PARKES, M.B. Scribes, Scripts and Readers. Studies in The Communication, Presentation and Dissemination of Medieval Texts

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SCRIBES, SCRIPTS AND READERS STUDIES IN THE COMMUNICATION, PRESENTATION AND DISSEMINATION OF MEDIEVAL TEXTS M.B. PARKES awas THE HAMBLEDON PRESS Contents Acknowledgement List of Plates Sol Teh, Sip and he Pratt of Tos fhe Seventhand obey 2 Tachygrphyinthe Middle Age: Weiting Techniques Employed or Reprieve Lectresand Sere 41 Thelaflenc ofthe Concept Ondnatieand Compl Oxf Manscipo La Chr de Rela wy MSDaiy 1M Series on Sepia TheSriptoriumof WearmouthJarow 7 ThePalae the Parker Manuscript ofthe Ghonice, Las aed Seal sent itragepya ‘Winchenrinthe Late Ninth the Penthouses 9 Onthe Presumed Dateand Possible Origins of ke MSjeniat! a Seb, Seip ond Batre 10. The Production Copies ofthe Catt Taerand the Cajon ary Fienth Centary (ote ese) M1 AF Rent Century Scribe Henry Mere Ut, Boss te 12 Copiesof Boetinsin Anglo Saxon England: Noteon Vatican Apo MS Vat Lat 3355, 13 AnAngl-Sason Textat leu: The Manuseipt ofthe Uden He TheLiterayottheLalty 15. Book Povsonand Librarieat the Medial Unversity Oxted Boks in Dir 16. Fragments Medieval Manuscrps Indes of Manascrps 0 99 Acknoxeledgements Theale reprinted here Brat appeared inthe along place and are ‘sprinted by Red permits fhe orginal pbishers 1 Gris delet nl madi by A. Mate (Edin 4a'Atenco, Rome, 1987), pp. 1525, 12 Mines rast, Aenvatio del Dipartimento i Studio sal Medioewo el Rinscimento delivers di Fema, i (199), pp t3008 Nin Largo Litre: Egy Prat RW. Hot, ited by JJG, Alexandr and MT Gibson (Oxiord University ress, 1975, sp. 44 Meine mane x(1988),p. 11-75. 5 Jaro Lecture 182) pinbe by tbe Parish Jarrow (6 evi car Goh tr den Spake ad Lira, nei (197) Paced 2 Wal Sn England (1976) pp. 140-7. 8 Anpl Senoe Expand 31983) pp 12940, 1 Faetlmed Yo Werdsand Senda Pesiffor Bic Dabn ited by E.G Stanley and Doulas Gray (Boydelland Brewer, Woodie, 3), pp 1127 10 Metieal Srer, Marit and Libri: ay Peet NR Ke, ‘ted by MCB. Parkes a Andrew G, Watson (Scolar Pres, London, 1978) pp 168.210, 1 i ary esd, (1961), pp 859. 12 Boars ip, Tough ond Ine by MT. Gaon (Blackwel, sor, 1981) pp 42327, 15 Ang So Eo (1972), pp 20717. 1M rae and Wate Cetin The Merl Worl, eted by D. "Dasher and A. Thorby (Aids Books, London, 1973) pp 55576. 15. Cnet ef Rac inary Dalai (90-88, pp. 363 16 Guile Rest Canty Archies Oe, edtd by FH (Kent County (Counc, Maidstone, 1958), 29730 sm grateflw De AL. Doyle fr his permission vo rept chapter 10. . cI . PI CI . . " . . . oI oI . co cI I cI . . . . . . . . ro Principal Abbreviations BL Bet Lib BL ddl LR Chala RD cua ETS, Kary Eng. Text So mue Ennden,BRUO a Pte NR. yt Pentel RW. Ht Frcs Face James, Westen MSSof Ti Anuar fea dagl- Sern geal ‘Borie ew Gerd Sac and Biblioteca, Bibliothek, Bibodhéque Biblothegvemunicpae London, Br Lary Bodiia Liray Recnd Pars isos nationale PIT-V-M Chap, Eg Ro! Deans {King oe ny VDL (Ont 197 EA Uwe, Coie atime (Oxkord, Eaely Engl Manuscripts Facsinie Early English Text Socey (ES) Era seres Pry Hira Rei ‘A Eide, Bip! ager of he User of Ofodin D150 Ox, tasii998) Mato Se, Morris & Litres Ese Presmitio NR. Ree AB. Paker Are G. Wat (Lindon, 1978. GR tno. J3.G, Alenander NUT. Gibwon (Oxia 970) Engl Sues Fecinale(s) Revue BER Jen, P ot arin be ‘ascii Catlge Cambri, 1900-190) Ker, Catal Cot Jee yen GH ‘Mod. Lang. Rs Onion 600 Parkes, BCD plist aw PRO" RES Rebison, Dated MSSin Canbndee Rs Sawyer ‘SBBayer Akad. Wis, su Watson, Dao MSS BL ‘Watson, De MSSin Oxford Sep and Reads Comat ai H.R rc NIU Ker, Cte Mamrptrosinng ‘Arg Sern (Oar 15 NR Ker Mal ibrar of Gea Brie ‘Atop ns, Royal Historical Society Cider nd Handa [ed Lense, 196) Sao Engl end German Pistgy uals Essa Hey onumenia Germanine Hori Mote ang ese Oxtord, Corps Christ Calle Palcograpbicl Society, Facimday Manrtrond Pps EA. Bond, EAC Thoma GF Warner (Lend, tays.1090) ‘MB, Phe, ul Cusie Bost Han 23. anton, 189304 1979) plate(s) ‘Peter ara comps, sere latin cera. Mine Pictio be Modr Language Astin Condon, Public Record Ofer eee of xg Ser PR Robinson, Callout Dat ond Deal Mame. 571600 Combi Liars (Cumbre, 86 RlleSeries ir Reram Britnnicaram Imei aeiscriprores (Londo, 18-1896) PHL Sawyer, An Soe Chae ae Anite ited Birt Lemon, 1968) ‘Sttungberchederbayeriche Akademie fer Winenschaten NG Wau, CatsourefDatedand Dele ‘Manage 700180 he Depart ‘Mamocs, Thi iba (London, ism [NG Watwon, Clap of Dated ond tale Mamacrpe 351600 Oxo ait fi ie Aad (ouch Li List of Plates 1 Gall Sibibiothed, MS 1900..1 3 Pistia, Archivo Capitola MS.1L2, fo 20 4 Oxord, Bodin Libary, MS Avet D.28, (105 ‘Oxford St John’s Callge, MS49,f 127 6 Patt ibohaque Natonale, MS $050, 75 17 Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Rodley 287.74 8 Oxford, KebleGolege, MS26,0 179 lege, S67, 520 11 Oxford, Bae a Library, MS Boley 368, 220 124 Onfod Jesus College MS50,6 tr 12 Oso, Jess College, MS. 98 2c Onford, Jesus College, MS25, 18 1 Oxford, Boieian Library, MS Dighy 2, 38 150 Oxford, Bolen Library, MS Dighy 2,67 16 Onford, Jenn Calleg, MS25, 1.94 15a ‘Troyes, Biboigue Munpale, MS2255, a a z ” ® @ cs FI cl cI rc cI . . . . cI | 7 I . I I . . . . . . . 7 7 | rl | a Seis, Sri nd Rene 15% Oxford, Ballit Cllr, MS36 16 Leni ME, SalphowScbedrn Public Library, MS eatin ior 17 Schathausen,Stadsbblotek, MSGen.p-2 18 Leningrad MLE Saltykow-Schedin Publi Library, MS Gv Li8 fl 378 19 Oxford, Boeian Library, MS Bey 819,16 20° London British Library, Co 21 Pass, BibliothiqueNatinale, MSI, 1208, 1 25¢ 22 $4 Gal Sulake, MSE». 176 11 Palda,Landesbitinhe, MS Bonifiamas fa. 436 (dex) Fold, Landesbiblioeek, MS Boiiianus 1,436 Fold, Lande, MS Boao fl ‘owt Fulda, Landesiithek MS Bonitaianas 1, ‘veal 5 Fuld, Landolt, MS Bonin 11485 (aera 6 Fulda, Landesiithe, MS Boiatiana 1 6.438 (aera). 247 Fulda, Landestiblotek, MS Boifiiana fa 454 (dea) 4 Fulda, Landestiiothek, MS Boia 1, 496. dea) 9 Fuld, andestilioeh, MS Booiftiana 16436, (deta) 10 Fulda, Lanett, MS Bonin fl 496, (dea). 10s Liste Pete 1 Oslo Bean Library, MS Doce 10,1007 12 Of Ban Libary, MS Dovce 10, 6.72 (aera) 15 Leningrad MLE. Salo: Sehedea Public Library, MSQoLi3,0.53 25. Cambridge, Corpus Chris College, MS175,61 5, ‘opal 26 Cambridge, Trinity Caller, MS B.15.88 (308). 27. One, Bolin Library, MS nine 276.77 28 London, Public Record Oice, SP. 46/125, Sr 29. Cambridge Magdalene College, Pepys Ms 2961 (5) bray, 04 Looden, Beth Libary, MS Harley 2965, ‘opal > Londen, Brith Library, MS Harley 295,11 40, ten ball Sa Oxford, Haein Litany, MS unis 1, 1. 85¢ ‘1b Oxfrd, odin teary, MS Janis fl 8+ (Oxford, dian Library, MS Joni, 780 (Oxi, Bodleian Library, MS Joi fl, 1 88, Ox, Bolan Library, MS Jona fl. 117 Oxford, Bdlean Lieay, Cambri, inity College, MSIRS.2(58) FBI 36 Cambridge, Tinity College, MSR..2(381, 19 57 San Marino, Huntingdon Library, MS26 9,61. 1828 58 Aberystwyth, National Liraryof Wale, MS Fesaeth 1s vos a 0 ie Series, Seip ad Rene 39, Cambridge, Tiny College, MSR.3.2(581) 61.996 Pry 40. Cambridge, Trinity Callege, MSR..2(381), [217 2 41. Oxknd Corn ChriaiCallege, MS57,.1173 a7 42 London, University Lieary, MSV. 88 22 28 48 Oxford, CorpasChristiCalleg, MS 158.236 29 4 Cambridge Tiny Callge, MSR .2(581), L850 ma 45. Durham University Library, MS Cosin IIL. 95, me 46 Aberystmyi Natonal Library of Wales, MS Pian 26 Samo 13 47° San Masi, Huntingdon ibery, MS26.c9,. 1 mm 48 Loon, ri Library, MS Arunde 38, 70 10 44 Oslo, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Mise 156, m2 Liisa > Oxon, Bain Library, MS Badly 281.1 1167 we Oxford, dln Lary, MS Bodley 28, 238 fo ae 2See 51 Vatican, Biblioteca Apotaia, MS Vat lt $363,028 52 Vatican, Biblioeca Apowaica, MS Vat lat 3868,f0Lx 261 59 Leen, Bibliothek der Rikuniversit, MS Vossius 267 Tec 10625 hower bal All plates ar repraduced to at sie ules others indcated in the ‘SSptons They are reprodiaed by courtesy of he eaitatins hang the ‘munuoeripts ned ave Introduction “Thieslcton of tues published overs prado hicty years focuses on {ronan topic the placography of mancrpt oaks in elation the frvelopment ef the edum of wt language ive and the ‘itcansincesin which medieval broke were proce copiedand read ‘Sine Traub the study of handwriting hs depended hey on the contept of Sdn, echelon lter oes to define serps abd froides the principal means of recagising and dating specens of Ardwrting. But placoraphy can nolanger ignore what {have dubbed the Grammar of Logiy” (pu 2). Thi a complex ol graphic enventions by which the wien matifationolanghage operate to facie acres to the information it cmveye. These conveniont AEseoped by stages which cvncded with changing pater oiteracy whereby new geterations of reader in diferent nstrcl situations Imposed new demands on the writen medium fuel. These convertion: pert asl evel the eter the word, he sentence the paragraph ad thepuge “The minum wri of writen language is the eter ach eter us have laments which ele ear to ding tom all the oer Ieee Tht principe was aleady recogined in Angi, when scribes who copied Eons acneed lees with separate and inarable shapes (Jewad Such clement cam be ete by contrasting ferences ivr eter in capital seit rm sina way, and refed in themadem versions BPR. EF, cr DOQ With be development rhe HalrUrell script inate Antiquity, anda ee minascale rip the hth to minh centuries, the ailerences between these datingishing {lements became more pronounced, fr example, inthe rection ‘ring takes ancerders and deacenders the eters rte in * Spent sci ote mentee inion ae nity ‘atid Don a ay oa London 9 7 SME cE he te pon a tn wi Seibert nd Reader te mover ors bpd the postion ofthe lobes in Ba pq.? The poston tthe lobe in Bs the esta consous deen. tw Antiquity ‘Shen B and D were writen corey the two leer could easly be ned mt he ean lobe ob was revered nthe Mele Agee most therapies wich enable a reader 0 distinguish between eer fms, ad to. Wty them, became (itertrsted at parila eye at or eu the top athe minim stekes| {eoreaponding tothe upper segment telex mac peace) The phenomezon ante obwered inthe word "nimum” where the ‘eae deities te Teter and ence reagses the word, primal {fm the tpn och eter eth evel that eader ea ey Ieterswhichoeformed within strokes lemen' ieDhKT reco Aithough diferent alphabets wer ployed un dierent crip these cvs wo legisty Become ivarabe atures flee whereas other ita cpecly thee above ae lowe Seah, cane aborted fe afer uncon, Ascenders cam be mde with complex takes in er togvemoreproinence oa Eaare wich mightomerte gett tn the page Sei added heed of wooke ave the sume let, But these add to the tops orbs of