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The Sankey Diagram in

Energy and Material Flow
Part I: History
Mario Schmidt

energy use The Sankey diagram is an important aid in identifying ineffi-
industrial ecology ciencies and potential for savings when dealing with resources.
industrial engineering It was developed over 100 years ago by the Irish engineer Ri-
material flow analysis (MFA) all Sankey to analyze the thermal efficiency of steam engines
and has since been applied to depict the energy and material
balances of complex systems. The Sankey diagram is the main
tool for visualizing industrial metabolism and hence is widely
used in industrial ecology. In the history of the early 20th cen-
tury, it played a major role when raw materials were scarce
and expensive and engineers were making great efforts to im-
prove technical systems. Sankey diagrams can also be used to
map value flows in systems at the operational level or along
global value chains. The article charts the historical develop-
ment of the diagrams. After the First World War the diagrams
were used to produce thermal balances of production plants
for glass and cement and to optimize the energy input. In
the 1930s, steel and iron ore played a strategic role in Nazi
Germany. Their efficient use was highlighted with Sankey dia-
grams. Since the 1990s, these diagrams have become common
for displaying data in life cycle assessments (LCAs) of prod-
ucts. Sankey diagrams can also be used to map value flows in
systems at the operational level or along global value added
chains. This article, the first of a pair, charts the historical de-
Address correspondence to: velopment. The companion article discusses the methodology
Mario Schmidt
and the implicit assumptions of such Sankey diagrams.
Institute of Applied Sciences IAF
Pforzheim University
Tiefenbronner Str. 65
D-75175 Pforzheim, Germany

c 2008 by Yale University
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2008.00004.x

Volume 12, Number 1

82 Journal of Industrial Ecology


and output streams and tries to optimize them. He

went on to say that the key concepts of industrial
The use of Sankey diagrams has long been ecology include conservation of mass and con-
standard practice in science and engineering. The servation of energy. This is exactly what Sankey
diagrams are described as graphical heat balances diagrams do, as the present article shows. With
(Minister of Fuel and Power 1944, 709), heat bal- their intuitive readability and transparency, they
ance diagrams (Christensen 1990, 394), energy are ideal for interpreting complicated sets of re-
flow charts (Schnitzer 1991), or simply Sankey source flows. It is therefore not surprising that
diagrams (Pople 2001, 138). The diagrams fre- such diagrams were repeatedly used in the past to
quently focus on energy flow and its distribution explain significant findings to a broad public and
to various sources or sinks, represented by ar- to launch technical or social measures. This is
rows, the width of which indicates the amount illustrated below with the aid of a historical inci-
of energy flow. Material flows are also frequently dent closely connected with scarcity of resources.
displayed with Sankey diagrams, and these are The article also traces the history of the Sankey
described, for example, as material flow charts diagram for the first time.
(Koelbel and Schulze 1960). It is not commonly known that the introduc-
If one looks at basic articles on industrial tion of the Sankey diagram over 100 years ago,
ecology or life cycle assessment (LCA), it be- by the Irishman Riall Sankey, was initially con-
comes apparent that they frequently use Sankey nected with a call for efficiency, in this case for
diagrams to show the complexity of indus- steam engines. Whether to help produce more
trial “metabolism.” For instance, Frosch and economical cars or more productive steel plants,
Gallopoulos (1989, 100) used a Sankey diagram the Sankey diagram was subsequently used to
showing the production, use, and subsequent understand and tackle consumption of scarce
whereabouts of platinum metals. Saur and col- resources.
leagues (1996) produced an LCA with a Sankey
diagram tracking the main material flow for the
Thermal Efficiency and Riall
production of aluminum sheet parts in the au-
tomotive industry. Graedel (1996, 72) applied
Sankey diagrams to compare material flows in bi- In the late 19th century, engineers in the up-
ological and industrial ecology. and-coming industrialized countries tried apply-
One could almost believe that Sankey dia- ing scientific methods to further improve steam
grams are the visual language of industrial ecol- engines and optimize them for their respective ap-
ogy. At least since Edward Tufte, the noted plications. The theory of thermodynamics, which
scholar of visual representation, we know how was completed during these years, was a great
important it is to visualize quantitative infor- help to the engineers. They discussed the ques-
mation in order to understand it. It is interest- tion of what an ideal steam engine might look
ing to note that Tufte described Charles Joseph like with particular intensity. The best thermo-
Minard’s map showing the losses sustained by dynamic cycle, the Carnot process, was too ab-
Napoleon’s army during the Russia campaign of stract for practical application. Instead, William
1812–1813 as possibly the best statistical graphic J. M. Rankine and Rudolf Clausius proposed
ever drawn (Tufte, 2001, 40). It has much in the Rankine–Clausius process, named after them,
common with a Sankey representation and can with which real machines could be compared
be found today in nearly every good book on Eu- (Cardwell 1994, 123).
ropean history. With just a few strokes, it shows In the 1870s, Willard Gibbs introduced the
the whole tragedy of the war in Russia. Industrial temperature-entropy diagram. This made it pos-
ecology, conversely, aims to show (and prevent) sible to show the efficiency with which a
the tragedy resulting from human disregard of machine transfers thermal energy into work
natural substance cycles. (Cardwell, 1995, 360). Sankey also examined the
Graedel (1996, 73) pointed out that industrial question of how an ideal practical steam engine
ecology addresses the budgets and cycles of input could be defined and how the efficiency could be

