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Class No. 14
Angel Tristan S. Lim July. 9, 2018
12 - Miki Individual Proposal

Product: E-Notebook
DescripIon: A tablet that only has one feature — a notebook. Consumers can use
this tablet to store as much notebooks as the tablet’s storage can handle (32 GB,
64 GB, or 128 GB). Users can write notes using the built in stylus (which feels just
like wriIng with a pencil/pen on a tradiIonal notebook), and the notes will
automaIcally be transferred to the desired notebook. There will be no need to
worry about ripped pages, or constantly flipping through numerous pages as the
tablet will automaIcally create “new pages” to be wri]en on. Once finished the
user can simply add the notes taken to any notebook that they have stored. This
product’s only use is to be a notebook, hence, users will not be tempted to use
other applicaIons.

Vision and Mission: Vision — Eliminate the use of trees to make notebooks, and
Mission — Provide consumers with an alternaIve to
tradiIonal notebooks to avoid heavy paper consumpIon.

ExplanaIon: TradiIonal notebooks usually use a lot of paper when being

constructed. Also, someImes, people have accidents, which can oben result to a
waste of paper. With the onset of global warming, trees are becoming a scarce
need, and are being depleted faster than ever. Eventually, the use and the making
of tradiIonal notebooks, will add to the depleIon of trees, eventually degrading
our quality of life. The product aims to negate the effects of making tradiIonal
notebooks, to be able to provide humans, with a sustainable future, filled with

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