eters ae expel imprint ‘Hnee hey ab prevent he fener en sipping ecient fom oneline tering ante" pesyinrptnnan a rting wto Stparaitgwerds any other denen win mao sono he xt) "ose ements ters above and bow the gh of theca leghity couldn tesiaborsted fo style, and ye sone ofthe palsogrpher’s pina lr datngand Testing mansseps. Ata goal level wedgesbapel tcendrs ave sharacerico the nslar ‘Sue ofsenp plates 18) whereas ib-shpedaeenders are more ‘Xtrcerse of omtinntal omer thesame pio (pate 21). Ata more, lec fevel the nis attheendvofsrokesiden ar aglish igitation of Roman Uncial produced the begining tthe ightheentary Aine tteatment ofthe ends ofstrkesinatestheindvence of aian Ucialon {he formal Toss Norhorbeian serpin nthe el eighth nary! The wentmen of fan, with the prominent bulge where the sfoke jos the sem, Wentife, MavdramnsMinscale rom CGrbienttitend ttn eghh conry® tat ait of English carve Script iow se Anghean mata forked axes enableone o> + bon Bmp A ae Sa ennai 15.18 aapecmen toa datein the late hirtcemh century whereas bond booked ‘stander are more appropiate othe teeth * “The origin uf eomretns rain to words are discussed dow on poser 1-18 Word reparation was iredvced forthe beet of Teh Felder whom Latin mas an she language msl sibs eared to {Sethe boundaries of oreponding vernacalas os athe process going. Lan oven The Tesh lo” exploted ad SevCoped funtaation ony cements within he buries of eee tnd he tamara) en heen tw tet recon of tou Once the pratce sarang word bad en cepted, insular scies writing fompesied hand tend o eat ener dirty wen appeared atthe ea of «mond However, Shen word separation had ben uly developed inthe tel entry. {si began fo expat deta of handwriting, ensure tat aii leer tr were roxas are arger pater he word the pave and the entencr: Since the graphiceacrareouned a esha aches xpd enres athe extricate ther it the iter paters without detracting rom the ei fhe eters Seas traced in parle panes(hisntal or diagonal), and ome _ymmetially serve bind ler witha word Porte samc reason ll Seroke were symmetrical Tis emphasis on words a8 pater is Serves to speed the eye ofthe ear om one kee to anther within wo “Once scribes had achieved consistency in spurting words, tose ishing to ave me or spec were bie o employ abies ate Fels snort wan cater for oth scribe snd reader to ently he toundare fa writen frm. Abbreviations reste conventn of write language, rey single papi symbol ane subtle 1 group fee rape symbol (pp. 1931) Here the placgraphy of ‘Sikes incteed by te exigens of he esr rem (pte 2) at ML Pay yl Cie Bk dy, 1250180 (La lncaned net tin Mh. P,P sa sae Fn of eee eae Commentary in The Spina, cn “ : Se Serine eee ies e Scie, Sip Renee evn fingers ce groper elven repre Sue actrtmet wun Shcheoneyed the nel xed Tein nity te change om al to dex hd praduced 9 nw sol the page Tis ana ped opgrtonine tony or deeraton “ito bu a or the geen eels new omvetons ‘Gn he poco of en sya fits aye Imbert res of po fo aeeeore nal empha teach af the tre deed by Tein the {Ex faprecro ofthe lye made neyelopeed). Some he ‘St iprtan deveopten tol pce rm the wel etary cant faawing estan scp p10) ar we changes imines tos (pp, 3670) patie sCaaysing the oat rar) ofa text he etre on simalated & eed or ope So ZIG was mnt oben page The pages books ‘Rhum torelet the pats ose course scars ought to provide tizinvs wats copis which satred for ewe of reece {pkte #11) The practce wa sequently extended copier a oer, {Pashia thing tod wis sur oon the eaeangement “Scuments ina eaay or he py ing an wieder oe feral readers ete Ctra Tae), Medieval books were the products of varios practical sil exercised a Aiterent levels competence and efineectual atainmentsconditonel by lferen storie! oppor Tecnu monastic cio nthe eat Mile Ages were ssenally historic” phenomena, bh the. palacographicl features ofthe pranusrp prec in ther, andthe ho ext to be copied, were Fntuenced by hore factor Two'seleconaieserplri, meee Seribos were tained withthe owe, ad hus eve recognizable wre sgl characereed by comsteny within the handwetng of individual seb, clove smarty vetween the handweting ‘erent series), are lscussed on pages 23-20 and 149-85 To the er Mile Ages such slEcotaied erpeora were are, and evidence of Collaboration in the-predaction of books ix more’ Hkely To Feflet “Simei enterpie thm eoperaton within the walls of monstry “Te cvcumstance of commercial production were very dierent fom those btining ina manarteserpteeum Inthe erly iene entry 3 ‘apy slants Cnfon oman ee progr im London or Wests ive seribesincllaborton, ut nt working under the samero 0 ck them appear in other manisript collaborating. with diferent Shamionor St dors, and ath wa a Clerk ol he Psy Seal Prt the Royal esc (pp 201-48) Henty Meve (pp. 249-36) woe ot numberof foreign sere who weed in Egan on commissions em ‘itren potions Te stad fac recon has hon considerable ght Irttion se ‘on the members ofthe book ade and hei soil status! Nevertheless, Sle of this eadene can be hard o explain. The late Grakar Pollard isan reord that ree members an Oxford Halle Principal te ancpl ad the Cok ha recived payment joy for producing tak Thists undoubtedly an intanceet commercial enterprise, bt ie Aielt to envisage what kid of stato thee desde could have had thins organead’ ook wade, whatever thir personal intelectual ninments of expense nthe elvan practical is Evidence or such frgantation” cam be dilbealt to interpret. Tn the titernth and fBufcenh conor copies of ets required in the higher cutis of ‘ariou universe in Europe mere produced according tos system heey exemplars divided nto due were made seiable through TRembersf thebook ade ocommercalsciberand others fr expr The incrpretaton of such Coden is dncsaed om pages S08 i the ‘eprint ete eating ow diferent cadem oemunides in oe ‘hire, Osler came toarganize the provision offaaksfor ther meer However, the book trade was tat incersedexcusely wih the production of new boks In the Middle Age, a ow, it war cheaper to Evy second-hand copy than toorder4 new ane, Survival nthe book ‘eae must have depended Healy on the repair and returbshing of bd Twos and om the ale of second and cope. As ine progressed the Scma-hand tee instably grew. The serving it of books the ‘ewiy founded colleges in Oxiora and. Cambridge during the late nurcenth andthe itenth centuries include a mumber af manuscript ‘hich ad been produced inthe welth and thirteenth cenurer-someot Thich had formerly longed to monaatie varies Moreover the * ar eampe yaad, The Company Sin 1557 Te sn hn Te Uy ant Ba Mel On ‘rele mn in rt Wore, se Sys ge a Fs pe Ene, 4B! Regie of Cn of Con 0 (Ca « Serie, Seip ad Rass sccondand sade in eared Lain works was not confined tothe tery toma, Some ofthe doors had aequre ther Book in places Iie Chester nero, Landon, Serhampeon,cceninConmance va few eases we can wate how, book pane In diet ine of decent througla chain of owner Such inormation detives pray fom Itecrtonsinthe book themselves, whichrcord deta the tatters ‘rote niidols om whan they bd been prchased. When there are ‘tore surviving serpin, which associate known watiners ith ‘Stond'hand copies than insertions which aswocat them with the roduc new ones e wil not be misinterpreting that evidence i Csi to remind onsclvs othe existence af hing second hand den book ‘Other suds in his collection deal with the ways in which books were sed inthe Mile Ages annotations which elle the interested Fenders (pp 292-71), and the esdence sn surviving books for the Clnerganey of wha ow called the general radar among members ‘htt (pp. 27-38) in te Ite fourtecath ad the Hicent-cenuries expanding ieracy among the population led to demand for cheaper book, Ata te he ‘owe Coud write could copys ook fr themselves, tbe activites oF Suck chmutcur aries presented challenge to those engaged inthe ‘meri production of bk, who wee stempang to eater fr this {growing dentand in esponae to this chalene mechanical devices were om Ja Ait Ca of he Mop Be iy of Cain i i ean Coe, a mn ke lets Ho onan an eS oe, Ni "Eindn: 4 Bean Rar fe Unto xd D150 (Onto 357 Wa tet a cc J Ry Wim Wye Edn epee mindy, el "fait oni drat Scotts ane ep ses ty 00H Ni ag ‘eed tc vane fh te Ei a AS Pe hk Spe ert sng ssn De apd invented tn expat the various practi inthe production toms in order to accdeat the prcrse of rodacion The vention Utnovable meal pes was merely one such device, With night we ‘ho appredate the revousonary fleets which ie reinement nd xploton utimatly had on reading hats andthe expansion of tera. But, since printing was an expensive proces inthe eat age, its products were nat cheap ial reson aid notes thelong ‘ermeflectsand were concerned with more immediatly obvious practi! ‘vantage. the 1460 an anonymous scholar, who had produced nected version of Augutine’s account ofthe art preaching om Bock IW at she De dra’ Chios, regarded this ew gle. proces Primarily ara mean of prodcing x numberof dense! copies rom his Xemplar of the corrected text, thus ciminaing the secomustion of ‘rot inherent in manuscript tants Seperate tate Sgro ir coms Seer eueeinee ‘mun advantage fhe Church, On accaunt of hic, inf udge hat eer ae ae ce ee ae ee, Scares nn et arin Pt oil Series, Sips and Ress The cada of thi collection of sti is 2s tle of melt in the siseenth century, when the expoation ofthis new weehwaogy. and Fistorcal events, had combined to replace mansaerpt book fisplace then Kom medial repositrie which had ensured their “he list of abbreviations on page ie seks wo account fr all stray tbreiations in fototes which conor oderent yl set, awe "snow references, But the reader may wish to bea in mind the filing Coens which have always attmpted wo ober. Asrpt ix what Serbs haven thirminds eye when they write, whereasa and iswhat “Scally pute down en the page. Whereas Julan Brown's fomendature for types at bandwritng.atempts io. ently the ‘haracterties of hana, my own eesti to entifing a sep havent used his nomenclature when dacssing hands, because my ow arguments usualy alge me to flr to specie details which are not tesa revealed bys tem. The tevninolgy T have wed in uch Srgumenta is explained i my Baglsh Case Bask Hand 250100 {lndon, 1999, ps. When tanscribing from a manu, have flowed the conventene alin explained thereon px, Fam most fratal tall howe who have sent nollie work, or sept Ine with correction ae cw infrtaton but it has proved impractiable to upeace onsen all the carer papers tht sclcion, and ‘elrence, eopeily ont nbaequent sud, ae meant tobe help rather than exhaustive. 