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SSPC-Paint 17

November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Chlorinated Rubber Inhibitive Primer
1. Scope 2. Description

1.1 This specification covers a fast drying chlorinated 2.1 This primer is a mixture of inhibitive pigments,
rubber inhibitive primer for use on steel surfaces or exterior extender pigments, chlorinated rubber, chlorinated resins,
non-submerged surfaces, as well as most submerged sur- plasticizers, and solvents. Details of the composition are
faces prior to being overcoated with additional chlorinated given in Table 1.
rubber coatings. When applied as a shop coat to steel
expected to be exposed to normal weathering or mild 2.2 This primer contains a minimum of 32% by volume
chemical environments for more than 60 days, it is recom- of nonvolatile film-forming solids (pigment and binder). The
mended that either an additional coat of primer be applied minimum theoretical spreading rate for a 1.5 mil (38 mi-
or that the next succeeding coat be applied in the shop. This crometers) dry film thickness is 340 square feet1U.S. gallon
coating is not recommended for areas exposed to strong (8.4 square metersIliter). Actual spreading rates can be
organic solvents, oxidizing acids, or to areas where the significantly lower.
surface temperature exceeds 165°F (74°C). Straight chain
unsaturated acids, and fats and oils of animal or vegetable 3. Reference Standards
origin will cause softening and swelling of the coating.
3.1 The standards referenced in this specification are
1.2 This primer, when applied over properly prepared listed in Sections 3.4 through 3.7 and form a part of this
steel surfaces and coated with SSPC-Paint 18, “Chlori- specification.
nated Rubber Intermediate Coat Paint,” and followed by at
least one (optional) finish coat of SSPC-Paint 19, “Chlori- 3.2 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the
nated Rubber Topcoat Paint,” is suitable for exposures in referenced standards in effect on the date of invitation to
Environmental Zones 1A (interior, normally dry), 1B (exte- bid shall govern unless otherwise specified.
rior, normally dry), 2A (frequently wet by fresh water), 2B
(frequently wet by salt water), 2C (fresh water immersion), 3.3 If there is a conflict between the requirements of
2D (salt water immersion), 3A (chemical, acid), 3B (chemi- any of the cited reference standards and this specification,
cal, neutral), and 3C (chemical, alkaline). the requirements of this specification shall prevail.

1.3 Steel surfaces shall be blast cleaned in accordance 3.4 SSPC STANDARDS AND JOINT STANDARDS:
with SSPC-SP 6, “Commercial Blast Cleaning,” for atmo-
spheric use or with SSPC-SP 10, “Near-White Blast Clean- PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance
ing,” for immersion or heavy chemical use. Steel may also Painting of Steel
be prepared according to SSPC-SP 8, “Pickling.” Paint 18 Chlorinated Rubber Intermedi-
ate Coat Paint
1.4 This primer is intended for application by brush, Paint 19 Chlorinated Rubber Topcoat
roller, or spray and is to be applied in accordance with Paint
SSPC-PA 1, “Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning
Steel.” SP 8 Pickling
SP 10/NACE No. 2 Near-White Blast Cleaning
1.5 If this coating is applied over alkyd- or oil-base
enamels, there is the possibility of lifting, particularly on 3.5 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERI-
interior surfaces. A spot check is necessary to determine ALS (ASTM) STANDARDS:
suitability. If lifting occurs, then a seal-coat, as recom-
B 117 Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
mended by the manufacturer, may be required. For immer-
D 13 Specification for Spirits of Turpentine
sion service, this coating should not be applied over alkyd
D 185 Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pig-
or oil-base enamels.
ments, Pastes, and Paints

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SSPC-Paint 17
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000


Min. Max.
ING RE DIE NTS Wt. Yo Wt. Yo Wt.% Vol.% ASTM Federal
PIGMENT (39 f 10 wt. Yo)
Rust Inhibitive Pigments’ 35.0 - 26.3 5.3
Tinting Pigments2 - 12.0 0.3 0.2
Extender Pigments - 55.0 12.1 6.4 -
Barytes D 602
Magnesium D 605
Mica D 607
VEHICLE: (61 f 10 Wt. Yo)
Chlorinated Rubbei“ 19.0 12.3 10.8
Chlorinated Resins - 3.3 3.0 MIL-C-429,
Type II
Chlorinated Plasticizers 10.0 18.0 6.7 8.4 MIL-C-429
Type I
PlasticizeP - - -
Solvents5 - 65.0 37.0 64.0
Vehicle Stabilizers6 0.6 - 0.4 0.5
Vapor Phase Stabilizers7 0.2 - o. 1 0.2
Suspending Aids8 3.0 1.5 1.2
TOTALS 100.0 100.0

