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Terminology ............................................................................. 18.1 Semiconductor Cleanrooms ................................................... 18.12
Clean Spaces and Cleanroom Applications............................. 18.2 High-Bay Cleanrooms............................................................ 18.14
Airborne Particles and Particle Control ................................. 18.3 Environmental Systems .......................................................... 18.15
Air Pattern Control .................................................................. 18.3 Sustainability and Energy Conservation in Cleanrooms ....... 18.17
Airflow Direction Control Between Clean Spaces................... 18.6 Noise and Vibration Control .................................................. 18.19
Testing Clean Air and Clean Spaces ....................................... 18.7 Room Construction and Operation ........................................ 18.19
Pharmaceutical and Biomanufacturing Clean Spaces ............ 18.7 Cleanroom Installation and Test Procedures ........................ 18.19
Start-Up and Qualification of Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms . 18.11 Integration of Cleanroom Design and Construction.............. 18.21

D ESIGN of clean spaces or cleanrooms covers much more than

traditional temperature and humidity control. Other factors
may include control of particle, microbial, electrostatic discharge
Critical surface. The surface of the work part to be protected
from particulate contamination.
Design conditions. The environmental conditions for which the
(ESD), molecular, and gaseous contamination; airflow pattern con- clean space is designed.
trol; pressurization; sound and vibration control; life safety; indus- DOP. Dioctyl phthalate, an aerosol formerly used for testing effi-
trial engineering aspects; and manufacturing equipment layout. The ciency and integrity of HEPA filters.
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objective of good cleanroom design is to control these variables ESD. Electrostatic discharge.
while optimizing installation and operating costs. E.U. GMP. European Union guidelines for GMP pharmaceutical
TERMINOLOGY Exfiltration. Air leakage from a room through material transfer
Acceptance criteria. Upper and lower limits of a pharmaceuti- openings; gaps between personnel/pass-through access doors and
cal critical parameter required for product or process integrity. If their respective jambs, window frame/glass interfaces; wall/ceiling
these limits are exceeded, the pharmaceutical product may be con- and wall/floor interfaces; electrical/data outlets and other room
sidered adulterated. boundary penetrations. The air leakage results from differential pres-
ach. Air changes per hour. sure across gaps in walls or barriers.
Air lock. A small transitional room between two other rooms of FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
different cleanliness classification and air pressure set points. First air. Air supplied directly from the HEPA filter before it
As-built cleanroom. A cleanroom that is complete, with all ser- passes over any work location.
vices connected and functional, but not containing production GMP. Good manufacturing practice, as defined by Code of
equipment, materials, or personnel in the space. Federal Regulations (CFR) 21CFR210, 211 (also, cGMP = current
Aseptic space. A space controlled such that bacterial growth is GMP).
contained within acceptable limits. This is not a sterile space, in High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. A filter with a
which absolutely no life exists. minimum efficiency of 99.97% of 0.3 m particles.
At-rest cleanroom. A cleanroom that is complete with produc- IEST. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology.
tion equipment and materials and is operating, but without person- Infiltration. Air leakage into a space from adjoining space(s)
nel in the room. that are at a higher pressure.
CFU (colony-forming unit). A measure of bacteria present in a ISPE. International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering.
pharmaceutical processing space, measured by sampling as part of ISO. International Organization for Standardization. For com-
performance qualification or routine operational testing. parison of ISO documents and IEST recommended practices, see
Challenge. An airborne dispersion of particles of known sizes Table 2.
and concentration used to test filter integrity and efficiency. ISO 14644-1. Specifies airborne particulate cleanliness classes
Cleanroom. A specially constructed enclosed space with envi- in cleanrooms and clean zones. ISO (International Organization for
ronmental control of particulates, temperature, humidity, air pres- Standardization) Standard 14644-1 is an international standard for
sure, airflow patterns, air motion, vibration, noise, viable organisms, cleanrooms. Table 1 and Figure 1 summarize the ISO standard
and lighting. classes.
Clean space. A defined area in which particle concentration and Laminar flow. See Unidirectional flow.
environmental conditions are controlled at or below specified limits. Leakage. The movement of air into or out of a space due to its
Contamination. Any unwanted material, substance, or energy. pressure relationship to surrounding space(s).
Commissioning. A quality-oriented process for achieving, veri- Makeup air. Outdoor air introduced to the air system for venti-
fying, and documenting that the performance of facilities, systems, lation, pressurization, and replacement of exhaust air.
and assemblies meets defined objectives and criteria.
Minienvironment/Isolator. A barrier, enclosure, or glove box
Conventional-flow cleanroom. A cleanroom with nonunidirec-
that isolates products from production personnel and other contam-
tional or mixed airflow patterns and velocities.
ination sources to improve process consistency while reducing
Critical parameter. A space variable (e.g., temperature, humid-
resource consumption.
ity, air changes, room pressure, particulates, viable organisms) that,
Monodispersed particles. An aerosol with a narrow band of
by law or per pharmaceutical product development data; affects
particle sizes, generally used for challenging and rating HEPA and
product strength, identity, safety, purity, or quality (SISPQ).
UPLA air filters.
Nonunidirectional flow workstation. A workstation without
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 9.11, Clean Space. uniform airflow patterns and velocities.

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18.2 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Table 1 Airborne Particle Concentration Limits from ISO Standard 14644-1

0.1 m 0.2 m 0.3 m 0.5 m 1.0 m 5.0 m
ISO 14644
Class Particles per m3
1 10 2
2 100 24 10 4
3 1000 237 102 35 8
4 10,000 2370 1020 352 83
5 100,000 23,700 10,000 3520 832 29
6 1,000,000 237,000 102,000 35,200 8320 293
7 352,000 83,200 2930
8 3,520,000 832,000 29,300
9 35,200,000 8,320,000 293,000
Note: Values shown are the concentration limits for particles equal to and larger than the sizes shown.
Cn = 10N (0.1/D)2.08 where Cn = concentration limits in particles/m3, N = ISO class, and D = particle diameter in m

Table 2 Filter Media Types, Efficiencies, and Applications are terminally sterilized to destroy bacteria and meet aseptic require-
Filter Filter Efficiency, %, at
Type Particle Size, m Filter Application Particle concentration. The number of individual particles per
unit volume of air.
A 99.97% at 0.3 Industrial, hospital, food
Particle size. The apparent maximum linear dimension of a par-
B 99.97% at 0.3 Nuclear ticle in the plane of observation.
C 99.99% at 0.3 Unidirectional flow (semiconductor, Polydispersed particles. An aerosol with a broad band of particle
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sizes, generally used to leak-test filters and filter framing systems.

D 99.999% at 0.3 Semiconductor, pharmaceutical Qualification. Formal, quality-driven commissioning and docu-
E 99.97% at 0.3 Hazardous biological menting the proper operating of a system through established instal-
F 99.97% at 0.12 Semiconductor lation, operational, and performance qualification procedures (with
Qualification protocol. A written description of activities nec-
Fig. 1 Air Cleanliness Classifications ISO Standard 14644-1 essary to qualify a specific cleanroom and its systems, with required
approval signatures.
Room classification. Room air cleanliness class (Figure 1,
Table 1).
SOP. Standard operating procedure.
Topical product. A pharmaceutical product to be applied to the
skin or soft tissue as a liquid, cream, or ointment, which therefore
does not need to be aseptic. Sterile ophthalmic products, though, are
usually manufactured aseptically.
ULPA (ultralow-penetration air) filter. A filter with a mini-
mum of 99.999% efficiency at 0.12 m particle size.
Unidirectional flow. Formerly called laminar flow. Air flowing
at constant and uniform velocity in the same direction.
Validation. A systematic, quality-driven approach for verifying
and documenting that a pharmaceutical process is designed, in-
stalled, functions, and is maintained properly involving sequential
executions of installation qualification, operational qualification,
and performance qualification activities.
Workstation. An open or enclosed work surface with direct air

Fig. 1 Air Cleanliness Classifications ISO Standard 14644-1 CLEAN SPACES AND CLEANROOM
Offset flow. The sum of all space leakage airflows; the net flow Use of clean space environments in manufacturing, packaging,
difference between supply airflow rate and exhaust and return air- and research continues to grow as technology advances and the need
flow rates. for cleaner work environments increases. The following major
industries use clean spaces for their products:
Operational cleanroom. A cleanroom in normal operation with
all specified services, production equipment, materials, and person- Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology. Preparations of pharmaceuti-
nel present and performing their normal work functions. cal, biological, and medical products require clean spaces to control
Oral product. A pharmaceutical product to be taken by mouth viable (living) particles that could produce undesirable bacterial
by the patient. They are usually not manufactured in aseptic spaces. growth and other contaminants.
Microelectronics/Semiconductor. Advances in semiconductor
PAO. Polyalphaolefin, a substitute for DOP in testing HEPA microelectronics drive cleanroom design. Semiconductor facilities
filters. are a significant percentage of all cleanrooms in operation in the
Parenteral product. A pharmaceutical product to be injected into United States, with most newer semiconductor cleanrooms being
the patient. Parenterals are manufactured under aseptic conditions or ISO 14644-1 Class 5 or cleaner.
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Clean Spaces 18.3

Aerospace. Cleanrooms were first developed for aerospace appli- may anticipate internal sources and design control mechanisms and
cations to manufacture and assemble satellites, missiles, and aero- airflow patterns to limit their effect on the product.
space electronics. Most applications involve large-volume spaces
with cleanliness levels of ISO 14644-1 Class 8 or cleaner. Fibrous Air Filters
Miscellaneous Applications. Cleanrooms are also used in asep- Proper air filtration prevents most externally generated particles
tic food processing and packaging; manufacture of artificial limbs from entering the cleanroom via the HVAC system. High-efficiency
and joints; automotive paint booths; crystal; laser/optic industries; air filters come in two types: high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
and advanced materials research. filters and ultralow-penetration air (ULPA) filters. HEPA and ULPA
Hospital operating rooms may be classified as cleanrooms, but filters use glass fiber paper technology; laminates and nonglass
their primary function is to limit particular types of contamination media for special applications also have been developed. HEPA and
rather than the quantity of particles present. Cleanrooms are used in ULPA filters are usually constructed in a minipleat form with alu-
patient isolation and surgery where risks of infection exist. For more minum, coated string, filter paper, or hot-melt adhesives as pleating
information, see Chapter 8, Health Care Facilities. separators. Filters pleat depths are available from 1 to 12 in. in
depth; available media area increases with deeper-pleated filters and
closer pleat spacing.
AIRBORNE PARTICLES AND There are four mechanisms by which HEPA and ULPA filters
PARTICLE CONTROL capture particulate: (1) straining, (2) inertia, (3) interception, and
(4) diffusion. Straining occurs in a filter when the particles enter
Airborne particles occur in nature as pollen, bacteria, miscella- passages between two or more fibers that have dimensions less than
neous living and dead organisms, and windblown dust and sea the particle diameter. In inertia capture, particles traveling in air-
spray. Industry generates particles from combustion, chemical stream through fiber material have too much mass to stay in the
vapors, manipulation of material, and friction in manufacturing airstream as it bends through the filter fibers; it leaves the airstream
equipment. Personnel are a prime source of particle generation (e.g., and attaches to filter fibers. In interception, particles with mass
skin flakes, hair, clothing lint, cosmetics, respiratory emissions, small enough to stay in the airstream nevertheless touch the filter
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bacteria from perspiration). These airborne particles vary from fiber and are attached. Diffusion captures very small particles that
0.001 m to several hundred micrometers. Particles larger than move randomly due to Brownian motion; they touch and subse-
5.0 mtend to settle quickly by gravity, whereas particles smaller quently attach to filter fibers. Theories and models verified by
than 1.0 m can take days to settle. In many manufacturing pro- empirical data indicate that interception and diffusion are the dom-
cesses, these airborne particles are viewed as a source of contami- inant capture mechanisms for HEPA and ULPA filters. Fibrous fil-
nation and can provide a pathway for biological contaminants. ters have their lowest removal efficiency at the most penetrating
particle size (MPPS), which is determined by filter fiber diameter,
Particle Sources in Clean Spaces volume fraction or packing density, and air velocity. For most HEPA
In general, the origins of cleanroom particles are described by and ULPA filters, the MPPS is between 0.1 to 0.3 m. Thus, HEPA
two categories: external and internal. and ULPA filters have rated efficiencies based on 0.3 and 0.12 m
External Sources. Externally sourced particles enter the clean particle sizes, respectively. Different types of filter media are pro-
space from the outside; via infiltration through doors, windows, and duced to meet various cleanroom applications. See Table 2 for the
wall penetrations; surface contamination on personnel, material and different types of filter media, their filter efficiency, and their typical
equipment entering the space; and outdoor makeup air entering applications.
through the HVAC system.
In a typical cleanroom, external particle sources normally have AIR PATTERN CONTROL
little effect on overall cleanroom particle concentration because
HEPA filters remove particulates from the supply air and the clean- Air turbulence in the clean space is strongly influenced by air sup-
room is operated at a higher pressure than surrounding spaces to ply and return configurations, foot traffic, and process equipment
prevent infiltration. However, the particle concentration in clean layout. Optimizing airflow patterns to match operational require-
spaces at rest relates directly to ambient particle concentrations. ments is the first step of good cleanroom design. User requirements
External sources are controlled primarily by air filtration, room for cleanliness level, process equipment layout, available space for
pressurization, and sealing space penetrations. installing air pattern control equipment (i.e., air handlers, clean
Internal Sources. People, cleanroom surface shedding, process workstations, environmental control components, etc.), and project
equipment, and the manufacturing process itself generate particles in financial considerations all influence the final air pattern design
the clean space. Cleanroom personnel, if not properly gowned, could selection.
be the largest source of internal particles, generating several thou- Numerous airflow pattern configurations are possible, but they
sand to several million particles per minute in a cleanroom. Person- fall into two general categories: nonunidirectional airflow (com-
nel-generated particles are controlled with new cleanroom garments, monly called turbulent). and unidirectional airflow (often mistak-
proper gowning procedures, and airflow designed to continually enly called laminar flow).
shower personnel with clean air and direct the airflow away from
critical areas and surfaces. As personnel work in the cleanroom, their Nonunidirectional Airflow
movements may reentrain airborne particles from other sources. Nonunidirectional airflow has either multiple-pass circulating
Other activities, such as writing, may also cause higher particle con- characteristics or nonparallel flow. Variations are based primarily on
centrations. Door swings or equipment challenges can produce tran- the location of supply air inlets and return/exhaust air outlets and air
sient differential pressure excursions, which may lead to particle filter locations. Examples of unidirectional and nonunidirectional
infiltrations. airflow of pharmaceutical cleanroom systems are shown in Figures 2
Though particle concentrations in the cleanroom may be used to and 3. Air is typically supplied to the space through supply diffusers
define its cleanliness class, actual particle deposition on the product with HEPA filters (Figure 2) or through supply diffusers with HEPA
critical surface is of greater concern. The sciences of aerosols, filter filters in the ductwork or air handler (Figure 3). In a mixed unidirec-
theory, and fluid motions are the primary sources of understanding tional and nonunidirectional system, outside air is prefiltered in the
contamination control. Cleanroom designers may not be able to supply and then HEPA-filtered at workstations in the clean space
control or prevent internal particle generation completely, but they (see the left side of Figure 3).
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18.4 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Air patterns are optimized and air turbulence is minimized in

