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07_002-006 Schuppener (1228).qxd:000-000 Schuppener (1228).qxd 30.07.

2009 13:23 Uhr Seite 2

Bernd Schuppener DOI: 10.1002/bate.200910036

Franz-Reinhard Ruppert

Merging European and German Standards –

Eurocode 7, DIN 1054 and DIN 4020
The German version of Eurocode 7 “Geotechnical Design” with its two parts DIN EN 1997-1 However, planners applying other stan-
“General Rules” and DIN EN 1997-2 “Ground Investigation and Testing” will shortly be dards will have to demonstrate that
available. The two parts of this Eurocode compete to some extent with two fundamental their designs are equivalent to a design
German geotechnical standards: DIN 1054:2005-1 “Ground – Verification of Safety of in the relevant Eurocodes.
Earthworks and Foundations” and DIN 4020:2003-09 “Geotechnical Investigations for Civil The following principles have to
Engineering Purposes”. be heeded during the process of har-
According to the regulations of the European Union, standards competing with European monising national and European stan-
standards have to be withdrawn after a harmonisation period of two years and a co- dards:
existence period of another 3 years. That is why in three to five years DIN 1054 and – The Eurocodes, including all infor-
DIN 4020, in their present form, will have to be replaced by revised versions. The paper is mative annexes, must be fully imple-
describing the necessary adaptations as far as the content is concerned and how the mented by all member states.
specific German geotechnical experience will be conserved in the new system of
– The use of national standards is still
European and German standards...
permitted under the following condi-
1 Introduction mittees of the Geotechnical and Foun- – national standards must not conflict
dation Engineering Department of the or compete with European standards
Eurocode 7 “Geotechnical Design”, Building and Civil Engineering Divi- and
which is of importance for geotechni- sion of DIN, the German standards – all national standards for which
cal engineering as a whole, has been body. The committees concerned are equivalent European standards exist
fully available in German since Sep- the Safety in Earthworks and Foun- have to be withdrawn after a transi-
tember 2007 when Part 2 “Ground In- dation Engineering Committee and the tional period.
vestigation and Testing” was published Soil and Rock Investigations Com- The European states are required
as DIN EN 1997-2 [1]. Part 1 “Gen- mittee which deal with DIN EN 1997-1 to draw up national annexes to the
eral Rules” had previously been pub- and DIN EN 1997-2 respectively. Both Eurocodes to enable the codes to be
lished in German as DIN EN 1997-1 committees previously acted as na- applied in the respective countries and
[2] in October 2005. tional “mirror committees” during the to link them with national standards.
All German standards that in- process of drafting Eurocode 7. This Due to the particular importance of
clude provisions, covered by the Eu- article will describe the necessary the national annexes, the European
rocodes, have to be withdrawn after a changes that have to be made regarding Commission has published “Guidance
two-year harmonisation period and a the content and form of DIN 1054 and Paper L – Application and Use of
coexistence period of three additional DIN 4020. Eurocodes” [5] stipulating which
years. This also applies to the German provisions may be included in the an-
standards DIN 1054:2005 “Ground – 2 Procedure for adapting national nexes and how the annexes have to be
Verification of Safety of Earthworks and standards structured. However, the scope for
Foundations” [3] and DIN 4020:2003 national decisions regarding the con-
“Geotechnical Investigations for Civil The EU Directives on public procure- tent of the national annexes is limited
Engineering Purposes” [4] which have ment stipulate that all public invita- as follows:
been adopted by the German building tions to tender and all public con- “2.3.4 A National Annex cannot
authorities. The content and form of tracts in the European construction change or modify the content of the
both standards have to be revised by industry have to be based on the Eu- EN Eurocode text in any way other
the end of the coexistence period in rocodes in the future. The codes will than where it indicates that national
order to conserve the specific German thus form the technical basis for com- choices may be made by means of
experience in earthworks and foun- petitive bidding for construction con- Nationally Determined Parameters“.
dation engineering which are covered tracts in the public sector. That does Sub clause 2.3.3 of Guidance Pa-
by the standards. Revision is currently not mean that designs will have to be per L [5] states that national annexes
being carried out by the relevant com- based exclusively on the Eurocodes. may include the following:

2 © Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Bautechnik Special issue 2009 – Geotechnical Engineering
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B. Schuppener/F.-R. Ruppert · Merging European and German Standards – Eurocode 7, DIN 1054 and DIN 4020

