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DOCENTE: Juan Carlos Caballero Rojas ASIGNATURA: inglés CURSO: 1101 - 1102
Marque con una x el tipo de competencia que se evaluará:

Saber hacer - Saber Saber Saber ser




Muestro interés en las estrategias, Aplico mis saberes en inglés para Realizo ejercicios y talleres de
para resolver las pruebas saber resolver test y talleres. práctica en clase y en casa, con el fin
11°con el fin de adquirir altos Reconociendo la gramática inglesa, de ejercitarme y mejorar mi
promedios, no solo a nivel sus formas, modos y reglas, para desempeño en inglés; en la
individual, sino pensando en mi resolver situaciones escritas. evaluación tipo “Prueba Saber 11”,
grupo, en la institución, en mi con el fin de verificar mis
ciudad y en Colombia. conocimientos adquiridos.



1Marya Sklodowaska was born on November 7, 1877, in Poland. Marya’s father wanted his five
children to become well educated. Unfortunately, the family was poor. In fact, Marya worked for six
years to support her older sister Bronya so Bronya could study medicine at the Sorbonne in Paris.
4When Bronya finished medical school in 1891, 23 – year old Marya Sklodowaska went to Paris to
begin her own education.

Once she arrived in Paris, Marya changed her name to the French form, Marie. After living with
Bronya and her husband for a short time, she moved to an inexpensive apartment near the
university 8so she could study without interruption. Marie’s student life was extremely poor, but in
spite of her difficult living conditions, she was happy.

In July 1893, Marie passed her physics examination, first in her class. At this time, she met Pierre
Curie, a young scientist. Marie and Pierre discovered that they had much in common. They both
12believed that science was the most important part of their lives. They didn’t care about money or
about being comfortable. They fell in love, and were married on July 26, 1895. Marie and Pierre
Curie were very happy. They discussed their work and the latest scientific events, such as the
discovery of X rays.1 Marie was interested in this research, and began to look for unknown elements
that had such 16rays. Pierre Curie stopped his own research in order to help Marie in her work. He
realized that she was about to make an important discovery.

In 1898, the Curies found two new elements that give off radiation. They named these elements
polonium and radium. In those days, no one knew that such radioactive materials were dangerous.
20In fact, Marie Curie created the word radioactive to describe these materials. They did not know
that exposure to this radioactivity caused their constant fatigue and illnesses, and they kept
working. Finally, in 1902 thy proved the existence of radium.

On June 25, 1903, Marie became the first woman to receive a doctor of science degree from the
24Sorbonne. Then she received and even greater award. In 1903, the Academy of Science at
Stockholm, Sweden awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics to Marie and Pierre Curie and Henri
Becquerel for their discoveries in radioactivity.

The Curies continued to work closely together until a tragic event occurred. On a rainy day in April,
281906, Pierre was killed in a street accident. Marie was heartbroken, but she continued working.
Then, in 1910, she isolated radium. It was the biggest accomplishment of Marie Curie’s career. In
1911, she received the Nobel Prize again, in Chemistry. She was the first woman to receive the
Nobel Prize and the first person to receive it a second time.

32Over the years, Marie’s constant exposure to radiation continued to destroy her health. She died
on July 4, 1934, from an illness caused by her life’s work: radium. Marie Curie never cared about
making any money from her discoveries. Her life had been one of hard work, perseverance, and
self- sacrifice. However, in her personal life, she was happily married and had two daughters.
36Professionally, she made important discoveries and achieved greatness in her field.


1- Scan the article. Look at the time line below for Marie Curie’s life. Choose ten important
dates in her life. Then, fill in the time line with the years you have chosen. On the lines below,
write a sentence to describe what important event happened for each date.

1865 – 1867 – 1875 – 1885 – 1895 - 1905 1915

1867 Marie Curie was born

2- Marie and Pierre Curie discussed their work and the latest scientific events, such as the
discovery of “X rays.” Search the following questions, a part from the article.

a. What are “ X rays “?

b. How do you know?
c. This kind of information is called a

3- In 1898, the Curies discovered two new elements that give off radiation. They named these
elements polonium and radium. In those days, no one knew that such radioactive materials
were dangerous. Search and explain: What is a radioactive material?

Search and read in a dictionary the following words, write the most properly meaning
according to the context of the article.
Marya SUPPORTED her older sister Bronya for six years while Bronya studied medicine at
the Sorbonne in Paris.
a. Support:
b. According to the meaning of that word “SUPPORT”, explain the following sentences:
 Marya worked with Bronya while Bronya studied medicine at the Sorbonne.
 Marya provided Bronya with money to live on while Bronya studied medicine at
the Sorbonne.

5- a. Interrupt:
After living with Bronya and her husband for a short time, Marie moved to an inexpensive
apartment near the university so no one would INTERRUPT her while she studied.

b. According to the meaning of that word “INTERRUPT”, explain the following sentences:
 Marie moved to an inexpensive apartment so no one would talk to her or disturb her
while she studied.
 Marie moved to an inexpensive apartment so no one could stop her from studying.
Read each question carefully. Either circle the letter of the correct answer or write your
answer in the space provided.
1. Marya’s father wanted his five children to become well educated. Unfortunately, the
family was poor.

a. How many brothers and sisters did Marya have? ___________________________

b. This sentence means that none of the children went to a university or all the children
went to a university or maybe the family could not afford to send the children to a
university. Explain the previous sentences and choose which one means the
statement (1).

2- Complete the following sentence with the correct choice. Then explain with your own
words what does this sentence mean?

Marie and Pierre Curie worked well together for many years.
 Pierre died when he was still young.
 Pierre and Marie discovered two new elements.
 Pierre and Marie shared the Nobel Prize in 1903.

3- The family was poor. IN FACT, Marya supported her older sister Bronya until she
finished medical school at the Sorbonne in Paris.
a. This sentence means that:
1.Marya live with her sister
2.Marya gave her sister money to live on
3. Marya helped her sister study

Once you choose the most properly sentence, explain with your own words, whys
that sentence means that.

4- What information follows IN FACT?

a. Additional information that gives more details about the previous sentence.
b. Difference information that introduces a new idea.
c. Explain your answer:
5- ONCE she arrived in Paris, Marya changed her name to the French form, Marie.
In this context, ONCE means:
a. One time
b. When
c. Before
Then once you chose the correct form, write a sentence with each option, in order to
differentiate all the previous.


Read the following questions and think about the answers. Write your answer below each
question. Then, compare your answers with those of your classmates.

1- Marie Curie postponed, or delayed, her own education for six years, so her older sister
Bronya could attend medical school. Why do you think she did this?
2- How did Bronya repay Marie for Marie’s support?
3- What Kind of woman was Marie Curie? Write some adjectives that describe her.
4- Marie curie never cared about making money. As a result, she sometimes worked under
hard conditions. Do you agree with her philosophy? Explain Your reasons.
5- A biography is the story of a person’s life. Prepare a biography of an important person from
your country. Give an oral presentation of this person to your class.


Insights for today, third edition. Lorraine C. Smith and Nancy Nici Mare. – (Thomson Heinle) (2014)

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