Schmidt, The Sankey Diagram in Energy and Material Flow Management, Par t I: Histor y 83

measured. In this context, in a committee report for these analyses, with its important content,
of the Institution of Civil Engineers, he first used was not the subsequent “Sankey diagram” but in-
the diagram later named after him. The diagram stead the temperature-entropy diagram. When a
was published in 1898 (Sankey 1898, Plate 5). commission appointed by the Institution of Civil
Captain Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey Engineers essentially confirmed Sankey’s ideas 2
was born on 9 November 1853, the son of a years later, he prefaced this report with an intro-
general in Menagh, County Tipperary, Ireland duction that he—rather casually—supplemented
(Anonymous 1926a, 1926b). He joined the Royal with a chart in the annex (Sankey 1898). In this
Military Academy in Woolwich, near Green- introduction, he compared a practicable steam
wich, at that time one of the best technical engine with an idealized steam engine whose
schools in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, thermal flows were represented in the diagram
he went on to the School of Military Engineer- (figure 1). He did not use this mode of repre-
ing in Chatham, in the county of Kent. He was sentation again later. It was a by-product of the
one of the best students, had a profound knowl- discussion of steam engine efficiency and simply
edge of theory, received his certificate as Royal served to illustrate the matter.
Engineer in 1873, and then served in England, in Later, Sankey worked as a consultant and was
Gibraltar, and later as an instructor at the New on the boards of various firms. In his later years,
Royal Military College in Kingston, Canada. In from 1920 to 1921, he was president of the Insti-
1882 he was appointed to the Ordnance Survey in tution of Mechanical Engineers. In the course of
Southampton. his scientific life, he published various books and
In connection with the technical printing technical articles, including “The Energy Chart.
of maps, he learned about copperplate printing. Practical Applications to Reciprocating Steam-
Electricity was necessary for this, which at that Engines.” Sankey died on 3 October 1925.
time was being supplied by expensive batteries. The top chart in figure 1 shows an American
Sankey sought an alternative method using dy- steam engine (Louisville Leavitt Pumping En-
namos driven by constantly running steam en- gine). The steam leaves the boiler with a quan-
gines. He tested several for their suitability and tity of 159,250 B.T.U./min (B.T.U. = British
came across machines designed by Peter Willans, thermal unit, an old energy unit: 1 B.T.U. =
one of the leading inventors in the field of steam 1.055 kiloJoules [kJ]). If the refluxes are taken
engines (Cardwell 1994, 122). Willans’s engines into account, the net supply to the steam engine
were used in the United Kingdom in most power is 142,150 B.T.U. After all losses are deducted,
stations. During the subsequent period, Sankey 27,260 B.T.U. remain for the mechanical work.
conducted various investigations, the results of In the report, the thermal efficiency of the engine
which he published. Like Willans, he had an in- is given as 27,260 / 142,150 = 0.19.
terest in the economic improvement of steam The bottom diagram represents an ideal steam
engines. engine with an assumed Rankine cycle. The losses
At Willans’s suggestion, Sankey resigned his cease to apply. The thermal efficiency here is
commission in 1889 and became a director of the quantified at 0.285.
firm Robinson & Willans. There he conducted Sankey (1898) explained descriptively how
various experiments, including thermodynamic the diagram was to be interpreted:
tests on steam engines, and after the death of
Willans in 1892 he assumed responsibility for No portion of a steam plant is perfect, and
the design of steam engines and turbines for the each is the seat of losses more or less seri-
ous. If therefore it is desired to improve the
steam plant as a whole, it is first of all nec-
It was Sankey who, in the course of technical
essary to ascertain separately the nature of
discussions on steam engine efficiency, declared the losses due to its various portions; and in
that a standard was necessary to compare actual this connection the diagrams in Plate 5 have
steam engines with a perfect steam engine and been prepared, which it is hoped may assist
that the Rankine–Clausius engine was best suited to a clearer understanding of the nature and
for this purpose (Sankey 1896). The diagram used extent of the various losses.