– values of nationally determined pa- DIN 1054 was drawn up in tan- 2009, entitled “Supplementary Rules
rameters (e.g. for partial safety fac- dem with EC 7-1. The purpose of doing for DIN EN 1997-1” will then no longer
tors), so was not only to link the partial safety compete with DIN EN 1997-1.
– the decision on which design ap- concept of the Eurocodes to specific The future system of standards
proaches are to be applied if several German experience and methods, but for geotechnical design in Germany is
options are available, also to provide users with mandatory shown in Figure 2. The principal stan-
– the decision on the application of normative provisions for a transitional dard will be DIN EN 1997-1 “Geo-
the informative annexes, period. Details on how the relevant technical Design – General Rules” with
– references to non-contradictory ad- design approaches and partial factors the National Annex in which refer-
ditional information to assist the user were selected are given in Vogt et al. ence will be made to DIN 1054:2009
in applying the Eurocode. [6]. “Supplementary Rules to be used in
Consequently, national annexes The contents of DIN EN 1997-1 Conjunction with DIN EN 1997-1“.
are not permitted to include any addi- and DIN 1054 are shown by the two In addition, the National Annex will,
tional national normative provisions. circles in Figure 1. The circles inter- of course, cite the other standards that
However, national standards are still sect as the majority of the provisions apply to geotechnical engineering.
permitted to cover specifically national in both standards are identical. The These include, for example, the stan-
provisions and must be cited in the overlap between the circles contains dards for calculation methods such
National Annex. the fundamental and most important as DIN 4017 “Calculation of the De-
DIN 1054 and DIN 4020 have specifications, e.g. the definitions of sign Bearing Capacity of Soil beneath
both to be revised in order to con- the limit states and the partial safety Shallow Foundations”, DIN 4084
serve specific German geotechnical concept. It corresponds to the nor- “Soil – Calculation of Embankment
experience, omitting any provisions mative part of DIN EN 1997-1. The Failure and overall Stability of Re-
already covered by Eurocode 7. The area on the left indicates those speci- taining Structures” and DIN 4085
duly revised standards will then no fications of DIN EN 1997-1 that are “Soil — Calculation of Earth Pressure”
longer compete or conflict with EC 7 not included in DIN 1054. They in- as well as the standards for specialised
and will be acceptable national com- clude, for example, the design ap- geotechnical works and important
plements to the code. Work on the new proaches that Germany has decided German codes such as EAU 2004
versions of DIN 1054 and DIN 4020 not to apply and the informative an- (Recommendations of the Committee
will therefore have to be carried out in nexes with calculation methods for for Waterfront Structures; 2004 edi-
tandem with the work on drawing up geotechnical design for which there are tion) [7] and EAB (Recommenda-
the National Annex. It would be im- separate German standards. Last but tions of the Working Group for Exca-
possible to perform stability and ser- not least, the area on the right shows vations) [8].
viceability verifications to EC 7-1 with- those provisions of DIN 1054 that are The timetable for developing DIN
out the complementary national pro- not included in DIN EN 1997-1. They EN 1997-1 and the various editions of
visions laid down in the amended cover all the specifically German ex- DIN 1054 is shown in Figure 3. The
version of DIN 1054. Similarly, the perience which German designers National Annex and the amended
supplementary rules given in the re- wish to continue to apply in future. version of DIN 1054:2009, “Supple-
vised version of DIN 4020 are needed In its present form, the national mentary Rules to be used in Conjunc-
to maintain the quality requirements standard DIN 1054 competes with tion with DIN EN 1997-1”, must be
for ground investigations specified in DIN EN 1997-1. In order to conserve drawn up during the two-year harmon-
the current version of the standard. the specifically German provisions isation period. During the subsequent
Notwithstanding the different con- which it contains, DIN 1054 will be three-year coexistence period, DIN EN
tents of the two parts of Eurocode 7, revised at the same time as work on 1997-1, the National Annex (DIN EN
the work of the national committees drafting the National Annex is pro- 1997-1/NA) and DIN 1054:2009 “Sup-
involves the following stages: ceeding and any identical provisions plementary Rules for DIN EN 1997-1”
– drafting the National Annex, already included in the Eurocode will will apply alongside DIN 1054:2005
– revising DIN 1054 and DIN 4020, be omitted. The revised DIN 1054: “Ground — Verification of the Safety
– coordinating the contents of the new
versions of DIN 1054 and DIN 4020.