The rust inhibitive pigments shall be of good quality and such that when incorporated in the vehicle
portion of this specification paint, the proposed paint will perform equal to or better than the paint
made from the “control formulation” at each inspection period in the tests described in Sections 5.8
through 5.12. NOTE: When this paint is to be used in a paint system applied to the interior of potable
water vessels, the ingredients shall not be deemed objectionable for such use by the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency or any agency that would have jurisdiction over such matters. When so
formulated, the Salt Fog Test (Section 5.9) requirement shall be waived.
Lightfast and compatible chemically resistant colored pigments shall be used to provide a tint or color
when desired.
The chlorinated rubber shall contain approximately 66% by weight chlorine. The viscosity (based on a

solution of 20% by weight concentration in toluene at 20°C) shall fall in the range of 9 to 14 centi-
poise, when measured according to ASTM D 445. Up to 50% by weight of the amount of
chlorinated rubber could be of the viscosity range of 17 to 25 centipoises, but spray application is
more difficult.
Alternative plasticizers can be used, provided they are compatible, high quality, and chemically
The solvent shall consist of aromatic or a blend of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, with the
aliphatic portion limited to 25% by weight, and shall have a minimum kauri butanol value of 75. Up to
10% by weight of turpentine (ASTM D 13) or other highboiling aromatic type solvents may
be added to improve application properties.
The vehicle stabilizer shall be a suitable chloride accepter such as an expoxidized vegetable oil.
A vapor phase stabilizer, such as propylene oxide, can also be used. It must be a high-grade com-
mercial material suitable for the intended purpose.
The suspending aid shall be hydrogenated castor oil or montmorillonite mineral.

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SSPC-Paint 17
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

D 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Method 4053 Nonvolatile Vehicle Content
Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Method 4061 Drying Time
the Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity) Method 4203 Reducibility and Dilution Stabil-
D 562 Test Method for Consistency of Paints ity
Using the Stormer Viscometer Method 4321 Brushing Properties
D 602 Specification for Barium Sulfate Pigments Method 4331 Spraying Properties
D 605 Specification for Magnesium Silicate Pig- Method 4541 Working Properties and Appear-
ment (Talc) ance of Dried Film
D 607 Specification for Wet Ground Mica Pig- Method 6221 Flexibility
D 1208 Test Methods for Common Properties of 3.7 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE
Certain Pigments (ANSI) STANDARD:
D 1210 Test Methods for Fineness of Dispersion
of Pigment-Vehicle Systems 2129.1 Hazardous Industrial Chemicals-
D 1296 Test Method for Odor of Volatile Solvents Precautionary Labeling
and Diluents
D 1475 Test Method for Density of Paint, Varnish, 4. Composition
Lacquer, and Related Products
D 1542 Test Method for Qualitative Detection of 4.1 Ingredients and proportions shall be as specified in
Rosin in Varnishes Table 1.
D 3278 Test Methodsfor Flash Point of Liquids by
Setaflash Closed-Cup Apparatus 4.2 The primer based on the specified ingredients shall
D 3925 Practice for Sampling Liquid Paints and be uniform, stable in storage, and free from grit and coarse
Related Pigmented Coatings particles. No rosin or rosin derivatives may be used. Benefi-
D 3728 Specification for 2-Ethoxyethyl Acetate cial additives such as anti-skinning agents, suspending
(99% Grade) agents, or wetting aids may be added.

