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Game Solved Volume 2

Next Level Game

So everything in the first volume will get you to reach our goal of pulling two 8.5+ girls a month from
night game, and then some if you execute hard enough. If you're starting off as a relatively normal dude
with regular social skills, and you live in say New York City, Vegas, Los Angeles or Stockholm at least.
Other cities you probably can get there too, but your volume of attractive girls you can go talk to might
limit you.

However, after having reached that goal I started noticing there was something really unusual and
special going on specifically in infield videos of Tyler D and RSD Julien. I love RSD Madison and I
think he pulls some of the hottest girls around, as do guys like Venture and Joseph Dieguez, but the
infields specifically of Tyler D and Julien were unique.
At that same time, my game was exploding to where some nights I'd have like three different girls
about 8.5 that all were about where they wanted to kiss me – but I couldn't quite get them over that last
barrier to where they were actually ready to do it. There was something blocking. Not saying that was
every night, but certain nights I managed some pretty cool stuff. But I couldn't match certain things that
Julien and Tyler were pulling off.

To answer this question, I turned to what I always do and what we discussed earlier in the first volume:
studying. I studied videos of Tyler D and watched for everything he did that turned a girl that was at
first pretty into him into being one step closer to kissing him. Then I determined the abstract concepts
behind that list of specific moves and lines. And then I started trying them.

While I was doing this, I noticed that Tyler and also Julien were real masters of taking the girl's current
state or emotion, and bumping it one step closer to whatever would help them. So if she was tense, they
would get her to laugh. If she was digging them but kind of hitting a glass ceiling, they might push her
away a bit or do a bit of a takeaway. If she was kind of neutral and not opening up, they might tease her
or do a more gentle push.

It was like they were ninja energy chiropractors. They were just constantly putting girls back into
alignment with what they needed. Excellent awareness, always ready with the proper answer to nudge
her back on track. The one thing they were missing was then carrying that to sexual tension, because
Julien was doing a chasing based game and Tyler was doing a game based on spiking emotions,
leading, and lowering the bar to action. Nonetheless, I saw if I could do what they were doing, I could
pretty much always adjust a girl into sexual tension, then we could get to the point where we'd kiss.
Then I could stick with and get investment. And then later I could get her to the point of building
sustained sexual tension with me and then pull. It would be a missing golden piece in my game,

Then I went from Vegas to Scottsdale. With my increased game ability I expected to have to grind, like
always, but I expected good things to come out of it. They almost did my first weekend with a very
very cute girl from U of A in Tucson, so to be fair on myself things nearly went as planned. But after
that first weekend I got hammered down by a lot of other girls. I adjusted as quickly as I could, and was
'in the game,' but I couldn't find the traction to win it in this different, and more sensitive, scene. It was
clear that something MORE was possible. I could see there was another level out there that I still had
little awareness of.
It was like a glimpse into a secret land. There was an entire extra level that I wasn't yet a part of. Now
that I knew it was possible, I was determined to figure it out.

This, my friends, is Next Level Game.

Intro to Next Level Game

Tyler and other RSD guys like to joke about how there's no wizard moves that they pull that can make a
girl do anything. That's certainly true. But I suspected there was a further level of wizardry that could
be achieved. After all, I'd learned to do some things that were practically wizardry already – except that
I understood them and wasn't that impressed by it any more.

So this was something I'd long dreamt of- having a proper and complete foundation of game, which
would then free me to go on a quest to seek out mythical wizard game. If such a thing exists at all. Of
course in the end there won't be any wizardry about it... it will just be sound game that will make
perfect sense. If it exists.
(if you're reading this, that's an affirmative. Otherwise I would've deleted this shit. Unless I felt like
fucking with you and just writing this and then ending the book here... Monty Python-esque).

A big key to this section is that I wanted you to see that what you're about to read came from a tiny tiny
thread, just a hint. I wanted to know how to more often make a kiss happen from situations where it
was close but not quite there. Then I watched video and sensed there was some next-level shit going on
in the vibes specifically of two guys. I'm not trying to focus on RSD, but when they're the only ones
putting out high quality infield, that makes them the only ones we can really study in depth. After that I
went to a different city and sensed that something more was missing, or I wouldn't have had the
struggles I found in Scottsdale.

So I turned to the process I've taught you: Study the material you have at hand, look for patterns, look
for things you aren't aware of. Find something, come up with theories. Test those theories, study more.
Pull on that thread more and more until it leads to the edge of the carpet, and the edge of the carpet lifts
up and you find a secret door hidden under the carpet in the floor. And that door leads to a room filled
with treasures.
I wanted you to see that I just had an idea that something more was possible. I looked to the best game
sources I had to study – infield footage of guys like Tyler D and Julien and Madison. And then also to
the best emotional sources I had to study – like academy award winning movies, where I could watch
the facial expressions and corresponding emotional impact of history's greatest actors in performances
that an entire industry recognized as the best for a whole year.

This led me to seeing things. Then I looked for the abstractions and rules behind those things. And as I
came up with ideas, I could check those ideas against further studying of more movie footage and more
infield footage. And when I started being able to predict things, I knew I had found promising patterns.
When I had promising patterns, I could go test those in the real world. When I was testing them, I could
get actual feedback. When I could get actual feedback, I could adjust and further develop the theories
and understanding. And that could lead me to a whole new level of understanding.

And boy did it. Holy shit. I wrote the preceding paragraphs just about a year ago... I'm adding this
sentence after FINALLY completing the year long journey that this tiny thread sent me on. I cannot
describe the lessons I have in store for you based on that journey. Fucking strap in, because 350 pages
from now, your head will be spinning... And IT WILL ALL MAKE SENSE. I promise

Now, I want you to know how the journey of this second volume began because I want to go beyond
equipping you to catch my level, into territory where you can blow past me. Or at least that will be true
for the select few of you who really love this stuff.
While this is currently the best high level game book ever written, I hope that you will take it further
and create an even better one. Or make a video program. Anything that destroys what I've done.
Yesterday I was the student, and today I may be the teacher, I fucking hope like hell tomorrow, once
again, I will be the student. Then I can benefit from my stint as a teacher – lifting others up so they can
in turn pull me along.
Together we can all advance this field and give the most determined of us true choice in their life.
That's why it really doesn't help to have an ego; I'll benefit more if this is quickly surpassed by
something better – which means I can soon read or watch knowledge that is even better still. Not to
mention moving things forward is a fun challenge. That's a legacy worth putting in all the fucking
trouble to write this.

Showing you this process will, in addition, make those of you that care millionaires or billionaires.
Some of you might take these same lessons and apply them to changing the world. Or winning
academy awards. Or founding the next Google. Or excelling at music or sports.

The strangest thing I found in this process is really that advanced game involves tying in magical levels
of provoking emotions into solving problems, often in dirty and 'non-romatic ways', to simply make
sure things happen. With touches of sexual comfort at the right times. In other words, some of
advanced game is just dirty, practical, totally un-romanticized problem solving.

So, let's see what wizardry I was able to dig up...

{P.s. The funny thing is I'm sitting in a room of a lovely couple's house that I'm renting on AirBNB
while I write about how to pick up models from clubs and such... They're out there in the kitchen
cooking dinner, thinking I'm peacefully doing financial spreadsheets or something. Heh. Life can be

Quick note: As in the first volume, it would've taken MONTHS to go through and edit the grammar in
this line by line. I would've had to abandon this project. This is why no mastery level game resources
exist... Nearly zero market, insane information required, and crazy amounts of work. So my apologies
if you have to read a couple sentences twice... But the quality of the lessons here should more than
make up for it.

The Chain of Emotional Forward Progress

I first envisioned Tyler D and Julien's ninja like ability to adjust girls from one state to a better one as a
tangled web of years of experience encapsulated into if then statements. Like if she's in this emotion,
then bump her over to that emotion by doing this. But if she's in this other emotion, bump her over
there by doing that. This knot of instincts in a complicated web of years of experience.

I still think that's partially true. But while contemplating all of this, I realized you might be able to
represent her state/emotions in a linear progression and that would give you basically the same effects.
You could just remember a single ladder and just take her up the ladder. That's it. You just identify
where she is, then push her up the ladder to the next station.

(Btw, if I receive any e-mails about the graphics in this book, I'm going to unleash a Jamaican gypsy
woman with a voodoo doll of you to do whatever she chooses. You're lucky this even HAS graphics)

Pretty much you have your worst emotional states and you can just ramp them up to the best. Boredom
(which could also be flat/neutral/logical) is a side state which you definitely don't have to or want to go
The idea here is that it's hard to jump from one thing straight to the next. She sort of has to be advanced
through the ladder. Sometimes you can jump one state, but doing more is pretty tough. Even if you find
a girl who's “down” and it's pretty instantly “on,” she was probably starting farther down the chain
when you met her.

Now the second key here is that there are various TECHNIQUES to advance up the chain. For
instance, to get things to go from outright confrontation just into tenseness you can do a host of things.
You can go “Whoa! Don't hurt me!” and start joking about how you're a weak pasty ginger like Tyler D
often does. Or you can change the grounds of the debate and eventually give in, like “Does yelling at
me turn you on? Are you getting excited? Are you loving this?” and then she starts arguing about
whether or not she's getting turned on rather than just yelling at you as a human being. At which point
you can go “Okay, okay, this doesn't turn you on. I see that. I apologize” and then you took her from
wanting you to leave to simply accepting your apology that yelling at you doesn't turn her on, and then
you have a tense girl rather than a confrontational one. One step up the ladder! Or you could try and
reframe the situation, or break the rhythm and emotion of the confrontation, or do something so
outlandishly funny she can't help but laugh. Those are a whole set of techniques that can take you from
confrontation to just tense. I don't want to go into them too far because turning around a confrontational
girl is pretty tough, and trying can and probably will eventually lead to things like girls shoving you,
you getting kicked out of bars, maybe drinks getting thrown on you or even dudes getting in your face.
So the confrontational to tense step is one where you need to be careful.
The subsequent steps also have different techniques. If she's tense, you back off, loosen up a lot, smile
more, and joke around and get her to enjoy your presence and hopefully laugh. So various forms of
joking and reducing pressure on her and being more gentle and empathetic are right here. If you're
really good at humor, you should be good at this step.
Once she's enjoying, then you get her to chase. This can be breaking rapport (including teasing), it can
be Julien style withholding validation using your face. It can be challenging her or baiting her to
qualify herself.
Once she's chasing, you can get sexual tension. And once you have enough of that, you can kiss and
later sustain the sexual tension and start getting sexual comfort. Which is in parenthesis because it's not
a state as much as an accumulation of things.

By following this, you can simply judge which category she falls into, then easily know where you
need to go next, and then you start trying out techniques to get her there. If you have awareness and are
reading her/taking feedback, and you're good at different techniques, then you can pretty much always
get yourself on track. And it can happen QUICKLY too. It would be possible to use one liners to pretty
much jump from one step to the next in some cases. Other times it might be time consuming, and often
it may be outside your ability. Or you might lose her during the process of trying.

The thing here is that we have to balance ACTIONABILITY (fuck you, I'm making up a word) and
accuracy. So you can often skip a step, and there could be other pathways. But the tangled knot model
is hard to remember and complicated and thus not very ACTIONABLE. While this model may not be
100% accurate, it's easy to remember and act on. You just read her state, then try to get her one step
farther. And you remember the techniques that work for you to do that. And perhaps you have to pull a
Jordan Belfort and deal with anything that might be BLOCKING her from moving from one step to
another, like thinking you're eager or aggressive or being unsure of what you want, or being stuck in a

The other important thing here is that it reminds you to ALWAYS be working towards sexual tension,
except after the kiss you can focus on investment for a little bit. But then you're back to sustaining
sexual tension and working on the pull – because being sexual water and the natural forces of the
universe on man and woman say you should be moving towards sex. Of course! You're not supposed to
'hang around' at any stage of the ladder because this is GOLF, and every stroke counts against you. As
soon as you can, you're always trying to move up (down in my graphic...) the ladder. This dramatically
helps you remember to keep it moving FORWARD and not get lost in the weeds on the edge of the golf

You also have to note that if you're in some situations or with some more shy girls, you may have to
work your way up the ladder OVER MORE TIME before you can get to bursting sexual tension and
going for a kiss. Usually you can do it in 6-7 minutes or so, but, say, when I was in Scottsdale, Arizona
immediately after being in Vegas, a lot of girls were far more FLIGHTY. They were a lot more on edge,
due to so many of their friends being around so they thought they had to maintain an identity in front of
everyone and so on. So you have to be AWARE of where you are and move along the progression. But
one backlash effect was sometimes that caused me to be TOO GENTLE and then I'd get blown out for
that too- so remember to keep pushing towards the next level, to keep being commanding, but to watch
her face and adjust to her as you go. If you put her into tension, you have to loosen up, move back a bit,
and work to get enjoyment back and then chasing and then sexual tension again. You also don't need a
TON of each thing, don't stay long in each. Off the open, you might hit them on one statement/action
each. That's the ideal – you get enjoyment in the immediate eye contact, chasing in the challenging
open, a little more chasing in the next couple things, and then boom, you have sexual tension already.
But if she's not advancing through the 'gears' with you, you have to slow down and work her into each
phase and be ready to move backwards if she moves backwards because you were pushing it.

So what this ladder REALLY gives you is awareness of where she is, awareness of where she needs to
go next (what you should be focusing on/where your intent should be aligned), and a way to keep it
ALWAYS moving forward. A lot of birds with one stone. Yes, this is a model, which means it's
simplified and inherently not 'perfect'- but the fact that it so well covers reality while at the same time
being so simple means it's close to perfect in terms of allowing your brain to remember to do the right
thing at the right time (the right thing being to be aware of where she is, know where to take her, and
keep moving forward).

The Madison Based Full Engagement Model

So taking from RSD Madison, we have another model. Girls generally block their emotions from
random guys at first. Getting 'full engagement' is basically getting her to where she will build sexual
tension with you. We discussed most of how to do this earlier. But here is a more complete model of it
that will help if you're facing girls that are more difficult to get to engage at first, due to their culture or
the social surroundings or whatever.

This isn't a DIFFERENT model. This is a supporting model to the emotional ladder. Because the
emotional ladder assumes you have some emotions from her at all. This ladder is a logical ladder of
'what's going on.' Somewhere in the getting her to take actions or ramping up investment phase she's
likely to wind up in the tense or enjoyment section of the emotional ladder. So then you know if she's
tense, you need her in enjoyment before you can get her to chase. (And, really, before she'll invest any

Blocking Limiting Buying Beliefs

As Jordan Belfort taught us, people often aren't advancing not because the enticement isn't enough, but
because there's a side belief going on in their brain that is PREVENTING the action. They might have
all the motivation in the world, but something besides the direct point is stopping them. So while we're
progressing up the ladders above, we need not only an awareness to where they are and what's the next
step, but ALSO an awareness to whether any of the limiting buying beliefs or mindsets have entered.

The general emotions that can block her are her being stuck thinking these:
I) Is he aggressive?
II) Is he eager?
III) What does he want?
IV) Is he doing this for his enjoyment? Or is something weird going on?
V) Is he beta?
VI) Is he emotionally/sexually interesting
And, finally, she can be STUCK IN A PATTERN. Like she dismisses all guys, or you got her
confrontational and now she's in a pattern of just trying to get rid of you. If she's stuck in a pattern, you
need a pattern interrupt. Which can be humor, something off the wall, something out of left field,
something unexpected, etc. One big issue with breaking patterns is to BREAK THE RHYTHM OF
THE PATTERN. There's a certain rhythm that accompanies human confrontation. It's a terse “You
suck.” “No you suck.” “I said get out of my face.” “No you leave.” A big way to break the pattern is to
see the RHYTHM of the pattern and then to speak in a faster or slower rhythm, along with doing a
pattern interrupt. If the above confrontation were going back and forth and all of a sudden you said
quickly “Holy shit I fucking LOVE this girl! She's fucking AMAZING!” That would A) be a pattern
interrupt and B) be in a different rhythm than the confrontation. I'm not saying that would work, but it
might. It's unexpected and breaks the pattern, and it breaks the rhythm of the pattern. You might
convert her into a confused tense state. Then we know from our ladder that we need enjoyment next,
which could come through humor and you being quite loose. So if you bust a joke, maybe even a good
one on yourself to lighten the mood, and loosen up a lot, she might laugh. A couple more jokes and you
might be able to get her to chase. Before you know it you could, possibly, have pulled off a wizard
move and have her in sexual tension...

Along the way, or along any progression, you could get blocked by any of the other limiting buying
beliefs. You might have to show that you aren't eager, that you aren't aggressive, that you're doing this
for your own enjoyment, that you're just a guy that likes bouncing around and talking to cute girls (that
answers the why), avoid showing any beta signs, and hit on subjects that are emotionally interesting to
the girl standing in front of you. Because while these patterns repeat in almost all girls, if you lose sight
of the fact that you're interacting with the human in front of you, who is unique in ways, and that you're
doing it for your own enjoyment and for hers... Well you're probably not going to have a good
interaction. If you get blown out, then you go “Just feedback! That was pretty funny how she...” and at
that point you can kind of dehumanize it. But when you're interacting, you need to be engaged and
excited specifically to interact with HER.

So you should be aware if she might be blocking something because she's worried about one of these,
or possibly her friends judging her. Or her own judgmentalism. Then you either show her (not tell, but
SHOW) that she's all good, or you use framing to get around the possible problem and keep things
moving forward.

Dicks, Drinking, Relationships, Sex, and Girl Stuff – The Only Things you Should Joke about

Forever I had the hardest time with humor with attractive, young girls. They just didn't seem to think
funny things were funny. Try playing many of them standup comedy that you like... Very likely to be
bomb city.
After many years and the fortunate wealth of infield footage from RSD, I finally figured out that
young, attractive girls only find humor about a few narrow topics reliably funny. They think dicks and
boobs and vaginas are hilarious, especially dick jokes. They think drinking and partying jokes are
hilarious, like if she says something obnoxious and you just look at her wide eyed, then look to the side
and go “I need a drink,” they'll find that shit funny. Or tequila makes my clothes fall off jokes. They
love sex jokes that have aren't too crazy edgy. And they like girl-stuff jokes, like jokes about weaves
and hair extensions and lip gloss and shit. If you were to say “I hooked up with Niki Minaj three weeks
ago and STILL can't get the lip gloss off my dick” a lot of girls would probably die laughing.

Humor is a combination of things that you find cleverly surprising, but also relatable. A lot of hot girls
don't find normal humor relatable, and they also don't find it that cleverly surprising. Humor is also a
twist to social norms, so if you don't care about a certain social norm... You're not going to find the
surprising twist that funny. Some cattle joke might be funny in Africa in a culture that values cattle as a
form of currency. They wouldn't be funny to you. You don't know or care about that social norm.
Girls care about social norms related to partying, sex, relationships, people's social habits, and girl
related shit. They don't have much else in common at a high frequency. Some girls really only care
about those things.
These topics can be pretty hilarious. Find what you think is funny in them. Then stick to them. It'll go
much better for you.

Hyper-Awareness to Friends, Making Sure they're Having Fun and Acknowledged

You want to always keep her friends in the periphery of your vision. This is hard, because game is
played in full engagement and intense eye contact. Being in the 'tunnel' with a girl makes it very
difficult to also have an awareness to what's going on around you. But you'll have to have her friends in
the back of your mind.

If you see them seeming really bored, shifting around, waiting, or annoyed, you'll need to include them
and befriend them. Go “Hey, don't stand over there! Come here, we were talking about...” Don't do that
too long, or your girl will get bored with the 'normal' conversation and bounce out. You'll have to
balance temporarily appeasing the friend with building massive tension with your girl. Until you two
kiss, this doesn't really end. That means you have to BURST sexual tension in intense runs. Just
remember that friends are often most likely to come in while they see you in high sexual tension with
her. I know, I know... It's a lot of “do this” but “do that” but “do this.” That's just how it has to be, do
your best to accommodate both. But get to a kiss.

The Tracks of Proacting the Interaction, and Reacting to Create Emotions Get You Stuck

One of the greatest long-term blockages and game conundrums that guys wind up running into involves
proacting and reacting.

Proacting a conversation means pushing it forward. Throwing things out there. Reacting means, of
course, reacting to whatever she does.
Proacting would be something like saying a joke, a routine, a story... Something that comes from you
from nothing in the interaction in particular, and you put it into the interaction.
Reacting is – of course – in response to stimuli.
The issue comes with the fact that these two things require different mental processes. Proacting
requires planning and often tapping into your memory.
Reacting requires letting your brain 'float' and generate creative responses. There are 'filter questions'
we can ask ourselves when input comes in. Like “What's emotionally provocative here?” If she says
something, you can ask yourself something like that question and then you let your brain 'float' a bit
and you generate a response. Hopefully something clever or appropriate.

Proacting generally doesn't involve asking default questions regarding stimulus. It often involves
asking your memory “What's a thing that I have that matches this situation.”
In other words, you're accessing two different parts of your brain when proacting and reacting.
This means guys generally get stuck in one or the other... They get stuck in PROACTING and then
they're sitting there trying to access their memory and proact. This leads to either “I ran out of things to
say” or “What do I say here.” Or sometimes it leads to guys that just run with their game that they're
used to 'running' and it's never very well tailored to the specific circumstance, and maybe seems forced
or unnatural.
Reacting is great when she says or does something... But she's waiting around for you to create
something. This leads to interactions that don't have much spark. Or much of anything.

There appear to be two.

One is the solution that RSD Tyler appears to have taken. I can't say for sure, but interpreting what he
talks about, I believe he tries to simply stay in reaction. By staying in reaction, he then requires
constant stimulus. What he does is use the ENVIRONMENT, and not just the girl, to make sure he has
constant material. He then uses a default question that seems to be “What sexual stuff is emotionally
provocative here.” This leads him to turn everything around into dicks to be pretend jerked off, or
boobs, or an impending threesome between three men. It seems to be a pretty fucking good solution, he
does quite well with it. If you'd like, you can roll with this one.

The second solution is to use a PATTERN. The pattern is to alternate between proacting and reacting.
You proact, she reacts to your proacting, THEN you react to her reaction. You can even take this down
a rabbit hole where you react to several of her reactions... This is stretching a joke, or doing things of
that nature. By following a pattern, you can get used to alternating the path your brain is in. If you don't
do that, you're likely to just get stuck in either the proacting mindset, or the reacting mindset. Using a
pattern of alternating that you can used to works out well.
RSD Luke teaches one such pattern – in his method, you ask a question, she answers, then you break
rapport on her answer. Then you can ask another question. Asking the questions is proacting. The
interaction is effectively dead or on a lull when you ask. That causes a reaction from her, which gives
you material, then you break rapport. Reaction is generally your better chance to create emotion,
excepting when you have some cool routines or other preplanned shit that you like to do.

These two factors are why it's difficult to get an interaction going. If there's zero interaction, you don't
have anything to react to... So you need proaction. But if you just proact, then you're not creating
anything clever, creative, or tailored to the situation at hand. So you need reaction...
Unless you pull the Tyler trick and spark things via routine types of reaction to the environment. (He
throws in little routines, too. So he proacts when necessary)

Just know that you either need to alternate reacting and proacting, or you need to stay in reaction but
find things in the interaction, about her, and in the environment to react to. That's why Tyler is so
obsessed with staying present.

You Must Have an Emotionality Construct, and Often Backups Too

Having one emotionality construct should really be in the last section, not in the next level game
section. Because you aren't gaming at all if you have one. But the reason I'm leaving it here is because
we covered what you're doing in order to have one, without fully describing what is going on – and
because next level game often involves having backup emotionality constructs to JUMP BETWEEN if
she starts resisting. Kicking the conversation out and asking a series of questions in Mario-cloud jump
rhythm creates a challenging, qualifying emotion. If done right, without micro-alpha giveaways and
with a proper lead in, most girls will enjoy the challenging game of it – and be slightly caught off guard
– and will go along with it. But if you're in the wrong culture or get a more shy/flighty girl, they won't.
For instance, right now I'm in Scottsdale, Arizona dealing with a lot of college or just-out-of-college
girls. These girls often put up a lot of resistance in that 'game' or 'emotionality construct' and you see
the 'light in their eyes' go out as you're going through it. So you kind of have to bail on it, reduce the
pressure, and because you've put them into being tense, you now need to seek ENJOYMENT, per the
ladder of emotions.

So what is an emotionality construct? It's a THEME of how you're going to create a distinct and strong
emotion from what you're saying and doing. You can liken it to a comedian's standup routine. They all
use themes for the jokes. Like Jim Gaffigan is often using food as a theme. Dane Cook is often using
strange sexual experiences and dating experiences. As a comedian, their emotionality construct is
humor – they are saying and doing things to make you laugh – and then specifically you could say that
Jim Gaffigan's revolves around food. In another way, Jim Gaffigan's logical subject is food, his
emotionality construct is humor.

The very, very important realization here is that you can say the words and even do some of the
actions/facial expressions/etc and if you don't SELL them properly, you can remove the emotion. You
can remove the emotionality construct. If I handed a scientist Jim Gaffigan's joke script and told him
just to read it, it might not be funny at all. In other words, the emotion has been stripped while the
words remain. The emotionality construct is ruined.
You can use my concept of kicking out the conversation, ask your three questions, but tone it all down
because you're nervous to push any buttons... Then you WON'T push any buttons, no emotions are
caused, and suddenly you've removed the emotionality construct – which was playing a challenging
and qualifying game, with sexual tension there too.

This is what I started finding myself doing in Scottsdale. Because a bunch of girls couldn't HANDLE
the emotionality construct of challenging and qualifying and the light would go out in their eyes, I
started delivering it softer. Then they wouldn't be so eager to run away... But then they started acting
like this guy was just saying weird shit for no reason. Remember we said that without sexual tension
there's no glue holding the conversation together? Well without any emotion AT ALL there's
ABSOLUTELY no glue, and the girl doesn't see any point at all.

Like Julien and Jeffy from RSD said in an interview, it becomes like if some dude walked up to you at
Whole Foods and was like “Hey. What's your name? What do you do? Where do you come from? Why
are you here? What do you do for fun?” You'd be kind of tensely/nervously/politely answering and
wanting to GET THE FUCK AWAY from the guy.
If you remove the challenging aspect, and the devalidation through rolling your eyes at her or
something along those lines, then there's no emotion of wanting to chase and qualify for her. Then
when you qualify, she's wondering why the fuck are you asking me these weird questions, and she
winds up JUST WANTING TO GET AWAY FROM YOU. Because there's no underlying emotionality
construct. Or no clear emotional theme. It becomes the scientist reading you Jim Gaffigan's jokes.
You're like “Why is this dude saying weird things about Hot Pockets?” Without the humor, there's no
point to say the words. WITH the humor, there's all the point in the world. The point IS the emotion.

In other words, divorcing the emotions kills the whole thing.

Here's where it becomes next level game. In Scottsdale when I sensed enough resistance to the
qualifying and challenging aspect of the game, I would back off and go into other stuff. But then I
didn't have an emotionality construct in mind. I had no backup. I didn't have another theme to roll on
and create emotions. So I started aimlessly trying to have the deadly 'conversation.' I started asking her
questions and hoping I would create something out of it. Like a comedian that decided their routine was
going to bomb so they started asking the audience things, hoping it might become funny. That turned
me into Whole Foods question guy. And all of a sudden, they wanted to run away. And I wasn't really
sure why, other than that it wasn't amazing. But everything else I was doing seemed fine.

It was because I wasn't offering any emotions any more. I wasn't providing energy. I was just aimlessly
asking them things that they saw no point behind.

Which is why if you have a backup emotionality construct, you can FIX EVERYTHING! You see, if
my preferred emotionality construct of playing the challenging, qualifying game meets resistance, I can
then sidestep into ANOTHER emotionality construct that is less likely to be resisted. Then she STILL
sees the point, I'm STILL providing emotion, and she doesn't feel like she's being subjected to awkward
Whole Foods question guy. Then she doesn't run away. Check it:

You simply cut off your original construct, and sidestep into something that you think is less likely to
be rejected by the other half of girls you meet. Easy.

Julien likes these kind of dramatic/intense and often very weird (to me even uncomfortable)
emotionality constructs. If you watch his videos, you often have to zone out the crazy shit he's saying
or it might make you think you can't learn anything from him because he's too weird. But the reason his
game is so good is he can cut them short and go into a much softer one quite easily. Previously I saw
that he was cutting the weird constructs short and shifting to more acceptable gears... But I didn't
realize he had ANOTHER theme that he was jumping to in order to continue providing. He wasn't
simply becoming lost. He was like a comedian with a second routine on another theme in case he felt
the first one bombing. Brilliant. A fantastic no-bomb strategy.

If all you do is cut short your primary construct, then suddenly you'll be LOST. And you'll probably
stop providing emotion. You HAVE to have some sort of theme in mind. Even if you were to go zero
routines, off the cuff – which as I discussed I don't recommend at all – you'd STILL have to have a
THEME in mind.

Generally speaking, the rule is roughly if you ask a girl three things or say three things in a row without
creating any significant emotion, she's going to want to leave (If it's early on). That makes her feel like
you're Whole Foods question guy. Furthermore, all this talk about 'Letting out the true you is the best
game' and 'Finding your lane' and all this – the RSD guys advocating it aren't fully describing it.
There's an interview series in Ten Game between Julien and all the other instructors where he goes over
this point. It turns out, they mean find EMOTIONALITY CONSTRUCTS THAT SUIT YOU. They
don't ACTUALLY mean talk about physics if you love physics- they do SAY that occasionally, but
that's PURE newbie advice because it's BETTER than asking her pointless questions (without the
emotionality construct of challenging and qualifying in a little game behind them). What they
ACTUALLY mean is that Owen likes acted out jokes about sex and theoretical relationships, those are
his favorite emotionality constructs. So they advocate he's best off staying with those, they're an
expression of the emotionalities that he likes. Julien likes this weird dramatic stuff that he often makes
intentionally awkward, so they're saying he should run with those. They're saying run with your
EMOTIONAL self, not your logical self.
I, however, have to disagree slightly. This whole book is about creating the most effective skeleton of
emotionality constructs. You should follow that until you can master it and then possibly make minor
tweaks. Where you should 'find your own lane' is that I didn't tell you AT ALL what exactly to say or
do in those. I gave you options and techniques that fit, but within that you can create wildly different
versions. So if the emotionality construct at one point is 'burst sexual tension', you're then free to do
that in whatever way EMOTIONALLY SUITS YOU, but you should still be doing THAT. Not bursting
humor or something else. If at another point you should be challenging and qualifying, you can be
qualifying her about whatever topics emotionally (and logically) suit YOU. It's a lot like telling you to
show up at an event wearing a blazer of some sort- you can wear a purple one, a tweed one, a black
one, a white one, or one with bald eagles all over it... Find your lane, but make it a blazer. This is more
effective. You still have PLENTY of room to 'be you' and you WILL be most powerful if you are, but
you have to bring out a certain SIDE of 'you' to fit a more abstract emotional construct at certain times.
This gives you a guarantee to high quality results, AND guidance so you don't have to spend ten years
experimenting, AND it STILL gives you freedom to 'find your lane' and be true to what emotionally
stimulates you. Just remember that all this conversation you hear pertains to 'emotionally you' not
'logically you'. The girl doesn't really care about logical you, sorry. Especially the more attractive she
is, the more only certain emotional and logical constructs are relatable to her, in broad terms (every girl
definitely has unique quirks). Furthermore, I have to disagree with RSD and say that no – not all broad
emotional constructs are equal. If you feel you're humor guy, great- but you're going to have to learns
sexual tension and challenging. Otherwise you'll pull the three 9s a year that Jeffy pulls. Dude's like a
seventeen year veteran of being hilarious in game... He's tapped out that well. Remember, he's building
with brick. You SHOULD use humor, but when it fits (to create enjoyment when she's tense, or after
kissing and before pulling).

The Most Impactful Things we Can Do, and How to Apply Them
What REALLY Emotionally impacts us? From movies, etc:

-A little trembling in someone's eyes suggests they're going to cry and create great empathy
-A creeping grin forming
-A Crescendo and then a drop to VERY QUIET, Bill McCartney style
-In words alone, SPECIFICS, Sensory description (think of 50 shades style writing)
-Tyler D really getting into a joke and drawing it out and really selling it full on with energy

Abstractions in the above:

-Like a creeping grin and a grin are two different things. Tyler drawing out a joke
-Silence is huge
-CONTRAST is big, like crescendos and then contrast
-Sensory descriptions/information

The abstracted process, per Madison, is: Occupy her thoughts, then her actions, and get her to invest,
which [now per me] unlocks emotions, where you can get her to chase, and then get sexual tension
-You can get her to invest by teasing, challenging, baiting, or asking for a favor (here hold this)


-We have a TOOLKIT that can create power, then we have a process for how to apply it. So the
question is, how do we act on the toolkit in the process in order to create MAXIMUM IMPACT. And
how do we solve DIFFERENT SCENARIOS with it

What we want is this:

A) Occupy her thoughts [Intent- Get her to ENJOY your presence?]
B) Get her to take actions (even responding with her name) [Intent- Command, mystery challenge?]
C) Ramp up investment [Intent- Command, mystery challenge?]
D) Get her to chase by way of MYSTERY and/or DEVALIDATION [Intent- Mystery, chase me]
E) Ramp the chase, introduce SEXUAL TENSION [Intent- Full Sexual tension]

Per Belfort, we know that her BARRIERS or WORRIES are the biggest issues. They are:
VII) Is he aggressive?
VIII) Is he eager?
IX) What does he want?
X) Is he beta?
XI) Is he emotionally/sexually interesting
*A SIDE ISSUE/Hurdle is PATTERNS that she enters.
-This could be something like shutting you off because you aren't physically her type. That
would require a PATTERN INTERRUPT which can include humor or anything else
**-You would have to have AWARENESS that she's ENTERING INTO A PATTERN in order to
handle this

Game Is Following Through
The KEY to improving is that EVERY little bit you get better, EVERY thing you learn, you need to use
it to FOLLOW THROUGH MORE. This is the hardest thing with succeeding, because if you don't, it's
useless to you that you improved at all. Otherwise it's like you're expecting the girl to follow through
for you because you're better... Which will never happen. At some point this means you need to trust
you've gotten SO GOOD that you can do shit that sort of defies common sense. Because that's what
excellent success is- being able to follow through when and where it seems ridiculous or impossible to
try. If you DON'T, then for all your skill, you're basically doing the same thing as anyone else. You
could get ridiculously good and still have identical results to anyone else. But when you lead where no
one else would dare, kiss when no one else could, persist where everyone else would give up, solve
problems no one else would try... Now you're succeeding where no one else can BECAUSE of your
skill to make it "alright" to the girl. In other words, a master of game is actually someone who asks for
more, asks sooner, stays longer, tries crazier, but makes it work out.
This was the piece of the puzzle that really eluded me. I got better and better at creating beneficial
solutions, but I didn't ask for any more or try anything different... So my results stayed strangely
stagnant. I didn't realize that EVERY little improvement MUST be paired with a little increase in
boldness to stay longer, try to pull where before you couldn't, try to kiss where before she wouldn't, and
otherwise move things along more where previously you would've given in. If you don't, you'll look
back on months of identical final results where you felt like things were going much better than
before... But nothing actually changed at the point of your success at the end of the day. You could call
this a failure to convert skill into success

Our natural expectation is that as we get better, game will get easier. This creates some major problems.
First, it reduces your desire to grind and increases your ego, which means you're less willing to take
rejections and fight to make things work out. This actually causes a REDUCTION in your results,
possibly a big one, and also might put you into protecting yourself/your ego instead of attacking getting
results, which can undermine your confidence. Meaning if you allow getting better to make you think
things get easier, you could actually get worse results as you get better. If you don't believe that, I've
had it happen myself, and several of the best instructors I know have told me something very similar
happened to them for a while as well. I would even argue some never got out of it.
The second problem is this: We're getting better so that we INCREASE OUR RESULTS. In other
words, so we get the girls that we DIDN'T get before. So there's an error in the thinking there... Even if
it got easier to get the girls we DID get before, it will NOT get easier to get the girls we DIDN'T get
before – it will just become POSSIBLE. Furthermore, what's REALLY happening is that you're getting
the ability to SURVIVE LONGER in interactions with increasingly hard-to-get girls without things
falling apart to the point that it's no longer possible to continue. Ie, you're basically increasing your
SURVIVAL skills. Think about it- if I throw two people out into the desert, one with crappy survival
skills, and one with great survival skills, what happens? The one with crappy survival skills goes to shit
pretty fast, suffers kind of hard but not very long and just dies. The one with great survival skills,
meanwhile, slogs it out and manages to BARELY SURVIVE for a really long time. In other words, he
has a much LONGER tough fight on his hands... but he makes it through. In other words, the guy with
the great skills didn't have it easier, he just bought himself possibly months of a fight that he barely
made it through with everything he had. And THAT is a great survivalist. The increase in that person's
survival skills create MORE tough work and suffering, they make things HARDER, but they simply
make living possible.
This is, actually, the reality of getting better at game. And a lack of understanding of this single point
could easily be the biggest reason people almost always stall our somewhere in intermediate skills and
never get past that phase. Because the expectation is that with increased skills, girls will be more all
over them and things will 'go better.' That is true to some extent of the GIRLS YOU WERE ALREADY
GETTING. But to apply that to the girls you WEREN'T getting is idiotic, it's just hard to see that.
There are two options in an interaction – either you lead things forward and handle problems (friends,
logistics), or the girl does. What things getting 'easier' implies is ACTUALLY that the GIRL will lead
more for you. With any given girl, her friend situation, her logistics, and even the limiting buying
beliefs in her head are fixed regardless of your 'game'. In fact, she might shit test you HARDER if
you're better because she starts to wonder if you could actually be so unusually awesome. So the reality
is that the same leadership steps and same issues need to be fixed REGARDLESS of how good your
game is. THAT means that for things to become 'easier', she has to DO MORE OF THAT FOR YOU!!!
So you're expecting that because your game is better, the girl will start doing the work for you. That's
not really a great assumption.
Now the sticky part is that about half the time, THEY WILL! This is especially true when it comes to
sexual tension. If you have TONS of amazing sexual tension, she actually IS more likely to help you
succeed. But with the other half of the girls, they simply don't want to be involved with leading
themselves towards sex. That means that if you expect things to get easier, you actually could lose half
your results – and that's BEFORE the issues we mentioned with your tolerance for rejection decreasing,
your grinding decreasing, and you going into protecting yourself rather than attacking success. (Not
attacking girls, duh, attacking success opportunities, ie 'attack mode'). Because half of the time this
stupid belief actually plays out, that makes you even more likely to buy into it and fuck yourself over.
The real issue isn't with that though. It's with the fact that the girls you weren't getting weren't even
allowing you to lead before. Expecting things to get easier means you suddenly expect them to go from
that to doing the leading for you. This is just plain retarded. I think you can see that if the leadership
steps and obstacles are fixed no matter your game, it's not going to go from her not even allowing you
to lead through them to suddenly her doing it for you. There's clearly a continuum at play, and this 'it
should be easier' mindset subtly caused you to think you could skip the continuum. And that, sadly, will
totally fuck you. The reality is that as your skills improve, the impossible moves into barely possible.
Which means more things enter your realm of possible. Which means you COULD succeed a lot more.
However, just inside 'barely possible' is 'I can do it with great struggle.' The bottom line is that
improvement means things come flooding into the 'I can do it with great struggle' category. So a large
number of extra successes become available to you IF you fight to follow through on things that before
you couldn't or wouldn't have, and accept that it will come with great struggle. In other words, game IS
follow through. The better you get, the more ability you have to follow through. But it's only IF you
follow through more that you'll succeed more. And on top of all that, the better you get the MORE
STRUGGLE you wind up having because now you can keep going through things that would have
otherwise stopped you... But not in a breeze through it way, but in a barely staying alive type of way.
Which is fine because you wind up with more results, and once you two have sex it's not that hard after

Think of it this way: If I pointed at a girl and said “If you put up with enough and don't bail and
struggle hard, you will DEFINITELY have sex with her and then after that you can date or get married
or whatever the hell you want” how much could you put up with and go through? You'd be capable of
going through a long hell pretty much, because you'd KNOW that it was going to work out. And you'd
try things you might not otherwise because I told you it would work. Well, that's sort of what
improvement is. You blindly trust that because you're better now, you can stay in their longer, try more
things, and go through more because somehow it will work out.

Just remember this: Game skills are most closely related to survival skills. Yes, you're focused on
creating an amazing emotional experience for the girl and making it all look easy, but in the back of
your mind you know that this is a game of survival. And the best survivalists actually struggle the most
– but they LIVE. In most areas of modern life, skills are equated with struggle; more skills means less
struggle. That isn't the case in game. It's more like primitive life. More skills means more struggle, but
you get something else – you live longer. In game, more skills means more struggle but you get
something else... You succeed a slightly higher percentage of the time. So go out there and focus on the
experiences you're creating and the emotional target you have in the moment and relax and do all of
those game things. But in the back of your head, remember it's really about becoming a great
survivalist, not some superstar.

This ultimately means that every day you go out, you should be fighting more and more and more to
follow through more, in more situations, in more 'impossible' situations, and THAT should really be
your measuring stick of how well you're doing. How many situations are you following through with
and successfully staying in the interaction that you couldn't have or wouldn't have before, that no one
else can, etc. We get a nice benefit that increased sexual tension makes girls help out frequently, but it's
not always and that's should NOT be at the center of our mindset and focus. That's just a little side
thing that happens.

Definition of Mastery Level or Next Level Game

So the whole book is about getting into the intro level of mastery level game. Like you're a black belt,
but you can be up to a tenth degree black belt.

So what does a tenth degree level black belt's game look like in terms of broad concepts and things it

Well, generally:
1) At least 50/50 acting and words. At least 50 percent of what he's 'saying' or communicating is
done through ACTING with his eyes, face, body language, micro-expressions, how quickly or
slowly he moves, his tonality and inflections, the rhythm he speaks with, and having more
melodic, smoother speech most of the time.
2) He understands an emotional progression, and is ALWAYS aware of WHERE SHE IS in her
emotion/energy, and WHERE HE WANTS HER TO GO. My emotional ladder is a great way to
learn this, but different masters would have it subconsciously or consciously in their heads in
different ways. This is a lot of what 'being out of your head' is about – freeing up your brain
enough to have this very high level of awareness. Meaning micro-reading her face, and micro-
adjusting. And doing it not just to avoid 'blowouts' but to push her in the direction you want.
Like kayaking
3) He ALWAYS has an emotionality construct he's working from. He's never just floating around
saying and doing things hoping it turns into something
4) He has BACKUP emotionality constructs and he knows when she's resisting one so that he can
bail on it and go to a backup that will probably work. This means if things don't go to his
ORIGINAL plan, he ALWAYS has a SECONDARY emotional plan. So he's NEVER lost in
terms of the emotional themes and directions he's going. This is SOOOO key. He is NEVER
lost emotionally in the interaction! And he has BACKUPS that he can INSTANTLY jump to so
that different girls in different mindsets will still go well for him even if they don't like his first
emotionality construct.
-You see, in order to meet our original goal to reach the low rungs of mastery, we needed ONE
strong emotionality construct. Then we kind of screened girls and did enough volume that
enough of them bit a well-designed emotionality construct that we got enough hot girls through
it to win. But WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER GIRLS? That's where having BACKUPS and
enough micro-reading and adjustment to bail to the backups comes in. Doing this, plus acting
more of what you're doing so it's MORE impactful, LESS try hard, and you have more silence
in which to think and adjust (because you're just acting which is easy on your brain after a
while), means that you'll be able to stay in and succeed with more types of girls more often.
Ultimately, you'll have fewer and fewer bad reactions and more that 'go the distance' as a result.
-The more you customize your emotionality constructs to fit into the system/structure that we
have, but to also be something you deliver really well as you and that really strike your fancy
and you are confident in, the better.
5) Recognizing when she's not responding well because she's worried about UPHOLDING HER
IDENTITY, not because she doesn't like you. And responding by being very loose and not-
serious to show her she can let it go. Plus also getting rid of other blocking limiting buying
beliefs she has if she won't emotionally progress with you.
6) Getting better at being sexual water and every other concept we already covered. But largely 1-
5 provide a full paradigm shift on top of the ones we already created, and most gains are
achieved by shifting paradigms.
7) Overall getting better at being simultaneously loose, commanding, emotionally stimulating, and
very aware/good at constantly micro-reading and adjusting and always knowing what
energy/emotion she needs to go to next (which also means seeing what energy/emotion she's in
8) Remembering ALWAYS to try to make it enjoyable for yourself, and paying attention to the
feeling in your own body. Throwing in interactions that are PURELY for your own enjoyment,
like talking to a 6 or a 7 or a 3 and just making it ridiculous and funny.
9) Having better and better and better FOLLOW THROUGH and leadership. Just because you're
super loose and don't CARE a ton about the result, doesn't mean that you aren't increasingly
responsible for upholding the INEVITABILITY of sex and leading towards it that is represented
by being sexual water. You should look back and RARELY ever see times you didn't follow
through where you could've.

This is your package of perceptions, techniques, tactics and strategies that generally outline full
mastery type game. I can't say yet that I've reached full mastery level like a Julien type yet, so I can't
fill in all the requisite nuances, but I think this outline plus everything else we've gone over seem to
pretty well sum it up. But the point of this book was to put out how to reach the goal we set out earlier,
and then I went even further than that in the end. So if I sit around until I reach full Julien-esque levels,
IF I ever do, this book might never benefit anyone because who knows when or if I'll put it out!

It's All About the Sexualized and Emotional Experience You can Create Together

When I got stuck where I was sabotaging myself from finally getting the results I'd worked so hard for,
I asked Julien what I could do to stop the sabotaging. As we discussed, he told me two things – Dive
into my subconscious, and find another way to get what I was trying to get from the result so I could let
go of the pressure around the result.
I wound up finding that I was so focused on why I WASN'T succeeding, that my mind was looking for
the next reason I wouldn't succeed. And at the same time I wound up finding some other issues that I
ultimately fixed by creating the rule that if a girl answered my third kick-out question and was
attractive enough that I was excited about her, I had to stick on her until I pulled her, or had ZERO
validation left with her. That was my girl for the night until one or the other happened. Which meant if
she ran off to the bathroom, and I still felt like I had validation with her, I had to re-open her over and
over again until I either had zero validation from her and she decided I was totally nuts/creepy, or I
pulled her. That way, due to that rule, the reason I was sabotaging myself were largely out of my hands.
I didn't HAVE a decision as to whether to bail and sabotage myself or not. And by focusing on how I
was going to pull, not why I wasn't pulling, I enabled my brain to be finding solutions instead of in a
paranoid state looking for failure.

But the other part of what he said – find another way to get what I was going for with the results –
eluded me. At first I thought, “Well, I don't want to die without having had the dating life that I wanted.
That would really suck, never having those experiences. There's no way to replace that. I actually want
the girls, I actually want them in my life. I can't go get a robot girl. It's not a replacement type of thing.”
Then later I thought about how much I love the experience of sexuality, including sexual tension as
well – not just the sex. And how I really like sharing that with someone whom I find it to be exciting
with. And that, too, isn't really replaceable. Though I don't need the RESULT for it, I can get it through
gaming without a 'result.'

Then I saw a video of him debriefing students that's in Ten Game. He said, “Whatever you want, you
often want it SO THAT you can let yourself relax and tell yourself that you made it and you're happy
now. If you want to sleep with 100 tens, it's because you want it so that when you can get there you can
go 'Ahhh. I made it now. Now I can relax and be happy.'”

And I realized it wasn't the 'Why do I want the result' that was replaceable. Why did I want the result?
To have hot girls in my life. It was the 'Why do you want the why' that was replaceable. I needed to ask
ONE MORE why. 'Why do you want hot girls in your life?' Well, because I wanted to experience a
great dating life. I don't want to die without those experiences. Without traveling the world with girls
I'm really attracted to. But why do you want THAT. Well, because I want to know what experiences are
like. Because I want the emotions. And because I want to feel that I'm attractive to hot girls, that what I
give to the world is enough. And there it is. If you don't see it, the THIRD why reveals it. Why do I
want to feel that I'm attractive to hot girls, that what I give to the world is enough? So that I can feel
that I made it, that I'm happy with myself and what I give to the world, that I can relax and let go.


THAT is replaceable.

Because we don't need the THINGS in order to be happy. It's the opposite. We make RULES for
ourselves and IMPOSE THEM ON OURSELVES that we CAN'T be happy until we get the things. We
were all born as kids that were delighted to play in a cardboard box and pretend that it was whatever it
was. But then our parents, teachers, or peers told us that we wouldn't be happy unless we this or that.
Maybe tried hard in school, succeeded in sports, or whatever. My parents actually were pretty good
about this. But my peers, those mother fuckers (half kidding). EVEN THOUGH I was one of the cool
kids, I wasn't one of the coolest of the cool kids and so girls didn't like me. So I sat around questioning
myself. And eventually I put up a rule – I couldn't relax and be happy with myself and what I gave to
the world UNTIL hot girls were in my life and wanted to be around me. But when I first went up to
Alister R in 6th grade and asked her out, before that moment I was totally enough. I was totally happy
with myself. I thought she'd be stoked about it. I had no clue about not being beta, social smoothness,
or providing emotional experiences. I just thought I was pretty dope and she'd think so to. And she took
one look at me and in the blink of an eye she said 'No'. And I didn't even ask another girl out until I got
my driver's license at 16. Who actually said yes, but then I was such a shitty leader that it never
happened and I eventually had to watch her make out with another guy. The end result was that I put a
rule ON MYSELF. That I couldn't relax and be happy with myself and with what I gave to others
UNTIL the hot girls wanted to be with me and around me. UNTIL I got to make up for the fact that I
didn't get those dating experiences when I was younger.

Wow. There it was. I'd put those rules on myself. And eventually came to believe I NEEDED them and
they were immutable rules of the universe.
Even AFTER I'd lived a dating life that my friends would mostly have killed to touch, flying all over
the world with adventurous super cute girls and so on, I still couldn't let go of either part of that. First,
they now needed to be 9-ish girls. Second, I needed to do it a 'bunch' of times, quite ambiguously.
Because I still didn't know what flying all over the world with 'a bunch' of 9s would be like. Of course.
It made more sense why I couldn't let go of the second part, thinking that I needed effectively the
validation not of the girls but of hot girls in general accepting me to let myself be happy with myself.
After all, there was a pattern of years of them putting me off so clearly SOMETHING was
unanimously being voted on by those hot girls... But the next level 'why' of why do I need that, and
why would I need to put a rule on being happy with myself based on that. Well that part simply makes
no sense. I DIDN'T need to. In fact, the better I got with hot girls the more I realized that you can create
great experiences with them, but they're actually rather poor at judging just about anything that matters
in just about any other way in any other facet of life or the world. Their opinions are actually emotional
feelings about things that have little bearing to almost anything else, except perhaps your ability to
emotionally entertain people. Which is a GREAT skill, but is only really useful socially and in
marketing certain businesses and concepts. (Though marketing IS a key to almost anything, this
particular skill can be bypassed to achieve effective marketing)

Julien then gave a little more insight into WHY you need to 'replace' your need for the result. Which he
hadn't explained to me previously. Because not only do you take the PRESSURE off, as we discovered
when we talked about becoming 'sexual water', but ALSO because you can then FOCUS YOUR
ENTIRE MIND on the PURITY AND EMOTIONAL BEAUTY of the experience. In other words, you
go from being a bunch of teenagers trying to shoot a YouTube video in their backyard to Cirque du
Soleil. And if you don't think there's a difference in the degree of the experience, I challenge you to sell
nightly $200 tickets to people to go see teenagers shooting a 'circus like' YouTube video in their

Effectively what happens is this: If you REMOVE YOUR RULES where you need to be 'accepted' by
hot girl kind BEFORE you let yourself relax and be happy with yourself and what you offer to the
world (and to people, to girls), THEN you can FOCUS ON THE AMAZING EXPERIENCE YOU
No longer do you watch an attractive girl go by and go 'I need one like that' and then go approach her
for that reason. Instead, you approach her as Madison describes, alive and with a twinkle in your eye.
You approach her and are CONNECTED to her and to her emotional state and to the vibe BECAUSE
it's the ONLY thing you're concerned about. You're JUST concerned about the NICE SEXUAL,
EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE that you two can create together. You're ONLY concerned about getting
there, about having that. And if she's not enjoying something, you feel that blocking that nice vibe, and
you ADJUST and start WORKING WITH HER to create a vibe between you two that you both really

Effectively it's like you hand her a paint brush, pick one up yourself, and start painting a picture with
her. But you're not excited about having some great picture at the end per your expectation, you're
excited about the work YOU TWO CAN DO TOGETHER. You're excited to see how it comes out. The
fact that you CAN'T FULLY PREDICT IT, nor fully define it – that IS the excitement. Your MUTUAL
INVOLVEMENT. The only thing you do is keep steering it towards sex and vibing because this is a
SEXUAL, vibing experience the two of you are to create. Just like if you gave her a brush and you two
were to create an oil painting together, and she started to slaughter a chicken and try to use its blood to
use a blood painting, you'd be like “No, no, no, no, silly (crazy). Put the chicken down, this is an OIL
painting.” The blood would only dilute, fuck up, and otherwise make the painting really weird. But as
long as it's an oil painting, your excitement is to see where it goes, what she adds to it, what you two
wind up doing with it.

You see, that's what she wants too. It's not that she's excited to rush straight to having sex with you. It's
that she wants to have a great overall experience that you two create together. Otherwise it feels cheap
and lifeless. So when you remove the rules that you put on yourself, then you can see an attractive girl
and simply go “Oh sweet, let's go see what kind of sexual and vibing experience that girl and I can
create.” And the way you say hello almost says the same thing to her. And the way you handle tests,
and behave, and so on.

And this is where things really ramp up a notch. If you're getting a certain vibe from her, maybe you
take her hands and start ballroom dancing around the sidewalk to imagined music in the middle of the
day. Because that was the vibe that was going between you two, and your kiss is when you dip her at
the end of the dance. With another girl, maybe you're getting a vibe that you should go dive into the
local lake together and make out at night. With another girl you might play fight like an old married
couple all night. Because you're not worried about coming together with the girl but about the
EXPERIENCE you two can create together, you can GET OUT OF THE WAY and allow BETTER
experiences to come up. Then you simply need to remember the overall STRUCTURE, and guide the
experiences along that. But within those boxes you can fill in the experiences with something more
pure, more in touch with the two of you together, and more powerful. Now it's almost like you're free to
live some awesome movie scene each time you approach, and that's the intoxication for the girl as well.
When you look back, your set of experiences will be SO much better that way.
You just have to remember that the experience NEEDS to be sexual and that the structure is for
PRACTICAL reasons of getting there. So a night out is sort of like “What kind of artistic, beautiful
french porn with cool, touching scenes dancing in the rain before the sex can I create tonight?”

“What's a creative way to make this sexual that really screams the vibe this girl and I have?” “What's a
unique way that this girl and I could enjoy and express our sexual vibe?”
You could think of it this way. When you go up to a girl, “We're casting each other/feeling each other
out to make an AMAZING, vibing, Spark-filled, artistic french type erotic movie together. Trying out
Scenes, coming up with ideas for what those scenes should be like with the two of us as the actors.”

Clearing Up a Possible Misconception – This isn't About Game Perfection

Just to clear something up, as we've discussed many times you don't want to disassemble the Ferrari of
this system before you master it. And you want to learn ALL of it in the greatest possible depth.
HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that this or ANY OTHER THING represents game perfection. I
want to make sure you don't have that mindset, because thinking here's some beautiful perfect version
of game, as we discussed earlier, will make you highly reluctant to grind it out and follow the dirty,
grimy path that sticks with the girl and succeeds. So stay away from that. It will also make some of you
paranoid, and others just annoyed if you think I'm claiming this is game perfection. A Ferrari isn't car
perfection either. But everything about a Ferrari is extensively designed and tested to WORK
TOGETHER EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. Once you master every part of a Ferrari and know what it all
does and could put it all back together perfectly if you had to in your sleep, then you can start
experimenting one piece at a time. Why? Because better is TOTALLY possible. And because having a
stick up your ass isn't helpful. But that's AFTER you master it and can get the results of it, and ONLY
one piece at a time. Follow this properly to the letter first and you'll get there 50 times faster than your
friends and compatriots who are off trying to do things half way and innovate their 'own style' when
they're not even getting high level success anyway so they can't possibly know what to do and what not
to do at that stage. They THINK they know because of the experiences they have, which is where you
go off chasing multiple dead end rabbit holes and wasting your time that you didn't have to waste if you
just said “Well, this guy knows what he's talking about, let's listen to him until we can do everything he
says and then we'll see if we have the results, and can start experimenting from there.” Also, as RSD
Todd said, “Success falls within a range, not at a perfect point. You just have to get within that range.”
Furthermore, remember that we basically skeletonized everything to a framework, certain emotionality
constructs, certain vibes, etc. You have a lot of freedom and fine tuning within them. In fact, every
location you're in and to some extent each girl needs fine tuning within the framework. Just check
yourself if you start thinking there's 'perfection' because it'll fuck you up.

One of the biggest reasons that we're using a skeletonized system with answers and different fall backs
and certain key moments planned out and so on is because a stressed mind falls back on what it knows.
And if you're falling back on a blank spot in your planning and practice, you're fucked. You'll draw a
blank and it'll be over. So having a system with answers in those key moments is much faster than the
alternative – becoming an expert at that one key moment through hundreds or thousands of failures
there (and to do that on dozens of points would lead to an impossible number of attempts required to
master each key moment). The biggest key here is to ensure you never fall back on a blank mind in any
key moment that routinely occurs.
Also, along the way you'll be LEARNING A TON that you wouldn't have otherwise. By doing this
exactly as designed, you're then having all these experiences you would not have gotten yourself into if
you were in charge of designing your own route. That will speed you along massively because it's
always keeping you out of what would have been your comfort zone, but you're in ANOTHER comfort
zone – which is that of knowing you're in good hands in a system that works. Ultimately, this will give
you the experience and the knowledge to take over at a high level.
Think of flight school for pilots: They could give you a plane and a few pointers, then say “Alright,
figure it out for yourself!” Which even though I love RSD to death, is basically what they want you to
do. Guess what, that pilot will be dead before he figures it out. Or he will go very very very slowly to
avoid death. OR, the flight school can show you how to do everything properly, the student can do all
of that, and then they can go fly around the sky for years successfully and safely and in the process they
can learn FOR THEMSELVES how to be a real ace pilot. The wizardry comes from their own
experimentation and thought, but it comes from doing that at a high level starting point. Not from
saying “Here's seven different ways you might fly a plane in broad bullet points, good luck!” Trust me,
there's a reason established performance fields like sports and flying do the former, not the latter.

You want to learn how to drive and then have a good time doing it, I believe in giving you a working
car with the plans to it, not giving you a bunch of Wikipedia articles on car components and saying
“good luck!” You'll still have to learn it's parts anyway because there are no mechanics in this game,
but at least you'll be there sooner and more enjoyably. But don't take that for meaning this is 'perfect,'
or to get you chasing non-existent 'perfection' or even 'beauty'. It's a grind, this car is a rough, tough
off-roader that can barely make it through. Maybe that's a better analogy than a Ferrari. Take off any
parts before you fully understand and test it and it's going to break on you in the middle of some fucked
up desert and you're going to be unhappy sitting out there growing closer to dying as you try to repair it
but don't know how.
Survive the Next Fork in the Road – The Most Success Producing Mindset there is in Game

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Have 100 links in a chain and one weak one, the chain will
break there. Game is all about eliminating those weak links, so the chain holds together more. The
stronger your weakest link is, the more often you succeed. You want to strengthen the weak links.

Now, when you're actually in the interaction, going through it, what are the links of the chain? What
would you see or feel that designates one link from the next?

The links in the chain are the FORKS in the path through the interaction. Every time two or more
different things that are significant to the interaction could happen, that's a fork in the road. Like if
you're walking towards the door of a casino in Vegas with girls, they could walk right out with you, or
they could hesitate and mull around the lobby. If a girl's friends start coming over, they could be
friendly towards you or be jackasses and try to get rid of you. If you walk into your place with the girl,
the vibe could be great and flow well, or there could be a sudden massive awkward break in the energy.
The girls friends could come over and say “We're leaving” and you can let them leave, or try to walk
out with them, like “Cool, I gotta find my friend that went outside to smoke.”

In order to strengthen the links of the chain, you should ALWAYS be asking yourself 'what's the next
time this could go in two different directions' and 'how do I either get it to go the way that keeps me in
this, or make it go my way regardless of which of those two happens?' Surviving every link in the chain
means going home with a girl. It's half of the most reliable mindset I've ever seen for making sure you

The second half is to ALWAYS be sure to pick ONE girl for the night and stay with her no matter what.
If you find a girl attractive enough to be exciting, and you get good sexual tension going with her,
PICK her and stay with her no matter WHAT happens. If she doesn't say “FUCK OFF!” or threaten to
get security or say she'll hit you or something, just keep staying in there. Try to make it work.
Regardless. If she finally DOES tell you to fuck off, or threatens to hit you or something like that, or
grabs a security guy, then go start interacting with new girls. Before that, just dedicate to ONE girl.
That forces you to solve the problems at each fork. It forces you to put all of your metal resources
towards pulling THIS girl. Not thinking about 'what if another girl's cute. What if another girl doesn't
give me all this shit' blah blah blah.

Those two halves are THE most powerful pull mindsets I've EVER seen. And I've heard allll kinds.

Always ask “When is the next time this could go two different ways?” and “How can I survive that?”

Julien-Style Engagement

RSD Julien plays a style of game that is totally focused around engagement through chasing, as we've
discussed. That will become more and more clear throughout the course of this volume of the book.

It took me a while to go through all of Julien's infield, work with him on two different bootcamps, and
get to a point where I could figure out most of the tricks he was using and determine what the
principles were behind them.
Julien uses a few basic categories in fairly complex ways to create powerful chasing:
-He loves little lie plotlines, which I have an entire section on in this volume
-He uses emotional spikes, often negative, via stories. He loves shocking stories
NOTE: I personally find this one doesn't work with a high enough percentage of girls to be worth it
-Unexplained extreme emotions (they make her want to figure out what's causing the emotion, or they
make her want to get in on it)
- Backhanded 'accidental' digs. Like 'You don't look like you'd...' or 'That makes sense'
-Pushes within compliments. Such as 'Oh, that's kinda hot, you have crow's feet'
-Strong emotional statements in reaction to things she says, like 'Disgusting' or 'Ahh fuck you!' or 'Iii
hate you'
-Making faces at her like something's disgusting. Just a reaction to anything she says, then he
mysteriously makes a face like it's disgusting (works VERY well)
-Little narrowings of his eyes and things that imply he's thinking or communicating something, but he
doesn't explain them
-Calling out her mannerisms so she's conscious of them now
-Calling out little things about her
-Setting the rhythm quick and commanding, to kind of put her off balance a bit
-Looking her up and down and then subtly rolling your eyes or something of that nature
-Challenge random stuff she says. Like she says she works out, 'My gym is better'
-Teasing her, then cutting her off before she can say her comeback
-Really cocky comments, like 'How does it feel to love me?' or 'How does it feel to be talking to me
again?' or 'I'm out of your league'

Later on we're going to talk about how there's a guiding feeling he's always trying to create while using
this toolkit of tricks. This makes it MUCH easier to have the same level of impact that Julien has
(which is really absurd that that is possible with fairly easy adoption!)

Let's explain a few of these tools-

NOTE: All of this will make more sense if you watch his infield so you can see the reactions
-Unexplained extreme emotions: Julien loves to act out really strong emotions out of the blue, and not
explain the 'emotion'. Like he'll suddenly make his eyes all big and open his mouth like a little kid
running down the stairs on Christmas to see all of his presents. Then she's wondering 'What? What are
you so excited about?? What is it?' And he'll go “Oh, nevermind.”

-Backhanded 'accidental' digs. Like a girl says she's staying in the nicest hotel around, say the Ritz
Carlton, and he goes 'No, really? You?' like she couldn't stay at a place like that. (This one is tough to
use properly without some of the info we'll go into by the end of this volume)

-Pushes within compliments. Such as 'Oh, that's kinda hot, you have crow's feet'. This one is what it
sounds like, you give a 'compliment' and then you throw something into it that typically is not seen as

-Little narrowings of his eyes and things that imply he's thinking or communicating something, but he
doesn't explain them. This one's hard to describe in a book. Basically he's making very intense eye
contact with her, then he just kind of narrows his eyes even more for a split second and lets them go
back to normal. It's almost like a wink. It just makes this feel of 'What was that for?'

-Calling out her mannerisms so she's conscious of them now. Like “It's funny how you always cover
your mouth when you laugh!” That makes her a little self conscious, but it's tied to you a bit, so she
'wants it back' with the validation

-Setting the rhythm quick and commanding, to kind of put her off balance a bit. This is like the three
question ladder we talked about in the first volume. If you're like “Do you this? What about that? How
about this?” Pretty much right after she answers, and do it in a dominant, rhythm pushing way – but
with a hint of enjoyment in your tone and face, then she gets kind of knocked off her typical balance
and sucked into trying to pass the game. Almost without realizing she got sucked in. When she
recovers, there's this snapback effect where she kind of wants her validation back because you just got
her to do that.
-This works REALLY well, especially right off the bat in the beginning

The key to all of these, or almost all, is to have a HINT of a little cocky smile, and sound like you're
enjoying it a bit, and look at her while owning it like “What are you gonna do about it?”

At the same time, Julien has worked hard to be able to recover from anything so that he can get away
with more and thus push harder without blowing up his interactions. He'll do things like “No, no, no,
I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Aren't you gonna fight for me?” And “I thought we had a special connection.”
And “Sorry, sorry. I'm drunk. And high. And my mother locked me in the basement for my whole
childhood.” (Kind of starting with something that's a plausible real excuse. Stretching it. Then just
making it ridiculous. Somewhere on his old RSD Julien YouTube channel he's got a whole video on
these recoveries. It's called something like “How to get away with anything.”

Using this set of tricks paired with the 'interactional tension' sections coming up will create, hands
down, more engagement than anything else there is except sexual tension. But you can do these things
with girls that won't let you do any sexual tension.

Looseness, Moving your Feet, Moving your Torso to Really Sell the Big Emotional Spikes

When you want to make an emotional spike hit much harder, move your fucking fee, be loose with
your arms, move your torso. Put MORE body movement behind it, you'll create more engagement. You
could say “You're a nurse?! Shut the fuck up!” and tilt your head back and wave your hand at her. OR
you could say “You're a nurse?! Shut the fuck up!” and actually step away and throw both hands up and
turn your head. That much bigger movement and much bigger degree of acting helps create a far larger
emotional response.

Because I'm not that tall Julien really wanted me to get behind this concept a lot more. That way I can
kind of compensate for my physical stature with 'large energy'. A girl's perception of how tall you are
isn't exactly 100% literal height. A lot of it is just a sense of how imposing you are. If she feels that
she's tiny relative to you, and it could just be in terms of energy, that creates much the same impact as
actual height.

Don't Physically Escalate Beyond what She Seems to Want, Instead Logistically Escalate

This is something RSD Julien subscribes hard to, and he's fucking sick at pulling so I'll trust him. It
makes total sense and does work in practice. It's a bit hard for me to judge how much.
The idea is that if you keep trying to escalate and turn in emotions for physical escalation, you could
easily push beyond what she's comfortable with in public. Some girls (not most though) don't want to
kiss in clubs. Especially if they're regulars there. In other circumstances, they don't want to be seen all
up on a guy at all. In more normal situations, after you kiss how much can you push it? Heavy
makeout? Then she's likely to bail on a pull...

Basically you can only take the physical escalation so far. That said, when you've got great emotions
and you just hit an emotional spike, what do you do?
You trade it for logistical escalation.

Rather than trying to drive physical escalation past a kiss, which could ultimately cause problems with
the interaction, use that emotion to logistically lead instead. As some instructors like to say, your goal is
to lead her as far away from the spot you met her as possible. At the very latest, start when you have
compliance after a kiss. Logistical escalation over physical escalation (with the exception of the kiss, as
that is generally a very helpful micro commitment).

Never Leave a Club without Walking Out Next to a Hot Girl, Preferably One you Talked to Earlier

RSD Luke LOVES to quote Gary Vaynerchuck - “Don't be romantic about how you achieve success.”
If you can achieve success, who cares how flashy the process to succeeding was??

One of the best possible ways to drive up the number of girls you go home with is to always make sure
you walk out of the bar/club next to a girl you find attractive.
Preferably one that you saw earlier. But sometimes any girl will do.

The thing to remember is that at some point you have to get a girl out of the club. If you don't have any
hot leads IN the club, you might as well use the fact that a lot of girls are pulling themselves out of the
club. They're already doing your job for you!

It's better if you see a girl that you liked that you had a decent conversation with earlier leaving. Then
come in with a little burst of energy, and proceed to keep the energy rolling so that she doesn't sit there
and think about the fact that she ran into you walking out and you're continuing right out with her. Just
be as loose as possible and roll with it. Game like any other time! Loosen her up if necessary, get the
emotions going, if you can (tough while walking) create sexual tension. Usually you'll wind up
stopping in front of the club or around where the cabs/Ubers are. At this point it's a bit make or break.
You're going to have to ramp up the sexual tension pretty quickly. You're going to have to be targeting
things heading towards sex quickly, she's not going to want to stand around and get to know someone
at that time (not that she ever does in a bar/club). Less logic, more energy, keep the rhythm slow and go
for sexual tension.

Next up, you're going to need an excuse to get in the same Uber. If you can get things really on or kiss
her, suggest going for food. If not, be like “Where are you guys headed?” Then “No way! I'm staying
with my friend over there, mind if we share an Uber? Just don't get fresh with me.” Then it's like Julien
talks about in Pimp and some of his older YouTube videos and so on. Your friend isn't responding, can
you use the bathroom or charge the phone or whatever. Etc. Etc. Not exactly easy, but the more on you
can make it, the better. It doesn't have to be THAT on to work, you just have to have balls and TRY
because WHY NOT!

You can also do this with girls you DIDN'T meet all night long. One of the hottest college girls I've
ever brought back to my place I hadn't talked to at all, then just walked out of one of the best Vegas
nightclubs with her and took her to my place. I didn't keep the emotions up enough on the ride and had
the driver let us off outside the gate, which wound up being an issue because she ultimately dug her
heels in and wouldn't walk through the gate. I made a few errors there. I went back to her room with
her, but she reverse-logistics gamed me and told me she had a room all to herself. When we got there,
there were three girls jammed in one bed and she basically just got in bed and was like “Sorry!” If I had
more balls maybe I would've sat on the bed and gamed them all up. But that was 90% likely to not go
well. (And 10% likely to be a crazy time, since you had three girls in bed at the end of the night with a
dude that's there...)

It might seem like cheating, but who fucking cares! This shit is so fucking difficult to get the results out
of that you want, who cares! Plus, like Gary Vaynerchuck says, don't be romantic about how you get
Not to mention that most hot girls sleep with under 200 guys in their life, and every guy she dates
(naturally) comes from that pool... Which means if you go home with her, no matter how it happened,
you can potentially wind up dating her even. Seriously, this shit tends to give you a chance almost once
a night in a major city – with a hot girl! That's like double the number of good chances you get with hot
girls throughout the rest of an average night. So this weird trick is very big. Just never leave the doors
without being next to a girl you think is cute and TRYING to turn that into going home with her. Just

If you don't believe me, this fucking kid I was on Vegas Immersion with was this never give up Spanish
dude. We'd just left the club at the Wynn, there were few girls left, and we were kind of mulling around
the taxi line outside trying to talk to girls. There was this VERY classy looking 8.5 that I hadn't
bothered to talk to throughout the night because I was just convinced the way she was dressed and
standing that she wouldn't be open to a cold approach. (NEEEEVER assume!!!) This Spanish kid goes
over and strikes up a conversation with her. She's a little on edge at first, but she keeps talking to him.
Then keeps talking to him. Then they sit on the edge of these giant plant potters. Then they're deep in a
conversation. Then I can see she's starting to die to have something happen. We sat there for like 10-15
minutes trying to get his attention and be like “BRO! Move this fucking chick!!” Eventually they
walked off down the walkway that led from the taxi area toward the street. I was like “WHERE THE

I found out the next day when we were all talking. Okay, so this chick was one of the most elegantly
dressed, in a classy way, in the whole club. And we're talking one of the classiest clubs in Vegas. She
was a solid 8.5. She was a little bit of that high class Mexican or Spanish look, with pretty light skin,
tall. She looked very much like she was there with a very wealthy Mexican husband, and I think she
was wearing some type of ring that we were debating if it was a wedding ring. (NEVER assume! We
weren't sure it was a wedding ring, so might as well find out!). Now that I've set the scene that I didn't
bother talking to this girl throughout the night because she looked like she was a married, high class
chick that didn't want to be cold approached... (And I generally cold approach just about whoever if
they're as hot as her)
The next day we found out why they walked down the walkway. This mother fucker had NO money,
and was staying like 30 minutes away at the Immersion house. Therefore, he took this mother fucking
girl to the MOTHER FUCKING VEGAS CITY BUS!!! And she fucking rode 30 minutes with him,
making out and shit!!! She would've hooked up with him, except the damn bus ride took so long she
fell asleep!!!! If that idiot had just forked over a one time $20 he would've hooked up with this
awesome girl.
And what does that say? She left the club without a guy because she just didn't find one she liked! But
she DID want to have sex. She DID want to meet a guy. Badly enough that just because she liked this
broke ass dude, she'd leave perhaps the classiest Vegas club at one of the top three classiest hotels
(Wynn) and ride a bus to go get some.

I was fucking shocked. And that's why you ALWAYS leave the club next to a girl, and you ALWAYS
game the taxi/Uber area. The biggest thing is to shut off your brain trying to tell you that it won't
happen. That's the BIGGEST roadblock. Your own brain getting you to sandbag because it's convinced
“It won't happen.” If that chick rode off on a bus with a broke dude that was shorter than her, the
classiest looking girl in the classiest club, then anything can happen. I'd say well over 50% of the time
you don't pull (and me too) because you tell yourself it can't happen. Just stay in and survive the next
fork. You NEVER KNOW.

Desire will Perpetually Stick you in Failure

This is a really crazy, very subtle, and sadly extremely powerful trick of our brain. Something that
keeps people from getting what they want for indefinite periods of time... Possibly forever.

To understand, first we have to define what 'desire' is. Desire is wanting something strongly that you
DON'T HAVE. It is also an emotion.
You can feel desire very strongly. It can be a very motivating force.

Unfortunately, like many strong emotions, it can also be a fairly addicting emotion. There are some
emotions, like humor/laughter, that can only ever be fleeting. Desire can sit there and burn and burn
inside someone. This only adds to the ability for people to become addicted to it.

Desire is the cousin of hope. We all thrive off of hope in one way or another, though hope is often the
substitute or counter-point for action and realization. Desire, sadly, is similar.

If you are strongly addicted to the feeling of wanting something very badly, but not having it, what
does that mean? Do you see that if you're addicted to that feeling you inherently must be addicted to
both the wanting of the thing AND the lack of it? If you remove the lack, you ruin the feeling of desire.
If you're addicted to the desire... You NEED the lack.

That's the issue. Becoming addicted to desire means becoming addicted to lack. It means that if you
want to keep feeling that feeling on a subconscious level, you have to SABOTAGE YOURSELF and
PREVENT YOURSELF from regularly having what you desire. Damn. That's fucked up shit!

I think this is a massive struggle for me. I think the feeling of desiring being successful with women
kept me going for so long that I eventually got stuck to it. Welded to it. I wish I'd had this book all
along so that I could've achieved success more quickly in my process before building up these shitty
habits. But it is what it is.

You can't just let go of your feelings. Remember this always, your brain doesn't do negatives. It can
only do positive actions. (Meaning it can “do things” it can't “not do things”) Because of this, you have
to replace the desire feeling with something else. You can't just let go of it if you're already addicted to
it. You have to find something compelling that replaces it. For instance, you could get addicted to the
CHANCE TAKING and trying to make the impossible happen in game. Rather than being addicted to
wanting to have sick game at some mythical point in the future, or being addicted to the desire of the
actual girls, you could be stuck on going out and taking chances and trying to pull off the impossible.
Fuck the concepts of being 'good,' 'success,' whether you get girls or not. Be into the things that you can
control that create success.

The Inevitability, Force of Nature Mindset

Desire and hope can create problems, because they're emotions that make you feel good, feel engaged,
even though you're not actually doing anything... Wishing is the same way. If you're sitting around
wishing some path or outcome will happen for you, then you're pretty much screwing yourself over just
the same as being addicted to desire. They're very tightly linked, really. When you're wishing, you're
basically getting an emotional high off of hope and the chances that something might happen. It's kind
of like emotional gambling. It's a step up from desire because desire requires lack, while wishing
implies the thing COULD happen. Nonetheless, it means “I'm over here on this side of the fence... and
what I want is over there – on that side of the fence.” Separating yourself from success in this
subconscious way, and then feeling GOOD about it, is inherently something that blocks actual success.

Think about a hurricane. It doesn't sit around looking at its vision board in the morning going “Oh, how
I wish I could destroy Fort Lauderdale!” No, it's fucking INEVITABLE what's going to happen. If that
fucking hurricane wants Fort Lauderdale, then Fort Lauderdale is fucked. It might not have happened
yet, but it IS happening mother fucker. Look out.
That's the inevitability mindset. Every day, every hour, every minute that you put in towards your goal
is BUILDING towards inevitability. Just like a hurricane could make landfall every minute, every night
out it could happen for you. It's inevitable that it will, and it MIGHT be tonight.

Part of the reason is as my very successful friend put it – the path you WANT to create the success
might well fall through, but if you view the result as inevitable, you won't be so attached to the path
and will be perfectly fine with shifting your path and crushing forwards anyway.

Here's the brass tax, something which I was often guilty of losing track of during my journey through
game: Winners fucking win. Forces of nature fucking roll. Pickup artists fucking engage FULLY, one
girl at a time, as DEEPLY as possible with that PARTICULAR GIRL. Each and EVERY girl they go up
to, they seek to FULLY IMMERSE in that interaction and create an INSANE experience.

But above all, winners fucking win. They don't sit around wishing, hoping, or waiting. They don't 'put
themselves out there' and hope the universe wins for them.

Winners FUCKING WIN. Period.

All of this is Necessary for Mastery Level Game, this isn't Whimsical Encyclopedia Creation

A guy I discuss game with told me “Wow, I'm really impressed with how far you're taking this stuff.”
As though I was creating some game encyclopedia for fun and knowledge' sake.

Like hell am I doing that. I want this book to be as short as possible. I want my game to be as minimal
as possible. This is solving real problems that are in your way from getting the mastery level results. In
the previous section we evaluated everything necessary to reach our goal of quality and frequency. That
section included everything necessary to do that – and nothing that wasn't necessary. In this section
we're significantly one-upping the target results even over the last section. And everything in this
section is NECESSARY to do that. None of this is whimsy. The moment you dismiss a part of this
book, you're already doomed to failing at the level that part of the book was written for. Are there
different ways to do things? Errr... Well it depends on the level. The higher you go... Not really.
Especially because I'm leaving room within more abstracted concepts for multiple different actual
tactics and techniques. Remember the skyscraper analogy – the alloy of the steel has to be certain types
to build really high. Though the design of the building can change. But even then it has to share a lot of
basic structural rules and design fundamentals.

This is no Darwinian cataloging of species for the love of the science. Yes, it comes from a love of the
science – but this is intended to be the most down and dirty possible way to get the results.
Unfortunately, the goals that I thought weren't that demanding actually turn out to fly in the face of how
things work and be pretty serious goals. As a result, well, here we are. This IS the shortest, most down
and dirty form of what will get you there. But also written in a complete way. So if you find yourself
going “Wow, it's cute/impressive he took this that far...” Then you're missing the fact that no, this is
what NEEDS to be done. That's like saying “Wow, it's cute Michael Phelps took his training regime
that far.” No motherfucker – that wasn't some hobby of his, 'how far can I take the training just
because'. That was ALL tailored to WINNING at unprecedented levels. Welcome to ultra-high
performance psychology and training... Something 99.99% of people will never be exposed to.
Generally something reserved only for Olympic athletes. Not even the top echelons of special forces
are trained to that level... More like to the next level below. How can I argue that? Because special
forces soldiers don't start training to be special forces soldiers as children only to succeed at 24 to 30
years old like Olympic athletes. In game it's generally 10 years. Special forces soldiers don't train for
10 years before being deployed, either. Though this book is attempting to put 10 very focused years
from someone very perceptive who ultimately succeeded into your brain in only around 2-4 years.
Keep in mind many OTHER people spend 10 years and just never get to the top level. So that's a big
task. Big task, big book, none of it is wasted for curiosity.

Attack Life – Don't Drag Your Little Red Wagon

I doubt most of you will recall this section two weeks after reading this. But I also think it's the most
important thing you can get out of this book, ultimately. Perhaps the knowledge will bubble back into
the front of your mind when the time is right, even if you don't recall the shape of the knowledge or
where it came from.

Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear and later 'The Grand Tour' on Amazon once said that he's getting older
but there's one thing that lets him know he's still the one to be hosting his show – every time he's
driving down the road and it comes around a bend and he looks to the side and sees that his car has
lined up with a train, and the line of metal cars rattling along beside him, a little part of his brain flips
on and his right foot inevitably presses towards the floor, urging his car forward. Without fail, every
time he can't help but race the train. Just to prove the car is better. Just to let loose the little boy inside
him and have an adventure, have a race.
I think that's why hundreds of millions around the world love watching him. He's estimated to be the
most valuable television personality there is. And he said if anyone ever saw him pull up alongside a
train and NOT try to race it, then it would be all over. They might as well take him out into a pasture
and have him shot.

And then you take where I had gotten to by the time I finally first achieved my most yearned for goal in
game. I was sleeping far too long every night. I basically got out of bed because I knew I had to. I had a
good amount of happiness and got to do many great things, but the happiness of each one seemed ever
so slightly duller than it should've been, and it seemed I could hardly wait for the next adventure. When
I wasn't doing something, I seemed only to be waiting. I struggled with the motivation to actually close
and have sex with girls. When I was closing, it was great and I was fine. But when I was in the club, I
could only say I suffered from malaise. I let untold dozens of girls that I knew in a part of my brain I
could have just wander away for some reason or another. And I just kind of shrugged it off. I couldn't
exactly figure it out.

Then one day I was driving and an oldies song came on. The Little Old Lady from Pasadena.
Somewhere between the anchors to my childhood, all those thoughts of my parents listening to that
song in another part of my life, and the half suppressed thoughts of a tiny old woman racing around the
streets of southern California in the fifties, an emotion started welling up. A thought coagulated out of
the cloud feelings... I wasn't attacking life, ripping through the streets. I wasn't racing trains. I didn't
pull onto a winding stretch of road with a little break between traffic and gun it through the curves like
I did at every chance for the first three or four years after I got my license. When I jumped on the back
of a shopping cart and went flying through the parking lot, I only half enjoyed it. Almost like I knew it
was the thing I would do... Not like it was the thing I HAD to do. Was urged to do.

Somewhere along the line, I went from racing down streets in a soap box derby car to dragging myself
around in a little red wagon whose wheels had fallen off... And I hadn't even bothered to stop and put
them back on. Instead, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, dragging myself around, hoping
it would pay off.

Some people buy Lotto tickets every day of their life, hoping their 'ship will come in.' One way or
another I had wound up on a more intelligent but nonetheless similarly leaning path. I had snapped
inside, but forced myself to march on, taking action and assuming that at some point my 'ship would
come in' as a result of all that doing. Because that's how the world works, it was going the way I had
hoped. Mostly. But underneath it all I was hoping the way it went would put wind in my sails.

I don't know if it started when Alister R said no to my request to go see a movie in 6th grade. I doubt it.
I don't know if it started after my first summer back from college, watching the glow fade from the best
summer of my life – hanging out in the river daily with my friends, dragging logs into the water and
floating down the rapids on them like Huckleberry Finn. Maybe it happened when my path through my
sport turned so dark it appeared I'd never make it through, and I just started plodding forward –
refusing to quit. Such that by the time I actually succeeded I was elated, relieved, but stuck on my back
foot. Living off hope now, rather than joy. Or maybe it was when I went through that process all over
again in game. Reaching the bottom where I thought I'd never have success with women in my whole
life, but where I refused to give up because there was no other choice. Somewhere along the line the
wheels HAD fallen off my wagon. And I hadn't given up. I just gritted my teeth and started dragging
that fucker around. But it wasn't out of joy any more, it was just out of numb resolve and stubborness.

This had put me into a state where I would drag myself out to the club, game pretty well, but far more
often than not allow things that I knew I could triumph in just diffuse into the mists. I wasn't lost in the
experience, or locked into making epic adventures. I was faking an aliveness. The pep in my step was
gone, and I had to hope that something or someone around me would bring it back in fits and starts. On
my second bootcamp with Julien, he could see it. He spent the whole week trying to get me to fix it...
But he couldn't identify what was actually happening. He thought maybe I was putting on a front. I
wasn't. I thought afterwards maybe the front was thinking that I needed to 'game' girls at all. That fell
short. It turned out that it wasn't exactly a front at all. Or maybe you could argue it was. It was that I
wasn't really doing anything at all out of genuine joy. I was doing it all hoping that at some point it
would shift and I would find some sort of thrill within it all.

But with that innocently joyful song about an old lady racing around SoCal in a muscle car from
another age filled my car, I managed to float far enough outside of myself to see what was going on. I
lit up, then a wave of sadness hit me... Just a bit. I raced through a couple curves. I laughed. A spark
filled me again. Suddenly I couldn't wait to go out that night. I couldn't wait to carry some gorgeous
girl off and have an adventure. I couldn't wait to spark a glimmer in her eyes, and one in my own. The
little things seemed fun and exciting again. I could actually look forward to something without it being
overblown and over the top.

I think sooner or later everyone in our world winds up in some form of this. Except generally they stop
taking action and just try to find ease in drugs or Netflix. I think a lucky few fly through game fast
enough that they feel on top of the world and maybe avoid that feeling, more or less. But most don't.
Most quit. Only a small few do what I did on a difficult path, dragging themselves forward anyway.
However it doesn't take a difficult path for the result to be the same, most just wind up dragging
themselves through life anyway.

The ultimate point and goal of game could very well be to get to the point where you're attacking life
again for the joy, not plodding forward, dragging yourself one step after another because you don't
know what else to do. Then again, if it wasn't for women acting the way they did, I'm not sure I
would've wound up in that state in the first place. That's a useless argument to have, however, because
women are going to stay the way that they are – and the only way I had out of it was through game. To
finally feel empowered and free again.

I also think in a way I didn't understand, this was the reason deep down in my brain for writing this
book. Because I want you to sail over the hump and feel empowered and free BEFORE something
inside you gives up and you start dragging yourself through life. It's my chance to free perhaps one or
five or fifty guys, and stop them from winding to a halt.

So if you're having to drag yourself out of bed, drag yourself out at night, you don't find yourself trying
to race anything, jump over anything, or prank anyone. If you find yourself having to try to force
motivation in yourself to just live the things in your life you know you should love... This is for you.
And if you DON'T feel that way now, but you do sometime in the future... Remember this. When WAS
the last time you tried to jump over your couch, or shoot an ice cube into the trash from another room?
The real critical piece isn't are you taking attacking actions in life – it's are you attacking the joy and
spark in the little moments?

What Attacking Life Means to the Truth in Game

This also solved a long standing question in my mind. I had never really been able to buy into the
concepts of 'state' and 'self amusement'. State I just think is a dumb thing to think about, and I'm glad I
didn't learn on 'state'. As I've mentioned several times, the RSD guys who all championed this concept
now are just erasing it because it's dumb. On the other hand, I knew guys were doing pretty well using
self amusement, but their results didn't seem to be what they should be. And when I tried self amusing,
it seemed random and all over the place and didn't seem to work all that well. Except in rare times.
Which is where I eventually learned about targeting self amusement when studying Julien and having
him tell me to let go and be more loose. But even so, it didn't quite FEEL right. I had enough
experience in game, enough of a feel for what worked and didn't, and enough of a model in my head to
know that looseness tremendously helped game. And so did spiking emotions. But this concept of 'self
amusement' seemed off. Close, but off. As a result I was – to be perfectly honest – pretty stubborn
towards it. I probably would've gotten better results for years if I'd embraced the concept a bit more,
even though I knew it was imperfect. Though that would've required tailoring it to better fit with what
actually worked.
The reality snapped into place, though, when I was thinking about how attacking life impacted game
and sex. You see, what I was missing in attacking life was living life with a certain zest. A snap. A love
for the moments. And this is also EXACTLY what girls want out of guys. Girls can't really create their
OWN zest for living. (A few can, these are the little firecrackers you really want...) They aren't good at
making life snap, crackle and pop. So they look for guys to do it for them. For music to do it for them.
For concerts and parties to do it for them. They want guys to have sex with them in a way that interjects
pop and life into them. They want to feel alive, lit up, energized when they have sex. They want to be
around a guy that says “I bet you can't jump over that” and “I bet you can't balance on that” and “I dare
you to grab that guy's butt” and so on. “I bet” and “I dare” game. It's 'sweeping someone off their feet.'

Do you think it's a coincidence that every girl is completely enamored in the movie Titanic? Nothing
really happens in the movie, besides the fucking ship sinking really dramatically. Why would girls love
it so much? Because it's a story of a girl stuck in a boring ass dude being swept away by a guy that lives
life in a way that it pops. He injects her with a spark and carries her off in it. It's his vibe, his energy.
Carefree is part of it. Loose is part of it. But it's not 'self amusement' in the way of laughing their asses
off constantly. It's more like being little teenage runaways. Think of sex itself: Now, I don't like the
writing in this statement – but it is literally and figuratively supposed to be injecting the girl with life.
What is sexual tension? It's not seriousness. It IS intense, but it's intense in a way that makes you both
alive. It energizes and thrills both of you. The bottom line is that ALL of game centers around making
her feel ALIVE, energized, living with a zest, a pop. It's not bout 'amusement' only in the way of
laughing, though that helps. It's about making her feel like a teenager that just snuck out of the house
and now is running through a cornfield with you, or cruising in a convertible. It's the Taylor Swift
music video 'Red' (in the first half, before the guy that attacks life becomes destructive). It's Leonardo
DiCaprio in Titanic, before the bitch lets his ass drown. Which is pretty hilarious, all these women are
like “Yay, I love that she had that thrilling time with the guy and kept that beautiful memory for life...
While his body lay frozen on the bottom of the sea and he had no more memories” hahaha. But I

Go listen to the song “Lightening Bolt” by Jake Bugg. Pull up Titanic and watch it. Even watch Rob
Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, which is the same vibe but targeted towards guys more.

The thing about gaming to inject girls with aliveness is that it's SEXY. Self amusement is freeing and
fun, but it's not inherently sexy. But gaming with 'zest' with 'aliveness' like Leo in Titanic IS sexy. That
was the missing piece that was stopping me from buying into self amusement. That's why it didn't
compute. It was lacking inherent sexiness. I couldn't see girls getting fully swept away in it. But when
you combine it with the broader concept of living like teenagers who snuck out for the night on a
rampage around town, pranking the neighbors, hooking up in the back seat, walking down the railroad
tracks... Now you've got something. Why do you think girls like rock stars so much? It's not because
they sit around joking like crazy, though at times they might. It's because they have nothing better to do
than sit in their hotel room betting each other they can't jump over the couch, or trying to sneak onto
the roof of a building for sunrise. They live in a way that is BOTH free AND injects life with a zest and
love of being alive. Plus their massive social proof and ability to make the girl feel like the shit. The
romance in their vibe, though, is the free spark they have for living. This is what we need in game, not
the narrower 'self amusement.' Julien says to be self amused and carefree, which is getting at this vibe,
but also just missing it. Being carefree without injecting everyone with a spark for living is only half
the equation. And thinking it's just about jokes and humor misses it as well. It's all about making people
feel alive, free, and let loose into the world like crazy teenagers. “I bet you can't”, “I dare you to”,
fucking with her, sneaking off style game. That's what it should REALLY be.

Game Structure Really Solved

It is, of course, not possible to fully 'solve' game. But this is pretty damn close. We have three layers to
this. The first is the ideal structure of an interaction. The second is the structure for how you make sure
you're ALWAYS pushing it forward, not stalling out, and always making high impact. And the third are
the solutions you implement in order to carry out the other two layers – which are things like lines,
game, solutions to specific circumstances, etc. The third layer is where you get freedom to express
yourself, basically, and where there's lots of freedom. The other two layers have to deal with
psychology and practicality.

The first layer- the proper structure for an interaction. Because we need engagement before almost
anything, and for the group to not get rid of us, and because this is all ultimately about having sex
which is best done through sexual tension and sexual comfort – we effectively wind up with this:

A) After opening, work on chasing and try to ramp it to about an 8/10. Use Julien style game for this,
and also use pure, loose, uninhibited and highly sold expression of emotions (surprise, laughter,
disgust, happiness, whatever).
-You ALSO need to have a lot of awareness to the group and if they look bored or on edge, introduce
yourself and win them over BEFORE it becomes a problem. This is a better way to handle the group
than what we used before, but before we needed to learn to really focus on our girl when we had to.
When you befriend the group early on, either talk to your girl AND the group/friend, or don't spend too
long talking to the friend or you'll lose any work done with your girl.
B) Burst sexual tension to a 10/10. Either get a kiss, or get her to really WANT to kiss you. If you go
for a kiss and she rejects it but keeps talking to you, call it a win. She knows you're in that type of
interaction and she stayed in it.
C) Investment. Investment builds both her wanting to stay in the interaction AND comfort. If she tells
you the hardest day of her life and what her parents are like, she's going to feel like she knows you
really well. Even if you intentionally don't say much about yourself. (Maintains chasing, and it's only
really what she says that matters)
D) Sustained sexual tension. Try to keep sexual tension around 8/10 for at least seven or eight minutes
without breaking it for long or at all. Preferably she should be wet this whole time. This is driving up
her desire to ACTUALLY have sex. The goal here is to get her to cross the wall into the land of
E) Sexual comfort. You can do this AS you pull, or if she'll go with it, you can do it while creating
sustained sexual tension. If she's acting uneasy, separate the sexual comfort and the sexual tension. This
is because the tension may make her less comfortable to talk openly about sex, but that's what you need
to create sexual comfort. Don't talk about you and her having sex, unless you find you just can't
motivate her and then you could talk some hypothetical fantasy that isn't actually going to happen
maybe. But step it from more hypothetical towards things she actually likes in real life, fantasies, times
she got walked in on or had a threesome or whatever. This plus sustained sexual tension are designed to
get her to where she ACTUALLY wants to have sex with you
F) Logistics. You should be working on this all along, really. Follow the Julien concept of escalating
logistically instead of physically, with the exception of going for the kiss once. If she rejects the kiss
once, but keeps talking to you, just don't try again unless she makes it very clear she wants to kiss you

So that's layer one. The ideal structure. The ideal structure is pretty abstracted, but still often doesn't
come off exactly as planned. Above all, crush/survive the next fork in the road if she's hot enough and
if the interaction starts off well for anything over maybe four or five minutes.
Rather than calling this game, let's call it – say – our sex strategy. Or sex dance. Let's keep the end in
mind right from the opening. It's all about getting us to having sex, then she'll relax and open up and
reverse justify us into her life and things can proceed on a more 'equal' footing from there.

The second layer is where the 'magic' comes in. This is where we're going to come close to 'solving'

The thing is, we're always getting hung up, stopped, confused, or wasting time in interactions.
Generally we simply can't get what we need done before too much time goes by and something
happens to fuck us up. We could pull almost every girl that started off well if she would stay around us
for, say, three days straight. But we don't have that and as a result the equation flips and we don't pull
MOST girls, even that start well. So the ideal is to work in such a way that we almost NEVER waste
time, and almost never get blocked. Imagine a 40 minute interaction where almost everything you're
doing is targeted and hits hard. That's pretty powerful.

Game, or our sex strategy/dance, is really a constant spiraling of becoming more aware to the right
things, having more of the right solutions, and getting better at surviving and solving logistics. As a
result, you might expect a proper solution to be about being aware of the right things and solving the
right problems as you go...

The second layer is this: Constantly watching her (and her friends), to see where she is in terms of
chasing, sexual tension, comfort, sexual comfort, group dynamic, and logistics. THEN, constantly
stepping into her shoes and feeling yourself from her point of view, and seeing what is BLOCKING her
in each of those categories. So you're CONSTANTLY seeing that, say, she's a 5/10 in comfort, a 4/10 in
chasing, a 3/10 in sexual tension, a 2/10 in sexual comfort, the group dynamic is a 5/10 and the
logistics are 2/10. Then you're saying that means you most need chasing, then sexual tension – but you
should watch the group dynamic. Then you're looking for what's blocking her in terms of chasing more,
what's blocking her from more sexual tension, and possibly what's holding up the group dynamic. You
have to see if the chasing is simply being blocked because you're not pushing the right buttons, because
she's in the wrong mood, if it's because of her own identity, if it's because of the friend group, if it's
because she thinks you're uncalibrated, etc.
Then you're going to try to REMOVE the blockage. You can do this like Jordan Belfort would in his
straight line persuasion system, by framing. Telling a framing story or some other sort of framing. By
changing the situation around, say isolating or moving the girls. By using some sort of game – perhaps
comfort is blocking one of the other categories, and you need to increase that. Etc.

This means that you're constantly hitting on TWO levels, and you're constantly targeting. You're using
your 'game' to promote the categories. You use 'game' to create sexual tension, chasing, comfort, etc. At
the same time, you're coming on the back and and you're removing blockages. A lot of times your issue
isn't that your game is off or whatever, it's that she's BLOCKING you from succeeding in a category
for some other reason. By having large scale constant awareness and identifying blockages, you can
make sure the path is cleared to success. Or at least surviving later into the interaction.
This means you should basically NEVER run out of things to do in the interaction. You can constantly
game up one of the categories, or remove blockages. And you should be CONSTANTLY practicing
awareness as well. Which might help you occasionally shutting the fuck up and allowing space in the
interaction, because you'll need it to have some awareness.

The final layer is the game you use to drive the categories, and then the solutions you use to remove
blockages and keep things moving along. Over time, you should recognize patterns in blockages and
what works on them, and you can keep driving that forward.
Because you always have targeted things to be doing, you should be able to much more successfully
win the battle against time. You aren't wasting any time any more, you're ALWAYS working efficiently.

Defining Flirting in a Way that You can Ensure Emotional Interactions

Flirting is a semi-nonsensical, simple and stupid, battle and emotionally provoking process. It's
COUNTER to 'sharing commonalities'. That feeling of UNDERSTANDING each other and SHARING
with each other is the polite, rapport, friend communication
Flirting is a battle of the wits. It's not caring about the interaction, but only about the emotions and the
battle. It's SHOWING THAT YOU DON'T CARE and you'll fuck up the 'conversation' to sit there and
lie and have a fun battle.
It's drawing her into 'whatdya think of that? What are you gonna do? Let's see what you've got back!'
Its pattern is joke-joke, poke-poke. Not question-answer, question-answer. It's not understanding. It's
not sharing. It's like playing tag – 'Tag! You're it!'

The thing I've found to be most crucial is having a CRYSTAL CLEAR understanding or feeling as to
whether you're flirting or doing something else. And what the switch is that flips between them. So let's
say this:
Flirting is when she picks up a newspaper and tries to discuss the articles with you... And you slap it
out of her hand and give her shit. And if she picks it up again, you do it again. Until she goes 'Alright,
wise guy, whatdya got?' Then it's on.

We're all trained to seek commonalities and share with each other about our lives. That's a polite,
rapport based 'conversation'. And it involves little to no emotions and is a death zone unless you've
already kissed.
So if you sense either her or you trying to share and talk about commonalities, slap the newspaper out
of her hand (or your own) and shake it up. And keep doing it. Don't allow that interaction style, flip that
shit!! She might RESIST at first and you might have to gently EASE into it with a LITTLE of that
normality mixed in, but this is just because she doesn't exactly get it.

Telling her complete nonsense that's emotionally relevant (no goofy 'I work at McDonald's' shit) is the
best way to get her to realize none of this is serious and you just want to joke around without her
getting mad. If she hasn't realized it yet and she's trying to play 'normal' and you're teasing her... She
might get pissed or think you're weird. If you pull an RSD Jeffy and start telling her the plot to
Breaking Bad as your life story, then when she figures it out SHE'LL GET IT!! That's why various lies
are the best ways to start the process. If at first she doesn't get it, keep slapping the newspaper out of
her friend or lying to her. Even “Yeah, you know I was just in the bathroom blowing a guy then I
realized... I'm not gay, what am I doing!?”

The Main Subconscious Question you Ask yourself in Situations

One of my favorite topics I've ever uncovered in game. Or even related to how our brains work at all.
This shit is so applicable to life.

As we walk around through life and everything we do, we process the world and events around us by
way of repeatedly asking ourselves 'default questions'. Questions on repeat in our brain, over and over,
several times a minute.
The easiest way to explain how this works is the following: Think of a standup comedian. As they walk
around through life, say at the grocery store, they are CONSTANTLY asking themselves a default
question. Something like “What's emotionally provocative here?” This is their lens on everything
around them and everything they experience. By asking that of everything, their brain constantly seeks
out the hilarious in their world and experiences. Then they use that to form their standup routines.
Comedians are made out of practice, a feel for humor, and the right default questions.

It's a subconscious process, but it's how ALL of our brains work. Without realizing it, we all have a
default question. Or maybe different ones depending on the circumstance we're in, and the mood we're
in. Like if I took a test in school, I'd probably ask myself something like “What's the trick here? What's
the catch?”
On a daily basis, the default question I believe I grew up asking myself was “What's ridiculous here?” I
think I got that from too much exposure to my father, who isn't all that awesome. Asking myself
“What's ridiculous here?” led me to constantly picking everything apart and having a bit of a terse and
slightly judgmental way of reacting to everything. Sometimes I'd get into awesome moods where I was
hilarious and full of energy and I loved that version of me. A lot of the time I couldn't 'find it' again...
And had no idea why. I just wanted to be that person always. And I couldn't.

It's related to the default question. It filters everything you see, here, feel, notice, experience – all
before your conscious brain even gets a chance to work with it and relax. If everything my conscious
brain was getting was already processed by this sarcastic, judgmental filter – many things were already
eliminated or had a spin put on them before they reached my thinking brain. My thinking brain didn't
have good material to work with. The filter was killing it all.

The fastest way to change your personality towards your favorite versions of it is to swap out your
default question. Using the comedian-esque “What's emotionally provocative here?” sets you up to see
what's funny around you, and sets your brain up to make good jokes off of it. “How do I turn this into
innuendo?” let's you make everything sexual. Teasing in Julien fashion comes from “How do I make
her say 'Bring it'?” or “How do I make her say 'What? What!?'” or “How do I make her drop her jaw
and hit my arm?” or “How do I make her go “I can't believe I fell for that!”

These default questions govern our problem solving ability and creativity when we're doing logical
things, like starting a business or engineering. They govern our personality and whether we're negative
or positive in various situations. If someone's aggressive towards you, most people would have a
default question like “How do I show them?” If you change it to “What doesn't ruin the group
experience?” you'll have far more positive responses.
The default question you you ask yourself in everyday situations dictates the kind of vibe you have on
average. If you're fun or funny or negative or judgmental or a hundred other things. This is, by far, your
biggest input into changing your vibe in various situations, and doing it quickly. Without this, it's
almost impossible.
Pivoting Deeper – The Advanced Level Separator

If using your face is primarily what stops guys from becoming advanced, I'd say pivoting deeper is one
of the key skills that separates advanced from very advanced/world class/etc. Sadly, it was also one of
the skills that I struggled with developing the most. You could probably more accurately say that
AWARENESS on multiple levels is the big skill that separates the first levels of advanced from the true
ninjas out there, and pivoting deeper is one very important pillar of how you USE awareness.

What is pivoting deeper? It's being aware of what hits, then being able to lock onto that and take it
farther, deeper, higher, whatever you want to say. It's metal break theory, plus what you do about it. It's
not as straightforward as it seems. When you're gaming, you're throwing out different things and being
aware of what hits. Better guys are more aware than other guys. But what happens NEXT is that most
guys just keep blundering onward, throwing out more stuff. OR, they have pet things they like to throw
out and they just get stuck on whatever they like doing, regardless of whether it hits or not.

The issue with this is that it means you effectively can't get hotter girls. Hotter girls are going to give
you more ice for longer, and the random bumbling around might hit very slightly and then that person
will bumble onto other things that DON'T hit and lose the girl. Meanwhile the person who's stuck in
their one thing is only going to get the rare girl that LOVES that thing, and that's very infrequently
going to line up with a hot girl. Though guy two has a better chance of getting hot girls than guy one, I
suppose – however he's likely to do very uncalibrated things while banging away on his one trick and
that's likely to prevent him from succeeding with hot girls.

What SHOULD happen is metal break theory. You start pushing on the piece of metal in different
directions, and you feel when it VERY SUBTLY moves just a tiny bit in one direction. Then you start
wiggling it back and forth in that direction until it gives more and more and more and then finally
enough that it fatigues and breaks. This requires BOTH a subtle awareness to when something hits
AND the ability to react and pivot deeper.

So let's say you're saying funny things. Let's say you say three jokes. Most guys will have one hit, then
they'll tell three more. Of course, telling six jokes is shitty game for reasons we established already –
but let's let that be beside the point. The bigger problem is that at best you hit with 2 out of 6 jokes,
most likely. Which means 2/3 of the time you were stomping all over the emotion you were trying to
build (laughter/humor/enjoyment), AND you were coming off VERY try-hard in the process.
The way you pivot deeper with humor is you take a joke that hit, and you start adding specifics and
then acting it out more and being more energetic/over the top and more surprising with the acting.
Watch a video of Tyler D when he's really joking around, you'll see this process in action.
So if you notice one of your three jokes hits, the PROPER thing to do is to PIVOT DEEPER on THAT
joke. Go into more specifics, act it out more, and run with it. Now she should be dying laughing.
Depending on how far you stretch it, you might have 2/3 of the time you're HILARIOUS now, instead
of 2/3 of the time you were stomping all over your rhythm.

The secret here comes more with other emotions, and more with hotter and more social girls. These
girls are going to be quicker to leave and generally give you less reaction. So it's a lot more like
breaking a strong piece of metal – it's quite likely to move only in ONE direction and only very
slightly. You have to pick up on that and then pivot deeper on that one thing.
Let's say you're doing Julien game. You could be doing lie plot lines, you could be poking with little
pushes, you could do pushes in compliments, you could be acting out rapport breaking faces, you could
be acting out strong unexplained emotions. You could even throw in some RSD Luke style breaking
rapport, where you're saying breaks in rapport with really warm energy like everything's amazing.
When one of those hits a bit, most guys will just keep bumbling along. This will stop them from ever
building chasing momentum, it will come off as try hard and even that they are fumbling in the dark.
This interaction is basically over. HOWEVER, if they see something hit a bit, then they can pivot
deeper on THAT thing. Let's say the lie plot line hits where other things weren't – the advanced guy
pivots deeper on that, runs with it, and gets a lot of bang for his buck. The other guy, or even an
advanced but not quite as skilled guy, throws out a Julien style push comment instead of pivoting
deeper on the lie plotline. The beginning of emotion he got with the lie plotline fades, and he also
fumbles around, seems try hard, doesn't get momentum, and the whole thing implodes.

So not only do you need to see when something hits a little, you need to recognize the TYPE of thing
you just did, and THEN you need to know how to pivot deeper on it.
That last part is a major catch. At first I was like “Cool, pivot deeper. I can do that.” Then I went to
practice it... I did a Julien push comment in a drill and then... Now what? What's “Deeper” in a Julien
push comment? Let's say she's staying at a certain casino in Vegas, and you look her up and down and
go “That makes sense” and that hits. Well now what the fuck do you do? If you explain it, you actually
ruin the mystery effect and also probably seem like an asshole. Plus you probably didn't have an
explanation. If you make it more elaborate, like “It makes sense that you'd stay in a crappy hotel like
that” then you're almost certainly going to wind up insulting her. You can let it go and keep talking and
then do another similar one later... That's one way to do it that works. But then you might be fumbling
around in between.
This brings the realization that each technique has it's OWN way to pivot deeper. I had to go study
Julien's infield and specifically think of how to take individual techniques deeper in order to solve this
problem. For instance, if you've done a mysterious Julien-type push comment like above, one option to
take it deeper is to say “Well, you look... No no, nevermind, nevermind” and start laughing. Now
you've made the comment SLIGHTLY more specific and even MORE judgmental, AND you've acted
like it's worse. Then you laugh it off and talk about something else. Now she's even MORE indignant,
and you got a lot more bang for your buck. See how that works?

So for EACH technique, you have to figure out how to pivot it deeper. And you have to be aware of
what hits, and then run with that. Adding that in with all the other awareness types we've talked about,
you should see that being aware is really behind the vast majority of this next-level game. As is being
very practiced and pretty focused, with a lot of solutions to a lot of things.

We've gone over how you stretch sexual tension and keep ramping it up and up. Guess what? That's
pivoting deeper for sexual tension. Longer pauses, closer proximity with eye contact, slower and
slower rhythm, prolonged periods of talking verrry slowly with your lips touching her ear.

This brings a realization – the emotional game is a lot of finding a few things that hit, establishing a
more LIMITED platform for the interaction, and then chasing those pillars that hit down DEEPER
RABBIT HOLES. You might have the 'you're hitting on me' type plot line, and that might hit- so you
keep calling back to it and taking it farther. And the lie plot lines might hit, so you're lying to her about
more stuff, and more and more badly 'pretending' you aren't lying. And maybe sexual shock humor hits,
so you keep that up. Add that in with talking to her friends, responding to shit she says, sexual tension,
etc. and it's not hard to create an entire interaction out of a few things.
Then think of interacting with your good friends – you probably can have a 45 minute conversation
sparked by a couple comments that you then chase down a rabbit hole until you hardly realized you
talked that long. This is the same as that, except in emotional language. Emotional threads, but in a
slightly more specific way. Instead of just trying to follow the emotional thread of 'chasing', now we're
pivoting deeper and deeper on the specific chasing TECHNIQUES that actually hit (plus plot lines and
so on). In this way, you can build high levels of chasing and engagement, then high levels of sexual
tension, then high levels of investment, then high levels of sexual tension again plus sexual comfort...
and pull. And by following metal break theory and being OPEN to what you pivot deeper on, plus
knowing HOW to pivot deeper on any of your tools, you can create a very vibe-y, hard hitting
interaction with a much LARGER number of girls. Plus, on top of all that, it will be more fun for you
because while you might be repeating the same initial things a lot, the deeper pivots can be little rabbit
holes that entertain you and change across different interactions a lot more.

So how do you pivot deeper on different techniques? I don't think I'm going to go into that technique by
technique. I think I'll put some initial answers to a few of Julien's techniques and then anything else you
use, you'll have to study and figure it out. Decide what guy has infield that does something like it, and
specifically watch for him to do that technique and then how he pivots and takes it farther. In other
words, you may have to do a bit of homework and flesh out your game. It sucks, I know – I had to do it
and it's not necessarily fun to come through infield you've seen 50 times watching for something new,
taking notes, and then practicing what you found in those notes to ingrain it in your head... But that's
the stuff legends are made out of. Tedious little bricks. One at a time. Until you've got a palace.

A Couple Ways to Pivot Several Techniques Deeper

A lot of this book is about how to pivot sexual tension deeper. So you know that. I think lacking that
answer is why all of RSD is unaware of the effects you can get out of sexual tension. Just like I was
pretty unaware of how extensive chasing can get before interacting in person with Julien, and all
because I lacked the skills to pivot chasing techniques deeper, and because I wasn't aware there was a
further benefit that was possible. RSD seems to lack awareness that there's any point at all to pivoting
sexual tension deeper – they haven't seen behind that curtain – and they don't know the techniques for
it. Plus they wouldn't know how to transition properly out of their own game and into sexual tension in
many cases, as it contrasts to their engagement styles. But, as we've seen, engagement is a building
block best used to get sexual tension and sexual comfort, and possibly also investment.

How do you pivot investment deeper? Ask deeper, more emotional questions. Or have her jump
through bigger hoops. Julien got a bit famous for the latter, having girls kneel down and so on. But I
like RSD Luke's extension of things that Mr M and Adam Lyons developed – ask more impactful
questions she shares with fewer people. Has anyone close to her died? What was the best day of her
life? The worst? Etc. That's how you pivot investment deeper.

How do you pivot little verbal Julien-esque jabs deeper? Like pushes in compliments, or “That makes
sense” or “You? Really?” or those types of things? One option, if it was a mysterious jab like “That
makes sense” is to do what we discussed above – start to explain, then don't. “You look very... No, no.
Nevermind, nevermind [laughing to yourself].” Another is to note that those work, and keep throwing
in more of them. You can also make them a bit harsher, though I suck at doing that. One example is
Julien said “I'm gonna go to the bathroom” to a girl that said something either weird or kind of bland.
He didn't, of course, he just looked at her like 'what are you going to do about it?' When it hit, later he
said 'You can go now, you're too old' when she told him she was 23. Which is a harsher version of
saying he was going to leave.

How do you pivot Julien-style lie plotlines deeper? Lie about other things! That's one way. Your name,
your age, that you're from the same place as her, etc. But when anything hits, you usually want to pivot
THAT thing deeper. So on a lie plot line, one way to pivot that specific lie deeper is you can weakly
claim you're not lying. You don't want her to actually BELIEVE you, so you do it very half heartedly.
Almost like half way in between thinking she's dumb enough to believe the weak attempt, and that you
don't care so you're fucking around. That will engage her even more, when you're like “No, no... I am
41. I swear. It's, uhh, botox!” If you convince her, she'll just move on from it. Though you COULD
convince her, and then admit – once again – that you were lying. And laugh at her for believing you.
That would be another way to pivot deeper. Another way to take it deeper is to call back to the lie plot
line later. Like when Julien lies about his daughter that's at the bar, the girl figures it out, and then later
he starts talking about the daughter she knows doesn't actually exist. It lets him bring those emotions
back up and extend them, which reminds her he's a dick and makes a bit of an inside joke.

How do you pivot acting out mysterious emotions? Like let's say you made a sudden, unexplained face
of surprise like on Christmas morning. Or you made a sudden face of total disgust. She reacts, and you
don't explain, creating a mystery she wants in on. To pivot that deeper, you can START to explain...
then stop and refuse. Similar to what we did with the mystery push. You can go “I just looked at your...
No no, nevermind. Nevermind [laughing and shaking your head and looking at the ground like it's a
party of one on this one].”

How do you pivot deeper on a plot line? Well, this might be one reason that plot lines/role plays are one
of the easiest effective tools in game. You just keep adding to it. It's BUILT around being pivoted
deeper. If you're talking about how she's picking you up and trying to take you home, you just keep
accusing her of new and more specific stuff – trying to roofie you, using you for your body, having a
dungeon full of men she's got chained to the walls, etc. I'd say it would be a very strong argument that
guys do so well using role plays/plot lines early in game because it's the one thing that inherently
encourages pivoting deeper. It cheats them into an advanced skill/state.

So now you have a blueprint for how to pivot deeper on chasing, humor, investment, sexual tension,
and sexual comfort (talk more comfortably about more real, more explicit, and more fantasy type
things – like let's say a devil's threesome. You don't have to take this too far). If there are other tools
you like using, you'll have to sit down and study and brainstorm and do the work yourself – how do
you pivot them deeper. Then you'll have to write down ways and actually train them until you can
automatically execute them. And that's how you'll become legend. One column of your game at a time.

Dominating her Reptilian/Primal Brain

As we discussed previously, when you really start to understand women and where things are
ACTUALLY coming from, you start to realize that the girl's personality and logical persona are really
just the goalie and the show is being run by her RAS and sexual centers. This isn't a knock on women,
they have decided as 'modern' 'empowered' 'girl power' 'free women' that they can feel whatever
emotions they want, that they shouldn't be judged, and that they can act on that. Which leads to the
woman that goes inside herself, sees how she feels in the moment, and then acts on it. In other words,
women have made the choice that they basically want to be governed by their RAS and sexual centers,
and they don't want to be told otherwise. I might disagree on that decision, but don't judge the terrain.
So it is what it is. Just keep in mind it's THERE choice. They basically saw that society would allow
them to act like runaway toddlers and then shamed anyone who told them not to and now that's how
things are. They behave, at least outside raising children and the work place, like runaway toddlers.
Their choice. Remember that. THEY chose that, it's not us being derrogatory.
Anyway, what this ultimately leads to is that game is sort of about becoming dominant over her
reptilian/primal brain. Plus solving logistical problems and the group dynamic. But everything we're
doing is really about controlling as much of the attention of her RAS as possible, and getting her sexual
center extremely interested and turned on by us, so it's highly focused on us. Plus soothing the fear
center of her brain so she's comfortable and sexually comfortable. That's more or less the three primal
centers of her brain (also sometimes called reptilian, because they evolved first and the more advanced
stuff got added as we evolved away from early reptiles). Ultimately, everything we're doing is about
exerting dominance over her primal brain and its three main centers, particularly the RAS and sexual
centers. Once we have that, if we solve the group dynamics and the logistics, it's all good.

What does that mean practically? Well, until she's in a committed relationship with you, you're
basically interacting with her RAS, her sexual center, and her fear center. You're interacting with
something very primal and reactive and it's only filtered and clouded over by her logic and
'personality'. This is key, because her logic and personality try to reverse justify and distract you. But if
you can remember that you're really just interacting with a primal brain and hopefully the personality
and logic on top of it are pleasing to you, then you can succeed. After having sex a few times, she'll
keep hanging around you and you can increasingly spend time with her logic and personality sides. The
more advanced and obvious stuff you think of as 'her'. Hopefully in the initial interaction you like those
things too... But if you get distracted and focus on them, you'll lose the game. In fact, a lot of the game
IS her trying to distract you from going to work on her primal centers. Remember, she's a goalie trying
to keep you out. Except in this game, the goalie LOVES it when someone gets past her. Women, eh?

So what we've really got going on is this: Her RAS responds to value and threat. That assigns her
attention, and how firmly it is where it is. Her sexual center responds to sexual tension and arousal.
That assigns who she wants to have sex with and how badly. And then her fear center is a giant wus and
makes her run away from stuff. Then her personality/the logical brain/what you 'see' when you interact
with a person plays goalie and attempts to prevent guys from affecting the above three.

Added into the mix you have blockages and presuasion. Blockages are side things that help block her
from moving in a certain direction in her primal brain (and sometimes they are moves that the goalie is
making to block). And presuasion is when you can do or say something that triggers certain pathways
in her brain to make it easier to get her to follow those pathways.

That's really what you're working with. For better or for worse, that's kind of how you should look at
women. You should also, in a classic game paradox, really appreciate her as a woman, an individual, a
personality and enjoy interacting with her as a human (otherwise what's the point? You could get a sex
robot). But while APPRECIATING that stuff, you need to view the above under-workings if you want
to KEEP appreciating it while succeeding and not having the under-workings make her run away so
you don't see her again.

Now you can start seeing what will work, what won't, and why some things have to be how they are.
For instance: Pulling a bazooka out of your backpack (I was going to say knife, but that seems to real
and somehow like it could cause issues) – that would capture her full attention and RAS because of the
threat level. It also would have her fear center RAGING and you couldn't get her comfortable enough
again to move things forward. Unless maybe she gets to stand next to you with the bazooka and point it
at other people, in which case she might get really turned on. Who knows.
This example is important, because it shows what happens if you just say something angry or insulting.
You're getting RAS, but you might not be able to recover from the fear caused. Also, by insulting her
too much, you trigger her ego – which is part of her goalie system, basically. Then she is unlikely to let
it go, and the goalie will block you. But if you insult her WITH REALLY WARM AND POWERFUL
ENERGY, like the insult is hilarious and amazing, the logical center of her brain can excuse it as a
'game' and also doesn't want to ruin the social fun... So the logical center, the goalie, let's it slide. But
the insult still hits her RAS. Now you have her attention. And that's a very, very typical RSD Luke

You should, also, now be able to see what newbies are doing. They're either trying to hit the primal
brain, but they're not doing it smooth enough to satisfy the logical brain and the goalie is stopping the
shot and finding them distasteful and blowing them out. Or they bounce back the other way and stop
trying to hit the primal brain and just pander to the logical brain, the goalie. In other words, they start
throwing the puck straight to the goalie and letting it catch the puck. Which, of course, causes the
goalie to think they're pathetic and feel disgust and wish they would leave and let a real player enter.
The first guy is TRYING to score, but if you continue to imagine a hockey goalie, he's basically taking
slapshots right at the goalie's chest. There's no finesse or skill, so every shot hits the goalie square in the
chest and instantly is blocked without hope. In this case the goalie just gets mad at the player and tells
them to fuck off and stop pounding slapshots into their chest, after all they're never going to score

So, strangely, a girl is like a goalie that gets really excited to face top level players that might score on
her. The more they score, the more she wants to play. Her favorite game is effectively playing defense
against someone better than her. You can even see why she might get disgusted or angry at shitty

How does this all make sense? Well if you're dealing with something as primal as mating, and you're
largely interacting with a primal brain while doing it... Just think about what else we know about primal
mating. Almost every animal in the animal kingdom fights and the female makes the male physically
dominate her before sex. There's also competition between sperm to be the one that can navigate a
bunch of obstacles and get into the egg – effectively slipping past a goalie and scoring. And the strong
sperm that can make it through the obstacle and 'score' are seen as the good ones, the attractive ones.
And the animals that can dominate the females in the animal kingdom and get them to mate are seen as
dominant and attractive. In the animal kingdom, if there's more than one male they have to fight each
other until one gets her sole attention, then they have to dominate her.
Sounds quite familiar to what we were just discussing, eh? She plays goalie and deflects things away
from her primal brain, specifically her RAS and sexual brain. But the strong players who can beat the
goalie and score are seen as better and more attractive. It all comes down to beating the goalie and
scoring enough to submit and dominate the primal brain – a mental version of the physical domination
seen in the animal kingdom. And if another guy is around, her goalie just lets the two of you battle it
out to see who is better at scoring on her. That person gets her RAS – her attention – and then if they
can continue to score and submit her primal brain, sex can happen.

And at this point it should pretty much all make sense. Why breaking rapport and teasing and such
cause attraction and get attention (they hit the RAS). Why girls like guys that are 'clever' and 'smooth'
(they can defeat the logical goalie and score impacts on the primal brain). Why girls are always trying
to shut guys down (the game, for them, IS trying to shut you down but having you succeed in
stimulating their primal brain anyway. Particularly the RAS and sexual centers, while not scaring the
fear center/amygdala). Why battling with another dude largely sees the girl standing there and just
staring at whoever triggers her RAS more.
If game on the whole is survival, the emotional and sexual layer of game are hockey. Where Wayne
Gretzky and the great goal scorers are most valued. They are considered strongest, fittest, most
attractive. And girls somehow have a love for the great goal scorers like a fan, even though they are
ALSO the goalie. What can I say? Girls like to be scored on... Heh.

This can EVEN explain preselection! A topic that we all sort of have to say makes sense more or less
and just accept... Think about it – as a hockey fan going to watch a new team, you're not sure the
player's stats. You don't know the great goal scorers. You don't know who to watch or try to get an
autograph from. Or if you're a groupie female, who to try to have sex with. But if you speak to the
other fans and cheer for who they cheer for, and try to hook up with who they cheer for and try to hook
up with... Well, you're pretty dang likely to cheer for and hook up with the great goal scorers. So you're
just cheating off other girl's tests, really. You're just seeing what guys seem to be scoring goals on the
girls around, and then you go after them.

Even more powerfully, it should help you from feeling bad about any rejections and it should help to
almost fully understand more attractive girls. Why shouldn't you sweat rejections? Well, she's playing
goalie – that's her job. She actually wants you to score, but if you don't outplay her and get one past the
best of her abilities, she's going to shut you down. That's the game. She's a fan and a goalie. She's only
impressed if you can outwit her as a goalie. And otherwise she wants you to go away so someone else
can give it a shot, and she doesn't want her time wasted by bad players. She's just playing out the
mating game that we have in us. Your shots just were either too obvious or you got suckered into
lobbing them straight to her. By the way, one of her tricks is to try to distract you from shooting at all,
or to try to convince you to just gently toss her the pucks so she can catch them. If you're dumb enough
to fall for those, that's a lot easier than trying to stop slap shots.
How does it help just about fully understand the most attractive girls? Well, they're the best goalies.
They've had a lot more shots taken at them, so they now are able to shut down almost anything – and
they're only impressed by Gretzky's of the world. However, if you don't show that you're an obviously
shitty player, they'll stay there and keep playing against you for a longer period of time. So many guys
are clearly shitty, that they'll actually have a patient shootout with you if you just don't show that you
obviously suck. If you start to score shots, they're so cocky in their ability that they'll be impressed.
Which is why they aren't actually harder, they just take longer. They might be better goalies, but they
like the game more too- so they'll let a stalemate go and see what happens over a longer time. If you
find yourself in a stalemate, don't panic and start trying too hard to giving over the puck – then you
obviously don't belong and you'll get tossed from the game. Just keep biding your time, look for a
score, then pivot deeper on it.

Quite simply, hot girls are just doing their job as a goalie. They've got more training at it and so few
guys can get in there, and they can more quickly tell a player that sucks. Learn how to score smoothly,
to be good at the game, and to stay patient at the meantime and enjoy the game like she does... And
you'll be fine. The only part that sucks is that they become jaded goalies and have a tendency to assume
new players are hacks, so sometimes you have to get around that a bit. But they're dying to find a
Gretzky in many cases, because they ARE just doing their job and they really want some legends to
show up and score some goals. They want to fanboy out, but you have to make it happen. That's the
animal kingdom side of things, survival of the fittest and all.

Micro-Commitment Based Game
This is something that I didn't WANT to be true. I didn't like it, I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want
it to be the proper way to game. I didn't want to learn it. And so on.

But eventually all the evidence, experience and testing pointed this way. Oh well. That's game, don't be
romantic about how you do it or what wins... to quote RSD Luke or Owen or someone quoting Gary

The fact is, a girl's emotions are gone in minutes. She experiences a bunch of them with a bunch of
guys over the course of a night. She doesn't really remember the guy that well not very long later, she
can't call up the emotions again unless they were fully mindblowing (which is why that is the other
At the same time, she wants to protect her 'brand' by not doing certain things with guys too often. Can't
kiss too many guys a week, Becky. Can't fuck too many guys a month, Becky. Can't be too easy to talk
to. Blah blah blah.
On top of that, she wants to position herself so she has zero responsibility or commitment and can just
weasel her way out of everything. In reality, a girl in a club or bar is simply looking to use every guy
there for an experience. I suppose we all skirt around that because we don't want to take on any
negative attitudes. But to a girl it's not negative, it's effectively what the experience is, or what the club
is there for. Actually she doesn't even think that far, she just thinks that she likes to 'flirt' and 'toy with'
those emotions but she's a good girl so she doesn't do anything. Some bullshit like that. The result of
which is that she wants to get a bunch of emotions from a bunch of guys and then run off. So she tries
to keep everything very non-committal where nothing that she can't deny happens, nothing but
emotions that are gone later – that lets her weasel her way out later and pretend it never happened and
she owes you nothing. All the way up to this – how can guys buy you drinks without you feeling like
you 'owe' them anything (including conversation sometimes)? Well, if the drinks are in a bottle already
sitting on the table... Nevermind the fact that the guy paid a shit load for it, and when you drink it if he
doesn't want you and your friends to run away he has to buy another... It's ALREADY THERE like
magic, he didn't buy it for me. I guess to avoid being negative about it, call it youthful exuberance and
abandon or something. They don't mean it in a negative way, they're just 'partying'/avoiding
responsibility of any kind and trying to have fun. It's easier if you 'party' and 'avoid responsibility' too,
so go with that. In any case, this desire to back out of everything means they try to avoid doing
anything 'real'. Like talking about certain topics, letting you frame them certain ways, dancing, kissing,
touching, moving around the venue, etc.

As a result of all of this, if you create good emotions and she doesn't DO anything that she can't deny
off of them, then she can just back out, she preserves her 'brand' by not doing anything, and she can
forget about it later. If she DOES do something she can't deny later, say dance with you, it makes it a
tiny bit harder to back out, she risks her brand so she has to invest that because she can't dance with 40
guys tonight and not get a different kind of brand, and it's harder to forget about.
Now, dancing is socially acceptable to mix around. Kissing is less so, but among girlfriends especially
they often 'teehee' about the five guys they kissed in a night (less so if a girl wants to maintain a more
'unobtainable brand'). Talking about the hardest day of their life is less so. Moving around the venue is
in between. Sex is definitely something she'd have to want to keep very discreet if she does it with
more than one guy in one day, because that's not an easy thing to defend her brand after doing. And the
damage to her reputation is almost worse if she goes “Yeah, I had sex with him but I didn't like him”
than if she goes “Yeah, he was really awesome and we wound up having sex.”

To encapsulate this, girls look back on their night by talking like this- “What about that one guy? Did
you kiss him?” “No [Insert justification for why he sucked]” or “Yes [Insert justification for why she
did that – 'he was so hot' or 'I was pretty drunk']”. “Did you have sex with him” and other questions are
the same way. In other words, what all this means is that girls wind up measuring guys simply by the
commitments they can't deny that they made with them. Especially in hindsight. But with alcohol,
multiple guys, multiple emotions, and this desire to be able to back out of anything – well, they kind of
real-time measure their 'feelings' about a guy by the commitments.

In other words, they kind of just say “I wouldn't do ____ with a lame/normal guy” and “I didn't do
____ because he was lame/shitty” and then they just assume this is true (everyone clings desperately to
their self concept and value of their personal 'image'), so they can define how great a guy is by what
they've done with him. At the same time, doing things with a guy makes them want to stay around the
guy more so they don't feel slutty. It's also an investment and people don't like to throw those away.
Commitment and consistency, sunk cost fallacy.

The underlying fabric of this is because emotions are like waves in the ocean – ever-changing, up and
down and all over the place – and girls make decision based on how they feel RIGHT NOW, they have
to have some system for how they feel about a guy. They can't entirely define how they feel about a
guy based on how they feel right now, because they'd love him one minute and hate him the next.
Though that's pretty much what happens. But because biologically they want to have an extended
mating checkout process, they have to have some 'running score' going in that process. Otherwise an
hour long process does really nothing but result in an emotion right now. Again, that's partially how it
happens. However, the counter to stop this is just to check the commitments with the guy. “Did I kiss
him?” “Did I tell him I liked him?” “Did I dance with him?” “Did I take off his shirt?” “Did I spend a
few hours with him?” Whatever.

So it seems I'm simply defining investment based game, from Adam Lyons and Mr. M – and now
championed by RSD Luke.
I'm not exactly. Here's why: My experience is still pretty firmly in the category of Tyler D's statement,
that girls decide to do things by going inside and seeing how they feel RIGHT NOW.
Which means that her EMOTIONS govern what she does, and you want to build them up and peak
them at the right time – particularly sexual tension and sexual comfort.
HOWEVER, the adjustment to this appears to be that they define what they're 'allowed to do' with you
based on how 'valuable'/'attractive' they see you. Which is kind of a running tally thing. And THAT is
based on the commitments/investments they've made that they can't deny.

In other words she goes inside and she goes 'How do I feel?' and that's whether or not she does a thing,
BUT before she does it any BLOCKAGES towards doing that thing can pop up and stop it. Blockages
can be standard 'limiting buying beliefs' like being really judgmental about having sex. However, they
can also be 'I can't kiss this guy, he's not attractive/valuable enough.'

I know this is complicated to crystalize in your head, so let's refine and encapsulate that better. If a guy
goes to kiss her she goes “How do I feel?” let's say the result is “Turned on, happy” then her brain says
“Are there any objections from the crowd?” And at that point blockages/objections can jump in and
stop it. Like “You're a mormon, you don't kiss guys Becky!!! Don't be a slut” and then she pulls away.
Or it can be “He's not attractive enough Becky, you'd look like a sidewalk bum for kissing him” and
she pulls away. Or it can be “It's too soon Becky!” and she pulls away, but stays and keeps flirting.

So if you want a girl to do a thing, it has to A) feel really really good, and B) the objections peanut
gallery inside her brain has to either shut the fuck up, or not be able to offer anything that overwhelms
A. That's why sexual tension is fantastic, because we can create the A in this equation so strong that
most objections won't stop it. However, in the practical real world with Djs, friends, people bumping
into you, limited time, etc. it's often hard to build the ultimate amount of sexual tension when you need
it. It's a fight between sexual tension, sexual comfort, and the time it requires to make them.

We've been going over how you get those emotions the whole book. How do you get B? Well, we've
addressed being aware of blockages, stepping into her shoes, and then working to solve them. But the
OTHER blockage is simply her estimation of your value/attractiveness. This is basically how she feels
when she looks at you + if she feels she can brag/be better than her friends because of you + if she feels
better than other girls around you/because of you + preselection (which really factors into the last
thing) + the commitments she's made to you so far + anything she feels about you that she can't explain
any other way than she's attracted to you.
Again, I realize that's complicated. So let's eliminate factors that aren't exactly 'game'. How she feels
when she looks at you – that's how attractive and well dressed you are. After you've gone out for the
night at least, that's fixed. So don't worry about that. If she feels she can brag to her friends or be better
than her friends because of you- that's based on her value system, whether it's you being hot, you
getting her backstage, you having a table, whatever. You could play with that in game, but a lot of it is
fairly fixed besides using social proof and table game. So don't worry about that right now. Preselection
is kind of a way she feels better than the other girls that want you, but it's also a way to check if you're
attractive. You can game your way to that in the environment, but if you can't game one girl well, it's
hard to have preselection. (Though you can do very brief game with one girl and let other girls see and
that builds preselection. One thing you can do is smile and say 'Talk to you later' every time you walk
away from girls and hope they don't laugh behind your back, and then it might look like you know
every girl you talk to). So that's a thing, but it doesn't really apply to your game with ONE girl.

That leaves:
The commitments she's made to you + How she feels about you that she can't explain except by you
being attractive = How Attractive/Valuable you are. (In terms of what you can change IN the

How she feels about you that she can't explain except to say you're attractive- The only two emotions
she can feel towards you that her brain struggles to explain except to say that you're attractive are
sexual tension and chasing. If she's laughing, she can say “Oh, he's funny/he has funny jokes.” If she's
mad, “You're annoying/an asshole.” If she's turned on because of you touching her “Oh, the way he's
touching me is turning me on, and anybody can do that.” Etc. There's an explanation for all of those.
But “Why am I chasing him/wanting his approval?” Well, that pretty much just comes down to “I want
him/his approval because he's attractive/valuable.” And “Why am I turned on and feeling butterflies as
we talk/he looks at me?” That pretty much just comes down to “He's hot/has some effect on me/we
have chemistry.” So we've been addressing that this entire book.

Which leaves commitments she's made. If she's thinking about walking out of the club and grabbing
food with you, then whether or not she kissed you pretty much makes all the difference. She just goes
inside, sees how she feels, and then says “Objections from the peanut gallery?” and the peanut gallery
goes “You've been talking for thirty minutes and haven't even kissed him. He's a scrub, don't spend
more time with him.” Conversely, she's thinking about getting food and she feels good and she goes
“Objections from the peanut gallery?” and if she's a girl that doesn't kiss many guys when she's out, the
peanut gallery goes “You kissed him and you don't do that with just anyone, so don't let him just use
you and run off.” If she's a girl that kisses a lot of guys, the peanut gallery might just stay silent –
If she's thinking of running off and abandoning you with her friends, she thinks of how she feels right
now and then asks the peanut gallery. The peanut gallery might go “Don't do that, you kissed him!”
Though for another girl, it might go “Eh, it's just a kiss”. But it won't hurt, unless it was a slutty
makeout for a while.

In other words, the more commitments she's made that she can't retract – such as going and sitting
down with you, saying she likes you, going to the bar, dancing, kissing, joking with her friends about
how you're getting married, buying you a drink, telling you about the worst day of her life, etc., the
more likely she is to do the next thing with you, AND the less likely she is to just run off on you. This
isn't exactly investment based game, because that suggests her attraction to you is simply how much
she has invested. It posed investment as basically an emotion. While I DO believe that's true, I don't
think it's the BACKBONE of decision making and success, because of this 'go inside' effect, and
because I think the investment factors more into the peanut gallery than directly into the decision.

So let's get away from the explaining and more to how this is actionable.

For one thing, when she looks back at the end of the night, she basically just attributes anything good
she experienced with guys all night to the one guy that got the most commitment out of her. So if you
met her and had a great time with her, then she made out with another guy, at the end of the night she
lumps the great time she had with you into that guy. She also basically thinks if she didn't kiss you, you
weren't as good as the 800 other guys she's kissed in clubs, so... Even if she 'rarely' kisses guys out, the
number is going to be very very high for a hot girl that goes out a lot. Especially when you add in the
after parties and shit. So there's your useless phone number – it's really just “Did you get farther in
actual commitments than anyone else this week?” if she only wants to go to the trouble of going on one
date this week. Whoever got the farthest with her gets the date in this haze of forgetting emotions,
partying, multiple guys, and lumping emotions onto the guy who went the farthest. It's like doing
calculus with crayons, but that's just how it is. Deal with it or lose because of it.

For another, you want her to stay around you longer and keep making more commitments. Because the
likelihood of her doing the next thing is based on what she's done so far. And if she's made more
commitments, she'll stay around you longer because of a combination of investment and reverse

To add to that, your emotions you create are CONSTANTLY slipping away into the haze of memory
and a night partying. So the only way to get CREDIT for them is to 'cash them in'. Basically, you use
the emotions to get a micro-commitment of some type that she can't deny later, and then that sort of
crystalizes that she once felt that emotion with you. So it's like an emotional savings account, almost.

Still further, you can get her to commit to things that inherently have a bit of time with them. Like
getting a drink, sitting down, or playing a game. If you can get her to make the commitment, you
benefit that time. You can do similar things with her friends.

Lastly, it makes gaming more like sales. In sales, if you don't have an actionable thing to get someone
to do, then they might have objections but just nod their head and smile without saying them. Then you
think you've done a good job and maybe they'll come back and buy, but really you never got to address
the objections or limiting buying beliefs that they never had to bring up. The answer is to actually get
them to do things, real commitments – like giving an e-mail, an address, a credit card number, etc.
Then they actually have to do it or object, and if they object you can then address the objection and
have a chance to overcome it and win.
Under a style of game where you're just creating emotions and hanging on hoping you win, you have
NO CLUE what the objections are and they can hang in there for two hours without her saying them
and then they blow the interaction up anyway and you never see her again. The fact that they didn't
come out didn't mean it was 'going well,' it was simply ostrich with its head in the sand syndrome. They
were there, you just didn't want to look around and see them.
However, if you go for real commitments – a kiss, going to the bar, even just saying you're going to get
married and joking about it (which is the commitment of accepting a romantic 'us frame' even if it's a
joke) – then you can get actual resistance, actual objections, actually address them, and eventually
overcome them and get the same or a similar commitment later. In other words, you're making REAL
progress rather than burying your head in the sand.

On Project Rockstar years ago, I was taught to not 'get girls to sign contracts' and not be 'club makeout
guy.' I took that overly broadly for years, and tried to avoid getting her to make most commitments,
except kissing. So I tried to create a 'smooth' game without commitments where the whole thing 'just
happened.' But that meant never getting the objections out, and the girl having no problem backing out
and running away at the drop of a hat. The reality is, you shouldn't make out more than maybe 20
seconds so a kiss doesn't become a slutty makeout. And that you shouldn't get her to 'sign a contract'
specifically about sex. Like “I want to fuck you” or “Let's go to my place” without any excuse, those
are getting her to agree to have sex – which very likely will make her bail later because she feels the
pressure of over commitment. And you shouldn't finger her unless you're like in the Uber or in your
place. Besides those, all of which can make her feel slutty and bail, you should basically get her to
make every commitment under the sun. For the above reasons. My game was pretty fucked up by
commitment avoidance.

What's better is you can just use micro-commitments as waypoints and steps. Keep trying to get her to
do stuff, it crystalizes the emotions and makes going the next step easier, plus makes her like you more.
This is the smart side behind Julien's old completely absurd antics like getting girls to kneel down and
call him daddy in the bar. Don't do that or anything weird like that, but he was getting them to ramp up
commitments and the result was the next action became easier and they liked him more.

So do you need to ramp up a 'compliance ladder' like old school style? No. Because you touching her in
a slightly different way isn't a big thing to her. More like if she lets you touch her in a non-friend way at
all. Or if she touches YOU in certain ways, because that's her DOING something.
But you SHOULD try to sell your way into commitments each step of the way. The first is to get her to
commit to spending some sort of time, like playing a game, or sitting down, or going somewhere, or
saying you're going to get married in Vegas. Then you can start selling her on greater commitments.
Then you WANT her to resist so you can solve the objections, because they were GOING to stop you
from having sex later – so better to get them and solve them now. Dig them up, solve them. Now you
have a real feedback loop.

