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40 Assignment - Your Rough Draft*

Mia Ramboldt

Everyone has different opinions on the world and the people in it, some opinions stronger
than others. Take for instance Margaret Atwood, who believes in her past life she was a bat,
and people accepted her for it, others, not as much.

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian writer who mostly writes fiction books, novels, poetry,
literature, and more. She wrote a short “My life as a bat”. She supports the opinion on the idea
of how people must accept others who are different from themselves. She does that by writing
as if she was a creature that most everyone is afraid of, in her “past life”. She wrote it as if she
really was a bat, and it makes you believe the terrible things she says. Terrible things as I said is
for example, how mistreated bats are and everyone is scared of them based on movies or old
tales. “Vampire films have always seemed ridiculous to me, for this reason but also for the
idiocy of their bats - huge rubbery bats, with red Christmas-light eyes and fangs like a saber-
toothed tigers, flown in on strings, their puppet wings flapped sluggishly like those of an
overweight and degenerate bird.”

The most common way people and other things are mistreated or treated differently is
because of misjudgment. She explains how beautiful bats actually are and how misjudged they
are and shouldn’t be, “the beauty of slippery wings and sharp white canines and shining eyes.”
Instead of just writing all of the ways bats are treated poorly and what terrible things are said
about them she explains the beauty behind them. It puts in perspective how you should accept
others who are different.

While there are ways people agree with that in the world there are others that don’t. Take for
instance the American Flag Stands for Tolerance case. There were people who disagreed with
government policies and if they did disagree with that they would be “slaughtered”. They were
different because they disagreed with certain policies, peacefully, and it shouldn’t be like that.
The flag is a statement of expression, opinion, and freedom, they wanted to take that away
from the people with different opinions so, they made it a case to not burn it.

 So,even though everyone has different opinions are stronger than others, as showed
previously, one of the texts “My Life as a Bat” shows both parts. She supports the idea that
people must accept others who are different yes but, the people in her story who don’t accept
bats in thinking their horrifying creatures when they really aren’t are the ones that support the
idea that people shouldn’t accept others who are different. Depending on who writes or
explains a point of view or story of some sort, it just depends on who explain it because in the
end there is no right or wrong answer and there will always be someone who agrees and
disagrees with a statement.

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