3.6 FEDERAL STANDARDS: 4.3 The paint shall conform to the composition (analy-
sis) requirements of Table 2.
MIL-C-429 Chlorinated Paraffin, Technical
5. Properties
FED-STD-141 Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related
Materials: Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing 5.1 The paint shall meet the requirements of Table 3
and Sections 5.2 through 5.6.
Method 2011 Preparation of Steel Panels
Method 3011 Condition in Container 5.2 ODOR: Shall be normal for the materials permitted
Method 4021 Pigment Content (Ordinary Cen- (ASTM D 1296).

wt. % Wt. % ASTM FED-STD-141
Pigment 29.0 49.0 D 1208 4021
Volatiles - 46.0 D 1208 -
Nonvolatile vehicle 15.0 - - 4053
Uncombined water - 0.25 D 1208
Coarse particles and skins,
as retained on standard
325 mesh screen - 0.05 D 185 -
Rosin or rosin derivaties - O D 1542 -

* Viscosity 48 hours or more after manufacture.


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SSPC-Paint 17
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000



Viscosity* shear rate 200 rpm
Kreb units 70 90 D 562 -
Weight per U.S. gallon, pounds 11.5 (1.4 kg/L) 14.0 (1.7 kg/L) D 1475 -
Fineness of grind, Hegman units 3.0 - D 1210 -
Drying time:
Set to Touch, minutes 15 - - 4061
Dry hard, hours 1 - - 4061
Flash Point, degrees F 80 (27°C) - D 3278 -

*Viscositv 48 hours or more after manufacture.




Basic Lead Silico Chromate2 30.0 11.5 D 1648 -
Barytes 13.0 4.7 D 602 -
Chlorinated Rubber’ 12.5 11.6 - -
Chlorinated Resins 7.4 7.2 - MIL-C-429, Type II
Chlorinated Plasticizers 4.1 5.5 MIL-C-429, Type I

Modified Hydrogenated Castor Oil 1.5 2.7 - -
Epoxidized Soya Oil 0.9 1.2 - -
Propylene Oxide o. 1 0.2 - -
Xylene 23.7 44.1 D 3728 -
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl
Ether Acetate 6.8 11.3 D 343 -
TOTALS 100.0 100.0

’ The chlorinated rubber shall contain approximately 66% by weight chlorine. The viscosity (based on a solution of
20% by weight concentration in toluene at 20 OC) shall fall in the range of 9 to 14 centipoise, when measured
according to ASTM D 445. Up to 50% by weight of the amount of chlorinated rubber could be of the viscosity of
17 to 25 centipoises, but spray application is more difficult.
This pigment is to be used for the reference (i.e., control) paint. A lead and chromate free pigment may be used
provided it meets performance requirements. Users of lead and chromate containing paints are urged to follow all
health, safety, and environmental regulations in applying, handling or disposing of these materials.

5.3 COLOR: The color shall be consistent with the also be compared with that obtained from the “control
choice of inhibitive pigment and shall be obtained by using formulation” paint.
compatible, chemically resistant tinting pigments.
5.5 WORKING PROPERTIES: The paint shall be eas-
5.4 COMPATIBILITY: There shall be no evidence of ily applied by all three methods when tested in accordance
incompatibility of any of the ingredients of the paint when with FED-STD-141, Methods 4321, 4331, and 4541. The
one volume of the paint is slowly mixed with one volume of paint shall show no streaking, running, or sagging after
xylene (FED-STD-41, Method 4203). drying.
Solvent blends shall be checked in an unpigmented
film deposited on glass. The dried film must be clear and 5.6CONDITION IN CONTAINER: The paint shall show
bright. The flexibility and permeability of the trial film shall no thickening, curdling, gelling, or hard caking when tested

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SSPC-Paint 17
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