Effectively the rest of the strategy and structure stays the same, you just want to get her to make micro-
commitments along the way. Baby stepping them is great. It shouldn't just be emotions and nothing real
then BOOM, kiss! Because she'll evaluate the commitment history and say “Hey, I'm not so sure I like
this guy, I've just been talking to him and then he throws this out.” And it's why I definitely can't say
that not kissing before a pull is better. That's ONLY true in my experience if the girl is really 'down', Ie
she went out looking to get laid. Then if you can get her home, she wants sex so she'll have sex, and it
didn't matter if she kissed you. This kiss was just something that might have made her feel 'exposed'
before going home with you. The other exception might be if you're talking to a model or a regular at a
club who you can tell REALLY wants to maintain this outward image of being high class and valuable,
and if she won't kiss you, you can drop it because she might not want anyone to SEE her kissing you.
But then if you go for it, and she says 'No, not now' or acts like that, and she keeps flirting with you –
then she basically accepted the kiss frame. And you got one of her objections – not in front of these
people. Which also means you got a solution – get her away from these people, even if it takes all

Finally, it nicely helps streamline and make obvious your strategy and path. Because you just need to
think 'What's my next commitment?' and then game for it and try to make it happen. You can even have
a set of commitments, maybe 5 or 10 or something, that you like to get. Just remember you need to be
FLEXIBLE, so your third commitment shouldn't HAVE to be X. It could be X, Y or Z. Like you don't
HAVE to take her to sit down, you could also take her to the quieter second floor, or over by the bar, or
to the smoking patio. If you get stuck on any one commitment that isn't necessary, you could get
Finally, again RSD Julien's advice that I haven't gotten to substantially test is basically “Logistically
escalate, don't physically escalate.” So in his opinion, taking her to the smoker's patio is better than
kissing her, unless she obviously really wants to kiss you. My experience suggests a kiss at least is a
very good idea, but I want to say that because his version might be better. Not completely sure. I do
know that a kiss is a powerful commitment for 75% of girls. (And the other 25% is like this Toronto
girl I was flirting with in Miami, who got pulled into a table all night, then wildly made out with one
guy, then wildly made out with his promoter friend RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, then wildly made out with
the guy again, right next to the promoter. Then ran off without either of them and left the club...)

Pre-Processing the Kiss (and Sex)

This was an interesting one. When I first started gaming, I used Mystery's “You want to kiss me, don't
you” to get kisses. Actually worked great, all the time. A “Yes” or a “maybe” was a yes, a “no” was not
yet. Simple. A little cheesey, but also cocky so it works. And if she said “no” you could always go,
“didn't say you could, but you had that look in your eye.”

Then I started using sexual tension and most of my kisses came when there was a ton of sexual tension
and you get that movie moment and you turn her face towards yours or lean in a little and she kisses

Then my game started getting better and better with girls that didn't go out LOOKING to have sex or
meet anyone, so I'd have to compel them through the steps. And then I started struggling to get kisses in
reasonable time frames. I'd kind of dropped my old “You want to kiss me, don't you” because other
people called old school game “cheesey” so I let it affect me. Let's call old school game “retro” and use
whatever was cool from it, because I shouldn't have dropped that.

But I came up with a BUNCH of ways to help get the kiss if she started stalling. Turning everything
into innuendo. Massaging her neck, then into her hair, then pulling her hair and using it to turn her head
towards you and looking into her eyes. Saying “I hate you” with a grin before the kiss, or even pushing
her away. Pulling her in by her hips. Telling her to stop trying to use you for your body, not look at your
butt, etc. Saying “Disgusting, put those away” about her boobs/ “that away” about her ass. Neck
massage (that was part of my typical). Saying “I normally never kiss girls I meet in ____, but you're
___ and this is ____”. Saying “Don't give me a [insert any phrase for bad kiss/stereotypical kiss]” when
she looks like she wants to kiss you. Etc.
Recently I started using that last one, because I'd have girls that LOOKED like they wanted to kiss me,
and then I'd lean in and they wouldn't. In their head the context was wrong or something. Which doesn't
necessarily kill it, but it does if you were time limited because you're in a busy club or something. Then
she runs off without the kiss and you're fucked by reverse justification of why she didn't do it.
And I also started using the “I don't normally...” version.

Surprisingly they worked really well. They were almost throwbacks to “You want to kiss me, don't
you” (which, again, I should've just brought back because it's cocky and it worked). Not infrequently
girls would go “I'm not kissing you” and then sometimes I'd steal Tyler D's “Yeah, it wouldn't feel good
at all” and they'd laugh and go “No” and I'd just keep the sexual tension up and remain solid and calm,
and soon they'd kiss me.

I finally realized it was using an old advertising principle and something that I thought might well
apply to sex, too... “The first use/purchase of a product is in the buyer's mind” they say in advertising.
In other words, you IMAGINE using something that has a cost to it first, see how you like that, and
THEN finally buy or commit or not.
It's probably why more descriptive/specific product descriptions – even nonsensical ones – sell better.
Because saying “Salmon” on a menu versus “Wild Caught Ketchikan Alaskan Scarlet King Salmon”
makes it SO much easier to visualize what you're going to get... The specificity and descriptions tells
you a tale, suggests what the meat looks like, and makes you think of fresh wilderness all in one. But
most importantly, you're visualizing it.
When you build sexual tension, spike emotions, get her to the point where she'd want to kiss you and
she's feeling you quite a bit, and then you go for the kiss... Well sometimes she was thinking about
kissing you, but if she came out tonight literally to hang with her female friends and she doesn't often
meet guys in clubs, or she meets lots of guys in clubs and doesn't do anything with them, then she
might NOT be thinking about kissing you at all. She might just be feeling the emotions. In the latter
case she'll probably recoil in surprise and act awkward and then a few minutes later she might get
pulled away by friends or run off or something... And then it's kind of fucked.

HOWEVER, if she's clearly feeling you and you say “You want to kiss me, don't you” or “I normally
don't kiss girls I meet ___, but you're ___ and this is ___” or “Don't give me a [stereotype/joke/line for
bad] kiss”, NOW you're having her picture and entertain the idea of kissing you. But you're not DOING
it, so she doesn't have to reject or accept it. And in the last case you're pushing her away a bit, too. You
could also say “I can't kiss you.”
Under this version, she now VISUALIZES kissing you. If you say that, then remain calm and solid and
keep great sexual tension, now she's visualizing kissing you and the emotion is there and it feels pretty
good... Soon you kiss. By jumpstarting the visualization.

I haven't experimented with this yet – hopefully I'll experiment and edit this before you ever read this –
but you should be able to do the same thing with sex. After kissing her, a minute or so later, say “I can't
have sex with you tonight.” And she'll say “We were never going to!” or “I'm not that type!” or
whatever. Then stay calm and solid, keep the sexual tension up, and touch her, have fun with her, not
immediately after but soon after kiss her more... That will trigger her thinking about you having sex
tonight. Then you can talk more about what turns her on, if she likes being dominant or submissive, etc.
if she will and you make it comfortable enough later. Because you primed her brain to think about it
earlier, and now you're making the visualization start to feel pretty good, she's actually walking
HERSELF towards sex at this point. Those visualizations are starting to become “I'd kind of LIKE to
have sex with him tonight...” and her secretly thinking about it. Especially if you're using physical
inception and so on, too. Then what happens is she kind of sells herself on it after thinking throughout
the interaction from you bringing it up (in reverse/as a push) onward, and when you're pulling and so
on, she's been visualizing how great it would be and things go smoother.
Under this understanding, LMR can be (generally is) lack of sexual comfort, sometimes it's sexual
judgmentalism on her part, but often it's one or both of those too COMBINED with the fact that she
had really been 'trying it in her mind' before that moment, so it's almost a surprise. If she didn't go out
to have sex, she was thinking “Oh, exciting guy that I'm hanging with and kissing” but it's out of her
thoughts or reality to have sex with you tonight. Then you get her to a place and make moves, and
you're pretty lucky to have “LMR” which in this case wasn't “Last minute” resistance... It was “She
never considered it before now” resistance.

Awareness Means Don't Solve the Problem, Solve the Blockage

A lot of girls in Miami Beach and other cases will say “No hablo ingles” or “I don't speak English” if
they simply don't want to talk to you. Of course, they often DO want to talk to you. I found myself
often switching to Spanish but saying things like “Yo hablo ingles tambien.”
This is fucking retarded and it's man logic.

When men see resistance or a bump in the road, they think “Solve the problem.” If she tells me she
doesn't speak English but I know she's trying not to talk to me, I – man – go “Aha! But I speak spanish
too! Problem solved, now we can flirt all night long.” No, dumbass, that's so idiotic. But it comes from
a lack of AWARENESS.

Really her stupid excuse is transparent, it doesn't even matter. She probably does speak English, but if
you're getting the feeling it's an excuse to ignore you... Don't solve the problem she presented. She
presented a PROBLEM because she has a blockage or emotion related to making her feel like not
talking to you. Be AWARE and solve THAT. The problem was nonsense.

This is why women are always trying to read into what men do and say, even when the men are saying
exactly what they mean... Because in THEIR world, it's almost always a nonsense resistance to block
because of an emotion or a blockage.

So be AWARE, find the emotion or blockage, and GO AFTER THAT. Don't be a man. See everything
as simply an expression of emotion or blockage. If someone is dying of HIV/AIDS and they have a
fever, you don't give them Tylenol to fix the fever, do you?

Particularly Attractive Girl Coping – Dominance Testing, Nervous Aggression, Cat-Like Flightiness

Girls that are around 8.5 and up in attractiveness get so routinely bombarded by attention that they
develop defense mechanisms. As with any human behavior, this winds up occurring in patterns.

It actually follows the same behavior as any animal. I'm not calling girls anything like dogs, no
disrespect intended, but I first realized this was a broader mammal or even natural animal pattern while
watching the Dog Whisperer. Dogs that receive attention they don't like ALSO develop three defense
patterns. It's just a natural thing for animals of any kind to do. It's easier to see in an animal that can't
speak, when you add human language into the mix, it obscures what's happening. Nonetheless, it's the
same thing.
Really attractive women will do one of three things when approached and if they don't light up at the
initial approach: 1) They will be extremely flighty and cautious. 2) They can have that same underlying
flighty emotion, but they can react to it by aggression. This is like the dog that's nervous so it barks and
gnashes its teeth. 3) They can be more dominant and confident and they can subsequently react by
trying to dominate men and get them to shrink away.

I can relate because I took years of martial arts and feel very confident in a physical confrontation – as
a result, I do a variation of #3 if guys ever get in my face. That reaction is born from someone who is
more confident.

It's important to understand these three reactions, because you're bound to get them as you approach
any really attractive girl, and the difference between getting into an interaction with those girls and not
is often understanding where her reaction is coming from.
If she reacts tense and flighty, you need to NOT LEAVE but also create a little space. You need to
loosen her up, having a little looser body language yourself, and use humor and warmth. At the same
time, you need to still UNDER REACT and show her it's not a big deal and you're not concerned by
her being so flighty. If you try to jump across the 'chasm' between the two of you and go “no no no,
wait” or something like that, you're going to screw yourself. She's behaving like a cat or a rabbit at that
point, if you go after it, it'll run.

If she reacts kind of aggressive towards you, you need to read things deeper. Does she have a little
spark in her eye and seem to be testing you out to see what you've got? If she is, she's trying to
dominate you. In this case, you DEFINITELY need to under-react, stay very calm and solid, and hold
unbreaking eye contact. You might respond in a flatter, shorter, breaking rapport 'down tonality'. If
you've got clever response, you might use them or you might not – but you do it with nonverbals that
lend to dominating her.
If she's aggressive towards you, but you don't really see a fire in her eyes and she seems perhaps to be
over reacting based on the situation. Or if it seems like she's trying to just snap at you and be aggressive
to get rid of you, then it's different. In that case she's nervous or insecure and she's trying to scare you
off. The best way to see what I mean is to see other animals exhibiting the same behavior – you can
find episodes of “The Dog Whispere” by Cesar Milan on YouTube. You want to find ones where the
dogs are being aggressive, but Cesar describes that it's because the dog is actually nervous and feels
This one is difficult to deal with. The only thing I've found that works is to have a response that has
three elements: 1) Acknowledge her apparent tension, but act like it's a bit silly. 2) Have some slight
humor. She's not going to die laughing right now, so don't try to be too funny or there will be an
incongruence to her state and she'll not like it. 3) Empower her a bit so she feels she can relax.
Physically you need to lean back and create slight space and look at her like she's being a bit unusual
but, as always, also under react. If you jump back and go “Sorry, sorry” like RSD Tyler recommends,
you're going to have an issue and that interaction will probably be over. Tyler recommends doing that
because he assumes it's best just to move on. Not always the case, depends on whether you can get her
to relax or not. I want to tweak what I say slightly to avoid creating a bunch of clones, but basically you
lean back and create a little space and go “Hmm, you seem a little tense. Am I gonna have to check you
for weapons? You gonna go all Steven Segal on me? His hair is as long as yours...” That might not be
ideal because young girls don't know Steven Segal, but something of that nature. By acting like you're
afraid of her, in a humorous way, you're empowering her. Then you make it a joke. The empowering
part is necessary because it relieves that underlying nervousness. The humor is necessary because it
cuts the bad tenseness going on (as opposed to good tension). And acknowledging her state is necessary
because it shows her you get it and aren't some nut case.
Engagement – The Other Crucial Factor that Slips in Your Game

I had gotten to a point where my game, my training, my understanding, everything were on a

completely different level compared to where they had ever been before... But my results at the end of
the day were somehow the same as they'd been four months earlier. I was doing well, but it was a lot of
effort still to get good results, to the point that it was discouraging and I wasn't sure if having much
more sophisticated game was actually creating better results at the very end of the process better early
results in interactions, but not a lot more sex and girls in my life).

Then I realized something – by getting caught up learning to execute all the new stuff, not only had my
sexual tension slipped a ton like we discussed before (due to being distracted working on other
aspects). But so had my ENGAGEMENT. I was kind of moving in and out, darting in and out of eye
contact, and my engagement had gone from where I was pushing it towards 100% when I was really
driving to first meet my big results goal, until it was probably 10% or something really shitty.
So I went out and tried to first and foremost be ENGAGED fully while doing everything I'd spent the
last couple months learning and training; secondarily to make sure if I said anything NORMAL, didn't
have much to say at the moment so I needed to be 'conversational', or if I felt I was being 'weird' to the
girl by hitting TOO MANY good lines/pushes/chasing game factors in a row (too gamey), that I would
something stupid like the weather or when they were leaving town. (By slowing my rhythm, adding
intentional mid-sentence pauses, and either eye contact or speaking with my lips touching her ear).

The moment I ramped the engagement and made sure to stick sexual tension in any 'normal' moments,
my results exploded. Adding that with all my new game advances – chasing game, pivoting deeper,
commitment based structure, dramatically better out-of-field training, selling time commitment frames
to friends, etc. caused an explosion. And I wasn't even succeeding at having the awareness levels that I
should yet, either. (Though being engaged naturally increases your awareness. And it helps you to act
out more because often it slows you down).

How to Game Like the Cool Kids from the Movies

The cool kids in movies are always throwing big hyped up parties at their houses, going nuts, standing
over the party and yelling and getting people to do crazy shit... Then the girls are all over them.

How many game guys have I ever seen act like that? Close to none. Maybe RSD Luke.

What is it about that vibe that is engaging enough that they can put it in multimillion dollar movies and
people still are attracted to it and want to watch it? What's the advantage to it? Where would it be used?

If you think about it, that vibe is a combination of a loose cannon (which is the edgy, exciting,
attractive aspect to it) and a golden retriever. The golden retriever part is someone who just feels open
to talking to anyone, any time, and doesn't see any reason not to. They bumble around and interact with
anyone, in a positive vibe, like a golden retriever would. If they're told to fuck off, like a golden
retriever, they hardly notice and just go to someone else. It's hard to get mad at them, because it's just
their nature.
When you combine the loose cannon with the golden retriever, you pretty much get that crazy party
host. Like Stifler in American Pie.

What effect does that has? Who are real world examples?
You can check out Kirill who is SlutWhisperer on Instagram and UglyRussianJew on Snapchat. He
makes a living off of throwing parties in this vibe at clubs all over the eastern seaboard. Including
Miami's biggest. He's fully in this mode. His parties include pouring champagne on girls in a way that
has sexual innuendo to it, slapping people with dildos, hiring strippers to get crazy and loosen everyone
up (he has them act like they're just girls in his entourage, so the girls in the crowd can associate with

The effect is he loosens up the entire crowd.

Why is this so attractive to people?

Took a bit to break it down, but eventually you realize that people feel restricted if the others they're
paying attention to show caution, control, careful or logical thinking, or any reminders of someone's
self image (at least in a way that might make them feel like they should look after it).
People spend most of their lives feeling restricted. If they get a chance to be free from those
restrictions, and to be around people and a group that free them, they often dive in. If the process is
emotionally stimulating as well, because there's a group energy or sexuality to it, then you've got
something that's engaging and people want to be involved in. If an entire group starts to behave in this
vibe, it gives everyone in the group PERMISSION to run with it.

This is what Kirill is doing. This is what the cool kid in the movie is doing. They're saying “Fuck
logic,” “fuck caution,” “fuck being all controlled,” “fuck logical thinking and careful thinking,” “don't
worry about your self image!” Just do what you want!
They're rallying whole crowds of people around that, and people love them and the parties they throw
for it.

This is you when you need to get people going:

Girls hate having to constantly monitor and hold onto their self image, but they feel compelled to. The
hotter they are, the more they feel compelled to do so. Furthermore, if a model is hanging out in bottle
service every night, then maintaining her image means... Not hanging out with you. It means she
should be around people balling in bottle service, the best promoters, the DJ, dudes with yachts, and
other 'hot bitches.' It does not mean she should hang with you.
Because of that, it's best if she doesn't worry about or think about her self image. You want her to be as
much in the emotions of the moment and as little in logical thought or awareness of self image as
possible EXCEPT if you're teasing her from a place of enjoyment and challenge. (Then she kind of
knee-jerk defends herself, rather than actually thinking about her image. You also should be careful not
to tease her in a way that might remind her of her actual social image, like don't go “Look at you,
chasing me so hard! I thought you were all proper!” You might think that's a good tease in the moment,
but that kind of thing is retarded and will shoot you in the foot)

The more you avoid thinking or logic, caution, control, and anything that reminds people of their self-
images, the more you get in this place where girls can just focus on what FEELS good and go with it.
Where Kirill gets girls. This behavior is an ENABLER. It doesn't game girls for you. I repeat, it does
NOT game girls for you. It just ENABLES them.
If you put girls into this scenario, they MIGHT go home with you. If they were ALREADY horny. If
they weren't, they probably won't. So you still need game. This just enables it. Remember that.

There's two sides to this vibe. There's what you do, and what you don't do. A big part of it is WHAT
YOU DON'T DO. You don't speak about anything that requires much thinking or logic. As soon as you
trigger her logical, thinking brain, she has to consider what she logically shouldn't do (make out with a
stranger, go on a date with a stranger, go home with a stranger). Also, engaging her logical, thinking
brain suppresses her emotional brain. They go in opposition.
What this means is that the more you talk about your job, what you've done in your life, the places
you've traveled (if you're talking about them in logical terms), the more you're making her think she
should act logically and proper, and the more you're turning off her emotional brain. If you're talking
about your job and all the cool 'things' about you, like what you've done in your life and how great you
are and so on, you're making her aware of her own identity by trying to sell yours. Creating that
identity awareness is making her want to control her own identity perception. Which is locking her up
and putting her in that control state.

Girls will comply more and more when you come from the “Whoops, my bad!” frame. If you piss her
off somehow or do something she doesn't like, “Whoops, my bad!” That shows that you aren't trying to
be all controlled, and that your identity – and thus hers – are no big deal.

Guys have NO idea the degree to which they're shooting themselves in the foot by causing girls to lock
up with all of these stuff. If YOU seem cautious, it makes her feel like SHE should be cautious. If YOU
look controlled, she feels that SHE should be controlled. Speaking logically, talking about subjects that
require thinking... Making her think of identity makes her feel that she needs to maintain and observe
her own identity.

This means you want to act without any particular control or caution, you want to avoid anything that
involves much thinking or logic, and you want to avoid making her aware of her identity in any
substantial way. As well as to keep her mind off the value of identity in general. If you challenge her, it
should be more aimed at how awesome she is at partying and being sexy in a fun/adventurous way and
so on.

This is why humor gets fixated on so much in game. Humor helps set people free, as it inherently is a
break in logic. The less thinking the humor requires, the better. If you increase how much acting-out
and how 'physical' the humor is, that is better.
At the same time, you can get people to let go in all of these ways without being funny AT ALL. Like
playing some drinking game and yelling loudly and fist pumping. Chugging champagne and jumping
up and down on the back of a bottle service booth. Kirill slapping people who aren't paying attention
with dildos. All of these things show that control and caution don't matter. Logic doesn't apply here.
Identities are less important than a good time.

Humor is great to ENABLE everything else in game. It isn't game. It just frees girls from worrying
about their identity, worrying that you're a stranger, worrying that she 'shouldn't' be sexual with
someone she just met. There are other ways to do this as well. Anything that creates this crazy
Hollywood house party vibe. From shouting to jumping up and down to chugging alcohol... Everything
you associate with 'typical' partying. Why do girls hook up with frat boys? Social competitiveness and
if they're feeling horny, they go hang out at the frat house and suddenly feel okay to let go and go wild
and have sex. If they visit the nice guy house on campus, they will not feel that way. Period.

I always liked 'partying' because I wanted to hang with friends and girls... But I never really got why
people wanted to get drunk and just jump around and act like dumb idiots all night. I seriously didn't
get that. If we want to be crazy, let's jump some cliffs into a lake or something actually crazy. What's
the point? I didn't really have a problem with letting go. Only with taking life too seriously in certain
ways. But not letting go. I wasn't stressed or full of fear or inhibited already... When I GOT the tracks
of letting go versus managing identity or being controlled, I FINALLY saw why all these people
wanted to drink and jump around in place in a nightclub without actually doing anything or really even
having fun. They simply wanted to let go. I suppose that suggests there's a LOT of stress and issues
running around out there... And then the hottest girls show up because they want to socially compete
and that's where you can do that. Then 'partying' in the nightclub style made sense to me, finally.
People, especially girls, were trying to get together, let loose, and act like life wasn't serious because
they were young and dumb, I suppose.

Humanizing Game by Stepping Back and Considering Everything

I was hard at work trying to find game that would work well with basically no warmup in a small town
on dance floors. After being 'rusty' all week long and working hard on other shit. Without enough
people around to get into any kind of momentum. What I was doing just felt a little too clunky.

I wanted to 'humanize' it more. To do so, I had to imagine game from the perspective of the girl. As
though I was being approached in the situations I was imagining.

First, I realized that if someone approached me and had weak energy going on, they would make me
uncomfortable. I'd either feel bad for them or somehow disgusted by their weakness, or they'd make me
uncomfortable simply because they'd be so vague. Just the fact that they had weak energy alone would
make me feel a bit weird because they're coming up and trying to start an interaction but they don't
seem like they know where they want it to go... It would make it seem like they wanted something and
they weren't saying it. Or something to that effect. Strangely, coming in stronger would probably be
more comfortable.

Another thing I realized is that if someone came up to me and started an interaction, said a few back
and forth words, and then either didn't take it somewhere, or started taking it somewhere random or
boring... I'd either be annoyed or feel uncomfortable. If someone came in with a few jokes, and then
was like “So... what do you do?” I'd be like “Fuck, the obligatory initial jokes are over... Here we go.”
If they did a couple jokes and then didn't seem to know what to do, the situation would be similar.
This means that when you go in, you damn well better have something to follow through with and keep
going. One of the worst things is to go in and not have a follow through in mind.

Another thing that would really piss you off if someone came up to you would be if they were doing
something that was totally against your mood. If you were rocking out jumping up and down on the
dance floor, and they started asking you what you do for work, you'd probably be pretty annoyed.

If they started an interaction, it was good, and then they stood next to you looking off into the room,
then a bit later they started talking again, then they looked off again, then they started talking again...
You'd be like “Damn, they must really like me to keep trying even though this interaction sucks.”

You can run through these concepts as though you were the one being approached and determine what
would work well and what might annoy you, make you feel uncomfortable, make the other person
seem try hard, etc.

You'll see that a lot of it relates to the person approaching not following through, not seeming like they
know where they're taking things, not being certain and having strong energy about what they're doing,
or messing with your existing vibe (doing something completely different from your vibe, or bringing
your vibe down). You wouldn't mind them fucking with you if it seemed like they were having a little
fun, you'd be pissed off if they kept fucking with you and it seemed like they were just being an ass.
These general principles of certainty, follow through and keeping it rolling, taking it somewhere,
making it have a good energy (even if you're fucking with her)... Those are what you need to make an
interaction start and go through in a 'human' and 'normal' way.

Developing a Full Play-by-Feel Understanding of Women Across the Board

I got to the point where I just about fully understood women, game, how I wanted it to progress, etc.
But then I would run into certain girls, or go to certain locations, and I would just feel off. Like I could
see I was stomping on what should be happening, feel it wasn't right, but I didn't really know what was
going on. Especially with college girls in San Diego bars or Arizona State bars... Girls notorious for
hooking up. My first wing's wife actually was winging for us and didn't really have a measure to how
much we'd gone out in our lives and she took me aside and gave me full on newbie advice and was like
“Girls are scared. You have to be smooth and slide everything in there.” I couldn't say “Yeah, see
chapter 1 of my book” hahaha. But I felt this really strange cognitive dissonance, this unsolvable
divide. I knew I had to be smooth to the point that I listed it as the very first requirement in order of
importance, and wrote all about it in my book long before. Of course, I was rusty, in an unusual city at
a different venue and trying to game with two people that didn't know 'game' at all without messing up
personal relationships. But it was more like I felt that there was an issue with what I did, after I started,
and then I wasn't sure how to recover and I knew giving up would screw me... so I plowed. Even
though I felt it was off.

I thought of dealing with animals. Cats especially, since women are basically cats. I am so fucking
good with animals. I just have this feel, I think most people have it to some degree or another. If they
tense up or start to turn away, you back up a little, let them feel your energy longer, then slowly go
forward a little more. If they start to run you have to DRAW them to you, you can't chase after them.
You stop and let them come back. If they just completely start walking away, maybe you walk nearby
and let it get comfortable with your presence while you interest it, but there's a bubble where if you get
inside that while walking it will run off and that's done.

Then I thought of escalating a girl to sex, let's say when you're sitting on a couch and start with a neck
massage, etc. I was so good at that too. I slowly ramped up one thing to bring that emotion and
receptiveness up, then would transition to another form of physicality with more stimulation. If she
tensed too much or grabbed my hand or whatever, I'd back off for a bit, let her feel my energy, work the
sexual tension, then start a step back and start ramping again.

Between those two skills, I should have this handled... Just use the feel of how to ramp up and deal
with a flighty creature and – bam! That should do it right? After all, a pickup is kind of just a giant
version of escalating her on your couch to sex.

I wanted to be able to feel my way through an interaction with a girl as 'effortlessly' and well as I could
with a cat or with escalating on a couch to sex. If I just had that feel, got the underlying structure, and
could follow that through its little loops and important pieces of awareness, then I could succeed with
almost any girl. The friends and logistics would basically be the problems, plus outliers.

But I couldn't put it together. I couldn't figure it out in my head. I would sit there trying to figure it out.
Trying to feel what I was missing. Why was my friend's wife telling me that I needed to be less forward
and put on less pressure, which I knew in a way was right, but at the same time my highly trained and
experienced pickup brain was fighting what she was saying as though there was something wrong with

It seriously drove me fucking nuts. And I started to realize that getting this feeling and being able to
operate like that with women was pretty much what I wanted out of game. I wanted choice of women
in my life, and I wanted to feel like I could feel my way through an interaction and do the things
properly and like I understood it. Like it wasn't some alien fucking distaster-fest that I just through a
bunch of darts at and sometimes they landed. It seemed like for 9.5 years I'd just been increasing my
success rate of nearly blindly throwing darts. But I'd wander into another environment and just have to
almost start all over (not really, but it felt that way), until a month later I had re-adjusted my dart
throwing until it worked as frequently as possible in the new environment. Why couldn't I just shift to
the new environment by feeling it out!?! I could shift to a new cat easily. A new girl on my couch was
relatively within control. What the fuck!?
Further, I realized if my grip on proper internal mindsets slipped (don't take yourself or anyone
seriously, add spark to other people's life and have a spark for life yourself, it's all about grinding and
failing and success comes out of getting beat up a lot and laughing about it, etc.) - that suddenly I had
fairly notable approach anxiety because it made me very uneasy that I felt I was blindly throwing darts.
The lack of this feel gave me the impression that things were fairly out of my control and I was just
running headlong into a medieval army with all their spears and swords pointing at me. My brain was
like “Dude, you know you're throwing darts. You want me to go on this suicide mission?” And I had to
be like “Yes brain, do it.” And that's where you start dragging your little red wagon. Now you can fix
that by going “Fuck yeah brain, I'm a motherfucking grinder. Every failure is like a scalp, and I'm an
Apache warrior bitch. I'm going home with a sack full of scalps and a hot girl that I hit it off with.” But
I wanted the underlying problem fixed. I wanted to feel competent, like I had a feel for this shit. I didn't
want to say to my friend's wife, “Well, yeah. I've been doing this almost 10 years, know as much about
it as almost anyone, and wrote a 700 page book about it... But I still look like a baby bird choking on a
rock I was dumb enough to try to eat when I do it in front of you.” I wanted her to go, “Damn, this
mother fucker is smooth.” Not that that matters if I'm getting the results. But what the fuck, can't I have
that? Plus she'd met a lot of guys, maybe she was sensing something that wasn't present in me that
WAS present in other guys she met? Or maybe it's just a winner's bias, where the guys that were on
with her she thought were smooth as fuck, and the others might have been smooth too but they missed
with her so she thought they were retarded toddlers that had spent all morning eating paint chips.

So I sat around fuming over this problem. And I felt like I was, in fact, a retarded toddler that had spent
all morning eating paint chips. A couple times I told myself I'd just sit there on the couch thinking
about it and feeling my way through what I know and my experiences until I could figure out what I
was missing. But I'd just sit there feeling like a kid swiping his hands at the sky, trying to grab the
clouds. I was trying to unravel a sweater that was hanging on the wall in another room that I hadn't
even been in – when everyone knows you unravel a sweater by first getting your fingers on one of its

Part of me wanted to immerse myself in these more skittish girls at more relaxed, younger venues. Part
of me wanted to just avoid them and go somewhere I could pile up success and say fuck it – maybe I'll
never get it, but I'm certainly capable of throwing darts and winning.

And then I got stuck in a relatively small bar without many approach opportunities on a Sunday night
in Miami. The kind of situation where you do just a few, spread out approaches over time – and
otherwise just sit their thinking. Particularly about your last approach (of course this goes against all
advice... but I never was very good at two or three pieces of solid newbie advice. Advice I would even

It started to hit me. Slowly. It was like my fingers had found the thread of the sweater, but it was dark
and I didn't get it yet.

Over the next day that feeling turned into actual concepts and words. And I started to realize that the
concept of flirting is a lot like what you're doing with the cat. And girls like to flirt with EACH STAGE
of the interaction. Whether or not they want to talk to you. Whether or not they want to play the game
of flirting with you, or emotionally engage with you. Etc. That was what my friend's wife was basically
trying to say. That girls want to play a little game like a cat about taking each step forward in the
interaction. And it starts with whether they're even going to talk to you at all.
But I was struggling with that and accepting it because in game we have to have waypoints and
objectives, and we have to get through them. And I'd found that by doing certain things or assuming
familiarity or being dominant enough this way, or using eye contact right that way, I could skip ahead
in steps. In some environments, I could get a LOT of girls to 'agree' to interact with me within seconds
of eye contact. As a result, I had thousands of experiences of not NEEDING to flirt with whether or not
we'd actually interact. So I'd come in hot, trying to skip that, and a girl in another environment that
DIDN'T feel we could skip that would react like a cat: She'd tense up at first. I would keep trying to
HAVE the interaction she wasn't sure she even WANTED to have, and that would see me plowing
forward, which is basically trying to pick up the tense cat, and she'd run away like a cat would. I was
breaking the cat-like game of flirting about that step. But on the other hand, tons and tons and tons of
experience told me things go MUCH better if I skip over flirting about that step.

The answer was that I had learned what NEEDED to happen, and then I'd had lots of experiences
where I could successfully assume steps and skip steps. While the girl had her own structure, and
naturally wanted to flirt over each step – Ie, act cat-like about relenting to each step. And I was totally
thrown off because I'd found so many relaxed cats that were more chill about jumping steps, or cats
that I managed to effectively hypnotize or distract into skipping steps. This created a gulf between what
she was saying and what I felt from all of my experience.

The fact was, she was watching what ACTUALLY happened from the outside. But I had to choose
what I was going to do without the knowledge of what would actually happen. I had to guess. So when
this girl came close to us, I had to try to read her from my experience and GUESS how hot I could
come in. And what steps I could skip and so on. Often enough I guessed right that it worked out over
time. But many other times I guessed wrong. She watched me guess wrong and told me to be smoother
and flirt with the steps. But my long history of experiences said “Fuck that, when I DON'T flirt with the
steps, things go better.” Well, except when they don't. So these two things were at odd. All I could think
in my head at the time, which I didn't qualify myself by saying, was “I'm fucking guessing over here. I
don't know her style. If I was nicer than that with a lot of girls I'd get an aggressive fuck you and then I
would've been too gentle...”

So how to merge these opposing sides? Well this is where the feel of working with a cat meets the feel
of escalating the girl on the couch. And where what you know needs to happen meets her individual
style and view of the world. Plus there's a hitch that we'll get to...

More or less, a girl acts like a cat and wants to flirt over whether or not she'll DO each stage at all. Like
interact with you. Or flirt with you. Or kiss you and open up that world. But once she's IN a stage, it
becomes more like escalating the girl on the couch- you try touching her in various ways in various
places, see what gets her going, ramp that up, and then try to move up a notch; if she stops you, you
back up, allow her to get a little more comfortable and try to ramp the emotions more via some way
that's a step down, then try to escalate again.
Meanwhile we know the progression of what needs to happen in order for the interaction to go well. So
we're focused on that, trying to do it, and we just want that to happen. If she gets skittish or starts to act
like a cat, we often don't know what to do except to keep trying to do the thing we know needs to
Furthermore, once we've flirted a bit over one stage, we think we're now in escalation. We might know
how to act like we're working with a cat on one stage, but then we try to escalate our way through. It
doesn't make sense that we have to keep alternating working with a cat, then escalating a girl on a
couch, then back again. What the fuck? How many times do I have to switch mindsets and feels and
patterns throughout this fucking interaction? It's insane.

So this sort of begs the question, what's the DIFFERENCE between working with the cat, and
escalating the girl on the couch. They have some similarities and almost feel like they might be the
same. Well, the first is that the girl on the couch has already gone into agreement that SOMETHING is
happening. Something physical with some sexuality to it is happening. The cat hasn't agreed that
ANYTHING is happening. It hasn't agreed to interact with you AT ALL. Second, with the girl on the
couch, she basically expects you to keep trying and that she'll stop you and that if you back off that
she'll keep enjoying the level down with you. But the cat doesn't operate that way – if you go to far it
tenses up. If you don't notice that and go any farther, it just runs away. Or scratches your ass. So the
reaction to overstepping the line is different – it's a low tolerance run away. Finally, with the cat if it
tenses up you kind of have to stop or even move back and ATTRACT IT TO YOU. Whereas with the
girl on the couch, you just back up a step and she keeps enjoying that with you.

Finally, you add in the fact that SOME girls don't react like skittish cats. They react aggressively and
tell you to fuck off, or that they're not interested, or other things. Sometimes they're testing you,
sometimes they're just aggressive. In this case you could almost say that they're reacting like dogs –
testing you out to see who's dominant before things move forward. Or just being dicks and you have to
handle that.

This creates a picture that is a bit muddled and confusing, but does have a structure and it's not ALL
that complicated. So when I felt that this should be something I could figure out and feel out and felt
dumb for not getting it, there was something real behind that feeling. But there were also AMAZING
reasons that I COULDN'T figure it out.
Effectively what happens is each time you approach a new stage of the interaction, the girl can react in
one of three ways: A) She can allow you to assume that step or even skip it. B) She can react like a cat,
get tense, and want you to flirt with that step. C) She can react like a dog and test to see if you're more
dominant and can out maneuver her. [And of course there's the fringes where you can't really do
Then once you're IN the step, the interaction behaves like escalating on the couch. You have to find
what clicks with her at the current level of that stage, pivot deeper on it and escalate it, then switch to
something a level up. Until she's ready to possibly go to the next stage... In which case you have the
three possibilities of A, B, or C happening again. Argh. A bit confusing- but also all fits into two
paragraphs. Something you could develop a feel for and navigate quite well.

There's one OTHER thing blocking having this feel and operating off it, as I mentioned we'd get to
earlier... And this is that it's pretty obvious what backing off or attracting is with a cat. You might have
to learn somehow that making certain noises, like the clicking-kissing type noise, attracts cats. But it's
simple. And it only takes a little experience with women and watching some movies to learn a few
different techniques for turning a girl on on your couch and escalating, and then how to back up a level
and try again in a minute. What you DON'T have so clearly is what the similar version of these things
are with a GIRL in a flirting, not entirely physical interaction.
In other words, what IS backing off if she's tense when you're just saying words and using body
language?? Is it shutting up and looking at her? Or looking away? Anyone who has gamed much at all
knows those things don't work. The interaction just gets really weird or dies quite quickly. How do you
react if she comes at you like a dog instead of a cat? When you don't know if she'll react via A, B, or C,
what do you do? You still have to guess right? Then what? When she's acting like a cat and tenses up,
what is 'attracting' her to the next stage? The cat tenses up and doesn't do a damn thing and just waits
for you to do all the work and attract it closer, which you might do by making noises to a cat. But what
do you do to a girl? Does it change between each stage? What are enough different techniques for
ramping up WITHIN the stage that you can try different ones and see what works, like escalating a girl
on your couch? On a girl, it's clear you can touch here, there, there, there, or there – and that touching
these certain areas is going to receive more resistance than touching other areas. But what if you're in a
stage of building chasing? What are the levels? Which techniques go on what levels? What techniques
can you switch between? Will you even notice when one hits and another doesn't and keep going with
it (pivot deeper)? And that's only one stage, what are the array and levels of techniques at EACH stage?
Fuck's sake! Your head could explode!! Does this mean I ALSO need to have ways of trying to assume
and skip each stage, PLUS ways of dealing with her if she reacts like a dog instead at each stage?
PLUS having an awareness as to which she's giving me, so I don't keep treating her like A when she's
being C? At least backing off and doing the last thing that was working and continuing to enjoy that IN
the stage is a lot more clear, so we have that.

Damn. Now I don't feel so badly for not being able to have this feel quite so easily.

What's the simple way to think of all of this so I can pretty much enact it? Think of it like a staircase
with multiple flights and landings between them. At each landing, it's like a game of mini-golf breaks
out, and either there's a door that moves back and forth and up and down, and if you rush it it slams
shut, so you kind of have to time it right and approach it slowly to get to the next flight. Or you could
think of it like Harry Potter staircases in their castle, where the staircases are always pivoting and you
have to time moving up the next flight, and if you rush it you'll just fall off the end of a staircase that
doesn't have another flight connected to it. Either works. And THEN once you're ON the flight of
stairs, a decent number of the stairs are weak and break and form a giant hole. Then you have to back
up to the previous stair and go around the hole.
To sum that up – it's either like moving Harry Potter stairs that play a game between flights, and where
the stairs themselves often break through and you have to back up and go around when you're climbing
a flight. Or it's like flights of stairs with mini-golf obstacles at the beginning of each flight, and again
the stairs like to break through so you have to go to the previous step and go around the hole.

This explains why girls like stupid shit like push-pull, I love you/I hate you etc. Because you're not
bum-rushing a step, you're flirting with it. You're toying with it.

So we have ways of dealing with these things, which we've mostly talked about before. And you have
to apply them at the right times. Then you need a set of different styles of tactics/techniques to escalate
the various emotions/stages, and more and less aggressive/more and less accepted sets of each, and you
need to use metal-break theory with them. And finally you need to deal with her blocking
mindsets/limiting buying beliefs and her friends. In between each stage, you have to try to assume the
next stage or even skip ahead, but have awareness to whether she reacts like a cat or a dog, and to then
either flirt with the next stage and let her have that process, or to play the dominance battle and submit
her into the next stage. That former option I would say is a large reason that game guys rarely pull the
9+ super clubby girls, because they like to play a dominance battle and make you submit them into
higher levels.

Not the easiest thing in the world, but it's manageable. You can flirt with a thing and be hot and cold, in
and out, push and pull about it if you need to. And you can get good at trying different techniques for
increasing a certain stage and have awareness and pivot deeper on the ones that work. Awareness is the
key that ties ALL of this together, however. You have to see where you are, if she's reacting like A, B,
or C, when something is hitting so you can pivot deeper, and when something ISN'T hitting so you
should try something else. When to back up and slowly try something else. When you should jump
forward because she wants you to skip ahead. What her target vibe is. And if something's blocking, and
what it might be. Plus where you are in the interaction, what's weak, and where you're going next. Plus
the friends. Whew!!! Just awareness on awareness on awareness. Plus knowledge that has been turned
into ingrained skill (or 'natural' skill) on how to deal with things you are aware of going on.

It more or less fits together in a picture like this:

Why would things be like this? Well, it's the animal instincts of our brain meeting emotional
stimulation levels. You can watch documentaries of animals mating (which I always find super
awkward, and never understood why they had to include them in every single documentary that they
knew kids were watching with their parents...), and in these animal documentaries you will ALWAYS
see the female either flirting with the male physically like a cat. In other words, flirting with the space,
running off, getting a little tense or timid, and slowly relaxing into things. Or you'll see the animals
battle each other and the female submits if the male out-battles her. In other words, the animal in us
needs to either test out the awareness and ability to do the mating dance of the partner, OR it needs to
test out the dominance and strength of the partner. That's genetic selection going on in our instincts. So
it's entirely useless behavior, and it's almost entirely unavoidable.
That's important to know because I'm often talking to girls for a while and they like me a lot and I find
myself thinking “Sex is the most awesome, positive thing we could do together. I think you know it
would be great. Why can't we just let go and without anyone knowing, have sex?” Well, her survival
instincts are telling her not to do that, to either dance the flirting dance and see if we can hang with that,
or to test our dominance and see if we can submit her (without just being outright aggressive, because
that's not dominating). In humans the dominance testing is mostly eye contact, verbal shit tests, etc. -
not physical. Though I won't say that some girls don't want to see that you'll pick them up, or pull them
in by their hips, or pull their hair and say “Hey, none of that girl...”
As for the part where you're climbing the stairs in between, where you are IN the stage and you have to
increase it, I think in a way this is also a genetic selection test – to see that you have the experience and
the skill to play the mating game and get her into that stage enough to want the next stage. However, I
think it also might have to do with the fact that we're complex creatures that often need to be in other,
more logical 'modes' to survive. If we had sex all the time, we wouldn't have food, shelter, water,
society, and all these other things we need to tend to in order to survive. So we have emotional guards
that dim down to where they're not ready for or not interested in sex to get us to do other modes and not
just have sex all the time. It seems most of these 'emotional mode guards/dimmer switches' are in
women, because men are a lot more ready to have sex most of the time if an attractive opportunity
presents itself.
As noted above, there's also some of her various motivations playing in, like maintaining her brand and
identity, and the social group factors in too.
To cap it all off, her logical goalie is trying to prevent you from stimulating her primal brain. So
everything has to be wrapped in fun, or at least clever and smooth and subtle. She may have some
logical stipulations that she stands by (and a lot more that she says but mean nothing).

The wall at the bottom of the diagram is how she tries to prevent various guys from actually having sex
with her. It's tied between a biological 'test' to make sure only the 'fit' guys have sex with her, and an
identity thing. Effectively, she puts up walls that separate different 'levels' of 'what's allowed' from a
certain guy. So there's level 0, which is she doesn't want to talk to a guy. Then a guy can talk to her, but
not affect her emotions. Then a guy can affect her emotions, which allows flirting. Then a guy can
create sexual tension. Then he can touch her (this could actually be flipped with sexual tension, but you
get the idea). Then he can kiss her. Then she can go other places with him. Then they can fool around.
Then they can have sex.

She may have a small wall between certain categories of 'what's allowed' or a large one. So certain
things might breeze easily from one to the next, like if she fools around with a guy, that might go easily
into sex. But with another girl or another situation it might not at all.

The way this works, though – and this is critical – is like this: If a guy manages to get across one wall
and into the next category or section or 'pigeon hole' or whatever you want to call it – the next space
between the walls – she then accepts him there and tries to MAKE HIM FEEL GOOD ABOUT BEING
THERE. Her first line of defense is simply to PAT HIM ON THE HEAD AND HOPE HE'LL THINK
IT'S GOOD ENOUGH and then give up. It's brilliant if you think about it. The first option isn't to
friend zone someone by telling them aggressively they're not allowed any further – the first option is to
friend zone them by making them feel really awesome and special that they're a friend!
Of course, we're not concerned at this point with the friend zone... What we ARE concerned about is,
say, her letting you build some sexual tension but not a lot, and then keeping you there and trying to
keep you from being a guy she kisses. Or kissing you but not going anywhere with you. Etc.

Part of this is tied into her image. You could effectively think of it like this: In order to maintain a 'high
value brand' and think of herself as hard to get, exclusive, valuable, and not a slut, she has vague
'quotas' in her head. More or less, this is a rough way to understand it. For instance, she can TALK to
50 guys this week. Any more than that, and she might be too easy to talk to and then she's not an
exclusive enough brand. But she can only let about 25 of them flirt with her and engage her emotions,
otherwise she's just all over the town – and who would want that? (Speaking like the thoughts in her
brain, of course) She can only kiss maybe 3 of those guys, or she's a slut. And she can only fuck like 1
or 2 a month (granted these 'rules' can vary greatly for girls... From 1 a year to 2 a day).
In order to satisfy these 'quotas', she wants to keep a guy that reaches any certain stage in that stage.
Stop them from the next stage. So she makes them feel good in that stage, and acts like she's enjoying it
a lot and doesn't WANT to go to further stages.
She gives them her 'polite' side. Or some version of it, depending on how far they've gotten.

What she's really saying is, “Ohhh, okay. I guess you can be one of my 25 flirts this week. Enjoy it
though!” So by acting polite and trying to divert things from a kiss and so on, she's not actually saying
“I don't kiss guys” (of course she fucking does), she's saying “No, no. You're one of my 25 flirt guys.
I'm allowed to have some of you” as though you were a fucking cheesecake. She's telling you that you
aren't special, there's nothing remarkable or gotta-have-it about you. She's trying to make you FEEL
special so you'll stay there, you won't push the boundaries.
In other words, without pushing forward and going for the kiss and making things a little turbulent
you'll get nowhere – testing the boundaries, maybe having to flirt with it if she reacts like a cat. Maybe
having to dominate her if she reacts like a dog. She puts up that wall, tries to put you in a hole where
“Okay, you're attractive and stimulating. You can flirt with me” but that hole doesn't allow you to go
further. There's another wall there. And if you test the wall, what seems to be going 'smoothly,' going
'well,' is 'enjoyable' suddenly hits turbulence as you test that wall. Avoiding that turbulence keeps most
guys away from the wall, then they STAY IN THEIR CURRENT STAGE AND HOPE OVER TIME
...Except that this BACKFIRES. Over time she reverse justifies that she didn't kiss them because she
didn't WANT to kiss them. And they get thrown out with the 25 flirts of the week just like the orange
peel from her 25 pieces of fruit this week got thrown out.

This means that it's never 'going well' unless you're having sex. It can and should be a TON of fun, very
ENJOYABLE, but it's not 'going well.' If you're thinking 'Oh, she likes me – let's ride this out!' Then
you're fucked. You're letting her stick you in a stage and give you the polite front. You EITHER need to
logistically escalate towards somewhere you can have sex, or escalate to the higher stages. Julien
recommends logistically escalating over other escalating. In my experience, getting the kiss and some
~10 second makeouts, without becoming makeout guy, really helps you by jumping you into a more
special category for you. At that point logistical escalation makes more sense.
If you think it's 'Going Well' and you're 'Seeing how it turns out' then you've been BETA'D into being
one of the many guys this week she allowed to get to that stage. Yes, there's a RISK associated with
trying to get over the next wall and keep it moving forward. But this is where you MUST take risks,
and MUST be polarizing. Yes, you need to keep failing on approaching – that's an inherent part of
things and you always have to keep failing there. But if you're like “I'm out failing a lot! I'm out
pushing it a lot!” and what you're failures are coming on is approaching... Then you're never going to
succeed. You'll succeed or fail AT THE THING YOU'RE GOING FOR AND FAILING AT – in that
case, approaching. Your successes will be... Successful approaches. You MUST fail going for the thing
you're trying to succeed at! How many times this week did you fail going for a kiss? How many times
did you fail trying to move the girl on baby steps towards somewhere you could have sex? You need to
be getting blown out trying to cross these walls, or at least risking getting blown out. Otherwise you'll
have all these great interactions and NO successes and you won't know why. This ties DIRECTLY
together with SURVIVE THE NEXT FORK in the road.

To give you an idea of how this manifests and how I really realized this fully, I was on the beach with a
solid hottie for about 2 hours one day. I pulled some boldness and some magic to start touching her
even though she was trying to peg the interaction at just flirting. Then I maneuvered it until she was
sitting between my legs and I was massaging her shoulders and neck, and pulling her hair a bit. In fact
this story basically happened twice with two different girls, so multiply it by two. But with the second
girl we were talking about sex, I was massaging her inner thighs at one point. I tried without enough
effort to really risk it to get her to lean back, but she resisted. I never told her to in a dominant way or
anything, just lightly tried pulling her shoulders back. That would've let me talk directly in her ear, kiss
her neck, more easily kiss her. Because it was 'going so well' (she's in a bikini between my legs while
I'm massaging her and we're talking at least lightly about sex), I just rode it out. Expecting we might go
grab a drink and things would go from there. Except I didn't propose that or anything, I just was kind of
waiting for it. In other words, she made me FEEL GOOD about what we were doing, put up a wall
towards a kiss, and then got me to just coast and stop pushing boundaries. She could let maybe 4 or 5
guys do this to her in a week without being slutty, so why not? She beta'd me and I thought I was
crushing. She eventually said she had to go (I sat their coasting too long, no forward movement), and
then we agreed to meet up the next day. I texted her a joke, she responded like she loved it. I texted her
the follow up to the joke which is slightly edgier but no big deal. And I never saw or heard from her
She beta'd me into not turning her on or getting her to go any further, and then that let her throw me out
like the leftovers of one of the few 'cheat meals' maybe she allowed herself to have weekly. The first
girl effectively did the same, though I pushed a good bit harder for the kiss with her (I pushed until I
almost got it, and then backed down. Right at the point where I could've succeeded...)
So there you have it. I pushed through several walls, getting her to talk, then flirt, then touch, then
fairly sexualized touching. And then I let her convince me it was 'good enough' and never saw her
again. Because she was trying to keep me 'one of many guys' she could do that with, not special. In
hindsight when she contemplated meeting me the next day, I'm SURE she thought 'I didn't kiss him
because I didn't like him THAT much.' The reality was, I was a few moves and a little more pushing
that wall from kissing her.

Based on all of the below, what do I need to DO?

-Determine the different techniques for each STAGE (at least the emotional stages, if not the girl's
-Separate the techniques into LEVELS where if some work well but you can't do them immediately,
you consider those like rubbing her pussy or fingering her – you have to work up to them
-Have awareness to what hits in that stage, then PIVOT DEEPER on it to escalate through that stage
-Know how to FLIRT with each stage, if she reacts like a cat
-Know how to DOMINATE HER INTO SUBMITTING TO each stage, if she reacts like a dog
-Be AWARE of how she reacts when you go for each stage
-Try to skip ahead or assume each stage, but be aware of if she gives you a cat or dog reaction
-[Also be aware to where she is, what you need to do next, what her target vibe is, what might be
blocking her, and her friends]
-PUSH THE WALL into the next level. NEVER BE CONTENT unless you're having sex, it ISN'T
'going well,' it's just enjoyable on the road towards sex

You need to assemble the techniques and learn to use them well, switch between them well, pivot
deeper well, and tie them to things that you notice through your awareness. Then ingrain all of this so
it's as automatic as possible. And then open your brain more and more to having constant awareness of
these things. Because the structure and what you do in different scenarios is so much better defined
than in anything you've seen before, it helps prevent the panic feeling that something is happening and
you don't know how to deal with it, which causes your brain to lock up and then you stop gaming and
start just doing whatever dumb shit occurs to you.

Because you want to ingrain this setup and free your brain to feeling and being aware (that's a lot of
things to be aware of...), you want your structure to be as SIMPLE as possible. Meaning you DO need
different types of techniques and tactics to satisfy metal break theory and work with different girls,
HOWEVER, you want the minimal number of them that satisfies most girls. So you want the
techniques and tactics that work with the most possible girls.

It also gives us a cool perspective on different 'camps' or 'schools' of game, and why different people
advocate different things, and why it all falls short. For instance, Julien style chasing game largely
represents a type of FLIRTING with the relationship and emotions between the two of you, and also
ramping up the chasing emotion. Whereas sexual tension is more about ramping up the sexual tension
emotion, and largely works to motivate her so much that the following steps are either assumed or even
skipped. So Julien style chasing game increases her likelihood to agree to enter different stages (though
it also hijacks her RAS at high levels of chasing emotion and can ALSO provide assuming or skipping
steps – but not nearly to the extent of sexual tension). Push-pull would also be an example of flirting
and increasing her likelihood to agree to the next steps. RSD as a whole generally builds game on the
concept of flirting-based techniques, and then using calm and looseness and fun to encourage her to
assume the next steps more easily. Whereas sexual tension gets her so compelled to close that she starts
assuming steps or even bringing both of you through them, and may allow skipping a lot more steps.
You could fit ANY style of game into these categories.
I think it should be fairly obvious that the ideal is to COMBINE them, because certain girls and certain
situations require you to flirt with a cat, while others allow you to ramp up emotions and assume or
skip steps, and others require dominance into submission (which sexual tension goes along well with).
You might also see why certain schools of game would say that others don't work- for instance if you
have to flirt your way into agreement for each stage, and try to get stage assumption by being loose, the
dominance and intensity of sexual tension might look like it would never work... It's not this playful
flirting, and it doesn't have that looseness. Though the reality is you can be loose in every other way
and create massive sexual tension (and by can, I mean should), and you can act like sexual water, that
sex is assumed and inevitable – which is a looseness about the result. And sexual tension is also very
fun, enjoyable, and works even BETTER at getting the assumption of the next stage. But you could see
why looking the opposite direction might make the other style of game seem confusing or like it
wouldn't work, too. You should be able to see that different schools of game operate like a Venn
diagram, with overlaps and differences, in terms of whether they use flirting, ramping of emotions, and
where they use a little of both. And how. But no school of game has really applied these things with the
full picture, where each thing is done at the right time in the right way with the right awareness in the

The ideal? Put together your structure as stated above. Test it, refine it (in terms of which techniques
and tactics you use to create what you need to create), and then ingrain it. Then work on increasing
your awareness more and more and more, and start navigating more by feel. Ultimately you should be
like a hyper-aware samurai warrior, fully immersed in awareness, with an ingrained feel for how to
react to each thing and an idea of the overall progression and roadmap of things. You should be able to
feel your way through interactions with women of almost all types in almost all environments just like
you would when interacting with a cat or escalating a girl on your couch. Rather than suffering in a
bizarre haze and feeling totally lost, you should now be able to operate like this shit was second nature.
(And it really is SECOND nature, because you wouldn't have read this if it was FIRST nature...

Now THAT, my motherfucking amigos, is solving game. You're fucking welcome. Game solved. Stamp
that shit.
On to you youngsters to take this even farther!

Game's Most Common and Most Root Mistake? The Hoping Step in the Loop

I was out with a promoter friend in Miami, and they had a girl who was booked for a minor modeling
gig the next day. I started talking to her, and the Julien-type game wasn't exactly hitting. She was kind
of just thinking I was weird. I said I was raised in a family that talked a lot of shit, and she smiled and
relaxed and it seemed better... for a minute. Then it was kind of rough again. Early she was making
good eye contact, but I basically buried that. They moved around the table to where I couldn't really
talk to them because my promoter friend didn't want me to sit at the table effectively for free when
there were paying clients there (a downside of actually knowing people at the table, versus randomly
befriending them). Later she sat where I could, somewhat awkwardly, talk to her from behind the table.
I did it as best as I could – after all, giving up is never an option – but I was going in and out a little too
much. My rhythm was a little too hurried and thus grasping-seeming, and despite knowing things
weren't exactly hitting, I was struggling to adjust.

Later my promoter friend finally sat next to her. She kept leaning over and initiating conversation with
him. Granted he's much better looking than me, had a position of authority at the table, and I'd hyped
him up to her and made the mistake of telling her that he only liked latinos (hyping him up to her was
fine, means I have cool friends. Though it also generated my own competition. But telling her he only
liked latinos was a mistake, that made him a challenge without him doing anything). He was sitting
there trying to play too cool for school, Mr. Club Regular vibe man. That's his game, it comes in part
from not always knowing exactly what to do but covering it up, but it has aspects that are attractive. Its
biggest shortcoming is it usually produces no results because he can't survive hardly any forks that way,
it's only the table that lets it work ever (and his friends/social proof).

Anyway, the next day I was grinding over this as I walked around the beach. How was I, the ten year
vet with both great understanding and great practice in game, still awkwardly pushing a shitty rhythm
and turning a yes into a no, while the kid just trying to play too cool for school was attracting the girl?
Well, I certainly helped him. And it's obvious I was doing too much and not being calm, dominant, and
smooth. But I ALSO needed to hook her somehow in order to be able to kick back and have her chase.
I guess I could've done it by interacting with everyone else at the table and then going near her and
letting the social proof worked (that was effectively what he did accidentally, plus my hyping him up).
Then it hit me... We all have little loops that we do as we execute tasks, like how we interact is one of
them. This is how you can get stuck in a proacting loop, or a reacting loop, but it's hard to learn to
proact – react – proact, which is a one-step-more-complicated loop. To some extent I got stuck in a
proacting loop with this girl, but not entirely.
Instead, I realized that I had a HOPING step in my loop. The loop that dictated EACH THING that I

So my brain was doing this: Do/say something, observe, HOPE it worked, go into memory and try
something else or maybe pivot deeper.

There's a MAJOR issue with that... The HOPE step is HANDING OVER CONTROL to something
external to you, and it's also LOCKING YOUR BRAIN UP and waiting. By handing over control,
you're also making yourself feel OUT OF CONTROL and thus MUCH LESS CONFIDENT. To recap
that, it's causing all of this: A) Giving away your control/power to succeed, B) Locking your brain and
taking away your creativity and resourcefulness, C) Killing your confidence and making you feel out of

Wow. That's fucked up. Crippling, really. All the knowledge, practice, and experience in the world, but
if you're doing that... How CAN you succeed except randomly?

If any of you program or understand programming, it's like you should be doing a conditional exit from
a loop:
For (Number of Loops){
Operations to conduct
if (OperationOutcome = DesiredOutcome){

Which for those of you that don't program, means “Conduct some operations a bunch of times, and
each time check to see if the operations created the result you wanted. When the result is what you
want, stop looping, you achieved your outcome.”

But instead you're doing this:

For (Number of Loops){
Operations to conduct
if (RandomNumber == 9){

Which means “Conduct some operations a bunch of times, randomly make up a number, if the number
randomly is 9, quit looping and use whatever outcome you have.”

In other words, you're leaving it up to chance and getting whatever result you get by chance.
It's not entirely obvious what a huge problem this is until you see what loop you SHOULD be doing.
You SHOULD be remaining 'out of your head' in the interaction between you two, and adjusting based
on what's going on and using all your resourcefulness and creativity to do it.
In other words, this SHOULD be your loop: Do/Say something, Step into her shoes and feel her
reaction to that, What is my target emotion?, How do I make this work → Do/Say something new.
Meaning, should never HOPE it works and lock your brain and give away your power. You should
simply feel the comment/action from her perspective, check how that compares to your target
emotion/outcome (like kayaking), and then use your creativity/resourcefulness to adjust and make your
target emotion happen.
You could even say this: Do/Say something, Step into her shoes and feel her reaction, What is my
target emotion/how did hers compare?, IF her reaction was WAY OFF then what's blocking her?, Fix
the blockage and make it work.

This is a 'closed loop' in control terminology. In other words, you're observing and correcting. Whereas
the first loop SEEMS closed, kind of, except the hoping step effectively makes you exit the loop and
throw in randomness and takes away your ability to react.
In other language, HOPING is saying “I have a desired outcome, I have no control over what happens,
let's let random chance do it's thing and if we're lucky it will be the desired outcome.” It's a lot like
asking your computer to solve a problem, and then constantly turning it off and on again while it's
trying to work, then thinking it will somehow get you the solution. Or a better example, having your
computer print something, then rapidly turning it off and on again while it prints. If it could restart as
the page prints, you'd wind up with a page with massive gaps in the printing all down the page.

A great way to understand this is if you were playing a game of tennis. When you play tennis, you hit
the ball across the net, watch where it goes, watch the other player, see them hit it, watch the ball
coming back, see where it's going, move to where it's going, watch the other player, then line up so you
can hit the ball where it winds up, and try to hit it where the other player can't get it. Which is a Do,
observe, adjust, step into the other player's shoes (see where they can't get it) → Do again loop. Now
imagine if you played tennis with a HOPING loop, like game. You'd hit the ball, watch it go over the
net and hope it went where you want, then you'd stand on your side of the court where you want to and
hope the other player hits it to you and just stand there as the other player hit the ball anywhere and it
went right past you. You'd basically be the worst tennis player of all time. You'd also develop an
extreme anxiety about playing, your brain would lock up, you'd feel totally disempowered, etc.

Why do we naturally have a proper feedback loop in tennis and not in game? Probably because we
know the other tennis player is not only not on our side, but is trying to hit the ball past us, and that the
ball doesn't give a fuck about us and will go wherever. In other words, there's nothing to put HOPE in,
we're playing a game where everything is out to get us. We don't HOPE that the other player or ball
will do what we want, because we don't hope they're on our side. In game, however, it's normal to
'hope' the other person is on your side and gets it and will play along. You HOPE they will do what you
want them to and react how you want them to because you HOPE they're on your side.
Just imagine if we assumed they'll try NOT to do what we want them to do... We'd almost inherently
put ourselves in the tennis feedback loop. Or even if we assumed that the result would be random and
we'd have to move to where the ball comes to hit it back. It's quite possible that most naturals randomly
wound up with this loop, possibly because they tend to think girls are crazy (which makes them
unlikely to play along).
What if you just started thinking of girls like tennis balls? They don't give a fuck about you, nor do they
think about where they're going, they just bounce around and it's part of the game to watch and adjust
and get them to go where you want.

The biggest problem with all of this is that this loop happens EVERY TIME you do or say something.
So it's CONSTANTLY tripping you up.

This is where Owen's “Imagine you're in her head” is a GREAT repackaging/mindset to fix this,
because it's TAKING AWAY the hope loop and KEEPING YOU in the feel her reactions, correct them
using your resourcefulness space. If you consider the space BETWEEN you and her where emotions
happen as the 'creation space', it's KEEPING YOU IN THE CREATION SPACE and out of your 'own

Game 101 advice is 'don't be reaction seeking.' But that also implies not to try to create reactions. The
fact is, you want to 'not be reaction seeking' but be 'reaction creating.' Which, as we've just seen,
basically means 'don't be reaction hoping' but be 'reaction feeling and creating by correction.'

Because this happens hundreds of times per interaction, and particularly happens between everything
you say or do early in the interaction when it's building or dying, this can create a HUGE
transformation in your game, with this one change. It also dictates whether you feel confident and
empowered when you approach a girl, how many things you act out in the interaction versus saying
things chasing reactions, how creative you are in interactions, and how many different types of girls
you can succeed with.

I believe from observation that MOST guys have hoping in their loop. VERY VERY FEW have
stepping into her shoes, basically none have feeling her blockages, and very few have staying in the
creation space and asking 'how do we get what she's feeling to the target emotion?' Which quite
possibly makes this the most fundamental and prevalent mistake in game. It automatically puts you in a
weak, try-hard, reaction seeking, uncreative, memory searching mode.

Other guys have a different problem, they simply don't observe how she feels/reacts at all. This is
what's called an 'open loop' because it takes no feedback. It's associated with sociopaths, and I can
think of one family member of mine in particular that does it. It fixes a couple problems of the hoping
loop because there isn't a relinquishing of control in every statement and the attached lack of
confidence and killing of creativity... However you just have to hope it works at the end of the day,
rather than on each statement, so it can still overall create a hoping mindset, or otherwise just create
really irregular results. Basically only a narrow segment of people just like you will wind up liking you.
Also pretty bad, maybe worse, maybe not. If the stuff you're saying works for a category of girls, this
might get you some girls from that category.

While working on this and practicing I found a key necessity for getting this right – You NEED to
know what the TARGET EMOTION is that you're going for, or you can't get there. Early on, it's
getting her to battle back – which is a bit of a process of shocking her/hitting her RAS/challenging her
and then looking at her slowly like “Heh... Got ya!” and then using a look and non-verbals to get her to
battle back. So early your target emotion/vibe is probably to get her to battle back. Then it's to
CREATE and HEIGHTEN chasing. So it's 'Chasing', which requires some voids and some mystery and
so on. Then it's 'Make her chase harder' by pivoting deeper. Then sexual tension. Or if you're failing to
get her to chase very hard or to battle back, straight to sexual tension. If you don't have this target vibe
so you can seek it out like you're in a kayak with your point on land to go towards, then stepping into
her shoes isn't incredibly helpful because you don't know where you're trying to get her to. That makes
it hard to compare where she is and the blockages and so on. So not only do most guys have a loop that
involves hoping (and some just don't have a loop), but most guys also don't have the target emotion in
Bottom line, FIX YOUR LOOP. Remove hoping, step into her shoes, stay in the 'creation space' and
make corrections.

It All Has to Come from Toying with Her, and the Enjoyment of That

I had the hardest time melding two totally different viewpoints and angles on game: One was all kinds
of game teachers, like RSD Tyler and RSD Julien and RSD Max telling everyone to just 'let go' and
'stop caring' and then they'd get so many girls that it would make their head spin. The other was my
experience – that if I just 'let go' and didn't care, not much 'success' or sex or dating ever happened –
and that creating certain emotions and pushing hard to survive the forks and staying on it created tons
of impact and led to me succeeding. I also struggled with being able to game and feel just super
smooth, super human, super normal. A lot of times it would seem to get off track without me even
trying to and wind up sort of heavy or it would sneak into serious territory despite me knowing and
trying very hard to keep it from getting serious. But at the same time you can't just give up every time
something's not working out – in fact you have to never give up. It all seemed to be this crazy jumble
that I couldn't work out. For a long time I just had to partially side against the guys saying 'let go' and
pick out different aspects of this that DID work, while not buying it on the whole.
But when I finally picked up that game is a series of just TOYING with her on different emotions, and
toying with what commitments you can get her to make, and what you can get away with... Then it
finally snapped into place. The issue was, you take a guy like Tyler D, advocating to just 'let go' and
'not care at all' and saying he gets all these results by letting go. I knew that he had let go after years of
training, and I watched him used trained techniques like 'the best friends test' in person in a set. So I
knew that there was more to this. He had learned and trained for years, THEN let go, and that was
maximizing the success. But all this talk of 'letting go' and 'self amusement' and 'not caring' generally
implies humor and aloofness. And every bit of experience I had said that humor was an okay but weak
emotion, just a tool to get people to let go and a token positive emotion that was fleeting. I also knew
that Tyler D was one of the hardest leaders in game, that he was constantly leading things forward.

Things became even more strange and harder to put together with RSD Julien. A guy with great game,
equal to anyone in the world from what I've seen, and he just advocates letting go and tells his students
that he cares less about game than all of them and that's why he succeeds. He said it's all the place it's
coming from – adding energy or taking it away, and whether you care or not. It still sort of clashes and
jumbles though, because when you watch what Julien ACTUALLY does, you see he's hitting all kinds
of emotions, using all kinds of techniques, and he told me himself that 'everything he says is targeted'
to poke at her emotions subtly. When I came to see that game was about toying with her on EVERY
level, it finally made sense: 'Success' shouldn't exist in game. It's a concept that leads to large levels of
defeat. Trying to do something in order to get something else or 'move forward' winds up making that
thing serious or heavy, not natural, not human. But to say 'let go' and 'don't care' means 'stop doing
anything with structure or objective'. And that leads everything to simply implode. The fact is, what
they are all TRYING to say isn't what they're saying. They're missing the nuance in communicating
what they're doing and feeling, and it's fucking up their students, sadly. The reality is there's
ANOTHER objective. The objective isn't success, it's TOYING WITH HER. They almost got this right
when they came up with the concept of 'self amusement', because it maintains an objective rather than
just trying to eliminate all objectives. As a result, a lot of guys have a lot of intermediate success with
this concept. And then they hit a glass ceiling and don't know why. It's because self amusement implies
humor and even goofiness and not much structure, and forming a game strategy around these pillars
limits you to being thoroughly intermediate. Like me, RSD Luke – a veritable library of game
knowledge and experience – hates this concept of random self amusement because it doesn't add up
well to having sex with girls. If you actually watch Julien, what he's doing isn't exactly self amusement.
It's toying with the girl, fucking with her. We discussed that it's like he's hosting a prank show and she's
on it and she doesn't know, and he himself told me in person that that's pretty much exactly what he's
thinking. You see, it's self amusement to Julien because Julien finds toying with girls to be amusing...
What happened, and created all the confusion, is this: Julien and Tyler D and all these guys trained for
YEARS to develop structure, techniques, and an ability to provoke certain emotions. THEN they 'let
go' and 'stopped caring' and their results exploded. Then they decided that the key to game WAS to let
go and stop caring and started telling everyone this. I'm guessing Julien wishes he'd just 'let go' from
the beginning. However, THAT'S THE ERROR they're making. They could NOT have let go from the
beginning and just got better results. It wouldn't have worked. Because what really happened is they
ingrained a structure and triggering certain emotions in certain situations and certain techniques into
themselves, and THEN they quote 'let go' or 'stopped caring' and their results exploded. The reason is
that the STRUCTURE of their game and the emotions they were provoking were creating the success,
and the 'letting go' or 'not caring' was making what they did more human, more flexible, devoid of
seriousness, and it created a chasing effect. And, further, they hadn't 'let go' and 'stopped caring'
because those imply lack of objective. They, and particularly Julien who perhaps saw the most success
at least out of RSD teachers, had SUBSTITUTED objectives – rather than actually letting go and not
caring and having zero objective, they made TOYING WITH THE GIRLS and toying with the
emotions in the interaction and toying with the commitments they could get and how far they could
take the interaction into the objective. This divorced them from caring about 'success' while still
allowing them to act out the structure they had spent many years training and ingraining, and while still
pushing things forward and leading hard (because they were toying with what commitments they could
get and how far they could take things, and even what forks they could possibly survive). In Julien's
case in particular, this came in the most effective package: He didn't just toy with the girls in terms of
humor. He realized that toying with the girls was A) very enjoyable for the girls themselves, so it was a
win-win. It was adding energy. And B) That you could toy with a girl and with her emotions across
ALL emotions. You could toy with her emotions by lying to her about ridiculous shit, buy poking little
buttons like “Oh, you model? Huh” and making a surprised face and not explaining any more, by
saying ridiculous challenges like “My gym is better than yours” and then looking at her like “What are
you gonna do about it?”. It wasn't exactly self amusement, it was Julien's version of self amusement –
which was to create drama and toy with her because THAT was amusing to him, and because he realied
they love it too. Like they love watching the Bachelor, which is an entirely un-funny show, but DOES
involve lots of emotions. He also toyed with what he could get away with and what he could get them
to do, which led to the famous shit he did that was at the least weird, and perhaps a bit too weird. But
that's where he started getting girls to kneel down in bars and beg him to kiss them and stuff. Which
isn't good for getting sex, nor is it really good in any other way... but he was simply toying with the
whole scenario, which is perfectly fine as long as you keep it to shit the girl enjoys too. Keep it win-
win. Paradoxically, the girls don't WANT to be taken seriously, they WANT to be toyed with and have
their emotions stimulated. You can think of it as though a homeless person approaches you – if he's
serious and wants change and starts trying to talk to you and 'get to know you' or 'make jokes' but you
can tell he just wants change, it's not human. It's weird. But if a homeless person comes up to you and
starts making ridiculous lies about sleeping with a goat last night and then laughs at you for believing
him and just basically fucks with you, you might think he's a funny and cool homeless guy and hang
out with him longer. The fact is, you have the same emotions. You'd rather be toyed with than have
someone act seriously and try to get some objective with you. And the way that this actually precedes
forward and works with leading is if you're just toying with what commitments you can get the girl to
make and how far you can take it and how far you can stay in it. If you have sex, great! But you were
just trying to toy with what you could get her to do and what you could get away with, and she was
enjoying having you mess with her and so on.
The other end of this is that you're ALSO toying with how much sexual tension you can build, how
much you can turn her on, and how much you can make HER try to rip YOUR clothes off. Which is
sexy, fun for both of you, she loves it, and it takes seriousness out of it and turns it into something that
facilitates letting go rather than control.

What you wind up seeing is that Julien is the premiere example of mixing three things that seem
impossible to put together: 1) Not projecting objectives, caring, or trying. Making things human and
light and getting people to let go. 2) Specific emotions create a lot more impact than others, and at
specific times. Humor is far from the main emotion that creates impact and lead towards sex. 3)
Structure and surviving the forks in the road and leading hard simply creates the most success. It does,
you can't argue.
Those three things seem incredibly difficult to put together. Or, specifically, 1 and 2 as well as 1 and 3.
But Julien did it not by letting go and not caring like he says, but what he actually did and is trying to
communicate is he stopped caring about trying to get 'success' specifically, and started just toying with
girls, and what he could get them to do, and how far he could take it and what he could survive through
and still keep it going and what he could get away with. That became the objective. An objective that
works with the most powerful emotions you can use, AND works with leading and surviving forks. He
says it best when he says he's constantly trying to make it more epic. But that statement is slightly too
vague. He's trying to toy with her and make the emotions she feels epic, and those emotions for him are
chasing and her punching his arm and wondering if he's just lying to her about everything and so on.
And for us they also include sexual tension and how wet we can make her and how much we can make
her want us right now. He's also trying to toy with what he can get her to do, and make that epic, like
running out of there and hooking up right now, or going skinny dipping or whatever. Julien does some
crazier stuff but that's, well, Julien- his choice I suppose. And he's ALSO trying to toy with how far he
can take it and what he can survive through, and make THAT epic. Like if she's with six friends on a
bachelorette party and they all rode together and there's a really attractive guy flirting with her and
they're inside a bar and he's on the sidewalk outside the low wall of the club... He tries to toy with
whether he can stay in there through that and somehow get her away from the guy, away from the
friends, and make it epic by not only doing all of that but by picking her up over the wall so she's
outside the club with him... Then trying to toy with how far he can take it and what he can survive
through by trying to survive her friends yelling at her and trying to get her to come back in the club,
and instead getting her a few feet away and then pulling her. That's toying with what you can survive
through, how far you can take it, AND making it epic. It's also a half true story (all of that happened in
one of his infields, except I think the girl was with like two or three friends not on a bachelorette party
and I don't think he took that specific girl from a guy... But he's done all of the above).

The answer to all of this is that 'success' is a concept that fucks up game. But you can't have any
OTHER objective unless you've trained and ingrained a structure that will win and evoking the
emotions that lead to success. If you don't have a structure and the ability to create the proper emotions
so ingrained that if you take your mind off them, you'll execute the right structure and create the best
emotions anyway, then the moment you put your mind on something else it will fall apart. So it's the
fact that you HAVE a structure that is as good as it can possibly be, that you evoke the best possible
emotions, and that all of this is ingrained so it's relatively on autopilot that ALLOWS you to substitute
objectives and stop caring about 'success' or doing things to get another thing to happen, and allows
you instead to focus on toying with emotions and toying with what commitments you can get and
toying with how far you can take it and what you can survive through. In other words, you can be more
human, less serious, have more fun and mesh more with what girls want – to let go and have an
emotionally provocative experience without specific 'objective' that 'just turns into sex' – IF you train
and ingrain a proper structure, strategy, tactics and techniques. Because you're toying with everything,
it allows you to be flexible and realize if what you're doing isn't driving more engagement in her eyes,
and to switch to toying with different emotions. In this way, you can just naturally and freely adjust,
keep driving the emotions forward, and wind up getting the commitments ANYWAY, without getting
stuck on one path trying to do it – where the fact you're trying and stuck in a rut creates a seriousness
and a heaviness all of a sudden; when you won't let go of something that's not happening and you keep
trying, the objective of getting that thing and not being free about getting there suddenly makes you try
hard and ruins the light, free, humanity of the interaction. The inherent flexibility when the objective is
to toy with her emotions across several of the best emotional categories, and then to toy with the
commitments you can get allows you to get the commitments in a much more human way. At the same
time, you DO need to be aware of what's blocking the commitments and toy with how far you can take
things by trying to get those commitments in different ways. But that inherently takes it less seriously
and allows for much more flexibility in doing it. You're still using full and unbroken engagement,
you're deep in your awareness loop, you're using the same techniques to create the same emotions with
the same structure. But you're doing it all to toy with the situation. And what happens if you try to toy
with something and it doesn't work? You don't get stuck trying over and over or get upset, you just toy
with it in a different way! That's all.

The RSD instructors in particular always talk about 'intermediate purgatory' and why people get stuck
there and have such a hard time getting advanced. It's because the way they describe things doesn't
accurately enough reflect what's going on. Literally, it's bad advice. But it's not exactly that simple, it's
incomplete or incorrectly worded. They don't notice because they got trained by the other instructors,
so when they heard advice put a certain way, they then could see the person mentoring them do it
properly over and over and over, every day. So that even if the description was wrong, the actual
message wound up eventually rubbing off on them. But that doesn't even help a bootcamp student, let
alone everyone else, because they're not around them enough to absorb the true meaning. The true
meaning is go out and enjoy toying with emotions, toying with the commitments you can get, toying
with how far you can take things and in what scenarios. Girls love this, so you'll be creating win-win
situations for yourself and for them, and you'll be enabling your structure and training and game skills
to shine through in the best possible way. The most human way. Keep in mind, you're doing this with
FULL engagement, and while you're toying with her emotions and the situation, you're PIVOTING
DEEPER on things that DRIVE MORE ENGAGEMENT in her eyes. So you're watching her eyes, and
when something starts to make her more engaged, you're pivoting deeper and toying more with that.
That keeps it relatable and win-win for both of you. You're not just doing things randomly because you

So the real answer is that your hard training and practice and your out-of-field training, and your
following the best possible strategy and the best possible emotions, these all COMBINE with
substituting the objective to toying with her and toying with the interaction to create the most possible
'success' without you focusing on success and making things heavy and weird. So having both ends of
the spectrum allows you to be human and succeed without worrying about success. Remove one or the
other and you'll either get no success, or you'll get less success and it will often wind up heavy and
serious. So 'success' is a shitty and damaging concept in game, while you're gaming, but you have to
target your structure and game and techniques and training around success so that you can have a
different objective when you're out...

Hopefully that solves one of the great clashes in game teachings.

Opening is Creating a Spark and Creating Follow Through Energy
If a stranger first walks up to you and taps you on the shoulder, and you turn and see them, what
Think about if you turned and saw a short dude, what would you do in reaction and how would you
feel? Now think about if you turned and saw a fucking monster man, like 6'6 and giant. What would
you feel and how would you react? Now think about if you turned and saw a hot girl. Now what would
you do and how would you react?
How long would it take for the reaction to take place? How quickly would it take for the reaction to
head in COMPLETELY different directions?

It's almost instant, right?

The moment you see someone and you know they're going to interact with you, the way you take them
starts varying totally. Veering off in very different directions.

When a girl sees a hot guy, there's a little flutter. A little butterfly feeling that goes through her at that
moment. Chances are, you don't have those looks – likely your dating life would be good enough you'd
never be half way through the second volume of this book.
'FLUTTER' when they see them. A spark.

There's not a lot of opportunity for a guy that isn't physically attractive to mimic this. In fact, I'm really
only aware of two. One is to have great preselection – a bunch of hot girls with you, all up on you,
laughing at everything you say. The other is basically related to eye contact and a burst of energy that is
dominant but congruent with her vibe.

Girls check your eyes to decide what to think of you, if your beta, all kinds of things. Regularly. Eye
contact with tight enough proximity, a flash of strong, vibrant, but dominant energy.
When she makes eye contact with you, if you can use energy, eye contact, and a burst of energy you
can often create a spark when she first meets your eyes. To her brain, that's very similar to the feeling
she gets if you're hot. It's just generated off of the eye contact, energy, and proximity instead.

You have to make deep eye contact, have a hint of a cocky smile Tom Cruise style, and CREATE that
energy. Usually it requires a little narrowing of your eyes, too.

There should be a bit of momentum with the energy, as well. It stops her from wanting to jump in front
and block the energy, the energy's too good. It's like if you're at a show and the performer wants to pull
you up on the stage... You don't want to be the dick that blocks that.

Assembling Fibers

During my entire journey through game I was kind of looking for some ability to eventually be super
potent and hit these huge emotions. I always thought there'd be some AHA! Break through where
suddenly I'd break through and start killing it and be so good with girls and they'd be shrieking and
What's frustrating is that that DID start occurring sometimes - even at the beginning you get some of
that – but really these occasional break throughs in emotional impact just cause you to chase a ghost.
They get you caught up in a largely unwinnable quest (though one that was, I'll admit, boosted a lot by
learning about this mythical interactional tension I keep mentioning). Eventually I realized that what I
was supposed to be getting, and what the best guys were doing, wasn't this at all.
It was almost the opposite- they were looking for delicate little threads to appear and through very high
awareness they would quickly pick up on these threads and start pivoting deeper on them. And they
would somewhat flexibly and delicately move until they'd gone deep enough that the emotions would
be huge and they'd seem heroic.

But it's not flashiness and powerful stuff that gets you there! It's building slowly along a line that's
driving engagement in her eyes until you've built towards saying or doing crazy things. Imagine if you
took a pile of wool to a guy that said he could make sweaters. If he started fumbling around with the
fibers and after a long time still was fumbling with them, you'd be like “Uhh, nice to meet you man, I
hope you have a great day” and you'd take your wool and leave. If, on the other hand, he jammed his
hand into the pile of wool, yanked a handful of wool back out and yelled “Sweater!!!” like he'd created
an entire sweater in one go, you'd be like “What the fuck!” and run away. Someone that knows what
their doing slowly, carefully starts from the fibers and assembles them bit by bit into yarn and then the
beginnings of a sweater and only later winds up with a whole sweater. There's always progress, but it's
never forced or jumps ahead either.

What I'm saying is that it's not that the best guys in game have some miraculous ability to create insane
emotions on demand. It's that they see the tiny hints that something is causing engagement, and then
they follow that thread and expand and expand until those emotions open up to something that is really
We're going to cover this concept right now, but it has a secondary factor as well that we'll cover
through the upcoming sections. The concept we're talking about in this section is that you have to find
these small, delicate threads and follow them – turning them slowly into something fantastic. The
second concept is that this requires an amazing feel for the emotion you're trying to create. You want to
feel the increase and decrease of that emotion on a level that is slightly instinctual, so that you can
quickly and easily follow those threads. It's something that we've talked about with sexual tension –
where you understand the emotion and vibe enough to just feel your way through it. When you feel it,
she feels it... You can simply follow what drives the feeling in yourself. As we continue, we'll develop
that feel for other areas of game, too, which will REALLY help with the concept we're going over here.
The concept that it's not flash and power that build huge emotions, but rather a sensitivity to the slow
beginnings of something that could be impressive. An incredibly high level guy at game isn't an
almighty flashy superstar, they're someone who can slow build great things out of the tiniest things.

The thing that really highlighted this the most for me was losing three 8.5s that all liked me in one
night. To a certain extent, all three involved re-opening girls when they were talking to other guys, and
in ways that weren't playful enough. But the reality was I lost most or all of them BEFORE the re-
openers. As is usually the case. One I opened and then brought her and her friend to a table that a
promoter I got to know had. It was going well, until I told her to sit next to her friend (who I could tell
was getting antsy), and they then chatted in Spanish for a while and pretty quickly 'went to the
bathroom'. Right before that she was pretty engaged with me and ignoring her friend – which creates a
tough problem. I would say the only solution was to ramp it up farther while I had her so engaged and
try to kiss her (not sure this girl would have, she came from a pretty judgmental country and was
extremely image conscious. Some would probably call her a 9). Otherwise eventually her friend was
going to fuck us up, or what I did screwed it up. Reopening her on the dance floor I made the mistake
(which I did twice in a row) of talking about something that happened before, rather than just worrying
about coming in and re-establishing GREAT ENERGY. The good thing that I did do was I just took her
from a guy she was dancing with, and did it without basically any hesitation at all. But the reopening
quickly stalled, then went downhill (she wouldn't dance, wouldn't leave the dance floor, and I should
have just sat their building sexual tension without a lot of physical contact... But at the time that didn't
occur to me). Pretty quickly after it stalled, she got really weird and it was all over.

The second girl saw me bring them into the table, and when I was chilling she came and conveniently
sat herself by me (and gave me a pound). She was with the bachelorette group that was at my promoter
friend's table, so that part was 'cheating' I suppose (girl at the table who opened me). We started talking
and she was acting really into me, which was a bit surprising to me because she's the type of young,
cool, 8.5 blonde girl I always want and RARELY get. I guess having this other really hot girl flirting
with me and being confined at a table together gave pretty good advantage to me (which I'm not
exactly used to). Anyway, it was going really well pretty quickly, until we were talking about Clemson
and I said “I fucking hate your coach though” who is a hero to them. I was thinking along the lines of
Julien. She got all defensive and started explaining, and this is where if I was thinking like Julien I
would've been gold... But I was thinking like the stupid version of me (you've probably found that often
there appears to be a dumbass version of you and a brilliant version of you... This one came from
dumbass me). So I said “Honestly he seems like a good dude, if he was standing right here I'm sure
we'd get along” and then I had to mention other football coaches (that was fucking retarded). First off,
what I said would've probably been okay if I'd immediately moved on. But then mentioning other
football coaches, and then letting the conversation stall- kill me now. Sadly, the RIGHT thing to do, the
thing Julien would've done, is see her getting all offended and qualifying the coach and seen that she
cared and he would've started laughing and gone “I actually think he's shit, I just had to see what you'd
say.” And she would've punched my shoulder and we would've been better. After a short pause I
pointed out this local promoter dude who looks and acts like Justin Bieber, and who is apparently
named Justin, and told a story about him. She seemed to be engaged by it, but I don't know if it came
across try hard or what... but she got up and moved a few feet away and started ignoring me as a result.
Maybe it was nothing at all. What followed after that was me talking to a girl at the table next to ours,
who I had been talking to. But I kind of had to battle for her attention. The other girl must have seen
this and either got mad at me, or thought that I was a bitch because I wasn't exactly winning this girl
over this other dude who really wasn't anything. Ultimately the girl that I had been talking to about
football coaches (fml), went and sat down across the table from me and more or less avoided eye
contact. I left the table and came back a while later, half their bachelorette group had left, and she was
now flirting with a good looking guy at an adjacent table. Again I made the mistake of reopening with
an emotionless question, and I also HESITATED first before reopening her and trying to take her from
the guy. She immediately grabbed a friend for help and everything was downhill from there.

The third situation was with the girl from the adjacent table, and doesn't really add any new

So what happened? And what do we learn from it? First off, reopen with energy and POSITIVE and
assume it might not go well unless you come in and LIGHT IT BACK UP.
Second, if you feel you hit a nerve by saying you hate something or whatever, “I'm just kidding, I had
to see what you'd say. I really don't care about ___.”
But third, and most importantly, as I rode home in an Uber – too frustrated to game more that night – it
hit me. I hadn't been 'failing' with all these young, blonde, sorority type girls all these years as I had
thought... I had either been BREAKING THE DELICATE THREAD of the interaction by doing things
they considered 'off', OR I had been FAILING TO CAPITALIZE when things were good to get
commitments, then allowing her emotions to shift on a dime and switch against me. Or both. At the
very least with the sorority girl, I was approaching being able to kiss her, or at least her wanting to kiss
me (her friends being present might have created an issue), and I didn't capitalize on that.
This realization threw a bunch of stuff on its head, and it meshed with a lot of comments that I had
heard Tyler D and RSD Julien make. Far more often than not I wasn't FAILING, I was blowing myself
up. You see, you're taking delicate fibers in the interaction and turning them into yarn and then
sweaters. But girls are playing goalie, they're looking for reasons to say no, they're looking for anything
that's 'off', and any instances of you trying hard. In other words, while you're assembling these threads
it's all too easy to break the thread before it becomes anything. It's also easy to get to the point where
you could get a commitment that can't shift on a dime on you, like a kiss, and not take it.

What are the practical implications of this? Well, first it implies that there's a list of things that could
break the thread. Primarily:
-Trying hard/grasping
-Being 'weird' (being too out there for her relatability)
-The interaction stalling

Second, it implies that the goal is to be building emotions so that things can happen, but with an eye
ALWAYS towards not doing anything you can't recover from.
This is where RSD Julien's brilliance actually shines the brightest. It was only partially clear to me why
his own boss and best friend Tyler D RAVED about his success and said he wasn't able to replicate it,
and why so many people held him in such high regard, until I pieced together this aspect of his game. I
mean, I'd seen in person how powerful his game was, but only in flashes and only a couple of the girls
were really stunning, and I had opened most of them – so I couldn't say THAT much. But in this light I
suddenly saw the genius of what he was doing. You see, the idea of building emotions but not breaking
the interaction is a CONSTANT issue behind all of game. Maybe THE central issue. The obvious
answer when I say that you have to build emotions but perhaps even moreso be gentle and avoid
breaking the thread, is that you should be more conservative. Operate a little more cautiously. However,
Julien saw a different option when it appears that there shouldn't be another option at all... By taking
over the interaction from the beginning, then clearly fucking with her and evoking emotions, Julien
manages to distract the girl from the start, and create a frame where being try hard is inherently limited
and even being 'weird' is generally accounted for. Because he right away starts taking over the
interaction and being at the cause, and because he's evoking strong emotions, she's inherently
DISTRACTED from mistakes he makes that might break the interaction otherwise. So he's created a
scenario where he is less likely to fuck the interaction up. On top of that, because he makes it clear that
he's fucking with her and enjoying it, it makes it very difficult for him to look try hard (how COULD
he be try hard if he's fucking with her for his own amusement?). While it also makes it a lot harder for
him to look weird, because if he's intentionally fucking around and doing unusual stuff to mess with
her, how can she read that onto him as being weird? He's basically owning weird intentionally so she
can't be the one calling him weird. That's pretty much two out of three possible problems taken care of
right there.
Now, his game DOES always risk being weird – because the fucking around can become unrelatable
and then the girl can decide he's weird even if he's fucking around. So that brings up a very major
takeaway: One of the biggest skills of a master is instantly fixing an interaction. Like I mentioned, if I
was Julien and insulted the girl's football coach, I would've just owned it “I'm kidding, I actually like
the guy, I just had to see what you'd say.” Because Julien is incredibly good at instant, on-the-fly
interaction repairs. So is Tyler D. In fact, I haven't bothered but I'm willing to guess if you poured
through all the best guy's infield very carefully, you're going to see hundreds of examples of the girl not
taking something well, and the guy pivoting so quickly and smoothly it's almost not even noticeable to
fix it. Changing the frame of what just happened, moving on, distracting from it, owning it, etc. The
incredible skill at fixing things is only half the battle, it also has to be done VERY quickly, before
there's any chance for something being 'weird' or 'try hard' to set in.

There's another big lesson here- Sexual tension is a nearly risk-less way to build emotion. While
Julien's game can come across wrong in a heartbeat, breaking the interaction, sexual tension is non-
verbal and so you can add it behind the most innocuous, normal conversation imaginable. And in that
way, you can still build the emotion necessary to succeed with very, very little risk. Yet another reason
sexual tension is the most brilliant loophole in game. It also tells us that if you're struggling for
engagement or if you feel things slipping, you can often save things by switching to speaking about
relatively normal things, BUT slowly with lips on her ear or with eye contact and pauses. Further, since
the whole interaction is about getting COMMITMENTS (especially the kiss and moves), and your
biggest worry is breaking the thread, it says that if she's got all of her attention on you and you can
build massive sexual tension, that's your safest way forward. You COULD keep trying to hit with Julien
game, but that also requires the whole skillset of repairing the interaction and it opens you to far more
risk of coming off weird (or try-hard, if you struggle to keep it obvious you're fucking around).
Alternatively, you have the engagement you need – you could just run with sexual tension, get the kiss,
and get the other commitments. Depending on the verbals you're using with the sexual tension, you're
now taking very little risk except that her friends might jump in and interfere.
This tells us that the statistics are likely to be a lot higher in terms of the interaction going all the way
through with the girl if you switch to driving things with sexual tension as soon as her attention is fully
locked on you. Continuing to push riskier game after this doesn't make any sense unless she's already
kissed you and you're fucking around/building more emotion but know she'll stick around most likely
due to that commitment; or if you've lost her engagement.

Finally, this all shows why my results didn't really skyrocket in the months after I took a five day
bootcamp with Julien. My understanding skyrocketed. The percentage and types of girls I saw early
success with increased significantly. But then my results, in terms of actual pulls, stayed pretty much
the same. Partially this was due to not fully grasping a few keys in Julien's game right away – speaking
like you're ENJOYING what you're saying (fucking with her) (I would naturally slip into and out of
this due to lack of conscious awareness of it); the need to mix voids in with his game; mixing in some
of his positive emotional techniques (like overexaggerating how great she is) to even out the
negative/positive balance in the interaction; and the necessity of the 'repair muscles' where you can
save the interaction if and when you stick your foot in your mouth. Had I had all of these down, my
results surely would've gone up quite a lot. That would've completed the web that his style of game
represents. However, there was another factor – I had learned all this great new stuff and developed a
new skillset, but it led me to often abandon a lower-risk, higher percentage move for higher risk moves
that I wasn't fully adept at using. As long as all of her attention is on you, you can drive the interaction
and succeed almost fully using sexual tension. And as we just discussed, this comes with little risk to
breaking the thread. At least as long as the interaction doesn't stagnate, before you've kissed anyway.
However, if you use a more Julien style of game you can get to the point where all of her attention is on
you, but she's not quite ready to kiss you and certainly not to go home with you. At that point you need
what Julien calls the 'endurance muscles,' which is to say that you have to keep it going and keep up the
fucking around for some time as you lead the interaction logistically, get commitments and eventually
have sex. Now, it would be great practice to try to game strictly using Julien game at times, because to
keep what he does up for that long is actually pretty difficult – ESPECIALLY without fucking up and
breaking the delicate thread (though with each commitment, it becomes easier to not break). You can
then use those skills to better get girls engaged at the beginning. But in terms of regularly succeeding,
trying to 'endure' for 45 minutes with Julien's game and not either run out of things to fuck around with,
or make her think you're weird or trying hard becomes pretty tough. The fact was, I was taking Julien
style game deeper into interactions than I needed to in order to get her full attention locked on me, and
as a result I was just increasing the chances that I would fuck up and ruin the interaction. At the end of
the day, all of my increased knowledge, skill and awareness roughly counterbalanced by the increased
risk of using that style of game longer, and I wound up with about the same results. I made out with a
few more girls, but sometimes what happened there was the different style of game allowed me to
make out with a girl that was really against any kind of sex the night she met a guy and then that just
turned into a makeout. By the way, when you feel like you understand things 5x better but are getting
the same results, you feel a cross between teetering on the brink of insanity and just being ready to flip
the fuck out. It really sucks.

Now in hindsight I simply have to think of all the girls I WOULD have gotten if I'd just switched back
into my carefully developed and highly effective sexual tension game earlier, at least in order to get the
kiss and manage that commitment. And a few interactions where I could've gotten the kiss, but drug my
feet and the interaction stalled without that commitment and they ran off.
The upside is a MASSIVE lesson. Game is even more like survival than we talked about previously.
You're not only carefully weaving a sweater out of tiny fibers, where you have to be very gentle and
aware to build the emotions into something strong and interesting and distinct. You also have to be
careful not to break the delicate thread by doing anything stupid. In order to avoid this, we combine a
certain frame (fucking with her and enjoying it), with a skillset to repair any blunder- and the
awareness to use the skillset in an instant before things get fucked up. Plus, there are riskier moves and
less risky moves. If two moves create the same emotions and advance you towards the goal just as well,
the safer move will win not slightly more often, but FAR more often due to the fact that most
interactions are actually killed by the guy breaking the thread (easy to see if you're watching a newbie,
much harder to see when watching someone significantly better). As a limited downside technique, this
makes sexual tension again significantly better than most other options, provided you've gotten all of
her attention (and there is attraction in you fucking with her and commanding her attention before using
sexual tension, as well).
It also shows another sneaky advantage that good looking guys have – their very appearance creates
emotion and engagement, so they can more easily jump into sexual tension, and it's harder for their
interactions to stall if they kick out... Meaning they can relax more without losing things due to stalling,
which increases the chances their interactions will go through without the thread breaking. Ultimately
compounding into more success. On the upside, all of what I just said can be replicated with good game
– not that every aspect of being good looking can, but the fact that that aspect can be copied without the
looks is quite nice.

Bottom line? Work on your REPAIR muscles just as hard as you work on the muscles to create the
emotions in the first place- and be aware enough to use them FAST. Remember that the FRAME of
fucking with girls and enjoying it is key to interactions going through longer. Don't let interactions
stall, if they stall, quickly interact with someone else to avoid that breaking the thread. If you have the
emotions for a commitment, especially a kiss, take it (don't force it, of course). Sexual tension is not
only the strongest emotion on your side, but it's the safest trick in your bag. Just because we launched
into an evaluation of many other things and strengthening other sides of our game and understanding,
we should NOT stop switching to sexual tension as soon as we've got her full attention locked onto us.

Coping Energy Versus Enjoying Energy

This goes right along with toying with the girl. But it's a key concept that has to go with not breaking
the delicate thread. Unfortunately this is something I still struggle with and need to get past, as well.

You have two different energies that you can be in while you're interacting with a girl. One is what
RSD Tyler likes to call 'coping'. It could also be called 'maintaining' or 'defending' or many other
things. This is when you're in an interaction, and you're just trying to keep it going as well as it's going.
Or just trying to keep it going... Period. You're trying to defend and hold onto whatever interaction you
have going. It's that holding on tight that really defines it. Coping is a matter of being locked up and
The opposite energy and mindset from that is ENJOYING. Tyler likes to call that thriving, but that's
way too non-actionable to me. When you're in this energy, you're interacting BECAUSE you enjoy it.
That's the reason. You're trying to make as much enjoyment as possible. You don't have another reason.
That creates a situation where it's very engaging. She's engaged by this guy that both has good game,
and also is using it for no reason other than he's ENJOYING what she's doing. That way she just has to
join. Rather than worry about whether or not to 'give' him something.
I think this can be made a little more specific/actionable still. Just saying it's about enjoyment means
something loose and whimsical. If you focus on that, your game will likely be pretty in and out, with a
lot of 6/10 level emotions. There's no reason to drive it further... it's enjoyable. Really, I think you can
be in coping, or in 'Massive engagement.' Where you're massively engaged and you're CREATING
massive engagement. It should be enjoyable engagement, of course. But the point is massively
engaging enjoyment, not JUST engagement.

As RSD Julien pointed out in a great video on YouTube titled "How To Increase Your Social Status:
Julien & Tyler's Advanced Secrets To Becoming High Value!" on his JulienHimself channel, even if
you have awareness of the other person, but the goal in your head is to keep the interaction together and
make it 'good' so that she'll keep interacting with you so that you can get your goals, it's winds up
creating a twisted, sucking energy. It's like you're trying to make it good and trying to make it look
good, but really just so that you can get your thing. Ultimately it's still super selfish, in a hidden way.
Rather than being truly aware of the other person, truly trying to drive what engages them, and truly
just trying to ENJOY the energy and heightening it and keeping this thing there that is ENJOYABLE
and ENGAGING enough that you don't want to leave simply BECAUSE of the enjoyment and
engaging aspect. It's easier said than done, though, because you have to force yourself to learn the
awareness and techniques and so on that can actually create this before you can truly let go and just be
IN it.

This is where most game instructors become a bit unrelatable to their students, and where a couple of
my own game instructors would get annoyed with me when I was learning. You're sitting their asking
them how they do certain things and trying to figure it out, and they're telling you not to worry about it
so much and focus on creating enjoyment and heightening the energy – what amounts to pivoting
deeper. The catch is, if you don't HAVE the techniques to be aware and to create emotions and heighten
them on the level of your instructor, you CAN'T just let go and enjoy and heighten and do what they're
telling you. Then they think you're overanalyzing and they get annoyed with you and might even stop
helping you as much... But the reality is, you DO first need to know the techniques and how to do stuff
and get good at them and ingrain them. THEN you let go and focus on heightening the energy and
enjoyment, rather than coping and defending the interaction. And at that point the energy is so much
smoother and happier and everything goes 10x better. So don't let yourself feel bad for being clunky for
a while, or you won't improve your techniques and ability TO heighten emotions and enjoy. If any
instructors are reading this, don't forget that your students need a certain toolset BEFORE they can just
let go and do what you do. It's of no use to just get mad at them for asking technical questions when
there's a Step A and a Step B and they don't have an ingrained toolset that's working IN ORDER to just
focus on the enjoyment and energy, don't make the mistake of forgetting what it was like to learn and
how you got to where you are. Perhaps more importantly to you reading this, this is a HUGE reason
why it is best to use the system and techniques and structure I've spent so much time testing and putting
together for you here... Because otherwise you'll spend years testing and switching your techniques and
structures, to come to basically the same conclusion after many years, but in the process of constantly
switching your techniques and structures, you'll not allow yourself to have a totally ingrained skillset
and structure which works right to the best possible results. The sooner you just take a tested skillset
and structure that has no glass ceiling and ingrain it, the sooner you can go about focusing on
heightening energy and enjoying that and driving what you see creating engagement in her eyes, rather
than being clunky and having this coping and trying and defensive energy.

This is something that, unfortunately, I've struggled with through my entire journey in game. When you
feel that you're working hard to get something difficult and you know you have to survive through the
interaction and all these factors are against you, it becomes all too easy to go into interactions in a way
where you're just trying to keep them going and keep them interesting. Then you have a defensive,
coping energy, even if it only flashes through in rare instances, and it becomes weird. It's a little bit of a
paradox, because you DO have to survive at all costs no matter how weird it might be to try... And there
ARE all kinds of factors against you if you're trying to get a really cute, cool girl who isn't just 'down'
and who is with a group, and who thinks she's got everything she needs in terms of guys. But through
training and ingraining everything, you should more and more just have the ways to survive and repair
the interaction ingrained and able to operate without a lot of thought. Meaning you have to struggle and
perhaps act with coping and defensiveness for a while as you learn the skills... but eventually you
should get good enough at it that you focus more just on creating and heightening great energies and
showing that you're obviously enjoying them.

What really happens is this: If you know anything about game, you know one individual interaction has
to go all the way, and the only way one will is if you try your best in each with a girl that you actually
find interesting. The trick is that RSD Julien and Tyler D in particular talk a lot about fronts and caring,
and they talk about caring about how YOU look, and putting up fronts because you don't want the
REAL you to shine through. And that didn't vibe with me at all, it didn't do anything for me. Julien kept
telling me to let go and treating it as though I had a front... but I didn't really, not one protecting me.
I've always been pretty genuine. On the other hand, if someone who knows as much as Julien or Tyler
D or Joseph Dieguez or any of these guys tells you something, there's probably truth in what they're
saying... They just might not be saying it in a way that you're understanding. Or maybe they're
commenting on what they see, but they're assuming the wrong underlying cause.
Actually what was going on was, as I mentioned above, I was worried about THE INTERACTION. I
was kind of trying to put a front on the interaction to make it seem great so that it wouldn't fall apart.
But that just made it seem fake and off. That's the coping, that's the defending the interaction. I didn't
feel inadequate, I wasn't trying to protect me... I felt the interaction itself was in danger of being
insufficient and I was trying to protect the interactions. So the solution wasn't letting go of any thoughts
about MYSELF, it was getting good enough at the techniques that I could let go of grasping at/trying to
inflate the interaction and make it 'good enough' and instead relax, drop the coping and defense of the
interaction, and FOCUS on the ENERGY of the interaction, heightening the energy, and pivoting
deeper on what drives engagement for her. I needed more awareness, I needed to be ready to drop
assumptions, I needed to slow down and go with the flow a bit more. I also needed to have the
techniques and structure ingrained enough that I could ACT it out more, make sure the energy hits, and
focus on that plane. Just enjoy it. Just heighten it. And ASSUME that the interaction was ENOUGH as
long as I was focusing on the right things. All this advice out there is for lowering the bar as to whether
the girl likes YOU or not. I assumed since long ago that the girls would like me if they'd just give it a
real chance. I wasn't worried about me, I was worried about them giving it a chance. I was thinking
'Hmm, is she about to walk away? Is she about to tap her friends arm? Why is she looking away?' etc.
Instead of 'What's driving engagement? How can I toy with her/fuck with her more and enjoy it?
What's emotionally provocative here? What's blocking her?' I needed to lower the bar as to WHAT
TYPE OF INTERACTION WAS GOOD ENOUGH, stop worrying about that, and just start worrying
about following energy that was driving the engagement in her eyes, pivoting it deeper, taking it higher,
and ENJOYING that... Assuming that would lead to success. Assuming if I was toying with her, what I
could get away with, how high I could take things, and doing it in a way that was driving the
engagement in her eyes and a way that I enjoyed, that it would happen.

In a way, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place – I was good at saying what came to mind and
what was genuine based on what I thought and wanted to respond to what WAS HAPPENING right
now. But I knew that if the interaction didn't have great emotions, it wouldn't have any engagement and
she'd leave. So I'd use the techniques and try to create a good interaction. But then I was worried about
the interaction, coping, and trying to defend or justify it. I didn't know how to use my genuine side to
create a great interaction. There's two answers to this. The first we've discussed a bit. The SECOND is
very interesting: DON'T DO AND REACT BASED ON WHAT YOU FEEL and what's the natural
HAVE in a split second. This is suuuper profound, but subtle enough that it could easily fly right over
your head. So let's think about an example: You know based on our system and structure that early on
we want to create CHASING and we want to toy with her or fuck with her, you want to enjoy fucking
with her, and you want to do it in a way like her bigger brother's friends do it where she's engaged and
lit up. We know that. Assume that's trained into you as what you want to be happening, what you enjoy
early on. Now, if she asks “Where are you from?” The natural, genuine and so-called 'not caring'
response in this moment right now is simply to tell her where you're from. Now switch that to WHAT
HAVE in the interaction a split second from now (or at all)? It's CLEARLY to fuck with her or say
something emotionally provocative, because that's the energy you WANT to have. HOW do you do
that? Through your techniques that you practice and ingrain all the time, that's where training and
ingraining is key. So what's the fundamental shift? You LISTEN WITH A DIFFERENT FILTER. Don't
listen for what people want, listen for HOW YOU CAN CREATE THE ENERGY you want to have.
Then be AWARE, watch her eyes, and see if it drives engagement in her eyes. If it DOESN'T, see if
there's something BLOCKING her, or see if perhaps she has a different target vibe or a different
emotion/energy would be preferable to her. Don't resort to no emotion and just start answering based on
what she wants in the present, or what would be normal based on the request, ALWAYS listen based on
what energy you and the girl WANT to have. This allows you to abandon logic and focus on the
emotion quite simply. If there's not a point to the interaction, ie you're not at work or giving someone
directions, just inherently change your listening and responding to based on the energy you WANT to
have here. Be aware, too, that it's not 'what energy am I supposed to have here?' it's 'what energy do I,
as a trained guy, WANT to have here' – which is a slight change... That means what energy are you
supposed to have here, plus doing it in a way that you will WANT that energy. So at that early point
you're SUPPOSED to fuck with her, but do it in a way that creates an energy you will WANT to be in
and have. Don't just try to please what energy the other person wants to have, find the energy that
BOTH of you want to have. If you're in the fucking with her phase, find a way to fuck with her with an
energy BOTH of you enjoy. If you can't find anything, you can try role plays that create an energy
BOTH of you enjoy. It's a win-win now. What you 'think' about what she says or does or what's going
on is socially irrelevant. In fact, a guy who thinks a lot is a guy who is solving a lot of problems, which
implies he doesn't have what he wants... Crazy right? If he had everything he wanted he'd let loose and
enjoy it. What you feel right now is socially irrelevant. When you listen, react, and proact (ask
questions, make statements, tell stories) based on what energy you WANT to have, and an energy you
also find drives engagement for her, you're doing both of you a favor. Because it's about creating the
energy you want, you realize that it INHERENTLY involves acting things out with your face, using
your tonality, using your rhythm as much or more as anything you say. You're now being charismatic
and magnetic, and you're amplifying your own enjoyment of life and interactions. You're enjoying so
it's not coping, it's not defending, it's not trying to stretch it out. She's engaged. You can just drive it and
heighten it and it's amazing for both of you. When you follow the structure we tested and created here,
and use the techniques we tested and found to work best here, then you know that if you use them with
the right focus and the right awareness for what's driving engagement for her, and what's blocking her,
that that will create interactions that lead to success. But you can just focus on the energy you want to
have and that's engaging her, driving that higher, enjoying it more.

Train the what and the how, then let go and focus on these things. Then you can drop just trying to cope
in the interaction, just trying to defend it and justify it and keep it going, and you can be on the gas
without being on the brake, you can drop control and caution factors, and it can flow smoothly and to
great heights. And from now on, listen and react based on the energy you WANT to have, not based on
what you think or how you feel. This is how naturals do it. This is the easiest way to become a creator,
to become charismatic and magnetic, to create a good energy around you that will give you a great
daily experience in this world because everyone loves it and responds positively to you.

Seriously – She Doesn't Know What Reality Is

Guys, I don't know how to tell you this and really make it engage. I know for me I pretty much
believed this for years, but didn't fully accept it. But girls just have NO CLUE what reality is. It doesn't
matter to them, or they realize it doesn't serve them, or they aren't capable of keeping engaged with it. I
don't really know. It doesn't really matter.

Luckily I got this girl to verbalize more of what she was thinking than almost any other girl, so it
makes a fantastic example. The fact is, however, that this is every girl. They just don't tell you what
they're thinking usually, they shut up and think it and don't respond.

This is a phenomenal example of why believing that anything is 'real' in game will kill you, and also it
shows epic highs and also the 'never do this' moments of texting.

So I discuss this girl briefly in another section, but I met her out one night in my tiny home town,
surrounded by a bunch of scrubby dudes she was flirting with. She was the only reasonably hot girl out
that night, for some reason dressed to the nines like a model in a total dive (every time I've seen her
since she hasn't dressed like that). Because the situation was so small and heavy with dudes she knew, I
started talking to the dudes and eventually she introduced herself to me. Then we were flirting, heavy
sexual tension. Then because I hadn't gamed in months and was exhausted, I didn't make any moves to
push it forward, some scrub ass dude she didn't really like got up on her and she went with it pretty
hard, but kept refusing to kiss him or do anything else.
At the end I started a conversation again and did my best to say “Hot tubbing. 'Sko. Let's go.” And she
resisted so I looped a little, weakly and tired, and then “Alright, let's walk” (breaking it down).
Eventually she was like “Zach the bartender is driving me home” and he basically forced me out of the
bar as they closed and let her stay. I mulled around outside with another dude, she didn't come out. He
turned out to be married, but they're probably hooking up anyway.
So I messaged her “Where you at” a bit later just to not let it go. Didn't really go anywhere.
Opened the next day. She didn't respond quickly. So I went OLD school and told her she wasn't my
type and she could be my wing girl. That worked.
I'm gonna skip a lot of the messages because I don't want people just copying my shit. Also this girl's
batshit crazy and this is her public IG and we never kissed or anything, so I'm going to skip
anonymizing her.
Basically I started saying that I usually lie about everything out of fun, she's lucky she even got my
name. She wouldn't want to flirt with me, blah blah. Resisting flirting she wasn't trying to do. You can
see that worked:
Then I started using a BUNCH of innuendo. At first I 'resisted it' like “Ohh, I hope that's not what she
said. I wouldn't want to hear that from you” or whatever (I didn't say that, just an example). Then I
made it more visual but still using innuendo and warping the conversation, but talking about “Hands
tied behind your back” and normal sayings that had other imagery with innuendo attached. She loved it
and we had a really fiery conversation, surprisingly. I was like “Sweet – you never save this kind of
scenario. No kiss, half the interaction was broken up with some dude. Etc. And somehow I may have
saved it.”
So the next day I'm like “It's decent, but I think the fire needs to be a lot hotter.” So I paint a mental
picture of us by a camp fire (we're in a mountain town), under blankets, the smells, the stars, no
clothes. And I end it at the beginning, if you catch my drift. Or before the beginning. Just let her fill in
the rest, don't say anything that will make her back off (though I definitely took a risk, but the night
before I'd send her an image with innuendo but no actual naked people or anything, and she'd
sarcastically go “Oh, so turned on” which implied she was down for more. So I knew a further limit
was there.) After my mini Fifty Shades intro (about 1 paragraph, for reference) she says this:
Then we start flirting a bit. And I'm like 'okay, she's telling me she's been thinking about having sex all
day. I'll go for a meetup.'
This was a BIG mistake. I could have ping'd very gently for it, but the thing was, she had JUST gotten
into the land of wanting me, and that needed to sit in her brain for a while and crystallize. I needed to
leave her with the desire to meet me and hold that feeling there a lot longer. Until SHE started to want
to meet me. Instead it had just become this possible desire, and the moment I MAYBE had enough, I
went for it. Let that little sapling grow into a tree before you harvest it bro – you'll be lucky to get a
single sheet of paper if you're too eager, and in most cases you'll just wind up with a torn sheet of toilet
paper that does you no good.
So she obviously tests me because I set up that we weren't each other's types. I'm like okay, that's good.
She's testing. I use Julien's “It makes it better”. She tests that, I don't explain and just say I'm willing to
be proven wrong (making her the one having to chase).
The thing here is that girls are great at setting up battles along the way where you win the battle and
lose the war. So she's throwing shade at me, I'm handling it great. But by handling it, we're diffusing
from the point. From Jordan Belfort's Straight Line Persuasion system, we're getting “Off the line”.
She's getting us away from meeting up.
I bring it back, but while I had her as the one chasing a minute ago, she set it up so that by diffusing it
I'm stuck – if I let it be diffused, it won't happen. If I bring it back, now I'm the one chasing.
I brought it back because she was testing and thought I could get it done. I should've taken the diffusing
as the response to my ping, and what it says is “I haven't visualized us actually meeting up yet and
liked that idea, this is new to me.” So what I SHOULD have done was start getting her to pre-visualize
us meeting up, but allowed the actual meetup to be diffused, then looped back later (as we talk about in
the text game section, wherever I placed that relative to this).

In other words, by diffusing it and then getting me to bring it back, she flipped the dynamic of who's
chasing on me.
She continued to set up scenarios over and over where I won the battles, but lost the war. Eventually
she slowly and subtly executed that game until I had won all the battles but somehow was chasing.
This is where 'putting on the brakes' and just not talking to her at all for a bit, as we discuss in the text
section, is often your only friend.

So after I went for the meetup again, she said I was quite persistent. I said I'm shy, then said I'll pick
you up and where. I should have just let that sit, but I gave her an out in a follow up message and said
something like “Unless you are afraid you can't prove me wrong.”
Then SHE started disqualifying herself. I started disqualifying in response, and at that point it was
getting farther diffuses. She basically took this masterpiece painting I had started, then just took her
hands and started smearing all the paint together until the picture was just a muddle muck of gray color.
I'd say most of this is because she's so insecure she's nuts, but maybe in part her subconscious is also a
talented battle warrior.
Basically I kept disqualifying and not going serious for a while, then as I show in the text section she
eventually got me to go serious (that's the same girl). At that point it was fucked, I got annoyed, and I
said she was more trouble than she was worth. That buried it.

I was like “Fuck it, I'm going to try to save it anyway.” So I immediately caught myself and said “What
if I just never let it go serious again and drag this out and see what happens?”
So I started rebuilding the sexual puzzle as much as possible, throwing things that weren't serious at all,
and then whatever she said, I ensured it couldn't take it serious. I wouldn't respond at all, or I'd turn
what she said into innuendo, or I'd make it a joke, or I'd exaggerate it, or I'd say a non-sequitor.

For a week she read everything I wrote and responded to most of it, but she kept responding with things
that were basically like “I don't want to talk to you.” Except she kept responding and it was clear she
was into me but didn't know how to back up because her ego and insecurity and fear were too
A week after I met her, we wound up in the same bar together. The night before I was setting up the
possibility we might run into each other (in a city this never happens, so this wouldn't be applicable), so
I sent her a much more involved Fifty Shades type story. One that would REALLY get her thinking.
She read it, didn't respond, didn't block me, didn't tell me to fuck off. I was like “Okay, that's good but
it's going to make the transition if we see each other difficult.”
So we DO see each other, but she's surrounded by a little friend group and talking to some semi alpha
guys all night. I'm WAY out of practicing by months, so I'm looking to avoid battling guys and just go
for winning. I talk to some randoms nearby. I went to the bar late. She winds up staring at me across the
room periodically but never really away from these other people. Pretty soon the bar closes and I
haven't talked to her. I'm assuming she'll be there again the next night because she loves this place.
She isn't there the next night. That was my chance. Late that night I ask her where she is, she says in
bed smoking, I say “Are you trying to invite me over” which is WRONG because it's a QUESTION.
The RIGHT thing is “Quit trying to invite me over” which can't be answered with “No” it can either be
answered with a more try hard “I'm not” and you can go “Uh huh” or she can play along. That alone
pretty much ruined anything we had left. She said “Nope”. I put myself into a corner there.
I tried to save it, but now it was fucked. The RIGHT thing to do is NOT ANSWER and live to play
another day. But for me, I had this place I was house sitting that was dope and half of my interest in the
situation was to have her over to this place and have fun. In two days I wouldn't have the place again,
and I saw what happened when trying to get her to meet up. So I was like “I want this to happen now or
not at all.”

Basically the next day she wasn't responding to me. This whole week she'd been responding and even
watching my IG stories, which is how I REALLY knew she liked me even though she wouldn't say.
Now she wouldn't respond and I was like alright, this is fucking retarded and I don't want to spend
months keeping it from being serious, pinging her, and MAAAYBE get it to happen from a bar in the
future. So I gave up and let it go serious because I was tired of it. Don't do that ever. It's just the
remnants of my ego and feeling like I'm expending energy (which is a useless concept).

Now's where the reality enters. We go back and forth and she tells me that I'm too arrogant for her.
Which is a good reason for a girl to tell you she's not interested, because it means you're really
attractive but she thinks she can't relate to your style- you aren't familiar. But that's about the best
reason she can get. I went around in circles disqualifying, and eventually got her to “If you'd been more
kind you might have gotten a shot.” Which is BS, it basically was a matter of capitalizing when I saw
her on that Friday night, or allowing the first date to diffuse and then continuing to stoke the fire of her
visualizing us hanging out and the sexual tension until she'd wanted to see me for days.
At that point, I could have halted the interaction and then waited until I ran into her again, and it
probably would've happened. But by now I was sick of it and had given up, she'd been throwing shade
at me for a week straight as I kept it all from being serious and continued to be fun. And I was like
“Fuck's sake girl, if you aren't ever going to be fun, I'm not fixing this for you indefinitely.” So I
basically told her I wasn't looking for a shot and just things that aren't helpful. Finally she said this:
She told ME that SHE was the one that said I wasn't her type!!! Literally the OPPOSITE of what
happened. So I did what you should never do and proved her wrong with screenshots (remember at this
point I'm doing something utterly useless and just being annoyed, not gaming. NO point to doing this
AT ALL, though it turns into a good lesson for you). Then she responded. She's CLEARLY been
proved wrong, but instead she just shifts the ground to AGAIN claiming that she said something I said:

So what the fuck is going on?

The fact is this: Girls just make up whatever reality suits the decisions they've made. FULL ON 110%
REVERSE JUSTIFICATION. Period. There's no angel smart reasonable girl out there that doesn't do
this. EVERY girl does, even girls that went to my top three in the world university, as soon as they get
emotional. EVERY girl. Most just don't say it aloud. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT REALITY IS OR
THEY DON'T CARE. They just take a version that suits them.

I clearly told her those things only a week before, then she flipped and said she said them to me, in
spite of having screenshots in front of her saying the opposite. Now at this point we're both just
annoyed as hell at each other and this week long thing of her wanting me and not wanting to say it is

But what's the point here? This isn't abnormal at all. Yes, she's highly insecure, which many girls aren't.
However, this thought process is UNIVERSAL among girls. Most just don't voice it like she did.

The fact is, there IS NO REALITY with girls. And look what happens if you try to assert one- you just
wind up being an idiot who's 'proving' 'facts' while she doesn't give a fuck enough to have any regard
for facts. You wind up being right and looking like a complete moron anyway. Even when you didn't
even want to see her ever again. There's no point. Asserting any sort of reality is TRYING and
CARING and acting like things MATTER. If nothing matters and you don't care and the world is easy
for you, then do you care what's real and what isn't? That's what's happening for her. She cared before I
asked her out, her insecurity freaked and started diffusing. I tried to un-diffuse and thus flipped the
dynamic on myself (she put me in a lose-lose if I tried to close that night). And then she stopped caring.
Then I just didn't allow any form of seriousness, got her to care again, but then she didn't know how to
let go of that – and when nothing happened on that Friday night she gave up and stopped caring again.
From a place of being a crazy person and not caring, she was willing to just say whatever.

What's really going on is that she decided it was too scary to actually meet me and that the discomfort
and obstacles outweighed the desire. Then she decided, subconsciously, that it was just easier to assume
I must be an awful and uninteresting person than to think she was missing out by not facing her fear.
The easier option is to say “He's probably really boring, tiny dick, not my type.” Which I'd headed off
previously by saying things like that about myself, which is how I got her hooked in the first place. But
then by pushing for the meetup, her brain went “I'm too insecure for this, I never meet guys except at
my little corner of my dive bar, rather than facing fear just assume he's fucking terrible and you aren't
missing anything. That's way easier.” So her subconscious just made that call and she spent the next
week just making up complete falsehoods to back it up.
Like taking ownership of everything I said to her, and claiming that it was her opinion from the start
that she wasn't into me. Because it's too much cognitive dissonance to say “Oh yeah, last Monday I
spent all day thinking about fucking him and wanting to meet him. But I'm scared, so I don't want to do
it.” It's much easier to go “No, he sucks and I was never interested.” Just complete fabrication.

Girls don't have reality dude. Don't even think it. Don't even try. Don't expect it.

The old game addage is “the strongest reality wins.” That was one of the FIRST things I learned in
game a year ago.
But that addage FUCKS YOU. It implies that there is some form of reality involved.


The addage SHOULD be “The strongest unreality wins.”

There are no rules. Whoever fabricates the world in the way that most supports them being chill,
everything being easy for them, and them being the one being chased and not trying wins. Just make it
the fuck up.

I've spent ten years trying to assert that in reality I'm the awesome one. In reality.
And girls have spent those ten years going “Reality? I don't give a fuck about reality. Good luck
playing like there are rules, loser.” They take the gloves off and disregard any rules altogether and I just
You can't win when you're bound by reality and they could give two fucks.

Girls will continuously ignore what's going on and will just say completely absurd shit with no basis in
anything. And trying to diffuse it will just drive you nuts AND make you try hard.

Just make up a stronger UNREALITY. In the end, sick of her insanity but being a little ego bitch and
leaving it open for maybe two months in the future when things cooled down, I just threw out the
stronger unreality. Rather than responding in any way that made any sense at all from what she said,
which was that she wasn't interested and I should stop trying, I said something like “I'm out of your
league – I've been telling you all along you can't keep up. I'm sorry I said I'd let you prove me wrong,
but you take everything way too seriously. It's not my fault you think about me all day long”
Which is a complete butchering of everything she said, mixes things that happened at different times
throughout the interaction, and ignores the fact that she just told me she wasn't interested. I just asserted
an unreality that trumped hers. Then dropped the mic and walked off.
And guess what? She watched my IG feed again after that.

Fucking girls.

The lesson is simple: Reality exists for no girl that's in a romantic situation. So from now on never
again think about what's real with a girl. Just think of what unreality is most in your favor and assert
that. Again following all other rules – keeping anything from being serious, emotionally engaging,
familiar, etc.
Take the gloves off, forget about any rules, and just deal in strong unrealities. It's nothing but a game to
the girl. Nothing but skee ball. The game is to assert absurd and completely tangential unrealities.
Say things that are in your favor that make no sense and aren't engaged in reality, then let HER be the
one that's frustrated that the things you're saying have nothing to do with the truth. She can dwell on it
and try hard trying to correct you.

Switching to an Energy Focus, Created Out of Acting

As we discussed before, the highest level of game is focused on ACTING things out, especially using
your face, tonality and rhythm. But at the end, it's being FOCUSED ON THE ENERGY and creating
the energy you need largely through the acting. You start off creating a spark and follow-through
energy on the open. Then you fuck with her in a way where she knows it and you're obviously enjoying
it, and where you don't just say the things, but you MAKE them hit. If it's not opening up, you focus on
getting her to let go, being more Kirill, avoiding any control, caution, or identity management energy.
You create proper energy with her group and monitor that. When her attention is fully locked on you,
you switch to using a TON of innuendo and making her wet, making the energy extremely heavy with
sexual tension...

The catch is, you can't do this before the TECHNIQUES are pretty ingrained and you know how to
weave them together. For me, this took around 3-4 months of full time gaming and training hard out of
the field PER AREA. So Julien game took me about that long to ingrain enough that I could more focus
on the energy and acting and making it it. Sexual tension as well. Opening the best way and adjusting
it. Pulling. Getting her to let go and Kirill factors (still working on getting there with that, but I'd say 3-
4 months). Yours might well be faster because I was having to figure things out AND test while
ingraining, whereas I've just passed all of that on to you to practice. But even at two months each for 4
things, imagine 8 months of FULL TIME gaming before things are ingrained enough that you start
focusing on the energy and using acting to MAKE things it and not just saying/doing them.

How I Wound Up Executing on All (Most of) This Information

This is the biggest question, really. First I had to find, test, and refine all this information. But then,
somehow, I had to reliable execute as much of it as I could, as well as possible, as high a percentage of
the time as possible...

How did I do that? I made a DAILY TRAINING HABIT of 2-4 hours of daily training out of the field,
and then I spent YEARS refining my practice/training methods. Eventually I came up with these
customized prompt programs that reviewed material, had me play games often in response to TV shows
so I had people I could read and things I could react to, and that even popped up different eventualities
or things to focus on WHILE I was doing a training exercise. Then I could alter and evolve these
training programs over time, and always just use them in my habitual daily 2-4 hour training block.
That way I used a habit to create real change, as we discussed, made it daily to fit the obsession
principle, and then I made the best customized training I could – but also made it flexible so I could
keep inserting the knowledge and training I needed into my habit every day. In this way I could
constantly evolve my skillset, as well as priming everything for my nights out so that what I couldn't
ingrain, I could have fresh in my mind.

Sounds like a lot? A professional golfer trains a solid 4-8 hours a day. So does a tennis player. Or a
football player. Or ANY athlete. Granted, we do the 2-4 hours of out of field training daily, PLUS go
out around 4 hours a night (or in the day) too, but whatever... 8 hours a day is a standard job. That's the
proper and most effective structure for obsessing about and rapidly improving game. Now you know
not only what to do, how to think of it, why it is that way, and we'll get even further into what's going
on deep in your brain... But you know how to ingrain and execute it all. It wouldn't be a system and we
wouldn't be solving game otherwise!

And this was the goal all along – to give people the answers on how to ACTUALLY go out and pick up
a girl, no matter how attractive. To fill that process in to the point it could be done consistently without
you winding up going “Wait, something's missing here... I don't know the answer to this and I thought I
was taught how to do this.” But also to make sure you can go out and execute it in reality and all
practical and knowledge-based blocks are removed (you just add training and experience and flexibility
and voila!). Finally, to mesh game with the sports world – taking what is a loose and kind of hokey
field in terms of training and learning (game) and integrate it with the BEST performance, training, and
human maximization field we have, one tweaked to give the best results over THOUSANDS of years
of billions of people's experience and competition... Sports. Integrating game with sports techniques,
plus science and inventiveness and performance psychology/deep inner game, that's how you get shit
done. You have no idea how many homeless people I'd stab to give this to 16 year old me... (Just
kidding. Maybe)

Get Rid of Any Trying to 'Win' Around Other People

If you're not playing sports or a direct game, trying to 'win' against other people or other concepts –
especially if it's a subtle tendency – can be one of the most damaging things you could ever try to do. I
think this is a massive tendency among a lot of game guys.

The obvious version of it is trying to be 'right'. People don't like the guy that needs to be right all the
time. Or trying to make sure everything's 'correct'. People also don't like being corrected all the time.
That might have been me when I was young, but I tried to get out of it. However, I didn't realize all the
little nuances and further levels that this can take on. In a much more subtle way, you can just
subconsciously wish that your concepts win out. I almost don't even know how to describe this in a
way that's subtle enough to really describe what's happening. But think of it like someone says “Four
sided shapes are squares or rectangles or trapezoids.” And you go “Yeah, or parallelograms.” Which
sounds like a reasonable thing to say... because it's correct. But really, subtly, you're either trying to
make sure that things are right, or you're trying to win in a very subconscious manner.

Charismatic people don't do this. They just constantly try to create good energy. They don't give a shit
what concepts win or not. Or what's correct or not.
In fact, they realize that a competition between concepts is an energy killer. The result of competition
taken in a non-joking way is tenseness and unease. This might be great if you're watching a football
game for the entertainment of the suspense. But it's not so great for basically anything else.

You should be trying to make shitty concepts fun. Not ever making anything right or trying to 'win.'
Trying to win is just a vortex of negativity. The most extreme example would be a political debate,
where by the end it's just a really shitty vibe and no one is happy and it clearly should have never come
up. But trying to win in more subtle ways or correct things or any 'this is better than that' entangles the
interaction into the same exact feeling.
Unless you're doing it in joking, like flirting by play competing with her. Play fighting or play
competing are a very loved human emotion, but the frame is clearly that it's a joke to both people.
The moment any sort of serious attempt to replace one concept with another comes up, it's basically a
fucked interaction.

That's why many of the best guys, like Julien or Tyler go with some sort of old 'Agree and exaggerate'
version when people bring up negativity. Like if a girl tells Julien he's weird, he just goes “Yes. Very.”
and then he grins slyly.
The need to try to win can have many insidious and subtle forms. Like if you feel someone slighted
you, you could try to get one over or one up on them. Or to get some form of 'justice.' The same for
some organization or whatever. You could always be trying to defeat your environment or the things
around you, which just puts you into a constant loop that is negative as you're trying to see flaws and
superiorities. Or at least make something superior so that the original could be inferior. It could be
when you're driving or about people around you or about the condition of a room or whatever.
It's all energy sapping and fun killing. And it destroys looseness as well because it introduces a subtle
judgment criteria where things can be right and wrong and thus people have to tighten up.

On the contrary you have the Julien or Tyler or even most old school game guys approach of agree and
exaggerate. Where if a judgmental concept is ever introduced, you don't continue the judgment
paradigm by trying to defeat it or better it, but rather you smash the entire frame by agreeing with it and
having fun making it ridiculous. If a girl says “You're weird”, she's introducing some judgment into the
interaction. If you say “No I'm not,” or “You're weird,” or “Better weird than boring” or anything else
where there's an attempt made to defeat or replace with something better, you've accepted the judgment
into the interaction and amplified it. Not to mention most versions of this would also be qualifying or
reactionary in some way. But to say “Yes. Very.” and grin is to reject the judgment from the interaction
at all by taking something that's widely acknowledged as bad, accepting it like it ain't no thang, and
then making the concept of the judgment ridiculous in the first place.
Julien in particular is really good with this concept. He often says judgmental things, but then takes
them to the place where it's almost totally obvious – but not quite to provide a little extra engagement
and tension – that he's being over the top or play fighting/play competing with her. So she's from
Canada and he's like “Gross. Canada.” Which is inherently judgmentalism, but he took it over the top
and about nothing in particular so that it almost certainly wasn't serious. That keeps the energy there,
plus the fact that he acts like he's enjoying it. But then at the same time there's the tension of the play
fight, and that bit of mystery where it isn't 100% obvious he's just kidding. That cognitive dissonance
and engagement of her RAS.

It all ultimately comes from a place of not trying to 'win' or make sure anything is 'right' or supplant
any ideas with a 'better' one – just avoiding any sort of micro judgment that could enter. Even if you
were to say something Julien might say, but not make it clear enough it was ridiculous or you were
most likely play fighting with her, you might accidentally introduce microjudgment.

Leadership is Far More Effective During Increasing Emotions

This is an entirely Tyler D concept, and you can check it out on his RSDFreeTour channel on YouTube,
I think it's the video with a title having something to do with the “GAP” between you and the very best.

It's incredibly brilliant and very accurate. Tyler says that leading is MUCH easier not just with high
emotions, but when emotions are INCREASING. This means if her current emotional level is at a 4
and you ramp it up to a 6 and then lead right with that ramp, she'll respond with a good amount of
compliance. On the other hand, if she's at a 7.5 in emotions and you've had her there for a while – so
that those emotions have been on a plateau – she'll be a good bit less likely to comply than she was at
the lower level of emotion with the recent increase.

Think of it kind of like the girl's betting on stocks. One stock is less valuable than another, but it's going
up right now. The other is more valuable, but it has gone up in a while. She effectively wants to be on
the one going up while it's going up, because it feels promising. It might not necessarily be logical, but
the current improvement and trend makes her want to go with it.

I've seen this effect recently in business. I had a partner ready to go with me for months and this person
was incredibly stoked about our company. Their excitement didn't really recede, but it hit a plateau for
a month or two. During that plateau, they got offered a dream job... And decided to take it. We were
farther along at that point, but the ramping excitement wasn't there. They jumped ship for the
excitement that was ramping, even though our company had very legitimate billion dollar potential, and
the new position likely would pay $500k/year at the most. I failed to pounce sufficiently while the
momentum was still increasing. That means this is a human trait that extends across different areas, and
you should be aware of in anything.

Practically taking advantage of this means that you need to TIME your leads with raising emotions.
When is the right time to go to the bar? Right after the emotions just shot up. The same with walking
around outside, getting food, going to your place, going for a kiss, even a micro-commitment like
calling her your girlfriend for the night. All of these are best timed WHEN THE EMOTIONS SHOOT
I make this mistake A LOT. I'll be all happy when the emotions are going up, and I just keep focusing
on the emotions. Eventually they hit a ceiling where they can't go higher. I flounder and try to keep that
emotional momentum increasing for a bit, and THEN I finally go for the logistical escalation as
effectively a last resort or at least second line of defense/offense. That's backwards. I really am looking
for a way to strongly burn it into my brain that every time the emotions shoot up I should USE that and
make a logistical escalation or get a micro-commitment.

What you need is to make a habit of this pattern: Emotions shoot up → Micro-commitment. Emotions
shoot up → Micro-commitment. Or, perhaps better, Emotions shoot up → Sexual tension → Micro-
commitment. Emotions shoot up → Sexual Tension → Micro-commitment. Since you're really just
using any OTHER emotions to parlay into sexual tension. In some instances a lead to isolation, like to
the bar, might enable the sexual tension. In which case you can do Emotions shoot up → Isolation
move → Sexual tension. (And then micro-commitments).

What Character do You See Yourself As

This section, like some near it, is all RSD Julien aka JulienHimself on YouTube. It needs to be in here
so that you get a complete picture, but if you want to run with this topic – go dig into Julien's stuff and
go to his live fucking programs. Seriously they're soooo worth it.

Okay, so- the concept is this: As we discussed before, how you perceive the world creates subtle
subconscious expectations of how things are supposed to feel. Because we have these expectations of
feel, we then go through life in ways where we subconsciously alter things to achieve those feelings.
Now Julien took that a step farther – he realized that over our time growing up we start to develop an
identity or a character in a movie we associate with. Then we start to expect that things in our life will
feel like that character feels the world. And then we start subconsciously shifting our actions to achieve
those expectations.

In Julien's example, he has you think of what movie character you associate with. For him, it's the self
destructive artist. It's not the character you WANT to be, it's when you watch 100 movies, which
character do you feel like is a lot like you?
It's often subconscious the character you feel you are, and it's DEFINITELY subconscious what the
feeling expectation you create is when you associate with that character.
As the self destructive artist, Julien describes that he could never let things be good for too long,
because that broke with this character identification and how things feel for them. The subconscious
expectation of that character is that just when things start to be good, the self destructive artist pushes
too far and it explodes in his face.

So because he was walking around expecting life to FEEL that way, he then subconsciously would
guide things towards making it feel that way.

For me, it's a combination of a couple things. It's the striving up and comer, the underdog. That's one.
The striving underdog always feels like he's got something amazing, he's fighting his ass off, no one
believes in him, and he's a little away from his break.
What that means is that I always subconsciously try to feel like I'm ALMOST at my break. I'm always
striving. I'm always fighting.
Which means that if I ever get a chance to actually GET the break and succeed, I often find a way to
throw it away or extend the fight. It's like if someone goes to sit in a chair and at the last moment you
move it slightly and they miss and sit right down on the ground. I'm always doing that to myself so that
the struggle continues. Or if I succeed, I just shift the goal posts and say that I need to succeed more or
I won't let myself enjoy or really win, I have to keep making myself feel like I'm the striving up and

That's something we've discussed a bit earlier.

But there's other parts to my movie character, if I really think about it. I also associate a bit with James
Bond. Cool, daring, risk taking, comfortable classy or in a chase in a third world country.
Julien HATES it when people associate with James Bond. Somehow Julien thinks James Bond never
loosens up – he's always cool and never funny. It strikes me he's probably never actually WATCHED a
James Bond movie, because James is always cracking jokes while being shot at and so on. So he
exaggerates. But then Julien said that James Bond can never embarrass himself. James Bond is never
embarrassed! He's ALWAYS got it on lock. So what that means for a James Bond guy is that it's not
acceptable to take risks that could result in embarrassment. He's always got to be controlled and never
push too far, because he might reveal a chink in the armor. And that's really where Julien nails it. It's
not true that James Bond is serious, in fact he can take evading a missile lightly and crack a joke about
it – which is amazing. However, he can never risk embarrassing himself. He can never have a wrinkle
in his suit.

What this really results in is that the James Bond guy can crack a joke and be witty and people can
laugh, but then he can't stretch that joke and start acting it out and get really crass and ridiculous and go
until people are dying laughing on the ground. Which someone like Tyler D does all the time and it's
fucking hilarious and it gets people to let go and have a great time. James Bond can't do that, because
he can't risk embarrassing himself, he can't miss, and he has to maintain an air of being in control and
So really, you need to be able to be absurd James Bond. The same cool under pressure as James, the
cool aura. Always on top of it, nothing's serious – even being shot at. Always cheeky. But if you get a
joke, you can roll with it and act it out and stretch it and stretch it and really let go into acting that joke
out. Each joke is like a mini-part, a mini role. If a joke hits, all of a sudden you've been cast into a role
and you should let go into that role and take it far (as long is the joke is about sex, relationships,
people's weird habits, or partying – and you're not goofy about it. You can be ridiculous, but not goofy
which is like powerless or without any danger or masculinity).
Actually, there's an absurd James Bond character out there... Archer. You can be Archer. Archer's still
kind of a badass. He still has all these skills. He's still cool. He's still often in a dope suit. But he's kind
of an idiot too, and he's not afraid to make a stupid joke or let go. There's not a cap or control

Then I have a third character, which is like the guy on the road trip that sits in the back and comes up
with all the awesome ideas and cracks jokes and makes the road trip great. But that guy is always in the
back seat leaning into the middle and contributing pieces to make sure things aren't awesome. He's
never the guy driving. He's never the guy who forced everyone to get in the car and go on the road trip,
though it might have been his idea. Usually there's a girl in the passenger seat who's into the guy
driving. But my character is that guy in the back seat making them laugh.
That guy always feels like he's along for the ride and helping makes things awesome. He never feels
like he's at the party as the guy everyone's focusing on and is making the whole thing sick. If he leaves
the party, it's maybe a little less awesome... But the party doesn't NOT happen because of him. He's not
the really cool, smooth dude who's house it is and who goes around making everyone have a good time.
The guy that if he disappeared, there wouldn't even BE a party. He kind of kicks in and contributes
when he's got something, but then he lets others take over when he doesn't. He's not like always going.
There's never three girls really fighting over him – he's maybe cool enough to go get an awesome girl.
But the girls aren't giggling and talking and staring at him in the corner while he talks to another girl in
the kitchen at the house party.

You see, these character associations combine to dictate how life “should” feel. And then without even
realizing it, I go out and create those feelings. I keep myself striving. I make sure that I'm always
ALMOST at a break and that it never QUITE happens. I keep myself on the edge of the group chipping
in, not in the lead where everything matters on me. I'm not constantly on making the party happen,
making everyone have a blast to where the party would suck without me. I'm a contributor, I'm not
THE thing. I expect people to chuckle at my jokes, and then to grin cheekily and move on – so cool. I
don't expect to keep driving at it and letting go and acting it out until people are dying. I can't feel like
I'm kind of an idiot but girls just think I'm sexy and funny so they fuck me like Archer.

The thing about these characters that Julien really nailed is that we think we're self sabotaging and that
we hate it. But really, we WANT to create that outcome. We WANT that self sabotage because it fulfills
how things are 'supposed' to feel for our character. For our role.

With each character, Julien takes the Captain Jack concept of payouts and costs to a concept, and says
that there's always a payoff you get from the character, and a cost.
In any negative ongoing belief, there's a payoff you get from having that belief. It makes for an excuse,
or coddles you or whatever.

