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Photo: St. Ann's Youth Trip

to the Raptor Center 2020

“A vibrant and engaging ministry that fosters the spiritual

development, formation and support of youth for service in the
church and to all God’s people.”
1. Rt Rev Philip Wright M.A.

Youth Commission Co-Chair
~Rev Barbara Rosado
Diocesan Youth Coordinator
~Ms. Keisha Laing
Youth Chaplin
~Deacon Rudolph Dawson

3. Who is an Anglican?
Pillars of the Anglican Church
Roles & Purpose

Who is a school counselor?
Reasons to see a school counselor


6. Article by Lay Minister Sue Harris

7. Fun facts & Memory verses
Bible stories & verses

10. Word search, puzzles & coloring fun


13 Youth profiles from across the Diocese


15 Let's talk about Friendship


Online schedules of programs and services
18. Social Media Information

Photo: Science Summer Camp, Mahogany Heights-2018

ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

The Bishop's
As you know, with many of the electronic
devices being used these days, some will simply
not function if the right connections are not
made. It is always wonderful to have what can be
called a ‘universal’ connector that connects to
just about any device. When it comes to spiritual
and other matters, God can be our ‘universal
connection’. However, as I am sure you are also
Greetings my sisters and brothers in well aware, a Samsung charging cable will not
the Faith, work with an Apple device, and vice versa. It
means that our connections with each other are
I trust and pray that all remains well also unique. They require personal and
with you and your family. I am individual attention in order to be life-giving,
delighted to bring you greetings in this meaningful and purposeful.
first edition of the Diocesan Youth
Connect Magazine. Congratulations to So, I invite you to make the effort to ensure that
our Diocesan Youth Coordinator, Ms your connections with God and each other are as
Keisha Laing, and her team, for this strong and as good as possible. Make use of this
wonderful initiative. magazine to stay connected with each other by
sharing your stories of faith, your testimonies of
Building on the word “connect” as part God’s actions in your life, and of your labour to
of the title for your magazine, I would make this world a better place for all God’s
like to emphasize how important our people.
connections in life can be. First of all, God’s richest blessings on you and your family.
our connection with God is a must.
Without this, all other connections In Christ,
run the risk of being faulty, misplaced, Rt Rev Philip Wright M.A., OBE
misused, abused and ineffective. Lord Bishop of Belize
ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021
Greetings and Salutations,
I am blessed and greatly honoured to share my congratulations on this new
initiative of our Diocesan Youth Department, "Youth Connect”.
It is an endeavour to do exactly that, give young adults a way to stay connected to
God, The church and each other in a world in which it is easy to lose such
connections. We pray that through this medium we will be able to meaningfully
engage and inspire our youth to become even more active in the life and ministry of
the church; and that in subsequent issues they will use this avenue to share their
concerns, questions and ever-growing faith in God.
Youth work is not an easy task. I congratulate our Youth coordinator, Ms Keisha

Rev. Barbara Rosado contributed to bringing this initiative to life.

Laing, Deacon Dawson, The Youth Commission, the Diocesan office and all who

Co-chair As you peruse the pages I pray that you will be enlightened, engaged, encouraged
Diocesan Youth Commission and above all else extremely blessed.

Hello, everyone!
It gives me extreme joy to introduce this exciting, new venture to you! The Lord
truly works in wonderful ways. Despite our circumstances, there is so much to be
thankful for, and I am indeed thankful that the Youth Ministry gets to connect
with you via this Magazine. It was thoughtfully created just for you! I hope that
you enjoy it and that you will be inspired! Soon enough, when the time is right,
we will be able to physically meet again and share in delightful fellowship with

Ms. Keisha Laing

each other, so don't lose hope. Remember Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill
you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may
abound in hope." Stay safe and keep the faith! God Bless.
Diocesan Youth Coordinator

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the

days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will
say, “I have no pleasure in them." Ecclesiastes 12:1
Greetings! In the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ! It gives me great
pleasure to greet you through this medium, as we give God thanks for science and
technology that has continue to bind us together even through these difficult
times. We pray that this magazine is a source of inspiration and a reminder that
our wider church family embraces you, remembers you, and continues to pray for
you. Like the verse from Ecclesiastes reminds us that we must give the best of

ourselves to God and that is our youthful years, as God himself gave us the best
part of himself revealed in his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us continue
to be safe, and remain close to God as he remains close to us!