Fig. 2 Class 10,000 Nonunidirectional Cleanroom with Ducted unidirectional airflow. In a unidirectional-flow space, air is typi-
HEPA Filter Supply Elements and Class 100 Unidirectional cally introduced through ceiling HEPA or ULPA filters and returned
Cleanroom with Ducted HEPA or ULPA Filter Ceiling
through a raised access floor or at the base of sidewalls. Because air
enters from the entire ceiling area, this configuration produces nom-
inally parallel airflow. In a horizontal-flow cleanroom, air enters
one wall and returns on the opposite wall.
A downflow cleanroom has a ceiling with HEPA filters. As the
space cleanliness classification becomes more stringent, the space
air change rate and the number of HEPA filters may increase. Typi-
cally, for an ISO Class 5 or cleaner space, the ceiling has 100%
HEPA filter coverage. Ideally, a grated or perforated floor serves as
the air return/exhaust. In this configuration, clean air flows down-
ward past a contamination source, picks up the contamination parti-
cle, and removes it directly down through the floor to prevent the
particle from contacting the critical surface of a product. However,
this type of floor is inappropriate for pharmaceutical cleanroom
applications, which typically have solid floors and low-level wall
Special attention should be given to ceiling HEPA and ULPA fil-
Fig. 2 ISO Class 7 Nonunidirectional Cleanroom with Ducted ter design, selection, and installation to ensure a leakproof ceiling
HEPA Filter Supply Elements and ISO Class 5 Unidirectional system. Properly sealed filters in the ceiling can provide the cleanest
Cleanroom with Ducted HEPA or ULPA Filter Ceiling air presently available in a cleanroom.
In a horizontal-flow cleanroom, the supply wall consists entirely
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of HEPA or ULPA filters supplying air at approximately 90 fpm or

Fig. 3 Class 10,000 Nonunidirectional Cleanroom with less across the entire section of the space. Return/exhaust air exits
HEPA Filters Located in Supply Duct and through the return wall at the opposite end of the space. As with the
Class 100 Local Workstations downflow cleanroom, the horizontal-flow cleanroom removes
contamination generated in the space and minimizes cross con-
tamination perpendicular to airflow. However, a major limitation
to horizontal-flow cleanrooms is that downstream air becomes con-
taminated. Air leaving the filter wall is the cleanest; it then becomes
contaminated by the process as it flows past the first workstation.
Process activities can be arranged to have the most critical operations
at the clean end of the space, with progressively less critical opera-
tions located toward the return or dirty end of the space.
ISO 14644-1 does not specify velocity requirements, so the actual
velocity is as specified by the owner or owner’s agent. The Institute
of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) published rec-
ommended air change rates for various cleanliness classes, which
should be reviewed by the owner; however, the basis for the ranges is
not known. Acceptable cleanliness has been demonstrated at lower
air change rates, suggesting that results may depend more on filter
efficiency and coverage than on air changes. Careful testing should
Fig. 3 ISO Class 7 Nonunidirectional Cleanroom with be performed to ensure that required cleanliness levels are main-
HEPA Filters Located in Supply Duct and tained. Other reduced-air-volume designs may use a mixture of high-
ISO Class 5 Local Workstations and low-pressure-drop HEPA filters, reduced coverage in high-traf-
fic areas, or lower velocities in personnel corridor areas.
Unidirectional airflow systems have a predictable airflow path
Nonunidirectional airflow may provide satisfactory contamina- that airborne particles tend to follow. Without good filtration prac-
tion control for ISO 14644-1 Cleanliness Classes 6 through 8. At- tices, unidirectional airflow only indicates a predictable path for
taining desired cleanliness classes with designs similar to Figures 2 particles. However, superior cleanroom performance may be ob-
and 3 presupposes that the major space contamination is from tained with a good understanding of unidirectional airflow, which
makeup air and that contamination is removed by HEPA filters lo- remains parallel to below the normal work surface height of 30 to
cated in the airhandler or ductwork, or through HEPA filter supply 36 in., but deteriorates when it encounters obstacles (e.g., process
devices. When internally generated particles are of primary con- equipment, work benches) or over excessive distances. Personnel
cern, clean workstations are provided in the clean space. movement also degrades flow, resulting in a cleanroom with areas of
good unidirectional airflow and areas of turbulent airflow.
Unidirectional Airflow Turbulent zones have countercurrents of air with high velocities,
Unidirectional airflow, though not truly laminar, is character- reverse flow, or no flow at all (stagnancy). Countercurrents can pro-
ized as air flowing in a single pass in a single direction through a duce stagnant zones where small particles may cluster and settle
cleanroom with generally parallel streamlines. Ideally, flow stream- onto surfaces or product; they may also lift particles from contami-
lines would be uninterrupted; although personnel and equipment in nated surfaces and deposit them on product surfaces.
the airstream distort the streamlines, a state of constant velocity is Cleanroom mockups may help designers avoid turbulent airflow
approximated. Most particles that encounter an obstruction in uni- zones and countercurrents. Smoke, neutral-buoyancy helium-filled
directional airflow continue around it as the airstream reestablishes soap bubbles, and nitrogen vapor fogs can make air streamlines vis-
itself downstream of the obstruction. ible in the mockup.
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Clean Spaces 18.5

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) cleanroom design because of the variability of individual project
CFD models of particle trajectories, transport mechanisms, and conditions.
contamination propagation are commercially available. Flow anal- Air Change Rate Determination
ysis with computer models may compare flow fields associated with
different process equipment, work benches, robots, building exte- Cleanroom HVAC Systems can consume up to 50 times more
rior envelope, personnel, and building structural design. Flow pat- energy than those used in commercial spaces of the same size. The
terns and air streamlines are analyzed by computational fluid airflow change rate in cleanrooms is typically higher than in general-
dynamics for laminar and turbulent flow where incompressibility purpose buildings. The airflow rates in cleanrooms must meet not
and uniform thermophysical properties are assumed. Design param- only the heating and cooling loads, but also the dilution require-
eters may be modified to determine the effect of airflow on particle ments to reduce room particle concentration. It is critical to realize
transport and flow streamlines, thus avoiding the cost of mockups. that most particles in a cleanroom are not from HEPA-filtered supply
Major features and benefits associated with most computer flow air, but are generated inside the cleanroom. A very high air change
models are rate is not typically needed for cooling, heating, or ventilation loads
but mainly for dilution. Cleanroom design engineers have tradition-
• Two- or three-dimensional modeling of cleanroom configura- ally used conservative, simplified rule-of-thumb values published
tions, including people and equipment in Federal Standard FS-209 and IEST Recommended Practices
• Modeling of unidirectional airflows RP-12.1. This existing approach solely uses the required room
• Multiple air inlets and outlets of varying sizes and velocities cleanliness class to determine an air change per hour (ach) value
• Allowances for varying boundary conditions associated with walls, arbitrarily from a wide range. However, the existing method ignores
floors, and ceilings many critical variables that could significantly impact the room par-
• Aerodynamic effects of process equipment, workbenches, and ticle concentration in terms of air change rate requirements, such as
people room internal particle generation rate, particle surface deposition,
particle entry through filtered supply air, particle exit through return
• Prediction of specific airflow patterns, velocities, and temperature
and exhaust air, and leakage air (particle loss or gain) under pres-
gradients of all or part of a cleanroom
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

surization or depressurization. Intuitively, for example, activities

• Simulation of space pressures by arranging supply, return, ex-
that generate higher levels of dusts would need a higher air change
haust, planned exfiltration, and planned infiltration airflows
rate to dilute particle concentration than those that generate at a
• Reduced cost associated with new cleanroom design verification lower level, but the existing table method uses an oversimplified
• Graphical representation of flow streamlines and velocity vectors approach that ignores such differences.
to assist in flow analysis (Figures 4 and 5) Each cleanroom facility is unique; its location, building construc-
• Graphical representation of simulated particle trajectories and tion, production or process activities, space configurations, HVAC
propagation (Figure 6)
Research has shown good correlation between flow modeling by
computer and that done in simple mockups. However, computer Fig. 6 Computer Simulation of Particle
flow modeling software should not be considered a panacea for Propagation in a Cleanroom

Fig. 4 Cleanroom Airflow Velocity Vectors

Generated by Computer Simulation

Fig. 4 Cleanroom Airflow Velocity Vectors Generated by

Computer Simulation

Fig. 5 Computer Modeling of Cleanroom

Airflow Streamlines

Fig. 6 Computer Simulation of Particle Propagation

Fig. 5 Computer Modeling of Cleanroom Airflow Streamlines in Cleanroom
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18.6 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

systems, room cleanliness requirements, etc., can impact the air

Fig. 7 Computer Simulation of Particle
change requirement for each room. Using a rough, oversimplified Propagation in a Cleanroom
approach without considering all these variables could cause either
significant energy waste or underdesigned HVAC systems. Many
published survey reports have indicated that airflow quantities for
cleanrooms often are overdesigned and cause significant energy
waste. To save fan energy and precisely design related HVAC sys-
tems in cleanrooms, modeling technologies have been developed and
published that provide more scientifically based, quantitative tools to
calculate required airflows, rather than using previous rule-of-thumb
values. As a part of this trend, IEST RP-12.2 has replaced the pre-
vious RP-12.1’s “recommended” air change table with a more
loosely defined “typical” air change table as an interim step. See
the publications listed in the Bibliography for more detailed infor-


Airflow direction control between clean spaces having different
cleanliness classifications is complex but critical to prevent airborne
cross contamination. Particulate contaminants could infiltrate a
cleanroom through doors, cracks, pass-throughs, and other penetra-
Fig. 7 Flow Rate through Leakage Area under
tions for pipes, ducts, conduits, etc. An effective method of contam-
Pressure Differential
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ination control is space pressurization: air moves from high pressure

to low. Normally, the cleanest cleanroom(s) having the most critical space’s offset value defines a pressurization control strategy. Typi-
operations should be designed with the highest pressure, with cal pressurization control techniques include the following:
decreasing pressures corresponding to lower cleanliness classifica-
tions. The desired flow path should be from the area of cleanest, to • Direct pressure-differential control (DP) uses a pressure dif-
less clean, to less contaminated, and then to dirty areas. ferential sensor to measure the pressure difference between a
controlled space and an adjacent space (e.g., a corridor). DP is
Space Pressurization suitable for a tightly constructed space with limited traffic. It
basically ignores the specific offset value as required; instead, it
Controlling contaminants in cleanrooms requires controlling the directly controls the airflow control devices to achieve the re-
direction of airflow between adjacent spaces that have various levels quired pressure differential between the controlled space and an
of cleanliness classification(s). This is achieved by establishing a adjacent space. A door switch is recommended to trigger a re-
pressure differential between the spaces. The pressurization set duced pressure-differential set point if the door opens or the DP
point for a space can be used to prevent contamination from entering control is based on average readings over a period of time (e.g.,
the space by being positive to all surrounding spaces or to prevent polling every 10 seconds and averaging over a minute).
contamination of other spaces by being negative to all surrounding • Differential flow tracking control (DF) assumes an offset value
spaces. Air pressure differences are created mechanically between and refines it through commissioning; this value is then used as a
spaces to introduce intentional air movement paths through space volumetric or mass flow difference between supply and return/
leakage openings. These openings could be designated (e.g., door- exhaust airflows through their airflow control devices. This method
ways, material transfer tunnel) or undesignated (e.g., air gaps is suitable for open-style spaces or spaces with frequent traffic. DF
around doorframes, other cracks). Pressurization resists infiltration normally maintains the same airflow offset value throughout
of unfiltered external sources of contaminants. It can be achieved by operation to maintain constant space pressurization. A constant-
arranging controlled flow rates of supply, return, and exhaust air- percentage airflow offset value is sometimes used, but this creates
streams to each space based on the following rules: a lower space pressurization at lower flow.
• Pressurization: entering (supply) airflow rate is higher than leav- • Hybrid control (DF+DP) (or cascaded control) combines the
ing (exhaust and/or return) airflow rate in the space; space offset pressure accuracy of DP and the stability of DF. The offset value
flow is positive. is resettable based on the pressure differential reading. The offset
• Depressurization: entering (supply) airflow rate is lower than value reset schedule is predetermined, and the controller’s param-
leaving (exhaust and/or return) airflow rate in the space; space eters are adjusted or calibrated manually in the field.
offset flow is negative. Multiple-Space (Suite) Pressurization
Differential pressure between any two spaces is normally de- Pressurization for a suite of clean manufacturing spaces is more
signed at 0.05 in. of water or less. A space’s differential airflow rate complex. In practice, unforeseen air leakage interactions between
is often called offset flow, which is the sum of all space leakage air- spaces can lead to facility operational challenges. Because most of
flows (in or out). Figure 7 shows the relationship between leakage the air leaking out of one space leaks into another, adjusting one
flow rates at a specific pressure differential across an opening. Each space’s offset value often affects adjacent spaces’ room pressuriza-
curve on the chart represents a different leakage area. Once a leak- tion and can result in ripple effects. HVAC automation systems must
age area along a doorframe is estimated, then the air leakage rate provide stable control over supply, return, and exhaust to match the
through the door cracks while the door is closed can be calculated facility and operational features. Overlooking this fact can cause
based on the pressure difference across the door. difficulties in commissioning and operation. Properly designed
Space airtightness (sealing of the facility, fixtures, and penetra- facilities and control systems can avoid pressurization challenges
tions) is the key element in the relationship between the space’s flow such as sporadic, unstable, or unachievable pressurization require-
offset value and the resulting pressure differential, and each space’s ments. For more information and procedures, consult the sources in
airtightness is unique and unknown unless tested. Treatment of a the Bibliography.
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Clean Spaces 18.7

