Construction Safety (SG.)

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| This Safety Handbook is issued tothe parson below Name NRIGAWP No. Job Title Trade Employer Supervisor VG Date of Training = Main Cantracter is safety handbooks intended to help construction workers and ‘Supervisors recognise the common hazards in construction worksites ‘and the measures that can be takan to remove the hazards and make the ‘working environment safe for all workers, The handbook also illustrates. ho unsale ats by workers can present a dango to themselves and other workers and the precautions that can be taken ta avoid accidents: in the workpkace.. ‘The contents ofthis handbook are based on the curriculum of the Construction Safety Orientation Course (GSOG), Hen, workers, especialy thos naw to the industry, will find this handbook useful in praparing ther to deal with sate issues at work. Employers are advised to help warkers to use this hanitbook to reinforce safety at work, {ts hoped that this handbook will contribute toviards an improved safety culture in construction worksites, (Occupational Safety and Health (Training and Promotion) Centra > VYVYVVVVVVVV INTRODUCTION FALLING FROM HEIGHT STRUCK BY FALLING QaJECTS MECHANICAL HAZARDS ELECTRICAL HAZARDS EXCAVATION HAZARDS CONFINED SPACE HAZARDS. MATERIAL HANDLING HOUSE-KEEPING OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE & HEALTH SAFETY SIGNS & SYMBOLS SAFETY COMMITTEES Exam QUESTIONS 10 20 28 36 az 48 54 60 62 70 4 78. “My jot enables me to ean an honest ving to provioe tancis! suport 10 my fam . ‘My btu c very precious necauce ny family pers an me. = ‘ay tamiy is waiting far me to return nome sarey, Safty retov impartant i tame a ny ary itis important tox me to keen mysett ait and sate, | must alsays tear Be and upgrade. When | arm working ina foreign ‘epuntry | rust flow the stancards ‘ani sate work practices ofthat country, 4 Before start mp work, | must knoe howto work sly. ‘When wark nae to be carted aut a nih, | must get permission and instruction from mite supervisor “41 shausd check ta ensure that there sufficient ghting for me to work safely Nam not sum about how tacarry out my work, J must ask my framan or supervisor hen | am at the work ste, I rust use my personal protective ‘equipment (PPEp al the tim, . Werkers may ose thei es it they do not use personal protective equipment (PPE, ai ‘There are mary diferent types of PPE. | roast aways use the corect type of PPE ta pratoct myset ¥ ry [Trust alnays be wauipged witha salety helmet, slaty shows a salty beltisafety harness. “ fecigent can happen to any of us We must be alert and toto safe working procedures at alluimes to reduce the chances of ‘ee aecident hag pening to us. 4 Common accidents nappening in the cometrution sites are + tallia from height + ity falling abet + crushed or struck iy racine + ectrecutin Ayworker must Falling trom height is the topmost major cause of fatal accidents cat mark eta, ep or unsate ‘onions to his supervisor Or foreman immediatly. ‘Accidents can be provented by taking precautionary measures. Never take short cat tocampleie your work ‘The fllowing areas are dangerous to works, Z bs | 4 8 eae © opeingeaiine © stat = Tooroperings + savas a bulding Sidagol the openings witout caver without ratings that arenot fubbish chute which arenot or barricades Dartcaped fiat ae not fatricaded ‘area ¥ | -_ . Ityou tind any uncovered Naor opening, you should Inform the supervisor of the nazar, Al stairways must be provided vith femparary handhold such as timber alls, Uncovered floor openings are dangerous because debris and others materials may fll through he ‘openings wich can hurt ‘someone warking below, ¥ x Werkers may also‘all through and ost injured +, ‘4 Workers shoul ensure thatthe wesiong plats aro properly erected. ‘The warkng platforms should have strong handras and proper tne-boards, IFthe working platform ts damaged, You should stop your work and Immectateyinrarm the foreman, <¢When working oa a working platform, rar planks must | aoe are ‘The wid of the platform ‘ust be large