Rudolph Dawson
Youth Chaplin
ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Anglican Roles &

Facts Purpose
Who is an Anglican? ~Youth Ministry’s major focus is to assist young
* A member of the Anglican Church is a people to know Jesus Christ and to develop an
member of the Worldwide Anglian abiding relationship with Him as their Lord and
Communion; derived from the Church of Savior. The relationship that they share with
England and sharing with traditions of fair Christ, will cause them to become involved in the
and order as set forth in its Book of Common Mission of Christ. Youth Ministry is aimed towards
Prayer. assisting young people to live out their Baptismal
* One whose traditions include attitudes that Covenant both now and in the future. Also, it is
are Protestant and Catholic, ancient and about equipping them with the necessary skills and
reformed, liberal and conservative. tools they’ll need to confront spiritual challenges as
What are the three pillars of the Anglican Church? well as overcoming threats of the present world.
* It has been said that the beliefs and practices
of the Anglican Church rest on the pillars of ~Youth Ministry is about nurturing young people
Scripture, Reason and Tradition. in a safe environment. These safe spaces will
advocate Christian values and holistic human
Scripture (The primary source of doctrine) development. They will be places to grow the
The Holy Scripture was written by people body, mind and soul that’s free from harm both
inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures are physically and emotionally.
the word of God, proclaiming that Jesus- both
~Youth Ministry is to help youths find their identity
God and human being- is Christ, the Messiah. in Christ.

Reason (The gifts of the Holy Spirit) ~Youth Ministry should allow young people to be an
essential and operating part of all aspects of the life
Reason helps us to penetrate the full depth of
of the church.
God's truth. The Anglican Church does not
control interpretation and practice. Instead, ~Youth Ministry is to offer young people Christian
members are encouraged to use reason to alternatives that will empower them and give them
explore and comprehend God's works; to make a sense of belonging.
responsible moral decisions under the guidance
~Youth Ministry is to ensure that youths across the
of Scripture, the ordained ministry and response
diocese have the opportunity to participate in
to sincere prayer. workshops, camps, clubs, retreats, etc. to help them
build their spiritual needs as well as social needs.
Church Tradition (wisdom of generation past)
The church tradition is the development of the ~Youth Ministry is to produce young leaders that
Church under the Holy Spirit's guidance. will lead people to God, as well as lead future
generations in the church, and in all positive walks
Tradition helps us to interpret Scripture; lets us
of life that they may choose.
share experiences of early Christians and
believers of every era. Through its continuity
~Youth Ministry is to celebrate those youths who are
and consistency, tradition helps preserve doing good and commendable work of God in their
essential truths through liturgy. church and community.
ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021
Counsellor's Chat
Who is
counsellor? Reasons to See
A counsellor is a School Counsellor
someone who listens Worrying about anything
and doesn't judge how Having conflicts
you speak. A person Feeling down/depress
who will provide Need help to make a de
cis ion
guidance. Someone Having trouble managing
who provides vision. A your time
respectful and d loss
Suffering from grief an
responsible person.

What does a A counsellor ....

school The Anglican School Counselling
counsellor *Provides group and Program provies a comprehensive
do? individual sessions.
*Promotes positive attitudes development counselling program
*Assists students with the that involve all students in the
growing process.
development of academic, career
*Help with life skills
development and personal/social life.

