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09 Assignment - Characterization
Mia Ramboldt
.1.The characters of Mildred, Clarisse, Faber, and Beatty bring out dramatic
responses from Montag. Choose one character and discuss how that character leads
Montag toward self-realization. How does Montag’s relationship to the chosen
character change? Present your conclusion, using specific textual support.
- Clarisse he keeps mentioning how theres light in her face and he said somewhere in the text
describing her as “a soft and constant light in it”and that part triggered memories from his
childhood. Somehow that girl triggered a memory that he had forgotten for some reason. The
relationship changes because he comes to be more closer with the girl then people hes
“known” for a while, like his wife.
2. Who do you believe to be the antagonist? Why is this character opposed to
Montag? How does this character force Montag to reevaluate himself? Use passages
from the text to support your conclusions.
- I believe Captain Beatty is the main antagonist. He is opposed to Montag because they are just
different. Montag is a thinker and likes to find out new things, he questions things he thinks
aren’t right and wont just leave it to be what it is. Captain Beatty isn’t a thinker really, he has to
have things point, blank, period explained or showed to him. Its like if was told to him straight
out what something is for what it is he’d believe it and not question it or put any effort into
seeing if it is right or wrong, if someone tells him its true, then its true.

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