84 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 1 The first two energy flow diagrams of Captain Sankey (1898). They represent two steam
engines—a real one (top) and an ideal one (bottom). The figures are stated in British thermal units (B.T.U.)
per minute. The graphics were designed in such a way that a flow of 100,000 B.T.U./min corresponded to 1
in. in the drawing. Source: Sankey 1898, Plate 5.

The boiler; the engine; the condenser and Accordingly, the flow of heat is represented as
air-pump; the feedpump and the economiser, a stream, the width of which shows the amount of
are indicated by rectangles upon the diagram. heat fed into the factory and leaving it again per
The flow of heat is shown as a stream, the unit of time. The heat losses are indicated by the
width of which gives the amount of heat en- branches. Consequently, the useful energy, in this
tering and leaving each part of the plant per
case the mechanically performed work, is shown
unit of time; the losses are shown by the many
very graphically in comparison with the original
waste branches of the stream. Special atten-
tion is called to the one (unfortunately small) input. The figures are given in absolute quanti-
branch which represents the work done upon ties. Furthermore, the representation shows the
the pistons of the engine (Sankey 1898, 279). processes involved, the boiler and the engine.

Schmidt, The Sankey Diagram in Energy and Material Flow Management, Par t I: Histor y 85

The diagram is immediately clear. It can be the economics of motor vehicles in practical op-
adapted flexibly to various needs and to empirical eration. For this purpose he sought objective and
conditions. There are thus many possible ways of plausible criteria with which he could compare
preparing such charts. The essential feature is the vehicles, and he introduced measurements of typ-
representation of flow sizes by quantified arrows— ical driving situations on a roller dynamometer.
in other words, correspondingly wide arrows. He wanted to measure more appropriate measures
of performance and loss in vehicles and engines.
He can thus be considered as one of the founders
The Use of Sankey Diagrams in
of the automobile tests that are today indispens-
able for every car buyer.
A decade later, Sankey’s diagrams were al- In 1911, Riedler published Wissenschaftliche
ready being used internationally. In 1908, a whole Automobil-Wertung (Scientific Automobile Assess-
series of different “heat balances” was printed ment), in which he presented his first measure-
in a review in the Journal of the Association of ments, including those of a 30 horsepower (hp)
German Engineers of a blast furnace, a coke fur- Renault, a 100 hp Benz, and a 75 hp Adler.
nace, and a comparison between a steam en- The reasons he gave for conducting these in-
gine and a gas engine (VDl 1908). Attention vestigations included fuel scarcity and the need
was drawn to the great superiority of the gas en- to import fuel from other countries. “A vital is-
gine in heat utilization and to the fact that the sue for all motor vehicles: their dependence on
diagram “did not need any further explanation” certain fuels, especially those from foreign coun-
(VD1 1908, 2017). tries” (Riedler 1911, Report 1, 18). The results
One of the first German-speaking engineers were amazing for that time. Riedler was able to
to use Sankey diagrams on a large scale was show that the losses due to the driving unit were
Alois Riedler (1850–1936), who became profes- lower than generally assumed. Instead, the tires
sor of mechanical engineering at the Technical and the thermal losses of the engines had a crucial
University (TH) Berlin in 1888 and later presi- influence on the engines’ efficiency.
dent of the TH Berlin. Riedler traveled abroad
extensively, visiting the World Expositions in As the rolling losses in motor vehicles con-
sume a very large portion of the available
Philadelphia (1876), Paris (1878), and Chicago
engine output, complete clarification . . . is
(1893) as well as many technical teaching in-
extremely important. . . . A slight fraction of
stitutes in, for example, the United States. As the costs spent on the greatly flourishing ad-