1 Scribal Techniques, Scripts and the Presentation of Texts ‘The Contribution of Insular Seribes of the Seventh and Eighth Centeies othe ‘Grammar of Legibilty? From the seventh cetry onwards scribes produced new copies of texts in loa script which wer amila bork othe ato de ners ‘Art rem the tadkoos ofthe ancient book sips delined inthe West. Tata in tote regions were some ofthe petit of the old Reman schinieation had survived ~ Gru, Spi ely —, new mince ser ‘hich had no eounerpar in Aan wer bdo the vai of ee ripe pstied aod toght by lo tre aod adenine Tela, ‘etch had never town Rowan adniniation, the ssom of new serps ‘eas evolved fom the "Quirter'= Unc scrips wich Th schol fad covered ia books, and from elements of the earive vith thy ted sogied from Beith sure, or frm specimens found in expen) lone a the arpa of books ‘Ses sought achieve new standards of eligi, and began 10 concern themes with the development of «complex of acu graph ew ‘eotions in onde both to improve the ineigity of mince scp, nd to fice acest tothe Information tasted inthe writen medi, ‘Wiehin is compen exc coaveationoperted only in retin othe ote 1 lite mb oon be Went ie Gres more poses not fete tern te ue pen by EA. Le aa gy Seana chy Pa whe ay ce need Se Ct) pec neg a Pea ayo SPE NRT Sy ina con * Ohi easton f we} Bao, Te Ole i Se PEN Cerio aM Retro Saogen 8 pe 2 Ste, Sets Reser ot shape than the rounding laters hiathy of writ ca oly indicate ‘he sitive lngotance of eifeen rite of the writen tx f the expe ie dierene The convention employe to Menify wor must be die {ihe fom how conventions wed to identiy sence apd the gram SE osc win the teundacs of + sence! whee space were ‘edo repute words, larger pes of ks of panctation were ecesty to sepate erences, cases of phen. The satus of each eonvenion ‘sive tothe ots win the expen had to be precy deed I hey tree to perform adequately tir cle nthe proces of Gaambigsating” ‘Miche cet the competes fete weno spoken language “This complexe gap conventions bee the proces by which the ‘ween tedium of cocmuniation fenton. A writen txt preupponr {i indeermnte adicce dverinated over diane oe tne, or Beth A “ike had no immedi respondent iterst with, therefore Be fad ‘Serve a Kind of decor in i copy to emu hat the menage of the text wat exilyundersuod, This decorum — the res governing the zl toesipeLewean thi complex of gape conteons andthe mesage of ‘Scheel neve nn ay be den "he grnmar Wr the Ish embrced Chisnky thee seal for the Bible and he over wetten sures of Christin led them to parse a vigorous study (tthe Latin ngage in whieh tae tee were wren, The etic nate ‘ter commeniary mater soggens tht they bad ile no onace with the ancient schoo at rch and what they db not een from momar they bad to ler fom boots? ‘ice Ih was ota Romance langue, speakers tended wo sepeed Latin pil aa sien or "ihe" language wed for waraig tex they aprcendd ca ach byte pe as bythe car Arar and perhaps Ferber encouraged by observations which they fad found in the works of lier of Sve they mare really pecived the writen medium a 8 Aion manifestation of language wih own“ abeaaee", and with bate equlet to, bu independent of ht of ay spoken opeate ube Ter idee ter lamar Sethe nd he Grima of Lei 3 inmay have had The ith repaded wtng Git nd foremost oa mee of recording information om he pe and hey Beare te fino develop fain tew gaphic coavensons ~ Karases of seperation and ity — (© fall seces to the inecoatontasnted inthis “vile” edi, ‘These gape convention were derived fom the procs by which the Ieth bed seguir hit Koowiedge ofthe Latin ltguage, Thy red ei onthe works ofthe ancient prammation, epi onthe ie mer ‘f Donat snd Pca’ Find min pranoi ra which pore {shore summary ofthe allen feces ofiafected pat of spect Thee ‘edison! grammar, tase upon the ecogaion ofthe word san abe lngaiic phenomenon, employed. morphological itera to exablah a act, sf wordcer (ehich they called “parte of pec’). They peed ed ‘dscuaed perdi of soctd fort (declension and “conogtons nd the svace sya relatos between words ia the conan of ‘entrees (concord!) Thirinketed grammatical scholuhip was expounded Dylovle grammar sch as Asotin teats sch ath lay ff Coin Torr techs spplonented thee game with (gammati side ie the Deca mminan, These works eed Ie {eadrs to Senify the cement of Latin vos, to delo and con {tether ements, ose hem (ore, o ls, cert, nd to rege {hee sya fonction within + seotence. Gloss, wood li aad the ‘works of Iidore helped hem ro deny semantic properties of tse lea "When Sesh sier coped Latin texte they soon abandoned the sre cova which they ad found in thir expla ase they aloe a sas Busey ton, ino rw a ‘Teen gn Mebane Sass ron ls a Stpeecle gd Homi Ln en endo 0h ST, hyo hn ei Ft of Lng ce A. ‘lac 8 6 areas (IX i Pa 9, rain SCoige Nn ss A Gat pt: Pe Gare pin of hapa (gr we wk wom he or sat sno Suan t's ent we Hts, Dot pk Oe eos ‘SRE Ta Seas gps, Lewin Coca 190, ‘ Sein, Seip and Reads he nc for thei sib practices the morpogileteria which they bad cotered ia the aan of the gemmaceny: they set ot the pars of ‘esc by itodacng spaces between words The proces wel vanced {bike dale menses produced athe enfthe seventh cary, sachs {hebagoeAnspionary (lan, Ambrosian MS C5 ia; CLA, 31; copied £69091),and eh planing ofthe eigthenary, uch te Tora mance ‘of Morus Vie Calabar Schaar, Seb MSGen1y CLA, 98 ‘ined before 713) By contact, when the lech Gast ban to copy txt inti ative linge, fear of he spoken langage ae elected in the ‘roy whi the ters hae Ben st down onthe page". For thir parpore, {ined af ting tel practice on the ada grmmaran” morpaogsal ‘Gite, Ich sites exploited the gummarian? conept of the aplable™ nthe cal surviving records of Old Teh prose —~ rach a the Cabra iy compos inthe Git ha of the eight cenrry andthe lone by then sien the Warburg marasripcompel i the se prod *— those words which te groaped ound ingle chi west, and wich have 1 ove spatial conesion wih ech ote, ve,been oped 8 gle foie Tate we find cumple Jae fei ae arr "3 therfore besaye" (Cabra Hoon) sod abr for abel ghning "on fc TE" (orburg Glow SoG and} By he begin of he inthe 1 ag oF. Wana The dnt of Rar, Hey Br SW oon S ds. nef WNC La, Ea rib Mim Sei, On $90, 9.2, dared ie g Can, ahR'S, Rtn BMD, Key Loa a, MES Reacd, Serra warm foe hep 1 Th orb fo i ee er or at of La gute Sel a se Jason ot i at = et a HGS a Sa FT (cua tern Ser atop Sc Fea ae tr ia ia ne tw oe BTL, 1 The my ak tl it Cn Ph yh re ‘Slipion, eon and tani fe W.Srocm &). Sreacaun, Theat Plata, ‘rb Wi Ska we 8 i, Bt 8 Cor orp ber (C14, tt) fo Sa BB alate ole Sorie en the Grammar fii 5 rary Ith sees fad alo begun nite diferer phonemie referees {or the same ler by graphic mea: by ais on long vowes aad te vowel of monarylabie words ™, by point over vary over sen tnd lover s for fh Such freee berween the peice ia recording he te Tingunges suggest hat he sees were not unnaorly mee eonsous of, snd infooced by, spoken phenomens in thei ov aun, wheres te) Ind ome to peeve dhe forme of the Lai language in pe ems ‘sh seria practice wich regard tothe ae of breton provides fuer evidence that Inih sees peeved Tasn forme in gape terms ‘When they copied Ol eh xs they were at st remaably estan boat sing abbrevistions: the mast estan abbrevston eth Sion of for aM By conta, when they coped Latin text they tcl aberiatons tauch more extesively thin cntemponzy sete in other par of he ‘West "They tok over fom the le formal handwtig wsed fr doce see, and forthe expository marge in Late Antu saree hc Tries mise yma ad other forme of abbewstng tech ecm This ditrence in veal practice sugges that 2 ft Ih cies hese 2244 ine 35h fom the Wnt lat, 1 men 15, On he prac fh et hee 4 Geto a Fi ad ta A Bo ten ae 8 § Ec A Ama Ni Cro da Fenn AY 00) rp ft: ik Sena, bu Wetiene Gans eal ee rl oh i Sa BA in i i a a "Tuya, Comme $36 (gh ase, he Ca Hem seeronpeae at m2 hm, Th Mo f gh Bs Wor, SE Fem oS Ou Need Vea i OM i Zc fu de in Ni Gh ny, name 3 ‘vis cm snd npn lth Canker ore 8) le sho teen nde Wy msi Ch» debe het ks Was ton, a a Catpe "te pen, sna ca ut lh inal ten vr rene vg hn eee {Set On deacon eh eo eos he arg ac oe ‘Spee che al Hy (te Renae Tae ae, ‘ivan Nin Bl me See? (cA 3H, 5 Series, Sita Reade to det sbievton sgn wih fearts of tit wn spoken Ings ‘They rgurel aimee to cach we covet eproetig ‘pols Phenomena but a prety graphic sable each of which could be nt fs oop of her ply grape symbols tw ofthe ort ‘Bemceaoly ie thee dese the Sg tol 1 for ater {nd for sur Hower, hough Kh series aircon sbvevatons {0 Latin ext, ty Heat noe srevitos it vemacl loses i ein coy wapeig cng Se ome me hich speed mon ely in chia corer ‘Wak ars nt only sought to ulate the pane of eprch bat do che _gaummcial contents wile 4 Tain etect."The ange of apie ‘Eiventons wich hy developed ra coneuence fhe eng ofthe ‘Srten medi 8 a indent sabance of aniston of lngusge Trcteed new punction tris and coostee mar ‘The pncanon tmcis were tee ed to the now aye of exp than tore found tocar cemplan, tnd ter taped forthe me peck carceng Foeon wth rs ecu to eae treet eel the ta of the ruious gemma Conscns within the boundaes of «Latin see tence Newel, Ih vere ered he forms of the perction maa fromm thowe found nth cnr’ te pun andthe al 7 "sap tk (at which Ide fd ed the “psec edo init th fads of scons "The ull 7 “asp mark ws located on th ie of wing 0 accom modus to he babne of tang ented by the Isla tenn af {Gen dd Cee, th Cohen (mae), (rtp, mo SOR ie a tet Clea), "aca en i Comer esr Ean 3 ny ‘Laray, Du 1950) adn Pec Gal, Seb, M704. Dur Pe ain Pe ha tae uC ity fe Col Bek Sh SREY let Brits DLC Goa ew Pe nes Soe amr fae Ay a a wn ‘Schoppen Be. Leerhoe, Rico Rec, XX (987) pp 26-9825 Iw The lige alg Ll Gomes mg tty, 3 (pp. “ii Hp pts Bot pins, M Lee Ono Sa ht nto le ii Pe ely Seer nd he Grammar of ebliy , scripts, Dirt serps end dierent practices with repute tox ‘tion of mats. Ins sip tke Viigothe mine, a wich he es fended to pice wats lke the sBbrevnon signe fru aad pane te ody ofthe leer the mini Beg, hy ped the "7" shaper igh oom serps ie Inst o ely Beneventan, where ssbes pe the sign for -bar and - slongie eters, they paced the "shaped math the sme eel of onthe line of wei, The aplication ofthe es ln sh manners were used onthe precept inte rat by Donat td by Isidore “Thee developments canbe sen steady inthe east surviving man secig. Inthe Mies Oras (Miia, Aniosany MS D2 supe CL, 528) andthe damaged copy ofthe Livi Ram (las, Ambresin, MS GW sap: CLA, 36 ) the scies have faded prover by meas of “7 shaped ears gly an in group of two or tre. The exe pert fone, two of tee mark Oeuf in he eaipseventcenary wa ete ‘exceed from a bog in Spingmoun, Co. Anttin (Dab, Nat. us, S.A. 1914, 