Tpe 6 Developing As A Peofessional Educator

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March 25, 2021


TPE 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Developing as a professional educator means taking the appropriate steps towards

growing as a professional inside and outside the classroom. As a music teacher this means
always improving as a musician and refining your technical skills as a musician. The artifact that
I have chosen for TPE number six is a video of me conducting along with the accompaniment
track for the piece My Favorite Things. This video was distributed to all the students and was
used to help students sing and film their virtual choir. To prepare to film this conducting track I
spent time prepping the score and my conducting gestures. This means that I analyzed the music
and marked where I needed to cue the choir, I marked any written in dynamics, I marked in
phrasing, and I marked in final cut off’s and final consants. Conducting is a skill that all music
teachers must possess, and to be able to conduct well is an art within itself. Conducting is
something that many music educators commit themselves to studying and improving upon for
the rest of their lives. Due to COVID, I have not had a ton of conducting experience, and so to be
given the opportunity to prep and film these conducting videos had allowed me to grow as a
professional musician and music educator.

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