ena, The timber planks est ba song enough to supoost the load. ‘Ais unsate to climb up toa scatfoé without ladder, Proper means of access shouldbe used to go up toa scaffold platform, + Aecess dat + Stalmase Passenger lit hast H \When using a passenger hoist, you should observe he following al openings at me landings: the passenger hoist on every ‘oor are provided wit doors these doors are rol dosed when not in ws Xe Koa DO Boog ‘ecerstee “Teal hstenrmistoe ty eee a tatsed feron ‘Workers shoulo not cur debris ‘ona scald Debris dumped on a scaffold can cause collapse of scalold as wllas falling object hazards that wil ‘endanger workers working boiow. ‘ overoading a scatfoa win bus or parsons may cause the soso to etapse, Do not stor lean against seatfold members, 4 Wher using mata goariot, $704 should pat mera or emove any part otthe seattld eg. couplers You should wear a safety belt whenever - you work at het A safety bat has te following components = Buckie * Lateline (anger + Body bet = Snag haat Safety bem should asa be anchoved toa position above the woking level Sataty belt should be anchared to fim anchorage Dit ara tein 4 whan working on agonal, ‘you should observe the following * itis provioed with toe-board and handrails + ltis provided with line to anctor ta safety eT ‘= must be kept ove ata the tin, When you are warking ama gondola (suspend working patton), ‘you should wwar a safety bt and anctor tio ieline “4\vben using a mobile tower scatoid, {yu must not allow athers to push and ‘maw the scaffold wile you are standing on top ot the scat, ‘Always set the brake on to make sure ‘the scatfolds secured, stable and stationary ‘Nays wear a safety bet ‘hen working on top of ‘he scatfld “Viren working on oat, you should use tine ana satety be, Use caw boards whenever ‘You need to work ant mmave on racts. u ‘<00 not depend soley on Your ov judgement and 1 experience oo When using a lads itis important ta observe the following x The lates made of sound mater and n Pood conditions. * Worden ater should rotnave any rung Sppared sol mais + ‘hare are equal inarvals < between unas x = Te der mast not Jean on any unstable objects + Th laser should stand rim graune, ‘+ Te ladder is about tm abaveime tain + The lager should be Placed aan scintion aout Tor 75 dagres ror arizona Tego shaud be frosty secratak {heap snd baton {8 prevent ps a Before you start your work at hight. ‘you shauid pull'nort-pul tha safety ot 2 feat times to test tat ‘tha anchorage point is fm enaugh. 4 When working ata height ner the edge othe bulling. you must wear salty belt or saety hamess all the time and anchar it toa strong anchorage paint {tis wrong to think that you will never fall fra aight Ifyou can be very caret “The only ay that can make your wark saa isto work sale by foowing the safety instructions “4.Do not ake risks using shortcuts and unsafe working method to do your work. Your unsateacts® [+] may cause injuries = to yourself or others - ‘An unsafe is 1 serious offence ‘One can be charged incourt for such an offence “4 Htyou are sick or at feling wet you must inform your foreman, Bo not take isk 10 cary out your work. a. Winile working abava wate love, there is always a danger of {aling sto the wate. ry ‘Workers need to wear Mf pokes to prevent drowning “4 Drinking liquor oF alcoholic crinks while warking ts esremely dangerous Youmustotearsune ayaa atone in yo tor a “ al ims ta protect your bad Whe you afeat work “Overlay nets important because It protects workers and public fram being ht by tasing objcts. , scarry ‘catch Geb that accidentally drops out of the butting. 