A room pressure and flow (P&F) diagram for the controlled with system flexibility, redundancy, and maintenance shutdown
area (suite, zone, or floor) is often provided in design documents, strategies. It is important to involve designers, operators, commis-
and can be used as the basis of continuous quality control of clean- sioning staff, quality control, maintenance, constructors, validation
room environmental parameters. The P&F diagram should indicate personnel, and the production representative during the conceptual
stage of design. Critical variables for room environment and types
• Airflow design settings (values) of all supply, return, and exhaust
of controls vary greatly with the clean space’s intended purpose. It
registers for each space inside the controlled area
is particularly important to determine critical parameters with qual-
• Desired space pressure value with an acceptable tolerance in each ity assurance to set limits and safety factors for temperature, humid-
pressure-controlled space ity, room pressure, and other control requirements.
• Resulting leakage flow directions (due to space pressure differen-
In the United States, regulatory requirements and specification
tials) and their estimated leakage flow values through doors at
documents such as 21CFR210 and 211, ISPE Design Guides, and
closed-door conditions
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards describe
The three traditional pressure-control methods (DP, DF, and GMP requirements. The goal of GMP is to achieve a proper and
DF+DP) require setting and field-adjusting the airflow offset value. repeatable method of producing therapeutic, medical, and similar
A more robust strategy is to control all spaces’ pressures together as products free from microbial and particle contaminants.
an optimized system, instead of independently. Adaptive DF+DP In the United States and other countries, the one factor that dif-
directly accounts for leakage flows between spaces in a suite, and ferentiates pharmaceutical processing suites from other clean
actively adjusts each space’s airflow offset according to an online spaces (e.g., for electronic and aerospace) is the requirement to meet
pressurization model. It uses airflow and pressure differential mea- government regulations and inspection for product licensing [e.g.,
surements to estimate characteristics of leakage between spaces and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)]. It is important to
adjust flow offsets automatically. This adaptive approach may be include the appropriate regulatory arms, such as the FDA’s Center
more suitable for suite pressurization. For design procedures and for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) or the Center for
control strategies, see the related literature in the Bibliography. Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), early in the concept design
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

TESTING CLEAN AIR AND CLEAN SPACES It is important to develop a qualification plan (QP) early in the
design process. Functional requirement specifications (FRS), critical
Because early cleanrooms were largely for governmental use,
parameters and acceptance criteria, installation qualification (IQ),
testing procedures were set by government standards. U.S. Federal
operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ)
Standard 209 was widely accepted, because it defined air cleanli-
in the cleanroom suites are all required to ensure proper process per-
ness levels for clean spaces around the world, but it was formally
formance and validation. IQ, OQ, and PQ protocols, in part, set the
withdrawn in 2001. ISO standards now govern. Standardized testing
acceptance criteria and control limits for critical environmental
methods and practices have been published by the Institute of Envi-
parameters such as temperature, humidity, room pressurization, air
ronmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), American Society for
change rates, and operating particle counts (or air classifications).
Testing and Materials (ASTM), and others.
These protocols must receive defined discipline approvals in compli-
Three basic test modes are used to evaluate a facility: (1) as built,
ance with the owner’s quality policies. The qualification plan must
(2) at rest, and (3) operational. A cleanroom cannot be fully evalu-
also address master document updates, SOPs, preventive mainte-
ated until it is operated in operational test mode, which includes all
nance (PM), and operator and maintenance personnel training.
equipment operating and personnel present. Thus, techniques for
Biomanufacturing and pharmaceutical aseptic clean spaces are
conducting initial performance tests and operational monitoring
typically arranged in operational suites based on specific process
must be similar.
and formulation requirements. For example, common convention
As noted previously, contamination sources can be generated
positions an aseptic core (ISO 14644-1 Class 5) filling area in the
within the space or infiltrate into the space from an external source.
innermost room, which is at the highest pressure, surrounded by
The level of space contamination can be monitored using discrete
areas of descending pressure and increasing particulate classes and
particle counters, which use laser or light-scattering principles for
bacterial levels (see Figure 8).
detecting particles of 0.01 to 5 m. For particles 5 m and larger,
In aseptic processing facilities, the highest-cleanliness area is
microscopic counting can be used, with particles collected on a
intentionally placed within lower-cleanliness areas and separated by
membrane filter through which a specific volume of sample air has
space air cleanliness classification and air pressure differences by
been drawn.
air locks. A common pressure difference is about 0.05 in. of water
HEPA filters in unidirectional flow and ISO 14644-1 Class 5
or less between air cleanliness classifications, with the higher-
ceilings should be tested for pinhole leaks at the filter media, sealant
cleanliness space having the higher pressure. Lower pressure dif-
between media and filter frame, filter frame gasket, and filter bank
ferences may be acceptable if they are proven effective. A pressure
supporting frames. The filter frame interface with the wall or ceiling
differential is generally accepted as good manufacturing practice to
should also be tested. A filter bank pinhole leak can be extremely
inhibit particles from entering a clean suite.
critical, because the leakage rate varies inversely as the square of the
pressure drop across the hole. (The industry term pinhole used to Where there are spaces adjoined in series that all have different
describe the leak site is a misnomer. The size is almost never that of cleanliness classifications, a multiple-step pressurization cascade
a hole formed by a pin, but is actually many times smaller.) should be implemented, which should have air flow from the clean-
est spaces to the least clean spaces. Normally, three pressure steps
IEST testing procedures describe 12 tests for cleanrooms. The
are commonly used for biosafety level (BSL) 3 and ISO Class 6, 7,
tests that are applicable to each specific cleanroom project must be
or 8 applications; four pressure steps are desirable for BSL-4, Class
determined based on the specific cleanroom’s criteria.
5 or cleaner applications. Air locks are effective at minimizing
potential particle contamination from surrounding nonclassified or
PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMANUFACTURING less-clean areas; selection depends on the type of cleanroom (Figure
CLEAN SPACES 9), because some that involve fume or biological agent operations
Pharmaceutical product manufacturing facilities require careful may have a containment provision. For biological agent operations,
assessment of many factors, including HVAC, controls, room fin- the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and
ishes, process equipment, room operations, and utilities. Flow of National Institutes of Health (NIH) define four biosafety levels
equipment, personnel, and product must also be considered along (BSL-1 to BSL-4), discussed in more detail in Chapter 16.
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18.8 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

An air lock is a transitional room between adjacent rooms to pre- • Bubble: Air lock pressure is above pressures in cleanroom and
vent airborne cross contamination. Based on relative space pressure corridor
levels, air locks can be classified as follows: • Sink: Air lock pressure is below pressures in cleanroom and cor-
• Cascading: Air lock pressure is between pressures in cleanroom ridor
and corridor • Dual-compartment: A bubble and a sink air lock are connected
Double-door air locks are often used at cleanroom entrances and
Fig. 8 Typical Aseptic Suite exits. It is important that both doors are not open at the same time,
to avoid cross contamination. A required time delay (RTD) needs
to be specified between door openings, to minimize possible con-
tamination during door opening. The RTD should be long enough
for HEPA-filtered clean supply air to partially or fully replace the
entire air volume of the air lock room at least once before the second
door is allowed to open. RTD operational procedures often use hard
interlocks (i.e., the second door cannot be opened until after the
required time delay) or soft interlocks, in which procedures are sup-
plemented by lights or alarms.

Design Concerns for Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms

The owner and designer must define the tolerable range of vari-
able value (acceptance criterion) for each critical parameter. In
that range, the product’s safety, identity, strength, purity, and quality
are not affected. The owner should define action alarm points at the
limits of acceptance criteria, beyond which exposed product may be
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

adulterated. The designer should select tighter (but achievable) tar-

get design values for critical parameters (in the range of acceptance
criteria) along with appropriate values for warning alerts.
Facilities manufacturing penicillin or similar antibiotics (e.g.,
cephalosporins) must be physically isolated from other manufactur-
ing areas and served by a dedicated HVAC system. Other processes
also require dedicated HVAC systems, including high-potency for-
mula and formula that must have dedicated production facilities.
Facilities manufacturing aseptic/sterile products derived from
chemical synthesis may have different requirements than those
manufacturing biological or biotechnological products. The owner
must define the inspecting agency’s requirements.
The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) limits temperatures to
which finished pharmaceutical products may be exposed to 59 to
86°F. The production facility may need tighter limits than these,
based on the owner’s observed product data. Personnel comfort is
Fig. 8 Typical Aseptic Suite a factor in design. Personnel perspiring in their protective over-
garments can increase particulate and microbial counts, so lower
Fig. 9 Type and Application of Air locks

Relative Pressure
Type of Cleanroom Air Lock Type Purpose of Air Lock Relationship

• Positive pressure Cascading • Prevent cleanroom being Cleanroom: +++

• No fume or bio agent contaminated by dirty corridor air Air lock: ++
• No containment • Prevent cleanroom being Corridor: +
needed contaminated from surrounding
spaces through cracks
• Negative pressure Bubble • Prevent cleanroom being Cleanroom: –
• Has fume or bio contaminated by dirty corridor air Air lock: ++
agent contamination • Prevent cleanroom fume or bio Corridor: +
• Containment needed agent releasing to corridor
• Negative pressure Sink • Prevent cleanroom being Cleanroom: –
• Has fume or bio contaminated by dirty corridor air Air lock: ––
agent contamination • Allow cleanroom fume or bio agent Corridor: +
• Containment needed releasing to air lock. No personal
protective equipment is needed
• Negative pressure Dual- • Prevent cleanroom being Cleanroom: –
• Has toxic fume or Compartment contaminated by dirty corridor air Neg. Air lock: – –
hazardous bio agent • Prevent cleanroom fume or bio Pos. Air lock: ++
contamination, or has agent releasing to corridor Corridor: –
potent compound • Personal protective equipment (such
substances as pressurized suit and respirator)
• Containment needed is required
• Personal protection
1. Excessive negative pressure in cleanroom is not recommended. If it is not surrounded by other
clean spaces, untreated dirty air can infiltrate through cracks into cleanroom
2. A cleanroom service corridor often must be designed slightly positive or neutral pressure. Do not
design for negative pressure unless a dual-compartment lock is used.

Fig. 9 Air Lock Types and Applications

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Clean Spaces 18.9

temperatures and tighter temperature control may be advanta- should determine the necessary critical environmental parameters
geous. and acceptance criteria for each space and processing step.
Relative humidity may be critical to the product’s integrity. Some Return openings for space HVAC should be low on the walls, to
products are processed or packaged cold and need a low room dew promote downward airflow from supply to return, sweeping con-
point to prevent condensation on equipment and vials. Some prod- taminants to the floor and away from the product. In larger spaces,
ucts are hygroscopic and require lower humidity than a condensing internal return air columns may be necessary. Perforated floors are
coil can provide; desiccant dehumidification should be consid- discouraged because of difficulty cleaning them.
ered. Caution must be taken in designing low-humidity (i.e., low- Aseptic facilities usually require pinhole-scanned (integrity-
vapor-pressure) spaces to ensure limited moisture migration tested) HEPA filters (not ULPA) on supply air. Many facilities in-
through walls and ceilings bordering an unclean space. Low-humid- stall HEPA filters in the supply air to nonaseptic production
ity spaces should be provided with air locks to reduce moisture facilities to minimize cross contamination from other manufactur-
propagation into the low-humidity cleanroom. The importance of ing areas served by the HVAC system. To increase the life of termi-
positive pressure increases when moisture infiltration potential nal HEPA filters in aseptic facilities, and to minimize the need to
becomes an element of the design process. Humidification is usu- rebalance the supply system because of differential loading of
ally needed for personnel comfort but not usually for product needs; terminal HEPA filters, many designers install a high-capacity
it may also be needed where dust might present an explosion hazard HEPA bank downstream of the supply air fan, with constant-volume
or where low humidity may hinder handling of dry materials. Clean control to compensate for primary filter pressure changes and any
steam (free of chemicals and other additives) is preferred for humid- dehumidifier airflow. The final HEPA filter is usually in a sealed
ification because it is free of bacteria, but the humidification system gel frame or of a one-piece lay-in design that can be caulked to
should be free of amines or other contaminants if space air might the ceiling frame, maintaining the integrity of the room enve-
contact the product. Humidification control systems often require lope.
careful sensor placement in critical areas and safety shutoff moni- Aseptic product must be protected by pressurizing the space in
tors to prevent overhumidification. which it is exposed, to about 0.05 in. of water above the next lower
Although airborne particles and viable organisms may be mini- cleanliness space classification. To keep the pressure differential
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

mized by dilution (high air changes) and by supplying filtered air, from dropping to zero when a door is opened, air locks are often used
the most effective control is to minimize release of these contami- between spaces of different air pressures, especially at the entrance to
nants in the space. Personnel and machinery are the most common the aseptic fill space itself. Space pressure is a function of airflow
sources of contamination, and can be isolated from the product by resistance through cracks, openings, and permeable surfaces in the
gowning, masks, and isolation barriers. Careful study of how each space shell. Consider all potential openings, slots, and door leakage
space operates should reveal the most probable sources of contam- that can affect the amount of air needed to pressurize the space.
inants and help the HVAC designer determine dilution air quantities Because space offset airflows and space pressure are closely related,
and locate supply air outlets and return air inlets. Avoid duct liners outdoor or makeup air requirements are often dictated by space pres-
and silencers in supply air ductwork where contaminants can collect sures rather than by the number of occupants. The HVAC system
and bacterial and mold spores can accumulate. Ensure special atten- should be able to handle more makeup air than needed for commis-
tion is paid to cleaning and degreasing of metal sheeting and air duc- sioning, because door seals can deteriorate over time.
twork before installation. Factory-wrapped ducts and components ISO Class 5 unidirectional hoods are basically banks of HEPA
with clean installation and inspection protocols promote cleanroom filters, integrity-tested to be pinhole-free. Because it is difficult to
system cleanliness. maintain unidirectional flow for long distances or over large areas,
Airborne particle and microbe levels in aseptic processing areas the hood should be located as closely as possible to product critical
are limited by government regulations, with lower limits for more surfaces (work surface). Hood-face velocity is usually 90 fpm or less,
critical spaces. European and FDA particle limits are for the space but the user should specify velocity and uniformity requirements. A
in full operational mode, and can also be used conservatively as lim- unidirectional hood usually has clear sidewalls (curtains) to promote
its for the space at rest. downward airflow and prevent entrainment of space particles into the
Facilities complying with U.S. cGMPs for aseptic processing hood’s zone of protection. Curtains should extend below the product
must meet particle levels with manufacturing under way. (An critical surface and be designed to prevent accidental disruption of
exception is aseptic powder processing, in which airborne partic- airflow patterns by personnel. Many production facilities prefer rigid
ulate levels at powder filling heads will exceed limits.) There curtains for easier cleaning and sanitization.
should be no microbial contaminants in the critical-zone air- Hood fan heat may become a problem, forcing the designer to
stream, where filling and other critical activities occur; this area overcool the space from which the hood draws its air or to provide
should be ISO Class 5. The area immediately around the critical sensible cooling air directly into the hood’s circulating system.
zone should be ISO Class 7. If the critical area is within an isolator, Decontamination
then the area outside the isolator may be ISO Class 8. Less critical Cleanrooms used for sterile operations are rarely built clean
support areas can be ISO Class 8. For more detail on facility enough for their intended purpose. Before the initial use of the room
design, see FDA requirements. or after a shutdown, the cleanroom must be decontaminated or dis-
According to the FDA, 20 ach is usually sufficient for ISO Class infected to ensure bioburden levels are at or below acceptable limits.
8 rooms; ISO Class 7 and 5 areas require significantly higher air For some operations, such as compounding of sterile preparations,
change rates. Facility requirements for terminally sterilized prod- surface disinfection is considered adequate. However, larger-scale
ucts are not defined. cGMP sterile manufacturing operations typically use some type of
E.U. GMP also contains requirements for aseptic processing, biological decontamination before final occupancy. Cleanrooms for
and also addresses terminally sterilized products. Note that many sterile processing should be designed to accommodate decontami-
facilities are constructed to meet both E.U. and U.S. GMPs. nation or disinfection.
Restricted access barrier systems (RABS) are an alternative to a Having roots in small-volume spaces (i.e., sealed glove boxes),
conventional cleanroom or isolator. Use of RABS should be ap- most early large-volume decontamination processes included us-
proved by the manufacturer’s quality unit during design. ing formaldehyde gas generated by heating paraformaldehyde in a
Once product is in containers, the need for particulate control and frying pan or spraying with a mild peracetic acid and wiping all sur-
minimum air changes is reduced or eliminated, depending on the faces, which was very labor intensive. Today, most cleanrooms are
degree of protection provided by product packaging. The owner decontaminated by using either chlorine dioxide (CD) or hydrogen
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18.10 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

