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Person`s character and appearance.

1. Warm up. Answer the questions below.

1. When is your appearance most important? What do you think when you look at yourself in the mirror?
2. Do you think the expression 'Appearances are deceptive' is true? Why?
3. How well do you remember people’s faces? Can you always remember both a person’s name and his/her face?
Have you ever had a feeling that you have seen someone before but in fact you have never met this person? If yes, tell the
class about it. Do you know any techniques that can help you remember people’s faces and names?

2. Read the word-lines and explain the difference between the words.
1) freckle wrinkle pimple
2) birthmark mole scar
3) a ponytail sideburns a goatee
4) chubby cute charming
5) handsome gorgeous attractive
6) beard stubble moustache
7) double-chin under-eye-bags spots
3. Read the descriptions of different people. Then complete the final sentence in the
most appropriate way. Use the words from Ex.1 and Ex.2.
1) My friend Alice has always been quite chubby, and over Easter she ate lots of fatty food, and became depressed
because she got really overweight. So she went on a diet, lost loads of weight, and started working out at the gym. She’s
transformed. Now, she’s ___________.
2) When I saw my brother last time, he was a tall, lanky nineteen-year-old with scruffy, long hair, and a thin moustache.
He was skinny and shy. But now he’s absolutely gorgeous. He’s
3) I remember my cousin as a shy, small, short-haired girl. She was six years old. Ann liked to wear T-shirts and shorts
only. But now, 10 year later, she looks so attractive. She’s__________.
4) When he was young my father was short, slim, and athletic. He played rugby, and he was very fast and strong. But now
he’s put on a bit of weight, and he would be described as_____________.
4. Choose adjectives to characterize yourself.
Hard-working, diligent, persisting, patient, energetic, uncontrolled, powerful, lazy, ambitious, pragmatic,
controversial, friendly, tactful, creative, sociable, goal-oriented.

5. Listen and fill in the gaps.

People say first impressions count. What do you think? Can you understand a lot about someone from the very first
time you see them or meet them? I think I’m good at judging someone’s character from the first time I set eyes
on them. It’s easy to understand if the person is my kind of person. First impressions count most when you meet
someone important. If you have a job interview, it’s very important to give a good first impression. The interviewer
can decide if they like you as soon as you walk through the door. Are you well-dressed ? Do you look happy? Do
you great the interviewer? All these things are important. I also think first impressions count when you meet your
future in-laws

6. Think of the catagories necessary for describing someone’s appearance.

Age: middle-aged, in her early twenties, in his early/mid/late teens/thirtieth, newborn, elderly, about forty

HEIGHT: tall, very tall, quite tall, six feet tall, not very tall, short; average height, middle height; he is average height;
she is of middle height

Face: oval, round , square

Eyebrows: arched, thick, thin, bushy

Nose: snub (кирпатий), hook (гачком), straight, crooked (кривий)

Mouth: wide, small, full lips, crooked teeth

Chin: pointed (гострий, загострений), double, square jaw

Appearance: (un)attractive, good-looking, beautiful, handsome, pretty, nice; plain-looking, ugly; well-dressed, casually
dressed; neat, clean, (un)tidy, dirty.

Hair : dark, fair, black, red, brown, blond, white, gray; long, short, medium-length, shoulder-length; straight, curly,
wavy, thick, bald;

Eyes : blue, green, gray, brown, light-blue, dark; big, expressive, blue

Build: well-build, overweight, slim, thin, thick, plump

Skin type: dark skin, light-brown skin, fair skin, tanned skin, pale skin

Character: good-tempered, good-natured, easy-going; terrible character, bad-tempered; (un)sociable, outgoing,

(un)friendly; strong, independent, weak; (dis)honest, (un)reliable; ambitious, hard-working, energetic, lazy; careful;
undisciplined, (dis)organized, careless, (in)attentive; selfish, self-confident, shy, modest; arrogant, stubborn; moody,
touchy, sensitive; humorous, funny, interesting, dull, boring; kind, kind-hearted; greedy; casual; strange, crazy.
Mind; intelligent, bright, quick, wise, clever; foolish, stupid, silly

7. Look at the table below. Write the opposite of the adjectives on the left, using proper prefix:
adjective un- im- dis- in-
friendly unfriendly

8. Now match the adjectives on the left with their opposites on the right:
1. generous a. confident
2. relaxed b. mean
3. shy c. miserable
4. tough d. selfish
5. strong e. soft
6. cheerful f. tense
7. thoughtful g. weak

9. In pairs, think about these people for a minute. What character features should/shouldn't they have? Use any of
the adjectives from this exercise. A teacher, a policeman, a good friend, a businessman, a waiter, a husband/wife, a
Example: A teacher should be tolerant, patient, cheerful ... A teacher shouldn't be impatient, impolite ...
10. Study the table below:
adjective noun
happy happiness
angry anger
proud pride
embarrassed embarrassment
bored boredom
lazy laziness
generous generosity
sympathetic sympathy
brave bravery
jealous jealousy

11. Match the questions with the proper answers.
1. What does she look like?
2. How do I look?
3. What does he like?
4. What is he like?
5. Who does he take after, his mother or his father?
6. What are you interested in?

a) You look good.

b) He takes after his father in appearance, but he is like his mother in character.
c) You look great.
d) You look terrible.
e) She is average height, dark-haired, quite thin, and wears glasses.
f) He is old, short, medium-build, with gray hair and a beard.
g) He is friendly and smart. She is interesting and amusing.
h) He looks like his mother, but he takes after his father in character.
i) He likes ice cream and chocolate.
j) I am interested in computers.

