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Pavement Design Manual Appendix B

Volume I Flexible Pavements and Gravel Roads - 2002 Estimating Subgrade Moisture Content



The subgrade moisture content under an impermeable road pavement can increase after
construction where a water table exists close to the ground surface. This ultimate
moisture content can be predicted from the measured relationship between soil suction
and moisture content for the particular soil and knowledge of the depth of water table.

Measuring the complete relationship between suction and moisture content is time
consuming and a simpler, single measurement procedure can be used. A small sample of
soil, compacted to field density and moisture content, is placed within suitable laboratory
equipment that can apply a pressure equivalent to the effective depth of the water table
(e.g. a pressure plate extractor). The effective depth of the water table for design
purposes comprises the actual depth from the subgrade to the water table plus an apparent
depression of the water table due to the pressure of the overlying pavement. This
apparent depression varies with soil type and an approximate correction factor is given in
Table B-1.

Table B-1: Correction Factors for Soil Type P1 Used in Calculating the Effective
Depth of the Water Table

Correction factor
0 0
10 0.3
15 0.55
20 0.80
25 1.1
30 1.4
35 1.6
>35 2.0

To calculate the effective depth D which is used to determine the applied suction in the
pressure plate extractor, the following equation is used:

D = WT + (SF x t)

Where WT = depth of water table below subgrade (at its highest expected seasonal
SF = correction factor from Table B-1.
t = pavement thickness, with consistent units for WT, t, and D.

When equilibrium is attained in the pressure plate extractor, the sample is removed and
its moisture content measured. This moisture content is the value at which the CBR for
design should be estimated following standard soil tests as outlined in Section 3.2.

Ethiopian Roads Authority Page B-1

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