peroxide. Regardless of the type of decontamination process used, be total containment systems with totally contained product transfer
the cleanroom should accommodate the process. Factors that ports. All internal surfaces are sealed from the external environment
should be considered include (1) leaktightness of the cleanroom or potential operator exposure. Because of potential chamber leaks,
shell, (2) compatibility of cleanroom finishes to the decontamina- its internal pressure may be kept negative compared to the ambient
tion process, and ability to (3) remotely control the process and space via exhaust fans, posing an additional potential risk to the
recirculate the gas, (4) maintain appropriate humidity levels during product that must be addressed by the owner.
the decontamination process, and (5) evacuate the gas after decon- Other systems, such as a nonsterile powder control booth, may
tamination is complete. incorporate more passive barrier designs. One such design incorpo-
Sometimes it is economically feasible to integrate the gas- rates a downflow sampling and weighing cubicle. This arrangement
generating equipment with the cleanroom air ducts. This decision is takes advantage of unidirectional airflow to wash particles down
dictated by the intended gassing frequency, or by the need for auto- and away from the operator’s breathing zone. Low-wall air returns
mated recovery preparedness following any kind of bioevent. Stra- at the rear of the cubicle capture fugitive dust. An arrangement of
tegically placed, airtight dampers, gas distribution nozzles, a means roughing and final filters allows air to return to the air handlers and
to agitate the gas within the cleanroom (or suite of rooms), and back to the work zone through ceiling-mounted HEPA filters. Prod-
exhaust equipment for evacuation are some of the components nec- ucts involving noxious or solvent vapors require a once-through air
essary for automated decontamination. As with all decontamination design.
procedures, protocols must be developed to demonstrate efficacy. Barrier technology allows installation in environments that
might require no special control or particulate classification. Isola-
Barrier Technology tors, RABs, and containment chambers are still relatively new to the
Cleanrooms designed to meet ISO Class 5 or better require con- pharmaceutical industry. As such, installations for sterile products
siderable equipment, space, and maintenance. Operating this equip- should be in a controlled ambient room condition of ISO Class 8 or
ment is expensive. Furthermore, cleanrooms typically need gowned better.
operators inside to manipulate product and adjust machinery.
Because the operator is the source of the majority of the contamina- Maintainability
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

tion, it is better to separate the operator from the controlled environ- A facility that considers maintainability (e.g., accessibility, fre-
ment; this allows the volume of the controlled space to be reduced quency of maintenance, spare parts, rapid diagnostics and repair,
to a point where only the process equipment is enclosed, which can reliability and facility uptime) in its design will be much more reli-
lead to substantially reduced capital and operating costs, although able and should have fewer operational and regulatory concerns.
this is not always the case. “Microenvironments” such as isolators Many pharmaceutical facilities have been designed so that routine
(glove-boxes) and restricted access barrier system (RABs) are thus maintenance can be performed from outside the facility, except for
becoming increasingly popular. These systems are typically catego- unidirectional and terminal HEPA filters, which must be tested
rized under the term barrier technology. twice a year. Quality of materials is important to reliability, espe-
Barrier technology systems must be designed to fit the specific cially where failure can compromise a critical parameter. Consider
application and can be highly customized to allow the tasks required how much exposure and risk to product and personnel are required
to accomplish the process needs. Applications vary widely based on during maintenance (e.g., how to clean the inside of a glove box
product, process equipment, and throughput volume. Barrier tech- contaminated by a toxic product). Beyond cleanable room surfaces
nology systems are typically positive-pressure envelopes around the that must be sanitized, consider whether and how HVAC equipment
filling equipment with multiple glove ports for operator access, con- may be sanitized using the owner’s procedures. Determine whether
structed of polished stainless steel with clear, rigid view ports. Sys- ductwork must be internally cleaned, and how. Reduced or no-
tems can be fully sealed or leak into the support environment via shutdown HVAC system designs require energy-efficient compo-
“mouse holes” used to allow passage of vials in and out of the unit. nents. Aligning HVAC system layouts with facility operational
Ancillary systems designed to prevent migration of contaminants areas or suites can save significant operating costs and increase
are used for passing stoppers, containers, and tools in and out of the plant availability.
barrier systems. These can range from simple lock chambers to
highly complex alpha/beta ports fitted with features to allow saniti- Controls, Monitors, and Alarms
zation of the systems or contents. Important design concerns in- Space pressure may be maintained by passive (statically bal-
clude accessibility, ergonomics, integration with mating equipment, anced) HVAC if there are few airflow variables. For example, the
decontamination or sterilization/sanitization procedures, access to HVAC system for a few pressurized spaces may be statically bal-
service equipment, filter change, filter certification, process valida- anced if there is a method of maintaining supply airflow volume to
tion, and environmental control. compensate for filter loading to ensure minimum supply, return, and
Extra attention must be paid to product filling, vial, and stopper exhaust air changes. More complex designs may require dynamic
protection; access to the barrier for sterilized stoppers; interface to pressure control. It is important to avoid multiple pressurization
the vial sterilization (depyrogenation) device; sterilizing product loops controlled from the same or interrelated parameters, because
path, including pumps and tubing; and airflow patterns inside the this can lead to space pressurization instabilities. Complications can
barrier, especially at critical points. If a vapor-forming sanitizing result from fans in series controlling similar or related properties.
agent such as hydrogen peroxide is to be used as a surface sanitizer, Improved system stability results from controlling airflow values at
care must be taken to ensure good circulation and adequate concen- the room level, and duct pressure at the branch or air handler. Pres-
tration inside the barrier, as well as removal of residual vapor in the sure controls should not overreact to doors opening and closing,
required time frame. In addition, because many of the sanitizing because it is virtually impossible to pressurize a space to 0.05 in. of
agents are strong oxidizers, care must also be taken in selecting water with a door standing open. A door switch is often used to send
construction materials to ensure compatibility and their ability to a signal to space pressure control to avoid overreaction.
absorb and retain or potentially outgas the sanitizing agent at a later If space humidity must be maintained to tolerances tighter than
time. the broad range that normal comfort cooling can maintain, active
Barrier technology systems may also be designed for applica- relative humidity control should be considered. If a desiccant dehu-
tions requiring operator protection from high-risk compounds midifier is needed, unit operation over its range of flow must not
(those that may have an inadvertent therapeutic effect on an opera- adversely affect the ability of the HVAC to deliver a constant air
tor), while maintaining a sterile internal environment. These tend to supply volume to the facility.
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Clean Spaces 18.11

Monitor and alarm critical parameters to prove they are under The approval procedure should also be defined in the QP. It is
control. Log alarm data and parameter values during excursions. important to measure and document critical variables of a system
Logging may range from a local recorder to direct digital control (e.g., space pressure), but it is also important to document and
(DDC) data storage with controlled access. Software source code record performance requirements and results for components that
should be traceable, with changes to software under the owner’s affect the critical parameters (e.g., room pressure sensors, tempera-
control after qualification is complete. Commercial HVAC software ture sensors, airflow volume monitor) for GMP as well as business
is usually acceptable, but should be verified with regulatory agen- records. Documentation helps ensure that replacement parts (e.g.,
cies before detailed design begins. Also, keep complete calibration motors) can be specified, purchased, and installed to support critical
records for sensors, alarms, and recorders of critical parameter data. operations.
It is important to determine all critical components and instru-
Noise Concerns ments that could affect critical parameters and could, through an
HVAC noise is a common problem resulting from an attempt to undetected failure, lead to product adulteration. This may be accom-
overcome the pressure drop of additional air filtration. The noise plished by a joint effort between the HVAC engineer, owner, quality
level generated must be reduced in lieu of adding duct silencers, experts, and a qualified protocol writer. If performance data are in
which may harbor bacteria and are difficult to clean. Separate sup- the qualification records, replacement parts of different manufac-
ply and return fans running at lower tip speeds instead of a single- ture can be installed without major change control approvals, as
fan air handler may reduce generated noise levels. HVAC noise may long as they meet performance requirements. Owner approvals for
not be an issue if production equipment is considerably noisier. the qualification plan should be obtained during detailed design.
Qualification requires successfully completing the following
Nonaseptic Products activities for critical components and systems. The designer should
Nonaseptic pharmaceutical facilities (e.g., for topical and oral understand the requirements for owner’s approval of each protocol
products) are similar in design to those for aseptic product manufac- (usually, the owner approves the blank protocol form and the sub-
turing, but with fewer critical components to be qualified. However, sequently executed protocol).
The installation qualification (IQ) protocol documents con-
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

critical parameters such as space humidity may be more important,

and airborne particle counts are not considered in the United States. struction inspection to verify compliance with contract documents,
If the product is potent, barrier isolation may still be advisable. Space including completion of punch list work, for critical components. It
differential pressures or airflow directions and air changes are usu- may include material test reports, receipt verification forms, shop
ally critical (needed to control cross contamination of products), but inspection reports, motor rotation tests, duct/equipment cleaning
no regulatory minimum pressure or air change values apply. reports, duct leak testing, and contractor-furnished testing and bal-
ancing. It also includes calibration records for instrumentation used
START-UP AND QUALIFICATION OF in commissioning and for installed instrumentation (e.g., sensors,
PHARMACEUTICAL CLEANROOMS recorders, transmitters, controllers, and actuators) traceable to Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) instruments.
Qualification of HVAC for Aseptic Control software should be bench tested, and preliminary (start-
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ing) tuning parameters should be entered. Control loops should be
Qualification is a systematic, quality-based approach to ensuring dry-loop checked to verify that subsystem installation, addressing,
and documenting that the pharmaceutical facility, systems, equip- operation, and graphics are correct. Equipment and instruments
ment, and processes will deliver everything required for safe and should be tagged and wiring labeled, then field-verified against
repeatable drug products, including the facility design, installation, record drawings. Commissioning documentation must attest to
operation, maintenance, documentation, and pharmaceutical pro- completion of these activities and include as-built drawings and
cessing, filling, capping, handling, and storage. Qualification of the installation/operation/maintenance (IOM) manuals from contrac-
pharmaceutical cleanroom HVAC is part of the overall qualification tors and vendors.
of the facility. Qualification covers equipment affecting critical The operational qualification (OQ) protocol documents start-
parameters and their control. Other groups in the manufacturing up, including critical components. This includes individual per-
company (e.g., safety or environmental groups) may require similar formance testing of control loops under full operating pressure
commissioning documentation for their areas of concern. The most performed in a logical order (i.e., fan control before room pressure
important objectives in meeting the approving agency’s require- control). The commissioning agent must verify that operating
ments are to (1) state what procedures will be followed and verify parameters are within acceptance criteria.
that it was done, and (2) show that product is protected and space The HVAC may be challenged under extremes of design load
acceptance criteria are met. (where possible) to verify operation of alarms and recorders, to
determine (and correct, if significant) weak points, and to verify
Qualification Plan and Acceptance Criteria control and door interlocks. Based on observations, informal alert
Early in design, the owner and designer should discuss who will values of critical parameters, which might signify abnormal opera-
be responsible for as-built drawings, setting up maintenance files, tion, may be considered. Although product would not be adulterated
and training. They should create a qualification plan for the HVAC, at these parameter values, staff could assess an alarm and react to it
including (1) a functional description of what the systems do along before further deviations from normal operation occurred.
with specific process and room requirements; (2) maps of room Documented smoke tests verify space pressure and airflow in
classification and pressurizations, airflow diagrams, and cleanliness critical spaces or inside containment hoods, and show airflow pat-
zones served by each air handler; (3) a list of critical components to terns and directions around critical parts of production equipment.
be qualified, including the automation system controlling the Many smoke tests have been videotaped, especially when space
HVAC; (4) a list of owner’s procedures that must be followed for pressure differentials are lower than acceptance criteria require and
qualification of equipment and systems that affect critical parame- pressures cannot be corrected.
ters; (5) a list of qualification procedures (IQ/OQ/PQ protocols) Files should include an updated description of the HVAC,
written especially for the project; and (6) a list of equipment requir- describing how it operates, schematics, airflow diagrams, and space
ing commissioning, determined through a risk-based product and pressure maps that accompany it. Copies should be readily accessi-
process impact analysis. ble and properly filed. Operating personnel should be familiar with
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18.12 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

