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Mantra Vidhan/मन्त्र विधान: Sound is Brahma, Mantra is not just the word, but the set of word, its
intonation and meaning. Any of these independently does not qualify to be called mantra. It is
said that the word along with its intonation is mantra (Sa Swaro Mantraah), while the same word
when not accompanied by its intonation is for contemplation of the meaning alone. -Mantra

Before Chanting any spell, following rules are to be observed by Mantra Vidhan, then you
can see the result immediately.
According Mantra Vidhan: Muhurat, Direction, Wooden Stool, Seat, Rosary Should be arranged
as per the type of Mantra Sadhana.
1) Sanctification: For sanctification take water on the left palm and cover the palm with right
palm and chant the following spell. Thereafter sprinkle the water all over your body.
ॐ अपवित्र : पवित्रो  वा  सर्वावस्थां गतोs पिवा ।
य: स्मरे त पु ड
ं रीकाक्षं स: बाह्य अभ्यंतर: शु चि ॥
2) Rinsing: For the inner sanctification take a pot of water and with the help of a spoon, drink
the water after each spell three times. This act will purify your mind, voice and deeds.
ॐ अमृ तोपस्तरणमसि स्वाहा।
ॐ अमृ ताविधानमसि स्वाहा।
ॐ सत्यं यश: श्रीमंयी श्री: श्रयतां स्वाहा।
ॐ नारायणाय नम:” बोल कर हाथ धो ले ।
3) Pranayam: Inhale the air slowly and keep it inside for a while and breathe out slowly. This
process is called Prayanam. After pronouncing the following spell, while breathing in you should
feel that you are getting the power and sense through inhaling and while breathing out feel that
all the sins and bad habits are going out with the air.
ॐ भू: ॐ भु व: ॐ स्व: ॐ मह:।
ॐ जन: ॐ तप: ॐ सत्यम।
ॐ तत्सवितुर्ररे ण्यं भर्गो दे वस्य धीमही धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात।
ॐ आपोज्योतिरसोअमृ तं बह्मभूर्भुव स्व: ॐ।
4) Body Pledge: Take water on the left palm and join all the five fingers of right hand pour the
fingers into the water and touch different parts of the body feeling that all your body parts are
being sanctified and scrumptious. This will empower the body parts and makes sensible.
ॐ वाड़्॰गमे आस्ये ऽस्तु (मुख को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ नसोऽर्मे  प्राणोऽस्तु (नासिका के दोनों छिद्रों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ अक्ष्णोर्मे  चक्षु रस्तु (दोनों ने त्रों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ कर्णयोर्मे श्रोत्रमस्तु (दोनों कानों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ बाह्वोर्मे  बलमस्तु (दोनों बाहों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ ऊवोर्मे   ओजोऽस्तु (दोनों जांघों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ अरिष्टानि अङ्गानि सन्तु (शरीर के सभी अंगों को स्पर्श करें )
5) Worship of seat: Before chanting any spell the worship of the seat is essential. For this chant
the following spell and make a triangle under the seat and put rice, flower and a little water on it
and pray to earth so that the Dosha of earth.
ॐ   हर् ीं    क्लीं   आधारशक्ति    कमलासनाय    नम: ।
ॐ   पृथ्वि!  त्वया  घृतालोका  दे वी!   त्वं   विष्णुना  घृ ता
त्वं   च   धारय    मां   दे वी!   पवित्रं    कुरु    चासनम्।
ॐ आधार शक्तये नमः, ॐ कुर्मासनाय नमः, ॐ अनन्तसनाय
नमः, ॐ  विमलासनाय  नमः, ॐ  आत्मासनाय   नमः ।
6) Boding to the Direction: Chanting the following spell sprinkle water and rice to all the
directions and thereafter hit the earth thrice with heel. This will eradicate the negative energy
and there will be no obstacles while performing the accomplishment.
ॐ अपसर्पन्तु ते भूता: ये भूता: भूमि संस्थिता:।
ये   भूता:  विघ्नकर्तारस्ते   नशयन्तु   शिवाज्ञया॥
अपक् रामन्तु भूतानि  पिशाचा: सर्वतो  दिशम्।
सर्वेषामविरोधेन पुजा कर्म समारभे ॥
7) Resolution: It means that without aim no one can achieve the target hence before the
chanting resolution must be done. On the right palm take water, one coin, rice and resolute. In
Sadhana take the resolution ion the first day. You can make the total resolution in first day itself
for the total period and Drop the water of the palm on ground. -Mantra Vidhan.
ॐ  विष्णु विष्णु विष्णु मैं आज शु भ संवत् ………, शक संवत्…………., सन्………, मासोत्तमेमासे …………..मासे ,
……………………शु क्ल/कृष्ण
पक्षे …………, तिथि……….., दिन…………, क्षे त्र………., पता…………, तल………..,
मु हर्त…………., चरण…………., गौत्र…………., नाम…………, मैं ………….साधना/प्रयोग करने का संकल्प
करता हुं!
जिससे मेरी यह कामना……………….., भविष्य में शीघ्र पूर्ण हो, व मेरे जीवन में से समस्त प्रकार की दरिद्रता
ऋण, बाधा,
कष्ट, पीड़ा, शत्रु आदि समाप्त हो, इस सभी कामनाओं के लिए मैं यह ……………………………., साधना कर रहा
हूँ। हे !
भगवान सदाशिव व माँ भगवती आप स्वयं आकर मु झे यह साधना पूर्ण कराये ऐसा मैं आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने का आकांक्षी
8) Meditation for Ganapati: For the success of any work Lord Ganapati is worshipped. At first
perform the adoration and worship of Ganapati.
विध्ने श्वराय  वरदाय   सुरप्रियाय।
लम्बोदराय सकलायजगद्विताय॥
नागाननाय श्रुति यज्ञ  विभूषिताय।
गौरी  सु तायगणनाथ नमो नमस्ते ॥
9) Meditation for Lord Shiva: Folding both the hands meditate Lord Shiva as Guru and worship
गु रूर्ब्रह्मा गु रूर्विष्णु ः गु रूर्देवो महे श्वरः।
गु रू साक्षात परंब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गु रूवे नमः ॥
10) Meditation for goddess Durga: Pray goddess Durga with folded hands and worship her.
नमो  दै व्यै महादे व्यै   शिवायै   सततं  नम:।
नम: प्रकृतयै भद्रायै नियता: प्रणता: स्मताम॥
या  दे वी  सर्व  भूतेषु  मातृरूपे ण  संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै   नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥
11) Guru Mantra: After that take a yellow Hakik rosary or Rudraksha rosary and chant the
following spell one rosary so that your accomplishment becomes successful. Thereafter
according to norms start Sadhana by Mantra Vidhan.
॥ ॐ परम तत्वाय नारायण गु रुभ्यों नम: ॥