12. Read and learn the words.

Giant — гігант Well-built — гарної статури

Race — раса Spacesuit — скафандр
Powerful — сильний, потужний, могутній Galaxy — галактика
Civilization — цивілізація Creature — істота
Developed — розвинений Evil — зло, злий
Advanced — передовий, сучасний Dwarf — карлик, гном
Kidnap — викрадати людей

Read and translate the text. Which races of aliens are mentioned in it? What can you say about their look? Do you
believe in aliens?
Extraterrestrials among us
I know, you’ll laugh at me, but I believe in aliens. By the way, many serious people believe in them as well! Among them
are scientists, university professors, servicemen, sailors and even astronauts! They say there are six different races of
The first one — the race of giants. They are 3 meters tall. Their bodies and their heads are much bigger than ours. Their
legs and arms are much longer and stronger than ours. Their spaceships are much bigger and faster because they are more
powerful than our spaceships. Their civilization is better developed and their technology is far more advanced. It is
believed that they are a lot more aggressive than other aliens and from time to time kidnap people.
Aliens of the second race look like ordinary people, but they are a bit taller and far more beautiful. They are all blond and
have big blue eyes. They are slim and well-built. They are dressed in silvery spacesuits. It is believed that they are the
most intelligent and the friendliest of all. They are much smarter than humans and less dangerous for us than all other
aliens. Sometimes they even invite people to fly in their spaceships and show them their planet and other galaxies.
The third race is very ugly. These are small green creatures who look a bit like people. They are much shorter than
humans but their head is just as big as ours. Their legs and arms are much shorter, thinner and much weaker. Their body
is small. They have big eyes, bigger than ours, a small nose and a thin mouth.
They have no teeth, no hair. Their skin is green. They look evil. Some scientists believe they are robots.
The fourth race is the tiniest of all. They are about 30 cm tall and may look like some exotic insects or reptiles.
Aliens of the fifth race look like dinosaurs! But the most dangerous and the scariest of all are the aliens of the sixth race.
They look just like us and can be mistaken for humans! Scientists believe they are already living among us, collecting
information about our planet with the purpose of conquering it some day. That’s really alarming! Look attentively at your
boss, your neighbor or your wife! Maybe they are aliens! If you notice anything suspicious, report it to the police
immediately! Save the world before it’s too late!
I. Read and translate the words in brackets into English.
(Інопланетяни серед нас)
I know, you’ll laugh at me, but I believe in (інопланетян). By the way, many serious people believe in them as well!
Among them are (вчені), university (професора), (військові), (моряки) and even (астронавти)! They say there are six
different (рас) of aliens. The first one — the race of giants. They are 3 meters tall. Their bodies and their heads are much
(більше) than ours. Their (ноги) and (руки) are much (довші) and (сильніші) than ours. Their (космічні кораблі) are
much (більше) and (швидше) because they are (потужніші) than our spaceships. Their (цивілізація) is better
(розвинена) and their (технологія) is (більш передова). It is believed that they are (агресивніші) than other
(інопланетяне) and from time to time kidnap people.
Extraterrestrials of the second (раси) look like (звичайні) people, but they are (вищі) and (гарніші). They are all blond
and have (великі) blue (очі). They are (стрункі) and (гарної статури). They are (одягнені) in silvery (скафандри). It is
believed that they are the (найрозумніші) and (найбільш дружні) of all. Sometimes they invite people to fly in their
(кораблях) and show them their (планету) and other (галактики).
The third race is (потворні). These are (маленькі) green (істоти), who look like dwarves. They are much (нижчі) than
(люди) but their (голова) is bigger than ours. Their (ноги) and (руки) are (коротші), (тоньші) and much (слабші). Their
(тело) is (маленьке). They have big (очі), much (більше) than ours, a (маленький) (ніс) and a (тонкий) (рот). They
have no (зуби), no (волосся). Their (шкіра) is green. They look (злими). Some (вчені) believe they are (роботи).
Aliens of the fourth race are (найкрихітні). They are about 30 cm tall and may look like some exotic (комахи) or
Aliens of the fifth race look like (динозаври)! But (найнебезпечніші) and (найстрашніші) of all are the aliens of the
sixths race. They look just like us and can be mistaken for (людей)! They are already living among us, collecting
(інформація) about our planet with the (ціль) to conquer it some day. That’s really (тривожно)! Look attentively at your
boss, your (сусід) and your wife! May be they are (інопланетяне). If you notice anything (підозрілий), immediately
report it to the (поліция)! Save the (світ) before it’s too late!


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