the data in these records and be able to explain it to an agency Semiconductor Cleanroom Configuration
inspector. Semiconductor cleanrooms today are of two major configura-
Other Documents. GMP documents should also include test tions: clean tunnel or open-bay (ballroom). The clean tunnel is
reports for HEPA filters (efficiency or pinhole-scan integrity tests) composed of narrow modular cleanrooms that may be completely
at final operating velocities. If the filter installer performed the tests, isolated from each other. Fully HEPA- or ULPA-filtered pressurized
the data should be part of the IQ package. plenums, ducted HEPA or ULPA filters, or individual fan modules
Documents should verify that instruments display, track, and are used. Production equipment may be located in the tunnel or
store critical parameters and action alarms. (Consider recording installed through the wall where a lower-cleanliness (nominally ISO
data by exception and routine documentation of data at minimal reg- Class 7 or cleaner) service chase is adjacent to the clean tunnel. The
ular frequency.) service chase is used in conjunction with sidewall return or a raised
Systems and equipment should be entered into the owner’s main- floor, possibly with a basement return.
tenance program, including rough drafts of associated maintenance The primary advantage of the tunnel is reduced HEPA- or ULPA-
procedures (final drafts should reflect commissioning results). filter coverage and ease of expanding additional tunnel modules into
Records should document the completion of these activities, unfiltered areas. The tunnel is typically 8 to 14 ft wide. If the tunnel is
including final as-built, system diagrams, facility pressurization narrower, production equipment cannot be placed on both sides; if
diagrams, air change rate calculations, and air and water balance wider, flow becomes too turbulent and tends to break toward the
reports. walls before it leaves the work plane. Figure 10 shows a clean tunnel.
Performance qualification (PQ) is proof that the entire HVAC The tunnel design has the drawback of restricting new equipment
system performs as intended under actual production conditions. layouts. Cleanroom flexibility is valuable to semiconductor manu-
PQ is the beginning of ongoing verification (often called validation) facturing. As processes change and new equipment is installed, the
that the system meets acceptance criteria of the product. This clean tunnel may restrict equipment location to the point that a new
includes documentation of module must be added. The tunnel approach may complicate mov-
ing product from one type of equipment to another.
• Maintenance record keeping and final operating and maintenance Fan/filter clean tunnels have a wide range of applications. How-
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

procedures in place, with recommended frequency of mainte- ever, the noise generated by fans is directly distributed to the tunnel,
nance, and (at the owner’s option) a procedure for periodic chal- and the unit’s efficiency is lower than in central station recirculating
lenge of controls and alarms systems. Life-cycle cost analysis can be used (among other consid-
• Logs of critical parameters that prove the system maintains accep- erations) to determine the appropriate configuration.
tance criteria over a prescribed time Ballroom or open-bay design involves large (up to 100,000 ft2)
• Training records of operators and maintenance personnel open-construction cleanrooms. Interior walls may be placed wher-
ever manufacturing logistics dictate, providing maximum equip-
• Final loop tuning parameters
ment layout flexibility. Replacing process equipment with newer
After accepting PQ, the owner’s change control procedure equipment is an ongoing process for most wafer fabrication facili-
should limit further modifications to critical components (as shown ties; support services must be designed to handle different process
on IQ and OQ forms) that affect the product. Much of the building’s equipment layouts and even changes in process function. Often, a
HVAC equipment should not need qualification, but records for the manufacturer may completely redo equipment layout if a new prod-
entire facility must be kept up to date through quality change con- uct is being made.
trol, and problems must be corrected before they become signifi- Open-bay designs can use either a pressurized plenum or ducted
cant. Records of corrections should also be kept. filter modules, although pressurized plenums are becoming more
Once the system is operational, pharmaceutical product trial lots common. Pressurized plenums usually are recirculating air plenums,
are run in the facility (process validation) and the owner should reg- in which makeup air mixes with recirculating air or is ducted to the
ularly monitor levels of viable (microbial) and nonviable particles, recirculating units (Figure 11). Either one large plenum with multi-
room pressurization, and other controlled parameters in the process- ple supply fans or small adjacent plenums are acceptable. Small ple-
ing areas. nums allow shutting down areas of the cleanroom without disturbing
other clean areas, and may also include one or more supply fans.
Fig. 10 Elements of a Clean Tunnel
Cleanroom Advances with Modern Process Technology
Since the mid-1990s, most microelectronic facilities manufac-
turing semiconductors have required cleanrooms providing ISO
Class 3 and cleaner for wafer fabs and Class 5 to 8 for auxiliary man-
ufacturing rooms. This state-of-the-art cleanroom technology has
been driven by the decreasing size of microelectronic circuitry and
larger wafer sizes. A deposited particle with a diameter of 10% of
the circuit width may cause a circuit to fail. Many facilities are
designed to meet as-built air cleanliness of less than one particle
0.1 m and larger per cubic foot of air.
Currently, semiconductor manufacturing cleanroom integration
is important in semiconductor facilities design. Larger wafers
require larger processing equipment. Cleanroom structures are now
integrated into the process and mechanical systems to reduce overall
building height and construction cost, and to shorten construction
duration. In addition, particle control has advanced to the level of
molecular contamination control. Product contamination control
also includes internal contaminations such as chemical, ionic, and
static electricity control, and fire resistance performance. Fig. 10 Elements of a Clean Tunnel
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Clean Spaces 18.13

Fig. 11 Typical Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant Section View

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Fig. 11 Typical Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant Section View

In the past decade, silicon wafer diameter has increased three- Fig. 12 Building Truss Level is Arranged as Fan Deck and Air
fold. Along with the requirement for larger process equipment, the Plenum
demand for larger space sizes has also become increasingly signif-
icant. Major semiconductor facilities, with total manufacturing
areas of 30,000 ft2 and larger, may use both open-bay and tunnel
design configurations. Flexibility to allow equipment layout revi-
sions warrants the open-bay design. Process equipment suitable for
through-the-wall installation such as diffusion furnaces, may use
either design. Equipment such as lithographic steppers and coaters
must be located entirely in laminar flow; thus, open-bay designs are
more suitable. Which method to use should be discussed among the
cleanroom designer, production personnel, and contamination con-
trol specialist.
Building structure areas are sometimes used as recirculating and
makeup air units, fan deck, and plenum. Some structures perform as
very large cabinets of makeup air units or recirculating units. Figure Fig. 12 Building Truss Level Arranged as Fan Deck
12 shows a building truss level arranged as a fan deck and air ple- and Air Plenum
num. Coordination between architects, engineers (structural, pro- and process equipment, with contaminated air leaving at floor level;
cess, and mechanical), semiconductor facilities personnel, and this produces clean air for all space above the work surface.
construction industries must continue to minimize building size and In vertical unidirectional airflow, the cleanroom ceiling area
to satisfy ever-evolving process requirements. consists of HEPA or ULPA filters set in a nominal grid size of 2 by
Many semiconductor facilities contain separate cleanrooms for 4 ft, T-bar-style grid with gasketed or caulked seals for many ISO
process equipment ingress into the main factory. These ingress areas Class 5 systems; Class 3 and Class 4 systems often use either low-
are staged levels of cleanliness. For instance, the equipment receiv- vapor-pressure petrolatum fluid or silicone dielectric gel to seal the
ing and vacating area may be ISO Class 8, and the preliminary filters into a channel-shaped ceiling grid. Whether T-bar or chan-
equipment setup and inspection area may be ISO Class 7. The final nel-shaped grids are used, the HEPA or ULPA filters normally
stage, where equipment is cleaned and final installation prepara- cover 85 to 95% of the ceiling area, with the rest of the ceiling area
tions are made before the fabrication entrance, is ISO Class 6. Some composed of grid work, lighting, and fire protection sprinkler
staged cleanrooms must have adequate clear heights to allow fork- panels.
lift access for equipment subassemblies. HEPA or ULPA filters in vertical unidirectional airflow designs
are installed (1) with a pressurized plenum above the filters, (2)
Airflow in Semiconductor Cleanrooms through individually ducted filters, or (3) with individually fan-
Current semiconductor industry cleanrooms use vertical unidi- powered filter modules. A system with a plenum must provide even
rectional airflow, which produces a uniform shower of clean air pressurization to maintain uniform airflow through each filter.
throughout the entire cleanroom. Particles are swept from personnel Ducted HVAC typically has higher static pressure loss from the
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18.14 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

ducting and balance dampers, resulting in higher fan energy and HIGH-BAY CLEANROOMS
higher operating cost. Maintenance costs may also be higher
High-bay cleanrooms have ceiling heights between 40 and
because of the balance method involved with ducted HVAC.
160 ft, with the higher ceilings used primarily in the aerospace
Individual fan-powered filter modules use fractional horsepower industry for producing and testing missiles, launch vehicles, rocket
fans (usually forward-curved fans) that provide airflow through one engines, and communication and observation satellites, and lower
filter assembly. This method allows airflow to be varied throughout ceilings primarily used in jet aircraft assembly, painting, and clean-
the cleanroom and requires less space for mechanical components. ing operations; and in crystal-pulling areas in semiconductor chips
Disadvantages are the large number of fans involved, low fan and manufacturing facilities.
motor efficiencies because of the small sizes, potentially higher fan Most high-bay cleanrooms are designed to meet ISO Class 7,
noises, and higher operation and maintenance costs. Class 8 or higher as required by some U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy
When through-the-floor return grating is used, a basement return specifications. Crystal-pulling cleanrooms for semiconductor micro-
is normally included to provide a more uniform return as well as chips are usually specified at Class 5 to Class 6 range.
floor space for dirty production support equipment. Table 3 shows approximate ranges of ceiling-height-dependent
Sidewall returns are an alternative to through-the-floor returns; airflow per minute and air changes per hour by cleanroom classes
however, airflow may not be uniform throughout the work area. derived from Equation (3).
These returns are most applicable for ISO Class 5 to 8 cleanrooms.
Prefiltration is an economical way to increase ULPA filter life. Downflow and Horizontal-Flow Designs
Prefilters are located in recirculation airflow, in either the return In downflow designs, air is delivered in a unidirectional (or sim-
basement or air handler, to allow replacement without disrupting ulated unidirectional) flow pattern from the ceiling and returned
production. through floor return openings or low sidewall returns. The objective
is to shower the object from above so that all particles are flushed to
Cleanroom Air Velocity and Air Changes the returns. The supply air terminals may be HEPA-filter or high-
For a given cleanroom, the supply air volume Q (cfm) is volume air diffusers. Downflow spaces allow space flexibility
because more than one device may be worked on in the space at the
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

Q = LWv (1)
same air cleanliness level.
60Q The disadvantage is the relative difficulty of balancing airflow.
ach = -------------- (2) High-bay cleanrooms typically have concrete floors that may
LWH include trenches to return some of the air not taken in at low sidewall
or returns. Special care must be taken to ensure clean air at the object
because the laminar flow of the air disintegrates. At the low veloc-
ities typical of unidirectional design, pathways may be created
ach = 60LWv
LWH toward the returns, causing the clean air to miss the object. Any
activity in the cleanroom that generates even a small amount of heat
60v produces updrafts in downward-flowing supply air.
ach = --------- (3)
H Horizontal-flow designs are always unidirectional, with the
cleanest air always available to wash the object in the space. Prop-
erly designed horizontal spaces are easier to balance than vertical-
L = room length, ft flow rooms because supply and return air volumes may be con-
W = room width, ft
trolled at different horizontal levels in the space.
H = room height, ft
The main disadvantage of horizontal-flow high-bay spaces is
v = room air velocity, fpm
ach = air changes per hour
that they provide clean air for only one object, or at best, several
objects in the same plane. Once past the object, air cleanliness
From Equation (3), the number of air changes per hour is degrades to the extent that the process generates particles.
inversely proportional to the height of the room: the greater the Downflow designs are most widely used, but certain projects
height of the cleanroom, the fewer air changes per hour required, such as the space telescope and space shuttle assembly room may
and vice versa. require horizontal-airflow high-bay cleanrooms (Figure 13).
Air Ionization. In addition to cleanroom particle control with
fiber filters, air ionization can be used to control particle attraction Air Handling
to product surfaces by eliminating electrostatic discharge and static Because of the large volume of air in a high-bay cleanroom,
charge build-up. However, the emitter tip material must be carefully central recirculating fan systems are commonly used with minimum
selected to prevent depositing particles on the product. heating and cooling capability. A separate injection air handler

Table 3 Air Changes per Hour Versus Vertical Airflow Velocities, Room Heights, and Cleanliness Classes
Air Changes per Hour for Ceiling Height, ft
ISO Class Velocity, fpm 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160
2 85 to 100 128 to 150 102 to 120 85 to 100 — — — — —
3 70 to 85 105 to 128 84 to 102 70 to 85 52 to 64 — — — —
4 60 to 70 90 to 105 72 to 84 60 to 70 45 to 52 36 to 42 — — —
5 45 to 55 68 to 83 54 to 66 45 to 55 34 to 41 27 to 33 22 to 27 — —
6 25 to 35 38 to 53 30 to 42 25 to 35 19 to 26 15 to 21 12 to 18 10 to 15 —
7 8 to 16 12 to 24 10 to 19 8 to 16 6 to 12 5 to 10 4 to 8 3 to 6 3 to 2
8 4 to 6 8 to 10 5 to 7 4 to 6 3 to 4 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 2
9 2 to 3 3 to 5 2 to 3 2 to 3 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1
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Clean Spaces 18.15

Fig. 13 High-Bay Cleanroom Scheme exceed 60%; semiconductor crystal-pulling cleanrooms usually
require indoor relative humidity to be 50 ± 5% as design base.
Other issues include noise and vibration from process and HVAC
equipment, and dusts, fumes, smoke, odors, vapors, moistures and
gaseous generated during welding, sanding, painting, washdown,
fuel filling, etc. See Chapters 8 to 12 of the 2009 ASHRAE Hand-
book—Fundamentals for additional information.