3 Eurocode 7 “Geotechnical Design”

3.1 DIN EN 1997-1 and DIN 1054

The following code and standard are

currently available for geotechnical
design in Germany:
– Eurocode 7 “Geotechnical Design
– Part 1: General Rules” (DIN EN
1997-1:2005) and
– DIN 1054:2005 “Ground – Verifi-
cation of Safety of Earthworks and
Foundations”. Fig. 1. Contents of Eurocode DIN EN 1997-1 and DIN 1054

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B. Schuppener/F.-R. Ruppert · Merging European and German Standards – Eurocode 7, DIN 1054 and DIN 4020

been adopted by the building author-

ities, it is stated that ”DIN 1054 refers
repeatedly to the results of ground in-
vestigations which meet the require-
ments of DIN 4020:2003. The results
of such investigations must be avail-
able before work on a construction
project may proceed”. However, stat-
ing that results of ground investiga-
tions performed to DIN 4020 have to
be available does not guarantee that
those results are double-checked in
accordance with usual practice to en-
sure that they are correct. The authors
therefore cannot detect any intention
on the part of the building authorities
to adopt DIN 4020 indirectly [10].
Fig. 2. Future system of standards for geotechnical design The stance taken by the building
inspectorates is regrettable, as the
aim of the Soil and Rock Investiga-
tions Committee has always been to
obtain proper recognition for DIN
4020 as a body of rules, having to
play a major part in ensuring the pub-
lic safety of structures. The committee
is endeavouring to have DIN 4020 in-
cluded in the list of “Acknowledged
technical rules for works” which is
published by the German Institute for
Building Technology (DIBt). This is
because the “acknowledged technical
rules” generally are recognised rules
of technology which serve the inter-
ests of public safety and security. Once
Fig. 3. Timetable for the implementation of Eurocode 7-1 (DIN EN 1997-1)
a body of rules has been adopted by
the building authorities, the building
of Earthworks and Foundations”. The quirements than is precision in the inspectorate has to ensure that those
latter is scheduled to be withdrawn calculation models and partial factors”. rules are observed because of their rel-
at the beginning of 2010. However, Foundation design and ground evance to public safety and security
writing the National Annex and the investigations have to be regarded as [9].
amended version of DIN 1054 is tak- inseparable [9]. The stability of a foun- Ground investigations are central
ing longer than originally planned so dation can only be reliably calculated to ensuring safety and structural sta-
that the two standards will probably if the soil parameters can be reliably bility. Inadequate ground investiga-
not be completed until early 2009. specified and checked. Compliance tions often lead to structural damage
with DIN 4020 is therefore absolutely and may even result in an endanger-
3.2 DIN EN 1997-2 and DIN 4020 essential. However, unlike DIN 1054: ment of public safety. In addition, they
3.2.1 Importance of ground 2005, DIN 4020:2003 was unfortu- may cause economic disadvantages
investigations and testing nately never formally adopted by the and contractual problems. From a legal
German building authorities, or more point of view, DIN 4020 is regarded
The tremendous importance of ground specifically, by the Building Technology as a basic standard as it contains tech-
investigations and the standards DIN Commission of the Standing Confer- nical rules of fundamental importance
EN 1997-2 and DIN 4020, in which the ence of the Construction Ministers of [10].
relevant requirements are specified, is the states of the Federal Republic of However, everyday experience has
stressed both in DIN EN 1997-1 and Germany. The representatives of the shown that, in spite of the availability
in DIN 1054. Sub clause 2.4.1 (2) of highest level of the building inspec- of the relevant normative rules, ground
DIN EN 1997-1 [2] states explicitly torate hierarchy in Germany held the investigations are frequently not con-
that “knowledge of the ground condi- view that DIN 4020 had to all intents ducted as specified and as required
tions depends on the extent and qual- and purposes been adopted by the for individual projects due to compet-
ity of the geotechnical investigations. building authorities by virtue of the itive pressure. The failure to respect the
Such knowledge and the control of numerous references to the standard relevant rules is also owing the fact that
workmanship are usually more signif- in DIN 1054. In item no. 3 of the Ap- ground investigations, the conclusions
icant to fulfilling the fundamental re- pendix to DIN 1054:2005, which has drawn from those investigations and

