Advent Gathering Song - Cycle C

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10 CANTOR VERSES - CYCLE C Ist Sunday of Advent come. Congregation Come, come Ene mane cl 1.God ful - fills the _—_prom- ise, so 2.For a shoot. from Da - vid will 3.0 - ver - flow- ing with love we 4.May God strength-en our hearts, and Sioc: tis) Son (ol 2 Magee wall 60h be watch ful, pray al - ways, and Come, Em- man - wu - el 4 2nd Sunday of Advent GF OO come. oe | Congregation 4 ™P “BY Come, come Em - man =u = eh Cantor mf” a 1.By the light of his glo- ry we 2.God has done great 3:Reap the har - vest of 40h make read - y his 5.Clear a path, —_— for soon he will 6. All — shall see God's sal - va- tion and BSS =F © Come, Em- man - ou - el. come. Congregation 3rd Sunday of Advent i Come, come Em - man - ow Cantor mf : et Ex = = 1.Shout for joy, for the — Lord___ has, 2.0h fear ‘not, for God _ has 3.0h re - joice in the Lord, and 4)In your midst is the Lord so 5.For the Lord who is near——_—_will 6He will bap - tize in Spir - it and 4 s & = —_——— Come, Em- man - ou - al 4th Sunday of Advent come. Congregation Come, come Em - man - a cone nf ia! Z os 1. May the mul - er of. Is - ma - el 2.He will shep- herd his flock__ and 3. Let us tum to the Lord and 4.By the will of_~— God he has S.For the son—— of = Ma- ry_will 6. Trust the word of the Lord_— and a. = # Come, Em - man - u- el

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