Cooling Loads and Cooling Methods
Two major internal heat load components in cleanroom facilities
are process equipment and fans. Because most cleanrooms are
located entirely within conditioned space, traditional heat sources of
infiltration, fenestration, and heat conductance from adjoining
spaces are typically less than 2 to 3% of the total load. Some clean-
rooms have been built with windows to the outside, usually for day-
light awareness, and a corridor separating the cleanroom window
from the exterior window.
The major cooling sources designed to remove cleanroom heat
and/or maintain environmental conditions are makeup air units,
primary and secondary air units, and the process equipment cooling
system. Some process heat, typically from electronic sources in
computers and controllers, may be removed by process exhaust.
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

Fig. 13 High-Bay Cleanroom Scheme Fan energy is a very large heat source in ISO Class 4 or better
cleanrooms. Recirculated space airflow rates of 90 fpm or less
provides heating, cooling, and makeup air. The injection system (500+ ach) are typical for these facilities.
must include volumetric controls to ensure proper building pres- Latent loads are primarily associated with makeup air dehumidi-
sure. fication. A low dry-bulb leaving air temperature, associated with de-
humidified makeup air, supplements sensible cooling. Supplemental
Equipment and Filter Access cooling by makeup air may account for as much as 300 Btu/h per
Air-handling equipment and prefilters should be accessible from square foot of cleanroom.
outside the cleanroom. Adequate provision must be made for chang- Process cooling water (PCW) is used in process equipment heat
ing filters if air is distributed to the cleanroom with HEPA filters at exchangers, performing either simple heat transfer to cool internal
the space entry. In horizontal-flow cleanrooms, access should be heat sources, or process-specific heat transfer, in which the PCW
from the upstream (pressure) side, and service scaffolds should be contributes to the process reaction.
incorporated at least every 8 ft in height of the filter bank. Downflow The diversity of manufacturing heat sources (i.e., the portion of
ceiling filters in T-bar or gel-seal ceilings must be accessed from total heat transferred to each cooling medium) should be well under-
below using an approved gantry crane with full mobility across the stood. When bulkhead or through-the-wall equipment is used,
ceiling. Prefilters in the main air supply should be placed in built-up equipment heat loss to support chases versus to the production area
frames with both upstream and downstream access. A HEPA filter affects the cooling design when the support chase is served by a dif-
bank remote from the space air-distribution system should be installed ferent cooling system than the production area.
in a built-up bank with a gel or clamp seal. Access doors must be
installed up- and downstream for certification, scanning, and qualifi- Makeup Air
cation testing. Control of makeup air and cleanroom exhaust affects cleanroom
pressurization, humidity, and room cleanliness. Makeup airflow
Prefilter Selection requirements are dictated by the amounts required for (1) replacing
In any high-bay cleanroom cleanliness classification, air will process exhaust, (2) working personnel ventilation, and (3) meeting
pass through a final HEPA filter before entering the space; these pressurization specifications. Makeup air volumes can be much
final filters must be protected by prefilters. HEPA filters for recir- greater than the total process exhaust volume to provide adequate
culating air should be protected with 85% rated bag or rigid media pressurization and safe ventilation.
filters with as few other prefilters as required. Makeup air should Makeup air is frequently introduced into the primary air path on
include minimum 85% ASHRAE filters on the fan inlet and mini- the suction side of the primary fan(s) to enhance mixing. Makeup air
mum 95% filters on the fan discharge. Tight, leakproof sealing volumes are adjusted with zone dampers and makeup fan controls
between the filters and frame/housing improves system cleanliness using speed controllers, inlet vanes, etc. Opposed-blade dampers
and reliability. should have low leak characteristics and minimum hysteresis.
Makeup air should be filtered before injection into the cleanroom.
Design Criteria and Indoor Air Quality If the makeup air is injected upstream of the cleanroom ceiling
The indoor design temperature range for aerospace and aircraft ULPA or HEPA filters, minimum 95% efficient filters (ASHRAE
manufacturing cleanrooms is 73 ± 5°F, with the higher temperatures Standard 52.1) should be used to avoid high dust loading and
commonly used in summer, and the lower ones in winter. However, reduced HEPA filter life.
the user should provide guidance on specific required space temper- In addition, 30% efficient prefilters followed by 85% filters may
ature requirements. In semiconductor crystal-pulling cleanroom be used to prolong the life of the 95% filter. When makeup air is
design, space temperature is usually required at a constant level of injected downstream of the main HEPA filter, further HEPA filter-
72 ± 0.5°F. ing of the makeup air should be added to the prefilters. In addition
Another key parameter is relative humidity. For aerospace and to particle filtering, many makeup air handlers require filters to
aircraft manufacturing cleanrooms, relative humidity should not remove chemical contaminants (e.g., salts and pollutants from
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18.16 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

industries and automobiles) present in outside air. If the makeup air whereas photolithographic projection printers require ±0.5°F toler-
is from an internal conditioned space (i.e., outdoor air is conditioned ance. Specific process temperature control zones must be small
by the main facility HVAC system), the same filtration level may enough to control the large air volume inertia in vertical laminar flow
still be required to prevent the entry of volatile organic compounds cleanrooms. Internal environmental controls, which allow space tol-
(VOCs). These VOCs may be present from another active process in erances of ±1°F and larger temperature control zones, are used in
the facility or from building maintenance items such as cleaning many process areas.
agents and paints. Chemical filtration may be accomplished with Within temperature zones of the typical semiconductor factory,
absorbers such as activated carbon or potassium permanganate im- latent heat loads are normally small enough to be offset by incoming
pregnated with activated alumina or zeolite. makeup air. Sensible temperature is controlled with either cooling
coils in the primary air stream, or unitary sensible cooling units that
Process Exhaust bypass primary air through the sensible air handler and blend con-
Process exhausts for semiconductor facilities handle acids, sol- ditioned air with unconditioned primary air.
vents, toxins, pyrophoric (self-igniting) fumes, and process heat ex- In most cleanrooms of ISO Class 6 or better, production person-
haust. Process exhaust should be dedicated for each fume category, nel wear full-coverage protective smocks that require cleanroom
by process area, or by the chemical nature of the fume and its com- temperatures of 68°F or less. If full-coverage smocks are not used,
patibility with exhaust duct material. Typically, process exhausts are higher temperature set points are recommended for comfort. Pro-
segregated into corrosive fumes, which are ducted through plastic or cess temperature set points may be higher as long as product toler-
fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) ducts, and flammable (normally ances are maintained.
from solvents) gases and heat exhaust, which are ducted in metal Semiconductor humidity levels vary from 30 to 50% rh. Humid-
ducts. Care must be taken to ensure that gases cannot combine into ity control and precision are functions of process requirements, pre-
hazardous compounds that can ignite or explode in the ductwork. vention of condensation on cold surfaces in the cleanroom, and
Segregated heat exhausts are sometimes installed to recover heat, or control of static electric forces. Humidity tolerances vary from 0.5
hot uncontaminated air that may be exhausted into the suction side to 5% rh, primarily dictated by process requirements. Photolitho-
of the primary air path. graphic areas have more precise standards and lower set points. The
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

Required process exhaust volumes vary from 1 cfm per square exposure timing of photoresists (used in photolithography) can be
foot of cleanroom for photolithographic process areas, to 10 cfm per affected by varying relative humidity. Negative resists typically
square foot for wet etch, diffusion, and implant process areas. When require low (35 to 45%) relative humidity. Positive resists tend to be
specific process layouts are not designated before exhaust design, more stable, so the relative humidity can go up to 50% where there
an average of 5 cfm per square foot is normally acceptable for fan is less of a static electricity problem.
and abatement equipment sizing. Fume exhaust ductwork should be Independent makeup units should control the dew point in places
sized at low velocities (1000 fpm) to allow for future needs. where direct-expansion refrigeration, chilled-water/glycol cooling
For many airborne substances, the American Conference of coils, or chemical dehumidification is used. Chemical dehumidifi-
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) established require- cation is rarely used in semiconductor facilities because of the high
ments to avoid excessive worker exposure. The U.S. Occupational maintenance cost and potential for chemical contamination in the
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set specific standards cleanroom. Although an operating cleanroom generally does not
for allowable concentrations of airborne substances. These limits require reheat, systems are typically designed to provide heat to the
are based on working experience, laboratory research, and medical space when new cleanrooms are being built and no production
data, and are subject to constant revision. See Industrial Ventilation: equipment has been installed.
A Manual of Recommended Practices (ACGIH 2007) to determine Makeup air is humidified by steam humidifiers or atomizing
limits. equipment. Steam humidifiers are most commonly used. Take care
to avoid releasing water treatment chemicals. Stainless-steel uni-
Fire Safety for Exhaust tary packaged boilers with high-purity water and stainless-steel
ICC’s (2009) International Building Code® (IBC) designates piping have also been used. Water sprayers in the cleanroom return
semiconductor fabrication facilities as Group H occupancies. The use air-operated water jet sprayers. Evaporative coolers can take
Group H occupancy class should be reviewed even if the local juris- advantage of the sensible cooling effect in dry climates.
diction does not use the IBC because it is currently the only major
code in the United States specifically written for the semiconductor Pressurization
industry and, hence, can be considered usual practice. This review is Pressurizing semiconductor cleanrooms is another method of
particularly helpful if the local jurisdiction has few semiconductor contamination control, providing resistance to infiltration of exter-
facilities. nal sources of contaminants. In nonpressurized spaces, or spaces of
Chapter 18 in ICC’s International Fire Code (IFC) addresses lesser pressure than the surrounding environment, nearby particu-
specific requirements for process exhaust relating to fire safety and late contaminants enter the cleanroom by infiltration through doors,
minimum exhaust standards. Chapter 27, Hazardous Materials, is cracks, pass-throughs, and other penetrations for pipes, ducts, etc.
relevant to many semiconductor cleanroom projects because of the The cleanest cleanroom should have the highest pressure, with
large quantities of hazardous materials stored in these areas. Areas decreasing pressure corresponding to decreasing cleanliness. A dif-
covered include ventilation and exhaust standards for production ferential pressure around 0.05 in. of water is often used.
and storage areas, control requirements, use of gas detectors, redun- For small semiconductor cleanrooms or clean zones in ISO
dancy and emergency power, and duct fire protection. Classes 8 and 9, ceiling supply and low sidewall return is a typical
airflow arrangement. The primary air system alone can handle the
Temperature and Humidity internal cooling load and the required room air change rate. Pressur-
Precise temperature control is required in most semiconductor ization system designs are very similar to those in pharmaceutical
cleanrooms. Specific chemical processes may change under differ- facilities.
ent temperatures, or masking alignment errors may occur because of For cleaner (ISO Class 7 and cleaner) semiconductor clean-
product dimensional changes as a result of the coefficient of expan- rooms, primary/secondary air systems are common. The secondary
sion. Temperature tolerances of ±1°F are common, and precision of (makeup) HVAC unit takes care of the outside air and internal cool-
±0.1 to 0.5F is likely in wafer or mask-writing process areas. ing loads, and the primary (recirculating) unit delivers the required
Wafer reticle writing by electron beam technology requires ±0.1°F, room air change rate, and additional cooling if needed. A raised,
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Clean Spaces 18.17

perforated floor return is common for these classes. During balanc- To ensure the designated pressurization level, a leak test must be
ing, manual or automatic balance dampers are usually set at fixed performed for exterior walls, interior walls, partitions, doors and
positions at air supply, return, and exhaust systems. windows between two adjacent areas with different pressurization
In vertical- and unidirectional-flow cleanrooms, single-stage levels, and for roof, exterior doors and windows, connections
constant volume for supply and return flows is common. Because between wall and roof, and any building elements between two
internal dust generation from people and process could be lower areas with different pressurization levels. All major leaks must be
during nonoperating or unoccupied mode than operating or occu- eliminated before start-up of HVAC systems.
pied mode, using multiple recirculating blowers to create two- or
multiple-stage supply and return flow rates is feasible as long as the Sizing and Redundancy
room cleanliness meets the designated classification at all times, Environmental HVAC design must consider future requirements
validated through continuous particle count measurement. In the of the factory. Semiconductor products can become obsolete in as
nonoperating or unoccupied mode, reduced levels of supply and little as two years, and process equipment may be replaced as new
return airflow rates should also ensure maintaining proper room product designs dictate. As new processes are added or old ones
pressurization level. removed (e.g., wet etch versus dry etch), the function of one clean-
Pressure level in the cleanroom is principally established by room may change from high-humidity requirements to low, or the
room airtightness and the offset flow value, which is the net flow heat load many increase or decrease substantially. Thus, the clean-
difference between supply airflow rate and exhaust and return air- room designer must design for flexibility and growth. Unless spe-
flow rates. Process equipment exhaust rate is often determined by cific process equipment layouts are available, maximum cooling
manufacturers’ data, industrial hygienists, and codes. The design capability should be provided in all process areas at the time of
engineer should consult with the facility contamination control spe- installation, along with provisions for future expansions.
cialist to determine air change rates for each cleanroom. Because cleanroom space relative humidity must be held to close
One popular method of cleanroom pressurization is to fix the sup- tolerances and humidity excursions cannot be tolerated, the latent
ply flow rate and adjust the return flow rate by volume dampers at re- load removal capacity of the selected equipment should be based on
turn floor panels to create a specified positive space pressure. Return high ambient dew points and not on the high mean coincident dry-
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

air to underfloor plenum or subfloor basement through perforated bulb/wet-bulb data.

panels floor grilles or grates (usually with a 15 to 35% free area) can In addition to proper equipment sizing, redundancy is also desir-
be balanced to ensure a fixed flow differential (offset flow) in the able when economics dictate it. Many semiconductor wafer facili-
space. An adjustable, lockable balance damper normally is attached ties operate 24 h per day, seven days per week, and shut down only
beneath the perforated floor panel or grate. When the damper is fully during holidays and scheduled nonworking times. Mechanical and
open, it normally imposes a pressure drop of 0.02 to 0.08 in. of water; electrical redundancy is required if loss of equipment would shut
higher pressure drop can be achieved when the dampers are turning down critical and expensive manufacturing processes. For example,
toward the closed positions. Note that the balance damper could process exhaust fans must operate continuously for safety reasons,
affect parallelism of the room’s unidirectional flow. and particularly hazardous exhaust should have two fans, both run-
Another method is to use variable-volume supply and return fans ning. Most process equipment is computer-controlled with inter-
with volumetric flow tracing to ensure the required room pressure. locks to provide safety for personnel and products. Electrical
This method could be a reasonable choice for a single, large clean- redundancy or uninterruptible power supplies may be necessary to
room, but is not flexible enough to serve a suite with different room prevent costly downtime during power outages. Redundancy should
pressure requirements. For some industries, variable-volume sys- be based on life-cycle economics.
tems may not be favorable; design engineers should consult with
facility contamination control specialists before specifying vari-
able-volume systems for cleanrooms. SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY
Air locks typically are used between uncontrolled personnel cor-
ridors, entrance foyers, and the protective-clothing gowning area.
The major operating costs associated with a cleanroom include
Air locks may also be used between the gowning room and the main
conditioning the air, fan energy for air movement in the cleanroom,
wafer fabrication area, and for process equipment staging areas
and process exhaust. The combination of environmental condition-
before entering the wafer fabrication area. Install air locks only
ing and control, contamination control, and process equipment elec-
when they are really necessary, because their use along traffic paths
trical loads can be as much as 300 W/ft2. Besides process equipment
could restrict personnel access and increase evacuation time during
electrical loads, most energy is used for cooling, air movement, and
process liquid transport (i.e., deionized water and process cooling
Commercial pressure differential sensors can reach accuracy at water pumping). A life-cycle cost analysis should be performed to
±0.001 in. of water or better, and significant progress has been made determine design choices and their total cost of ownership over
on precision room pressure control. Many semiconductor processes time.
affected by cleanroom pressure (e.g., glass deposition with saline gas)
Energy Metrics. To evaluate design options for HVAC systems
require process chamber pressure precision of ±0.00025 in. of water.
in cleanrooms, it is convenient to compare overall efficiency using
Pressurization calculations can be performed by using the proce- standard metrics. By using a metric such as airflow per kilowatt
dures detailed in either Pedersen et al. (1998) or Spitler (2009) in the input, it is possible to compare system efficiency for different
chapters on infiltration: schemes. This is a good metric for air systems because it compares
• Using the provided charts, calculate the building exfiltration at the amount of energy required to move a given quantity of air, and
designated room pressurization level. combines equipment efficiency as well as system effects. The owner
• In accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62.1, with the actual num- can include this metric as a design criterion.
ber of occupancy, determine the required outdoor air rate. Similarly, metrics for chilled-water system performance in terms
• Determine the total air volume of exhaust from the building. of kilowatts per ton can be established. Chiller performance and
overall chilled-water system performance issues are well docu-
The sum of exfiltration air volume plus exhaust rate or plus the mented and should be consulted to set appropriate targets.
required outdoor air, whichever is greater, is the total ventilation rate These various energy metrics highlight the wide variation in per-
under the designated building pressurization. formance and the need to establish goals for system performance.
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18.18 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