Shanda Caniquie Shemika Bennett
Remember, information
Telephone: +501-613-0248 Telephone: +501-608-5490 shared with counsellors
+501-227-3029 +501-227-3029
are kept confidential unless
required by law or school
policy to share it.
Counsellors follow the
counselling guidelines in the
Belize School Counselling
Association Code of Ethics.
Youth & Year
ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

of Creation
020 was declared the Year of Creation by the
youth of St. Ann’s and St. Agnes. Little did we Mourn if their eggs are damaged or
know that it would be a year like no other. A their chicks die
year that would focus us all on the things that
really matter to us – our family and friends, the Can be taught to recognise simple
ties that bind our society, and the future of colours and shapes.
God’s earth.
Have the intelligence of a three-year-
We intend to continue with the Year of
old human
Creation theme as soon as circumstances
allow. In the meantime, this is a short account
of some of the cool things that we were able to Can eat dangerous things like Ebola
do together, and also some ideas for what we and clean them up in their digestive
might do in the future. system so that they become harmless

Three Aspects Of Creation Vomit over their attacker as a means of

We decided to divide the year into three parts defence (we especially liked this one!)
and to focus on Air, Earth, and Water. The air
was our first theme, and we decided to take a We had a short service at the Raptor
closer look at birds, symbolizing the air. Center when we read bible verses featuring
birds. There are lots – birds are important
Our first visit was to the Belize Raptor Center. in the bible both as symbols and as part of
This is a wonderful place where birds of prey everyday life.
are cared for and studied. Injured birds are
taken there for specialist care, and those that Our next visit was to Belize Bird Rescue in
can be are released back into the wild. Those
Roaring Creek. Here they specialise in
that won’t be able to survive in the wild, for
looking after parrots and other non-
whatever reason, are used for demonstrations.
predatory birds, with a focus on rescuing
It was wonderful to see beautiful and rare
pet birds and training them to go back into
birds at very close quarters, flying right over
the wild. Many of the birds are kept away
our heads!
from visitors because it’s important that
We were especially excited by the vulture we they don’t get used to human beings.
met. Did you know that vultures: Some birds that aren’t able to be released
back into the wild are keen to have visitors,
Live to be forty or more years old and we enjoyed seeing the beautiful
colours of the parrots in particular.
Mate for life
ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

At one time, parrots were common in

Belizean skies. Now, they are becoming
rare, but the Belize Bird Rescue has
released over a thousand birds back into
the wild, where hopefully, they can breed
and thrive.

Our hope is that we can go back to both of

these wonderful places and offer service in
the form of clearing paths and so on.

Future Plans

For the future, we plan to do more tree

planting (our initial planting was rather
spoiled by the huge amounts of rain we
experienced last year), to hold Jungle
Church outside in the wild, to visit the
Cayes, and yet more exciting things!

St Ann’s and St Agnes’ youth will be joined

by St Andrews’, St Hilda’s and hopefully
others as we explore together God’s
beautiful creation, and learn how we can be
a positive force in preserving the natural
world with which we are so abundantly
blessed here in Belize.

Article Written by:

Ms Sue Harris
Lay Minister & Youth Facilitator
at St. Ann's Parish Church,


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Bible Fun
Fun Facts
The Word "fear not"
Corner appears 365 times in the
Live your life without fear
every day of the year!
There is a talking
donkey in the bible!
Did you
you know?
know? The story of
"Balaam's Donkey" in
The church celebrates the Numbers 22: 21-39
Season of Easter for 50 days
ending at Pentecost. The longest verse in the
Genesis never said Adam and bible is Esther 8:9
Eve ate an apple, only that they
ate the fruit. Journal
I’ve given stuff up for Lent,
Memory Verses
Verses but is there anything
John 14:6 -Jesus answered, “I am additional I can take on?
the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except What is one question that
through me. you think God might ask
John 11:25-Jesus said to her, “I am Which Biblical character
the resurrection and the life. The do you most relate to or
one who believes in me will live, identify with? Why?
even though they die;
ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Holy Week according to Matthew

Palm Crowds cheer Jesus' entry to Jerusalem
Sunday Matthew 21: 1-11

Holy Jesus angers leaders by throwing vendors out of the

Monday temple.
Matthew 21: 12-46
Holy Jesus confronts the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders.
Tuesday Matthew 23: 25

Holy Judas is bribed to betray Jesus.