मन्त्र विधान/MANTRA VIDHAN

शब्द ही ब्रह्म है । शब्दों का विशे ष सं योजन ही ‘मन्त्र’ कहलाता है । जिस तरह शब्द के बिना शब्द के अर्थ की उत्पत्ति
सम्भव नहीं है , उसी तरह ‘शब्द’ और ‘अर्थ’ का सम्बन्ध ठीक वै सा ही है जै सा कि ‘शिव’ और ’शक्ति’ का, ले किन मन्त्र का
जाप सीधे तौर पर नहीं किया जाता, हर मन्त्र के पीछे कुछ ना कुछ विधान अवश्य होता है । यदि उस विधान अनु सार
मन्त्र का जाप किया जाये तो निश्चित ही कार्य सिद्ध होते है ।
कोई भी मन्त्र जाप करने से पूर्व निम्नलिखित मन्त्र विधान/Mantra Vidhan अवश्य ही करें , फिर दे खें किस तरह से
आपके मनोवांछित कार्य समय पर पूरे होंगे।
Mantra Vidhan: मु हर्त ू , दिशा, चौकी, आसन, माला आदि विधान का प्रयोग उस साधना अनु सार करें जिस साधना को
आप करने जा रहे है ।
1) पवित्रीकरण: पवित्रीकरण के लिए बाएँ (Left Hand) हाथ में जल ले कर दाहिने (Right Hand) हाथ से ढक कर निम्न
मं तर् पढ़े मं तर् पूरा पढकर सीधे हाथ से अभिमं त्रित जल को अपने सं पर्ण ू शरीर पर छिडक लें । ऐसा करने से शरीर की
शु दधि् होती है ।
 ॐ अपवित्र : पवित्रो  वा  सर्वावस्थां गतोs पिवा ।
य: स्मरे त पु ड
ं रीकाक्षं स: बाह्य अभ्यंतर: शु चि ॥
2) आचमन: आं तरिक शु दधि ् के लिए पं चपात्र(लोटा) में से जल ले कर आचमनी(चम्मच) से तीन बार निम्न मं तर् ो के
उच्चारण के साथ एक-एक करके जल पीये । ऐसा करने से आपकी मन वचन और कर्म से आं तरिक शु दधि ् होती है ।
ॐ अमृ तोपस्तरणमसि स्वाहा।
ॐ अमृ ताविधानमसि स्वाहा।
ॐ सत्यं यश: श्रीमंयी श्री: श्रयतां स्वाहा।
ॐ नारायणाय नम:” बोल कर हाथ धो ले ।
3) प्रणायाम: श्वास को धीमी गति से अं दर गहरी खींचकर थोड़ा रोकें एवं पुन: धीरे -धीरे निकालना प्रणायाम कहलाता है ।
निम्न मं तर् के उच्चारण के उपरान्त, अपनी श्वास खींचते समय यह भावना करें कि प्राण शक्ति एवं चे तना सांस के द्वारा हमें
प्राप्त हो रही है और श्वास छोड़ते समय यह भावना करें कि समस्त दुर्गण-दुष्प्रवृ तियां , बु रे विचार, श्वास के साथ बाहर
निकल रहे है ।
ॐ भू: ॐ भु व: ॐ स्व: ॐ मह:।
ॐ जन: ॐ तप: ॐ सत्यम।
ॐ तत्सवितुर्ररे ण्यं भर्गो दे वस्य धीमही धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात।
ॐ आपोज्योतिरसोअमृ तं बह्मभूर्भुव स्व: ॐ।
4) अंग न्यास: बाएँ (Left Hand) हाथ में जल ले कर दाहिने हाथ(Right Hand) की समूहबद्ध, पांचों उंगलियों से निम्न
मं तर् ों के साथ शरीर के विभिन्न अं गों को स्पर्श करें और ऐसी भावना मन में रखे कि वे सभी अं ग शक्तिशाली ते जस्वी और
पवित्र बन रहे है । ऐसा करने से अं ग शक्तिशाली बनते है और चे तना प्राप्त होती है ।