So for my characters, there's a payoff in the striving underdog because people root for me to win.
Because I don't have to succeed, I just have to have PROMISE. I just have to be struggling. The
outcome is irrelevant. It also links into a payoff for the character in the back seat of the car – that guy
gets to tag along and contribute and be cool but not be responsible or have all the focus on him. By
always struggling and never being the guy that actually succeeds and is in charge, I get a payoff where
I don't wind up THE guy. I don't wind up where everyone's looking at me to lead the way. I can't let
people down that hard. I can't be embarrassed by failing to lead properly. I don't have to cope with
everyone looking at me like “You're responsible for our experience, make this awesome.” I get most of
the benefits of being THE guy, without most of the responsibilities. I even often get the lead guy to
kind of do what I want. I don't have to let go and run around the bar and interact with everyone and
make sure everyone loves me, because I just chip in at my opportune moments. I don't have to always
be on or always have energy. I don't have to be all producer and energy giver, I can give at times and be
awesome for it, but I can sit back and consume at other times. I still get to be selfish and consume. The
fact that that costs me the benefits and then I don't get the girls and the love and everything comes at a
cost of not having to ALWAYS be a provider. I don't have to keep coming up with what happens next. I
don't have to take the lead.
As the James Bond, I don't have to let go. I don't have to risk being embarrassed. Everyone always
thinks I'm on top of it and cool, they never look at me like “That guy's an idiot” like they look at Archer
often. I can be a badass where I always have everyone's trust and respect. And maybe even slight fear.
If I ever don't know what to do, I can hide behind a cool silence – or even walking off into the sunset.

Sadly, there's costs to all of things. So much cost that I write an 800 page book on meeting girls over a
ten year journey of headaches and pain and frustration.
By being the striving underdog, I'm never the guy that just wins easily and everyone gets sucked in by.
The things I want can never be easy, just happen. As a result, it's hard for me to have a LOT of success,
because I have to have it so hard that I can BARELY get it every time. Which means that often I don't
get it at all, no repeatability and consistency, self imposed. Whenever I'm about to win, I often shift the
goal posts so I don't actually win.
Being the James Bond, I never hit the really high notes because I can't let loose and just act things out
and stretch and stretch. I can't be the center of a crazy party because that involves being retarded and
just sending it. I don't loosen others up because I'm always in control... So they feel they have to live up
to that and be controlled as well. I can't be an idiot, which stops me from doing things that include risk
and makes me a great intentional match but not really the guy you wind up with when you're just out
letting loose and partying... Which is most of the chances we have to meet girls. I can't really be the
social leader because I can't rep that amount of energy, I can't run around interacting with everyone and
getting them interact together and having that whirlwind, center of attention vibe. I just cruise through
notably but without drawing too much attention – and I have to be too cool to go up to everyone. James
Bond can't put himself in a place where he can't have a smooth comeback. There's a certain amount of
being lone wolf and not being surrounded by girls and friends all the time and such.
Being the guy in the rear seat chipping in, I can't be the center of attention. I can't be the guy that has
everyone gathered around him and just wins easily. I have to try to call my shot and go make it happen,
rather than making the vibe and letting people draw into me. I kind of wait for someone else to take the
lead or get the ball rolling. I can't really have massive success, because I have to go call my shot and
make things happen with effort in each occasion.

You can then start to see some commonalities. I get to shirk responsibility. I get to say “I'm going to
have success in the future” (the striving underdog) or “I'm going to have success when I go get it” (the
guy chipping in from the back seat). There's not a “Yeah I grind hard, but success just flows and people
just come to me and I don't even care really.” I get to not be responsible for having everyone's attention
on me. I get to not be responsible for everyone's experiences. I get to not be fully a source of energy,
but I get to consume and produce a little and switch back and forth. I get to 'conserve' energy (which is
just a wrong mindset – you should be overflowing with too much wanting to make others enjoy).
It all comes back to an excuse to not succeed now because I 'will', to saving energy, shirking away from
being in the spotlight, to looking at success as hard and not easy, to looking at putting out energy and
trying as things that I do at times and not ways of life. And to wanting to be seen as competent, in
control, powerful, maybe someone to be a little intimidated by.
There's also a part of me that's just not very good at receiving. I'm always trying to give to others and
put out in the world, and I'm not necessarily all that comfortable with getting, which Tyler D argues is
an insecurity and he's probably right. So that's a factor too – I work so hard because I think nothing
really is enough to justify me receiving. That's part of the striving underdog too- he has to really really
work hard and he doesn't GET to receive yet. Some time later. Later on he can receive. Not now.

The thing Julien pointed out, is you've never known what it feels like to be outside that character.
Dropping it is extremely hard. You don't have a point of reference for that. You don't know where to
take it. Getting out of it is very nebulous and it means not being able to rely on any familiar feelings.

The fact is, you can't likely just drop it. You can't replace a habit with nothing – you replace habits with
habits. So you're going to be far and away best off if you define a new thing, figure out what that feels
like, and then start trying to expect things to feel like that.
For instance, we've discussed why James Bond actually has a lot of great characteristics. But the
control and need to not risk himself and not just be stupid and crass get in his way. Which is where you
have Archer instead. So I really need to be more like Archer- the kinda stupid but still cool and
awesome guy that people just love and kind of don't expect a ton from, but he's still a badass, and girls
just wind up sleeping with him over and over.
I also need to be overflowing with the desire to spike everyone up and make everyone's emotions go
crazy and get everyone talking innuendo (something we discuss in another section). And I need to feel
like all eyes should be on me, I'm the center, the girls flock to me and fight over me and I don't care
that much and it's pretty easy to go home with them because THEY'RE TRYING TO GET ME and I'm
kind of impartial.
Finally, much like Archer as well, I need to be comfortable with receiving. Like “Oh yeah, I'm
awesome. I'm willing to take what you're offering. Let's do this.”

Never Allowing an Implosion to Serious

I was back at a college reunion, and with a little magic I had one of the cuter girls from my college that
I never really knew that well chasing me. I had to be a little careful because everyone I knew from
college was around, so I had to be gentle about how I did things.
I went back to talk to her on the dance floor. Her name was Sasha, so I was like “Ohh, Natalia right?”
She started giving me some shit back, but it had a bit of an annoyed edge to it. I hadn't really gamed in
four months from focusing on launching my company, so I wasn't exactly on my toes. I joked back a
bit, and she gave me a bit. But it seemed like it was spiraling towards her actually being annoyed and
not liking me and there wasn't much I could do. I took a break and talked to her friend who I know for
a minute, and eventually she grabbed her and pulled her away from me. I didn't persist in this situation
because I couldn't make an ass of myself among my one and only college social circle I would ever
have. I also didn't exactly know how that had collapsed like it did.

Ubering back to my hotel later that night, I realized that I hadn't been on my toes and thinking ahead.
What had happened is when she started to take things seriously, it started to dip the interaction and
threaten it. At that point, it's sort of a game of 'don't let it touch the ground.' It's alright if she starts
taking something seriously, but before it gets there, you need to shift the ground and stop it from
sinking in as a serious thing. Keep it in the air.
Another way to think of it is like when someone goes to sit in a chair, and you pull the chair out from
below them right before they sit in it. If she touches the chair of seriousness, you lose. You've got to
yank it out right before that happens. Then she might start going for another chair, and you have to pull
that out, too.

When an object is in orbit in space around the earth, it's basically constantly falling toward the earth.
But it's also moving sideways. Before it can fall and hit the earth, or even the atmosphere, it moves
sideways far enough that it falls past the side of the earth. Basically that keeps happening continuously
and the object can stay in orbit forever. That's how game should be. You keep moving the earth out
from under where she's falling towards continuously and make sure she never hits the ground.

If this Sasha girl started taking me calling her Natalia seriously, I needed to reframe away into the
joking, ridiculous, cocky, or otherwise not-serious. Like she said “Oh, my name's Natalie though” and I
said “No, no. NatliA. Russian. Cuz your Russian.” That was correct. But then she started calling me a
dumb frat boy. I shifted that too, saying I couldn't read and didn't actually go to college there. But she
started taking that line a bit seriously, wasn't her thing. At that point I needed to snap it sideways more.
Like a Julien style “Yeah, the illiteracy makes me more attainable.” Or “Aren't you glad you married
me?” Pull that chair out. Realize when things are headed towards serious town, and pull the chair out
before it gets there. Keep shifting over and over. Eventually this leaves her basically having to play
along, or maybe frustrated entirely and ready to bounce (which you'd have to find a way to work with
as well).

But I didn't do that. I wound up letting it actually hit serious. Then she checked out and pulled her
friend away.

If you watch Julien fuck with girls, he ALWAYS manages to pull the chair out and prevent her from
ever getting into seriousness. Eventually she just gives up and lets go into the whole thing.
I would have to say for me, on the other hand, that this is one of the biggest causes of lost girls for me
of all. A lack of awareness of this issue and thinking ahead and expecting things to lurch towards
serious so I could save it.

You absolutely must be sure that things never collapse to serious.

You could argue that it's just girls being trapped in their reality. Or that it's a normal human reality. Or
that it's girls subconsciously feeling the need to test guys... but one way or another, girls ALWAYS
either take things seriously, or make some serious snappy comment, or do something else that could
shift the interaction away from meaningless engagement and emotions into something that has a
seriousness to it. Like it matters.
It's our responsibility to make sure that this can NEVER happen. This is tied to the concept of always
doing 'what doesn't hurt the group energy'. It's our job to ensure that no matter what happens and what
she does, it can't get turned serious.
Much like a bullfighter always draws the bull off-line and then dodges it, constantly avoiding being
struck by the bull. Or like a juggler manages to keep everything up in the air at all times. Whenever a
girl throws something that could go serious on us, it's our job to respond in a way that won't let it
actually BE serious. Seriousness in a way takes both a first move and then a response. The first move
can be serious on its own, but if the response is appropriate it can just about always diffuse the
seriousness before it becomes the tone of the interaction. That's the goal here. Don't allow anything she
does to draw a response that would cause seriousness.

I at first thought this concept was pretty big but limited when I realized it. But as I started to play with
it and saw the dramatic shift from when you're keeping things not serious to when seriousness suddenly
creeps in, I started to realize how intrinsically key this is to game. And how a lot of my coaches over
the years were trying really poorly to explain this to me – it was something they had a feel for and saw
that I wasn't good at, but they just didn't really know what was going on so they just told me all these
things that were coming from this place but were actually other statements.
If you listen to all the best coaches, and interpret the various things they say back to this same root,
you'll see that they're almost all talking about this in their own way. Tyler D and RSD Julien talk on and
on and on about how they don't care about game, how not caring at all gets the girl to stop chasing, how
they care less than the students so they're better than the students. These are things we've gone into and
discussed the implications of a good bit above because they're kind of cryptic statements to actually go
out and execute. Along with the other things we've discussed, not caring really makes it impossible to
get someone to go serious. If someone really doesn't care, then no matter what you say to them you
can't get them to dip into the serious. You can't distract them.

As I played with this concept with girls and then saw what happened, I started to realize it might even
be the main game girls play when they're checking out a guy. We talk about shit tests and how the girl
tries to get you to react or throw you off. But even if you don't have any obvious reactions or getting
thrown off, you can still have good interactions vaporize into smoke on you.
Think about it – if a girl can get you to be serious even for a moment in an interaction, that means she
whooped your frame for one. For another, if you went serious it means something matters. Like if
you're joking around with a cashier at Target who's old and gross, you're not going to go serious with
her unless maybe you start listening about her day just to be a good person. You won't go serious with
the cashier because nothing there matters – you either won't really talk to her at all, or you'll fuck
around and have fun. There isn't an in between.
So if a girl gets you to go serious, it means something mattered to you. If something mattered to you,
that means you cared. If you cared, she pretty much had you by the balls. You can solve that problem
by not caring, but you could still make the mistake of allowing something to go serious which would
imply you cared even if you don't. You could also secretly care but never show it if you never let the
flag touch the ground, never let a serious moment creep in, then it just appears you don't care.
The game that girls really seem to play isn't just the normal conception of shit tests, but it's trying to get
ANY of reactions, throwing you off, OR getting you to be serious for a moment.

I'd almost say it's the impulsive game girls play to test if you're a strong male. It doesn't really make
any logical sense, it doesn't flow. There's not a reason that it would be enjoyable for the girl. But
peacock feathers don't make real logical sense except from an evolutionary perspective – they're hard to
maintain so they imply a strong male peacock. Well, playing an impulsive subconscious game to try to
get a guy to respond seriously or take something seriously is a way to test if he cares at all, has any
worries at all, can be thrown off at all. If you can't get him to take you or anything you say or do
seriously, then it implies the dude is on easy street, wicked confident, and is in a pretty much
unstoppable good mood/vibe.
It isn't, of course, a game if it's not obvious and deceptive and they don't try to slip things by you and
trick you into it. So they'll sound mad, or act like you're trying to just use them for sex or they'll throw
all kinds of crap to see if you'll engage with any of it seriously.

It's funny because as I go through this book and list out important things, I can say I naturally sucked at
almost all of them. I didn't get the role of sexual tension and even shied away from it and cut it. I wasn't
great at stretching jokes unless the other person stretched something I said and then I could play along
and stretch it again. I didn't act out jokes. I projected control factors instead of a lack thereof. I had tons
of micro-alpha giveaways. I didn't like to be decisive or a leader. I went with the flow of what others
wanted rather than putting out my own vibe and ideas. I didn't like to control situations. I didn't like to
make moves. I wasn't sexual. I wasn't persistent. I was an energy consumer rather than producer. I
didn't know anything about logistical leading. I didn't know anything about not breaking threads and
surviving. And then, yes, I allowed anyone to get me to take things serious – I was terrible at keeping
them away from the serious and while I loved joking around, anyone could easily drag me into a
serious intellectual conversation and I'd never bring it out again. Fuck man, my life was fucked up for
decades because I had almost every piece backwards. Even if each of those is binary and you flip a coin
on them, getting each of them right is 16,384. Plus there's multiple other factors and multiple options
and degrees on many of those things. We're talking a serious player being like a 1 in 100,000 longshot
of a guy as a 'natural' based on probability of randomly having those traits. Plus there's social pressure
against adopting multiple of those traits. Somehow I'd flipped the dial backwards on almost every one
of those traits. Aside from having a good feel for being cool, being funny in the proper situations, being
pretty confident about approaching sooner or later (at least after high school), having a good feel for
other people's emotions, enjoying letting go and enjoying a good vibe with others (when it started not
by my control generally), and being athletic, I damn near was a 1 in 100,000 or more chance flip of the
coin in the wrong direction.

When Julien kept pulling me aside on my five day bootcamp with him and telling me that I needed to
let go, stop controlling, stop putting up a 'front' and so on, he was largely telling me to A) take the
chocks off the beast, which we'll talk about later, and let my skills rip without limiting myself by my
previous definition of myself. And B) to not allow things to go serious ever. He kept telling me if I
could do those things I'd crush it. In a way, he was sensing that I was repeatedly losing the game when
girls tried to get me to let it go serious, but he just wasn't quite down at the root of the problem, so what
he was telling me wasn't clicking exactly. He saw it, but didn't fully understand what he saw. That's a
common problem in sports coaching too.

Think of it this way: The girl goes in and behind your back she's secretly playing a subconscious game
to see if she can get you to take something seriously, which is an elimination of the weak game. When
she 'wins' she feels a win in a way, but she also basically loses and there's disappointment.
Now think of why girls get so repulsed and walk off right away when a guy starts asking them a bunch
of questions in this light... Imagine it from her side. She's lining up against you like in one of those
American gladiator things where you have the padded stick and you try to knock the other person off of
a pedestal. She's all geared up to try to play this clever game of subterfuge and see if she can't trick you
into taking something seriously. Like playing a staring contest and trying to get the other person to
laugh or something. And then before she even tries anything at all to win, you just trip on your own feet
and fall off the pedestal yourself. You go and start asking serious interview questions and just lose the
game yourself without her even playing. She just gets disgusted and throws the pads off and walks
away, like “What the fuck bro, we didn't even get to playing you clumsy fuck. You just fell off
You have to quit just throwing away the game immediately and taking things to serious town yourself.
Then you have to get stronger and better at what you're doing and prevent her from taking them there.

There's a skill set to it: You can A) misinterpret and change the subject; B) turn what she just said into
innuendo (especially good if she's mad); C) agree with what she said and exaggerate and take it
ridiculous; D) use a non-sequitor, like she's like “You're not my type” and you're like “Dope” as Tyler
D might say. And probably some others.
She has a skillset too, like pretending she's seriously feeling some emotion that you need to engage
with, or throwing some nasty shit at you, and trying to trip you up and so on. Just like any wrestling
match or other things like that, each side has their tricks and moves, and to win you need to be prepared
for the other side's tricks and have answers for them, and also be better at the game than the opposition.

This is a really easy thing to get caught out on. Like the girl that helped me first explore some of this in
an interaction I had with her was a girl that prided herself on being funny. Then she took a situation
where I was doing great to avoid seriousness despite her throwing some shade at me, and eventually
turned it into drama anyway. The next day I realized how I'd fucked up keeping it away from
seriousness, and tried my best to pull it back (and then had to leave it for a few days or more to allow
the air to clear. At this point it's still not resolved so I can't tell you what happened – but my guess is
allowing any seriousness to happen at all permanently killed the situation). Anyway, when I put
something out there to clear the seriousness, I was just trying to change the frame she looked back on
things with slightly over the next week or so. I expected her not to answer. But instead she sent an
annoyed response instead (bizarrely she sends these responses that are kind of aggressive but non-final.
Like most girls if they were really not into you would be like “Don't talk to me” but she seems to say
things that are a few steps down from that just to see what will happen almost).
Now, it makes a lot of sense because she prides herself on being funny to say something like “Let's get
the funny side of Christina back, she's my home girl” which is almost okay. But the issue with that is
that even though it's a bit of a joke and it's lighthearted, the implication is that she's NOT being funny
right now and you don't like that... Which IS serious. And trust me, a lifetime of experience with girls
says that that is EXACTLY what she'll here out of that comment. Now, if you're messing with her
Julien-style in person and you sound like you enjoy it and give her a little grin, that might be a decent
jab if said at a moment where she's at least sort of into you. But saying that to a girl that's pissed at you
via text is just going to create an implosion to seriousness, even if for a moment.
I was also tempted to say “You keep hating me for a week or two and we'll talk after you've let out all
that aggression” or something like that. Which is joking about things, but it's still going to serious
because it acknowledges that there's a serious problem. I guess a large part of this is refusing to
acknowledge seriousness at all. Which actually might occasionally make girls think you're stupid, but
have you ever seen a girl refuse to sleep with a guy because he wasn't smart? Maybe if he was just an
idiot to the point that he was terrible to interact with... But not because he wasn't smart. I've had girls
NOT sleep with me because I AM smart. Plus all kinds of other reasons. But just being a little dim is
never a reason a girl will not sleep with a guy over – if they say that, it's an excuse because there's
another reason they're not into him (or he's just being wildly idiotic).

The whole thing is about not even acknowledging anything serious. Even if they think you're slightly
airheaded for it or they don't bite right away, the fact that you can never be caused to acknowledge
anything serious will on the whole keep things from ending and let it live another day. And that means
that if it keeps going on long enough, eventually it can happen.
Loosening Enables Girls to Get into the Movie

Think about if you were watching a movie. Good movie. Exactly what you were feeling at the moment.
Drama, supposed to be very tense and you're supposed to get lost in what's going on – held in suspense.
But the actors continuously keep glancing into the camera nervously every 20 or 30 seconds. Not in
character, but because the actors themselves appear nervous. They also keep glancing over at
something off-set. Like the director might fire them at any moment.

How hard would it be to get lost in the drama and suspense of it all?

I feel it would be almost impossible to get lost in the movie and experience its intended emotions. The
nervousness and tension of the actors would totally fucking ruin it.

This is how loosening and game work. You're trying to paint a vibrant tapestry of engaging emotions. If
you're nervous, fidgeting, tense, clearly not convicted about what you're doing, or simply not lost in it...
Then she's not going to be able to get lost in the experience and go along for the ride. You're blocking it
for her.

This instructs us on what loosening is really doing. It's not gaming. It's just ALLOWING her to get lost
in the game. Without loosening and being loose, she can't let go and get lost in it. WITH it she can...
but the movie has to be good. She could be ready to get lost in it and the movie could suck. And then
you're still getting nowhere. Thinking that loosening IS game is one of the largest ways guys get stuck
as intermediates. It feels good because the girl lets go and the emotions go up and everything seems
great. But many times it doesn't really take you anywhere. There's no additive/building emotions. Just
the fleeting ones that are here one minute and gone the next.

Instead, those emotions should be used to ENABLE sexual tension and leading and everything else.

Text Game – (updated)

The best notes I've heard from guys like RSD Madison, RSD Luke, RSD Max, etc:

-If you're having problems in text game, it was really a problem at the number close most of the time.
You should be getting numbers in such a way that if both of your phones got taken from you and
destroyed, SHE WOULD SHOW UP ANYWAY!!! In other words, she knows what the thing is, when
it is, where it is, and with who (in case it's a bbq or group party or whatever) IN PERSON when you
get her number. AND she already wants to go to it enough with you while there in person that she
would still show up a day or two or four later. If you're leaving gaming to be done via texting, it
probably won't go well (Credit RSD Luke... Brilliant)

-Call her twice in a row WITHOUT TEXTING after the clubs close. The first one is to let her know her
phone is ringing in her purse (RSD Madison had that brilliant insight... It's in her purse. She's not gonna
pick up the first ring). If she answers, make a joke about who it is, then see if she wants to go get food
(or whatever). If she doesn't pick up, text something like “Hope you get home safe” and ADD A
PICTURE OF YOU. He recommends a stock picture of you having fun with other people. Not some
terrible looking selfie. This way she actually remembers you and your interaction tomorrow or the next
day. Otherwise you're a vague name she barely remembers. Ideally, you snapchatted or Instagram
story'd something about the two of you when you were together – then you can send her that

-ASSUME that she's gonna flake at some point, and BE READY for it. (Again, this is credit RSD
Madison). Girls kind of default flake guys these days and SEE IF THEY'LL GET MAD. It could be a
test for some, for others they might just be afraid of putting themselves into a date situation with a guy
that might be weird. So they just default flake. Don't worry about it. Send my '…' or Madison's 'Mic
check 1-2, 1-2. This thing on?' or 'Earth to Jessica, anyone home' or some other funny, non butt-hurt,
non-try hard thing (a nonsense meme that sort of fits the scenario, sort of doesn't).
-By ASSUMING the flake, and being prepared to roll through it and show you're a guy that NEVER
gets butt hurt, you can outlast all the other dudes
-Madison INSISTS numbers are good for 48-72 hours with hot girls. I suppose he's probably right in
my experience, though I hate going to numbers period. So try to capitalize before.
*-Much better, add her on Instagram and or Snapchat. Have regular stories and pics of you and other
girls (at the club, at museums, going go karting, at parties, whatever). Just show you having fun with
the hottest girls you can, even if you just gamed them for two seconds and never saw them again. If the
girl's following you, she can keep seeing this over and over and get into it. See the RSD Luke video on
YouTube that is titled something to the effect of “Luke and Max talk social media game.” It's
BRILLIANT and different even than what's in Luke's Social Circle Blueprint product

-Madison calls 24 hours before the date and tries to get a 5 minute chat in. I don't text many girls I
haven't hooked up with these days, but if you can get a call things go WAY better because it actually
lets you game, sets you apart, and lets her feel that the two of you can have fun together in the real
world now that it's day, she's not drinking, and you're not in a club. I agree with some version of this for
sure. Generally I liked to call on a rising emotion, like you hit her with a couple good texts and THEN
call (can say “This is easier! How's your day” and then game. If you have a boring conversation that
doesn't make her want to hang out and possibly have sex, will she want to go on a date? NO)
-Madison has another great trick: The morning of, text her something like “Good morning ;)”. That
way you don't have to check if the date's on. You sent her something that's not try hard and not asking
about the date, but if she's gonna flake, she'll let you know. If she doesn't respond, tell her you can't
make it about 1 hour beforehand, rather than just letting her flake, and apologize. Then she might be
like “He flaked me! I was flaking him!” And maybe you'll be able to keep it going after going silent on
her for 3-4 days. That gives her the safety that you're not too eager and aren't going to make it weird.

-If she flakes and gives the vague “Rain check?” or “How about later, next week maybe?” Say “Sorry, I
can't (next week)”. If she just says “Rain check”, that's harder. Saying something like “Sorry, not totally
sure I can” as a test. But test it. Otherwise can send some sort of meme like below

-If she just flakes outright, like the typical “Sorry, I can't because {_____}” (which is generally she
forgot some lame ass thing or she's sooo busy), then just send her a meme that shows her it's not serious
at all, and you're unconcerned. No explanation. I think a GIF of a guy partying like his parents just left
for the weekend might be funny, depending on what she said. Or whatever. Just pick something (again,
mostly from Madison. Him and Luke have a great text game YouTube vid)

-When in doubt, JUST DON'T RESPOND. Just say nothing. Hit her up again in a few days. Silence
works quite well on text. If you use silences and NEVER let anything be serious, with many girls you
can keep things alive surprisingly long and eventually get together

-As RSD Max and RSD Jeffy have pointed out, there's only like 20 different things hot girls generally
say in interactions. As much as they insist otherwise, their personalities aren't very differentiated.
They're conformists at the social competitive edge, so they're all kind of doing versions of the same
thing. This isn't to say that on your 5th date she might not have tons of unique and interesting things to
talk about – it's just more that she'll socially say one of a few variations of things initially. Because of
this, you're best off if you figure out good ways to respond to all 20 variations. Max used a spreadsheet
to track comments from girls and classify them, then to A/B test a bunch of different responses to those
and see what worked best.

What to actually text:

-Bring up INNUENDO
-At first make it so it's like “____ Innuendo would be terrible” “Wouldn't want that” etc
-If necessary can tell her she's not your type for positive reasons, “You can be my wing girl. Help me
pick up feisty blonde/brunette [whatever she isn't] girls that like to skinny dip at 3am” [Things she
would secretly want to be that you would want her to be, but you're saying other girls that aren't her]
-Get her into the innuendo game
-Can throw in some funny stuff like “Btw, this is what you're getting me for Christmas: [Little Drake]”
-Take it more specific and visual. Like I said something about how we wouldn't want to find out the
truth if she could handle me or not.
-Build it until she's really turned on
-Possibly wait until the next day, you might do some light 50 Shades of Grey visualizing
-Play around a little, if she's into it go for a meet-up
-Be a tiny bit persistent, but assume SHE WON'T GO FOR IT YET BECAUSE IT HAS TO GET TO
to where the meetup FEELS LIKE HER IDEA [This is if you're having to game via text, rather than
having properly gotten the number to begin with. As are several of these notes]
***-It's LIKE JORDAN BELFORT. The first close probably isn't going to happen. You just don't head
drop, loop and pitch more, then reclose later!!!
-Now you spark it back up, distract a bit, take it back into sexuality and get her more into it
**-If she's saying stupid shit, just AGREE AND SAY IT BACK TO HER MORE EXTREME “Yeah,
I'm terrible. Small dick, etc etc” But DO NOT let it go serious while doing that
**-If she says anything too serious and you don't have another way to sweep it away from serious, “Oh
don't be dramatic”. You can say it OVER AND OVER if necessary. No girl wants to be dramatic, so do
-Also “Oh please, don't make this dramatic”
-Let a few days go, ignore her a bit
-DO NOT LET THE FLAG TOUCH THE GROUND EVER (don't let her say anything that gets you to
say anything serious).
-THIS DOESN'T MEAN KEEP IT JOKES ALWAYS. That's what people assume. The jokes and
humor are irrelevant to this. If a girl's like “I'm too tired” and you're like “Oh come on, live your life”
THAT'S being serious, letting the flag touch the ground. Because you gave a serious response to what
she said. “I've got forty-four pounds of blow with your name on it” is keeping the flag from touching
the ground because it's not allowing seriousness to enter the interaction. “Pussies sleep” is maybe not as
good, but it also qualifies. “You're going to have me over and then fall asleep? That's too kinky for a
first date” also qualifies, though might be pushing familiarity too far for some girls. “Wicked” is ALSO
keeping the flag from touching the ground but ISN'T a joke. Because you just didn't respond seriously
(obviously you'd have to say something else then). The thing is, when girls are fighting hard with the
concept, they'll start throwing ALL KINDS of shit that could all take it serious. It's like a level beyond
shit test. If she's like “You're not my type” and you're like “You're right, I'm blonde” and she said
earlier she likes dark and tall guys, then you passed the shit test in the regular theory by not qualifying
or being reactive, but you DID let the flag touch the ground because it was a serious response. That's
not the ideal example, but it shows you the concept. A better response would be “I sure hope not!” or
something that's definitely not serious.
-I'm struggling to come up with the ideal fake example, so let's use a real world example. This girl
told me “Didn't you see how I react when people give me attention?” referring to her getting weird
about other guys the night we met. Now the RIGHT thing to do there would've been to just not respond
hahahahahaha. It's like the ultimate just take what she said literally and go with it. What I said was
“Maybe I didn't care because I just let things unfold how they unfold and figure if I don't control it, it'll
come out alright”. That's NOT funny, it's NOT a joke. But it DOES keep the flag from touching the
ground. It's not serious. It's like “I'm a rolling stone, I just see what happens.” I could have also said
“Oh don't be dramatic” which is a great catch all. She didn't respond right away and I felt like I was
almost getting there with her, so I followed up with “Maybe if we let that work itself out in person we
wouldn't have to try to decide how it would go ahead of time.” Now that doesn't seem like a bad
comment at all. Doesn't qualify, doesn't put in any bad frames, etc. However, it IS letting the flag touch
the ground because it's a serious answer about what should have happened that night on the date we
came close to going on. She said “That's quite optimistic”. I then answered in a serious way again that
wasn't qualifying but was kind of making her make a real world decision. Flag fully on the ground.
Nearly saved conversation fucked.
-It's NOT about being funny all the time. It's JUST about not letting the real world enter by answering
in a serious way that has real world implications. Unless you've been joking and she's like “No really,
what do you do”. Don't allow the implosion to serious, and expect she'll distract you all kinds of ways
-USE INNUENDO TO AVOID GOING SERIOUS TOO. Like if she's mad at you “I love it when
you're mad at me baby. Where are the handcuffs?” or “Talk dirty to me baby”
-It's then about LOOPING, like Jordan Belfort. If she ditched on going on a date, you persist slightly,
then you save it and go to non-sequitors and upping the energy and then get her turned on and loving
imagining you having sex more
-In a few days or more, you go back for another date
-After the first shot, you generally have to LEAVE ON A REALLY HIGH POINT where she's really
wanting you, and then just go cold and don't talk to her
-A HUGE key is to be READY TO SLAM ON THE BRAKES ON A DIME. No matter how close you
think you are to getting there, even if you're having a fast paced back and forth and you feel it's
progressing, if she says something that's really obnoxious BE READY TO IMMEDIATELY STOP
-This is SUUUPER hard for me because I'm so fucking impatient and I'd always rather be proactive
than sit back. But there's nothing more powerful for a girl than having a guy just go dark on her when
she's stupid. This used to be something I'd just never do because I'm stubborn and impatient, like I
discussed earlier. But now sometimes I see the time when I should go dark, but I'm doing a good job
and I've almost got the girl where I want her... And so when I should just shut the fuck up and cut it off
because she said something too dumb and a different type of message needed to be sent, I instead try to
keep it rolling and 'get there'. DON'T DO THAT!!! If it's a time to cut it off because she said something
too non-compliant or obnoxious, then the only solution is to cut it off no matter how the interaction was
going otherwise. There's just no way around it. You can't let her slip shit like that in there and get away
with it!!!
-Then you loop back, address any obstacles or discomfort that you find in the persuasion triangle after
that first date attempt (Just think of each date attempt as a way to draw out her 'Nos' and then handle
them. ASSUME SHE HAS REASONS TO SAY NO TO DATES and assume that you're periodically
trying to meet her just in order to get the Nos out in the open and then handle them. After handling
enough of them eventually she'll meet you. In other words, assume she probably WON'T SAY YES the
first or second time. MEGA MINDSET SHIFT. (because of that, don't get butt hurt, don't react, don't
even be surprised like you weren't expecting a date bail on her part. Expect you have to go through a
few loops, a few Nos, a few handles and getting her more motivated and energized again after)
-You want her to feel like it was her idea to really want to meet you

This is really how you have to text. I've tried everything under the sun. You can sub out the sexual
innuendo for other stuff and so on, but the fact is that's the best way to go. You can not do the agree and
exaggerate, but there really isn't another effective way to work with that. But you can't sub out the
preventing it from ever getting serious, and the concept of looping and not being able to get her on a
date the first time almost ever (unless she really wanted you on meeting one), and the necessity of just
going dark on her if she says stupid shit.
The biggest takeaways here compared to other things I've heard are: First and foremost, think of texting
as a process where you have to get her to bring out her nos by dodging a few dates – then you keep it
from going serious, up the energy and sexual desire again, go dark for a bit, handle any
obstacles/discomfort, and then come back again later. Second, the utter necessity of not letting her trick
you into anything serious. The necessity of this is above all, because it keeps her from thinking a
decision to meet you has any weight (keeps the bar super low), and it prevents her from being in a
space where she has to make a serious decision (which is 90/10 likely to go against you), and it's a
micro-alpha-giveaway because if something is serious then it matters and if it matters you care, and if
you care she basically won and wants to walk away. The reason she's saying no is because she's
thinking of some worry seriously – if nothing with you ever goes serious no matter what she does, it
takes any seriousness out of the downsides in her mind. Third, the structural concept of looping through
several date asks and assuming at least the first two she'll squeeze her way out of.

If I Could Go Back and Tell 18 Year Old Me Only Three Things...

If I got the opportunity to go back and tell myself at 18 years old only three concepts about game, I
would probably pick things that were the best combination of results producing, perception altering
(which leads you to best learn other concepts consequently), and most difficult to learn – because if you
learn the hardest things by someone telling you, the other things you can then pick up. I would say that
the three concepts I'd choose are: 1) Sexual tension and how to create it. 2) The concept of telegraphing
letting go factors and not control/caution/identity awareness or management factors so that she lets go
like girls around Kirill instead of making her tighten up even more. I think a part of this same thing is
also not projecting expectation at her, not at first, which counters letting go as well. Smoothness factors
in here, too. 3) Surviving the next fork in the road, and the perception that game is survival and dirty,
not clean and pretty. I might exchange 2 for the concept that void is required with every spike to make
sure the spikes actually have an affect, or perhaps these two things are tied together... She can't let go if
there isn't some void to move into and you're battering her – let's go with that and say they go together.

Having these three concepts alone would, after years of training with them, lead someone to get at least
a third of the girls that they could pretty much ever get with everything else. They would have to learn
a lot of things along the way, but if you taught them those three things, I think they'd fill in the blanks
on their own to the level of getting about a third of the results. Not incredible, but enough that someone
would have a good dating life for a lot of years that I, and most people, spent struggling quite a bit –
even after learning from great game sources.

If I made it five concepts and added to more... That's tough. But I'd probably include 4) The fact that
silence and voids in texting are more powerful than anything you can ever do and will lead to more
dates, happy relationships, not blowing things up, etc. than anything else you can do. If I used that for
all ten years of my progress, I think I could safely double the number of times I succeeded. That's
crazy. The first three things might give me four to five times more overall results over ten years. And 5)
I'd be split between A) Teaching myself that I can use acting things out to create emotions better than
any words can, generally. B) Teaching the concept of adding energy or taking it. C) The difference
between proacting and reacting, and the necessity to switch between them to establish a good
interaction. D) The concept of pivoting deeper on things that hit, and being aware of it. E) Stepping
into her shoes, especially as a part of your basic interaction loop – removing hoping and instead
stepping into her shoes, feeling where she is and how to get her to your target, and any blockages she
has. And F) The use of Julien style pushes and lie plotlines and the role of doing that in successfully
starting interactions (making disgusted faces when she says where she's from, using lie plotlines to
transition interactions in ways where the mystery and the lack of caring about the interaction drag her
in). I wanted to lay all those out for 5 to show that the first four are very clear cut and I find them
extremely hard to argue with in hindsight, those four things can make for a real player. I also wanted to
look at them laid out myself and think which ones added the most success, perspective, and were
hardest to get. I think C, E, and F are linked to the most interactions I could've succeeded in, but didn't,
and give a lot of perspective and were very hard to learn. And A changes the game and the fundamental
viewpoint on it. If you fix your loop using E, that sort of includes C. Ultimately, I just think it's really
hard to routinely transition successful interactions without F or at least Luke's viewpoint/style of
breaking rapport. So I'd say 5 is F, despite the fact that all kinds of sources talk about some form of
teasing or breaking rapport – I think it's too critical and otherwise easy to overlook. But it's extremely
hard to value that over E because E can fix damn near everything and E is EXTREMELY hard to figure
out, one of the hardest things to learn and wrap your head around in this entire book. So I'd make E a
close 6, but almost wouldn't want to have 5 and not 6 in that case. Finally A just changes things so
much that I'd really want to include it too... I think that means that you could pass on 1-3, or 1-4. But
after that you'd want to add at least 5 and 6, which are using breaking rapport/disgusted faces and lie
plotlines early on to help initiate a flirty relationship and get her to let go of logic, and I'd be loathe not
to give someone 7, the fact that you can create much of game's emotions even better by acting them out
with your face and space (followed closely by rhythm and tone) than by words. Someone having 1-7
would probably ultimately get 2/3 of the results they could possibly get after a few years without
having everything else. The rest of everything we've discussed greatly speeds up those results and gets
you the last 1/3 (so you get the full results, but also get them 2-3 times faster by learning all of this).
The training techniques actually might be my 8, and pivoting deeper 9. Which I'd say leaves
adding/taking energy as 10.

Those 10 would be so epic. I would've lived my twenties in a TOTALLY different way. Of course I'd
prefer to give myself this whole book and just have killed it for my entire youth... But just those ten
alone would've left me with a life others would've been seriously jealous of for years. The first four
alone would've made me very strong 'natural' level for sure. If I could've also added telling myself to
live in New York, Miami, Vegas, Phoenix, Stockholm, or maybe St Petersberg (Russia) and not to fuck
around trying to game anywhere else... I would quite honestly be laughing right now and hanging out
with girls rather than writing this book.

Finally, contrary to what almost everyone will think after reading this book, I'd tell myself to hammer
and obsess IMMEDIATELY and work to figure everything out in terms of emotional creation,
surviving forks, dealing with the friend group, working venues, putting everything together as a system
without any weak links, getting rid of deep blockages and wounds, etc. I would tell myself to study and
research and evaluate far harder, full time way back at the beginning. I wouldn't trade any of the
execution I did in the field, but I'd happily a decent amount of it in order to reach much better
understandings much earlier. I basically tried to play chess for years and years while only able to see
25% of the spaces on the board. Or tried to do chemistry for years like an alchemist who lives in a time
where the field of chemistry doesn't even exist. It was years of pretty hopelessly spinning my wheels
because I simply didn't know any different or better and didn't see what was wrong. So while most
people would advise not analyzing so much and think this book is overkill, I would actually say after
10 years of experience that working 50x harder right at the beginning to figure out the whole picture on
all the relevant levels would have been 100x better. You HAVE to execute in the field while doing this
because you're in a constant iteration loop of testing your theories in the real world to see what you
don't see and realize what's right and what's wrong... But I would've put FAR more effort into that,
rather than hoping that a portion of execution of what I knew on information that clearly didn't give a
full picture would eventually be enough to get me what I wanted. I should've listened to that tugging
feeling that something wasn't right and realized the knowledge base I'd been given was just full of holes
left, right and center, and that fixing that and then executing the better knowledge would create results
infinitely faster than putzing around and hoping that it would eventually work out well enough.

Why did I want to add this section? Because it both tells you the most important and results producing
things to learn, and because I'm not starting from the beginning right now... So the only way I can
really help YOU start from early on in the process is to think of what would've most drastically sped
up, improved, and changed my own journey. If you find yourself in love with some other concepts and
trying to focus on them instead of these ten, or living in the right cities (unless you like punk rock
chicks or girls of certain ethnicities), you should realize that you're barking up the wrong tree because
you have a pet concept that you really like, or that you're wasting your time in your city that gives you
1/4 to 1/20 as many chances to approach hot girls as you should have. (Yes, that even includes 'party'
cities like Austin, Texas or Boulder, Colorado and so on. Can't speak for wherever Florida State is, I've
heard that might be like Phoenix... but college girls in my experience are rough for cold approach). So
don't start where you want to start because it sounds good to you – start with these ten things, really in
order, and master them first. And move to one of those cities, and do everything you can to spend
prolonged periods going out 5-7 nights a week minimum. If you can go out 9 nights a week, do that
haha. And don't skip your fucking out of the field training. I know game has never had this or valued it,
but it's like an NFL team trying to show up to games without having practiced aside from their other
games. It's simply retarded. Period. Period.

Innuendo, the Lost Bridge

Very sadly for me, innuendo was one of the first tools I was good at in my journey through game. I'd
say a lot of my early successes stacked up to using innuendo via text very well. In hindsight I was
probably just barely getting numbers and then carefully wedging them open with Mystery-style old
school tricks like self-disqualification and then clever innuendo and such. Not a way to do it, but a skill
I'd also say I later lost.

Why I later stopped using much innuendo, I'm not really sure. I guess I realized that by making the
right moves I could get girls to talk at least lightly about real world experiences and skip things ahead.
But the issue is, you then pin yourself into a corner where you can't keep talking realistically with most
girls without them starting to feel bashful and backing off or bailing. Then you generally wind up just
with the girls that are willing to tell you their favorite position and so on. It sort of feels like you're just
not coming together with the girl to open up, but in reality you're pushing her to a place that's familiar
and sexy and then you know she isn't ready to actually have sex and it's all to easy to keep pushing
along the route that started working... And make her start to feel it's all wrong.

The great thing about sexual innuendo is that girls actually DO want to talk about and think about
having sex, they just want to claim it's classy and clever and they're being coy and hard to get. It's like
how pretty much ALL girls wear thongs now, but if you were to try to get them to flash you most
would go “I'm not a slut!” and run away. They want to show off their ass and barely cover their vagina
in thing lace and act like they're coy and unobtainable and sort of good girls, but really they want it out
there and they want to share themselves with people in a sexual way... But they just want that veil
there. They want that air of classiness, that air of unobtainability. They want to act like they wouldn't
ACTUALLY do it right up until they can't resist any more and snap and actually do it. In a girl's mind
the bizarre thought “It's all good as long as my vagina is covered in classy lace” seems to be a real,
logical argument. Don't hate the messenger, I didn't stick lace thongs on all of their vaginas, they did

This mindset seems to be why innuendo is so addictive to girls. They really want all the crazy sexuality
and everything they is, but they want to cover it with thin lace. You could make some social-face
saving based arguments and shit, but honestly it's just some irrational urge and I can't claim to fully
understand it (maybe if I did my game would be more badass, who knows).
When you're using innuendo, you let them think about it, play with it with you, talk about it, and then
the whole time they get to cover it in thin lace and pretend it's okay. Like a thong. The crazy thing is
that a girl that wants to see herself as classy can do it because she can say, especially depending on the
innuendo that's used, that it's still classy. A girl that thinks she's smart can do it because she can claim
she's being clever. A girl that's more conservative can do it because she can claim she's just kidding and
she didn't say anything she shouldn't... It works for almost any girl, unless their ability to speak your
language sucks or some girls don't want to play games and basically just want to talk about it directly
(usually those are your girls that are more stripper-like, though actual strippers usually get good at
innuendo through work).

If you asked me six months ago if you could build sexual tension verbally, I would say only sort of
unless you go with basically graphic Fifty Shades of Grey type descriptions or other sexual talk without
the actual sex. But while there's sexual tension there, there's also a lot of just being turned on directly.
It's kind of sexual tension because sexual tension by definition is sexual feelings that are going
unsatisfied, but it's kind of not sexual tension because sexual tension is generally sexual feelings that
arise from something a bit unexplained. The general world thinks sexual tension is an inexplicable
thing two people just have or they don't. That doesn't match with being turned on because you're
describing sex or sexual situations in very specific, sensory ways. That's like grinding turns you on but
isn't sexual tension. It's a little of both. For those reasons, I'd say sexual tension through verbals was
only sort of possible.
But if you use innuendo, you're getting her to think about sex, and have sexual feelings, but you're not
really saying it... So it's closer to sexual tension. It builds the same emotion at least, let's say that. It's
not inexplicable though. So that means that it's more like mostly sexual tension via verbals. Not fully
exactly, but mostly. You know where it's coming from, but the feeling is there. So it's mostly sexual

Now recently when bringing back my sexual innuendo game, I one-upped what I always used to do
with all my knew knowledge and skill. I opened the innuendo by using innuendo but saying I wouldn't
be into that, or it wouldn't be enjoyable or whatever. Disqualifying it. Then as that little game evolved
as both of us saying “Yeah, it would be terrible for you to try to handle my little Batman” after sending
a picture of a tiny Batman toy (that actually isn't what the tiny toy was, but I don't want to have people
jack my sweet ass line, so that's close), it eventually turned more towards using the innuendo to talk
about things but not really and the game of saying it would be terrible mostly died but you can bring it
in and out to keep it lively. Where I really kicked it up a notch was tying the innuendo into more visual
concepts to get her visualizing more. I don't want to say again what exactly I said so I can be lazy and
just recycle it, but I made a play on being able to handle things and the saying “with two hands tied
behind my/your back” in order to create innuendo that was a play on words but ALSO made her
visualize being tied up (in a not-too-Fifty-Shades way). Meshing clever plays on words with innuendo,
we were able to play out a more specific and visual/sensory thing while literally talking in a veiled way
about things that weren't literally sexual at all.
That satisfies girl's desire to turn sex into a game, not just an act.

Bizarrely, girls are wildly okay with this mostly across the board. I think I'd given up on it in part
because I'd started to assume if they were willing to take innuendo that far, they'd just talk about it. But
it's so not true. They love this little game. Love it. It's like Cosmo magazine or thongs to them. Who the
fuck knows. I mean, it is really fun – but you'd think girls would resist it waayyyy more than they do.
But if you work it in their gently, they just don't most of the time. Especially if you start with the
inverse/photo negative version, like “It would be so terrible if...” If they do, then you're missing the
general factors that cause sexual tension backing (looseness, removing obstacles, maybe she's not
liking you at all yet, you've got too many micro-alpha-giveaways so she thinks you're a beta and won't
engage with you, maybe she has a boyfriend – which would go under obstacles, or a certain fraction of
girls don't like it as with anything sexual and then you have to be flexible).

The other beautiful thing about innuendo, as we discussed above, is that it allows you to warp anything
towards sex. You can keep turning things sexual until she just bites.
But by using the visual-innuendo concept from above, you can actually get to the point of creating
sexual comfort too. And in a way that doesn't kill sexual tension the same way that just talking really
openly and calmly about sex can. It's really just one of those hacks in game that works, works over and
over, is fairly simple, and there really isn't a superior version or even an equivalent alternative to. So
just do it. A lot. (That's innuendo too, see that?)

Change Your Default State Before you Can Regularly Smash It

We've all heard the studies that almost all lottery winners wind up blowing their entire winnings and
becoming broke again. What you may not have heard is that they determined the largest reason is just
that they're used to being broke – so they subconsciously bring themselves back there.

Julien said that the greatest addiction we all have is being addicted to our default state. Probably
whatever you're honestly feeling RIGHT NOW as you read this. For me it was this [this is very honest
of what I wrote down BEFORE working hard to change it]: a few things I need to do with my body
(hungry, etc), relaxed, slightly tired, no girls around, going to work hard on my game and go out
tonight but no huge expectation of success- though I know my skills are high enough that in 'theory' I
should succeed every night, a slight mocking attitude towards that 'theory', feeling like I'm just as likely
as not to trip myself up, thinking that hopefully I'll pull a very exciting girl in the next few days but not
feeling it's super likely to happen tonight, fairly low energy/chill, spending my night out scheming on
how to get girls, dreaming about the day when I'll 'really' kill it in the future, comfortable.

Now think about that: Why would I have trouble dragging myself out to clubs alone? Because my
default state that I was addicted to has feelings like “relaxed,” “comfortable,” and “chill” in it. I'm sadly
over 30 years old now... So my brain thinks “Hey, if feeling like that has kept me alive this long...
Might as well keep it up.” Whereas if I had a gaping, painful wound in my leg – I'd be working to fix
that shit ALL DAY LONG.
Let's ask another question about the reality of my life while I had this default state: Why did I often
know I “could've” picked up certain girls, but I only actually DID get maybe 1 out of 4 of those girls?
Because my default state was no girls around, no girls lying in my bed naked asking me to come fuck
them, going to clubs but then going back home alone more often than not, scheming on how to GET
girls, dreaming about the day I'll 'really' kill it in the future. The dreams, the addiction to striving after
girls and scheming about it, having an empty bed... Those are what I was ADDICTED to. So when I
HAD the chance to change that, I would somehow slip out of it more often than not – self sabotage – to
get BACK to that default state I was addicted to.

To move forward, I needed my default state to be blowing girls minds with chasing and sexual tension.
To be always having a very exciting girl in my bed. To be always leaving clubs with a very exciting
girl. To be thinking about having something else because I already HAVE girls. To be grinding hard,
out of my comfort zone, pushing to survive, solving problems – not relaxed and chill. I needed to hate
relaxed and chill, hate being addicted to 'figuring it out', hate being addicted to 'dreaming about girls.'
Having an empty bed needed to feel like a gaping wound in my leg, NOT like my default state. I
needed to HATE IT when I wasn't either training out of the field, pushing hard in an interaction to blow
a girl's mind, solving problems, persisting and having the highest common denominator expectation,
leaving the club with an exciting girl, or having one naked in my bed. THOSE need to be my default
states, and I needed to HATE not having them. In fact, to an extent I even needed to hate reading this
book, or watching videos on ANYTHING other than changing my default state. I had figured out game
to such a high level that I needed to almost start hating that and start feeling 'normal' just executing and

The odd thing about this is that you can't have motivational posters telling you to do these things, and
sit around psyching yourself up about how great these things are and how you're going to go crush it,
and then watching motivational YouTube videos. That will FUCK YOU OVER.
Surprising? Maybe you don't believe me? Maybe that sounds like a slap in the face to 'success' and
what 'successful people do'.

Motherfucker, I have two groups of friends. Successful friends, and the friends that talk a lot about
what successful people do. The insanely successful friends (billionaires, gold medalists, etc.) never sit
around talking about what successful people do. Hahahaha. They don't read the books, they don't have
the posters. My OTHER group of friends does all those things... And they're level of success is on the
order of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. They compare themselves to the average man and
tell themselves they're crushing it... I say nothing, but I look at them, then I look at my billionaire
friends. You get the picture.

Why are the posters and the psyching yourself up and the motivational videos the thing that will fuck
you over? Because it teaches you that those actions you need to take are EXCEPTIONAL. That they're
above and beyond. That you need to RISE to them.

No bitch.

Those are fucking NORMAL. You took hard action, pushed your comfort zone, creatively solved
problems, and directly attacked your biggest goals all day today... Do you: A) Post about it on
Facebook, watch a Michael Jordan video and tell yourself how great you are? Or B) Go fuck a girl you
know, or watch some Netflix while eating dinner, or hang with a friend for a minute?
That's right, you do B. Because that day was nothing other than TOTALLY NORMAL to someone who
is truly successful.
Training for an Olympic sport breeds this well. You're around perhaps 75 other people training their
asses off every day, then in the gym working out hard every day, then taking care of their equipment,
eating and sleeping well. Then doing it all over again. Nobody is like “Wow, you trained hard
yesterday!” It's a lot more like “Yup, another day.” Because as an Olympic track athlete, THAT level of
over the top, obsessive and constant effort IS your default state. The stuff everyone else admires and
drools over... Guess what? That's a normal everyday thing for Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, Michael
Schumacher or other great Michaels.

My friends in the billionaire class, the Forbes 30 under 30 guys, the Olympic gold medalists... I don't
recall seeing any motivational posters on their walls. They only very occasionally show a cool
motivational YouTube video, and then they never watch it again. They don't forward it to their friends,
or use it to amp themselves up. In fact the only amping themselves up they do is a lot like a normal ass
person dragging themselves out of bed to get to work at 9am on a day they don't want to go. And by
that I mean 'don't want to go do the normal routine.'

You shouldn't ramp yourself up to do things, you shouldn't feel so amazing and great when you do
them. You should feel GOOD, like normal good. Like you just had some bomb ice cream good. I'm not
saying you shouldn't feel positive, you should be feeling positive a lot because you're doing your shit.
But it's your shit. You aren't calling people up and telling them.
And it's almost not that you should hate yourself for not doing them, though to some extent you might,
but more like you should feel WEIRD. Or you should feel like “What's wrong today, lazy ass? You
didn't persist and win over that Maxim Model. She's not in your bed. You feeling alright?”

“Why am I not blowing a girl's mind right now? Why isn't one staring into my eyes, grabbing me,
trying to escape her friends with me, talking right into my ear?” “Why am I not training out of the field
right now until I'm nearly exhausted, then finding my spark and going out?” You should feel uneasy,
unsettled. Kind of like if I dropped you in South Central LA in the worst gang neighborhoods and you
knew it was a fucked up place, but everywhere around you the gang members were just chilling. No
one had a gun in your face or was stabbing anyone... They were just there. You knew your ass didn't
belong there, you knew you were fucking up by being there, you CERTAINLY didn't feel remotely

What's the Fundamental Internal Shift? No Longer Taking Life Seriously

The RSD guys love talking about how you need to let go and commit to abundance. They say you need
to come from this place where you're doing everything out of sharing and creating. Not out of lack and
trying to get. It's a great concept. However, I feel like it's difficult to actually execute... And I also think
they're not necessarily executing it that well. They're trying and convincing themselves that they're
succeeding, but I think it's a little too vague as a concept to actually execute.

I think there's a better one – stop taking life seriously altogether.

We talked about not taking yourself or any of the girls you game seriously. This is the much further
evolution of that. If you just don't take anything in life seriously, then you won't take yourself seriously
or a girl seriously. You won't take money seriously. You won't take it seriously if you go down the path
of this movie of life playing out, or that movie of life playing out. One thing has you on yachts with
tons of models, another has you without much money backpacking around South America... If you're
not taking life seriously, they both could be cool! If you are taking it seriously, one is death. I certainly
have that latter problem and have to work on it quite a bit.
It's a lot like a video game. You can get really into a video game, play really hard, put everything
you've got into it, be emotionally engaged... You just don't take it seriously.

This is easy to say, but it's so profound and impactful that it's very difficult to actually do. I'm currently
going through the most difficult time of my entire life. The days that are best are the ones where I'm
like “Fuck it” and I just do what I'm doing right now and don't take life seriously. The days that are the
worst are the ones where I think about it obsessively and get very attached to one outcome or another.
It's not so easy to stop the latter. But I suppose it's a bit of a process. Just to say “Fuck it, none of this is
really a big deal anyway. So I'm going to do it how I want to do it.”

This seems almost impossible. But think of the native Americans. They didn't even believe in the
concept of land ownership. They didn't think you could own the land. It was just there, and they just
appreciated it and lived off of it. It was a way of living that took things, at least some things,
dramatically less seriously than we do.

The Real Costs that I Went Through to Get Here – Understanding Why you Should Attack All Out

I spent roughly $16,000 on Project Rockstar. I have spent so far about $13,000 on RSD bootcamps,
immersion, and video products. I have spent a MINIMUM of $30,000 for lodging/rent in periods where
I was STRICTLY working on my game. I have spent at LEAST $8,000 on flights STRICTLY for
working on game. That's a MINIMUM direct expenditure of $67,000 on my game. During all that time
I was working on my game, I gave up a MINIMUM of around $250,000 in income that I would have
made doing what I was doing at those points in time. Though if you consider the fact that working on
my businesses would've involved significant scaling that can't be measured, not just making the same
amount, you'll realize that I probably gave up at LEAST twice that. Quite possibly more.

Now add ten years to your life. Because that's what it took for me to get here. Not that I didn't do a ton
of other awesome shit in those ten years – I did. Including long periods of working solely on my sport
and on my business. But that's probably what you will do right now.

So think about it – you can pay $67,000, give up another $250,000-500,000 or more, and fast forward
ten years of your life until you get the results you probably want if you've read this far. Or since there's
so much better info out there, maybe five to eight years of your life. Until you've done all that, you
won't be getting what you want. Just imagine all the nights I went to sleep alone. All the nights I was
beyond frustrated because some girl just disappeared off the planet at me, or I lost some girl I thought I
had at the club, or I just got abused all night out at the club. Imagine the HUNDREDS of gorgeous,
cool girls that would've been tremendous additions to my life. That I could've had unbelievable
experiences with. And how I could've impacted all those girls if we'd had sex and then spent more time
together. Imagine how confident I'd be now, even compared to how I've wound up. Imagine the insane
story my life would've been. Imagine all of that for yourself. Imagine you had to go to sleep alone all
those nights. You have to be frustrated all of those nights. You have to lose your chance to add all those
girls you'll interact with to you life. You'll have to be frustrated with how your life is going until 5, 8 or
10 years from now. Imagine that game holds back the other stuff you really want to do in life. Imagine
feeling like other people get the girls you want, but for some reason you just can't. Imagine feeling that
way until 5 years from now. Or 10 years from now.

Imagine you were going to die tonight. Imagine that as you were dying you had to look back on
everything you've done, how hard you fought and didn't fight to get what you really wanted, how many
times you sat around not doing what you should have because you were tired, frustrated, scared,
uncertain, or – worst – mad at someone or angry about something. Imagine you had to die tonight never
having gotten to live the life you wanted to with women. Imagine you just had to sit there dying, and
think about all the fucking excuses you made about why you wouldn't go harder on this, or focus harder
on it. Imagine you had to lie there dying, thinking about all your fucking excuses. What a waste all of
them were. What a waste all the little things you did to waste time were. Imagine the panic, disgusts,
regret you would feel. It's nothing short of disturbing.
Now think about the very real chance that you might not see 10 years from now. A not insignificant
number of people who read this book, sadly, will not. The prior paragraph was hypothetical. This one is
very real.

Now remember, you have two choices. There's a fork in the road. You can attack all out. You can move
to Vegas or Miami, save up money, and attack this in at least 4-6 month bursts of full time obsession as
often as possible over the next few years. You can listen to EVERY word of this book. You can not just
think “Oh, it would be a good idea to tape notes to my wall, and pictures of the hottest girls I can
imagine. It would be a good idea to attack this harder. It would be a good idea to think like that. It
would be a good idea to train outside the field. It would be a good idea to push that area harder. It
would be a good idea to use that drill. It would be a good idea to talk to more sevens. It would be a
good idea to try to take more girls from guys” - but instead actually DO those things. You can re-read
this book every 3-6 months to make sure you're staying on track, to get the things you missed or didn't
understand the first time. You can go through execution cycles where you're just watching infield and
practicing, and learning cycles when you feel you've caught up. You can push. You can tell the rust
bucket between your ears that it's being ridiculous. You can fight to survive the next fork in the road.
And you might be living the same life as me in a year or two. I'll be jealous as fuck that you got there
so fast, but that's my legacy to you. Or you can throw away five, eight, ten years to get there. And over
$300,000. You can decide in the FUTURE that you should do these things. You can decided in the
FUTURE to smash this with a hammer. In which case the result will be the same but MUCH more
delayed. You can do everything you were going to do WITH hot women, or without them. You can do
it WITH constant frustration, or without it. You can realize right now that this process isn't easy but if
you attack it all out you'll get it and be able to live life on a high. Or you can think to yourself that a
marginal effort will work out and it can drag on and fuck with you and you'll just have to wait longer
and longer for it. You can inch this area of your life up your priorities, or you can realize that every year
you're older, it becomes a little harder to work full time on game. And it's another year that passes by
without you living the life you want to live.

Your process could be one to three years. Your direct game costs could be about $1500 to $10,000,
depending on if you do live events and so on. The recommended live training would be bootcamps with
RSD Julien, Vegas Immersion with RSD Luke, bootcamps with RSD Madison, Hotseat events with
RSD Tyler, and Transformation events live with RSD Julien. Your rent costs could be as little as $7600
or so for a full year in Vegas. So your total expenditure might be right around $10,000. Which most of
you can save up even working pretty standard jobs.

This is the very real fork in the road that now presents itself to you, since I've given you all the
knowledge, mindsets, and processes you need to ACTUALLY get there. You have no other excuse now,
besides you aren't going hard enough and listening well enough and doing everything you know you
should do. For many of you that will suck – knowing that now you actually have no excuse and you're
just letting it slip. Sorry, but that's life. For others, this will be the greatest gift you may ever succeed.
That sounds dramatic, but two years from now when you chose the path of smashing this area of your
life with the biggest hammer you could, when you are living a crazy life at a young age – you'll look
back and think what a pivotal and incredible decision it was to invest hard core and up front in this. To
go out on a limb, bet a year or two of your life on this process, and trust that it's all worth it and better
to obsess on it now than drag it all out later. You'll wish you could thank me not only for all the
knowledge, mindsets, tactics, and processes in this book – but perhaps most of all for this one short
section only a few paragraphs in length. Because the decision to take the hard road, the front loaded
road, and just go all in on this, to trust that this is quite difficult and easiest done by smashing it with a
hammer... That decision and the push to make it will be without a shadow of a doubt as important to
your life as every other bit of wisdom in this book combined. I want the people who read this to
actually live the life. To be crushing it with girls at a YOUNG age, and for many years, AND if they so
choose also to be millionaires or even billionaires. I truly want this to be the greatest piece of secret
wisdom you ever find in your life. I don't know what legacy I'll leave in the next phase of my life –
hopefully a much bigger one – but if I die before I get there or don't manage to pull it off, I hope that
I'll leave a legacy behind in your life. Not just in you living a crazy life with women, but in your
business life, and in your general spark for life and the fact that you're out there attacking and not
hiding. I suppose on some level that will be worth all the shit I had to go through to get here... Though
I'll still be jealous as fuck and I can't say for sure that I wouldn't trade that for having lived the last ten
years of my own life with this book in my own possession. Sorry...

The Key Realization About Life

Most of you will ignore or even hate this little section. But for some of you it might be the most
profound in the book, save you massive pain, even prevent some of you from sliding into middle aged
malaise or bitterness...

I strongly wish we weren't raised with the Disney movie view of the world. Quite simply, the good in
this world comes from what you create and what you put out into the world. Good doesn't simply drift
into this world by chance or clouds or because the world is inherently a good place. The fact is, the
world has been set up – whether intelligently or simply by chance – as a survival of the fittest,
everything is competing chaos. There may be a higher power, I believe in the Christian faith, but if
there is or isn't, there's not a high frequency of intervention. No matter your belief system, nothing from
manifestation to karma to any form of god to simple chance intervenes frequently in the events of the
world, and physics tells us that the natural state of matter is to degenerate into chaos, while biology
tells us the natural state is competition. So without you putting positivity into the world around you, the
world around you will naturally degenerate into chaos and be filled with competition.

Most of us, at least those of us raised in the west, are raised to think that fate will come in and we'll
meet the person we're supposed to meet, wind up in the job we're supposed to wind up in, have the life
that we're supposed to have. In almost every Disney movie, everything works out. Adults raise us that
way so we can grow up living a happy, blissful childhood. But unlike when they finally admit Santa
Claus doesn't exist, no one ever steps in and corrects our view of the world. A very close friend of mine
and a girl I met through game actually just told me that her wonderful, amazing, sweet grandma had her
20 year old son commit suicide, her dad died when she was one, she suffered through cancer three
times, and several other terrible, terrible things. My best friend from 2nd grade died in a car accident.
His younger brother was hit and killed by a car playing on his bike in the cul de sac outside their home.
His youngest brother died for reasons doctors couldn't explain as a 1 year old. That left a mother of
three with all of her children dead. Both of those women are good people. These aren't reversible
experiences. Granted, my friend's grandmother gets to live with her loving family... But it sure doesn't
sound like the scales are evened out to me.

In my process going through game, occasionally I teetered on the edge of slipping into bitterness and
complete despair with this world. In the arena of dating, some girls act 60% positively – generally
those that don't go to clubs often, maybe bars – but many, many girls behave as the very agents of utter
chaos. Even just now a girl on Bumble, which I rarely use for exactly this reason, who was all over me
and even 'liked' two of my messages right before I gave her my number, then never texted me back
when I said nothing more complicated than “Hey you, it's ___”. She didn't respond to a pleasant but not
try-hard follow up message a day later. Or when I said “Great meeting you!” Annoyed by another girl, I
slipped into negativity a night later and sent her an obnoxious message, which got her to break her little
ghosting blockade and text me back angrily (not a victory, trust me) and she eventually said that 'The
vibe was off from when I said hello' and that's why she didn't text me back... Excuse me? You were all
over me, liked two of my messages in a row and then sent me your phone number, and all I did after
that huge high was text you... And you didn't text me back. The more real answer is probably that she's
a low self esteem girl and my text wasn't provocative enough so she decided I was a pussy or
something,then didn't text me back because she wasn't turned on, then reverse justified it. But “Hey
you, it's ____” is not a pussy message and I wouldn't have sent her anything differently, because I'm not
going to treat the 65% of girls that have normal self esteem like low self esteem girls just in case. This
kind of shit eats at you if you care. That's why Julien and Tyler D and others talk so much about how to
let go and float through life, even subscribing to the belief 'Everything happens for a reason.' The fact
is, everything doesn't happen for a reason as close as I can tell (perhaps you have a strong reason for
why it does – and much respect if you do!), but that is a very nice mindset to help brush off negative
events. But you certainly can't care about what girls do or don't do unless they're your committed
girlfriend. Nor can you care about the chaos that is the world, or the competitive animals that are our
fellow humans. You could debate whether humans inherently intend to be good or not, I think they are
all doing the best they have within their set of goals, experiences, and will power, but that often isn't
that good for those around them. I suppose it's good to believe that they all mean well, but many don't
have the capacity to behave well. That's probably pretty much true too. But the result is really that they
behave en masse as competitive animals. You just have to accept these things and not care about them.

That could easily send you into bitter nihilism or other fucked up states. I would wonder sometimes as
a kid why so many middle aged people were coasting through life in a numb, dull way. Well... when
you've seen enough of the world it's not so hard to see. Sit down and binge watch Anthony Bourdain
episodes from the early days of “No Reservations” through the latest “Parts Unknown” episodes. You'll
watch someone who partied in NYC, became addicted to heroin, got out of addiction, became a writer,
got a TV show as a fresh wise ass, saw the world and fought with bitterness and wondering if there's
any good, sought to find the optimism amid everything, and ultimately found that if you sit down and
eat good food with people all over the world and listen to their stories, you'll find amid their tough
times pretty good people who are all holding onto hope and doing the best they can. It's very
interesting. It also points out that the more people you hang out with that aren't consumed in the
competitions of modern humanity, the more positivity you'll see. If you embed yourself in finance in
Manhattan and hang around 9+ girls in clubs trying to get with celebrities, your making your world
people who would gladly step on each other's faces for their own selfish good. One thing to remember
if you're chasing the 'hotter' girls who are almost unanimously far more competitive with other people,
too. (One reason the most accomplished hot girls are better, because they have an inner peace and
confidence from being more accomplished that lets them rise above just competing against everyone).
If you travel the world and just hang out with normal people, you'll find a lot of good people.

But either way, I think the most important thing to know, and the most important lesson is this: If the
world around you is constantly trying to dissolve into chaos, and the people around you are generally
consumed in competing like animals, then the positivity and good in your sphere around you is equal to
how much good and positivity you're creating. To make a simple analogy, if you were to stop cleaning
your apartment it will soon become filthy and eventually even uninhabitable.
That's your world. If you stop putting good and positivity into the world around you, it will degenerate
into crap.

This is true of what you do professionally, your cold approach, your relationships, how you treat
cashiers, etc. If your job isn't putting positivity and good into the world in any significant way, you
won't be surrounded by positivity and good at your job (all paid jobs create some sort of good, or no
one would be paying for them... But whether that is going to people around you so that you feel that
reflection is a different story). You could think, for instance, of Robin Williams. He put a ton of good
and positivity into the world... But if he was always doing it through a camera into movies, and the
crew and cast around him don't really care, then he's not putting good into those in his vicinity and his
sphere isn't all that great. The same when he was performing from stage, though a bit better. If he had
ever stopped among people on the sidewalk and just joked around with them, his world probably
would've been a far more positive place. On the contrary you see Tyler D – much of the good he creates
is through a lens onto YouTube. But he also is willing to stop and talk to fans and even go pick up girls
with them. He likes teaching boot camps still and giving good to those right in front of him. As such,
he's surrounded by quite a lot of positivity. Bill Murray is a person in much the same place as Robin
Williams, except he's famous for wandering into house parties and making excellent memories for
people, or sending unbelievably thoughtful gifts to people he doesn't even know that well. As such, he's
much beloved and, despite seeming a bit nuts, appears to be really happy.
Cold approach by the simple facts is a taking activity – you go out trying to meet individual girls and
have sex or go on dates. Now when you actually HAVE sex, it should be a very giving, positive
experience. But for reasons we've talked about in this book, that's not how girls treat you leading up to
sex before it happens – they try to act like you're taking, even though the reality is you are (or should
be) simply trying to share with them. Cold approach is an unleveraged, one-to-one activity. This means
that in cold approach, you're only creating good if you're actively making people's nights better. If
you're stingy and only doing this to get results, your experience won't be positive. If you joke around
with guys, fat girls, the girl's friends, etc. you can overwhelm the negativity that might come from
narrow-sighted girls that want nothing to do with you with an overall air of positivity. Further, if you're
trying to GIVE to the girls you interact with the great experiences of being fucked with (in a fun way –
again remember that though this sounds bizarre, girls LOVE it), and sexual tension, and sex, and you're
always coming from that place and assuming that by surviving the next fork the 'results' will happen...
Then you can at least increase the positivity in the process with the girls you game too (in all honesty,
it's hard to keep more than a certain percentage of interactions overwhelmingly positive because you
have to be pushing the walls and surviving and girls don't sit around working on viewing the world
positively... But you can do many times better). If you can find the negative reactions girls have as
funny, and them just being dramatic and not getting it, then you can increase the positivity you
experience even further. That's the cold approach angle.

Ever since I was a little kid, I clung to the concept of 'fair'. I remember kicking the crap out of kids in
preschool because they did something nasty or selfish, and I told them to stop, then they hit me, so I hit
them back and told them we were even and to stop. Then they hit me again and tried to get away one
up... So I jacked their shit up for not obeying the rules of fair. I always bought into 'fair' and tried to live
that out throughout my life. It's good to be fair to others, but it has a massive problem – if you don't
stop and think about it, it makes you think the world and others will be fair to you. They won't more
often than they will. I'd run around thinking 'If that person isn't fair to me, why should I be fair to
them?' After all, that in itself is fair. And if someone was super negative to me, why should I be positive
to them? By the way, you'll never police enough people often enough to achieve fair, so you're not
creating a dent in the underlying lack of fairness. But that's coming from an entirely different paradigm.
If your experience of how good and positive the world is is simply based on the good and positivity
you do to those around you, then no matter how fucked up someone is to you, you should just laugh
and stay positive. For one thing, the fact they can't affect you will often eat at them – so that's fair in a
way. But for another, you're keeping your experience as positive as possible. Fuck fair, fuck your ego,
just worry about your experience of life. If they don't come around, just leave. And don't EXPECT to
get good back, or expect anything, from putting out good and positivity; that's like expecting fairness,
you'll just be constantly disappointed against your 'ideal'. You'll often be treating people much better
than they 'deserve' and you'll be so much more positive towards people than they are to you and that
isn't 'fair'... But what are these words? Fair? Deserve? They're just retarded, they don't correspond to the
way that the world works at all, they're human inventions that only harm the person that buys into them
as concepts. Just do it, it will change your experience in life on average, but each individual case could
still have any outcome.

But the real point is that your experience of the world depends on how much positivity and good you're
creating, and often how much of it is affecting people you either interact with (whether it's people that
come up to you because they like what you do, or people directly around you). My first major business
was something that created a lot of good for people, but they were always over phone and email, and it
wasn't good that they ever felt tremendously benefited their lives – they felt it was transactional. So that
didn't provide much positivity in my sphere. I also am guilty of the horrible mistake of being picky
about who I approach through most of my cold approach career, which means I was creating far too
little positivity for other people in my environment. I eventually got much better about making cashiers
and people in stores and so on happier, but I don't go shop or go to starbucks or whatever that much. So
in some periods of my life there weren't a lot of people that I was directly interacting with that felt I
was doing a lot of good for them... And the positivity around you certainly reflects it, and then it just
winds up being on your shoulders to try to stay positive by mental toughness.
What I'm telling to those of you who are still listening to this part is this: Don't leave your experience
of life up to mental trickery. Take the Bill Murray attitude towards life, don't take it seriously and just
try to put good energy at the very least into anyone around you. Yeah, it takes energy. But as Tyler D is
quick to point out on his bootcamps, that energy gets reflected back to you and you get more energy as
a result. I bought this and even experienced it on my bootcamp with him, but my application of it went
up and down because I took it as a means to an end – a way to get in a good place to do well with girls,
and I don't need to do that in order to do well with girls, and I'm inherently a bit lazy. But taken another
way, it's a way to make sure that they world and life you experience is a positive and happy one.

The same is true with your job and what you spend your time doing. Try to find something where you
feel you're creating good. Even better if people feel it enough that they tell you about the good you
created for them if they find out you're the one who started or works for xyz company, or if they see
your media or entertainment you create, or if they walk into the business you're at. While I naturally
much prefer being lazy and saving my energy, I wish I was raised without the Disney perspective – the
world tends to be a huge dick, so your experience of it is based on how much good you're creating in
your sphere and how much good energy you're putting into people. That's how you wind up feeling the
world is a great, wonderful, happy place rather than a giant bag of dicks to be bitter about. Our
experience is based on the majority of experiences that we have – so if you're wandering around among
strangers who are absorbed in their own world and their own animalistic competitions, that will be your
experience of the world. If you create good and positive energy for those around you, some of them
will reflect it back and that will change the balance of the majority of your experiences and thus how
you experience life and the world. Quite simply, it takes work. It takes your energy. It takes your effort.
And to some extent, it takes this effort in ways that on the surface seem pretty much entirely useless
and like a waste of time – like making a bus driver laugh. There's massive beauty in that – we're all the
creators and artists of our own beauty, we get what we create... But that also leaves us in charge of the
positivity of our own experiences.

Post Note on this Section:

I wish I'd grown up being taught this, not learned it at 31 years old. But in another way, that's just
victim mindset. I'm fantastically lucky to learn this at 31, when most people NEVER do. One thing the
insightful wind up seeing through their lives is that it's cultural perspectives and teachings that lead to
virtually everything – divorce rates, crime rates, depression, per capita incomes, middle aged bitterness
and despair... These things all arise out of what our cultures teach us, because that governs the software
that people run around processing the world with for at least their first 30ish years until they can start to
think in ways that go beyond what their culture taught.

What are My Results Like Now?

I could pull a ton of soft 8s (that's usually where girls that are just 'down' top out), a decent number of
hard 8s, but I usually try to go for girls that are 8.5+ and only drop down to solid 8s at the end of the
night. I usually go street game and try to find 8.5+s if there isn't at least a solid 8, and often if there isn't
an 8.5+.
My results so far are 1-2 8.5s a month, plus 2-3 8s. Occasionally from random circumstance a soft 8. I
don't really go below that. Realistically since I met my goal of two 8.5s a month I struggled as I tried to
incorporate Julien's game. That really only started clicking for me in the last month before completing
this book. I'd say I'm at 1-4 girls that are 8.5+ a month now, and probably every month I obsessed full
time on game that would shift more towards 3-4. I've pulled 4 girls that were 8.5+ in a night, but only
closed two – now I'd say I'd probably close 3 or even all 4, plus possibly have closed others that same
month. It definitely depends on what city you're in, what month, and how well you get which club to go
to each night. Pulling more than two 8.5s a month, every month, is probably not possible in any city
without regularly being at great tables. That's just all very honest. To sum up, I'd say if I just study and
execute hard and I'm in Vegas when it's hot or Miami or NYC when they're at their best, and I stay in
that city for a while and learn the city, I'm probably at 3-4 girls that are 8.5+ a month. That's my level.
I'm just leveling out a lot of changes I've made in the last 4 months in my game at the moment.
Honestly, my regular execution level of everything in my system is probably 65-70% right now, and I
bet I could move that to 85-90% and all indications say that in hot months in hot cities that's about four
8.5+ girls a month. Sorry I can't tell you definitively that by drastically increasing my game I doubled
my results from originally reaching my goal, but I moved to another city, had to learn that new city, the
clubs have been slower, my game is definitely better but at the same time a few things slipped as I
improved other things... So I can only say I think my results will now average three to four 8.5+s a
month in months where the clubs are going off.

If you add in being at great tables due to social circle, table game, or buying them, I think the numbers
should be more like 3-5 girls 8.5+ a month, with 1-2 girls that are 9+ a month. Some promoters I made
friends with in Miami are probably doing that, so the reality might even be a lot higher depending on
your setup. With a great table setup and crew, you might be talking an 8.5+ every two to three nights
with a decent number of 9s mixed in. There's no such thing as a 9 a night unless you're famous, not
even at tables. Unless maybe you're at the DJ booth or have some truly exceptional setup.
By the way, since I always see guys posting girls that I'd maaaybe call an 8 as 9s and so on, this is a 9
(one that I spent a few hours talking to on Miami Beach, but she had a boyfriend she travels with and

And this is an 8.5, one that I was going to go on a date with for a while after meeting her at an event,
but she lives in SF and the only time I was back there we tried to meet up but she had yoga teacher
By the way, I'm intentionally putting girls here that I DIDN'T hang out with for very long out of
respect, but also real girls from my actual pickup times that actually were into me to some extent or
So that gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. If these are 10s to you, cool! You can get three or
four of the second girl a month. Maybe 1-2 of the first girl if you're absolutely on fire, more if you're in
the right tables and so on all the time. So the numbers shift based on what you want. I, sadly, like the
ideal basic white girl – the type that's in demand for modeling, being on yachts, being at tables, etc. My
type is the hardest to get, with the possible exception of Indian girls (sorry Indian dudes :/). If your 10
is any other minority race, at least in the US it will be a bit easier. If you love black girls, you might be
able to get 6 or 7 nines a month. Some hispanic girls are easier, some are harder – which probably
averages out that if that's your thing you could get more 9+ girls. Though that also depends where you
are, because in Miami those are the girls a lot of drug dealers and other guys are after. If a 9 to you has
bigger fake boobs and a different look, it might be a little easier (and you might find more in strip
clubs). Strip clubs can be one way to get hotter girls more easily than through other channels, because
they give you a couple minutes of attention easily, and they're not socially competing when you meet
them so they're not being pulled away by group pressure.
Also, since the measure of a good teacher is how bad his worst student is (that tried his best under his
teachings), and how many of his students reach or exceed his own level, a friend that I met on my first
RSD Julien bootcamp took it upon himself to start talking to me regularly, read an early copy of my
book, and try his best to execute what I was teaching him. He started out able to pull maybe two 7s a
week. He likes Asians, but also sometimes Ukrainian girls, etc. He's been working full time and mostly
able to day game around 4 days a week. He hasn't been practicing out of the field nearly enough due to
his job, but he has done some – especially with his face. A few days ago he pulled four girls in two
days, mostly 7.5s, three Asians and a Ukranian girl. I'd say he's at like 40% of what he could be
executing if he'd take time to game full time and obsess, so I'm proud that someone only putting in 40%
can be getting those types of results in about 9 months time based off what's in this book (and he hasn't
even gotten all of the best stuff that's in the book. And he doesn't have my software game trainers, nor
does he have an out of field study habit). I told him he needs to keep talking to all those girls, but try to
only pull at least soft 8s now because he's literally walking out his door and 30 minutes later pulling...
Which at this point isn't helping him learn much more. So there's some evidence of what YOU can do,
pretty easily, and in how long based off this information, system, and training. He also lives in a city I
never go to, so it's not like I'm training him in person or anything of the sort.

Instructors and people that talk about getting a 9 every night or every other night from full-on cold
approach are almost certainly full of shit. If they're talking about nines like the one I posted above,
anyway. If that's a “10” to them, and the second girl is a 9.5 or something, then maybe. I've heard two
guys make claims like that who I fully believe do extremely well, but I don't think anyone can exceed
two 8.5+s a week from just cold approach, and that's extremely heroic. There have been weeks where,
with the clubs really pumping, I've seen the possibility for getting two 8.5+s a week myself... But then
the clubs quickly seem to cool off and it just doesn't seem to be a sustainable thing ever.

What Do I Think Would Improve This Significantly

Okay, first off this is basically the only section I the book that is me musing out loud without having
tested it. Obviously I've pointed out a couple other theories I have that I haven't tested, but this is me
stating what I think is holding me back from, say, a nine and four 8.5s a month or what have you.

So for about a month and a half now I've gotten to step back and work on launching my tech company
and reflect on game and get a different perspective. Sometimes you need to step back to see things
differently in order to move forward. In order to have any dramatic moving of the needle above, I think
what I personally need to work on is effectively all described here, with one or two tweaks.

First, I need to get better at the letting go/Kirill factor of game. I need to tap into the RSD Jeffy effect
where it's like this whole interaction isn't even real. It's not even real life. Those guys love to zoom in
on making sex happen because it's not real life. I'm not sure about that – it does work, and you
definitely want the vibe like it's no big deal and kind of like “fuck the rules” or “ahhh fuck it” or “It's
just a little fun.” I don't know that it has to be this like lucid dream at the sex part – if the sexual tension
is insane, it can be like a “No, we just want to rip each other's clothes off... But fuck it, it's just a little
fun.” More like it doesn't count than it isn't real.
HOWEVER, especially early on in the interaction, this bucking of reality in its entirety is an effect that
I've had but I'm not skilled enough in the ways to do it, the tactics, how you put it together, etc. to do it
over and over. I haven't broken it down enough, I haven't studied it enough, I haven't found those
switches inside myself, and I haven't trained it enough. Should I yell? Should I pop a bottle and pour it
on her? Should I break out Jeffy's beloved fake cocaine line phone app? Should I pick her up and spin
her? I'm like at a basic paint by numbers kind of feel in that shit, which is fine if my shit that I'm good
at hits, but it's not fine if there's resistance to interacting with me in general. Then I hit a wall. That's
where the artist can turn that and crack it open. I had a bouncer friend that would act like he was scared
of the girls even more than they were of him and ham it up. Always stealing the frame and multiplying
it by 10. Then if you watch Bear Grylls in his show Running Wild, he's always finding a way to
compliment the guests for the traits causing them to resist him and then he reframes it in his favor (he's
always trying to push them to literally risk their lives in substantial ways, like looping a rope around
moss and mud and rappelling 60 feet with it – yes that's a real example); he'll be like “You're the kind
of person whose trust you have to earn. That's a great thing.” The effect there being basically to take
what was a tension emotion, compliment their side of it but NOT as an argument not to do the thing but
just as a validation of them as people, and then he's basically managed to diffuse the tension emotion
without challenging them (which would make it stronger), but ALSO without validating their half of
the argument against what he's doing. Tremendously beautiful. If a girl won't even talk to you, you
could say something like that “I like that, you're a person whose trust you have to earn.”

Another gorgeous effect I learned from a friend of mine who's just naturally charming and he's lucky to
have physical looks, is that saying cocky things REALLY HELPS people let go. If you just spout off
cocky statements that don't really matter to anything realistic, you do one of three things generally- you
get her to compete with you and try to prove she's even cooler, she jokes and goes along with it, or she
battles you and tries to knock you down a peg. ALL of those things are forms of letting go and
abandoning a need for anything to be real. The only real negative response she can have to playful
cockiness about things that don't matter is to disregard them and be dismissive towards you. From my
observation and experiences I can think of right now, you can often get rid of this by taking her by
surprise with the cocky comments. And, of course, by making them funny or just blatantly over the top
cocky so it's harder to discount and ignore them. RSD Jeffy likes to introduce himself in completely
absurd was, for instance, like “I am Prince harrold. Yes, the future king of England.”

Then I would say that you want to use WAFFLING- you want to alternate between your letting go
factors and your Julien game. The issue is if a girl isn't playing along or just totally bewildered by the
Julien game, it tends to kind of hit and fade. Like she doesn't have enough skin in the game to care that
you're fucking with her sometimes (which is the reason that making it subtle so she can't tell helps). If,
however, you do a little Julien, then you say some cocky shit and battle with her about it, then more
Julien, then maybe some Kirill type stuff and maybe pick her up and then more Julien game... Now
you're creating two effects: A) You're creating CONTRAST between the ridiculous cut loose good
times and the fucking with her, which is sort of like when the cool older guys were having a blast in
high school and she wanted to join so they let her stay and she'd have fun and start feeling in, and then
they'd give her shit and she never could quite feel fully 'in'. Which creates chasing. Contrast is
something RSD Luke talks really intelligently about and uses a lot. And B) You're getting her to care
about the interaction more so then when you surprise her with the fucking with her it's more like “I
can't believe you'd say that!!” because she's along for the ride, where otherwise it can become “This
weird guy's saying weird stuff out of left field.”

Another beautiful thing about cockiness is a lot of the things we do are about her. That puts a spotlight
on her and thus pressure, it sort of reminds her about her identity which can lead to her protecting or
managing it, which is the opposite of letting go. But cockiness is about US, it's about ME. She can't get
mad at you about that, it can't really tense her up, and it pulls her out and AWAY from thinking about
her identity to her interacting somehow with this clearly overblown concept of you. So that's a nice
trick to have in your bag.

An additional trick for letting go is turning EVERYTHING into innuendo. Something I occasionally do
with some girls that bring it out of me, but not NEARLY as much as I probably should... It's naturally
forcing a letting go of reality because the fact that you keep warping mundane statements into innuendo
is just totally disregarding logic, and you clearly are saying something that is neither real nor serious
when you do it. When she responds, whether she goes with or against it, she's just accepted the frame
of this ridiculous thing by responding. Only if she goes “This is disgusting” or dismisses it entirely or
says “You're just all about one thing, I can tell” and turns away or leaves or something can she reject
the letting go of reality innate in innuendo

Then I definitely need to become MUCH better at stepping into her shoes and awareness.

Then I'd say seeing her more as a person that's maybe uncertain of how to handle this, has her own
desires to feel in power and in charge, is trying to have fun, etc. Like going home and hanging out with
my old friends I could see how if game me walked in and did certain things they'd just be slightly too
removed from normal human behavior to get away with them. There's still a little too much talking AT
people with the game, in only certain ways, but I'm definitely guilty of that. Some things I would never
do if the girl and I were standing among my friends from home, but in moments when I'm not sure
what to do I do them in a club. There should be an awareness and a smoothing to a point where your
friends might think “Whoa, I've never seen this side of you” but they wouldn't think “Whoa dude, that's
just fucking weird. Where did you come from”.
In line with this, I think there's certain times with certain girls where brief moments of a good old
fashioned charming vibe can lighten up more nervous/uncertain girls. And those tend to be your 'cooler'
girls and your more normal hot girls, like sorority girls (aside from the loud over the top sorority girl
that's in every group), and the ones with real jobs and normal friends and shit. Basically the girls you
want the most. That moment of CHARM is sort of an 'I'm a reasonable guy' moment like Jordan Belfort
says. It sort of grounds the interaction in letting the girl inside her that wants the Hollywood hot doctor
to sweep her off her feet make it 'okay' for a second, before going back into more emotionally
provocative stuff.

Then I would say more playing up the group dynamic and more using people around as props and to
create a bit of jealousy/wanting your attention back, and to kind of show that you're the socially
competitive thing in this area because all these people are interacting with you and responding to you.
Being the center of attention and so on, and being able to take your attention off her to another girl you
just introduced to her.

And, finally, better table game and just being way more crazy and untethered and bold with working
into tables and such.

So: 1) Letting go and Kirill factors. Cockiness as a primary one to help let go. But also physical stuff,
crazy conversation, picking her up, outlandish shit. Study RSD Jeffy and Kirill himself and other
sources more. Trying to get her as far away from reality as possible- you could sort of imagine Jeffy in
his red bandana going 'Reality has no place here!'. 1.5) Using some stealing of their fear or tenseness
frame and one-upping it; in other occasions complimenting the trait behind the contention/resistance
but in a way where you're framing it with a way forward (Bear Grylls game haha). 2) Waffling –
switching between the Kirill/letting go/cocky stuff and the Julien/Fucking with her game more. 3)
Throwing in moments of CHARM if you sense you have a girl that maybe is a little uncertain and so
on. 4) More awareness execution. 5) Seeing her more as a person that maybe you've known a while and
is hanging around your friends. 6) Using more group dynamic and bystanders. 'Holding court' over an
entire area in old school terms. This is also a big Julien go to. 7) More 'us' framing and talking about
the two of us, our 'relationship' and so on. 8) More bold and outlandish table game.

Finally I might at that point cheat more. Maybe start talking to more friends first, using different
opening tricks, and so on. Some of the shit I stopped doing long ago to work on skills, I might start
doing again now.

You need a bag of tricks for any skill area, and then you find the best tricks and how to mix them
together over testing and training.
Let's say that the bag of tricks (or A bag of tricks) for letting go game is: Turning EVERYTHING into
innuendo, like to the point that it becomes a theme of the interaction. Cocky and just over the top
statements. Us framing, talking about us, our 'relationship', things you're going to do, role plays, etc (by
buying into these and interacting with them, she is inherently abandoning reality). And diving deeper
and DEEPER on any jokes that hit, ACTING THEM OUT MORE and more over the top each time you
go deeper you act it out more and in a more over the top and more 'unstifled' way. (something that RSD
Tyler and RSD Max love to do).
So you waffle that bag of tricks with fucking with her/Julien game. And waffle that with fucking with
the people around you. But the goal is always, ALWAYS to get her to let go into full sexual tension
with you. Once she does that, she's sort of having sex with you, minus the repercussion risk and
logistics, so you've kind of won. My experience shows the hardest battle of game is getting that to
happen reliably. Once you do, you can build and preframe/preprocess into a kiss, and then you just
have to survive the forks, logistically escalate, take care of friends, build sustained sexual tension, and
get sexual comfort. Between getting full sexual tension and the kiss, your only real concern is sexual
tension – with friends and preprocessing mixed in. The letting go and fucking with her/Julien stuff are
inferior to sexual tension, so you don't bring them back in once you have sexual tension and before the
kiss, unless she rejects the kiss or starts breaking the sexual tension again.

In terms of STRICTLY cold approach game (ie, you start from zero the moment you walk in game,
even if you don't approach each girl direct, cold), those are what I think might add yet one more level
to my game. Beyond that I think you're kind of tapped. Like that's really world-class mastery shit.

The Three Cornerstones of Voice- The Things that Will Secretly Sabotage You 100% of the Time

Your voice, how you use your face, and your eye contact can totally exclude you from success in game.
They can also create a lot of great beneficial effects for you. But they can DEFINITELY stop you from

There are three important factors in your voice: Conviction, dominance, and energy/spark. There's a
good RSDFreeTour video on YouTube called “Vocal Superpower Secrets” from Jun 29, 2017. They do
a great job covering this stuff.

The difficult thing with these is that they're ALL necessary at the same time. If you get dominant but
with no energy/spark/sounding like you're enjoying, then you sound like a fucking dick. Like a cop.
If you have conviction but no dominance, you might sound like a nerd that's really sure of something
but just wants to tell you about it and can't appropriately assert that. There's no sexiness there.
Dominance but no conviction would sound try hard, like you were pretending to be dominant.
Convicted but with no energy sounds like you're trying to make a logical argument or pitch a thesis.

You get the general idea... You need all three things at once in your voice. It's like dominant and
convicted but with a spark to it that draws people in. A warmth, but generally a cheeky warmth.

If you're struggling to open or at the beginning of interactions, it's likely one of three things is
off/wrong: 1) Your eye contact isn't engaging. There's no 'sparkle' or spark in your eyes, you don't look
engaged, you're too far away from her (no proximity), or you have fidgety eye contact or a lack of
holding eye contact. You don't 'melt' her when she meets your eyes. 2) Your vibe is not aligned with her
vibe. You're approaching like you're in a library, but you're in a club. Or the opposite. 3) You're lacking
one of these three factors in your voice. It's not convicted, or it's not dominant, or there's no
energy/spark to it.

Re-Perceiving Girls

I got to a point where I basically understood all the motivations of girls. I understood game and the
right things to do in the vast majority of circumstances. I'd had quite a good bit of success. I had the
right system. And I STILL felt like I was banging my head against the natural order of things a bit. It
just didn't feel fully aligned. It was like I was battling against how things were supposed to be.

Luckily I had experienced this once before in my training for my sport. It was bizarre, frustrating, and
felt like you were locked away in a jail with invisible bars. I knew just about everything there was to
know in my sport, or at least so it seemed, and yet my results didn't match. Couldn't match. There
seemed to be nothing I could do. This is where everyone starts thinking “I just don't have 'it'.” But that
didn't make sense.
It ultimately turned out that I had a false perception of what I was doing. I was looking at certain
aspects of the sport in one way, and that perception created an expectation for a certain feel, and that
led me to subconsciously set up my actions in a way that caused real negative affects that drug down
my performance. I can't talk the details of my sport for anonymity reasons, but it might be better not to
get lost in specifics anyway. The fact is, that how I was perceiving things was setting me up to fulfill
expected feelings and that was sabotaging what I was doing. I couldn't really identify that was going on
until I knew SO much about the sport that I was out of any technical expectations for what I was doing.

So I had to assume after learning pretty much everything there was to know about game that the reason
I felt like I was battling the natural order had to do with some sort of misperception I had regarding
girls, or regarding myself in relation to girls. In my sport, I was so focused on technique that I didn't
realize I was making massive tactical errors as a result of misperceptions. Perhaps the same thing was
happening in my game...
I was worried about technique, understanding, creating emotion, leading, nonverbals...
I had a lesser concern with what made them feel at home, with letting go factors, with providing space
for them to chase into and being indifferent (things Julien and Tyler D stress like crazy), with a having
a degree of warmth/charm, with making a great feel on top of strong emotions, with making things easy
as well as vibrant and strong emotionally. The lesson from my sport is that I was likely fulfilling a
subconscious expectation of how things should feel that negatively impacted one of these areas I didn't
focus on significantly and based on a misperception...

Did you follow that? Hopefully it will become more clear as we go. This is very important, though.
Both to game, and in showing how you solve difficult problems by drawing comparisons to seemingly
unrelated experiences on an abstracted level.

So, what do you do about that? I guess you try to re-perceive girls from the ground up, and see if
possibly some of your perceptions are causing issues in the areas that we described above. Something
that I'm perceiving is obviously making me repeat patterns with a subconscious intent, that is causing
issues, and it's very likely causing problems among those areas that I sort of overlooked for a lot of

Off the top of my head, I would say my underlying perception of game is to try to win by creating huge
emotions, and I take that as more important than simply staying alive by not freaking the girl out. You
could say that while that's helpful for a more intermediate guy that is afraid to step on toes, for a more
advanced guy you might want to flip those – be more worried about not freaking the girl out and
staying in it than causing the huge emotions. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to be boring or
follow logical progressions (see the Letting Go 2.0 section below...) then she's going to leave (that
would be reverting to an intermediate stage, which at least in my game has always been a possibility at
least temporarily).

But let's actually dig in and do this more systematically. You HAVE to approach things systematically
when you're trying to uncover things in your own brain that you didn't know where there.

Let's start with a ground-up perception of girls based on everything we've learned.

Back in the day when robotics were still evolving much more primitively, MIT had robots that would
spin around on a little table type thing and seek out light. They were simply programmed to try to go to
the brightest light they could find. Girls largely behave like that as a base layer...

Except they seek 'this feels good'

They also seek the most socially competitive thing in an environment
They RUN away from betas like evil disgusting monsters
They're also Chinese finger traps where if you try to pull them into something they just resist UNLESS
you just pick them up and carry them or otherwise overpower the trap
AND they want to have a closed door up front that looks like they don't like sex, but behind it they
NEED sexual electricity and letting go and getting railed
Their favorite emotion is sexual tension
They PING THEIR ENVIRONMENT to decide how to feel and what to do and what's real. So if
something is TOTLLY CERTAIN, or multiple people act that way, they go with it
If they think someone's trying to trick them and doesn't fully believe, they revolt
However, they need it to feel warm and allow them to let go, or it doesn't feel good and they'll run even
if it's certain
They TEST men to see if they're beta like we'd test a sketchy third world bridge to see if it's going to
fall apart (test step, maybe kick it or throw a rock onto it)
They feel CONFINED by logic, so they seek anything that allows the ABANDONMENT OF LOGIC
and seriousness to put them into a freedom frame
They basically want to be at a tribal party watching the chief, then when he goes back to his hut they
want to sneak in the door and convince him to fuck them instead of the other girls – kittens wandering
into warm open doors and out-competing other girls

SO: They're Chinese finger traps that seek “this feels good” where sexual tension is the best feel, they
wander to the most socially competitive spot, they feel and think based off the certainty and actions of
those around them – provided it's warm and feels good, they run from betas and throw rocks onto
bridges to test for beta-ness, seeking giving the middle finger to logical progressions and expectations
makes them feel free, and they REALLY want to be led into closets with electricity and then let go into
getting railed by a bad boy- but they want the door closed behind so no one knows. A Chinese finger
trap either must be allowed to wander into curious open doors like a kitten, or suddenly just led beyond
its resistance

They seek LETTING GO with everything they can because they want to have that getting fucked
behind a closed door vibe.
They want to be freed from logic because logic expects them to be obey, to go with their girls, to not
make out with random guys, etc. Logic is the enemy of everything a girl WANTS to do

Be aware of something very important that 23 year old me would've really hated and REALLY needed
to know (and 25 year old me, 21 year old me, 16 year old me...) - She basically doesn't care AT ALL
how interesting you are, what you do with your time, how 'successful' you are, even how rich you are.
She really doesn't give a fuck. Those things ONLY matter if they make you socially competitive.
People get confused because they're like “Well, those girls are hanging at that rich guy's house and on
his yacht!” “Girls always go for the quarterback of the football team!” “Girls like doctors!” “Girls love
to travel, they obviously like girls that travel with them!” “Girls always complain about going on
boring dates, I should not be boring.” Etc. Well, got news for you... The rich guy's house has a PARTY
at it, and the guy is HOSTING the party, and the mansion makes for great pictures that make her look
like she's awesome and in demand and hanging out at mansion parties... Ie, it's a socially competitiver
place to be and the guy is in charge of it (and often they don't hook up with the owner of the house, but
someone with game at the party at his house). The yacht is the same thing, Instagram gold (and great
story prior to Instagram). The quarterback of the football team? Hopefully you see it already – at many
high schools the football guys are considered at the top of the social hierarchy and the quarterback is
their headliner... So it's socially competitive to get with him. At my high school, the football team
sucked and was disregarded, so it didn't matter how good the quarterback was at football – he got jack
shit. The same was true of any sport at our high school except maybe soccer. Soccer was the closest we
had to a social headliner sport, so the soccer star often got some of the girls (but it wasn't as much a
fixture as football is at many high schools). What about the doctor?? Surely he's a beacon of wanting
success? How many 22 year olds do you know bragging about fucking doctors? Pretty much zero...
Because it isn't the success there, either. Sorry. It's the fact that among 28 to 35 year old women they're
all competing to lock down a brag-worthy husband... Which makes the doctor socially competitive
(that and all the medical drama TV shows hyping up doctors as a sexy profession). The reality is, few
doctors are dating models because models aren't generally looking to get married and so they don't give
a fuck about the social competition represented by the doctor.
What about travel? I thought that would be amazing for me with girls for years... Turns out, it limited
me to travel girls that were obsessed with travel. Suddenly my online profile full of travel shots meant
access to about 10% of girls – because the other 90% actually avoided the avid traveler because they
wanted yacht parties and mimosas. Fact is, a lot of people travel these days, and the fact that YOU do
something doesn't benefit the girl. Then how many 22 year old girls do you see bragging to each other
about their trips to Europe and showing off their pictures? Pretty much none. They want to show off
pics of them at fancy parties, on yachts, hanging with celebrities, getting drunk, with their 'squad', at
sorority/fraternity parties, etc. If they show themselves traveling, it's like “Hot Instagram bikini picture
on a beach/in a hammock/at a fancy hotel.” Travel isn't something they've decided is socially
competitive and something to show off – in fact, they seem to take it as a lack of friends. UNLESS it
involves a private jet or a yacht, then all of a sudden it's socially competitive. Particularly if the 'squad'
This is probably going to piss dudes off. A lot of guys get straight up angry trying to defend their own
worldview, like “No man, girls like this and this” or “Not if you find the right girl” or whatever. Bro, if
she's a solid 8 or hotter, the girl you're trying to talk about doesn't exist... Unless she's really serious
about a sport or something or her religious views. Even then, she'll still seek the same things, it just
might not be yachts – it will be the coolest guy at her church. The reason guys get pissed off is that it
isn't how they WANT to see the world. So they just get angry at the person telling them this and spaz
out. Not only do they not want to see the world this way, but it's the farthest thing from them and how
they live, and they don't want to change everything they're doing. They don't want to rearrange their life
and their world view. They don't want to have to go do a shit load of work. Because yachts, mansion
parties, bottle service, and having a crew that's full of awesome dudes and hot girls IS a lot of work... In
fact, other than the part where you can use RSD Luke's Social Circle Game (also highly recommended
is Vegas Immersion with him to focus on getting into tables and/or social circles), you're talking about
millions of dollars or having to hang with people with millions in order to be living with most of this
stuff. You can also work in the nightlife industry or try to assemble a crew and throw awesome parties
(see the social circle part of RSD Max's the Natural for a lower class, party based social circle game).
Regardless, you're looking at a lot of work to make the money to have these things, or a lot of work to
socialize into them- pick your poison. But guess what, girls don't fucking care! Just like you probably
care very little about ugly girls not being hot. (That actually bothers me a lot that they were just born
screwed, but that's totally irrelevant) You just want the hot girls. Girls similarly don't care. They just
want you to go out and do the fucking work so that when they're with you they can feel how they want
to feel. They just want to feel like they're winning at social life when they're with their man. They want
to be able to brag. They want to feel like they're hotter and more awesome than the other girls. Just like
you want to feel that your girl is fucking hot. The only way around it is to have sick game where they
feel incredible around you anyway (which you should have either way), but you're fighting an uphill
battle by trying to only game. It's like a 6 trying to have a perfect body, getting a boob job and a tan,
trying be really fun and hilarious, and trying to be really good at sexual tension and turning you on and
making it really easy to hook up logistically, just to try to get you. A lot of guys might hook up with her
at that point – I probably still wouldn't. And if she got me to, it would probably be a one night thing and
only because she went to ALL that work to compensate. Even if you would hook up with her, you'd
probably still want to go out and find a girl with a hot face... That's the type of uphill battle you're
fighting by trying to ONLY game. On the other hand, as we've discussed you can be as famous as
Pitbull and get rejected by girls that loved yours truly two seconds after I talked to them – if you don't
have game.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can either suffer for years trying to show how interesting,
successful, and well traveled you are... (Like I did, at least to some extent) Or you can realize that girls
don't give a fuck about these little traits and such about you. They just care about the things about you
that stand out the most, the things that help them let go, that make them feel sexual tension, and that
make them socially competitive.

If that's really how girls operate, then how might I be perceiving them that's in conflict to that? And
what expectations of how things feel might that set up? Finally, if I expect things to feel that way, how
might that fuck me over?
The obvious thing would be to just start trying to think through how I perceive stuff. But I think the
more effective – and, of course, harder – thing to do is to dig through my brain about my night last
night where my energy was off and then I wasn't responding how I logically knew I should in the
moment in those situations.

This one girl, I opened her, I asked where she was from – I didn't sell my energy and use eye contact
quite the way I should and started trying to use words to create the interaction. I was basically trying to
create an interaction, rather than being in her head and trying to create emotions. I was also probably a
bit impatient.
A second girl, I started well but then she was having a hard time getting her to hear me. Rather than
being flexible and doing something smooth about it that led to a good feeling and was flowing like
wata, I basically kept trying to force my way straight ahead and then because she wasn't that hot and I
wasn't in a place where I was pushing towards success nearly as hard as I should, I gave up.
With a third girl, I didn't mean to start talking to her but her and I were leaning against the same post as
my buddy talked to her friend. I turned and her face was pretty much in mine, and I was like “Whoa!
There you are” which she appreciated, then I was like “Who are you” but in a way that lacked warmth
(see the 'Dialing in Your Energy' section below) and she recoiled and then started lecturing me about
having a different approach. Rather effectively than sweeping it away from serious, I said I didn't get
let out of my basement much (which was the right thought but just not a very clever solution) and it
didn't effectively diffuse her line and we got into a tense back and forth where I failed to keep it away
from serious.

Now there's two ways to look at this. These three different incidences could be from three different
problematic perceptions and expectations of feel. Obviously I had three different issues.
But my experience in my sport was that there was one single, deeper misperception that was causing a
lot of my issues. Is it possible that's the case here, too?

As I talk about this, one major thing pops into my mind: I kind of game by going “This is what I want
to happen. I do the things. It should happen.” Pretty logical, eh? That's how we think. Especially as
guys, but even to some extent women (depending on the area of life).
However, let's look at the three situations above (by the way, I'm literally writing real time as I think
here...) - is it possible that this largely describes all three of those situations?
Well, let's look!

(By the way – quick interlude – as a consumer we just feel good and take the lessons and energy.
Perfectly normal. But I hope that you're aware of all the insane work I'm going to and sharing with you
so that you don't have to. Like were you EVER going to do this for yourself? But how important could
this be to your life? Finding an underlying misperception that screws you up in basically every situation
in life... Damn. I want to do this so you don't have to, but you should also understand how much
fucking insane work over years went into this. Because being aware of that will help you go “Oh fuck,
I'd LOVE to steal all that work you did so I don't have to bang my head against the wall” and that will
help the little rust bucket of a brain that sits in all of our heads weighing us all down to just take this
info... Which is best for you. Also, I've been fucking killing myself for the last 5 months straight – and I
mean KILLING myself – trying to get $100k to start my dream company. It's been painful on levels
you can't imagine. So if you possibly can donate to the cause on the website as a thank you for this
world-class training, I would really appreciate it! Even $500 bucks is HUGE because only 150 people
could get us almost all the way there)

Anywhoo – let's get back to it.

So situation #1: I started saying things to her, hoping that she'd open up and flirt. She didn't exactly. I
kept saying and asking things, hoping that things would come up that would transition into a proper
interaction. They didn't really. Now, for one my fault because I hadn't recently trained or primed my
game platform in terms of the skeleton of routines and lines I like to use, and the structure, so I was
trying to fight without any structure off the top of my head – which we've established doesn't work
nearly as well as having a framework. But let's forget about that. What's preventing me from being able
to do that better despite the lack of framework? How did I get sucked into such a newbie BS
If I approached that interaction from the underlying perception of “This is what I want to happen. I do
the things. I expect that what I want will happen” then I would have said an opener, expecting her to
light up. She only wedged open slightly – shouldn't have been a problem. I said a Julien-esque thing
and expected it to hit hard, it hit only sort of (mostly because I half-assed the delivery). Now if I'm
expecting to have things go the way I want, and expecting it to happen by doing the things I think I
should, and then what I wanted DIDN'T happen – what's the result? My brain starts feeling off balance
and lost. Which causes it to grasp for straws. Lost and off track, grasping for straws, I started saying a
logical progression of stuff hoping something would happen where I could regain the plot and create an
In fact, I'd say what happened there was EXACTLY a result of the underlying perception of “This is
what I want to happen. I say the things. Then that thing should happen.” This linearly formulaic
strategy is generally correct, but add in some half-assing it, and dealing with a human being in a
complex scenario, and it's going to be wrong enough of a percentage of the time (say 15%) that if you
add in dozens of actions in a row, sooner or later you're going to wind up drastically off course.
Now over a lot of practice and gaming, you start to develop answers for a lot of side scenarios and
branched outcomes, which is very helpful and something Julien told me in person he does. We've
discussed that. But what happens when you're rusty, like I was? You can't RELY on those things,
though you want to train them.

Now the deceptive part of this, and we should expect there to be a deceptive element because we're not
idiots so we won't hold onto something plainly retarded for years, is that the “thing I want to happen” is
emotional. I'm not a fucking retard where I go “I say thing and I expect her to do thing.” That's too
obvious. It's more like I want her to feel a certain way, I do a thing, and expect her to feel that way. So
it goes through emotions as it should... But that still might be broken.

Let's look back at our ground-up perception of girls. Chinese finger trap, seeking “this feels good,”
running from beta males, seeking socially competitive positions, wanting to escape logic and be free...
How does my perception of “I want this to happen. I do thing. I expect thing to happen” possibly clash
with our new, ground-up perception of girls? Well, if they're just going “this feels good” and “this
doesn't feel good” and I come in thinking “I want you to feel X, so I'm going to do Y” so I do my Y...
But now we have a complex scenario: There's my delivery, which if I'm rusty might be pretty half assed
or not quite right; there's the scenario and context; there's how she's feeling right now based on
whatever's going on (maybe she just broke up, maybe her dad's in the hospital, maybe she just fucked a
guy she really likes, maybe she's on drugs...); there's her personality; and there's social pressures from
the environment and her friends. What this means is that if I do Y, there's a minimum of 5 layers on top
of everything that can block Y from creating emotion X. If I'm operating from an expectation even that
most likely Y will cause X, suddenly there's a lot of shit that can get fucked up.
For one, that assumption means I can disregard – subtly – a lot of context and even my own delivery.
The assumption basically is that the thing will generally cause X. Again, I'm not an idiot so I don't even
subconsciously think it ALWAYS will, but even just assuming it generally will is a potential issue. Now
I do Y but I don't fully take into account delivery and context, then X doesn't result, and then I'm
starting down the road of being a little lost.

Let's further compare this to our ground-up perception. The girl is just going “does this feel good?” If I
do Y, half ass the delivery and possibly half ignore the context, it's quite possible that it won't feel the
way I intended for her. So now it DOESN'T feel good. Then she starts to retreat. The real issue starts to
enter on the next thing. If I then go “Shit, Y didn't work. Let's try U and hope that V happens”, I'm
repeating the pattern of my underlying perception and assumption. But if Y didn't cause X, then what
are the chances that U will cause V if my game is built on a generally consistent set of assumptions and
if I'm still coming from the same place?
Not fucking great, eh? Now if I strategically structured my game as I've discussed so that if I try Y
expecting X and that doesn't happen, now U is a tactic intended for a different type of girl... Well that
might work. Let's say Y was a Julien game type of thing, and U was intentionally a cocky statement-
those might hit with different girls (one puts pressure on the girl and hopes she'll chase, the other puts
no pressure on the girl and just elevates yourself without any 'threat' to her image). That's intelligent
and COULD work.
What's the downside to that? Well, that IS something you should do. HOWEVER, that takes training.
So we DO want to have that, but we want a layer or foundation UNDERNEATH that that can work
with the minimal training and preparation. Then you add that effective layer on top of that and your
game gets better under solid training. However, if you don't have the opportunity to do that training or
if you hit a situation where your training slips out of your brain or fails to accommodate that scenario,
the better foundation saves you. This leads to consistency. That leads to higher numbers of success and
more regular success. So that's a great thing to do, but we want to not RELY on it because the training
burden is higher.

Okay, so situation 1 could probably be explained by that perception. Let's look at situation 2. If that
perception covers all three situations, we might be onto something powerful.
The second girl was the one that started well, then wasn't hearing me. I kept trying to forge straight
ahead, it got a little weird, and I basically bailed. (Btw, I later half ass reopened and try to get her to go
to a legit after party, not a fake pull after party, but the reality is I wasn't actually trying to win I was
just trying to tell myself that I didn't leave without attempting a pull- so that's a little BS on my part).
If I tried Y and it didn't create X because she didn't hear me, then I try Y a couple more times hoping
for X – plowing straight ahead. The thinking is that since Y should cause X, I just have to get her to
hear Y and then things will be great.
Except in the mean time, I'm making things not “feel good” with this loop of me trying the same thing
a few times and her not hearing me. In other words, the “I want this to happen. I do the thing. The thing
should happen” perception causes me to think very narrowly and stupidly and just keep trying to do the
thing. It removes flexibility and creativity, which we've already established are some of the biggest
keys there can be.
It ALSO fucks up your ability to do the proper actions based on the stage she's in (we talk about this
later – this is based on the concept that she can be in different emotional stages which don't progress
linearly, but there is a right action based on the stage). It removes awareness of the stage she's in, it
creates linear thinking, and it encourages acting based on the thing you do and not the delivery of it
(where both are important but the delivery is like 2/3 of the impact).

So we could ALSO explain situation 2 based on that perception... Interesting eh? Let's check situation
3. If we go three for, we might have something.
Situation 3 was the girl that was leaning against the same column as me. I didn't really have any intent
in that situation. I made a bit of a joke about her face being right in mine. Then I asked who she was,
she reacted negatively. I kind of tried to keep it away from serious, but did it ineffectively, we got stuck
in a back and forth that spiraled downward. In that case, I expected “Who are you” to get her to flirt
with me. It didn't, she got upset. I tried half-heartedly and uncreatively to keep it away from serious by
saying I don't get let out of my basement often. But I didn't really create an ENERGY shift.
It seems pretty likely that I was like “Saying who are you should get her to flirt” and then didn't worry
about the delivery, and it didn't. It made her mad. Then I was like “Not taking it seriously and joking
and going with it should deflect it” so I did that, but I really really half assed that delivery and didn't try
to reroute the energy. And wasn't creative about it. So that didn't work. When that didn't work, I didn't
keep trying to fix the energy, I just gave up and just let our egos have a battle that just went negative on
her part and stubborn on mine and we went separate ways.
This one's not as clear cut, but it appears that there is a pattern of me trying one thing half-heartedly
assuming it will work. Then it doesn't work, and then I don't keep adjusting I just bang my head against
the wall.

I would argue that that one perception, that you “Want something to happen. Do a thing. What you
wanted generally happens”, is behind all of those instances. At least it has a majority share in what's
going on there.

The expected feel is that when you do an action or say a thing, the response will be relatively what you
intended. So you say or do the right things and then you succeed. It also bases off of a theory of logial
progression, and a theory that disregards the contextual layers at least to some extent. Finally, while
this entire book is primarily centered on non-verbals and delivery, that underlying perception
downplays them and undermines all the hard work we're doing to focus on that non-verbal layer. What
this means is that it takes constant conscious effort to overwhelm that underlying perception to make
yourself focus on the non-verbal layer. If you're rusty or unable to constantly practice, then that
conscious layer that overwhelms the underlying perception weakens and the result is your delivery and
non-verbal focus will fade.

This implies that we need to replace the perception that “I want this to happen. I do a thing. Then more
often than not the thing happens” with another perception. That perception should be aligned with our
new ground-up perception of girls. The reality is, the girls are just moving towards “This feels good”
and away from “This doesn't feel good.” And that you can't push them towards feeling a certain way,
because they resist like a Chinese finger trap.
If we look at what Tyler D and Julien go on and on about, you see this perception of trying to create a
warmth and draw girls into it. A focus just on the energy and a releasing of 'gaming.'
Julien kept telling me on my bootcamps over and over to let go. Of course, he's an unbelievable
amazing teacher but he failed me a bit here because I said “How do I let go? In what way do I let go?”
and he didn't really answer. He sort of said I needed to let go of trying to control and of any ego-front.
As we'll get to a couple sections from now, you basically need to let go of logical progression and logic
to get girls to let go – letting go of ego and control is one factor, but that's smaller than just letting go of
logic altogether. So that was poor advice because my issue wasn't with an ego front, it was more with
trying to stick to logical progressions and not trying to rid interactions of logic. Secondarily, what I
really need to let go was linked to that, but it was this conception that if you do a thing then the result
should be logical. He kept saying he doesn't care as much as we do about 'game'. But what the fuck
does that mean? With better knowledge it know becomes clear that it means you might do the right
game thing, but it may or may not create the intended emotion and feeling. So you know game, but you
become more flexible by not assuming that wanting a certain energy leads to doing a certain thing and
that should create the energy. He also didn't explain that. Rather he got frustrated at me for not knowing
that based on his vague advice... Of course, that comes from a place where he felt what he meant but
didn't fully understand it to communicate it. But regardless, it's not helpful to the students to make
vague statements like that and then get frustrated if they don't do them like it's their fault. If you're
teaching, keep that in mind.

Anyway, we now have to determine the replacement perception. Tyler D and Julien talk about create
spiraling up energy, they talk about creating fun/enjoyment, they talk about the girls being sucked into
that good feeling as well as their simultaneous indifference or lack of caring.
Even if they're missing things (like don't focus on 'fun' – focus on ENJOYMENT, because sexual
tension and other emotions are even more enjoyable and powerful and important than 'fun' so obsessing
about 'fun' leaves a lot on the table), and even if they aren't explaining fully and properly, we have to
trust in their experience that what they're saying is rooted in the right thing. They also focus more on
those factors that I said I know I disregard to some extent, so they're great sources to look to.
I would say that in their perspectives and words I just mentioned, they're alluding to the effect that girls
just wander to where it 'feels good' and that they like to wander into curious open doors like kittens.
You add the indifference and that leaves an open door they can wander into, without trying to push
them into it which would enact the Chinese finger trap resistance. You create the 'feels good' and that
lures them through the open door.

Now how is that different? Well, if you're assuming that doing Y will create X, you're not as aware to
the context and delivery, first, as we discussed. Second, if Y does not create X, if you're in the linear
perception that I have subconsciously been it, you basically just try to find a new thing to keep trying to
create X. It leaves you searching your memory for other actions to try to create X, which blocks
creativity (creativity comes from a different part of your brain, not your memory). It leaves you in a
place where as you search for those other options in your memory, you go further out of touch with
context, delivery, and the human being standing in front of you. And it pulls you farther away from
being in touch with “does this feel good?” - like when I kept trying to say the thing to the girl who
couldn't hear me... That didn't feel good, but I wasn't aware in that moment because my perception was
just that she needed to hear Y so that X would happen.
What Tyler and Julien are suggesting is instead to be first and foremost of “Does this feel good for her”
and THEN you decide what you want to happen, and when you use your game to try to create that, you
do it assuming that you have to do it within a context that feels good to her (which requires contextual
awareness and delivery). If it DOESN'T feel good for her, you need to CREATE a good feeling for her,
which requires ADJUSTING and going through your delivery to make something that will create that.

The perception is now “Let's create a good feeling for her in the direction of X. Then see what stage
she's in, and adjust our delivery appropriately to make sure it feels good and keep it going.” (Again, we
talk about the stages in a couple sections). This will be more clear after the section on the stages, but if
she's in stage 2 we want her to go to stage 3, which is being playful in an 'us' frame. So the perception
would be, now “Let's create a good feeling for her in the direction of a playful 'us' frame. Let's see how
she feels when I try to take it that way, then adjust the delivery and adjust to the stage she moves to”. In
other words, it's closed loop game not open loop game. The “I want this to happen. I do thing. I expect
that what I want will likely happen” perception is an open loop gaming perception.

Note, also, that this perception doesn't involve getting frustrated, stuck in a dead end, etc. Because you
weren't attached to what you were trying to create, you were just in a loop that has a forward lean to it,
you can't get frustrated when it doesn't happen. Like if you try to lure a kitten in a room, and it doesn't
come, you don't jump to being frustrated – you just shift and keep trying. Maybe 20 minutes later you
eventually give up, but it's totally different than reading online that putting a bonsai tree in a room lures
in kittens, putting the tree in the room, having the kitten not come, making noise and moving the tree
around, having the kitten still not come, then trying to go grab it and having it run off.
Instead it's constantly aware of the direction you want things to go in, but it's attempting to make a
good feeling and to coax things in that direction, while adjusting and having full awareness that things
might jump ahead or move backwards. And, of course, it has a built in linkage to how things feel which
means you need to be contextually aware and aware of delivery.

This perception inherently shifts you to seeing that there's a progression towards anything in game. You
might say or do a thing and then get to the goal right there. But it might only start a progression that
could take a while. It could even move things backwards where you have to adjust and simply try to get
back to where you were a minute ago.
This also means you're shifting away from hard and black and white thinking, to more nuance. It's no
longer just “Yes” she feels a certain way or “No” she doesn't. It's now “Maybe” too. There's this non-
game friend here that I like going out with. It's a small town so there aren't real game guys here. He's
not a natural per se either, just a dude that likes talking to girls and has more than zero success. But he's
always talking like a lot of normal dudes talk like “Dude, she's not into me or she'd do...” It's such
yes/no, black/white thinking. This perception says not only is that not true, but even her emotional
stage/state can be a bit of a maybe.

Finally, it hard wires the fact that none of this works if it doesn't FEEL GOOD. You can do the exact
right thing at the exact right time, but if it isn't done in the exact right way, as well, you might actually
make her feel bad or feel neutral and it won't work. Let alone how often all of us do the wrong thing or
the right thing at the wrong time, which will always happen because game is messy and we're human. I
would argue another thing Tyler and Julien are constantly trying to point out is that you can do the
wrong thing but still make it feel good and then at least you're still in the game.

Dialing in Your Energy

Tyler D from RSD talks about getting in the 'sweet spot' for energy all the time. I always took this
simply to mean that everything you could say has an optimal delivery, like a joke has a proper delivery
in terms of energy, tone, facial expressions, rhythm, tonal inflections, etc. That is basically what he
means, but there's a deeper or at least second layer to it as well.

Having moved back to my small home town to work on launching a large company, I found myself
going out on weekends with generally 1 to 3 acceptably cute girls to talk to only on Friday and
Saturday nights. As I discuss in other sections, this meant that I had to really solidify and crystallize top
level game in my mind and skillset because you're basically going 0 to all in every time. Now, the real
solution is to talk to and fuck around with everyone, and I'll admit I still struggle with doing this to the
extent I need to and my life will be 1000x better when I start embracing this (tonight of course, the
future never arrives an the past is gone).

Anyway, this experience was interesting. Because of what we saw in the previous re-perceiving girls
section, girls are basically Chinese finger traps that just seek out what feels good, what's socially
competitive, letting go, they run from betas, they want to close the door towards the outside world so
no one can see them allowing themselves to be sexual, etc. What this means is that your energy has to
tick several boxes: To avoid appearing beta, it should be convicted and commanding. To feel good, it
should be warm and calm and slowed down, not forced or hurried. To be socially competitive it should
be confident and often cocky. To encourage letting go it should be free flowing and smooth and show a
lack of any control.
When Tyler refers to the 'sweet spot' in energy, there's actually a second meaning to that. The second
meaning is that if you're missing one of these factors, you can get downright blown out or scare girls
off. It's not just a lack of power of delivery, but you can actually scare off the little kitten. If you're
lacking command and conviction, she might run away from you because you seem beta. But if you're
commanding and convicted but there's not a warmth and a calm at the same time, she might move away
from you because you seem aggressive and uptight and it no longer feels good. If you think of the Venn
diagrams with the little intersecting bubbles, by the time you intersect all of the bubbles that satisfy our
ground-up perception of girls, there's a narrow energy window. If you stray too far, you have a problem
with one aspect of the energy and it results in her leaving or reacting poorly.
Within that Venn diagram intersection you have a further sweet spot which is basically your ultimate
delivery, as I originally understood his statement. But much farther from that sweet spot you'll actually
start getting rejected.

Unfortunately, hitting even in the region of that 'sweet spot', close enough to avoid blowouts or girls
wandering away, is something that tends to go away with decreasing practice and priming. Because the
girl is just feeling things out, most of that comes through your energy. This means that where your
energy at determines if you get blown out a lot more than anything you say or do (corresponding to our
adjusted underlying perception from the re-perception section, as well as to a lot of other things we've

Thus we need a quick way to prime and get back into that region before every night out, basically. Over
time hopefully this will become more ingrained, but Tyler talks a lot about warming up into it, so I'd
have to say even for him doing this and teaching this all the time, it suggests you still need to prime
yourself into it and it won't ever be fully ingrained.

I created basically a warmup progression for energy. You add these elements in one at a time and
should wind up at least in the region of the sweet spot so you aren't getting blown out. The perfect
sweet spot that Tyler is also referring to, that optimal delivery for the situation, is a matter of feel and
experience just like telling a joke.

Here's the progression of getting into that sweet spot:

-It has to be WARM. The 'edges' of what you're saying have to be ROUNDED, not harsh
-It has to be FULLY CONVICTED and a bit COMMANDING (this is where if it isn't warm, you'll
have problems. With harsh edges and full conviction and commanding you'll sound like a fucking
angry dictator and scare girls)
-The tone should be NEUTRAL or DOWN at the end, GENERALLY.
-But you should PLAY AROUND WITH IT and PLAY with the words (twist them, throw some spice)
-It should be ALIVE. You should sound FULL OF ENERGY. And like you ENJOY what you're saying
-SLOW it down a little. A SLOWER rhythm. You Mario cloud jump BETWEEN things you say, not by
saying them fast
-CALM but CREATING a lot of energy (it's all about the GAPS – very calm but FULL of energy still)
-CALM but COMMANDING and CONVICTED (Again, the gaps. You can be fired up and
commanding, which is like on the road to yelling. That's not effective. This is. Like minimal effort
commanding, minimal effort energy)
-Communicating with your EYES, with PROJECTING CALM, with being SLOW (unless you're
asking a question progression or something), with speaking SLOWLY with lips on her ear
than you do with what you say. STREEEETCH out the parts in between where you're just connecting
silently (unless, again, you do a question progression or something)
-Again PLAY with most of your words. Don't say “Who are you” say “Whoooo are you.” But USE IT
-Be IN HER HEAD, WORKING THROUGH THE EYES, and create emotions
-Your words aren't doing the work. They're just excuses. It's the ENERGY FLOWING THROUGH
THE EYE CONTACT and the LIPS ON EAR and the RHYTHM CONTROL and the playing with the
tone, with your face, etc.

Note that if you've been working all day in a work energy (or doing anything else), you'll have to adjust
over to this energy set to game. That's just a given. So making that happen as neatly and quickly and
repeatedly as possible is effectively a necessity. As much as I'd like to say Tyler probably talks about
this too much, he doesn't. He talks about it so much because it's a crucial issue and he doesn't want
dudes ignoring it because it's not prevalent in their reality which isn't at the level of his.

Letting Go 2.0
So my wing that has actually helped provoke a lot of the thoughts in the advanced section of this book
(thanks dude!) sent me this video on a YouTube channel 'JackManleyTV' called “Hot Girls on Needy
Guys.” I didn't really want to like the dude or the video at first, because he basically comes off as a
dipshit with an intermediate level of game understanding, good looks, and a camera.

But after watching it anyway (never be the stubborn fucking guy that refuses to accept or take in
information because you 'dislike' the source, only you suffer), and listening to why my buddy wanted
me to watch it, I realized it had an interesting lesson to add to our Kirill-based evaluation of letting go.

The dude is cheating any 'results' with the girls in the video on multiple levels, primarily the camera, so
just disregard that. I hope no one that's read this far in this book is still hung up on stupid little things
like “But yeah, he's cheating, so I won't listen to this.” Yeah, he is, but who fucking cares because
there's good lessons anyway.
The thing he's doing well is getting girls to let go. Being on camera being interviewed causes attraction,
but it naturally goes against making out and doing some of the stuff he gets girls to do (or allows them
to do that they already wanted to?).

On the face of it, it's not really clear why he's getting them to let go. I mean, some of them want to act
enough of a fool to make it into whatever he's shooting. And he's creating a bit of a party atmosphere.
But let's be honest, those are pretty weak arguments eh?

He does things like tell a girl some nonsense sentence, like “Hey, gemwashgreatlicktires”, which
sounds like something so the girl is like “What?” a couple times, then he goes “It means this” and
kisses her. I believe while her friend is holding him piggy back style.
With another girl he's in the middle of an interview and then starts throwing things out of left field.
There's this pattern of slightly odd behavior on both sides.

The girls are one second trying to hold their shit together and answer interview questions, then all of a
sudden they're like “fuck it” and start partying with him in front of the camera, basically. What? How?

Puzzling over it for a few minutes I realized he's just sort of repeatedly breaking whatever the logical
thing to do is. Like saying a gibberish sentence a couple times and going “It means this” and then
kissing the girl. That's fully illogical. It isn't funny. It hold little sexual tension.
Starting an interview and then saying something that doesn't remotely follow sets up a logical
progression and structure – that comes along with expectations – but then he just breaks it. He basically
goes “Oh, you thought I'd ask you another interview question because that's what would happen? Well
guess what, I'm telling you my sister gave me the hickey instead of continuing the interview” or
whatever. He's no shimmering example, but you can see the immediate effects.

Why is this logical setup and then breaking it, or doing something illogical from the drop, freeing these
girls to just party? Why are they letting go in response?
Let's consider what the logical thing these girls 'should' do is: They shouldn't get fucking wasted, they
should meet nice guys and date them and marry them, they 'shouldn't' have sex before marriage, they
shouldn't have crazy sex, they shouldn't make out with their girl friends, they should be responsible and
get jobs and get A's, they should leave with their friends and stick with their friends, they shouldn't kiss
random guys, they shouldn't go out on dates with guys they met in bars, they shouldn't have sex with
guys they just met... That's what 'logic' says. That's the logical progression.
In a way, you could say that logic is like jail that stops you from doing what you want. It's like the real
world. If you remove logic, you go from the real world to Grand Theft Auto. You can act a fool and do
whatever you'd really like to do.
These girls are already out drinking to escape logic and logical progression and the logical unfolding of
events. They obviously can't handle the real world and its logical progressions, because there's clearly a
lot of stuff they want to do that violates that...

At that point it becomes a framing thing. If a guy comes up to them and does what is logically
expected, then he's holding the frame that logic matters. If a guy says a gibberish sentence twice, then
says “it means this” which should be logically followed by a definition, but instead kisses you... He's
just said “fuck logic. Logic don't live here no mo'” and at that point, you can do whatever you might
feel like doing in the moment.

Game 101 is that logic doesn't work with girls and you need to create emotions. That's the very first
thing you learn. What that implies is that you can do or say things that are logical, or things that are
emotional. And that they need to be emotional.
What this video demonstrates is that there's a SECOND LAYER to logic. The logic of the structure and
progression of things. Like the dude could be doing his interviews asking very emotional questions,
and in theory that's reasonable (not ideal, but reasonable) game. According to Game 101, that's a good
start. But if he keeps asking interview questions and they keep answering, then he's upholding the
logical structure of an interview. Which means that despite saying/doing emotional (or semi-emotional)
things, he's still accepting and upholding a logical frame. He's saying “Logic matters. Interviews have a
pattern, and I follow it.”
That, subtly, tells her “You should do what logic expects you to do, as well.”

However, if you take things down the logical progression then suddenly smash it to pieces with
irreverence, on a subconscious level the girl goes “oh fuck, guess we don't have to play by the logical
rules here. I'm free.” Or to say it another way, he's setting up a frame that says “Fuck logic, we do what
we want bitch.”
Bizarrely girls love that, and on occasion even get turned on by it. Why? Because they have all this shit
they want to do and they don't feel allowed to do it and then this guy just doesn't give a fuck about what
you're supposed to do and all of a sudden they're like “Hell yeah!”

To better picture this, imagine you took a kid to a store full of Christmas ornaments. He'd walk around
all bored and keep asking his mom to leave. There's no reason for him to be there, nothing enjoyable.
Now imagine the owner of the store walks up and winks at the little kid and goes “Watch this” and then
takes a glass Christmas ornament and smashes it on the floor. The kid's slightly surprised. Then the
owner goes “Here, you try” and smiles and hands the kid one. His eyes get all big, he smashes it on the
ground and jumps up and down and giggles and looks at his mom to see if it's alright. He knows that
according to mom's rules, that shit ain't cool. She shrugs, like “It's his store...” And the kid goes
bananas and starts laughing and jumping around and smashing shit. In fact, you probably just set loose
a little demon and will have to tell him to stop as some point...
The thing is, he wanted to smash the ornaments, but in a way didn't really even think about it because
there was no way it would ever be allowed. Then this dude who owns the place comes along and just
says “fuck logic, let's break these. You know you want to!” And the kid lets loose and does it... AND
loves the store owner and wants to be around him more.

That's pretty much what's going on with the girls in that video.
It's really bizarre to think that girls would go “Ooo, that guy's so illogical... How sexy...” But if you
think of it more as “Oh shit, logic doesn't exist here! Fuck yeah, what do we do first!” then it makes
sense. Which is funny, because you're trying to make logical sense of the appeal of illogical spaces...
But we need that to understand, except and execute.

This pattern is actually something our brains inherently love. The pattern for a joke is, effectively,
logical setup that creates an expectation (or a logical progression), and then... Bam, Surprise! Jokes are
surprise, we covered that. Our brains delight at this surprise break in logical progression.
What's going on in that video isn't necessarily funny, and sometimes it's surprising and sometimes it
isn't... But it IS freeing. It's simply the act of giving the middle finger to logic that sets the frame that
the girls can let go.

If you start to think about it, you can see this pattern across game in the form of different styles. Julien
asks a series of questions in a progression, like “Where you from” “How old are you” “What's the
olllldest chick you ever made out with?” He sets up this logical progression, then smashes it. He says
“Logic doesn't exist here, this is about what feels good” when he does that. Jeffy wanders around with
his booze guitar – which I don't think I've ever seen a picture of, but it's apparently a plastic guitar
filled with booze that girls get all happy they can take drinks out of. You'd think that was a funny
gimmick that girls like. But more than that, it says “Fuck logic! I can wander around with a plastic
guitar full of the potion that makes you forget logic exists if I want” and girls go “Oh, sweet! There's a
fuck logic guy! Let's go be around him!” Because that guy enables them to all get naked back at their
place and have a foursome if they so choose. They might not choose, but around booze guitar guy,
they're ALLOWED to. Tyler acts out all his jokes to ridiculous levels, which says “You thought I
should've said a joke and moved on. You thought I should've just said it. But instead of just saying it, I
acted it out. And instead of just acting it out, I took it further and further and further until it was fucking
crazy and everyone was dying.” That, also, says “fuck the logical order of things.” Kirill throws parties
where he pours champagne on girls like he's cumming on their face, slaps girls (and guys) with dildos,
etc. That's creating this weird wonderland where it's like “Everything sex is okay, fuck what everyone
else says. Logically we shouldn't be doing ANY of this stuff – but we are. So do whatever!” And girls
go crazy.
It's ALL giving the middle finger to logic.

For years the RSD guys were talking about how girls just want to be free and have fun and that's all it
takes and blah, blah, blah. We've seen throughout this book that it's more complicated than that if you
really want to have no limit on your game.
BUT, it turns out that they were pretty fucking right. They just were explaining it weird. It's not really
the fun that makes the girls let loose. That helps. But you could go to a comedy movie with four girls
and they won't suddenly feel free to have a five some later just because they laughed the whole time.
Why? Because the movie might have been emotional rather than logical, but the structure of everyone
going to a movie, sitting in seats, leaving the movie, going home, blah blah blah still followed logic. So
what should happen is the logical thing – no one has sex, let alone anything crazy. Because that's the
logical progression in a night governed by the logical progression.
It's saying “fuck the logical structure/progression” that really turns the world into a wonderland. It's
picking up the ornament, winking, and smashing it on the ground.
As a matter of fact, I once moved out of a place with a girl I was kind of seeing. I had some light bulbs
or mirrors or some glass shit I couldn't take with me. As we took it to the trashcan I grinned at her and
just took a piece and threw it at the side of the trashcan where it exploded into fragments. She giggled
and suddenly wanted to do some too. Now that I think about it, I took a mirror and put it in one of those
Car2Gos, which is like a minute-by-minute rented Smart car, and told her to get in. We drove to some
neighborhood, I got out and put it in the street. Then I spun around and went a few hundred yards up
the street and turned back around. Then I gunned it up a hill, around a corner, and went flying over the
mirror at about 25mph, smashing it into shards everywhere. A guy had walked into his driveway and
we saw him and she was like “There's a guy” and I was like “Fuck it” and did it right in front of him.
She shrieked and went crazy and then all day she was like “this is awesome, we're fucking shit up!” It
was like turning the little kid in the ornament shop into a demon by enabling him.

I can't claim to fully understand it, but girls obviously feel massively held back and limited by logic.
They obviously feel that logic is the fucking worst narc police in the world. Whatever beef they have
with logic, which I don't get, they feel it strong and they light up when someone relieves it.

For instance, do you know how many really hot, young (say <23), girl-next-door type girls I've ever
pulled from bars or clubs? Very few. Which sucks, because honestly that's one of my favorite types of
girl (along with models and girls that are hot and successful at something). You know how many of
those girls I've even SEEN other guys pull? Very few as well. In fact, the JackManleyTV kid has one in
his video, and she's the most restrained of all of them and hardly flirts with him (and honestly he hardly
What's going on there? Well, when you're hot you have a lot more eyes and social pressure on you.
When you're young you're more susceptible and governed by social pressure and what your friends
think. And when you're 'girl next door' you feel more of an urge to follow logic and act logically. So
these girls are MOST jailed by logic. They generally get a boyfriend because then they're 'allowed' to
close the door and get railed because they're dating. But if they don't, sometimes you turn around and
they're making out with a bad-boy version of Zach Effron – why? Probably because that dude can give
a fuck about logic and as REALLY good at showing that and getting her to let go in the process.

Remember our persuasion triangle: She needs comfort with doing the thing, removal of obstacles with
doing the thing, then motivation that outweighs cost of doing the thing. Getting pulled has lower cost if
done discreetly and behind closed doors. Motivation is pretty obvious (that's a lot of what we discuss).
But the powerful attachment to doing the logical thing creates obstacles with that hot, young, girl next
door with allowing herself to get pulled. And it also creates discomfort with her thinking “Logically I
shouldn't do this, so if I do it anyway I'm doing what I know 'isn't me'.”
This means if that girl meets someone who's really good at demonstrating “Fuck logic. Fuck what
should logically happen or what we should logically do” (not saying it but showing that) and creating
that frame, then she can just kind of let go into it and stop thinking and go with the flow. That's your
only real shot with that kind of girl. And the rarity of that girl meeting anyone who can do that plus
everything else means you're likely to wind up with a hot, awesome girlfriend if you can pull it off. It's
almost like inciting a riot, except socially. When people get too into a riot they often get swept away
and do stupid shit they normally 'would never have done.' It's like the positive, social version of that. A
whirlwind that says 'fuck logic'.
The only catch is don't try to do this so hard that you become unfamiliar (which we get into in the
following sections).

When Julien kept insisting that I 'let go', he felt that I was too firmly adhering to logical progressions.
He felt it. But he didn't know to explain that. He was trying to tell me “Be someone who sees logical
progressions and intentionally says 'fuck that shit'” and girls will love it. Keep being someone who tries
to game but also sticks to logical progressions, and girls will feel penned in around you and do what
they're expected to do... then escape to be around someone who doesn't give a fuck about logic.

Now if I could only clone myself and pay myself to coach myself... Because these things are a lot
harder to monitor and fix from within the thing than they are while observing externally...
Familiarity – The Glue that Binds Game?

In order to spend 10 years getting good at something, there must be missing pieces. In fact, in my
experience there must be missing THEMES. As I write this I have finally reached about an even 10
years since I first 'gamed' (though more like 14 years since I would first wander around college parties
asking girls I had never met before to dance over and over... Which I suppose was when I started
'approaching' with no knowledge system behind it). We've now gone over what those themes are that
anyone not getting the results they want is likely missing. And, as I've mentioned, there were some that
were missing for me pretty much my whole way through those 10 years – some until quite recently. But
even when I finally figured those out, something about the foundation of game still felt slightly off, or
unnatural, or inherently incapable. Like anyone else, I blamed this on the fact that cold approach is
inherently that way. And it is. But it was a dual feeling, it had two meanings. Cold approach is
inherently that way AND there was something else contributing to that feeling. A missing link between

If I hadn't been reading the book 'Hitmakers' I may never have put my finger on it. At that point I had
already pretty much managed to work my way around understanding the concept and get the results
anyway, in spite of a lack of explicit understanding to what was going on and by tangentially
understanding the problem through related concepts. But in the book they discuss at length a principle
championed by once-famous industrial designer Raymond Loewy. Loewy and his firm had designed
hundreds of products that were iconic and definitive for the period from around the thirties through the
late fifties or so. Roughly – who really cares exactly. He said that his designs were so popular and
iconic because of the guiding principle he called 'Maya', or 'most advanced, yet acceptable.' Years later,
another study into what made people think things were beautiful was conducted – the researchers hadn't
heard of Loewy's principle and came to find that people think things are beautiful when they push the
limits of design in an area to the border of, but still within, what the viewer considers familiar. Putting
these two together, this means that people like the most emotionally provocative designs that they still
find familiar based on their previous experience and what they're used to.


That simmered in my mind. First in relation to the products I was creating and launching. But then one
night I went out in a hostel town in South America as the concept tumbled around in my head.

The common wisdom in game was about RELATABILITY. That something could only be good if a girl
could relate with it, or understand it. A joke is only funny useful if the girl can get it, effectively. This is
why looseness is good, but goofiness isn't. Because girls can't relate goofy men with sex. It might in
theory be the ultimate of looseness to abandon everything and be goofy, off the wall – but it's game
suicide because it creates unrelatability. This is why many of the concepts we've gone over in this book
exist – and also defy commonly held game logic. Usually people say “there are many ways to game,
just find the one that works for you.” But this book routinely pushes that there is a much narrower
framework that is effective with particularly hot girls – because other things aren't relatable to their
world or attitudes or personalities.