a result, he was familiar with developments vertising for pneumatics and automobiles, or
abroad. a small portion of the sums that automobile
Riedler was very practice-driven and called for clubs and even towns and cities spend on rac-
mechanical engineering laboratories to be set up ing events would suffice for thorough inves-
at the technical universities. He also busied him- tigation of this important question. (Riedler
self with matters such as the development of in- 1911, Report V, 13)
ternal combustion engines, and, starting in 1903,
The energy flow diagrams were an important
he built up a laboratory for internal combustion
medium that helped Riedler to illustrate the re-
engines and motor vehicles at the TH Berlin.
sults clearly (see figure 2). In this concrete case,
There he developed the first roller dynamometer
he quantified the vehicle’s effective output for
for motor vehicles and was the first to start scien-
overcoming air resistance, for accelerating, and
tific measurements of such vehicles. At that time,
for climbing gradients at ultimately only 12.5%
he was particularly opposed to assessing motor
of the fuel energy fed in.
vehicles on the basis of the then-customary races
Riedler (1911) wrote,
oriented toward maximum performance parame-
ters, such as speed. Those results were commonly Energy diagrams graphically represent the in-
used for marketing purposes in the advertisements take, output and losses, as well as the en-
of automobile firms. According to Riedler, how- ergy amount then still available and thus
ever, this practice was not expedient for assessing provide a characteristic picture of the fuel

86 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 2 The energy diagram of the 20/30 hp Renault car for 60 km/h driving speed. Source: Riedler 1911,
figure 12.

utilization of the vehicles examined. The fen und Berechnen der Verbrennungskraftmaschinen
findings gained from the energy diagrams of und Kraftgas-Anlagen (Designing and Calculating
energy distribution in the motor vehicle are Internal Combustion Engines and Gas Power Plant),
one of the means for assessing its economic Gueldner (1913, 13) too presented the “special
perfection. It shows the expert the points nature of a heat plan,” called the “Sankey dia-
where essential improvements are possible.
gram.” However, he complained that although
(Riedler 1911, Report I, 9)
this representation provided clarity, it was not
The systematic analyses and the representa- easily and accurately drawn and was therefore
tion of the results in energy flow diagrams made more suitable for general illustration purposes
it possible, above all, to explain relevant charac- than for technical use.
teristics. Riedler (1911, Report V, 25) scornfully Despite this criticism, Sankey diagrams played
remarked that among German engineers there an important role in technical analyses of plants
was “no agreement of views on the meaning of in Germany during the following years. As a re-
the concept of efficiency” and that this led to sult of the demand for reparation payments fol-
misunderstandings and misinterpretations in the lowing the First World War, Germany had to
question of economic efficiency. handle its resources economically. The goal was
Riedler’s work Das Maschinen-Zeichnen (Ma- to improve the yield of energy-intensive processes
chine Drawing) in 1896 was of great significance such as cement production, glass manufacturing,
for engine building and design. In this work he or steelmaking. Plants were measured in detail
called for exact, dimensioned, black-and-white in a series of experiments, and thermal balances
drawings adapted to the relevant purpose, and were drawn up to identify inefficiency and scope
with that he became one of the founders of mod- for improvements. This work was largely carried
ern technical draftsmanship. As early as the 1913 out by cross-company commissions serving the
issue, he presented an “energy diagram” alongside individual branches of industry. The importance
the entropy diagrams, showing the energy flow of such savings for the national economy was of-
of a steam engine. In the textbook Das Entwer- ten pointed out.