2: CL’, 1684) andthe midsevcthcentury Engen of ace Lik epmairnn (Se Gal Sitebib, MS 1390-1; CLA, 95). These lst ewo specimens see pied In lee frm scp andthe "7" saped sasha have been made cent, esi omy othe lee dm ‘Aldough thi Tesh «reference for sul pins wasnaly wre > (oe Lowe decid) may appesthapbaze a: Bx sight tis parction by mule mars ae fanctoal properties which have teen eveooked™ ‘Thee properties an be ven mest lyin he Se Gall More gen (Pate 1) where the srk heii the et into ectinn accorting fo the topics daraned. Fach section eds with thee “comma “ped mark, td the pres within the secons have been ited scoring fo the ae BE 8B Ot Sra Pin, it 1 ahs sed Qh ce De. une se a fs eget ‘Pac «Aeon Jona Ares 0H nmi i se Bai ae hay pe ‘reine tr Work Tis sn Sain Mlle Sty ee STK ON ee Fiesta Vi tam nt ty Chinese Paces he Ro is ‘Aen XL (90), p18 ap IS aed BRL Formal LJ Lana HJ Laon & WM. Le, Cai 15 Gn, Peli ihe ph Hsh Key MARL CT BE 8 Seibes, Seiptsand Readers ree of thie imporance by one of two “comma "shaped marks: angle Ei (air fauna ine {Sand ade” i ne 16) double ark made Caresy and hence resem 4 Iter 8 (fer zotdiatem in le 5) Ghd's eile mark often made curently and hence eeembling + Teer {ter “mil ad bore the ra-over ip ine 6, air “ao” a Before the runover in Une & and les carey atthe end of lite 12). ‘The ark then, have heen sed ina creflly graded eis which indienes the panes aecoeing¢0 Mersey of imporance — the samt (Fama lncaer scoring tote importance of he pause. This practice {Sound ia eter, ater, sh rane, ike the agent of comeentry fo Amps (Omer, Bibloclque mnisple, MS. 3 bis CLA, 28), “Shae the inh of pues iceaed inthe S€ Gall Idotefapment by “mong acts he been nated by pam arranged in ret ptm Thryematc se of = hentey of ne, ewo of thee masks ot rt seo be the evalent of the ancien tems of iene Ea'by pmrtar placed a hee rot fights Ich sees adapted the ‘Spreceton ofthe pase o mae the for more ntabl fortes writen ie ows pe Tih aces so developed the Fire svar and combined it with the chance Ich dimfonendo" to give more val emphasis 0 the eon of» text or section™. The fnctional properties of thi apie {eur ca ls be sen the Se Gall idorefngment, he alex surviving topy ofthe tex ea scholar appear to have esied acest to Tir’ Tes Snot soon aft a been completed. Drab it had been ele clad long with shertexs by thoes ante ith te our ‘ita of Colambuner onthe cuties. cere them asa eneeopud, ed they etre to ta the "Cuan nthe sense Of 4a eae ing Tie asin tothe text as detetniol the way in which the see Tee cted tin this copy (Pat 1): he text has bean divided ft stood Aconleg to the tops lscied, and he sib at commenced each seion rae ee an "nage er Rasen fn Ea, Se retest lt eats SSRNLAESES Sas Seen» peal een of he ong of oe seca tur Bers saa ce Me Ha fe Br rt Se eas i ar Ses end he Gramm of Leis ° wih tram and miooode, Layout and pocttion ave been ‘Seale! to fete sc tothe ange of topes doce The et thom oe ot ing bron of dhe hesge of Amiga ansrps puncraon tad Soron ‘Same tecckay Ho Theses sy tee fo eco ame thing be presentation of text wich te ee and ar oe deeoped fe dil te other. Not only war puncation made t lok decmie bet ‘hel ting for pununion domed tir decosive pcp They ied "ape age” apogee the ai ween space’ ccepied by chbonte decontve pers) onthe veo ofa leat to empha the fet thats acu text, of mor divin of tet began onthe allowing tet; the elat surviving ample of th occ nthe Minn Orca ‘They sl developed the ir mtbr vo that a tal Gould de he whole page Ts decorative imple te wo abort the “7” turk by aig poi, fen in nou Olen this vat ws tepaced fl ‘ur ln, andthe nanber of tines it wa repeated wat Geemlad by She amowne of pce wala tol Tachi wy the sche eapoted the ‘Scone pote ofthe mark. Ta the Bangor Anion the ne pe tenet posed by thers pe othe stem of pncaton Wet ‘ho employe asa oti nthe rel detorton ofthe inte ‘Aiough ish serber euhted new principles of you and pe esa of texts, mon betes wees conened withthe rh + Seok than wit the informaon ie war to contin, They wee icine to ‘Serpe tc efrmation on he page ps Many of their ar. Spe we raed rd ay hg mer Sern {or sample in some ofthe poker Gorge! Books. Te new pine cod ‘e sefaetd the Sat ements wee inedeced bythe Argo Sexone™ ener ad meooaeaaete eee aS ae aa eam a eas Se ee Nome tn gem tin aright Stent Br St i ag mp nea fam eo pce ene ea ee He i rp ran Pt ‘0 A), Kae, 198, Siri, Sota Raa (tse of Serle, Lk smelt ve ogimam, XI 1 4-6 Techn vs Mate st ences cca a rotamer bps, ees | me oe quinn ooo pow | net fee le pte [oe go it ee ila Mei per deensone 4a) su pal) pl | al Manta) sat eile prego | en fata at rim pd ron) | Gt mre te ak Tare cee ge) ped Ga) nia id) un my wd ign) woe Meriter is by Simloton Gn ma jt ot oar fm pl 0 Maia fs) ave ys fe mei fm which et they ah get hie “he ances cle te bed Bare bce Slog to mea att ome erin Gro hr wee cle psy hee these gor bes fot et bend bg poet Aria (aes thi me om string sounds, hace Vil rome Jit Tbr the wc ws teen ce teense te Gres ‘Ries ilo eves sn ro be lag a though abe Sheree ner cll ae oe 1 St Gal, Sisibohek MS 1399.0. a Serbs, Sept and Rats ‘The AngloSexons lated the practices of word separation, aout en pnctanion fm sh teachers, Howeve the Anglo Snoes were slo dpy cious of hi deb to Gregory he Gr whom thy eed a expo Sle forthe cosvesson tothe Orbodoxtadon of Chisiuity™. itr fed them to. develop sl forthe eaere of Reman Christianity, which, the Syond of Whitby in 664 denestete, thir Ih eee do ot Slonys seam to have sare. Books aa the dat wee eased the pln Tipu mes of tarsmiing te tre of Roman Chetan to the monks Sd clergy Dede ll tat theft ona rived With any books (ads pris), a Beni Bac (who Onnded Wearnouth sr Jaro [G74 End Bt) and Cl, ht steer ae aoe, ao imported Guat {eof books fom the coatings, A few book ore fom Kay ave “Sorvied the sheatury Goi of Se Augen” (Cambridge, Corps {iso College, MS 286; CLA, 128) repanal to ave been brought by the fine miso,» center copy of Jerome oa Ecksiates owned by ‘Abies Cut of laiberow (Worsurg, Usvesiashihl, MS. M.P ThQ2: CLA, esa scemary copy of the Book of Macabees {Durban Dean Chapee Library, MB BLIV., fl 169; CEA, 13); and the Burcdurde Govgels (Worbarg, Univesicstil, MS NCP-THF, CLA, M23). Ya 7 coun for the emie southern province ld Grice decd that upon vas to be performed the Maw elebested (Sidhe orice ead and sung "acceding the writen formu which we petra, folie taeeeesison mh he Eke dee ‘ioe i ane AD. Beh i nde fr t,o. Le, Aetare saatstasNanl os es mt ns, i a si tiadrages trash an e s i See 7 TEMES. Noni, te Aan of ape of tea, Cambie 184 Sc Ae ee ree PEE i aractabn alten '8 on, Dot Cute SORE etn covet ot hans Co Sn entntees e'Cch 25 Ina Sees nd the Grammer ofLgiiiy 3 tare om the Rom Chueh” (ee ample dari Rome ‘Se Bot) at monks td gy Sng od ae ch te cum of he Roman Chrch p(n Beene Joe scat wigs Come of Cotter, cape 1,11 6, Tis tape fo te ec teey of me wes pared by «ep rte vba prin rel Ye ein ery oper SU iooka Plucngaphied fetes sanced “oak Hn sects {poet in bootepedied by sce a Ta oonos tn eso Etpind. The info of lun ligapy fr sleced in he dacoe npn wpa lara scp books fom he Lede spiny ‘Spice tect fom te Ton mans peeve ln een Aotmen Hawhre wir tom to trv the tno of tect Son ads Ar Ween ht fer who deed he tig Ble for Abbr Cot ee Roman Unc snd Rese apa fib tat de of melons care which louie by sve Ta KKeny he ees: are were peed Une scp, to Ua nd Tan Cpr we rd fer the Van Pale (London, Bt Litry (itor iS Vepsan As CLA, 1) Bona ert hp Dal ot Winches ing fn & lar ase “ce tse en to cy with ope td le epee lw rl ab {Bi ei ey Epa 0) tle at mang Cel tl Unc sc wei tho Lanvin sre apa Alhoagh Aap tr cet eel te eligi dhios ofthe scat bok ba, ty neve eine troduction to hcp fom nna wen Inept The mon alg acd inane eagle ethane opear ine tellers pode by Agi Seon eet opal ang on Bette Cone an fom, Aton Cues copy of Jee Thre ae ew fumes of wordueunion Ia he mp levee OC Sow ne nim, 3 ym Dm tp. agi Teale terme we Pte pa Pt ok ‘Te ef tele Sue Pca ef, Eee Erase nee oO sa, ai Lhe Tee Meme Gemma, BH “Renton, gd Un dV ad cs Seite, Sip and Rens Burda Gowpel and these may very wll preset apes of ateton fn the prt o's Nochmbran sce veking concent to iia “rips Safina, inthe saply leaves to the Jrome marae 8 wel a sete of copying sabe by syle, woitscprtion i ore fequet, tithough ttre ve numero Insane ofthe cones between fee and fount meres commoaly found in ely exe of wordaurtion {Geena he cere peices and pepontons ach in “we Se ao netgear tad Se indeed ad eee ‘afuon are eeate soir etary fad fle eognize a dv Son elow that of word a0 fad themselves confaed fee and bound "What Garces the workspaaon of Anglo-Sexon ces i i detnys the pce etvec words nial ut adequate They se fo tie Dc conti athe of impopty when dg 4 pte ‘leh wu alee tothe ton of arse nthe eel they wee king to repre Thi dlc testis to the tee of decorum hich ‘RagoSaon sees brought tthe podocton of books The stacy of anit manscts aso malted » more sophia suture ele Sto ees oad the concept of «Ber of i, The Seri teen works by he Father, les 0 ona, md the dca wich ‘Soveyed te suo ofthe Ronan Chore nce afr had all ‘en oogily tsi to the Anglo Seons i cops weten in Unca te Ranc Caps lo-Snon vaber oe oe ee nce {peal appropiate for sah thor exes Av esa bes bea to mploy thoes eto ding the each fom sch tbo. fio tich we ncrort into fest oe commesaic cope in Isle Minus Ite Wena ow copy of ed's commentary on Proves for, Bodlenn Livy, MS Botley 619; CLA, 29), the coment ‘Sr copied in Tar Mise ws nats sm he twin «fom of ocala the Lengo Bede (Leningrad, ME. Sulgoy SbmkinPublie ibry MS Lat Quit C24, 1621, and in the apy made om it (Looe Compe Face, apm, 1 Ka 2, 5, EE ile cmt ip came, omg ht nm it Ke 82, 39 opie te itate Sen oe fon a Ilr Sites nd he Gramma of ein 8 on, Bish Leary, Cotton MS Tibetie A XIV; CLA, 170), te fret ou ue formase of he papal documents que by Bede were alo din. fied rom the sos ofthe ext by the eof Un ant Ras Capitals Sich examples demonurted bow ancet sept could be lategeted With iinatule fer in new page signs, and inuened the salmquent ex ation fhe ieechy of xp mama precedente cto However, the AngloSwoe? concept of + heey of xp ule thar of thet Caroingn sccesions, was engendered By + spect stade towards th tens they coped twas baud on a concept of catchy of dnthoity. This ade ako manieed inal fo other rp eres sh ‘cites fad adopted one ofthe anion arta te dp to inte the testinony af the ured Sepeures when quod inher texte acto Ahince with the Lae Aavigue pescice the spi ws paced alone te ‘eglaning ofeach line of = qunation.Anglo-Saon sib ited ements" MS