But then there's this concept I had just run across of pushing things only to within the boundaries of
FAMILIARITY. On the surface, that sounds the same as relatability. But think about this – I can
somewhat relate to the plights of a poor Tibetan trying to scratch by a living, because I've had no
money, I've lived in mountains, I've traveled, I'm human, I've struggled and had goals, I have to make
money, etc. It's a language I can communicate on some level. However, their plight is not FAMILIAR
to me because I've never lived among them or like them. The number of repetitions or amount of time
that I have with that lifestyle doesn't exist. I can relate, but it isn't familiar.
What this concept was saying is that we like to stick pretty close to what we already know, but within a
certain range around that, we like to be challenged and stimulated. They explored this further through
other examples. Suffice it to say that Indians can like Bollywood music, even if they were born in the
US to American parents, because they grew up around those sounds and patterns and instruments. But
an outsider is highly unlikely to like Bollywood, even the best examples of Bollywood music, because
those instruments and the patterns in the music are entirely unfamiliar to others. Another example
would be beer – almost everyone hates beer when they first try it. But by repeated exposure and social
pressure and what-not, they wind up trying it enough until they like it. For instance, I first tried beer at
a party at 15. I couldn't finish an entire beer until I was nearly through college at 20. Now there's
multiple beers that I actually like, though I still can't say I love the types I initially hated for years.

Germans don't generally talk to strangers. They even less often open up to strangers. Despite having
gamed dozens or possibly hundreds of German girls, the most I can recall doing with a German girl is
making out with one or two. Many more have reacted in horror if I have done any more than flirt with
them. This isn't to say you can't pull a German girl (so save your counter examples from your friend
that blah blah), it's a matter of AVERAGES. What happens by far the most often.

What's going on with all of these things is that our brain navigates life through a bunch of inexact
shortcuts. They are called 'heuristics'. One of the biggest is that if something is FAMILIAR, it probably
won't kill you because it hasn't yet. So while humans like challenges and emotional stimulation,
generally we like it within the bounds of being mostly within what we've seen before. In other words,
many people like to travel to a new beach, but would never travel to Mars.
Now, you probably already knew that. But you knew it in the terms of people tend to resist really
radical things. What you DIDN'T know is that people love things that are primarily familiar with a
slight twist. That's actually what they really click with.
This is something I'd started noticing in the last few years or so. When you're young, you watch TV and
movies and listen to songs and think that it's all fresh and clever and new and cool. But in your late
twenties if you're observant and listened to your parents talk about stuff, you start to notice that jokes in
movies were ripped off of jokes in movies that you saw from twenty years ago; shows on TV are
rehashes of shows your parents talked about from back in the day – or even ones you watched when
you were younger; songs kind of follow a cycle; bands start to resemble different versions of older
bands; movies are all just redos of something you'd seen before; and nearly every single TV show is
about cops, lawyers, doctors, criminals, spies, or watching real people get tested against some sort of
But it goes further. Studies have found that most popular shows and movies have roughly the same
underlying, abstracted plot structure. And that there's only a handful of plot structures that basically
make up almost everything we watch. Popular songs have almost the same underlying chorus and verse
structure. Note and chord structures in popular songs are basically the same. And on and on.
In part we like these things because our brains have certain triggers and patterns. In part we like them
because they relate to what is just enough different from the same thing over and over again that it
keeps it fresh and prevents our brains from getting bored and zoning out (Hitmakers actually relates
popular song structure to studies that tested the minimum design of repeated stimulus that they found
kept mice engaged and unable to adapt to a pattern – in other words, the simplest structure that a brain
doesn't fully get used to). That is to say, that repetition and familiarity are actually what we like, but we
like it mixed up enough to keep us engaged.
To put it another, probably more useful way, our brains love things that are just different enough from
what we've seen before that we can't quite tell it's just a redo of what we've seen before. That keeps it
comfortable and the repetition and the link to historical experiences are actually pleasing to our brain.
If we can tell something is an obvious redo, we get annoyed. But just beyond that we like it. If
something has no familiarity to it, it creeps us out and we start to dislike it more and more.
In fact, Spotify did a massive study and found that people don't actually want to discover totally new
music. They don't like things that are wildly different from what they're used to. They want them to be
fresh twists on songs they already like, AND they want some songs they already know mixed in with
new songs in playlists that Spotify provides them. If they say they want to find new music and spotify
plays a playlist that is ALL new, they actually like it less. Even though it's what they asked for. If
Spotify plays them new music with some old songs mixed in, even though they DIDN'T ask for that,
they like it far more in their ratings.

I thought through the instructors at RSD. Max's stuff provided some great insights for me that got me
moving past some big roadblocks in my game. But months later I couldn't point to anything I really
liked about Max's game. It seemed everything he did well, someone else did better. He wasn't the
funniest, he wasn't the most aware and intuitive, he wasn't the most emotionally provocative, he wasn't
the coolest... He wasn't the most of anything. He was good at pretty much everything except sexual
tension, and he tangentially does some things that create SOME sexual tension. But he didn't represent
the best example of anything. But as I considered familiarity, I thought about how Max took a lot of
Tyler's teaching about meeting a girl where she's at and being sensitive to her experience, and ran with
it and in some ways did it in his own, updated, Max way. (Though I'd still say Tyler D is probably
better at it). A lot of what Max talks about is related to smoothness. This whole 'natural' concept- it
basically revolves around largely mimicking what guys that have had success with women over most of
their life have done. That actually means that it relates to what most of the guys she's dated in the past
are like. Which means that it creates things she's familiar with. Max doesn't realize it or pinpoint it, but
underneath he clearly feels a central theme that he feeds off of and attempts to describe in ways that
tangentially relate to- and have the side effect of- creating familiarity. Perhaps more than every other
instructor, Max might be the familiarity guy.
But if you look at the other RSD instructors, you find Tyler D who is these days large on warm looks,
deep eye contact, and really zoning in on where the girl is at. This largely creates familiarity, like you
know each other already. Against that he likes to pit stretching jokes and being indifferent – which are
the emotional spikes shrouded in that familiarity.
Julien's game is full of spikes and seems quite aggressive. But if you follow him around, you actually
find he largely oscillates between spikes and acting almost boringly normal or just sort of peppily
warm. This provides a contrast for the shit he does, and allows him to progressively turn up the volume
on lie plotlines and such so that he gets the shock effect of her thinking he's just some normal whatever
dude and then finding out he's been completely fucking with her the entire last several minutes. But it
also creates familiarity. He also likes to lie and say he's from the same town as her and other things like
that. That creates spikes of familiarity, which of course he later bursts to create spikes of emotion.
RSD Luke is big on just dressing however the guys with the hot girls wherever you meet girls dress.
And pretty much doing whatever they do. This is really smart in the way he explains it – which is just
do what they do until you start having their success. The implied part of that is you don't have their
success, so you don't really know which parts you can remove or not and it will take longer if you fuck
with it than if you just copy it. Once you have the success, then you can think about customizing it and
playing with what might not be necessary. The same way I'm telling you that the system in this book is
an assembled Ferrari and it's idiotic to turn that into a pile of parts because you can't help but try to
experiment. However, Luke's advocacy for just copy the shit has another benefit – it makes you
familiar to the girls in those environments. You're like all the other guys they hook up with, at least in
how you're dressing and where you're going and so on.
RSD Madison used to work in fashion and dresses like a guy that hangs out with models. He actually
IS familiar to models because he worked and lived in their world. And then he winds up hooking up
with some of the hottest girls of any pickup instructor, and I've seen that in person with my own eyes,
as well as in his infield... He also advocates quite a lot of smoothness, dressing well, and other things
that would make a guy familiar to a model-type girl.
You start to see that almost every RSD instructor has a large base of coming at girls with familiarity,
each in their own way. The only three major instructors that don't really are Todd, Jeffy and Derek.
Derek's game really just finds Derek other Dereks with vaginas, so he's actually really just trying to
find the rare girls that feel familiar with who he really is. So actually that is a bit of a familiarity tactic.
Jeffy is all about loosening people up, getting them to laugh, and separating them from reality. He sort
of taps into the little kind pretending a box is a spaceship effect. There is a distant familiarity to that,
but the fact that he's using so much that loosens people up also kind of mimics or slightly replaces the
need for familiarity. But if you look at WHAT he's joking about – basically drugs, sex, and rock and
roll (more or less), these are the topics girls find funny, so in the content of his humor he uses
familiarity. Which leaves Todd (sorry I'm skipping Ozzie, but Ozzie teaches really useful but narrower
scope stuff) – Todd really doesn't use familiarity. And like I've mentioned, Todd's game is the long way
round. It's like a fantastic plan for crossing the Atlantic in a wooden ship you built by hand. He nailed
how to do that, and eventually it gets results, but Julien and Madison are lapping him many times over
in modern jets going over his head while he does it. It's also never going to get you the cool, hot,
college sorority girl that is probably one of the healthier and harder to get types of girls you can have.
So in reality, most of the varied cast of RSD instructors are playing with familiarity at the core of what
they're doing – they just don't quite identify that common seed. But they do feel it because you can hear
in their descriptions that they're beating around the bush of that feeling of being familiar to the girl, but
they haven't exactly put their finger on it. Even the instructors that don't have familiarity as a central
theme use it in significant ways. And anyone that uses quite a bit of humor in their game is inherently
going to have to tap into familiarity because people don't laugh if things are too unfamiliar. For
instance, I was just riding in a van with Australian tourists about my age through South America. We
past through a town our driver said was called “Hell”. I asked if it ever got cold there. He just looked at
me funny and none of the Aussies laughed. Whether they say “It'll be a cold day in hell” in Australia or
not, the way I put it was too unfamiliar for them to get the joke and they didn't laugh at all. That was
actually a really fucking great joke. So on the way back, knowing they forgot, I asked if it ever freezes
over there – and everyone laughed (though it would've been far funnier our first time through the town
of Hell...) Point being, that's a great fucking joke... But it's not funny at all if it isn't familiar.

Through all of this it dawned on me- I've always defined myself as unique, an innovator, a trailblazer
who does everything better and always finds a better way. I'm an extremist. If I'm in a fast car, I go
faster than I've ever gone before and faster than almost anyone else would dare. If I tell jokes, I would
prefer to tell hilarious ones. If I'm going to work hard at something, I want to destroy whatever else has
been done in that field before. If girls like emotions, I want to create the most insane ones. And on and
on and on. While this more often than not gets me 11 level results where no one even thought that was
possible – like tripling the distance of all my classmates in a paper airplane distance competition when
I was younger, then doing it again among a bunch of college bound engineering students years later –
sometimes it bites me. Socially would be one major area. Because most people – almost all people –
aren't extremists. Most people simply want to be comfortable and emotionally stimulated within that.
Most people aren't emotional producers, they're emotional consumers. They just want to do nothing of
any importance, creativity, or anything else, but feel good. And they want to think they're unique and
one day they'll be rich and famous. But they won't be and will never do anything that will lead there –
they just don't want to know that or believe it.
What this meant is that for years I basically said “Oh yeah? That works on girls? Well I'll do more of
that than anyone!” “That works too? Well I'll do the most of that!!” And so on and so forth. In the case
of sexual tension, this is enormously positive and effective. In fact, despite loving to push extremes, I
often am not in the headspace of pushing sexual tension ENOUGH. In the case of humor, it's a double
edged sword: It works, but only if you step up to the extremes by progressively taking a joke further
and acting it out more after it first hit. But if you impatiently try to jump to extremes with humor, you
break the familiarity and relatability (again, not the same but similar) and it's not funny.
With sexualizing and sexual comfort, again you have to slowly turn it up. You can't jump ahead to the
extremes. With investment and 'comfort,' the same is true. Across the board, you need awareness and
you often need to step things up. But my extremism loving self has for a decade gotten impatient and
because I know that extreme emotions create results, I get impatient and try to jump ahead. That has
basically been my entire history in game.

Underlying all of that was a massive hole in the concrete foundation I was trying to build a palace on. It
wasn't the most emotions that won. It was the most emotions you could create while remaining familiar
to the other guys she's hooked up with. The world had given me a coloring book with lines I was
supposed to be coloring within. I didn't see the lines and instead was scribbling all over the page, trying
to just fill it with the strongest possible colors and wondering why the result didn't quite feel right.

Think of who girls like by far the most – famous guys. Now think about the words. Famous. Familiar.
There's a massive hint hiding right in front of your face there. Famous has the same root as familiar for
a reason. Famous people are extremists – they are known and liked by far more people than anyone
else. But the root is the same as familiar because famous people are 'familiar' to the most people.
People like a given celebrity because the media on that person makes them like them AND feel like
they know them, or are at least familiar with them. Famous people are FAMILIAR EXTREMISTS.
And they happen to be extremists in the thing girls love the most – preselection. So they are familiar
extremists in the one thing girls love above all others. No wonder girls go absolutely berserk for
famous people, no matter how hot the girl and how impressed she is with almost any other guy (except
for girls that routinely hang out with famous people, who are still massively impressed but keep their
cool at least outwardly... But you can tell the impact because they brag about it later).

People love the extremes within familiarity. The most emotionally provocative familiar. There is a
boundary, a line, a crucial rule: Stay familiar. Be the most emotionally provocative possible guy, with
the right emotions in the right sequencing, while staying VERY FAMILIAR.
And not just randomly familiar, but familiar to the guys she's hooked up with before. And perhaps to
her celebrity crushes.

Why do girls with daddy issues date assholes? Because they think assholes are better? No, of course
not. Because assholes are more emotionally stimulating? Yes! We've discussed why on several fronts.
But ALSO because their behavior, even though it's bad, is FAMILIAR to them.
Why do game guys rarely pick up the really hot, popular girls? Because game guys, for all their
practice eliciting extremist emotions, are rarely anything like the guys the hot, popular girls are used to
hooking up with. They're used to cool, smooth, cocky, kind of dumb guys that dress a certain way and
are usually kind of jacked, and game guys for all their efforts don't seem to want to become those guys
at any costs. They want to kind of stick it to those guys by learning how to get the girl and not be that
guy. And then they get girls, even hot ones, but they still just about never get THOSE girls. Because
regardless of everything they know and do – they aren't FAMILIAR to them.
Why does this effect become the strongest with hot, popular, college sorority girls? Because they're the
most worried about staying within what's familiar to them – that's where college girls are at. Game
guys just about never hook up with the hot popular college sorority girl. That's why. Guys will probably
write me and go “I just hooked up with a college girl dude! I do it all the time!” And my response is
yeah, but she's not in one of the top three sororities at her college, and she's not a 9+ and I doubt she's
an 8.5 either. And in the almost impossible chance that she was those things, she's a bit of a wild one
that likes to go off on her own.
Why do the hottest cocktail waitresses, stunners, often hook up with bar backs that they work with even
though many of them could date millionaires? Familiarity.
It goes on and on.

The simple fact is, I had it the wrong way round. And it's almost 100% guaranteed that you do, as well,
because of how game is taught and because of the route we follow to get into game. It's not create
emotions first, try to relate second. It's about start with what's familiar to her and then make it as
extremely emotionally provocative as possible. When you cross the line, dial it back via the methods
we talked about above. Shock her, but contrast it with familiar shit.
And I don't just mean familiar to a girl's overall experience. I mean familiar to HER experience. And I
don't even just mean that – I mean familiar to HER experience with who she's ACTUALLY had sex
with. Even shit about them that seems unproductive, like if they played a lot of video games with their
friends and frequently ignored her and suddenly you give her all kinds of attention when you're with
your friends – that might be too unfamiliar. You don't have to do the really shitty things other guys did,
but you have to be aware of how those things played into broader patterns. Like you can be positive
towards her, but be careful giving her 5x more attention than her last five boyfriends.

It goes beyond that, too. Dress like the guys the girls you want to hook up with dress. I don't really care
if it's not you. You want those girls, so be what's familiar to them. Find a way to make it you. Then take
what they do, and dress in the most extreme and perfected version of it. Maximize sticking out and
emotional impact, but stay within familiarity of it. I guarantee right now that almost no one reading this
dresses even 75% like the guys that the girls they want generally hook up with. Like backwards hats
have come back in with the clubbing and partying set, and I never see dudes gaming with backwards
hats. I don't either. But everyone she's hooking up with is dressing in that style. You're unfamiliar.
Your jokes, your cocky attitude, whatever. It should be familiar to the girls you want period.
Then you game WITHIN those bounds.
How you open? It should be familiar but emotionally provocative. Can't think of a familiar way to
open? Don't not open, of course, just go in not familiar and try to fix it after... But if you can be more
familiar DO IT.
Guys should throw in more pieces of charm or cool bro, whichever would be familiar to that particular
girl. Charm is reminiscent of a dateable movie lead. Cool bro of the dudes a younger girl hangs with.

They say that tastes are most malleable and form the most in teenage years. So her teenage celebrity
crushes and the guys she dates and hangs out around as a teenager in some ways set the template for
what's familiar to her in a dating and sexual sense. That could partially explain why daddy issues
continue impacting girls' dating for years in most cases – it sends them into dating daddy issue type
guys as teenagers and then that represents what they're familiar with for a lifetime.

The key to understanding people and what they want, after all these years of dealing with practical
psychology in the real world through both business and sales, as well as game, is to understand one
simple thing: We all make our decisions based on the MOVIES that we play out in our head for how
we want our lives to be. All of us navigate our lives by imagining movies that we want to be a part of in
our future, and then attempting to make them happen (and then our skill, resourcefulness and level of
comfort seeking factor into how well we actually pursue actualizing those movies). If you understand
someone's movies they're attached to, you pretty much understand that person. We'll talk about this
more in the business section coming later, because it turns out it's also how you sell products.

This explains all kinds of things. For instance, one thing that bothered me for years – why do girls these
days, especially hot ones, all run away from relationships and not want one? (Until they get stuck on a
guy and THEN they want one, of course) Because girls in this era have all been sold on being attached
to a movie that they rarely had in the 90s, or 80s, or 50s: They all both want to be and if they're hot
think they CAN be either a model, an actress, or otherwise famous (Kardashian) and have everyone
want them. That's the movie in their head. It comes with hanging out with the famous, cruising the
world on yachts and hanging out in posh hotels and at posh parties. They're addicted to and obsessed
with this movie. It's the internal representation of their social competition urge. That movie doesn't
involve a boyfriend that doesn't want them partying hard and running around with whoever and making
out with lots of famous dudes at different parties. The movie destroys dating. The Kardashians and
Instagram and America's Next Top Model and other sources sell and ingrain the movie in those girls
heads. In other words, the entities creating and pushing these movies have largely destroyed dating
among young, attractive people. Or at least they've flipped it backwards to where you now have sex for
a while until the girl gets so attached to the guy that she develops an attachment to a NEW movie with
that guy, and that starts overwhelming her desire to have this other movie – which isn't real for her so
she can't be afraid of losing it. So it not only shows us how to approach getting into relationships with
modern attractive girls (yeah, it's retarded and probably not a sound way to do things – but there's not
an alternative way to upend her internal mental movies she wants for her life unless you're the one
providing her little fame movie); but it ALSO shows us WHY that process now exists. Which I think
will be crucial for a lot of you to accept this anti-Hollywood dating procedure. No one is immediately
willing to abandon the movie they've been getting addicted to for years, and if dating is counter to those
movies, that means she won't jump into dating. But if you meet a girl who clearly has dating as her
mental movie, you should recognize that as well (in fact I would argue I'm talking to one from France
right now).
This explains other things too. My friend was curious about why even mid level YouTube personalities
without a lot of subscribers or views generally date pretty hot girls. If you think about the fact that these
girls have movies in their mind where they're a model, actress, or other type of famous, and then you
consider their OTHER dating options, it makes sense. They could date: A finance guy; a regular lost
early twenties dude; a fratty kind of guy; a bartender; a promoter; a rich kid; or the YouTube star (to
greatly simplify). Which one of those options gets them closest to the movie where they're famous and
everyone wants and loves them? The one guy with an audience that they can be in front of. A marginal
musician or DJ has the same effect – cruise into the club he's playing out, hang out in the DJ booth in
front of the crowd. Their movie is most supported by the YouTube start with 20,000 followers, even
over, say, a tech millionaire with $15 million in the bank.
It also tells you why almost every hot girl winds up working in fashion, music, nightlife,
television/movies, etc. One step closer to the movies. And why they'd rather be with a crew in a hot
table in the nightclub than almost any other scenario in that same club. Or why having a boyfriend with
a bunch of Instagram followers is compelling.

But it tells us another important and more relevant thing to this section: Familiarity is appealing
because it is representative of whether something resonates with their movie or not. If they've lived
their life a certain way for years, and then gone over a certain set of movies in their mind for years,
things which have familiarity are the things which fit within the bounds of either of those puzzles:
Either how they HAVE lived, or how they've been DREAMING of living. That's why a girl in Vegas
might throw herself at a DJ as though that's familiar to her even though she's from Canada and has
never been around Djs in her real life... Because in her million times reliving that mental movie, the DJ
or similar figure WAS present. In other words, you can be familiar to her real world experience, or to
her movies, or preferably a little of both. After all, she's never LIVED her movie, most likely, so there
may be some intimidation and discomfort factors associated with having it come true. So someone
that's familiar to her previous real-world experience and ALSO familiar to her movies is kind of an
This is where almost all pickup guys go wrong (including, I'd have to say, me for the last 9-10 years).
They come in too far from left field, with crazy routines, trying to be crazy funny, or hit crazy hard
with some routine or another. They try to push things too far, or just come across like they've never
been cool and 'normal' in their lives. They dress either like a nerd or finance guy that decided to go out
for once, or like a nerd that decided to just go all out in trying to ditch their past and throw everything
on at once. That's not how this works. Remember, it's a paint by numbers deal. It's a coloring book.
What's familiar to her are the lines, you color WITHIN the lines. Determine what's familiar to the
majority of the type of girls you want, but as emotionally provoking as possible, then dress like that.
Talk about those things. Remain within those boundaries.
After all these years I've found two major reasons that 'anything goes' in game is bullshit. There
AREN'T ten thousand different ways to win – not if you want to win at the top. The first reason is that
while we're all unique, we're all built on hardware – like brains – that are 99.9% the same, leading to
many, many shared patterns. Almost everyone likes ice cream. Almost everyone likes movies. Almost
everyone likes sunsets. If 'anything goes', there wouldn't be these nearly 100% common trends. But
there are. Almost 100% of attractive girls like a guy that isn't beta, is cocky to some level or another,
builds massive sexual tension, is preselected, that she hast to chase, that loosens her up, and that is
socially competitive. When you start doing something that rules you out of one of these categories, you
start ruling out girls. Anything does not go because there are underlying patterns that are present in
almost all humans. And if you say “Well there are exceptions though!” then you get to play to the 2%
audience that is the exception. Do you want to have chances with 98% of attractive girls, or 2%? That's
the choice between working within human patterns and ignoring them.
The SECOND reason that anything does NOT go is familiarity. You can be wild and goofy and try to
be the funniest guy on earth, but you're almost certainly breaking familiarity with the girl that has either
dated the quarterback, the frat boy, the musician, or the bad boy in her past. That pretty much
represents every hot girl's past dating history. You can be as wild and funny as you want as long as you
stay WITHIN the coloring book lines for those stereotypes. But step outside of them, and you're
alienating most girls. They can't like you because you aren't familiar. They can't accept the good things
about you because you're too outside of everything. And the not one of the quarterback, the frat boy, the
musician or the bad boy was GOOFY, so goofiness (which is different from a partying wildness) not
only breaks cockiness, social competitiveness AND sexual tension, but it ALSO breaks familiarity.
Why shouldn't you dress like Mystery with 100% peacocking? Because while it triggers some positive
emotions, it also breaks familiarity with any 'type' she has ever had, and any comfort she has with girls.
Why did it work for Mystery? He mostly lived in Hollywood and dated a lot of crazy chicks and
strippers who were willing to kind of jump on some eccentric shit. But the hot sorority girl that you
want – she isn't down with that. Neither is the young model surrounded by 6 friends. Etc. Pickup guys
should simply be dressing as 'best in class'. Standing out, catching eyes within 'classy' and fashion
intelligent peacocking, but ALSO fitting within the trends/stereotypes that suit the girls they want. And
their game should create as much wild emotion and be as extreme as possible WITHIN what is still
familiar to the girl that they are interacting with – meaning with some girls it needs to be more dialed
back than with others. Don't get this backwards – it doesn't mean just go out and be hyper familiar. It
means stay within the lines, but be as much of an electric ride as possible WITHIN those lines. And
know when you overstep them and bring it back. Recognize that each girl has different things that are
familiar. And follow the structure we've created. Let's end with a visual. Let's say that the structure
we've created is a FRACTAL. And that the most extreme emotions are the COLORS of that fractal. But
the BOUNDARIES are the outline of a goldfish.

The thing to remember is that familiarity has to be present to ENABLE liking. Everyone says our tastes
change over time. But chances are what you like today but didn't like five years ago, you WOULD
have liked five years ago EXCEPT that it wasn't familiar feeling back then. When you gained
familiarity with a new sound in music, or different types of food, or whatever it is – then you started to
accept the good things about them and like them. So you can say that familiarity enables liking, or lack
of familiarity BLOCKS liking – maybe the latter is more true. It's crucial to ask if you're dressing in a
way that is familiar to your target girl's exes, if you're acting in a way that is familiar to her exes and
friends, if you're approaching her in a way that is familiar enough, etc. - and then to create as much of
the emotions we've discussed under the abstracted structure we've laid out as possible. And to have an
awareness when you step outside of familiarity and bring it back – it's okay to break the boundaries as
long as you bring it back quickly and with good awareness.
This is a deeper understanding of something RSD Madison insists on all the time – guys are mostly
doing the right things at the wrong time. I would say as a slight tweak that guys who are at least solid
intermediates are often doing about the right things, but then they're pushing them too far, or at the
wrong time, or with the wrong girl – and so they're taking situations that COULD work out for them,
that are within their abilities, and they're extinguishing them by getting carried away with shit that
breaks familiarity for the girl they're interacting with. And they don't recognize it and the girl gives up
and leaves. (Though there are other guys too terrified to break familiarity who never provoke emotions
as well)

Why Doesn't this All Work Like we Think it Should?

Digging deep enough into my own perceptions, blockages, and so on over the course of writing this
and trying to figure me out eventually reminded me why it was so fucking hard for me to understand
how women really thought in the first place...
Follow a bunch of really hot girl's Instagram's – like the ZTA sorority at Florida State and girls from
Chic model management and Scouting One Model on Instagram. What will you see? A lot of yachts,
parties, mansions, bikinis on beaches and showing off. Then you'll see a lot of mimosas and basic ass
shit. You'll also see a lot of 'OMG, I looove my dog sooo much. He's the sweeetest' and 'My bestest
friends forever are so great' and 'I missss you soooo muuuuch' [To her female friends].

Looking at this and listening to girls talk about how they just don't understand why guys cheat and how
they'd like to have a guy that actually wanted a relationship and blah blah eventually gives this
impression: They want a sweet, cuddly, reliable, warm, chill, interesting partner. Like the combination
of all the great parts of everything they spent half their time posting about (aside from the yachts and
such). Makes a lot of sense right? Give them what they spend half their fucking time posting about.
If you follow a hot girl that's a little girl-next-door-y, you'll see ONLY those type of posts.

It stands to reason that's what girls want... Since they fucking say so and talk about it a lot.
Which begs the question – why the fuck DOESN'T it work that way?

It all comes down to the disgust girls have for beta males.
As Tyler D says, “Girls want to have a great time and hook up with a beta male, right? That's what they
want?” “Well, there's actually something they want WAYYYY more than that. And that's to NOT hook
up with a beta male.”
I said a guy without sexual tension is like a fat guy. And a beta male is disgusting. Tyler wanted to
make sure this point was never forgotten, and he compared a girl finding out that a guy is a beta male to
you getting a girl to your place and finding out SHE HAS A FUCKING DICK.
And it's true. You'd freak the fuck out and do everything you could to get her out of your apartment. It
would be disgusting and unnatural and scarring. (Unless you're gay and also that is your thing, in which
case hey that's chill – but imagine the girl that you thought had a dick instead was like a Barbie doll
with nothing at all in that case...)

They're just horrified by beta males. For the reason we discussed before – getting stuck with a beta
male's child in tribal times could mean DEATH. Again like Tyler said, “We wish they thought
differently. But... Evolution.”
That's the right way to think about it. Don't judge the terrain. Don't get bent out of shape or think about
it too much. They can't think differently because... Evolution. No option.

So while in EVERYTHING ELSE in life girls want it to be sweet, loyal, cuddly, warm... Like their
'besties' and their dog... With guys, they want challenge, emotional stimulation, sexual tension,
unobtainable, and social competition.
They want the OTHER half of what they post – the yachts and beach bikinis and parties with crazy
squads and stuff.
Effectively, girls are bipolar. And they're bipolar because while they want that stuff you once thought
they want from anything EXCEPT guys, when it comes to guys they want to unleash their social
competition desires and avoid beta males at all costs.

If girls could somehow stop being afraid of beta males and stop being so concerned about social
competition, the world literally would be EXACTLY how you think it should be immediately (at least
if you come from the nice guy end of the spectrum). In fact, that change in the dating pressure in our
species might even do shit as drastic as end wars... After all, what dude is gonna rise to power in a
country and get pissed off and antagonize other countries into war if he's been hooking up with hot
amazing girls his whole life? That level of motivation and single-mindedness is fairly unlikely.

Why would I even bother to add this section? Because I feel like some of you will still be like cats with
their paws spread out trying to avoid going into a bathtub at all costs about accepting that girls really
like such seemingly primal and basic shit across the board. Then again, you like small waists, long hair,
big boobs, and tight asses... That sounds as basic as liking guys that are socially competitive, help you
let go, create sexual tension, and are perhaps a bit hard to get. The other reason is I feel like it's really
easy to half accept something and also half hate it because you don't fully understand it and wish it was
another way, which creates tension and internal turmoil, which makes everything you do along the
proper lines full of friction and stressful and much less effective. By being able to say “I don't like that
things are this way, but they're this way because girls are disgusted by beta males... And they're
disgusted by beta males because... Evolution” you can just fucking let it be that way and make the best
of the world based on how it is.

What Is Persuasion?

Putting all of these factors together and mixing them properly is really difficult if you don't have a
simple, unified concept to bind them all so that you can have a feel for how much of any given thing
you need in any given circumstance.

We have these vague mixtures of concepts like sexual tension, chasing, familiarity, sexual comfort,
lowering the bar so that action seems like less of a big deal, etc. We created a structure that more or less
instructs what to do when. But that's a thought-based structure and construct that you then have to
translate into actions. It would be ideal if you could embed something simple enough in your head that
you could 'feel' what you need and when you need it. Which is really allowing your subconscious to do
some of the directing and orchestrating.

This is something that I struggled massively with for years. Because 'solving' game is really about two
things: solving the concepts and figuring out what's going on, what to do about it, when to do it, how to
do it, how to understand it and so on. But it's ALSO about executing all of that as much of the time as
possible. Which means if shit is complicated, which it is, you need to unify and simplify. This is maybe
the most difficult thing of all, and is very elusive. We've gone over a number of solutions I've created
for this, but I finally hit upon a unifying concept that is extremely effective in binding all of these
seemingly contradictory factors.

That is to understand at a really base and abstracted level what persuasion actually is.

I use the fire triangle example later in the book about business, but it's helpful here, too. When they
teach firefighters about putting out fires or mechanics about keeping engines running, they teach them
that there's a triangle of three required factors for fire where if you remove one, the fire goes out. Those
are fuel, heat, and oxygen (or any oxidizer, which could be something like fluorine gas technically). If
you remove fuel, heat, or oxidizer, a fire goes out.

So what is persuasion? After ten years of grappling with all this shit, and playing a shell game where
every time you focus on one thing, another falls through and seems to bite you, I finally realized that
persuasion ALSO requires a triangle of things. Simple, elegant, convenient, easy to remember, possible
to embed and act on by feel. But also very hard to determine that ALL THREE of these things need to
be present at once for a sale. Especially because you often get one thing automatically when you
succeed, so that it deceives you into thinking that maybe certain things aren't required, or aren't always
required, or so on.

So what's the persuasion triangle? Well, at the most abstracted level, in order for someone to be
persuaded and then ACTUALLY TAKE ACTION, you need: Motivation, comfort with taking the
action, and removal of obstacles. In EVERY case of persuasion, ALL THREE of those things need to
exist. And THAT is what bites people who are gaming as often as anything else.

It's deceptive because of this: Let's say you want someone to buy a Ferrari. For many people, the
motivation is already there. Most people would want to buy a Ferrari on some level. Now, there's a
catch to that, but also a problem in one or both of the other areas. In order for someone to buy a Ferrari,
there are massive obstacles in the way. These include the fact that they probably don't have $275,000+
set aside for a car they don't need. But also that they might feel that their friends would judge them or
dislike them for driving a Ferrari, that they would be worried about it getting scratched, stolen or
crashing it, and that they might be worried about it devaluing. Not to mention insurance payments and
so on.
In addition, they might not be comfortable driving a Ferrari. They might think it 'isn't them', would
draw too much attention, would convey messages to people that they don't want to convey or are
uncomfortable conveying, etc.
Finally, the 'catch' with the motivation in this instance is that while there is likely motivation, their
motivation might NOT outweigh the cost. They might want a Ferrari, a little bit or a lot of bit, but
maybe not $275,000 much EVEN if they had that to in theory spend on a car.
So how do you get someone to buy a Ferrari? Well, showing them how awesome Ferraris are MIGHT
help because it might persuade them that they're more worth the cost. But it also might be the
HARDEST possible road because that's the strongest category in the triangle – motivation. If you could
convince them that the cost wasn't so bad, or was somehow more justified (almost no Ferrari model in
history has been devalued twenty years later), you might cut more into the Motivation/Cost balance.
One of the weakest parts of the triangle is obstacles. You might need to create very lenient payment
plans, help them find loans, reframe how other people would see them in their Ferrari and so on. You
also might need to make them feel comfortable driving a Ferrari and incorporating that with their self

Let's take another example. Getting someone to buy a pair of socks. Now you might not have
motivation. They might not want to buy a pair of socks at all right now. Or maybe not THAT pair of
socks. It's likely if they had enough motivation, they'd just buy the socks. In almost every area of the
world, they already own socks, so they probably don't need to feel more comfortable about it. So this
one's pretty straightforward.

A third example- say you want someone to go to a local zoo. Now the motivation has to be high enough
that they want to spend their TIME going to the zoo INSTEAD of other things they could do with
several hours. So their motivation has to be high, but not because of financial cost, but rather time cost.
Their comfort doesn't likely have to be high UNLESS they're worried about their kids getting bored or
cranky or having other areas while at the zoo and making the experience unappealing. So you might
have to address that. They also might have discomfort thinking about crowding and similar factors. In
terms of obstacles, you're possibly talking about parking/transportation, how long they'll spend at the
zoo, and then tangential obstacles like what else they might want to do, their fears of logistics with
family members.

Finally, if you wanted someone to go sky diving, you'd likely have to first and foremost address their
comfort. You might need to motivate them a little, but not a ton. Most likely you'd have to reduce their
sense of cost both in terms of finance (a lot of people don't want to spend about 175 dollars sky diving),
but also in terms of physical risks. The obstacles and comfort in this case are largely tied together, in
terms of physical fears both rational and irrational. But then you also have obstacles like maybe none of
their friends are wanting to go right now, or they would go if someone asked them and set it up.

So you see that creating a sale is often NOT directly about motivation. It might be, but it might be
about the motivation vs. cost balance, it might be about motivation vs. other risks like time, it might be
about obstacles, it might be about comfort. You likely have to address the weak points in several areas.
I'm also going to hazard a guess that if I said “How do you better sell Ferraris, socks, zoos, and sky
diving” you wouldn't have gotten nearly such targeted points of action without knowing the persuasions
triangle to identify the weaknesses. But with it, it's easy.

The same applies with girls. Of course, since all persuasion is ultimately the same thing. The difference
is that girls have different starting points and different hangups. A girl might be quite comfortable with
having sex with a stranger, and she might not be at all. She might be comfortable having sex with you
in particular, or she might not. You might have good motivation, ie sexual tension in particular and
other things like chasing, or you might not. She might be comfortable interacting with you, or she
might not be. She might think of obstacles, like the way people will perceive her for talking to you or
having sex with you, or she might not. She might also have obstacles with how she perceives herself
(sort of internalized judgment). She might be motivated but think the cost in terms of risk to reputation,
time spent, risk of picking up someone who will be 'attached to her', or even getting diseases or
pregnant or possibly her safety or ability to back out are too high given the motivation.

What this means for you is that you need to be aware of not just what's blocking her, but what's
blocking her on EACH part of the persuasion triangle. Is it motivation? Cost vs motivation? Sexual
comfort? Interaction comfort? Obstacles in her mind? Real obstacles like working tomorrow or having
ridden there with a friend?

Now you can see why the RSD perspective primarily based on loosening up the girl and staying with
her works, but is far from ideal. It works where the girl has some natural level of motivation and
motivation based mostly on your energy (but not if she doesn't have strong motivation for sex on her
own and you don't create it with sexual tension). It creates interaction comfort, but depending on how
you do it might create sexual comfort or none at all. It generally removes physical obstacles (trying to
stay with her no matter what), but may or may not remove mental obstacles (which might require
sexual framing or other things. Though Owen's style of leadership of breaking each thing down smaller
and smaller definitely helps there).

Really what you need to do is to develop an ability to step into her shoes, and feel out where your
persuasion triangle is weakest at all times. In fact, in the middle of writing this, I started lazily flirting
with a gorgeous girl on my campus who was a freshman and a dancer (I was back for reunion). Lazily
flirting never goes well, but I had no intention of picking anyone up when I went to campus to kill a
few hours. With this fresh on my mind, and because we were outside lying in the grass working on
things near each other, I had time to sit there and think about what areas of the triangle were weakest.
In this case, because she was studying for a mid term the next day, was a freshman and much younger
than me and I wasn't a student (and probably seemed impossibly old to her), and because as a scared
little freshman she wasn't used to meeting guys especially ones older than seniors who probably already
seemed ancient to her, I had issues on almost every part of the triangle. There was a motivation issue
because she thought she was hot shit, and because I was out of her world being 13 years older, not
being a student. This greatly hampers the familiarity aspect of that situation too, so it's necessary to
create it in other ways. Then there's a motivation vs cost issue because she's trying to study at a
prestigious university for a mid term, and she's new to the school so that's likely extra intimidating.
There's a major interaction comfort issue because she's outside tanning and studying and by herself, so
she's not wearing a ton of clothes and here's this much older non-student talking to her and she is
uncertain of herself in the world in general. The sexual comfort has to come after the interaction
comfort, and we hadn't even gotten there yet. Then the removal of obstacles would be an issue because
there's the mental barrier of thinking I'm impossibly old and out of her world and realm of possibility,
that I'm a creeper, etc. And then the actual barrier of her wanting to study for her test the next day.
I did some towards all of this, but being that I went about it lazily I didn't solve the problem – as you
never will if you're lazy about meeting a girl. What I needed was to get some Julien and chasing game
going – which I did – but then escalate it to drag her in while being aware that she's a college freshman
and what is familiar and comfortable to her is a fairly narrow window. I needed to create a lot of hooks
and a mysterious energy that was addictive while doing that, and also NOT LET THERE BE LULLS
because in this case the lulls would make it seem try-hard to reopen, which would be considered creepy
for an old guy on a campus he doesn't attend to do. That part was my biggest failure, because if you're
doing something lazily you aren't thinking ahead and you likely aren't putting out much energy. So
where I needed to be keeping things cracking and hitting her with stuff to drag her in, I was leaving a
broken interaction where it seemed try hard for any reopeners.
I also needed to really loosen her up, keep things away from reality or any microjudgments, then use a
lot more cockiness and after a bit innuendo and 'us' framing to that she could develop comfort with
interacting with me at all. And in particular with flirting with this guy who's so much older than her and
in her mind outside of all reality. I also didn't do much of that, since it's already a weak point and
considering I was being lazy, that means your weak points will pretty much not happen at all.
Finally, while it would have initially been less comfortable for her, I should have just sat much closer to
her so that I could create sexual tension in the eye contact. That would make her feel motivated
regardless of what she might think about the context, and would give me a chance to tilt the motivation
vs. cost benefit a lot farther in my favor. In a lot of other ways framing would've been key to deal with
the issues I mentioned above.

This might all seem straightforward to you, and maybe in hindsight even obvious, but it's really pretty
groundbreaking. Because as a guy 10 years out of college to try to pick up a freshman girl at an
intellectual college (ie, much more tense, not open, uncomfortable girls), who is by herself wearing less
clothes than normal, who thinks you're some alien creeper by yourself invading her campus, while she's
trying to work... Ironically that's about as hard of a pickup as you can get. It didn't go anywhere
because I didn't commit full on, but to see how you could potentially make it happen and how you
could take that somewhere is really pretty incredible. The reason it's nearly as hard a pickup as there is
is because you have an issue at every side of the persuasion triangle – none of them are provided for
you, an none of them are even taken care of at like a 7 out of 10 level. In fact I was probably coming in
at like a 3 out of ten in having nearly every side handled. The only benefit is that there was time in the
situation because she was laying in the grass studying for a bit. But that's right up there with trying to
night game a model who's out with a bunch of her friends in a club she frequents in terms of how
problematic each part of the triangle is, and in some areas of the persuasion triangle it's probably worse
(the model chose to go to a social situation with guys, and is used to that situation).

To have a framework where you can navigate through an interaction with that many challenges on each
front and have a real shot is pretty damn cool. The fact that the framework is simple and overarching
enough that you could eventually ingrain it and feel your way through any interaction is truly
revolutionary. And the fact that the SAME framework would apply to you trying to pick up a famous
super model surrounded by body guards in bottle service at a top nightclub is really unbelievable.

The fact is we've spent a lot of time creating a framework that gives you orders and when you should
do certain things. This should remain your framework and is incredibly helpful. But the thing is, we're
all organisms, and organisms respond to stimuli at a base, abstracted level. So to really get to a point
where you can feel your way through any interaction under any circumstances towards success, you
really need to have an 'all powerful' “What to do in response to what” framework. The difficulty with a
“when” based framework is that it presumes certain things will be happening at certain times in certain
orders. That's pretty accurate, but there's also massive variability in there. You're really just playing the
odds if that's your only basis. On the opposite side, it's very hard to know what to do in response to
ANY situation. You should remember solutions to many common situations and just use them, because
none of us have the creativity to just be 'on' like crazy all the time and never fuck up and break the
chain of the interaction. But you'll simply never remember solutions to all combinations, and doing it
that way creates rapidly escalating complexity. HOWEVER, if you have a framework that governs
“what to do in response to what” and applies to effectively every situation... Now you can get really
good at applying that framework and hopefully even embed it into your subconscious, and then you are
never without at least knowing what problem you should solve and a chance to brainstorm solving it.
Plus over time you'll see patterns and can better call up successful solutions from previous experiences
to what you're encountering. In some ways this is the most base 'natural' skill that anyone who is a
truly, truly insane natural will have. It really doesn't apply to the naturals most of us know that have
slept with like 100-300 girls who are across the spectrum of looks. But guys like my friend Nick who
have slept with well over 100 girls who were just about all solid 8+ girls, or guys even significantly
better than him, have a subconscious feel for this triangle in addition to the other factors we've
discussed throughout this book. It's sort of like a great blackjack player always knows when to hit,
when to stay, and when to double down. A great natural, or game guy, should know when he needs to
make what kinds of moves. He shouldn't be getting stuck on creating comfort in the interaction when
he needs sexual tension, or trying to create chasing when he needs to loosen the girl up or whatever.
Like RSD Madison said, most guys aren't doing the wrong thing... They're doing the right things at the
wrong time. That's the confusing point. They're using the right solutions to problems that they currently
aren't having, or that aren't the biggest current limitation.

What the persuasion triangle really does for us is not only show what the issues are, but WHICH
ISSUES ARE MOST PROBLEMATIC. In other words, it gives you priority. It takes a really long time
in game to find out how much priority is at the foundation of everything, but it really is the key. If one
thing is blocking you more than anything else, then your efforts on everything else are basically futile.
And time is ALWAYS limited, as is her patience for the interaction. Always. There are also hundreds of
thousands of options or more at any given moment in any given interaction. Your skills could be good
with every option, but choosing among all those options is key to doing anything, and choosing wrong
or just guessing is likely to sooner or later destroy that interaction.

So the persuasion triangle really lets us go “Well, this college freshman who is probably a bit in her
head, extremely, busy, and finds interacting with a guy out of college on her campus to be outright
weird is full of issues. But my primary issues are loosening her up and making her comfortable with
interacting with me at all, as well as motivating her to interact with a guy like me who is outside what
she is used to at all, and especially in light of her desire to study for this test. Before I accomplish those
things, nothing else is really going to matter. Once I accomplish them, I'm going to have a really big
issue with her self identity as totally different from me and her conception of me as an old creeper, as
well as I'm going to have to reduce her desire to study right this second and increase her motivation to
interact with me. And just outright keep her distracted, too, so that the issue isn't at the forefront of her
brain. If I accomplish that, I can build chasing, emotion, sexual tension and framing – removing
obstacles and increasing her motivation both to interact with me and to have sex, now assuming the
comfort has come along more. Once I have that, I can start getting her comfortable with the concept of
actually having sex. Then I'll have to motivate actually doing something about it, which will require
removing obstacles and increasing sexual tension, while also having enough sexual comfort that she
doesn't feel really adverse to actually doing it. 'Doing it.'
The persuasion triangle just created an entire roadmap customized to this particularly difficult case
sitting right there in front of you. Then you can update and adjust that as you go through the
interaction. You can even see when it might be time to take leadership steps (keeping in mind that
trying early means getting nos on the table so you can solve them, and keeping in mind that you want
to get as many micro commitments as possible). But the truly incredible thing is that's the kind of girl I
could potentially marry. So the persuasion triangle might enable you to solve the otherwise unsolvable
situations with the girls that might really change your life. In all honesty, there is no excuse for being
lazy in that situation. I wasn't mentally primed to be gaming, and then I made excuses to protect my
ego in the event that it fell through – knowing subconsciously that it was extremely likely not to work
out. But in a situation where you have a rare chance to hook up with a girl that could be the future Mrs.
you (or anyone you might enjoy being around), you really need to get out of your shit and go full on.
Writing this book even is an excuse outlet for me. Being able to say “Look, I learned a lesson. I'm
closer to winning next time” is a really effective and problematic excuse mechanism. Look at this
book... I obviously will always be able to learn more, but do you think I have much excuse for saying
“Eh, I don't know enough. I'm not ready to go full out in this situation that could permanently improve
my life”? No, of course fucking not. In fact, no matter your level of preparation or readiness there isn't
such an excuse. But for me above anyone there's no excuse. Knowing that happens to me should,
however, be empowering to you. Because you can understand that I'm just a trained and studied version
of you. There's no perfection. And guys who are better at executing than me are just better trained
versions of me.

In a lot of ways game is about making a girl feel comfortable about having sex, but there's both comfort
and mental obstacle problems in there. At the same time most girls come with a low average baseline
for how much they want sex, which means you have to spike their desire for sex right now. And if
someone really, really wants something right now they'll gloss over the intermediate steps a lot more.

These little pieces, like the persuasion triangle, might seem so simple that they can easily drift into the
back of your mind after reading close to a thousand pages. You really need to take my word for it and
realize that these are the most crucial tools you have. The tools that simplify, prioritize, and create
roadmaps in as many situations as possible are THE most valuable tools. The roadmap I created above
using this simple tool is fully actionable. We've addressed how to do every waypoint of that roadmap in
this book (or will by the end of the book if we haven't addressed a particular thing). Plus that roadmap
is perfectly customized to that one particular girl. It didn't take much effort or knowledge or though to
create it. The process of determining that roadmap could eventually become a subconscious 'feel'. And
you could update that roadmap multiple times as the interaction evolves. That REALLY is a holy grail.
That's truly 'solving' game. You've got what, why, how and when in effectively all situations packaged
into a tiny mindset that can be turned into subconscious feel. It also connects all of your knowledge and
skill into “what should I do right now in this situation with this girl” in an enormously elegant way. It's
a skill you can evolve and improve from now until the end of your life.
If that shit doesn't blow your fucking mind and excite the hell out of you, then you don't really like
game. Not even don't love it. You don't even LIKE it. That should be an indicator you need to focus on
social circle or fame or maybe not even worry about getting girls at all. That really is 'solving' game to
a large extent, so if you even like game at all, when you really let that sink in you should be thrilled. It
promises that one day in the future, with enough training and gaming and thought, you'll eventually get
to the point that you'll be able to fly by feel through having a legitimate shot at getting just about any
girl in any situation. It's the fucking dream. It's the perfect movie you've always dreamed of, made as
actionable as is currently possible at this point in time.
It also means you should probably practice in all kinds of weird situations, because that enables you to
get used to feeling your way through this stuff in various situations. Sorry that it comes with a little
homework haaaa.

Interactional Tension – How you Often Win the Battle, but Lose the War

Sadly we're getting into another topic that frequently burns me and that, until quite recently, I didn't
value much.
My mental model of game long ago became this: “Generate high emotions, she'll be swept away, and as
you keep that up, you'll win.” That became “Do that, but as soon as possible elevate sexual tension,
lead, and you'll win.” That model isn't actually too far off... But, as we've seen, there's a lot to getting a
girl to allow pure, uncapped sexual tension with you – in some ways this is 'all the rest' of game that
everyone else is so focused on. In my experience, all that effectively just allows you to deliver crazy
sexual tension and lead... And everyone out there not using it that way is fucking nuts.

That sadly leaves two issues... One where you're trying to advance the girl through the stages to 'stage
4' as we'll get into later (ie, sexual tension), and when she has some kick back and pushes back out of
sexual tension, getting her back there. The second being if you're texting/online gaming, and creating
sexual tension is difficult and primarily governed by innuendo which works so-so.

Those are both pretty big issues, though I'd say #1 is the real issue.
Regardless, for most of my time in game I largely ignored this. That's something you can get away with
because you can often get into sexual tension anyway in person, and then it's pretty much all good...
But other times you can't right off the bat. Often with the girls you want most.
And then if you take it to texting, you find that the model of 'create emotions emotions emotions' and
eventually it'll work out, well... doesn't.

What's up here?

Well, gotta be honest... The result was right in front of my fucking face for a hell of a long time. In fact,
I even mentioned it earlier in this book. I just didn't take it seriously.

On the one hand you've got Tyler and Julien from RSD going on and on and on and on and on annnnd
ONNNN about how they're indifferent and that gets girls to chase. They can't talk enough about how
they don't care and that makes girls chase them and that's central.
On the other hand, we have the extreme power of sexual tension.

I simply failed to put two and two together.

What if sexual tension had a non-sexual counterpart, just like comfort has a sexual counterpart, and
what if that's what Tyler and Julien won't shut the fuck up?

Ahhh. Interactional tension. A more general tension. Perhaps that's it?

It didn't really click until I was heavily texting and flirting with... Well a mystery girl. I'm hoping this
will be the icing on the cake of this book, something I'll mention right at the end. But I don't want to
jinx it just yet because it hasn't happened yet.

Anyway, I'm texting with mystery girl – and pretty quickly off the bat I notice she's qualifying and
chasing more than expected. Much more.
I'd just been writing several sections of this book, and talking about the importance of allowing things
to happen when they're going well. I'd recently listened to Tyler talking about how if you've got a girl
that's trying to impress you, you need to notice it and SHUT THE FUCK UP and let her. Don't go back
to trying to be emotionally provocative and impressive and stomp all over that, while also making
yourself seem like you're so shitty that you can't stop trying to make yourself seem cool even when she
wants to impress you.
So I'm like “Okay... If she wants to impress me, then shut the fuck up a bit and let her.” And I was
doing a pretty good job of it.

For a time I had fucked with her with a Julien-esque lie plotline and made up a story implying I was
staying in a large section of one of the fanciest hotels around. I stretched it and said I got room service
from giving special tips to the 65 year old room service head. I made it pretty ridiculous. And when she
didn't seem to fully comprehend I was just bullshitting, I even said “All of that may or may not be true”
which was kind of lame... I should've just kept dragging it out or otherwise led to the moment where
she goes “Waiiiit. Have you been fucking with me this whole time??” because it's that realization
moment that makes her feel kinda stupid in a funny way and creates extreme chasing.
Well, I didn't do that. And eventually when I brought up hot tubbing she was like “You should have one
where you are.” “Or are you actually staying with your parents? JK” Which was actually true because,
sadly, I had to stay with them to save money for my startup.
The right thing to do was stretch it until it was so ridiculous she finally realized. “We've got four. I had
the new one flown in by helicopter last week.” Or whatever. Of course, I didn't do that.
Instead I explained in terms that weren't exactly qualifying, then slightly humble bragged. But because
it wasn't exactly qualifying, that also meant on another level it was kind of qualifying. No big deal, she
goes “You're so fancy” which might have been her saying “That was kind of a stupid comment but I
still like you” or it could've been her trying to get me, or it could've been her trying to get me to qualify.
All are pretty much cool.
I then went full retard (okay, more like 30% retard... Full retard will end any situation) and sent her a
video from my trip which I'd just referenced, and said “This was really awesome.” It wasn't a try hard
comment. I was just sharing. But it soooort of seemed like I was qualifying my way out of not actually
staying in a large section of the hotel I'd mentioned earlier. Though I'm not retarded, so it also sort of

What does all that matter? Well, she'd been double and triple texting me if I'd stopped texting her for
the entire interaction. Her reply? One word. “Awesome.”
Which to me says “I still like you, but you're losing me right now. So I'm just going to say something
that's clearly what you're looking for.”
By the way, I didn't rewatch the video before sending it and it turned out to first show what I thought it
did – our amazing tree house hotel in the Amazon jungle – but then I flipped the camera and filmed
myself at the end. And I didn't look great. Not awful, but not great. The problem? I've found over time
that when in doubt, don't send any images of yourself via texting etc. If you're not positive the picture
makes you look really good, or is really awesome with you hanging out with cool dudes being funny or
with a lot of girls, then a lot of times the girl goes “Oh, he's not actually that hot” and it bounces her out
of all the emotions you've created and suddenly you're kind of fucked. If you avoid sending any images
of yourself that aren't crazy awesome (or any at all in some circumstances) and then just meet her, now
you have your full toolset of game and can use that to overcome any issues (or most issues) with your
looks and you'll be good. But if you let her sit there and judge a single piece of media (image, video) a
lot of times you'll prevent yourself from getting her in person again where you can game your way out
of any potential deficits.

Anyway, that's a slight tangent. So she just says “Awesome” and then I'm like “Fuck... two texts ago
she triple texted me, then I kind of qualified and kind of didn't. Either way I kind of lost that chase she
had.” In response, I say nothing. Because I'm starting to see that powerful chase I had slipping away.

That's when I started to see another element to game. I had this chasing... Then I didn't. I didn't totally
fuck it up, but an element that was going really well was gone.
Earlier in the interaction, I kept dropping the beginning of these comments about myself- and then not
finalizing them. At first they didn't seem to fully hit, but she kept chasing. Eventually she was like
“you're a mystery man.” And I was like “Yes! All that shit added up.” All those little cookie crumbs I
dropped that were interesting, but didn't answer – like saying that I'd been a bunch of places recently
but not saying where or why – had added up. That was a lot of why she was chasing. She thought I was
mysterious and amazing, and she wanted in and she wanted to know more.

This two text exchange kind of killed that. Luckily I instantly saw it happening and slammed on the
breaks. That was literally tonight as I'm writing this, so I can't tell you if that will ultimately kill it or
not. I know it's not good, but I doubt it's beyond repair. That's all I can say.

What EXACTLY was it? I sat there, toying with the interaction in my mind- like rolling a coin between
your fingers, back and forth. I lost that chasing she had. I semi-qualified. I semi-said too much. What
was it REALLY that I lost. What REALLY cut it down.
Well, the obvious is that she was chasing this mystery man. Then the mystery man said more things
than a mystery man should and kind of ruined that mysterious game, where he's amazing but he won't
really tell you about it.

It felt bigger than that, though. What was the level up from that? What was the big lesson there that
seemed like it actually applied a lot.
Why did I feel like I'd won a battle – made her think my trip was cool and my life was crazy – but lost
the war... Suddenly that powerful chase and compelling vibe she had for me seemed to vanish. How
could that be? Mystery is one of many, many factors you could have. And losing it alone couldn't be
that big of a deal.

That's when I started thinking about if sexual tension had a broader cousin, and if all this talk about
indifference/not caring from RSD's principles had something to it that I was missing.
I asked myself “Could there be a non-sexual version of sexual tension?” As I tried to apply this concept
to the interaction it started to snap into focus.
Yes, yes there could be. Interactional tension. A broader tension.

Mystery. What is mystery? It's a desire to know and a lack of knowing combined. A tension.
Indifference or not caring. What did that generate in the girl? A desire for validation, for being cared
about, and a lack of seeing caring at the same time. A tension.
What else was like that...
How about challenge? Challenge is a combination of wanting to achieve/overcome a goal or beat a
rival, but struggling to achieve/overcome/beat it/them. A tension.
And then there's sexual tension. Sexual tension being a combined sexual desire and not having sex. A

David DeAngelo's old words sifted through my brain... “You have to always keep the line tight. There
always has to be a little tension in the line. If it goes away, you lose it.” He was talking about fucking
with a girl with cocky funny, which creates a certain type of challenge... Tension.

Indeed. It suddenly became apparent that there IS a broader tension. In fact, it wasn't unknown to me.
As I said above, I'd even brought it up before. And then I promptly didn't value it that much.
Interactional tension must be a bigger thing in game than I had ever considered. Perhaps even another
of the many missing links I'd identified over the last year and a half.

I started thinking through my metaphors of game. I realized this book is practically a list of 500
metaphors in a row. I apologize for that... But then again people that read this stuff seem to do
extremely well, so I guess I fucking don't, eh?
One of my most recent metaphors is that game is a bit like a guy and a girl meeting tangentially, and
they walk around each other in a bit of a circle, looking into each other's eyes but not going straight at
each other. They slowly wind into each other until they finally crash into each other and something
happens. If they come too head on, the girl gets nervous and runs off.

This kind of made the whole thing snap together. What if it was more like the girl entered into an orbit
around the guy, and kept spinning around him in circles. She slowly had to wind into him until she
finally came into contact and it happened.
But what was keeping her there? A tether?
If you try too hard to pull the girl in, if you reach out to grab her, she runs off... So a tether would
almost be too much.

So what is it? Well, when something's orbiting the earth, it's gravity. An invisible force that isn't all that
strong, but that keeps things in orbit around the earth and gradually spirals them into it.
That was interactional tension. It's like gravity. It pulls her into your orbit, and she gradually spirals into
If you LOSE it, she goes spinning off into space and you lose her. If you try to reach out and grab her
and force it, she runs away (let's say activates the rockets and escapes the aggressive/desperate planet).
Interactional tension gets her orbiting you so she can wind into you.

That was what these RSD dudes were on about so much. They were using indifference/lack of caring to
create chasing and keep girls in orbit while they created emotion and gradually pulled her into them.
Breaking that indifference/caring meant breaking their gravity and the girl spins off. That's what they
were so intent on trying to convey.

But I wasn't using a lack of caring, necessarily. I was using mystery. All these seeds I planted and then
just moved on from.
This meant there must be multiple forms of interactional tension... So far we had indifference/not
caring – which creates desire for validation and getting reaction out of you, which creates interactional
tension. And we had mystery, which created a desire to know and to figure out, and pulled her into you.

I realized the lie plotlines of Julien game also created a powerful mystery. The creeping feeling “Is he
just totally fucking with me!?” And that mystery which is also tied to ego (not wanting to be fooled)
made for a powerful interactional tension.
What else is interactional tension? Well, a lot of game is about challenging too and that seems to create
chasing. In fact, many Julien game aspects also create playful challenges. Like she says she's staying in
the nicest hotel in Vegas and you go “You, really? [make a puzzled face] Hmmm!” and seem to enjoy it
a little. Now she wants to meet the challenge and prove she can.
Or you can challenge her or play a game against her. In any of those cases, the challenge makes her
want to overcome the challenge or beat you or prove herself, but she hasn't yet done so. Creating an
interactional tension.

Finally, sexual tension itself would be a form of interactional tension. It just happens to center on sex,
our most powerful motivation. Making it the most powerful factor in game- both an interactional
tension, AND the most powerful one focused on our most powerful drive.

That meant there were at least four forms of interactional tension: Mystery, indifference/lack of
caring/devalidation (certain teases/old school negs), challenge (games, cockiness, other teases), and
sexual tension.
It also suggested that the most powerful interactional tensions were based on our strongest instincts and
desires. Sexual tension trumped all because sexual emotions are the strongest. Julien's lie plotlines were
very, very strong because they threatened the ego (making people worry they're being fucked with and
didn't realize it for a while), and ego protection is a very strong desire. Some challenges were also very
powerful as they could also go along with ego (not wanting to let someone be better than you... Though
if you see they're trying to do that intentionally, it takes away the power). Challenges can also tap into
our inherent desire to prove ourselves and not be limited, other powerful desires and motivations.
Mystery is powerful because most people have a strong desire to know and find out. Finally, not
caring/being indifferent taps into a strong desire for some people – the desire to be liked and validated
by those whose opinion we give a shit about (even temporarily). That last one is strong for some and
not strong for others, which explained why I had a love-hate relationship with it. Because it didn't
engage everyone. Sexual tension engages EVERYONE because everyone likes sex (unless they're the
extremely rare asexuals). Lie plotlines, if done right, engage nearly everyone because almost everyone
has an ego-based issue with being fooled. Mystery works well for most people, because most people
want to know if they feel like they're being left out of cool shit; though some people just don't really
care, which means mystery works slightly less often. Challenges engage things that depend on people's
moods and if they take the challenge as try hard or not, explaining why some teases and other types of
challenge fall totally flat on a reasonable percentage of girls. The lack of caring/indifference could
work on nearly everyone if only you could first get them to care at least a little, and if you are nuanced
with it. Anyone that talks to Tyler of RSD very long in person – yes, I mean guys too – can often feel
this. He gives you this engaged look with engaged eyes, then nods his head and says validating things...
But his tone and lack of much reaction just make it seem like he's heard it all before and he doesn't
really care and is just being nice. And for almost everyone that tugs at a desire to try harder and impress
him. I can't put my finger on Julien's version of this, but he does have a tendency to cut girls off and
say something he'd rather say instead.

The ultimate lesson is that you need some form of interactional tension, and if you lose it, she floats out
of orbit and just disappears. And that this is regardless of emotional levels.
She might be very emotional and be loving it, but that's something she feels like she can take with her
if she leaves and goes elsewhere. The fact you're supplying it is helpful, but that emotional state isn't
really tied to you and so in her mind she can just leave – even if you're the source of those emotions. In
order to realize that was actually linked to you, she might have to lose you, lose the emotions, and then
in retrospect want you back. Which only works if she doesn't run into another cool guy that also makes
her feel good.
Interactional tension, however, as with the specific version sexual tension, is tied specifically to you.
Mystery, sexual tension, challenge, and indifference causing desire to validate are all tied to a specific
person. This means wandering off won't allow her to take any resolution with her.

That's why these factors are so important.

NOW we can finally see why SOOO many guys win battles but lose the war. They focus so much on
creating emotions, especially if they listen solely to RSD stuff about 'fun fun fun' being everything, and
at the end of the day they create emotions... While also frequently killing their interactional tension.
The girl feels good, then she leaves anyway. They sold out their interactional tension to create emotion.

Bring this back to the interaction I was talking about earlier. The girl texted me “Awesome” and I felt
what was going on enough to realize I'd started to let it slip and shouldn't respond.
A couple hours later I wanted to send her this sexy and funny thing I do about a picture in a shower,
which slightly leads her on and then throws her a curve ball. It almost always hits well, and sexualizes,
and I figured it would do so again in this instance.
Yet as a veteran in game, I thought about it for a second before I just sent it. As I did, I realized that it
might be an excellent instance of winning a battle and losing the war. It likely WOULD make her laugh
and also sexualize the interaction. Both of which I wanted. However, following up my chain of saying
too much and trying slightly too hard, which were starting to kill the mystery that had her chasing me
like nuts, with yet another attempt to create emotions and add more to the interaction... Well, that was
almost certain to further kill the chasing. I'd get a laugh and I'd get things sexualized, but her desire to
chase and her feeling that I was this compelling mystery man would fly out the window.
I had pushed myself to about one text away from where she could comfortably feel that I was chasing
her and that she didn't need to chase me. As a guy who's used to gaming, you're used to coming from
this frame and standpoint where she doesn't know who the fuck you are, feels nothing for you, and you
have to create emotions. That's the beginning of basically every cold approach interaction... But when
you focus so much on being able to go into this situation and create emotions, you lose touch with the
fact that as you create those emotions, she often gets to the point where she wants to make you like her.
Suddenly this flips things and you need to stop trying to make emotions and start letting her try to get
you. This is the interaction flipping we discussed a long time ago. Half of gaming, in a way, is knowing
when to shut the fuck up and get her to game you. The hard part about it is that it always starts with you
gaming in cold approach, so knowing how and when to make that shift is difficult.

Understanding interactional tension makes it all so much more clear. No matter the emotions you
create, you STILL will have to introduce mystery, challenge, indifference/not caring, and/or sexual
tension. Since we always have to get to sexual tension, often we can just hit fast forward, get into that,
and use that as our interactional tension too. However, we need to be aware of this on a broad view for
any time that sexual tension isn't working. Perhaps because we're in a super friendly surrounding,
because she hasn't opened up to it yet, because we're texting, because her friends just came back, etc.
Additionally, sexual tension is super powerful, but it has a tendency to fade fairly quickly if broken.
That means that having longer-lived interactional tensions is ALSO beneficial. Wanting validation and
wanting to unravel a mystery are tensions that can last quite a fucking long time. Minutes, hours, days,
even years. Men or women, including you and I, can feel these things towards a person literally for
years. You can probably right now think of people you wish you could get to acknowledge you're the
shit, or people you wish you could figure out. Those people might be people you've known for years.

This forms the yin and yang of game. This was something for years and years I was feeling, that there
was another side to the coin from emotional creation. I felt like smooth, proper game had a piece that
went along with creating emotion that I was struggling to fully wrap my head around.
In a lot of ways, this was it. There had to be a void to go along with the emotions. It's like a pump- it
puts pressure on the fluid to force it out of the pump into wherever you're pumping the fluid too; but
then it needs to retract and suck more fluid in. Without that suction, void phase, the pump is basically
useless – one and done. The same thing applies here. Think of it like you're on a railroad track and need
to pump water out of a firehose nozzle to push yourself along the track to reach the goal. If your pump
just pushes water out, then you get a spurt of water for an instant and stop. Done.
That's just creating emotion. Instead, there has to be a cycle. You create emotion, you allow a void, you
create emotion, you create a void. In this way you keep pumping water and moving down the tracks. Or
you keep sucking her in and advancing her along a hose until she finally reaches the 10th floor of the
building, which was your goal. However you want to look at it. Remove that void, and it doesn't work.
Take away the gravity, and she floats off into space.

The ultimate takeaway is that creating emotions has to take a back seat to keeping interactional tension.
Luckily teasing creates emotion and interactional tension if done right. So do some lie plotlines. So do
some games/challenges. So does sexual tension. Meaning in some ways, you can get both at once. But
they aren't the same. Setting up mystery keeps a tension, but doesn't really create emotion. Saying a
joke basically creates emotion but does nothing for tension or sometimes relieves it.

As a side note, this shows why doing anything goofy is the ultimate death: Being goofy makes you a
beta male, which is disgusting and she wants to run; being goofy might create letting go, but it also
kills interactional tension; being goofy isn't generally relatable; and being goofy undermines your
ability to both be perceived as an alpha male and to create sexual tension. In other words, if I see
anyone who's read this being goofy I might punch you square in the dick. We've already explained how
to get girls to let go without ever being goofy, so don't make any excuses.

Let's face it dudes- we aren't used to being chased. We didn't get into game because we were being
chased by girls. We have to go and approach them, so we don't start interactions getting chased. Thus
we really aren't used to knowing when to allow the interactional tension to develop and persist, and
knowing when to shut the fuck up and allow her to chase us. But we NEED to do that. No one wants to
have things that they didn't have to fight for and win...

Interactional Tension 2

Having gone out with Julien, then broken apart his game and what he's doing, I felt one last missing
piece. It seemed to me that he was operating with a feeling for ONE emotion behind everything, and
that he'd developed a feeling for that SINGLE emotion and then he was focusing everything in a
whirling storm around it. It felt like I was watching someone do what I do with sexual tension, except
with a different emotion.
I figured out WHAT he was doing. I watched and figured out the emotions. I figured out a lot of the
abstractions. I got to where I could pretty well execute it. But it just seemed different. It seemed like
Julien was operating at a separate level and pulling at some threads I wasn't seeing, or that he was
seeing a level that I just wasn't.

Like anything in game, if you search through every available piece of information, figure things out to
the point where you can do them, and can't see anything else... You wind up assuming that you pretty
much know everything you need to know about that subject, and that the other person is just far more
experienced and better than you at that thing.
Except that all of my experience in these things suggests there's actually a missing perception. Few
things are that hard to execute that others do and you don't... Our brains simply aren't so capable that a
trained person's brain can somehow wind up operating 70 levels above yours.
Rather, they've developed MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE PERCEPTIONS and they are
operating on a similar mental level but it's creating far, far better results. That's basically a software
difference, a perception difference.

Then I was watching a video Julien and Tyler D put out. It was something like “How to live like a
Rockstar with no $$$” and I think on the JulienHimself channel, probably around November 2017. Not
totally sure. They bring up a dude in a sweatshirt who's kind of short and talk about him being 'ho-hum'
and he stands there the whole video, so you can use that to help find it.
Anyway, near the end of the video, Tyler starts asking Julien to teach him to do what Julien's doing.
This is a common theme. Tyler understands people like no other, but he's never managed to totally
figure out Julien's game. We've established why a lot of this is. But in this video, almost 2/3 of the way
through after it seemed like it would just be more of the same, it seems Julien finally gives a hint. He
finally lets on what he's doing that Tyler isn't, and what he's seeing that I couldn't figure out. The reason
he so effectively runs his chasing game while I struggle to, despite having deciphered most of the
nuances and many of the abstractions...

Most people, maybe everyone, that watched the video would've missed it. Tyler even seemed to only
partially notice it. But Julien mentions how he holds the tension a little longer with the things he does
than most people. Typical with Julien, he doesn't explain the real shit, but just mentions it and then acts
cocky. He's an amazing coach and incredible with game, but this shit is kind of annoying. I think he just
doesn't realize himself what he's doing as we've discussed, and attributes the success to the wrong
things ('Just enjoy yourself' basically). I probably wouldn't have realized the importance of his
comment beyond a pretty helpful tweak if it weren't for Tyler chiming in and going “He REALLLLLY
holds it. Like he'll let it go for days. After they've slept together. After they've been dating.” And Julien
laughs and shrugs. Tyler goes “Sometimes I'm there with him, and I'm like 'Dude! How are you doing
this. Just let it go!'” And Julien laughs again.

To those of you that haven't spent ten years figuring out this shit and watching how guys talk about
things and looking for the cracks that show you the real picture behind what people say and do, that's
probably just a funny story. Even to Tyler it probably was. But to me, that's a glaring neon sign pointing
at the solution to something I've been feeling around in the dark to find for a year since I first went out
with Julien. It's like a seasoned detective in a movie finding some almost unnoticeable subtlety that to
him is the key to solving an entire unsolvable case.
Because what you've got here is possibly the most interactionally engaging person in the world –
Julien, talking to person who's gone out with Julien more than ANYONE else in the world – Tyler; and
the person who's gone out with Julien more than anyone else, who for 15 years has been one of the best
analyzers in all of game, and for 10 years has been trying to figure out why Julien's game is sooo much
better than his own game, he's sitting there pointing out some MASSIVE difference between his game
and Julien's game. A difference so profound that he doesn't even understand it. A difference so shocking
to him, that he has basically chosen not to even analyze it. In this giant tapestry where Tyler and Julien
more or less agree on almost everything, and where Tyler can explain almost everything Julien does,
there's this one piece where Tyler himself is saying right next to Julien that he's never done this thing
and has never gotten it and it's extremely emotionally provocative even to those around Julien.
Basically, he's saying there's this massive, provocative difference that he's NEVER even analyzed
between his game and Julien's. Everyone on RSD staff thinks that Julien is just twisted and that's just
him. They just dismiss this side of him, while Julien games circles around most of them. If all these
guys have been around him a lot, figuring out game, but haven't come up to his level... Don't you think
there's a massive difference between Julien's game and their game? Not just a tiny difference? And
wouldn't you think that massive difference would have to be something hiding in plain sight that none
of them had ever really thought about?

One of the other RSD instructors said that he tried to be really harsh like Julien for a bit and it just
didn't work the same for them. Which implies he tried to do what Julien does, but did it the wrong way.

What I saw Julien say that he holds the tension a little longer and then Tyler react like that, that told me
that this might be the thing.
On top of that, I know my game is based on the most effective thing there is – sexual tension. And in
sexual tension, there's people that don't have it, people that have a little but don't hold much of it, and
those that just hold it and hold it and hold it until it's raging. Which is a HELL of a lot like what Tyler is
sitting there saying Julien does... except in terms of interactional tension.

When you study the brain long enough, you start to find that there are a lot of patterns that repeat
themselves in different ways. They seem to be entirely separate and mysterious things, but really you're
seeing the same thing happen in a different circumstance. So why wouldn't there be an interactional
tension equivalent to sexual tension? Why wouldn't you be able to hold interactional tension and
escalate it like you do sexual tension?

When you watch these girls getting so hung up on Julien's game, when you learn all the tricks of his
trade, and yet you still don't really seem to have the same effect on girls that he does when you do it...
When you seem to hit really hard sometimes with his game, and other times you seem like a lost
monkey humping a football while using his tricks... You know there just has to be something he's
focusing on in the feeling of the interaction that is guiding him to use certain things at the right time
and not at the wrong times. This overall guiding light must be directing him to use the skillset we
painstakingly figured out earlier in a way that creates an incredible effect, while when others try to use
his skillset – even his best friend and longest wingman – they can't do it half as well because they lack
the guiding light.

It makes me think of the times in his infield where you see him cross over into unfamiliarity with girls,
then quickly back off, laugh, and change tactics. That could easily be him trying to drive the
interactional tension until he feels it gets unfamiliar, then cutting it and changing directions to not lose
the girl. It makes me think of how just about no other game teacher really holds significant interactional
tension for a long time... Except Derek, who happens to be the one guy that Julien loves to teach with
all the time. (Though his version is much more crass) Coincidence? The only other person who seems
to do a lot of this is Venture from Lovesystems, but I'd have to go out with him again to see. Or you
could argue RSD Luke has his own version by taking rapport break jokes further and further and
further, but because it's all a big joke, it lacks the mystery of what Julien's doing.

All of this seems to point to the concept that there's an entirely separated, advanced level to
interactional tension. One where you don't just have a little, like other game teachers have started
discussing about sexual tension due to the trickle down of my previous writings, but where you actually
build a TON. Julien's whole game and skillset seems to be based around this. Then he seems to
somewhat arrogantly tell people that they just need to game with the same 'carefree, fun, passion' that
he does, and they'll get basically the same results – dismissing the possibility of others doing what he
does. You'd think if you were Julien and you'd spent so many years teaching others game, you'd wonder
why none of them reach your level and how to fix that. He just seems to be cocky about it and assume
it's because he pushed himself so hard, so he's special. There's some slight truth in that, but... Whatever.
Step it up Julien! Ha

I'm writing this off of memory of my experiences, memory of watching Julien live, Julien and Tyler's
comments, and what I can recall having felt in a bunch of interactions. At this time I haven't gotten to
go out and try it with an intentional focus, and the book is nearly complete... So hopefully I'll get to
play around and write about it before I put this out, but just know that this is one of the very few
partially untested parts of this book.
Nonetheless, it adds up in my mind that Julien is driving massive interactional tension and that's why
he's so fucking engaging. After all, interactional tension motivates interactions in a way similar to
sexual tension motivating sex.

Now, how does this work exactly?

We've figured out before that you have to SOUND LIKE YOU ENJOY Julien game, or it doesn't work.
In that same video I just mentioned, Julien mentions that you have to have a little hint of a smile, a little
spark, a little smirk. That Tom Cruise half smile. That's the addition to SOUNDING like you enjoy
fucking with her.
What I draw from this is that WHILE Julien builds massive interactional tension, he keeps letting her
know it's a GAME and it's FUN with his tone and these little smirks and so on. But he doesn't cut the
interactional tension when he does it – he doesn't explain or ease the tension, he just keeps reminding
her with these things that it's all a fun game. Meanwhile she chases hard because she doesn't get the
game, there's a mystery to it.
If you LOSE that tone like you're enjoying it, and those sparks/hints of a smile, then it's a tense
interaction without a game, without fun, without a warm feeling, without a mystery, without
enjoyment... And that means it's just uncomfortable tension for no reason or without a HOOK to keep it
Sexual tension INHERENTLY feels good. It INHERENTLY has a hook and a reason (sexuality). If
you're doing an interactional tension and holding it like Julien, you HAVE to ADD a hook – that sly
enjoyment, those hints of a smile, that tone like you're enjoying it. That makes it fun, challenging,
mysterious. It's 100% necessary. Otherwise you're just fucking weird. Otherwise you're going to scare
people off. Remember that – no hint of a smile, don't sound like you enjoy it, and you're JUST
FUCKING WEIRD. Try to build interactional tension and hold it WITHOUT that hint of a smile and
tone of enjoyment, and feel for what's familiar/unfamiliar to her, and YOU'RE FUCKING WEIRD. It's
not hard to cross that line in my experience.
What does Julien do? He senses if she's kind of in shock or caught off guard or something, and then
maybe he can take it farther and make it more ridiculous... Or if she's really being repulsed/scared off
and then he laughs and cuts off and does the things we talked about for getting away with pushing
boundaries like that. He sees if the reaction is one of TENSION or of it being unrelatable to where she
withdraws. Maybe he doesn't discuss it because he thinks others can't figure out and ride this line,
maybe he doesn't know it consciously. Who knows.

Nonetheless, I'd say this is where the lie plotlines, fucking with her with his face, making off hand
comments that imply not having her up on some pedestal, etc. come in. At the same time, being focused
on driving interactional tension allows him to be aware of when he's pushing things in a direction she's
not liking (you would lose that feeling of tension and instead just see discomfort/distaste), versus a
direction that's tense and maybe she's not sure about it, but it's causing engagement. In a way, it's like
how sexual tension shows you if she's interested or not – if you don't feel the sexual tension,
something's blocking it (you, her, something like her having a boyfriend...). If you don't have
interactional tension, then whatever you're doing in terms of teasing, lying, fucking with her, etc. isn't
working and isn't her vibe.
I would say from my experience, that with many girls you might only get slight interactional tension up
front – if you drive higher interactional tension like Julien right away, you'll likely cross into
discomfort with many girls. That's where Julien pulls out his phone and shows stupid videos or

Ultimately it's all about OWNING the tension. Just like with sexual tension. If sexual tension starts and
then you get uncomfortable and shy away/break it, then you lose ALL of the effect. With the
interactional tension it's about making sure you own it and show at least hints that you're secretly
enjoying it. If it pops up, you feel it and turn away and don't do anything to remove it – what is that?
AWKWARDNESS. Because there was interactional tension, and it made you uncomfortable, and you
didn't change it to another emotion, and you didn't own it... That just makes her uncomfortable- it's
awkward. If there's interactional tension, you own it and don't flinch, but you don't seem like you're
enjoying it, then she might think you're a fucking weirdo/don't get it socially. But if there's tension, you
own, it, and you seem to be enjoying it and fucking with her, no she feels like she's getting one upped
or like her older brother's just fucking around with her or whatever- and that's engaging.

Breaking Down the Creation of Interactional Tension

With sexual tension one of the most powerful and useful things that I ever did was break down how to
create it: Lips on her ear, close proximity eye contact with slow speech, eye contact with pauses. To a
lesser extent sexual innuendo.
Having this simple package of how to create sexual tension revolutionized my game. And it
revolutionized the game of everyone I've taught it to. It's SO simple. Also knowing that if you're hard,
she's wet, creates a great goal. One thing that one wing who read my draft somehow missed was that
you do this actions to CREATE THE SEXUAL TENSION FEELING. It's a mutual feeling, so just seek
the feeling yourself THROUGH these actions, and everything works out. This particular wing
somehow missed this and was trying to do the actions in a formulaic way, which it sounded like was
sometimes leading to him just staring at girls. You're escalating the FEELING of sexual tension. Just
learn to build and build that FEELING.

Soon after hitting upon and testing the concept of interactional tension, it became clear that it was
powerful, and that a similar concept applied. Like sexual tension, the beauty of interactional tension is
that you can FEEL it. You can just sit there and FEEL it. The beauty of the two tension emotions is that
they are mutual. Remember, you can't hold tension in a rope without people pulling both ends. This
means you can FEEL it when she feels it. It's unfortunate that everything in game doesn't work this
way, but it's massively fortunate that the two LARGEST emotions in game (sexual and interactional
tension) DO. If loosening, feeling, and opening were so mutual, it would be fantastic. You CAN get
that a little if you keep extremely deep eye contact and are 'in her head', feeling what she's feeling –
almost link your minds have melded.

The question, then, was whether there was a simple set of basic techniques that create interactional
tension in the same way that there is a simple set of basic techniques that create sexual tension. Sexual
tension basically just has three non-verbal techniques, plus the requirement to keep the rhythm slow
and to transition her into it using 'us' frame and innuendo. That's sexual tension. It's a lot harder to
routinely get there than it is to use.
Can interactional tension be that way?
As we found above, RSD Julien is the master of interactional tension. His whole game boils down to it.
He appears to be the only guy that really discovered that 'feeling' and learned if he feels it and builds it,
great results happen. If I am the OG innovator of sexual tension and really exploiting that feeling, he's
the OG innovator of interactional tension. The only issue is that he never managed to describe what he
was feeling and building.

We spent quite a while breaking down his game. There are many tricks, techniques and tactics that go
into it. The preferred thing would be to discover 3 or so nonverbal ways to create interactional tension,
just like sexual tension. Thus far, I don't think we're going to get there. But let's go into what I've got.

As I'm sure you're starting to see, this process starts with hitting on a promising concept, then trying to
identify what you're feeling and going on, then studying examples of it among instructors who put out
videos and infield, and then trying to understand the nuances and abstractions. I want to hammer this
home so that we create a small army of readers out there that can really advance our game knowledge
must faster than this bullshit snail's pace that has occurred since game went online sometime before
The Game was published in 2007.

Trying to determine what the 'essence' of creating interactional tension is, I first started by going
through the example techniques and tactics that seem to work well for creating it. This is what I got in
terms of slightly more specific techniques and tactics:
-Lie about nonsense. Either escalate it or make it obvious you were thinking of a lie
-Make an intentional SHOW of NOT QUALIFYING to her (Her- 'What do you do?' You- 'I work at a
car wash. [Hold eye contact with a slight smirk, hold that tension]')
-Poke at her a little then MAKE EYE CONTACT AND OWN THE TENSION (Like 'Oh, that makes
sense' turn your head, then change the subject. Or 'Nevermind' and turn. Or any kind of little tease)
-Playfully challenge EVERYTHING. Like she says she works out 'Oh yeah? Where' 'My gym is better'
[Just ways to create interactional tension]
-Just pause and don't say anything and look at her and raise your eyebrows (also the deep breath and
just look at her. She's thinking 'why did he do that?')
-Negative compliments, even over the top like Luke 'Put those away! DISGUSTING!! Gross' [It's a
compliment, you just say it backwards in an OBVIOUS way] (or push compliments, like 'Oh wow, you
have crows feet – that's kinda sexy)
-Unexplained emotions. Like “Ohhh, shit!” then “No, nevermind”. Or Christmas surprised face, no
-Accuse her of trying to get in your pants/trying to hit on you (or any accusations, really)
-Tell her all the reasons it won't work out (Luke style)
-Telling her your attraction for her is going down, 'I just went from 40% to 5'
-Super cocky stuff ('How does it feel to see me again? Pretty cool, eh?' 'I'm out of your league' )
-Dismissive statements at relatively high points (but if it lulls or something) 'You can go if you want to'

That's basically a list of techniques. Note that I only JUST a couple days ago realized why Julien gets
such POWERFUL reactions out of saying nonsense about where he works and such. I was on
bootcamp with him, and someone would ask where he works, and he'd go “Oh, Starbucks.” And the
girl would just STARE at him and get fixated. I'd keep talking to her, and she'd be half looking at him
over my shoulder... I'd say nonsense about where I worked and the reaction was like “Eh, weird.
Anyway.” I was like “Why is he doing that? That's such a basic game thing, it's stupid. And it doesn't
work for me. Yet something about him makes them glue to him.”

FINALLY I heard him say it in a video with Max the other day. He's making an INTENTIONAL
SHOW of not qualifying. He's basically communicating “Every other guy qualifies to you. I'm going to
do the OPPOSITE. What are you gonna do about it?” So this seven opened me and was trying to flirt
with me a bit. She asked what I did, and I gave her the shitty Julien answer. Not as a joke, but as a “I'm
mocking qualify for you. What're you gonna do about it?” I just sat there and narrowed my eyes, held
unblinking eye contact, and had the tiiiniest hint of a smirk on my face. Fully owned the tension. She
didn't know what to do at first and that tension hung in the air, building and building. Annnnd.... I got
the Julien jaw drop. BOOM! Nothing in game is a fucking mystery or some inborn, natural ability. You
just don't understand it yet. That's all. So that's the technique mentioned above.

If that's our list of general technique structures, what are the abstractions. This is what I came up with:
-Lie/withhold information (lie about your name, etc)
-Make a show of not qualifying (Work at a gas station. 48 years old...)
-Any kinds of pokes at her (teases, negative compliments 'Ahh, put those away. Disgusting!')
-Be super cocky, then own the tension ('How does it feel to be around me?')
-Challenge anything (challenge random sentences she says, her skill at anything)
-Things about not wanting her (be an anti-advocate of you two working out)(accusing her of trying to
get in your pants, telling her the reasons it won't work, telling her your boner percentage just dropped)
-Mystery of other types, like unexplained big emotions, anything with 'nevermind'

Hmm. That's semi-simple, but it'll take a lot of practice to make seven things automatic. I can just
choose my favorites.
I was just going to go with that. Then, as I was writing this section, I wondered if I could look at it from
another angle and maybe get a further level of abstraction here. Like what are the basic processes
behind each of these?

One is making a mockery of qualifying to her. Which is making a mockery of what OTHER guys
typically do. That covers both showing you aren't qualifying AND showing that you don't want her. In a
way it also involves lying about stupid shit, like giving a fake name.
Another is mystery, or withholding information from her. That also covers lying, with saying “Ahh, I
can't tell you that” and getting her to chase something. And it covers mysterious emotions, like
suddenly making a face like it's Christmas morning and you're stoked, then she asks, and you go “Oh,
nevermind. Anyway...”
Then we've got the teasing and other types of fucking with her. Which seemingly don't go along with
cockiness... However, both of those ACTUALLY are playing with the comparative 'value' of the two of
you. Cockiness is pulling your value up, giving her shit/teasing is knocking her value down. It's all
done PLAYFULLY to build interactional tension. But in either case, you're fucking with the
comparative balance of who's cooler, who's more valuable.
Then we have CHALLENGE. Challenging her at stupid shit like what gym she goes to, or about skills
like her dancing, or to a game like a thumb war... This could also be commanding her to do something
and seeing if she'll do it. (Though that one can get weird and is something Julien used to get carried
away with)
Finally, we have just putting voids in the interaction, blank space, and just owning it. Letting her jump
back in and fill it. Silences, even awkwardness. As long as you're staring into her eyes, eyes narrowed,
that slight smirk on your face. Or an expectant raise of your eyebrows, like “Well??”

Stepping back and thinking about it, I think that that's about it. The concept I'm using here is to keep
shifting the angle and seeing if we can abstract out more and more. I think of it kind of like taking pizza
sauce, then finding the chemicals in the pizza sauce and looking at their molecules, then you try to
break the molecules into their atoms. Then you can create anything. Though you can even break atoms
into protons, neutrons and electrons, and you can break those into quarks. We want to get up the chain
to where we can relate techniques and tactics and concepts to FEELINGS and human concepts, or
nonverbals, and then we can mix those simple elements on the fly in a 'natural' way.

So we zoomed 12 classes or structures of techniques out into 7 abstractions and then 5 'emotions' or
elements behind those techniques. Some of the techniques MIX the 5 basic building blocks of
interactional tension – like lying about stupid shit is both making a show of not doing what other guys
do AND also withholding information. Let's call these building blocks something so I can type less
when I talk about them- how about the interactional tension Legos. I was going to say atoms, but it
sounded stupid.
Additionally, there's a couple additional things you can add into those 5 basic building Legos. There's
building suspense, kind of drawing something out and letting her get it slooowly. Like when you start
lying about something stupid and she doesn't realize it at first, then you stretch it more and more and
see if she catches on. There's also giving her the feeling of “I can't believe I fell for that.” I'm sure
there's a few more, but these things can be stretched across use with most or all of the Legos.

I really want to understand what's creating the interactional tension so that I can just FEEL the creation
of it. I think maybe you can zoom it out a tiny bit further. We've got the 5 Legos.
Within those 5 Legos, you might take it out even further: In some of them you're kind of dangling
something just out of reach, generally information. You're playing keep away from her. In others, you're
fucking with the concept of which one of the two of you is better (cockiness is lifting you up, teasing is
knocking her down, challenging her is directly battling over who's 'better'). In another, you're just
owning and playing with voids in the conversation. And in others, you're fucking with the relationship
between you and her, and potentially that of other guys and her. Which is to say that you're fucking
with the dynamic between her and you and the 'norms' of that dynamic.

It's almost like there's four PARTS to a Lego, and 5 Legos. The parts are like the walls, the little round
things sticking out of the top, the little holes/voids in the bottom. Something like that. It doesn't really
matter. There appear to be four basic concepts that create EVERYTHING else in interactional tension:
-Dangling something just out of reach (often information, like lying and 'nevermind')
-Playing with voids and spaces in the interaction, also awkwardness (and owning it)
-Fucking with the dynamic between the two of you, and norms (any 'relationship' between you two,
what normal guys would do with that dynamic, etc.)
-Playing with who's cooler/better/hotter (challenging her, teasing her, saying cocky things)

What's the most useful? The 12 technique structures? The 7 abstractions of those structures? The 5
interactional tension Legos? The 4 parts of the Legos?
I don't know. They all exist in a system, a continuum. All we really care about is creating massive
interactional tension, on demand, with any girl. We just care about the execution. The answer is
whichever of these helps us execute the best and most easily. Or what combination of them. I wish I'd
gotten to do enough testing on this to really answer that for you, but as of yet I haven't been able to play
with this enough to give you the ways to create interactional tension in as simplified a manner as I've
done with sexual tension.

Maybe the most useful is to turn these into statements for how you create interactional tension:
-“Play keep away with something, often information or unexplained emotion, lying.”
-“Fuck with the 'relationship'/dynamic between the two of you, or with what typical guys would do like
anti-qualifying or lying.”
-“Fuck with who's cooler/who's more attractive/who's more skilled. Knock her down playfully (teasing,
reverse compliments), raise yourself up (cockiness), challenge her.”
-“Play with space, silence, void in the interaction and OWN it.”
These four statements, 'maxims' we could call them, are written in a way that makes them easier to
remember, somewhat easy to execute, and the second part of some of the maxims includes some
options for more specifics of what you can do. The way our brain works, it's easier to remember four
maxims, and then let the maxim remind you of a few options for how to execute it, than it would be to
try to remember seven or even twelve techniques. You could also summarize them in shorthand, “Play
keep away,” “Battle, challenge and fuck with who's cooler/superior,” “Own and toy with spaces and
voids,” “Play with any relationship and norms of relationships between you two.”
Behind all of these is that you have to OWN them and work them in a way that maximizes the tension.
Either holding eye contact with a smirk, as if to say “What're you gonna do about it,” or looking away,
or changing the subject before she can get the thing.

The next step is to then write these down, fire up a teen drama – like The OC – and respond to
everything they say using these maxims, trying to create (hypothetical) interactional tension. By doing
that, you can see how the maxims lead to actual execution, and if you need to keep referencing the 12
technical structures or not. In this way, you start training your brain to respond to real-world-like
stimulus with the appropriate things that would create interactional tension. You should DEFINITELY
do the facial expressions that would go along with owning each, imagine the eye contact, imagine
feeling the tension. Through this process you can start to train your brain to use the options and link
them together in response to stimulus, and you can also develop the maxims and figure out a better way
to package all of this so that your brain can execute it. Through this process and testing in real game,
plus a few months, we should be able to distill interactional tension down to some executable Lego-like
components, mindsets, maxims, etc.

Perhaps one day this will lead to a volume 3, on how to make things like loosening and interactional
tension even easier, smoother, and more natural. Easier to learn, faster to execute. I doubt it, but it's
possible. If there's a volume three, it will probably pertain more to leveraged game like photography
and fame. We'll see. For now, this is advanced as advanced game gets. The very cutting edge. You're
reading concepts that I'm positive will lead the industry forward, but are written here for the very first

I think it's important to show you how this development works. By this point in the book, you're getting
to the point where your knowledge is top level and in a couple years of executing you'll be able to start
taking these game concepts even further.
Keep in mind that we start using these as soon as she's loose, which could be immediately in many
cases but you should always EXPECT some awkwardness and persistence EVERY time up front. As
soon as she stops resisting, we then want sexual tension and to make her wet. We may need to
transition via 'us' frame and innuendo to make that happen.

The Missing Link to Our Full Feel and Understanding of Game

As we discussed in the last section, the ultimate key to really being a top-level boss in game is being
able to package things in a way that you can keep that package in your mind and guide your way
through almost any situation – and then making that simple enough that you can mostly ingrain it into
your brain.

I was out for the first time since I was in Peru maybe two months ago, and probably for the second or
third time in nearly four months. So I was rusty. It was great to see most of the elements were still in
my brain, but some of the rhythm and energy and so on were definitely scaled in oxidation. (That's
fancy language for rusty because I don't want to say rusty twice because that would be weak sauce)
I basically got surprised that I was going out with people attached to my most conservative and game-
averse social circle. So I wasn't thinking of doing it, it was in a small town, and I didn't want to game
considerably in front of the people I was with. Plus not being prepared, warmed up, blah blah blah.

Keeping all of that in mind, I approached a couple girls on the dance floor. I've spent years and years
cracking that, we discussed it a bit above, but I found you have to be super loose and have good energy
and keep your chin up and have cocky but loose body language and look like you're ENJOYING
dancing. Then you kind of let that seep into your room, and then your open is partially warm on the
dance floor. Or other guys seem to have success just being over the top ridiculous with what they're
doing, like stretching like 80s runners in an aerobics video and stuff and then girls like that energy so
much that they get curious about the guys. I've seen that one a hundred times and it works, though I'd
have to push my personality to do it – fully doable but haven't done it.

First off, let me note that a handful of girls kept trying to dance with me. Like 7s or 6.5s. I obviously
wasn't interested, but I had some fun throwing in a bit of flirting with them. But when I went to
approach the couple solid 8s in the room, they were a lot more resistant. Due to my lack of being active
in game at that time, I could've come in with energy that blew theirs out of the water more, could have
been better at sounding like I was really enjoying what I was saying, etc.
What really hit, though, was that the hottest one gave me a shot. She was a little hesitant, but you could
see the gears of consideration turning in her head. I opened and gave her shit about where she was from
and there was a slight click, but then I didn't make it clear I was messing with her out of a place of
enjoyment, and then I went to saying that I'd actually lived where she was from. Then because I hadn't
primed my brain, I defaulted to asking what she did, which was useless except that I then told her I was
too illiterate to have a job. What it started to cause was this interaction that had these blips of promise
and then these lulls where she didn't feel it held any emotional stimulation or promise.

What was happening, as we talked about, was out of lack of practice and lack of properly
encompassing mental packaging, I was allowing the conversation to dip into seriousness. There were
blips of emotionality and messing with her and enjoying it, interspersed with me just asking and saying
regular things which come from a point of interacting in a way where something matters. And when
something matters, that's an introduction into seriousness. Like asking her what she did without a goal
of how to make that interesting or exciting; or telling her that I'd also lived in her hometown. Then she
gave me shit – I caught what I was doing and asked her how many tattoos she had, and she said I asked
a lot of questions and then we had a little shit test stare-off, which I always own. Then she turned and
walked off. I didn't bother to reopen as there hadn't really been that much of a spark for her and I wasn't
sure I was going to enjoy an interaction with her, though it's always on you to MAKE it enjoyable of

So what's going on there? And what does it teach us about finally linking all of this together?
Well, let's apply the persuasion triangle to her in that moment. At that moment, the interaction has
sputtered with potential stocks, and then died back off a couple of times. She's really not sure about me,
can't put a finger on it. So where are we with comfort, obstacles, and motivation? Well, the motivation
is flawed because not only is there not a consistent spark, but I killed the sparks I created so she's
probably thinking that she can't trust me to be enjoyable to interact with if I'm killing the sparks that did
occur. So let's say I'm probably at like a 3 out of 10 in motivation at that point, but it's really early so
that can swing from 0 to 10 and back again fast. The comfort aspect- she didn't appear to be that
uncomfortable but the look in her eyes implied she didn't find me to be that familiar to her world, so
there's that element. But then there just wasn't looseness in the interaction, and because it was dipping
into serious with statements like “Oh I lived there” as though that somehow matters, without me taking
it anywhere – I didn't then say “Don't you love barbeque at ...” it was just like the fact that we had a
commonality meant we were enabled to talk, which implies it matters and there needs to be reasons
found. So that lack of looseness does cause a lack of comfort where otherwise there didn't really seem
to be one, so let's say it was 7-8 out of 10 in most areas of comfort except the lack of looseness – giving
maybe a 5/10 in comfort but almost all just lacking looseness. In terms of obstacles, I can't think of
anything that specifically was an obstacle except her thinking that I wasn't going to take things in a
direction that was captivating to her. She also didn't necessarily seem like the type of girl that talked
with a ton of strangers, having half a shaved head, so maybe there was a small obstacle there. Let's say
in terms of obstacle fulfillment (where if all obstacles were taken care of, it would be 10/10) she was
like 7.5/10 in that moment.
That means there was basically a looseness problem and a motivation problem at that early moment. I
would say that after thousands and thousands of interactions, the feeling and that scenario is an
extremely, extremely common one early on. Which means that sort of pattern is something we need to
understand and avoid.

Really most of it came from the dipping into seriousness, which eventually caused an implosion into
seriousness. Both the lack of looseness AND the lack of motivation are primarily caused by the
moments where I allowed the interaction to dip into serious. Giving her shit about where she's from is
fine – that sparked some possible emotion and interest. But not doing it with an energy and tone and
facial expressions showing I was clearly enjoying what I was seeing allowed a slight dip into
seriousness. Then saying that I had also lived there and telling her where I was actually from caused a
massive dip to seriousness. This killed the budding emotional momentum, made it seem like things
mattered, took away motivation, and made it seem like I might not be the best person to go forward
with the interaction with.
But just clever comments aren't that motivating necessarily either... Which is where you ALSO need
sexual tension. Having sexual tension in the eye contact really motivates why she would interact with
you at all, and then that buys you some leeway and intrigue and what's going on in the interaction fades
to the background a bit behind the sexual tension. At that stage in this particular interaction I couldn't
have had much, but a bit of tension in the eye contact and a cocky smirk in my look would have gone a
long way to add some intrigue and motivation.

There it is. That's the roughed out form of what happens. You go in, you're doing things right, and then
it becomes a game of juggling. You need to keep the chase, the messing with her, the enjoying messing
with her vibe up – and at the same time you need to yank the chair out and make sure that it never dips
into seriousness... And AT THE SAME TIME you need to have that sexual tension.
Hmmm. Why do guys struggle to regularly pull the girls they want? Well, the first reason is lack of
understanding and skills. They CAN'T do these things. But after that, it's a lack of ability to juggle
these things together at the same time. They focus on having a witty interaction where they mess with
her, but then they forget to have sexual tension. Or they don't have something off the top of their head
prepared, the girl throws something at them like “You ask a lot of questions” and then instead of saving
it from dipping into serious with maybe a Julien comment like “It makes it better [slight sly grin]”, you
just wind up in a staring battle with a mostly dead face and she walks. You were focused on saying
good things and you forgot to save the interaction from having average things drop it into seriousness.
It's like on the one hand you need great things that create emotion, and that's the top of the interactional
vibe – but on the other hand you also need to monitor the bottom of the vibe and not let it get too low.
Puzzling over these things finally let me realize what the full act of 'gaming' is. It's again a three part
activity. It showed me the reason I always felt I was playing whack-a-mole and as soon as I hit one
gopher in the popup game another would replace it. That reason was that you had to be observing a few
things at the same time, and they remove attention from each other so you're always in a place where if
you dedicate your attention to one thing then it causes you to drop the other. At one time, you need to
be preventing anything from dipping the interaction into seriousness – kind of on the bottom of the
energy band. But you need to be trying to create emotional provocation on the top of the energy band.
At the same time, you need to keep the sexual tension up. And, finally, you need to be thinking
strategically and in terms of logistics. So you need to be evaluating the persuasion triangle and also
what you're going to do logistically, about the friends, etc.
The issue is really a lack of awareness of the parallel activities that are necessary, as well as a way to
juggle those things without being in the Catch-22 where focusing on one leads to dropping the others.

Let's assume that everyone here has either played hackey-sack or juggled a soccer ball. If not, look up
hackey sack on YouTube before reading this paragraph so you know what I'm talking about. The game
of hackey sack is all about keeping the sack, basically a fabric ball filled with sand so it's soft, in the air
and only using your feet and body to do it (no hands/arms). You kick it up in the air repeatedly to
yourself, then kick it to at least one other person, and they do the same. It's all about not letting it touch
the floor. Guys who are good at it (who don't have better things to do with their lives...) also look to set
up tricks, like 'stalling' it on their head or things like that.
It's really the perfect metaphor. The absolute necessity of the game is don't let it touch the floor. But it
would fast get boring if you didn't try to play with it and set up tricks as well. Imagine, now, that you
and the girl were playing hackey sack together. The two of you have to keep it in the air, which is
challenging and takes attention. But you also want to look for opportunities to hit cool tricks/high notes
so that the game is engaging – for her, but for both of you really. And now imagine that WHILE you're
doing this, you have to maintain eye contact and the right facial expressions and energy to create sexual
tension and perhaps fuck with her a bit. The whole time you're 'juggling' the hackey sack with your feet
and keeping it off the floor – otherwise the game's over – you ALSO have to keep looking into her
eyes, which makes the game sexy and draws her into you. The actual game of hackey sack is just sort
of the activity going on and the excuse for that sexual tension. It's sort of required by the rules. She
wouldn't be there if you weren't playing hackey sack, because she doesn't agree to just standing still and
staring into stranger's eyes.
Now add one more piece. WHILE you're playing this game of hackey sack and looking into each
other's eyes, you have to plan ahead and see if you can move the game around physically to different
locations. You have to think of how you're going to kick it ten feet to the right so she goes and gets that
and then brings you that way so that the game can drift ten feet at a time in the direction you want. So
you have to be thinking strategically. Let's say you have to take the game outside the building you're in
and finish it in the lawn, but while trying to move the two of you playing, you have to keep playing and
not touch the ground. And you have to keep the eye contact up and the sexual tension going. And think
of tricks and ways to spice it up.

That's basically game. That's basically the whole damn thing. Keeping the interaction from dipping into
serious while also setting up larger emotional provocation, while also maintaining the eye contact,
pauses, rhythm, talking into her ear directly and so on to keep up sexual tension... while ALSO thinking
strategically about the persuasion triangle and logistics. To try to think of it in the terms of that last run-
on sentence I just wrote means you're fucked. Your brain can't conceptualize doing all of those things
together in parallel very well the way I just broke them down, so under stress you'll just start dropping
pieces and they're all necessary. You'll wind up with girls who really want to play the game and are thus
willing to pick the hackey sack up and allow you to restart, or who are willing to forgive the game
being bit boring or other issues. Ie, sevens and below. Your solid 8s and above don't have the same
motivation to play with you so if the hackey sack hits the ground, or you start staring at it and forget to
build the sexual tension, or you don't strategically set up the move, she'll just leave. You weren't a
skilled enough hackey sack player for her to want to stick around. The game was a disaster in her mind
and like it or not, the game is how she's programmed to choose who she spends her time with.
Owing to the fact that you can't really keep that four part list in your mind while gaming and try not to
forget anything due to focusing on another, you need a single conception that shows everything you
need to do.
You need a mental package.
That mental package playing the game of hackey sack while flirting with your eyes, setting up tricks,
and strategically planning to slowly shift the game across the hall and out the door.

This really shows me what I've struggled with basically my entire journey through game. Any time I
focused on one piece, I'd drop something else or get stuck on that one piece. I allowed far, far too many
things to dip into seriousness and didn't realize the damage that even a tiny example of this like saying
I'd also lived in her town made.
I honestly feel that my journey through game was 70% to get the choice and experiences with the girls
I want, and 30% just to figure that out. I just wanted to know why the fuck I couldn't go up and just
smoothly game up girls I was interested in so that they were willing to spend more time with me as our
enjoyment desired. I just wanted to know why there was always something that seemed to be missing
still, despite everything I knew. I wanted to know and I wanted the skill and felt like someone had
locked me outside in a blizzard because I didn't have it. At first I figured a lot of other people had it and
I wanted in. Now I see that even among naturals many don't have it down quite so perfectly, but given
all the energy and effort I've put in, I want to have that skill to the level that I feel is pretty damn sewn
up and consistent. A lot of this frustration and feeling I was missing something was in fact due to not
properly juggling things, so that in each interaction something actually WAS missing, but it was
unidentifiable because it would shift every time you focused on the thing that you'd dropped last time.

Really the difficulty and what hangs most guys up is they can't juggle the three (and a half) components
well. They can't monitor the traps and moments where you could get a dip into seriousness (her asking
you twice in a row what you REALLY do aside) generally, but if they do they forget to try to set up the
tricks and get some really good emotional provocation and chasing and so on. If they do those two,
they forget sexual tension. If they remember sexual tension, they forget to keep the hackey sack from
hitting the floor. And all the while these other things often cause them to fail to think strategically and
keep their eye on the persuasion triangle (not to mention the fact that a few minutes ago you didn't
KNOW the elements of the persuasion triangle, at least not specifically). This lack of ability to juggle
and the ability to maintain awareness is really what takes someone with all the right skills in every area
and then leaves them massively under performing what their individual skills would suggest they
should do, and with really up-and-down fluctuations in results, and with often only coming together
with the girls where it started out really well so there weren't as many things to monitor. When you add
this conception, you can just play the video of the sexual tension eye-contact hackey sack game to your
brain, and when you play that movie you can just remind yourself over and over of the pieces of the
package. Don't let the sack hit the ground, think ahead and set up tricks, keep that eye contact and
sexual tension – otherwise there's no outcome and you're just two people playing a random game of
hackey sack together who will later part ways, and finally to think strategically and about the
persuasion triangle periodically.

Having that all-in, super clean conception of what all the overarching, always-necessary aspects of
game are changes quite a lot. It can tell you in hindsight what went wrong. It can help you check in the
moment what's missing. It can eventually be mostly ingrained. And that means you can turn it into
FEEL where you can just flirt with girls and not think about it a ton and do things correctly. It also
means there's another skill set, which is that of heading-off things that COULD cause a dip into
seriousness and redirecting them into other directions.

What happened to me with this girl, this experience of being 'rusty', was that I had all of these skills
and bits of knowledge and rules of thumb and things that I repeated and so on floating around in my
brain. But they're all kind of disjointed. When I went to talk to her, my brain just kind of started
grabbing at things and instead of the skills and knowledge and rules running together as a united team
in the way that they're supposed to to orchestrate a badass interaction, my brain just randomly threw
them together in a sputtering fashion.
It's like this: Think of a computer. A computer is full of files and programs and all of this shit. It has a
boot sequence that loads things in the right order and ties them together in a system where they
collaborate so that by the time the computer's all the way on, it's running the things together as a team
so they work. Now imagine you removed the boot sequence and pieces of the operating system and
then just started running electricity through the hard drive and processors so that random files and
programs were just opening and running without much orchestration. It would be a disaster and it
wouldn't get you very far at all. There needs to be something to pull those things up and tell them how
to work together.

The same is true for our brains. When I went to interact with her, my brain lacked a boot sequence and
operating system that fully tied all of those skills and knowledge and rules and things I could say and
do into an appropriate package and gave them priority and rules for working together. So it just started
randomly tossing out things I've said a lot, some pleasantries, things that weren't structured correctly,
etc. And the interaction which could have potentially gone somewhere instead was derailed in two
minutes or less.
The hackey sack conception is not just a cute metaphor. It's actually the boot sequence and operating
system. You're about to go into the girl, you go “Okay. Hackey sack. Keep the ball of the floor, set up
sick tricks, keep that sexual tension burning through the eyes and the pauses and the rhythm and the
face, then thing of the big picture and strategically. Where are we in the persuasion triangle, how do I
handle logistics.” That all packages up as a nice visual, then you just unpack it and it drags different
skills and knowledge and rules with it out of your memory and into operation. It basically boots the
computer into your ability to game. As a result of this, consistency and results should skyrocket. But at
the same time, and I haven't yet gotten to test this, things like being rusty should diminish a lot. When
you go out, or even before every set, you have a way to call the proper skills up and remind them how
to work together.

By the way, the other thing that seems to massively fade with being 'rusty' are the more intangible,
abstracted parts of communication that Tyler D really goes into in Hotseat at Home and his other stuff.
You stop being 100% aligned behind your intent. You start having brakes on and not gas. You stop
being so confident and on with what you're doing that you stop being completely congruent and
positive that you can just be like “Hey, you there!” and she'll just be sucked right in because... Why the
fuck not? Who the fuck wouldn't be? You have that vibe like you're opening to open, but because you
haven't done it in a while you put out this subconscious vibe like if she stopped and interacted and
started shit testing you, you wouldn't actually know what to do. You stop connecting deep into her eyes,
being in her head. You stop creating massive sexual tension and start having some hesitancy and
capping the sexual tension. Basically you start putting your little toesies in instead of being all in.
You're out of it, so you try to ease back in. And you get fucked because that's always the worst thing
you can do.
This comes in part because you're struggling to cue everything you need and know 'feels' right up in
your brain, and because of that you feel uneasy, and because you're uneasy you don't go full on. You
hold back. And the other reason is our natural feeling that easing into things is better. If you hadn't rock
climbed in 5 years, it's a lot safer to start out feeling your way out on an easy climb. Our brains assume
that's the case for all things. But in social interaction it's wrong.

You Have to be Overflowing with an Energy in Yourself Before you can Give it

If you want to get a girl to feel an emotion, you have to be able to project that energy and emotion at
her very strongly. You can expect that if you put out 100% of an energy, a girl is pretty much
guaranteed to feel something under that. If you put out 100%, she might feel 75% or something.
This means you have to push our more energy/emotion than you want her to feel. In most categories,
you want the most extreme version of whatever emotion you're pushing possible (except with certain
negative emotions, you might just want a blip).

How do you push out the strongest possible emotion from yourself?
You just go out and snap it on and do it, of course!


You have to FEEL it INSIDE YOURSELF FIRST. To the point where you're overflowing with it. Then
you can pour it into the girl.
This is the key. If you first well up the emotion inside yourself, THEN pour it into the girl, you'll have
far more success across the board in game. Otherwise you're trying to fake it.

If you want to go in and be dominant over her, but pull her into a challenging/fun and free vibe, you
should work to feel dominant, challenging but fun – with looseness and freedom in there. If you want
to create sexual tension, you want to feel that powerful sexuality inside yourself first.
If you really want to loosen her up, really well up a desire to show “Fuck you” to anything logical in a
fun, outlaw, gives no fucks kind of a way. If you want to have sex with her, build the feeling up inside
yourself of ACTUALLY wanting to have sex with her.
This isn't some ethereal magic thing where she'll somehow feel it... You'll TAP INTO those feelings
while interacting with her in order to ensure that they project through your non-verbals into her.

Bridging the Gap

As I created these last sections of this book, really distilling and smoothing out game, I started to feel
this unsettling tension within myself as I gamed.

It was as though I understood just about everything, and something was quite off at the same time.
However, I couldn't determine what that was.

It really nagged at me. I figured it was just because my execution of these new topics wasn't where I
wanted it to be, owing to the fact that they were all new and I was getting very little practice in my tiny
hometown. Or, maybe, that my mindset still was off a bit.
Ultimately, it took quite a long time to reconcile the issue. Which, for the record, is something I've
found over the years when the real problem is that TWO things are true, and the issue is that you're not
reconciling them. You can't find the issue because you know both sides, but keep flip-flopping between
them rather than bringing them together.

That turned out to be what was going on. I was trying so hard to make game smooth and natural, that it
was fucking me up in the end. How does that happen?

The issue started with the fact that I was misunderstanding 'smooth'. I was thinking that smooth was a
lack of awkwardness, and just a nice gentle ramp. Things just going by 'smoothly', without ever a hitch.
That internal, subconscious definition started wreaking havock with my game. As I tried to make
everything smoother and smoother, looking to make my game work in almost any scenario, very
naturally, and especially with the often more skiddish girls I really wanted, I slowly started to fuck
myself over.
The very, very subtle hangup here is that defining smooth in this way implies that you should basically
delay anything objectionable and baby step the fuck out of it. However, if you recall game is effectively
a timed obstacle course. This meant I was trying to baby step and smooth out everything SO MUCH
that I was always too slow to win the obstacle course. I was also building up this self-perception of
being very smooth, which created massive resistance to doing anything that might be awkward or raise

It took forever, but I FINALLY realized that I was internally defining the goal of 'smooth' in the wrong
way. When a girl goes “Oh, you're smooooth.” She's not saying “That interaction went without a hitch.”
She's saying “Ohhh, you took that romantic/sexual/up a notch and I hardly even noticed.”
Smooth isn't about being 'smooth' in an absolute way... It's about being able to ramp things up to very
sexual as quickly as possible, without her hardly noticing. It's being so good at ramping things up in a
'smooth' fashion, and making them seem like no big deal, that suddenly things are very sexual and
escalated between you two, and she hardly noticed it was happening. THAT'S being smooth. And that's
why girls always call guys 'smooth' in a sort of seductive voice that implies, “ohh, you got me. But I
kinda like it.”

Realizing that took a huge weight off and corrected the path I was pushing down. I was developing
game in the right direction, but then using it incorrectly. I needed to use the increased 'smoothness' to
ramp things faster and more and more without her noticing. The point being that she would be
predominantly thinking about sex very quickly after the start of the interaction, and without realizing
how she just got there.
The reality is that this is what all of these tools and game and understanding are really all about...
Making more girls wet more quickly with less objections. That's the first waypoint of two on our most
simplified version of game. Make her wet, lead her home.

Having corrected my view of 'smooth', I then realized that I had drifted away from my sexuality.
Starting with my five day Julien boot camp a full year ago, I had gotten very interested in the topics
that ultimately turned out to be loosening and interactional tension. Those are your 'support' topics that
allow you to create massive sexual tension. Adding this drift in focus and curiosity along with the
misconception of smooth (while trying to make game as 'smooth' as possible), I eventually got led to a
place where I was conflicted about the sexuality in my own game. I almost tried to hide it and put it off.
When I first hit my goal a bit over a year ago of pulling two 8.5+ girls in a month, I had gotten to a
place that was VERY sexual. After that my game skyrocketed, my sexuality declined, and my bottom
line results evened out to about the same. The issue was clearly that I'd introduced a divide in my game.
And that's where 'bridging the gap' comes in.

The 'gap' is between being smooth and socially viable to as many girls as possible, and sexuality.
Crass alert, but this post by @TheMeredith (a WOMAN, though one that embraces 'slut life') is what
jogged me back to my senses. I include its shock factor here to jog YOU back to YOUR senses:

What really got me wasn't that Meredith posted this. What got me was, out of curiosity, cruising
through the comments and seeing how many hot girls were like “yaaas” and shit. Including one girl
who was about a ~9 that TAGGED A GUY and said “Fill her up!”
Think about what she's casually saying to that dude.

I realized my mindset had drifted far away from what girls want. It's all an innocent game to them...
But that game involves getting pounded and 'filled up' in their eyes. It's like going for a run and letting
off tension in a girl's mind. Except naked with a man.
While trying to view going home with a girl as less and less of a big deal, I'd been slowly building sex
back up to being a bigger deal. To the point where I was putting the walls up and blocking the process.
I was trying to cater to the younger, shier girls and also the rest of women, but I was doing it by
backing off the sexuality.

It's that gap that was growing and creating resistance and tension inside me. An inner battle. Turmoil
simmering towards a boil.

Realizing what 'smooth' really meant, plus this over-the-top meme made me realize what was going on.

The gap was that thinking 'smooth' meant a slow build with no hiccups was pushing me farther from
sexuality and more towards slowing things down.
The reality was that I should've been pushing towards 'smooth' in a way where I could get ANYONE
quickly thinking about sex – visceral, sensory, free, tension releasing sex – in a way where they would
hardly notice. It wasn't about slowing things down and reducing the sexuality so that the librarian types
wouldn't be excluded by my game. It was about designing the game so that you could ramp EVEN A
LIBRARIAN into quickly thinking about full on, no holds barred sex with you (a stranger) in a very
short period of time. THAT was being smooth.

The old sections of this book came rushing back to me. THAT is our job. It's our job to be the guy that
hot, conservative-seeming librarian meme secretly (not publicly) sends memes like this and says “Fill
her up, teehee!” Because she's finally free to let that out with you. Because you were SMOOTH in
getting her there.

All this other stuff we talk about, all these 'advances' in game, everything I'd learned since my Julien
five day bootcamp a year ago... That wasn't to create other routes that also worked so as not to offend
the librarian girls. That was to make sure that no matter what, you could ramp ANY girl towards
wanting to share this meme with you, so to speak. Maybe with a little more class, but the same end
result. And that's kind of the point – it's about classing up and smoothing out powerful sexuality and
sexual tension. But it's NOT about reducing the power, beating around the 'bush' so to speak, or
delaying it.
Every new technique and process and mindset and everything else we've been introducing in this
second volume... They're ALL useless unless you use them to ramp MORE girls to sexuality, and often
more quickly (because we're all fighting a timed obstacle course).

Our value isn't value that leads to sex as guys who know game. Our value IS our sex. It's our ability to
get her to ALLOW herself to enjoy it. And it's our supernatural levels of sexual tension that no other
guy can match, because we're the only ones who understand it.

Bridging the gap is realizing that the smoothest levels are all about making the good girls go bad...
AND feel good about it still. And hardly notice that they got there. The 'player' guy maybe gets the
good girl drunk and they have a sloppy hookup and she regrets it. The ultimate game guy gets her
thinking about sex right off the bat, powerfully, until she can't resist – they have sex, it's amazing, and
she's shocked that she did it AND doesn't feel bad about it. That's what all this other shit is for. The
entire second volume of this book wouldn't even need to exist otherwise. Where we got in the first
volume got the job done regularly and got great results. The second volume is about THAT.

If you lose track of where you're going, you can wander aimlessly in the desert for years. If someone
comes and gives you camels and blankets and tents and supplies, you can just wander faster and longer
and more comfortably. If someone else comes and gives you awesome off-road trucks that can drive
through sand and have AC and surround sound speakers... Now you can just drive aimlessly in circles
through the desert EVEN FASTER, even more comfortably, and get NO LESS LOST!

I believe that the ingrained 'nice guy' part of my brain was somehow still trying to prove that
everything isn't about sex after all... That if I got really got really good at loosening and interactional
tension and smoothing everything out, that somehow this would work without the sex. I got distracted
and lost my way. I acquired a nice vehicle, put AC and surround sound into it, and made sure that I was
lost in style and very efficiently. But I was no less lost. The month I first made my goal happen and
pulled two 8.5+ girls was the least lost I had ever been in game. It's all about ramping her towards
thinking about sex constantly, wanting sex badly, having it with you, not knowing how it all happened,
and feeling GREAT about it. That's a girl's dream man.
The 9 that tagged the dude publicly on that meme and said “Fill her up!” - she is probably STOKED
that she found a guy where she feels like she can publicly comment that she wants that guy to do that to
her on Valentine's day. She's probably more into that guy than any other guy she's ever met. Because he
makes her feel that way and he LETS her feel that way. I don't know why this topic is so hard for me to
internally adjust to. I don't know how to get my deepest resistance towards it out... The girls that have
fallen in love with me and wanted to stay with me were ALL girls that felt sexually freed by me. I think
six girls have been in love with me, at least that I actually dated in some fashion. Only two of them
didn't exactly, almost word for word, tell me that I unlocked sexual feelings in her she'd never really
felt before. The other four basically told me that verbatim. I try not to kiss and tell, but since there's no
identifying information whatsoever here, I'll relate what I can remember. One girl basically said that I
was the first guy she wanted all day every day, and I believe I was also one of the first guys she started
sending nudes to and she got really into that. It was exciting to her. And she wanted us to film
ourselves, and she really loved that and hadn't done it before. Another girl had been more wild with
other guys, but we traveled the world and had sex in places we 'shouldn't' have – like in the Cambodian
Royal Palace (no easy feat, somewhat James-Bond esque requiring evading cameras and such, not all
that sexy due to the cat and mouse game, and very much could've ended in jail hahaha). With that girl I
also took some pictures of us and of her naked, and I believe that some of the pictures made her feel
sexier than she'd ever felt in her life (she was pretty hot, but there were a couple pictures in there that
could've been the spread in a magazine- just stunning pics). Another girl had an orgasm with me while
we were cuddling with our clothes on and she was just imagining us together, and she liked it when I
would tell her certain semi-graphic things that I desired about her, and she told me those were new
things to her. I feel like a dick because for a few minutes I forgot one of the girls that I think was in
love with me... Kinda funny but also kinda shitty. Anyway, the next girl felt open to talking graphic
stories with me like 50 Shades of Grey, and I think I was one of the only guys she ever really regretted
not having sex with the first time she met him (we didn't see each other for quite some time after). I
think she felt more sexually towards me than she ever had towards anyone else. The fifth didn't
specifically tell me anything, but she implied that when we made love slowly, she felt lost and
connected to me in a way she'd never felt with another human being. In all honesty, that fifth one is the
only one that kind of made the 'cuter' and more 'romantic' side of the sexuality the thing that really
hooked her. The rest it was more being set free. The sixth I think the sex was certainly a part of it, I
remember one night in her car on some back road where we were sort of lost together like teenagers...
But I think for her the more powerful effect was just feeling powerfully connected to me. On the other
hand, I met her because I put up a test profile on OKCupid that had only sepia tone pictures of my abs,
arms and pecs – no face – and she messaged me and started basically sexting with me. And she was a
very, very smart and nice girl. One of the smartest and nicest I've dated. She eventually bailed when we
were supposed to meet in person, and it wasn't until I think a year later that we talked again and finally
met. I think you could argue that for all six girls that fell for me, releasing new or unusually high sexual
feelings in them was one of the top three factors in them falling for me. For several of them possibly
the highest factor. And in all honesty, my weakness is NOT being well rounded, intelligent, interesting,
a good conversationalist, a fun date, or any of those things we typically think make a girl fall for a guy.
I would also say that all but one or two of those girls had some degree of a nerdy edge to them, which
speaks to my history of adding logical topics to my game, but also shows that even for the nerdier girls
it's getting set free sexually that hits home. One girl wasn't nerdy at all, and for her I think she just
found freedom in many ways with me.

Puzzle over that.

I know I personally feel like I'm doing the 'sweeter,' librarian girls a favor by slowing down and
reducing the level of sexuality. But the statistics, at least for me, seem pretty clear – smoothly ramping
them into a LOT of sexuality becomes their favorite thing. Either making them feel sexually free, or
making them feel more powerful sexual desires than ever before, or making them feel sexually desired
like they haven't been before, or making them feel sexier than they've ever felt, or maybe making them
feel more sexually connected than they ever have... One of those things seems likely to hit with about
any girl.

If you compare it to a guy's experience, it actually DOES make sense. Because guys tend to really
remember every 'hottest girl yet' they've dated. Whenever you dated a girl that was hotter than any girl
you'd ever dated previously, that girl tends to jump out in your mind. Right off the bat I can think of the
girl that was in the Macklemore music video, the second hottest stripper in Austin, the Sephora model,
and the Cowboy's cheerleader. One of those only lasted a month (the cheerleader), but they all really
jump out to me. Girls effectively determine 'hotness' by level of sexual desire they have towards a guy.
So it would make sense that if you're making a girl feel something more sexually powerful than any
other guy she's been around, you effectively become the 'hottest' guy she's ever dated. That's why the
glazed donut meme comment girl, Ms “Fill her up!” is probably bonkers for the dude she tagged. It's
also another piece in the puzzle for girls falling for 'assholes'.

What is, therefore, the point of game? The value to girls? The thing that makes them fall for you (or
one of the biggest)? The thing girls want out of a guy with great game? The thing girls are hoping to
meet in a guy, that for the librarian types maybe even THEY don't understand?
To be quickly and smoothly unlocked and set free sexually, and to have that taken to higher heights
than they've ever felt before. Perhaps that's why 50 Shades of Grey sold millions and millions of copies
– it's the story of a nerdy, repressed girl having levels of sexuality she'd never imagined unlocked inside
of her. Ultimately ending with her managing to convince the dude to actually stay with her. A story of
being unlocked sexually turning into a love story... Is it possible that that is a girl's true idea of
romance? It certainly seems possible.

Maybe this ultimately strikes at the deep reason I haven't been able to fully embrace sexuality. Some
part of me sees it still as a bit 'dirty' or improper, and contrary to romance. But for women... Being
'freed' to do things that are more powerfully evocative, even if they are 'dirty' to others but private
between you two, seems to BE romance. Feeling more sexually and more free sexually seems to be the
first part of romance to women. And the fact that 50 Shades of Grey was one of the first semi-
mainstream books to embrace and allow this seems to have been why it was so explosively popular
with women. It also adds to the biological fear girls have for betas in explaining why when a girl falls
for a 'nice' guy, she ALWAYS seems to have a bit of resentment towards him.

And these are reasons that the photography documentary 'Nude' and the MTV show Siesta Key are so
interesting. In Siesta Key you have the 'model' Kelsey who's 'in love' with the male model but giant
beta 'Garret'- it's hard to tell how real or not real it is, but it's perfectly realistic as we've discussed. And
Kelsey has a very realistic resentment towards Garrett despite, it seems, actually being in love with
him. Why? Because he's a beta, and because, for all the reasons she probably loves him, he probably
does NOT unlock things in her sexually that she'd never felt for him before. Nude is interesting
because, like with the girl I described above, this guy is making these girls feel sexier than they ever
have felt before. At least in some cases. At least powerfully sexually.

Biologically, evolutionarily, anecdotally, and perhaps even romantically (to a girl), it appears that
'game' IS unlocking girls sexually. It's not that it 'includes' that among other things. It seems that that is
actually what it IS. Meaning that a guy with great game, to a girl, IS a guy that smoothly and quickly
unlocks powerful sexuality in her. All the side topics, like being fun, loosening, interactional tension...
Those are basically getting her attention to allow the guy to unlock her sexuality. They like the first
digits in a combination for a lock. They are NOT the point.
Perhaps the reason girls get so mad about other guys being sexual towards them is they feel somehow
angry that these guys haven't done anything to unlock their sexuality and are trying to jump ahead. Or
maybe it's a biological instinct to defend against getting a shitty baby in the belly. Who knows. But that
outspoken anger against all other guys being sexual towards them has a tendency to make us feel bad
about it too. A paradox. But if the game is defense for girls, why NOT throw out a paradox? Add
another line of defense, and just see who makes it through. Remember, it's like a job application, you
want to first rule guys out.

Maybe this will finally allow me, and you, to feel at ease with the pure sexuality of it all. It isn't just the
point of this weird 'cold approach game' that we do in our bizarre little self improvement groups that
Tyler always jokingly calls cults. It's actually THE point in finding a man to a girl – find a guy that
unlocks you sexually and makes you socially competitive, then hope he's fun and doesn't screw you
over. Kind of like to a guy, it's find a hot girl and then hope she's fun and doesn't screw you over.
Makes perfect sense, eh? That we would be the same but just in a slightly different way?

It seems to make sense in many ways, too. A lot of girls reject guys because they're either reading them
and feeling that the guy WON'T unlock them sexually, OR they're thinking the guy makes the thought
of unlocking feel uncomfortable to them. And that's where you have librarian girl versus party girl...
One feels a guy isn't dominant and sexy enough to unlock her, or maybe not loose and free enough. The
other feels the guy makes her too uncomfortable to unlock. Being 'smooth' is about being able to
'smoothly unlock' either, quickly and to greater heights. It's not about reducing the sexuality, but rather
seeing how you can smoothly and quickly ramp there without raising undue flags.
That ALSO means that you DO have to push things! So you have to risk making things a polarized, no
matter how smooth you are. You'll piss some girls off and others will fucking love you. That remains.
You WILL cause some levels of awkwardness for some girls, but your job is then to smooth it out and
keep things going. Your job is to push the boundaries, but ALSO smooth it out. A man's job is to make
things awkward by pushing the boundaries, but then to comfort her through the awkwardness and
smooth it out again. It's NOT about avoiding awkwardness, it's about pushing that line but GETTING
THE GIRL THROUGH IT, and constantly advancing the line as smoothly as possible. All of these
more advanced concepts are to be used to push boundaries earlier, get through them more frequently
with more girls, and make the process smoother and less objectionable – while going as fast or faster.

Want a girlfriend? The love of your life? A good time with a hot girl tonight? It appears it ALL starts
with unlocking her sexually, and doing so quickly but 'smoothly'. Even if you're a conservative religion
that doesn't allow sex, it STILL appears that people fall in love when the guy unlocks sexual
FEELINGS in the girl – they just then resist them until marriage or what have you.
And this is the ultimate con of society and women at large- they TELL everyone to be LESS sexual
with girls. I hate to say it, but this is where I think RSD Tyler is right... They're trying to further beta the
betas, keep them in their little cage. Because girls clearly, TRULY, want to be sexually unlocked.
Maybe it's a sinister messaging to keep betas where they are, or just keep societal order. Maybe it's girls
not understanding themselves exactly. Maybe it's just girls looking at most guys and thinking “You
could never unlock me, so for fuck's sake stop fucking trying.” Catch being that wasn't directed at all at
the guys that could unlock them. Like if fat girls kept running up and grabbing your dick, you might
speak out against it. The only thing being what you aren't saying is that if really hot girls want to run up
and grab your dick... Hey, not complaining. It's sort of like a jewelry store telling homeless guys and
lower class people to stop coming in and pawing at the glass cases. They aren't telling the rich guys to
stop coming in, they're just not outlining the exception to the rule.
In other words, they aren't talking to you. If you can unlock them, unlock them, by all means. They just
want you to actually UNLOCK them and stop asking or trying to force the matter or even just talking
about it with no actual intention to even TRY to unlock them. Kind of like if the fat girls weren't even
actually grabbing your dick, they were just going “Oh, nice diiick. I'd suck ALL of that” but not only is
it gross, but you know they actually won't even try to do it, so it's just them basically saying weird shit
to you. So you're like “Listen, not only is that weird and gross, but you DON'T EVEN MEAN IT. So
your goal isn't even to try to get me on a date and suck my dick, your underlying goal is just to... Be
weird and make me feel weird. So fuck off.” When you hear girls say this shit, just go “Oh, the girls are
talking to the betas and the rapey guys again... It's funny that they want ME to unlock their sexuality,
but they have to say this shit to those idiots. Sucks to suck.”

When a girl bristles about you working to unlock her sexuality, just be smooth about it. Don't let off the
gas, just proactively back off. One thing that I only just realized is that you can back off, by choice and
from awareness, without LETTING OFF the gas. You don't suddenly have to give up to back off, you
can just release a little pressure and do a little loosening. You can just think “Ohhh, she thinks I'm one
of THOSE guys. The other guys” and just have patience and do the right things and be smooth about
continuing to smoothly ramp and unlock sexuality in the situation. She's not saying “Hey, I don't like
sexuality!” She's saying “Hey, that thing right there isn't my type of thing.” And that's it. If you do
several of the things that aren't her type of thing, then she might kind of tell you to fuck off and stop
trying to unlock her because you're bumbling around about it. Or if she reads something in you that
makes her think you could NEVER get the job done. Or if you just feel like you're bringing her mood
down. A lot of or's. Just don't take it as a message that she doesn't want to be unlocked. It's just
feedback to adjust the way you're doing it. Don't let off the gas, just back off and adjust. We've talked
about all the tools. Now we know that the point of the tools is to keep the ramp going, just to meld it
with how she enjoys that process.
Honestly, that's why game guys are the LEAST manipulative guys around. We just want to know what
lights girls up, what they like, and we're open to doing it however they enjoy it, and to work on
ourselves in the process. Rather than most guys that keep trying to do it all clunky and jacked up and
not being aware of what they REALLY like, but rather projecting their own view of what they
SHOULD like onto them.

Other things should make sense now, too. Like how you see so many girls dating guys that they really
like, but they feel so conflicted. They're thinking “I love being around him, he makes me laugh, we
have a lot in common. I love things about him. I SHOULD be stoked. He has everything he's 'supposed'
to have...” But because he's not unlocking any new heights in her sexual feelings or any new sexual
freedoms, or making her feeling extra sexy, she just doesn't feel lit up by him. She WANTS to, but he
doesn't do it. So she tries to make it work, but feels conflicted and often even bitter. Might be why so
many hot girls abandon relationships or cheat – they find guys that unlock them sexually, but they're
douche bags they can't trust. Or they find guys they want to spend their time with, but they don't unlock
them sexually. You can also see why girls feel so judged and like they can't say what they really want.
They meet these guys that they want to be around and try to date, and then the guys make them feel like
they shouldn't be 'slutty' and stuff, and so those guys not only don't unlock them sexually, they actually
repress them more. The girl kind of hides it, but doesn't feel that alive about things and resents that. A
nerdy girl is just a girl who's more afraid to let it out and uncertain of how to do so, and she'll probably
value you more for helping her and being 'smoother' about helping her ramp there and not even notice.
The reason girls hear about a player and are like “He's just a player” and then you see them kind of grin
and find it interesting is that they're thinking “Oh, this guy must be great at unlocking girls sexually...”
Which in girl land means he's really 'hot'. Think of it this way: Guys like 'hot' girls, girls like guys with
a lot of Yelp reviews about how great they are at sexually unlocking girls. Or where that is true in their
first hand experience.
In fact, I would say after all these years, thousands and thousands of interactions, years of studying,
that a girl's ideal man is this: 1) He unlocks her sexually. 2) He makes her more socially competitive. 3)
He's fun to be around and loosens her up. Guys generally try to get girls through number 3 in the
ladder. Girls are increasingly taking to showing off on Instagram and thinking they 'deserve' all three.
The reality is that's about as crazy as thinking that with no effort other than posting himself on
Instagram, a guy will fall in love with a super model with a heart of gold and who is very successful.
The result is that these hot girls then tend to wind up with whoever is best at sexually unlocking them
OUT OF the guys at the socially competitive things they spend their time doing, and if that guy is
reasonable to be around, they might stick with him for a bit. They're selecting FROM the pool of guys
in the same socially competitive scenes they're in, they're selecting FOR guys that have game that
unlocks them sexually, and they're hoping as an after thought that they like hanging around the guy.
The mistake in the game community is to try to game without first being in the pool of guys in the
socially competitive scenes she wants to be in, and secondarily not realizing that the point of game is
unlocking girls sexually. Clean up those two things and you've got hookups, girlfriends, a wife,
whatever you want.

Absolute Minimum Highly Effective Game

Below we'll go into the boot sequence, which is basically the minimum game that is highly effective
and covers almost all scenarios.

But, struggling with rustiness and going out in a town with minimal opportunities so that even trying to
warm up etc. is effectively impossible, I came to a place where I needed to find game that with as little
training and warmup and so on I could just do that would fucking work.
Basically you find that every layer, tactic, technique and so on that you add might make your game
more effective – trending all the way towards fully 'perfect' game that has so much to it that it takes 4-5
hours to practice per night, plus going out basically every day. And even then you could make it better.
This means that in order to game in a situation where you spend most of your time focusing on other
stuff, where maybe you can only go out on the weekends and get limited warmup and so on, you're
going to need the minimum possible version of game that WORKS at a high level, consistently. Then
you focus on making sure that is warmed up and primed each night, and hopefully you can add in the
more effective additional layers on top of that. But if you can't, or if you blank them due to lack of
practice and priming, you'll still win.

This created a lot of work in digging even deeper in game, as in the previous several sections, to really
get to the heart of what's necessary and make things even simpler and more effective.
Ultimately, I got that there are nine necessary components to highly effective game. In other words, I
wanted to go out in a small town and pull an 8 or 8.5 from about 2-3 that are out per night in the whole
town, and I wanted to do that close to every weekend. Granted the competition is low, but there are a
LOT of dudes – but that's what I wanted. Or at least every other weekend. I needed game that was
effective and repeatable enough for that, but distilled down to almost nothing.

These are the nine things I ultimately found to be necessary and basically you can't remove any of

-Your energy has to be dialed in, STARTING with knowing you can dominate her energy (and keep
doing so all the way to sex). The mix of calm, warm, convicted, commanding, creating energy, playing
with tone and face and eye contact, etc. It goes through eye contact and you should be communicating
more non-verbally than verbally to get the energies and emotions across that you want AND make them
feel good
-Turning any momentum into TENSION. Fuck 'it's going well,' use that to create tension!!!
(interactional or sexual)
-Focusing on making her wet, and ALWAYS trying to 'flow like wataa' towards that. Within this,
perceiving that game is about knowing what stage she's in, then making it FEEL GOOD to move
towards the next stage. Then repeating (NOT about wanting something to happen and doing a thing and
expecting it to happen) (or even more simply, knowing your direction is towards sustained sexual
tension if you haven't had that, or towards pulling if you have)
-Having a Vibe Game for this situation.
-Showing actively 'Fuck logic/logical progressions' so she lets go. And keeping the 'flag from touching
the ground' and anything ever being serious
-Game IS problem solving. That's what the game is. The flashiness in game is escaping every situation
just barely, like James Bond – that's what's epic. To do this, ATTACKING and SURVIVING the next
fork in the road. Grinding and giving it 110% ALWAYS to actually pull. Never leave the club with any
validation left out there, get brutally blown out over leaving the chance for any regrets
-Take the specifics of the last thing she said. Know the stage she's in and what you want to do there.
Then divorce the content from the emotion/vibe of what you're saying and respond to the specifics of
what she just said with the energy/vibe/tactics necessary for the stage she's in (this way you can be in
complete retard land from any factor, but still be able to talk your way through ANY stage she's in)
-You have to be OVERFLOWING WITH THE ENERGIES you want to give out in order to give them
out. (Sexual tension, cockiness, the energy of 'fuck logic', spicing up/tweaking/playing with your
delivery/tone/face/eye contact, Actually wanting to have sex with her tonight, etc.)
-You NEED interactional tension. It can be mystery (drop the beginnings of interesting tid bits, then
don't explain/finish the thing). It can be indifference/not caring/not allowing her to get more than a
token reaction out of you (and also not being able to get you to take her seriously). It can be challenge
(games, teasing). Or it can be sexual tension. I'd recommend mixing mystery or indifference/not
caring/only giving token reactions out along with sexual tension to create longer lasting interactional
-The WHOLE POINT is to make her wet and unlock her sexuality. Sexual tension. Sexual tension.
Sexual tension. Sexual tension. Sexual tension... Sexual fucking tension. And sexual innuendo getting

Also, don't peg yourself at an ability level in the room/surroundings you're in. You're capable of pulling
off shit that NO ONE in ANY room you're in can do. So if they're being fucking lame, you don't sink to
them or assume you can't do something. That just means every girl there is YOURS.

Of course you have to LEAD and get micro-commitments. But that's something you shouldn't
necessarily have to be reminded of. Leadership is most effective on RISING emotions, don't forget that.

If you do nothing more than get to where you feel you can dominate any girl's energy and get your
energy dialed in, practice responding to specifics with divorced energy and based on her stage, dial up
those energies in yourself, and roll out with these mindsets and focuses, you should be able to pull even
8.5s and do it with consistency. If you remove any ONE of these nine things, you're likely fucked. You
could possibly pull the structure for talking your way through any stage, but only if you've been going
out enough to guarantee you'll have enough to say on the tip of your tongue. Realistically that's the
easiest way to not get stuck without a way to navigate through one of the stages that requires the least
training/practice/going out burden, and so is most ideal to just have always.
In a way, this is basically 'natural game'. This is what you can come closest to ingraining and having at
all times always.
The rest of the structure we developed makes the game even better and you should work to do ALL of
it with consistency and put it on top of this. However, if for any reason you're stuck where your brain
isn't working or you're not practicing or whatever, make sure you do these 8 things and don't peg
yourself in the room or half ass, and you'll be able to consistently win.

I also found that there are basically four 'imperatives' to game. These aren't the game themselves, but
they're the mindsets and ways you approach it.