1Do not stand ana cate lator as isnt ‘signed for worke 0 Work on It Donat store debris on 2 catch platform as ‘tay resutin colapse ‘ofthe catch patty, Yau vere seta > 4 Tle Sse ava 400 nat take short eto save time as you ray be hit by fling objects vuhen you donot flaw the designated passageways, * ‘When entering or leaving a building. you must ‘make use af designsied entry pint. ‘4 When hoisting loose materats such as bricks, you should obsecve the folowing * tioand secure the iad pO * caver materials with plaste sheets and net, use wooden pall 10 suppart te Ind, This can help pravant the Jose aerials fro dropping. Belov fing, workers should visually check the tapes and slings foensute that there is noagparent dasnage, “4 Piever stand uncer the oad or rear tothe load wise tis being ited, = x ‘The rigger and other workers should stand far away fram the loads, “4h can give sigrate ta the cxano operator? Only trained eignarran can give signats tothe crane operator for iting. ‘nerane should only be used ‘wth materi only. Never alow any worker to baited ‘ong oF together wh the food While iting heavy load by a.cane, you should observe the flloming Tira ey | * use proper ple ar se ag ne fo gules use oesgnated ios inating Bay ‘platform to sunpoet the fhe load 4 A sate mathoitto hoist up Fong materi is to = nave a tap-ine * secure te sing propety * Host up the lad slowly Only passenger tt should be sad 1 it workers up oF ‘caw tha bullang Movi parts of machinery are dangerous because + ‘workers could te stuck by the moving parts + workars could be trapped Dotwoon these pars, ‘+ workers! hands, fingars ane legs could be caught and injured by tna moving parts. “ Its thal to cause injuries an aceloent ‘Report to your supervisor lmmediatey when you tnd avy detect to 4a net try to repair yoursat t you are not authorised and at vained to da this. ‘While workdng at a ‘sawing machine, ‘he pus stick can hulp to prevent hand injury. A welding mack il protect the eyes of a welder lng welding works. Iam nat sure about row tous tis hac 10 | mast ask my foreman or supervisor “4 Alay wear proper personal protective equipment to protect yourself frm potential hazards When working with 2 grinder ar breaker, ‘waar safety goo es {oprotect your eyes, dust mask fo prevent dust from entering into your lungs and wear earplugs {0 protect your hearing, “¢Bectcity is very usetul and important to us, ‘We useit everyday at home and at work, Hori, can be Pe times when its aot handled propery ‘Al electrical terrinals and cormections rust fly enclosed in the ba posed electrical pars are ® extremely dangerous, Ina electrical installation ROCB™*, AMCB* and fuses can help + = save ite + praled equipment = prevent ie “ROCB - Residual Current ircut Breaker MICA - Miniature Circuit Breaker “Do not ive electrical cates on the oe, circa cables let ying ‘onthe flac canbe easily damaged by hazy & sharp abject This teigping hazard In te workplace Newer stand on damp or ‘wet surfaces wien using electrical appliances because tis i= very dangerous and you may (get an electric shock. 1 not orevtoad lectrical cables > vith too many elstrial o parca being aparated atthe sarna time. “verioading of electcal cables and ower points can cause fe and explosion, Its alrays safer to use ‘ane socket aut for each electrical appliance. Mark othe pus to ienty the appa nated Lathe power nots, 4 Do not use damage tlectrical plugs or toals 3X | Tis can case acc shack to the worker 5 “itt sctrical cotta teading ta your hand amp is caraged, you should get th section to repair the cable “A atstrcal work must be cared ut by a trained and qualned persan, ‘Thisis.a sats practice, Inserting bare wires ino electrical socket outlet is a dangerous practice “4 Aways rpace he plugs whan carraged. Donat tamper te any eeetrical nstatin, 4 Improper secrical wring and connection is alnays dangerous and can cause elecrocation tothe water. Report to your supervisor when you ave faced with an electrical to! problem, ‘< aner vsing soctrcal equipmart, Yau shauld always Ewch off tha powar supply, al Excavation work is dangerous, e The following ae the eonman excavation hazards = Collapse of trench, * Construction materials stcing Into he excavated area. + Sip and fl of workers ¢Praper shoring can prover the collapse of a trent \Workar wortang nse a trench De ‘without preper shoring ‘can ba buried by earth whe tha shoring gives way. “1 Beore going down to work ina tench, ‘you should check and make sue tat the sides of he trench are propery shored. “4 you notice any shitin poston of thong at an