4 Bautechnik Special issue 2009 – Geotechnical Engineering

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B. Schuppener/F.-R. Ruppert · Merging European and German Standards – Eurocode 7, DIN 1054 and DIN 4020

the ground parameters specified as a

result are not double-checked. The
principle of double-checking planning
application documents is actually one
of the cornerstones of the official pro-
cedure for examining applications for
planning permission. However, the
procedure frequently only includes a
check whether a ground investigation
report has been submitted. The con-
tents of such reports are not, or only
infrequently, checked.
Although it is vital for the princi-
ple of double-checking to be applied Fig. 4. Timetable for the implementation of Eurocode 7-2 (DIN EN 1997-2)
to ground investigation reports, it rarely
happens in practice [11]. This is rather
odd, considering that the Model Build- is a consensus of opinion that those Sampling Methods and Groundwater
ing Code provides for an institution provisions of DIN 4020:2003 which Measurements“, the standards for
that would be responsible for ensur- have been successfully tried and tested, laboratory testing such as DIN 18137
ing compliance with the principle of but which are not included in DIN EN „Soil, Investigation and Testing – De-
double-checking, i.e. recognised geo- 1997-2, should be conserved as specific termination of Shear Strength“ and
engineering consultants whose task German experience and published in DIN 18196 „Earthworks and Founda-
consists of assisting in the examina- the form of supplementary rules in a tions – Soil Classification for Civil
tion of documents, submitted as part revised version of the standard. The Engineering Purposes“.
of applications for planning permis- overlap in the contents of DIN EN
sion as defined in section 59(3) of the 1997-2 and DIN 4020:2003 is very 4 The new body of standards
Model Building Code. As pointed out similar to the one shown in the dia-
in [12], such geoengineering consul- gram in figure 1. All provisions in- As a result of the above developments,
tants are of great importance to the cluded in both standards will be omit- the hierarchy of standards shown in
building inspectorates, as they are able ted in the new version of DIN 4020. Figure 5 will apply to geotechnical de-
to provide expert assessments of highly The process of merging DIN sign in future. The Eurocode „Basis of
complex safety issues relating to earth- 4020 with DIN EN 1997-2 will follow Structural Design“ and EC 1 „Euro-
works and foundation engineering the same procedure as for DIN 1054 code 1: Actions on Structures“ are the
projects. The appointment of recog- and DIN EN 1997-1. DIN 4020 will „master Eurocodes“ at the top of the
nised geoengineering consultants be- be revised and a National Annex to hierarchy and will form the basis of
ing at the discretion of the relevant DIN EN 1997-2 will be drawn up. In structural design throughout Europe.
building inspectorates or of the engi- the future, there will therefore be The other eight Eurocodes all refer to
neers checking the documents on their three standards for ground investiga- the two master codes. However, it will
behalf [11] constitutes an enormous tions and testing, i.e. DIN EN 1997-2, not be possible to design structures in
drawback of the procedure. the corresponding National Annex any of the numerous fields of structural
(DIN EN 1997-2/NA) and DIN engineering or to perform the requisite
3.2.2 Adapting DIN 4020 and EN 1997-2 4020:2009 „Supplementary Rules for verifications of structural stability, us-
DIN EN 1997-2“ which will be valid ing the Eurocodes alone as the rele-
The situation regarding the standards from around 2012 after the harmoni- vant partial factors and, in many cases,
for ground investigations and assess- sation and coexistence periods (see the choice of design approach have to
ments is similar to that of the design Figure 4). be specified by the national standards
standards. The German standard DIN The National Annex will not only bodies. The partial factors and design
4020 „Geotechnical Investigations for refer to the revised DIN 4020:2009 as approaches must be laid down in the
Civil Engineering Purposes“ was pub- a supplementary standard, containing national annexes, so that the Eu-
lished in September 2003. In addi- the necessary additional national rocodes can become operational in the
tion, Part 2 of Eurocode 7 – “DIN EN provisions for planning, performing member states and to provide a link be-
1997-2, Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical and evaluating ground investigations, tween the Eurocodes and the national
Design – Part 2: Ground Investiga- but will also cite all other standards standards that continue to be valid.
tion and Testing“ – will be published for ground investigations which have As part of the process of adapting
in German later this year. to be complied with. These include, for the national standards to Eurocode 7,
The European Standard DIN EN example, DIN EN ISO 22476 „Geo- the new versions of DIN 1054 and DIN
1997-2 contains provisions far exceed- technical Investigation and Testing – 4020 will first be made available as
ing the scope of those in DIN 4020. Field Testing“, DIN EN ISO 14688-1 draft standards and circulated for pub-
For example, the Eurocode includes „Geotechnical Investigation and Test- lic comment in accordance with DIN’s
specifications for sampling soil and ing – Identification and Classification principles for standardisation work.
rock, field investigations and labora- of Soil“, DIN EN ISO 22475 „Geo- Each set of three standards –
tory testing. On the other hand, there technical Investigation and Testing – EC 7-1 (DIN EN 1997-1), the National