The five imperatives:

-Staying so you KNOW you can dominate her energy and take it towards sexual energy. Having that
from before you go in, and then NOT HAVING IT FADE ever
-Bumble around into groups, to girls, to whoever LIKE A GOLDEN RETRIEVER. The ultimate
golden retriever that doesn't know it shouldn't be pushing through people and sniffing crotches. If
anyone were to ever get mad, it's 'What bro? I'm just a golden retriever man, I didn't know. Sorry dude'
-And go in with eye contact and facial expressions like you already know her
-Share the ENERGIES YOU WELL UP INSIDE YOURSELF (sexual tension, fucking with her, saying
'fuck you' to logic)
-She's begging the room 'Will one of you PLEASE make it really exciting to think about you
massaging my pussy with your cock, without making a big deal about it?'
-Game is problem solving, what's epic in game is narrowly surviving everything – so you're heroically
unkillable (it might be awkward, you might break some ribs escaping the exploding train, but James
Bond can't be killed). SURVIVE mother fucker. See the next fork in the road, do WHATEVER it takes
to survive it. Try to make your brain as uncomfortable as possible. Kick its little ass. Success can
become routine but it will never be easy, so keep pounding away at your brain and its little bitch ways
forever. Game is like long distance running in that regard

This is, effectively, the heart of game. That's it. That's the very, very core of game. Effectively where
you start in order to become advanced is to master that skillset right there, and then you advance to
mastering the 'boot sequence' skillset below. The boot sequence is ALSO a minimal skillset, but that's
the minimal skillset to being effective in the vast majority of situations that come up. This minimal set
here isn't going to handle all situations by any means, but it handles enough that consistency is quite

Game in one paragraph:

Game is about feeling ALIVE by going hard so you get hit hard in the mouth, or making her wet- but
either way FEEL something. It's about NARROWLY ESCAPING situations that seemed like they were
FOR SURE impossible. The unkillable James Bond that always escapes with part of his jacket cut off
by the steel doors. Game IS unlocking her sexuality and setting it free, taking it to higher heights.
Being SMOOTH is doing it fast without her hardly noticing. Unlocking IS problem solving, therefore
game is ALSO problem solving. You MUST be totally certain and ready to dominate her energy from
before you go in, then KEEP dominating it towards highly sexual energy. You're the decider.
Metaphorically speaking, you're taking her by the hand and slowly but unstoppably pulling her into this
cool vibe game you've got going on. You quickly ladder the vibe game to more emotionally engaging
than what she's doing now, smoothly having it at a high emotional point almost without her noticing.
You do this cocky, pushing your energy, not letting her be the decider, setting the rhythm, MAKING
her feel the thing, just pulling her into your river and sweeping her away. Then you're loosening her if
necessary. IF NECESSARY (if she's tense). Then you're PLAYING THE GAME using your face,
twisting her words and questions, fucking around, lying about nonsense, etc in order to build
interactional tension. Your intent is FIRMLY ON DOING THIS from BEFORE you go in, this is
WHAT YOU'RE PULLING HER INTO. And you'll MAKE her 'feel the music' of the game – being in
her head. Then AS SOON AS SHE LETS YOU, you're building sexual tension until she's wet. You're
slowing the rhythm and using eye contact with pauses/slow rhythm or with proximity, or speaking with
your lips touching her ear to make her wet. You use innuendo, cockiness, and 'us' frame to transition
her from playing with interactional tension to sexual tension. You try to have ZERO logic and ZERO
time not 'playing the game' (no information transfer!). You get micro commitments. You lead through
the pull, seeing any obstacles and attacking them to survive the next move. When you see an obstacle,
you instant ask 'how do I attack it?' as a CHALLENGE. It's rock climbing, you're thinking “Let's see if
I can make that girl wet” like you would think “Let's see if I can climb that rock climbing route” and
it's all about surviving by seeing if you can make the next move. And you do it all while sinking into
the enjoyment layer of the world. The BIGGEST thing you can do for having good outcomes is to
FOCUS ON PULLING all night long, and to PICK A GIRL every night and just commit to staying
with THAT girl no matter what. Walk out the door next to her somehow, deal with the friends
somehow, get into a car somehow...

The One 'Game' per Stage Theory

For the longest time I had this kernel of a theory in my mind that there must be one best 'game' for each
stage of gaming that you find yourself in. This theory comes from how linear and repeatable human
behavior is in certain stages. Like if you get her home and you're sitting on a couch, it's like some form
of massage, then running your fingers on her skin, her thighs, making out, running your hand up
between her thighs... There's this nice progression that works predictably like every single time.
Humans are complicated in one sense, and we aren't in others. I didn't see why this same progression
wouldn't fit in other areas. That progression isn't 100% effective, maybe 85%, and I don't expect the
one 'game' for other stages to be perfectly effective or anywhere near it either... But I kind of secretly
and partially subconsciously expected there to BE a 'game' for each stage.

I just couldn't solve it though. Some things were so mysterious. Other things I couldn't figure out the
solution to that stage. Or even necessarily what stage I was looking at.
I think in a way, this was one of the biggest solutions I was searching for by going through the game of
all these different experts and trying to test what they were doing and merge it all together. I think I was
trying to identify which pieces they were best at, and which situations those proved most effective for.
I also had this feeling that the different RSD instructors represented experts in the games that were
most effective for different stages. But I didn't even understand the whole puzzle well enough to get

This section of the book is about piecing together the 'holy grail'. The holy grail is basically to always
know what to do that will work, and then be capable of doing it at that time. In the next section we're
basically going to put all that together as well as is currently possible. But we need this piece first.

I didn't think that I would ever solve the 'one game per stage' situation, because there are SOOOO
many options for every stage. I thought it would remain a nice idea, but one that totally depended...
Until I started simultaneously exploring Tyler D's style of acting out jokes more, and going back to
sexual innuendo at the same time.
What happened to me in my Olympic track sport was that there was this overwhelming and seemingly
random and nonsensical bunch of dots all over the place. Every time you thought you were starting to
figure them out, they'd explode into hundreds of extra combinations. It seemed impossible. And then
one day I hit a tipping point. The number of dots and this scattered puzzle that didn't make sense and
seemed it never would started to slowly come together. The puzzle slowly got less complicated and
stopped exploding out in unforeseen directions constantly.
At one point, a bunch of things started clicking in rapid succession until one day I had little I didn't
understand any more. It was bizarre. This puzzle that for nearly two decades made my head hurt and
confused the hell out of me eventually coalesced into near perfect sense. And the end result wasn't even
that complicated!

I didn't just have the 'one game' for the couch. I also found the 'one game' for the middle and later parts
of an interaction: sexual tension. We also had 'one game' more or less for the leadership phase. And
opening we pretty much had one game, but it's a fucking complicated mess of being calm, creating
emotions, not 'asking' in any way, being all in, giving energy, being loose, etc.

That left a problem that for years couldn't be solved. Because you both had to KNOW what the 'stages'
were, and you ALSO had to know what solutions to use. If you didn't know the stages, you couldn't
find the solutions. The stages seemed to be many different things – like early and later, or opening and
getting to know each other, or this and that...

The ultimate solution is obvious when you hear it. But never was out of thousands of choices. The real
'stages' are emotional stages. It's just based on what she's feeling, and what hangups she's feeling. That
makes total sense because game is semi-linear, but also very chaotic and looping. Well, there's a
progression of emotions that lead towards kissing and pulling and so on... But those emotions can
revert back, jump around, etc. So that explains why there can be both a progression AND chaos. The
thing that really stops attempts to 'solve' game is that there ARE stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. They aren't
situational, they're emotional. And that can be enormously confusing – to divorce them from any facts
about what's happening. But where we REALLY get stuck in trying to solve what's going on is that if
the girl is at stage 3, she DOESN'T HAVE TO GO TO STAGE 4!!!! That's what fucks us all up! She
CAN go to stage 4. But also to stage 2. Or to stage 5. Or to stage 1. That's where trying to figure out
what the hell is happening just becomes incredibly bizarre.

However, by chipping away and running theories against the real world against what instructors discuss
and back again, I finally found a set of emotional 'stages' that basically stopped changing every time I
took theory to practice and back again. These stages are pretty close to what we discussed before, but
not exact.
You start out with tenseness, generally. That's pretty much stage 1. Often you can skip this stage,
especially at a bar or a club, if you're good with energy and body language and eye contact and she's in
a good mood. You could call it 'lack of looseness' or her 'not being loose in interacting with you' too,
which I like because it says what you need in that stage. If you mess up or she's in a terrible mood, you
can move to active resistance/anger. If you move forward, you first have stage 2 which is fun
interacting. This isn't necessarily flirting, but it's basically playing around with the interaction and not
interacting about logical things. It's batting a ball around for no particular purpose, rather than having a
lecture in class with some reason.
Beyond stage 2, fun and non-logical interacting, is flirting or toying with a concept of 'us' or there
being something between the two of you. This can relate to relationships, sex, or some type of
competition between the two of you generally. This stage 3 is basically a charged fun interacting that
now has a 'you and me' component. In stage 2, you could just be joking generally. But in stage 3 there's
a charge and interactional tension between the two of you.
Stage 4 is sexual tension. So now that general charge has shifted and has a focus on sex and being
turned on.
Stage 5 is leadership and things actually starting to happen. Kissing, more touching, moving
logistically. There's kind of a Stage 5a and stage 5b, where stage 5b is more about logistically moving.
Leaving the club and so on.
Stage 6 is then escalation in a place where sex can happen, which is what I was talking about 'on the

So Stages 4, 5, and 6 we basically have 'one game' for already. Stage 4 it's sexual tension. Stage 5 it's
leadership and breaking things down into tinier baby steps, and looping and getting emotions up and
then leading while emotions are increasing, while handling obstacles and surviving. Stage 6 it's the
couch thing, with little tricks like pulling her hair to get her to face you and make eye contact,
unzipping your own pants, etc.

That leaves Stages 0-3 without a 'one game.'

Stage 3, where things are already playful but you need some play of you vs me or you and me, we have
Julien game basically. Now you're fucking with her, lying to her a bit, teasing her. Saying she can't keep
up. These kinds of things.

One thing I've noticed is that there's actually a 'one game' for each phase, but also a 'one game' to
TRANSITION between phases. And that's pretty important. In stage 3 there are a couple other possible
games that are generally less effective – they include role playing and bringing up bets/competitions
and these kinds of things. Julien's game is generally the most effective, but for girls that it doesn't work
for, you can use these other ones.
However, there is one CLEAR game that works by far the best for the transition from stage 3 to stage
4. That's sexual innuendo. If you've got the her and you playfulness going on, that 'us frame', you can
then take it and get her to open up to sexual tension (if she isn't already) by using sexual innuendo. That
gets her brain to shift from a her and you together or her versus you tension into a playfulness about her
and you and sexuality. And that opens the door to relatively free sexual tension.
This actually backwards rationalizes the 'one game' for stage 3. While Julien game, role playing and
competition all work well for stage 3 (and probably others), sexual innuendo actually works well to
CREATE and escalate stage 3 as well. It's what works best to get to stage 4 from stage 3, but it can also
CREATE stage 3 from stage 2... So it's pretty much the best game for stage 3. Now, Julien game is so
effective that I'd have to say the ideal is really Julien game WITH sexual innuendo (because you can
use sexual innuendo with anything). And because some girls don't like Julien game and resist it, that
means that you can just do pretty much anything else and only sexual innuendo. Just like you can talk
about the weather and build sexual tension, you can also talk about the weather and create sexual
innuendo... Which means you can go all the way from stage 2 to 4 on nothing but sexual innuendo and
talking about literally anything. And since you just start mixing in sexual tension, that basically means
you can talk about anything at all and move from stage 2 all the way to stage 5 just based on using
innuendo and then feeding in sexual tension!

Stage 2, however, is different. Because innuendo won't generally get you from stage 1 to stage 2, you
need a different solution. If she's being tense and not interacting loosely, you need to do something else.
That was something that I had a hard time figuring out, but I sensed Tyler D was incredible at this. And
that he'd passed this piece of his own game on to almost all of his instructors. After all, this is so early
in the 'funnel' that being bad at this stage (like I was for most of my game journey, sadly) means losing
TONS of girls. That means almost all instructors are good at this stage.
By studying Tyler D, taking a bootcamp with him, and playing around with what he says and all angles
of it for a couple years, I ultimately found that the center of what works in stage 1 is actually ACTING
OUT THE JOKES and then stretching the acting farther and farther if it hits.

Acting is inherently funny, and being willing to let go and take the acting further and further loosens
people up. It's also often more hilarious than anything else. Plus it works on drunk people or people
looking to let go and unwind at the bar.
Further, if she's just straight up tense and you need to introduce playfulness at all, you can kick it off
just by throwing in 'twists' and 'spice' in your tone and your facial expressions and eye contact. These
little twists are kind of the ice breakers, then when something hits being willing to act it out more and
more gets people to really let go, laugh, and go along for the ride. So just like sitting on a couch and
slowly upping the progression of physical touch leads through stage 6 to sex, slowly upping the level of
acting in your tone, eye contact, and facial expressions ramps from stage 1 into stage 2.
The other side of it is to DODGE ANYTHING SERIOUS – to play hackey sack. To avoid the flag
touching the ground. If you allow anything serious to enter the interaction and then you reply to it, you
can push stage 1 backwards into stage 0 – active resistance and/or anger. (Or being locked hard in stage

So stage 1, her being tense or not loose, is all about throwing in small twists and playfulness in your
tone, facial expressions, and eye contact, while refusing to acknowledge anything serious, negative,
angry etc with any response that acknowledges it. You just respond sideways to anything she says (that
part you can use sexual innuendo to sometimes as well, depending on how tense she is).

Stage 0 was a REAL bitch to figure out. Generally if I ever got into stage 0 I lost. That continued until I
found the concept of avoiding an implosion to seriousness – and the accompanying hackey sack. But
even THAT is basically treading water if she's entered stage 0.
It wasn't until Tyler D went into his response he gives when girls call him a balding ginger and WHY
he gives that response that I finally understood what to do in stage 0. He said that if girls call him a
balding ginger he doesn't even respond in a way that involves logic of any kind at all. He doesn't make
a joke. He doesn't agree and exaggerate. He just treats them like what they said was whining that he
finds amusing, basically. Literally, the girl goes “You're a balding ginger” and he goes “I'm a balding
ginger whehhhhhh” and makes like a funny baby crying/dying sound that makes people laugh. And he
says what she says in a voice like she was whining to a teacher and he's mocking her. He basically just
mocks her for even bothering to mock him. It's basically a super-cool kid move. Like he's saying
“Yeah, everyone knows I'm a balding ginger and they still all want to blow me. So welcome to school,
new kid, let's not say anything else that everyone knows and doesn't give a shit about.”

That alone didn't solve the fucked up stage 0 though. What really solved stage 0 was puzzling over
what the abstraction was BEHIND that move. Why was that such a powerful flip? To take girls from
being really bitchy into stage 1 or even stage 2 right there?
I ultimately figured out that what was happening was that when she throws some real anger or
negativity or resistance at you, it actually makes your BEST opportunity to loosen her up. It's those
nastiest moments that make the most effective opportunities to flip things around. Why? Because when
she hits you with shit like that and she CAN'T EVEN GET YOU TO ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT SHE'S
DOING, and you not only prevent the flag from touching the ground/don't let it go serious, but on top
of that you make a little joke out of it and even mock her for being ridiculous enough to try to do that,
you're basically showing invincibility and letting her know that this conversation can't be turned serious
no matter what. If you can crack her worst, then she might as well not even try and it's just disarming.
It's kind of the emotional equivalent of saying “There's nothing on earth that could possibly be serious
here”, except if you say that (I've tried to say things like that), you're speaking logic in an emotional
argument and it doesn't translate.
So the proper answer to the worst shit she can say is something to the effect of “I'm a balding ginger,
whehhhhh.” But the key is the voice tone and the energy have to be totally amused and unconcerned. If
it sounds AT ALL like you're trying to blow it off, then it won't work. You really have to find the video
of Tyler saying that (I think it might be early in the rsdfreetour YouTube video titled “How to Make
Women Love you NOW – Proven Personality Secrets...” - otherwise it might be in the one about the
'GAP' between you and the best guys, both of which are rsdfreetour channel videos on YouTube from
around November or October of 2017). You just have to have a tone and an energy that MAKES
EVERYONE LAUGH AT WHAT SHE JUST SAID. Like she should laugh and not be able to resist,
you should laugh, her friends should burst out laughing.
It's like you're Yoda. She throws the NASTIEST shit she can think of at you, and this energy that
doesn't give a single fuck at all just explodes out and makes it all a joke. So it's really all about the
energy and delivery, and the SURPRISE of acting like she just set up the best punch line of all time.
That's it, really, that's the mindset. Like “Yes! You just set up the BEST punchline of ALL TIME!” and
you jump on it.
Anyway, I'm talking a lot about this one because it's still a little hard for me to fully wrap my head
around how you take her shitty energy and then make it SO funny like Tyler D does. He said that he
just thinks of everyone as his friend, and if someone's being shitty – well, you're friend's just having a
bad day, feel better. So I guess the attitude is like your friend's really hungry and they just said
something annoying and you're knocking them back in their place and making everyone laugh and your
hungry cranky friend. Which is a pretty perfect representative. If you were on a road trip and you drug
your friend out of bed at 5am and they were tired and hungry and cranky and they called you a balding
ginger or some other shit, you know they don't mean it. If you're more awake and ready to go than
them, you just make fun of them and get the group to laugh about it. They say “You're a balding
ginger” and the ONLY real response to your cranky little friend when everyone else is awake and
excited is to go “I'm a balding ginger, Whehhhh” and everyone laughs and then you're like “Alright
Jason, get in the car dude. You can go back to sleep”

So there you go. That's all six emotionally based stages, which can flow between themselves however
they want. AND the best game for each stage, with the possible exception of stage 3 which clearly is
best done by innuendo but which also has Julien game and role playing and competitions.

If we add this in with the persuasion triangle, which helps you find obstacles and the biggest
shortcomings and address them in order, you basically solve the problem of always knowing what to do
based on what's going on. Then you just need to make sure that you always recognize what's going on,
and your brain comes up with the solution on the spot that you already know and then pulls out the
right skillset to execute it. That would, then, be an ultimate solution.

We now know we can choose the skillset and tactics that are best to handle what's going on if we just
see where she's at: Tense or not loose or logical/serious (not loose), actively resisting or being a grumpy
friend at 5am trying to say nasty things, playful but not playful between the two of you, playful
between the two of you but not sexual tension, sexual tension, actually leading through real world steps
(including many micro commitments), and then escalating when you're somewhere that you can
actually hook up.

The responses being –

Stage 0: Treat her like your grumpy friend at 5am who's trying to say whatever he can come up with to
express displeasure at being woken up, and just say whatever he says back at him in a mocking way
that will get everyone to laugh at him for being cranky guy
Stage 1: Steadily escalate your twists/spice in your tone, facial expressions, and eye contact. And if
things hit, act it out and stretch it more and more. Rely on the acting and the noises and so on for the
Stage 2: Keep up the acting and stretch it more when anything hits.
Stage 3: Sexual innuendo no matter WHAT you're talking about. Julien game ideal if she responds to it.
If not can also use cockiness/role playing, and competition (cockiness basically is a form of
competition). This is the playing with an 'us frame' stage
Stage 4: Having used sexual innuendo to get her (if she didn't open into this stage or get here faster),
now our sexual tension skillset. Ie, pauses with eye contact, speaking slowly, talking with lips touching
her ear, close proximity eye contact.
Stage 5: Lead. Lead when emotions are on the increase, break things down into the smallest possible
pieces if there's resistance, if she resists loop and increase the emotions and then lead again with a
smaller breakdown on good and increasing emotions.
NOTE: Trying to lead might send her to stage 1 or stage 0 even, in which case you either treat her like
she's being a Diva and needs a Snickers (stage 0), or you ramp up the acting and the twists in the face,
tone and eye contact and then hit jokes and act them out more and then use innuendo and build sexual
tension again. Not so hard, right?
Stage 6: Standard physical escalation and such.

Now it's just a matter of getting good at recognizing the stage she's in, and being good at all of those
skillsets and using them when you need to. It makes it clear why you see so few guys that are really
good with girls – because who do you know that's good with ALL SEVEN skillsets I just mentioned?
And who do you know that's not only good with those seven, but ALSO pays attention to what stage
the girl's in and properly uses those skillsets? Probably no one. Even out of all the instructors I know
and have met, I'd say really only Madison and Joseph Dieguez could mostly claim to have a pretty
decent handle at all seven of those stages, and I know Joe doesn't like to deal with girls in stage 0 when
they go there. And Madison's a little light on his Stage 4 game at least, plus probably not as good as
like Tyler D at stage 0 and stage 2.
Not to mention some of these skillsets imply contradictory personality types. They can all without
doubt be something that one person can do congruently and not preclude themselves from being sexy.
But usually someone who's good at acting things out like stage 2 isn't so good at stage 4. Probably why
I'm good at stage 4 but struggle in stage 2, and also 0 and 1. The key is really to say “Okay, that's not
that many skillsets. I know what they are. I know when they use them. I know what makes them tick
and what I have to learn... I can master all of those skills and get good at busting them out when
needed” and then become a well-rounded dude that can handle ALL of this.

Finally, having a solution for EVERY emotional stage should eventually lend DEEP confidence.
Because it means no matter WHERE you get with her, you can save it and move forward again. Which
means you don't have to have fear and anxiety about going in and having things go a way you didn't
want... It just puts you in a different stage and you can handle them all. In fact, if she goes stage 0 on
you, it provides one of your best opportunities to show that you don't take anything at all seriously and
to break it open. In fact, you should welcome winding up in stages you aren't good at. That lets you
practice your weakest areas and turn your biggest weaknesses into your greatest strengths.
While there are 6 stages there are a little more than 6 skills – maybe 9 or 10, plus Julien game involves
multiple sub-skills. And opening is a multi-piece skill. But effectively you have a nice closed set of
skills, you know which ones you really have to learn and shouldn't avoid, you know that other skills
aren't really that important and should be lower priority, and you know when to use what. That's pretty
much as streamlined as learning this is going to get!

I guess the reality is that I tried to figure out what it took to be legitimately good at game. Then I tried
to figure out what makes the best guys around world class. And finally I realized that I wanted to make
that world class level of game fairly automatic by simplifying it and ingraining it to the point that I
could just have that skill and not worry about it much. So this is about tying up the loose ends to the
extent that is possible and making world class game as ingrainable and worry-free as possible. That's
sort of that transition from doing to being – you no longer do world class game, it's now going towards
the point where with some warmup and constant exercising of those muscles, you just ARE that good at

There's Got to be a Moment Where she Lets you Be Dominant

If you think about every success you've ever had with women, there was a moment where she
submitted and let you be the dominant one in the interaction.
If you think about the girls you can remember that liked you, but walked off anyway, you can probably
identify that while they liked you they never really submitted to you being the dominant one in the

It took me many, many years to figure out why girls that seemed to like me often walked away anyway.
The first thing I found was breaks in engagement. If we were having a good interaction, there were
good emotions, and then I looked away and allowed a lull in the engagement before she was truly
hooked, it would often kill it and they'd walk away.

The second thing I found was interactional tension. The interaction might seem to be going well, but if
there wasn't any interactional tension she'd often walk away. It took YEARS between figuring out that
the engagement breaks were involved, and finding out that interactional tension was also key.

The third thing I found was introducing too much logic or other factors that she felt killed her vibe,
made her think, or otherwise made it seem serious or interrupted the flow of the 'game' being played.
This was interesting because a guy's instinct is to 'get to know' a girl to some extent.

Then I found something new to this book: My default, knee jerk social reactions in most situations
were to do things that didn't create interactional tension, sexual tension, OR loosening. That means that
while the common wisdom is to just kind of zone out, be present, and go with the flow, I found that if I
fully zoned out and just reacted I would actually KILL interactions. This isn't exactly clear, so let's use
last night as an example. I was talking to this actress from LA who was in my small hometown filming
a commercial. She was being pretty boring, but she clearly liked me anyway because she let her male
co-actor wander off and kept leaning against this post in the bar next to me. She was acting bored and
uninterested, but perhaps that was a game she was trying to play. I often forget that some girls behave
like they're in middle school and pretend not to like guys that they actually like. It doesn't seem to
happen that often at night, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen 25% of the time.
Anyway, she asked how old I was and I said “Forty Eight.” Then just looked into her eyes and tried to
create interactional tension at my lack of disqualifying. Usually that hits really hard. She kind of looked
away fairly quickly, not testing me or engaging or anything. In hindsight this could have been part of
her game because she didn't make a move to walk away. I believe I then asked how old she was, and
she said “Twenty one.” She gave me the same look back, so I figured she was flirting by lying. And
then I let myself react by my knee-jerk, natural reaction, which was to look her in the eye for a minute
and then laugh and go “Yeah, uhuh.” Turns out she was telling the truth. That reaction was the 'normal'
thing to do... It didn't create interactional tension. It didn't create sexual tension. It didn't create
loosening. It wasn't funny... It was a 'nothing burger' as someone I think on Shark Tank said once.
Nothing WRONG with it... But I could see a wave of boredom wash over her face.

I broke engagement.
Why? Because I lost my OWN engagement with creating the emotions that matter and said something
typical. I stopped playing the game, even for a moment, and because things were still up in the air it
dramatically damaged the interest. It didn't kill it. But it damaged it.
What ultimately killed it was me asking if she had 6 sugar daddies or 9, since she was from LA. Most
LA people think that's funny, she acted indignant and stormed off – presumably because she actually
had a couple and I struck a nerve hahaha. I laughed and didn't follow. She actually went to the trouble
of going up on stage and asking the live music act to do something, while pointing at me. She
obviously liked me because she was either asking him to call me out and talk shit, or asking to have me
kicked out. I don't think it was the latter. She hovered around, apparently wanting me to talk to her
again later... But she was boring as fuck and stormed off. While it's generally better to have sex with the
girl than not to – cuz who are you teaching a lesson by just not having a good time? In this case she
was being so boring and made reopening difficult enough that I just didn't. Not saying that's good
game. But it completes that little story haha.

Anyway, on top of realizing that walk-offs are often caused by these little breaks in your own internal
engagement for playing the game – leading to knee jerk reactions that create no relevant emotions – I
also noticed the dominance factor. I had gone in to dominate her energy. And I would say that I was the
dominant energy in the interaction, which was the major thing making me more attractive than the
actor from LA that she was working with and running around town with.
HOWEVER, I realized that at no point did she actually melt and submit to my energy. There was never
a moment where she yielded and allowed me to be dominant in the interaction.

When I realized that, my mind raced backwards through interactions successful and not. I quickly
started realizing that just about every time I had a really cute girl partially engaged, and then she
walked away, she had never actually submitted to my energy. I realized that in some other situations, a
girl HAD submitted to my energy and liked me, then I had kind of done something that relinquished
my dominant position and she seemed to get frustrated and leave. Almost like she was annoyed. In
hindsight, she probably was – she gave up dominance to me and then a few minutes later I
unknowingly gave it back and on some level she was like “Agh, he doesn't get it” and wandered off.

I also thought about everyone else I knew in game. All the dozens or hundreds of guys I'd watched
game over a decade. A lot of them would say that they didn't have any problem opening or hooking, but
their problems were from the middle onward. For many years I had agreed – many guys with their
more humor-based game seemed to be better at lasting five minutes than I was... But I often succeeded
more because my five minutes and on was very sick. I had been closing that gap in the first five
minutes over the last year or so, but it still seemed an issue.
But as I thought about it, these guys proclaiming they didn't have much issue with the first five minutes
weren't constantly standing around talking to nines for five minutes. So their reporting seemed to be
skewed. They didn't have problems with sevens or soft eights in the first five minutes. But the girls I
was talking to? They didn't have much advantage there. If any.
I could think of a few other guys who did seem to legitimately be better even with hot girls in the
beginning. But what I could recall seemed like they were good at AVOIDING the topic of who was
dominant – they would joke around and have fun fun, girls would go along with it for five minutes or
ten minutes... THEN the girls would leave. Because the guys basically just distracted them with a good
time, but the girl never submitted to their energy. They just kind of used it for a bit for a good time. I
had thought these guys were doing something better than me for the beginning. Perhaps they were in
some ways... But it wasn't getting them any better results. If I had their beginning game, but my middle
and end game, would I pull more? I always assumed yes. But would I really? If all they were doing was
avoiding the point where she submitted, perhaps not. Perhaps that's a question that's beyond an answer
at least for the moment.

Either way, it became clear. Depending on which company's definition you're looking at, there's the
hook point or the hook point and the sexual hook point. Then there's the point where she lets you build
sexual tension. Then there's the kiss (or at least her WANTING to kiss you, even if she doesn't for other
reasons). Those are all the major points we've talked about so far. You could say, perhaps more
accurately, that there's a point of ENGAGEMENT where she is willing to hold eye contact and engage.
There's a point of interactional tension where she'll build that with you. The point of sexual tension,
where she'll build that with you. And the kiss.
But this shows there's one OTHER point/pivotal moment/waypoint: The point at which she submits and
allows your energy to be dominant to hers.

This might be one of the two biggest advantages of being tall and/or very good looking. The girl feels
naturally beneath you, even if she's very attractive, and thus can much more easily submit to you. Plus
being tall and good looking makes you much more engaging, even if you shut up or make mistakes.
You can watch “Bachelor in Paradise” season 4 or “Bachelor Winter Games” and see how girls react to
Dean. Dean's kind of a pussy, pretty beta, but everyone thinks he's incredibly good looking and so they
let him get away with being pretty beta all the time. They don't even notice. He's also reluctant to
commit and a bit quiet, so he doesn't beta himself in obvious ways by fidgeting or doing stupid shit like

Anyway, it appears to be a necessity in any interaction for the girl to submit to the guy's energy. Before
that moment comes, she might walk off at any point. Even if there's emotion and it's 'going well' and so
AFTER that moment comes, she generally will allow a couple little hiccups without leaving. If you hit
sexual tension, and dominance, and there's interactional tension, and you maintain mostly unbroken
engagement... You will not likely have walk offs.
I don't know about you, but for me the biggest barrier between me and pulling more girls that are 8.5+
is them walking off between 2 minutes and 5 minutes. It appears that if I can get them to submit to my
energy, I can stop a lot of that. At that point you become equivalent to a tall, good looking, or whatever
else guy.
I'd also argue that the reason a lot of guys go for kisses and don't get them is that the girl hadn't
submitted to their energy. You generally won't even get to that point with a girl that's 8.5 or hotter and
you cold approached... But if she wasn't that attractive, or if you're more attractive, or if you met via
something other than a cold approach... Then guys wind up in that scenario. If you're trying to kiss a
girl and she hasn't dominated to your energy, she's probably not going to kiss you.

This is something RSD Julien gets in almost every interaction. He ALWAYS gets the girl to submit to
his energy. I think that combined with his interactional tension is why he can walk 10 feet away from a
girl and she'll often keep staring at him. And this is one thing that becomes more powerful the more
attractive a girl is! Almost everything else besides sexual tension fades in its power based on how
attractive a girl is. But the more attractive a girl, the LESS often she submits to a guy's energy. So the
MORE powerful doing so becomes.
I think that this is a waypoint in an interaction that never gets discussed. I think a lot of guys in game
just start doing it after a whole lot of going out, and don't realize it. While other guys never do, never
get the results they want, and never know why.

Thus: 1) Ask yourself if she has submitted to your energy yet or not. 2) Ask yourself how you can GET
her to submit to your energy. 3) Ask yourself why she might NOT be submitting to your energy.

The Role of the Face in Transitioning Into an Interaction

For the last couple years I've had pretty polarizing reactions after I open when I start talking to girls if
I'm off or rusty on any given night. It's like I'll go into 3 out of 5 girls or so and it just will seem like it
could go somewhere for half a second, then it quickly spirals downward and they run away. While the
other ones lean in and it starts going well pretty fast off the bat.
Part of me just assumed that this is game, part of the whole numbers thing. But another part of me felt
like a number of these girls weren't exactly against me from the drop, and there was an opening for it to
go well... But then it wouldn't. Meaning I was doing something wrong.

I had just written the previous section with having the way you play with your face, tonality, and eye
contact as the best transition from stage 1 to stage 2 and was basically going to leave it there. Now,
however, with that on my mind I finally got a glimpse at what was going on.
When I was more 'on', I would be better at tilting my head back and away and giving her an evaluating
look if she even tensed up or anything of that sort. If I was rusty, 'off' on a night, or if the place was
really loud, I'd often keep trying to lean in and talk in her ear.
What this means is that if girls opened up very well, they'd be happy that I was talking in their ear, then
when I was talking with my lips against their ear the sexual tension would go up and they'd pull close
to me and it would go well.

I took the fact that my somewhat idiotic leaning in and ignoring her tenseness just implied to her that I
wasn't aware and effectively just pushed her away. That's not exactly inaccurate, but often that wasn't
really how it felt.
For instance, tonight it felt like it kind of stalled and fizzled. In part, she was having a hard time
hearing me... But it happened quickly so that this explanation doesn't fully make sense.

I thought back to the best technique for stage 1, going into stage 2. Playing with your face, your eye
contact your tone... Then I remembered something I wrote a while ago – that girls early on are reading
your face much like when you first meet a strange dog, and it reads your face to see if it can trust you.
This is an evolved thing, because we communicated with our faces long before humans evolved
speech. The girl is reading your face to see if you're okay, if you're trustworthy, etc.
What I realized is that playing with your face, tone, and eye contact in stage 1 to transition to stage 2
isn't the only important role of using your face. Rather, girls have VARYING AMOUNTS of how much
they need to read your face before they can see where they stand with you, trust you, decide if you're
nervous or beta or too eager, etc.
What this means is that entering stage 1 fully after opening, to where you're actually in an interaction
and she's not just thinking about running away, is BASED ON HER READING YOUR FACE. There is
no other way. She MUST see what she thinks about your eye contact, how you move your face, how
you hold your head, how you smile, etc.
If she's resisting interacting with you, still acting tense, it's because SHE HASN'T GOTTEN ENOUGH

My issue, especially if it's loud or I'm rusty, is that my brain still tries to use words to get the interaction
going. However, she really wants to use reading your face in order to get the interaction going.
If she can't hear you, you're better just going silent and using your face, your eye contact, doing Tyler's
little squint-type thing where he makes his eyes even more 'engaged.'

The big shift in understanding here is that her read of your face is THE necessary step for her to open
up. If you're sensing hesitancy or tenseness, you need to straighten up, tilt your head back and away,
and go to using your face, your eyes, playing around with them, and thinking of 'being in her head' and
getting her to melt.
The issue I've always had is that our brains don't execute negatives well, and so 'don't lean' is
something my brain has only sometimes engaged with properly. The proper perception is that if the girl
isn't lighting up and interacting with you freely, you need to LET HER READ YOUR FACE more.
She's showing you that she hasn't read you enough yet and so she's feeling uncomfortable interacting
and flirting with you. The real breakthrough here is that there's ONLY one way to move forward if this
is happening – use your face and eye contact and let her read you more. That's it. She'll run off if you
try to use your words in their place.

Using your face and eye contact is the critical step to getting into an interaction. When you're starting
out, you need to be aware above all else if she's freely interacting, and if she isn't she needs to read your
face more. If you ever forget this, your results will suddenly explode into instability. It can be
enormously confusing honestly. You just need to know that the words aren't generally doing much
between the open and when she opens up. She's really just deciding if she wants to interact with you at
all at that point. Trying to use words where the process is something different will do nothing but fuck
you over.
Since I've had a bit of a hard time getting this properly ingrained in my game, I'd say you really need to
think that the key to initiating an interaction is “Has she read my face enough?”

The face IS entering stage 1. It should really be your only awareness until she interacts with you
happily. And you should never try to use words or anything else to get that aspect done.

Going Deep Down the Foxholes to Find the Last Resistance.

I'll be honest, some of you aren't going to like this section. Some of you will find it unnecessary or
think it's a side matter or not helpful. Some of you will find it uncomfortable. Some of you will hate it
and find a strong distaste for it, possibly battling deep down with not thinking that you need to go
through this in order to succeed. I think a minority of you will embrace it at first.

But, to be honest again, as I developed the incredibly well worked out and thought out game that makes
up this book and fills so many fucking pages, I still found myself failing in ways that seemed
increasingly erratic or unexplainable. Eventually you have nothing left to blame in terms of 'game' and
you start seeing your subconsious lashing out in crazy ways. You start to see these patterns that are
causing you to fail, and with all layers of fucking up in terms of game removed, you can now trace
these patterns back and see that they've fucked you over hundreds or even thousands of times before...
And you blamed your game because you couldn't see them.

The reality is, most people are going to read this and go “Well, that's pretty advanced/deep. I'll think
about maybe working on that stuff – if I have to – a long time from now when I'm really good.” That's
exactly what I would've thought.
The reality is, from a cold, hard, “What will get me the most hot girls in the next year, two years, five
years, ten years?” standpoint, the reality is actually the opposite. You should fix these things FIRST
because they'll keep sabotaging you repeatedly no matter how good your game is. They might cost you
hundreds of girls. Fix them, and you can even luck into some girls at whatever stage of game you're in
right now, and your development will give you what it really should.
I know almost none of you will listen to that, but I told you early enough that you had the option to run
with it. How did it take me ten years to develop into a really high level of game? Well, largely lack of
solid information to address all the topics holding me back. But a very close second is simply that I
built all these game skills on top of a foundation that had big issues – like not knowing/being able to
keep things from ever touching serious, not being sure to avoid ruining interactional tension to create
little wins in 'game', and things like we're about to talk about. Fixing these foundation and less 'sexy'
aspects of my game first would've meant solid, repeating success over the last decade that would've
simply ramped up as my game ramped up on top of that foundation. Instead, it's been more like in the
last 2-3 years I've been increasingly trying to drink through a firehose as the potential of my game
skills are released by the removal of these dams that were holding me back despite my skill. Quite
honestly I'm telling you basically everything needed, but I haven't gotten to fully play around with what
it's like to have all of this myself, some of this I'm still getting used to personally – but I wanted to put
the book out as soon as I was quite sure the puzzle was pretty well solved and I could at least
sometimes do the stuff.

So here's what I started to notice. It starts very vague, like you feel that you're sand bagging or
'throwing the game' somehow. Subtly. At first you won't even be 100% sure that you're doing that. Over
time you'll likely become more aware that something of that nature is happening for sure.
Eventually you'll start feeling that there's some sort of pattern to it. Then you can home in on those
patterns and eventually – with some concentrated and conscious work (no, it won't come without work)
– figure out what the patterns are.
First note – YES, this is harder when you have issues with your game. Because then there are
inconsistencies and problems in your game mixed with the self sabotage, and it's hard to separate them
out. However, because I'm telling you what good game is, you can more easily go “Oh, this isn't from a
failure in what I understand about game – must be something I'm generating myself.”

I've talked through several things like this before, but recently I really started realizing that I had to fix
these things because game wasn't going to cover over them no matter how good I got. Originally I
wanted to just fix the really glaring self sabotage and then mask any of the rest with game. That's
probably what you're thinking too. Let me tell you from the opposite end that preferably you fix any
repeating self sabotage early so that you can enjoy the results of your game and your increases as you

So what did I start noticing?

First, I started noticing that when I saw a girl I really wanted, a knee-jerk voice inside my head would
go “You can't get her tonight/now” or “Not gonna happen.” It wasn't exactly as obvious as a conscious
voice, but more like this tensing up. Almost like a visualization of my throat closing a little. Subtly,
don't sit there reading this and try to pull some macho shit and be like “I'm tougher than him, doesn't
happen to me” - bull fucking shit. I would run around my college campus by myself before I ever even
heard that any figured out form of 'game' existed and cold approach chicks at parties without anyone
there backing me. At best the people reading this equal that, I would say very few readers were ballsier
than that straight from the drop.
Anyway, I started looking into this. And by that, I mean I would dig through my memory of
interactions I had and kind of rewind the mental tapes that I had about those situations. This might be a
skill I've enhanced over years due to sport and so on, I'm not totally sure, so that may or may not be
something you'll have to first develop over time to do it well. But basically I would just dig through my
own brain and really give myself a headache trying to figure out what I felt in interactions I had
throughout the night. Then I would go out again and test the theories and feelings and hunches I'd
started thinking about my next night out – I'd look for those patterns happening again and see if they
matched what I thought.
Through this process, I went from feeling something was off, to feeling this very subtle pattern, to
identifying that my subconscious was kind of popping up and saying “You can't have her tonight” or
“you can't have this one.” It was a little bizarre, because my brain was TOTALLY certain that I
belonged with girls like her and at some point would get girls LIKE her... But then with any specific
girl, it would immediately say “Not THIS one” or “Not THIS time.” But it would say it EVERY time
there was always some reason. It was kind of like my brain was thinking “If you could go back to that
last situation with its characteristics, you could win in it” but in this new situation with different
characteristics, nah.

At first, I thought that was it. But going forward I noticed there was some sort of second pattern. That
second pattern seemed to be one that either sabotaged or even caused me to stop trying in situations
that were already going well.
It also came up in another situation – when situations that had STARTED well then began to seem like
they were balancing on an edge and could go either way, I'd often just smash them to pieces and go try
to find a new one. Like I had to burn down potentially good things rather than letting them ride and
living to play another day (CLEARLY the only wise decision is to let everything ride to the very end,
try your best within any actual time limits for how much time you can give it – which can easily
become an excuse where you say you 'don't have time' but really you do, and then just let fate decide if
it happens or not).

This one was pretty damn confusing. It started happening with a text exchange that I wanted to go well
(which, of course, is the dreaded outcome dependence. I know, I know... But I've never fully gotten
how to get passed that to be honest- we'll discuss a bit in a minute). I started trying to dig through my
memories of a bunch of different times that I could think of that it happened, plus what was going on in
this situation.
You have to try to track feelings and really take them apart and figure out what you're feeling and what
it's telling you. Any time you see something severe, or repeating, that's a hint of underlying issues.
What I felt in this situation was when things that were going well started to look less likely, messed up,
unlikely, etc, it started to feel like I knew I should stay in there and wait it out and be patient... But it
felt extremely uncomfortable and painful to do so. It was as though I was holding my hand in a fire,
trying to hold it there as long as possible, but eventually it was so horrible that I would inevitably yank
it back out. In this case that was often during texting a girl, I'd put an end to it rather than dealing with
it any more.
As I sorted through this 'sabotaging things that started well' situation, I started realizing there were
actually several aspects to it. The first was this hand-in-the-fire syndrome, where I got extremely
uncomfortable with uncertainty and then basically ended situations to regain certainty. Another thing
that came to the surface was that I had an underlying fatalism – like things were starting to go well, but
there were clearly a lot of steps before it would actually happen, and some level of my brain would start
to feel like “Eh, it's not going to actually happen” or “It's never going to come through”. This wasn't the
same as the fire-in-the-hand thing, though it was tied to it, because it wasn't a desire to destroy/escape
during times of uncertainty, it was just a pessimism during times that things were generally good but a
long way out. Effectively it was as though my subconscious couldn't relax unless things were CRAZY
good. The ultimate effect was a lot of bailing on things early, a lot of sabotaging things that weren't
decided yet, and a general bracing against anything popping up. Like I was constantly on my back foot,
scared of anything else occurring and just bracing.

These were the two major feelings, but as I pieced it together, I started to feel that there were a
WHOLE SET. The following is the set of stuff I found, the initial “You can't have that one” or “you
can't get her tonight” flinch aside:
1) I have an expectation of the FEELING OF TRYING TO GET (which causes me to ALWAYS
flip back to chasing and not being chased)
2) I'm too after high emotions, and so I repeatedly KILL MY INTERACTIONAL TENSION and
my base vibe as STRONG/GROUNDED while seeking emotions and 'momentum'. The reality
is that I actually need to FLIP those – Being perceived as THE ULTIMATE
CALM/GROUNDED MAN is #1 (I can create huge emotions, but it has to be clear that I'm
calm and doing them for enjoyment), not killing interactional tension is #2, then the emotions
and spiking and escalation are #3
3) I try to handle every little situation and manage them all, then make myself reactionary. Why
does everything have to be handled? If she's doing stupid shit and I'm way cooler, just dismiss
it/ignore it. Be more dismissive/ignoring and assuming she loves you0
4) I flinch like I've burned my hand on a stove a million times, then destroy the interaction before I
'get burned'
5) There's an underlying fatalism “It's never gonna work out.” “It won't work out”. It seems that I'd
rather be the one to DECLARE AND OWN THE FATALISM than to get hurt by the death of
what I want out of the blue
6) I repeatedly set up the feeling that they're ahead and choosing and 'cooler' and I'm trying to get
them. I think I almost WANT that, because I want the conquest/victory feeling to make me feel
like I've won and I'm awesome (rather than to think 'I always win like this... so what')
8) There's a fear of 'LOSING' what 'was good'. This one's easy: Nothing means jack shit or is
'good' at all until you're inside her. It wasn't 'going well' or 'going poorly', it was just a thing.
You can only get girls you're willing to lose (indifferent to winning or losing, really)

I don't want to go through it all, but I think it's obvious I sat around trying to relive situations in depth
and really feel through what was going on. Of course I would've loved it to be simple or the first thing,
but where most guys wouldn't have done this at all, and most of the ones who did would've just taken
the first thing and ran with that, I know from experience that sticking my head in the sand won't bring
results and it's better to think harder and process more in order to really solve the issue.

You should be able to see there's a few categories of things going on. As I processed deeply through the
major two things – this 'hand in the fire' feeling leading to ending interactions that weren't by any
means definitely ruined, and the general fatalism – I realized that they were out of self-protection. I was
trying to protect myself from getting beaten up by a situation were I was holding out hope and trying
and it just didn't come through (that's the hand-in-the-fire leading to self sabotage). I was trying to
protect myself from being blindsided and feeling stupid where I thought something would happen and
it totally let me down with the fatalism.

So these were both self protections. Ego protection, really. As I thought through that and even as I write
now, you start to see that these things generally stem from: A) Caring about my ego. Not wanting to
feel stupid. Not wanting to get surprised. B) Caring about what outcome happens. Being attached to the
outcomes. C) Desiring determinism.

Then there's a general fear of being proven incapable or that I suck. This is where defining yourself
based on the grinding and your process and not the results is so important. But it's clear I haven't totally
fixed this.

Third, there's a set of things that revolve around a desire to win and be a winner. Because I want to feel
like a winner, and thus I want to 'win', that subtly washes back into a bunch of other areas. First off, that
creates a dependence on outcome. It's not equivalent to me whether I win or 'lose' in terms of how I
feel. That means I'm attached to one outcome, and afraid of another. Again, enjoying the act of gaming,
enjoying grinding, and so on is a big part of this answer. But in a second we'll look at whether there
might be more to it. Next, the desire to feel like a 'winner' means that I have to 'win' something of value
and difficulty. That means that I have to overcome odds and 'win' a girl that 'matters' or 'impresses' or
whatever. That might seem like a natural and obvious thing... Not a problem.
However, this means that it can't be easy. This means that she can't have been the one chasing me until
I gave in. This means that the girls I game have to be 'special' somehow before I get them so that I feel
that boost. I'm chasing a special type of validation/pride/ego – the winner's validation.
If you think about it, if you 'win' all the time with the hottest girls, and if they love you and chase you,
then it's not going to feel like 'winning' really any more. It's going to feel fairly routine. It might feel
like work, but like you put in a certain amount of work, stay on your toes, and then you 'win'. Kind of
like getting paid. Getting a girl won't be like winning an Olympic medal, but more like getting a
paycheck. Your progress is tracked by frequently getting big paychecks, not by the individual dollars or
blocks of $100 in the paycheck. Plus, if you're getting chased then it's more like you're a badass and
you're just selecting girls to have experiences with. The 'winning' side of things doesn't really enter in.

What happens from there is even more bizarre. By wanting to be a 'winner' I subtly have to flip myself
into the position of chasing so that I can 'win' a 'prize' that was 'impressive.' So even when I'm getting
chased by a girl I'd like to spend time with, like I was recently, I slowly and subconsciously flip it so
that I can chase and win her. Fucked up right? You might even have to stop and think about that for a
minute before you understand what the hell is happening there.

You can see that this isn't exactly a collaborative frame either.
And it turns me into someone trying to 'get' which is also a chasing frame. Which precludes being
chased. Which prevents HER from feeling like she won, which she wants. You want to ACTUALLY
have great experiences, so let her feel like a winner and you just feel like you're living your life and
having a great time.

Finally, there's still an unrealistic expectation of what things should feel like. I am running around
acting like there should be all this crazy emotion and great moments the whole way through. And like I
need to win all the little battles within the interaction, constantly manage it.
These things create a situation where I'm too caught up trying to make every little instant and every
part of the interaction unrealistically good and controlled, resulting in winning little battles but losing
the war.

This means I've got issues with: Trying to control, trying to have deterministic scenarios where I know
what the outcomes will be, wanting to be a 'winner' and to 'win' and to 'get', to not have others decide
my fate, to not be surprised, to not look like a fool or try really hard at something and get
'rejected'/have it fall through, and general self protection.
Next, there are three basic types of scenarios and fixes with these internal problems that are causing
you repeating patterns of issues or self sabotage:
1) They are based on emotional patterns and reactions and cannot be reasoned with. You must go
Julien in Transformation Mastery on them
2) They are based on a subconscious expectation of how things are 'supposed to feel'
3) They are based on perceptions

The 'hand-in-the-fire' leading to me ending situations by burning bridges or leaving is an emotional

thing. It clearly makes no sense, I've tried on a lot of levels to reason with it, and I haven't stopped it at
all. It is based on an emotional fear that's bottled up in my emotional memory from a previous wound.
Much like burning your hand on a stove.
So is the fatalism. It's the same type of thing.

To handle these two, I had to do the Julien process from Transformation Mastery. I had to identify
previous times I did these things and felt this way, and jump back through my life until I found the
EARLIEST possible time that I felt burned for staying in something when it was kind of going badly
until it collapsed around me. And until I felt the EARLIEST time I felt like a complete fool and totally
embarrassed for not seeing that something wouldn't work out. Also, from the beginning of this section
before the list, I had to find the first time that I felt like I wanted a girl and then was just slapped down
so that I started slapping myself down when I saw girls I wanted.

I jumped back through my life all the way into high school and middle school to identify these. For the
thing where I started slapping myself down when I saw a girl I wanted, I finally decided it must have
started with Alister in 6th grade. I've mentioned this before, but I had zero thought that she might say no
to me. I asked her on a date and she said “No” and nothing else, without hesitation, and that was it.
Period. I think what happened was I then had to go to school with her for months or years, see her, and
go “No dufus, you want her but you can't have her. Let it go.” That wound I think created a pattern of
doing that to myself so that I could accept my unexplained position in the world of not being able to get
Alister even though she was right in front of me – and therefore, not being able to get 'girls I wanted' in
my brain.

For the other two, I traced things back similarly. For the 'hand-in-the-fire' one I landed on Kate VanHee,
who I really like for a long time and we quasi-dated and I got friend zoned and I held out hope until the
bitter end. When she finally fully decided I was a beta, I just took a brutal beating from her as she
whipped me into letting go hope. I think I developed a deep wound from holding out hope and thinking
it might happen. From then on, I wanted to be the one ending things rather than getting horse whipped
until I let go.
For the last, I landed on when Amanda Larson left me her phone number on a binder and it said “Call
Me”. I think in retrospect someone put her up to it just to fuck with me or torture me, though I don't
know why. Alternatively, she might have really liked me and then took a lot of shit for it from other
people and backed off, or maybe my lack of great flirting turned her off. Eventually it went nowhere
and I just got fucked with by some of her guy friends (who in theory were mutual friends, but I didn't
really like those particular dudes) over trying to talk to her and get her on a date. It made me feel like a
complete idiot for thinking this amazing girl wanted me when in reality it was a setup to fuck with me.
Or, like I said, it might not have been a setup and the dudes just gave her too much shit – but which one
of those two scenarios do you think my emotions latched onto? The former one, even though they are
both pretty equally as likely to have been the case.

Now, I had to do what Julien says and lay down in the quiet and just try to let go and re-experience
those things. If something caused that much damage, you're not re-experiencing it unless you feel some
pretty rough shit and feel pretty shaken up. Maybe even cry. For Julien he said some stuff left him in an
uncontrollable ball on the floor, though I don't appear to have anything quite as damaging in my past.
After all, the three above scenarios were a simple rejection in a situation where I asked full on beta; a
friend-zoning where as I went through it I actually got the feeling she partially fell for me and really
wanted to date me, but I proved that I would never take control or make a move and then she gave up
and eventually got disgusted that I was a beta (but only in the end – ie, I might not have even been in
the friend zone and she might have been begging me to just take her); and then the third thing was
pretty fucked up, but fairly short lived and not by a girl that I thought much about prior to that.

As I went through these things one by one (yes, took like two different days... Oh no, work!), the
Amanda thing went pretty smoothly. The Alister thing took a bit of doing and then I accessed those
feelings. But even though Kate VanHee (the one that I said probably actually was dying to have me
make a move) was the biggest wound of my life in many ways, I just sat there for an hour thinking
back over specifics, reliving circumstances, and feeling pretty damn fine. I knew there MUST be a lot
of pain there, but it just wouldn't arise.
Julien had talked about this, not being able to get to the pain the first time because it's bottled up so
tight and having to do it several times. If he hadn't said that, I probably would've said “Huh, I must
have handled all the pain from that.” But I also felt that this repeating pattern I was still doing a full
lifetime later must have come from that, and that couldn't come without pain. After failing for at least
an hour to get any strong emotions whatsoever trying to relive that scenario, I finally turned on a
Matchbox 20 song that was firmly tied in my memory to Kate. Before the first chorus it all came
gushing out.

The whole point here is that you're jamming emotions away into little areas of your brain and ignoring
them or justifying them, and they build up pressure and if you don't let the emotional pressure out
emotionally, it goes nowhere. As we discussed earlier. I think about it like blowing up balloons and
then throwing them under huge piles of blankets. You can do whatever you want to the pile of blankets
above. You can tell the balloons they're fine and that you accept them and they didn't mean to mess up
your blanket pile. But the only way there won't be high pressure air in balloons in the middle of the
pile, making the pile all lumpy, is if you dig to the bottom of the blankets and let the air out. There is no
logicking it. It can't be done from the surface or the present. You have to go back and let the air out the
same way it got in – as emotions and by experiencing.

After doing these, I immediately felt a little release about the slapping myself down when I saw a girl I
wanted. The other two things I'm not quite sure if I've managed to improve yet, or not.

Then you have the things that come from a subconscious expectation of feel. These are things like
wanting to be a winner and to win.
If you want to be a winner, that means you have to feel like you win. If you feel like you win, that
means you got something that was difficult and had importance.
'Getting' means chasing. And the other part meant that the girls had to 'feel' difficult and be 'important'
somehow. If you took these things away, I didn't get to feel like a winner.

I'm sure you're going “That's a lot of complicated bullshit. It ain't that complicated dude, I don't want to
deal with it.”
But, sadly, I didn't put those pieces together. That wasn't a picture and train of logic I created. My
subconscious did all of that without my knowledge or consent.
Then it made me feel like if I wanted to feel like a winner, I had to chase down and get. What I had to
chase down and get were impressive and difficult girls. And if it didn't feel like I chased down and got
a difficult and important girl, then I was not a winner – I was useless and average.

That expectation of how things had to feel – getting/chasing down, her being important, her being
difficult, then manifested into my actions subconsciously.
And not just mine, but yours or anyone's. If you subconsciously expect something to feel a certain way,
your brain will guide you without your knowledge until it feels how you expect it to.
If you sit on a couch, you subconsciously expect how couches feel. If you sit down and it feels like a
bunch of bricks were stuffed in it, you'll jump up and go find another couch without thinking about it
much. Your subconscious will change what you do until it feels how you expect it to. It's an autopilot
that's running always.

What this meant was that if a girl was letting me win easily, or chasing me, that my brain would subtly
fuck things up until I was chasing her or it was difficult. Basically every time. So my brain would
partially throw the game until it was hard and I had to chase.
And guess what? After partially throwing the game, do you think I won a high percentage of times?
I spent time with drastically fewer girls than I should have, all because I wanted to be a 'winner.'

How do you deal with this? Come up with a new way things should feel.
It should feel like you're having a great experience together. And maybe like you're playing 'keep away'
like holding something a toddler wants high above your head (her chasing). And maybe like the two of
you come together after you just stick in and survive. Surviving forks might be hard, but getting her
just sort of happens easily at some point. There is no 'win', there's just surviving, enjoying, and then a
coming together. You aren't a winner. Your just a guy that enjoys surviving forks, creating a lot of
enjoyment, and that gets to enjoy a lot of 'coming together.'

Finally, there's the issues with control, determinism, wanting outcomes, etc.
These fall more under perceptions. Even though I've talked so much about being a grinder, enjoying the
grind, enjoying gaming... It's clear those haven't fully stuck.
There's the matter of what is, actually, 'caring' what happens. That means there are multiple outcomes
and you're ATTACHED to one.
That's normal, right?
Well, what if you weren't... Would you not win?
How about if you go and start practicing basketball shots... You shoot a bunch of basketballs, you try
your best to make them go in, but do you FREAK THE FUCK OUT if one doesn't? No, because it's
just an assumed part of the process. You just see it as feedback to make an adjustment so the next one
goes in. Yet with girls, we tend to treat every girl like a game-winning free throw at the end of a game
that HAS to go in or we're the world's biggest idiots... Even though it's inherently probabilistic no
matter what we do. It feels final and meaningful.

The change is to start seeing how you win either way. When practicing free throws, the point is just to
enjoy shooting and improve. There is no other point. A miss is almost as good as making it, because it
helps you improve and you still enjoyed shooting it. You still try everything you can to sink the shots
and enjoy those SLIGHTLY more, but you don't really care. Because you aren't attached to one
possibility over the other greatly.
The issue with determinism – knowing how it's going to go and not wanting to be surprised – follows
from the same thing. If you aren't attached to one outcome over another, then why does it matter if you
know the outcome?
From there, you just have a shorter term focus. By working a lot, I had become RUSTY on just
surviving the next fork. Instead of focusing only on the next fork, I had started skipping ahead and
thinking about outcomes. And that was fucking me too.

Now you should be able to see why Tyler D gets into all this woo-woo hippy shit. It's because he's been
so balls-deep in practical game for 15 years that now he focuses on eradicating self sabotage basically.
Being present (not worrying about outcome, enjoying what you're doing regardless of outcome), not
being outcome dependent (but you STILL fight HARD to survive and attack the upcoming forks, just
like you fight hard to make a basketball shot). Not caring also in a way where it means nothing to your
experience of life or gaming. And so on.

Are these going to be your exact issues? No. Are you going to have very similar ones? Yes. And
possibly some very different. But you still go through the process I just showed you, keeping in mind
that you might have to fix things in one of three ways: Pure emotional experience of the first thing,
Julien style. Changing how you expect things to feel. And changing your perspective.

Finally, the downside to there being all these issues is that it means I have to routinely prime and focus
on at least the new expectations of feel and perspectives. If I don't, one of these things will re-emerge
and keep fucking me over. The re-experiencing emotional wounds doesn't have to be so frequent, but I
may need to do it multiple times and go back later and do it again several times.

Having done this, though, you can free yourself to win at the level that you should based on your game
and your out-of-field practice and preparation (process and habit equals success). Are these my only
sabotage issues? I'd love to say yes, but experience suggests probably I'll have to find and fix more. At
least I know how!

Under Reacting

I went out to act on what we just discussed, and started finding that there were – as always – some
execution wrinkles. I found that going through the emotional release worked pretty well, but that I
probably hadn't gotten all of the pressure out on a couple issues.
I also found that there was a bit of another issue involved with the hand-in-the-fire thing as well. The
fact that at times I didn't have anything tremendously engaging going on in my life (no significantly
mentally engaging business challenges, even though I was working a lot. No other girls that I was
dating because I was back in my small home town. No crazy, fun activities that I was out doing because
I was working a ton. Not a lot of socializing that was really engaging – some hanging with friends, but
not cool enough that when I left I was still thinking about it). What that meant was that often the most
engaging thing I had going on was looping mentally on whatever girl I was talking to at the time, which
was generally only one because of my stupid ass small town. And because I find game really engaging,
so thinking about it was the most engaging thing I had to do...
I realized this was part of the hand-in-the-fire thing. I had an extremely hard time just doing nothing
when I was mentally looping and thinking about something over and over and over. If you're repeatedly
going over something in your head that much, how are you going to be able to sit their complacently?
It's of course going to drive you nuts.
So that meant, in part, I just needed some more engaging shit to do. I either needed to throw myself
harder at some business problems (even doing some deep brainstorms if I really found myself looping
on a girl – brainstorms are about the most mentally engaging thing you can do), or grab my computer
and use my training software so I could work on my game and not on any one girl, or otherwise find
something mentally engaging to do instead of looping on girls. You can't just stop thinking about a girl,
so you need something to think about instead. (Any clue why I'm writing this section of my book?
That's half of it). In a lot of ways, the amount of time our brain spends looping on something is how
important we assume that it is... Which is another reason not replying to girls is, in a way, giving them
the gift of being really engaged.

This goes along with the title concept of this section, however. You really need to go watch the video
about “War on Beta Males” from RSD Madison's YouTube channel, I believe. It's actually mostly Tyler
talking, but in the middle (maybe a full 15-20 minutes in if you want to fast forward), they talk about
fuck boys and about the disgust girls have for beta males and so on. Most importantly, Tyler talks about
the effect of the fuck boy that doesn't give a shit, and about how not caring actually is a gift to the girl
of her not worrying about a guy falling in love and having to deal with that, not worrying that she'll get
a million angry texts, not worrying she might get stuck with a beta male, etc. Though you can still be
an awesome guy without caring about her (plus you can care a bit when she says she's in love with you,
though if you ever care more than her it'll be fucked).
Within this concept he talked about what most guys do is they OVERREACT to almost everything girls
do. Basically, if you were talking to a 6, and she did or said something, the way you would react to that
is RARELY the way you'd react to a 9 doing the same thing.
This is where you get this shitty advice that 6s and 9s are the same – they aren't. BUT you shouldn't
REACT to anything a 9 does in a way more dramatic than you would if she's a 6. You just know the
game will play out differently. You might proact a little differently, but you shouldn't REACT more
strongly (if anything, you should react less strongly).

It's such a subtle spin, but talking about how guys overreact to almost everything girls do is SOOOO
much better than talking about this concept of 'not being reactive.' That's the common game wisdom
and it's true, but it's stated so poorly. You can do all kinds of stuff once you've gamed a lot and be like
“Well, that wasn't really being reactive.” Because being reactive basically implies being a little bitch.
Or you could say have exactly zero reactiveness in you... But what does that mean??
Speaking of overreacting makes a hell of a lot more sense. What would you do with someone who
wasn't an attractive girl? What would you do as a cool ass dude? What would you do if you were
Archer the cartoon spy? It makes so much sense. You should know pretty damn well what overreacting
would be to almost anything. Like you ask your buddy to do something and he says “Sorry, can't
today.” There's basically two things to say that aren't overreacting: “Cool” and nothing. It's nothing
personal, it's just your friend saying they can't. Yes, they should set up another date, but they often
don't... So whatever.

This, combined with the things we were talking about in the last section and the other things Tyler
discusses in that War on Betas video, made it clear what a badass, attractive guy is really supposed to
do... He's supposed to UNDERREACT to everything. When a girl tells him she's a model and just did a
Victoria's Secret fashion shoot, when she insults him, when she flakes him, when she gives him a lame
one-word text, etc... To any of it, it's like he had 500 girls just like her at his house telling him the same
shit all day long. They all wanted him, then they all tried to test him and flake him and whatever – but
they all wanted him and there were 499 others. So he just under reacts to evvverything. Like a doctor
working in the ER who just had someone roll in with some insanely fucked up thing, that would freak
the fuck out of anyone else, but he's been working there 40 years and he just kind of shrugs and works
on it.

Of course there's a nuance to this: You should still PROACT strongly. Like if you're using any of the
game we talked about in this whole book, you should create AS MUCH emotion from it as possible
without ruining the interactional void or making yourself seem like you aren't calm/grounded. Also, in
some cases if you see a way to steal what she just did and make a great joke, innuendo, or other
emotion off of it and make it really awesome, then you're making it your own thing and you should do
that freely and loosely and to the max and make a great thing out of it.
But in any OTHER reaction, where you aren't running with it to make something great out of it, you
should UNDER REACT. If she tells you she just got done with a Victoria's Secret shoot, and you don't
have anything much to do with that that's really good, you should under react. Tyler would just do
engaged eyes, no smile, and in a flat tone “Dope.” That makes you seem like a badass with a ton of
girls that's not impressible, it makes her chase, it makes you seem alpha, and it lets her know she won't
be getting the 500 texts or the guy that's in love with her and she doesn't know what's up. The other
catch to this is NOT TRYING TO FORCE jokes and such. You shouldn't go “Whoaaa, are you getting
me bras for Christmas then?” Because that's really not that funny and it's just trying to force a joke in
where there wasn't really one. That's overreacting. You wouldn't say that to a 6 that said she worked for
Victoria's secret. A stronger joke, maybe, like “I hope my stocking's stuffed full of lace black thongs...
Don't visualize me wearing them...” (though putting unattractive pictures in her mind about you is
always a bit risky... Like her making a bunch of jokes about her having a dick isn't optimal, it sort of
depends on how clear the joke is and how stuck the mental picture might get, plus her personality).

In texting, you almost always should opt with strong proaction, under-reaction. There will be some
chances to create great innuendo or other great jokes and things texting, and by all means you should.
But there are many instances where that's difficult and you should just under react.
You really should be shooting for saying things in Mac Miller style, which makes sense if you watch
the RSD video I just mentioned – Mac being like a grunting fuck boy that gives no shits. Basically you
should try to say things in one incomplete sentence that is possibly a non-sequitor but has a VIBE to it.
Of course, be aware of how the girl you're speaking to talks (if she's a 27 year old employee of a major
consulting firm, you still do a bit of this, but if it's all you do she'll think you've been drinking paint
thinner and stop talking to you. Oddly most any other girl – especially younger – will eat it up). For
instance, I was trying to figure out how to start talking to Instagram models through Instagram (so far,
haven't found one... Basically I think I need super dope photos with lots of hot girls and over 40k
followers). Nonetheless, after messaging directly (they don't read), and saying witty comments (they
usually ignore – even to a couple that were hilllarrious), I finally wrote on one girl's modeling type pic
“Like butta” and she liked that. It was fucking retarded, a non-sequitor, unintelligent, but gave a vibe.
Full Mac Miller nonsense. But it got a like out of her.
You can see this vibe if you follow a bunch of Florida State, CU Boulder, and/or ASU sorority girls on
Instagram. They try to take pictures just showing off STRONG PARTY ENERGY, hotness, and love of
each other, and their captions are often unintelligible nonsense between 1 and 3 words that just convey
vibes. It's all about trying to rep vibes for these girls, with the least effort and most 'steez' possible.

The thing about 'not being reactionary' is that people can't do a negative, which we've gone over. You
can't not do something, our brains don't work that way. Every pickup coach knows this and has heard it,
yet they still run around saying “Don't be reactionary.” That's such a fucked up teaching point. That's
hardly useful advice at all. You're taking a word people don't really have any experience with
(reactionary) so it means very little, and then giving advice as a negative. I don't know how it took me
ten fucking years to see the problem here, but it's all about under-reacting. This 'don't be reactive' thing
is sort of correct, but not actionable advice at all. 'Under-react' is great advice and highly actionable.

Ultimately it's a game of under-reacting but still creating strong emotions and having a ton of vibe. By
the way, I'm writing this on 12/24/2017 – and I bet you anything by 2020 people will talk about under
reacting instead of not being reactionary. Just like I wrote about sexual tension in 2013 and finally at
the end of 2017 even most RSD coaches are briefly mentioning watered-down versions of it (took 4
years to semi-spread. Though they all have it wayyyy to watered down and second hand).

For those of you that are naturally dead personalities, keep in mind you need vibrant, strong
PROACTING. This doesn't mean sit there monotone and boring. Got it? Don't regress.

This also explains why I was naturally good with strippers. Being naturally 'chill' would kill me in
night club game because I wasn't a good proacter, especially not while also being loose and so on. But
with strippers, they do the proacting so you don't have to. Then I just under react and build sexual
tension and almost every single night I go to a strip club – even the hottest in Vegas – some girl agrees
to go home with me. Granted 3 out of 4 flake and don't do it (takes a long time for them to go change
out and they love to just flake). But still pretty sweet.

Skip this Section if You Don't Want to Go Further Down the Rabbit Holes of Your Mind

This is basically the only section in this book that I think you could skip and it's no big deal. But I
managed to find an even deeper thread into my brain that's likely relevant to most people, and I want to
talk about exploring it for those of you that really want to eliminate the things in your brain holding
you back.

We were out tonight and there was this pretty damn hot girl who was staring at me. She was with these
two big dumb animals that obviously liked her and it obviously wasn't happening, plus an assortment of
others. I kept waiting for her to separate from the dumb animals enough to make an 'easier' way to talk
to her, in part because one of the dumb animals already must have seen her looking at me or sensed it
and was semi trying to pick a fight (I just slapped his chest and was like 'I like this guy' and walked
away). Now, first problem is 'I was waiting for a time to make it easier to open.' This is straight up
bullshit and I'll be the first to call myself out for it. The justification is this is still in my tiny hometown
where I've been stuck recently and the bars are tiny and people stay in them for a long time and
sometimes it's helpful not to force something crazy... But that quickly devolves into waiting around for
fucking ever in retarded ways, which erodes the action taking momentum side of your game quickly.
Tough scenario. Also great scenario for finding the weird shit happening secretly in your brain. And
guess what, it happens whether you acknowledge it or not.

I wound up going to another bar in search of this chick on Instagram that I find very intriguing who
happened to have come to my hometown for the holidays because my hometown is a resort town.
Anyway, ran into an old friend, talked to him a long time... Then finally was like “I better go back to
the first bar to do something about that girl or it's going to be too late...” and, as always happens, when
I walked into the bar she walked past me on the way out with the two dumb animals. Who still had no

Now, I was wondering later why the fuck I did that. There's some things we've talked about before: My
brain was resisting trading in a theoretically decent scenario for the chance of something worse. Ie, my
brain was sitting there going “I feel good because she likes me, it could possibly happen” then it was
going “If you go over there and she shuts you down or those dumb animals behave like fuck nuggets
and screw it up, then you're going to feel baaad. So don't go over there and lose the good feeling for the
potential bad one.” Which then stems into your 'I'd rathers' – because that means there's a subconscious
'I'd rather keep hope and a marginally decent feeling and ego boost than go find out my hope was
baseless, I was wrong, and get my ego shit on too. And maybe even get into a tense scenario with the
dumbass who was already getting in my face a bit.' Instead, the I'd rather should be 'I'd much rather get
my ass blown out and my ego shit on then walk around thinking about bullshit hypothetical
'possibilities' and how I'm theoretically special because some chick theoretically 'likes' me. A girl liking
me means fucking nothing if we're not hooking up and spending time together.' Generally speaking,
fixing that alone would probably have fixed the scenario and I would've approached. That is something
I already know, which shows that it needs to be regularly primed so that you act on it.

However, looking back on this at the end of the night I found a much stranger thread. I remembered
taking a while to size her up to see if she was 'worth' approaching.
When I considered this in light of the stuff we just talked about, I saw that something bizarre was
happening. I didn't want to approach not just until I established 'worth', but really until I established if
she would be a 'win'. If she wasn't going to be a 'win'. I didn't want to approach.
Okay, only a slight thing... Right?
Well, if I didn't want to approach unless I had deemed that it would be a 'win', that means that I was
already constantly polarizing game into wins and losses. That meant that I was making things a big deal
and tying outcomes to my ego.
That, in turn, meant that I was making the bar higher, not lower. Rather than making things less of a big
deal where I just bumble around like a golden retriever being fun and challenging and flirty and
building sexual tension because it's in my nature... Instead I was making it a big deal to approach
because I could only do it if it was going to be a win. That meant that I had to risk losing a win, which
feels like losing money, which sucks. Which locked me up. Especially in a bar and in a town with only
1 to four possible 'wins' out on a given night. Now I risked losing the only possible win in the whole
fucking town on this slow night...


That shit spiralled out of control quickly... One minute I was seeing if I found her particularly
attractive, the next I was paralyzed by some bullshit. And I had locked myself into seeing outcome-
dependent wins and losses before I did a fucking thing.
Really I was locked into reinforcing this wins and losses frame. If I had just thought 'She could be
appealing' and bumbled over like a golden retriever to figure it out... Then it would've all worked itself
out. I could've screened her as she was screening me and worst case scenario it either wouldn't have
gone well or I would've found I wasn't really that into it.

But I didn't WANT to let go of the trying to 'win' mentality. So I reinforced it instead. Even as I write
this I feel the 'I know' thought popping up. That fucking curse of a bullshit thought. The 'I know' I need
to give up the win mentality, with that attached 'but' that secretly comes with every 'I know.'

What to do about it? Well, in all honesty it's 5:30am and I just realized this shit was even happening in
my brain...
HOWEVER, I'd have to say that I first of all need to override it with the I'd rathers (which is what I've
been doing up until now when I'm not rusty and when I've always been amazing at approaching the
hottest girls around). And second, I probably need to dial up my desire to be the bumbling golden
retriever that just wanders around opening most people and then deciding as he goes, while dialing
down my desire to see pickup as an opportunity to 'win' and instead just see that it's an opportunity to
spend time with and have sex with appealing girls – which isn't a big deal. I have to LET GO of it
being a big deal and LET GO of it feeding an ego appetite for wins. Which comes to another I'd rather
– which is currently in my brain, 'I'd rather feel like I'm a winner and getting girls is special than give
that up for the hypothetical chance that I'd get a lot more girls through some mental voodoo magic.'
That's currently what it is. What it SHOULD be is 'I'd MUCH MUCH MUCH rather bumble around
like a golden retriever, say 'fuck any concept of winning her', and have lots of great sex and spend lots
of great time with girls, than far more occasionally feeling like some big tough 'winner' because of
game.' And also 'It isn't a big fucking deal to just go interact with someone, I don't need to have some
great motivation to do it. I can decide if I'm staying in it fully once I start.'

Finally, this just underlines the importance of out of the field priming and practice. Tonight, I kind of
rushed into going out without using my software game trainers and priming. And my priming had lost
some of the stuff about approaching hard and overcoming the more subtle anxieties or the anxieties
about 'tougher' situations that I used to use in my priming. As a result, my brain slipped back into a
much weaker and less aggressively approaching state, and I am fucking typing this when I should be
having an amazing time with that girl.
It's SOOOO fucking lazy and such a terrible case of the 'I knows' to skip your priming and your out of
field practice. That's the laziest most wasteful most bullshit stuff there is. Would you go to the club not
having showered in as long as it's been since you last practiced and primed out of the field? Would you
go out naked because you didn't feel like preparing by putting clothes on? So why the fuck are you
wasting time by not having your game primed and practiced before you go out? A friend of mine who's
read almost all of this book in draft form keeps going out over and over and over without ever
practicing or priming out of the field beforehand. And he tells me over and over that he 'knows' he
should do it. What a bunch of fucking bullshit. Then he tries to define himself as someone who takes
action... Yeah right dude! You're wasting hour after hour after hour after hour of game, and hundreds
upon hundreds of opportunities with great girls because you won't take the time to practice out of field
and make sure your time and opportunities in the field are used properly. It's such a fucking waste. He
might as well not even go out. It's fucking mental masturbation.
The same is true when I go out without priming, unless I literally didn't have time and then in some
instances it's better to go out at all... But sometimes it actually isn't. If you never ever do your out of
field practice and priming, it would often have been better to not go out and all and do that instead.
Why is my attitude different than what other guys discuss on this matter? Because they're talking about
reading and watching DVDs, and I'm talking about actually doing warmups and practice and going
over mindsets and visualizing and talking in front of a mirror and so on.
Value your time and the limited opportunities you get on the earth more than that. Fuck tomorrow. Fuck
next time. They don't exist. They're your brain making fucking excuses to sabotage you ever being
happy. Do shit right so you can enjoy it.

The Subconscious Battle with Other Alphas

Delving further into these self-sabotage pieces we started a couple sections ago with actual practice led
me to another thing that was going on very subtly in my game. In fact, I'd say I never would have
figured this out without Tyler D talking about it, plus going into these self-sabotage things, PLUS going
out and actually trying things out.
What I started to see was that a very primal part of my brain, that grew up just preferring to blend into
groups, was effectively primitively afraid that taking girls and taking attention and being the center
because there's this deep instinct in us that the alphas will come and kill us for doing that. It might
sound absurd at first, but think about it – if you're in a tribe and you're suddenly stepping up and getting
all the attention and taking all the girls, some alpha's going to pop up and try to fucking kill you. Our
evolved brains have this as a weird instinct.
I started to notice that some part of my brain was actually resistant to taking what I had earned and
what was going well because there was some instinct tugging at me. Things would be going well with a
girl, and then there was almost a guilt or something tugging at me to not go through with it. In a
situation tonight, we went into this smaller dive bar and there was a girl from Dallas and my friend's
friend worked at the bar we were in; the dude that worked there opened her and then I started
overwhelming him and she was fixating on me. But the guy was my friend's friend and worked at the
bar. So I was sitting there overwhelming him but trying not to do it too much. And on a semi-
subconscious level I was resistant or afraid of stepping on his toes or having him upset with me or
pissing off my friend's friend or something. So I kind of let him lead the way and, I guess, was sort of
hoping he'd fuck off and I'd take her. Rather than doing the right thing which was overwhelming him in
the conversation, letting him fade out, and just flirting with her. He probably would've just thought that
she liked me more than him or that I was just a G and he got out G-d or who knows. But my fucking
brain had to be good with everyone, not stop on toes, etc etc.

Why the fuck would that be? Why do I feel like I need to be alright with these dudes TO THE
EXPENSE OF WHAT I WANT and work so fucking hard for???
Because I really deep, really old part of my brain is going “If you step up, if you take the alpha spot, if
you take the girls, some alpha is going to throw you out of the group or kill you.” Add to that that in
high school I was one of the cool kids, but not one of the leaders, so I kind of had to not step on toes
and just be non-objectionable for the most part so I wouldn't get the boot from the group. Finally, when
I skipped 4th grade my parents told me that no one liked people that brag and that I had to be humble.
Which stuck very deep in my brain.
All of this combined so that I desperately wanted to avoid stepping on toes, not be a taker, etc. It
became pretty deeply ingrained.

It's a weird thing. None of this is obvious. Generally I game enough that I just kind of overwhelm it. I
just go out a few days in a row and then I just push myself forward and tell my brain to shut the fuck up
and I overwhelm it. That's what you always have to do, that will never fully go away, but the more
things you have to overwhelm, the more internal tension there is, the more energy it absorbs, the less
consistently you'll win over your brain (and thus the less consistently you'll go home with the girls),
and so on.
With rustiness, these things flare up even more. Then add in the tendency with rustiness to not actually
go in with the intent to wind up kissing a girl, to wind up taking her home, etc, and you have a lot of
issues that you're trying to force yourself to overcome.

I would argue that nearly everyone deals with this. It's a programmed fear because we're a social
animal. Much the same as approach anxiety. It's like stepping up and taking anxiety. Maybe with the
above mentioned things I have more than others, but most people probably were beta'd during their
childhood... So it's probably pretty universal.

What to do about it? The obvious thing would be to just say – 'Fuck it, be a taker. Take those dudes
mother fucking girls.'
But then you're setting up a combative frame, not a collaborative frame, and all the problems that go
with that. You'll cause other exhaustions and introduce a heaviness in the night. In that case, you have
to motivate to be selfish. For many guys, this isn't a problem – but for me and some readers I'm sure, it
The better thing is to find a way to make it collaborative. Imagine that every guy in the bar is your
friend and made a bet for $1000 that they can out-compete you and get the girl. If you're going against
a guy directly for a girl, you guys have a friendly $1000 bet on the line about it. If you're possibly
going to take a girl home and your subconscious mind is worried about the alphas being pissed that
you're taking the hotties, you've got a $1000 bet on the line that you can get the girl instead of them. If
it's your non-game buddy, he's got a $1000 bet that you can't take the girl home. If it's your friend's
friend, he just stepped up a minute ago and bet you.

On top of this, you need to go in with more intent. And then you need to just think “Lean in, get to the
the next fork, get through the next fork. Get to the next fork, get through the next fork.” If the fork is
that you can let your buddies that don't know game encourage you to leave the girl or not, survive that.
Unless you're out with really awesome friends you don't see a lot. But I have non-game friends that like
talking to girls, but if I stick with them I'll get nothing always. If a friend of a friend likes the girl too,
getting through the fork is making sure she sticks with you and he disappears. Don't get overwhelmed
looking at the big picture. Remember that every dude there and the theoretical top alphas all have a
$1000 friendly bet with you over who can get the girl you're talking to.

Another factor is that my game is at a point where I almost certainly have the best game of any guy in
any room I'm in anywhere in the world. Not because I have the best game in the world, but because
there's only 100 or 500 or whatever guys with better game, and thus it's highly unlikely any of them are
in the same room as me at any given time. If there's not a sick pickup guy or some really great
promoters around, it's probably me. We talked at length about how an ego in game is a bad thing, and
you don't want to think you're 'good'. That's very very true. But stepping back for a second, this means
that I'm capable of being a BETTER EXPERIENCE for any girl in any room than any other guy there.
It's BETTER FOR THE GIRLS if I'm the one that takes them home. I personally don't doubt this when
it comes to actually dating, but when it comes to taking the girl home right now then the issues pop up.
(Which can be a frustrating dichotomy to feel that way... It's like I know I'd be great for her, but I don't
feel confident about getting started on that path) So between the fact that I'm the best option in terms of
the interaction, sexually, and dating in most any room – and clearing up this issue with having some
vague primal fear of random theoretical alphas, that gets rid of most issues with taking. Plus just telling
the rust bucket in your head to quit being a little bitch and shut the fuck up. And saying 'Fuck it, I'm
gonna lead this damn party cuz none of you bitches know what you're doing.' In a way, this is probably
why Tyler D started running around causing all other guys chodes... It was probably a way to remind
himself that other guys don't know what the fuck they're doing and he's kind of saving girls from them.

A related thing that I had that you probably don't have in the same way as me – but you probably do
have a derivative of – was emotional pain related to standing out even in an exceptional way. I was 'the
smart kid' in my school, and just destroyed school like no one else at my entire school. Like fucking
destroyed compared to everyone else in all four grades and for several grades before I entered as a
freshman and for several years after I left. And that meant attention. It meant teachers often swooned
over me, it meant everyone looked over my shoulder when I got my grades back to see how I did, it
meant a lot of kids fucking hated having to be in my classes. We've kind of talked about this.
But what do you think that did? I didn't realize this until I was THIRTY ONE FUCKING YEARS
OLD. What kind of feedback and in what circumstances did that deliver?
It fucking told me that if I stand out for being exceptional, if I get attention for being exceptional, if I
go around doing things that NO ONE ELSE can, I'm going to be ostracized and hated by some and
others are going to be uncomfortable around me. It taught me that if you're exceptional, you fucking
hide that shit and just chill with others. You try to hide it to stay in the group.
What then happens when you game? When you game and your skills are really good? When you game
and you're talking to a serious model? All of a sudden the back of your brain goes “Whoa bro, no one
else around you is doing this. None of your friends can do this. No one in the environment thinks this is
possible.” Which brings you down so you don't think you can do it, first of all. But then if you go up
and override the rust bucket between your ears and do it anyway, and it starts going WELL, what do
you think happens? All of a sudden my brain, with those wounds, with those thoughts, goes “Whoa bro,
you're doing some shit socially that your friends can't even believe that can be done, and they can see it.
The other people in the environment can see it.” It starts to trigger the emotions of standing out for
doing shit that others can't, and it's like I feel their angry hateful gazes on me, but very subconsciously.
And my brain goes to try to pull the ripcord. Or I see a girl I'd really like, who I can get, and my brain
goes “Yeah you can get her, buuuut...” It triggers this non-logical emotional wound that says “Don't
stand out for being exceptional. Don't do shit that no one around you can. You're going to go back into
that pain. You're going to go back into everyone resenting you. You're going to go back to being soloed
out.” It's just like I'm getting hated and pushed out for doing it, on a level I'm not consciously aware of,
and so I want to move away from it. I want to bail. I want to stay within the group. I want to beta
myself even directly from success. From attention. From standing out even in a good way. It's like an
evolved, real life version of the fear that the alphas will kill you or kick you out of the tribe. I really
kind of had that experience, but not for being threatening in an alpha way, but rather for being superior
in a way that way pretty profound.
It creates a subconscious wound against standing out or in any way not blending into the group, really.
It creates a hypersensitivity to that. It creates a fear even of having strong energy. Because strong
energy stands out, it shows you stepping up as alpha which triggers that primal fear, etc. It creates a
fear of being the center of attention and most awesome guy in the room... Because that's exceptional in
a good way as well. This generally falls into the category of needing to go back, emotionally
experience Julien style and release that emotional pressure for me – to let go of that emotional pain
related to being exceptional. However, there's also the changing of your subconscious expectation of
feel, to where you're SUPPOSED to have some guys resenting you because you're threatening their
world view because they don't want to step up or think that it's possible to do what you're doing, but
that in standing out and having everyone stare at you, you're also granted the ability to be loved by all
the girls.

Finally, I think there's just something in my head that doesn't feel I deserve the girl right now. Totally
believes I deserve to date any girl. But doesn't believe that I deserve to take her home RIGHT NOW.
Again, if you just focus on creating the experience and the next fork, you can succeed and overcome
these things. And you should do that. But digging out this lack of feeling I deserve the win right now
(and also that I deserve to be center of attention), is something I should 100% address. I haven't yet
fully identified it, but I think it's under the category of repeating emotional pattern from my past. It may
actually be in part a pattern from gaming a long time and still not getting what I want because the
information out there was so fucking incomplete. Who knows. I'll work on that too. I will say that
feeling I deserve to date any girl, but not feeling I deserve to pull any girl right this instant is pretty
damn confusing.
One thing I do feel is that a lot of it is from HAVING SEX ON A PEDESTAL. On the one hand, there's
working out your sexual judgmentalism so you don't feel bad about having sex. But I think the other
side of that coin that I have is having sex up high on some very unobtainable pedestal. If some dude
hooks up with a really hot girl and actually closes, I'm like “Damnnn. I'm jealous.” When I do, it seems
kind of crazy – despite how many times I've done it, but every couple of weeks when I'm in a city like
Vegas going out almost nightly isn't routine at all; especially when you throw in travel and often not
being in Vegas. It seems like this lofty, hard to achieve, special thing. Like the girl agreed to marry you.
In reality, it's sort of like wandering around convincing girls to let you give them a massage. Then the
massage feels really good and just progresses... It's really not that hard to do. It just needs to be done
behind closed doors. And a lot of me doesn't want to take it off the pedestal, because in a lot of ways
that means I was a fucking idiot for about a decade of my life making it hard on myself simply because
I put sex up on a pedestal. But that's another aspect to letting go. Just let go that sex is special and up on
a pedestal, and just start thinking of it as a great time – like exchanging massages with a girl.

There's all these things putting drag on you against winning while you're in there with a girl. Not being
sure if you can win because you're thinking of the big picture too much (focus just on the next fork).
Wounds that create emotional patterns from when you were younger. Subconscious expectations of
how things are 'supposed' to feel that are messed up. Perceptions that are messed up. Subconscious
fears of the theoretical alphas or a resistance to taking that's somewhat linked to that. You'll have
related things but they are also likely to not be identical to mine. However, we've gone through how
you figure them out, and also probably gone through things enough like your own to show you pretty
much what's going on for you as well. The biggest solution is to really focus on surviving the next fork
at all costs, to light a fire under your own ass, and make it non-optional. At the same time, clearing up
the most issues possible to make this easier will just make it feel smoother, more natural, less
exhausting, and will increase consistency and thus numbers. Finally, make sure you walk out the
fucking door with real intent to meet someone and have sex with her tonight.

Slotting Her Into Your Mental Product Showcase

I was talking to this girl who began our interaction chasing me pretty hard, and then I accidentally
talked too much and wound up flipping the interaction on myself so that she wound up in the 'lead' – as
I mention in the interactional tension section. After doing a shit load of stuff to at least somewhat
correct that (I NEVER got her back chasing me like that... That little bit of saying too much ruined that
initial chasing permanently), I started realizing an effect going on in my head that I could feel I've done
a number of times...

In a way, she started like a cute girl that I was cooler than. I had traveled the world and done all this
stuff... And she hadn't. And she could see pretty clearly that I was cooler than her. At first I wasn't really
thinking in terms of anything happening between us, so I hadn't thought much about it.
Then as I started to think it would be a cool thing to happen, the situation kinda flipped. Why? We've
gone over the technical reasons and also a decent number of the internal reasons.

The thing I felt though was slightly bizarre.

You know when you play a video game (or for me, when I used to as a kid), and you're flipping through
the characters and the character that you're looking at right now floats to the front and center and gets
bigger and floats there, spinning? Like this is the active one you're considering and your attention is on
I felt that my brain was doing that with this girl, and with whichever girl was my preference at any
given time.

My brain was popping whoever my favorite girl at any time was into that front and center, floating,
video game spot. What came WITH that was the problem. When a girl slotted into that spot, it was like
my brain just made her into a template of a front and center girl. She effectively lost the characteristics
of whatever she was, and became the girl I was gaming, or the girl I was into, or the girl I 'wanted' or
wanted to 'win' or whatever crap. To some extent my brain either erased her as a human and slotted her
in as the same 'goal girl' over and then took the 'goal girl' perspective on her, or at least put this 'goal
girl' lens over her. Like a piece of really large, really dark sunglasses lens material that had a girl
painted on it that I would take and put over the top of a framed picture of the real girl over and over.
And that's what I'd interact with. This thing that was like 2/3 this girl painted on this dark lens that
blocked out much of her reality, and 1/3 her.
Now I'm illustrating this in a way that sounds pronounced and obvious and even kind of warped or
negative so that you see what's going on. But the reality is, every time I talk to a girl I remember the
vast majority of things about her, I look at her as an individual, I like the individual things about her...
But my subconscious kind of does this thing where its subconscious view of her and her role relative to
me becomes 2/3 the same thing over and over via this projected lens.

When I flipped her chasing back on myself by saying too much when I didn't need to, she started
testing me. When she'd test me, I'd start taking it like “Oh no, front and center goal girl is testing me!
Better 'handle it' and 'survive'.”

Then I realized I was doing this. Suddenly I realized she isn't goal girl, she's just a pretty damn cute but
sort of dorky girl that I was interested in hooking up with and hanging out with. But I don't really care
all that much. She's not some dream girl.
Then I started wondering, “What if I put a different, intentional lens on whatever girl is the 'front and
center' floating, spinning video game character? What if I look at every girl who's 'front and center' as a
cute dorky girl that I might be interested in hooking up with. Maybe. What if I look at them like I might
let them hook up with me?”

Right after realizing this she started testing me about asking how tall I was. She double texted me – one
with the height test, one with an interesting thing about people we knew mutually. Looking at her like a
cute dork I might let hook up with me, I just sent one text - “That's funny”. Referring to the interesting
thing about the people we both knew. I didn't even answer the height test. Why? Because it was like
“Aw, look at this little cute dork trying to test me. Almost every girl I date has done modeling and she's
twying to test me. That's cute.” And there was no need to even respond.
Then she tried harder, going “You're probably 3 feet tall” so I said “Shrunk like Benny Button” where I
didn't even try to make the Benjamin Button reference clear. Why? Because you're the cute dork that
wants to hook up with me, and I'm interested... But I don't really care at all about the thing you're trying
to do.

And guess what? THAT'S HOW GIRLS LOOK AT US AS GUYS!!! As a WHOLE! Hot girls just look
at all guys as cute little dorks that maybe they'd let hook up with them. Make sense why they act so
uninterested and dismissive like they do? Like they have some interest but also not really?
It's the guys that manage to create powerful emotion and then flip that dynamic where the girls start
putting the GUY on a pedestal, chasing, investing, thinking of them more than any other guy, and now
that guy has something they really care about. It's not really linked to the guy at all... It's a matter of the
guy flipping things from 'cute dorky dude that wants me that maybe I'd let hook up with me' to
becoming the 'front and center' guy in HER mind.

Noticing the Crazy, Useless Emotions Your Brain Throws at You

I spent all fucking day building this project. Cutting and welding and screwing shit together and
measuring and blah blah. Things kept being not in the right place when I tried to assemble it, so I'd
have to keep disassembling it and moving things around. Then I'd measure something else about the
next thing I had to assemble, and I'd find it wasn't going to work so I had to rethink and redesign
everything. Total pain in the ass, objectively.

As I was doing this I was, understandably, frustrated as fuck. I was tired. I wished I hadn't started the
project. The fourth time I screwed something that was hard to even hold in place in the first place
together and had to move it again, I was pretty fucking pissed and wanted to do basically anything

And then I wondered...

What if I'M not the one frustrated?

What if it's not ME that's annoyed. What if it's not me that's pissed off. What if it's that fucking rust
bucket some fucking jack wagon stuck in my skull and then made me live an entire lifetime with?

I stopped in the middle of the project. I felt so fucking tired and wanted to just have this shit done.
Wait. My brain said that. My brain wanted to convince me I was tired. I wasn't. I didn't need to go to
sleep, I wasn't exhausted. What did it really matter that I had to unscrew the thing for the fourth time
and put it back together right – hopefully? That's just how it was. Had to happen. Had to get done. How
I felt about it didn't change shit. It's just a thing. It's part of a process that really isn't bad or good.

I was like “Hey brain. Shut the fuck up dude. Just stop.” And I kept working. I started thinking- what IS
frustration? What IS fucking frustration? Some feeling that sucks a lot because you have to do
something twice or whatever? But if you have to do something twice, you have to do it twice. It just is.
The worse you feel about it, the longer it takes, the more it sucks. If you don't feel anything bad about
it, it'll just happen. If you were to even feel good about it and be psyched, it'll happen even faster and
The reality is, frustration is FUCKING RETARDED!!! It's pretty much the most useless emotion you
could possibly have.

What's anger? Anger is like someone did something that emotionally affected you and now you feel
like they... What? Suck? They should get some retribution? Or they're part of some bullshit world?
Anger is just kind of like you're a loser that got affected by someone else.
What if you think someone is a little harmless dork. Can they then make you mad? Almost not possible.
Almost. If they lit your car on fire, you might be pissed off. But generally if they don't text you back,
call you some horrible shit, even walk up to you and shove you... It's not really going to make you mad.

I started getting pissed off about some more aspects of my project... Then I stopped myself. I'M not
pissed off. The fucking rust bucket is just sitting up there bitching. It just wants to save energy.
Bitch, we don't live in a mother fucking cave rust bucket!!! There's an entire fucking refrigerator full of
so many calories you'd blow up like a mother fucking polar bear wandering around the penguin exhibit
of a zoo if you ate it all. We have all the fucking energy you could ever fucking need. So WHY, brain,
are you so FUCKING PISSED that you have to do slightly more work than you expected? Or slightly
more than you wanted to? WHO FUCKING CARES? By caring, I just feel like shit and it all takes
longer. Or I could not care. Pretty simple fucking decision.

I started to take on another viewpoint. We're SO USED to this feeling of stepping outside ourselves and
looking at ourselves in terms of how we 'look'. Like this ego thing. This 'self awareness' or self
consciousness. Then, when it comes to the EMOTIONS our little stupid ass brain throws at us, we have
NO ability or perception of stepping outside and seeing those things. I'm like 400 fucking pages of
writing past where I talked about Tyler D's discussion of you aren't your brain. FOUR HUNDRED
PAGES LATER and I am only now realizing that we can step outside ourselves constantly and look at
myself in weird ego-based stuff. But the fact is, you can do the same fucking thing. The same way your
brain can constantly go “Oh shit, did I just say something stupid?” “What should I say so this person
likes me?” and all that stupid crap, you can ALSO just be like “Hey brain, why are you so angry? Why
are you so frustrated?” “Hey brain, quit telling me that I feel shitty. I don't.” “Hey brain, quit telling me
that I'm frustrated. I'm not.” “Hey brain, quit telling me this should be easier and it sucks. It shouldn't
and it doesn't.”
You can literally just stand outside yourself and watch your brain feel shit. And tell it that it's being
fucking stupid. And you can stop a lot of that emotion. You have to do it repeatedly, constantly
watching. But that can just be a thing. It can just be a different way to be. You can just experience
TOTALLY differently.
Like can you even wrap your head around that? I can't. You can just start whacking your brain upside
the head and stop feeling useless negativity and discomfort and pain!? Like not all of it. But the
constant useless shit. You can just stop yourself from feeling frustrated. From being annoyed. From
being angry.
Just insane. I can't even tell you what that could really be like. I know it was interesting as shit today. I
don't know what living like that is like. I don't know. It has to do with the low vibration energy
basically, but it's different. It's not like you tell yourself that the low vibration is stupid and you do
something about it. It's beyond that. It's like you just don't even acknowledge that you actually feel that
way. You just tell your brain to stop trying to MAKE you feel that way, because you DON'T actually
feel that way and don't need to.
Crazy right? Two thirds of you probably aren't really even listening to this because that concept is so
above and beyond that many of you will likely tune it out.

This section and the last are truly fucking crazy. Tyler D talks about these concepts a lot, but he kind of
skirts them because I think he thinks people aren't ready for them. The basis for the concept of this
section and the last is that you can just... like... not do certain shit that fucks you up. Or, because
teaching in negatives is bullshit, you can just do something else that's almost effortless instead. I think
that's probably why Tyler's message is so often lost, because he tells people to not be absorbed in petty
bullshit, to not let their brain go low vibrational, etc.
Really, it's that if you choose to let it be easy, you can just step outside and tell your brain to shut up-
you're not actually frustrated or angry and you don't see why it wants you to be. You can just tell it that.
Really bizarre. You can just not accept its emotions. You can see that the emotions are an attempt to get
you to take outdated survival actions that aren't necessary, and therefore the message your brain is
sending to you also isn't necessary. You can just do that. Really easily.
You can also just take the girl you're thinking about, and rather than viewing her as a prize that must be
gamed through this process that must be good so that you win... You can just think of her as another
cute dork that you might let hook up with you. You can just do that. Regardless of who she is. She
could be Alessandra Ambrosia, Cate Upton, or Jessica Biel. Doesn't matter. You can just permanently
look at all girls you think are attractive that way. Then when they test you or don't call you, you can just
not even care because she's just this little cute dork you were maybe going to let hook up with you... So
It can just be that easy. Which is what Tyler and Julien go on and on and on about. Where they're wrong
is it doesn't make the whole fucking thing easy – unless you've already got years of experience and
training and then it feels like it was easy all along. You still need all that hard work and training and to
keep pushing through your brain trying to make things painful until the day you die. But WITH that, it
can then kind of just be simple. You can kind of just not feel things and not fuck things up and just flip
the whole dynamic on girls and so on. There's not even much to say about it. You kind of just... don't do
Isn't that weird? Do you know why you won't do it? And why a good fraction of the time I'm sure I
won't either? Because we don't WANT it to be that easy subconsciously. That's a lot of what Tyler and
Julien talk about with 'letting go' as well. Just letting go of the need for it to be hard. But, again, that's
in useless 'you can't do a negative' language.
The reality is – just make it easy. Just ALLOW yourself to just make it easy. Move out of your own
way, and just let yourself make it all easy on yourself. Just LET IT BE THAT EASY!!!

Rewriting How you Think an Interaction Should Feel

I figured all of this out, broke it down, started practicing it but was fairly busy with work at that point
in my life. I could do all of it.

Then I went out one night, opened a girl I liked a good bit, and pretty much immediately defaulted into
a stilted, logical conversation where I was trying to make some sort of interaction happen. It was all
square edges, the vibe sucked... This was during this period in my small hometown working all the
time, just like most of the sections in this part of the book, so I was what you'd call 'rusty.'

But I was like, “FUCK THAT!” I didn't spend a decade of my fucking life to go out and just because I
wasn't constantly picking girls up, have everything go out the fucking window and default into that
kind of bullshit. I pushed through and it was going okay, except the girl's friend who I had opened first
partially by accident kept grabbing her back and eventually that plus the awkward start fucked it up.

I went home and was like “This is not happening. Somehow, when I went into that interaction
something defaulted in my brain that just cut off ALL the game I have and sent me into that utter
What would cause everything to just go out the window like that? Previous experience says that falls
into the category of 'subconscious expectation of how something should feel.' That I subconsciously
believed things should feel like that stilted attempt at an interaction and as a result I created it if I
wasn't gaming regularly.

Okay, so what's the fix? How SHOULD things feel?

I sat there and racked my brain. Trying to pull up the feelings and expectations I had during that
interaction. I couldn't really get an answer. It was strange.

I started looking at the problem from different angles. “What am I missing?” The question is always
“What am I missing?”
Finally I had an idea... Maybe it wasn't WHAT I was expecting to feel that was the wrong thing. Maybe
it was that I was actually FEELING THE WRONG THING in the first place!

Imagine this: You go to teach someone to drive. They sit in the driver's seat. They get situated. They
turn the car on... And then they grab their seatbelt with both hands.
You're like “What the fuck are you doing?” And they're like “This is how you steer the car, right? By
pulling on this thing?”


It isn't.

Not only are you not going to be able to drive a car that way, you're NOT EVEN GRABBING OR
FEELING the right thing. Where you're trying to control from, and where you're trying to feel feedback
from, are entirely and fundamentally wrong. You can't possibly have a good result with your hands on
the seat belt. Never. It will never happen.

Thinking about my experience that night gaming, it made me wonder what the comparison was.
I quickly realized that feeling anything about how she was reacting or how the interaction was 'going'
was wrong in the first place. You couldn't HAVE a good interaction that way. I was trying to game
based on the wrong feedback.

What you really need to be feeling is not how she's reacting and how the 'interaction is going'. Or even
if there is one at all. What you need to be feeling is the fabric of the interaction between you; the bridge
that forms between you as a human and the human you see through her eyes. This is kind of back to the
'being in her head' Tyler talks about. But not quite.
The point here is not to feel her reactions, or yourself, or 'how things are going' or 'what's being said'.
All of those are either logical or they separate you from her into two different entities.

Einstein's biggest breakthrough was 'general relativity.' Where he decided that everything was relative
to something else. You don't have motion by itself. You have motion when the distance between two
objects changes.
Game is the same way. What you should be feeling is not her, not you, not some hypothetical
'interaction' on a logical front... Like Einstein's fabric of spacetime, you should be feeling the fabric
between the two of you. That vibe that goes from you as a human, through her eyes, to her as a human.
The vibe that's in the air between the two of you, as though it's a physical thing you can actually put
your fingers on and feel the pulse of it.

The next step is to expect ANY INTERACTION WITH A GIRL to feel like you being LOST IN THAT
FABRIC, feeling it, and PLAYING WITH IT.
That's how interactions feel. They feel like you playing with the interactional tension. They feel like
you playing with the sexual tension. They feel like you acting out ridiculous jokes. They feel like you
toying with the stage she's in, which is basically the stage the two of you are in. It's always PLAYFUL
and it's always off the VIBE between you two. That's what it is.

This is a fundamental shift. A deep shift. A CRUCIAL shift. You're now concerned with playing with
that fabric.

You use your face, your eyes, owning the tensions, playing with rhythm and space... Interactions are
never based on what's said any more. It's never based on if you're talking about anything that has sense.
There isn't any logical structure, only emotional structure. You're feeling the right thing, you're focused
on the right thing, and now you can default towards using your best game automatically.

I have to say this to make things very clear to the readers who would say 'cool idea' and move on. This
is close to THE most important thing you can adopt tonight. This is one of the most significant parts of
this entire book in terms of making sure you things go well for you.

Focusing Into the Enjoyment Layer and its Consequences

Following on the above section of changing to feeling this fabric of vibe between you and the girl, the
interactional tension, the vibe, humor, sexual tension, etc., I went out and just tried to feel that fabric of
the entire club and surroundings.
At this point, you can start to see a little bit why Tyler jumps around in one of the Hotseat at Home
videos really trying to break his brain from logical into more of a present, enjoying mode... You see that
there's two different awareness styles of the world. Like I was walking out of a parking garage and had
just been watching Tyler's Instagram feed where he was turning everything around him into little dicks
and pretending to jack them off and holding them up to girl's mouths and whatever- straws etc, I think I
described this above. Now, in any guy's normal perception of the world, the metal pole sticking out of
the sidewalk would be something you wouldn't even notice.
But there's like this different layer and awareness you can have. You can see EVERYTHING in terms
of innuendo, sex, jokes, sexual tension and interactional tension. Walking by that metal pole, you can
see a giant dick sticking out of the sidewalk. If you were with a girl, you could stop and go “Whoaaa!”
And then start pretending to two-handed jack off the giant pole. “Good for you sidewalk!”

This is AWESOME. This is where you want to be. Now you're existing in the entire world the same
way you should be existing and feeling with the girl, in that 'fabric of vibe' that exists. It's almost like
the Force in Star Wars or some shit. For a slightly cool but pretty nerdy reference. In the Star Wars
movies, the Force is something that goes through all living things, it's like a fabric that runs through the
universe and has an energy. Vibe is like that. It runs between things in a relativistic way... But it can go
from the girl to you, from you to the room full of people, or in a way even between you and inanimate
metal poles in the sidewalk.

Having realized this plus everything else in this section, what do you think I thought about how my
night would go?
110% convinced I was going to slay like no human had ever slayed in history. It seemed like it would
flow, would be easy, would be natural, like I just 'got it' all.

We roll into the same little fucking dance bar in my home town that we go to two or three nights a
fucking week. Almost all the cute girls spend the whole night on this little dance floor playing assorted
shitty pop-hip hop mixed with the occasional song you can't dance to like Beyonce. I've been getting
used to this, but it's my Kryptonite I've tried to figure out my whole life... dance floor opening. The
irony is my game in terms of actual dancing is really good, because that was the first form of 'game' I
ever tried before I knew there was any form of community out there. But opening and transitioning is a
bitch. You can kind of cheat and use Snapchat to open often, but transitioning is tough.

There was this massive group of college girls with some college homies. If dance floor opening wasn't
enough of my Kryptonite, college sorority girls with their massive anti-outsider group-think tendencies
are EVEN WORSE Kryptonite for me. Though I STILL need to try to buy a group of them a fucking
beer because they're broke and that actually has value in their world. Though these particular ones were
all wearing fur coats, so maybe they wouldn't care.

I was working my way through the crowd to open one I liked, and couldn't get through her without
shoving through her group. Should I have? Yeah, probably. It's a small place though, so your degree of
making an idiot out of yourself has to be one notch down.
Eventually I noticed another one I kind of liked and... I kind of drug my feet to open. Then she jumped
up on this little stripper pole stage where I probably should've just jumped up too, but then you are kind
of on display so you've got to be party party guy if you get up there... And I didn't.
Then I wandered around a bit, came back through and saw this girl not in their group who was super
cute and she made HARD eye contact. I walked past and was about to open when some other idiot
opened. I was like “Alright, let him get blown out and then go in.” Only he never did. Then I was
having to debate if I should go in or not. The longer he was in there, the weirder that would've been. If I
saw after five minutes he was still there, I should've gone in and taken her.

What was going on? How can that happen to someone after ten years of gaming hard and going into
casino owner's tables in Vegas and trying to jump into cabs with girls from the cab lines in Vegas and
so on?

Let me walk you through the thoughts and the feelings that were going on.

I was working on being in this enjoyment layer. I was seeing the enjoyments in the environment. I was
seeing people's vibes in the environment. I'd look into a girl's eyes, and I'd see her hanging with her
friends and trying to have fun and being all college-y. And in that space, me pushing through their
group to be like “Hey. What up and stuff” didn't really seem like it was fueling enjoyment for her in her
It felt like if I went over there, I was creating an offensive little wave in the fabric of the enjoyment
layer in the environment. And I was struggling to find a thing that in my emotional brain felt like it
would be some sort of enjoyable win for the two of us.

That begs a question – do I generally game where it's the case that what I'm doing is creating obnoxious
waves in the enjoyment layer? Is that why other girls love me, but college girls often don't?
Or was it just that I was suddenly hyper-aware of this thing that was getting into my head and making
me feel that way?

I honestly don't know the answer. I think it's a little of both, which would actually be ideal. Why?
Because if this is something I was walking around fucking up over and over, then there's huge room for
improvement in realizing this. If it was also partially in my head, then I can just get out of that worry
and not have that weird resistance built up.

What resulted was me going home and staying up all fucking night wondering what the hell just
happened. What's the issue here? How can I find this cool, amazing, great new way to feel and
experience the world that's so helpful to game... and then wind up basically not opening anyone all
night (granted there was like 3 real opportunities to open a cute girl... but hey).

That little session got pretty real and I realized a fuck ton of topics. I don't really want to walk you
through that, even though it would be valuable, and I'd rather kind of skip ahead and talk about the

First off, I found that enjoyment is NOT all of game. RSD kind of fucks people over in the way they
address this. They talk about enjoyment. Then they talk about stepping the fuck up. Then they talk
about enjoyment and sharing energy again. People tend to latch onto one or the other, often enjoyment.
The first thing I realized was this: Game is BOTH kicking your brain's ass AND being in that
enjoyment layer. It can NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER be one or the other. Never. If you're JUST in
enjoyment, like I was that night, you suddenly are at the complete whim of your brain. Your brain can
latch onto that 'enjoyment' thing and make excuses until eternity to not do ANYTHING. Ever. It can
say “That approach won't be immediately enjoyable for her. Don't do it.” “You won't enjoy
approaching. Don't do it.” It's just the fucking floodgates for doing nothing ever.
If you are ONLY in kicking your brain's ass, all of a sudden you'll be this like ball of energy sucking
that runs around forcing yourself to take action and no one will want to be around you. I think I've
probably been that at times in my journey. I know one guy in particular that I've winged with that does
that all the time.
So the first step is that you ABSOLUTELY want to be in that enjoyment layer, but if you walk out the
door from your place at night to go out, and you aren't going out JUST AS MUCH to kick the shit out
of your own pussy ass little brain, and make it incredibly comfortable all night... Lifting brain
weights... Then you're screwed. You ALSO need to focus on being in the enjoyment layer. You're like
an enjoyer on fucking steroids. You MUST be both. If you're not in a band with girls trying to get back
stage to hang out with you, you HAVE to be both. Maybe at a strip club you could do both because
they effectively transition for you, even if they don't open.

Second, I found that if my brain was 'convinced' something wouldn't work, it was the LAST THING IN
THE FUCKING WORLD that I wanted to go do anyway. Like I would sit there thinking about the
enjoyment, thinking about a fucking girl, and my brain would tell me no matter what I thought of as a
way to approach that situation that it wouldn't be enjoyable. Then, even though I KNEW it was better
to just get blown out anyway, the fact that my brain was saying that there was a 0% chance of it turning
into enjoyment left me with no desire to even go fail just for the sake of it.
That's soooo fucking backwards.
Why? Because this tall fucking dumbass that kind of knows my friends (keep in mind no one knows
'game' in my area. Or very few. No one good), wound up taking one of the two girls I found the hottest
in the place to the bar – JUST THE TWO OF THEM – at the end of the night. My brain was
CONVINCED she wouldn't talk to anyone and she would never leave her friends. My brain was
completely fucking wrong.
And also, just on principle. Because you doing something that you can't find any solution that doesn't
have a 0% chance of working isn't about THAT thing. It's about EVERYTHING ELSE. By doing that,
you open yourself up to do the 1% thing, the 5% thing and the 20% thing (that being the best it ever
gets). It's fucking principle. It's a matter of the 'action taking momentum' we all have that Tyler D loves
to talk about. It's kind of like being in jail on the first day where the cliché that I'm sure isn't true is that
you're supposed to go kick the crap out of the toughest guy to send a signal to everyone else. Basically,
you should go do the thing you're even POSITIVE won't work for two reasons- 1) Because you might
be fucking wrong and some dumbass might take home the girl you would've loved. 2) Because you
have to kick the shit out of the toughest enemy in your brain to send a message to it that today isn't
going to be one of those days where its bullshit wins.

Next, there's something that didn't fully occur to me until I started writing this. When I started writing
this I finally turned on this RSD video on YouTube I'd been avoiding because it didn't seem that
relevant to me. It's titled something to do with “Glory Hole” of Fearlessness on the RSDfreetour
channel from May 19, 2017. I don't have major approach anxiety problems and never have. Sometimes,
like even when I first approached a Vegas 'table' after 10 years in game, I've felt anxiety so high that it
feels totally knee weakening and devastating. But, while the first night I wanted to do it I might have
chickened out, the next night I did it. Eventually, usually after a few minutes, I'll do most things. Not all
things, because there's tons of girls I should've stolen from guys over the years, but most things. I can't
say I've ever had a major approach anxiety problem.
But I was basically out of RSD videos from post Tyler's change from weird to cool that I hadn't
watched yet, so I couldn't put anything on in the background while I worked. So I finally figured I'd put
this fear video on. I didn't think there'd be anything useful because I'd already read one of the best
books on fear there is (Called 'Nerve', I think I've mentioned it before).

Right out of the gate in that video, Max says one of the first things he found when he started studying
fear was that it's ALWAYS ATTACHED TO APATHY.
Fear is always your brain going “Here's your motivation level for the possible benefit here, and here's
what my dumbass fucking calculations have decided are the risks. And because there's not a ton of
motivation for the gains, I just say 'nope.'” If you wanted something so badly that it was 1000x more
powerful than anything you could imagine, your fear wouldn't be that big of a hurdle. Fear is linked to
That IMMEDIATELY resonated, because in going out that night I wasn't really that motivated to get a
girl. I just wanted to go out. I wanted to play around with these new concepts. I wasn't motivated. I
wasn't in the mood to kick my brain's ass. I felt apathetic and I KNEW it even as I was walking into the
first bar we went to for the night.
The fact is, on that night I just had no motivation. So when even marginally obnoxious walls came up, I
just did nothing.
This means that you need to be MOTIVATED for the night.
When girls and sex aren't 'wins' that creates an interesting issue... You can be REALLY motivated to get
pizza, and that doesn't make it a 'win'. So first off, if you're feeling like that, look at some porn or
something and just get motivated to have sex. Whatever that takes. Second, get motivated to work your
brain out- to kick its ass and keep turning yourself into a bigger and bigger all around badass. You
NEED that motivation, or you won't approach because your brain can EASILY make excuses that
defeat we motivation.

Next up I found one of the biggest lessons- I was basically running this simulation in my mind over and
over, where I'd go up, do some form of opener, and then the next question was “Would she enjoy that?
Would that promote this enjoyment level in the environment for her, for us?” The answer kept being
“No” in my brain over and over for most girls in the environment. The obvious answer is to find
something different to do that would feel that way. There's value in that. But I'm out at night, I don't
have the ability to sit there and brainstorm... Unless I walked into another room, put myself in timeout,
and made myself do that (which I've done but generally avoid).
The actual answer was that the ENTIRE QUESTION I was asking my brain and simulating was
fundamentally wrong. Simulating going up to a girl, doing anything, then imagining if she'd enjoy that
is all wrong. Why? Because that's imagining opening in ASKING FRAME.

Don't see that? I didn't either at first. Here's what's actually going on: The very structure of that
question and simulating breaks down to- “I go up. I do thing. I then see if girl is enjoyment and likes
and wants to join me due to thing.” Which is the same as going “Yo girl. [Statement/action]. So you
like me now? Having fun with me now?”
To which the answer will almost always be NO because you did ONE THING BRO.
You haven't done anything. If you do basically nothing and then ask her if she likes you or is enjoying
it, the answer is fucking no unless she just thinks you're hot or wants to meet someone and no one is
approaching her without being a fucktard.

This made me realize that whether or not the open goes well DOES depend on the open, but it's really
decided in the FOLLOW THROUGH. Because you're going up and then leading her through this
experience and she needs a bit of time to decide if it feels warm.
You've probably never old school Mystery gamed, but a Mystery style opener always had like three
layers to it. You'd be like “Hey guys! Who lies more, men or women?” They'd start to answer, “Well
my buddy and I were debating this all day because our friend's girlfriend was...” tell some semi-
emotional story. “So what do you think of this, should he ____ or ____” and there'd even be a second
question. Then you could even debate that. So an 'opener' was like a thing with a question, a story,
maybe a false time constraint (Google it bitch, respect yo elders ;), another story, the possibility to have
a debate and maybe make fun of her. You could get 2-5 minutes off of ONE opener.
A lot of times my 'opener' is like “Hey” where everything in that hey is non-verbal, obviously the hey
doesn't matter, followed by some sort of challenging question and then often a ladder of them – Julien
style. Where the point is to give value in the questions, make fun of her a bit, lie a bit, etc.
On the dance floor, however, girls HATE that on the dance floor because it's too counter to their vibe.

This meant my brain, after ten fucking years, was simulating going up, doing a dance floor friendly
opener, then basically hoping she'd be stoked and an interaction would follow. And my brain was going
over and over “That won't work.” And then I didn't have the motivation or desire to kick my brain's ass
in order to overcome that. So I did nothing.
The solution? Have more than just a fucking opener CANNED and ready to go, and TAILORED to
your environment! Fuck this natural game bullshit. This whole 15 section stretch of this book is ALL
ABOUT being more 'naturally' good with girls, but you STILL have to be able to walk up, start
interacting, then KEEP LEADING WITHOUT A BREAK so that she DOESN'T HAVE THE
OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A DECISION until you've had time to create emotions. That does NOT
mean no pauses (remember, she has to read your face enough to open). But it does mean you NEVER
stop in the beginning and give it like a “So, whadya think!?” because that WON'T GO WELL. And you
need to think ahead of time about some shit that will work in that environment and PRACTICE it so
that you can carry her away into a whirlwind before she has a chance to evaluate if she likes it or not.
What does that mean? It means you have to sit down and do WORK when you're out of the field. Yep.
You have to brainstorm and plan and maybe watch some videos or do something else to come up with
some stuff to do. We've addressed that all before. But knowing how it works in with being successful in
this 'enjoyment plane' reality is key. It's also key to know why you can't just learn this high level stuff
we've been talking about and the go out cold turkey with no plans whatsoever.

The other factor of this is that the follow through can make up for mistakes in the beginning, or can
fuck up good stuff in the beginning. So the follow through kind of makes things what they are going to
be as much as the actual beginning. It's the same as that concept that it's not the DECISION but
matters, but how you proceed after that decision. Which is based on the fact that we're not smart
enough to run around making the right decisions, but we can do awesome stuff subsequently, moving
forward. It's sort of the same here. You can't necessarily be an ace 'opener' but you can adjust and
follow through well.
If she recoils and doesn't like you immediately, you can adjust and roll with it and sometimes at least
still pull that off. Or if she's uncertain, no big deal. It's all in the follow through. But if she's uncertain
and you basically just stand there 'asking' her to like you, is that going to go well? Nope.

Part of the follow through is using your face and eyes and being in her head. If you just do the thing, it
might not go well. If that's where you leave it, you're done. But your ability to 'be in her head' and sit
there and play with your face and eyes and how you tilt your head and so on, and try to MAKE (not
get) her to smile or even crack can fix all of that.

Next up, I realized I was looking at the energy that girls had right now kind of like it was a
representative of them. That doesn't make sense, but it's very subtle why. The real thing that makes
sense is how we can come together in a way that creates good energy. Not what energy is she in.
Because her energy will change, and because it's a relativistic thing. She doesn't matter solo, the vibe
fabric BETWEEN us matters... And that doesn't exist yet. So HOW can we have a good vibe fabric
together. That TAKES INTO ACCOUNT what is, but doesn't fixate on what is. It fixates on what can
be in a moment based on what is right now.

After that, it definitely involved what we discussed where my brain was going “There's no chance,
might as well not even get blown out doing it.” Which is an epic chance to kick your brain's ass and
possibly prove your brain wrong, if that's one of your big motivations (which it should be).

Finally, it has to do with a little of the more esoteric concepts. First, if you're thinking about SHARING
energy, then it's a lot better. If you're thinking about trying to 'get' an interaction, it's no good.
If you think about it, the RSD guys don't really even behave in a way that sees 'interactions.' Because if
you go up to someone and try to start an 'interaction', that's a thing with a logical structure, it has to be
'ended', it just comes with logic and rules and structure and there's a heaviness and you have to ask
someone to enter it with you... A bunch of stuff that makes it heavier than nothing at all. The RSD guys
really just kind of go up to girls and it's like the only word they say is “Emotion” and they just say it in
different tones. Like “Emotion. Emotion emotion! Emotion emotion, emoootion?? Ahhhh, hahaha
Emotion!!!” There's not really an interaction from the look of it, it's just sort of like they got stuck in it
due to the emotions going well and it just went from there. Which is a very girl-like thing. The only
important note is that that isn't ACTUALLY what happened, they prepared and persisted... They're just
good at making it LOOK that way. That was another issue for me, was I was trying to go out and
actually MAKE that happen with deficient preparation.
The last part of this esoteric pair is to walk around enabling yourself. Just looking at the environment
and thinking 'You can definitely do that,' 'You can take her from him,' 'What would Julien tell me to do
here?' etc.

All of this means that there's a package of things that have to go along with being in that enjoyment
layer mentality. And don't think 'enjoyment' means 'laughter and 'fun''. It means sexual tension first and
foremost, interactional tension, AND laughter/fun. Anyway, the package is effectively: Game is BOTH
enjoyment AND kicking your brain's lazy bitch ass. It's never just one. You have to have follow
through so that you're AVOIDING her making a decision, not trying to get her to make one, and that
requires planning and preparation based on the environment (if you have to work a lot and not go out
much, like me right now, you still have to find a way to prepare for your environment at least for the
open and follow through). Look at what energy you could make with girls and how. Enable yourself.
And MOTIVATION – for having sex in general (not for 'wins') and for kicking your stupid ass brain's
ass so that you can excel in all areas of life and be a fucking man.

The funny thing is that we've talked about several of these things before. We are, of course, now
working to distill everything to the most minimal possible set of information and keys. It's also
important, though, to show that some of this stuff we've talked about before – like creating a platform –
does NOT go away even if you've figured things out so deeply that you're coming close to making
everything far more automatic. I want to loop back and provide reminders of things that are likely to
slip so that it's clear “These things ain't optional.” And fear is tied with apathy. Not fear = apathy, but
maybe a step or two behind that. If you're motivated, like RSD Max said, “Your fear is your fuel” and
“Fear is an equalizer, because everyone feels it.” Meaning if you kick your brain's ass harder that
others, you have a MASSIVE advantage. Apathy is ALSO universal, so it's ALSO an equalizer and
being able to dominate APATHY as well as you dominate fear is a MASSIVE advantage. For me that's
huge. I've gamed 10 years with some level or another of apathy in my nights out probably 80-90% of
the time. Does it hurt when you REALLY decide you want to pull on New Years or some shit and you
don't? Yeah. But you do better on those nights. You should WANT to HURT MORE so that you can
LIVE MORE. If I lived every night like I live New Year's, I'd probably have more frustration... And I'd
probably have a lot more sex.

Also, I think a part of me underneath it all keeps hoping that I'll learn enough about game that I'll kind
of effortlessly get girls. It's like my brain has “effort” and “enjoyment” very separate, and so it's hoping
it will become “effortless” so that I can enjoy it. That's really the most beautiful thing that Tyler D has
worked on, and while it's so cool to learn from guys older and farther along than you. Without him, I'd
have to struggle to figure that out myself. Instead, he just banged his head against the problem and then
shared the solution: Go hard, push yourself, 'pimp hard' as he'd say, kick your brain's ass, but SHARE
energy with others, SHARE experiences, COLLABORATE with the environment don't fight it, and the
more you open all in this manner, the more you'll enjoy. The environment is a mirror, and the more
enjoyment you put out, the more you get back.

Think about it- what's more pressure? Trying to go so deep that you can find a way to game without
fear, which is a biological/evolutionary fear. Or at some point just accepting fear, bringing it with you,
and kicking your brain's ass? It's actually more pressure to try to find a way to get rid of fear entirely. I
absolutely needed to figure out all the deep stuff in this set of sections in order to simplify game so I
could run around with it pretty much on demand. But trying to find some magical place where I could
game without any fear and without any having to kick my brain's ass is bullshit. Not only that, it creates
MORE pressure. Not only that, but like Max discusses (and many others), you can use that fear to
MAKE YOU ALIVE and give you fuel.

The Three Broadest Skills of Game

So we have the one game per stage theory. Which is pretty awesome. When you go out and try to
execute that, you'll find that there feels like there's another layer interacting with that layer. It feels like
there's two dimensions laid out like massive sheets of paper with an inch between them, and they
interact with each other and affect each other- but are nonetheless separate with different rules.

It just feels like you're doing what you should be doing in terms of one theory set, say the one stage per
game theory, but you mysteriously win and lose, ebb and flow without it necessarily quite making
sense with that theory. I'm guessing anyone who has gamed much that's watching this an associate.
What is that? Why do you feel like you're doing the right thing but it seems to go against you, then you
sometimes aren't doing all that much at all but it comes your way?

For me, if things start off well it's often off to the races. But other times I feel like I'm half a phase out
of rhythm with a wave, for those of you that have taken some physics. Or an example for those of you
that haven't, is when you go to get a basketball that's lying on the ground dribbling by just hitting it and
trying to get a dribble going. Sometimes you get the rhythm wrong and wind up stomping out the
dribble rather than getting it going. Other times you nail that rhythm and wind up getting it going.

This all came to a head when I went out with this douche bag I thought was my friend named Kdog. I
decided to replace his name after originally blasting him because I was pissed off, which is lame. I
would go out with him and another guy and they don't know game and Kdog's a semi-natural that can't
really open. I'd throw girls at them or try to use them as wings and they'd fail me every time. One time I
went to the effort of finding this girl I'd seen in the crowd after I lost her, chatted up her whole group,
got them to love me and told them to come meet my friends, drug them over, introduced them all
together, was managing the group dynamic and then dumbass jumped on the girl I was clearly doing all
of this to talk to. He had stood next to her at the bar for ten minutes earlier and not said a fucking word,
then he takes all that work I'm doing with the warm intro. I take her back, then I let some of my internal
issues pop up and when it stalls slightly I tell them to come to this other dance bar (it's a small town so
you can pull shit like that – never, never, never in a city with more than three places to go and the one
you're in dying down like we had...). We roll to the dance bar, she doesn't come with the rest of her
friends so after a minute I go to look for her, and she actually comes in as I'm leaving. So I walk around
for a minute to not seem retarded, then come back in. Dumbass Kdog, who I'd already told I went to all
that fucking trouble to talk to this girl and was waiting for her to come, sees her come in and buys her a
drink before I even come in. Then she feels obligated to hang with him, and then I tried to take her
back but forced it a little. At a couple points I probably could've taken her back but had to reconcile the
fact that I thought I was friends with this dumbass, and I eventually gave up until they made out. Then I
started taking her back but at that point didn't feel like kissing her after she kissed him.
Lesson 1: Fuck other dudes. If they aren't your wingman, you're collaborating with them to take girls
before they take them from you lol. I'm sitting there trying to be collaborative, throwing five other girls
at this douche, and the moment I'm not around he tries to swoop. Then when we were battling he had
the nerve to act mad at me. And I was such a fucking dumbass nice guy that rather than pushing him
until he became reactive and looked retarded, I let him eventually go home with her. So fuck me for
that. You're collaborating with the environment, but EVERY dude in there wants to steal any hot girl
from you, whether they'll try or not is another thing, so if they aren't your wing... Have fun at them, and
make sure you steal the girl before they do. We discussed fear being linked to apathy... Well, there's a
huge reason not to be apathetic.

So that was one of the top 3-5 most fucked up things I've had happen in game, this dude I'd hung out
with for months, had literally called girls over for, stealing a chick when I brought over a whole group,
when he was just stealing my attraction and work and couldn't have done it himself, then getting mad at
me when I was pushing him out. Obviously in game there's no point to being butt hurt or even being
emotionally impacted at all... HOWEVER, when you allow something like that to happen, you need to
feel BAD pain and let it SEAR into your memory so that you NEVER do it again. I should have
NEVER bounced from hanging with her to the other bar without her. I should have NEVER let him
have a chance to creep on it. I should have made him look like an IDIOT at HIS expense for trying to
sneak on my girl that I created this whole situation with, managing the group and all this shit.
Somehow my inner beta made ME feel bad when HE was trying to steal. So the reason I'm not editing
this little butt-hurt section of this book out is because that shit was FUCKED UP and it NEEDS to be
seared into my memory as something I need to NEVER allow to happen again. Only wings that know
game and ACT like your wing, and give you opportunities and support you EVER have a right to even
flirt for two seconds with your girl. Anyone else, you can let them and then you undermine them and
make them seem like silly little bitches. Like you can be like “Ohhh, Kdog likes you! Are you hard
Kdog? You need some help with that [Act out jerking him off].” Careful not to get punched, of course.

After losing a friend, being fucking furious, being mad at myself for not pushing through and making
sure she either switched to me or went with none of us, and then searing all of that into my memory so
I'd never repeat it again... Then I had to take more responsibility and figure out why there was even a
door open at all.

What was it that I did, aside from leaving the bar and leaving that gap, that even allowed her to be as
interested in him – even with the attraction stealing that made it 10x easier for him – as she was in me?
I should still have been able to vastly overwhelm him.
Well, for one thing when we were talking as a group, I was letting our other friend stay in the
conversation. Our other friend really has no game and said some stupid shit, which then got projected
on both of us. Since these guys aren't capable wings, I should've cut both of them out. So that's on me.
Remember if you don't take responsibility you give away all of your power.

In the actual interaction between her and I, what was the issue? The shit my friends did and the mental
retardation of letting her out of my sight aside.
I would say that several times she started to get quite into me, and then I'd just kind of stomp on it a bit.
Like with the basketball. Wrong rhythm. Then when she was into me, I didn't separate her more from
the group and my friends and push it. I wanted to appear friendlier- so I was letting social pressure and
the fear of putting myself in the contested alpha seat wear on me. That was one reason I was so fucking
pissed- I was trying to be social with my friends and Kdog took that gap and fucking dove into it like a
prick. Had I not introduced them, he would've had zero chance. If I hadn't tried to let them stay in there
socially and talk to everyone, they would have had zero chance.
After that, what's up with this basketball rhythm mismatch thing? Where was it that I was forcing
things and the wrong time, and leaning in when I leaned back? More importantly, what's the underlying
cause of that? Why do I feel I do that often when things are kind of 50/50 and I need to pull it out?

I forced myself to sit there at home with my computer, knowing Kdog was fucking that girl only
because of me, and brainstorm my way through what happened.
I started to realize there was something to this forcing... Don't force it, draw her. Draw her along. That
wasn't quite it though...

I started thinking more about interactional tension. A new concept to me, so just because I figured it out
didn't mean I really knew that much about executing on it. It started to occur to me that there were
moments where I would cause interactional tension to flare up, then I would KEEP FUCKING
TALKING and I would kind of bulldoze over it so that it couldn't really develop. I wasn't allowing the
interactional tension, I wasn't in rhythm in it – so like dribbling a basketball, I was cancelling the
dribble rather than building it.
I was doing a decent job of feeling the fabric between us, but I was doing it without a direction.
Remember that we need BOTH to feel the right thing AND know where we want to take it. So I was
feeling it, but then I was cancelling out my chances to do well by not focusing in on interactional

What should really have been happening was that I SHOULD have blocked out my friends and gotten
closer with her, THEN I should've focused in on the interactional tension and when I felt it start to
develop, I should've GOTTEN THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY and dangled the carrot. I should have
focused in on what I could do to grow that tension, and done and said those things. I should've talked
less, leaned my head back more, fucked with her more with my face. I should've transitioned that into
an 'us' frame (she was in stage 2), then sexual innuendo, then sexual tension (probably could've done
the 'us' frame and the innuendo along WITH sexual tension in this case). I should've been speaking
with my lips right on her ear, taken her for a drink, and left the other fucks in the dust. The combination
of never allowing them in, not bouncing (which I'd argue I did for fear that it was going 'okay' and that
I was feeling myself step on the success, so I bailed to not fully fuck it up. Though part of that was just
the other guy making us both look dumb), and finally focusing on interactional tension and growing it
would've added up to a place where they would've had zero chance. Which they fucking shouldn't- no
partial natural should EVER go toe to toe with you if you practice all the stuff we're discussing this
deep in this book.

Marinating on that for a day, I started to realize that what I was seeing was that second dimension that
was interacting with the first.
Neither one sums up the whole problem by itself, that's the barrier to entry preventing everyone from
fully seeing what's going on. Only going out hard with top level instructors for years has so far been
able to get guys to where by subconscious feel they navigate both of these layers together. Or some
degree of natural feel combined with game.

The two dimensions were: On the one hand, the one game per stage scenario. That's the WHAT you do
based on where she is. On the other hand, the second dimension was the underlying VIBE you were
trying to create with WHAT you're building.

Effectively it assembles in a three-part puzzle: First, you have to be feeling the right thing. That's the
vibe that exists in the fabric between the two of you. If your fingers aren't on the pulse of that fabric
and vibe, you're screwed. Second, you need to do the right things based on where she's at- that's the one
game per stage theory. That's your what do you do. Third, you have to be using the WHAT to create the
right vibe... And that's your second dimension.

The second dimension basically breaks down to three vibes if you really think about everything we've
learned and gone through: Loosening, Interactional Tension, and Sexual tension.
Those are in a way vibes, and in another way skillsets. What we've been referring to as 'Julien game' is
really a highly developed skillset and mindset that is a specific version of creating interactional tension.
Much of this book is about creating sexual tension. Then loosening is something we've discussed more
and more in the later stages of this book.

Now think through any major club in the world. Say Vegas. You'll see all these pickup guys running
around, making girls laugh hard, seeming like they're doing well... And then those dudes are also
kicking dirt around in the street at the end of the night. HOW? If I get girls to that stage I RARELY lose
them. Well, they're just running loosening game constantly. If they're being cocky funny or using some
form of push or teasing, they might be creating interactional tension. If they AREN'T doing that, they
probably have just about none! So of the three vibes in the 'second dimension', many of them are
permanently stuck in the first of three! Holy crap!!! All these guys running around gaming and most of
them are stuck on step one! Hahahaha. That's fucking terrible. Way to fail hundreds of thousands of
guys, game community! Fuck... If I had only known that shit ten years ago.

Now think of dumbass Kdog. He's just a frat dude. He generally doesn't know what to say, but he's
really good at staying loose. Basically he just tilts his head back, smiles, and stays all loose and kind of
dances around. 95% of the time he loses girls because he doesn't know what to say, and so they
eventually leave. However, that loose, head back, calm, not saying much, making eye contact... That
creates interactional tension and minor sexual tension. So when I did all the hard work for him, then he
sat their doing that and I started stomping on the interactional tension... Now you have me who
inherently looks worse because I had to initiate the interaction, and him who did nothing. He has the
second phase of vibing, interactional tension, and I'm getting it but then repeatedly kind of ruining it. In
pure “How do I feel” land, she naturally would lean towards him at that point. He could've never gotten
himself there, but when I did it for him... And that's how a leading expert on game – but granted one
who's still learning to execute much of this second volume of this book consistently – gets swooped by
a 25 year old frat boy that doesn't even know what to say half the time (when rusty of course ;).
As shitty as all of that might have been, there's a massive lesson involved. If I can keep it to losing just
one shitty friend and one hot girl, and it gets me many more girls and makes this book far better...
Maybe it was worth it. And I know you're tired of me bitching, but I'm doing it for a reason. I can't
possibly make that scenario 1/1000th as painful in your mind as it was for me. But if I bitch about it
enough, you'll be kind of annoyed, and that will make that story stand out in your brain... So you are
less likely to repeat my mistake by letting non-wingmen dudes, even 'friends', get in the middle of you
and girls. Now if these are your best friends since forever, try to take her off to the side or something so
you don't lose the friends. But this dude I'd known three months – fuck him.

Okay, back to the other lesson.

So effectively there are three skillsets and three second-dimension phases/vibes you can be in. If she's
tense or doesn't like you, you have to be good at loosening her up. Humor, being all loose, or any “fuck
yous” to logical structure, combined with looseness and being in that 'enjoyment level' are all aspects of
loosening. More and more, I'm finding that I just need to develop a set of routines/tricks for loosening
and just default to those. It's often a small part of game, but being REALLY good at it could probably
get you 3x as many opportunities.
Interactional tension is like the entire front part of game, in reality. If she's loose and you're still
running what amounts to loosening game, like nothing but humor or whatever, then you're fucking up.
Can you succeed that way? Yeah, by the “End up near a bed” strategy. But it's pretty shitty and takes a
lot of constant going out to have any reasonable success with.
Interactional tension is really the heart of traditional 'flirting'. Basically, you're feeling the vibe fabric
between the two of you, and you're constantly working to increase interactional tension.
Just walking away or looking away is generally NOT increasing interactional tension, but cutting it.
UNLESS you time it on a high point, which is old-school game takeaways and that whole principle. I
often do those things when I feel it stalling, with the dumbass subconscious thought that I'll let her reset
and try again in a bit. That rarely works – though if I'd come back faster it might be okay if you're
really screwing up.

What this says is the fact that I've always been good once I get into sexual tension all the way to close,
but have somewhat struggled leading up to that, comes back to a lack of understanding, skills, and feel
for interactional tension. It amounts to me not feeling the right thing, not having my focus on creating
the right thing, and then often either cutting interactional tension by talking too soon or saying the
wrong thing for that time, or cutting it by looking away or walking away or whatever. Rather than
owning the interactional tension, PLAYING with it (that's kind of how the term 'flirting' should
translate – flirting with interactional tension/playing with it), being calm and OWNING it, and then
heightening it. It's a lot like sexual tension, just that it has a different feel, different techniques, requires
you to be comfortable owning something else, and requires you to have your attention on it and
heighten it – like with sexual tension, but it's not quite the same.

I hate to beat on myself as an example, but it will only help you learn. How does it take ten years to
become good at game? And to get to the point where you're just starting to learn to execute these top
level topics? Well, for ten years my focus and 'feel' haven't really been on that 'vibe fabric' between me
and the girl – mostly in situations where I feel less compelled to talk, like at a strip club, with a
waitress, or with someone my friend introduced me to. And guess what? I KILL in those scenarios.
In addition, for ten years I haven't understood this concept of interactional tension, or had an awareness
to it, or known how various game techniques all centered around it (push pull, cocky funny, teasing in
general, Julien's game, etc.). I also didn't really get loosening for those ten years. I've had about 5 years
now with sexual tension, but have had as many scenarios where I couldn't get to sexual tension
substantially as those where I could. In addition, during the 5 years I've known about sexual tension,
I've spent TONS of time trying to figure out what else I needed to do, which distracts me from using
my full skills (or often even half of them) with sexual tension.

If you change to feeling the 'vibe fabric', then realizing if you need to be focusing on loosening,
interactional tension, or sexual tension. Then you have a set of routines/tricks for loosening, then know
and practice the 1 game per stage theory – but use that in order to create the vibe you need right now as
well (generally either interactional tension, sexual tension, or both... Since only stages 0 and 1 really
relate to loosening)... Now you're set up to really excel. Get your leadership and pulling and handling
all the various intricacies of pulling down, and that's a really, really good pickup guy.
To accelerate this, I even added a new training technique: Watch a show, like the OC or other teen-
friendly drama shows we've discussed before, or the Bachelor etc, and then just respond in whatever
way will most increase interactional tension. Do it while playyyying with your tonality and words, with
your face, your eye contact, the tilt of your head. Use all of that together to try to create the most
interactional tension you can in response to what they just said, AND while focusing on the human
through the character's eyes and feeling the vibe fabric they set out. It's a little tricky because TV shows
have fast paced cuts so you're constantly scrambling... But hey, making it harder on you is a good thing.

If I can get to the point where I can effectively loosen girls most of the time, plus always feel and
navigate the vibe fabric in terms of interactional tension, I will then be able to VERY frequently get far
into sexual tension, build micro-commitments, lead and pull. And these things are very adaptable to
different girls with different vibes. To college girls. To models. To girls with daddy issues. To girls
without daddy issues... This is really gaming.
When you see a natural and it seems like he has some hidden feel for what he's doing that helps him
successfully navigate what he's doing, really he's feeling these things. He gets the two tensions and the
face that they're central to succeeding with women and that women love them. He's good at playing
around with interactional tension, he's generally okay at heightening sexual tension. He's usually loose
and smooth and at least reasonable at getting girls to loosen up. He usually could give a fuck about
logic, because he'd rather just party and get laid than do anything or make sense.

When you meet a girl, you're getting her to loosen up – if she isn't already – then you're building
interactional tension, then sexual tension, then leading through micro commitments to a pull. That's
really all of what's going on. When guys don't get interactional tension and either keep ruining it, or
speak logically, in the girl's head she's thinking “He just doesn't get it.” The underlying framework of
attractive man and attractive woman interacting is BASED on playing with that interactional tension,
while the move towards sex is BASED on sexual tension. And, of course, she first has to be loose.

Underlying everything I've always worked on and tried to learn in game was trying to figure out what
the fuck guys who were better at me in game were using to navigate so effectively. I was watching
them like they were feeling something that always led them in the right direction... and I wasn't. And
since the natural guys generally aren't that smart and definitely don't think about game all that much, I
knew it had to be something pretty simple. Imagine if 1 out of every 250 guys was partially born,
partially raised with a feel for interactional tension, loosening girls up, and some feeling for sexual
tension. That would be a dude who would fucking slay with girls. If that dude was totally focused on
that shit and didn't give a fuck about much else, then he wouldn't really be worried about things that
might cause a lack of confidence or whatever- he'd just be focused all forward and have this feeling that
if he just keeps working that vibe that things will go well. If you knew there was always something you
could do, and had a feeling for what that something was, would you lack confidence? Probably not to a
great degree, you'd just set about doing it. To date, the game community has basically said “Here's
some stuff that works. In an amount that's overwhelming and with no real reconciliation or
organization. Here's some theories and concepts that are true but don't connect all the dots. Now run
around and do it so much that eventually maybe you'll 'feel' these concepts too. But not be able to
explain them.” Is it any wonder that most pickup guys just pull large amounts of 7.5s? It's like they're
color blind and trying to paint.

Indicators of Weird Energy

There's a few standard ways you can get blown out. Not being smooth. Her not getting to read your
face enough. Saying stuff that's not relatable. Micro-alpha giveaways (looking beta). Bringing a shitty
or a taking energy. And being 'weird' or 'creepy'.

I fucking hate admitting it, but after getting rusty and then going out in a small town without many
approach opportunities a night and mostly just two nights a week, I started getting young girls in
particular acting like I was kind of creepy. You're ALWAYS going to get that, but with certain types of
girls I felt like I was getting it way more than normal. After finding the careless warrior mindset below,
plus being more in tune with the 'enjoyment layer' and other things we're going over, I finally found
that there are some VERY SUBTLE things that indicate or represent 'weird' or 'creepy' energy to girls:

1) Not being COCKY when you approach.