as specified in FED-STD-141, Method 301 1, after storage on the right 3" (8 cm) from the end. Each stroke of the "X"
for 12 months from date of delivery, in a full, tightly covered must be 4" (1O cm) long. Then the panels shall be placed on
container, at a temperature of 50-1 10°F (10-43°C). exposure. After 60 days exposure, both the proposed and
"control" paints shall show no blistering or rusting on the
5.7 When subjected to the tests described in Sections face and only minor blistering or rusting at the weld and
5.8 through 5.12, the performance of the paint shall be score.
equal to or better than the "control formulation" paint given
in Table 4. 5.12 FRESH WATER IMMERSIONTEST: Panels shall
be 3" x 6" x 1/8" (8 cm x 16 cm x 0.3 cm) cold-rolled steel
5.8 FILM THICKNESS: The primer shall be capable of prepared according to SSPC-SP 1O, "Near-White Blast
being applied to produce a dry film thickness of 1.5 mils (38 Cleaning," using 20-40 mesh silica sand. The primer shall
micrometers) minimum without running or sagging. De- be applied by spray to a 3.0 mil (76 micrometers) dry film
pending upon the volume solids content, this will require a thickness-approximately 9 mils (229 micrometers) wet
wet film thickness of approximately 5 mils (127 microme- film. Half of the immersed area and half of the unimmersed
ters). Panels prepared for the working properties test under area shall be coated with the selected topcoat system. After
Section 5.5 may be used for these measurements. A mini- one week of drying at 70-80°F (21-27"C), the panels shall
mum of five measurements shall be taken to calculate the be partially immersed (halfway) in distilled water at 100°F
average dry film thickness. (38°C). Panels shall be examined every 24 hoursfor blister-
ing, leaching, rusting, or loss of adhesion. Both the pro-
5.9 SALT FOG TEST: This test shall be performed in posed and "control" paints shall pass 500 hours immersion
accordance with ASTM B 117. Panels shall be 3" x 6" x 1/ with no other defect than a slight discoloration (examine
8" (8 cm x 16 cm x 0.3 cm) cold-rolled steel, sandblasted in after a one-hour drying period).
accordance with SSPC-SP 1O, "Near-White Blast Clean-
ing," using 20-40 mesh silica sand. The primer shall be 6. Labeling
applied by spray to a 3.0 mil (76 micrometers) dry film
thickness-approximately 9 mils (229 micrometers) wet 6.1 Referto ANSI Z129.1, "Hazardous Industrial Chemi-
film. After one week of drying at 70-80°F (21-27"C), the cals- Precautionary Labeling." Other guidelines can be
panels shall be scored as indicated in ASTM B 117. Panels found in the National Paint and Coating Association (NPCA)
shall be exposed in the cabinet at a 30 degree angle from "Paint Industry Labeling Guide."
the vertical. Panels shall be tested in duplicate and exam-
ined at 96-hour intervals for a period of 500 hours. 6.2 MARKING OFCONTAINERS: Each container shall
be legible marked with the following information:
5.10 FLEXIBILITY TEST: This test shall be run in
accordance with FED-STD-141, Method 6221. Panels shall Name: Chlorinated Rubber Inhibitive
be 3" x 6" (8 cm x 16 cm) 20 gage cold-rolled steel, cleaned Specification: SSPC-Paint 17
in accordance with FED-STD-141, Method 201 1, Proce- Color:
dure D, followed by Procedure A. Lot Number:
The primer shall be applied by spray to a 3.0 mil (76 Stock Number:
micrometers) dry film thickness-approximately 9 mils (229 Date of Manufacture:
micrometers) wet film. After one week of drying at 70-80°F Quantity of Paint in Container:
(21-27"C), the panel shall be bent over a 1-1/2" (4 cm) Information and Warnings as may be required by
mandrel and shall show no cracking or loss of adhesion. Federal and State Laws:
Manufacturer's Name and Address:
5.1 1 EXTERIOR EXPOSURE: Since exposure envi-
ronments vary, exposure tests must be based on compari- 6.3 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: The following directions
son with the "control formulation" paint. The proposed paint use shall be supplied with each container of paint:
shall provide at least as much protection as the "control
formulation" paint. Panels shall be 6" (16 cm) channel steel Directions for Use of Chlorinated Rubber
in a 12" (30 cm) long section and exposed at a 45 degree Inhibitive Primer
angle south exposure with the flanges horizontal. Each
panel shall have a weld bead approximately 3" (8 cm) long This paint is intended for use as a primer on structural
placed at the left end of the panel about 3" (8 cm) from the steel. Before applying remove all moisture, oil, grease, dirt,
end. The primer shall be applied by spray to a 3.0 mil (76 and loose or nonadhering paint. Rust, rust scale, mill scale,
micrometers) dry film thickness-approximately 9 mils (230 etc., shall be removed by abrasive blast cleaning in accor-
micrometers) wet film. After one week of drying at 70- 80°F dance with SSPC-SP 6, "Commercial Blast Cleaning," or
(21-27"C), the coated steel shall be scored in an "X" pattern SSPC-SP 8, "Pickling." Sound old coatings that are com-

