the simulink model of Grid Tied
Inverter. Here the PI controller is used to reduce the
𝑖𝑑 = 2P/3𝑉𝑜𝑑 (5) error. Two loads are connected after the V- I
measurement block. The V-I measurement block
𝑖𝑞 = 2Q/3𝑉𝑜𝑑 (6) measures the three phase voltage and current. The
system parameters utilized in simulation are listed
These current signals are compared with actual
in Table1.
quantities and given to the PI controller. As PI
controller requires feed forward path to improve Simulation Results
reference tracking, grid voltage is fed to it. Then
these signals are again transformed to abc frame Figure 7 shows the inverter output and grid voltage
and from SPWM, it is fed to the inverter switches. on same axis. Yellow line indicates the inverter
voltage whereas pink line indicates the grid voltage.
System configuration From waveform it is observed that the voltage of
inverter and grid are same both in magnitude and
Simulation of the entire system that's the facility phase. This is the condition for inverter grid
electronics interface of renewable energy with grid synchronization. Therefore by using dq PLL
and therefore the control methodology is completed method proper synchronization can be achieved.
using Simulink. The renewable energy is modeled Figure 8 shows the inverter output waveform.
Initially the breaker which is connected in series
by a DC voltage source which is converted into AC
with first R-L load is open. Therefore the

Figure 6: MATLAB simulink model of grid tied inverter

Table 1: Simulation Parameters

Sr.No. Parameters Value

1. Three phase peak voltage 330V
2. DC supply 650V
3. Supply frequency fs 50HZ
4. Filter Inductance Lf 3mH
5. Inductor internal resistance Rf 0.05Ω
6. Filter capacitance 30μF
7. Capacitor resistance 0.5Ω
8. Load 1 R=30Ω, L=75mH
9. Load 2 R=10.29Ω, L=25.86mH

current is small upto 0.4 sec. But after 0.4 Sec the simulation of simple voltage source inverter is
breaker will be closed. Therefore second load is studied and observed with its harmonic analysis.
added to the system and load current increases after The simulation result shows that initially the
0.4 sec. voltage waveform is not pure sinusoidal but when
filter is use, we get pure sinusoidal waveform.
According to IEEE standard 519 the THD value
should be less than 5%[11]. Figure 9 shows the Then we used PI controller and SPWM Technique
THD value of inverter output voltage after for controlling of inverter. The advantage of PI
synchronization. The THD value is 0.76%. controller is that there is no remaining steady state
error after a set point changed. The advantages of
Conclusion SPWM are easy to implement and control, Lower
power dissipation, lower switching losses etc. The
In this paper the method use for synchronization i.e. dq PLL method is used for real time following of
dq-PLL method, SPWM technique & PI controller grid phase angle and voltage. All simulation results
is discussed. From this paper the simulation results confirmed that the output voltage of the SPWM
of inverter filtered output voltage, inverter non- controlled grid tied inverter are balanced with the
filtered output voltage, active and reactive power grid and grid synchronization is successfully
supplied by inverter to grid, inverter grid achieved.
synchronized voltage and current are observed. The

Figure 7: Grid and inverter output voltages on same axis

Figure 8: Inverter output current

Figure 9: THD analysis of inverter output voltage after synchronization

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