excavation se, ‘yolsshould get out and report to ‘your supervisor immediate, “impreger shoring may nat be strona enough to withstand the compression atthe trenching wal ‘When woking in a tench or (a muddy and ponds area, the workes should wear rubber safety boots ‘<¥man working inside trench, you must iow tha cation oF ‘ha gata xi al he tras, “4 Sata means of access and wgress must be ad to antar or leave the trench, F Togo nang out at a tench, > you should usea ladder, 400 not jump acrass the tench or se any wood slick ar plank Use proper means of access such as bridge or proper wallay wen you need 10 cross the trench, ‘Opening in an excavation exw should be ‘rticaed because thes would pravant _warkors fom fling into the excavation sito, Excavated materials ‘must nat be kept ‘athe edge of excavation area “4 The excavated earth an construction materials should be placed far way {rom the excavation area to prevent them fram slicing into he tench, Keaning the materials atthe edge of ‘an pen excavation can cause workers ‘nse the excavation site tobe injured by taling object, 400 fot catry out any excavation hear a scaffold, This can cause the scald to collapse a During excavation, workers should stay auay ‘rom te excavator to prevent any accident, sits aangerous to wort ina carina space ‘Tho fallowing are eomman hazards in contined spooe v * Oxygen detictancy ‘+ Fire and explosion due to ‘he presence of famnmable oases *Tane substances Physical hazards such as nova, heat stress ‘Workplaces such a5 pits, tanks Pe vessels, chamber, pips, ‘antoles are common contined spaces because ‘the are enclosed and ‘have poor natural ar movement. “ABéiore entering & confined sca, ule the confinad apace with teh ait Do not venitiate a canned space vith pure axypen. This sate haraed, “4 Wortars can only ante a.contined space ‘whee permited by te foreran in-charge ot ‘he Work afer 3 permito-wark has been obtain. Aefove entring a confined space, the following should be observed. + Teshould be tested for angen level, Diesence of toxic sudstces ‘and tlammabie gases. Femiigangtmstoe obtained * there shoul be someone standhy ‘0 mona and keep cansiant ‘contac wit the worker. tir workers have ante the arto, ty acres Fodder must be kapt ‘an remained atthe entrance, 4 When working inside 1 cantined space, workers should wear appropriate personal protective cequloment such as salty helmet, safety bothamess, safety boots, safety gloves and correct types cof resprators, 4 ryou find any worker eatapeing Ingidea mantic, 6a not immadatoly go {nei and rascua nim 2s you may ‘become noxt victim of bw acidant. You sould repartto supervsoKrpetsan le-charge immediately before rescu8 is caied out ‘4 When tryingto assist an injures worker inside a manhole, do not rush in. — You should frst ry to bring him ‘ut fram outsigethe mando, “i you tee Sick when working a continad space you shoule-come out imemediately ane Feport ta your supervisor, The duty ofthe person on stancby > (0r the buddy) outside the eantined space ts 12 monitor the work insige the confined space * oben the conditions af workers thin the ccnfsed Space * iat resco by ang fr bp orca 1 er the vn rey elie the Sana space ‘4 Before carrying 2 load, you must ensure ‘= you are comfortabie with the weight and shape you know the intended pat of travel + You knaw the stance: of travel Use eceret manual iting Wetnique * bent knees a legs + maintain a straight back 4 You must carry aoa busing your eg and arm muscles at allies. Carrying weight using back Pe ruscies can cause ack sprain Wen carrying big an long ees, yu should get hep from your co-worker When yo watt take materiat ‘nom the stack, you should Jake from the tap. ¥ 4 Proper passaguvays should be unubstructed, nowslipery and provided mith propa lighting z ‘men you ing the passageway {obstructed oF stipery ‘6v8 too gps onthe passage, you should report tt te supervisor immedi ‘Yo protect your fou, ‘you oust rear saetysttoss or safety boas. “4. Weoring satey shoes can help prevent yur feat rem being injured by + taling object > + shapping on pratuding nat + Mk agp