Matthew 26; 14-16
Maundy The Last Supper. Judas betrays Jesus. Peter denies Jesus.
Thursday Matthew 26: 17-65

Good Jesus' crucifixion- The chief priest rally the people to

chant "crucify him!"
Friday Matthew 27:11-61

Holy Guard at the tomb.

Saturday Matthew 27: 62-65

Easter Jesus has Risen!

Sunday Matthew 28: 1-15


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Learning is fun!


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Learning is fun!

Word Search

WORD BANK: cross, easter, gardener, Jesus, linen,

Mary, napkin, sins, spices, tomb


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Feature Friday Youth

Student at the Memorial University of Newfoundland

in St. John's, Canada
Analiese has sung both Alto and Soprano in the choir. She played
guitar and piano for musical accompaniment. She participated in
outreach programs to feed the homeless, performed in concerts
and helped to raise money for the church. She also wrote and
Analiese Young, 24 produced music as well as music videos for the All Saints' Praise
All Saints' Parish Church

Third form student at Anglican Cathedral College

Deroy was the first acolyte inducted at St Agnes Mission Church. He
is a former Police Youth Cadet Corps. Deroy is always willing to help
others, especially people in his community. Deroy is admirable for
his humbleness, his self-motivation and his determination to always
strive for the best.
Deroy Guttierrez, 16
St Agnes Mission Church

A second-year student at the University of Belize pursuing an

Associates Degree in Biology.
Ranai is a faithful member at St Andrew's Church since an infant.
She was a member of the music ministry, assisted and lead
Vacation Bible School, and participated in the church youth
ministry. Ranai also served as an acolyte for a few years. In her
Ranai Gonzales, 17 leisure time, Ranai enjoys baking and adventuring outdoors. She
St Andrew's Church
also loves music as she is a trained musician in piano, recorder and


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Feature Friday Youth

Recent Graduate of Sacred Heart Junior College

Veronica has always been an active member of the Hispanic Mission
Churches. She coordinated Bible School and Christmas gift drives for the
children of the churches. She was the secretary of the Annunciation
Church and she represented the Hispanic Mission as a Synod
Representative at the past Synod. Veronica partakes in outreach
activities to the ones in need. Also, she does the cleaning and gardening
Veronica Ruano, 23 -Annunciation
Church In Santa Elena at Annunciation Church in Santa Elena, Santa Crus in Selena Village and
Santa Trinidad in FranksEddy. In her free time, Veronica enjoys bird
watching, taking nature walks, caring for animals and spending time
with children.

Final year student at Kaina Online High School

Ernest is a committed member who regularly assists with the preparation of
church services. He was instrumental in the organizing process for the church
to meet its requirements for the Covid-19 protocols. He assists with online
productions for both St Matthew's Church and School and recently completed
the school's new website. He is an active member of the Del Oro site
neighbourhood watch and assists with community church outreach programs
Ernest Walter Peters, 16
At. Matthew's Mission such as the feeding of senior citizens. He was an active member of the Police
cadet until last year when the Covid pandemic caused the group to become
dormant. He has a keen interest in mechanical engineering.

A first-year student at the University of Belize pursuing a

bachelors degree in Marketing
Deanni is a faithful young member of All Saints' Church. She has been a
singer in the All Saints' Praise Team since March 2012. She's also
participated in diocesan youth camps, and youth retreats, as well as
volunteered in outreach initiatives, such as feeding the homeless,
visiting the sick and shut-in, participates in church fundraising
Deanni Laing, 19 -
All Saints' Parish Church activities and assists her church in any way she can. Deanni is a positive
role model as she is a young entrepreneur who keeps herself active by
creating her own personal jewellery line, Janae's Collections and hosting
her own business show, 5 Minutes with Dee.