Bodley 819 canbe cumple ofthe most saat forme of the ap — the simple “arowbead form — which hae been lncomported into ew pate in which ger, moe caligaphie form ofthe sak Ins Been wed to lade the begining ofthe quoatin Hee nrc ‘sytem of eter placed inthe margins onda the prc surces fot his commentates, The lees AM, AG, GG snd HR indested exacts fom Ambre, Augosin, Gregory ad Jerome: the Sint leer of each pale indicted the bepaning of the ere and the acon inte the end ‘A simia sysem appa n x copy of ta ancoymens commentary on he Pals conning Engl verreaae loser Waza, Bibs spot ic, MS Pant 8; CLA, 78) ‘These various dierent practices tery 10 the adoption of a new convaton that extn fem source eed in 1 teat shouldbe dtingsited om the text a The dil the acer ‘of moleen quotation mara, Boks sytem of iadieatng his srcs wat folowed by Hrabanas Maus on the coetinnt, andthe sytem wat ened in welt cetary gloved books Te may well be the anctator the svc feante™ an Pst ema ere EA, Lom Pia Pe od Gh die Mein Cane Merb rip Let Meni Sate sn 0 Git pe ion me tS Lave A Bp “ase Spin of Poa ar, on pe 8 ii tytn a ers rm Vl is Comme Sn Siepriee’9f Wawra ore, bow pe fats be trae MPa, of Co of Ono dCi 6 Series, Soi nd Redes AngloSoxon scribes sho applied the skis and discitne sequied steoagh inating ance srpesf te weting of inocu. The ss of four sctles t Wearmouth jure, mrking over a period of tie on sng fe manuespt (the Lenigsad Bod), exhib the proprenive applcuion of ‘metus stein fo proportion snd deta andof peso the Fri ion ofthe ler, ‘Two of te srbet alo soap f0 resi the number [trast forme the same leer (on sept produce in minus sxipt {he ere sb ha Boiface peered) This reduction in he epee tony of fer fon wis bed on the pine at ac leer wa he mi {bum phonslogial ts wel a he matam pep wit, principle devine {om ssements fod in ancien grammars ach fon Bad thie proper {tsp (fra) same (ome) and ts phonemic referent (ats) "The achievement ofits aber —ioatable eters ~ in the rascal serps wes to become the graphlecouotrptt to attempt achive a ‘onulzed system of orthography, Saequely on the comtnet ts graphic ‘Suveton as ncompanted by geatr emphasis on thve minimum eine {ine Fees resulted fo Hes the dire leer Forms. Te results ‘Teinocl scope which war throughout he Wet for seven ets, int evenly became the basi of modern type ces AngloSunon seb ‘ere the st fo explore the pines on whic his development was bused, Sivell thw which unde the developers of «Nee of rei The majority of Anglo Ssnom sere opted the Ish sytem of pe caution in which the mumer of pointe oe masks was increased acing {othe inporance ofthe pate. However, he study of manus npor- {ed ffom lay ao led. Anglo-Saon sees co late Feues of pane tation whch thy presumably found in them Ta some of thee Unc ‘Manan ve fe punctnion by single pints i the manner which ve Would hve expected to dnd in their ex Taian exemplar ‘The sbe From ar uatinen loeay, who produced the eighth cemary copy of the minor prophets preserved ia = Fragment at Cambridge (Gone and (hin College MS #20h; CLA, 128), punctate is tex accord he Sree ote of ristine oy eats single oie paced at tee die foot hegus The Wena bok, MS Body 819, eh dhe ie Dyn of the Bk Mail La nd iy: Pd» Bara Maat EAs eS ao ao ih: SR th ema ie ad Boies iy, 8, BT Pitae Eejuten of Peomn Jor a Cope pr ar a te ie Tarte (te sma of Leibity ” sey ene pel npn i: rg est ar pees pate esto ‘lin anened at "Dish o tn by pons tle co ‘Sic i es Soman acer aan eee eee Sonos tt meatanmm nes nae ee Mats Crm rin i 4 i iis Se ea hel oe et Ah 1 Serie, Seip Readers pa re, Wo nd Cpr Gare. Bisa Mt. Bunyan, MB oa ets eh aa 2 Tachygraphy inthe Middle Ages: Writing Techniques Enployed for Reportations af Lectures and Sermons In ne antigay sits appear to ave dated thc work, and oni eal bow the Donati and os emplayel «nots oor Se Angutine's eons athe preached or ik pape he aca» tel Shorthand sytem, or «hte, which embled them to mt down ‘pian with precion what an aro preacher eid, One tat, ‘BesocaledTiruian «notte? we stil nea te athe ten centr then twat exployel by rite to recor vernal holy oa Jot Ted his taeeipe h now pooerved ina foment in Valence, BBL ‘mun MS 821 (475) Hower, bythe eel ear thi Shoo ayers Id ben mee oe forges at mass notue® wick ad posed into the pence spear of cments of shievitions The tibet who Tek perme emer ay ee cee saa arr art at St see ot Re maceena eee Ste aos Mier Ger oboe ree eee eres Thain ein 1940;'6-Coccon BCE Bi peptone seme re ss pea » Sei, Sept and Rakes rade « eportationes fsermon in the weit cenrary nd Inte depended ‘Se Teche pil wing developed inthe eoue of aking ecate ‘owes in the schnia = rater than upon Stengaphy "Amie of tute survive fom at ee the ae leven etary ‘cova, which contain tested ar rcode of ecoresgien in he Schools Onion, Bodlne Liteny, MS Lavd Mic 344 i ie-welth> enruy mnie conning a ee of lars given by Master Hugh SF Se Viezorin Pati nthe frm of seperti» ade y oe aurets Ferhimel ands fends However, ths tas, Ike any of he ober ‘mune containing such fx cacy ae copy produced ether own the orgie repair an intervening copy Never, Cet manatcps contain whoa tent, glner orate, oF expen of ‘ovens nid hadsing. Pom ach peimene we may observe the Kind of tecaiqus of handwriting and abbrevaton wich would Inve teen adapted aad wed forthe orga eneporaiones » tthe ine then te lecre of sermon was delivered a he welt nd ery thes enariethe handing was ral, informal, and charcternet by a educar» which had een tecifad by the inka ce fr ht own convenience to emblem 9 write wth pester pay” Frequently sight sakes were replaced by carved fer which were more ey eomolled when vaing ikl. Leter fem wee simple apd edacel in size yo mabe them ese to tae teal weve ome rom te sues of by and 4 offen descend alow th ln, and the acer frequely curve tothe lf a the ook ‘whee the scribe manccuwred the pen at ited to get ito postion {oom the hendtoe o thelte Seber fequently fed 0 jun ‘Are fr Senowrapie 38, 190, pp. 1-6 1157, R. Haveere Ler Pro Secs ees oer Toes, Seis hemes 6, me Maa ol 4a teprainas inthe choo me he ec scout by Be Ste, Te Say Pointe iba mgs ee Tap Dea te tod Mmuepr ss Chae de Rao: Orford, Baie Lier, Tarp ithe Mile ges b the ene of componert stokes in lever forms, leving gap of Too tenis at the poi of conace. The handwriting conan igh proportion SF eave ler forme whch enld he mate more eatly ae kip than the rele one: ead a, round backed andthe Tool ‘tnea> for, which eplsed the more compere lpare hot forthe ‘tod ful, and forthe splable wihin © word, Epler of ths nd “resdwting fom the Ite twat sod the thineeth cary can be tren in the band tentatively Heed a that of Aletander Nesom? fed la ove of Robert Growetene? Alberts Magnus and Pe de Timopss "These small iar, highly cures hands semsined in we for most che hieenth century, and atte tame tne povided the sarin pine for the devdopment of the care rapt which ft emerged ng ‘Oot cena, and came to ke sued in hooks and docamert. Inthe Bhp ‘est apecimens ofthe ater informal bands mint of the movements (Fie pen had come fo be recoded onthe wskng utc; the eave frp: emerged when, over 4 pered of tine, tee movement cme 1 Ie alopied ar auniary fers of the lee forms, and thee modid foo were recognized a the veer components ofthe abe ofthe serps writing» canive seg rset pen om the sice ‘eld posi, and this eed him to wete mote eal and apy Si the eame tne te dicie ltr form of cuive sip ako helped ‘to moti an adoynte and of ogy." Kindo handwriting spp in London, Bt Libary, MS Royal 126i whee pt ofthe ‘omenentry i eid tan origi! «repotton made by one Henry ‘Ream whist he war attending a core of lecture nthe Oxford sebools (Pe 2)" sar i Sonor os age a dan of Cn aoe ae na aero Se in Bal ric TE ed oon Wh fe, ma ee a 2 Serie, Sop an Reser PLATE? The manuscript contains the Conus veto’ of Ariatotle.On 222 cmporny hand bas added the soem Ihr serie (2) enics de ream, est in seas oxoe et emendautegosauit ulin The handwriting the len ad he rare of he content Soper that Renham anole he manacrptnthesecond half he ‘eteen comury (ck DLA, Calf of Atl eri afd Proceeding he Bh Academy, 2183. pp 229381, cp, SGE271). Nothing frie ie known aout Henry de Retham oe erm Rainham, Rent Ger the entry im AH Emde, A Baral Rpt te hte of Ono 8D. 130, Ono 195-159, ub tone) Te bk tras sutneqcty even o Recher Catedral Pry bya Pie Joh, Probably Jo de Renan, por 152285 so 130.1298. The pag reprodeed fom Book 1V othe Ply. Henry de Feiner en he Fatal those recoding stot anslaton (preceded by. aia {ramlacis) "The longer gee derived fom Averrcs (preceded by not ining nthe outer lar a the magi, re ude an erent ine: Tos longer ghar were ren byte se srt, tt with tkr pen andthe banding Mowe les evident haste inexcetion, Nevertheless, thehandwetng FRentams reports" compares well with the cureve handwriting of tier scribes te Univers of Oxon in third brn anotations ite howe ested in prints acon, ¥-Ebee EF Uther ern 198 pat), and inaircopy ike haunted in Parkes Ent Cute as Hen p30 eS i fo SES SS epee, rte ioe sorter renaaetert CE eager Caaceee een IE ecto ani, BESTE, Camber eald ga le sit Epa Fe Ee eee Briksg| whe) Pee emeneyd See es fs 2 Londo, British Libary, MS Royal 12 GH 0 4 (ale 7:10) Soke, Ses nd Redes However, ete forms which were simple, quick and confonable wo tee ~ even when accompanied By conerbe dene ofthe fgets (hat the German ll «Pingreighits) ~ wold ns bane been a fet wo ees sre to mse stacey writen cond fa eran oleae was ing delivered: Duco the coro the teeth ceeary fexbe became more sled aod more comin in ejsing, woes Shen copying both Latin and yemcaae tnt, This develope nde fequet recourse t abvevation more fel, uns wee eae fo both seb and readers to iatly the boone of an aber fem “At St scribes wed the aint shod of aveiton, but wed ‘hem more equey tn before A wall ax employing aio oe» for soch fons a pronouns, prepostios and pats of te vr sto be ‘hey also employed he spa igs more rue when coping eter cemmon worl: for exmpl, adverbs like mud (8d), sei on), ‘and (98), sump (ps0 tinned (i. They also apie ot Scmmon words by employing the «ote» for peptone when weg, Preface ot sles peered by the se sere ter, and by ing the ple sgn ewer in he same word. Sees were tn able Dprodace simpli forme by employing two or mote semests of ab- Ievition in single word, a inthe form of tre (no), mr (ca) and piper (Dt). Quotas from fle «ascend specially the Bile tex, wee ely Hndated aly by the ft ieee oheach wed By the end of the rclh cnmarywcies ind Begun to ep the cognid elements of abbrevations by 2 fexse pro wh enabled ‘em to prodoce an tmost limitless umber