ॐ वाड़्॰गमे आस्ये ऽस्तु (मुख को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ नसोऽर्मे  प्राणोऽस्तु (नासिका के दोनों छिद्रों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ अक्ष्णोर्मे  चक्षु रस्तु (दोनों ने त्रों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ कर्णयोर्मे श्रोत्रमस्तु (दोनों कानों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ बाह्वोर्मे  बलमस्तु (दोनों बाहों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ ऊवोर्मे   ओजोऽस्तु (दोनों जांघों को स्पर्श करें )
ॐ अरिष्टानि अङ्गानि सन्तु (शरीर के सभी अंगों को स्पर्श करें )
5) आसन पूजन: किसी भी मन्त्र के जाप से पूर्व आसन पूजन अवश्य ही होता है । इसके लिए निम्न मं तर् पढ़कर आसन के
नीचे त्रिकोण बनाकर अक्षत, पुष्प व जल अर्पित करें और पृ थ्वी माता से हाथ जोड़कर निम्न मन्त्र पढ़कर प्रार्थना करें ,
ऐसा करने से पृ थ्वी दोष नहीं लगता।
ॐ   हर् ीं    क्लीं   आधारशक्ति    कमलासनाय    नम: ।
ॐ   पृथ्वि!  त्वया  घृ तालोका  दे वी!   त्वं   विष्णुना  घृता
त्वं   च   धारय    मां   दे वी!   पवित्रं   कुरु    चासनम्।
ॐ आधार शक्तये नमः, ॐ कुर्मासनाय नमः, ॐ अनन्तसनाय
नमः, ॐ  विमलासनाय  नमः, ॐ  आत्मासनाय   नमः ।
6) दिग् बन्धन: निम्नलिखित मन्त्र का उच्चारण करते हुए चारों दिशाओं में ऊपर नीचे जल या अक्षत(चावल) छिड़क दें ,
तत्पश्चात अपनी बाईं एड़ी से तीन बार भूमि पर आघात करें , ऐसा करने से आपके आस-पास की नकारात्मक ऊर्जा समाप्त
हो जाती है और साधना करने में कोई विघ्न नहीं आता।
ॐ अपसर्पन्तु ते भूता: ये भूता: भूमि संस्थिता:।
ये   भूता:  विघ्नकर्तारस्ते   नशयन्तु   शिवाज्ञया॥
अपक् रामन्तु भूतानि  पिशाचा: सर्वतो  दिशम्।
सर्वेषामविरोधेन पुजा कर्म समारभे ॥
7) संकल्प: सं कल्प का अर्थ है – उद्दे श्य, बिना उद्दे श्य के लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति नहीं होती इसलिए मन्त्र जाप से पूर्व सं कल्प
अवश्य ही करना चाहिए। सीधे हाथ में जल, रुपया, चावल ले कर सं कल्प करें । साधना में सं कल्प पहले दिन ही करें । जै से –
आप 5 या 11 दिन की साधना करने जा रहे है, तो पहले दिन ही 5 या 11 दिन का मन्त्र जाप करने का सं कल्प कर लें ,
नित्य सं कल्प की आवश्यकता नहीं है ।
ॐ  विष्णु विष्णु विष्णु मैं आज शु भ संवत् ………, शक संवत्…………., सन्………, मासोत्तमेमासे …………..मासे ,
……………………शु क्ल/कृष्ण पक्षे …………, तिथि……….., दिन…………, क्षे त्र………., पता…………,
मु हर्त…………., चरण…………., गौत्र…………., नाम…………, मैं ………….साधना/प्रयोग करने का संकल्प
करता हुं!
जिससे मेरी यह कामना……………….., भविष्य में शीघ्र पूर्ण हो, व मेरे जीवन में से समस्त प्रकार की दरिद्रता ऋण,
कष्ट, पीड़ा, शत्रु आदि समाप्त हो, इस सभी कामनाओं के लिए मैं यह ……………………………., साधना कर रहा
हूँ। हे !
भगवान सदाशिव व माँ भगवती आप स्वयं आकर मु झे यह साधना पूर्ण कराये ऐसा मैं आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने का आकांक्षी
जल भूमि पर छोड़ दे!