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Feature Friday Youth

A second-year student at the University of Belize pursuing a

Bachelors Degree in History
Christopher is a devoted young member of the church He is a senior
acolyte who has been serving for over five years. Currently, Christopher
is a Lay Minister in training. He always shows great enthusiasm to
engage in various church activities. On occasions, he accompanies the
priest to serve and assist with youth work at St. Agnes Mission Church.
Christopher Broaster, 18 -
St Ann's Anglican Church Christopher is a member of the Belize Track Club doing long-distance
runs (800m and 4 x 400 relay). He is also interested in leadership and
governance and engages in community activism.

A senior Science Major at Saint Catherine Academy High School

Paige is a faithful member of the Cathedral. She serves as an acolyte
for several years. She is a Peer Helper at her school who offers
support to other students. Paige is in the photography club and also
a member of the Mercy Outreach. She is very talented as she enjoys
singing and dancing, as well as playing the steel pan. Additionally,
Paige Indira Garcia, 16 Paige also loves to read, and she ensures she offers herself to read
The Cathedral Church of St John the Baptist
lessons at church.

A senior at Stann Creek Ecumenical College

Jerris is a humble young member of Christ the King Parish who is
very helpful and willingly volunteers his time to assist. Over the past
years, he has attended youth retreats and was a member of youth
groups. He was also a member of the Dangriga Child Advisory
Board. Last year, during the summer months, Jerris volunteered
and was a guest host at the Diocesan Virtual Vacation Bible School.
Jerris Valentine 111, 16 -
Christ the King Parish In his free time, Jerris enjoys playing basketball as well as studying
basketball analytics.


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

Bottom Line: We can’t do life alone. We need Christian friendships
where we can encourage and be encouraged. -Carrie Busch
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.
"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one
will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift
him up!"
Now, let’s make a note of one of the benefits of Christian friendship. Verse 10 tells us that having a
friend is important because when we are working hard towards a goal, we have someone to help us
through it. And because we have received the help that we so desperately needed, we get to share
in the reward with someone who knows and understands what we’ve accomplished. Think about it…
Have you ever been excited to share the good news with someone – a parent, a sibling, a friend –
and have been disappointed when they responded to your news without that same excitement?
What a let-down! All you want is for someone to feel the same way you do. For someone to come
alongside us and “get it.” When we go through life’s obstacles with a friend, and when we help each
other through, we have someone to celebrate with when we have victory. That’s awesome!

Hebrews 10:24-25
"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day
drawing near."
Your job is to encourage your friends to do good things. To love, show compassion, make good decisions
and strengthen one another’s relationship with God. Sound easy? It’s not. Sometimes it’s difficult to be an
encourager, especially when things are not going well in your own life. You may have noticed that it’s
tempting to hide from your friends when times get tough. Maybe you don’t want to talk about it. Or maybe
you know they’ll give you the advice you don’t want to hear. Or maybe you don’t want to appear weak. But
verse 25 says that we should not neglect meeting together.
Why? Because, even though we may not want it, we need the encouragement that comes from a good
friend. By shutting out those who love us, we miss out on the very thing that could pull us out of our mess.
1. Do you have any friendships that exhibit one or more of these traits – help,
encouragement, and accountability? Is that something you want? Why or why

2. Letting people into your personal space can be difficult. What, if anything, is
hard for you when it comes to friendship?

3.How can a good friend help your relationship with God?

4. Do you fear ending friendships that aren’t good for you?

ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021


ISSUE 1 VOL 1 / MARCH 2021

If you know a young person you'd want us to feature, or if

you have an article for us to share, then send us an email or
give us a call.
+501-626-1821 / +501-227-3029

Follow us on our social media

pages and keep undated.

Belize Anglican Diocesan Youth Commission

Youth Ministry of Belize or

Anglican Diocese of Belize



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