These are all nuanced points, so I'll have to explain.
'Weird' basically means 'there's an expected way for you to behave, and you're not behaving in the
expected way based on the other things I see.' Like a priest at a strip club throwing dollar bills... That's
'weird'. It's not weird to be at a strip club in general, because if he was a rapper instead no one would
care. 'Weird' is a breaking of expectations in a way that ISN'T somehow enjoyable, and/or that you
don't own.
Why is approaching and not being cocky weird? Because who the fuck cold approaches unless they're
cocky enough that they are just not obeying the normal 'rules'? If you cold approach and you aren't
cocky, you must be a creepy beta male FORCING himself to approach girls. If you're not going indirect
Mystery-style, then there's no excuse for you to be cold approaching if you aren't cocky. Thus, not
being cocky makes you WEIRD if you cold approach. Bizarrely and subtly. Underneath it all, society is
going 'sit down beta'. If you're a cocky motherfucker, plus golden retriever vibe, then people will be
like “Ah yeah, he just talks to everyone.” No second thoughts. And you just act like YOU don't think
about it, you just do it.

2) Not enjoying what you're saying.

Sadly, this one gets me all the fucking time because I've gamed so long so I slip up.
What happens here is also pretty fucking subtle. If you go up to a girl, and you start saying THINGS
and it seems like you're trying to get the interaction to go somewhere, that's creepy- because you're
taking and trying to 'get'. And trying in general.
However, if you go up to a girl and start saying things and you don't appear to be ENJOYING what
you're saying, or the vibe you're creating, then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING THOSE
THINGS? It seems random, pointless, or like you're trying to get something/get at something...
Something she isn't exactly clear of. And that's WEIRD.
In a bar or club, you shouldn't be saying anything that isn't for enjoyment, basically. You shouldn't be
trying to get to know each other unless you've kissed (in girl world). You shouldn't be discussing topics,
because that's not what bars and clubs are for. Basically, you shouldn't be saying ANYTHING if you
don't ENJOY it.
Even if you're being like Julien and you're asking a series of quick, random questions, but you seem
like you're ENJOYING it and bizarrely evaluating her, and there's a mystery she doesn't get behind it,
that's engaging still because it seems that you're playing some game or fucking with her and you
ENJOY it. But do the same thing and sound like you DON'T enjoy EVERY WORD that you say, and
suddenly it's like “Whoa, why are you saying these things? Fucking weirdo.”
For me, having gone out for ten years, sometimes you just want to jump forward in the interaction to
where you're in sexual tension and so on. So you just try to say the things, hoping the things will do the
work. We've discussed that before. By doing that, you're being WEIRD, and she'll want to get away
from you.
3) Not following through the open.
This one's easier to understand and we've talked about it a couple times. Basically, you go up to a girl
and open and then don't take it anywhere, and she's thinking “Bro, you started this... You don't have
anywhere to go with it? Weirdo.”
Which is where having stuff prepared is generally necessary on some level. BUT, that can send you
into the trap of #2 where you start trying to just say the things and hoping they'll work, and now you're
weird because you're saying things and not doing it for enjoyment.

4) Not beginning to flirt QUICKLY.

This one is also pretty subtle and and easy to not realize, and linked to the above.
Basically, if you go up to a girl and it's clear that your intention on some level is to flirt with her... Then
you start talking about shit that isn't very flirty, she's thinking “This guy's trying to hit on me, but he's
talking about the weather or Thailand or what just happened with his friend or philosophy or...” and
that's WEIRD because if your intention is pretty clearly to flirt, and then you don't, you're breaking
expected behavior. Basically you look like a beta who's too pussy to get into it, OR you weird her out
in general because there's something that doesn't line up. It's effectively an incongruence. Or it even
just straight up looks like you don't know what you're doing.
What is 'flirting'? Well, we've defined it a few ways. But, effectively, it's one or more of: Building
interactional tension, building sexual tension, being cocky, sexual innuendo, or talking in an 'us' frame.
Basically if you aren't doing one of those things, then you aren't 'flirting' with any form of
sexual/relationship interaction between you two. And that's WEIRD if the way and location that you
approached her in suggests that that was your intention.
In other words, approach a girl on a dance floor in a bar and DON'T start flirting with her pretty damn
fast, and you're WEIRD. If you're talking get to know you questions, questions from a normal
'conversation', topical stuff, whatever... Basically anything else... You're being WEIRD given the
context. At an art opening, you might have a little more time... Depends on your approach.
This one, oddly, gets me quite a bit too. Because my preferred thing is to get straight into sexual
tension. However, that's often not possible. So I'm building my skills with loosening and interactional
tension and innuendo and cocky and so on. However, I often OVERCOMPENSATE in not diving
straight into sexual tension by not exactly going into flirting that quickly. Then I've basically
approached the SAME WAY that I would if I was going to get into sexual tension fast, but suddenly I'm
kind of dragging my feet to not push too fast with some college girl or whatever. But that means I'm
being weird because I clearly approached fairly direct, but then I didn't start flirting at all...

I've struggled hard my entire game 'career' with dance floor game. I'm quite good once I start dancing
with the girl. But it's actually pretty fucking difficult to get there. Why? Because if you approach and
try to basically straight away start dancing, 9 out of 10 times they'll just shrink away from you and then
wave their hand, push their girl in front of them, or run away altogether. If you try to slowly dance up
to her from nearby, that's what all the betas do and she'll shrink away the same way. If you try to game
her standard, ESPECIALLY if you ask more than maybe ONE question, suddenly you're saying all this
stuff and she's trying to dance and not think, and you're killing her vibe and she'll try to get away from
you. There's nearly no way to do it. You can try to dance all loose with your buddies and girls will
gather around... But usually not the girl you WANT.

Trying to game on the dance floor was the first 'game' thing I ever did, before I learned about any
structured game or communities. Then I'd try to figure out how to use my early Mystery Method on the
dance floor. If I opened a girl elsewhere and we went to dance, that worked. But not opening her there.
Then recently while trying to save money to launch my startup, back in my small town, all of the game
is on the dance floor.
If you watch the guys that open successfully, they usually go up, say a couple things, the girl laughs a
couple times, then they start dancing and slowly move together over about 30 seconds. Not much
longer or they get kind of friend zoned in dancing. I guess you could just come up with some funny
lines and rattle off a couple- that must be what other guys are doing. But even having seen piles of lines
in my life, not that many really seemed funny out of nowhere approaching on the dance floor. I'm sure
you could find some, buuut...

Honestly what precisely was going wrong wasn't obvious to me until I figured out these subtle
indicators. It was clear that most ways of opening and following through just don't 'feel warm' when a
girl's trying to dance. And that most things require too much thinking.
But you can REALLY see why opening on the dancefloor is challenging when you look at the
indicators of weird energy. If you approach, but have no follow through – weird. Like, don't approach
me and not create something enjoyable out of it, dude. If you approach, and you don't get right into
flirting – WEIRD! We're on a fucking dancefloor, that's the ONLY reason to approach me right now is
to flirt. So don't approach me on the dancefloor and then 'talk'. That's not the fucking point. Ie, say
things that are cocky, in sexual innuendo, that create interactional tension, that make some 'us' frame, or
that create sexual tension. Basically NONE of those things can be serious/logical by definition, because
cocky is overblown and not logical, innuendo is warping logic into sexual implication, 'us' frame is not
logical because there isn't an 'us', interactional tension is playing around with the vibe for non-logical
reasons, as is sexual tension. If you approach on the dancefloor and you aren't cocky, that's weird
because then you're like an asking beta male because it's obvious what happens on the dancefloor.
Finally, if you approach on the dancefloor and you say things that you don't seem to enjoy, WEIRD
because the dancefloor is about nothing BUT enjoyment.

Quite frankly it's always annoyed me that pickup guys avoid the dance floor and talk about it as a 'trap',
because the dance floor is the one place where girls generally go to in order to get hit on. And it just
says to me that they aren't cool, and pickup guys should be the COOLEST guys because that's the
natural way of things for guys meeting hot girls. This makes it a lot more obvious why... You have to be
so dialed in with each of these things that you can be a true pimp. If you're on that level of pimp, you'll
be fucking slaying generally. Unless you opt to just learn like 5 funny lines, say two or three, then start
dancing. But if you're doing it off the cuff with real game, you have to be fucking dope to make that
It's also GREAT training, because there's effectively no room for being logical, being serious, any of
the indicators of being weird, or really any micro-alpha giveaways either. College girls are particularly
worried about any indicators of being 'weird', so if you can dance floor game college girls that you
aren't in college with, the hot ones, then in some ways you're as dialed as it gets. A guy that could do
that could learn to pickup models. Whereas, as a guy that does pick up models at least with some
frequency (none like Victoria's Secret level or Maxim level, yet), I can say that the reverse isn't
necessarily true. Also, not talking college 7s or hammered fucking college girls here, but the hot
sorority girls that don't really like outsiders, are hyper-aware of weirdness, and cling to their groups. In
some ways, that's about the epitome of cold approach game skill. Now, it would be possible to be
naturally a not-logical guy and be specifically good at this one thing after a lot of trial and error, and
then to have pretty much all of the rest of game to learn... But if you started with regular cold approach
and get to where you can regularly get 8.5+ young girls on the dance floor, I'd have to say you're very
high up in your skill or at least your ability to perfect it.

I really feel like this is such a critical section for understanding game. Not everything that happens in
game, especially with younger girls, can be explained by appearing beta, by not being smooth, by not
creating any emotion, by these other things we traditionally know. There's these subtle elements that
are things you generally work out if you're gaming all the time, things you might think are being 'in the
zone'... All these things that RSD tries to describe in these long, round about, vague terms. Like being
on the gas and not the brake, not being logical or in your head, etc etc. These things amount, generally,
to not tripping these indicators of weird. It's a lot faster, however, to just know what the fuck they are,
and then you can directly make sure you fix them as well as doing it through trying to find what Tyler
D calls the 'sweet spot' in your vibe. You can plan ahead to make sure that you have an appropriate
open and follow through that isn't a vibe killer, gets straight into flirting, and meshes with the venue
you're going to. Those things can be prepared for. You can realize if you're not cocky enough, or if
you're not sounding like you enjoy what you're saying. You can make sure you're not out on the dance
floor or in the middle of a raging party trying to talk about 'things' when you should be getting straight
to flirting, and we defined what those things would be. This way, even if you're not 'in the zone' or
feeling the best, you can get where you need to be, because you understand what the fuck that means.

It also means you can identify exactly what the fuck happened in all these scenarios that otherwise
seem a little bizarre.

A Girl's Three Desires in a Bar or Club, Before She Gets Approached

One night in the middle of developing the most advanced pieces here I went out on a Thursday night in
a small town – and it turned out to be dead as fuck. Work had been a pain in the fucking ass, so I just
stayed out. Sometimes these nights where you kinda just hang around and observe are valuable.

In the middle of thinking of all the other amazing topics in the heart of this second volume, I could see
far more than I ever would have before.

What I saw was that the girls that were there were in a state where they were interested in three things:
1) They wanted to be ENGAGED in the environment... or in ANYTHING.
-You could look in their eyes and see that many of them were pretending to be engaged and
waiting for SOMEONE to engage them. You could see others were actually engaged and
wanted to stay that way or become more engaged. This is true for any bar/club scene
-This isn't true in every environment. It's true of basically 100% of girls in a nightclub. In this
small town bar on that night, it was true of maybe one out of seven girls or so. But none of the
girls were that hot, or I wouldn't have been just enjoying the music and watching. Last night at
that same place, it was probably true of 25% of the girls in the place. On the whole, ALL hot
girls care about social competition. Just not always all the time. Less attractive girls may have
given up on the competition.
3) Girls want to FIND A GUY who will DOMINATE THEIR ENERGY.
-This was an interesting one. You could see it in their eyes. The ones that looked like they
weren't looking for a guy still were hoping a guy would come up to them, but they wanted that
guy to dominate their energy and engage them.

This is interesting because these are the things girls feel that they want BEFORE a guy approaches.
This is what they're out looking for.
Once they're actually in an interaction, there's a shift. They shift to wanting engagement, sexual
tension, interactional tension, and to be unlocked sexually. And all of that REQUIRES a guy with
dominant energy (so that becomes the testing and playing the game back and forth and so on).
Being for Sex

This is a really critical thing that I noticed separated my hot streaks from my cold streaks.
There is a lot of framing that happens within the rhythm of how you move and speak, within the way
you move, within the way you look at people, within almost everything that you do.

At the same time, girls think of guys in distinctively different ways. There's like betas, who are gross.
There's friend zone guys, who are like interesting betas she likes to be around. So she ignores the fact
that they're gross and hangs out with them. There's like guys that are for dating, who are attractive guys
that she trusts. Then there's like guys where when you are feeling horny and you want to have sex,
they're just like... Sex guys. They're fuck boys.
You can see this best in how girls behave when talking out in society, versus how they behave in a
night club with a guy they're really attracted to. I saw girls posting naked pictures of themselves on
Instagram who posted themselves at #metoo rallies with signs saying “I can be sexual, I can be serious,
I can be whatever I want.” They're basically telling guys at large to not come and try to be sexual with
them. Like “I decide when I might want to be sexual, don't try to be sexual with me. Men.” Yet that girl
doesn't approach guys. Ever. Guaranteed. And her Instagram is all pictures of her naked and just
somehow covering up so Instagram won't delete it. Trying to get the attention of men and make money
off of it. And when she goes to a night club, if she meets a guy she's really into, she might go have sex
with them in the bathroom...

What's up with them telling guys they can't be sexual with them, then fucking guys in bathrooms? It's
because guys at large, to her, aren't for sex. So they better not come up to her and try to be sexual. But
other guys are just 'for sex.' That's their roll. If you're horny, that's what those guys are for. It's not even
a big deal.

You can see this best by watching MTV's Siesta Key. The guy Alex is just FOR SEX in the eyes of all
the girls. They only get mildly mad at him for repeatedly cheating on girls, and they go “Oh, that's just
Alex.” They've almost all had sex with him. They then hang out together with him. If one of them gets
horny, good chance she goes to Alex to have sex. Alex is just FOR SEX. That's like his roll.
Like one guy could be smart and be for helping you with your homework. Another guy could be really
funny and he could be for entertainment. Another guy could be a good listener and have good advice,
and he could be for that... But on Siesta Key, Alex is for sex. If you're not dating anyone and you need
sex... Alex.

This is where we come back to the framing that comes from your rhythm of movement and speech,
your eye contact, everything you do. If the framing from all of that suggests that you're NOT FOR
SEX, then you have to game like crazy to MAYBE make up for that and have her want to hook up with
you. Likely you won't make up for it, frequently.
Conversely, if you move loosely but sloooweerrr. Like there's a little weight to you. Not a stiff weight.
Just like you're really loose but you're some huge giant that just moves more slowly due to the mass.
You can look at everyone like having sex with everyone around is on your mind. Every time you make
eye contact with a girl, it's like “Careful. I'm extremely sexual.” When you dance, you dance like you're
a guy who's for sex. When you speak, it's like sex is always right there behind it.
This smooths the path of girls getting sexual with you SOOO much. Because it's creating the
expectation that you're a guy that's for sex. She just expects it to go that way from the framing of your
non-verbals. Then she allows it in that direction so much more.
It's a lot more than that, though. Let's say you go on the dance floor and dance and open girls. If you're
jumping around high frequency, high energy, warm... Suddenly you're framing yourself as 'not for sex'.
When you start an interaction, you have to start it in a way that's congruent with that. Which is in a not
for sex frame. INTERNALLY, you'll feel this. You KNOW you have to go in in this energy you're
framing yourself with. Then your subconscious knows that the game has to wind up in sex... And it sees
you're going in in one way, and that it's a strange transition over to the sexual stuff. Your brain feels that
you're building a barrier. Then when you're in that mode where you're framed out of sex, and you see a
girl that you are interested in, you suddenly have a MUCH harder time viewing her as wanting to have
sex with you. You're creating your own issue where you have a hard time seeing girls wanting to have
sex with you!!

The Careless Warrior

I've long struggled to find the EXACT mixture of vibes and energies, and in what quantity, really
represent proper game.

Tom Cruise from 'Rock of Ages' represents perfection once a girl is willing to go fully into sexual
tension with you. But he couldn't cold approach in a high energy club for shit.
On the virtual complete opposite end of the spectrum is Tyler D- running around literally at least saying
hello to EVERY girl in the environment and bringing this insane energy and constant sexual jokes.
Somewhere in between the two you have RSD Julien. Split RSD Julien and Cruise's Stacee Jaxx and
you'll get Joseph Dieguez.

A friend of mine and a former Project Rockstar guy used to advocate using a single character in your
mind to help you get where you need to be. He tended to be too silly and talk too fast, so he'd zero in
on Clint Eastwood. Trying to go Clint Eastwood with his game brought the right amount of badass into
his otherwise over-the-top energy. And he'd kill it.

Outside of Stacee Jaxx for the sexual tension phases, I never really considered a singular 'character' to
focus on for anything else. But I DID want to find that precise mixture of the dials that put together the
best mixture of game in a way I could constantly keep in mind.

It eluded me until I finally gave in and started watching the History Channel show 'Vikings' in the
background as I worked. Which led me, eventually, to this:

That fairly ridiculous article singles out pretty damn accurately the various things that the main actor
from Vikings has done that really excites girls. A couple of them represent him taking care of things
sort of like a baby (animals, kids from the show, actual babies). Most of the rest are him being cocky,
cheeky, having penetrating sexual-tension gazes and stares, or with other girls.
As I was flipping through it, I thought that it actually represented what is 'sexy' to women extremely
well. It was a very introspective thing the girl that put it together created, despite being total nonsense
internet popcorn.

As I was editing this book (finally... five years later), and watching Vikings that article trickled through
my mind.
I realized that when my game had been at its peak, I'd been a bit of a warrior. Then I'd toned it back as I
sought to understand Julien's game, all the constant RSD comments about letting go, etc. I noticed that
I'd lost that warrior edge, and it was pulling my game down.
Yet at the same time, I'd learned so much about what letting go really meant and the advantages of it.
I'd learned so much about loosening people up. Watching the friends...

How could it all go together?

And there was Ragnar Lothbrok, the viking king and star of the show on the screen. And fresh in my
mind that Buzzfeed list I'd just flipped through.

Something about it all...

I began to think of Ragnar. Maybe of an abstracted version of him. A warrior so unbeatable, so

experienced in battle that he feared nothing. He had seen so many things that nothing phased him. He
never looked over his shoulder. No one ever bothered him or could make him angry – and any attempts
at it would just make him laugh.
Such a person would be the epitome of looseness. If you threw him into a party, he'd drink harder than
everyone, tell better stories than them all, the women would stare, and he'd have no problem grabbing
one, building interactional tension and sexual tension and carrying her off to his bed. Put some of that
mead in him and he might even let loose and be good at loosening people up, as well.
Cocky, carefree, interesting, the center of attention, unhindered, alpha... But with all of that badass and
ability to never be phased that comes with a veteran of hundreds of battles who had never been more
than scratched in any of them.

As long as that person was great at saying “Fuck you” to logic, which he almost certainly would be,
and could do it with a positive energy – which he likely would while drunk – and looseness, which he
would have at all times... He'd be pretty much the perfect pickup man. He wouldn't care about girls
because he would've seen so much shit in his life, and they'd jump at him because of it. If he was
talking to them, he'd just sit there and toy with them because what impact could a twenty year old girl
have on the village's greatest warrior after everything he'd been through? He'd just be wanting to
release and let go of all the battles and have a good time. Yet he'd have no issue with turning into a
relative Stacee Jaxx at the drop of a hat. Or stretching and acting out some crazy sexual joke just about
like Tyler D – provided, of course, he was liquored up in the great hall. Perhaps even if he wasn't.

He would always tell his brain to fuck off for trying to get him to slow down, everything he did would
be with the ultimate conviction and certainty yet still impossibly loose, he'd be a dick but would always
gravitate towards fun after having lost any serious through nearly dying so many times.
At the end of the day, the careless warrior who had sailed through many battles and was home to drink
and carouse is the one place that just about every trait we want for game can collide. He's kind of like a
football jock, but he's got nothing to try to prove and he's better at sexual tension. He's kind of like a
funny dude telling tall tales among friends at a bar, but under it all he's impossibly sexy. He's kind of
like Stacee Jaxx, but to blow off steam from all that battling he's also loud, boisterous, funny, and up
front. If someone sitting around the table with him is fucking up the fun, he might pick up a candle and
pretend he's making the guy suck the fake wax dick or something comparable to get him to loosen up
and get everyone into the party... Just like Tyler D might do. If he had to approach, he'd just fucking do
it and wouldn't think twice of it. It wouldn't be a thing, it would just be him getting what he wants. If a
girl got scared or tense, he might smirk and lean back just a bit, but he wouldn't give up by any means.
If a girl tried to bullshit him and run away, he'd have an answer and accompany her... And somehow
he'd do it all without ever trying hard.
He's damn near fucking perfect.

Maybe that makes sense. If we evolved from tribal circumstances, perhaps the still young but just
starting to age warrior that was the best in the village, had seen everything and gave no fucks, and had
just returned to do some drinking and impregnating WOULD be the sexiest guy around. After all, he's
likely to be the future king or leader of the village, but he's young enough to fuck some girl's brains out.
He basically can't be defeated. But his “I've seen everything you can imagine and nothing affects me
any more” attitude makes him both an epic warrior and leader, and mysterious and sexy (though
women likely feel attracted to that for the former reason). Qualify himself? What the fuck does that
mean? Wouldn't even cross his mind... He'd just pause, grin, laugh, and keep eating a turkey leg if some
chick tried to test him. It would be fucking funny.
An Instagram model? Haaaaa. He'd just pause, grin, laugh, and keep eating his turkey leg.
That's your boyfriend? He'd just pause, grin, roll his eyes, and go back to that turkey leg.
Some chick ghosted him while texting? First off, what the fuck is texting? He's a fucking viking.
Second off, he'd already be fucking her sister so who fucking cares. He once had an ogre's sword break
on his helmet and somehow he escaped... What the fuck does he care about some girl and her 'texting'.
You were already talking to that guy? You're talking to me now, why would I care who you were
talking to before?
You want to break up with him? That's cute. Send your sister in.
You're pissed off? I'll go down to the mead hall and see how many maidens I can sneak into the back
He just doesn't fucking care. But not in that way that assholes don't because they're damaged goods and
in some way they're kind of trying to make you care. More just because you don't have a spear and an
army and aren't trying to kill him. And even if you did, he'd still just kill you and then want to know
where he could find something to drink and a few maidens.

This whole sharing, collaborative energy mindset? Well, he wouldn't really give a fuck about that
either. It's totally laughable to think anyone could possibly pose a threat to him, and he likes it when
everyone's laughing and drinking, so he makes them all laugh and drink. So he inherently doesn't
compete with his environment because he's already too far superior to it that it would just make him
pause, chuckle, and go back to his turkey leg if you brought up the possibility of anyone in the
environment competing with him. At the same time, he isn't all focused on 'trying to share energy' with
his environment, either, because that's too fucking complicated and he doesn't worry that hard about
anything. He ultimately DOES share with his environment, but it's just because there's a certain type of
party HE wants to have in his mind, so he just creates that. It's a lot fucking simpler that all this other
nonsense. He wants everyone to go to the mead hall and fucking drink and blow off steam from battle
and carouse with maidens, so he just gets them all to do it. That's all there is to it.
So is he collaborating and sharing rather than competing? Sure. Is he trying to do that or thinking of it
that way? Not really. If someone steps up to him is he going to try to be all sharing and hippy? Hell no.
Is he going to fight them and destroy them? No to that too. He'll probably take a corn on the cob and
smear it all around their lips and make moaning sounds and just embarrass them in front of the whole
mead hall until everyone's laughing at them. He won't even be trying to be a dick either, he'll just think
it's funny someone tried to step up and since they presented themselves he'll use them to make
everyone laugh their asses off and then send them on their way.

That guy IS game. The “I've seen it all in battle and just want to get drunk” warrior. The boisterous,
looser version of Ragnar Lothbrok. He might not even be king, yet, but he's more like the guy that will
be some day. That's your character.
If you're too high energy like my friend, then bring that warrior that's no longer worried about anything
into it. And that power when you decide to flip it on with women. And that interactional tension and
toying with them.
If you're coming more from the other end, which most of us are, then learn to bring in that boisterous
desire to just blow off battle steam and get drunk with everyone in a raging mead hall party (minus
actually drinking), but do it still with that seasoned, untouchable warrior soul and 'groundedness' as the
RSD guys like to say.
And what does he think about logic? Logic!? I just got back from battle- have another fucking drink
and don't weigh me down before I whip out the corn cob dick on you, too!
He's not interested in discussions, getting to know people, telling anyone anything about himself... He's
just got 200 days in battle to blow off in one night, and that's all he fucking cares about. And booze,
uproarious laughter and maidens are the only way he cares to do it. He wouldn't even want cocaine,
weed, or any particular music. He's that fucking simple and straight to what he fucking wants, how he
fucking wants it.

The greatest viking warrior from the village, back to blow off a thousand battles in the mead hall...
THAT'S your character when you game.

Sinking to Your Environment, and What it Really Means

The interesting thing with all of this is what happens when you sum it all together. For me at least, and
I would basically say for just about anyone, it creates a lot of pressure to be within the extents and
boundaries of your environment.
This was most notable when I returned back to my small hometown. Just about no one has any real
game there. My friends didn't. The vibe is very much like the old crabs in a bucket story, where if a
crab starts to climb out of the bucket the other crabs grab it and pull it back in. It's a shit load of loser
underachievers basically. What I found going out there is that my game dramatically imploded to match
the environment, and it came from a very unnoticed part of my brain. For all the reasons we just went
over, my brain was pulling me down to the level of the environment. It wanted to be within the herd. It
wanted to not be too out there, too noticeable. This is ten years into game with honestly pretty sick
game ability when I was performing well. Though my game was often best when I was in a large club
and where if I got bad feedback, I could escape into some other part of the club- I didn't have to worry
about any one herd in those environments.

At the same time, if I'm out on a bootcamp with Julien or with my best wings, then my game becomes
pretty sick. It dials up towards the best of what I'm capable of. I rise to the environment.
That part seems innocent right?
What does that say though? It means on the downside where I sink to shitty environments, and on the
upside where I rise to good environments, that I'm getting what I'm 'allowed' to do off of my
environment. I'm still heavily pinging my environment to look for permission. The fact even that I
would rise to a better environment means that I'm not just in a space where what is possible and what
I'm allowed to comes STRICTLY from me, strictly from what I know can be done, strictly from my
own abilities. I'm not coming from a place where whether I come together with a girl or not is simply
based on me and her. I'm coming from a place where I have to check around to see what's allowed still.
Where I have to stick in. Where I have all the weird fears and so on we talked about above.

The funny thing is that one of the parts of what Tyler D teaches that I've always ignored the most is his
series of rants about social conditioning and herd mentality. I buy what he says for the most part, but I
also think his extreme hatred for 'social conditioning' is ridiculous. On top of that, I've always felt that I
was less susceptible to this than most. And I probably am. I've always done things my own way, forged
my own path, gone off and done things by myself if no one would come rather than just not doing what
I wanted, I've been exceptional at several things, etc etc. Yet it's clear that I'm okay with being unique,
but not with really standing out for being exceptional. I'm not so strong in myself to just do what I
know is possible and see what happens in a way that is based on my own experiences, my own talent,
my own self-sufficiency.
Of course you need to know what's familiar to the environment and what isn't, but that's pretty much
where it ends. That shouldn't handicap you, it should just tell you HOW to go about doing the same
shit. Same shit, different environment. Same shit, different day.

Your attitude should be “Let's have fucking fun together. But if you don't like me walking up to the
most appealing girl in the place and coming together with her, which is no big deal, then I hope you get
some balls and step up in your life buddy. Cuz it's fucking happening. I ain't hesitating, I ain't hanging
around because YOU are. You dudes can fucking kick me out of your little circle and ostracize me and
be all bitter if you really so choose – but I'm gonna have a dope time and me and these girls are coming

This is where you start going truly, deeply into the lead. As Tyler always says, “At the cause, not at the
effect. At the cause, not at the effect.” It's where you start cold approaching and then being the one
who's chased. It's where you start to be free, which allows you to let go and start being truly effective.
Is this the key to game like Tyler D always runs around saying? No. It's more like the gate that you pull
out of the way and then everything can flow freely and you can win at a really high level, with a lot of
consistency, like it's no big deal. Because how many things do you do every week that are a really big
deal? The answer is none. You don't do anything weekly or even twice a week that's a really big deal.
Inherently, this means it has to be no big deal. It might push you, like pushing yourself in the gym, but
not to a level that's exceptional.
You also lose this thing where you see the girl you want to talk to, and you go over to her but it's with
this vibe to the room that's like “Don't hurt me... Pwease.” Instead it's like “Hey, you and I are coming
together. It's gonna be awesome. It's not a big thing. These other dudes are going to find other girls, or
maybe be bitter at me. What the fuck ever.” Think of Justin Bieber (also was Justin Timberlake back in
the day, you might not remember though) – if you're REALLY popular with girls, a lot of dudes are
probably going to hate on you. It's just how it is. A lot of dudes are going to try to pressure you.
Whatever. Expect the fact that you can easily come together with a lot of really appealing girls to get
you a bunch of haters in the environment. A bunch of dudes giving you shit, trying to interfere,
whatever – as Tyler would say, it's just your friends having a bad day.

Let go of being in the group. Let go of wanting to be in the group. Of wanting to be accepted. If you
create great emotions with everyone you interact with and stay familiar to them, they'll love you and
want to be around you. YOU set what happens. YOU show them what's possible. If dudes are bitter and
don't like what you're doing with women, then hopefully they have a better day in the future and get
over their shit. Whatever.
You no longer are in the group. You no longer get to be in the group, you don't get to worry about being
in the group. What you have is people that love you for creating really great emotions and vibes, and
then come to you and want to hang out with you. You show other people what's possible, they can
either be happy about that or be bitter about their lives. That's their deal.

Allowing Yourself to Have Regular Success
Having done all of this to figure out while I was self sabotaging, I then started wondering why I still
felt like I just couldn't ALLOW myself to succeed regularly and at high levels. I could actually do it if I
just pushed really hard and told my brain to shut the fuck up and gamed really hard... But I couldn't just
let it happen.

In solving things like these, I try to think through what I can remember people that are better than me
saying. Like all the RSD videos and so on. For one thing, Mystery said long ago that you'll never get
over approach anxiety. On another hand, there was a recording of an RSD Summit where ALL of the
guys started talking about how students are just clinging hard to the edge of the cliff, and if they can
just let go then they can see they can fly and start zooming around and laughing and seeing how fun
and amazing it is – as Jeffy put it. Once Jeffy said that, basically ALL of the other instructors chimed in
and agreed. It was clearly something that every single one of them had experienced in their own way
and resonates with. I can't honestly say that I've quite figured out that step yet.
At the same time, you've got guys like Tyler repeatedly saying that you don't have to go through this
huge hero's journey in order to get girls. You only have to do that if what you THINK you have to do is
go through that... If you just stop thinking you have to do it, then you can succeed now. I completely
disagree with that in one sense, because if you just let go and go out you're not going to get girls
because you don't have the appropriate skills, tactics, and perceptions. However, if he's talking to guys
that are already advanced (or to himself when he felt he broke through), then it's a completely different
story... That seems like it could be a very true statement.
If what he's saying isn't true 100% at face value, then what exactly might he be referring to if we read
between the lines a bit? Well, he's effectively describing this feeling that he went on this massive
journey that he felt like he had to go on, and at the end he kind of felt like he was there all along and
just had to let go and allow himself to succeed. What does that tell us? To me it says that when he felt
like he arrived and broke through, it felt like he had done a big circle back to where he had begun –
except that while he felt in a way like success felt a lot like where he had begun all along and the
journey had been unnecessary, there had been a letting go or a shift in how he saw things at that point.

If that's our expert information to work from, let's dig in!

Like I do with all these things these days, I started by digging through how I feel in relation to allowing
myself to just regularly have great success and basically just writing down a bunch of different
possibilities based on these little tugs and feelings and impressions I feel when I dig through and
examine it. It's sort of like a brainstorm. After writing down a set of different things (take a bit of time
to do it and try to feel out as many angles as you can), I then go through my list of thoughts and
observations, and one at a time I dig into each one more. It sort of turns into an outline format. By
doing this, you start feeling what's going on with your emotions and subconscious more clearly and you
start realizing things and having breakthroughs.

Let's skip forward a bit in the process since we went through it a little more in previous sections. After
doing this, I came up with these reasons that I feel I'm resistant to just allowing myself to succeed all
the time with a ton of really appealing girls like it's no big deal:

A) It feels like letting go of all of this hope in the future. This whole 'I'm almost there, tomorrow will
be amazing' based mindset. Where this massive hope of some incredible tomorrow keeps me going,
energizes me, etc.
-If I start getting a bunch of girls now, and it becomes routine, it destroys this future. We've discussed
this a bit before, where hope actually kills success. But I find that I still have this, so I obviously
haven't smashed it yet
B) Allowing massive success right now kills the RAMP UP feeling.
-I know that's sort of confusing... Basically it feels like I'm gaining all this skill and getting so much
better and I'm constantly ramping up towards some moment where I'm a badass.
-For years it has felt like I'm ramping up to some magical future where suddenly I'll be some all-
powerful badass or whatever. Like there's going to be some breakthrough moment at a really high level
-To just let go and succeed right now, means just grinding, pushing through mental pain, and then at
the end of it regularly succeeding. There's no glamour.
-It's like two things collide together: One is going to the gym, working out super hard and going
through a bunch of pain and pushing yourself to exhaustion – and then some girl from the gym just
leaves with you at the end of most workout sessions and you have sex. It's like awesome and you push
yourself and what-not, but it's also sort of anticlimactic. The second is kind of like going to a water
park and just going on a bunch of slides. Some turn out to be awesome and fun, and some don't- and
that's kind of like approaching in the allowing paradigm... You approach a bunch, sometimes it's
awesome and sometimes it's not... But each one is just about climbing a flight of stairs and waiting in a
long line and then seeing if it's awesome or not. There's no victory or great overcoming moment
-These lessons imply that I won't feel like some amazing killer ninja. It will just feel like routine,
pushing myself, with enjoyment in it. Maybe like attacking an obstacle course hard. Not like winning
an Olympic medal where there's all this buildup and then some crazy victory. In fact, it will seem less
like 'winning' and being a 'winner' over time. The enjoyment is engaging with the obstacle course and
enjoying the slides, not any 'win'
-This comes with letting go of being some rising up and comer. It means I have to step into the big
boy shoes of being the capable hot hand right now
-It also means there will no longer be some bright shining amazing future. It's right now, I just have to
let it be right now. I won't feel more amazing in that future, my experiences will just increase while
feeling like I do right now. We have addressed this a bit, of course, but it's obviously still relevant.
Meaning it's something to constantly prime

Let's break from the list for a moment to comment on this... This made me think that perhaps for years
I've steadily escalated how hard the 'problem' was as I worked so hard on it. I would say it's a reverse
justification... I'm not getting the success, I'm having to work my ass off and kill myself to try to get
where I want to be, and to justify going through all of that, I'd say I subconsciously reverse justified it
by raising the perceived size of the mountain I was climbing. However, the reality is that the mountain
never got any higher. It was still pretty straightforward and not that big of a deal the whole time, like I
thought when I was much younger, I was just approaching it with the wrong perceptions and skillset.

To me, this is where Tyler comes in talking like he took this big hero's journey and wound up back at
the start and felt like if he had just let go of needing that journey, he wouldn't have needed to take it. I'd
say he's wrong because he needed the skillset and perceptions. Yet it feels that way, because in the end
he just wound up letting go and feeling like getting with girls isn't a big deal like he felt way back in
the beginning. In a way, he went full circle and wound up where he started, but in another way he was a
totally different person with totally different skills, just looking at the situation like he originally did.
Okay, back to it:

C) I think I'm punishing myself for not being/feeling crazy epic.

-After all these years of building up the problem to reverse justify all the effort I had to go through
and all of my failures, I then also convinced myself that when I finally am able to win like crazy, it will
feel insanely epic. Like I'll feel like some insane ninja
-However, since I don't feel that way, I think I might be punishing myself by subconsciously saying
“You aren't insane ninja man. You can't fly. Therefore you can't have the success. Until you find a way
to be that and feel that way, the success is not yours.”
-The reality is that it just feels like grinding, like pushing yourself at the gym or running a marathon
or attacking an obstacle course... And then sex. With a lot of laughing and good emotions along the
way. And a lot of surviving forks. Not really that magical. The sex and spending time with the girl
might be magical... It might not. But there's no magical ninja feeling, no magical win feeling.

To me this says a lot of what I need to do is lay down my guns and abandon the years long arm race
against this monstrous problem. Instead I just need to take up the hobby of pushing my brain,
surviving, making epic emotions, and then having sex result. The arms race is over. I won. I figured it
out. It's this new end-of-the-Cold-War scenario where it's time to learn how to enjoy and engage in
piece. All the tanks and shit aren't really necessary. Just skills and running marathons and going to the
gym, like super white people do in peace time. Not building fighter jets and scowling at the enemy like
you do in a Cold War. The Cold War was necessary to figure things out and build the skills, but the
other side was never Soviet Russia. They were just speaking Mongolian and I was trying to make
friends with them in English. I had to figure that out and learn Mongolian and then face down my own
brain that tells me not to go speak to them in Mongolian and work out the issues to surviving and
sticking together.

D) There's all this BRACING against getting my ass kicked, rather than leaning in and attacking
-Part of it seems to be just the suddenness associated with allowing. It's like 'What... Now all of a
sudden I just have sex a lot? After it being so fucking hard just a couple days ago and for years... I just
let go and now I just wind up with a bunch of girls. In like one day? That doesn't make SENSE!!! I
didn't DO anything!'
-Also, there's YEARS of PAIN that has been trained in my brain from approaching things wrong,
trying to do things with the wrong skills and the wrong perceptions. My brain doesn't get that there
could be a sudden change in that... Like 'What, I just change what I do a little bit and suddenly it's not
so painful and there's just a ton of sex? How could it just change like that?'

E) It will never stop feeling painful and grinding. But it's normal and regular. But it's grinding and
painful... What??
-Due to the outdated brains we've all got, it will ALWAYS feel painful and grinding. Not because it
is, but because our brains are idiotic. So there's a dualism. Suddenly there just isn't that much of a
problem because you let go... But at the same time, there's always having to overcome your own brain,
like there is in long distance running. When I'm not gaming a lot, I don't regularly go out all jacked up
to stick my hand in a fire and see how long I can hold it there before I flinch... Yet this suggests that
THAT is the actual ongoing struggle and engagement, not the difficulty of coming together with the girl

This dualism is a really tough and strange thing. You expect that things will either get EASY if the
problem isn't that big of a deal... Or if there's continued pain and struggle, that it's because there's some
difficult problem. We think that it has to be one or the other.
Running is really one of the only things I can think of that's similar. It's not difficult to run. But if you
try to run several miles, your brain is going to bitch and resist and put you through pain every single
time. We just accept this and don't sweat it. (No pun intended) Running a certain distance is accessible
every single time you want it... As long as you'll tell your brain to shut the fuck up and push through its
resistance. It will never be 'easy' because your brain will never stop bitching. The actual challenge just
isn't that hard and there's nothing stopping you from doing it regularly other than telling the rust bucket
to shut its fucking trap.

Having something be normal and regular, and also pushing through pain is one dualism.
Another is that it starts always with grinding and pain, then switches to under reacting and being
chased. That's sort of confusing too. Then you have to lead hard as well. That only makes sense if you
see this flip-flopping as the driving force of game. It's engaging to be unpredictable and flip back and
forth and it carries the girl away.
The fact is, a badass is someone who pushes through mental pain and makes it seem easy and no big
deal – like they aren't even experiencing any pain at all. That's the fighter pilot/test pilot mentality, like
the movie The Right Stuff.

F) The loss of this engagement with fighting a problem that feels like it has become a part of me
-For years you battle this monster and it keeps you engaged. It keeps you kind of entertained. It
becomes this thing that you have this hope of one day defeating and winning... And then it's just gone.
You just have to let go of it. Suddenly your brain is like “What the fuck do I do now?” Almost like a
-I'd say my brain has started to exist in the space in that tension of this struggle. And like a Navy
SEAL trying to quit and go back to life, I think my brain feels a bit at a loss if it lets go of the problem.
Like, “The book's finally done?” “The problem's finally solved?” “What the fuck do I do now?” “What
if I just keep making the problem harder so I can keep it?”
-There clearly has to be a shift. Now the engagement has to be about challenging my own brain,
pushing it, and pushing my level of execution ability. And about actually enjoying sex and times with
hot girls. Changing to facing real world challenges, rather than the challenge of the problem.

This last one is likely to be something that most of you won't have to work through as much as me. You
almost certainly haven't fought with this 'problem' as long or as hard as I have... That's why I'm writing
this book. Nonetheless, if you've been in this a few years, as you likely have, then you still might have
some of this.
I'd say this is likely why Tyler talks so much about being 'out here' in the world, not in his head. About
going out and actually crushing it. About worrying about gaming and dealing with things as they come,
not about engaging with hypothetical problems. I would say he's actually largely talking to himself and
reminding himself constantly keep his engagement with real world blockages, not with hypothetical
mind puzzles. That part is something shared by new and old guys in game, because new guys
constantly ask a bunch of hypotheticals based on shit they've never even experienced. Veterans of game
might have a tendency to just puzzle over real problems that they've had... In the past. At least some
veterans like myself and Tyler. Tyler's advice to be 'out here' is to get your engagement from whatever
the real world presents, not from whatever your brain presents.

For me and for other long time guys in game, it's a bit like we showed up in America and people were
playing professional baseball... But no one had ever documented or created a way for us to learn how
they were doing it like that. So for years we combined studying video, experimenting, practicing, and
playing. And we loved it. The science combined with playing was this thing we loved... But one day we
figured it out. It wasn't all that difficult, it was just not what we first perceived. At this point, we have to
stop watching, stop chatting on forums, stop trying to figure it out... And just go play catch, do batting
practice, and play games. Those are a ton of fun and very engaging. We just have to shift the
engagement, shift what we love. We will, of course, learn many more lessons to come... But the pursuit
of figuring it out and learning the lessons as its own activity effectively needs to end. Baseball becomes
something that you practice and play. You no longer watch it. You no longer talk about it with your
buddies. You write down notes and change your practice to adapt as you learn. But it's a different story.

Outlasting the 99 Percent
I was watching the nature show with the wolves chasing the rabbit in the arctic. That fucking thing ran.
And ran. And ran. And ran. And ran. And ran. And raaan and ran and ran. And it FINALLY outlasted
them and survived.

It made me start thinking. First off, that was real nature. That was real survival. Survival ain't nice. It's
fucking go and go and go and go and go and go and NEVER give up. And whoever gives up dies.
Those wolves spent all that energy and got nothing, making starvation a real worry. If the rabbit had
given up, it would've died.
That had interesting implications... We discussed earlier that I realized in most competitive scenarios in
the world, success begins after 80% of people can't take it any more and give up in that area. The more
valuable the area, the more people will hang in there, and the harder it is to get past 80% of them.

It struck me that this actually might be similar. Let's say a rabbit is capable of running until 80% of
wolves stop chasing.
What happens then? It probably doesn't get chased every day. But maybe it gets chased once every two
weeks. That means out of five chases, it winds up dead. On average within 8 weeks, dead rabbit.
Now think of that rabbits genes... Eight weeks likely isn't long enough, so those genes are gone.
If a rabbit needs a year or two in order to reproduce and pass on its genes, that means the rabbits that
survive are the ones that can outrun about 99% of wolves.

If you think about it, this is pretty crazy. You don't really have to know anything about rabbits or
wolves. You just have to know wolves eat rabbits and rabbits have to outrun and outlast them to
survive. And you can say that a rabbit has to be genetically adapted to outrun around 99% of wolves. It
depends on how often they actually get chased, but that's effectively it.

So that made me think about game. Generally any cute girl will wind up going home with somewhere
around 1 in 100 guys that spend at least 5-10 minutes talking to her. If she talks to 4 new guys a night
for a while, that might be one a month. Some might go home with four a month, some might go home
with one every three months... But generally those girls are also talking to less or more guys a night for
that amount of time. It really comes out to about 1 in 100 guys they actually spend 5 to 10 minute
speaking with.
I suppose you could think that makes sense... Somehow the underlying dynamics of reproducing and
passing on genes probably has a commonality there. Whether it does or not doesn't necessarily matter.
The ratio is somewhere in that neighborhood for almost any cute girl I've run into.

What that means is that the guys that go home with girls are the ones that outlast 99 other guys. Pretty
fucking straightforward. And kind of crazy, right?
What does that mean? Well, you could have the best game in the world... But all that does is HELP you
outlast the other girls. If you build TONS of sexual tension and she's powerfully into you, she might
want to help you solve logistics and help keep you around longer. But at the end of the day, it really just
winds up being who outlasts 99 other guys with that girl.

This is an amazing realization because everything starts to fall in line behind it.
For instance, why can you pull sevens more regularly than nines? Well, think about it... How much
effort will the average guy put into a 7? Not that much. So how much effort does it take with a 7 to out
last 99 other guys? Not that much...
Now think about a 9. How much effort would an average guy put into a nine? Like everything they've
got. So how much effort does it take to outlast 99 other guys with a 9? Quite a lot.
This is why hot girls aren't 'harder', they just take LONGER.

This also teaches us a really interesting point. What happens if you meet a 9, and you get her phone
Hmmm. How many other guys have her phone number, her Instagram, her snapchat...? Probably a few
hundred. Chances are up to 100 of them are actively trying to message her. So you have to outlast and
outwit all of them.
But really think about this. If a girl is a 9, what extent will guys go to with her? The fact is, a lot of
those guys probably would think of it as the crowning achievement of their dating life to make this
chick their WIFE. That means you've got to outlast 99 other guys playing 'be my wife game'. And she
has a lot of choice from all the socially competitive positions she seeks out. Which means guys are
taking her to boxes at football games, back stage at concerts, on trips to Miami, on yachts, on shopping
sprees, and on private jets. Outlasting 99 other guys who are literally willing to try to do these things
for years to make her their wife is gonna be damn near impossible. She likely has to TURN DOWN
trips from guys.
To give you an idea of how crazy this can be, most guys would give you a suggestion of their
attractiveness based on the number of girls they've slept with. But I've seen celebrities talking in
interviews, and they have a bit of a different metric. And I've heard this from real life very hot girls too.
They talk about how many MARRIAGE PROPOSALS they've turned down. For instance, I think
Jennifer Lopez said she's turned down 6 marriage proposals. Think about that. Six different guys that
were balling enough to DATE JENNIFER LOPEZ and think she'd want to marry them, and she STILL
turned six of them down. So think about trying to outlast the other 99 guys trying to play 'be my wife'
game on a girl who's in that 9 neighborhood.
Honestly, what this means is that by the time you get a girls number and leave her presence, if she's like
a 9+ you really only have one chance: Just catch her when she's bored, or when whatever you want to
do with her strikes her in the moment. I mean, she's going out to get mimosas on Sundays with her
girlfriends and shit, it's not like she's ALWAYS on a private jet unless she's a legit, signed professional
model. So there's times when she just is bored. Or doesn't have anything better to do. Or maybe she just
wants to grab pizza with a cool dude and maybe get laid with someone that's not trying so hard. These
things happen. But it means if you wind up in the phone of a girl that attractive, you're pretty much just
playing a timing game. You're not likely to outlast 99 other guys in her phone. You just have to hang in
there and catch her on a good day. Or invite her to something socially competitive, like back stage at a
concert or out to bottle service with your social circle.

Think, now, about the night you met them. They're GOING to end up in a bed at the end of the night. If
they showed up to a club and talked to a guy for at least 5-10 minutes, then the thought of having sex
probably isn't hideous to them. Even if they had no plans to. So that means the idea of having sex that
night when they go to bed isn't the most awful thing in their mind. Not that they will, but it's not
terrible. But there's an inherent time and effort limit there... It has to happen by the end of THIS night.
Think about the implications of that. That means that if she's going to hook up with anyone tonight, it
would be someone who can outlast what 99 other guys would do with her IN ONE NIGHT. In one
night. That's a TOTALLY different pool of people.
How many guys would befriend her friends? How many guys would be able to out maneuver any other
guys that try to swoop? How many guys can stick with her all night, have sexual and interactional
tension, and keep her wanting to be around them? How many guys can navigate the logistics of her
scenario? How many of them are willing to stick in there through the inevitable barriers that will pop
up? How many of them can talk their way into a cab with her, or convince her to leave their friends?
Think through all of this. The fact is, 99 other guys that are cool enough to talk to a 9 for 5-10 minutes
are actually going to do pretty damn well. But they're also regular dudes. They don't study this shit.
Outlasting what they can do in ONE night is totally plausible. So that's really your chance. Forget about
getting a girl's number like that unless you can bombard her with other girls and cool events and stuff
passively as she watches your social media (which you SHOULD be able to do).

The real lesson here? If you want girls that are like 9+, it's the night you met them. Unless you have
some sweet social circle stuff to invite them to, post on social media so they feel like they missed out,
and then invite them to again. And patience to hit the timing right... Basically it's the night you met
them or nothing.

This is a really helpful realization. You want a girl? Outlast what 99 other guys would do with her.
Navigating the group she came with, getting rid of other dudes, being emotionally engaging but
smooth, maintaining interactional tension and building sexual tension... It's pretty straightforward,
really. If you were to strip all the most attractive guys off the planet, all the yacht guys, all the private
jet guys... Those girls wouldn't stop hooking up. They'd just hook up with the 1 out of 100 guys from
the next layer down. It just dials up and down. So you just need to outlast the other 99 dudes that got at
least 5-10 minutes in with her. Your game can make that easier and easier. If you were Ryan Gosling,
she'd make that happen for you. But regardless you're going to have to do it. And you aren't Ryan
Gosling, so you'll have to take care of it.

Make Her Feel the Music

I was hanging on the dance floor one night, working on letting go into the enjoyment layer. Working on
feeling the confidence we'll talk about in the next section. And for this short moment I had this feeling
wash over me. I felt like things snapped together, like for a minute I just got it. The world, game,
opening, it all just kind of fit together. I felt I could go up to anyone, and they'd just be sucked into
what I had going on.
It didn't last long, then it disappeared again.

I was left wondering what that was. Why had a rarely, if ever felt it before? Why would a feeling like
that come in quickly and leave just as quickly? What was going on here.

This is one reason I say that turning your brain off entirely as you game is good for your instant
success, but not great for your long term learning. Because the fact that I noticed this feeling, tuned into
it, and effectively recorded it onto my mental hard drive, I could later go back over the feeling and try
to figure out what it was.
Later I played with my memory of that feeling like a bored poker player rolls a chip between his
knuckles. Trying to break it into its pieces, wondering what it meant. Wondering how I could get it
again, how I could make it stronger.

After quite a while I started to realize that I could think of one other example of someone being in an
emotion like this. If you watch how like old school Laguna Hills, there's usually some rich kid that
wears a chain and is super cocky. When they wind up dancing at some party, he's the kid that bounces
up and down, and cocks his head to the side at an angle, and then gets in people's faces as if to say “Get
into it mother fucker! Let's go!” He MAKES them feel the music. He IS the music, and he projects it
into them, dragging them along with the vibe of it.

And that was it. For that period of time, I WAS the music. I felt like it was going through me and I was
able to channel it into anyone and get them bumping with it. That I had the ability to pull anyone along
into that vibe...

So what does that mean? How does that work? How could I do it again? How could you do it? How
could I amplify it, channel it, do it all the time?

I had to figure out what that was, exactly.

I realized first that because my home town is small and I hadn't been able to do many approaches, that I
had slipped into this role where when I was approaching, I was basically letting the girl be the decider.
All this approaching on the dance floor had me thinking about whether I was going with or against the
dance floor vibe. Because of that, I was approaching girls in a way that was effectively “You like this?
Does this go with your vibe?”
It was allowing THEM to be the decider of whether something was a cool vibe or not. That causes a
massive problem. That asking frame is purely unattractive and girls don't like having that shit brought
around. On another level, it makes you feel a massive lack of confidence, because your brain's sitting
there going “If I walk up and do this, is she going to like it? I'm not sure that she's going to.” That just
puts you in a shitty spot where you're creating an asking energy she doesn't want, and you feel a lack of
confidence in whether it's going to work or not. This situation takes any of the power and intrigue off of
what you're doing, it's just a downward spiral.

The first step of creating that feeling was to not allow her to be the decider. YOU'RE the decider. The
bouncing, chained-up rich kid from the teen drama that makes you FEEL the music doesn't let you
decide. HE decides. He thinks “This song is fucking dope” and he brings it to you and MAKES you get
into it.

The second step, rather obviously, is conviction in what you're doing. Conviction and cockiness.

The part that kind of escaped me was the hook. What is the HOOK of that vibe? Not letting her be the
decider has obvious enormous value, when you actually realize it. But what really created the power of
that feeling?

The thing that the bouncing rich kid is doing that is really compelling is that he's got something going
on, and he's just dragging you into it. He's jumping to the music. He's psyched about it. He's got a game
for you to join – the jump up and down and get hyped about the song game. He's not letting you be the
decider, he's just dragging you into it. I say 'you' because that kid does it to guys AND girls. It's just a
thing he does.

Kind of play with that in your mind for a minute. He's got a thing going on, and he just drags you into
it... THAT'S really the hook. He's SWEEPING PEOPLE AWAY. It's like there's a river, and he just
slowly pulls them by the hand into it, and away they go. Where's the difficulty in that? You've got a
cool thing going on, and all you have to do is pull her by the hand into it.

Now think about what the general guy in the club is doing. This is where game is REALLY going to
make sense to you all of a sudden. Think about all the guys going up to girls in clubs... What are they
doing? “Hey, you want to get a drink?” “Hey, I like that dress.” “Hey, what's your name.” “Hey, [insert
joke].” That last one is a little better, sometimes, but think about all of it... EVERY one of those is
saying “Hello, would you like to have an interaction with me?”
Every guy going up to girls in clubs is ASKING the girl if they want to get into an interaction. They're
making the GIRL the decider, and THEN they're not even proposing what sort of interaction the two of
them should have. They're just asking the girl to commit to jumping into a blank interaction with them.
That's like going up to a girl and going “Hey, you want to go out?” and she's like “Ummm, to do
what?” and the guy goes “I was hoping you'd come up with something for us.” What dude? You're
asking her to do something with you and you don't even have a thing for you to do?
Now think about this even more in the context of opening a girl in a bar or a club... She's fucking
grooving, she's having fun. She's chatting with her girls or dancing or pretending she's a queen in bottle
service or whatever. Then these dudes come up to her, ASK her if she wants to get into an interaction
expecting some sort of 'yeah sure' from her, and THEN they don't even know what the fuck the
interaction is and are hoping she'll figure it out for them or at least help them to figure it out...
She's GOT something going on. And you're coming up, a stranger, asking her if she wants to effectively
commit to joining some open-ended interaction with her, and trading the thing she's got going on that
she's digging for... Nothing. If you want her to fucking trade out what she's got going on, you should

Just think about all these dudes running around doing this to chicks! Fucking NUTS man. It's
ridiculous. That's what's going on all around you! No wonder all these girls are like “No dude! I don't
want to trade the fun I'm having even if it's marginal, in order to commit to interacting with you for an
interaction that you don't even know how you want it to look!”
When you realize that, it's no longer absurd that girls are running around being douche bags turning all
these guys down. These guys are literally asking them to trade their fun for nothing with strangers that
don't know what they want to do when they start interacting.

Then you've got the bouncing, chain wearing, rich douche kid from the TV shows. He just comes up,
doesn't ask, doesn't see the girl as the decider, has a thing going with a strong vibe already (bouncing
up and down to the music), and he just fucking drags her into it. He doesn't ask, he isn't aggressive, he's
not trying to take anything from her, he just drags her into the thing he's already got going on. It's like
saying “Come to this dope ass party we're having, it's right over here.” No ask, no commitment
necessary, no vagueness about what's happening, no worry about what you're trading your current fun

That feeling I had on the dance floor finally made sense. I had a thing going on- I let go into the music.
I just BECAME the music, the vibe. I let go of seeing anyone around me as a decider. I just went to a
place where I was just thinking of dragging people into the vibe and carrying them away with it. It felt
both powerful, unstoppable, and smooth because it was asking for no compliance, it was providing a
thing to do and a vibe to join, and it allowed a perfectly smooth transition into that vibe.

It reminds me of your typical foreigner squad out at the bar or club. No matter where you travel to,
there always seems to be a circle of British or Aussie guys. They're often dressed in a unified theme.
They circle up and jump up and down and yell and chant and get loud. Often they don't approach, but
girls feel all this masculine energy going on and have a tendency to just wander over to them. Then
they just grab them and pull them into the circle. Boom, inducted into the thing that's going on. And the
girls love it.
Granted, you probably don't have a squad of Aussies... But the point is to BE that yourself. That's what
bouncing chain douche is. He's a full circle of Aussies in one dude.

In this we find the purest definition of opening that I've ever encountered. Opening isn't what you think
it is at all. It's supposed to be that opening it “doing anything to get an interaction going.” It doesn't
matter what it is. They say that you open, then you transition, then you hook. Three separate things. Or
they say “Just assume that it's already open. Go in and give energy, share.” That's a far better definition,
and it comes from the true genius of game, Tyler D. But if it's already open and you just go in and
randomly give energy and share... Well, you're still thinking of it like “We know each other already. So
I can go in and just expect a freeform interaction.” Of course that's far better. But even if you know
someone, does it make sense to go up to them and expect them to ditch what they're doing for a
random, formless interaction with you? Just because you're bringing energy? Naturally, coming from
Tyler D and his unreal levels of experience, this is a good mindset – paradigms above what the other
guys are doing.
But think about the realization we just came to. Opening really shouldn't be opening. It should be
opening, transitioning, and hooking all in one thing. And that thing should be taking her by the hand
and pulling her into a thing you already have going on. Something that already has a strong vibe and
enjoyable emotions. It's basically one, smooth move pulling her into a thing and sweeping her away
with it. The vibe should go along with whatever she's doing, and ideally it should be more emotionally
engaging than what she's doing. Not more 'fun', necessarily, but more emotionally engaging in ANY
suitable way.

Think of this. It's SO much smoother. It's SO much more friendly. You're just pulling her into a trade up
in vibes. That's it.
It also explains why game guys are so fucking terrified of the dance floor... They're coming in ASKING
girls to join an interaction, which generally involves questions that involve THINKING and a lot of
talking, and they're asking girls that 100% already have a fun vibe going on (dancing) to trade that vibe
to commit to joining an unclear interaction that they're expected to help create and that is almost
certainly going to involve thinking and not be congruent with the vibe they're currently in... Yeah, dude,
of course you think the dance floor is a 'trap'. When you're pitching that awesome trade off to girls...

This means that one of the biggest necessities to having REALLY smooth, REALLY effective 'opening'
is to have a thing going on with a vibe that is congruent to where she's at, ideally a trade up in
engagement, and that you can just pull her right into it. That IS one thing the oldschool Mystery
opinion openers had going for them – you're dragging her into a pre-existing thing. She doesn't have to
agree to join or think, she just gets pulled into this 'debate' you were having and starts throwing stuff in
there. The vibe isn't strong and is often not congruent to what she's doing (ESPECIALLY if you're
trying to do this on the dance floor). But there's a thing going on already.

I think of the Julien question ladder we discussed in the first volume. You're asking this escalating
series of several question in a row, in a way that is giving energy but challenging. You make it sound by
your tonality and your rhythm like they mean something and all relate to each other. But the questions
are also a bit out of the blue. In that case, perhaps surprisingly, she's still JOINING something. She's
getting pulled into this mysterious, kinda surprising interrogation game and it's like a little mystery
about what it all means about her.
You can see where using the old school technique of including a cold-read in opening fits in, too.
Because now you're pulling her into a thing that has a vibe where she learns about herself, or at least
why you would think a certain thing about her.

This means that when you start an interaction, you should really have a thing going on. It needs a vibe.
It's kind of like a game, but doesn't have to actually be a game... So let's call it a vibe game.
I kind of think of it like those parties you go to where they have different booths or areas set up that
have activities from all over the world. Like one's making sushi. And another is making Hawaiian leis.
And another is mixing Cuba Libre drinks or whatever. They're all these little things with their own vibe
that are going on, and you can visit them. That's how girls see guys when they go out. Remember we
said girls see guys like drinks? Like Johnny Tequila and Kyle Kahlua? Well, it's even more like they
see them as mini-games at an around-the-world party. Except most guys are too stupid to have a game
going on and come up and ask her to come up with one for them, and then to commit to being in it for
at least a few minutes. Because implying “Hey, do you want to interact” doesn't mean “Hey, do you
want to interact for the next seven seconds??”

Thus you need a vibe game, and you need to take her by the hand and pull her slowly but powerfully
into it. No asking. She knows how to say no. As you're well aware by this point in your game career.
You should have vibe games that fit different scenarios. Vibe games that go along with the vibe on the
dance floor. Vibe games that fit with crazy ass party girls. Vibe games that fit for quieter patios. Vibe
games that fit for day game. They should be a thing you can carry on for a little bit. There should be
options in the vibe game for loosening if necessary. And the vibe game DEFINITELY needs to involve
building interactional tension (which, through 'us frame', cockiness, and innuendo transitions into the
sexual tension vibe game... Which is sort of predefined). Sometimes you can just pull her into the
sexual tension vibe game directly.
A vibe game could be little lie plotlines, like Julien does. It could be fun-challenging question ladders
also like Julien does. It could be a role play. It could be an actual game. It could be Snapchatting
yourselves. It could be a way that you keep twisting what she says- like turning it all into innuendo, or
turning it all into cockiness, or turning it all into her trying to get into your pants.

The essential thing here is that you need to think about the environments you're going to go out in
tonight. If you're in a brand new city, say for a bootcamp, it'll be a little harder. But generally speaking,
you know the venues you're going to, you know the different areas of them, and you know the common
vibes that take place. If there's dance floors, like the dance floors that dominate all the venues around
the small town I'm in at the moment, then you'll need vibe games that are congruent with the vibe of the
dance floor. And likely not just one. Because you have slightly more timid girls on the dance floor, then
you have girls that are dropping it down hard on the dance floor and want to keep it 'ruul sexual.
You might have a quieter area. In that quieter area might be mixed groups, just girls that are quieter,
and just girls that are partying harder. That's three more vibe games. Ideally you'll have some that work
for multiple girls.

I'll tell you right now that as I've been working my ass off writing this book, I haven't been preparing
enough for each night out. Where I should do about an hour and a half of preparing and out of field
training and priming, I probably do about 30-40 minutes – while writing until RIGHT before I go out.
The result is that even after a couple months I haven't exactly developed vibe games that suit the
venues, especially the dance floors, in the town I'm currently in. And that's been a little bit of an issue
for my game. Combining that with the very low number of girls to approach on a given night here, and
the 3 nights a week MAX that you have to work with, and developing appropriate vibe games for
where I'm going and who's there has been pretty difficult. That, in turn, leads to a lack of confidence.
Because now you're thinking “There's a girl I want to interact with. This is her vibe. I don't have a thing
that goes along with that vibe to pull her into.” And then you get a little nervous because, as we'll
discuss in the next section, you don't have confidence in the plan you have going in. SO FUCKING
PREPARE!!!! If you have to sit down and brainstorm and watch a bunch of RSD infield videos and
piece through forum posts online and shit in order to get enough ideas, routines, jokes, whatever to put
together vibe games that are appropriate for the venues, areas of the venues, and people you'll run
into... FUCKING DO IT!!! You're wasting your mother fucking time if you don't. You're like “But I'm
going out and practicing!” If you don't even have shit to do that's congruent with the vibes and people
you're doing it to, you're wasting your time. You're going to get blown out most of the time and not
learn shit because the basic vibe of what you're doing is mismatched because you didn't sit down and
study and brainstorm for an hour or two. So you were better off skipping a night out and brainstorming
and studying and coming up with some good shit for the venues, vibes, and people you're going to run

Now you fucking see why game guys can generally only game limited types of girls. They often suck
with really hot college girls (like me). Why? Because they don't have vibe games that are congruent!
They might suck with hard partying girls (like I did for many years, and occasionally still do). Because
they don't have vibe games for those girls. They can't game on the dance floor. Why? No dance floor
vibe game in their vocabulary.
Add to that the lack of interactional tension in whatever vibe games they have. Plus a general lack of
understanding and being able to be congruent to vibes... And these guys are often fucked.
All three of those types of girls I just mentioned (or locations, for the dance floor) come with vibes that
are really anti-logic and having to think. Most game guys don't have low-thought vibe games. Certainly
something I struggle with. And then you get the occasional guy who can ONLY do that, does great with
college girls (though rarely the really hot ones, as they're very social appearances sensitive), and they
don't know how to game other types of girls.

This just completely blows the concept of opening off its hinges. I hope that from now on, the concept
of opening will be thought of RADICALLY differently. Opening isn't opening. It's bullshit to say the
opener doesn't matter. At least in that way. You SHOULD say it in another way. You SHOULD say that
opening isn't opening at all. And the question of “What's my opener” is an unanswerable question in
many ways. What you SHOULD do is select a vibe game that's congruent to the girl and situation, and
then simply use some sort of opener that's congruent with the vibe game and metaphorically just take
her by the hand and pull her into the vibe game. The opener DOES NOT EXIST in a vacuum. It's just
the way that you pull the girl into the vibe game.
Remember long ago in the book when I discussed how I struggled endlessly, not being able to
transition girls to hooking after my opener? And I finally found that it was because I opened one way,
and then tried to transition into something with a different vibe, so there was an incongruent break
between opener and transition? And for months if not over a year I could hardly transition anything
because of that?
Well, this fixes that entirely. Now what you're concerned about isn't the opener, but rather the hook.
The transition doesn't exactly exist any more. And you're just looking to use something to open the girl
that pulls her into the vibe game – which is the hook. And should inherently build interactional tension
(with options to jump forward to sexual tension or backwards to loosening).
To look at it another way, you want to design little mini games, little vibe games that create
interactional tension but with different vibes. Different strokes for different folks.
For instance, what's a good vibe game that creates interactional tension on a dance floor with minimal
speaking and minimal thinking required on her part? Maybe something involving Snapchat and then
fucking with her while videoing yourselves. I actually don't know yet because, like I said, I haven't
done my preparation homework because of doing my book homework.

This is what the average natural uses to start interactions, too, by the way. They don't open. They go
“Hey fuckers, let's play flip cup!!!” And they get everyone stoked. Then they go “You, you can face off
against me” so she's standing in front of him across the flip cup table. Then they interact while playing
this game, trash talking, etc. Most naturals find a thing to have happen, then try to get the girl to be
their 'partner' in that thing.

In the future, I shouldn't see people discussing routines and openers on forums. They should be
discussing what vibe games work well for what situations, non-verbals, how to interact with the vibe
fabric, how to lead and problem solve, and how to deal with their brain internally. That should really be

To design these, think of the vibes in the venues you're going to. Preferably write them down. You'll
need a vibe game for each. Then think of the obstacles, limitations, goals, and preferred types of
emotional engagement involved with those vibes.
Let's say one vibe is a girl that's pretty into dancing on the dance floor. She's not going full on
twerking-stripper-daddy issues. But she's not timid, either. Since I need to figure this out anyway, I
might as well use it as the example. What are the obstacles in this vibe? She doesn't want to talk too
much. It's loud. She DEFINITELY doesn't want to have to think. She doesn't want the dancing party to
grind to a fucking halt. She doesn't want to feel like her energy is being knocked down a peg. You have
to get her attention. You can't ask for too much compliance, because if you immediately do something
that involves trying to get her to dance with you, she's going to decline. That's too much compliance
without enough reason. (Confusingly sometimes she'll just go with it on the dance floor, which fucks
up developing stronger game). What are the limitations on the dance floor? I was kind of answering
that too, but it's loud. You can't say many words at a time. You can't say words from very far away. If
you seem like a wet blanket at all, or if you seem to eager to get compliance, she'll brush you off much
faster. If you don't have both a sexual vibe, a loose vibe, and a bit of a fun/high energy vibe or a
somewhat intense vibe, she'll also brush you off. What is the goal of her vibe on the dance floor? She
wants to let go, be loose, absorb into the enjoyment layer. She wants to be sexual and feel her body. She
probably wants to get turned on and be a little sexual with a guy while having an excuse. She wants to
turn her brain off. What are the preferred types of emotional engagement? Eye contact. Facial
expressions. Dance moves. Things you two do with each other's hands. Expressions of cockiness. Short
one-liners said in her ear. Non-verbal communication like non-verbal breaks in rapport, teasing, etc.
Things using the phone, especially selfies and Snapchatting. Things using other people in the
environment. Funny non-verbal things, like funny dance moves or facial expressions. Miming out sex
acts with dudes on the dance floor, taking her hand and pretending like you're going to make her grab
some girl's butt. Short “I'm cooler than you” or “You can't handle me” or “Your moves are making me
feel things” type role plays.

I don't want to go through the whole process of designing a vibe game here, but you should get the
idea. You take those preferred methods of emotional engagement that go with the vibe, then you figure
out how to create interactional tension using them while also fitting within the constraints of the
obstacles and limitations. Preferably you want to create a bit of a structure – like a game, a role play,
etc. Like RSD Tyler keeps doing interviews with girls about random sexual and relationship stuff on his
Instagram. That's a little vibe game he created. It has an open-ended structure. The vibe game is
“Instagram story yourself and a girl in an interview, then make it about some absurd sexual or
relationship topic you made up.” That's a vibe game. It's open-ended, it can go for a prolonged period
of time. It's specific enough that you can fill in the blanks on the fly, but not so specific that it only has
one form. So you want to take the preferred emotional engagement methods from the particular vibe
you're designing around, and then figure out how you can create an open-ended structure from them
that will make a little vibe game that's both congruent with the vibe and creates interactional tension.
Then you want to fit it within the constraints and limitations. Like an Instagram story interview is not
likely ideal for the dance floor because it involves asking questions that involve thinking. Unless you
take that into account, and you just go “Quick poll - Who's hotter. Me. Or [Leslie]. [Camera back to
you] Me of course.” That involves no thinking on her part. Could be done where it's loud. Involves the
use of one of the emotional engagement methods that go with the vibe (the phone and selfies). It
creates interactional tension. That's a specific interview question, not a vibe game. So then you need a
vibe game. Like maybe the vibe game is quick interviews about which one of you two I better. Like
who's hotter. Who has better dance moves. Who would you rather sleep with. Or lend your car to.
Which one of us would you never lend money to [Leslie]. Etc. That's not QUITE as open ended as
you'd like, because after about three it's repetitive. However, on the dance floor that's ENOUGH to get
her to dance with you. Then you just need to know how to dance. Then you go get a drink. And that
might be all you need.
How would you open with that vibe game? Maybe you just start Snapchatting the room, then lean over
to her and she leans into it. Then you go “We're gonna do an Instagram poll – what's your name?” And
she tells you. Then you go into it. See how you didn't even need to THINK of an opener really? You
just had to think of how to pull her into the vibe game. That's it. The vibe game is the decider. And now
you have a smooth way to open, hook, get her dancing, take her to get a drink, and now you're into the
middle of the interaction that we've covered thoroughly throughout this book.

That took me like ten minutes, while making a lot of that up on the fly and typing about how to do it. If
you are going to a venue with six different common vibes based on the venue and location in the venue,
and the girls that frequent the venue, then if you take ten minutes each to develop six vibe games, you'll
have the venue covered in an hour of brainstorming and studying. Even if it takes you ten hours, if you
hit that venue a lot – or others like it – you're STILL fucking covered. Then you just think of which
vibe game to use for which girl and how to get them into it. If it doesn't feel right for a girl, you make
up some hybrid or just game like you used to and make it up by twisting her words into innuendo,
fucking with her with your face in response to what she says, etc.
A little preparation means your days are over where you felt like you werefighting the grain in various
venues and with various types of girls, and like you don't know how to open and you don't know how
to get certain girls. Of course you'll go out and try those vibe games in the real world and have to adjust
them. Then over time they'll get better and better. But this is really how you should be adapting to
venues and opening and so on.
When I struggled so much in Scottsdale, if I had had this concept I'm sure I would have fixed it quickly.
Worst case scenario I might have had to approach very little for a night or two and just study the vibe.
Even actually take notes. Then go home and brainstorm and brainstorm and brainstorm until I had
some good vibe games to try. Then try them, then go back to the drawing board until they worked for
those venues and those girls. Probably in two weeks I would've been slaying. Instead I believe I spent
two months there and pulled either no one or one girl from night game. Granted I was talking almost
only to 8.5s and 9s. And the potential was definitely there. But still... That's a prime example of where
this is vastly superior. You're in a new place where the vibes and game unfold in a way that is pretty
fucking alien to your previous experience. There are SUPER hot girls running around. And you need to
quickly adapt because you only have limited time there anyway. How do you adapt to a totally alien
game environment where the girls are hyper sensitive to their vibes and to smoothness in a fast period
of time and start pulling? This is how.

Pretty fucking cool eh? Hopefully this will revolutionize how people think of 'opening' and how to
open from now on!!

Vibe Games Continued

A lot of times as I've written this book, I've hit on a concept, gone out and tested it, and then if it
worked I've written about it. Many, many concepts didn't work and never made it here. But every once
in a while, I test a concept, write about it, and then slowly start finding that I uncovered something that
was much, much bigger than I originally expected.
When I first thought about and tested sexual tension, it was that way. When I first thought about and
tested surviving the next fork, it was that way. When I first thought about and tested interactional
tension, that's how it went.

As I went out the next times after coming up with the realization regarding vibe games, I started to
realize I'd hit on something that extended FARRRR beyond what I was originally aware.
Suddenly, I was aware of why I thought I was on pretty thin ice when approaching certain girls in
certain situations... I could feel that the vibe those girls were in was something that I didn't have a
congruent vibe game in mind for, so I was struggling to envision the approach going smoothly and
leading into a smooth follow through.

Then I started thinking about areas of game I had on lock. Including my oldest area of strength in
game... The one area of game I just was good at right from the start- Stripper game.
In the context of vibe games, my success with strippers suddenly made sense. From the very beginning
with strippers, I would gently pull them over and let them try to create a conversation. I'd give them a
fake name, just like they do, and then I'd drop some little statements that suggested that I knew their
industry and had dated other strippers. Then I'd play it too cool for school, kick back, be very loose. Let
them try to generate conversation while I made wise ass comments. Once I knew about sexual tension,
I'd work to build sexual tension while they did the talking.
In other words, when I went to a strip club I had a vibe game that was defined, strong, open-ended, but
specific enough to act on. It involved playing too cool for school, not buying into their stripper frame,
building sexual tension, and playing more of a 'counter' game since they had to proact.

Thinking further, this was about the only area that I had a defined vibe game early on. I developed one
for online/text gaming. Which was a big area for success for me for quite a while, until I kind of cut it
off to focus on night game.
Over time, I would develop vibe games related to experience and where I was going out. As I traveled
the world, it would take me about two weeks to start having success. I would argue because I had to
develop congruent vibe games... Though I was doing it by fumbling around in the dark. I'd also do it
largely unconsciously, and often only have one at a time.

The game system we closed the first volume with is a vibe game. It involved the question ladder, being
commanding and challenging, but giving energy, and building sexual tension. The result of this was
that I would get success... When I found girls and situations that were congruent with that vibe. Other
times, I'd try to put a round peg in a square hole with that vibe game. By using it constantly and
crafting it to work fairly broadly, I got good success out of it. But it wasn't necessarily congruent with
girls just chilling with their friends all relaxed in a big group. It wasn't congruent on the dance floor. It
wasn't as congruent in a mixed set where I needed to at least pretend to be friendly with the guy(s).

The more I went out with this concept in mind, and the more I considered my past successes and
failures, the more the concept of the vibe game tied it all together. This was where you had the chance
to succeed with different types of girls... Or not. This is where you'd struggle to even get three minutes
in with a number of girls, but crush it with others. This was the key to going from open through middle
game successfully over and over.

I wondered what examples of vibe games I could rely on in order to build several that I could use for
the different venues and girls I encounter where I am currently gaming. The RSD instructors came to
mind, as they all have slightly different vibes and slightly different styles of game. I thought about the
techniques and patterns in their game, thinking I'd mix-and-match them to create the vibe games I
That's when I realized that each of them had their own relatively singular vibe game that effectively
defined them!
Tyler: Constantly turning everything into something sexual. Everything in the environment that is
remotely long and skinny becomes a dick he can jack off. He constantly makes gay sex jokes with guys
around. He pretends touching him made him cum. He has girls jiggle each other's boobs for his
Instagram story. It's endless. Then he acts it out and stretches it so that girls shriek with laughter. Then
he switches to being indifferent/under reacting and not letting the girls change his facial expressions,
while still giving them engaged eyes, while they talk. It's largely warm and smooth, but that leads you
into shriek-worthy acted out sexual jokes, and he couples that with the indifference/under reacting
thing to get chasing. His vibe game, then, is basically “Be warm and super smooth. Create shriek-
worthy acted out sex jokes from pretty much anything. Get her to chase by under reacting to everything
SHE says.”

Julien: Tries to build interactional tension via any number of different methods. He uses his little lie
plotlines about nothing that start simple and then he stretches. He fucks with them with his facial
expressions. He pokes little bits of fun, then either moves on or sits there and holds the tension. He
builds this until they're glued to him.

RSD Max: His thing is basically calm and trying to just seem always smooth and never eager, coupled
with little cracks about how he's looking for a wife, he's going to convert her sexually to something or
other, and other little quips. His game is honestly fairly lacking in any particular vibe from what I've
seen, except just using enough engagement and interactional tension to expose the girl to his ultimate
calm and cool guy unaffected vibe for a long period of time. When he just remains calm and cool
indefinitely, stays engaging about random topics without trying hard, and lets the girl contribute and
just move into the void created by the never-affected calm, he eventually can last long enough to
succeed. But there's nothing crazy there. I don't think worse looking guys are likely to be able to use his
game to get much better results than they ought to for their looks

RSD Luke: Luke teaches a very specific pattern, which is: Ask a question, break rapport on the answer,
then sometimes compliment to reward, then repeat. I might be missing one element, but that's basically
it. That's a clear vibe game encompassed in an easy-to-use pattern. It makes a TON of sense why he
teaches this... It means he can get students acting out a clear vibe game that works in many situations,
is open ended and can go forever in many situations, is specific enough to act out, and it automatically
creates interaction tension (due to the rapport breaks).

Joseph Dieguez: He makes a ton of innuendo-based jokes which are pretty hilarious. The fact that he's
so spot on with his humor I would say creates a certain amount of interactional tension, because girls
feel like they can't keep up. The fact he's using innuendo creates some sexual tension. Then his
nonverbals also create sexual tension.

RSD Derek: He likes to make offensive polarizing jokes. He wants girls to walk or to hook on him
hard. The offensiveness creates interactional tension, if they don't leave then they accept it. He certainly
owns that tension. This vibe game has a narrower audience... And so do his pulls.

RSD Jeffy: He uses brash and obnoxious humor and a lot of cockiness. The cockiness creates
interactional tension, as does his occasional dismissivene attitude. I'd also say he creates some
interactional tension by being brass and obnoxious and owning it.

RSD Madison: Classy, intriguing, a bit mysterious in his slow and solid style. I'd say that he builds a
certain amount of mystery and draw by being just engaging enough, but then being slow and acting
high status while not necessarily explaining where that's coming from. That creates a mild interactional
tension, but I'd say with the right girls this builds over time more and more. He also seems cool as fuck
and very smooth, so I think part of his game is to have a vibe that says “Why not talk to me?” And over
time girls get pulled into that mysterious high-status, powerful man vibe. This is likely why he
generally seems to succeed with girls having that colder, slower model vibe – and pretty much only
with those types of girls.

You could probably go on with just about anyone. Guys like Julien definitely have a couple different
vibe games at their disposal, but usually only a couple. Tyler I'm sure has a dozen from over the years,
but to me it seems like he generally resorts to maybe one or two in the moment. It's interesting to look
at instructor's default vibe games, because that means those vibe games were tested over years and
proved successful at a high level.
Keep in mind that I didn't have time to cruise back through all their infield before writing this, so I'm
running off of memory here.

This suggests to me that this concept creates one of the largest areas of potential for massively
increased success that we can possibly identify. The two largest avenues to make tomorrow's game
masters much better than todays, in other words to exceed the abilities of guys like Julien, Joseph
Dieguez, and Venture, are likely these: 1) Combining powerful interactional tension, powerful sexual
tension, AND skillful loosening all in one guy. I would say today there are zero game guys that are
excellent in every one of these categories. None. Including me. My loosening is still pretty shitty, and
my interactional tension skills are brand new so that varies depending on my focus. And 2) Having
multiple vibe games to address the vibes you're likely to run into on any given night out. It appears
most guys in game only have a couple default vibe games. This means they can only succeed with a
couple vibes of girls. If game guys embraced this concept and had vibe games prepared for the various
venues and girls you'd encounter on a given night out, their success ought to double or triple. If you
encounter an average of six vibe types a night, and you have two vibe games you resort to, you should
be able to roughly triple your success by preparing for all six. That's just a theory, I haven't gotten to
fully execute on this yet.

This topic is still new to me and I need to get this book out there... But I think there's MASSIVE
amounts of success and massive potential for streamlining game to be had here.
I've been trying to distill all of the very highest level game down into its absolute minimum form. Let's
call it “Wallet sized game,” but still with no glass ceiling so you can get any quality of girl with it. I
pretty much had it with the concept of Loosen – Interactional Tension – Sexual tension/Make her wet –
Lead. And with the associated mindsets like “Survive the next fork,” “Kick your brain's ass,” “You
have to feel the thing inside yourself first, and should be so overflowing with energy you can't HELP
but share it,” and the super confidence aspects we're about to talk about. That's basically it.
Nonetheless, I had this nagging feeling that there was an element missing. I now believe that element
was vibe games, and changing “Opening, transitioning, hooking,” to “Pull her into the vibe game.”

It's going to take preparation, effort, studying, and brainstorming to think of and develop six or so
different vibe games to handle the venues and girls you encounter on your nights out. But that effort
only needs to be done once for a set of venues. You'll naturally have to keep testing and developing
those vibe games and their matches to certain vibes... But if you don't trade out the venues you're
attending, you can just keep using the same vibe games over and over. Plus they'll transport to different
vibes in different venues – so you're unlikely to need to scrap them all for another situation.
The easy thing is going to SEEM like never sitting down and brainstorming and studying and
developing vibe games. But that will NOT be the easy thing at all, because you'll spend hundreds of
hours needlessly failing.

For instance tonight, I found myself in a tricky situation for which I didn't have a vibe game. I
approached a girl that kept getting annoyed by other guys in a live music area of a bar. She was dancing
reasonably hard and had a good vibe, but was keeping it fairly PG. She had a group of like 8 friends,
and was clearly annoyed with the other guys. I didn't really have a vibe game for that, because it was
like fun but PG dancing, with all eyes on us from her friend group. I obviously had to be careful not to
kill the dance vibe too much, but the usual things like grinding were out of the question. It started off
fairly well, but pretty soon I got sidetracked onto talking about when Mardi Gras actually was... As
soon as I got sidetracked onto that logical thread, I abandoned the emotional thread of building
interactional tension that I had just gotten underway. With the interactional tension gone, she just ran
off almost immediately as the tension dropped.
What happened there? I didn't have a vibe game in mind, so eventually I fell back on my 'training'.
When you don't have a vibe game, your 'training' is just to talk. Vibeless, tensionless talking. Fucked.
She left probably in two sentences from where I forked onto the logical thread rather than the
emotional one. If I had a vibe game for that situation, or AT LEAST just stuck with holding eye
contact, being in her head, and warping everything to interactional tension, that might have gone pretty
well. Instead the lack of a vibe game caused the interaction to go cold in under two minutes.
For years I've had this happen to me in various situations, and it was clear WHY it happened. But the
why BEHIND the why was NOT clear. The why, that I was going conversational and letting the
emotional engagement drop, was clear. The fact that I struggled for years to stop this from happening
entirely – as it always seems to pop up and bite me in various situations – implies there's some deeper
blocking perception preventing me from fixing the problem. Turns out, that's the lack of a vibe game. I
didn't have a congruent game and vibe to carry out, so as soon as I was through my initial jokes and
moves, I was out in the cold and defaulted to talking.
When I can get into sexual tension, that doesn't happen to me. When I'm with a stripper, that doesn't
happen to me. Why? Because sexual tension IS a vibe game. It's just not one you often can't pull girls
straight into. So it's like a second tier vibe game. With strippers, I HAVE a vibe game.
This means that if you ever have the following symptoms, you're lacking an appropriate vibe game:
Winding up talking about logical topics with no tension of any kind. Struggling with certain types of
girls or girls in certain situations. Having a lot of interactions die very quickly like the girl wants to
escape your vibe, not like you did something particularly stupid.

How you Create Vibe Games

The next obvious question is: “How do I come up with vibe games that work with the girls and in the
situations I find when I go out?”
I counted, in the bars I go into I personally, right now, encounter five different typical vibes. So,
theoretically I either need five different vibe games, or at least however many I need in order to twist
and match those five vibes that I encounter when I go out around here. I can then change those and add
any new ones necessary to match other environments that I might go out in.

Alrighty. How are we going to make up these vibe games? Cruising through a couple RSD videos I got
some refreshers of some different types of vibes and game that are commonly played. I started writing
them down and breaking them down. Pretty quickly I started to see there were a couple components at
play. There were some game 'shticks' that formed structures of how the interaction would go. There
were some that described a character or a vibe. And there were some that were more actual techniques
or action items that you do.
Now, this list is FAR from comprehensive, but after a few hours of studying and brainstorming, this is
what I came up with for common game items in those categories:

-You're cooler/better than her
-Role Plays
-Cold reads (can be structure or action)
-Playing with validation
-Flip Flopping (I love you/hate you. Or I hate that/no it's awesome)
-Twisting whatever she just said
-Question game
-You're the victim of her sexuality (Quit using me for... My eyes are up here... Etc)

-Too cool for school/Under react
-Making fun of 'typical' guys
-Stacee jaxx/sexual tension
-Owen, acting everything out and going nuts
-Kirill, making shit over the top like no big deal
-Bouncy/hype guy. Sorta like an emcee

-Presumptive questions/accidental slight insults (Oh, are you a waitress? How much was that drink?
Oh, you work there? Is that H&M)
-Cocky Comments
-Teasing/Rapport breaks
-Intentional refusal to qualify (like when Julien says 'I work at Seven Eleven' 'I'm 48' – he's doing for
interactional tension)
-Challenge her
-Lie plotlines
-Say you do something pretty normal, or grew up in her hometown or whatever. Then stretch it
-'You're actually...'
-Cold read
-Play around with validation
-Implied accusations. 'I know I'm white, but I have inner value' (or I know I'm short or whatever)
-Describe sensory things (sights, sounds, feeling)
-Talk celebrity crushes, etc
-Talk experiences, things she's done
-Talk relationships, relationship topics
-Describe stereotypes, etc. “I think you like bad boys. Straight off the motorcycle, five o clock
shadow, smelling like gasoline”
-Joke around about people in the environment (motorboating, etc)
-Something you feel (I feel like I've known you forever)
-Things you notice/observations (environment, etc)

Now, remember our 'maxims' for creating interactional tension:

-'Play keep away with something, often information or unexplained emotion, lying.'
-'Fuck with the 'relationship'/dynamic between the two of you, or with what typical guys would do like
anti-qualifying or lying.'
-'Fuck with who's cooler/who's more attractive/who's more skilled. Knock her down playfully (teasing,
reverse compliments), raise yourself up (cockiness), challenge her.'
-'Play with space, silence, void in the interaction and OWN it.'

Here's the deal. We're trying to create an abstracted structure that carries a good energy, emotional
engagement, and also creates interactional tension. It needs to be congruent with the vibe the girl is in.
It needs to have a momentum of its own, so you just pull her into it and rock it.

As I looked at this, I realized a vibe game needs at least one thing from each category- it needs a
structure, it needs a character/vibe, and it needs actions. The cool thing about the list above is that you
can use it to be very creative and come up with things that you never would have otherwise. You grab a
structure that you feel like addresses the vibe you're looking at, then you grab a character/vibe or two
that you feel like goes with the structure and also the vibe, and then you choose at least a couple
techniques or actions that go with the others and the vibe.

Remember you also want to write down the vibes you're designing for, and write out the following:
Obstacles, Limitations/constraints, Goal of the vibe, and Emotional engagement tools/things you can
use (with that vibe).

Yeah, yeah, I know. Like we discussed, homework. Again, this shit will equip you solidly to tackle any
vibe you face, to expand to new types of girls you didn't succeed with before, and to smoothly pull in
most girls, hook them, and ramp them towards sexuality. If you're going out in the same place for a
while, putting in this effort is very worth it.

It's a brainstorm at this juncture. I started with the vibe of the average girl on the dance floors around
here, which is the number one possible girl I'd have to open. I went through the list of structures,
characters/vibes, and techniques/actions above, and ordered them in terms of what could go with the
dance floor, and removed the ones I didn't think were congruent with the dance floor. For instance, on
the dance floor I think that joking around about people in the environment, cocky comments, innuendo
and others are reasonably congruent with the vibe. They can be done in short comments and in an
energy that doesn't ruin the vibe. On the other hand, talking relationship topics or describing sensory
experiences are both likely to require too much talking, too much thinking, and risk bringing down the
vibe. Those are just examples. I kind of trimmed the list down for a little brainstorm session related to
that vibe. The expectation I had was that I was in for a couple hours of brainstorming and refining to
solve this one vibe, because it's something that is very under-addressed in game and something that in
months of going out on the weekends I've hardly solved (without much directed effort). I think tons of
guys could EASILY go for years without coming up with good vibe games for vibes they encounter if
they don't put conscious effort into doing so. In fact, I would say I have done that for years and years
with a number of vibes. You might not think this is necessary, but what's better? A few hours of sitting
down and racking your brain, or years of wasting opportunities and time every time you encounter
certain vibes? For most guys, even dating only certain types of girls for the rest of their life.

Keep in mind that as you're doing this, you are trying to not only create something that goes with the
vibe, but ALSO something that will utilize those interactional tension maxims and create interactional
tension. When I'm done writing this book, I'm going to get physical pieces of paper, print the list of
structures/vibes and characters/techniques and actions on one piece of paper, print the interactional
tension maxims on another, print the notes about the vibe I'm addressing on a third, and then grab a pad
of paper and lay it all out on a table and brainstorm. That way I can see all the pieces at once, and I
can't get distracted and click Facebook or YouTube while brainstorming. That's what you should do.
For the time being, I just worked for an hour or two on my computer addressing the one vibe.

This is how that unfolded:

I grabbed the first structure on my ordered list, 'You're better/cooler than her'. Seems like something
that could work on the dance floor, and naturally creates interactional tension. I looked through the
characters/vibes and decided that 'cocky' made sense with the structure and with the dance floor vibe.
Then I pictured a cocky little game surrounding you being better or cooler than her, and picked the
techniques and actions that went with it. I chose 'Cocky comments and nonverbals,' 'challenges,'
'Snapchatting the two of you,' and 'innuendo.'
The cool thing about this, is that as you start mentally snapping pieces together you start picturing this
little vibe they're creating and this little vibe that you hadn't envisioned before.

I now realized that I had to kind of define or describe or sum up what I was creating from these pieces.
So the first step is to grab a structure, and then snap vibes/characters into it, and then snap techniques
and actions into it. The second step is then to visualize what you're creating, how exactly it might
unfold with the vibe and create interactional tension, and then give it a name or a quick description that
defines what the vibe game you're creating actually IS. I decided that this one felt largely non-verbal,
and was a bit of a battle. So I described it as “Face battling/Mime battling/Dance battling her.” Which
to me is like you nudge her, and your like “Those moves are too weak for this town” or something.
Because now you don't need to think of an 'opener,' you just need to think of how you pull her into the
vibe game. That goes with the vibe, it's not too much talking or thinking, it kicks off interactional
tension, and it goes into the vibe game. Then you could shake your head, make eye contact and scrunch
up your face. You could maybe mime “You're going down” to her. You could throw in a couple funny
moves or something, mime “Whatdya got?” You could give her like a “Pfschh” and then with both
hands brush her off like “Get that weak shit out of here.”
Hopefully you can see how we went from grabbing pieces off the list, to imagining what EXACTLY
we're creating and how it both goes with the vibe and creates interactional tension, to naming or
describing what you're creating, to being able to picture this whole interaction forming from it. And the
'opener' doesn't really exist any more, there's just some really obvious ways to pull her straight into the
vibe game.

Let's say you go out and test that, and it works. Or you really like it and you want to run with it. Then
you could look at the interactional tension maxims again and think of how you can create certain
moves and ways to enhance the interactional tension in the vibe game you're making up. Thinking of
this made up vibe game, and looking at the interactional tension maxims, I feel like you could lean into
her ear and be like “You're so... You're just so... Ahh nevermind” and lean back and not tell her. Then
she's like “What?” And you're like “Ahhh, nevermind. No, no. I can't tell you.” And then change the
subject. You could be like “What if I just intentionally dance like shit right now to try to get rid of
you?” Or “My wife would have to dance WAY better than that. Weak. Weak.” You could throw cocky
shit, “How does it feel to be dancing with a guy as sexy as me?” (and just hold that tension with her).
You might just stop dancing, step back, put your hands on either side of her neck, and just own the
space. Or make motions like “Whatdya got? Come on. Let's see it.” These are all just off the top of my
head. They're each ways that could go with the vibe game and also with the dance floor vibe to make
sure that you're creating interactional tension.

Keep in mind this is all BRAINSTORMING. You're coming up with a list of ideas and not judging
them until AFTER you've written out a bunch of options. Judging things as you go means killing the
creativity. If you're reading through my list and brainstorm pieces above and going “That's stupid” or
“That would never work,” then you're already in a mindset that would stop you from getting great ideas
that WILL work out.
The above is just the first I came up with.

The next I did, I picked “Role play” as the structure. I looked through the vibes for a minute, picturing
it, and finally settled on 'Kirill, over the top'. Then 'Joke around about people in the environment.' Then
I had to sit there and visualize this, and figure out what kind of role plays that Kirill might do on the
dance floor (if you still haven't, look up 'slutwhisperer' on Instagram). I finally thought that Kirill might
be like “I'm gay... But you can be my gay boyfriend for the night.” And then start treating her like she's
his gay boyfriend, complete with all kinds of gay role play jokes about rough sex, anal, sex in bushes,
going to pride parades together, who pitches and who catches, etc. The more ridiculous stuff (like who
pitches and who catches) could be your loosening. The whole thing could possibly put her into a state
where she's far looser about sexuality, because it's make believe and because gay guys are really sexual
and really like dicks. You could even joke about how you hope she has a huge dick. There's also a lot of
potential to create interactional tension, because it's ALL about fucking with the relationship and norms
between the two of you, and it's also fucking with who's cooler because you can make all kinds of jokes
about her being a man.
Here's the really interesting thing... I would NEVER have come up with this on my own. I could've sat
there and thought about what vibes I could create and what little games I could've played FOREVER
and NEVER thought about making her my 'gay boyfriend for the night.' While it's just a brainstorm,
this might not work, I haven't gone out and tried it yet... It's kind of brilliant too. With the right girl, it
could be really hilarious, and there's a TON of loosening and sexuality there. It could also be
HILARIOUS. It's VERY different from what I typically do, which isn't necessarily a bad thing because
some types of girls I've always struggled with – and that kind of thing might really get them going.

Those are the first two examples. I kept going with that process and in an hour or so I had four put
together. Maybe under an hour. Not sure how focused I was. It feels like I'd probably want to come up
with 5-10, then kind of go through them and cross out ones that suck, think of ways to improve and
develop the better ones, and kind of narrow it down to maybe 3-5. Then you can practice them a bit, try
to get them down enough to try them out, and then you go out and actually do them.
In my experience, almost every time you try something new, it winds up being pretty nerve wracking at
first. Except occasionally when you get really excited about something. I'm saying that because you're
going to wind up trying SEVERAL new vibe games for multiple vibes over several nights or probably
several weeks. Which means you're going to be trying out new shit which will cause anxiety and push
you out of your typical vibes and probably be pretty awkward and require a lot of comfort zone
expanding. Because every game guy I've ever met (every guy, period) has vibes that they aren't good
with, it means that somewhere along the line you're going to need to be trying out new vibes you
haven't done before... Which is going to create anxiety and push your comfort zone as well. It might not
go perfectly the first time, but just let go into the vibes you're creating, put your foot down fully on the
gas, and see how it goes. If after maybe ten tries or so for each vibe game you created that you're
testing out, you start to see something working a bit... Then you might be onto something.

The next step is to choose the best ones for a given vibe, and start using them. Over the next several
weeks or months, you need to refine the vibe games you created, come up with little lines and ways to
make it hit better, and eventually you should have some refined vibe games that work really well for
certain vibes. IF you take the time to design them and brainstorm hard, then select the best ones, then
practice them, and then try them out in the real world. IF you do that, you can become someone that
can work well with all the environments and most of the girls you typically run into wherever you
typically go out. It will also force you into trying new styles, new experiences, new vibes, which can
only help your game in the long run.

Yes, a lot of work. But the rest of the very advanced game we're creating is becoming very easy, and
the vibe game aspect is becoming the key piece. It governs opening, transitioning and hooking. It opens
up more girls in every section of every venue you go to. It provides you the ability to get into
interactional tension, which you can transition to sexual tension, which you can routinely transition to
pulls. It allows you to smoothly ramp to sexuality and unlock sexuality with the vast majority of girls
you run into. It allows you to dramatically open up your chances for success, and also challenges you to
become much better with your game on the whole, expanding your skillsets to cover all the types of
girls and circumstances that you run into. Putting in this work pretty much smooths out the rest of what
we're doing in this mastery level game structure. It's one of the only major areas you need to
brainstorm, practice, memorize and develop specific actions, lines, etc.
If you're still thinking that you can pull of mastery level game without sitting down and doing some
hard work and hard practice... I'm not sure what you're still doing reading this. Hopefully you can see
that this front-loaded effort can pay off HUGE for you. Anything that pays off in this world requires a
good deal of front-loaded investment. Fame, money, careers that put you around a lot of women, social
circles, etc. It all requires up front investment, because if there wasn't a barrier to entry everyone would
just enter. Duh.

If game is really the process of unlocking a girl's sexuality as quickly as possible, but making that
smooth wherever possible, then this provides a way to smoothly get an interaction underway, quickly
and smoothly get it hooked and ALSO get it into interactional tension in a way that is natural and
works very well. It's a way to make sure she's trading UP in vibes, or at least equivalent, by going from
what she's doing to interacting with you. And once you're in an interaction with her complete with
interactional tension, you can generally use 'us' frame and innuendo, if necessary, and get into sexual
tension. It streamlines everything we need to do.

It's How You View Girls that Makes the Biggest Difference

As I went through the process of trying to figure out and eventually achieve mastery level game, and
writing this book, you start realizing that you subconsciously were trying to reach different goals and
find different break throughs you didn't consciously know you were interested in. (I would say that
right now I'm finally breaking through the wall between advanced and mastery level. Not through yet,
but highly confident the relevant lessons are all here).

It wasn't until I had this realization that I also was made aware of one breakthrough I was
unconsciously seeking... I wanted to find the domino that sat at the head of the line of dominos – the
one where if you tipped it over, all the rest started tumbling with it in a chain reaction. I wanted the
lesson, or insight, or mindset, or training program or... whatever it might be... that would cause the rest
of game to fall in line. I think that I didn't consciously engage with it because I didn't believe such a
thing would ever actually exist.

Until it did.
One night I'd been out like three nights straight, and my game had been getting really good even in a
period where I was super rusty and not training hardly at all. I was very pleased to see that I was
starting to do things I'd struggled with before, even though I really hadn't been getting to practice or
train much. That was a sure sign that I had really figured things out.
At the end of the night, I got a chance to talk to this really cute girl who wandered in, spent some time
on the phone (or pretending to be, more likely, since there wasn't any service) and generally looked like
she hadn't gone home for a reason. I started an interaction, it started alright. But I really was not
sufficiently dominating her energy, or trying to make her wet with any seriousness. Soon enough, I
went into a 'default' kind of interaction – which was like a slightly gamed-up version of a normal social
At the end of the night I was fucking pissed at myself. Such a wasted fucking opportunity. She wound
up coming towards me on the dance floor, and as I was about to start dancing with her, some dude
behind me locked eyes with her, started dancing with her without a word, and wound up taking her
home. Worst, she lives in my town, I'm living here for the moment, and he doesn't. So that could've
been an ongoing situation with her, and I don't like to take home girls I've already watched go home
with other dudes...

Anyway, I forced myself to sit in my car overlooking the town at the end of the night until I figured out
why I so often jumped into these default interaction patterns.
To be fair to myself, there hadn't been any new girls to talk to in like an hour and a half – and this
happened RIGHT at the end of the night, when I was prepared to go home. So I was way out of it, and
at least I partially went for it. On the other hand, I definitely did NOT give it anywhere near 100%, and
it was almost none of my best game going on.

I sat in that car for a long time, my brain not wanting to think or engage with what had happened. But I
refused to leave.
At some point I started to think of an issue. My brain had a lifetime of imprinting and ingraining behind
how to interact with people. I was now trying to change that in 10 years on the whole, but only in
pieces of those ten years specifically dedicated to gaming. And those pieces were split up among a
BUNCH of different approaches. There was just a huge wall of habits there, and they were triggered by
a certain stimulus.

When I started talking to a person, that inherently triggered a response in the pathways of my brain that
contained a lot of defaults for what to do. The stimulus of “talking to a person” triggered a series of
unhelpful pathways with a lifetime of reinforcement. Without conscious focus and/or momentum
behind gaming throughout a night or over the previous days, these defaults would begin to get tripped
by the stimulus.
It's inherent to the functioning of our brain. The basics of the functioning of animal's brain.

What can you do about that? That's so much learning to unlearn. It seems impossibly daunting.

Fighting off sleep, I puzzled over a number of different options. Until it finally hit me...

Imagine you take a baseball player and send him out to play four different times. One normally, one
with a blindfold, one with heavily tinted sunglasses, and one with glasses with all kinds of tiny baseball
pictures printed all over the inside of the lens.
What will happen? Will he use his skills fully and the same in each of the four cases? Will he even use
the SAME skills in each of the four cases?
Think about the blindfolded option alone. He'll be LISTENING for the ball. He'll switch from using his
sight to play, to trying to use his hearing to play. And he'll get hit in the fucking face a lot.

The fact is, by changing what he sees and how he sees, you'll get four different levels of skills, but even
four different entire SETS of skills that he'll use. Like trying to listen for the ball. You completely fuck
with his lifetime of practice by changing what he sees.

And that was the domino.

If you change how you SEE girls when you see them. And WHAT you see... Then all of your actions
and the skills you use will change.
You're altering the stimulus going into your neural pathways, and THAT is cascading through your
neurology to change everything you do. It's remarkable.

What does that mean exactly?

At first it was just this idea, or feeling. You mean I should SEE girls differently?!? How? What the
fuck? Does that MEAN anything?

I had to decide what I DID see when I currently saw a girl. Often I saw a person. Sometimes I kind of
saw a face, an attractive face. After a lot more thinking, I also identified that I often saw if it was 'going
well' or not. Which is kind of a combination of factors.

By seeing a person, I was triggering 'normal' patterns. Like being friendly to a cashier in a coffee shop
or something. NOT good game. Not even game at all, really.

By seeing a face, I was sending myself into bad habits. Like “Let's game this hot girl.” Which removed
individuality, disconnected me from where she was at as a human being, and kind of blinded me to
opportunities and pitfalls. This is something RSD Julien and others strongly advocate against. Just in
different words.

By seeing whether it was 'going well', I often sent myself into trying too hard. If it WAS 'going well', I
often tried to keep pushing that to make it 'even better', and that generally led to her walking off. If it
wasn't 'going well' that often led me to trying to grasp and try too hard again. Seeing 'going well' or 'not
going well' was problematic both ways.

Over the next several days I thought about and then went out and experimented with what I SHOULD
see when I saw a girl. And how to change that.

I mean, it's absurd, right? Halting yourself from seeing 'girls' and entirely changing what you see when
a girl walks into your view?

Skip forward through a bunch more hard work, brainstorming, and testing that you don't give a fuck
about – and I came up with an EXCELLENT shift.
When a girl walks in front of us, we SHOULD see these: A) Her engagement/lack thereof. B) The
tension between her and us (or her and anyone. Both sexual and interactional, but largely interactional
because of C). C) If she's getting wet or not. (One time where avoiding being crass just fucks up what
you should be doing and paying attention to. You need to know if she's being powerfully sexually
turned on. You just do).
It's also helpful to see periodically if she's being dominated by your energy or not. And also if the time
is ripe for a lead (high engagement, emotions just shot up, time to capitalize).

I went out and tried this, at first with slightly different framing for part C. There was IMMEDIATE
power. Immediate. It instantly released most of my best game. By focusing on the stimulus that linked
directly to game, it unleashed my game.
It's as though seeing anything else is equivalent to trying to listen for a baseball. You're just going to get
your teeth knocked out, no matter how many times you try. You'll catch some... But it will go with tons
of issues over years.
It also makes sense. Julien told me personally about how he tries to 'step into her shoes' and see/feel
himself from her perspective. This is him altering what he SEES when he looks at her. It's shifting his
brain to different stimulus. His description of it just proved to be a couple steps removed from
something simple enough to execute. He could execute it, but the way he described it to me (something
he said he'd never talked about publicly) just wasn't something that could really be executed. I
understood what he said, but it was too far removed from how our brains act.
Similarly, RSD Tyler frequently talks about 'seeing it in her pupils' (he's actually referring to her eye
movement and the area around her eyes – eyelids, eyebrows, etc). He's clearly constantly looking at
people's eyes for adjusting in game.
That's two of the most 'calibrated' guys in game talking directly about how they generally read the
energy and eyes as the basis for their game. They're describing SEEING differently when they see and
interact with girls.

It also makes perfect sense with naturals. As we've discussed a million times, naturals AREN'T usually
that smart. They're just perceiving the world in a way that works with women. If they're just seeing
interactional tension, if the girl's getting turned on, and if the girl's getting engaged whenever they see
or interact with a girl... And you're seeing a 'person' and a face and if she 'likes you' or if it's 'going
well'... Then over a lifetime that natural is just going to 'naturally' figure out how to drive up
engagement, interactional tension, and turning girls on. And you... aren't.

By changing what you SEE when a girl is in front of you, your brain naturally will start gravitating
towards the right actions. Add in knowledge and training on top of that, and you have a killer package.
And the moment I went out and gamed with this in mind, I FINALLY felt myself breaking through to
mastery level. I could feel that only a couple technicalities in habits that I had were now between my
game and fully being on mastery level – right there with all the world's best instructors. This was the
domino. Tip it over, and the rest start falling in a chain reaction.
Try to game WITHOUT changing this, and it will forever be an obstruction that will prevent you from
getting to the top level. There's no real way around it. It will MASSIVELY hinder you and require
insane overcompensation if you don't employ it. You're either on the right side of how you see women,
or the wrong side.
Naturals are just guys that literally see different things when they look at a woman. Instructors are
trained guys that see girls differently than you do. They literally aren't looking at or noticing the same
things as you when a girl is in front of them!

The final question? How the FUCK do you change this? Seriously... It's a ridiculous ask.

I resorted to my teen drama training method. Shockingly, that WORKED.

I just fired up an episode of the OC, and largely silently just tried to SEE how 'engaged' the characters
were (men and women, especially women). How much 'tension' the characters were in (primarily
interactional). And (for the girls... heh) if they were getting more wet or not. The answer to the third is
usually 'no' because it's a drama show. But I could do the same thing with MTV's Siesta Key and
maybe get a more realistic balance and view (probably should do that show for this drill).
Literally just sat their and looked for these things. You find most of it is in the eyes. I spent several
minutes straight doing this before I went out. And it primed my brain to filter real girls this way. For the
first night in my life, I was good with a semi-quiet but very cute Ohio girl. Then with a semi-bitchy 21
year old Georgia college girl (southern college girls are NOT the same as metropolitan college girls...).
Then with some cougars who kinda approached me. On and on. I was able to mesh well with everyone.
I made a couple mistakes – not jumping into 'us' frame fast enough, not taking high engagement as an
opportunity to SHUT UP and hold interactional tension and let her start contributing, not switching
from interactional tension and engagement to working to make her wet fast enough (lips on hear ear at
that point!!!). This one shift, combined with all my other recent advances we're talking about, set the
dominoes falling. The wall between me and mastery level was crumbling. And it was very clear the
technical shifts, most of which I just mentioned, that I needed to make in order to get there.

I want to stress the fuck out of this. Because it's so abstract and obscure that many guys reading this
wouldn't try to execute it. Let me be very, very clear. Exactly 100% of EVERYONE reading this needs
to make this their top priority to start executing. There isn't an exception. The only exception would be
if like Lovesystems Venture read this (he might one day), and he already sees girls this way. But
chances are he only sees two out of three.
If you wanted to massively increase your results tonight, and you had ten minutes to do something, this
is it. You watch the OC or Siesta Key or whatever, and you just see the people on the show for these
factors. After a few minutes, you can start throwing in things that would make them more engaged, or
increase the interactional tension, or start making them wet. But this is it.

If you don't work hard starting right now to execute on this, your game WILL suffer indefinitely for
years. You can't see other factors when you look at a girl and then easily game. You just can't. It's using
hearing to try to catch baseballs. You have two options: Engage with executing this and live the easy
life. Reject the concept as too obscure or not something you want to think about, and suffer in a way
which won't change until this changes for you. There IS no option three. There isn't. There is not. I do
not want ANYONE to read this and miss this. Don't fucking miss it. If you hate this concept, put aside
your dislike for it and embrace it anyway. I told you how to practice it and start ingraining it. Just do it.
Just do it. Just TRUST me. Just fucking trust me. Or pay through massive wasted opportunities and
frustration for years.

A Quick but Helpful View of Game

This is gonna be ultra quick. But as I was gaming the other night and creating interactional tension, I
realized that sexual tension is generally based on deep eye contact, interactional tension is often based
on deep eye contact in a “what are you gonna do about it?” and owning it type of way – which also
requires using your face to communicate that, and loosening is often about deep eye contact and using
your facial expressions to 'be in her head' and make her smile or get her to loosen up or project calm
into her. It made me realize that 90% of game is based around eye contact and using your face to create
one of those three pieces to game (interactional tension, sexual tension and loosening). Granted, if she
rejects the eye contact you can create sexual tension by talking with your lips brushing her ear, and
some interactional tension might involve you saying “Nevermind” and looking away, and some
loosening might involve dancing and letting loose and looking over her head... But MOST of game is
based on relatively intense eye contact, and often using your face.

What this means is that in a lot of ways, game is going “Look into my eyes, feel this thing. Look into
my eyes, feel this thing. Look into my eyes, feel this thing.” If you're gaming and frequently breaking
eye contact – or breaking it at all very early on – you're probably fucking up your ability to make things
go well. If girls aren't looking into your eyes, you're doing something wrong and you need to either
loosen them, or capture their RAS and spark some interactional tension. Some girls avoid eye contact
because they don't think you're dominant enough to handle them. Some girls avoid eye contact because
they're not seeing you as someone who is attractive to them, who could potentially unlock sexuality –
which generally means they don't think you'll provoke much emotion out of them. Some girls avoid eye
contact because you're a stranger and they're tense or anxious. Figure out what's going on and use the
tools we've discussed to fix why she isn't making eye contact. If she IS making eye contact, do NOT
break it unless it's an INTENTIONAL break to either create interactional tension or to loosen up the
vibe. Don't make an excuse and tell yourself that it's that when it isn't. It's NOT smooth to break eye
contact, because smooth is about ramping things quickly while being smooth... Which means you're
going to need that eye contact and those facial expressions.

Remember this: Eye contact is THE MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE in game. If she's not giving it,
you need to do something about that. If she is giving it, you better not mother fucking break it unless
it's for a reason. Remember, you can back off proactively, without letting off the gas. Don't hit an
awkward moment or a lull and break eye contact. Don't break eye contact to try to seem all chill. We
have better solutions for that, like tilting your head back and away, or taking a deep breath like you're
very relaxed. There's a solution to almost anything that involves keeping eye contact. You're the gas
and she's the brakes, so let HER be the one who breaks eye contact – unless you've accomplished your
emotional goals and are just letting off momentarily. Which is NOT something that should be
happening within the first two minutes or so (unless in your periphery you see a friend that's shifting
around and might grab your girl from you).

Intent to Create Powerful Tension

For some reason people that have read drafts of this book get all excited about sexual tension and find
out how powerful it is... Then by the time they get to this point in the book, they start trying to game by
being playful and shit again.

NO. No no no. No no no no no NO!!!!!

Listen dude- just because we first talked about sexual tension a long time ago and now we've given you
this other cool shit to do, the equation has NOT changed. The vibe games are there TO CAUSE
INTERACTIONAL TENSION. The interactional tension is just there to motivate the interaction to
allow you to create sexual tension and then lead. ALL ROADS LEAD TO SEXUAL TENSION. No
matter what mind blowing shit we talk about, it's ALL designed to carry out sexual tension and enable
leading. That's it.


And ALL OF GAME IS TENSION (interactional tension and sexual tension).

We talk about vibe games and smooth opening and loosening... The point of these things is to get you
to where you CAN create tension. That's the point of everything. Period. And sexual tension trumps
interactional tension.

In my experience, you can be smooth as hell and all fun and providing energy and so on, and the
moment there is no tension of either kind, girls will often just fucking leave. Ever wonder why a girl
just walked off when things were perfectly fine, fun, etc? That's why. Or occasionally she has a

Now the key here is WHERE IS YOUR FOCUS AND INTENT? I have issues when I focus on trying
to pull a girl into a vibe game smoothly, and I don't have a vibe game I'm focused on that creates
interactional tension. This means my focus and intent aren't on interactional tension, they're on
smoothness. So what's going to happen? A smooth interaction without tension!!! This is where the
biggest self-fulfilling prophecies in game enter. If you go in focusing on starting off with smoothness
only, you'll get that. If you go in focused on making her wet, and doing it VIA a vibe game that
CREATES INTERACTIONAL TENSION... Then you'll achieve those things.
Smoothness is NOT a hook. It doesn't keep a girl around. Loosening is NOT a hook. It DOESN'T keep
a girl around (maybe for a few minutes just because it's refreshing and fun).

EVERY time you go on, you need to be focused on making her wet, and doing it via a vibe game that
creates interactional tension. Choose a vibe game that's consistent with her vibe and the situation, pull
her into it, get the interactional tension and make her wet as soon as you have the chance. Things like
loosening and befriending the friends and the rest of all of that are just there to keep you on that
pathway. If you've watched the Jordan Belfort straight line persuasion system, the straight line of
pickup at its core, what's ACTUALL necessary is Begin → Sexual tension → Lead → Sex. Those are
the only things that are NECESSARY. In the AVERAGE interaction, however, it's Pull into Vibe Game
→ Vibe game that creates interactional tension → Sexual tension (interactional tension OPTIONAL
now) → Lead → Sex.

I know we've gone over and over and over this, in reality, but I've just found that people read it and
they keep getting excited about topics that they're prone to gravitating towards... And in that process
they keep losing the bigger picture. I do it to. But trust me, I've tested this over and over and over, and
that IS the straight line. That's the highest priority, most effective format. If you're doing other stuff, it
better be because SHE drug you away from the straight line (again referencing the Belfort system, if
you haven't seen it), and you're doing things like loosening or handling friends to bring her BACK to
the straight line. You should NEVER pull yourself away from the straight line. If you do, you're
fucking up. Do other guys get laid without trying to stay on this line? YES. Why? Because they're
OVER COMPENSATING with other areas. So their job is harder and their results less consistent.

The real key here, however, is where your FOCUS AND INTENT are. If you're trying to develop a new
skill, your focus will likely be there. You have to try to use that skill IN ORDER TO get yourself onto
the line. All other skills should ALWAYS be used to GET ONTO THE LINE or back onto the line. Just
because something is new to you, or you're excited about it, does NOT allow you to prioritize things
differently in your game. Sure, you need to focus on the new thing in order to learn it... But that can
create a drift over a couple months where suddenly you don't remember that if you make a girl wet via
sexual tension, you're VERY likely to hook up with her. Period. It might in a way be boring to stick
with one set of concepts at the core of your game for the rest of your game life... But that's what
mastery IS. And we're also talking pretty abstracted concepts, there's a lot of variability in delivery of
interactional tension, and some variability for sexual tension. (Though for sexual tension I basically use
the same techniques I wrote about 5 years ago first)

If you go in, and your intent and focus aren't to create interactional tension, then make her wet via
sexual tension... You're fucked. You might as well not go in. You aren't actually gaming. You're talking
aimlessly or joking aimlessly. If you don't have ANY vibe game in mind AT ALL, your default is to
MAINTAIN EYE CONTACT, be 'in her head', and fuck with her by twisting whatever she just said or
your responses and building interactional tension. Then slow it down and switch to making her wet via
sexual tension.

Kicking the Conversation Out Part 2

If you remember, we created a very effective system a while back that involved using a sequence of
challenging and provocative questions in a ladder format in order to 'kick the conversation out' and get
it provocative and framed as flirty early on.

Doing all the work that I've done in this segment of the book on making things really smooth, I've
found that I also got stuck in a place where things were too 'nice' and 'in the middle' and girls were
leaving after a minute or so too often.

The thing is that the concept of kicking the conversation out doesn't disappear with these enhanced
paradigms. We STILL have to do it.
Only now, we have to kick it out based on the vibe game we're using. And kick it out into interactional
tension. If that doesn't hook, we can switch to going cocky, or going into innuendo, or going into sexual
tension. But we MUST kick the conversation out into SOMETHING that has strong emotional polarity
As I was executing a lot of these smoother game concepts, then went back through this book to edit it, I
was reminded just how crazy I was making things in a matter of only a couple minutes when I was
using my question ladder structure and REALLY not judging the sexuality we were getting into. So
many girls were like “Why am I telling you this?” and things like that. It's SO powerful. Then I'd
compare it to my 'smoother' interactions, and realize things were hardly progressing at all in those.

The fact is, being 'Smooth' is all about RAMPING THINGS UP SO SMOOTHLY that she doesn't
realize how fast it's going. THAT is smooth.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Don't think about anything else.

Don't miss this point.

Focus. I want you present. This point MUST sink in...


Grip that. Write it down. Sear it into your memory.

Because we generally think that being 'smooth' means someone who comes in very much aligned with
where the girl is, and then slooowly ramps things up. It's like a lack of objectionable behavior.
That's false. That thought FUCKED ME UP forever. Because I knew I needed to be smoother to get
higher numbers of successes. And I'd try to do it by bringing the heat up more slowly.
The reality is I needed to be ramping the heat up fast, but doing it in a WAY THAT WAS SMOOTH.
Doing it in a way that was hard to notice.
In the vibe game you play, there should be little ladders where it accelerates pretty quickly. But one
step at a time, with you super nonchalant or whatever it takes to make that escalation happen smoothly.
It should happen so that a few minutes later she's like “Whoa, what are we talking about?” If she
notices or cares. THAT is game.
It HAS to be like that, because if the engagement DOESN'T ramp that quickly, you're going to be
losing the attention of hot girls left and right. I'd say if a girl is an 8.5+, the hardest thing to do is still be
talking to her 3-4 minutes in. I'm sure there's some guys out there who have the opposite problem, but
if there are... We've answered the fuck out of that question. Just build sexual tension and you're good.
For most of us, it's making the 4 minute mark, roughly, that's probably fucking us up. Some guys
struggle to get good initial reactions. Some guys get some good reactions for about two minutes and
then the hotter girls leave. Some guys get tolerated in a 'nice' way for two minutes, then the girl leaves.
That's generally where most pickup guys are when it comes to hotter girls.

Just remember that you've always got to get it into something reasonably emotionally provocative quite
quickly. Being smooth is about accomplishing that without being weird or overly objectionable, it's not
about backing off of it. It's also about doing it in a way that goes along with the vibe of the girl and the
situation. It doesn't have to be IN their same vibe, but it has to be in a way that isn't overly foreign or
different from her current vibe. In other words, don't try to have a whole conversation with a bunch of
questions she has to think about if she's raging or dancing.
Keep this in mind – not only does she not want to trade whatever she's doing for a vague 'conversation'
with you, that you don't even seem to know what it will look like. But she ALSO doesn't want to trade
her current intensity of engagement and emotions for lower intensity engagement and emotions. If she's
7.5/10 engaged and having 7/10 level emotions, she doesn't want to spend the next 4 minutes talking
about 4.5/10 emotional topics that she's 3/10 engaged in so that you can 'smoothly' (slowly) ramp up.
You have to assume that the modern girl gives zero fucks whatsoever about guys. She has zero interest
in meeting you because girls are 'supposed' to want to meet cool guys. She's just weighing one
emotional level and engagement level against another. She'll do whatever 'feels' better- interact with
you, don't interact with you... What feels better? Well, if she was at one level of emotion and
engagement, she gives you her attention, and 45 seconds later you're still proceeding in a way that's far
below that emotion and engagement level she WAS at... What do you think she'll do?

I would argue this is the kind of thing that RSD Julien has an EXCELLENT feel for. If you go on
bootcamp with him, he'll get you to open girls with absolutely ridiculous openers to try to get you to
loosen up and not care what happens so much. I didn't realize it for a long time, but the openers don't
come so much from what he wants you to 'open' with, but from what vibe game he wants you to be
playing. Like for years he has apparently told students to go open with “Daddy's hooome”. It's not
really that he wants to see what happens when you open with that ridiculous opener, though his own
amusement is part of it, but it's more that he wants you to PLAY THAT VIBE GAME that's associated
with that opener. He's thinking in terms of what type of interaction and vibe he wants post opener.
Similarly, you can see in his infield footage that he comes in with a level of engagement and emotion
that's a step up compared to where the girl is. The old school game wisdom is “Come in with energy
that's at or slightly above the girl's.” But that doesn't actually work that well. If she's going crazy on the
dance floor, and you try to go crazier, you're just going to seem like an idiot and not very masculine.
Unless you're capable of pulling off super-douche, hard fist pump dance move game. Hit hard enough
with some Jersey shore loose fists, while jumping up and down, and maybe you can come in that high
energy and still be masculine. The real key is the emotional level and the engagement level. If she's in
that state and she says something and you say “That's weird.” you're coming in below her engagement
and emotions. If you go “Ahhhhh, diiissssGUSting!!” Then you're coming in with a level of emotion
and engagement that's more comparable. It wasn't the same TYPE of energy – she's jumping up and
down in this high frequency, high energy. That comment is a big negative emotional spike at a much
slower frequency. But in terms of total engagement and emotional level, it's comparable. That way she
doesn't feel like her emotions are being traded down.

Focusing on Pulling in the Systematic Results

This one is very interesting. Chances are, while you're reading this you're not ready for it. But at some
point you will be, so I need to go into it.

The thing is, working on your game and your ability to have sick game is COMPLETELY necessary
for you to go home together with a lot of girls and to wind up with a lot of gorgeous girls in your life.
There's no other way. You HAVE to have sick game. Like 12/10 game if you're not rolling with lots of
social competitiveness in your life. It's the biggest driver in your overall success, and it's the largest
reason dudes fail... They stop out wayyy too early in the development of their abilities.

At some point, however, the abilities are SO good that you start to run into an interesting dilemma.
Focusing on how your game can be better and better is something that should never fully stop. That
said, if that's all you're focused on, at all, times, it has a sneaky back-door implication. By saying that
your game needs to be better and better, you're saying that your emotional hooks aren't strong enough
to be getting what you want. The reality is, you shouldn't think that they ARE either... You should be
focused on the 'see if you can' aspect. Nonetheless, by focusing in on how your game needs to be better,
you're constantly putting yourself in a spot where your game is insufficient. It's kind of a lingering cap.
You'll continue to get better and better, but you'll also continue to underperform your actual capabilities
as a result of this focus on a lack/gap, and a need for improvement.

Once you can honestly say you can execute on 80%+ of the most advanced and important pieces of
what we're talking about here in the second volume, consistently (nearly every interaction), you can
start to focus less (not zero) on something else...
The other thing you focus on is how to basically employ your game and create a 'funnel' as many
instructors call it. A situation where you're best using everything you've got to go home with the most
girls that you're excited about. A focus on the practical ways and the strategic ways you can employ
your skills to go home with as many really attractive girls as you can. If you're looking for a wife, that's
still going to give you your best chances at it.

By starting to think about how you can maximize the girls you come together with based on your skills
that you have, you can start to close the gap between your abilities and your actual performance. You
can halt that underperformance.
Shifting the mindset brings about a LOT of ideas and realizations you otherwise wouldn't have. You
can start seeing how you can shift your approach, change your attitude, and practically alter what
you're doing to get the most out of it all. It also can enhance your confidence because you're thinking
about a factor other than that 'lack'.

If you listen to RSD's top instructors, in particular, you'll hear almost all of them talking about this.
About all of the practical ways to enhance their 'funnel,' get the best outcomes out of the time and effort
they're spending, and so on. I always listened but half disregarded what they were speaking about.
Now, however, I realized that at some point they didn't know how to make their game itself much
better, but they found that shifting over to this practical mindset meant increased results for their level
and also increased confidence. It also means lowering the bar for how you view sex. All positive for
what you actually get out of game.
The downside is that even several of the RSD instructors (or, in some ways, all) stopped short of where
their game COULD get to. Even Julien's insane game lacks sexual tension. Madison's game is sick but
lacks strong tension of either kind (interactional or sexual – he uses moderate amounts of both). Tyler
doesn't use that much tension at all. Jeffy and Max in particular seem like they could have MUCH
better game. The knowledge base didn't exist for them yet – no one had done what I've done here and
really analyzed all of their game and other people's as well to put it all together and find the best
practices. But they likely could've pushed that more as well.

Regardless, don't lie to yourself. If you're not at an 80% execution rate of the top, mastery concepts
here – like in most sets you're executing 80% of this stuff – then don't back off driving hard to up your
skills. If you can say that, like I'm getting close to, then you want to dial in a bit more of that practical
mindset. Figure out more how you can treat a night out, what you do with girls, when you go out, etc
etc in such a way that you actually maximize the number of girls you're going home with. Not for the
numbers, but because that puts girls in your life. It gives you a shot at whatever your goal is here.

Reality Isn't Real

Think of what we see from girls on a routine basis... They expect to go out on a yacht with one guy one
day, then they expect that they can block guys for the smallest comment and never speak to them again,
then they think like they're going to marry Ryan Gosling – who's already married – because they have
5000 followers on Instagram, then they expect to walk to the front of a line at a hot club and be let in
every time – and then have guys give them thousands of dollars in bottles, then they expect to just walk
off and leave. They talk about how they've never been dumped, ever. This girl I dated in Austin said
that literally 100% of guys swiped right on her on Tinder. Literally 100%. It didn't occur to her that
maybe she just didn't swipe enough to get through the algorithm loading the guys that swiped on her
already. They are the worst conversationalists most of the time, yet they think every guy is terrible at
starting conversations on Tinder or even in person.
It's an endless stream of total absurdity.

Now think back to when you were a seven year old kid, and what your world was like. You'd be on the
playground and someone would be like “My dad's a welder and he could kick your dad's ass” and some
other kid would be like “My dad eats monsters with his bare hands for a living, we would destroy your
dad.” Then it would come on the news and be like “The U.S. Just bombed Iraq” and you'd be like
“Wow. Mom where are my toys?” and you'd go back to playing with your toy cars and watching
cartoons. You'd be on the playground and be like “I like that Iron Man backpack, wanna be friends?”
Someone might be like “You're a poop head” and you wouldn't be all like “Am I a poop head?!?” You'd
be like “Go eat sand!” and in five minutes you'd forget.

When you're seven, life is all cool. Reality doesn't matter to you. It's not even real. The U.S. Bombing
Iraq was something that wasn't a realistic concept to you, it was just this thing on the TV and it didn't
really matter. You were free to say whatever the fuck created the vibe you wanted to create entailed,
including absurd statements about who's dad could kick whose ass.

The fact is, when you were seven you were pretty psyched about things most of the time and a lot of it
just came because you didn't give a shit about reality. You didn't care about all the fucked up shit going
on in the world, how terrible people are to each other, how screwed up politics are, and so on and so
forth. It didn't matter to you at all. You look at our parent's generation, and they are largely beaten
down, bored, miserable in a numb way... Shells. You can see, if you really think about it, that reality has
beaten them down over decades. If not your parents, then most of your friend's parents (and you're
lucky, by the way).
The thing is, objectively, reality is pretty much shit. Unless you're a good looking rich kid with natural
game, or a hot, young chick, reality is generally not that great. Even when my business was killing it
and I was traveling the world and eating at the world's best restaurants, I often didn't have the girls I
wanted to share it all with. I had girls. But the girls I would've LIKED to share all of that with were not
around for most of that (I did get to share a couple of those experiences with the girls I wanted to).

How do you make sense of the way hot girls behave?

Think of the seven year olds again. Wild statements, saying whatever suits the vibe or whatever suits
whatever they're into at the moment. Expectations that make no sense, complete lack of responsibility...
Notice similarities?

Yep! Hot girls are just giant fucking seven year olds with boobs, and often playing with big boy money
that doesn't belong to them. They don't give a fuck about reality, it just doesn't matter to them. They
never grew up. They don't have to.
Generally as men we look down upon them for that. But think about it again... Things were pretty
alright when we were seven. A lot of us probably think reality sucks now, but reality has been pretty
crazy always. In the 80s there was the Iran Contra scandal, an entire Embassy in Iran was captured and
held for a long time, there were famous serial killers, AIDs busted out, there was the tail end of an oil
crisis. Things weren't awesome then either. Most likely we just got spoiled by some good times in the
90s and early 2000s. At the same time, if we were adults we probably would've been exposed to the
shitty behavior of other adults regardless of the state of the world. Reality has kind of always been crap.
But as seven year olds, not giving a fuck about reality, we were good. For the most part at least.

So are girls so wrong? They're just giant fucking seven year olds with no responsibility and little
respect and so on... But those things only matter if you look at reality as real. If, instead, you look at
reality as not even being real in the first place – and just concern yourself with whatever suits the vibe
you're going for at the moment, then it doesn't seem particularly relevant that hot girls have no
responsibility, treat guys like shit, make wild comments, expect all these things for nothing, etc.
Reality's not even real, fuck it, let's have a good time! Who needs to be burdened by reality?

The old saying rings very true – if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
When girls make wild statements in a club or act like nothing matters, including you, and all this other
stuff, you can either try to understand it and deal with it and come up with the 'right response' and all
this stuff.
OR you can just be a fucking seven year old back! Some girl says “You're disgusting, why would I
want to talk to you?” You can take that like it's real and try to have some comeback or whatever. Or you
can just look down and go “You have boobs? Disgusting. Get your koodies out of here, I didn't want to
talk to you first!” It doesn't even have to make sense. I'm not saying that's a good response, because it's
kind of goofy and goofy is generally bad, but it might not be horrible.
If you really think about it, a club really is about being the best seven year old. Yelling “Drink bitch!”
and girls going “Who the fuck are you, you're so short, go away” and girls getting in circles yelling
“We're the hottest bitches evvaaa,” it's just a competition to see who's the best 7 year old. That's all it is.
You don't have to make sense, you don't have to care about reality. It's just a matter of whatever suits
the vibe. Say whatever the fuck suits the vibe, whatever suits the point. There IS no point in a bar or a
club. It's just a bunch of nonsense for entertainment. Just go with it. Just be the biggest seven year old.
Let go of reality. What is reality exactly, anyway? No one's emotions are truly real, they change minute
by minute. Entire countries have different versions of 'reality' defined by the school systems and the
history they teach. Things change all the time in all areas of the world... The people that you interact
with in bars, you almost never even wind up seeing them again. Even day to day life hardly has reality
that's truly that 'real'. It's just bizarre. So fuck it.
It's kind of like a video game, after all, just like the dorks in early game always used to say. It's like
these characters get thrown at you at night in the bar, and if it goes well you might see them again and
they might have some role in your life, and if it doesn't... That's just it. The characters disappear and the
next night it resets and you get new characters. Who cares. No one cares what they say, what it means,
what happens to anyone else. Get over 'reality.' Get over thinking anything is 'real.' Even the most real
shit that will ever happen to you won't be remembered in 70 years when you're gone. It won't even be
remembered. Unless you start a huge ass company or invent something or whatever. Fuggit.

The key is to let go of 'reality' like a seven year old would, for the purposes of game and socializing.
And to just let go of your concept of 'reality' just because what the fuck does that mean? How does that
help you? What is hanging on to what's 'real' doing for you? What does being exacting and concerned
about if something is 'reality' or if it's overblown, illogical, and so on do for you? If you're not at work,
probably nothing. If you're driving and someone's a fucking asshole on the road, in 'reality' they're an
asshole and you should be angry or wish they wouldn't do that. But think about it- if they could've
killed you... Then either they would've actually hit you and killed you and you wouldn't be here any
more. Or, they didn't hit you, they didn't kill you, in 'reality' you have every reason to be pissed off.
And what good does that do? Does it stop their bad driving? Does it make your life better? Does it
change anything five hours from now? Five days from now? Five weeks from now? That's a matter
where 'reality' is very clear and even life or death. Yet being concerned about 'reality'

Guru Level Arrogance

I was watching a video by RSD Tyler when he brought up that when he's teaching a new instructor, he
spends a couple years building them up to “guru level arrogance” and then has to bring them back to
being able to relate in a normal manner so that they can effectively teach. Super confidence. Legend
level confidence... Interesting. What's up with that?

I thought that that was an interesting concept. I messaged him and said that it might make a great video
topic that a lot of people would enjoy. Tyler has some rule where he doesn't read client messages or
something, though... No response. Alright, guess it's up to me to figure it out!

I started by really thinking of that vibe and trying to decide what it actually IS. What is legend level
confidence? What's that feeling? What's involved there?
As we've been through a number of times in this portion of the book, the key here is to break the thing
down into its parts, then try to understand the abstractions and nuances, then go out and test it and
slowly figure it out.

As I thought about that vibe, that mentality – the gunslinger kicking through the doors with that look in
his eye... I realized that there's an internal and an external component to confidence. The external
component to confidence is the one everyone thinks of. The one that convinces everyone around you
that you're a fucking G, that you're insanely confident. That you got this. That's the conviction, the grin,
the glint in your eye. That's what pulls other people into your vibe and drags them along into it.
There's a separate component to super confidence, however. The internal component. That's the part
that makes you feel empowered and ready to attack any situation you're faced with. It's the one that
makes you feel capable, above your competition, ready. It's the part that sends you soaring and maxes
out your potential.

The external component we talk a lot about. It's making her feel the music. It's under reacting but
strongly proacting. It's being in her head and using strong eye contact, your face, and conviction to
SELL her on vibes. It's not flinching. It's being loose. It's being cocky. It's having a powerful vibe and
energy confidence. We've talked about the things related to external super confidence endlessly.

Internal super confidence, then, is the thing we really want.

I effectively ignored this concept through 10 years of game. I would go out all the time, approach all
the time, and it was fun while I was actually in interactions... That were going well. But largely I was
dragging myself into the approaches, I was dragging myself out the door at the beginning of the night.
Everyone says that your confidence and mood shouldn't be based on your results. I agree. But when
you're dragging yourself through game, you pretty much wind up only psyched when things are going
“well.” You can get around that by doing the Tyler D style of game where you're constantly giving high
fives, fist bump, little compliments, talking to everyone – guys, girls, fat chicks. SHARING energy
with all of them. Then you can have a great time all night long. And you should, because it's all just a
game. Though I personally think you should keep an eye out for the girls you are going to be
particularly excited to talk to.

The common assumption is that you get confidence through success. But I'll be honest... My
confidence was probably pretty similar when I was about to put this book out as it was 6 years before. I
had a lot of success and could say for sure “I can do this” whereas before I wasn't sure if I'd be able to,
ever. But at the same time, I was pretty sure that I was close six years earlier. After adding in seeing a
bunch of crazy shit over the years, your confidence has a way of evening out. Your dreams and goals
just adjust upward with your success. Not to mention, think about the numbers. If you're CRUSHING
to a level I don't think anyone in the world does, you're not even going to get a very good reaction more
than 1/3 to 1/5 of the time with really attractive girls. I doubt anyone is going home with 1 out of 5 hot
girls they approach... So for every 'success' you have, you're having MINIMUM four other 'failures'.
That's not great for confidence. Maybe if you 'succeeded' about fifty percent of the nights you go out.
You can EASILY do that with sevens. But if you're good enough to do that, the sevens aren't making
you feel confident. So now maybe if you went home with a really solid 8 every other night. But I can't
say I've met anyone that does that – not even the very best. Our brains seem to reset in about two to
three days. So if you are pulling a solid 8 every four days, which still in my experience is pretty
extreme, you're surprisingly unlikely to have THAT much confidence off of it. And you'll focus in on
the 9s you didn't pull. And that's really around the upper limit of the possible cold approach success that
I've seen. Maybe RSD Julien can manage a solid 8 every three to four nights. I'm not totally sure.
There's your reactions alone. If you have several girls you're really excited about reacting really well to
you a night, that could cause confidence. I've definitely had nights like that and you get pretty high on
your own supply. Then you have another night, and it's not like that. And the BEGINNING of the
nights can never be like that. You never are on a roll at the beginning. So even if you get there, that
confidence isn't there when you need it the most. Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn't derive
confidence from external sources. 'Success' first of all isn't how you should think of it. And second of
all, it's not the way to get your confidence.
You're far better off using the Tyler D thing and just interacting with everyone in simple interactions,
ramping it up slowly, and building a positive feedback loop by giving out positive energy without
asking for anything back to kick off your nights. Regardless of what we're about to talk about, that IS
how it should be done.

Hmmm. I wasn't necessarily figuring this out.

I thought back through my life to find an area in my life where I really, truly had this INSANE level of
super confidence. After thinking a minute, I came up with two areas. One was in fighting and martial
arts. The other was in taking tests and academics. And, I suppose, for a long time in my body and in
working out.
The best example seemed to be when someone would throw a test in front of me in school. What was
that like? What was my feeling there? I remembered getting charged up. I remembered a rush of
adrenaline, straining at the bit – unable to wait another minute to get into the test, rip it to shreds, then
drop it down and go about my day. I didn't love tests, but if you were going to stick one in front of me,
I was going to fuck it up.
The moment I'd crack a test open, I would instantly start looking for the tricks. I would just ASSUME
that they were trying to trick me, trying to pull one over. I'd immediately start thinking out of the box
and trying to determine how I could find the tricks they were trying to bury, and dismantle them in
ways no one else would think of. I would get charged up and start seeking out and ATTACKING the
obstacles. I would shred them one after another. Then I would get up, drop the test, and walk out in an
adrenaline haze. If anyone asked me how I did, I'd say “I think alright” but really I was wondering if I
missed a single question. I didn't think anyone was even close to me in their abilities to take a test, at
least until some of my crazy college tests. I rarely worried that it wouldn't go well. I was on another
fucking planet. If anyone suggested that I might be dumb, I'd just chuckle- it wasn't even remotely

Interesting. That part about attacking the obstacles really stuck out in my mind.
When I thought about going out to game, a very different reality occurred to me. When you're out and
you see a girl that you're interested in, and then you see that she's in the middle of a train of three girls
holding hands, and they're dashing through the venue as quickly as they possibly can. And your girl is
in the middle. Or you see another cute girl, and she's with two guys, and she's leaning up against one of
them. And they look like pretty cool, smooth dudes. Or you see a couple hot girls and they're standing
right next to a bouncer and they look really bitchy...

What happens in your brain? You immediately start imagining, if you have enough game experience.
You see “If I go up to that girl in the middle of the train rushing through the venue, the girl in front is
going to rip her away. I have to get in front of them but they're really hurrying so that's going to be
difficult.” You see “That girl is with two pretty smooth, dominant looking dudes. And she's leaning up
against that guy and seems like she might be with him. If I go over there, they're going to give me all
kinds of shit, we're going to have to battle, she might laugh at me...” You see “I could go up to those
girls, but they really look like they're going to have a shitty reaction. They're going to get pissed off and
tell me to fuck off, if I try to persist it's going to happen right in front of the bouncer and then he's
going to be taking notice of me. If he's a shittier bouncer he might just grab me and throw me out, or at
least tell me to fuck off.”
Your brain instantly starts noticing those obstacles and then telling you why things won't work out. It
begins backing you down before you've even tried.

The answer, then, must be to not think about it. Not think about the obstacles at all, right? That's what
the old school three second rule is about- the moment you see a girl, go in before you can THINK
about it. That's what RSD Julien does when he tries not to 'value scan' a venue, just talking to everyone
nearby him all night long and floating around. He's not allowing himself to pre-process situations. He
just talks when someone's in front of him.
But that wasn't comparable to my experience with super confidence. I didn't bumble through tests and
not look for anything. That wasn't how I approached martial arts or a fight either. I would SEEK the
obstacles and try to find any possible way to rip them to shreds. SEEK the obstacles. And attack them.

As I went through my day, this started to resonate more and more and more with me. Perhaps this WAS
the key to confidence. Attacking obstacles.
When you go out and game, and every time you see an obstacle you start thinking of how it could fuck
you up, pretty soon everything seems like it won't go well. Pretty soon you're just bracing against
everything. It's like playing baseball and being afraid of the ball. Then you grab yourself by the shirt
and drag yourself in and do it anyway. But every time an obstacle comes up, you have to drag yourself
through it again, or THAT will become the reason it won't work. Everything is a reason it won't work.
Everything is dragging yourself through the experience. Everything is hoping nothing pops up.