of simple fora. Da cats expeieced by Iter sees (edading ewesecentey one) ‘hen temebing hieendhceniry emp inte the, pesoet uct terete tl a clit some re rel ean ‘Mesa of een eed by onl ene ues wee ned Finan, Spe md Ep a rc BELG Ant te. 3 nD pp've marion cokosebotaee se eae Tabby inthe Mid ges 2» tue of the repens employed by shied cntuy ties, Never (bets these diftentrepentcer we all comtet with ena nde ‘mena principe "To comer the spoken word ino the ween word is «proces of tnulation. When the writen medi etd athe mt developed foem ely for Lai ‘When a sib war enpaged ins ssprtato» ofa sermon delivered in eros language, he might well have found # quicker to make 30 Iesmaneottasiton fom the vemisar ito Lae, and #0 record the dco i ampli Lain forms: 0 tant rm the yoken 0 tie erie dom ia» La ‘The evidence suppor hit saggenion. The eth cetary ta: scrip af the homily on Jour inthe Valenciennes Engen! cotaios French words and phe writen out i fll Lata word in Toa ‘Cooma few Latin words writen oo afl embeded win te fers of Tionin noe the quotation fom de Buble were alo weten {Fronian woote The scobe wd Lasa bene Teoran« otae» were tip aplale to form nt langage tod these «note» foc he Latin Fennec rexdly to him. The few sot Ltn words re pesmi? these or which the scribe ether did ot kaow the « aoe, er had MO ‘menatly fngoten thom. Osasonally he wal Tonia ote» for Sslibies i Pench word, bat ts wus sir convenient, aoe did it ‘Sve mach ne. Ne prefered aoe th woe for Latin wor atoogh fe doubles though in Frenchy ice, apt Ge the quotton, thse Tin wonds ae sonaied within French tyoince contsctons ws, i Spi 7 ees ces een = Sees, Sips and Redes “The ume pros of tnlting fom the spoken medium tothe wren sedi by oy of Latin an be nerve inthe prtne ofthe Group [rca and tres in Lather ce who recrde bi sermons and ‘im e capil et ardnecorundems ™ “The forma tractand in hare reduced tothe terms ofthe modus tious he forma tratatur—tdspstion othe mei {nto books and chapters is defined a the physical manieaion sf that mode of procedure. In Kilwardby's Nel per Pinar ‘inorem the restionship between mod of pocedue and dspont- ‘Soro try tind o tenor 2. as, Be Bing Sr ‘Sport lites Beige 2 eh 8 52 Series, Seip and Readers tion of materi is maintained, but the txm ordnati is itroduced to convey the notion described by Jordan of Saxony as forma fracas “Cas formals consitt in modoagendi tin dina tone partum doctrine" A’ generation later Nicholas of Pais tidied “up the terminology i his commentary on Aristotle's Perihermenit: "hist formaliatractetan que est ordinatio Tibrorum partials et exptuloram,* Academie dicusion best fon more precise definition focused on the ostensible arrangement ta work and formulated» conept of erin, thas providing 2 theoretical foundation for attempts to meet te readers racial eed Tn such circumstances the stractre of reaoning came to be reflected inthe physical appearance of books. ‘There was more ‘stesble packaging” ofthe text, and in copie of the works af thirtceathcentury writers the ordiatio of the work as more ‘early defied. The rubrietrinerted the uber ofthe relevant (quctio,dtintio, or chapter inthe margin at the appropriate point, and the stages in dhe argument were caeflly indicated by freans of litera notliloer and paraph masks. Lemmata were ‘underlined, ‘The sibes would mark the divisions by inserting ‘one or two paral! diagonal ines a8 guide to the rubvictors. A ‘ypieal mse page of the text ofa commentary on the Sentences ‘would fllow something like the following pattern: ‘Ad intligntiam has pats duo pencipaliterquerutu primo MTeecundo cea pmo querutar ia pina. ecaade “Tereo... Ciea primum. {item -- item conta eamea = respons. and s0 on(ph, 6} * Moreover, new sis w reference were intro- ‘duced which helped to identify the disposition ofthe materia ‘TE el, Cy nih, es ‘Sprowls, ‘Hain, Wim of Autre, and Banavenrrs surviving in Prench and English USShe epee be tein ees) Deen a Ps dt tw reir av rap ea pa ak Ondinato and Complatio. 3 dition to marginal numbers thitenth-centiry scribes and Tubriestors developed and extended thee of runing and introduced the analytictable of contents au a guide tothe ordinatio and to falitat the reader’ secus to component parts of work. "The use of runaingts wes an encent practice which had been somewhat nepleced, perhaps beease in the procs of the monastic lst they had Become redundant. In the teh century ‘wef them wed agsn, particularly inthe eymtematiall arranged Collections of canon lay like the Panormia of Ivo of Chartren* fd ater in copies of Graan> But i the Set haf of the twelfth entry they were sed somewhat ado, and neither the form not ‘the placing ofthe runaing-ties was consistent. During the thir teenth century the potential of running-ttles was explored and realized, They were sed frequently inall kinds of texts and were fften made conspicuous by the ust ofthe colours red and Bue, ‘ud ocasionally emphasized Farther by the ation of flourishes, In Reims MS. 84 (sam), a copy of the Li maturaler of A tole, cach Jeter of the runningtites has been adorned wi flourishes "Te form ofthe titles became inore consistent, they became more informative and were placed in such away tht they give a more precise indication ofthe bevinning of new division ff the tet. In early copies of the amma of Thomas Aquinas (like ‘Troyes MS. 98 +110 ex) the runningtites consist tot merely ofthe number but alo the stb of each gueto, and wheneree 1 ew division occurs in the tot the new running i carefully placed over the appropriate column (cpl 11) In plate, @ opy of commentary on the Senter, the roman numeral inthe ‘entre of the tp margin indicates the numberof the bok. "The bbrevated ttle for Didnt spaced ver the first col, ad the number ofthe Distinct is placed over the second column, ‘Soret snd anti h worshive aca eed oy mutes Bene ese en ge cence 1 ttt Ems, Cob, Rae, 98), 0.798 a Serbs, Seip and Rear thus indicating that both columns contin the commentary on thie fection ofthe text "The aalyial table of contents listed the major topics dis: cused, in the order ia which they occured in the text. The placing of chapter-headings before cach book ofthe text wat an ecient practice! butin the thteath century they were brought together none place snd arranged in tabular form. The scheme of the able was often emphasized by the use of re ink forthe major headings and black forthe subheadings asin Troyes MS. S20, 4 cmpy of Bonaventura on the Serene, In many thieeathcentry ‘manuscripts the table of contents occurs in a separate booklet ‘whic has bee added to the beginning or end of bok some ie ter it had been written but by th begining of the fourteenth entry the table was copied by the serie ax part of the book, ain ‘Troyer MSS. 161, 18, and 624, copie of the Summa Tesla ‘of Thomas Aquinas. In Reims MS. 680, thitcenthcentory copy ‘6f Gratin preceded by the usual materi or synoptic introduction, ‘an analtical table of contents hes een added at the end and Ineaded "Icipitordinatio ers omni eapitloram et pelea et paragraph i bro deretorum. The welthcentry appar ‘us has been reinforced by a more up-to-date guide to Gratan’s ordinatin, “The new interest inthe organization and procedure within an {ndividal work the concer to study an argument from bein ‘ing to nd, which led tothe formulation ofthe concep of ordi tiowalso stimulated a daze tee the autores, he individual ententag, thei fl context. Thete was a return tothe orginal the works of the actress tla New copice were made fa volumes embracing a many a8 posible of the writings of ingle ‘auctor, and constricted fom independent "booklet of unite, each Gf which contained complete Ing srrk or group of sorter ‘works, Precedent for such collections was perhaps provided bythe copies of the Corpus ecu of Aristotle's Lari naturales which ‘Gere prior, copied at Rome in the Me ofthe nator el ow Teoyes s matrae er enramaet toe tates Be ttt ope Gill tne "Fh smeared ay C909), 95. . Ondinatio and Cmpttio 35 Gucaated ia the schools by the mid thirteenth century. The ‘eceenry compreation of alge work int a booklet wae shieved bythe adoption of very sll handwriting and the copious ie of sbrevstions, The proces can be illsrsted from mansse Containing the worksof Augustine, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Hadley $68 compres eight booklets: one containing the De trnitate with its list of capital, Epistle 174, and the relerant sages rom the Retraction: another booklet containing the Super Gene together with list of the quaetones and therle- vant passages Crom the Retractatimes; a third booklet cntin= ing the whole of the Retracttimes, and Sve booklets conning shorter works. Gonville and Cae College, Cambridge, MS. 108 ‘comprise four-bookles: one containing te Enciridion and Egiatle x37, another containing the De dicrina Christiana together ‘with sateen of Augustin’ eters third containing the Super Gene and other works, and > fourth containing the ‘De ‘riitate® In such volumes running-tites assume greater i= portance, snd in copie of the Lal natraler of Aras (or xample, Bordeaux MS. f2r, Cambridge, University Library, MS. Ee, 2 3, and Reims MS. 85) claborate decorated or histrated inne help the reader to locate the diferent wor inthe corps However, earlier texte had not been waiten according thirteenth-century principles, therfore thitenth-century readers requied thiteentvcentury guides to the rdiatio, More often than not this involved a redefinition of the ordinatio to make i sccetble to the reader in thiteenth-century terms. hough ler divisions (ks the chapte-headings of Brena tothe De tivtate Dei and the De tinitae of Augustine) were resurrected, tehelaraleo produced independent menne of aces inacordanes "spe inte Midge oF Powe aad (Ono, A oust ee fewarnmias Gate carieoen area ‘rp chan en Lata ee ST Swi Cpr cma i oe %6 Scribes, Sei nd Readers with new ways of thinking. Grossetete produced a set of ltl to the Bik of Avsorle* Robert Kilwardby produced a serie of eynopees of works of the Fathers variously called intone, ‘aptula, or concuiane:® Tey kept to the order of the existing “rdinato but they divided each chapter ito smaller sections and ‘nalyed and summarized the contents ofeach section. The sum- ares were designed t bring out the disinctve qualities of each book by dividing up the material according to mode of procedure ‘which wat in line with eurtent notions ofthe disection of know edge. As Kilwardby himself said in another context, ‘ordinatio partum doctrine in divsione pati’ Tn addition wo these yop fe certain commentaries wer alo in ental, Whereas commen