8) गणपति ध्यान: किसी भी कार्य सिद्धि के लिए श्री गणपति का स्मरण किया जाता है । इसलिए दोनों हाथ जोड़कर
मं गल मूर्ति का ध्यान करें और गणपति पूजन करें ।
विध्ने श्वराय  वरदाय  सुरप्रियाय।
लम्बोदराय सकलायजगद्विताय॥
नागाननाय श्रुति यज्ञ  विभूषिताय।
गौरी  सु तायगणनाथ नमो नमस्ते ॥
9) शिव ध्यान करें  : इसी तरह दोनों हाथ जोड़कर गु रु रूप में शिव का ध्यान करें शिव पूजन करें ।
गु रूर्ब्रह्मा गु रूर्विष्णु ः गु रूर्देवो महे श्वरः
गु रू साक्षात परंब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गु रूवे नमः ॥
10) दु र्गा दे वी ध्यान : इसके बाद दोनों हाथ जोड़कर माँ दुर्गा का ध्यान करें और उनका पूजन करें ।
नमो  दै व्यै महादे व्यै   शिवायै   सततं  नम:।
नम: प्रकृतयै भद्रायै नियता: प्रणता: स्मताम॥
या  दे वी  सर्व  भूतेषु  मातृरूपे ण  संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै   नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥
11) गु रु मन्त्र:  इसके मन्त्र विधान/Mantra Vidhan अनु सार बाद पीली हकीक माला  या रुद्राक्ष माला से निम्न
तांतर् ोक्त गु रु मं तर् की 1 माला जप करें जिससे आपकी साधना और मन्त्र जाप में आपको शीघ्र ही पूर्ण सफलता मिले ।
इसके बाद साधना विधान अनु सार साधना प्रारं भ करे -
 गु रु मंतर् :                  
॥ ॐ परम तत्वाय नारायण गु रुभ्यों नम: ॥


Mantra Chanting Rules/मन्त्र जाप के नियम: Mantra word is Brahma. In fact Mantra is a symbolic
and emotional language which is concerned with god and emotions. The chanting counting by
rosary is called accomplishment. There are specific rules for chanting a mantra (Mantra Chanting
Rules). These are found in Siksha, the text on science of chanting. The various factors involved in
chanting, such as pronunciation, intonation, stress are explained in it. The chanting of a
mantra/Mantra Chanting Rules, though it involves intonation and rhythm, is different from
singing. If the rules of chanting are followed carefully, it will provide providential results.

Mantra Chanting Rules for Sadhna:

Mantra Sadhana can be done easily by anyone. There is no bondage of caste or religion for this.
The Sadhana can be done by any one like man, woman, children and old people. During the
menstruation women should not do it. If she becomes under period during the Sadhana, she can
stop and again start when it is over.