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B. Schuppener/F.-R. Ruppert · Merging European and German Standards – Eurocode 7, DIN 1054 and DIN 4020

[8] EAB Empfehlungen des Arbeits-

kreises “Baugruben”, (Recommenda-
tions of the Working Group for Exca-
vations), published by the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Geotechnik (German
Society for Geotechnical Engineering,
DGGT), 4th edition, Ernst & Sohn,
Berlin, 2006.
[9] Klauke, E. W.: Zur geplanten bauauf-
sichtlichen Einführung der DIN 4020 –
in: DIN Deutsches Institut für Nor-
mung e. V. Berlin, Referatesammlung –
Bemessung und Erkundung in der Geo-
technik – Neue Entwicklungen im Zuge
der Neuauflage der DIN 1054 und DIN
4020 sowie der europäischen Nor-
mung. S. 10-1 bis 10-10, Beuth Verlag
GmbH 2003.
[10] Englert, K. & Fuchs, B.: Die Funda-
mentalnorm für die Errichtung von
Bauwerken: DIN 4020. – Baurecht,
7/2006, S. 1047 — 1058.
[11] Katzenbach, R. & Kinzel, J.: Das Vier-
Fig. 5. Future hierarchy of European and German geotechnical standards
Augen-Prinzip bei Baugrundgutach-
ten. Prüfingenieur, 18, April 2001.
Annex to EC 7-1 (EN 1997-1/NA) and [2] DIN EN 1997-1: Eurocode 7 – Geo- [12] Noebel, Th.: Neue Musterverord-
DIN 1054:2009 and EC 7-2 (DIN EN technical Design, Part 1: General Rules, nung für Sachverständige des Erd- und
2005 Grundbaus. – Deutsches Ingenieurblatt,
1997-2), the National Annex to EC 7-2
[3] DIN 1054:2005, Ground – Verifica- 1998, S. 8–40.
(EN 1997-2/NA) and DIN 4020:2009
tion of Safety of Earthworks and Foun-
with supplementary rules – will unfor- dations
tunately be far from user-friendly as [4] DIN 4020:2003, Geotechnical Inves-
users will always need to refer to all tigations for Civil Engineering Purposes
three documents of whichever set is [5] Guidance paper L – Application and Authors:
relevant. It is therefore planned to draw Use of Eurocodes Dr. Bernd Schuppener, Head of the Geotechni-
up separate Standards Handbooks, [6] Vogt, N., Schuppener, B., Weißenbach, cal Engineering Department of the Federal
covering each set in which the Euro- A.: Nachweisverfahren des EC 7-1 für Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
code, the relevant National Annex and geotechnische Bemessungen in (BAW), Kußmaulstraße 17, 76187 Karlsruhe;
DIN 1054 or DIN 4020 are combined Deutschland, geotechnik 29 (2006) Nr. 3,
S. 246 Convenor of the “Safety in Earthworks and
to form a single document. It will be
[7] EAU Empfehlungen des Arbeitsaus- Foundation Engineering” Committee, the Steer-
shown typographically which provi-
schusses “Ufereinfassungen, Häfen und ing Committee “Foundation engineering and
sions have been taken from which Wasserstraßen” (Recommendations of geotechnical engineering” of the Building and
standard. Although not being the best the Committee for Waterfront Structures, Civil Engineering Standards Committee of DIN
possible solution, it is certainly the best harbours and Waterways), published and Subcommittee 7 “Geotechnical design” of
one for users given the circumstances. by the Arbeitsausschuss “Ufereinfassun- CEN TC 250 “Structural Eurocodes“
gen“ (Committee for Waterfront Struc- Dr. Franz-Reinhard Ruppert, Geoengineering
References tures) of the Hafenbautechnische Ge- Consultant, Löwenwall 6, 38100 Braunschweig;
sellschaft e.V. (Harbour construction
[1] DIN EN 1997-2: Eurocode 7 – Geo- Society) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft Convenor of the “Soil and Rock Investigations”
technical Design, Part 2: Ground In- für Geotechnik (German Society for Committee (DIN 4020) of the Building and Civil
vestigation and Testing, 2007 Geotechnical Engineering, DGGT) Engineering Standards Committee of DIN

6 Bautechnik Special issue 2009 – Geotechnical Engineering

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