Soumya Kakarlapudi - Ap Csa Android Studio Skeleton App - Design Brief

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Design Brief

Designers: Soumya Kakarlapudi , Samiksha Yelthimar, Manogna Namburu

Problem Statement: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US and accounts for about
23.1% of all deaths, though it is largely a controllable factor, if diets and lifestyle habits could be
changed. High blood pressure (HBP) that becomes hypertension can also lead to other dangerous
medical conditions, including stroke and heart attack. People do not know or do not have access to
reliable information related to how many calories they are consuming versus how many calories they
need. This leads to serious health deteriorations. Knowing the effect of the food one eats can encourage
healthier lifestyle habits.

Design Statement: Design, model, code, and test an app using Android Studio that is tailored to give
patients a clear and easy way to know how much of their daily nutrition and exercise they have
consumed or completed so that they can make informed decisions about their health.

- must create at least 4 screens including a login screen, a settings screen, and at least 2 activity
screens with different layouts
- must theme the app with colors and at least one background image
- must use a consistent menuing system
- completed app must compile, and be executable within an Android Studio emulator, and must
reflect the design from the initial brainstorming document
- code must be available for review in Github, and must be fully documented in Javadoc format,
including names of each developer, revision history, and date in the class header

- Design Document
- Brainstorm of design and sketch of app
- 1 page Design Brief
- 2 other pages w/ comments and summary of modification you will make
- Summary Document
- State of application, challenges and obstacles, and summary of who did what
- Application on Github
Design Brief
Design Brief

Team Members Comments Suggestions (any


Ethan, Parth, The overall idea seems good. Your Since the app requires constant
Jonathan, Arav layout design seems minimalistic and updating of one’s daily food
easy to use. intake, create methods which
encourage reporting. Maybe add
a way to implement

Niha, Rupali, The app shows how it could benefit Since everybody’s health would
Harini everyone because health app would look different, find out a way to
allow everyone to live a better cater to each individual instead
lifestyle of running a program that would
run on a general basis.

Good, and will change the modern Create a reward system to keep
life in a world where heart attacks are the users engaged and maintain
prevalent, it is important to have a user interaction with the app.
way to regulate people’s health. As Create a progress bar of the
Walt Emerson said, we do not pay user’s overall health to encourage
much attention to ourselves anymore healthy habits.
as we are constantly bombarded by
outside distractions. This applies to
health. Many of us are too distracted
to be able to pay attention to our own
health, so this app would be truly
revolutionary in today's world.
Design Brief
Summary of Final Design (GitHub URL):
We will be designing, modelling, coding, and testing an app using Android Studio that
is tailored to give patients a clear and easy way to know how much of their daily intake
of cholesterol, fats, carbs, sodium, and sugars they have consumed so that they can make
informed decisions about their health. The feedback we received from our peers
included making the app more interactive to give them incentive to keep returning to
our page. The app would require notifications to push to users that would allow them
to engage with the app and a reward system would allow the user to be motivated in
making progress on their health for their own benefit. Many of our peers like the visual
representation and suggested even extending to a progress bar of their overall health.
Mainly, peers liked our idea because it provides an efficient way for people to keep track
of their health and it would be a huge improvement in their daily lives since health is a
main concern for people and people should be more cautious about it. Our app will
include a login screen for the users and a settings screen for user preferences. It will
include another screen to track their food and what they eat in a day. The last screen will
give them some exercise suggestions. The checklist format provides a Finally, the app
visual representation of the types of food they have eaten, and what they should eat to
maintain a healthy lifestyle.


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