Can't we just not think about the obstacles? Well, our RAS is designed to see value and threats. And it
acts faster than our conscious brain and basically has a highway connection to our senses, like our
sight. You can try not to notice obstacles all you want, but unless you use the three second rule or don't
value scan like Julien – which prevent you from even physically seeing or processing obstacles in the
first place, you can't stop your RAS from noticing the obstacles.
But is it so bad to see the obstacles?

What if you saw the obstacles, and then instantly started thinking about attacking them. About finding
ways to dismantle them? What if you were straining at the bit to fuck up any obstacles that you saw?
What if you actually SOUGHT OUT the obstacles? Now you're leaning forward, ready to attack. You're
constantly using your creativity. Instead of seeing the situations around you as reasons you're going to
lose and hoping that something doesn't pop up to fuck you up, you're proactively seeking out the
obstacles and trying to take them down. You're on the prowl. You're the doer. You're proactive. You're
no longer walking around bracing and seeing the world in doom and gloom.

That's it then. That's internal confidence! How you relate to obstacles. If you seem them and you
instantly look to attack them, then you're suddenly empowered, unleashing your creativity, you can be
eager and excited about it.
I realized that your own brain is one of the main obstacles that you have to attack. You think of a
situation or an action, and you think “What's my brain going to throw at me here? It's going to say this,
then I'm going to do this and be like 'fuck you brain'!” It's not like tennis, where you might be playing
against another human being, but the obstacle is this obvious ball that's even colored yellow so that you
can't ignore what obstacle you're supposed to be attacking... Game isn't that way. It's a bit more like a
test, in that the obstacles are hidden. But it goes beyond that because the obstacles are another human
being who is convinced that whatever the obstacle is in their mind, it's actually real. And they talk
about it like it's real. And at the same time, YOU'RE the obstacle. Your own brain. So you're having to
seek out and fuck up obstacles that are her acting like things are real and your brain acting like things
are real. And it's all just part of the game to seek those out and attack them.

That felt so different, so powerful.

My first wingman used to get these crazy bouts of youthful exuberance and start making up these crazy
stories straight out of Family Guy. Not while gaming, just while we were hanging out. I'd tell him to
stop doing something annoying or whatever, and he'd go “Oh, yeah? Well I'm going to take this stick.
And I'm going to break it into two and it's going to become to flying ninja stars with minds of your
own. And I'm going to hurl them at you and you're going to pick up that chair and stop them, bang,
bang. But they're intelligent flying stars, so they're going to bounce off and go flying out the window
and around the building and come at you through the back window. At the last moment you're going to
dive to the side and try to throw that candle stick at me. But I'm going to level up and dial gravity up to
a million, slamming you into the ground and crashing the candlestick onto the ground so it shatters into
a million pieces.” And he'd just go on and on, making up this story about everything I was going to do
and then how he was going to have a million times better answer and just bury my attempts at every
turn. That's really what we're talking about here. Just like there's going to be obstacle after obstacle and
he's going to find them and just stomp them all out so easily.

Then I went out to try it. I was stoked. As I was pulling into the parking garage, I started to feel this
strange feeling. I was thinking about the obstacles that were coming and attacking them. I was thinking
about the enjoyment layer and trying to let go into it.
This feeling started welling up inside me. This overwhelming lightness and excitement. Then I felt
myself subconsciously trying to fight it. My brain was going “It can't be like this! Game isn't supposed
to feel like this. This is weird.” It was trying to hang on, stop me from feeling that way. I realized that I
was dealing with a matter of subconscious expectation of how things were supposed to feel. For ten
years I'd developed a feel for game, and it was nothing like this... I sat there and worked to just let go
into it, to tell myself that this IS how game was supposed to feel.

I started walking out of the parking garage, and when I had nearly cleared the exit I started to get
choked up. This feeling was overwhelming. So positive. It was ten year of weight and dragging myself
through this being lifted off of my shoulders. I had to pause and catch my breath. This was incredible.

Just as suddenly I started realizing that I was going to trigger a problem. For those of you that have
watched RSD's Blueprint Decoded, you know that one of the biggest hesitancies and fears in our brains
revolves around not wanting to risk our current emotional state for a worse on. On an average basis,
you're out at the club and you don't feel very good... But when you think about approaching, your brain
goes “If you approach, she could flip the fuck out and you could feel a lot worse. So just don't
approach. You don't feel great now, but you don't feel like complete shit either.”
I realized that I was setting this problem up times ten. I felt INCREDIBLE right now, and I hadn't done
anything. The way I felt was TOTALLY separate from any actions that I was taking. By doing any
approaches, I was risking feeling incredible... For what? A situation that was at least 5 times more
likely to go poorly than to go well? Fuck.

Sure enough, the rest of that night I took very little action. I had this cool feeling, but it was linked to
doing anything. I would see the obstacles and how I might attack them. Then I would feel somewhat
empowered, and my brain would go “Well, you see how that might work... So that's good enough.”
Being stuck in my small town, it wasn't like there were tons and tons of potential girls to approach to
help me get passed these things by just shutting up and doing a bunch of numbers.

The drive home had become my place to figure out what was going on during this period of my life. As
I cruised home, alone of course, I puzzled over this. Clearly you couldn't feel this good without any
link whatsoever to real world actions. That would just fuel your brain's desire to avoid potentially
losing good emotions.
Somehow this had to be linked to actions.

What kind of thing do humans ever do where you fail most of the time, but you still feel better when
you act than when you don't? That's kind of a preposterous premise. Gambling? Buying lottery tickets?
In a way, yeah. When you approach you ARE kind of buying a lottery ticket. Sometimes it's fucking
awesome, often it's nothing. But it was fun to try.
That doesn't really work that well because there's little downside to failing at buying a lottery ticket and
there's no action involved.
I thought a little more. Eventually I came back to rock climbing, like we talked about earlier. When you
go rock climbing, how does that go? You look around and you go “Check out that granite face! Let's
see if I can climb that.” Then you go fucking try. Then you look around and you go “Oh, how about
that one! Let's see if I can climb that one!!!” The challenge IS the excitement. If you knew that you
could climb them all, it would be pointless. It would be going up stairs. You wouldn't even show up. If
you just sat at the bottom and went “I see all the challenges there. I could climb that one” and you
never fucking climbed anything, it would all be ridiculously pointless. That would be the most retarded
thing on the planet. Could you imagine people showing up with rock climbing gear, theorizing that they
could climb stuff, then going home!? Idiotic.

Over the next couple days this mindset kept spinning through my mind. “Let's see if I can.” Maybe
confidence is seeking out the obstacles and attacking them and trying to find any way to rip them to
shreds, along with going “Let's see if I can.” That makes SO much sense! The mindset accepts that you
might not actually succeed, that the thing might not actually happen. And that's PART of it. It doesn't
back down AT ALL because of that. In fact, it's PART OF IT - that it might not happen.

What's the next step? Go out and try it!

So I go out and try it. And it's not bad. There's still definitely something missing though. I still find
myself looking and going “Hmm, that's an interesting challenge. I SHOULD go see if I should do that.
I should go see if I can do this.” But it still didn't link feeling good to acting.

As RSD Max talks about in the information associated with his product 'Fearless', fear is largely linked
to motivation. These mindsets are building you up, building your confidence in going after the task at
hand. But they're not MOTIVATING you. The issue is that you now feel equipped to go get it... But if
you don't see a reason to push yourself and go get it, then what's the point? It's all just a game anyway...

I thought that was it, but it turns out that it isn't. We need more pieces here before you're shredding the
task at hand like Tiger Woods handling his competition in his prime, or Michael Phelps stomping out 8
gold medals in one Olympics.

I've avoided being crass throughout as much of this book as possible. But you need motivation. For the
actual thing. Not to mention feeling weird about being crass is to also feel hesitancy around sexuality.
It's judgment. Why must sexuality be crass? I've wanted to edge you into comfort with sexuality, so I
don't chase off the 'nicer' guys like myself at the start. But let's face it. You need to imagine her riding
you, arching her back, moaning. Her hands all over you. Her shaking until she comes hard on your
dick. If you imagine THAT, with THIS girl right in front of you... Suddenly you'll have much of the
motivation that you need.
Girls act like they don't want guys to look at them and think about sex. No, they don't want
UNATTRACTIVE guys to think that. That's “gross” and “pervy.” But if they'd want to have sex with
you, they ABSOLUTELY want you to have that intent with them, and they find it powerfully sexy.

When I went out thinking all of these things: Seek out and attack obstacles, looking for creative ways
to shred them; “Let's see if I can” towards making girls wet, towards building interactional tension,
towards tackling the obstacles you see; and really visualizing having sex with the girls and driving up
the motivation... Now things were heading in a good direction.
Surprisingly I found that it wasn't there yet. Now it was like I'd motivated some half hearted but
confident action.

I realized that all of these things RAISE YOU UP to the challenge.

But it's all about clearing the bar by as much as possible. And when you're stepping over a bar, stepping
higher is only half the equation. The other half of the equation is lowering the bar. Something that
Julien and the RSD guys talk about all the time. Make the problem easier.

What if you only needed to be massively self conscious, and you'd succeed? Then however confident
you are would be “super confident” for the task at hand. What if the task at hand was feeling good
about your body among a bunch of fat bolemic chicks? You'd be their king.

How do we lower the bar?

Start by accepting the worst case scenario. We've talked about this before. Whatever the worst possible
thing your brain could possibly make up in its absurd hypothetical land, just accept that that's possible.
Now you don't HAVE to be so confident, because you've already accepted the worst.

If you accept that she might freak the fuck out and act like you're super weird and run away from you.
Then you're going to try to persist, and she's going to freak out right in front of your face and grab
some dude to try to fight you. Then she'll get the bouncer and get you kicked out. And you're going to
feel fucking crazy and embarrassed and she'll make you feel disgusting. And the whole city will see
and they'll all fucking hate you. But you'll just move to a new one! Because nothing is more important
to you than your goals. So you accept that that might happen.
If you accept that, which is just ridiculous anyway, but if you ACTUALLY accept that that 'might'
happen and you're cool with it if it does... Now suddenly the bar is lowered. You don't have to be
confident enough to overcome the crazy dangers out there, because you just accepted the worst your
brain can throw at you. Just keep in mind this is one you can't really fake. You have to really embrace it
and say “Yup, that would be really crazy. And if that happens, I'll just go to a new city and keep
grinding!” By doing this, you're taking the teeth out of the opposition in your mind.

This goes further. Assume that EVERY single time you approach, you'll have to persist to even get her
to open. RSD Max has a good video on this on his YouTube channel. Assume that girls biologically
HAVE to resist new guys, and that you WILL have to persist. Assume that you WILL have to have a
ton of follow through. EVERY TIME. EVERY TIME you'll have to deal with friends trying to break
you guys up and you'll have to see it coming and befriend them. EVERY TIME other dudes will come
in, and you'll deal with them. EVERY TIME you'll have to solve logistical problems and keep leading
and keep leading, and she'll resist. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
We talked a lot about the highest common denominator assumption. At that time we talked about it like
you should take everything like it's very possible that the hardest scenario might happen, and just
assume that. But that still leaves it open for your brain to go “Well, maybe it will be like that. But
maybe it won't. Maybe this will be a 'lucky' one.” Fuck that. Just assume that it ALWAYS happens that
way. It HAS to happen that way. There IS no other way. That way you won't spend all this mental
energy wondering, trying to decide, and being anxious about what you might face. If it happens more
easily, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Think of THAT as weird. Unusual. This is how it ALWAYS is.
Now you're just prepared. It lowers the bar further, because you don't have to be confident enough to
handle 'hard' situations. You just have to handle the usual, it's always the same. You just have to be
prepared and seek out the particular version of the obstacles in this situation. Assuming they're all
there. Where's the friend obstacle? Where are the logistical obstacles? Where are the guys I have to
befriend or tool? Where is she going to resist? There's no more if. Cut out the if.

I also found the previous time that I went out with the first pieces of this mindset, that it was easy to go
“I should see if I can do that,” and then really not want to do it, if I wasn't confident about the PLAN
that I was taking into the situation. If I didn't think I had a reasonable way to open, a good plan to
follow through and create interactional tension and make her wet, a good way to loosen her or persist if
I had to... Then my brain would go “Yeah, you SHOULD go see if you can tackle that. But I just don't
trust what you're thinking of doing. So really you're saying you 'should' go on a suicide mission. And I
don't see the reasoning for that...”

There's actually two parts to this. First off, planning and preparation. The reason I was feeling that,
even at my level of game, is that I was still dealing with situations on dance floors where most of what
I'd spent ten years learning about opening doesn't really work. Though sometimes opening is also super
easy on the dance floor. In any case, you have to have a plan for the environment you're going to be in
that you feel has a good chance to work. If you keep going out over and over and not feeling this way,
you're not preparing. Quit being a fucktard, seriously. I've been feeling that way recently, but it's
because I'm rushing to put this book out. It doesn't take that long to brainstorm and come up with some
plans and refine them over time.

The second part is you need to have a MOTIVATION TO FAIL. This might sound weird. But
everything we're going through is motivation to 'succeed'. But your brain is the eternal pessimist, no
matter what you do. So it's going to go “Yeah, but after all this is just a game and it's not that big of a
deal to come together with a girl, right? So all this stuff is cool, but you still might get your ass kicked.”
That's why game will ALWAYS be about kicking the crap out of your own brain and strengthening it
and telling it not to give you that pussy shit. But it helps a lot more if you're MOTIVATED to have
failures too.
And this is where RSD Luke's brilliant mindset comes in – you're not gaming to get this girl. You're
gaming TO GET THE GIRL IN THREE MONTHS. This is how training hard for a sport works. Like
in my sport, you weren't training your ass off for you competition this weekend. You were training your
ass off so that much later in the season you MIGHT have some success. So what was your reason to
fail? Succeed later.

If you don't get your ass kicked right now, then you won't know that your shit is still wrong, and you
can't succeed later. Remember, you NEVER want to think you 'made it'. The moment you start thinking
that, you're screwed. I have had big issues with that while writing this book. The book is CALLED
Game Solved. So when you're eager to finish the book and get it out to people, you're eager to 'solve
game'. Which means you should have the full picture. Which means you shouldn't be getting your ass
kicked so you can figure it out and win later...
But that's PART of the solution to game. That you ALWAYS want to be getting your ass kicked so that
you can get the girl you're GOING to get in three months. It's ALWAYS about three months from now.
Even if you're 90 years old. If it's ever not about that, you're screwed. Because then you don't have
motivation to fail. You have to want to IMMEDIATELY find your weaknesses and find out where your
wrong. You WANT to find them. It's only if you're running around literally failing to find your own
weaknesses that maybe you can acknowledge you've got it. But if you do that for a year or so straight,
you'll probably be alright on the confidence front.

Trying to bring your weaknesses out in the real world, until you can find no more, is without doubt one
of the most powerful mindsets you can possibly have. Motivating failure is incredibly important. The
catch is that you want to do it while pushing forward. Don't start sand bagging just to find weaknesses.
The every present back doors. It comes back to an evolved version of the “Let's see if I can” mindset.
It's “Let's see if I can, and see if I CAN'T so that I can learn how.”

Next up is being in the DECIDER position. If you're thinking about going up to a girl and hoping she
'reacts well' to what you're doing. Or wondering if she will. Then you're not the energy decider. She is.
YOU need to be the energy decider. YOU pick an awesome energy, take her by the hand, and pull her
into it. You're just sweeping her away into what you've got going on. You're not asking her if she likes
what you're doing and might want to interact with you. If you're going in with strong energy, and YOU
are the decider and you're sweeping her up into the thing YOU have going on, then you're not
dependent on her to say “Yes, let's interact”. When you're not dependent on all these 'ifs' you can
proceed with confidence.
You won't be confident if you run around thinking “This will go well IF obstacles don't pop up.” “This
will go well IF she digs how I approach and opens.” “This will go well IF her friends and other dudes
don't come interfere.” Fuck all these ifs. I'm the decider, and all that shit WILL happen. And that's just
NORMAL. The only 'if' is “Let's see if I can do this, and if I can't I want to fucking now so I can figure
it out for the girl 3 months from now.”

There's no ego boosts for what you could or can do. There's only seeing if you can, and learning if you
can't. It's always ugly. You're always a rugby player in the mud. You're always the rabbit trying to
outrun the wolves. Game is being that rabbit, running up to the wolves and whacking them on the nose,
then turning and running and laughing your fucking ass off... Pushing yourself until you collapse or
you escape. It's survival, it's marathon running. It's about feeling the burn, smiling that you just got a
bloody lip in the rugby game.
It's about FEELING something, high or low. Get out of your fucking house, off of your fucking couch,
away from your fucking job and FEEL something. High OR low. Better to have sex or get punched in
the mouth than to sit on your fucking couch feeling luke fucking warm. Getting punched in the mouth
is a GREAT fucking feeling if you were doing it in pursuit of the life YOU want.

It's about having intent to play 100% all out, and to make sure whatever you feel, it's STRONG. There's
no such thing as “bad” emotions. There's being frustrated as shit, feeling embarrassed or awkward or
punched in the mouth- and those are the emotions they talk about in Fight Club in the beginning. At
least you feel fucking ALIVE. And you learn. And then there's the other side of the emotions, sex,
sexual tension, playing the game with girls. Those make you feel ALIVE too. It's not about feeling
good, it's about challenge and feeling ALIVE and pushing yourself. It's about whacking the wolves on
the nose and then turning and running for your life... And laughing the whole time.

When you treat game THAT way, you ENABLE confidence. You ENABLE action. Then you can go
“see if you can” and if you can't, learn for the girl three months from now. Then you can seek out the
obstacles and attack them. Then you can play the game. Then you can feel good when you act, both if it
goes your way or doesn't – but you don't feel good if you don't act. Love game for getting dirty and
feeling alive. Attack obstacles to see if you can, and because if you can't you'll get punched hard
enough to FEEL something and you'll also learn for the girls in the future. Be the decider. Be the sex
guy. Remember that there's no absolute bar you have to reach, you just have to outlast what 99 other
guys would've done tonight.
You can't lose if you don't see it that way. If you don't make your goal with a whimper, you might feel
like a loser. But if you're going full out and get socked in the fucking mouth, you can ride home telling
the fucking story.

I found when testing these mindsets while going out that there was another piece. If your brain felt that
what you were doing was consistent with how you were going about it, it will make you feel like it's
fucking off and you won't feel confident about it.
If you're cold approaching girls to make them wet and and take them home, but you're just all fun vibes
and looseness and like a smooth, completely common fixture of the environment, your subconscious
won't LET you feel confident. Why? That's most of what you're supposed to be! Yeah, but it doesn't
make SENSE for a guy to cold approach a girl, unless he's fucking cocky. It doesn't make SENSE for a
guy to be flirting and building sexual tension and trying to take a girl home if he's all funny and vibes
and harmless. Your brain subconsciously knows this isn't right. That you're trying to go in one way and
do something else. It feels like a fraud. It feels wrong. And it won't feel confident about it.
You STILL NEED great, loose energy. But you need to be cocky in order to be a guy that's 'for cold
approach.' Happy funny jump-aroundy guys on the dance floor aren't for cold approach. They're for
jumping around on the dance floor. Cocky guys approach girls. No cocky, and all you are is the fun
jumpy guy that got weird and decided to try some lines.
Similarly, the happy jumpy guy on the dance floor isn't sexy either. He's not FOR sex. He's not FOR
getting turned on with. It's the guy that moves in slow motion through everything, feeling that sexy
power in himself that's for sex. He might still be fun. He's definitely still loose. He's definitely still got
a great vibe. But everything with him has a little more inertia behind it. You have to be THAT or your
brain won't be feeling confident that you can make the transition between where you are and where
you're looking to go to. You have to be loose, have a vibrant energy and a sparkle in your eyes, but you
ALSO need to be cocky and move juuust a little slower than everyone. Because you're for sex. Like the
guy Alex from the MTV show Siesta Key. He's just a little slower moving than everyone else, like he
has a mass to him. And that mass provides gravity that pulls girls in for sex.

Going out and using this mindset, I also noticed sometimes you'd see an obstacle, think of how you are
going to handle it, and then STILL feel resistance. After going home on a night where I had felt that, I
realized that my brain was seeing ANOTHER obstacle. I was going “Okay, obstacle. That guy seems to
like that girl and their group has been really tightly circled up all night. Solution, either blast in there
like a golden retriever, or since they're obviously going to hang out here until close, let him walk away
a bit.” Cool, no big deal. Then I still felt resistance. It wasn't until much later that I was also noticing
the obstacle of what happens if he comes back over or if their together or whatever. Of course, going
golden retriever and just diving in is kind of the solution. But I could have been like “Alright, brain,
what's the other obstacle you're seeing?” Then “Oh that? Cool. If he comes over I'll either tell her to tell
him I'm her gay friend from LA (whisper in her ear). Or I'll just be like 'Ahhh, that's cute you're jealous
of me but I'm gay.'” Either way, no problem.
So if you feel more resistance, attack more obstacles! And also just tell your brain to shut up so it
doesn't come up with obstacles all night long on you.

As we talked about a long time ago, you have to feel you can DOMINATE the girl in front of you, or
you won't be confident about approaching her. There's this one pretty wild girl I've seen a couple times
around town. I was going to talk to her tonight, but she left right after I first saw her. I'll be honest,
though, I hesitated for a second first. Why? Because she seems like a fucking handful and I had JUST
shown up to the bar. In that moment by subconscious didn't feel like it could dominate her. And that
caused enough hesitation and momentary lack of confidence for me to just jump on it.

Finally, accept that you're WAY better than this than anyone around.
When I would take test or step up against someone in martial arts, I KNEW I was special. I KNEW I
was head and shoulders above everyone around me. Even when I walked into the gym. THEY would
struggle with this test. THEY would have issue beating me. THEY would struggle with their exercises
and stare in awe at me. Not me. I wasn't on their level. They were on some regular, pedestrian fucking
level. I was different. I was made for this.
The reason this is important is that if you're taking the appropriate actions, you're going to be doing
things WAY different from everyone else around you. If you feel that you're like them, you might feel
weird. But if you feel you were made for this and are doing things on another planet from them because
they're regular people and you're not... Then you can destroy.

But you're not better at getting girls than everyone else. You're better at FEELING ALIVE than they
are. You're better at getting both punched in the mouth and making girls wet. You're better at SEEING
IF YOU CAN, and wanting to learn if you can't. You're better at being the decider. Who cares if you're
'good with girls'? YOU'RE the decider, there's not a cookie or a fucking medal for them just going
along with it. You're better at poking the bear and running your fucking ass off. You're better at
LOOKING at everything the right way. You're vastly superior to them because of HOW YOU LOOK at
game, not because of anything to do with results. Because win or lose, you fucking feel alive. You
SEEK the obstacles and think of how to DESTROY them. And you don't go home feeling blasé or as
though you didn't fucking give it everything.

The thing is, when I take a test or square off in someone at martial arts, I'm NOT AFRAID OF THE
PAIN that goes along with that thing. Yeah you're going to get hit. Yeah the test will be frustrating and
exhausting. But you UNDERSTAND the field, and you've got the ultimate trust in your ability to seek
out the obstacles and navigate them. So you don't fear the aspects that are painful.
I'm not a marathon runner. Why am I not a marathon runner? Because I AM afraid of the pain in that
People thing super confidence is about floating around and no longer feeling pain. Nope. It's about
knowing all the pains and having no fear of them. Even attacking and embracing the pain. Runners
attack the pain in their lungs and legs as PART of what they do. I'd attack the pain that went along with
a fight as PART of what I did in martial arts. And I just knew the other guy would give up before me.
Being afraid of the ball in baseball is a bit of a metaphor for being afraid of the pain in an area. Game is
so hard for people to understand because it's about letting go and creating enjoyment through the pain,
it's about polarities. They aren't opposite, though, because they both make you feel ALIVE.

This is the super confidence checklist:

-SEEKING OUT obstacles, KNOWING the tricks are there, then attacking them and trying to figure
them out
-When you notice obstacles, being like 'How can I fuck this shit up'
-BE THE SEX GUY!!! Like Alex from Siesta Key, you should be obviously for fucking from moment
-Need to MOVE and have the RHYTHM of the sex guy to be congruent with what you're doing (if
you don't, inside your own head you'll feel like you're portraying something else and you'll stop
-Need to be cocky to be congruent with cold approach
-SEEING IF YOU CAN, and seeing if you can't so you can learn how
-100% intent to play the game and follow through. Otherwise you KNOW deep down it's not going
anywhere, but you do it anyway, and then that creates a feeling that you're bullshitting
-Be a GOLDEN RETRIEVER. You're allowed to approach ANYONE if that's you in your mindset
-It's ALWAYS going to be a dirty mess. It's RUGBY IN THE MUD
-It's like the rabbit running up and tapping the wolf on the nose, then running at it's limit until it drops
and gets eaten, or escapes
-It's ALWAYS going to require persistence to open
-It's ALWAYS going to require crazy follow through
-You're ALWAYS going to have to deal with friends and guys coming in an solve tons of logistical
problems. EVERY time
-There's ALWAYS going to be obstacle after obstacle after obstacle, and you're always going to fight
this epic battle and keep smashing them all one after the other
-Where is the friend obstacle? Where are the guys I have to befriend or tool? Where are the logistics
obstacles? Where is her self judgment? Where is she going to act like she seriously can't do it, but
actually she can? Where is she going to resist? Where is she going to hesitate? Where am I going to
have to baby step?
-FUCK your brain saying 'It's not going to happen anyway'!!! It's AWESOME that it COULD, MAYBE
like 1 in 100 happen, and this is the ONLY way that's true!!
-It's ALL JUST A GAME. Just badminton. Though part of the game is also getting hit in the mouth and
yelled at and having girls act like you're crazy, it's still a game. It's just about FEELING ALIVE
-You have to FEEL YOU CAN DOMINATE A GIRL to feel confident about approaching
-Have a VIBE GAME for the situation and girl, so that you're confident in your plan
-TRY TO FIND AND BRING OUT YOUR WEAKNESSES. Be obsessed with finding your
weaknesses until you can find no more
-Feeling like you COULD do something is FUCKING STUPID BULLSHIT. Being on the court and
not playing the game is retarded
-Feeling good about the plan you're taking in
-Being in the decider position, and just pulling her into your river. Sweeping her away
-Accepting the worst possible outcome
-*There's not some ABSOLUTE BAR. The key is BEATING 99 OTHER GUYS. It's FAR MORE
-It's about FEELING something, high or low. Get out of your fucking house, off of your fucking couch,
away from your fucking job and FEEL something. High OR low. Better to have sex or get punched in
the mouth than to sit on your fucking couch feeling luke fucking warm.
-Whether you get punched in the mouth, yelled at, embarrassed and kicked out of the club, or feel
amazing sexual tension and interactional tension and have sex with a girl... Game is about making sure
you feel SOMETHING strong. And you feel ALIVE. Get off the couch, and make sure whatever you
feel is strong enough to feel ALIVE

So what, really, is super confidence in game? It's seeking and attacking the obstacles, it's seeing if you
can and wanting to KNOW if you can't so you can learn, and it's about making sure you metaphorically
get punched in the mouth or literally get fucked – plus KNOWING that you were MADE for game
because you see it that way. You SEE that this is fight club, not some ice skating routine. You know it's
complicated and requires endurance and survival EVERY time.
You're fucking legend because EVERYONE ELSE LOOKS AT IT WRONG. They think they're
'losing'. They think they're 'getting blown out.' They're scared of obstacles, trying to look for situations
without them. They're scared of getting yelled out or having girls shriek and run away from them like
lepers or whatever else. You just think that was an epic instance of feeling alive and a great chance to
learn things that no one else will.
You see, you have INSANE confidence in game because where everyone else has to worry about
whether they lose or not, you don't even see losing as a thing in game. It's ALL feeling alive, unless you
just fucking stand there. Just like there's no losing in rock climbing- there are epic attempts and there's
making it to the top.
Guru level arrogance isn't about floating on clouds and being like “You peons are nowhere near as good
as me!” It's more about getting excited to run into the fucking mosh pit and going “You peons just don't
get it.”

The Conflict between 'It's not Going to Happen Anyway' and Pulling becoming More Routine

I implemented the stuff above, it helped a TON. I felt really good comparatively. Yet I still struggled
with motivation in critical moments. Especially when having to persist in the middle of an interaction,
or when I had to persist in tough moments.

I was struggling hard to figure out what was behind that. I was pretty damn sure I had everything pretty
well broken down. It was noticeably empowering, gave a very significant deal of confidence, I was
taking good action... So what gave? Why did it push me only up until critical moments?

If I had been in a large city like Vegas or New York, I could've just pounded through, built up
momentum for following through and attacking hard, and just rolled that through the whole night.
Being in a small town with very few opportunities, relying on 'action taking momentum' was a virtual
impossibility. This needed to be solved on a more fundamental level.

I assumed this had to be something to do with motivation. The whole 'fear is attached to motivation'
thing. I didn't feel any great fear. Yet when I had the chance to go really hard to try to follow through on
something, I just wouldn't do it. I wouldn't even be that upset at myself about it, which was strange too.
Why? What the fuck? That was not really like me. Granted, it wasn't that I was being a total pussy or
just doing nothing. Hmmm.

I made no ground whastoever for weeks, maybe over a month. It wasn't until I was finally watching an
OLD RSD Max video where he and Tyler were talking about why people bail out that I finally put my
finger on it. They were talking about this hot girl that they helped a natural friend of theirs pull. The
girl was, apparently, throwing herself at the guy back in his apartment, and he still effectively refused
to have sex with her. Apparently Max came back and they could basically hear him turning her down.
They didn't know what his deal was.
They didn't tell the full story, but apparently after a long time, the guy finally saw Max leaving the
laundry room with the girl. Max had had sex with her since the other guy wouldn't. She was turned on
and wanted the other guy, but since he wouldn't do it, she went with Max instead.
According to the story they told, the natural friend was suddenly extremely jealous. Why? She was
trying to jump him in the apartment for quite a while, apparently. He was the one stopping her. Why
was he jealous?

Their theory was that, in his reality, sex was a more difficult thing than that – and he didn't think she
was going to actually have sex. Despite the fact she was trying to jump him, he apparently was so stuck
in his reality that he figured it wasn't going to happen. When Max actually had sex with her, it smashed
the wall in his brain that said it was never going to happen in the first place. They said that for months
after that the guy was a monster, having had the walls in his reality torn down.

I think we can all associate with that. There was some girl you wouldn't think would open, then
eventually some dude went over and she opened up and fucking loved him. Often I'VE been the guy
that opened that girl, and all of a sudden you see all these other dudes warm around, even try to talk to
her while you're trying to talk to her. They were standing around ignoring her before, then suddenly
they see you talking to her – and you've broken the wall in their reality where they were telling
themselves she wouldn't talk to anyone.
I've also thought girls weren't down, only to see another guy make out with them – even pull them. I
definitely associate.

They used this as a story to talk about how guys look at sex as too big of a deal, and by trying to see it
as so special they miss many opportunities. They raise the bar in their head to being something so
insane that they could hardly ever reach it.

I saw something different in the story.

I saw 'It's not going to happen anway.'


That struck home.

It instantly triggered soooo many times that, on a subconscious or semi-conscious level, I had bailed on
situations because 'It wasn't going to happen anyway.' If some little fairy had landed on my shoulder,
and I mean the winged kind not the overtly gay kind, and said “She WILL go home with you. Just DO
NOT give up” I would have. Probably several hundred times AT LEAST that such a fairy would've
pulled far, far, FAR more effort out of me.
In fact, I don't have to conjecture. I've been out with such a fairy. His name is Julien.
For anyone that's been out with Julien, you should be VERY familiar with the Julien 'BACK IN' and
the elbow point. Some girl will be giving you mad static, you'll leave to go get some feedback, and next
thing you know Julien just spins you by the shoulders, points at her with his elbow and commands
'BACK IN.' You go back, and a startling number of times things turn around. Bizarrely some girls that
even just didn't open AT ALL open; sometimes girls that I persisted with until they were getting
annoyed would open when Julien sent me back in. Usually it was just awkward if they didn't open at
all, but sometimes it seemed the act of leaving an coming back reset some weird switch in their brain.
Or maybe it was just the necessity to come up with some angle to 'survive' what was surely going to be
the awkward-ass sequel Julien was launching you into.
The girls that DID open and then stalled out would VERY frequently be pretty receptive when you
came back. That one I have a hard time describing. Maybe they were feeling you were pushy, then
when you left and came back the resistance in their brain let down? I can't honestly say.

I CAN say that a wingman who will stand there and go “BACK IN” and shove you back would be
invaluable. I generally have to wing man whatsoever, least of all one that's useful to me at my level, so
it's all on me.

Either way, it struck me that the issue was my brain deciding “It's not going to happen anyway.”

When your brain says that, it's effectively all over.

That instantly gives you the following equation: You had some level of 'opportunity,' or validation in
terms of 'it was going well' or 'she liked me.' That level might have been large, like an 8/10 'that girl
loved me!' It could've been tiny, like a 1.5/10 'I could possibly get that girl standing over there.' BUT,
when your brain goes 'It's not going to happen anyway,' what happens? That means NO MATTER
WHAT you do, you're going to take that little bit of minor 'value' that you had – from opportunity, from
'it was going well,' from whatever – and you're going to turn it into zero or even negative. You're going
to have to leave going 'I knew it wasn't going to happen, I tried to go for it, and then she got pissed off
and told me to fuck off and ran away.' Then you have no minor validation of 'she liked me' left. You
have no 'it could've happened' left. We've talked about those factors... What I hadn't realized is that it
doesn't matter how much you try to hate the feelings of 'I could've' or 'She liked me' and those types of
things. If your brain says 'It wouldn't happen anyway,' then even the most moderate pain isn't worth it.
Not to mention the likelihood of getting into some super awkward situation where you try to persist
through some crazy shit and they just go off on you, which means you traded your minor win for
having girls go off on you in a situation that “wasn't going to happen” anyway. Kind of like the time I
supposedly got “86'd” (or banned forever) from this late night place I don't even remember the name of
in downtown Miami. It sucked balls anyway, which is why I was finally persistent with these young ass
chicks that were the only cute girls there... And then they started being weird as shit in a way that was
really hilarious, and they did NOT appreciate being laughed at. Nothing bad happened, it just so
happened that the manager was an old fat chick and the place was so empty that she had nothing better
to do. In any case, if your brain's going “It's not going to happen anyway” then you're exchanging even
the tiniest of win for, at best, nothing – and at worst getting supposedly '86'd' from a shitty empty club
in downtown Miami. Where they'd never remember me anyway, naturally.
To offset the lack of incentive for trying in something that 'won't happen anyway' is where
incentivizing the failure comes in: If you are gaming for the girl you WILL meet in 3 months, then
there's a reason to TRY. Just to learn. That way if you fail, you're closer to succeeding next time. The
key belief there is that there IS a way, you just might not be good enough yet to pull that way off.
However, your desire to learn can get a little burned out over time, as well.

For a while when I went out, it was my hard fast mission to try to find a way to turn things around
when girls recoiled initially when I tried to open, or when they got bitchy. As a result, I pissed off a lot
of girls and nearly got kicked out of a club or two. I ALSO was INCREDIBLY persistent on opening...
because the whole effort was all about trying to turn around girls that didn't start off well. I accidentally
created a great thing there. I had strong incentive to keep going when things were bad.

That's our first solution. Even if your brain is saying “it won't happen anyway,” if you're saying “I can
find a way! It's my MISSION to find a way in these situations!!” Then you have all the reason in the
world. You're not expecting it to go well, you're in there still as an experiment just to see if MAYBE
you can EVENTUALLY find some type of solution. In a way, that actually incentivizes you not just to
fail, but to find 'likely-to-fail' situations in the first place. In fact, I would say my subconscious
intentionally caused some bad initial reactions when I was trying to figure out how to save things that
started badly... Basically my subconscious said “Okay, here you go! Shitty situation, now you can try to
fix it!” I backed off that mission a bit, thinking that I'd open better. I probably did for a while. But I
think eventually it cost me a lot of that incentive to persist.

Thus- Step 1: Make it your MISSION to try to figure out how to save shitty reactions, impossible to
pull situations, things where the friends are fucking you over. Define yourself on your efforts to try to
solve the true 'I'm fucked' situations of game. Be the guy that 'can't be killed' in game. Sort of like
James Bond- you always think you got him and he's dead, and he always manages to save it.
This is interesting because we've talked a lot about how game isn't about glamour. It's not about the
glamour of the slick moves and the skating through things super easily. But maybe it IS about
glamour... A different kind of glamour. The kind of glamour where no matter HOW fucked it suddenly
seems you are, you're the guy that finds some fucking ninja move to save it. The unkillable ninja,
always seems cornered and somehow fights his way through and just BARELY makes it through the
giant steels doors as they slam shut and rip his shirt. THAT'S the 'flashiness' in game. Not flashiness on
the upside, but flashiness BAAAARELY surviving flashy situations.
A couple of the most impressive things I've ever seen in game were this, not the 'upside flash'. Like the
Jersey dude in basketball shorts who fucking barked at the top of his lungs at the nine walking away
from him, and she ACTUALLY turned and came back. Then they wound up leaving with them.
Through pure dominance and pattern interrupt. Or my English/Indian friend who somehow stayed
through the absolute BARRAGE from a friend on the sidewalk that was so disgustingly vicious I
finally stopped putting up with it after 10 minutes and refused to go anywhere near, and he just sat
there and ignored her for a FULL HALF HOUR until he left with the girl he was talking AND that
same friend and got them all to his place for 'karaoke.' Or the dude that spent a solid 20 minutes trying
and trying and trying to kiss this 8.5-9 that liked my buddy at Surrender in Vegas, while she was
leaning away from him and all kinds of shit. And the dude was being try hard as fuck, but never got
pissed, didn't jump back and give up, and for SOME bizarre fucking reason she eventually made out
with him and left with him. The unkillables.
I now realize that THAT is the true flash in game. Escaping with part of your suit jacket caught in the
typical bad-guy-compound steel doors, through some miraculous hijinx. A trick or way to just sneak
through everything. The more glamorous you see this, the more you hype that up and strive to also be
unkillable and have moves to escape any situation, the more you align your self-perception and self-
definition with that “James Bond always barely escapes” thing, the more you counteract the “It's not
gonna happen anyway” thing. The whole point of going out is to try to see what you can narrowly
survive. When you brag to your buddies, it shouldn't be “And then I did this, and her jaw dropped, and
she FUCKING LOVED ME and then she followed me around all night and we went home together.”
Your bragging to your wings should be “Oh man, she was fucking SCREAMING at me and so pissed
off that I wouldn't leave and her friends were in my face, so I pulled out my phone and popped up this
picture of roses and was like 'Okaaaay, sorry. Will flowers fix it?' and all of a sudden her whole
demeanor changed and her friends busted out laughing and then we went to get food together and we
hooked up in her car.” Or like my old wing in Austin who dove into an Uber van full of five chicks and
somehow kept them from killing him all the way to their place and THEN somehow managed to hook
up with one of them.

Fixing things is always best taken care of by aligning your self definition with the HARDEST thing.
Somehow making the correction to your biggest flaws and sticking points into the things that you're
MOST proud of. Ideally you even find a way to make doing that align with your pre-existing
preferences for what makes you awesome. Like my natural tendency is to want to be some sort of
miraculous James Bond game guy. But since trying to be that on the upside does nothing but fuck you
over, I eventually needed to change it to valuing the flash of the narrow escape.
The kind of thing where anyone else would say “It's not gonna happen anyway” and you go “Do I hear
a harrowing narrow escape coming on??”

It's hard to stop your brain from doing shit. So perhaps the answer is to not try to keep your brain from
going “It's not gonna happen anyway.” But just to add something to it, “It's not gonna happen... But
IMAGINE how epic it would fucking be if I survived this impossible ass shit!”

Now we have a three part way to combat this:

1) There IS a way to do ANYTHING. You just might not know it or know how to do it. That way
there's something that you COULD learn to pull off any impossibility. And that means if you
give it your all, in the future you MIGHT be able to pull off that scenario
2) The glamourous, badass flashiness in game is to NARROWLY escape impossible situations,
getting away with the steel doors snapping shut on the end of your suit. That's the epic tale you
tell later. (This also goes back to our football running back mindset – it ain't epic until you
miraculously dodge a bunch of tackles)
3) “It probably won't happen anyway... But could you IMAGINE how epic it will be if I somehow
survive this???”
Note how this mindset and the running back making an epic run by breaking tackles mindsets have a
lot of similarities. They both are about the harrowing escape, or the miraculous overcoming of
obstacles. This is an important thing to point out, because about a year apart I came back to a similar
mindset for slightly different reasons and solving slightly different problems. When that happens in
game, that tells you that something is an unavoidable truth. You'll come to it one way or another... So if
you lose it, you're just going to be fucked in some area until you come back to it again.
For me this has happened about 19 times with focusing heavily on sexual tension. That is the most
immutable. It has happened with game being about unlocking girl's sexualities, and with the concept
that the more sexual your intentions are, the better it goes. It happened with game being about kicking
your brain's ass. It happened with this mindset that the flash in game is about harrowing escapes. It
happened with the concept that game is about survival and completing the chain. It happened with the
mindset that you're gaming for the girl you'll meet three months from now. It happened with you being
the decider not her, and you needing to be able to dominate her (within your own mind) in order to
initiate an interaction. And I found it with the concept that eye contact is the most precious resource in
game. That's not a comprehensive list, but it's not bad. These ideas are the ones in game that I have
found you simply cannot avoid.

Designing your Affect

As close as I can figure at this point, this is the last major step in becoming 'mastery level' in cold
approach. Beyond this, it's about moving out of cold approach and into leveraged game and fame. That
means I personally believe this is the last major frontier... For outward game anyway. Inner game can
probably go forever. And, naturally, your ability to execute better can always improve.

Your 'affect' (said with a stress on the 'a', the other version of 'affect' as opposed to 'I had an affect on
you') is your kind of whole vibe. The way you strike people. The way you come across.

RSD Tyler talks about his game skyrocketing in the last couple of years. He blames it on the evolutions
in his game. I agree, in half. He has become far more calm and solid, he uses far more indifference, he
worked on his voice to have a deeper voice tone.
I think the other half, maybe more, of the improvements for him were in changing and refining his
affect. He made the above game changes. He ALSO grew out a large beard that compliments his face
much better than his previous double chin and long hair. He trimmed his hair shorter. This combination
of large beard and shorter hair sort of fixed the 'balance' of his face. His face kind of had a top heavy
look to it when he had long hair and no beard. Guys faces are supposed to be more square or maybe a
little chin heavy, where girls faces are more top heavy (in the attractive preference). That top heavy
look made him look kinda dorky and weak. The beard makes him look masculine and like a leader and
maybe an aging warrior – which I think came from his obsession with the History Channel show
Vikings. It was a great idea. He looks FAR better.
He also started caring about fashion and how he dresses. Rather than wearing a stupid button up shirt,
which he now ironically talks shit about, he wears a scarf to balance his neck and make him look more
fashionable. He often wears cool jackets. He wears fashionable jog jeans from Diesel that look good
(and he talks about wanting to be comfortable quite a lot).

You then combine these changes along with the slower speech, the deeper voice, the greater
indifference and so on, and you get a much tighter, more defined character. We talked a little bit about
matching clothes, hair, and facial hair all into a congruent vibe.
Designing your affect goes beyond that. You want to align the way you game, your body language,
your speech patterns, your hair, your facial hair, your voice, and your fashion ALL TOGETHER. You
want to seem like a tightly defined, put together, and amazing character in a movie. You're truly
defining yourself as the best character version of you. You can watch interviews with various actors
that really take acting seriously and hear them talk about how they define and develop characters. Like
Johnny Depp talking about Captain Jack Sparrow, or Shia Labeouf talking about his characters. Or
Quentin Tarantino discussing how he comes up with and develops the characters in his movies. They
figure out what the characters are 'all about' first. Then they study inspiration – I believe Johnny Depp
said he looked to Keith Richards for creating Captain Jack Sparrow. They're looking for movements
and gestures and habits and ticks and details that display the mindset and personality of this character,
as well as convey the emotions they want this character to portray. I tried to find a book that really gets
into this, but failed (if any of you reading know of a great book that discusses developing the non-
verbals especially of a great character in acting, e-mail and I'll update the
book with it). To me this stuff is fascinating, but I haven't studied it as much as I'd like because there's a
lack of resources. Maybe I should start listening to “Actors Studio” episodes while I work (and by
'maybe I should' I mean I will as soon as this song finishes! Because 'should' is bullshit). (Follow up,
currently listening to 'Inside the Actors Studio' with Johnny Depp on, and it's

In my opinion, you can't really do this effectively UNTIL you have advanced game. Before that point,
you don't really know where your game will wind up. You don't know exactly the vibes and emotions
and everything that you want to create and how you want to play with them. Once you DO have
advanced game, you have defined all of these things and you can start developing your 'character
details' around the vibes and emotions and game that work best for you.
This is so crucial for a number of reasons. First, a 'cool' guy (or person in general) is one with very
defined and congruent characteristics. Look at how much fucking cooler 2018 RSD Tyler is versus
2015 RSD Tyler. The 2015 Tyler was someone I never wanted to be around, though he had occasional
good info. The 2018 Tyler I'd hang with regularly. Because being cool is so crucial to a really attractive
girl having any willingness at all to introduce you to her friends as her boyfriend or the guy she's
hooking up with, you really need this. The more you can align all your factors through and through to
being a really vibrant and cohesive character, the more people will like you. Period.
Second, if you have conflicting communication factors, or noise/static, the different factors wind up
battling each other. The result of that is they cancel each other out. For those of you that took basic
physics, it's like different waves colliding and canceling each other out. You're fighting yourself. You're
fucking yourself over. Every time you go to create a strong emotion, some other factor of what's going
on is fucking it up. She can't take you seriously enough because your look isn't put together properly.
Or your hair is off-balancing your face like RSD Tyler used to have. Or you look weak and not
masculine because you need facial hair to enhance your chin, or because your haircut sucks, or because
you need to work out. These things are subtly fucking you over and you don't even know it.

Think about the best instructors in the world. They all got to the point where they had very defined and
very aligned affects. RSD Tyler is now very well put together and very thoroughly congruent from his
mannerisms through his beard. RSD Madison is incredibly well put together, that's kind of his thing.
RSD Max has become very put together. Joseph Dieguez is very well put together. Venture from
Lovesystems started hanging out with a fashion consultant and now he plays the epitome of Daniel
Craig James Bond, which is a really solid vibe for him. Even RSD Jeffy is a thoroughly put together
character. Shockingly, Mystery was often very well put together and had a very unified affect. That's
why old school pickup guys were so fucking weird, though, is they were all copying Mystery... but they
weren't Mystery. Their attempts to be Mystery were doomed to be fucking weird.
This is one of the things that I really need to work on the most at my stage. Thanks to my experiences
in sports and in game, I can feel my body and what it's doing very well when I focus. I can feel myself
sitting here in a way that telegraphs meek and awkward. I have my right foot kind of turned in. My
arms are kind of awkwardly T-rex'd while I type. I can feel myself blinking in a way that's also kind of
meek. Noticing this I adjusted to move one leg out into a stronger but loose and cocky position. I've
flared my elbows out. I've leaned my head back. I'm still typing on my computer on my lap, not an
ideal position, but it's cocky and loose. It fits much better the affect that goes with my game.
My hairline kind of sucks and the back of my head is slightly awkwardly shaped. I've never really
known how to do my hair best to work with this. My hair also has a tendency to get messed up by the
end of a night and look off, so I need to use stronger hairspray or something. And I need to reimagine
my hair in general. Sometimes my face gets a TOUCH of that lopsidedness that Tyler's used to have, so
I might want to take the chin-enhancing beard I grew and use it to somehow help that. Or maybe keep
the hair on the top sides of my head cut tighter to narrow the top of my head so there's more square,
upright lines.
When I move, I can feel that there's little hitches in my mannerisms that don't support cocky, loose
masculinity. For years I've tried to figure those out. I need to study them and figure out a way to fix
them. Maybe even film myself while I work and then fast forward through it or something.

I look far better when I have a spray tan. I used to be much more cohesive with myself, my game, and
my look when I worked out quite a lot. Recently I've been so focused on game and then work that, for
the first time in years, I'm looking a little twig-skinny. This particularly shows up in my neck. I either
need to work out a lot more again (that's true regardless), and even perhaps my neck, or I need to wear
something that makes my neck and frame look better. Just like Tyler started wearing a scarf to make his
neck look better. Maybe I need a scarf or certain collars or something to make my neck look less
I generally wear lifts in my shoes, but haven't been wearing much recently. I have a 3D printer, I might
print some badass ones. When I game I often like to use a bit of a strong and challenging affect, and
that doesn't go well with being 5'8”. It's better to have lifts and be ~ 5'11”. Then it just goes better. Even
better if I was jacked again like I used to be. And tan.

When I speak in front of a mirror, my face doesn't always move the ways I'd expect it to, and it doesn't
always enhance the vibes I'm creating. I need to spend a lot of time working on that.
I need to really DEFINE what my character and affect are. I know the elements of the game I want, all
the way to mastery level, and I know how I want them to piece together... But now I need to figure out
what that character is. Like Quentin Tarantino defines his characters so well and can really sum them
up and feel them, I need to be able to do the same for me. Think about that... Tarantino can have eight
incredibly well defined characters in his movies that he can quickly and effectively sum up. I'm 31, and
I can't sum up my character effectively. That's fucked.

If you want to play the fame game and use that, you have absolutely no chance unless you have a very
tight, coherent, impactful, and interesting affect. As a famous person, your affect IS your brand. Nike
has a swoosh, a famous person has their affect. If you want to go down that track, you're fucked
without it. My friend manages some major musicians. One has great music and is up and coming, but
he hasn't worked hard on his affect. It's better than most normal human being's, but far more normal,
bland, and undefined that most top musicians. It really makes it difficult for him to try to go where he's
going. He needs to be a tighter, more specific, more vibrant, and 'louder' character. If you want to have
any sort of fame effect, even a small influencer on social media, you'll need to as well.
Perhaps you've noticed that girls spend a lifetime on these things. They work so hard for their hair, hair
color, makeup, clothes, body type, skin tone and everything else to go together in a maximized,
coherent way. They know that they are judged almost entirely on these things. You've probably noticed
that the hottest girls simply dress better than other girls. They were born hot... They weren't born
dressing like that. Yet somehow they just about ALL dress better... The most likely reason is that they
found their affect had a strong impact as they grew up, so they started running with their strength. What
you might not have noticed is that they almost always stand and move better, more confidently, in a
way that better enhances their affect; they also even tend to be cockier and have an edge to them that
goes along with everything else. Girls have far better senses for their affect, and they seem to develop
them far better.

This is so important that I think sometime in the upcoming months I will likely take two weeks off and
just focus on it. A lot of thinking about mannerisms and movement patterns, how to reimagine them,
how to make the new ones 'stick' and make them more concrete. A lot of speaking in front of a mirror,
making the various facial expressions that go along with the emotions I like to game with, and figuring
out how to make them more congruent and adhere better to the vibe I want to create. This might be
very difficult. Studying my hair and my face and looking for examples online and in movies of what I
might do better, maybe even trying to find articles in GQ or something. Some day I might hire an
image consultant or a very good hairdresser in Hollywood, spend a few grand and get something
figured out. Also redesign what I wear and tune it better.

Most of you will say “Take two weeks off and obsess over all that? Sounds like a good idea. But I'm
not ACTUALLY going to do that.” That's so stupid, honestly. This stuff is CRITICAL. If you want a
legit model that travels the world doing photo shoots to introduce you to her friends, and you're kind of
all over the place and not that well put together... FORGET about it! She might, maybe, go home with
you. If your game is sick. But she's not going to want you to be a representative of her through dating.
You could potentially be not that attractive and have her want to date you IF you're affect is amazing
and very tight and coherent. But forget about it if it isn't. You might even be reasonably attractive, but if
your affect sucks you'll probably not be someone a really top girl wants to show off as her
representative man. After all, as a boyfriend a girl is showing you off to people and saying “Look, this
is what I get, it's what I deserve, it represents my worth. I think this guy is better than my other
options.” The last thing she's gonna fucking want is for everyone to go “You can do better than that...
You're WAY too hot for him...”

If you don't believe me, check out the Luke Krogh channel on YouTube, and his videos with 'Vegas
Dave'. Believe it or not, it's on good authority that Vegas Dave hooks up with a ton of very hot girls. I
don't know how many true fashion models he dates and that are willing to call him their boyfriend, but
at the very least it sounds like he hooks up with a lot of very hot Vegas table service girls and possibly
Instagram models. Given his looks, his height, his age... That shouldn't be possible. But he's very good
at being socially competitive (giant house in Cabo he takes people down to host them, private jets to go
down, big yacht, rolls with apparently huge groups of hot girls to bottle service in Vegas – or at least
used to), and he's also – perhaps surprisingly – got a pretty good affect. Let's say at least 8/10. He might
not have the best overall character in the world, but it's tight. It goes with his personality, it's all
congruent. His hair, his clothes, his fake tan, the cars, the whole thing. He's a solidly thought out brand.
He just is. It might not be the ideal brand and the ideal game vibe, but the fact that it's so coherent
makes up for a lot of the imperfections. And by the best accounts I have, it works.

The Golden Fleece
This is it. This is THE section.

Just to give you a heads up, this section is a bit bizarre... But it's the real way our brains work.

I was just laying in bed, desperately needing to go to sleep, when the thing I had been seeking for an
entire decade in game finally came to me.
It's 6 AM. I desperately need to fall asleep and wait until tomorrow to do this. To go about the rest of
my life. But I can't.

In Greek mythology the golden fleece was the item so valuable that it was guarded by fire breathing
bulls and a dragon whose teeth could be plated in the ground and turn to soldiers. Obtaining it meant
Jason would be given the throne of Iolcus. It was so impossibly valuable to Jason that he and his
argonauts undertook a journey that took four months and nearly got all of them killed over and over. To
finally secure the fleece, Jason was required to perform an additional three nearly impossible tasks. To
Jason, the golden fleece was THE ultimate and final crowning piece to the journey of a thousand

For a decade in game I felt that I was searching for something. Pawing in the dark. Desperately hoping
that my fingers would find the object that tormented me. I had these deep, deep feeling that somewhere
out there was my golden fleece. But for the life of me I didn't know what the fuck it was, or where the
fuck to find it.

In recent years I began to suspect that it lay somewhere inside of me. I felt this dull, muted, ongoing
torment at the hands of this... Thing. Or perhaps due to the lack of it.
But a formless monster is at once the most terrifying and the hardest to kill.

If I'm being perfectly honest, I'd have to say that I wrote this entire book to find it. I wanted to know
the answers for how game really worked, what it's best form was, and how best to succeed. But
underneath all of that, I wanted to unearth my tormenter.

Why had I been saddled with this burden? Why could no one tell me its source? What did it look like?
And for what reason did it refuse to leave me in peace?

Then, as I was lying in bed and letting the last whisps of thought related to the newest additions I had
made to my nearly complete book, my mind started to tug at one more thread.
Usually when that happens, the thread just snaps off in your mental fingers, leaving you with a tiny
twist of fabric and nothing more.

But this time it gave, dragging with it a longer thread. My mind suddenly snapped to my attention, my
imaginary eyes wide. I started to pull more, and yet more of its length pulled free. My mental fingers
started searching farther and farther down. And the mystery of the golden fleece that I had been seeking
without fulling knowing it. That aching feeling of something missing, but not knowing what it is,
finally began to take form in my mind.

At first I was onto something. But the longer I sat there pondering, I began to wonder if I was onto
THE thing.
I woke up and grabbed my phone, starting to take notes and write down my realizations.
Soon it was too much even for that. I had to pull out my computer and start capturing the most fleeting
and elusive of all pieces of information before it again escaped me.

For the last several years I felt like my game was capable of producing results I simply wouldn't let
myself achieve. I felt something inside me would flare up and sabotage my ability to move to a higher
level and more frequently coming together with girls I really found attractive. The better I got, the more
the internal monster seemed to grow and fight back.
At the same time, I wasn't totally sure that this monster WAS inside me. Or that it even existed. I
thought maybe it was just my game. Maybe it was just missing pieces in my actual game. Or I thought
that perhaps it was just the way of the world. I was trying to push boundaries that couldn't be pushed.
But this sneaking suspicion at the back of my mind kept insisting that it was me. This little whisper that
floated on the air kept hinting that I was it. I was the cause. I was standing in my way. It's me.

Yet I dug deep through everything I could possibly think of, producing the mind-blowingly powerful
sections you've just read through. It had seemed that I'd figured everything out. Yet I'd go out and what
would happen still didn't seem to add up to anywhere close to what COULD happen if I would just let
loose the beast inside of myself. Yet I didn't know how. Or I wouldn't. Or I couldn't. I wasn't even sure
which one of these it was.

Until tonight I lay here, pondering what sex really is. What it really means. How hard it really is to get
a girl to have sex with you.

It's basically just taking your clothes off and massaging each other in ways that feel really good. Is that
so hard? How much does a girl really have to like you to want to do that with you? How much
attraction does that really have to take?
Those questions collided full force with how I subtly feel about the same things while I'm actually out,
actually looking at a girl that I find fully attractive. The story RSD Max told about his natural friend ran
circles around my brain; they had helped him pull a hottie from Hollywood, then they listened from
outside the door as she tried everything she could to jump him and carry the whole interaction towards
sex... And he kept stopping it. Not for any real reason. But because his reality couldn't accept that sex
with a hot girl could just happen like that.

I pictured going down on a hot girl. I don't know why, but that's what floated into my mind. It seemed
like a fairly rare thing, with a high barrier to entry. Then I pictured giving a girl a massage. That
seemed like such an easy thing, perfectly accessible to get a girl to want me to do. Then I pictured
going down on her. It seemed so far off. Then I pictured walking up to a girl and getting her to like the
idea of getting a massage from me. It seemed easy again.

Fuck, what was happening? Why did it become 500x more distant to have her take the rest of her
clothes off and get a better massage inside my brain? Logically I knew that if I massaged a girl in
private, they generally wound up wanting to have sex. So why was my brain insisting that one required
climbing a mountain, and the other was almost as easy as filling up my car's gas tank.

I knew I was hot on the trail of the shadow monster that had been haunting my every interaction and
thought about the women I wanted in my life for a decade. No, not a decade. That was only how long
I'd known about 'game' for. This extended back as far as I could imagine.

Then I began thinking about the girl's perspective. Why WOULD it be such a big thing? If she's
making eye contact and flirting and giving me a little shit, why wouldn't she perhaps want a massage?
Why wouldn't it feel better to take her clothes off and get a better massage?
My brain skipped like a record player in the back of a car that had just struck a bump. The next logical
step caused my brain to momentarily shut down and suddenly my thoughts had jumped over it. There
was a twinge of tightness in my chest.

Why couldn't I say it? Why couldn't I think it? It's not that hard for me to get a girl to give me a sly
smile and give me shit and flirt with me. It's not that hard for me to take that to where she might want a
massage from me. There it is, my brain skipped again. Fuck!
I could feel my brain even backtracking. To stop me from completing that obvious progression it was
trying to move the fight even farther back. It was saying “Is it really so easy for you to get really hot
girls to give you sly smiles and give you shit? Or is that only the 'other' girls? Where are you getting
this? It's not even easy to get THAT much from a 'hot' girl. Before you even try to make your little
logical jumps, you should consider that you can't even do that first part so easily.” That's what my brain
was saying. Two seconds ago I was thinking how easy it was to get a girl to engage, smile, flirt a bit.
Then when I tried to go down that logical road, my brain started backtracking and erasing that.

It wouldn't even let me turn down that mental road. My brain was throwing up road blocks. Nothing to
see here, folks! Move along.
It was like some secret government agency rushing to cover up a mysterious crash site in the desert.
Pretty soon the start of the road was blocked off, a cover up story was in place, and the public was
rerouted. But it was happening inside my own brain.

I tried to shout inside my head. “You know what the fuck I want to say, brain. You know the logic here.
Why won't you fucking let me articulate it!! Why won't you just let it come together!” My chest
tightened slightly again.

I knew I had it.

All this fucking bullshit wasn't happening for a reason. This was it. A con job going on inside my own
head that was so sophisticated I couldn't even think about. This was the kind of thing that could hide in
your brain for ten years, secretly fucking you up while you can't even contemplate what exactly might
be happening to bring you down.

Even writing this I have an urge to just shut my laptop and stop going right here. It's one of the most
bizarre things I've ever felt. My wrists and fingers are tingling slightly as I type. I know the notes to
finish where I'm going are on my phone, but my brain keeps telling me not to pick it up. Not to read it.
That this section is stupid.

Fuck me.

I had to force myself to pick up my phone. My head even feels a bit light. I could only read my notes
for a second before I put it down again. My body is seething. I feel retarded for admitting this, and I'm
not sure anyone reading will be able to relate. Until, perhaps, they ponder this same exact thing for

I'm literally fighting my mind from trying to scramble my thoughts and bury this realization back down
deep again. I've never had an experience like this, I thought only other, weaker people suppressed
things to the point where they could hardly contemplate them. That's why I want to record how I feel
and tell you about it. Walk you through the experience. It's fucking bizarre.
Okay. Where was I.

I'm imagining being in a local bar and looking at a girl that I think is pretty dang hot. The idea of
flirting with her, her looking deep into my eyes, us battling a bit... That doesn't seem so far fetched. Her
wanting to sit down and let me massage her doesn't seem so far fetched. I think of us sneaking off and
taking off our clothes to make the massage better, and my brain skips a beat again. I can hardly
remember the sentence I'm trying to write. It's like a momentary blackout.
Suddenly my brain is going “She doesn't want THAT with you.” Why brain? WHY? If she wants a
massage from me, why wouldn't she want a much better massage from me? If she thinks I'm fun
enough to flirt and engage with, why wouldn't I be fun enough to get a massage from? And if I'm good
enough to get a massage from, why not a BETTER massage? And the better massage requires we take
our clothes off and get a little privacy. And that's IT.
So why the FUCK do you keep blacking out and trying to skip over the logic of that and land me
somewhere else every time I try to walk through that logical chain, brain? FUCK!

Literally every time I go to write it out, the same thing happens. I'm not fucking kidding you. Perhaps
as you're following along you're having a similar reaction. I have no idea.

Let's put it aside for a second, because my thoughts keep becoming so scrambled about it that I can't
even remember where I might have been trying to go. No joke.

Here's the part that got me up from bed at 6 am to write this immediately:
Fuck. My brain just blacked out again. The resistance is quite literally that strong.

Let me look at my notes again. If I hadn't written this down, it might be lost forever.

Okay – what if I am sitting here thinking “Girls like that don't want that with me without some nearly
impossible effort. Some effort I almost certainly can't produce right here, right now, tonight.” But SHE
is thinking “I can't just give into him. I have to resist a little. I can't be EASY.”

THEN, what if I go in with my pre-formed thought that she won't want to take the next step in the
massage, to make it epic with me, because she just doesn't want that from ME. Not ME. Not without
some massive thing happening. And I force myself to go in and give it a go anyway.
Then SHE resists, because she doesn't want to be easy. She thinks she has to put up a fight, drag it out a
And there's the kicker. What if I then TAKE THAT AS CONFIRMATION that she didn't really want it
from me in the first place. Just like I surmised before I ever went in there. So at her signs of resistance,
I feel that it's confirmed that she doesn't want THAT with me, and I give up and drop it... despite
knowing game is all about persistence and survival and finding a way to squeeze through. I pat myself
on the back because “At least she liked me” and I move on.
I didn't have sex with her. I'll never see her again. I didn't get to date her. BUT AT LEAST SHE LIKED
ME. I got more than I 'deserved' with her, anyway. I EARNED that part. But of course she wouldn't
want the other part.

My forearms are tingling viciously. I'm having a very visceral reaction to trying to process this and
write it down. I've never fought this hard or in such a strange manner with my own thoughts in my life.

What if, then, she is sitting there thinking “I just wasn't ready yet... I kind of liked him. Why did he
leave?” Or maybe she's just disappointed that I started strong and then turned out to be all bark and no
bite. Or maybe she was hoping that I was finally a guy that could push through and she could feel good
about finally giving in at the end of it to me. She just wanted to feel like she'd resisted enough and that
she was 'won over' so that she could feel good about giving in and getting an awesome next level

And what if I took that resistance as confirmation of my assumption that I was never going to have this
'SEX' thing that took so much to 'earn' with her anyway. My brain is fritzing out again, as I ponder the
fact that it's just a better evolution of a massage. And it's not like I've only done this a few, or even a
few dozen, times with girls in the real world either. Yet my brain still is having none of this. It's
insisting that I fought my way through insane circumstances and found certain girls all of those times. I
shit you not. It's telling me that those were the exceptions pulled from so many efforts. If you look at
the numbers, it even kind of seems to be right. If you look at the circumstances, that doesn't really seem
to be accurate.

All these defense, all this smoke and mirrors. This is clearly IT. This is the golden fleece. My brain is
unleashing the fire breathing bulls and the dragon with the magical teeth to protect it from me. The ten
year quest must have been about THIS the whole time.

The logic is clear, whether my brain wants to shut down every time I try to contemplate it or not. I'm
perfectly capable of repeatedly getting really hot girls to engage with me, flirt with me, hold eye
contact, battle, and let me build sexual tension. At that point, the barrier to them thinking that maybe
sitting down and letting me give them a massage really isn't that high. It really doesn't take much at all
to get there. At that point, it doesn't take much at all for that to feel good, for us to kiss, and for her to
want to continue the massage somewhere else. It really doesn't. That really is the next logical thing if
that's feeling good. Seriously. I'm trying to convince my own brain as much as I'm trying to convince

What's been going on all these years is that as soon as I start to make some part of the whole thing
easier on myself, my brain goes running around me and tries to make another part seem really hard. I
get opening to where I'm opening a ton of hot girls well, and it runs around and goes “Yeah, but you're
not getting them into sexual tension! THAT'S hard. With 'hot girls' at least.” Then I'm getting a ton of
girls into sexual tension and doing that really well, and it's runs around and goes “Yeah, but think of all
those 'hot girls' that wouldn't open. Opening's hard.” Then I solve for both of these and it runs over to a
new area and starts going “Yeah, but they don't ACTUALLY want to have sex with you. It's not
ACTUALLY going to happen.” So when girls resist, because they feel like they have to, my brain goes
“See! See! I told you it wouldn't happen with this one. Give up. Go find a new one. One that doesn't
have friends that interfere and doesn't resist. Maybe a different one. Maybe the solution is another one.
Maybe you'll find the magical one that doen't resist and it'll work with her.” As I write that it fucking
FEELS TRUE. It's so unbelievably absurd, but it FEELS TRUE. I'm dead fucking serious. That feels
like the solution. Go find another one that maybe won't resist and won't have the friends and so on.
Maybe then. Maybe then! Maybe go back to the drawing board and get not really good game... But
really REALLY good game. Maybe then. Perhaps that will solve it! Maybe you need to realize one
more thing. Maybe this. Maybe that...

When in reality the issue is that my brain keeps going “Nope, she won't want that from you. It's too big
of a deal. Girls like her don't want big deals like that with you. You just aren't attractive enough. You
just aren't smooth enough. Your approach just won't be right. Her friends just won't let it happen.” And
a million more excuses. Then I tell my brain to shut the fuck up, and I go in anyway. And it starts going
well. Then she RESISTS. Because from a girl's perspective, they HAVE to in order to feel good. They
just want to feel won over. But with all that presumed “I won't work out” shit going on in my head, that
just lets my brain jump in and go “SEE! Wouldn't work out. I told you it wouldn't. You drug me in here
anyway even though I told you it wouldn't work out. And now look. It didn't. Happy now?” So I bail.

The result? An ironclad loop that almost never produces any proof to the contrary. Sometimes I get in
such a mood that I'm like “Seriously brain, you fucking piece of shit, just fuck off. Just sit the fuck
down” and then go home with the girl. Other times something happens just right and I get so much
sexual tension before all that noise fires up in my brain that the other part of my brain, the part that
knows when it's ON, kicks in and goes “Yep, you got this one now.” And the shit talking part of my
brain goes “Oh look, you found the exception! Good for you, junior.” But other than that, the loop is
perfect. Assumption that the girls I really want don't ACTUALLY want to have sex with me – a deep
down, hidden, subconscious assumption. Followed by all girls, especially the most attractive ones,
feeling they are REQUIRED to resist. Followed by that resistance making for the perfect chance for my
brain to jump in and go “I told you so!” and reinforce its original belief. Looped over ten years of
gaming and thousands of experiences to reinforce it all. Piled on top of NOT actually having great
game for significant parts of those experiences...

Then my game starts getting so good that the shitty assumption starts having a hard time hiding any
more. That causes my brain to run around and start undermining me in every area where I don't
currently have my focus. Which leads me to distilling game down so far that I can focus on almost all
of it at once because it's so simple. Which is brilliant and ultra useful. And is also me trying to cope
with this insane wild goose chase going on inside my on skull.
Finally, my brain just starts resorting to making me start bailing out again. It has no other option but to
make me bail to reinforce its loop. My game's too good, and I've simplified it so much that the only
way my brain can maintain this shitty con it's got going on is to say “It's not gonna happen anyway.
Might as well just not even try that hard.” Which is where we have the James Bond harrowing escapes
are badass and the very pinnacle of game mindset.
But underneath it all, my brain doesn't like that. Because that'll fucking solve its latest trick. I've solved
so many of its tricks that I've almost broken through to where it has no more and it has to drop the con.

Something tells me if I don't directly address the con... That if I didn't finally find the golden fleece...
That if I don't trick the firebreathing bulls guarding it and slay the dragon... Something tells me that
my brain will just find new ways to keep sabotaging truly regular success with the girls I really want.
Even the regular success I've had, like the month I talked about where I first pulled two 8.5+ girls in a
month... My brain says “Yeah, but there were lots of others you didn't pull. And you went out basically
every night. And that one girl had this one thing about her that made this more possible and so that
makes it an exception.” Despite the fact there there were two more that I almost closed, and I pulled at
least one of them to her hotel.

The con IS the golden fleece. And addressing it directly MUST be the answer.
What, exactly, IS the con? Honestly, it's fucking with my brain so much that I don't have my usual
abilities to sum it up. But it's the idea that the girls you want couldn't regularly, under normal
circumstances, ACTUALLY want to have sex with YOU because they find YOU attractive and
appealing to be around. Maybe you swindle them for a second with game. Maybe you find some
exceptions. Maybe you manage to have it be good for a second before it falls apart. But at the end of
the day, a normal, average hot girl doesn't find ME attractive enough that she would ACTUALLY want
to have sex with me. And regularly. Like it's no big deal. Just the next step in a massage. The logical
next step. Pretty straightforward. Regularly attainable.
My forearms are tingling again.

Now I can see why I'm pushing my game to be so insanely good. Now I can see why no matter HOW
good it is, I still don't feel it's 'good enough.' It's because I'm trying to bypass that equation. That
underlying con. I'm trying to tiptoe around my brain while it's asleep, then build this super powered
game machine that's SO fucking effective that by the time it wakes up, it can no longer stop me. So that
despite its very best efforts, I'm just so fucking good that the girls go home with me anyway.
What I'm not doing is addressing, solving, or eradicating the con itself. I'm not removing the actual
roadblock. I'm not removing the very thing that's causing all this mother fucking overcompensation in
the first place.
In fact, I think a part of me is afraid that if I do, the success will suddenly be so great, so easy, and so
routine that I won't know what to do.
Maybe it's like if you hammer a spike into a tree. At first it's just a spike in a tree. But 50 years later, the
tree grows all around the spike and engulfs it and they become welded together. One. The spike
becomes inextricable. They almost need each other's presence to continue being what they are. They
are no longer a spike and a tree. They're the 'spike tree,' and if you try to remove the tree now, they
would cease to be the 'spike tree.' And they don't know how to do that.
Maybe I've dealt with this con so long that it's welded itself to me and become a part of me. Maybe I'm
no longer me. Maybe I'm the me that has game so good I kind of overcompensate for being I'm the guy
with the game so good that I can kind of overcompensate for the 'fact' that girls don't actually find me
attractive enough to want to regularly have sex with me like it's no big deal. Like it's the logical
progression of the massage they'd easily accept from me. The con and everything I do to battle it,
overcompensate for it, and bypass it, have both grown to be a part of me. Like a warrior that's battled
his nemesis for so many years, that without the nemesis he would no longer know what to do with
himself. He doesn't know how to stop fighting. He doesn't really WANT to win. He doesn't want to kill
his nemesis, because... Then what would he do?
Maybe that's me. It feels so scrambled inside my head that I think that's EXACTLY what's going on. I
KNOW, in head knowledge, that sex should be no big deal and routine. Just the next logical step of a
massage. I KNOW, in head knowledge, that I should be able to regularly get the girls I like to the point
where they would like a massage from me. And I KNOW, in head knowledge, that that could easily go
to them wanting a better massage. I KNOW, in head knowledge, that I can regularly engage the girls I
like... But even as I put those pieces together, my brain starts fighting and saying “Okay, so those things
are true. But it's NOT that easy to just go open and engage really hot girls.” Which is kind of true, so
that that argument kind of flies... Except on an average night I generally do it at least one or two times
with girls I'm pretty excited about. So why can't the REST of that happen one or two times EVERY
time I go out? That's where my brain just starts to not want to engage with the logical train at all.
I suppose what I feel when I say that is that it just stops engaging with the logic altogether and starts
going “But they just don't ACTUALLY want to regularly have sex with YOU. You just aren't this
enough. You just aren't that enough. It's just YOU. It's just YOU.” Which is crazy because I think I'm
fucking ridiculously awesome in just about every category... Except, as I think about this, 'inherent'
attractiveness. I feel like even thought I know all of the game we talk about IS most of attractiveness,
that there's some other inherent thing that I'm not. I'm just not good looking enough. I'm just not
stereotypical looking enough. Even though my Instagram is pretty badass, there's only ever been one
hot girl in my DMs hitting me up – but I have buddies who have a number of girls doing that (granted
most of them have several times the number of followers... Though I have a decent number). I don't
have girls every suggesting that maybe I should model, which really good looking guys get. A really
attractive girl is unlikely to bring me to her friends and at first site have them be jealous so she can start
bragging. They'd have to, like, interact with me. Or hear things about me. And for all those reasons, I'm
not INHERENTLY ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH for girls to regularly want to have sex with me.
It might even be the reason I always just wanted a girlfriend before I got into game (and even for the
first few years I gamed). Maybe my subconscious brain was going “Well, you're not attractive enough
inherently for them to want you like they want hot guys, BUT they can REALLY dig you as an
awesome boyfriend.” So then I tried to learn game for all the stuff that gets a girlfriend, rather than for
sex. But over the years I learned that sex IS what gets a girlfriend.
So I learned to be AMAZING at sexual tension. And when I could get a girl into that, she'd want to
have sex with me. Maybe part of me would then say “It's my sexual tension and the fact that I'm a dope
dude, it's not my 'inherent attractiveness.'” Plus girls resist sexual tension in a lot of ways, so then I
could say “Well, if she'd let me build sexual tension with her, we might have sex. But she's not letting
me do it because of my INHERENT ATTRACTIVENESS.” Then I solved why girls wouldn't let me
build sexual tension, and created all kinds of game around that. To compensate, I reduced how much
sexual tension I used... Maintaining the status quo. Then I realized and dialed that back up, which
caused my brain to start getting me to just bail for no real reason. STILL maintaining the status quo. I
dug into all the inner thoughts and figured most of those out. To which my brain responded with the
vague, reasonless “It wouldn't happen anyway” mindset as a last resort.
But that was ultimately the thing that set off the chain of events that helped me find the golden fleece.

This thought that “She wouldn't ACTUALLY want to have sex with me.” And how from there you
build sex up like it's a bigger thing to justify that thought. So you can't just accept that sex is like a
better evolution of a massage, and it's not hard to get a girl to want a massage from you. You HAVE to
build up the sex, rather than having the realization that it's just a fairly easy to get advancement of a
massage, in order to continue justifying the “She wouldn't actually want to have sex with me” thing. If
the sex is a big deal, that explains why it's happening rarely. It's a justification other than facing the
thought that it's “Because the girls I want don't ACTUALLY want to have sex with me. Maybe
according to theory in game, but not actually.” You can hide from this painful thought by making sex a
bigger deal.
The truth, however, is that the con – the thought that the girls you like don't want to actually, in reality,
right now, go have sex with you – is truly what's causing them not to have sex with you. That the
thought, paired with a girl's need to resist for a while and not be 'easy' are actually creating a self-
reinforcing delusion loop. Which all gets taken out by you thinking that sex is a big deal. Especially
with a 'hot girl'.

Why am I writing all this in my book instead of just in a journal to myself? Because I think this is
likely YOUR golden fleece too. Mine is caused by this hangup on “Inherent attractiveness,” whatever
that means. That I wasn't 'born with' whatever it takes to get the girls that I want to be attracted to me,
and that all I can do is cover up and compensate with game. You might have a different REASON for
me for your golden fleece, your con thought that the girls you really like don't ACTUALLY want to
have sex with you – right now, that girl, tonight... But even though your reason might not be based on
'inherent attractiveness,' I'm still willing to be that most of you nonetheless have the SAME golden
fleece. The thought that whatever girl you want doesn't ACTUALLY want to have sex with you. Not in
reality. Not tonight. Not this exact girl. Maybe one like her. Maybe another night. Maybe different
circumstances. Just not this one, just not this night, just not these circumstances, just not right now.

Because there was a little confusion about this section when I showed a draft to a friend, let's recap the
bottom line of what I learned my golden fleece was. You probably at least have this same thing, maybe
with something else on top of it. For me it's two parts: 1) Putting sex on a pedestal to where it's a bigger
deal than getting a girl to want to get a massage from you. 2) Believing that the girls I wanted wouldn't
be excited about the thought of actually having sex with me (at least until after I'd gamed them for
some amount of time) because of some 'inherent attractiveness' deficiency.
And I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you and I don't fix our golden fleeces, that we won't
ALLOW ourselves regular success with the girls we want. Even though we may be fully capable of
getting it.

Inherent Attractiveness

Since I found I had this hangup with 'inherent attractiveness,' I've started thinking about that subject.
And I think about most of the hangups guys explain with game when they talk about it over the years.
Most guys think there's something they aren't. Depending on how and where they grew up, they tend to
think they lack looks, height, money, material possessions, or other things like that. Those are all
'inherent attractiveness.' In other words, almost every guy that gets into game has some belief similar to
mine that they lack some type of inherent attractiveness, and thus the girl they're looking at might not
be so excited about having sex with them. Their issue might not be the same as mine, but it comes from
that same relative place.

Then I wondered, what IS 'inherent attractiveness'? How does this work? Is there truth to it? Is there
some way to fix this hangup, or some reason it's stupid?

After thinking about it, I would say inherent attractiveness means these things:
-Social Competitiveness
-Preselection (a specific of social competitiveness)
-Strength of Your Energy
-Sexual Tension
-Interactional Tension

That's not exactly in an order, but I kind of ordered it in terms of how fast she can see those things. If
you're good looking, she can see that instantly. If you're tall, she can actually see that even faster... But
in my experience looks generally outweigh height.
Depending on the type of social competitiveness, she can often see this right away. If you're in a DJ
booth or a hot area of a nightclub and surrounded by cool seeming people and hot girls, she can pretty
quickly assume you're socially competitive. Preselection is quite similar, though she might want to see
how those girls act towards you before she assumes that you're actually socially competitive.
The strength of your energy is something she could start guessing at from before you even talk, but
she'll have to keep deciding as you interact. If you're standing confidently, maybe have a cocky stance
and look on your face, seem loose, move like you're confident, cocky and loose... She can assume that
you have strong energy. Then she can see that more and more as the two of you interact.
Sexual tension she'd have to develop with you, but sometimes it can start in the first few seconds.
Interactional tension usually takes at least 20 seconds to start up and a couple minutes to build.

Each of these things stir the emotions in her that feel like 'raw attraction.' They kind of all hit the same
chord or set of chords in her emotionally. These are the things that dictate whether or not she FEELS
that you're attractive.

Because sexual tension, interactional tension, and strength of energy are in there, her attraction can
increase for you as she interacts with you. That's why game works. Those are your chances to get girls
that society might think are 'too attractive' for you on superficial measures. Other aspects of game like
loosening and the creation of other energies and investment – these all make her want to stay around
you. If you make her want to stay around you long enough and she gets horny for whatever reason,
because of you or otherwise, you two might hook up and might wind up dating. That's the other reason
game works.
Finally, there are checklists of things she finds inherently UNattractive. Like any sign that you're beta
(being try hard or needy, fidgeting, being reactive...). Signs that you might not get the normal social
rules or that you might be a little 'off' or weird. Etc.
These things also aren't immediately obvious, so game is about avoiding these downsides too.
Similarly, there are things that would make her not want to be around her. Like fucking with her current
vibe. That doesn't mean you're unattractive, it means that at this moment she doesn't want to be around

Game involves ramping up the inherent attractiveness factors you CAN control, it involves avoiding
the inherently unattractive things you can control, it involves making her want to be around you, it
involves avoiding anything that would make her NOT want to be around you, and it involves leading to
make things happen.

But that's besides the point of looking into this.

The crucial lesson here is that this 'inherent attractiveness' that most of us think prevents us from
getting the most attractive girls is NOT so simple.
It's all about how she FEELS about you. Attractiveness is a FEELING. If a 7 with amazing boobs is
naked in your bed, you might FEEL more attracted to her than a 9 in sweatpants and a hoodie eating
donuts on the sidewalk. In that moment, the naked 7 is more attractive than the 9. The issue is that for a
guy, that 7 won't be nearly as attractive as the 9 if the 7 wears sweatpants a hoodie. Or if the 9's naked,
the 7 can't compete. There's not a lot of ways around that, as guys pretty much only have physical
attractiveness in their 'inherent attractiveness' computation. We can associate with the feeling of
variable feelings of inherent attractiveness... We just can't associate with that variable feeling of having
some consistency outside of an obvious situation, like a girl being naked.
For a girl, they can feel like that varied attractiveness might actually hold up in other situations. They
don't understand sexual tension – they think it's 'chemistry'. They think that might hold up over time
(and, of course, it can). Interactional tension is the same way. They also think the strength of a guy's
energy is an inherent trait – they're nearly convinced that will hold up over time.
In other words, when a girl gets a feel for the variable aspects of your 'inherent attractiveness', she has a
pretty good feeling that it's actually just you and that it will hold up. When you feel the extra
attractiveness of a naked 7 with an amazing body, some of that will stick with you... You'll always find
her more attractive than before you saw her naked. Some of that you know is just because she's naked,
and you won't feel it as much when she puts clothes on.

This changes things a bit. As guys, we subconsciously try to put an absolute on it... “That girl's not
really going to want to have sex with me because [insert worry about inherent attractiveness].” The
reality is that it's not so simple. Your inherent attractiveness can vary after she meets you... And in
reality long after you're married (divorce rate makes more sense if you consider that...).

The real question is, why are we so hung up on this “She won't be excited to have sex with me because
[insert inherent attractiveness worry]”? And how can we not feel that way?

The thing is, the list of inherent attractiveness features puts the things we can control – strength of
energy, sexual tension, interactional tension – at the bottom of how quickly a girl can feel them. She's
got a read on your height, looks, social competitiveness and preselection faster. Those last two could
change situationally and over time... Of course. But she's got a pretty quick snap judgment of how
attractive she THINKS you might be.

This is really where everything pivots. We get this lifelong feedback of girls writing us off on first snap
judgment. We aren't tall. Or we aren't all that great looking. Or we're never in a socially competitive
situation. Or we hardly ever roll with preselection...
You get decade of these snap judgments, and if you don't challenge them they turn into rules. If a girl
snap judges you as not that attractive, is she going to come over and find out any differently?
If you don't have the game to create sexual tension, interactional tension, and strong energy – and then
to cold approach and show a girl those things, what will happen? You might try going up to her, but her
snap judgment against you will mean she won't be all that receptive. Then you won't change her mind
much. And then the snap judgment will translate into a result that follows along.

In other words, without good game we spend a lot of years thinking that the quicker part of the
judgment on our attractiveness is the bottom line. And we can't buck it. We learn game, but most game
teaches us things that make the girl want to be around us – then only minor interactional tension and
very little sexual tension. Perhaps a bit of strong energy. We start going out and gaming and find that
we can get the girls that might have snap judged us at least neutral, but the girls that didn't snap judge
us all that well? We don't have much success with them. That further reinforces this concept that the
more quickly judged aspects of 'inherent attraction' dictate what we can get.
We get stuck in a feedback loop that really has no way out. Without sick game that has fundamentals
based in sexual tension, interactional tension, and strong energy (plus possibly preselection and proving
social competitiveness), we never see any different. The fact that we try, perhaps for years, by gaming –
but without game that changes those inherent attractiveness factors – only makes it worse. It confirms
that we can learn to change our results, but that the most attractive girls don't waiver in how they see
us. Eventually that becomes ingrained enough in our subconscious that it becomes the rule. And the
reason that we're not regularly having sex with the girls we like.

That's why we feel that way.

The reality is, the book is only partially closed before we interact with the girl. The door is left slightly
ajar, and we can change things. If we can create powerful sexual and interactional tension, we can
actually FEEL extremely inherently attractive to her. These feelings can be stronger than her reaction to
just about anything except fame... Really high sexual tension is more rare than a tall, good looking
dude. And it creates a stronger feeling. Extremely high interactional tension is not as strong as
extremely, but it might be even more rare. I don't think I've ever seen another human being create
interactional tension on the level of what RSD Julien does. I don't know if I've seen another guy match
my highest levels of sexual tension, either, but I've seen them come close. And I've seen a good number
of naturals in the same ballpark. I'm not sure I've really even seen anyone in Julien's ballpark with
interactional tension. Strong energy is common, pretty much.

Where I'm going with this is that not only is the snap judgment she makes of you not the bottom line,
you also might wind up being more attractive to her than just about anyone except a famous guy. At
least in the moment. Her desire to go home with you might outweigh the desire she'd feel with a 6'3”
model. Probably not if that guy had game, was in a socially competitive, preselected situation and so
on... And it might not quite carry over to how strongly she wants to date you (there you really want to
be socially competitive, plus have game). Buuut... You could outweigh almost anything except fame
once you're rolling.

The key realization here is that you can't expect to have good snap judgments. Your game won't get you
those. You CAN be inherently attractive to her, but she can't SEE that until you go in.

Let me say that again – You HAVE inherent attractiveness to her. The ability to have her want to have
sex with you tonight more than almost ANYONE else – if they're not famous. But she can't FEEL that
UNTIL you go and start interacting with her. You have to expect her snap judgments of you won't be all
that stellar.

For this reason, I often approach girls at an angle where they won't see me until they turn and make eye
contact with me at close proximity. In that way their first impression of me comes with a pop of energy
and a spark. I have some input into their very first snap judgment. This only works if you get them with
a spark in your eyes at close proximity and lock in some great eye contact the moment she turns to see
who's tapping her on the shoulder or talking to her. In this way, you can avoid having a really attractive
girl being very unwilling to interact with you from the snap judgment you created before you were
even close enough to talk to her. At least sometimes. Sadly her friends often dilute it because they're
outside of that instant eye contact emotion, just standing their looking on... But hey, it is what it is.

The actionable things here are these:

That girl you're looking at? She would VERY WELL want to have sex with you tonight IF you go up
and create massive sexual and interactional tension with you. There's NO reason she wouldn't. In fact
she very well might want sex with you FAR MORE than the tallest, best looking guy in the room.
HOWEVER, her snap judgments are rarely if ever going to be on your side – that doesn't mean
anything, but don't expect that it will ever change. It MIGHT result in you getting static right off the bat
because she HAS NOT YET FELT half of your inherent attractiveness. And you have to go in, deal
with potential static from her getting part of a picture, and then use your game in order for her to feel
your extreme sexual appeal. Then she is very likely to TOTALLY change to wanting you badly. You
can't predict that ahead of time, all you can predict is marginal or bad snap judgments. And you can
predict that they no longer mean anything to you.

Finally, sex is just an evolved massage... So all you really have to do is go in their, ignore the static
resulting from her snap judgment based on half of the inherent attractiveness factors, and get her to
where a massage sounds decent.

If you try to make it so when you look at the most attractive girls, you'll feel like they'll just naturally
really want to have sex with you... You're fucking yourself over. That won't happen because you won't
get those snap judgments. Then you'll just struggle through this cognitive dissonance that you're trying
to tell yourself that just by being, she should be really excited to have sex with you. It won't work.

The issue is really with thinking of it as something pre-determined or immediately discernible. Her
desire to have sex with you is NOT immediately discernible, predetermined, or ONLY based on fixed
things about you. It IS partially determined by fixed things about you or your current situation, which
means you'll have to deal with snap judgments that aren't going to be like “OH YEAH! Gimme that!”
You just have to expect those snap judgments, and KNOW that it ain't over until you do or don't get
sexual tension.

I think guys struggle with this quite a lot as they get good at game. They get these really good reactions
from girls... When gaming them for a bit. Then they get these bad snap reactions. Then their game
wasn't good enough for the hottest girls for years of their journey. Plus they saw sex as a much bigger
deal than it is. All of it crashing together and creating this fucked up soup.
We just have to realize that if we're not using our game to create social competitiveness and
preselection, the snap judgments will NEVER improve with our game. The need to plow initially will
NEVER change. It's just that we'll get through that and then what happens next will have less and less
When people talk about this stuff, we should just shrug. Both sides of the argument are right. We just
have to acknowledge that we don't have the factor that create those instant snap judgments in our favor.
And that no matter how tall we were and what we looked like, the girls we really wanted probably
wouldn't automatically give us great snap judgments anyway – they'd be interested in whether we were
ALSO socially competitive. We accept that, and we know we'll always use our game, and that it will
always give us a chance to make her want to have sex with us more than any tall, 'good looking' guy.
In a roundabout way, this might be why RSD Tyler talks about being a short, balding, ginger so much.
If he just expects people to have bad snap judgments about him, then accepts that and gets over it and
thinks about the other shit, he'll have the best success. If he sits around trying to convince himself that
because he has sick game everyone should automatically just see him and love him, he's going to have
to battle all kinds of evidence to the contrary and his fucking brain will implode.
If instead he just tells himself that he makes a shitty impression at a snap judgment, but it doesn't
fucking matter because after ten minutes of giving him shit, he makes almost all girls really want to
fuck him and they love him forever after... Then when he goes out and gets impressions that are better
than shitty, he feels good (the relative improvement versus expectation feels good), he can't get his ego
taken down by shitty reactions because he expected them, and he can focus on the shit he CAN control.

I would wonder quite a lot why he spent so much time calling himself a balding ginger. It seemed like
it lost its humor a while back but he kept doing it. Part of it is probably marketing – if he keeps drawing
attention to that stuff, then guys can say 'if he can do it, I can do it.' The other part of the reality seems
to be that somehow or another he found that mindset actually helps him. Like in every other part of
game, it helps to just assume the worst case and then just go hard.

Knowing You can Dominate Her Energy all the Way

There's actually one last very important factor to super confidence/guru level arrogance. I mentioned it
in that section, but it's not until you get the Golden Fleece concepts that you can fully take this one on
board. Or at least I needed that first.

My night out tonight saw me being pretty damn on, despite having only a warmup while in the car
driving 15 minutes to the bars, and having a seriously depressing and very logical day. (I was even
programming some code today...) Per usual in my tiny hometown, there weren't many girls to approach.
About four girls that were solid 8s total, and a few were NOT easy to get to with mixed groups and
other people in front of them and so on.
Nonetheless, I did a great job opening and accommodating the dance floor vibe. I had her very hooked,
she even pulled her shirt way out and started showing me her side boob tattoo. I was building sexual
tension. I befriended the friends well... Nonverbals pretty damn good. I was on.
My first mistake was that I didn't pick her to be my girl for the night that I'd stay with until a hard no.
She wasn't stunning, but she was hot and likely to be about as hot as any other girl I'd run into for the
night. That was a major issue, and that alone probably would've created a pull. But it wasn't the crucial
Then things started to kinda stall. They were positive social, but where a minute before she was
wrapping her arm around me and showing me down her shirt, now she was kind of shrugging off my
arm when I put it around her and talked to her friends, she cut a me-and-her moment at one point by
going “It's Becky's 28th birthday!” Whenever a girl shrugs off attention and directs it to her friend, that's
not good. It means they still like you, because they're pushing the attention towards their group, but it's
not a great thing. A minute or two before, she seemed totally unconcerned that we got isolated and
pushed away from her group. I pulled her back to her group so they wouldn't take her away... But I
should've taken the moment to burst sexual tension and kiss her so it would be properly locked in.

What the fuck happened? Stark contrast eh? Showing her side boob down her shirt and touching me
quite a bit, to pushing me off on her friend?... Jeez.

I knew the obvious and instant thing was that at first I was very engaged and driving sexual tension,
being challenging. But as I dealt with the friends and so on, I started breaking engagement and stopped
building sexual tension. I had my window, and I backed off it. In part because her friend damn near
pulled her away from me, seeing us getting very close very quickly. But after solving that, I needed to
get the fuck back to work and make her wet. And I didn't.
The window was there, and I blocked it. I got in the way. That's unattractive, beta, kills the vibe. It
makes her go “Shit, I thought this guy was awesome but it was a sham!” It's the thing where you start
watching a movie thinking it's gonna be an action film with tons of awesome sex scenes, and then it's a
romantic drama that's all slow and sappy. So I did that.

Normally you'd go “Okay, I did that... Don't do that again!”

The thing is, I seem to keep doing this over and over and over. Any time my mind isn't on making her
wet in this very moment, I tend to go and do this kind of thing.
A repeating pattern that's taking place over years needs something more. I needed the WHY behind
this. WHY did I do it? Why did I keep doing it? I needed to solve the why to stop the pattern.

This one, it turned out, wasn't actually that hard to figure out. Since I'd been focusing on the need to
dominate a girl's energy when starting the interaction, I had that concept in mind. I realized I had gone
in nice and dominant, definitely made my energy dominant over hers, led the sexual tension,
challenged her, created the interaction I wanted. And she it up like a Christmas tree.
But THEN something in what I was doing and feeling and thinking shifted...

And there it was: I STOPPED dominating her energy. I started off like a boss, going along with her
vibe, challenging, building sexual tension, dominating her energy nicely. As I got a little worried the
friends were gonna fuck stuff up and... perhaps... for other reasons, I backed off being dominant. I just
started going “This is going well” and then I tried to RIDE it. I tried to KEEP IT GOING WELL.

What I needed was to trade that “going well” for tons of sexual tension (there wasn't a ton more need
for interactional tension, she was already digging the sexual tension). But I didn't. I tried to make it go
“more better” - and just like that phrase, that's fucking stupid. You ALWAYS want to trade good
momentum for one of three things: Sexual tension, micro commitments, or logistics. There's NO
FUCKING POINT to have good momentum. It'll just die and leave you with nothing.
Plus, by trying to keep it going, I turned from dominant, challenging interaction leader into try hard.

Realizing that I had lost my mental position as the dominant one, and the one dominating the
interaction in the direction of very sexual energy, everything made a hell of a lot more sense. That WAS
the 'why' behind why I'd broke engagement, let things stall, stopped building sexual tension, and even
gone a bit try hard. Not only that, but I sure as hell felt it was probably a huge why behind EVERY
time I do that.
I further realized that it was a confidence and sexual confidence issue. Not only that, but it was
circular... Making it even more fucked up. In other words, working to dominate her energy makes you
feel FAR more confident. Your subconscious can imagine things going well much more easily, you feel
that you're the lead and you're the decider, you feel that you have the power in the interaction and that
you can use a bit of sales and make the energy work out. All of these things make you CONFIDENT.
At the same time, the less confident you are, the harder it is to dominate her. That's why it's circular. If
you can push your intention to dominate her, you'll feel more confident, and then you can push your
ability to dominate her energy even more. Go the opposite direction, and you'll spiral downward.

Where was this coming from? I could feel that a part of me was very reluctant about the concept of
dominating her from AFTER the initial part of the interaction, through building sexual tension, leading,
and having sex. There was a definite reluctance inside of me towards dominating her energy in an
ongoing way right through high sexuality.
In fact, it felt a lot like I KNEW that I was VERY capable of doing it... And that I was holding myself
back from actually doing so.
This is where it connects to the golden fleece concept. I was uncomfortable in a way to routinely
dominate girls through the process to sex, because a piece of me felt I could do this all the time... And
that pulls the sex off the pedestal. If I don't have to 'earn' it, but rather just dominate and sell through to
it. Additionally, this concept that some 'inherent attractiveness' was required would not be true if the
reality was that dominance in guiding the energies was required. And that I could have sex if I only
continued to dominate the energy all the way through. That eradicates a lot of this fixation on 'inherent
attractiveness.' Which blows up this subconscious world view I've been running around with.
The sexual confidence issue comes in because I'm here with this girl, and I know on some level that I
can just keep going and she'll be dying for the sexual tension and energy we have going on... But I don't
feel CONFIDENT in doing it with this girl. She was a young, feisty, party blonde. The type
traditionally I don't wind up with (likely a problem with the vibe games I used to have, not with me, but
that's not how your brain interprets things). I would argue that I felt a lack of confidence and comfort
with her feeling that way about me. I was blocking it because my confidence around this particular girl
in this vibe and this situation wasn't able to accept her being all over me and wanting me sexually. It
was a situational sexual confidence issue. Not a general confidence issue. Not a general sexual
confidence issue. A situational sexual confidence issue.

She basically had already been like “Let's do this” and then I started blocking it. Out of internal issues
with sex and dominance and confidence surrounding sex with certain girls. She felt the vibe dying off
and either felt she'd been sold one thing and now I wasn't giving it any more, or perhaps some part of
her felt that there were underlying beta issues regarding sex and dominance going on.
In all honesty, I feel uncomfortable saying something like “You have to dominate the girl.” Girls LOVE
being dominated. But I'm uncomfortable saying that. It feels wrong and sexist and overbearing and shit.
The fact I feel weird about even saying it is very telling. Granted what you really want is to dominate
her energy, dominating her is secondary, but nonetheless...

Fixing involves changing to where you don't just muster up some dominance to start off the interaction,
but you actually dominate consistently. Without break. All the way through. If you back off, it's out of
awareness, not based on letting off the dominance. You don't try to keep the interaction going well,
you're dominant! You use that momentum to create tension. BECAUSE YOU FUCKING CAN. You're
the one dominating and in the lead.
Part of this is looking at a girl, and thinking “Yup, I can dominate the shit out of her energy.”
I would argue this is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, reason guys have approach anxiety with
more attractive girls. They see that girl's energy, her confidence or cockiness, the way others react to
her, and they can't imagine themselves dominating her energy. Imagining themselves approaching and
being at her whimsy because they're not dominant over her, they then see that not going very well.
Then they get anxiety about approaching because doing it anyway means throwing themselves into
something their subconscious is screaming won't work out. You should, of course, do it anyway... But
the proper thing to do is get to where you feel you can dominate any girl's energy, then you can picture
going in and taking the lead and just driving things the way you want.
I had a second scenario involving that tonight. There was a girl with an amazing body, but she seemed a
little bitchy an wasn't quite hot enough for me to just dive at it. Solid 8 for sure, but a look that wasn't
fully my type. She was dancing pretty damn sexually, and I had reason to think she wanted to get laid. I
was going to open her, but in all honesty I danced next to her several minutes and hadn't done it yet.
Why? Because she seemed very cocky and her dancing was extremely confident (I knew I could keep
up with the dancing, it was just the energy of it throwing me off)... I was struggling to get to where I
felt I was dominant over her energy. I definitely didn't want to open with a hint of asking, I could see it
wouldn't go well.
This boring mother fucker next to me reached out, tapped her weakly and said “Can I get you a drink?”
I've never seen a girl that hot react so readily before in my life. She goes “Yes. Please.” It almost felt
like she had been waiting for me to open her and was fucking pissed and glad this dude did it instead.
Plus it turned out she definitely just wanted sex. A bit later they came back with their drinks and she
danced with him and he seemed boring as hell and a shitty dancer. I figured she'd leave him and I'd go
in. She didn't. I lost track of them, and later they were sitting on the edge. Apparently he got smart and
took her away from his weakness (dancing) and to where he could just use dominant but boring energy
(her sitting there and him standing over her). She reluctantly gave in and kissed him. They left together
and she was making sure they got an Uber so they could go have sex. I should've just tried to swoop
her, honestly, when she was super bored. Instead of thinking a girl trying to get laid would jump ship.
The real takeaway, however, was that I couldn't quickly open a girl that fairly clearly was looking to get
laid – when I very obviously was the best option in the room – because I couldn't internally get to
where I could dominate this cockier and bitchier looking girl's attitude. Turned out she was just dying
to have someone open her and fuck her. I did her no favors, that's for sure. She likely had boring sex
with captain boring. Also she lives here and so do I, and this guy didn't. That didn't occur to me at the
time, but that could've been a regular thing. (Still could be, I guess. I'll see her again. Though it's a little
off putting to have sex with a girl when you've seen her go off to have sex with another guy. Like
seeing the guy makes it gross...)

There it is. The last piece to super confidence. Perhaps one of the most important. A key to regularly
going home with girls.
I think that this might wind up being as big an addition to my game as sexual tension itself. I really do.
The second most influential addition ever to my game, perhaps.
It also makes me EXCITED about it. To go out and game. To play around with it. I might go out again
tomorrow night, on an off night around here, just to fuck with it. It's been a while since I felt like that,
despite all the new shit I've learned. It just FEELS like it will work wonders.

Further, it solves a bunch of questions I've always had. Like why I struggled in Scottsdale, a place I
really loved. But one where I just couldn't seem to get on board with the really hot girls in the scene. In
hindsight, I'd say they were BOTH very sensitive to smoothness and to having guys just seamlessly
pull them into vibe games that were congruent with their current vibe, AND that they're also very
sensitive to whether or not a guy is dominant over them and their energy. Pulling off both of those
simultaneously is extremely tough and takes a true baller. If you're not dominant, you need to be 50x
smoother. If they're already very sensitive to how smooth you are, that's basically impossible. Tough
scene to get things going, but seemed fairly easy to close from mid way through. I'll have to try it again
now that I think I can really handle it. The girls there are truly insane.

It also answers a very longstanding question I've had about my game: Why can I sell the shit out of all
kinds of things to all kinds of people... But I can't seem to tap that same skill in game? For instance, if
you took an intimidating model and she said that my favorite restaurant was shit. I could sit there and
sell the hell out of why it's the most amazing experience I've ever had in all of Europe and just go, go,
go and create all these emotions until she was dying to go there. But if you tell me to sell me, while I'm
obviously quite good at it, that same sales monster never really seems to come out. Why?
In light of this concept, I would say it's a dominance hangup. I feel my opinion of my favorite
restaurant is far and away dominant over any silly counter opinion. But when it comes to dominance in
terms of energy and sexual energy and leading towards sex, and my own energetic value and sexual
appeal, I'm not so confident that they're dominant over her version of things. Like if a girl's like “Hey,
I'm not remotely sexually interested in you. Leave.” I'd be more likely to go “Shit, guess she's not” than
to go “Whoa, whoa, whoa, little lady. Let's just start with the unbelievable character and experience
they pack into the VERY FIRST COURSE alone.” Totally different response and way to handle that.
Totally. Why wouldn't I be like “Whoa, whoa, whoa, little lady. You look right here. Right into my eyes
[then just start saying nonsense slower. And Slower. And slooooower... So that I just dominated her
energy into sexual tension while seemingly talking about nonsense that seems like it will lead
somewhere, but won't].”
The more you think of sex as just an awesome advanced massage, the easier this will be, as well.

The critical lesson here is that it's NOT just about dominating her energy and her. It's about
CONTINUING to dominate her and her energy THROUGHOUT. Remember, game is like golf and
every move should get you closer to the whole (closer to making her wet, then pulling her). Add that in
with continual dominance over her energy, and it means no matter what energy she's in, you are
dominant over it and instead push it closer and closer to sexual tension. Then lead it farther and farther
towards actually having sex. Let the inner salesperson out that most people have about whatever nerdy
shit they're passionate about... Just let it out regarding how dominant your opinion on sexual energy
with you is over any contrary opinion about any other energy or other activity. If you're fully, 110%
CONVICTED that extreme sexual tension and sex with you completely trumps all other imaginable
alternative activities or energy, you'll succeed A LOT. You just will. You'll GET people there.

Instructors in game always seem to have this moment in time where things just snap together, and then
all of a sudden their pretty good game just becomes insane. Having studied this shit for fucking ever, I
think that designing their affect is huge, and I think that learning to dominate all the way through the
interaction might be the other massive factor. I think when they shift to realizing that they can just
dominate straight through, cover to cover, I have a feeling everything just changes for them and from
then on it's a different experience. Sadly I can't wait a couple months more to put out this book so I can
let you know... But that's my feeling.

The Fewest Things you Absolutely Need for Mastery Level Game – In Order

The enormously trimmed down lists of what is absolutely necessary in game are the most valuable
things I've created. I've had several previously, and will have a longer one in a minute. They don't
necessarily have the same information... But as I edited this book and looked back at earlier versions,
they were so accurate that I didn't want to delete them. The only catch was, there needed to be a
BETTER list.

What I found, which I guarantee you find as well, is that every fucking time I'd go out I would say “I
did this and this well, but I forgot this other really important thing... And that fucked that scenario.”
Then you pull however frequently you pull, but those situations were usually ones where you didn't
NEED every major category. You succeeded despite missing major pieces because you have a little
luck on your side and you don't need one or two or three major categories in a given interaction and
then you manage to survive all the forks and pull.
But THINK of what would happen if you could hit EVERY major category in EVERY interaction...
How unbelievable would your results be then? How fucking crazy if you never left and went “Fuck, I
missed this major thing!!!” If you always got that amazing thing, how often would you and girls go
home together!?
Of course you'll NEVER do everything you should do in one interaction. Or even 90% ofit. BUT, you
COULD hit every major category.

Because of this, I've been chasing some set of keys to game that's so simplified, so complete, and IN
ORDER so that I can find a way to practice and prime everything on the list every night I go out. Even
when I have no time or have been working all day. We're going to add this into the more complete
listing we'll have below... But I needed a SHORT, complete and ORDERED list.

The difficulty with this is that every time you think you have it, you go out and there's ANOTHER
'Ahh, shit! I needed to do ____, too, then it would've gone well!' It seems impossible. Over time you
always seem to find something ELSE that's necessary, or something else of higher priority. Or you get
side tracked and forget about a key concept. Or there's just too many.

This is where taking the time to write this book actually saved my ass. When I went back through this
book to finish it, I was reminded of ALL KINDS of topics that I knew and tested well enough to write
here... And then forgot about and stopped using that concept. As I was going back through I kept going
“Fuck! That one helped me SO MUCH.” And “That's so much better than how I'm looking at it now.”
Going through the book over a couple months to finish it, while going out and testing, FINALLY let me
put all the best shit together at once, boil it down, test out different combinations, and find something
that was pretty much totally complete.

The way you do this is first off, obviously, testing. The second way is that a lot of great concepts have a
higher level concept that takes care of several concepts at once. This is the 'repackaging' we've
discussed. Sometimes the repackaging just has to come through hitting on a more foundational concept,
where if you correct that then the rest gets corrected automatically.
The third thing you have to do is ask “If you removed this, would anything else work without it?” If the
answer is “No,” then that thing is at the top. Then you need the next thing, and you ask “If you have
that first thing, then remove this, will anything else work?” You need to start with the best, most all-
encompassing, most advanced/high level, and most simplified things in the first place. And the set of
concepts needs to be so complete that you won't be missing anything big... If the list is too long, you
need to find a new way to repackage it all into something smaller.

My real goal was to be able to warm up just about everything needed for mastery level game in 1.5
hours or less. That's for a standard night where you can plan ahead for going out and then properly
warm up with practicing and preparing (using the guidance of the software trainers from www.Game-, which will make sure you're ALWAYS doing the best warmups).
But, on top of that, I wanted to be able to, in ONLY TEN MINUTES, refresh my memory and warm up
the MAJOR KEYS that couldn't be removed in order to be at a mastery level. That part was a REAL
bitch. That's what this right here is for.

As I went back through this book, I realized that a lot of the practical mindsets had more effect on
results than anything else. I was reminded of so much absolutely insane stuff. Without first writing and
then going back through this book, this minimal, tiny list of the mastery level keys that are non-
negotiable would never have been possible.
The keys here are quite likely not what you would expect to be the ultimate keys to the highest level of
game, in order. They weren't what I expected. But that's why we weren't just walking out of our door
and picking up our dream girls like it was no big deal.

So what are the truly critical keys to mastery level game, in order:
1) Focus on PRACTICALLY PULLING all night long. Keep thinking about it, visualize it with
the girl you're talking to right now. Keep that the focus of your mind
-As soon as you let this go, you start spinning your wheels and gaming, but not with true intent
to take it all the way. If you remove this, surprisingly, nothing else works well. This doesn't
mean being ATTACHED to the outcome. You can not emotionally care that much and still be
focused on something. You don't NEED it... It's just the center of the focus
2) You need to BE CRAZY CONFIDENT you can DOMINATE HER ENERGY from before you
even go in, and ready to do it, and then KEEP being all about dominating her energy all the way
through the interaction to insane sexuality and going somewhere with you.
-Again, if you have #1 and then remove this, nothing else works. Why? Because you'll be in
asking frame. Your brain will have a hard time picturing success, which will make you very
likely to bail. You have to be dominant over her energy to create sexual tension. You have to be
dominant over her energy to create interactional tension. You have to be dominant over her
energy to lead her. You have to be dominant over her energy to 'be in her head'. You have to be
dominant over her energy to turn her from her current state into one that's far more sexual. If
you remove this, it's a fucking crap shoot. You NEED this. And, shockingly, it's the second most
necessary thing.
3) FULLY ENGAGED. This basically means not breaking eye contact, but it also means not
breaking your own, internal presence and engagement with the interaction and her as a person.
-After gaming for years, I do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME and it is a true killer. Without
engagement, you can't build sexual tension. You can't build interactional tension. You can't
really dominate her properly. You can't react and adjust. You can't create ANY powerful
emotions. This is not something that can be removed, and it's literally the third most important
thing. Remove it, and all the rest falls apart
-If you've got a girl you find attractive enough to be exciting, and she's building sexual tension
with you to a reasonable level, fucking PICK HER and do anything you can to survive the
impossible like James Bond. This also incorporates surviving the next fork, and the fact that
game IS problem solving. If you don't do this, you won't go through the effort, the
awkwardness, the problem solving, taking the hard knocks and everything else necessary to
pull. When I started doing this, my results skyrocketed. When I stopped, they stalled badly. If
you remove this, nothing below it will work with any regularity
5) Stay COMPLETELY FOCUSED ON MAKING HER WET. It's golf – every stroke should be
taking you closer to the whole, to that.
-This is really the first thing where in theory you could choose different options for number 5.
The rest are really non-substitutable. However, game is problem solving and, also, game IS
unlocking her sexuality. This is the most exciting thing to girls, it's the point of game, and in my
experience it drives success more than ANYTHING else. 99% of the time I make a girl wet, I
either pull her, or she makes out with me and really wants to see me again (sometimes she has
to leave the city or whatever and the meetup doesn't happen, but she VERY much wanted it to).
Tonight I COULD have done this, broke engagement and while I opened dominant I slipped
into not being dominant. Those three factors turned an EXTREMELY likely pull of a solid 8
into a 'see ya later'. Had I focused and made her wet, instead of being cocky and having false
abundance and apathy, I wouldn't be writing this right now. I'd be with her.
6) Having a summarizing mindset: “Game is DOMINATING HER ENERGY and continuing to
dominate it through to wild sexual energy and then to actual wild sex. It requires the
COMPLETE ENGAGEMENT that's never broken (you can back off without breaking
engagement) and thus unbroken eye contact and being in her head and using your face, and it is
ALL about making her wet.” (Then picking her and staying with her no matter what)
-If we don't add in a mindset that we can repeat over and over and over in our head, in this case
three things with the side note of picking a girl, we'll lose track of the keys. Thus without an
encompassing mindset, everything else basically falls apart
7) Have a VIBE GAME you can use and that you can pull her into
-You have to have a way to smoothly get the interaction going and ramp it up. If you don't have
a vibe game ready for the relevant vibes, you can still create good interactions by using default
vibe games and abstracted techniques... But your percentage will go way down and thus your
game is extremely handicapped without this
8) You MUST repeatedly think to yourself “What's the next fork going to be, and how can I James
Bond survive that shit?”
-It's so easy to never think ahead and prepare for the next fork. Being 'present' in that way
means being off balance at every wall and then generally failing
9) Game IS unlocking her sexuality. Sex is an evolved massage, if she'll accept a massage from
you, she'd have sex with you if it was private. If you can get that with her, you're good
10) If she won't let sexual tension build, use INNUENDO, cockiness, and 'us frame'
-As a practical matter, if you don't remember how to remove the blockages to sexual tension,
you won't be able to get there. Since that's the only point of the first half of the interaction, that
means the first half of the interaction is dead in the water
11) Use your FACE, CADENCE, and OWNING IT to build interactional tension in the ways we've
discussed. Be in her head and use your face to MAKE her feel the interactional tension (and be
dominant over her energy). You should actually physically PRACTICE AND WARM UP this
(using your face, imagining being in her head, thinking of the concept) before you go out every
time so your brain is ready to do it
12) Whatever doesn't ruin the group energy wins. Under react when necessary
-These are the best, most efficient mindsets for any negativity or surprises. It's kind of her
evolutionary job to give you negativity and surprises (her and her friends)

Important Keys to hitting mastery level:

*-After you see her REALLY HOOKED in her eyes, often due to interactional tension, SHUT THE
FUCK UP and JUST STARE AT HER holding interactional tension and being calm and dominant!!!
-This is the BIGGEST SECRET to always hooking really hot girls. They SEEM to get really hooked
and engaged. Then if you keep trying, they'll walk off. If, instead, you hit that moment with silence and
dominance and basically lure them into starting to try to get/keep the interaction going
**-It happens in a specific moment, like the opportunity to kiss. The window opens, then it closes,
then it's often gone. If you don't use it, she decides you're a fake. You could almost think of it as the
'engagement/dominance kiss' to help keep it in mind
-Get into 'us' frame as fast as possible. Few things are as engaging as talking about the
attraction/interplay/relationship between you two – a lot of walkoffs happen because you don't get to
'us' frame
-'I'm not going to kiss you.' Previsualizing the kiss
-Keep your PHYSICAL FRAME vertical (your shoulders and back vertical, NO LEANING. This little
thing will INSANELY increase your opening/pulling into a vibe game rate. Just be louder and LET
HER COME TO YOU) (might sound pointless, but I promise results are like 3x better with this)
-'Everyone says that guy over there has a huge cock. Look at him!' and comments like that. These
things kick the conversation out and FREE her to do crazy shit. Tonight after saying that this girl put
her finger in my mouth like a fish hook. She wouldn't take it away so I bit it. She seemed to like that
and still wouldn't take it away, so I slowly had to bit it harder and harder until she'd fucking remove it,
hahaha. In any case, the point is that talking like that loosens and sets the girl free. And it makes sense,
after all if a cute girl came up to you and leaned into your ear and pointed at a fat girl and said 'All the
people say that that girl has a really tight pussy' you'd probably burst out laughing and relax with her,
-Lead on UPSWINGS in emotions. I have this bad habit of leading as a secondary thought when the
emotions have plateaued. Don't do that. Have the lead in mind, hit an upswing in emotion, lead at the
right moment.

That's really it. There are hundreds of amazing things we've gone over. The rest of them either support
all of this and are NICE, but not necessary. Or those other things are somehow encompassed by these.
Many of these mindsets are better versions of the others and trigger you to doing and thinking the same
thing. Practically speaking, this represents how you open/start the interaction, hook, get it emotional,
transition into sexual tension, handle any negativity and issues, where you focus your mind, how you
solve logistics and make sure you regularly succeed, the preparation you need most, the nonverbals that
are most necessary, how you have confidence, the most key mindsets you need to be at your best and
also lower the bars... Those twelve things ARE mastery level game. It's only about ten minutes to
warm up and get them into your mind.

Let's put that list again without the explanations to make it useful for warming up. And add one thing:
1. Focus on PRACTICALLY PULLING all night long. Keep thinking about it, visualize it with
the girl you're talking to right now. Keep that the focus of your mind
2. You need to BE CRAZY CONFIDENT you can DOMINATE HER ENERGY from before you
even go in, and ready to do it, and then KEEP being all about dominating her energy all the way
through the interaction to insane sexuality and going somewhere with you.
3. FULLY ENGAGED. This basically means not breaking eye contact, but it also means not
breaking your own, internal presence and engagement with the interaction and her as a person.
5. Stay COMPLETELY FOCUSED ON MAKING HER WET. It's golf – every stroke should be
taking you closer to the whole, to that.
6. Having a summarizing mindset: “Game is DOMINATING HER ENERGY and continuing to
dominate it through to wild sexual energy and then to actual wild sex. It requires the
COMPLETE ENGAGEMENT that's never broken (you can back off without breaking
engagement) and thus unbroken eye contact and being in her head and using your face, and it is
ALL about making her wet.” (Then picking her and staying with her no matter what)
7. Have a VIBE GAME you can use and that you can pull her into
8. You MUST repeatedly think to yourself “What's the next fork going to be, and how can I James
Bond survive that shit?”
9. Game IS unlocking her sexuality. Sex is an evolved massage, if she'll accept a massage from
you, she'd have sex with you if it was private. If you can get that with her, you're good
10. If she won't let sexual tension build, use INNUENDO, cockiness, and 'us frame'
11. Use your FACE, CADENCE, and OWNING IT to build interactional tension in the ways we've
discussed. Be in her head and use your face to MAKE her feel the interactional tension (and be
dominant over her energy). You should actually physically PRACTICE AND WARM UP this
(using your face, imagining being in her head, thinking of the concept) before you go out every
time so your brain is ready to do it
12. Whatever doesn't ruin the group energy wins. Under react when necessary

The value that this list would've had to me at 21 years old... Or 19 years old... One fucking page. This
one fucking pages would've been worth paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for when I was 17 and
starting out in college. Hundreds of thousands. Really anything. If had tens of millions, it would be
worth it to pay all of those to give just this page to myself at 17 and then run it all back.

This list is truly brilliant. It prepares you at a mastery level for handling about 90% or so of the
situations you'll face, maybe more. Enough to crush out regular success. It does only take about 10
minutes to warm up. It's truly in the proper order. Fucking crazy. The fact that is truly addresses every
major level of game- from inner game, to what you do, to logistics, to the mindsets of logistics, to
confidence... That's just insane. It recaps the vast majority of the best gold in this full 1000 page book
just like that.

The best part is, when I compare the information in this list with my game experiences and what I need
each night out, I feel CONFIDENT.

Learn. Do.

I'm watching a video right now from Tyler D's rsdfreetour channel on YouTube called “Unleash Your
Elite Genius NOW” then some more shit in the title (from Nov 2016 btw). It doesn't get good until
about 45 minutes in, so skip the beginning if you watch it.

Eventually, Tyler gets into getting away from a 'conceptual' reality where you're thinking about
everything, to an experience reality where your conscious logical thinking is greatly diminished and
you're more in DOING. Where you are more just feeling what you want to happen and then acting on
Tyler spends all his fucking time basically trying to get guys to do this. He basically rants and rants and
rants about it. He wants EVERYONE to let go of thinking about concepts in logic and switch to the
experiential and instinct based thing.

He explains it like this, which is one of the best explanations I've heard: 'I just look at the crowd, and I
think “I want them to smile” and then I start acting based on that.'
He just watches their faces, he engages with them, then he lets his instinct show him what to do, and he
rolls with it until he gets the crowd to smile. This is the 'being in her head' thing that we've talked about
that Tyler talks about. Except for the whole crowd.
It's being present and in the thing and then acting based on that instinctual feel of what's missing.

As we've discussed, there's a huge problem with this. Coming out of conceptual reality and into the
more experiential reality means going from learning and adjusting to perfecting.
What happens is there's no one at the wheel to make corrections if you're out of 'conceptual' and in that
experiential, present zone. You can't learn to do something new or something better if you're just in the
moment and 'sharing' and experiencing. You're perfecting and unleashing what's already in your brain.
Tyler admits this in that very video, but when he talks for hours in multiple videos about getting out of
your head, it skews the perspective of what needs to happen.
Like the military found in the study we talked about a long time ago, you don't rise to an occasion, you
sink to your training. When you go into that experiential zone, you are falling back on what's already in

So what happens if what's in there doesn't include sexual tension? Doesn't understanding that getting
people to let go is about saying 'fuck you' to logic? What happens if you don't understand surviving
forks? What happens if you don't understand that maintaining a presence as calm and strong is more
important than everything else except not looking beta?
What happens is, you let go, you do the best of what you've got, and you fuck all that stuff up. A lot of
guys will do goofy shit and never have success. Other guys will just do random shit. They'll often do
the wrong thing for what's going on right now. They won't get much success.

Five and a half years ago they were trying to basically get me to let go more on Project Rockstar. Then
they got frustrated that I wouldn't do it and most of the instructors gave up trying to help me and
decided I was stubborn or would never get it. That was bullshit and couldn't have been more wrong. I
did go out and try to let go, and you know what happened? All my brain knew about at that time was to
make girls laugh, negs, to be interesting and do old school 'chick crack' type routines. I only knew
fairly primitive structures from Mystery and so on. So when I let go, what happened? My brain kind of
randomly did that shit! I'd have funny, intriguing conversations and then the girls would leave. EVERY
Then my brain might have been fucking stupid like all of our brains are, but it went “Hey wait a
fucking second, THIS DOESN'T WORK. I can keep doing this and do more of it... And what will
happen? More of this.” So let's not keep doing more of it until we figure this out.

You know what happens when a guy that has nothing much related to an area lets go? Nothing. Our
brains don't rise to occasions, they fall back on training.
Show me the instructor that was a total beta male, dressed like shit, socially awkward, then the
instructors at his company got ahold of him, showed him just how to let go and be in the experiential
mode, and then he was an instructor two months later... Oh yeah, you CAN'T. Because that has NEVER
happened. Because you had to train and ingrain the right actions into that guy, CHANGE his instincts,
and THEN he could let go.

I was asking one of my biggest game mentors and good friends about what it felt like when he finally
let go and broke through. I said I was at that stage. He was like “That's always been your biggest thing,
always too analytical. You've needed that for years.” My response was that I've known that was true
AND that I wasn't there yet. He's a fantastic guy and a great teacher and has phenomenal game and
helped me enormously... But to be frustrated with me and just keep telling me to let go was wrong.
What I was letting go into didn't serve me, it wouldn't have gotten me my goals. RSD Todd needs to let
go, because he knows everything and it's ingrained. Me 5 years ago didn't need to let go.
I would have just stayed like a slightly improved version of myself back then for years. I know this
because most of the other guys I used to game with back then ARE that way. They're the same as they
were back then plus some experience. They've been gaming in experiential mode all these years.
I also know it because we had a friend that gamed without thinking all the time. Four years later he
games EXACTLY the same, says the same shit, and still gets the exact same results which are better
than a non-game guy but... Granted, he doesn't game in that 'in her head' mode of presence, but he sure
as hell just games without thought.

This is why people need this book. You need the proper foundation, you need to know that it will suit
you all the way to the top if you trust it, you need to know its nuances and abstractions, you need to
ingrain it through gaming WITH analysis. And THEN you can let go.

This is why out of the field practice is so crucial. You're RETARDED if you don't practice out of the
field. You're literally the biggest idiot in game. I can't tell you how many guys have read draft pieces of
this book and then not started practicing out of the field. I love you guys, but you're COMPLETELY
Why? Because combining out of the field practice with actually going out allows you to have a time
where you're visualizing and simulating the real thing, acting, but the 'driver' is still in the driver's seat,
monitoring and correcting your performance. You're still capable of learning new shit, correcting stuff
you're working on, GREAT IMPROVEMENT. Then, if you're more advanced, you can go out and be
more in the experiential/let go mode and maximize your game. And you will CONTINUOUSLY
As we've discussed, if you were to try to do anything else in the field of sports you would just be the
biggest joke on the planet. You don't stick a guy on a major league baseball field and tell him to let go
and feel what to do with the ball... You analyze his performance, carefully correct his technique, put
him through drills and endless practices, and THEN when he's in the game tell him to be present and
experiential and in that space. Otherwise 6 year olds would be as proficient as adult major league
baseball players, just smaller, if only they let go. That clearly never never never, ever ever fucking
happens or ever will. It's fucking preposterous and honestly it pisses me off, and that advice comes
from people who have only gotten really good at one thing in their lives: Game.

Now that we've gotten that straight, we can entertain the opposite side of the coin. The do. ONCE
you've gotten all of that stuff together, now it's time to more and more and more let go and let your
trained performance maximize itself given the scenario you're in and the place the girl is in.

There's a reason that Tyler talks endlessly about being in that experiential zone. They say over and over
that it's the most important thing. They talk about it far in excess of the other stuff so guys will do it
and not disregard it. But because they've been laying their game knowledge via separate videos over
almost a decade, they see it as setting the record straight on top of their other stuff. But guys are only
watching the new stuff.

The reason it's important is because game is about making her feel good for moving towards the next
stage. It's about emotions, feeling good, and moving.
It's also because it creates closed loop gaming, not open loop gaming. If you remember that concept
from a bit ago. By being present, looking at the human through her eyes, and being in her head, you're
staying in a place where you do, she reacts emotionally, you feel that emotional reaction, then you can
allow your TRAINED instinct to adjust and make sure she FEELS GOOD and to get her to move
towards where you want. If you zone out so far that you don't know the right direction to take things,
you're still going to fuck it up. You can ingrain that, too, over time... but there has to be direction and
seeing the next fork and finding a way to survive it.

It's a bit like learning to speak a new language. Let's say you speak English (you do... You're reading
this), and you want to learn to speak Russian. At FIRST you'll have to learn the equivalent words in
Russian for what you'd say in English, then also learn the different structure for how to use those words
to convey the new thing.
You learn that and you practice it and practice it and practice it. Eventually you can pretty much have a
conversation in Russian, but you're doing it by thinking of what you want to say in English, then
translating it to Russian and then saying it.
At some point, you've been doing that for a while and now you need to LET GO and remove the
middle man. Because you can only speak slowly and inefficiently and without any real impact or skill
when you're using that middle man. At this point, you have to start knowing what you want to say, then
expressing it straight into Russian. No English which is subsequently translated into Russian. Straight
into what you're communicating. Now you're proficient. It's REQUIRED. You want to be a public
speaker in Russian? Or a salesperson in Russian? You'll NEED to do that. It's necessary. It's not

That's what RSD is trying to convey about letting go into the experiential mode for gaming.
But imagine if you took a guy, brought him up in front of a crowd, and just yelled at him to let go and
speak Russian. If he'd watched enough movies, he might say “Dosvidanya” over and over and over
again. Or he might mumble. Or he might just stand there terrified.
It wouldn't work AT ALL.

Imagine if you take someone and tell them to take 5 Russian classes, then have them try to let go and
express themselves straight in Russian. They'll be a mumbling disaster and convey NOTHING.

Why can't someone just do the most important part of learning to be fluent in a new language straight
off the bat? What the hell?
Because their brain CAN'T let go into Russian because it DOESN'T KNOW EFFECTIVE RUSSIAN

However, when your brain DOES know effective Russian, you have to eventually let go and cut out the
middle man and just be in the Russian. No more English.

That's really what my instructors were trying to tell me and what the RSD guys spend so much effort
trying to tell everyone. What they don't realize apparently is that that's not how it works... That might
even be THE most important skill to learn (can't tell you because I'm maybe a 5/10 at it while writing
this... That's a huge thing I'm working on), but it's not relevant until a certain point.

How does it really work, from the times I have done it well combined with the teachings of guys like
Tyler and Julien? It's all about that place where you're seeing the human in her eyes, you're IN that
moment, and then you're 'in her head' getting her to go the direction you want. You want her to engage,
you want interactional tension, you want her to think 'fuck logic' too, you want sexual tension, etc.
When you go into that place and you stay there, your brain searches the skills you've learned and
ingrained without consciously having to distract you, and these things can come out. You can match
them really skillfully to the situation. You're in a closed loop because you're not looking at her face,
you're not thinking “what should I say?”, you're not searching your memory consciously for stuff... At
the same time, this naturally triggers more of your use of face, of tone, of eye contact to communicate
(but moreso the more you've practiced and ingrained these things). And it shows a lot of good things to
her in terms of avoiding various micro alpha giveaways and so on. Effectively, it releases the power,
nuance, and skill behind what you're capable of doing by matching what you're doing very closely and
responsively to what she's feeling.
If you don't know to do something and haven't trained it, it won't magically come out when you're
doing this. Inspired shit you hadn't done before might come out through your creativity, but only things
that work within the paradigms and perceptions you already had... So this talk that Tyler likes to engage
in that almost implies the universe will help you with what you need is not true. He's trained the
underlying perceptions and paradigms of those things, and then he uses creativity within his training in
those moments. If the implication that you'll transcend and the universe will provide what you need to
do was true, then Tyler would game as well as Julien. But he doesn't, for the reasons we've addressed –
primarily perception.

Now, the key with what I do differently I believe than most people is I actually VISUALIZE doing
things. When I practice, I VISUALIZE IT and simulate it in my brain as much like it's really happening
as possible. You learn this if you do high level sports. I think when Tyler's talking to all these guys
going “Get out of conception” a lot of them are trying to analyze game through math problems. They're
like “If you do this then this happens and then what?” Like it's a fucking word problem in a text book.
That's NOT what I do. That's just about useless ALWAYS. Instead, I VISUALLY IMAGINE MYSELF
walking up to a model with bitchy friends around in a club, doing what I do, how her face changes,
looking into her eyes, what she says, how she moves, I imagine or even actually move my face, say my
things. I'm practicing through simulating in my mind. I've always thought that was clear, but watching
Tyler who's been doing this 15 years talk to guys about not conceptualizing suggests to me that maybe
some people have read this far in my book and not gotten that. It's not a fucking word problem of “This
happens, do this, then do that.” It's about fully visualizing it. As comprehensively as possible. And even
doing your part for real (face, eyes, speaking, moving, etc.). When I practice I always go somewhere
away from people and do it out loud, sometimes in front of a mirror, often standing up. Just like
practicing baseball. You don't practice baseball by sitting down and pretend throwing a non-existent
baseball. No, you go out and throw a real ball – just not in a real game. You come as close as possible
while isolating the things you're working on.
NFL teams even play fake crowd noise through crazy loud speakers (or even rock music that's even
more disorienting) during their practices to make things as real as possible. When I say practice out of
field, do the closest you can to doing the actual thing you're working on in real life, except in a
controlled scenario where you can isolate the thing and improve it.

So you're at first training your ass off out of the field, then doing things in the field while kind of
monitoring yourself and analyzing and correcting. You need to try to be really present while you're
doing the thing, but have a small percentage of yourself that's monitoring and observing. If you take
that and are not present at all and all observing and thinking, then you won't get real feedback because
you'll be weird. So don't get that wrong. If you want a percentage maybe 10% observing yourself 90%
present, but that's thinking too much and Tyler D will come from nowhere and whack you with a dildo
for thinking too much. I just wrote that because I know a few people are probably like “Well how
much?” Basically just do the thing but don't fully switch off to where you're bumbling around in the
dark. One step less than that. Go out and figure that balance out.
After doing that for a long time, the ultimate is then to try to be fully present, fully engaged with the
human in her eyes, fully in her head, and just doing. And you get your continual adjustment and
improvement through practicing out of the field BEFORE you go out, and maybe through visualizing
what you should've done differently if the interaction ends (ie, you failed to survive despite doing
EVERYTHING you could).
Now it's time for the part 2 of this. I wrote the above, I primed and practiced out of field in order to
make sure I was more or less ready to do the right shit... Then I went out and focused as best as
possible on being in that doing, experiential, 'out of your head', 'out of conception' space.

It was very interesting.

I would say that I got to a place in that space that I have never gotten to before. But here's the kicker. It
wasn't 'out here' or 'out of my head' or 'let go'.
It was something different.
It made me realize that all of that advice falls prey to the same mistake we've seen several times in the
teaching from RSD and others... Those are all negative. Our brain doesn't work in negatives. You can't
tell our brain 'let go' because that's telling it not to do something (hold on), and it can't do that. You
have to tell it to hold onto something else. You can't tell someone to be out of their head, because that's
a negative. That's saying “Don't be in your head” and their brain doesn't know where to be. You can
sort of say “Be out here” because that's saying “Be in the world” but that's vague so the brain doesn't
know how to execute that.

What I did was to focus on the key aspects of game we've just been talking about, and let go INTO
those. To put my brain fully IN those things. I effectively flipped it to a positive from a negative.
We've been discussing seeing the human through her eyes, and using your face to transition into an
interaction, to spice everything up. We've also been discussing filling yourself up with the
energy/emotion you want to share/give to others first, then go around giving it out. And we've been
discussing being in her head and getting what you want to happen to happen.
I didn't 'let go' or 'get out of my head'. I did a positive instead.
First, we were in a bar where most of the action is on the dance floor. So generally when we go there I
dance and try to loosen up and dance in a way that is genuine with the music but also with an air of
cockiness and manliness. As a result, a lot of 7.5ish girls wind up trying to dance with me there – but so
far not many of the solid 8+ girls I want actually seek me out (I still have to go open them).
Tonight, I tried to take it a step further. When I do that, I generally keep looking around the room a bit
with an eye for the girls I'm interested in, and I leave my little coach on inside my head that lets me
90% let go into the moment, but then the coach kind of observes and makes notes and whatever. It's
like a piece of me is watching me. Which is EXACTLY what you need to improve. But as we discussed
above, I wanted to turn that off.

Now, as we just went over, you can't turn something in your brain 'off'. You have to have your brain do
something else effectively (though meditation is a bit about that, but you're not turning it off so much
as focusing on slowing it down and letting it float). I didn't try to turn the coach off so much as I said
“Sink into the beat. Ride the beat. Right now, present. Don't look around. No coaching.” And then I
slowly let go of even saying that to myself until I was just riding the beat. Just existing. Suddenly I felt
more on plane with my surroundings, it felt warm. The buzz did kind of snap off, which is something
Tyler always talks about. There was a sort of purity to it. It did feel a bit magnetic, and it seemed a
nearby girl did take note of that.
The coach in my head would splutter back on, then I would turn it off again. This lines up with what
Tyler always talks about where he says he can see guys going in and out of their head and coming in
and out of conception. I found it interesting that some of my experience did line up with things that
Tyler had talked about and that I could better understand them now... I also felt a little annoyed that
Tyler had just been kind of brow beating people trying to get them to experience this without
explaining it from several angles and switching it from an impossible 'do a negative' to a possible
positive. Which is where he does all the exercises with people in his Hotseat to get people quote 'out of
their heads'... But my issue is I'm so called 'out of my head' a lot, just not so much during cold approach
socialization. So those exercises don't feel abnormal to me. Even being 'out of my head' socially with
friends is something I'm used to.

After that, I saw an approach that I wanted to do that required me to steal a girl from a dude.
Having had the 'coach' off for a second, I noticed more obviously when it kicked back on. I heard it
going “That's hard because of this,” “Maybe you don't want to do that,” “I'm not sure if you can do
I was like DAMN! This little coach is fucking with me! So I was like “What if I enable myself?” I
basically grabbed the coach, pulled him aside, and was like – flip that talk you little bitch. I started
forcing different talk, “You can definitely do that,” “She'd fucking LOVE your sexual tension,” “That
won't be hard,” “Just bumble in there like a golden retriever,” “You've got that nooo big deal,” “You
fucking slay at this.”
Cheesey and/or improbable as it sounds, suddenly I felt like the fullness of my ability in game started
rushing into my fingertips. I generally always feel like I have all this amazing ability, but I have to
practice and learn my fucking ass off so that I can maybe go out and actualize 60% of what I'm capable
of. Which honestly is accurate to sports psychology studies and other things that have been conducted.
But by yelling at the coach and telling it to start enabling, suddenly I felt that I had more like 90% of
my abilities on tap. I told myself to LEAN IN to the challenges, and enable myself. Which is basically
what Tyler teaches when he talks about telling yourself everything is awesome and not beating yourself
up as long as you're executing.
In effect, I was trying to use all the stuff Tyler talks about constantly that doesn't really apply in a
vacuum, but through an extremely solid actionable level of game. Which I had just practiced and
primed as well (And spent ten years developing, distilling, and prioritizing).

Now I felt in an altogether different space. Self-enabled, leaning into the challenges, and in this
snapped into the thing I was doing zone.
Being in my small hometown still at this point, I didn't have a ton of opportunities to test it out on
approaches. At the end of the night, though, I caught this 9 that had been there leaving and caught up to
them on the street.
Here's where the POSITIVE angle of 'being out of conception' and 'being out of your head' comes in.
Rather than trying to do those impossible nonsense negatives, I flipped it. I told myself “Be TOTALLY
in her eyes, through her eyes into the human behind, and in her head. Use your face, and be in her head.
Get her to go the way you're feeling is necessary.” Then a couple more notes “Under react. HOLD the
tension (interactional tension) and own it. Go in with that oblivious golden retriever mindset (but still
dangerous and full of sexual tension, kind of Archer style).”
That's kind of like the autopilot settings in an airplane. I gave those directions to the coach basically as
I went in. I started right into her eyes, looking through them into the person. They started being super
bitchy and trying to get rid of me. Lost in the human through her eyes, being in her head, and under
reacting, I stayed calm. I tried to just be fully in those things in the present. I don't actually remember
what I said. I didn't worry about it, I was more worried about using my face and being in her head and
getting her in the direction I wanted. I think several times I agreed and exaggerated with the bullshit
they were throwing at me, and then tweaked my words and face to get her where I was feeling I wanted
her to go.
As I was doing this though, I was trying to just be fully in that kind of eye-contact bridge and turn off
the coach more and more.
She threw a TON of shade at me, but I felt virtually unconcerned and not at all thrown off by it. It was
more like approaching an angry dog. I just let it snap at me, slowed down, held my ground, held the
tension and owned it, and kept lulling it in with my face and eyes. By the time we'd gone about 200
yards or so, she'd started accepting me, and then was kind of throwing wild tests at me which I felt as
attraction and just kind of cruised through. It was on a great footing and it felt easier, more natural, and
more sort of floaty and just as though it was unfolding than any other comparably tense and off the wall
interaction I'd ever had before. They went with it shockingly well. And then this fuck nugget I went to
high school walked by, saw how hot they were, I saw a wave of jealousy pass over his face, and he
started yelling at the top of his lungs at me and being a complete dumbass so loudly that after I'd
acknowledged him as a friend and walked by, I HAD to fucking stop several seconds later or I'd look
like a try-hard douche bag that just walked by my friend to hang with these girls. Jealous fucking cock
sucker. I caught back up with them, but now the testing was vicious because it was so try hard to do
that again. He fucking ruined it. Next time I need to yell back some nonsense, “I don't need a beer, later
dude” and then to them “He's drunk” and then keep going. Just goes to show that dudes, even your
supposed friend, don't have your best interest in mind at all when it comes to girls – he just wanted to
support his world view that he couldn't get girls like that and so I couldn't either... And do so by fucking
me over. Fucking prick. Or I guess I could take Tyler's viewpoint and feel sorry for him that he's stuck
in that reality, but that would've been among the hottest cold approach pulls I've ever had.

Nonetheless, the experience left but hopefully the lesson will stay. It wasn't about 'being out of my
head,' or 'letting go,' or 'being out of conception,' or 'being present.' All of those statements are either in
the negative (don't do something) or are too vague. Those are all effectively non-actionable statements.
Which is sad because Tyler D is clearly one of the two greatest game teachers of all time, and he's
trying to leave behind a legacy and he's doing it largely based on non-actionable advice that he's got to
use all these examples and drills to try to make semi-concrete.
I did it by being lost in her eyes, looking straight into the human behind them, by being present to
THAT, by using my face to 'be in her head' and get her towards the direction I wanted/felt, I under
reacted, and I HELD the interactional tension instead of cutting it. I went into that and with that
priming/autopilot coordinates set (as I was walking up to them, right before. I basically punched those
notes into the coach/autopilot and then told it to get the ship going that way and then turn off), I then
tried to lose myself in those things.
And it sure as hell was different. It was more effective. It was smoother. It was all the things we're told
when the instructors give this advice, basically. However, it was also done in a very different way, it
was done THROUGH conceptualization and understanding, it was basically programmed in right
before going into it, it was specific and done in positive actions not negative actions, and it was done
on a specific, trained and primed foundation that years of analysis had determined, distilled down, and
put in order of importance and degree of necessity. There wasn't really a building to being in the zone
or any state or anything, other than the fact that I'd used dancing to the music as a warmup for sinking
into something and turning off the coach fully.
I would say there was a bit of a lack of feelings of consequence or nervousness, because with the
'coach' part of my brain turned off, I wasn't really looking at myself doing the thing and then I wasn't
worrying about what could happen or my ego. I was fully in the thing with the girl, and not just with
her, but basically right into the person behind her eyes. However, because one of the things I typed into
the autopilot right before going in WAS NOT 'See the next fork and survive it' when there was a literal
fork in the paths we were walking and shit was a little rowdy because that fucking kid from my high
school tried his best to fuck it up and then I went back in anyway and looked try hard, I didn't choose
the harder option that meant survival and keep walking their direction... And instead bailed.
Which is EXACTLY why just 'letting go' and 'being out of your head' won't get you jack shit if you
haven't first trained, ingrained, and even primed that same night all of the proper game. I didn't get
through my full practice and priming at the beginning of the night, so even though I've been thinking
about surviving forks all week, I didn't have it ready enough in the front of my brain to remind myself
before I went in and 'turned off the coach' and as a result I didn't do it. With the coach off, shit kind of
just unfolds and if the practice, priming, and proper game aren't there... It won't unfold properly.