tators an the Bible depended on existing divisions of the text, ‘commenters on other texts ha to divide and subdivide the text in onder to expound i Some commentator like Averoes on ‘Acinole und Alexander of Haleaon the Sentence, wee regarded with special respect and their divisions ofthe texts came to be ‘garded a standard ‘Once an apparatus ha been produced fr a oti is inevitable that copies ofthat text wil be produced or adapted for use slong fide the apparats. Nev divisions were intoded int od book. ‘The precedent was undoubtedly provided by the ‘Parisian’ division of the Bible into standard chapters for ecnvenience of reference. Troyes MS. 1046 indicates that this was known in France in 1203, but the commentaries of Peter Comestor and Peter the Chante, aswell as those of Langton, indicate that it had its predecenors! In the thiteenth century the achoare of St Indi Sl Raber Gri’, ad LR (93) ts my ‘Goape ng of agutee De Tonite rbd Rion Mak a Emre 6 "Ce Rl Gro, Sear nd Bis oD. A, Cal (Onfr, 02, PSEC. a cata. “The "Tale npr Orga Pan” of Raber Kl sr Oi Se eo i 9 i rh Farm d Beltane Piensa ss TGuced by Wu obantfhe “Ane” inthe Pele DST Sy of he Be mh Mea, (Oo sgh pp a Ordinatin and Compilaio s Jacques produced a Concrdantia, and farther subdivided the ‘chapters of the Bible into equal parts indiated by letere of the slphabet for use alongside this reference work However, his ‘subdivision is ae found in manuscripts: the principle on which it was baved war ample enough to be applied ad hoc by reader ‘who used the concordance slongside an unmarked txt. In copies ‘ofthe Senter the Lombards own division of the text info chapter was supplemented by 1 new division into ditto, a ‘rate attributed to the inflence of the commentary of Alexan- Ser of Hale? Tn the calet copie (pls) these have been inserted by thireenth- and fourtenth-cntury hands, often in arabic numerals* Similar developments can be seen in copes of Aristo. Taking the De anime as an example, Aveanches MBS, 221 (ai) is fee of apparatus and no divisions have been inserted. Tn Dousi MS. 68 (x) the text hasbeen vied into smaller ‘units by mean of layers of paraps inserted by successive ubrica- tore and readers, In Cambridge, University Library, MS. Be, 2. 31 (6 LI-xry) paraphs inserted in the tex are accompanied inthe inargn by numbers preceded bythe word ‘comenentam’, which relate the textto sections ofthe commentary of Averoes.® In copies ‘of the Fathers we find varius systems of chapter division and ‘numerous copies have been provided with marginal numbers which relate tothe various kinds of apparatus prepared by Robert Kil- ‘wardby.” In some copies we Sind line numbers and columa num- bern In Keble College, Oxford, MS. 26 (ch. pl. 8), a copy of, + Ch te aie Wy Manges, Dione de eB. Conde inl a S87 ot fen Ces Sie a mentee emcee br Avian, Aeron, and Alberton agotysoped by Barnomanus cacti Ras Se mink Ker, "The Engl Manacipt of the Mort af Gregory the Great, Kunt- Eo eee Soe ETE ‘ines were ween Eland, nt probabiyin Oxf eP Lonny Sj 38 Series, Seri and Readers the Sentences produced in the scood half ofthe thirteenth century, the ditinctio numbers have been Furnished by the rbrictor, and ‘professional srbe has added the commentary of Peter of Tatear tase, In atleast one booklet of MS. Hodley 568 (Augustin, xs) the Kilwardby numbers were copied by the scribes In Peer= house, Cambridge, MS. 56(De anna X8) text and commentary vere copied alternately by the scribe who numbered each section ofthe commentary. In cach case the apparst had boen supplied before the book came ito the hands of the reader. "Thirtcenth-eentury scholars paid close tention to the develop ment of good working tools based on scientific principles. The ‘rive to make inherited material avaiable ina condensed or mare ‘convenient form led them to recognize the desirability of imposing new ondinato on the material or this porpoe. 1a the thirteenth ‘entry this led tothe development of dhe notion of empath 25 form of writing and a+ means of making material easly accesible. Compilation was not nev (iis implict inthe work of GGratian and Peter Lomburd);" what was new was the amount of thought and indostry that was put nt it andthe refinement that this thought and industry produced. "The transmission of these fefiements on to the page led to greter sophistication in the recentation of texts "The role of the compiler was defined by Bonaventura slongside ‘ose ofthe serie, the commentator, and the author: uadrpiex et madus fend Libram, Agus enm eri slicsa iil adendo vel murano tise mere dir scp. ‘igus sett allna alicado sd non de no, ete complet Aiur, Aga sib eae et un td ales tanquam pracy 4s et nm tmguum sonexa ad vient, eine dur commen (aor om aban Alig set cn 6 Ann, ed to emu 1 Hwee he em compat at 2 spilt iter wera th sth seer Gan wan ta by tenes omen epee ‘Se quinn ip J Fhe, Ck dr Oi nd ce {ev ci Sr inh ete popes Sn ‘Salt cumple ost nce oe ste ced ot Say, Te Bret Con nd Se Saxe oh aT {ie Cops shan sen re sped ee ha Tvs elie feet Paced Blo th ca fe ‘Siruy, et Hor, Ble Oninatin ond Compas. 0 princi, aliens tamu anneca ad confirmatonem et deet di "The compiler adds no matter of his own by way of exposition (oie the commentate) but compared withthe serie hes fee to rearrange (mutendo). What e posed was anew odnatio on the materiale he extracted from others. Inthe words of Vincent of Beauvais: ‘Nam ex co paucs, vel quasi nulla add. Forum igiur ext auctortat,nostram autem sla partum ordnatione* ‘The compiatio drives ite value frome authenticity ofthe acor- tates employed, but it derive its usefulness from the ordain which the auctoritates were arranged? “Vincent of Beauvais elevated compilatio into teary fort hich served a a vehicle for ater He was the mest ambiious ‘compiles, but he wa also the mort articulate about is mode of procedire, and for this reson he is a good example. In the ‘Speculum matt theordnatio operates at two levels: atone Level ininvolves the adoption of general scheme or structre in which the compiler can incorporate mast conveniently the paricalar ‘materia he hs sleted; a another level it involes the eice of {ial procedure by which the diverse auctritate can be Alivded up and redeployed according tothe nature ofthe subject- mater, At the higher level of rdnatio Vincent sought to enclose faturalslence, Christian doctrine and the history and schiewe= ments of the human race within the general framework of a “speculun’ r mirror ofthe universe "The scheme af his book was * rin ram naan se, que Pied Opeth Pryce nari Sei iy sella sc it ce), ce eon vena yy Cunt Pane. A ios om Vt ele rel fin fh i recat pened in Ns Gop het pine st ence spr te nog incl Gena Po evo nn ed oe se inthe liturgy ie suegated by the Dorsinican tecionary, and the icp ‘Mich sn he MS. Rehep Se abn ome Le) ii at itr intr si fru preeri gener cmpne ‘ais ted Le of Ont Tete. Co Arco Pars Pd. "OO any of sry fm a inf th at at Hah ‘sca Baer Conus tn Spon Lang hed pv danse a Treapnon of Manabe 6 Serbs, Seite and Readers, intended to mirtoe the scheme of reality. In working out his feheme, with commendable humility he followed the example ofthe ‘Rimighiy ut hana ordincnsaraeseriptura, primo de crea fone poms de eteaturia posten quogue de lapea t reparations mina, deinde vero de rebor gests asta seem temporum sn0- fm, et tandem eam de ie que in Se tenporum ftura sunt, trdinatedserem." In the Spectlon naturale he follows the ‘hromolgial rder ofthe sx dap of eration given in the Book of ‘Genesin At the lower level ofordintiohis procedure was infuen- ea by the modu dents of his owe age. Since, according to ‘Rleanderof Hales, apprchensio veritatis secundum humana ‘ationem explicstr per evisiones, definitions, etratoenatione Vincent achieves the subordination of his material by dissecting his aucortater and redeployng the diverse materials int discs tell-contaiaed chapter. Inthe Spear naturale the third fourth, Sod lth days of eetion give him the opportunity to review all, ‘hat was chen thought about mineral, vegetables and animale By ‘ividing his work into books and chapters he able to include 28 ‘many a8 17% chapters on herbs, 134 chapters on seeds and grins or chpters on birds and 46 chapters on fae. Inthe Spun ‘orale by the same proces of redeployment into discrete units he includes such material athe account of the ancient gods, and the biographies of leading authors of antiquity accompanied by ‘extracts from their workr~all sabordinated within the framework {f unvera history. I all the Speculim meta is divided into 80 books and 988s chapters: tithe case example ofthe principle ‘of eompilatio which emerged in the thirteenth cetury, ‘divide and ‘subordinate, "The age of the compiler had arived. ‘The term compilato Decotnes more frequent in the tls of works produced from the thirteenth century onwards although not all compilations were oeled."The work range from the highly ambitious and soph ticated works of Vincent of Beauais, Eardolomaeus Anglcus, ui Dion MS) of ‘ema New Enc Vt ot RESEr,nese Dhe, Be Mi (Ondnati and Compiatio 6 sand Broneto Latin onthe one hand, to much humbler work ike the Franciscan compilation in Durham, Cathedral Library, MS, Bev a9 on the other From the thirtenth century onwards al the compilations which follow this Iterary form operate by the ‘ame methods by disposing the materia into clay defined books Sd chapters or other reengniable divisions based on the ntare ‘ofthe aubjece-matter, a2 in the following examples selected at fandom. John Ashenden begins his Suna judiciati de acdet- that mands "Intencio mea in hoe libro et compilare sentence astrclogorum de accdencium prognosticacione que accidunt in hoc mundo ex coporumeuperiorium volta. He arranges is ctrtter according to he aatue of the material into two Books, ‘ach of which i divided int twelve tinction which i tur are further subdivided into chapters. ‘The Compendium morale of Roger of Waltham ie compile ‘de vctosis diese facts exer- plaibus antiquorum’ dipored in thirteen rabrcae relating t0 {government and politcal vitues2 Even the flrilagim, the cole tion af excerpt from the Fathers, was made to conform to this new logical arrngereat. The “iber qui voestar Flores Bereard? iS a collection of excepts fom a single auctor redistributed according tothe nature of the subject-matter... quia de diversi febus mentionem fact, secundum diverstatem rerum quibus Tequitur libros ia diverss ditnguitr et decem ibrrum uctati- ‘bus concluitur® As iterary form compiatioiafluenced works in vernacular Iteratute, The proces oferdnato atthe highe evel may be detested in the general