Schmidt, The Sankey Diagram in Energy and Material Flow Management, Par t I: Histor y 87

For example, in 1920 a heat-specific advisory ically necessary heat input (see figure 3, Schott
center was set up for the German glass industry 1933).
(WBG; Trier 1992). The membership dues were
assessed on the basis of the fuel consumption of
Material Flow Management in
the firms. Thermal measurements were carried
the Steel Industry
out on real plants belonging to the members in
order to improve, for example, the gas generators After the First World War, supplies of raw
or the smelting furnaces. Accordingly, the first materials for the German steel industry were crit-
known heat balance was drawn up for a whole ical. There was a lack of fuels. That is why the
glass smelting plant. The results were compiled main tasks in the 1920s and 1930s were grouped
in the WBG publication series and made a major around the concepts of operating economically
contribution to the progress of thermal engineer- and improving product quality (Spingorum 1936,
ing in the glass industry. 1043). Today one would talk about improving
Within the cement industry, Portland- efficiency and quality management. Energy ex-
Zementwerke Heidelberg-Mannheim had been penditures accounted for about one quarter of
conducting experiments since 1904 to utilize total product production costs, which is why the
waste gases for steam production. In the 1920s, Heating Center Duesseldorf of the association of
a furnace commission of the association of Ger- German ore smelting works was set up at the be-
man Portland cement factories conducted com- ginning of the 1920s as a joint enterprise for all
prehensive measurements and produced system- German smelting plants. It developed and ex-
atic heat balances of various cement kilns. The panded measuring systems to obtain reliable data
first Sankey diagrams for firing cement were pre- on the production and consumption of energy
sented in 1927 (Schott 1954) and then became resources, and its reports provided plant man-
an indispensable graphical instrument. The re- agers with guiding values and reference points
sults of the analysis were used to compare var- for improvements, for more uniform use of en-
ious furnace types, to propose improvements ergy, and for ongoing cost monitoring. Thanks to
in process engineering, and ultimately to com- scheduled heat management, it became possible
pare the theoretically optimal heat balance with to lower the heat consumption needed per ton of
the real, empirical heat balance. Depending on steel by more than one quarter within the space
the type of furnace, manufacturing procedure, of just 10 years.
and combustion facility, the thermal consump- Furthermore, as of 1923, data had been col-
tion of cement production in the 1920s fluctu- lected on total “material management,” as it was
ated between twice and five times the theoret- called in those days—in other words, on the use

Figure 3 Theoretical heat outlay (left) and practical heat consumption (right) in cement production. Source:
Schott 1954, figures 3 and 4, page 154.

88 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 4 Iron flow chart for the German iron industry. Figures related to 100% iron content in ore. Source:
Reichardt 1937, figure 2.

of raw and auxiliary materials and of finished and the “material flow chart” as a valuable aid that
semifinished products. At the time, this was done can contain quantity-based information about
for purposes of cost monitoring and was essen- the origin, production, processing, and purpose
tially promoted by a new species of expert—the of a material. He presented national balances for
business economist. iron, copper, and lubricating oil.
There was also another reason for material Figure 5 shows the general arrangement of
management. Iron ore had become a scarce com- a material flow chart by Goerens (H. Schmidt
modity in Germany after the country had been 1936, 14). The accompanying explanation is in-
forced to cede the rich ore mines in Lorraine teresting:
back to France after the First World War. Many
iron resources in Germany were of lower quality, A raw material, R, comes from within the
which made it more difficult to process them in country, 1, or from abroad, 2, and, up to con-
blast furnaces. Thanks to the intelligent combi- sumption, runs through a series of stages, C,
D, E, F, covering selection, conversion, pro-
nation of the various processes for obtaining pig
cessing and shaping. At each stage, starting
iron, it proved possible to increase the yield con- with the domestic raw material, export, 3,
siderably. The use of scrap and the closing of ma- can take place. In addition, a part of the ma-
terial cycle loops (Reichardt 1937, 1104) played terial is eliminated from the work flow at each
a key role here, as figure 4 shows with average stage. If it can be saved in value terms in any
values for the entire German economy. form and be returned to one of the preceding
Whereas using Sankey diagrams became stan- stages, it appears as material recirculation in
dard practice for the energy and heat industry various forms, 4a, 4b, 4c. If recovery does not
as of 1931 (Waermestelle Duesseldorf 1931, 9), enter into consideration either technically or
their use for quantity-related material manage- economically, then the loss, sub-flow 5, ap-
ment took off in the mid-1930s. In a lecture at pears. A loss of the material also occurs if it
is used up completely during the processing
an engineering conference in Breslau in 1935,
stage. Also, export represents a material loss
Professor Paul Goerens (1935) talked about raw for the material economy of a country. . . .
material management issues. In line with the The plotting of the individual flows to scale
times, the lecture was all about state-forced man- results in a precise overview of the manage-
agement and national autonomy. He referred to ment of a material.