Fan Energy. Because airflow rates in cleanrooms can range reduce these demands, not only for reasons of environmental health,
from 4 to 100 times greater than in conventional HVAC, fan systems but also for cost savings and avoidance of risk.
should be closely examined for ways to conserve energy. Static Cleanrooms are more complex than, for instance, a typical office
pressures and total airflow requirements should be designed to building. When developing a cleanroom-driven project, using inte-
reduce operating costs. The fan energy required to move recircula- grated design and construction can result in major rewards in cost,
tion air may be decreased by reducing the air volume and/or static schedule, and operational efficiencies. Some of the most promising
pressure. Energy conservation operating modes should be verified areas for energy and resource use reductions include the following:
during system qualification. If these modes are not part of the orig-
• Optimize air distribution strategies and air change rates in clean
inal design, the control procedure must be changed and the opera-
areas; reducing room volumes and air change rates saves on envi-
tional change validated.
ronmental conditioning energy, fan energy, equipment sizing,
Air volumes may be lowered by decreasing recirculation airflow
duct sizing, filter requirements (quantity, not quality), and equip-
and minimizing room volumes in high-air-change-rate suites. This
ment space. Implementing on-demand utility distribution, includ-
could allow decreasing HEPA or ULPA filter coverage or reducing
ing pressure and temperature reset control strategies, provides
cleanroom average air velocity. Reducing air volumes can yield sig-
further operational savings. See Figure 14 for information from
nificant savings and often enhance room cleanliness through re-
Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (
duced turbulence. Based on a 90 fpm face velocity, each square foot
cleanrooms.html) on system selection efficiencies.
reduction in filter coverage area in a room can save 25 to 50 W/ft2
• Analyze and evaluate process chemistry, including cleaning
in fan energy and cooling load. Reducing room average velocity
materials and methods. Reducing or eliminating VOC-based sol-
from 90 to 80 fpm saves 5 W/ft2 in fan energy and in cooling energy.
vents, heavy metals, acids, etc., in processing reduces the need for
If the amount of air supplied to the cleanroom cannot be lowered, re-
dilution air, scrubbing, treatment of effluent and other environ-
ducing static pressure can produce significant savings. With good
mental and life safety issues. This step must be integrated with
fan selection and transport design, up to 15 W/ft2 can be saved per
process developers, operators, and regulatory compliance person-
1 in. of water reduction in static pressure. Installing low-pressure-
nel to ensure that changes do not compromise final product qual-
drop HEPA filters, pressurized plenums in lieu of ducted filters, and
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

ity and acceptance.

proper fan inlets and outlets may reduce static pressure. Many clean-
• Process equipment specifications should include performance
rooms operate for only one shift. Air volume may be reduced during
criteria for support utility needs such as process water, com-
nonworking hours by using two-speed motors, variable-frequency
pressed air, exhaust air, and electrical power. More efficient
drives, inverters, inlet vanes, and variable-pitch fans, or, in multifan
equipment leads to savings in operational and capital costs. This
systems, by using only some of the fans.
approach may also prove attractive where process equipment is
Additional energy may be saved by installing high-efficiency
leased and will be returned to the equipment vendor, as is com-
motors on fans instead of standard-efficiency motors. Fan selection
mon in microelectronics, because of the processing technologies’
also affects energy cost. The choice of forward-curved centrifugal
rapid obsolescence. For the equipment or tool manufacturers,
fans versus backward-inclined, airfoil, or vaneaxial fans affects effi-
higher efficiency may enhance the toolset’s resale value.
ciency. The number of fans used in a pressurized plenum design
influences redundancy as well as total energy use. Fan size changes The effects of these broad areas of resource use reduction and en-
impact power requirements as well. Many times, slower air through ergy savings on building systems should be obvious; however, there
more fans provides better system efficiency and reliability; different are other tangible benefits that should be considered. Reducing the
options should be investigated to ensure optimal designs. resource use or environmental footprint of the cleanroom extends
Makeup and Exhaust Energy. Process exhaust requirements in the site infrastructure’s carrying capacity. On developed sites in de-
the typical semiconductor facility vary from 1 to 10 cfm per square veloped areas, this can save significant capital and operational costs
foot. Makeup air requirements vary correspondingly, with an added by reducing the need to increase the site’s capacity or infrastructure
amount for leakage and pressurization. The energy required to sup- to handle an additional building or operation. Reducing use of haz-
ply the conditioned makeup air can be quite large. Careful attention ardous, toxic, or noxious materials can reduce the owner’s exposure
to the layout and design of the makeup air system, especially mini- to environmental health and safety risks and the need to treat dis-
mizing system pressure drop and specifying efficient fans and charge air and water streams. Improving HVAC energy efficiency
motors, is important. The type of equipment installed normally de- can reduce equipment and penthouse space requirements, capital
termines the quantity of exhaust in a given facility. Heat recovery costs, and system-generated noise and vibrations.
has been used effectively in process exhaust; when heat recovery is
used, the heat exchanger material must be selected carefully be-
cause of the potentially corrosive atmosphere; requirements for Fig. 14 Energy Efficiency of Air Recirculation Systems
nonhazardous cleanrooms are not as significant. Also, heat recovery
equipment has the potential to cross-contaminate products in phar-
maceutical facilities.
Makeup air cannot normally be reduced without decreasing pro-
cess exhaust, which may be difficult to do because of safety and con-
tamination control requirements. Therefore, the costs of conditioning
the makeup air should be investigated. Conventional HVAC methods
such as using high-efficiency chillers, good equipment selection, and
precise control design can also save energy. One energy-saving
method for large facilities uses multiple-temperature chillers to bring
outdoor air temperature to a desired dew point in steps.

Cleanrooms and Resource Use:

Opportunities to Improve Sustainability
Because of their highly specific and complex requirements,
many cleanrooms have high energy and resource demands. When
possible, designers and operators should look for opportunities to Fig. 14 Energy Efficiency of Air Recirculation Systems
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Clean Spaces 18.19


Noise is difficult to control. Noise generated by contamination • Equipment and materials are cleaned before entry.
control equipment requires particular attention, although produc- • Nonshedding paper and ballpoint pens are used. Pencils and eras-
tion equipment noise may be more significant than HVAC noise. ers are not permitted.
Before beginning design, noise and vibration criteria should be • Work parts are handled with gloved hands, finger cots, tweezers,
established. Chapter 48 provides more complete information on and other methods to avoid transfer of skin oils and particles.
sound control. • Sterile pharmaceutical product containers must be handled with
In normal applications of microelectronics contamination con- sterilized tools only.
trol, equipment vibration displacement levels need not be dampened
below 0.5 m in the 1 to 50 Hz range. However, electron micro- Particulate Producing Operations
scopes and other ultrasensitive microelectronics cleanroom instru- • Electronics grinding, welding, and soldering operations are
ments may require smaller deflections in different frequency ranges. shielded and exhausted.
Photolithographic areas may prohibit floor deflections greater than • Nonshedding containers and pallets are used for transfer and stor-
0.075 m. As a general rule, displacement should not exceed one- age of materials.
tenth the line width.
For highly critical areas, consider using vaneaxial fans. These Entries
fans generate less noise in lower frequencies, and can be dynami- • Air locks and pass-throughs maintain pressure differentials and
cally balanced to displacements of less than 4 m, which decreases reduce contamination.
the likelihood of transmitting vibration to sensitive areas in elec-
tronics cleanrooms. Energy-efficient features of cleanroom HVAC CLEANROOM INSTALLATION AND
systems, such as straight, smooth duct layouts and elimination of TEST PROCEDURES
sound attenuators, can exacerbate noise-control issues. Instead of
resorting to sound-trap additions, acoustic problems can be miti- Installation
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

gated through proper fan selections to avoid sound generation from Space Preparation. Building envelope construction should be
excessive fan-blade tip speeds. completed, its insulation thoroughly installed. Insulation materials
should meet cleanroom requirements. All leaks must have been elim-
ROOM CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION inated, construction debris removed, and floors cleaned, washed, and
Control of particulate contamination from sources other than the blow-dried.
supply air depends on the classification of the space, the type of sys- Cleanroom Installation. After space preparation is completed,
tem, and the operation involved. Typical details that may vary with the HVAC, plumbing, process piping, and cleanroom elements are
the room class include the following: then ready to start installation in the following sequence:

Construction Finishes 1. Install cleanroom HVAC piping, ductwork, plumbing, and pro-
cess piping (prior to hookup with process equipment). All open
• General. Smooth, monolithic, cleanable, and chip-resistant, with
ends of duct and piping must be temporarily sealed at end of each
minimum seams, joints, and no crevices or moldings.
• Floors. Sheet vinyl, epoxy, or polyester coating with wall base
2. Install cleanroom ceiling, floor, and wall systems.
carried up, or raised floor (where approved) with and without per-
forations using the previously mentioned materials. 3. Process equipment: any process equipment package that is larger
• Walls. Plastic, epoxy-coated drywall, baked enamel, polyester, or than the access doors must be moved into the cleanroom area
porcelain with minimum projections. before installation of cleanroom wall access panels. All process
• Ceilings. Gypsum wallboard or plaster, covered with plastic, equipment should be protected from construction damage and
epoxy, or polyester coating or with plastic-finished, clipped remain in shipping packaging, unopened.
acoustical tiles (no tiles in pharmaceutical cleanrooms) when 4. Install cleanroom access doors, pass windows, wall access pan-
entire ceiling is not fully HEPA- or ULPA-filtered. els, floor and ceiling access panels. If hard ceiling is used, do not
• Lights. Teardrop-shaped single lamp fixtures mounted between close ceiling access before test, balance, and acceptance by the
filters, sealed and installed in T-grid ceiling (gasket or gel seal) or responsible HVAC engineer.
flush-mounted and sealed. 5. After completing steps 1 to 4, check the leaktightness of all
• Service penetrations. All penetrations for pipes, ducts, conduit access doors, pass windows, and other cleanroom openings, as
runs, etc., fully sealed or gasketed, then caulked in place. All con- well as edges between (a) ceiling and walls and (b) walls and
duits to have internal seals or pour stops to reduce infiltration/ floors. Leaks must be completely eliminated.
exfiltration through conduit. Cleanroom Duct and HEPA Filters.
• Appurtenances. All doors, vision panels, switches, clocks, etc.,
either flush-mounted or with sloped tops. 1. Thoroughly wash and clean air-handling unit (AHU) internals,
• Windows. All windows flush with wall; no ledges on cleanest including internals of AHU fans.
side. Window gaskets to be close cell and windows caulked. 2. Use compressed air to blow dry (pressure high enough to dry,
• Doors. Sliding doors perform better than swinging doors in crit- but not to damage internals of the AHU).
ical cleanrooms. All door movements to be controlled for gradual, 3. Check AHU internals. If some dirt remains (especially on filter
smooth motion. and edge areas), repeat steps 1 and 2.
4. Temporarily seal all openings on cleaned AHUs, including OA
Personnel and Garments intakes, return and supply openings, water, steam connections,
• Hands and face cleaned before entering area humidifier control box tubes, drain openings, and doors.
• Lotions and soap containing lanolin to lessen shedding of skin 5. Wash clean and blow dry all internal surfaces of duct sections
particles and immediately seal. This will prepare the installation of duct
• No cosmetics and skin medications system and HEPA filters.
• No smoking or eating 6. Temporarily seal all open ends in the duct system at end of
• Lint-free smocks, coveralls, gloves, head covers, and shoe covers each workday during installation.
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18.20 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