any ard & orsharp eojct Hand gloves protact us trem getting P hand injuries and skin diseases, 4 Use the ight type af hand ‘loves for your work Rubber hand gloves are to be used to protect your hands when you are handling coreosive chemicals ti 4 Leather hand gloves are ta be used! to protect your hands when you ave working with sharp, ough or abrase ables. (Cotton gloves are fo be used or ght ark only, 4 Good house keeping Inthe workplace ‘would help to prevent ‘+ nipping azar + faling razarc fie hazard iz ‘oc hows ring resin asta comforts wonkpaes a Inhlps to erease produc ani reduce acacere “A workplace with poor house seging is an unsafe workglace. A, “ (Leaving dotiis ana waste materials fer cscacng ay timate ls ta hal ple Cat tats povert than vo cing ies ote Flammable materials should be propery stacked a Warning sipnboards shauld be displayed to Inform workers ‘about the presence a tha flammable materials ‘everynnere il result in poor howse-keeping ‘and maka the workplace unsafe, and stored atthe designated area which is far rom any ignition source. 4 All toxic chamicals ara dangarous and harmful to human. ‘Rocidens can happen i! smeona pets into contact vith the chamicals by means of + inhatation EA |= aasoration ough skin ry To protect your boty and hand rom ‘corrosive chemicals, you should weat protective clothing, gloves and boats. = To protect your face ant ‘eyes from conosive chemicals, you should put on face shield “¢ Avworkar may sutar from dehydration when he works under drect sun, “To praventdetycration and ® heat tres, workers should drink more wate ‘take frequent rest necessary Tha following work wil usually produce laud noise ‘princi, * pling and hacking + explosive power toot ‘peation. ‘< vmn exposed 1 excessive noise, \workers-can suffer trom noise induced dealness. Foie induced dates is incurable eeeniiene eee Sami pacriawmpmceurel ¥en exposed to. cement cust, Ime worker should wear dist mask ‘face towel gant pravent you “fom inhaling earent dust nto your lungs, F4Pioiong contact with oll and ‘oement can cause skin rastvas, 8 4 Vou should dispose vast fod in proper canara. ‘You should not throwaway waste food carelessly because ths cam Cause healt risks al your workplace € You shouid taka care at your own parsonal hygiene ~ ‘otherwise, you wl get sick: An unhyglanc working environment may atfect theealin of workers ¥ Good personal hygiene helps you maintain pood heath > clean your work clothes regulary + yar clean clothes a Work averyitay * wash your nara tharoupi beled ar Cet | erp ake esr tos an oop working placa clean and ty = ‘Maintain goad bause-keeping inthe workplace if you get injure at work, you Should part to {your supersor immediate). The purpse othe first-aid boc | i 1 keep medal suples foe prtanay sine Safety sions & symbols are important because they telus the relevant sally message and instruction ta be observed and followed. Prohibition sig Ce ‘Smoking prohibited — Fire, open light ane smoking promise no naked re, ight or ‘smoking, &) Entry prohibited ~ Mo Entry jo Smoking ‘Operation probiited ‘no operation is alowed, dost operate a ed 5 Fite Figiting Equipment Cee ’/ To indicate the lration of : Tio extinguister Eg, The following signs: Head Protection Must Be Worn: “Ta indicate mat stety betmet ‘rust be worn ye Protection Must Be Worn. Toiindicata that ye protection such assay goggles must be worn Safety Hamese(Belt Must Be War, To inccae that cafety narnassibatt ‘ust ba worn to prevent person falling form ight. Hand Protection Must Be Worn, To indicate that suitable types of thai gloves must be woen, Heating Protection Must Be Worn: ‘To indicate nots area ant workers ast wear ear plgstéar mus ete oeprevant nse induced destness, Foot Proteetion ust Be Warn, “a indicate tat toot protection ‘such as salty sees or satay oats must ba worn, To indicate tat face hata ‘ust ba worn Respiratory Protection Must Be Worn: Ta indicate that appropriate respirators ‘ust be worn to protect me workars against inguries or health hazard 129, chemicals

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