Schmidt, The Sankey Diagram in Energy and Material Flow Management, Par t I: Histor y 89

Figure 5 The diagram of a flow

chart according to Goerens (1935).
Source: Schmidt 1936, figure 1.

The reflux of a part of the material to the work The third group is made up of materials that
process resulting from circulation triggers the serve as auxiliaries, e.g., as solvents or bond-
additional demand for new raw material. . . . ing agents in the chemical conversion of
Depending on the type of consumption, it is other materials. Managing these is intended
possible to make a sub-division into different to form a cycle with no loss, as far as is
material groups whereby the flow chart has a possible.
particularly descriptive form.
Once the need for management has been as-
certained by a material balance and material
The first group comprises all materials that
flow pattern, it will be necessary to seek ways
are consumed completely. Examples of this
of limiting the imports of foreign materials
are liquid fuels, solid fuels and foods. The
without harming the national economy. This
flow pattern of such materials is character-
includes savings measures, consulting science
ized by the fact that it lacks the material
and research, as well as progress in technol-
circulation. . . .
ogy. Furthermore, all means of reducing losses
and recycling wastes are to be considered. (H.
A second group consists of those materials Schmidt 1936, 14)
that do not lose their material value, but
of which the form of use is devalued, such The article thus states important aspects of
as metal, rubber, lubricating oil, and paper. modern material flow management and closed cy-
Apart from the case of exports, material loss cle management—but for the purpose of a devel-
only occurs as a result of wear. As wastes result oping war economy. The special type of diagram
from each processing stage that can be pro-
was then taken up in many ways by the steel
cessed again, the scrap generated is not very
industry engineers to analyze the raw material
significant for material management as long
as the conversion does not cause any notable situation (Bansen 1936, 1937). The seriousness
loss of material. However, the economic vi- with which material management was pursued in
ability is influenced. The level of the reflux those days is really quite amazing. For instance,
alone determines the replacement with fresh consider that cleaning rags were recycled in the
material. smelting industry (Heinrich 1937).