7. Temporarily seal the installed duct systems to wait for the fin- 20. Check prefilters and final filters. If they have reached their pres-
ish of architectural internal work. Leave ceiling accesses open sure drop limit, change them.
for ceiling HEPA filter installation and HVAC system test and 21. Adjust supply, return, and exhaust fan airflows to meet design
balance. rates.
8. Remove all construction debris from cleanroom. Wash and dry 22. Verify that operational testing of all system safeties (fire alarm,
AHU external surfaces. high-pressure limits, etc.) is completed before releasing system
9. Wash and blow dry the cleanroom floor thoroughly. for automatic operational control.
10. After step 9, installation personnel should wear cleanroom shoe 23. Keep air system operating. Set room thermostat low enough to
covers to enter the cleaned area to continue installation work. start cooling. Check chilled-water supply and return temper-
11. Place the originally sealed HEPA filter packets at their installa- atures, control valves, and condensate drain. Check room
tion locations. temperature. Note that the cooling performance test is under
12. Unpack HEPA filters and install immediately. Do not open the condition without process heat. The responsible HVAC
HEPA filter packets if not to be installed the same day. engineer should oversee if the HVAC and chiller systems are
13. Check the HVAC control system installation and pretest to capable of satisfying the additional load with process running.
ensure the control system is functioning before HEPA filter 24. Keep air system operating. Set room thermostat at temperature
installation. high enough to start heating system. Check steam pressure,
14. Check installation of fire protection, life safety, and other monitor served room temperature, and check control valves and
HVAC-related systems to ensure the systems are properly func- condensate return and drain lines.
tioning. 25. Keep supply air and heating system running. Set room humid-
System Start-Up, Test, and Balance. istat at level high enough temporarily start humidifier. If steam
humidifier is used, check steam pressure and all connections.
1. Read the major equipment and controls’ installation, operation,
Monitor relative humidity of served room and check control
and maintenance (IOM) manual thoroughly.
2. Walk through entire system to be started up.
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3. Check that all mechanical systems have been installed. 26. When all the above steps, including necessary adjustments,
Replace covers, belts, gaskets, bolts, and screws if missing or have been completed, the system is ready for final test and prep-
damaged. aration for commissioning and acceptance. Clean the space for
the last time to prepare for final test.
4. Check unit base concrete slabs, roof curbs, and structural sup-
ports. All units should be firmly installed on level plane. 27. Cleanroom dress code enforcement begins before final test.
5. Check that all equipment, devices, and fittings are installed 28. Attendees in final test include all contractors, subcontractors,
correctly and in operating condition. the responsible HVAC engineer, the cleanroom facilities engi-
6. Check that all dampers, louvers, and valves are set at the cor- neer, the future system lead operators, lead maintenance staff,
rect positions as shown on drawings and under the direction of and commissioning personnel, if appropriate.
test-and-balance engineer. 29. All problems should be solved before the project completion.
7. Remove all bolts and plates used for temporarily compressing Keep complete records of all problems and solutions during
internal spring isolators under AHU base during shipment. start-up, testing, adjusting, and balancing.
8. Check chiller system. Ensure that the chilled-water supply and Pressurization Test and Map
return are under operational condition.
9. If hot water is used, check the hot-water system. Check that Cleanroom pressurization must be verified before commission-
hot-water supply and return temperature and pressure all meet ing and acceptance. An as-built space-to-space pressurization map
HVAC system requirements. should be submitted by the test-and-balance contractor to the
10. If steam is used, check steam valve station. Check that the reg- responsible HVAC engineer for review. A retest may be performed
ulated steam pressure meets HVAC system required range. if the HVAC engineer determines it necessary. Perform and docu-
11. If pneumatic control is used, check compressed air system, that ment airflow pattern testing for final quality control verifications.
the supply pressure meets control system requirement.
12. Electric wiring should be checked by the electrical engineer,
Operation Personnel Training Program
who should confirm that power source voltages conform to all It is important that the operating and maintenance personnel
equipment requirements. responsible for systems installed under a particular project receive
13. Check and correct all motors’ rotation. proper training. Usually, the training program may be offered by the
14. Check that the controls system has been installed, energized, control contractor under the supervision of the responsible HVAC
and pretested by the controls contractor. engineer. Training should start during the functional performance
15. Check that the fire-protection system is in place, with correct testing. It is important that the operating and maintenance personnel
links verified by the fire-protection contractor together with see the systems being set up, the issues encountered, and their res-
electrical engineer. olution.
16. General mechanical/HVAC contractor should coordinate with
all disciplines for overall status of preparation for cleanroom Cleanliness Verification Test
HVAC, control, and fire-protection systems start-up. A written Empty (as-built) cleanroom cleanliness may be verified and
report stating the completion of all of the above-listed items determined by initial testing before process equipment installation
should be submitted to the responsible HVAC engineer at min- and operation. Operational cleanroom cleanliness should be tested
imum two workdays before the scheduled system start-up date. during formal process operation to gage the influence of emissions
17. The responsible HVAC engineer should determine a proper day from process materials and products, as well as the performance of
to inform the on-site commissioning authority (CA) before process exhaust systems together with cleanroom operation rules
start-up if commissioning is required by project scope. and operating personnel activities.
18. Correct all problems that may have occurred during start-up; For ISO Class 3 and 4 cleanrooms, the owners will most likely
adjust systems to meet design conditions. prefer not to have commissioning personnel walking around the
19. Initial test, balance, and adjustment work should be performed clean facility during process in operation. They typically use their
by a licensed test-and-balance contractor during system start-up. own professional staff to test and maintain the space cleanliness
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Clean Spaces 18.21

level. Therefore, as-built cleanroom cleanliness commissioning is • Do not unpack process equipment or open temporarily sealed pipe
the final step in most projects. ends if not immediately installing or connecting to the equipment
or pipe ends. Temporarily seal unfinished connection openings if
Commissioning not being connected immediately.
Attendees in commissioning process include the same personnel • Do not leave cleanroom doors or pass windows open anytime dur-
as during start-up, test, and balance, in addition to process operators, ing installation or test operation.
the owner’s project authorities, and commissioning personnel. • Establish a bimonthly cleanroom cleanliness retest timetable for
Commissioning documents should include the following: monitoring and maintaining the cleanroom cleanliness level for
• Certificates and warrantees of system completion with complete the first six months. The frequency of retest can be modified
set of as-built drawings submitted from mechanical, electrical, according to the actual operating experience in future years.
plumbing, controls, and fire-protection contractors
• If available, all major equipment installation, operation, and AND CONSTRUCTION
maintenance (IOM) manuals, from the equipment manufacturers
• Complete records of all problems and solutions that occurred dur- Integrated design and construction addresses all stages and
ing start-up, and tests and adjustments submitted by every indi- aspects of cleanroom construction, to achieve better-quality, faster
vidual contractor delivery; lower-cost, more optimized operation and maintenance;
lower energy consumption; a cleaner environment; safer, more reli-
• A certified system test and balance report with verified major
able, and more productive conditions; and longer service life. Inte-
equipment models and capacities, and all tested performance
grated building design (IBD) is discussed in detail in Chapter 58.
numbers conforming to the system criteria from the licensed test-
and-balance contractor. A complete space-to-space pressuriza- A complete cleanroom project usually includes the following
tion map submitted by the test-and-balance contractor stages (see Figure 15): development of scope, budget, and overall
project execution plan; predesign, conceptual, and schematic design;
• A control system installation, operation, and maintenance (IOM)
preliminary, final design, and construction documentation; and con-
manual submitted from the control contractor
struction service.
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• A certificate of test for as-built cleanroom cleanliness (tested Although the entire cleanroom building project is a large and
when cleanroom facility is complete, all services are connected complex operation, it may be simplified if it is considered as an inte-
and functional, but without equipment and operating personnel in grated system with a unified overall scope of work and timeline to
the cleanroom) be achieved by an integrated design and construction team. In an
• If the contract scope requires, a certificate of cleanroom cleanli- integrated approach, all individual systems and their components
ness at the condition of process running with operating personnel are considered as subsystems of the overall integrated cleanroom
in the facility building project, and optimizations are implemented at the compo-
• Commissioning protocol forms, signed and witnessed by all nent, system, and facility levels, including the following:
• Site/utilities: overall site plan, entrances and gates, roads and
Process Equipment Installation (Tool Hook-up) transportation, landscape, electrical substations or electrical main
The process equipment installation (tool hook-up) work is covered connection, gas or other fuel main intake pressure regulation sta-
by a separate, independent contract. It starts when the as-built clean- tion, water, sewer, sanitary and storm drain piping and main con-
room has been certified and accepted by the owner. The plant facility nections, telephone, network, security and fire protection system
engineer is responsible for process equipment installation, and the main connections, outdoor lighting, etc.
project HVAC engineer monitors the cleanroom cleanliness while • Building: foundations, structure system, walls, roofs, ceilings,
tool hook-up is in progress, offering consultation as needed. The fol- floors, elevators, electrical, gas, fuel, water, sewer, plumbing, san-
lowing points apply to the cleanroom tool hook-up procedure: itary, mechanical, HVAC, chiller, boiler, noise control, lighting,
process systems, energy and process material recovery systems,
• All cleanroom equipment installation personnel should attend a exhaust air and wastewater treatment systems, hazard control sys-
cleanroom orientation class before joining the team work. tems, explosion- and corrosionproofing, instrumentation and con-
• All installation personnel must follow the dress code entering and trol systems, fire protection systems, etc.
working in the cleanroom area for process equipment installation • Cleanroom: walls; roofs; ceilings; HEPA or ULPA filters; floors;
(tool hook-up), test, adjusting, and operation. mini-clean environment; clean tunnels; clean booths; recirculat-
• Do not unpack process equipment before the cleanroom has been ing air, makeup air, and exhaust air systems; lighting, process
cleaned, tested, certified, and is ready for installation of process mechanical, chemical, electrical, and control systems; production
equipment. lines; process conveyers; special gas supply systems; acoustics;

Fig. 15 High-Bay Cleanroom Scheme

Fig. 16 General Design and Construction Procedure

Fig. 15 General Design and Construction Procedure

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18.22 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications

operating personnel, material, and products access doors, win- IEST-RP-CC022.1 Electrostatic charge in cleanrooms and other controlled
dows, or openings; air showers; room temperature, humidity, environments
static electricity, CO2, pressurization, and cleanliness monitoring IEST-RP-CC023.1 Microorganisms in cleanrooms
and control systems; fire protection and after-fire recovery sys- IEST-RP-CC024.1 Measuring and reporting vibration in microelectronics
tems; seismic design, emergency response facilities, etc. facilities
• Implementation: design documents, submittal approvals, receiv- IEST-RP-CC025 Evaluation of swabs used in cleanrooms
ing inspections, clean construction and installation work, field IEST-RP-CC026.1 Cleanroom operations
inspections, system start-up, test and adjustment, balancing, com- IEST-RP-CC027.1 Personnel practices and procedures in cleanrooms and
missioning, and turnover. controlled environments
• Building management: system operation and maintenance. IEST-RP-CC028 Minienvironments
IEST-RP-CC029 Automotive paint spray applications
Figure 12 shows an example of how an HVAC fan deck and IEST-STD- Products cleanliness levels and contamination control
related electrical and control systems integrated into the building CC1246D program
structure level. In a recent semiconductor plan, the mechanical room
was used as the housing for makeup air units. ISO. 1999. Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments, part 1:
Classification of air cleanliness. Standard 14644-1. International Orga-
nization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
BIBLIOGRAPHY ISO. 2000. Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments, part 2:
ACGIH. 1999. Bioaerosols: Assessment and control. American Conference Specifications for testing and monitoring to prove continued compliance
of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, OH. with Standard 14644-1. Standard 14644-2. International Organization
ACGIH. 2007. Industrial ventilation: A manual of recommended practice, for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
26th ed. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, ISO. 2005. Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments, part 3: Test
Cincinnati, OH. methods. Standard 14644-3. International Organization for Standardiza-
CFR. 2006. Boiler water additives. 21CFR173.310. Code of Federal Regu- tion, Geneva, Switzerland.
lations, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. ISO. 2001. Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments, part 4:
E.U. 2008. Manufacture of sterile medical products. Revision of Annex I to Design, construction and start-up. Standard 14644-4. International Orga-
Licensed for single user. © 2011 ASHRAE, Inc.

the EU guide to good manufacturing practice. European Commission, nization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Brussels. ISO. 2004. Cleanrooms and associate controlled environments—Part 7:
FDA. 2008. Current good manufacturing practice for finished pharmaceu- Separative devices (clean air hoods, glove boxes, isolators and minienvi-
ticals. 21CFR210, 211. Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Government ronments). Standard 14644-7. International Organization for Standard-
Printing Office, Washington, D.C. ization, Geneva, Switzerland.
FDA. 2004. Guidance for industry: Sterile drug products produced by ISO. 2003. Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Biocon-
aseptic processing—Current good manufacturing practice. U.S. De- tamination control, part 1: General principles and methods. Standard
partment of Health and Human Resources, Food and Drug Administra- 14698-1. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Swit-
tion, Washington, D.C. zerland.
ISPE. 2009. Baseline guide volume 2: Oral solid dosage forms. International
ICC. 2009. International building code®. International Code Council, Wash-
Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Tampa, FL.
ington, D.C.
ICC. 2009. International mechanical code®. International Code Council, ISPE. 1999. Baseline guide volume 3: Sterile manufacturing facilities. Inter-
Washington, D.C. national Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Tampa, FL.
ICC. 2009. International fire code®. International Code Council, Washing- ISPE. 2001. Baseline guide volume 5: Commissioning and qualification (for
ton, D.C. pharmaceutical facilities). International Society for Pharmaceutical
The following publications are available from the Institute of Environ- Engineering, Tampa, FL.
mental Sciences and Technology, Mount Prospect, IL. NEBB. 2009. Procedural standards for certified testing of cleanrooms.
National Environmental Balancing Bureau, Gaithersburg, MD.
IEST-RP-CC001.3 HEPA and ULPA filters
IEST-RP-CC002 Laminar flow clean-air devices NFPA. 2009. Protection of semiconductor facilities. Standard 318. National
IEST-RP-CC003.2 Garment system considerations in cleanrooms and Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
other controlled environments Pedersen, C.O., D.E. Fisher, R.J. Liesen, and J.D. Spitler. 1998. Cooling and
IEST-RP-CC004.2 Evaluating wiping materials used in cleanrooms and heating load calculation principles. ASHRAE.
other controlled environments Sartor, D. et al. 1999. Cleanrooms and laboratories for high-tech industries.
IEST-RP-CC005 Gloves and finger cots used in cleanrooms and other California Energy Commission. Final Report.
controlled environments or Report.pdf.
IEST-RP-C-006.2 Testing cleanrooms Shieh, C. 1990. Cleanroom HVAC design. Proceedings of the 6th Interna-
IEST-RP-CC007.1 Testing ULPA filters tional Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer, Miami. International
IEST-RP CC008 Gas-phase adsorber cells Association for Hydrogen Energy, Coral Gables, FL.
IEST-RP-CC009.2 Compendium of standards, practices, methods, and Shieh, C. 2000-2005. Abstracts. Seminar and symposium series of inte-
similar documents relating to contamination control grated cleanroom design and construction. 2000-2005 ASHRAE winter
IEST-RP-CC011.2 A glossary of terms and definitions relating to contam- and annual meetings.
ination control Shieh, C. 2005. Integrated cleanroom design and construction. ASHRAE
IEST-RP-CC012.2 Considerations in cleanroom design Transactions 111(1):355-362.
IEST-RP-CC013 Equipment calibration or validation procedures Spitler, J.D. 2009. Load calculation applications manual. ASHRAE.
IEST-RP-CC014 Calibrating particle counters
Sun, W. 2003. Development of pressurization airflow design criteria for
IEST-RP-CC015 Cleanroom production and support equipment
spaces under required pressure differentials. ASHRAE Transactions
IESR-RP-CC016 The rate of deposition of nonvolatile residue in clean-
IEST-RP-CC017 Ultrapure water: Contamination analysis and control Sun, W. 2005. Automatic room pressurization test technique and adaptive
IEST-RP-CC018 Cleanroom housekeeping—Operating and monitoring flow control strategy in cleanrooms and controlled environments.
procedures ASHRAE Transactions 111(2):23-34.
IEST-RP-CC019 Qualifications for agencies and personnel engaged in Sun, W. 2008. Conserving fan energy in cleanrooms. ASHRAE Journal 50(7).
the testing and certification of cleanrooms and clean air Sun, W. et al. 2010. Development of cleanroom required airflow rate model
devices based on establishment of theoretical basis and lab validation. ASHRAE
IEST-RP-CC020 Substrates and forms for documentation in cleanrooms Transactions 116(1):87-97.
IEST-RP-CC021 Testing HEPA and ULPA filter media Whyte, W. 1999. Cleanroom design, 2nd ed. John Wiley, New York.

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