This Sadhana can be done in solitude or isolated place, Siddha pith, bank of the river, on the
peak of the mountain, in forest or under the Peepal or wood apple tree. Remember that there
should not be any interruption during the Sadhana.

Before starting the Sadhana you should be determined that by observing this
accomplishment/Mantra Chanting Rules you will achieve your target. The Sadhana you are going
to perform do it with full trust. It is the most essential part of the Sadhana.

Concentration of mind is called Sadhana. By focusing to one point the spells are to be chanted so
that the pray should reach to the deity and your work becomes successful. Remember that while
chanting no interruption should be there. Do not lose your concentration.

The Sadhak must collect all the materials before starting the Sadhana like, seat, rosary, image,
clothes etc. You must take the necessary advises from the Pundit before you go for the

The Sadhak, if a businessman or service holder, he can do this during night time. The mental
concentration and mind set will be there.

Take the materials required for the Sadhana from a trustworthy shop.
मंतर् े   तीर्थे  द्धिजे दे वे दे वज्ञे   भै षजे   गुरौ  ।
याद्शी भावना यस्य सिद्धिभर्वति ताद्र्शी ॥
The above hymn means that Mantra, Pilgrimage, Brahmin, astrologer, medicines and Guru,
whoever keeps the type of mind set, he gets the result accordingly.

Mantra Chanting Rules Muhurat:

Every day has its own specialty. Nothing is useless in the nature. So how can the day be useless?
The need is to recognize it. In Sadhana Muhurat has its significant. In scriptures it is mentioned
that providential times are Navratri, Holi, Deepawali, Janmashtami, and Mahavidya Jayanti, Solar
eclipse, lunar eclipse, Kartick Purnima, Ganesha Chaturthi, and Vasant Panchami , Dusk period,
Abhijit Muhurat, Ravi Pushya time, Gurupushya time are auspicious period.

If on Thursday it is Pushya Constellation, it is the most auspicious time.

“गुरौ पु ष्य समायोगे सिद्ध योगः प्रकीतिॅ तः”
During the Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, one should chant the spell standing on the water of
the river will be too beneficial.

Spell of Mantra Chanting Rules

During the chanting, keep the posture of fingers as the mouth of cow. Remember that the little
finger and index finger should not touch the beads of the rosary.

The duration of each tone is fixed and one should chant the mantra according to the swara with
each syllable stressed to the required extent, and each tone (for the corresponding syllable)
chanted for that duration.

Chanting should not be done like singing, or like reading. It should not be muttered fast, each
syllable should be properly uttered with the required stress and pronounced with clarity.

While chanting one should sit with his back upright, and not shake or move while chanting.
Chanting should be done with a fixed posture to allow the complete effect of the sound energy.
While this rule in general applies to singing also (say for instance classical music), it applies even
more rigidly in case of chanting a mantra.

Whether the mantra is chanted aloud or internally, it should be done along with the swara.

Chanting mantra like a song, chanting like reading a text quickly, muttering, chanting louder than
required, making unnecessary movements of hands or head, are incorrect ways of chanting.

If between the period of Sadhana throat is dried or legs start giving pain, it can be kept holding
only after 21 rosaries. Otherwise after 31, 51, 81 and 101 rosaries there is a provision of rest.
During the rest you can have tea or milk but not the cereals.- Mantra Chanting Rules.

In Mantra Chanting Rules there are three Types of Chanting:

 Chanting the mantra loudly in a rhythm. This is called Bahya, Vachik or External This is

best suited for suktas. In case of short mantras that are to be repeated many times, it is seen as
a preliminary/beginner’s stage of Chanting.
 Not chanting aloud but it in a low voice or simply recalling the mantra with lip movement.
This is called Upamsu
 Recalling the mantra within, without making any voice, lip movement or movement of
tongue. This is called “Antarjapa” or “Manas” This is the state best recommended.
Out of these three “Upamsu” is the best Way of Chanting.
Wrong pronunciation on chanting will cause problems. Do not chant while lying, while walking.
Some pronunciations like gam, ram, whim etc. are mostly wrongfully chanted. These sounds
should come from nostrils and mouth. The hymns are recited and spells are chanted. In this era
of Kaliyug, the effects start after 4 times chanting the spell.