90 Journal of Industrial Ecology


It is remarkable that this “material manage- In this connection, Rummel talked of a “mate-
ment” in the steel industry was chiefly propagated rial budget”—a concept that was taken up again
and implemented by business economists. Alto- in detail 60 years later in environmental sci-
gether, these new business economists had to jus- ence (Baccini and Bader 1996)—that explored
tify their existence in dealings with classic com- the material balance in detail. Rummel (1936,
mercial and engineering staff. Business adminis- 225) stated,
tration had been first introduced as an academic
Thinking in terms of balances must increas-
subject in Germany in 1898, with the first higher
ingly replace the crude term “outputs in per-
commercial college in Leipzig, initially under the cent.” In the heat industry the output is set
title Private Economics or the Science of Trade against the “efficiency.” . . . However, often
(Schneider 1999, 16). Kurt Rummel, chairman of enough, it is not at all certain what the de-
the Committee of Business Administration of the nominator is and what the numerator is as
Association of German Metallurgy, pointed out regards either efficiency or output.
the advantages and mode of operation of business
By way of example, he cited recycled scrap,
administration in an article, saying that they which was simply left out of many net con-
siderations, which then led to misinterpreta-
consist in planning, planning not on the tions of the overall performance of a plant.
grounds of any “sensing” through fingertips, This is, by the way, an error that is still (or
but on the basis of very carefully collected once again) found in production sites that
statistical and experimental findings on the apply internal recycling today.
passage of the material through the plants
over time. All major influences are ascer- Naturally, Rummel also continued his consid-
tained and the effects of these influences are erations further to obtain a value-based analysis.
identified with special auxiliary means and
We must of course be clear that the quantity-
formed into a system. Thinking in terms of
specific saving that can be achieved by all
balances makes the sources of losses appear
these measures is only slight. In terms of
more clearly; calculating with carefully eval-
value, though, as in every balance, the sin-
uated quantities helps to select the suitable
gle percentage point saved is of key impor-
material, the most expedient process and the
tance for the final calculation; this only be-
correct plant. (Rummel 1936, 228)
comes apparent in the profit and loss account.
(Rummel 1936, 226)
Rummel ascertained that the demand for ma-
terial management personnel and a distinct ma- He then went on to consider relevant issues
terial management system was very high. In the such as how inventories can be evaluated—for
steel industry this was understandable, as that example, on the basis of purchase price, book
branch is based on materials (i.e., raw materi- price, or replacement price—and how capital ser-
als and auxiliary materials—not including fuel) vicing of plant installations should be taken into
that constitute 35% to 45% of costs (Rummel account. He adopted the position that existing
1936, 222). The required investigations, there- installations, irrespective of whether they have
fore, track the passage of the material over time, been written off, should not be included in com-
on the basis of quantity and quality. The strict parative costing.
division of costs into two constituent parts, con- The first Sankey diagram with value flows
sumption in quantity units and price in money was suggested in this connection by Warczewski
units, was said to be important: (1937; figure 6). What is remarkable in this rep-
resentation is that it divides input and output
sides on the basis of differing criteria—according
The purely quantity-based consideration is
particularly important today in view of the to material group and type of use—and also at-
scarcity of raw materials and the necessary tempts to include the initial and final inventory.
careful treatment of the few raw material re- In the example, these do, after all, amount to
sources that our country is able to supply it- 21% of annual turnover. This is because the ques-
self. (Rummel 1936, 224) tion of inventory becomes relevant if the subject

Schmidt, The Sankey Diagram in Energy and Material Flow Management, Par t I: Histor y 91

Figure 6 Schematic annual value flow of the materials in an iron and steel works. Source: Warczewski 1937,
figure 1.

of the flow is no longer heat or energy but in- materials. One can pick up this concern again to-
stead concrete objects that can be stored and that day, though for different reasons—that is, because
are subject to mass balance maintenance. These raw materials are scarce and expensive through-
analyses were used to reduce the stock quantities out the world and their use represents a burden
as the speed of turnover increased—that is, to for the environment. Sankey diagrams might be
optimize procurement. a helpful tool to illustrate and optimize complex
material flow systems again—but now with an ac-
tual view of the industrial metabolism and with
Conclusions the new goal of reducing the ecological impact.
In the 1930s, the difficult framework condi- In this context, methodological improvements
tions in the steel production sector, character- and new application areas of the Sankey diagram
ized by high prices and a scarcity of raw materi- could be useful for practical purposes in compa-
als, led to what later came to be called “material nies. This will be the topic of part II (M. Schmidt
management,” thus practically forcing the appli- 2008), the sequel to this article.
cation of material balances or Sankey diagrams.
The graphics played a major role in explaining
the complicated situation to a broad public and
in obtaining the necessary policy. Acknowledgements
The circumstance of this having been I should like to thank the three unknown re-
directly connected with Germany’s war prepa- viewers for their suggestions and Linda Golding
rations should not mask the insight that the spe- and Clayton Macdonald for their support with
cific concern was to achieve efficiency in raw the language.

92 Journal of Industrial Ecology


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94 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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