schemes of the Decameron, the (Confeniaamantis, Let Cont Blader nd the incomplete Cantarbury Toler. Toe Cavlrbury Tales is divided according to pln rather than into Books and chapters, yet the atide of compiler seems to lie behind Chaucer words in the General Prologue ‘Tog that Tpleynlyspeke inthis mater, Tottleyow hie words and hi cheers [Ne thogh Tsp hie words propel For thi ye krowen as wel ‘Whe sal tle tle aie aa, lo moct rhere a a vere bean jgzpoime pene wemretn Nt ty oe e Scribes, Seis an Readers verich a wordt bein his charge, Al pee be never dlc and args, Or lis be moot ele his le ntrene (Or Fyne thyng or fyade words nove! In the context ofthe structure of the work these words seem to parallel thowe of Vincent of Beawais, "Nam ex raco pave, vl ‘quasi nulla adi Ipsorum igitur est autora, nesrum autem ‘ha partum ordiatone™ Tn both cates the writer cams to be ‘Adding nothing of his own, but Vincent of Beauvais scholarly eet ‘ence as buon a constituent devie of iterary form which n= bless writerto diadhim responsibilty for th statements he reotda. "The notion of compiatio not only gave rise to sophisticated Iterary form but aloo promoted the development oft new kind of apparatus for ure alongside exnting tera: the tabula or alphabet ‘a index, By employing a new erdinatio the tabula provided x ‘means of acces to suborinate topics within the exiting oda, fof a work, These were extracted and defined, thos bring made valle for ute in the conten of diferent arguments, The range of tabular was wide: there were standard tabular (like those ‘prepared by Robert Kilvardby onthe Fathers and the Seen) {nd those prepared by individuals for ther own use. They were a ‘most convenient form of quick reference werk, and the practies of compiling and collecting tabula became popular in the fur teenth and fifteenth centuries. In many manusripts subordinate topics in the txt were entered at subheadings fo the marge, Sometimes tabla was bound up with the wor it refers to: Oriel Callge, Oxford, MS. 43 (307) contain copy of Fihacre on the Sontoner accompanied by = comprehensive tabula, and in ‘Merton Callege, Oxord, MS. 55 4 tabla has been aided tothe booklet containing the De cvtate Dei. More frequently we find collections of diferent taulae bound together: Peterhouse, Cambridge, MS. 147 (6. xir-xv) comprises nine booklets con- taining tabulae on works by Augustine, Anselm, and Chrysostom; Dushams, Cathedral Library, MSS. B. 1.27 and 28 (WN) are Bi Comb Tala, Coat Pl ne 7-3: Mt A} Mai tas diced spas fhe ma of apa a serait ‘cen Pa, Tn rn Goes Ue of al dd ops Cn" ae we On Patan” Rater Kady Ondinato and Complatio. a tras ef ih an i oi a ste tegen Tag Ranh tens a, OP ‘Storia TT i i Oe ptind pien 1 tec Sasi crit cl cae “guise ntact tk ey Siete nan cee Reveals SaaS Samp ae Shoe eye y Sfe amg ac a ee Say iin Ni ide ee Sefer soy ae Se SAMA Sane Weidtetad he Posie escay SCT ip ci SA es a es ly SDece enki mac heap Sncfiscine Lacapenel ini aenops Sec a ae ee Toone Se pt Te td al crime a SepStncrt acl Pawlet REGIS ie oe leper ih aes ai he Bs ‘Berean elena ie a ps acento an i arp, ds ey ci tt a Som Sana a Se REE seach CE et ae PEE SERA RT Role The ent called Lamon Ani, Ai ‘Prat Pritt irs 1 HL. Henke, “Toe Mate amd ‘pe Alpahtol Retownse bs Svan’ fm Aca 9 See hiCrtmann Mate ad Hime er Are Misi, Serums dr Byram Neem dr Wenn, Peake s tench 39) 6H Serbs, Scripts nd Readers: [Nobody was more swaze of thi than Vincent of Beauvais. He tls tein the apap tothe Speculum that he has divided is work ito books dd chapters o make i eair forthe reader: "Ut buat pers parte single lector favs elueesan, psu totum ops pet bro, et ibrosprcapituladistinguere vu." These divisions Facto ecareflly and clearly abled... quia multorumlibeorum florem queadam, atque medulla in unui velumea compegi: totum eub eri tls ordine cangrao redegi* He improves the tefuloee ofthe work by prefiing to cach books detailed table ‘ofthe ttl ofeach chapter. He gave considerable though to the ‘ethod of indicating hi sources, He considered as precedents the tices developed in copies ofthe works of the Lombard and Gratin, He decided to follow the practice he found inthe ater, t2 place the names inthe body ofthe text ater than in the margine Tes they be misplaced by careless seibe: nequaquam in margine sieut iin paleo posto et epstoia paul ve in sentenced ne ina ian set in decrts ex inser If, ae seems Hy, the Dijon copy ofthe fe recension of the Speculon mais wis 1 presentation copy to Louis IX then not only were all hese Features employed inthis copy, bu itis also one of the east _manicripts [have sen which exploits to the fll the potential of running-tites doused above’ The Speculum survives in large ‘numberof copie enostof which fllow thi pattern (pl) and its imac on the standard of presenting texts should not be under- ‘timated. Compilations were handy books. The notion of erdna- fo developed by the commentators was realized, the dispesition ‘of rater into books and chapters was made manifest inthe aj- fut of these books, and the concomitant appara of heading funning-tites, tabulee, and other devices was disseminated along ‘ith the compilations. “The diseminaton ofthis apparatus for indicating the ordatio, led to sich greater sophisGeation in the production of books, Features of the apparatus can be found even in well produced copie of vernacilar texts which do not presuppose an academic Fendership, The indication of proper nares, by undedining them ‘or placing them in boxes, ean be found in manuscripts of Pare Pe de Eo ‘Ghote, bear (rgh 23s Ullman, lec ‘Ondinatinand Conpilaio 6 Plowman a the English Brats "The mos spectacular example is the Ellesmere manuscript of the Gewterbury Tela. Here we find tlmost ll the trappings of erdiatio: source and topes ae indie ‘ated ia the margins and the word “auto ix placed alongside {hententioor statement. ‘The texte well disposed init ection, nd each section is eareflly Ibeled by means of fll rubrice. ‘There sre running, andthe Sal toch the intoduetion of pictures ofeach of the pilrms (the basis of the division ofthe work) inorder to assist the reader to identify them with the General Prologue. Last but not least isthe way in which Sir Thopar has been laid out: the bracketing serves to emphasize the "rat" ‘hymen and the tans division is carefelly followed. Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the increasing cophisti- ‘tion introduced by the interaction between ordnati and com- {lato et empare the way in which an early thitenth-cntury feribe and an eal fiftenth-centary scribe weated two decent Kinds of aipabetical compilation, New College, Oxford, MS. 98 isan early thirteenthcentury copy of the Provrbia of Wiliam de Moatibus and an anonymous coletion of narrations, ate twelfthecentry ccmpilations disposed in alphabetical order (9 9). |The ey alphabet words, often preceded by the prepoic tion ‘de’, ae paced in re atthe end of the la ine ofthe pre ceeding ety, svt ofthe same sie asthe et ofthe tet. The large coloured inl atthe beginning ofeach entry donot form ‘art of the alphabetical sequence. ‘The reader bas to Find his way bout the compilation by means ofthe rubric By contrasts in University College, Oxford, MS. 67, an eaty ifteenthcentury copy of the Alphabetum narrationan of Arpulph of Litge (pl TO), the Fw word ofeach entry i the alphabetical ‘key’ words it begins with litera notion blue ocapying two lines, and the est ofthe word or phrase i underlined in red. At the Beginning ‘of anew section of the alphabet, the inal ocupies thre or four lines, and there is another litera notaiir inthe top margin. A forther refinement is the introduction of cromereerenes In these the fit leter is proceed by a paraphy but cocupes only fone line and inthe same ink asthe rest of the entry. To di tinguish it as separate entry, the eter i splashed wih el. Fol 1.66 WW, Greg Paine of Tac Bay al Marit inthe se i Ci nh as 8s th 65 Serbs, Seip and Reads lowing the Alphabtum maratomum in this manuscript there isan “opusclum narationum’ in which the stores are posed under Ineings oe sctions. In thelist of tes which precede iy each fection e numbered, and in the body ofthe txt the begining of ‘ach ection i farther emphasised by means of aumerals added in the margin ‘The late medieval book difrs more from is easly medieval predecesnrs than it es From the printed books of ou own dy The scholalyapparatas which we take for grinted~analtial table of content, text dinpesed into books, chapters, and pa ‘graphs, and accompanied by footnotes and indes—orgiated in the applications of the actions of rdiato and complti by ‘writer eres and rubrietors ofthe thirteenth, fourteenth ad ‘tenth centuis, By te fourteenth century the reader had come to expect some ofthese features, and if dey had not been supplied by scribe or rubicator the reader himself supplied the ones he ‘wanted on the pages of his working copy. Troyes MS. 718 isa ‘very roughly made copy of Ockham's commentary on the second bok of the Senlencer A reader ha sequently worked through the manoscrpt inserting hi own paragraph marks in he text with ‘responding marks in the margins accompanied by numerals tn headings lke contr" and "esposio’ to ncate the stages ia the argument. Readers have alo added two sts of running tes: the fit set placed inthe centre of the top margin refers to the Distintio of the Sentences being commented upon the second et Placed inthe top righthand corner refers to Ockhan's quaeto umber Citations in the txt have been underlined. Peterhoure, Cambridge, MS. 8s 201) ia copy of Grogorys Moral in Job ‘which wae procul by Friar Willam de Tatewi who "mani #5 {principio aque ad fem dligentrcorrextet acaba epeiaia jn margnibor etulauit et per decurum alphabet in separti {quaternis per modum abulaedesigrauit" Insome ate thistenth- Sd fourtenth-oentury manuscripts seribes oe reader ve copied in the margins the indexing symbels of Rober Grossteste* In iE BI Doig Coe of Mamaia te hay Ftere Gromtene’ Ret Gronette Solr and sp, ed. De, Caan (Grins to om ta Ondinato and Conpitaio. 3 outa, Cahn iy A 2 set en Dn Cel iy SB oe Sr cele a cree aie acid oo age i ae ed ee rere ten Ma cat Se eee secede wih ee Oa Ge ee Pane eae ae Sect tee eee eee rye Te x omni tn ny cain tae nr of hear pares el an ee ee a eee 2 ee eae Se ee eee ee eee ees ree ee rs ey on cares call aie wntng © incre we Se ae Se eee a er Ferd eerie ehrerter ry ee ees er eat eee ela pean Se Er eer ee ee eee Ranccue ers corms nae eee Fe poe ota esteee oreotataloscan Ronis weber mes a ETRE pa ence mmnmen

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