For success in life chanting mantra is most essential to keep secret. No one should know that
what the Sadhak is doing? If anyone is near than Manas chant to start.
गोपनीयं   गोपनीयं   गोपनीयं   प्रयत्नतः ।
त्व्यापि गापित्वयं हि न दे यं यस्य कस्यचित्॥
Mantra Chanting Rules Pure Food:
For the success of the accomplishment, food should be pure. In meals there are three types of
Dosha are usually found.
 Caste Dosha: The house uses meat; garlic and onion are making the food having caste
 Ashray Dosha: The cooked food should be kept in a sanctified place wherein liquors and
non vegetarian items are not in nearby place.
 Nirmit Dosha: The cooked food must be kept in such a way so that no animals can
touch the utensils even.
Hence the Sadhak should refrain to have the above types of meals. During the accomplishment
never use stale food, rotten food, and preparation with oil, kidney beans, carrots, pickles, lemons
etc. and refrain from any type of addiction. Do not take outside food. If possible the Sadhak
should prepare his own food. The person who takes only milk during this period, gets earlier

Mantra Chanting Rules Seats:

 In Mantra Sadhana seat s are too important. According to Shiva Gita
 Sitting on woollen seat gives all the success in Sidhhi.
 Tiger skin if used as seat, it gives the salvation.
 Black leather seat gives relief.
 Seat made of Kusha (Grass) if used, it gives wisdom.
 Seat made out of leaves if used, the Sadhak gets long life.
 Seat of stone brings sadness in life.
 Seat of wood brings diseases.
 Seat made of coach grass destroys the prestige, reputation.
 Seats made up of bamboo sticks if used, poverty is fetched.
 Sitting on ground if Sadhana is made, the accomplishment will be a failure.
 “वस्त्रासने तु दरिद्रयं पाषाणे व्याधिपीडनम्”
Other of Mantra Chanting Rules:
To get the full benefit of chanting mantras, the correct posture or asana while sitting is very
important. The lotus position is best for chanting mantras. The Veerasana and Siddhasana or
Vajrasana is considered effective after wards.

Mantra chanting should be done at a fixed time daily. Once you start chanting mantra again and
again, don’t change the location.

If you are chanting mantras in the morning, your face should be towards east and if you are
chanting it at night, face towards the north side.

Chose a calm and silent place to chant mantra.

For chanting mantras, use basil, Rudraksha or sandalwood beads or grains and chant for 108
times. It has been shown to be effective.

For chanting mantras, the right time is also very important. And the right time is Brahmmurhut
i.e. at around 4 am or 5 am or the time before sunrise is considered superior. During evenings
and night time, one should never chant mantras.

If this time is also not possible, then the time when you go to bed is appropriate.

While chanting the mantras, one should not show the rosary bead to anyone.

No use of intoxicants. We know many arguments against the use of intoxicants. It is not a very
difficult thing to understand because anyone with a sane mind will accept that taking intoxicants
is physically, mentally and spiritually detrimental. It destroys the principle of austerity because
the reason people take to drugs is that they want to avoid their suffering in the material world-
they do not want to face that austerity. Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as any drink or food
containing caffeine, cloud the mind, over-stimulate the senses, and make it impossible to follow
the principles of bhakti-yoga.

No sex. Cleanliness is destroyed by illicit sex. This is sex outside of marriage or any sex for any
purpose other than procreation. Sex for pleasure compels one to identify with the body and
prevents one from understanding consciousness. By following these principles, you are not
repressing yourself, but are elevating yourself to a superior platform. By chanting Hare Krishna,
one gets a higher taste and you leave material desires behind according to the level of your

Keep a pot of water near you during Sadhana. If feeling sleepy, touch the watery hand with the
ears. If feeling urinating, go for that and after taking bath you can do Sadhana.

If during the accomplishment some unnatural things come in mind or any foul smell you feel,
never divert attention to that. It proves that you are on the right path.

The Sadhak must wear Dhoti as per the colour described in the type of Sadhana and during
winter season put a wrapper on you. Do not use stitched dresses during the Sadhana. Women
can wear suits.

During the Sadhana period do not trim your hair. Don’t clip your nails also. Do not apply soap
while bathing.

Keep yourself calm during this period. Do not keep any if or buts in mind. Slip of tongue, telling
lie, repentance and cursing should be totally avoided. Sleeping during the time is totally

All the Sadhanas are based on trust and devotion. The rules(Mantra Chanting Rules) mentioned
above must be followed by the Sadhak, which will ensure the sure success. The Sadhak could
achieve good results by following the rules by performing Sadhanas like Ravan Sadhana,
Mahavidya Sadhana etc.

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