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SSPC-Paint 17
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000

patible with this chlorinated rubber paint may remain, but 7. Inspection
damaged areas or areas with poor adhesion must be spot-
cleaned before priming. When the coating system is in- 7.1 All materials (coatings) supplied under this specifi-
tended for immersion, the surface shall be cleaned in cation are subject to timely inspection by the purchaser or
accordance with SSPC-SP 1O, "Near-White Blast Clean- his authorized representative. The purchaser shall have the
ing," or SSPC-SP 8, "Pickling." right to reject any materials supplied which are found to be
This primer is intended to be followed by an intermedi- defective under this specification. (See Note 9.1 .) In case of
ate paint conforming to SSPC-Paint 18, "Chlorinated Rub- dispute, unless otherwise specified, the arbitration or settle-
ber Intermediate Coat Paint," and/or a finish coat conform- ment procedure established in the procurement documents
ing to SSPC-Paint 19, "Chlorinated Rubber Topcoat Paint." shall be followed. If no arbitration procedure is established,
The entire system is designed to provide maximum chemi- the procedure specified by the American Arbitration Asso-
cal resistance. In more severe environments, a second ciation shall be used.

prime coat is recommended.
Mix paint thoroughly before use. If simple stirring is 7.2 Samples of paints may be requested by the pur-
inadequate, pour off most of the liquid into a clean con- chaser and shall be supplied upon request along with the
tainer. Thoroughly mix the pigment with the remaining manufacturer's name and identification for the materials.
liquid, taking care to scrape all the pigment off the bottom Samples may be requested at the time the purchase order
of the can. Gradually add the poured-off liquid and mix is placed or may be taken from unopened containers at the
thoroughly. Mixing may be made easier by transferring job site.
contents to a larger container or by pouring the paint to and
from another container. Examine bottom of container for 7.3 Unless otherwise specified, the sampling shall be
unmixed pigment. Screen paint before applying. in accordance with ASTM D 3925.
Generally thinners are not used for brush application.
For spray application, the coating may be thinned with
8. Disclaimer
xylene up to 1-1/2 pints per gallon (190 ml/L) of unthinned
paint. A by volume blend of 80% minimum of xylene and 8.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all
20% maximum of an aliphatic solvent having an evapora- information furnished in SSPC standards and specifica-
tion rate faster than that of xylene may be used instead of tions is as accurate, complete, and useful as possible,
straight xylene. SSPC cannot assume responsibility nor incur any obliga-
Apply by brush or spray to the specified film thickness tion resulting from the use of any materials, coatings, or
or, if none is specified, to at least 1.5 mils (38 micrometers) methods specified herein, or of the specification or stan-
dry or approximately 5 mils (127 micrometers) wet. When dard itself.
application is by spraying, the equipment and operator
technique should be properly adjusted to prevent dry spray 8.2 This specification does not attempt to address
and to deposit a wet film of paint on the substrate. Clean the problems concerning safety associated with its use. The
equipment with xylene or the reducing thinner both before user of this specification, as well as the user of all products
and after use. or practices described herein, is responsible for instituting
The surface to be painted shall be dry and the surface appropriate health and safety practices and for insuring
temperature shall be at least 5°F (3°C) above the dew point. compliance with all governmental regulations.
When no ice or frost is present on the substrate, this coating
may be applied at temperatures as low as 5°F (-15°C). Do 9. Notes
not paint outdoors if precipitation, dew, or condensation is
expected before the paint dries.
Notes are not requirements of this specification.
At temperatures of 50-80°F (1527°C) and relative
humidities of 40% to 60%, allow at least three hours drying
9.1 The procurement documents should establish the
time between coats. Allow at least 48 hours of drying time
responsibility for samples, testing, and any required affida-
after the last coat is applied before placing in water immer-
vit certifying full compliance with the specification.
sion service. If the temperature is below 60°F (16°C) or if
the relative humidity is above 60°F (16°C) or if the relative
humidity is above 60%, allow 4 to 7 days before placing in
water immersion service.

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