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Quarter 2 Interim Review Social Studies 7 Name: ____________________________

1. Define Mercantilism
Belief that the colonies exist only to benefit the mother country

2. What image is associated with the Albany Plan of Union 1754?

Join or die snake

3. Who is the artist of the Albany Plan of Union?

Benjamin Franklin

4. What was the idea behind the Albany Plan of Union?

The colonies should unite under one centralized government

5. Why is the French and Indian War considered to be one of the

leading causes of the American Revolution?

England believed it should be able to tax the colonies in order to help pay war debt

6. Identify 3 ways colonists protested British taxes

-economic / boycott

7. What was the purpose of colonial boycotts of British goods?

To reduce the profits of British merchants

8. Why were British tax laws considered to be unfair?

Colonists believed they should only have to pay taxes placed on them by officials they elected. “No taxation
without representation”

9. What was a Loyalist / Tory?

Colonists loyal to England and against independence

10. What was a Patriot / Rebel?

Colonists who favored rebelling from England

11. The understanding that people have a right to rebel against an unjust government is the main idea of
what document? What date was this document signed?
Declaration of Independence: July 4, 1776

12. What major Revolutionary War battle is considered the turning point of the war? WHY?
1777 battle of Saratoga convinced France to offer assistance in the war

13. What is Federalism?

The sharing of power between State Governments and the Federal Government. Essentially the states are giving
up power to the Federal Government

14. What is the biggest reason the Constitution is considered an upgrade over the Articles of Confederation?
It balanced the power between state governments and the federal government.
15. The Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise at the Constitutional Convention 1787 both
helped solve the dispute over what?
Representation in Congress / Legislative Branch with a Two House Legislature

16. What two concepts were include in the Constitution to prevent any one branch of government from
gaining too much power?
1. Separation of Powers 2. Checks and Balances

17. What was included in the Constitution to allow it to flex and survive over time? How is it done?
The amendment process to change the Constitution. First 2/3 Congress must vote to propose the amendment.
If it gets past that part THEN 3/4 of the states must vote yes to ratify the amendment and add it to the

18. What is an important principle of the United States Constitution?

Limits must be placed on the power of government

19. What two groups came to be over the dispute over the division of power between the national
government and the states?
Federalists who supported the new Constitution and Antifederalist who opposed the new Constitution.

20. What are the first ten amendments known as and why were they added to the constitution?
The Bill of Rights: lists the individual freedoms that must be protected from governmental power.

Short answer essay options. Be able to write at least 5 sentences on one of the following.

 2 causes of the American Revolution

 How does a bill become a law in the United States?
 Explain the amendment process.
 What are some obstacles delegates faced at the Constitutional Convention in creating
a new government?

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