Now, let's recap HOW I did an actionable, do-rather-than-don't-do version of getting experiential in the
specific context of gaming:
1) Lose yourself in the human through her eyes
2) Be in her head, get her to go in the direction you want/sense/feel
3) Use your FACE to do it
5) HOLD TENSION (interactional) (This is starting to seem to me a necessary companion to
being in her head, as you have to hold the tension of that to eventually get her to follow the lead
in the right direction)
6) ENABLE yourself. “You can definitely take her from him” “That won't even be a big deal”
“She will be STOKED at your sexual tension” etc.
But then you should have other things in your autopilot. Primarily the nine crucial keys to game and the
five imperatives. Specifically: See and survive the next fork at all costs, sexual tension to the max and
sexual innuendo, say fuck you to logic clearly and often, see what stage she's in and do the right thing
for that stage, and be overflowing with the energy/emotions you want to give to her.
If you were to go through those 5 steps to 'letting go' into the interaction – or more accurately, sinking
into the 'human bridge' between you two in the interaction, then also type those five of the 9 things into
your autopilot right before you go in and turn off the coach, then I'd argue you'd have some
SERIOUSLY sick game. You'd likely only have to practice/prime using the specifics of what she said
last to do what's right for the stage before going out for the night and that would probably stick on your
mind much of the night. I was also out on the night TRYING to make my brain feel uncomfortable.
So basically because the above things accommodate the proper underlying perception of game, and I'd
primed my energy and tone to be proper before going out... Doing the above means doing ALL nine
keys to the game AND all five imperatives!!! If you go through that six part process to letting go and
put those five things into your autopilot right before going in (in fact, the last autopilot thing can be
done throughout the night and you don't necessarily have to prime it right before), plus practice and
prime before going out, you're largely handling all of the keys to game right there.

I will say that the fact that you're so deep into that 'bridge' through her eyes and into her as a human has
this kind of powerful effect to it. The fact that you hold and own any interactional tension while
maintaining that bridge and using your face is powerful as well. It's like the non-sexual predecessor to
sexual tension. There's like this connection you feel that you never really do any other time, and I
imagine that could become something very powerful and alluring, which should in theory segway
nicely into sexual tension, and if you have a way to go that powerfully from open through to massive
sexual tension, then you have an ability to do some REALLY crazy shit... The only obstacle being
surviving forks and arranging various logistics and leading.

Now we'll just have to see if that's a reproducible thing. It's what almost all pickup coaches say is the
last stage to becoming truly epic. If I can combine that with a better game structure and understanding
than they have, it could be REALLY epic. Only one way to find out!

The Operating System Boot Sequence

We started talking about this above. It eventually got me thinking. I was in a situation where I had
learned and gotten at least reasonably skilled with most of what I wanted to know in game. Then I
bounced and switched to trying to build my massively scalable business that could also create fame for
me. As I've discussed above a bit, this lefty me in a 'rusty' scenario. As we also discussed, a lot of the
first things to go are you're 100% commitment to go all in – all gas no brakes. Your Tyler D-esque
factors of being in her head, having a certain enjoyment and warmth about you, even when you're
fucking with her. A deep connection into her eyes. That vibe that if you go on bootcamp with him he
puts out when he does the drill where he just walks up and starts hugging people. (And I did it really
well my first time too by just mimicking his eyes, face, the energy, the angle he comes in for the hug
with... It leaves a lot of the girls' friends going 'Wait, do you know him?')
These more abstracted, more ethereal factors tend to slip out the window as well as your commitment.
On the commitment side you get to the thing Tyler D talks about in Hotseat at Home where you're
opening but from the outside you have that vibe like you didn't really WANT her to stop and talk to
you. A vibe like underneath it all, outside the knowledge of your own conscious mind, you weren't
quite sure what you'd do if she did talk to you for a bit so you half ass it because your true intent to win
isn't there. And you rarely come out of the gate wanting to push yourself.

These things really start to creep in.

Then among the hundreds of thousands or millions of possible patterns of interacting and behavior you
COULD take, the correct skills and options begin to get muddled and buried. The right things aren't
primed in your brain. Whatever you were doing when interacting with your mom, your old friends,
your business colleagues, etc. starts to jump in and confuse the game skills. At that point if you're
gamed hard enough and studied hard enough and pushed yourself hard enough, you HAVE the skills.
They're there. They're just buried in a pile with a lot of other options and they don't come out stringed
together properly.

I found myself in this position. I had been busting my fucking ass without hardly socializing at all,
flirting with the edge of bankruptcy over and over as I went all in after my dreams and would just pull
it together with last second successes. Then the landscape would shift and the product I would be
working on would start to lose ROI or something and I'd have to adjust again. I got accidentally taken
out one night, as described above. The next weekend I wanted to go out intentionally and actually find
a girl and hook up and maybe have someone to spend some time with. I was like a polar bear emerging
from a snow cave after hibernating all winter. All the deadly skills were there, but fuck... The skills to
sleep were there too. What to do about it?

As I've discussed, I played a sport at a level two notches below the Olympics and was basically ready
for one notch below the Olympics. I've given advice to Olympic gold medalist friends that they took
out and won Olympic level events with the next day, and wrapped into some of the most successful
seasons of all time (not that one piece of advice created that, but in one case a sports psychology lesson
related to what we've talked about a lot with valuing yourself for being a grinder). With that level of
sports you really have to learn to pull out your best on command, no matter how you feel, how shitty
the weather, what time of day it is, how crappy your travel was, and on and on. In fact, had I gone
farther that becomes at least 50% of what you do (some people argue more, I'm not sure I agree).
In sports, what you do is you have routines. You do things from listening to music and jumping around
the same way every time, to physical stretching and warmups, to visualization, and so on. We've gone
into this a bit too. These routines are basically intended to get your brain from the hundreds of billions
of different neurological pathways back into a well-worn single pathway that brings out your best.
Some routines are almost meaningless, but they anchor you back into that single pathway. Others are
intentional and warm up certain parts of your brain and body. Either way, imagine there are almost
infinite numbers of ways through the maze in your brain, but there's one that works successfully. And if
all you do is get to the beginning of it and head off in the right way, you bring out more-or-less your
best. That's the purpose of the athlete's routine. Find that beginning on command, then head off in the
right direction along it. That's why some routines for some athletes are just plain bizarre – they STILL
trigger a set of memories and linked thoughts that get you into the right spot. It's like picking through a
house-sized pile of laundry trying to find one thong that sexy girl left at your place.

This is basically what we were talking about earlier related to the operating system boot. You need to
bring up certain things in certain orders and have them running so that your brain can do it's thing
properly. Otherwise if you just flip it on and try to go, the information's there but not loaded and
interlocked together properly and you have a disaster on your hands.

What I needed to roll out on one Saturday out of 12 that I hadn't gone out, and win, was to find the
thong in the pile of laundry, or locate the beginning of the successful path in the maze and get going
down it. And I needed to load the right skillsets in the right order and get them firing together so the
shit-box computer we have for brains would start working.

We discussed a few concepts above as the boot sequence for the operating system. But while puzzling
the real keys to game that if you drop you really don't have much chance, and also a message from a
buddy who had a great night out, I realized we could develop a better minimum-boot-sequence. Ideally
you want to prime and warm up all important skills before every night out to have the best results.
Which is why I created my game trainer program. But often you don't have enough time to get all the
way through the training, and if you're doing other things in life you REALLY don't. So if we had a
MINIMUM NECESSARY BOOT SEQUENCE – just like a computer – then we would have a great
chance to win, and when we have more time we could more appropriately try to warm up all relevant
parts before the night.

I called having a perfect, simple, ingrain-able overarching conception of game the holy grail of game
earlier. I'm going to amend that slightly. It's still true, but there's two pieces.
Think of the overarching, simple, ingrainable perception as the coach on the sidelines of a football
game. It's monitoring the game, calling the plays, and making sure that every situation is handled
properly to win. With the best coach in the world and the best players in the world you'll win just about
every time IF the players show up ready to play their best.
That second IF is the second piece to the holy grail. You need the best coach in the world. That's your
as-close-as-possible to perfect overarching, simple, ingrainable concept. Which is the hackey sack with
deep eye contact while moving the interaction out the door. One sentence. And strategically it's the
persuasion triangle – comfort plus obstacle removal plus motivation. Two sentences, govern just about
all of game from the coaching standpoint.
But now you need the players to show up and perform at their best and bring out their best skills. That's
about booting the computer. So we need those overarching concepts PLUS a great boot sequence.

The absolute perfect ideal would be that you could go out and win at the absolute top level no matter
how rusty you are. This is the absolute perfect ideal because if you can do that, then even if you game
every single night for a year straight, that ability means that you can win at the top level consistently.
You can get there no matter what's going on in the situation and in your head and your life. If you're
consistent at the top level, that means every night you can win at the top level, which means an insane
amount of top level success. Thus, this is perfection.

So I set about trying to create the optimal, but minimal, boot sequence. It's a serious pain in the ass
because there's a lot of dimensions. Your mindset, your energy, your attitude towards what you're
doing, pulling up different skillsets, strategic and moment to moment skills and mindsets, etc. Let's
look at what I created. I can't call this the perfect boot sequence and don't think we'll ever get there, but
it's really, really damn good. The ideal is then to throw in some warm up exercises to help get certain
skills booted up as well. This boot sequence is part almost chanting, part going through embodying the
mindsets and concepts, part visualizing. Everything to get the right parts of your brain fired up.

My biggest weakness is vibing with a wide variety of girls. If I an find a girl I vibe with, then I'm good
at damn near everything else in game. But vibing with a girl is something that I have a hard time with.
Because of this I've done my best to break down a small number of actionable things to do to create the
vibe and avoid vibe crushing. Vibe crushing is generally either from: Responding logically (so there's
not even an attempt made at vibing); Trying to keep using a tactic that isn't hitting with her (so you're
getting stuck); Finding the tactic that's in the forefront of your mind isn't working, then responding
logically; Thinking of the next thing you're going to say while she's talking and not based on what she's
saying (while sometimes you need to pre-plan and not pre-planning enough can cause issues, when it
comes to getting a vibe going if you're thinking about what you're going to say ahead of time it will
almost certainly kill the nice back-and-forth progression). For this reason I created a mini-boot
sequence which also appears in the full boot sequence below. It is this:


Your basic interaction is based off of: Taking whatever she just said, then A) turning it into innuendo,
B) saying something cocky based on what she just said, C) Messing with her like Julien but so you
enjoy it, D) changing whatever she just said to 'Us' frame, like 'Oooh, I don't know if I can go to Europe

If you're thinking about what you'll say next while she's talking and not BASED on what she's saying,
you're likely killing any back and forth. The way that you listen is the way that you talk

If you're not LISTENING for opportunities to create cockiness, innuendo, messing with her, or 'us'
frame, then you're not going to SAY those things. You'll probably default to LOGIC answers

You have to be FLEXIBLE. If one of A, B, C or D above doesn't work, then try another. At least one of
the four should work frequently enough to cover most situations

Have ENERGY CONFIDENCE. Be really strong with your energy, and SELL IT.
Ask 'How do I sell this energy?' at all times, not 'what do I do'

Take up more space physically. Take up more space with your volume. If you fuck up, go THROUGH
it and find a way to sell it, don't try to leave a way out backing up

You NEED to change into 'Us' frame at some point and close the proximity at some point. These are
COMPLETE NECESSITIES and if you're stuck in an interaction without them, they are what you need
to fix.

This is the part of the boot sequence that SPECIFICALLY handles you getting into a flexible vibe
ready state. Some people don't really have a problem with this, but I find I naturally have a big problem
with getting every girl into a smooth, playful, back-and-forth. I tend to get stuck like a Roomba in a
corner and then I default to just trying to buy time in the interaction by saying stuff and hoping
something will come of it. You can't buy time to get into a good interaction. You have to create it. It
seems to happen if I'm trying to do something, and it's not hitting. My brain then doesn't shift well to
another tactic. Also my brain starts to think of what it SHOULD say next to save the interaction, stops
listening, and then the girl and I start talking across each other rather than to each other. There's no vibe
if you're talking in turns but not about the same things and there's no play with the subject matter. Vibe
is based around the two of you playing together. That's the key – you have to PLAY together. If you're
talking about logical things, there's no play. If you're talking about two different things because you're
not listening, then it's like you're trying to play with two different toys. And if you're trying to play with
a toy she doesn't like, she's not going to want to play.

Boot sequence-
Top Priorities in Game for Warming Up (ie, Eliminating the biggest issues):

The one Paragraph of game:

Game is about feeling ALIVE by going hard so you get hit hard in the mouth, or making her wet- but
either way FEEL something. It's about NARROWLY ESCAPING situations that seemed like they were
FOR SURE impossible. The unkillable James Bond that always escapes with part of his jacket cut off
by the steel doors. Game IS unlocking her sexuality and setting it free, taking it to higher heights.
You're the decider. Metaphorically speaking, you're taking her by the hand and slowly but unstoppably
pulling her into this cool vibe game you've got going on. You quickly ladder the vibe game to more
emotionally engaging than what she's doing now, smoothly having it at a high emotional point almost
without her noticing. You do this cocky, pushing your energy, not letting her be the decider, setting the
rhythm, MAKING her feel the thing, just pulling her into your river and sweeping her away. Then
you're loosening her if necessary. IF NECESSARY (if she's tense). Then you're PLAYING THE
GAME using your face, twisting her words and questions, fucking around, lying about nonsense, etc in
order to build interactional tension. Your intent is FIRMLY ON DOING THIS from BEFORE you go
in, this is WHAT YOU'RE PULLING HER INTO. And you'll MAKE her 'feel the music' of the game –
being in her head. Then AS SOON AS SHE LETS YOU, you're building sexual tension until she's wet.
You're slowing the rhythm and using eye contact with pauses/slow rhythm or with proximity, or
speaking with your lips touching her ear to make her wet. You use innuendo, cockiness, and 'us' frame
to transition her from playing with interactional tension to sexual tension. You try to have ZERO logic
and ZERO time not 'playing the game' (no information transfer!). You get micro commitments. You
lead through the pull, seeing any obstacles and attacking them to survive the next move. When you see
an obstacle, you instant ask 'how do I attack it?' as a CHALLENGE. It's rock climbing, you're thinking
“Let's see if I can make that girl wet” like you would think “Let's see if I can climb that rock climbing
route” and it's all about surviving by seeing if you can make the next move. And you do it all while
sinking into the enjoyment layer of the world. The BIGGEST thing you can do for having good
outcomes is to FOCUS ON PULLING all night long, and to PICK A GIRL every night and just commit
to staying with THAT girl no matter what. Walk out the door next to her somehow, deal with the friends
somehow, get into a car somehow...

Top priorities:

0) Attack obstacles, kick your brain's ass, fail at the fringes, you're gaming (and failing) for the girl 3
months from now, it's ALL JUST A GAME - badminton - it's weird to take badminton seriously OR
stand there not playing
1) NEVER break eye contact except intentionally, never stop being in her head
2) ENJOY every word, and either over or under act everything
3) ALWAYS know your direction: Pre-sustained sexual tension, you're trying to get to sustained-sexual
tension. After sustained sexual tension, it's pulling
4) Pull her into a vibe game, commanding (and, naturally, enjoying every word)
5) Get lost in the vibe fabric/enjoyment layer. Feeling the sexual and interactional tension. If she's
tense, fuck logic

NOTE: If she's being tense, say 'fuck you to logic'

NOTE2: If she's stopping sexual tension, use INNUENDO. Or cocky or 'us' frame

Remember- Smoothness is about HOW FAST you can ramp things without her hardly noticing. A
smooth guy ramps fast without it seeming like it at all.


-It's NOTHING BUT A FUCKING GAME. All that it is is a game, and that's it. Play with everyone.
Don't act like it matters. Don't do anything that would be weird if you were playing darts or standing on
a badminton court. There's NO reason to convey information

-Be a golden retriever who LOVES awkwardness. It's your thing

-Kick your brain's fucking ass!!! If it's CONVINCED something can't happen, do it anyway just to fuck
your stupid brain over

-You NEVER get to tell yourself you can't do it

-NOTHING IS REAL!!!! It's all just this fast video game, then we die. So fucking

-Think of the rabbit running away from the wolves on the wildlife show... It's WHOEVER JUST
REFUSES TO STOP FUCKING WINNING that survives in nature, and this is fucking nature.

**-One of the BIGGEST places to never stop fucking running is about somehow using innuendo,
cockiness, and us frame to get her to the point where you can MAKE HER WET

-ENABLE yourself inside your mind all night

-She's the HUMAN THROUGH HER EYES, and her pussy that it's YOUR JOB AND FULL
INTENTION to make wet

**-SURVIVE THE NEXT FORK IN THE ROAD!!!! At all costs. Get a 'fuck off' or her RUNNING
AWAY. Even if it was going AMAZING two steps before, just fucking DIE HARD.


-Do NOT be afraid to make it AWKWARD AS SHIT if that's what needs to happen! Remember, you
own awkward

*-DEFINITELY do not be afraid to make a girl that was really liking you think you're fucking weird by
staying in and surviving. FUCK IT. There's always more. If you do that, you'll win WAY MORE for
taking those risks and staying in there
-'Introduce me to your friends'

-No matter HOW out of it or HOW unprepared you feel to finish and win, FUCKING STAY IN
THERE and die a rough death if necessary. Because YOUR BRAIN DOESN'T FUCKING KNOW!!! It
might work out. Or you MIGHT PULL OFF SOME BRILLIANT CREATIVE SHIT in the moment by
FORCING yourself to keep going

-That said, FORCE YOURSELF to keep trying to INNOVATE A WAY FORWARD. It's just a fucking
game. Just a fucking puzzle. Keep thinking 'Think mother fucker. Out of the box. HOW do I take this
forward?? HOW do I survive this fork?'

-NEVER let your brain go 'Ahh, there's a hard fork coming. Guess it's over.' It's NEVER over brain,
you fucking pussy. Shut the fuck up and solve the mother fucking problem brain. I'm tired of your

-Picture gaming BITCHY MODELS with huge entourages and douchey guys with them that try to stop
you when you imagine gaming!!

-Imagine the HIGHEST COMMON DENOMINATOR, where you have to push in, tool a guy, she's a
bitch, you have to loosen her, it gets really awkward, you save it, she blocks sexual tension, you have to
watch for her friends and befriend them, you have to build it back up, she keeps her distance and keeps
talking fast, you have to be cocky then twist things into 'us' frame subtly, then use a lot of innuendo
before you can FINALLY make her wet. THEN you have to build micro commitments, tool another
dude, persist more and awkwardly follow them somewhere but own it and be full golden retriever,
THEN you have to bust out all the stops leading – tons of Julien hypnolines, breaking it down and baby
stepping more and more, leading on UPWARD emotion swings, solving all objections, maybe even
picking her up. And THAT'S a NORMAL interaction. Then you come together NBD

----Avoid indicators of weird----------

-You've got to COME IN COCKY otherwise it's weird to approach

-Use your FUCKING FACE and BE IN HER HEAD and MAKE her smile and engage

-WARM UP using your face and thinking of being in her head (watch OC etc)

-Loosen, loosen, loosen. Interactional tension. Interactional tension. Persist, persist persist and OWN
ANY AWKWARDNESS (but be golden retriever). Make her wet, Make her Wet, Maker her wet!!!

-ENJOY what you fucking say

-COMMANDING, never asking, but WARM. ENJOYING what you say, and PLAYYYING


-When in doubt, SHUT THE FUCK UP, cocky tilt your head, then BE IN HER HEAD and fucking
-Do NOT have a CONVERSATION. There is NO information you need to transmit. Start
IMMEDIATELY to fuck with her with your face and BUILD INTERACTIONAL TENSION

-FOLLOW THROUGH prevents it from being fucking weird!!!

---------Make her Wet from anywhere in the interaction-------------

-Do NOT back down and be AFRAID TO 'ruin it' because it's 'Going well'. You MUST keep PUSHING

-If she's SHOCKED that you pushed across a wall forward, like started talking 'us' frame or started
doing innuendo

-'Oh so you're taking me with you, right?' 'Are you trying to invite me?' 'I just met you, I can't go to
Portugal with you' [Ways to initiate Us Frame]

***-OWN interactional tension. And that includes the SURPRISE when you KICK IT OFF by talking
some shit or whatever. OWN IT AND DO NOT CRACK (own it, PLAY WITH YOUR FACE until she

-I am the MASTER of MAKING HER WET via sexual tension

owns interactional tension and then PLAYS WITH IT with their face to MAKE IT FUN better than

-It is NOT going well if you're talking and she's HAPPY!!!! If there's NO interactional tension and
she's NOT wet, then it's NOT going well!!!!

-Risk RUINING the fucking interaction by DIVERTING what she's talking about into US FRAME and
INNUENDO. Start with cocky if necessary!!!

-SHE is the BRAKES. You are the engine. Let HER stop it if she wants to



*-COCKINESS can loosen her up so that you can USE INNUENDO (and us frame) in order to make
her wet

-Can use some LOOSENING STUFF to jog her state, THEN us frame, innuendo to sexual tension

-'Check out my dog'

-'We're gonna do a Snapchat interview: Alright Snapchat people. Are Kira and I brother and sister.
What do YOU think?'

-'You're actually pretty fucking cool. You can be my girlfriend for the night'

-MOVE HER slightly


-Good openings that DON'T KILL VIBES (dance floor and stuff)

-'You guys are wwwiiiLLD' 'Where you from' 'Pfschhh...'

-'Ohh, well look at youuu' 'You look like a trouble maker. I'm gonna hide from you'

-'Whoa, you tryin' ta beat me up' 'You can't handle me. Bring it'

-'Oy... yyyouu. Quit lookin' at me like that, you're always tryin' to start something'


-You ALREADY TALKED TO HER mindset. Everyone's here to play the fucking game

-With college girls, you can THROW A COUPLE THINGS, if she doesn't hook, look away a minute,
throw a couple more, keep doing that. BUT!!! You MUST fucking make HARD EYE CONTACT and
USE YOUR FACE and be in her head each time

-And do NOT do this if she reacts well off the bat


-Loosening routines/tricks:

-Interview on snapchat 'Do [emma] and I look like brother and sister? What do Yyouuu think?' 'Who's
hotter. [Emma] or me? [put your hand up to hide from her] (Me)'

-Tilt your head back, stare into her eyes, BE IN HER HEAD and MAKE her smile [narrowing your
eyes Owen style and stuff]

-COCKINESS. Just say some cocky misinterpretation to whatever she said

-'I have a Connecticut girl joke for you... So there's four types of orgasms...'

-Old school opinion opener – 'Lemme ask you this- would you still date someone who's best friends
with their ex?'

-The BCDs. 'Do you know the BCDs?' 'The Birth Control Dances. Like if a girl you're not into is all up
on you and you need to get rid of her... What do you do?'

-'Check it out, this is our high five' [High five, turn, backwards high five Owen style]
-Just talk and talk about nothing in a LOOSE way, not referencing her, like Max in that video


-Practice innuendo

-Practice Cocky

-Practice using your face and being in her head

-Practice using Us frame

-Practice Us frame then innuendo to making her wet, if she's blocking making her wet

-Practice loosening techniques

-Practice making her wet

---------SUPER Confidence----------


-Do NOT ignore the friends, keep an eye, then MEET THEM

-Lead on UPWARD emotional swings

-Use Julien Hypnolines. 'Adventure. It makes it better! It makes it sexier! You only live once. You'll
never see me again. N-no, it's cool, two seconds [some urgency]. It'll only be five minutes. Okay two
minutes. Okay thirty seconds. Just text your friends. Tell them you're drunk and wanted to go home.

-BABY STEP smaller and smaller. DO NOT FUCKING GIVE UP!!!!


-If she resists, CREATE EMOTIONS and then change tactics!

STRONG energy
STRONG energy, Blow any other energies out of the water. But LOOSE
ENJOYMENT. BIG addictive energy, like the most charismatic guy you've ever met. All gas, no brake,
no holding back. Just beaming out energy
Loose. Crazy crazy loose. COCKY

Be CRAZY SMOOTH and loose. No smooth, no chance
Mario Cloud jump rhythm.
Take a second to reply to what she's saying, but don't let the energy die

Don't try to DEFEND your position in the interaction. You don't have a position, don't be defensive.
You have to be SELLING an awesome vibe, don't try to 'keep' an interaction, just MAKE AWESOME

FAIL EPICALLY. If you're going down, go down in a blaze of glory

Grind dude. But fucking love wallowing around in the grind

Don't forget YOUR OWN BRAIN IS YOUR BIGGEST ENEMY. It fucking sucks and isn't on your
side, so tell it to shut the fuck up and come along for the ride.

Fuck the little rust bucket between your ears. It's outdated and tells you stupid shit

'I'd rather have that girl hate me and think I'm disgusting than walk away when there's a chance she
might have loved me, that the dude she was standing with might have been a clinger or a friend or a
brother, and that we might have had awesome times together'
'I'd rather a million times over to get blown out in reality than to think there was a hypothetical
possibility of something happened. I fucking hate possibility and hypotheticals'

Approach like a golden retriever would. If people aren't cool, 'Whoops, my bad!'

When girls love you that no one else in your environment, least of all your friends, think is possible –
you'll have a lot of attention on you. People will be RESENTING you, including possibly your own
friends, because they want to PROTECT THEIR OWN WORLD VIEW that you're not better than
them and they don't have to step up
The reality is, it's not big deal... But you ARE better than them, you can EASILY do shit they both can't
and that they are convinced is really hard. It's not even hard for you, they just are deluded. And among
all that resentment is the LOVE of all the girls around

The words DO NOT OPEN!!!

If you expect the words you're saying to open, YOU'LL FAIL. It's the EYES and the PROJECTING
STRONG CALM that opens

She CANNOT get into an interaction with you UNTIL SHE'S READ YOUR FACE ENOUGH. That
varies from girl to girl
Ask yourself 'Has she gotten enough of a read of my face?' Sooo critical

DO NOT look at her face, look THROUGH her eyes at the human. LOOK THROUGH HER EYES AT
THE HUMAN BEHIND. Never never never never never never never never never see a 'girl', or her
face or any of that. Notice a cute girl, them immediately just look deep into her eyes at the human and
stop seeing ANYTHING else
This is literally one of the easiest to forget and by FAR most critical things in all of game, especially
when it comes to the most appealing girls

but be CALM too. COMMANDING, CALM, ADDING ENERGY, Neutral tonality
The backwards high-five is a great gimmick technique to open if you need one (a la Tyler)

EYES and FACE to SELL the energies.

The words are shit. Lock in the eyes, and use your EYES AND FACE to SELL the energies and make
them hit. No guessing at the right thing to say

DO NOT open with slight asking vibe! Don't smile in a way that asks her to smile back.
Don't open with up tonalities! GIVE energy, but be CALM STRONG. Project calm into her, and have a
bit of mystery and that SEARING HOT COAL in your eyes.

It's portraying that CALM but SEARING HOT COAL in your eyes!!! It's melting her. It's MATCHING
HER INTENSITY not her energy as Julien says

(or maybe after 'hey'). If you skip that SILENT, eye contact melt part of the opener, you haven't opened

Tyler INSISTS that the BIGGEST thing about opening is that IT'S ALREADY OPEN. Don't open. It's
like GOING UP TO YOUR FRIEND, saying 'Hey!' letting them look into your eyes and RECOGNIZE
YOU and then going from there (which would normally involve a hug or 'how have you been!' or
'check out that...' - but whatever)

No micro-alpha giveaways!!! Don't lean in, no up tonalities, no fidgeting, no talking too quickly etc

If your Immediate Mental Objective (what's your goal inside your min right now) is to GET HER TO
OPEN, then you're TAKING
Your IMO must be to MELT her, to have SPARK with her, and melt her INTO HUMANITY with you.
Plus being collaborative

If you're ONE HUNDRED PERCENT: Convicted/Assured; ALIVE; and Smooth, she'll react quite
well. If you're 99% convicted/assured, or 99% alive, or 99% smooth (a little clunky), she'll react like
you have the fucking plague

She simply REACTS to how certain you are in what you're doing. Just fucking SELL people that you're
TOTALLY right. ENERGY SALES. SELL you're fucking energy. GET them to love you, GET them to
go along, GET them to take on your energy.
Girls are just liquids that take on the shape of their containers. SELL them on your container

Any form of holding back will get you slaughtered. If you're to get rejected, DO IT GOING ALL

The FIRST thing that you need to get dialed in for a night out is your ENERGY:
Start just talking to yourself. You can listen to a movie/show and repeat what they say, read something,
make it up, whatever. Start speaking, then add one of these at a time as you go, and try to keep them all.
-It has to be WARM. The 'edges' of what you're saying have to be ROUNDED, not harsh
-It has to be FULLY CONVICTED and a bit COMMANDING (this is where if it isn't warm, you'll
have problems. With harsh edges and full conviction and commanding you'll sound like a fucking
angry dictator and scare girls)
-The tone should be NEUTRAL or DOWN at the end, GENERALLY.
-But you should PLAY AROUND WITH IT and PLAY with the words (twist them, throw some spice)
-It should be ALIVE. You should sound FULL OF ENERGY. And like you ENJOY what you're saying
-SLOW it down a little. A SLOWER rhythm. You Mario cloud jump BETWEEN things you say, not by
saying them fast
-CALM but CREATING a lot of energy (it's all about the GAPS – very calm but FULL of energy still)
-CALM but COMMANDING and CONVICTED (Again, the gaps. You can be fired up and
commanding, which is like on the road to yelling. That's not effective. This is. Like minimal effort
commanding, minimal effort energy)
-Communicating with your EYES, with PROJECTING CALM, with being SLOW (unless you're
asking a question progression or something), with speaking SLOWLY with lips on her ear
than you do with what you say. STREEEETCH out the parts in between where you're just connecting
silently (unless, again, you do a question progression or something)
-Again PLAY with most of your words. Don't say “Who are you” say “Whoooo are you.” But USE IT
-Be IN HER HEAD, WORKING THROUGH THE EYES, and create emotions
-Your words aren't doing the work. They're just excuses. It's the ENERGY FLOWING THROUGH
THE EYE CONTACT and the LIPS ON EAR and the RHYTHM CONTROL and the playing with the
tone, with your face, etc.

THIS is your new perception of how you interact with girls: What stage is she in? Let's create a good
feeling in the direction of the next stage. Context and delivery ARE EVERYTHING.
Then check the stage she moves to and adjust

the start. Never let the “flag touch the ground”. You can't let it turn serious even for a split second

While Hackey Sacking, keep Setting up some awesome 'tricks'. Some emotionally engaging bombs

It's just her asking 'HOW DO I FEEL AROUND THIS GUY' and then her complying if it feels good

MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE sexual tension. You can NEVER be too sexy. She can NEVER be
too turned on. It's what you do with it that she might object to
The ideal man is a SEXUAL ENABLER. He makes WILD, IRRESISTIBLE sex also warm, familiar
enough, and OKAY

Super hot girls don't like to be seen too up on you in public. Get the sexual tension, find ways to get
micro commitments, but expect they're worried about their surroundings
She's going to be initially dismissive because for her friend group she has to

Get her to DROP HER ACT fast by SWEEPING AWAY SERIOUSNESS. If they're saying they're
lesbians or it's girls night or whatever, just don't engage it seriously “Oh nice, I support that. Who's the
one that was complaining about girls night and you had to force her?”
Dropping engagement with the act gets her to drop the act (not seriously engaging it)
Also just switching to a more normal character interaction, like 'Don't worry, drinking that won't mess
up your stomach and make you fart in front of us'
Or EXAGGERATING THE TYPICAL RESPONSE TO HER character. 'Oh crap, I think I just came'
and stuff like that.

ASSUME she has a facade, and you have to be GENUINE and NOT LET ANYTHING TOUCH
SERIOUS (and no control factors) to get her to drop it


If you're NOT screening and EVALUATING HER on some level, it will be all fucked up. 'Cheesey
used car salesman vibe'

The point is to MAKE THE EMOTIONS GO UP when you're loosening her up.
ALWAYS make the emotion go up. WHENEVER YOU TALK EMOTIONS GO UP (your face and
eyes are the key)


Create the EMOTIONS while talking about WHATEVER. Never, never, never, never, NEVER
NEVER NEVER have 'vanilla emotion' social interactions. Even just talking to friends or cashiers

SLOW. DOWN. THE. CONVERSATION. And ADD PAUSES. While driving the sexual tension in the
eye contact

After RAISING THE EMOTIONS to loosen her up, then you create sexual tension and use the

'Any time you talk, ANY time in life, the Emotions should be going UP' as Tyler D said.

throughout your life

Try to NEVER HAVE INTROVERTED MOMENTS when in public. Try to ALWAYS play with your
eye contact, face, and tonal spice to CREATE AS MUCH ENERGY AS POSSIBLE with anyone who's
around you and ANY time you talk

It's like you're OVERFLOWING wanting to talk about something crazy that just happened to you, or
game, or some insane new physics thing you learned, or whatever. Except YOU'RE OVERFLOWING
You just HAVE to. You Can't NOT do it

You should NEVER be focused on your experience, and always be like 'Man, I can't WAIT to get these
people around me jazzed up. I can't WAIT to get them pumped. I can't WAIT to get them joking about

Again, use your EYES, your FACE and ADD A LITTLE SWAG/cut/spice to your tonality

Worry more about TWEAKS, SPICE in these factors, than about 'HIGH ENERGY' (though keep
stretching and cutting loose on your acing things out)
Like Pause, LOOK HER IN THE EYE, and Furrow your brow a little (Tyler D style)

HATER. Like Tyler D's example, if a girl's like “You're a balding ginger” and Tyler goes “I'm a
bawlding ginger whehhhhh” and just makes a funny but slightly mocking sound.
Or if she's aggressive, angry about something “Heyyyyy, I'm very fragile. We can see who likes whips
and chains.. Rihanna”

to make the ENERGY GO UP, so you COLLABORATE with the energy and what she just said and
USE IT to make it go up more. Like she said a thing that was ON YOUR SIDE (or actually OUR side)
and you just utilized whatever she was doing as a benefit

It's basically like you DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT YOU COULD BE INSULTED. Like a child actor

One of the BIGGEST THINGS is saying 'FUCK LOGIC!!!'

Giving the middle finger to logic. Seeing where there's a logical progression, then just doing anything
fucking else. When you free girls from logical progressions, they're free to do what they WANT and not
what they 'should'

The underlying perception of how you game is this:

You see the STAGE she's in, then you make it FEEL GOOD to move towards the next stage. Then you
see what stage she's in again and repeat.
It MUST feel good, it often doesn't happen how expected, delivery and context are everything

Familiar enough. Be as familiar as possible to her world without reducing the rest of your affect. Never

If you see her start to freak a little when you open, go 'Oh sorry! [back up a step] Didn't mean to freak
you out. Are you gonna beat me up? Bad me [slap your own hand]'

direction I want this to go)
How do I make crazy sexual tension, How do I make this emotionally provocative/shocking, How do I
act this out more, How do I turn this into innuendo, How do I play with my tone and face and eye
contact to make this over the top
Same even hanging with guys. This is ALWAYS what you should be asking in situations

EVERYTHING in INNUENDO. Constant constant constant Innuendo. And Constant Cocky.

Loosening her up comes through being cocky, turning everything into innuendo, and freely acting out
jokes more and more

Again, SHOW HER THAT YOU'RE ENJOYING MESSING WITH HER. But make it so she's only
reasonably sure you're messing with her


It takes a LITTLE BIT OF UNEXPECTED to get girls REACTING to you. You set things up,
especially nonverbally, and then you throw in some unexpected shit and she starts reacting
Like the OLD WEST MOVIES where they're shooting at the guy's feet and he dances... Shoot at HER
feet, don't let her shoot at yours. You're IN HER HEAD getting her to dance

'Quite Cocky' if she's being cocky, to take the steam out.

need to not let her out of your site. 'Let's go find your friends!' 'Bathroom, good call, sko')

Lie about useless stuff, then stretch it more and more ridiculous but ENJOY it. And SOUND like you're
enjoying it in your TONE

Don't show any signs of control, being controlled, judgment (except in fun while fucking with her), or
anything that can snap out of fairy tale who cares land.

Move the hackey sack game out the door, but never let it touch the floor. If she tries to take it serious,
sweep it away before it gets there

The skillset for hackey sack – stopping things from going serious: You can A) misinterpret and change
the subject; B) turn what she just said into innuendo (especially good if she's mad); C) agree with what
she said and exaggerate and take it ridiculous; D) use a non-sequitor, like she's like “You're not my
type” and you're like “Dope”

Persuasion triangle. Comfort + obstacles + motivation. Each category has a sexual and interactional

Preserve the delicate threads of the interaction. GAME IS SURVIVAL. I AM A GRINDER and I win
because I'm the best at surviving and grinding, including with the friends. Don't let the delicate threads
break. Keep it together throughout no matter what

If she gives you Blase, nothing, DON'T FLINCH, don't stop. Just have ZERO micro-alpha giveaways,
stay INDIFFERENT, and: A) Lie about nothing and start stretching it, while clearly enjoying it and
messing with her. B) Throw in little twists, little spice on your face, your eye contact, and your tone.
Just LITTLE. Do it to BE IN HER HEAD and get her to crack and laugh. C) Use INNUENDO back
against anything she says. Warp her shit into innuendo. She'll generally either laugh, be defensive
against it, or go with it – ALL of which is breaking the blase

Take each joke that hits A COUPLE EXTRA STEPS. Don't just drop it, add a couple more steps to it
ACT OUT every joke that hits more and more, let loose. Go Tyler D on it

Step into her shoes. Feel things AS her. Think through where she's feeling the biggest lacks in the
persuasion triangle and solve those issues first

Connect deeply and HUMANLY and sexually and warmly. Be Tyler D but sexier

when you did something.

Not having energy confidence, not playing with things with your face and eyes and tone, and not
fucking around with innuendo and cockiness and 'us' frame' and lies about nothing should be like
sticking your hand in a fire. You should be TERRIFIED of going to that because you'll just get

Your basic interaction is based off of: Taking whatever she just said, then A) turning it into innuendo,
B) saying something cocky based on what she just said, C) Messing with her like Julien but so you
enjoy it, D) changing whatever she just said to 'Us' frame, like 'Oooh, I don't know if I can go to Europe

If you're thinking about what you'll say next while she's talking and not BASED on what she's saying,
you're likely killing any back and forth. The way that you listen is the way that you talk

If you're not LISTENING for opportunities to create cockiness, innuendo, messing with her, or 'us'
frame, then you're not going to SAY those things. You'll probably default to LOGIC answers

You have to be FLEXIBLE. If one of A, B, C or D above doesn't work, then try another. At least one of
the four should work frequently enough to cover most situations

Vibing is PLAYING. You're not PLAYING if you're talking about something logical.
Playing isn't effective if you're not LISTENING AND RESPONDING OFF OF, because then you and
her are trying to play with two different toys.
And if you're playing with a toy she doesn't like, it won't work
Have ENERGY CONFIDENCE. Be really strong with your energy, and SELL IT.
Ask 'How do I sell this energy?' at all times, not 'what do I do'

When doing JULIEN GAME, it MUST be done so that she's like 'Uhhh!! I can't believe you said that!'
but she loves it, or she's like 'Whaaa? Nooo. What's going on here!!' and super drawn into it, or she's
like 'You're hilaaarious!' and hits your arm.
It should be done to CREATE ENJOYMENT FOR BOTH OF YOU. The words alone WILL FUCK
YOU on Julien game. They'll fuck you. It's the CHEEKY ENJOYMENT AT HER EXPENSE (in a fun
way) that makes it good

Take up more space physically. Take up more space with your volume. If you fuck up, go THROUGH
it and find a way to sell it, don't try to leave a way out backing up

RECOGNIZE WHEN SHE'S TRYING TO IMPRESS YOU (saying things about yourself that she
believes are likable) and SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET HER and SCREEN her!!

Remember you need to pair SPIKES with VOIDS. It's PUSHING A SWINGSET.
You might Mario Cloud jump several spikes, then there's a void. You might spike-void spike-void. But
you need that SPACE for her to swing back into

You HAVE to game 9 levels higher than anyone around you. You're capable of doing things the people
around you don't even think are possible. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THEM


If you don't close, SHE DOESN'T BENEFIT! She doesn't join your life
That's what the Julien game and the giving her shit and lying to her about nothing is all about!


then she CAN'T TRY TO WIN YOU OVER!!! (Think of how you are with strippers. GIVE HER

It's SELFISH to think that ANYONE should care about you! You've got to MAKE THEM CARE and
REWARD THEM WITH GOOD EMOTIONS for engaging!! And with being aligned with whatever
they want and removing obstacles
ability to 'win'

EMOTION/VALUE. They want a guy that wants to have sex with them – they just want him to come
in and OFFER EMOTIONS AND VALUE AND FUN for a while first until they feel like it was their
They WANT A ROLLER COASTER RIDE FIRST and sex at the end of it
That's it! The guys they like and the guys they don't all were down for sex, the difference is she just
wants a good time and to FEEL LIKE IT WAS HER IDEA

You NEED to change into 'Us' frame at some point and close the proximity at some point. These are
COMPLETE NECESSITIES and if you're stuck in an interaction without them, they are what you need
to fix.

'By the way, this is what you're getting me for Christmas...'


'That's cool, I bet you're good at it' If she says anything that should be impressive, like she models. Be
complimentary in a flat tone so she doesn't actually feel validated (it's like a validation gap, Owen style
– can see in Hotseat at Home Mastermind video 'Pulling 'Decision Points'' at 29 min 30 sec)


Whatever the logical progression is, FUCKING SMASH IT. Like you do two expected things and then
the third is a total illogical break
Like the YouTube dude who says something illogical, like 'Where'd you gymwillbreaksauce?' and she
says 'What?' and he does it again, then goes 'it means this' and kisses her. Or picking girls up. Or
Julien's 'What's the olllldest guy you ever made out with.' Or Jeffy's booze guitar
It's almost the same pattern as a joke – logical setup, then break with surprise. Except it doesn't
necessarily have to be funny or as surprising – it just has to tell logic to fuck off

Girls go off of PAST information. So you need her to want to have sex with you, to start visualizing it,
and then you need her to stay that way for a while so that she can feel like she's felt that way for a
while and it must be true

Lead, lead, lead. Stay in, stay in, stay in. SURVIVE!!!

'Let's go meet my friends' is a GREAT excuse to move her or pull her, then you can just not have the
friends (what kind of dick would tell you you can't meet your friends?)


Pick her up and carry her off if she's being stubborn. Or to take her from a guy. Or be like 'Hey, I gotta
show you this' and go do a game to get her away from a guy.

Innocent mindless shit. 'Check out my dog.' 'You want to see my little Drake?' The Truth or Dare app

Use TYLER INDIFFERENCE when you get her talking a lot. Warm, ENGAGED eyes, nodding, no
real smile, “Baller.” “Interesting.” to get them in more

Stage 0 – Active resisting, Anger, Negativity: Treat her like your grumpy friend at 5am who's trying to
say whatever he can come up with to express displeasure at being woken up, and just say whatever he
says back at him in a mocking way that will get everyone to laugh at him for being cranky guy
Stage 0.5- Blase or dismissive: Lie about nonsense and slowly make it more ridiculous until she
realizes. But SOUND LIKE YOU'RE ENJOYING IT!!! Zero micro-alpha giveaways, be indifferent,
calm, solid. Use little twists/spice in your tone, facial expressions and eye contact
Stage 1 – Tense or Serious, Not Loose: Steadily escalate your twists/spice in your tone, facial
expressions, and eye contact. And if things hit, act it out and stretch it more and more. Rely on the
acting and the noises and so on for the comedy
Stage 2 – Playful but not about the two of you: Keep up the acting and stretch it more when anything
Stage 3 – Playful about the two of you: Sexual innuendo no matter WHAT you're talking about. Julien
game ideal if she responds to it. If not can also use cockiness/role playing, and competition (cockiness
basically is a form of competition). This is the playing with an 'us frame' stage
Stage 4 – Sexual tension: Having used sexual innuendo to get her (if she didn't open into this stage or
get here faster), now our sexual tension skillset. Ie, pauses with eye contact, speaking slowly, talking
with lips touching her ear, close proximity eye contact.
Stage 5 – Leading and kissing and such: Lead. Lead when emotions are on the increase, break things
down into the smallest possible pieces if there's resistance, if she resists loop and increase the emotions
and then lead again with a smaller breakdown on good and increasing emotions.
NOTE: Trying to lead might send her to stage 1 or stage 0 even, in which case you either treat her like
she's being a Diva and needs a Snickers (stage 0), or you ramp up the acting and the twists in the face,
tone and eye contact and then hit jokes and act them out more and then use innuendo and build sexual
tension again. Not so hard, right?
Stage 6 – At your place, her place, a car, a lovely bathroom: Standard physical escalation and such.

It HAS TO BE CLEAR you'd be approaching EITHER WAY.

If she's not biting fully, you talk to ANOTHER GIRL. You INTRODUCE THEM to each other. You
introduce her to a guy and go 'He's cute, talk to him.' NOT AS A TRICK, BUT FOR REAL!!!!


If you ever open with a negative/draining/energy she instantly recoils from, that's at least half caused
by UNCERTAINTY in the approach. You're not COMPLETELY CERTAIN AND COCKY in what
you're doing, which leads to a lack of enjoyment, trying to rush it, a slight feeling of asking/taking, and
it just dirties the water.
If you're FULLY CERTAIN, COCKY that it will work, ENJOYING it, ENGAGING, plus calm, giving
her a spark, smooth, not rushing because you're enjoying kicking off that engagement and opening into
each other's humanity... Then the grossness of the energy – if there is any – is overwhelmed by all of
this other stuff

The open is REALLY in the initial engagement of the eyes, followed by the words.
If she recoils from that, tilt your head back and away slightly and evaluate her and kick into handling
stage 1 or stage 2, plus showing sensitivity towards her ('oh, sorry didn't mean to startle you. Bad me
[slap your own hand]' or 'whoa, sorry didn't mean to make you tense. Are you gonna stab me?')

You MUST CONVEY A SPARK into her when you open! GIVE HER A SPARK (plus being calm, plus
being 110% certain/confident/cocky, plus clearly enjoying what you're saying – ENGAGED in your
own shit - plus opening the two of you into a shared humanity... Almost all of which is NONVERBAL
and should NOT come from rushing any words)

spark and humanity, from wherever they are (what would it take/how), and doing it by BEING IN

VOICE: It must must must be CONVICTED, fully fully FULL of CONVICTION (people WILL listen
if its conviction), DOMINANT (and down tonality), and FULL OF SPARK/ENJOYMENT/POSITIVE


Speak to her LIKE TONY STARK WOULD (cocky, fully convicted, cheeky energy)


“Be my snap queen” dance floor opener (fuck it, cheat sometimes)


Be fun. Be cooler than you.

Come up with some CALM, no pressure, relaxed COOL energy
Introduce you to other people
Make it obvious you can take off whenever (Come hang out man, we'll have a beer, some girls are
coming over, you can bounce whenever)
False time constraints. (We gotta go skiing early, just hanging for a bit)

Just like in sports, LAZINESS LOSES!!!

Don't Overcomplicate it! Don't forget the times you inevitably have where you thought she was going
to be tough because she was hot and you were getting to it and your buddy walked up and asked for her
number and she gave him a card and left and later they hooked up

ALLOW her to get attracted, ALLOW the emotions to build. Don't force them to- do the emotional
provocative things, and PAIR THAT WITH ALLOWING (or pair it with the space/voids)


Never win the battle and lose the war by killing the interactional tension to create emotion or get some


through everything
No matter WHAT you do, no matter how much energy or how much acting out, you can NEVER do
anything that will ruin her perception of you as calm and strong behind it all
There are THREE FOUNDATIONAL LAYERS that are MORE IMPORTANT than the emotions and
game and so on you create: 1) Never appear beta. No micro-alpha giveaways. 2) Never ruin your
perception as CALM STRONG/grounded. 3) Never ruin your INTERACTIONAL TENSION, and if
she starts chasing, PLAY KEEP AWAY and STEP BACK. Gaming and creating emotion comes AFTER
Don't do anything that wins a battle that ruins any of these, or you'll lose the war and not know why


Just FOCUS ON THE NEXT FORK, don't think so fucking far ahead.
Can you COME UP WITH A WAY TO HAVE A NON-ZERO CHANCE to survive the next fork?
Okay, cool. You're fine

Who cares what the fuck happens? You work towards a certain outcome, but you aren't ATTACHED to
that outcome
If the outcome you're pushing towards doesn't happen, then you get stronger and win the next. It's
fucking win-win

Who cares if I 'suck' or am 'incapable' or whatever. As long as I SURVIVE and HAVE A GREAT TIME
and either learn or have a great experience with her

If you believe you have to be on some 'hero's journey' to get girls, then YOU'LL HAVE TO
If you just say 'I'M A PIMP NOW, it's just grinding, being full of the emotions, leaning in, and
surviving' then YOU CAN JUST DO IT NOW

There's no such thing as being a 'winner' in game.

All there is is GRINDING, having a GREAT TIME, playing KEEP AWAY, Surviving the next forks,
and FINALLY GIVING IN to the girl

When you walk into a room, YOU ARE THE ROOM. You don't see where you can find value, you
ARE the value
Strong energy, joy for life, fuck logic, FULL of sexual tension. ZERO qualification. Nice, but don't
care about approval at all
Fuck determinism. You have NO FUCKING CLUE what will happen.
You're TOOOOTAALLY fine with throwing EVERYTHING you have into the situation and getting
BLINDSIDED by having it fall apart. That just means you're a badass who lives a cool life in other

Like shooting free throws, you either get a great experience or you ENJOY the experience of giving it
your best and you learn and get one step closer to a win
Don't BE ATTACHED to whether you experience fully with any particular girl, or don't. They're both
good outcomes in a greater fabric of life

Allow her, or the fates, or WHATEVER to determine the ultimate outcome.

Just keep ENJOYING and SURVIVING so that there's a CHANCE the outcome will be decided in
your favor

When a girl does ANYTHING, your PREVIOUS STATE was to over react. When she pulls away a
little. When she talks a little shit. When you see a crazy hot girl
It's the OVER REACTION to all this shit, CRAVING a win. Craving to be a winner. It drives over
When she tests you and you JUST LAUGH. Whatever under reaction... THAT'S the pimp shit

You HAVE to let go of game as an avenue to feel good about yourself. It isn't. It's like going to an ice
cream shop. It's fun, it's great, maybe I love ice cream so I'll drive to the best ones...
But it's NOT a way to feel good about myself.
I feel EQUALLY GOOD about myself REGARDLESS of what happens, so game just lets me play a
game like pickup volleyball and I try hard and I really enjoy it and I'm willing to practice and so on

There's NOTHING to wait for, no dragons to slay, no PERFECTION that will come where you have to
get to in order to be worthy, sexy, and the man among all men. \nHow LONG are you going to wait.
How MUCH of your life are you going to throw away? How MANY women you could have had great
experiences with while you were CREATING SOME ABSURD HERO'S JOURNEY that you 'need' to
get there?

Let go of logic and things proceeding logically. Let go of game as an avenue to feel good about
yourself. Let go of being a winner or winning

Simply not caring frees her from FEAR that if they don't like you they might get a million nasty texts.
Not caring frees them from thinking you might fall all in love. Not caring frees them from being all up
tight and worried. It frees them. It removes fear

I'm not a winner. I don't WANT to be a winner.

I'm just a guy that enjoys surviving forks, creating a lot of enjoyment, and that gets to enjoy a lot of
'coming together.'
I just AM sex. I just AM railing logic in the ass. I just AM nothing serious. I just AM in her head

When you ASK A QUESTION (Julien game, etc), you HAVE TO ASK IT IN A WAY THAT STILL
ENERGY (or involved in the game you love) by answering
They WANT to play around with the concept of you two having sex WITHOUT actualizing it at this
point (until they're suuuper turned on). So they WANT to play around with INNUENDO.
pretending none of it is real until the last moment

Appear to resist sexuality while continuing to say more sexual things (and increase the proximity and
so on). 'Try to fight it' tactic

GET MICRO COMMITMENTS. Winning all comes down to the micro commitments you get

Use PREVISUALIZATION 'I'm not kissing you. I never kiss girls I just met'

LEAD when the emotions are GOING UP.

Not just when they're HIGH, but when they're ACTUALLY ON AN UPSWING. The compliance ON
AN UPSWING far outweighs the compliance just at a high point

SO IT'S ALL ABOUT TIMING leads on UPSWINGS. Don't get to a high point and then try to lead
when it's plateauing (that's almost a panic lead)

If you can't get a micro commitment, look for obstacles, BREAK IT DOWN INTO TINIER STEPS,
and GET HER TO PREVISUALIZE IT (plus increasing either looseness, motivation, or both)

ATTACK and SURVIVE THE NEXT FORK IN THE ROAD!!!!! This is THE most important mindset
for succeeding
Always be looking for the next fork, as well

Despite feeling terrified, feeling it will never work out, it's the wrong time, you're not prepared... You
DO IT ANYWAY because that's just the bullshit your brain throws at you

YOURSELF FIRST. You have to be feeling that energy LIKE CRAZY inside yourself, THEN you can
give it out
So you HAVE to be FILLED with sexual tension, with saying 'fuck you' to logical
progression/structure, to keeping everything away from serious, with cockiness, with wanting to turn
everything into sexual innuendo, and with tweaking/spicing up your face, eye contact, voice tone, and
with CALM.
BUILD UP the feeling of these energies in yourself
When you're filled to overflowing with those energies, then you can start giving them out

The way you make sure you ALWAYS can keep the interaction going is this:
1) Notice what stage she's in. 2) Pick specifics of what she just said. 3) Divorce the content of what you
say from the energy/emotion, and use DELIVERY to create the proper emotion/energy to advance
through the stage you're in (if you're in stage 1, make it playful. If stage 2, twist it to an us frame. Stage
3, turn it into innuendo. Stage 4, sexual tension).

The NINE most important factors in game are:

-Having your energy dialed in (warm, commanding, calm, slowed down, creating energy despite being
calm, neutral tonality, play with delivery and words and spice it up, be in her head, etc.)
-Underlying perception of gaming: See what stage she's in. Make it FEEL GOOD to move towards the
next. Repeat
-Showing 'fuck logic' and breaking logical progressions wherever possible. If you ever see a logical
progression setting up, smash that shit. Show 'We do what feels good, not what we're supposed to'
-Knowing the stage she's in and doing the best thing for that stage (but within the underlying perception
shown above)
-Pick specifics of what she just said, notice the stage she's in, then divorce content from logic and use
DELIVERY to create the emotion to advance you through the stage you're in (this way you'll ALWAYS
be able to say SOMETHING to keep you going through your current stage – no matter how out of it or
rusty you are)
-You have to be OVERFLOWING WITH THE ENERGIES you need to give in YOURSELF (you need
to be feeling them) first in order to create them. Sexual tension, calm, saying 'fuck logic/logical
progressions/structures', turning everything into innuendo, ACTUALLY wanting to HAVE SEX WITH
HER, twisting/spicing up delivery with eyes/face/tone, cockiness
-SURVIVING the next fork in the road. GRINDING and giving it 100% and ALWAYS trying to
actually fuck her
-Interactional tension. Mystery (drop the beginnings of interesting tid bits, then don't explain/finish the
thing). Indifference/not caring/not allowing her to get more than a token reaction out of you (and also
not being able to get you to take her seriously). Challenge (games, teasing). Or sexual tension. I'd
recommend mixing mystery or indifference/not caring/only giving token reactions out along with
sexual tension to create longer lasting interactional tension
-Sexual tension sexual tension sexual tension. And sexual innuendo to get there

The five imperatives:

-Try to make your brain as UNCOMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE. Kick its little ass. It's routine but not
easy, like running
-Bumble around into groups, to girls, to whoever LIKE A GOLDEN RETRIEVER. That doesn't know
it shouldn't sniff crotches. NO ONE CAN GET MAD
-And go in with eye contact and facial expressions like you already know her with that
-Share the ENERGIES YOU WELL UP INSIDE YOURSELF (sexual tension, fucking with her, saying
'fuck you' to logic). SHARE THAT INCREDIBLE FEELING OF BEING TURNED ON and letting go
-She's begging the room 'Will one of you PLEASE make it really exciting to think about you
massaging my pussy with your cock, without making a big deal about it?'
-SURVIVE mother fucker. See the next fork in the road, do WHATEVER it takes to survive it

Lips on her ear. Lips on her ear. Lips on her ear!!!

Sex is just a better type of massage. And it's the BEST possible thing a couple people having fun could
do together


And that's your boot sequence. That brings up the vast majority of the important mindsets, attitudes,
skills, and even the overarching views that act as coaches. Then you really want to add warmup drills
for the skills in there.

By the way, on the hackey sacking guys are like “Dude, I kept the hackey sack going and I just kept the
vibe up the whole interaction.” I mean, first – great dude! Second, it's an inverted metaphor from
'keeping the vibe up.' The vibe should change throughout the interaction because girls put up these little
walls they try to keep guys in at different stages, so things get less talky and more sexy as things go on.
If you're keeping up ONE vibe the whole time, you're fucking up. It's a progression. The hackey sack
isn't that. It's “don't let it touch the ground, motherfucker!” Like kids when the floor is poison or lava.
Don't let it touch the lava bro, YOU DIE! You hackey sack to avoid the death of the set. It's just
survival, keep that shit away from hitting serious ever. It's the TRICKS that you set up while hackey
sacking, like stalling that shit on your eyeball or whatever gay stuff hackey sackers do, those are your
emotional hits that are pieces of the ever-evolving vibe.

What Really, Truly, Actually, Really is Confidence in Game?

You know what confidence is. You can define it. This is obvious, almost everyone knows... Right?
Surely I have confidence. Knowing all this stuff, having pretty sweet results these days, having great
skills... Right?

Ehhhh. Not exactly.

Game confidence is not what you think it is.

Before I ever even started game, I was 110% positive that I deserved to date whoever I wanted. That
was why game fucking drove me nuts – because I was completely sure, and probably not entirely
wrong, that if given some time to get to know even the really hot A-list Hollywood actresses that they'd
want to date me. I actually would still say that's probably true provided I acted around them like I did
around the girls where I had my best side going with.
So that's confident, right? You're probably even thinking delusionally confident.

But it's not game confident.

I know how game works. In some areas better than anyone in the world. In other areas not that far off.
Given a few seconds or minutes to think, I could give incredible advice for just about any situation on
earth... Though you often don't get time to think. But that's confident right? Knowing what the fuck I'm

Not game confident.

Game confidence is basically a really specific and narrow type of confidence. You could define it by
basically two and a half points. But one stands out far, far, far above the rest.

Let's say you're in a social situation. And you do something in that situation in front of others. That
something carries a vibe and an energy with it. It could be bland, it could be low energy, it could be
frenetic, smooth, sexy, funny, funny but hesitant, sexy but reluctant, aggressive, and on and on and on.
It has SOME energy to it. Something.
Now the other people in that social situation react. They react positively, negatively, or not much at all.
And it can be a stronger or weaker reaction.
That's one social interaction. Now add up that happening over and over and over throughout your life.

If the energy that you brought over those social interactions, whatever it was, 90% of the time received
a really STRONG POSITIVE REACTION from the other people, throughout your whole life... What's
going to happen? What's that going to be like? How are you going to feel? How are you going to carry
yourself into the next interaction?

See where I'm going with this? If you had that track record of social responses to the energy and vibes
you put out repeatedly in any form of social interaction, you're going to just throw down whatever
energy or vibe you feel like you should in the NEXT situation like you're fucking COMPLETELY sure
in it. Like you KNOW you're going to get a good reaction, or like you at least will so often that the few
misses don't matter at all.

Now imagine that over the course of your life you'd thrown out whatever energy you threw out. And
after all those thousands of interactions, you'd gotten 30% mild positive reactions, 20% strong negative
reactions, 45% basically no reaction/basically ignored, and 5% strong negative reactions. What's that
going to feel like? Where's your demeanor going to trend? How are you going to carry yourself into the
next interaction?
Does that sound familiar? Like maybe that's been YOUR average social reactions over the years?

See, game confidence is almost ALL one thing – ENERGY confidence. Vibe confidence. Basically
EVERYTHING a girl is looking at in terms of confidence is simply HOW CONFIDENT you seem to
be in your ENERGY that you put into the interaction.
Why? Because your lifetime history of social success is generally downloaded simply in how confident
you are about the energy you put out.

Pretty crazy right? I mean, we just walked through it – that logic is actually really hard to counter.
That's actually quite accurate!

Why do girls in college all gravitate around the loud fratty guys that yell and make loud noises? Well,
in an absence of super smooth, familiar, but loose and confident players – that's the next best thing.
Guys that artificially make it SEEM like they're super confident in their energy by doing it super loudly
and covering over any uncertainty by just going all in. That's the 20 year old boy version of it, but hey
– it's better than showing in your energy that over your whole lifetime you've gotten at best mixed
results so now you feel you have to feel out the waters.
(It's funny I always talk about the fratty guys because I was in a frat, but we weren't fratty for the most
part. Pretty cool, not that great with girls. Great parties...)

This is the vast majority of game confidence right there. Don't forget, all a girl knows about what's
going on with you is what hits her senses. How you look, how you sound, how you touch (and
hopefully later how you taste ;) What this means is that all she can really read about your social
confidence is to just see how confidently you throw energies into the interaction. She doesn't really care
what you think you deserve, or what you think about yourself or those things. What she wants is what
OTHERS have thought about you your entire life. She basically wants reviews, preselection. She wants
to see some yellow Amazon stars floating above your head from other socializers. And guess what? She
can damn near get that FROM YOU with HONESTY by checking how confident you are in the energy
you put into the interaction. It's like a summary of the lifetime reviews other people have given you.

Now think about yourself. Think about how loudly, how loosely, how all-out-100% you throw things
out when you're hanging out with your friends. Or talking to a cashier. Or talking to a girl you just met.
I think about myself. I toss out feelers. If I'm with friends, I'm generally loose, but I'm not like loud and
100% all in. I would say I kind of toss out bread crumbs from behind a 'chill' mask, see if people
respond and take to them, and then maybe I'll go farther in.
I'd also say I rarely just go ALL in and let loose and keep the joke going and act it out 110% like Tyler
D often does.

In other words, I'm exhibiting like 65% energy confidence. I'm showing that my history is mixed, some
good, some mild or bad. I'm giving off like a 3.5 star review.

There's another part of game confidence. But I would strongly argue it expresses itself THROUGH
your energy confidence. That is your confidence that you're ACTUALLY going to get any particular
girl. You go to open, or you are in the middle of talking with her, or things are actually going well –
how confident are you that it's ACTUALLY going down? Tonight?
That matters because it's ALSO basically a review of how well girls responded to you when you did
things open to close with them in the past. But the reality is, that's just going to come out in your
energy confidence. And I suppose also in how certain and decisively you lead.

And then the half. Remember I said there were two and a half things? Well, I've forgotten the half right
now. So let's forget I said that and just make it two. The other thing was only a half anyway.

So how is this actually going to work when you're gaming?

Well, most guys run around trying to think of WHAT to do. WHAT to say. That's inherently going to
cause massive issues with your energy confidence. It implies there was a wrong option, and then that
means when you act your brain then has to decide what degree of certainty it had/has in whatever you
I'd say most guys spend almost the whole interaction trying to think of WHAT to do.

Imagine you ingrained the system we've laid out here and then didn't question it much. You turned the
'what' into reactions and patterns that were largely just you going on autopilot.
Now you spend very little of the interaction wondering WHAT to do. This allows you to ask a MUCH
better question: HOW do I SELL the energy/vibe I'm laying it down?

How do I sell this?

That's really where you should be. The what is already decided, now just how do I sell it?
Then you can extend that another step farther – Just DO IT, try your best to sell it, then when she
responds determine how you can COMPLETE THE SALE or change what you're selling after the fact.

And this explains one of the RSD and especially RSD Max things that I least like. Which is the advice
“Dude, just totally accept yourself and be whatever you are and if you're into it, she will be too” and
then Max goes on about how he loves heavy metal and just accepts that and then the girls love him for
it. The reality is, he doesn't walk up to girls (at least not often) and go “Hey! I fucking love heavy
metal. Let's talk about it for ten minutes and you'll love me because I love heavy metal.” I haven't been
out with Max, but I'm guessing he's talking about heavy metal when they already like him and they
want to smile and nod to not mess things up – and then they can just share in his excited energy.
But it doesn't matter, because he actually is trying to say something else by this incomplete and
potentially wildly damaging piece of advice (talk about sexuality, relationships, people's weird habits,
celebrities, Us frame stuff... Just like we discussed). He doesn't fully understand the concept, he's just
found a long-route to creating energy confidence (and the reality is that Tyler D came up with the
concept of just be really excited about whatever you love and she'll love it, or maybe someone before
him.. But anyway). By being himself and just talking about what he loves, he's releasing confident
energy – he knows what he wants to talk about (what he loves) so then he can just go to that place and
be really into it and then he'll wind up with energy confidence.

The reality is that the girl can't relate to your obscure topic, she's just happy that you have energy
confidence. Which is great if she's a 7 and she's just hoping to find a normal guy with energy
confidence. It's not great if she's a 9 and she has many other guys with energy confidence and doesn't
want to sit and listen to you talk about some shit she doesn't give a fuck about. The right thing is to find
what YOU enjoy out of the common topics she'll enjoy (sex, relationships, people's weird habits, us
framing, parties) and talk about them WITH energy confidence. This is more what RSD Luke does and
he hates the RSD Max commentary of talk about whatever. Why? Because hot girls won't listen very
long at all. They're more picky, and just the fact that you have energy confidence isn't enough if they
don't want to listen to what you're saying. Girls that will do that are like guys that will fuck a girl as
long as she's not ugly. They're out there, but they're not the guys killing it. The girls killing it won't be
into it. Unless, of course, it's an hour in, they really like you, and they just don't want to fuck up the
vibe that's already going.

Now we have true understanding. Is it better to talk passionately about what you like than weakly about
what you don't care about? Yes. Because energy confidence vastly overwhelms topic. But will you get
lots of hot girls by walking up about shitty topics with energy confidence? No, that won't work either.
Just find what you enjoy among the topics that almost all girls enjoy, go with those, and then have
energy confidence. As HOW you sell it, and then stretch your jokes, act them out, heighten your sexual
tension like crazy, etc. Lead strongly and decisively, if she resists despite that THEN just loop it – build
the emotions, break it down to smaller pieces.

Energy confidence, leadership confidence, and whatever the other thing I forgot that isn't that
important- THOSE are confidence in game. Not how you feel about your job, your life, your looks, if
you deserve her, blah blah blah.

Walk into interactions and just throw down whatever you're doing. That doesn't mean you have to be
fratty and dial it up to 12 to overcompensate, but it DOES mean do it and do it confidently and don't
look back. All gas, no brakes... With your energy and your leadership. Probably does mean often being
louder, definitely means being looser, and ABSOLUTELY means asking 'How do I SELL this energy'.
Be bigger with your energy. Be stronger with your energy. Be freer with your energy. Have
CONFIDENCE in your energy and your vibe. You should stand with your feet a little farther apart, take
up more energy, be a little bigger in your mannerisms, and so on and so forth. Sell the fuck out of your
energy and your vibe, don't look back. If it doesn't hit, go THROUGH it and adjust and sell. Don't try
to back out. Even if you get killed at first like this, it will force you to develop the skills necessary to
commit and follow through and get it right, rather than testing the waters meekly.

One other important factor about energy confidence is that it comes from using the same types of
energy and the same types of things over and over and over, hundreds and thousands of times. You
begin to know all the possibilities and get good at handling them, and then you get more and more and
more confident when you do a particular thing. Like I have a huge level of energy confidence in my
sexual tension, once a girl will accept that. But my energy confidence is much weaker when it comes to
preventing the 'flag from touching the ground' and keeping things from going serious, because that's a
newer concept to me.
The amount of time you have and repetitions you do with a particular concept and energy, the more true
confidence you'll get with it. You can develop the ability to just SELL the fuck out of whatever you're
doing, even if you're not that sure about it – which is something RSD Luke is great at. At the same
time, if you KEEP THE SAME GAME STRUCTURE for years, and it's limited to the fewest number
of necessary areas, over time you'll be really confident in all of those energies and you'll more and
more and more easily be able to throw them down and not worry about it. This is something you see in
a guy like Julien who has been refining the same strategy and energies for years and years. This also
buys him the ability to 'let go' into that confidence.
Ultimately, this is another reason to just buy into the complete system presented here and just run with
executing it. If you try to mish-mash all over again, which is what this already is, and keep changing
things over time, you hurt your ability to develop energy confidence deeply. You wind up with too
many different things you do over time, and they change too often. If you don't know for certain a
system will get you as far as you want to go, and you invest in it, then you might have to keep changing
and keep resetting your energy confidence. This is 100% something that has happened to me over and
over during the last 10 years. My now almost unlimited game strategy involves multiple energy areas
that are new to me within the last year, the last six months, even the last month or two. Now it's super
solid so in five years it will be largely the same... But due to that, I don't have deep-seated energy
confidence in multiple areas of my game and have to work with a general ability to try to sell it for the
time being. Because this system is so good, however, I intend to basically not touch it over the years to
come and then my energy confidence and execution will skyrocket through the roof as I develop a vast
familiarity with each of the minimal-but-necessary number of areas of this system. Since the system is
so complete, that will take me pretty well as far as anyone could go. Start scrambling things and
restarting, however, and it's going to cause issues. So the key is to have as minimal a system as possible
with no glass ceiling, then to run with it for a long time.

Taking the Chocks Off the Beast

I was preparing to go out in my hometown. A small place. And running back through what the bars
were like, I was realizing I was going to have to interact with a lot of dudes and ugly girls to make a
night of it. I started thinking about running a drill from RSD Immersion where you just give everyone
you pass by specific compliments, often even walking off. But engaging if anyone engaged back. Then
I started thinking about making these people laugh, taking jokes a couple steps farther, really acting
them out and letting loose. I imagined bouncing around and everyone laughing and then people being
like “Who IS that guy? He's talking with everyone and they ALL love him.” Granted this is more of a
small town bar type of thing, or at least small bar, but I could see it all unfold. I felt that I could easily
do that if I chose to.

Then I noticed that little 'If'. And I noticed a fear welling up inside me.

And I noticed that I made subtle subconscious comparisons to other people I know. “It would be LIKE
being Billy.” “It would be LIKE being Tyler D.”
I realized 'I' as I traditionally know myself, would kind of go away and all of these skills I know I have
could just come out.

And I sort of realized why Tyler D always says when he does public speaking “I just go away. This
stuff just comes out. I don't know where it comes from.”
I thought previously that I got what he meant. I mean, it's not really that cryptic.
But then visualizing taking over the entire bar 'like' these other people I know, and realizing I 'could'
totally do it and had all the skills to do it... I notice that 'I' would have to go away and just let the skills
have a field day. I'd have to just let something completely foreign to my previous life experience
happen. I'd pretty much never done that.
I realized there was a beast inside me and I'd had it held back. I'd overdeveloped so many skills over
my course through game that they were capable of doing these things that I couldn't even fathom
allowing come out of me.
It was like I had a beast and I'd restrained it with those little chocks you put under the wheels of an
airplane. Like I had the world's baddest, sleekest, fastest, gnarliest fighter jet, but I had it chocked up
and I was afraid to pull the chocks. I had the SR-71 stashed away inside, and I'd spent 10 years building
it, and but I was afraid to pull the chocks and go mach 3 in something I built. Like, what if it ripped
itself apart? Or what if it DID go mach 3? What would I even do at mach 3 in something I built?


I was scared. I was scared of this set of skills that would by anyone else be attributed to a not-me
person, and what those skills would do if I let them loose. I was afraid to just let go and be along for the
ride for something that I was capable of doing but scared of BEING.
Suddenly I saw what Tyler D meant when he said that when he does public speaking he 'goes away.'
Any conception I had of 'me' would have to be relinquished and I'd have to let the beast of these skills I
created inside myself that are beyond 'me' just run rampant. My own self image isn't capable of
handling what I'd built inside myself.

At that moment I saw what Julien was beating me over the head with on my Miami 5 day bootcamp
with him. He kept insisting that I was holding back and trying to protect my ego. That I was putting up
a front and not letting the real me out. That I was trying to be too cool for school. And I couldn't figure
out what the fuck he meant because that's no front, it IS me. He got pretty pissed at me about it, though
he later played it off as a teaching tool. I think 2/3 he was actually just frustrated.

The problem was he was saying I was trying to protect myself from letting out the real me. But that
wasn't it. That was the real me. What I was really doing was being afraid to 'go away' and let the
entirety of my skills out, because they went far beyond the bounds of what I considered to be 'me'. I
was afraid to be 'not me' by letting out my full potential. I wasn't putting on a front, I was holding back
a fully new paradigm and place in the world. I was maintaining my station in the world. I'd built a
Formula One race car and then determined that it would be unlike me to drive it over 25 mph and off of
friendly neighborhood streets.

I was afraid to pull the chocks. Even writing about it my stomach is doing backflips. I know the only
answer at first is going to be to “go away” and just let the beast out and see what the fuck happens. I
don't even know. I don't know how it will feel, how people will see me, if I'll do stupid shit. I don't
know. It's completely staring into the abyss.
I need to go out right now and try it, but the honesty and rawness of what I'm able to right at this
moment will never come back again. This is the only first moment I'll ever realize this, and if I manage
to try it, I'll never be able to write purely honestly about this fear again. I'd say that at some point
almost all of your will be staring down the barrel of this same fear. It may take a while for you to
realize it, as it has for me. But I want you to be able to read this section in its pure form as I was feeling
it the moment I myself realized it. There's another super-beast me inside of me and I'm scared to let it
out. Real shit. I don't know that it's next level in any ONE set. I don't think it'll be mind blowing in
ONE interaction. But I think in terms of what I'm capable of creating in a bar on the whole it's fully
different from anything I've ever allowed myself.

Wish me luck. I'll write more in the prologue (ie, whatever I come back and write after this). But that's
my intro to pulling the chocks off the beast. Every single RSD instructor talks about some version of
this in their own way. I think because of that it must be something that we ALL have to get to and let go
to get through.

Overflowing with Wanting to Get Everyone Jazzed, Laughing, Joking About Sex

This is basically part two of the above section. The previous section is about how you need to get out of
the way and allow this new social beast to just rip without you monitoring it and slowing it down to
uphold your internal view of yourself. This section, however, is about the motivation and mindset to do

This is pretty much all from Tyler D. If you want to really get good at this section of game, get into
Tyler's stuff. Take his bootcamps. Take four of his bootcamps. I'll probably take another at some point.
People are too fucking stingy about their learning. It's so annoying when people are like “Wait, you've
done all this stuff and know all this stuff, why would you take a boot camp?” Or say they don't want to
watch a product. If you're not acting, yeah, put that shit down and go do. But if you're acting, you can't
learn too much as long as you know how to fit it all together (if you don't, it can fuck you up... But
you're most of the way through this book – so you DO know how to put it all together).

Basically this comes from Tyler's YouTube Video “Tyler's Secrets to Swagger – Social Skills to SUCK
PEOPLE IN And Move The” (probably some marketing trick to cut it off like that).
In that, Tyler talks about why he still teaches bootcamp. And why he jokes with old ladies and cashiers
and all this stuff.

It's like this: Most of you have probably seen or heard of 'Through the Wormhole with Morgan
Freeman' – if not, you can Google it really quickly. In it Morgan Freeman narrates the most INSANE
scientific findings there are, like real modern science about multiple dimensions, the ability of our
brains to affect random number generators in computers, viruses that could create real life zombies a bit
like rabies, etc.
I don't know about you, but when I find out stuff like they have random number generators running in
computers all around the world, and they stay random consistently EXCEPT if there's major world
events that represent tragedies... Implying human thought worldwide is upsetting computers very
slightly... That blows my mind. Then I can't resist going and talking about this crazy shit I learned. I
just want to share it with people, it's so mind-blowing.
Maybe it does that for you, too. Or maybe you feel that way about talking game with someone. Or
about talking sports. Or movies. Whatever it may be.

That's where Tyler D says his socializing comes from. That's where YOUR socializing needs to come
from. That's where MY socializing needs to come from.

From a place of 'I can't not.'

From a place of 'overflowing.' When you're taking the chocks off the beast, you should also be tapping
into 'I can't not' and then getting out of the way and letting it rage.

Tyler says he goes to a place where he CAN'T NOT try to make the room laugh. Where he CAN'T
NOT try to get people fired up. You need to be OVERFLOWING with wanting to get people fucking
jazzed up, joking about sex, having a great time. All of them. ALLLL of them. The fatties and the dudes
and the grandmas and the cashiers and everything.

You need to look at it as a MUSCLE that you develop. Stop trying to CONSERVE ENERGY and start
trying to create a really strong muscle for being overflowing and trying to get everyone going. Try to
never have introverted moments when you're in public around others.

You should just WANT everyone to have a sick time. It's the extension of what we talked about earlier:
Interact with everyone based on the IDEAL INTERACTION YOU'D WANT TO HAVE, not based on
how you feel.
Well this is that magnified to an entire room, to every room your whole life. Try to make EVERY
ROOM you're in have the interaction you ideally want to walk into. Just think how you'd WANT that
room to be – everyone joking with you, all the girls flirting with you and talking sexual innuendo,
everyone joking and having fun with each other.


You can look at that as it's exhausting and you need to suck it up and do it. Then it will suck for the rest
of your life because of how you're viewing it.
OR, you can look at it like you CAN'T NOT. Like you're just OVERFLOWING with this energy you
want the room to have.

Finally, he talked about how a lot of it comes in little 'tweaks' or 'spice' you add to your eye contact,
your face, your tone. It's not so much like you come running into the room and yell and just have all
this crazy energy. Though if you hit jokes or things that work, you should JUST RUN WITH THEM
and stretch those jokes and keep acting them out more and more. That's where you get the crazy energy.
On the stretch.
Primarily, it's all about saying whatever shit you say, and then raising your eyebrows with a little tweak
that you feel will make people laugh. Or staring at people with a knowing look until they laugh. Or
throwing a little curve into your tonality, spicing it up.
It's that acting thing. But extend this to dudes and ugly chicks and stuff. Grope other dude's chests and
stuff like that. You can project looseness about sexuality onto other dudes and then get the atmosphere
to shift that way.

Just find a way to be overflowing with this stuff. Feel like you can't not get people going. You can't
resist going and making the person in the corner laugh, or trying to get her to make out with some
random dude or whatever. Turn the room into your ideal room. Don't interact with people based on how
you feel, but based on what would be your ideal. And don't go into a room and feel the way the room is,
but start going one person at a time and turning the room into what you want. From a place of you're
just overflowing with this ideal party and energy and you can't resist actualizing it.

From that place, in that storm, you'll be able to loosen girls up, bring in the innuendo, lie to them about
nonsense and mess with them and show them you're enjoying that, then build the sexual tension and
then work your magic.

That storm, though – that represents your experience in life. It represents your magnetism to others. It
represents you constantly improving your skills at loosening others up.

Don't feel that you should be able to just do this. I can't yet. It's like gaming in general – you gotta go
try to get people in a room going and fail. Just like you get blown out opening. As you do that more and
more and more, you'll get good at it. That skill and also that energy storm will both translate into
loosening girls up and getting them to drop whatever facade or walls they've got – then they'll flirt with
you, and then you can build sexual tension and get micro commitments and lead and win.
That's really your ideal. This energy fun storm of RSD is really how you get people to loosen up and
flirt, but it's not how you ideally convert (sexual tension and micro commitments are).

Here's the thing – you have to find the things in the book that you DON'T want to do most, and then
work your ass off to make those your biggest strengths. For me, this is one of my biggest weaknesses
and also one of the things that I've drug my feet on the most. So this needs to be one of my biggest
focuses and I need to turn it into one of my biggest strengths.

How You Build a Next Level System

Now that you've made it this far, I want you to understand all the way as deep as I do: A) Why you
should simply keep referring back to this book for your solutions, strategies, structure, etc. until you
can say “I actually had sex with 2-4 hot girls this month and the one before and the one before...” and
B) After you can say that, how you could create an even better system if you were so inclined.

So this is what goes into creating a next level system:

1) Decide what emotions best lead to sex, actually succeeding. Through real world testing, what
ACTUALLY moves the needle on how many successes you get.
2) Decide what emotions create ENGAGEMENT best and buy you time. Because the ones that
buy you TIME first will allow you to create the others in order to succeed.
3) What TECHNIQUES and TACTICS best work in the real world to help you create those
emotions? What combinations, sequences, etc.
-Guess what... There are tens or hundreds of thousands, and each thing you test you have to test
multiple times. So get ready to guess what's best, test them multiple times, and see how they
actually best work
-It's effectively more valuable to know what techniques and tactics DON'T increase success.
There are many great techniques and tactics out there that get laughs, momentary good
emotions, whatever. But if they undermine or even simply don't contribute to the overall
picture, you won't have sex more often when you use them than when you don't. This is the
problem with goofy joking – it creates emotions... And undermines the success at the end.
4) Understand your techniques and tactics deeply enough that you can wield them and weave them
together on a level that can create 10 out of 10 in the emotions you found to be the best.
5) In the real, practical world, how do you have to STRUCTURE the emotions you create? How
long do you have before real problems arise – like the girls getting antsy, her friends pulling her
away, etc.? How do you structure a strategy and layering of the emotions to navigate the
practicalities of the real world?
6) What WAYPOINTS do you need to hit? What things ACTUALLY NEED TO HAPPEN to drive
more success? (Moving, kiss, saying something, doing something, hitting an emotional point,
7) What waypoints DO NOT substantially increase the percentage of the time you have sex? There
are hundreds of waypoints you could hit in hundreds of thousands of different orders. But which
waypoints DON'T help you have sex at the end a higher percentage of the time? For instance,
fingering a girl in the bar or club could be a waypoint, but generally won't help you have sex
more often (usually less often)
-Again, it's more valuable to know what DOESN'T work than what DOES, because there are so
MANY possibilities. Finding out something doesn't work means testing it, and if you test a
hundred things and 90 of them are bound to fail... that means 90% of the time during
development you're either failing or not improving. The same goes for the techniques and
8) Narrow things down through testing, refine combinations of emotions, structures, techniques,
tactics, and waypoints. You want to have the MINIMUM number of things you need to do
possible. The less you have to do, the better. Take out ANYTHING that doesn't substantially
increase the percentage of times you succeed.
-My biggest problem at the end was jamming everything into my brain and converting
knowledge into execution. I found every day when I was trying to reach a high level that my
brain was like the dumbest, most outdated fucking 1980s Apple computer you could possibly
imagine. I had to train for like two hours a night to make sure that things that I HAD to do in
order to ensure a high level of success stayed in my brain each night. Which is totally
comparable to weight lifting or working out for a sport, so it makes perfect sense, but fuck's
sake. If my brain was a computer, I could just program it to do my shit and it'd be all good
9) Start defining the MINDSETS you need. Testing different mindsets and seeing if they increase
your success and if they trigger you to execute the things you need to execute better. Again
there are hundreds of thousands of possibilities, so this is a lot of testing, eliminating, and
following threads
10) Refine the mindsets over and over and over. Ideally you can have just ONE mindset, like “Be
Will Smith from Hitch” or whatever, and that covers EVERYTHING you find you need to
actually succeed more. The reality is you won't be able to have one mindset. But by re-
packaging mindsets to better include/represent what you ACTUALLY need, you can think of
maybe 4 mindsets that trigger in your brain what were 15 mindsets before. Like being Clint
Eastwood could represent being manly, calm under pressure, willing to go into danger, etc. (I
covered the mindsets you need, so don't take that as one, that's just an example of repackaging
mindsets into more efficient ones)
11) Find the BLOCKAGES in practicality. What's preventing you from succeeding
12) Solve the blockages
13) Seek to understand your techniques and tactics and the vibes you create so deeply and with so
many nuances and so well at an abstract level that you can execute the phases of your game
largely by FEEL
-I broke down sexual tension and chasing game for you to the point where you can hold a
feeling, picture, or mindset in your brain, and then recreate that phase of game (once you've
practiced the techniques) largely by feeling your way through the process with that
mindset/picture in your mind. Like for battle flirting/chasing, it's slapping the newspaper out of
her hand until she battles you back, but having a SOLID CALM behind it, and leaving space for
her to fight back – like playing tag.
-You need to be able to navigate by 'feel' once you've ingrained the techniques, how they work,
how to pivot them deeper, etc. so that you can A) feel extremely confident in the skillset and
your abilities, and B) free up most of your brain for high level AWARENESS
14) Figure out how to ingrain all of the knowledge and systems you created into your head so you
can EXECUTE them all in one set after another after another. The ideal is to execute 100% of
your system every time.
-You need ways to train, you need to simplify the info and system as much as possible, and you
need to repackage things to the point you can make it as simple as possible. Think of yourself as
an old school computer with very, very, very little memory that freezes if it tries to do anything
more than use a calculator or write in a note pad. Now how do you make that an expert at game
at the highest level?
15) Go about ingraining all of this stuff. Form habits and training methods and so on
16) Find your own DEEP BLOCKAGES that cause self sabotage and various other problems that
17) Evaluate your actual successes and figure out what happened in them that didn't in interactions
that looked promising
18) At some point step back and try to think through EVERYTHING from a very human
perspective on the girl's side, as though you were a girl. How they feel about things, how they
feel about you, etc. Try to think as broadly as possible and try to come up with things that you'd
never thought of before (helped me a ton)

Also, there are basically four 'Areas' of game to push forward. There's the Emotional creation
component. There's the Logistics component (where you are, the friends, physical problems). There's
the Getting Her to Actualize/Take Steps component (you could have logistics and emotions, but getting
her to ACTUALLY kiss you, to ACTUALLY have sex with you, etc... That involves dealing with
blockages, Pre-suasion and framing like Cialdini discusses, having her pre-visualize. That's a whole
segment of its own. Something I didn't think a lot about until I was doing really well at the others). And
then there's the Deep Internal level, where you have to remove your own internal blockages and make
your default state, or 'normal', crushing with women. If you have to psych yourself up to do things that
lead to success, then you can't do them consistently well, so the deep level becomes necessary to
succeed a lot at a high level. The biggest way to build a future, better version of this system is to create
improvements in these areas – especially in the Actualization and Deeper levels, as other people have
done a lot on Logistics (Joseph Dieguez, Julien), and myself and others included have hit the emotional
angle pretty hard. But every area can be improved. Tying it all back together and simplifying is so key,
that's the other thing that can probably be taken further. And better out-of-field training, which at a high
level = your success (well, your Deep level + out of field training = Success, really, at the top level).

And that's basically the process. Perhaps you can see how that would take 9 years and everything I did
and went through, and then 9 months of full time gaming with three bootcamps and watching nearly
every product RSD had in order to go through...
You should also see that because of the vast amount of testing things just to prove that they don't work,
which is essentially doing a lot of shit that won't work out to prove that it won't work, that if you mix
this refined system with other information, techniques, mindsets, products, etc., you just completely
undid the vast majority of work that has to be done to create a system. And you made yourself test all
that new stuff when 90% of it is doomed to be testing that inherently won't work out... That's why you
want to just basically shut everything else out besides what I told you to watch, and then just keep
referring back to this until you ingrain it, execute it, and have the success. Then you can take the 17
steps above. Or you can spend the process eliminating stuff that I largely already tested and eliminated
for yourself, but know that that is forcing you to go through the seemingly endless process above.

If after that you want to move the ball forward and go through the 18 steps above to take it farther...
Please do! Just put what you find out for the public/community so we can all learn from it. Hopefully
the steps will be easier because the knowledge framework helps guide the testing a lot more and
instantly eliminate a lot more stuff without having to try it.

As you can see, game is really Art, Science, AND Sport all mixed together. Art because there's so much
room for interpretation, free-wheeling, etc and because it's basically a performing art intended to create
emotion. Science because there's matters of efficiency, practicality, psychology and understanding,
strategy, etc. Sport because it's a human performance based activity – it's biologically limited because
our brains are so limited in what they can remember, process, notice and execute, and it's completely
psychologically limited and dictated... These both mean that game requires training and analysis and
refinement just like a sport. The competitive and performance nature of game are ALSO directly sport-

Understanding One Level Deeper
She's a 9 from Oregon that I'm randomly friends with on Facebook because of other friends.
The 'highlight of her life' is being in the DJ booth with Tiesto. Tiesto is there as much as three times a
week, and they drag about 15 girls a night into the DJ booth. Which means if you're in one of the more
attractive groups in the club on any given night, this, too will happen to you!

But it's the 'highlight of her life.'

Understand where girls are coming from? They primarily want to just feel like they're cooler than
everyone else. That's basically the primary drive. Be the 'coolest' in the environment. Brag about it. She
had like four posts raving about this like an idiot. And she's the 9 that you're chasing like an idiot. (Hey,
me too... sadly). And she's blowing you off for this.

You're trying to get 9's and 10's, theoretically, so you need to understand what you think you're after.
It's this. A girl whose 'highlight of her life' is being in a DJ booth with Tiesto, which if you know Vegas
is actually not THAT big of a deal. Not that you can make it happen easily, but any girl above an 8.5
could pester the right promoter and be there no problem. And she thinks it's the most epic, biggest thing
that's ever happened to her. Possibly including guys who have flown her around the world and put her
on yachts and so on (I'd have to dig through her pics). Why? Princess complex. She thinks she was
made the center of attention of 3000 people, like it was her party. She thinks a celebrity that is
internationally known validated her. That's what she wants. That's her ultimate. Why do you think girls
went bananas over the royal wedding in England a few years ago? Because it's the ultimate of being
validated by the masses. Really attractive girls really ARE caught up in a princess complex. So that's
their motivation, generally speaking. That's where they're coming from. You can see why devalidation
is so powerful to them, because it effectively makes them think “Who is this man who feels he is
capable of not giving the queen her validation?” It's some crazy shit. Some people ask me why I focus
on girls 8.5 and up, not 9 and up. Well, partially numbers... but a lot of it is this. I want to be able to get
the 9s and hotter, but... Well... I don't really want to keep most of them. Their crowning achievement is
to show up in Vegas and some guy whose JOB it is to put girls in the DJ booth... Well does his job. Puts
them in the DJ booth. And Tiesto sprays champagne on them and then leaves. Done. The irony is I
actually have friends that could give cooler experiences with musicians who have had bigger careers
for longer. Not that I would tell a girl that because it's not mine to offer, it's their job. But she doesn't
give a fuck. Why? Because she wants to be the princess in front of a large group of people right now.
That's really all she cares about. To her, that's 'making it'. Her brain just thinks she got put on some sort
of auction where now thousands of guys have to bid on her and she's the hottest thing on the planet.
She at best just got an opportunity to meet some random guy also in the DJ booth – that's it. But her
brain doesn't interpret it that way, because the emotional part of her brain isn't that advanced.

So let that put it all in perspective. Game is just a bunch of emotions and leadership steps. You can see
how flippant and unimportant her emotions are. Winning out over whatever she thinks is 'important'
isn't depriving her of anything. It's just a battle between different emotional nonsense. And she didn't
start the night with some special invite from Tiesto to be in the DJ booth. A guy who works at the club
just took her there because he guessed she was hotter than the other girls around. Sometimes they even
cycle the girls through the night. Just be better than the guys trying to pull her to do other stuff like this.
In other words, capture her RAS, occupy her mind, get her emotions, logistically keep her and her
attention away from the guy trying to get her there. Once she's in the DJ booth, she's not coming out.
But you can get her before she's ever there. Among other things. And, ultimately, you want leveraged
game- if you can be the guy in the DJ booth – or the DJ himself – do it. Think about that as you make
your life choices over the coming years.

And please, remember this when you're thinking of whether money or this or that gets girls. Nothing
compares to her desire to feel validated from a ton of people. Fame or to be around fame. And to feel
better than the other girls. If you're going to put in efforts and spend money on your path to getting
girls, target it there. I personally don't even think girls like the Kardashians that much. I think they just
want to be validated as much as them, so they're willing to watch them.

P.s. - I have met girls that look like this who were studying radiology or who were starting businesses
to help clothing producers in the third world. Now, those girls also would behave quite a bit like this
girl when it comes to something like this... But there ARE cool girls who look like this. However, I met
both of those girls five years ago now, and haven't met duplicates of them so far. So keep that in mind if
you run across a girl like that and think “There will be more of her.” There will be more that LOOK
like her, and you need to not get all caught up in her so your game stays strong – but keep that in the
back of your mind when you're deciding to follow through or not follow through.

An Attractive Girl's Primary Motivation – Social Competition

This is why most guys spend money in ENTIRELY the wrong way trying to get girls, and why what
they envision when they think of money helping with girls is all wrong. There's only ONE way to use
money to help get girls – and that is to give yourself things that in the eyes of girls are exclusive in a
way that is externally verifiable and social media verifiable. In other words, things that show she's
special and beat out other girls who would clearly want the same thing, and things where that can be
verified by third party girls and observers, best through social media. AND you should get only the
things that do this PLUS can provide this effect or promise AT THE POINT OF MEETING with the
girl. So if you meet a girl in a club, she can't take pictures in your Lamborghini in the club and you're
qualifying if you tell her you have a Lamborghini or if you invite her for a ride in it. So it's effectively
useless at the point of meeting – buy one because you want one, or maybe because your girlfriend and
you like riding in it. It won't get you the girl. 'Having' money REALLY won't get you the girl, because
your bank account doesn't make a girl feel exclusive, nor is it externally verifiable, nor does it do
ANYTHING on social media. That's the dumbest thing you can POSSIBLY think gets girls. A mansion
is irrelevant at the point of meeting UNLESS you're having a party there afterwards, and then how does
the girl find out you're going to a mansion party without you bragging?? One of your friends could be
like “Check out the pictures from two nights ago!” and show her pictures of the last party in your
house. That would work. Or if there are going to be celebrities or the DJ or something there, that would
help (“We're partying at my house after, Busta Rhymes is gonna be there and his crew”).

What DOES make a difference at the point of meeting? In a club, having a good table with a cool crew
and other girls. You can pay the bet promoters at the club to do a 'table/bottle add on' if you can talk
them into it, which means you just buy some bottles at THEIR table and then you get their crew and
their girls without having to buy the whole table. That's pretty smart. You might have to make friends
with them before they'll let you. Providing for a cool crew isn't a horrible idea, but most rappers lose
their fortunes by buying their entourage Bentleys, drugs, and the most expensive bottles at the club.
Just have the table, buy only Grey Goose, let NO ONE order on your tab, and if you have some dudes
that are good at working as a team and are cool and know game/are naturals, but don't swoop each
other – maybe let them come to your table for free. Preferably, again, as a table add on with a promoter
to limit spend.
Talking about how you're going out on your yacht/your buddy's yacht tomorrow and/or showing them
pictures of the last time you were out on it (preferably with girls). Don't even invite them, just talk
about it. Then they can compete to try to invite themselves (or you can invite them later). Don't count
on them showing up tomorrow, just assume that providing them an opportunity to win their little social
competition (do externally verifiable exclusive things) buys you TIME with the girl. So by having that
and inviting her, she's more likely to after party or get food with you after – and because you invite her
WHOLE GROUP, they're more likely to come with, then if you can get them to after party at your
place, then you can hook up. So having a yacht or going in on one with friends or renting one isn't an
awful solution. Bitches love boats. But it's also VERY expensive, especially owning and upkeep of
yachts. By the way, you'd do the same trick for the mansion party or party with celebrities – you tell her
about it and don't invite her, then let her try to talk you into inviting her. Only invite her if she hasn't
tried to get herself invited a while later.
Helicopters can be like the yacht, if she can bring at LEAST one friend, preferably two. You'd play the
same game. Surprisingly they are cheaper than yachts, generally.
You could have some crazy stuff on your social media, even including paying promoters or doing other
things that guarantee having some hot girls in picture at your parties/house/on your yacht, whatever. So
spending money on some crazy social media isn't stupid. BUT ONLY IF you have her add you while
you're at the point of meeting. You don't even have to show her, you can just say 'add me on Instagram'
and then she can check it out herself.
Having memberships or ways to get into private clubs or things of that nature can work, possibly, if the
girls know you only got in there because you were selected. Be super careful on if this actually works
out, because if you have to bring girls there on dates to make any difference, and girls haven't heard
about it, then it doesn't really matter at all.
Having a modeling company or something else where you are the one who selects if a girl gets
promoted and displayed in that kind of thing. (Fashion company too. Maybe even nightclub, though
this can be dangerous if you don't manage it personally well enough to keep it profitable or at least
break even). That's something you could probably throw money at that you might be able to tell girls
about as your job at the point of meeting, or show them your website or talk about some upcoming
event you have, or have them add you on Instagram and see photoshoots you were at...
A private jet falls into the same category as a yacht, except they're much easier and cheaper to rent.
Having a limo taking you from the club to the after party or to the strip club helps a little. She can snap
pictures in it, it feels cool, she can bring her friends, and it encourages them to take the next step. You
can take one to the strip club or to the after party. In Vegas it doesn't help that much because everyone
gets limos everywhere, and often the strip clubs just send them for free. But anywhere else saying
“We're going to the strip club, it's super nice – everyone after parties there. We have a limo outside
right now, you guys come” isn't awful. Same for the after party, and it makes the after party seem much
less janky. Just keep in mind if you take girls to strip clubs, they often get horny, party, make out with
you, and then people almost always stay WAY too long, the girls get tired, and then they call an uber
and go eat pizza and go to sleep – satisfied they socially competed hard tonight. So keep the strip club
to like 45 minutes or something – get her making out with you, then take them to after party or

Those are about the only things I can think of right now where using money will actually get you better
girls. THAT'S IT. No crazy shit you put in your house, unless you have house parties and put them on
Instagram or have your friends brag, will get you girls. Cars won't get you girls. Nothing you really do
individually with a girl will get you girls – I take badass trips with girls, but it doesn't compel girls
much except if they see me on trips with OTHER girls on my social media, but that doesn't help them
compete in the near term socially because they'd have to GO ON A TRIP with me to make it relevant
with me... Because that's too far out, it's not happening tomorrow generally. And it's not externally
verifiable that the guy she's with takes girls on badass trips, except by showing other girls your
Instagram, so it doesn't help that much. The fact that you travel might be interesting to her, but it
doesn't help her compete at all so it doesn't do much (plus a lot of people travel by scrapping together
money these days). Electronic gadgets, watches, expensive clothes (as opposed to attractive and cool
clothes), nothing that you HAVE is helping her compete at all and is externally verifiable or verifiable
on social media at all. She could take a picture with you rocking all that stuff and most other people
won't notice, and even if they do, there's no verifiable evidence that other girls wanted you and she
outcompeted them for you. Even having parties with exclusive people who are actually really cool and
successful doesn't help THAT much if no one knows who they are because it isn't EXTERNALLY
VERIFIABLE. When she tells that story or shows the pictures, unless people recognize them,
recognize their names, or recognize the companies they started, it doesn't help – only the other girls at
the party, the house and amazing pool and whatever will generally help. Quite simply, the above things
and perhaps things I left out that are very similar to them are the ONLY ways to spend money that will
help you get girls. Period. So save your money and target it ONLY at those things if you have money
and want to use it getting girls. That will prevent you from being another rich frustrated guy that still
doesn't get girls. Also be aware that you STILL NEED GAME even if you have these things, I've
watched HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of girls just walk to another table, or go talk to a young guy
in the exclusive scenario that was provided by the rich guy who doesn't have game, or all kinds of
things. Only fame can compensate for game, and as watching Pitbull wander around Surrender club in
Las Vegas alone and unable to even get a 7.5 showed me, without any game even fame fails you.
Also, for anyone that has a hangup about getting girls and money – like you can't get them because you
don't have money, or girls only get with guys with money or whatever – hopefully this will get your
head screwed on straight. You aren't watching girls get with guys for money, you're watching girls
SPEND TIME AROUND guys because those guys are providing them a chance to feel exclusive and
like they were chosen as more socially competitive than other girls, and because the things they're
doing are externally verifiable so they boost the girl's imagined 'brand.' Turning time spent around girls
into sex REQUIRES some level of game – less game the more time and the less competition there is in
those settings... But if you don't have at least a certain level of game, you'll at best just get friend zoned
or used for great Instagram profiles. So get over 'girls like money'. Girls like appearing to win the
social competition, which requires them to show off that they are doing things that they got selected to
do over other girls. Money can be used to create those opportunities, but money itself doesn't do
ANYTHING towards that end, and can be used for all kinds of stupid shit that has nothing to do with
creating that. Quite simply, as much as it is pretty annoying, the stuff you see in rap videos is pretty
much what works (minus cars and motorcycles because they're not relevant unless they're in your rap
video)- Yachts, mansion parties, tables at clubs, other girls, a cool crew around you. Being tall and
attractive is something she can show off to other girls and knows other girls want, so that does help –
but it's only one of many things that can.

Outside of these things, the next most powerful thing a girl can experience is sexual tension. In the
moment very high sexual tension can even override most desire to socially compete (don't expect it to
stop her from running off to see Ryan Gosling if he shows up, but it might distract her from yachts and
maybe even partying with the DJ depending who the DJ is). So if you DON'T have the above stuff or a
way to get it or a way to make friends with people who have it (that's the 'game' angle – game your way
into spending time with that stuff yourself AND being able to invite girls to go do it with your friend
that pays the bills), sexual tension and game are the next best thing. Social circle and warm
introductions, of course, makes game a lot easier, so that's like the middle ground – but that's not cold
approach based. If you don't have much money and you want to play big, go to places where guys have
these things and access to them, and make friends with them. Then get really good at game and talk to
the guys and make sure they're down to have you bringing groups of hot girls on their yacht or in their
helicopter or whatever, and then start doing that. Ideally bring a cool wing man, but ONLY if he can
play as a team, not be selfish, and DEFINITELY not piss off the guy paying the bills. Make sure the
guy paying the girls is at least spending time with girls, preferably help him actually hook up with
some of them. Help get him awesome pictures and build up his Instagram and show him how to use it
without seeming try-hard/showing off. Hype him up to girls. Then it's mutually beneficial. If you have
a lot of money and aren't good at game, find someone like me to help you target what you spend your
money on (which will save you TONS overall while getting many, many times more and better girls),
and get that guy to bring girls onto your yacht or in your helicopter or to parties or whatever. And have
him build you up to girls and so on. You can also pay promoters to bring girls they know to things,
though if these are their 'regular' girls, you'd need either regular exposure with those SAME girls
(which means they have to have fun with you), or pretty good game to get them – because the promoter
likely has them doing lots of stuff like that already.

By choosing to go after 'hot' girls, you're choosing to be involved in social competition. I wish with all
my heart that wasn't the case, that a romantic ideal existed... But that would only be possible if, say, we
genetically engineered ALL women to be hot. That isn't the case, so they're a limited resource and their
instincts dictate they socially compete and cause a competition for themselves. They all do it. You can
choose to date less attractive women and to be more relaxed, steer more clear of the social competition
and focus more on the other sides of life. That's totally cool. For many people it might be the right
choice. But if you choose to go after girls 8 and above, especially 8.5+, you're choosing to be wrapped
up in social competition. You chose it. So accept that.

Now, I'll give you one guess as to whether I like social competition. Whether I think it's positive for
people, for society. Whether I think it's a good use of time. Don't like it? Oh well. In our world there are
players and those who get walked over and ignored. The fact is, we can call ourselves human and act
high and mighty all we want, but we're still animals. You think it's a lot of fun to be with a hot girl?
That it feels great? That it's worth a lot of time and effort to do a lot of that? That's your instincts
competing to mate with good genes... It IS fun, it does help you in a lot of ways to learn it, it MIGHT
be worth it... But it's you acting like a competitive animal. Girls are doing the same thing socially
competing. I would say that their version of events is far more damaging and causes many, many more
problems than ours (having sex with hot girls isn't the worst thing in the world... Using people, being a
total raging flake, bouncing from one thing to the next with no morals or honor, constantly worrying
about image, pitting men against each other, forcing men to do ridiculous shit with their lives..). But
they're just animals competing. And it is what it is. It does you no good to judge or worry about things
you can't change. It never will. But you can have huge, huge amounts of peace if you walk around and
you see all the crazy stuff people do and just realize that they're animals following their competitive
instincts. That's it. It's not so sinister and awful, they don't know any better. We're smart enough to see
it, not get all bent out of shape about it, and then work with it and live a good life. That's all. It should
ultimately bring peace because you see it for what it is, rather than trying to imagine why 'humans'
would act this way. They're not strong enough to keep their 'human' side engaged. None of us are, full
time. Remember it's just the animal side of the people around you competing, and that will allow you to
not take life, yourself, and others seriously.

Pretty much all of the bad things in life happen through social competition and competition over
resources – but they happen when people don't realize that they're acting on their animal instincts to
compete, and they see it as reality, as serious, as everything they know. That leads to anger, bitterness,
hate, etc. By seeing it for what it is, you can have a perspective from outside – you can compete hard,
but not take it seriously. This way you don't have to take on anger, frustration, etc. It can be a hobby to
compete, a game, a sport – something you go hard at, but you don't take it seriously. You're not wound
up in it. It's not your whole reality.

Where do 9+ Girls Go through for their Dating?

This is all in the last sections, but I just want to make it clear. Girls that are 9+ basically do all their
dating through: Tables at nightclubs, parties/events with friends and friends of friends, their work
(whether coworkers at restaurants, clubs or bars, or work events in the fashion industry). There's some
amount of dating on Instagram. That's really about it.
The only reason I want to separate this out is you CAN cold approach pick up 9+ girls, but it's pretty
damn tough. They're so convinced of their own value and options – especially in a world where they
can use Instagram to date pro-athletes, they can regularly afterparty with famous Djs who were playing
at the club they were just at, they have over ten thousand followers on their social media inflating their
head, and these factors have made it so effectively EVERY 9+ girl in a major city can spend most of
her time on yachts, private jets, in Ibiza, on the world's best beaches, and burning small fortunes in
champagne at night. As a result, they are generally pretty damn dismissive to approaches that aren't in
one of the arenas I mentioned above, but if you catch the eye contact right, melt them with it, have all
the right non-verbals, don't lean in, don't act sold when they're acting unsure, tilt your head back and
away and evaluate her if that's how she's looking at you, don't project low value signs, etc... Really
capturing that initial moment properly, then you can get them into an interaction. And if you can then
toy with her emotions, ground it with some sexual tension, and expand that envelope... Well, it's
possible. In a club she's still quite likely to run back to her table.
Your best options in a club are generally table game, near the end of the night, or possibly in the taxi
line. I also think taking these girls away from guys as the guys are trying to figure out where to take
them at the end of the night could be highly effective – I just haven't experimented with it much. But
then you're cooler than the guy that paid all this money for the table and had her about to go
somewhere with him, plus they often hang around outside the club together. If they're acting like
they're working out where to go, then they often just met or maybe know each other socially, but it
could happen. Just as long as you're willing to get a bunch of “Fuck off, faggot” responses, which is
how a lot of bottle brats will react (to which you can go, 'Who, anger dude! We're all here to party. [to
the girl] He must really like you!!')- just be careful not to get decked and to leave if you sense he's
really pissed or if a bouncer nearby is watching (keep in mind that guy might sit around tipping the
bouncers a lot or he might know them from being a regular, so there's no such thing as 'fair' or 'what's
right'). I'm going to try to push myself to do this a lot more.
Outside of a club, day game can be good... But it's hard to street approach 9+ girls. I'd recommend you
do it if you see a girl you really like because you won't see her again. But it' better if she's pausing
somewhere for a minute. Coffee shops, the beach, some type of cafe, the gym, possibly the grocery
store, whatever. Maybe figure out what building a lot of them live in, then meet them in the building
gym. Or there's usually a fancier gym with unnecessary features like waterfalls that a lot of really cute
girls like.

There might be a slight loophole which is having socially competitive things to INVITE them to. For
instance, I was just talking to kathleena_rose (her Instagram) on the sidewalk in Miami with her friend
(I normally would never put identifying info, but I'll never see her again and I want you to get a clear
view of the concept). She was a dancer with Pitbull (the platinum artist) and some other stuff. She liked
me, but after five minutes or so they had to 'go to their party'. There's a shift point where you either
need to open up more void and let her fill in, or where she often draws you into filling in and then you
look try hard- I fucked that up a bit. I could've hit emotions a bit harder. But otherwise execution was
pretty damn solid. Regardless, she refused to add me on Instagram and told me to add her. And because
I didn't get any micro-commitments from her, do you think I'll ever see her again? Of course not. It's
effectively not even worth trying without having gotten commitments. But you might be able to invite
her and her friend to a social-competition friendly outing or event and they might come. Like to go on
your yacht with your friends, to take a helicopter tour or helicopter to the keys or something. Maybe a
cool party, charity event, etc. that can be verified from the outside as cool It should stay within a few
hours (inviting them on a trip is a bad idea). That gives them a reason and incentive to go, takes
pressure off, creates something that's 3rd party verifiable as 'worth' going to in their worldview (again, I
might not like the worldview but... whatever). This makes it more possible to street game a 9+ and get
something to happen. Generally day game works FAR better if you can get them to go on an instadate,
or at least get commitments from them, and usually 9+ girls are on the street at least thinking they're
going somewhere of some importance. So this opens that up. Having these sorts of activities to invite
girls to pretty much requires you to either create a social circle that has access to these things (get to
know people with yachts or helicopters or cool parties), or to work in an industry with these sorts of
events, or to have money for them. Generally it would be better to meet a girl on the street with two
guys and you both invite her, provided the other guy is also cool and good.

Your best spot to game girls like this without being at their tables, being in their social group, or
working with them, might be places like yoga or spin class. Those activities that support their social
competition. Then you're getting them where they're not running around quite so much.

If you really want to try to pick them up at night, you're probably going to have to accept approaching
fewer girls total but more high quality, and go to places with limited bottle service; lounges, exclusive
club where the whole thing acts as a table because it's hard to get into (I know these exist in LA, not
sure where else), pool parties, maybe certain bars have occasional 9+ girls (depends on the city). Off
nights can be better, because sometimes on off nights like Tuesday there aren't great clubs open so
really cute girls go out at places with fewer bottles and less competition, or on industry night spots.
Sometimes places they like to pre-party, or sushi spots where they go before the club – often in places
like New York and Vegas the promoters actually take them to comp'd sushi before the club. I guess a
slight loophole is that some clubs have tables that aren't very cut off and you can much more easily
game the girls at the tables... But increasingly most clubs are creating more significant separation to
create higher competition so girls want to be there, and to make guys pay more to be with the girls.
Certain college towns with really hot girls (like two or three in the country) have bar scenes with
limited bottle service and TONS of very cute girls. If you can get super super smooth at your game,
these could go very well for you, but in those scenes the true 9+ girls are often pretty sensitive to how
you open because there's not barrier to them.

I tried for many years to prove that it wasn't impossible to regularly cold approach pickup 9s. I
managed to prove that about 8.5s, but when it comes to 9s... Finding them where they're holding still
for a minute is so difficult outside of the main three areas I first mentioned that it's difficult to truly cold
approach them. Could I regularly pull them if I could regularly cold approach them? I don't see why
not. But any given night I often have to go home having not gotten one to talk to me for a full minute-
so that's not really even gaming. Perhaps if you merged them into groups more often or got bold and
just picked them up... But a lot of these girls are really identity sensitive, so you might get kicked out of
clubs as often as you succeeded when picking up girls like that. Anyway, the point is I tried pretty
much everything under the damn sun, and I came to a conclusion similar to RSD Luke. I disagree that
you can't cold approach pickup a 9, which he says, but getting her to stop and listen to you long is
tough. It happens in certain clubs in Vegas like early or late in the night, and through the pathways I
mentioned above. But it's uncommon enough that your chances to do it a lot in clubs are just quite
difficult without using table game. So I very reluctantly have to agree that you're much better off
tweaking the domain of your game to work with tables, social circles, working with them, or MAYBE
yoga/exclusive lounges if that's really what you want. Really fucking hurts to say that. But I can say
that I developed a game that works pretty regularly with them whenever they DO stop for a second to
let you get going. If you go out every night of the week somewhere like Vegas, and execute the game in
here extremely well, you actually can probably get a 9 a month in the busy months (June – August).
Not so much in the slow months. I've heard stories of Lovesystem's teacher Labby reaching into tables
and very confidently/dominantly getting girls to come out with him and pulling three 9s in a week. But
he's tall and somewhat handsome, so I'm not sure if a normal guy could mimic his level of presence or
not... Generally better to game into the table, though always better to open then not even try. So there's
your rundown. If you don't tweak the domain of your game, maybe you can get one 9+ a month in busy
months in the best cities and going out almost every night. Otherwise change where you're gaming.

Keep in mind that these girls in a city like Miami see EVERYTHING (yachts, trips, celebrities, the best
tables, drugs...), except it's EXTREMELY rare for them to meet guys that they just REALLY REALLY
REALLY want to have sex with. If you get enough time with them and you can build insane sexual
tension, which can be difficult because it takes time, getting through their identity blockages and
resistance to loosening up and spending time with any one person, and their identity protection
concerning who sees them doing what... But if you can do that, you're giving them the one thing they
just about never get. So it's the ultimate leveler of the playing field, it's just hard to access if someone
loves to just run away.

Is this frustrating? I guess so, sure. But it's also just how the world works. Adapt or die. You're way
luckier than me – I spent my entire twenties not knowing this info. I thought one day my game would
be good enough and I'd just get these girls. No one really described their dynamics and psychology to
me until RSD Luke did a lot of it after I was no longer in my twenties. I could've structured my life
differently or something... But I didn't get that opportunity. So if you're frustrated, fine. But don't be
frustrated for long because there is zero reason to worry about that which you can't change. At least you
have the knowledge and the understanding and you can DO something about it and properly structure
your life.

The biggest thing is to realize that if you want to regularly date 8.5+ girls, you're going to need serious
dedication and effort to your game. If you want to regularly date/pull 9+ girls, you're going to have to
sacrifice in a significant way: Either changing your job (bartender, fashion or music industries,
promoter in small towns or 'host' in Vegas), or spending lots of money (tables, yachts, parties, a cool
'crew'), or hosting events like modeling events like model volleyball or the like (which is money and a
large undertaking), or your lifestyle by way of engineering a social circle and events and making sure
that you're hanging out with people that hang out with hot girls at their tables, on their yachts, at their
parties, etc. I think this is SO critical to realize, because I tried to disprove this for years and years and
years, and I really can't. If you REALLY go all out on executing the information here, you should be
able to cold approach pull enough 9+ girls that if you make a good impression you could generally be
dating a 9+ girl at most times. But even if you go out every day, I'd be shocked if you pulled more than
12-15 in a year, even if your execution was legendary. And that's investing in both going out every day,
AND going all out training and building excellent execution of this material. Otherwise, you should
decide to live happily with 8s and 8.5s (I love 8.5s, personally), or make one of the above three
sacrifices. I really, really want people to know this and make these decisions properly. All of this was
given to me very vaguely and disguised in all kinds of ambiguity, because everyone else discussing
these topics is trying to sell their game expertise. I want you to straight up know the level of
commitments and actions it takes you to get certain things, because for most guys regularly dating 9+
girls isn't possible within their level of what they're going for, and because 8 and 8.5s are so awesome
anyway, they should be able to say “Hell no man, I'm not taking those actions. I'm good with where I'm
at.” For those who definitely want a certain level of success, they should start out knowing exactly
what it takes so they can get straight to it and not spin their wheels or begin with incorrect expectations.
It might seem simple, but this is likely as important for your life as all the game knowledge.

I sincerely, sincerely hope someone picks up from here and improves cold approach even more so that
a 9 a week would be possible... But I'd say 10-15 a year is the max, and those are numbers for someone
who is really legend at their game execution and at the situations they're willing to dive into.
Where might cold approach be pushed forward to get more 9s? Of course table game, which I have
been doing some of and can certainly work. Other than that, here are some possible ideas. Keep in
mind these are untested, but they might give you places to start testing if you really want. Like I
mentioned, possibly taking more girls from guys near the end of the night. Maybe using more
dominance, like opening, getting them just a little broken open, then going “Come, come” and using
excellent leadership and fully pulling their hand (starting with eye contact per Tyler D's advise) and
leading them to another spot. Just getting a girl to do that alone buys some slight time. Effectively
rather than opening and transitioning, you're opening and leading before you really transition. You're
also doing it mysteriously like you're taking her to your table, which makes her more likely to comply,
but then you take her wherever and start gaming instead. Possibly using more group merging. Maybe
talking more to the 'influencer' in her group, like the guy the girls are with, and getting in good with
them THEN talking to the girl you're interested in. Maybe getting better at Julien-esque game up front,
creating better jaw-drop reactions and then hitting with your sexual tension (basically executing this
very system better, doing the Julien part closer to how well Julien does it than how well I've managed
to learn it so far). Outside of possibly doing Julien game as well as Julien, then flipping to doing sexual
tension as well as I do, I haven't really seen a way that increasing your emotional impact more can get
you more than around one 9+ a month. I think it's more of a structural and buying time problem. The
emotional game here is DEFINITELY good enough to get a 9+ girl that talks to you for at least 3 or 4
minutes and that you prevent from running off to a table without you. I set out to create game that
could regularly get any girls, up to and including 9+ girls. I did that, if you have a few minutes to
interact with them. I figured out how to regularly open and transition them and get a couple minutes...
But all that requires that they're standing in an area you can get to. So the last problem of straight cold
approach is how can you get time with a girl that's dead set on getting back to her table? Or can you?
I've never seen a solution, or maybe one that is a gimmick I don't want to mention here because it can't
be used widely. Either there isn't a solution and you need to go with one of the three sacrifices I
mentioned above to change the basic situation and be where those girls ARE standing around. Or
someone needs to develop a solution. Maybe it's possible, maybe it isn't. The above are a few ideas that
strike me. Keep in mind that you shouldn't RELY on any experimenting with any of these things or
other ways to get the girls to stop and spend some time if your goal is 9+ girls, because these ideas are
totally untested, might not work, AND require you to get excellent execution and THEN add to the
system here on top of it. So it's a possibility, but it's really extreme and like 5-7 years out for most
anyone reading this book. Big gamble as opposed to the pathways described above.

'Squad Game'

I hate the term 'squad', but that's what girls call their group these days. Whatever. At first it was kind of
cool until more than one person you knew said it more than once a year... Then it was retarded.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, one guy can really be no more than an 8 out of 10 by himself to a girl.
An 8 can get a 10 if his game is sick (or vice versa if her game is sick). But a ten's never going to stare
at an 8 going 'DAMN!!!'. So even if you're the best looking model on earth, 6'4”, exactly her type- if
you're by yourself and she's never heard of you (ie, no preselection via fame), then you can't be more
than an 8 to her. She might go “That guy's hot!” but that only gets you an 8 even in that scenario.
Because girls like GROUPS. Mini-tribes. Frat boys get this, game guys don't.

In my whole game career, closing in on 10 years now, I've NEVER had two wings at the same time that
were BOTH good AND capable of acting like a team. I once had four pretty decent wings in Austin,
TX and we would throw events together. Still, in a club no more than one of them at a time could not
be selfish and work as a team with me. Think about that- 10 years, probably at least 25 wings and at
times 4 of them knew what was up. Even on Rockstar there were as many of 30 of us in a club that all
were pretty decent, though at that time I wanted to work on my own game so I actually was the one not
playing as a teammate sometimes. But that whole time, I never ONCE had two wings at the same time
that were both good and could put their selfish interest aside long enough to act as a team and succeed
MORE than they could by themselves... I've had it a couple nights ever where we had a strange group
of friends around. Or I've forced it where one guy wasn't playing ball really or one guy kinda wasn't
that great.

But here's what you do, if you CAN get three or four guys together that are all at least solid
intermediates and who can understand that they'll get more and hotter girls if they play as a team.

A) Dress in a theme. So you look like you're together. As we discussed, guys don't see a reason for
this... Girls LOVE it. They get excited on sight of three plus guys that seem cool that are dressed as a
unit. Why? Because to them guys that are nines and tens are guys that are in a cool group/tribe.
Basically frat boys, whether in or out of college. Make the theme OBVIOUS and STANDOUT. Ideally
you basically all wear the same thing. If you're in a high end club, it might be strange colored blazers
and all the same pants (purple, silver, red, white, whatever). In another environment, sky's the limit.
Trust me, I've watched plenty of other guys do this, I've done it a couple times, AND I've seen a bunch
of dudes I know in college (including the guys who founded one of the world's fastest growing clothing
companies) work this like you wouldn't believe.

B) Pick a 'hub' spot, and EVERYONE'S first goal is to LEAD THE GIRLS THEY MEET TO THE
HUB. So within 2 minutes or so, even if you're talking to five girls, you can probably say “Hey, come
over here and meet my friends.” Then you lead them like we learned before to the hub spot. Any of
your wings who are interested in the girls they brought to the hub should just HANG OUT THERE.
The hub can also be a TABLE, which is how you'll use a table if you get one (trust me, use a table like
this and try NOT to succeed. Seriously). But the hub can just be a point in the club/bar. Doesn't matter.

Now, when you get there with the girls, introduce them to your wings (wings, that means look up from
the girl you're talking to for five seconds and be SOCIAL. Again, if you're SELFISH and can't think
like a team for five seconds, the best you can be to a girl is an 8. Do this and three 8's make a ten to a
girl). As well as introducing them to your wings, ALSO make them meet the girls your wings have
there. Make SURE this happens. This is for TWO reasons. First, if you don't, you have three different
groups. You and your girls, and them and their girls. (Or four or five if you somehow get more guys in
on this). This means you have close to no extra power or attraction than you had before, and one of
your three groups of separate girls is likely to leave eventually (you're slightly better because you have
friends that girls also like... But it's hardly any different). Additionally, girls are competitive and they
won't WANT to meet each other. They will all just stand there. Which is where most guys that have
tried this once and given up on it fail – they introduce the girls to their wings and then stand there and it
doesn't work well and so they never do it again. That's wrong. The girls don't WANT to meet each
other. But you tell your wing the names of your girls, then he takes your girls and introduces them to
HIS girls. And he's kind of alpha/leading/commanding about it. You MAKE it happen. Or if he flakes
you on it, you say “And these are our other new friends. [to your wing's girls] This is Sarah, this is
Ashley...” Now once you've introduced them, girls are not only competitive but they also feel the need
to follow social rules. So they'll start chatting. In other words, forcing the introduction basically flips
the whole thing on its head. From them sitting there wanting to get away from each other because they
don't like other girls (especially other attractive ones), to them sitting their chatting because they now
'have' to because they were introduced. But girls being girls, often they'll start hitting it off. This leads
to the SECOND reason you MUST make them meet each other. Now they're OCCUPYING
THEMSELVES FOR YOU and they're merging into a GIANT group. If each of the three of you
averages bringing in 2.5 girls, you have about a 10 or 11 person group that you could've started in ten
minutes in a club/bar. And your ratio is 2.5 to 1. AND you chose the girls for attractiveness from the
whole bar/club, so they're unusually good looking for the environment. So you've created a mini-super
tribe. You're like a roving fraternity party. Other girls see you at the hub of this and wonder who you
are. But better, the girls are keeping each other around FOR you, taking care of obstacles. But even
BETTER, you can talk to your girls, then some of you're wings girls (try not to go after his favorite
target, or again you're being selfish and not a team), and some of your OTHER wing's girls. Just a big
mishmash, NOW THAT THEY 'know' each other. And it's not weird for you. But what THIS creates is
the girls will start to COMPETE over the three of you. You have a 2.5 to one ratio. So there aren't
enough of you to go around. But you're three cool guys that can assemble this out of nowhere, AND
you're dressed in a theme. You're the shit. There's ZERO other guys doing this in whatever club or bar
you're in (maybe if you're in a Vegas mega club there's ONE other table doing this, zero guys out of
tables). So you're the shit now. And the girls will start competing over you. When they do, that
ARTIFICIALLY drives up your value. It's as though your favorite car in the world was rare, but no one
else on earth wanted it. You'd pay like $5k for it if it was from, say, the 60s. But then if someone else
turns up and wants to buy it out of nowhere... well it's the car you want. So you'll pay like $7500 so you
get it instead of him. Then he offers $10k. Maybe you wind up paying as much as $15,000 to beat one
other guy. If three others turn up, you might pay like $45k to get it instead of them. After all, it's your
FAVORITE car, it's rare, it's 'vintage'. But with zero competition $5k would've been fair. With four
people trying to swoop you, it could be $45k OR MORE. That's what's happening. Little you all by
yourself with perfect game, perfect fashion, even perfect looks and height was AT BEST an 8. Now
with this artificial competition you could become a 9.5 to these girls because your group is so dope and
unique and desirable in the venue, and just cuz they don't want these other bitches to have you! Fucking
crazy, right!?

NOW, if you see any cute girls walking by the edge of your hub, you can high five them or fist bump
them casually and say 'meet my friends.' Then you can introduce her. You can make up jokes like Julien
and the RSD guys do, like 'This is my girlfriend, she's pregnant. She's also my sister.' Or whatever you
so choose. Just do it SMOOTHLY. You don't want to be seen trying hard and getting rejected when you
already have a hub. You could easily assemble like 15 girls. Just beware that if you ignore your favorite
girl and her friends too long, they might get discouraged or bored or wander off. Also, if you have a big
group established, no more than one guy should wander off at a time. Let's say you started the hub with
a bunch of 7.5s and you're not that into them. Well, if two guys peace out to try to meet hotter girls and
bring them back, ONE GUY can't entertain 8-10 girls and they'll leave. All that work on the hub and
this great social situation is ruined. So if there aren't enough hot girls in the hub, TWO OF YOU MUST
SUCK IT THE FUCK UP and keep entertaining the hub. It's like you're surviving in the wilderness and
you spent a lot of effort making a fire. You can't just wander away and let it die now. Two of you must
MAINTAIN it. The other guy can game more and quickly bring back hotter girls to the hub. Eventually
you ALL must TRUST that there will be at LEAST two hot girls in the hub, hopefully more. That
means at LEAST two out of three of you are almost certainly going home with a hot girl THAT
NIGHT. In other words, you could have like a 66% pull rate on hot girls. Try doing that by yourself!!!
What that means is that 1/3 of the time, you must sacrifice your own night to help maintain the hub.
JUST FUCKING DO IT! If you say “I'm not getting laid tonight with a girl I like out of this” and you
wander off, you ruin the hub. And then all of you drop to like a 13% chance or whatever of getting a
hot girl tonight. You drop your chances by FIVE TIMES by not being able to give a night to the group
to be a team player!!! Guess what!? The group should NOTICE that you didn't get a hot girl tonight, so
you're DEFINITELY up tomorrow night. You'll get somewhere between twice and five times as many
hot girls this way, by OCCASIONALLY taking one for the team. They just have to remember to take
one for you. That simple. If one guy's a dick, kick him out of the hub. But remember, it's fucking hard
to get a new guy that's both not selfish AND good enough. Hopefully you can put social pressure on
guys and educate them about how being NOT SELFISH actually DRAMATICALLY escalates their
success rate. This is where you need to be frat boys, not pickup guys.

If you're solo, the nearest analog is Julien's monkey bar game. You basically don't exit one interaction
until you open a new one. So you're always opening one from inside another. I haven't yet tried this, but
he swears by it and his game is possibly the best there is... So it's not smart to disbelieve. Nonetheless,
this isn't nearly as powerful as having at least three guys dressed in theme creating a hub.
By the way, if you hit spring break somewhere like Panama City, it's ALL about squad game the whole
time. The best squads are what girls are looking for on spring break, NOT the best guys.

If you're intermediates, this is the BEST and FASTEST way you could POSSIBLY start getting
advanced results. If you can pull together three or four intermediates who are willing to CREATE A
PACT that they will work together, that if at least ONE guy is going to get laid by a hottie, they'll
support him knowing it's their TURN the next night. This might be particularly hard for the best guy in
the group, but part of the pact is that whoever sacrificed last gets the intentional help of the group next
time. Including you might even GIVE him a girl YOU opened because he helped you last night or two
nights ago. AND everyone has to create a pact that they'll wear coordinated things, preferably that
stand out. Even if it's RSD Jeffy style mustaches, or crazy hats or tight pants (check out Hey Heys!). If
you can get three or four guys who are all at least solid intermediates to make this pact and stick to it,
in a week or so when you guys work out the kinks, you should be getting results that are like a full
notch ABOVE your current game. FURTHERMORE, you'll be in interactions most of the night now, so
you'll actually get more room to practice your individual game (apart from opening), and that will
largely help you move along faster. The one thing to be careful of, is try not to kiss more than two girls
in the hub, UNLESS you get them to kiss each other first (which is something the RSD guys are pretty
good at, watch their videos).
Literally ALL you have to do is avoid thinking “But I could go get laid by myself tonight!” That's it.
Because you're thinking “But these two guys will owe me all night help TOMORROW night.” You
might even declare a person at the start of the first night, like person A is the guy we get the hottest girl
for tonight, unless she really likes B or C more and it ain't happening. Then if the other two get girls,
great, but if not – it's all about A tonight. Then whoever DOES succeed that night is DEFINITELY off
the next night, and one of the others is the focus. Many nights you'll probably go three for three, but at
least that way everyone knows what's up at the beginning of the night. Side note: Guys that drink much
won't be good teammates, don't involve them. You'll just get mad at them when they're drunk and not
helping, so just save yourself from getting mad at them and leave them out – that way you'll keep them
as a friend. Same with anyone who is CLEARLY too selfish or pretty hesitant about it in the first place.
Like if one guy is like “Maaaybe I'll try it just this once” then he probably isn't going to be a good

Girl 'Stealing'

If you live in a place that's not ALL tourists (basically anywhere but Vegas), and you see a guy with one
or especially two or more really hot girls that you suspect is a local – they're at a dive bar on Sunday or
dressed like locals or whatever – go up and make friends with the GUY. Or one of the guys in the
group. Old school style. Compliment something that's not gay or whatever. You can figure it out. Then
talk to him and use RSD Ozzie's concept of mirroring and have a big smile like it's awesome even if he
doesn't like you, you can be like “I love this fucking guy” and slap his shoulder and whatever. But you
actually want the dude to like you. A lot of times the girls will get curious and come join in, and if they
don't appear to be dating him you can just pick them up (try to stay cool with the dude unless they act
like they don't give a shit about him or just met him).

But the reason I'm writing this here is if they ARE dating him, or you don't feel you can pick them up
right now, just have social circle events going on with your coolest friends (I say friends because your
wings may or may not be cool enough to hang out like normal people). And just invite the dude. Watch
the Social Circle bonus video in RSD Max's The Natural and follow the tips and try to throw a cool ass
event. Hopefully the guy shows with the girls, or maybe he just shows up himself. Try to invite a few
dudes that you see with hot girls. If they have a good time, hopefully they'll come back the next time
with the hot girls. Maybe the girls will bring their friends, etc. Try to pretty much have every dude that
knows hot girls in the city coming and bringing hot girls. Then the tables are flipped – when you met
their group, you were some twerp in their group. But at your event, now you're the host, and the girls
will almost certainly want to meet you. Especially if they see other hot girls they don't know talking to
you. If any of them are single, you should be able to get them sooner or later. If not, if they break up
with their boyfriends you're now a guy that's in the loop, instead of the cold approach guy that never is.
Just be aware, like in Max's video, if someone becomes important to your social circle, that girl or that
guy's close girls might have to be off limits. You just trust that they'll bring in other girls.

This is your best way to start building up a social circle in a new city that will have hot girls in it,
possibly really hot girls, from scratch. While also maintaining the ability to cold approach some of
them the old school way – by talking to the dudes first. And if you don't want to put in all the effort to
become really epic at game but you're a really good intermediate, this can be a way for you to punch
way above your weight and date really hot girls. At the same time, it's different from getting into a
certain social circle where you're kind of stuck with the girls in THAT circle – you're building a social
platform where you can keep lots of hot girls rolling through just like through cold approach (if you get
good at some form of this). This also means all those hot girls that you see that clearly did NOT just
meet the guys their with are no longer totally off limits for you.
(Hopefully this concept doesn't spread too far, or we'll have all kinds of dudes wondering why
everyone wants them to come to random events when they go anywhere with girls... haaaa)

How Do You Know this System is Fairly Complete?

One of the things I'm most proud of about this book is that it has fit together almost every major piece
of advice and theory I've ever heard from all the different teachers. It factors in why Mystery liked
indirect game with indirect openers (it took pressure off the girl and prevented her from making
decisions early, both of which provoke caution and prevent her from letting go, and which can result in
nos. Though we realize you can just move past a no now, and that you're better off). It factors in what
David DeAngelo liked about cocky-funny (we established the benefits of being cocky, we know that
humor helps people let go, and the general fact that cocky funny statements/jokes clearly aren't true
becomes a letting go factor – as any pointless emotional statement does). It factors in the mystery
created by Mystery's game and by the game of Style (mystery draws people in, creates engagement and
chasing, and gets them to forget other worries they might have). It factors in the routines-focus that
Mystery and Style had (no one is clever enough to come up with all of this great stuff), but also the
anti-routines focus of many newer teachers (by focusing on a skeleton structure where many things can
be filled in more naturally within certain classes). It factors in the self amusement, letting go, and
presence advocated by RSD teachers and especially Tyler D (letting go and being self-amusing
promote the girls from letting go, and prevent you from telegraphing control, caution, and image
factors that lock the girl up). But it recognizes there is a much stronger emotion, sexual tension, and
ultimately it figures out how the two can coexist (letting go factors are NOT tied only to humor, as
shown by Kirill and his dildos and champagne pouring. You can create letting go without being goofy
and while creating certain emotions). It factors in the body language and coolness of naturals. It
discusses the fashion, tonality and coolness described by RSD Madison, and the tonality talked about
by Jordan Belfort. It brings in the sales concept and structure pioneered by Jordan Belfort after
assimilating decades of sales experiences and dozens and dozens of top sales books. It uses some of the
framing of Mystery, Style and newer teachers like RSD Todd, while combining it with knowledge from
books like Presuasion from mainstream literature and pop-psychology. It takes into account the best
features from Hollywood sex symbols, like cocky-ease, and from the best Hollywood characters, like
the sexuality and sexual tension of Stacee Jaxx (and Joseph Dieguez) and the cockiness of Tom Cruise's
character in Top Gun. It pulls in the drama and provocative nature that hits so well with Julien. And the
acting, nonverbal creation of emotion used by Julien and by Stacee Jaxx. It pulls in the pulling focus
professed by Joseph Dieguez, Julien, and RSD Madison, and the leadership styles and mindsets of RSD
Tyler. It brings in the alpha, dominant characteristics of some of the best naturals, and even the energy
handling and dominance-submission interplays taught by Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer. Further, it
encompasses the investment game of Mr. M and Adam Lyons, now professed by RSD Luke. It also
incorporates the concepts behind the question-breaking rapport-investment cycle taught by RSD Luke.
The system melds the empathy and sensitivity to the human experience brought by RSD Max and Tyler
D. It has the attraction-by-physicality of Venture. We brought in the optimization of looks favored by
Joseph Dieguez, naturals, RSD Madison, promoters and more. We even talked about how to use social
circle and a group of guys like frat boys and naturals. Or how to use money and fame like the guys you
see winning in clubs and in Hollywood. How do I know this is a pretty complete theory? How do you
know that? Because almost every good piece of advice I've ever heard is somehow deciphered into its
important parts, tested, abstracted to its essence, and built into what we've created here. Then it's all
been simplified as much as possible. And on top of all that, it has all been crossed sports psychology
and sports training to create a highly trainable, highly executable high performance area. Finally, inner
game and evaluation of yourself has been incorporated to help move yourself out of the way and stop
your sabotage, while making you happier.

Many, many, many thanks to all the aforementioned people for working with me directly when they
did, or putting out the products they did that allowed me to get here. And the other unnamed teachers I
had as well, plus all my wingmen.

I don't know if that's what I set out to create or not. But, DAMN!!! That's pretty fucking cool that this is
where it ended up. I don't like putting a lot of effort into something without going all the way and
making something that's truly revolutionary – but I don't really think I could've ever expected to get
this far. And we haven't even gone into the section on long term relationships, health, and making

Though I will say that if you asked me at 21 if I had game knowledge and a game system this
comprehensive what the results would be like, I think I would've said Megan Fox would be sucking my
dick while Alessandra Ambrosia game me a head massage and Cate Upton sat in the corner crying
because she was the ugly one. Hahaha

Going With Versus Going Against

Starting around fifteen years ago I started to find the value in statements like Bruce Lee's “Flow Like
Wataa” in various areas of life. I took it as instructions for certain things in martial arts and sports, and
also an overall strategic view of life – don't hold on to anything too tight, be prepared to let go and flow
with the opportunities as they present themselves to move forward.

A little while later I found more and more how this applied to sport, and found that it was a sort of
underpinning to all athletics. I started to call it 'athletic ease' in my own mind, a state of looseness and
greater awareness to the small feelings, where you controlled your actions as much by rhythm as by
exerting individual control movements. I started to see this as an underlying key to success in anything
sports related. (By the way, game later taught me that another big factor is eliminating as many
variables and unnecessary movements as possible, among other things. The cross revelations you get
over the years... And the major stages of 'epiphany' you can go through in things. Often too late if you
aren't pushing to find them.)

Much later than I'd like, I found that this also applied to game. Then I found more and more how it
applied to game. In fact, I'd say that I'm still in a state of not fully embracing this ENOUGH in game
and that my game my hit another level still when I learn to use this concept even MORE thoroughly,
and probably more on the tactics level in game. As well as learning to use more 'Kirill factors' in game.

But very recently I realized that this small statement was something else entirely. It wasn't just
instructions for a specific style of martial arts, nor just a strategic philosophy for life that belongs on a
poster. It didn't just underlie all of athletics, nor did it just extend to a state of smoothness in social
interactions. One day a light switch that was dim for thirty one years came bursting on in my mind...
This was, in fact, a way to handle absolutely EVERY SINGLE THING that we do. It was a CHOICE to
make every time anything doesn't just lay down for us the exact way we had hoped. It literally was
instructions for how to handle hundreds or thousands of daily events...

It was an entirely different loop you can enter in life. As mind blowing as realizing that 'you' are not
your brain, that being present and aware can change life dramatically, that giving energy is a state of
being that enhances every social interaction you have, that your experience of life is about the energy
you give to the people you directly interact with daily, or that changing your default question can
switch to pulling out the best side of your personality at all times in a heartbeat... It's an every-moment-
of-every-day changing concept.
You see, Bruce Lee didn't bother expounding upon it when he was talking to broader media. Maybe he
did in other things he wrote and did if I had bothered to take the time to go through what he put out
more carefully. But what he was really saying is that moment-by-moment every single day in life, there
are things that we can either go AGAINST, or we can go WITH. It's a choice. A constant choice. It's a
loop that spins over and over and over again in our brains and in our lives. Which side you tend
towards changes everything about your actions, how pleasant or negative you are to be around, how
much energy you expend, what your experience is with life, etc.

Think of your drive home from work. You can't find your keys for a minute. Then you get cut off
coming out of the parking lot. Then a couple more times on the drive, and a cop is tight on you. Then
you stop at the store and get a crappy parking spot. Then you can't find three things you're trying to buy
basically forever, wandering around the aisles like an idiot. Then your credit card won't come out of
your wallet. Then you're running out of gas and have to stop at the gas station. You can't seem to get
your keys to open the door while carrying all the stuff you bought. And then when you finally get home
and think you can relax and a few things will go your way... Your computer is acting up and you have
to restart it. After all that you go to the bar to hang out with your friends and that one guy you don't
really like is kind of being a dick again.

See, when most people hear Bruce Lee say 'Flow like wataa' they either see a martial arts guy dropping
some cool sounding, obscure martial arts knowledge. Some eastern wax-on, wax-off Karate Kid stuff.
Or they hear a motivational poster. 'Cool thought bro, we should flow like water on the waves of life...
That needs to hang over my bed.'
But really Bruce Lee was saying those things. But more importantly he was saying that when you
encounter every single one of those very common life occurrences – all of which could happen in
fifteen minutes pr twenty minutes except the last one – you have a choice. Go WITH it, or go

What he didn't say is that EVERY time you go against something in your day, in your life, it drains
your energy. Every time you choose to go against instead of go with, you're exhausting yourself. You're
picking mini-fights. It wears you down and makes life seem like a rough shit show.

You know those guys that are super charismatic and always seem to just coast through everything and
make everything funny? They're just choosing to go with and take things a step farther.
It's identical to the age-old pickup advice for if you're getting AMOG'd (a dude's trying to tool you, for
the young kids that don't know what that means). Whatever shit he throws at you, you just go with it
and take it a step farther and then it becomes yours and he loses any power. Like if he asks if you made
your shirt out of your grandmother's drapes, you go 'Hell yeah! That bitch can't even sleep any more,
there's light coming in at like 4AM... But I look good now so who cares.'
This advice should never have stopped there. Guys like RSD Julien take it further in game. Really it
should be taken to everything in life. You should only go against things when there's no other creative
way to handle it, like you're moral values tell you which way to handle something quite clearly, or your
life goals require you to fight for something. But even in those cases if you zoom into individual
actions, you can probably go with and take things over and make them yours the vast majority of the
time. Redirecting little things until you get the big thing, rather than ever directly fighting against

In some ways this is a major part of being 'smooth' socially. Someone who never goes against. Though
someone who is charismatic is someone who always creates their certain brand of energy... Which for a
moment might seem contradictory – how do you always create one particular brand of energy when
everyone around you is always throwing out 7,000 different other types? Well, you go with whatever
comes in, then take it a step farther; Except you take it a step farther in the direction YOU want, your
brand. Then you're just always REDIRECTING everything.

The one time you want to go against is when you're intentionally doing it, and enjoying it, in order to
create emotion while you're gaming. It's a sort of Julien game tactic to counter the girl, often on useless
stuff, like “My gym is better than yours” if she says she goes to the gym (Julien actually said that in an
infield). But then you're doing it with a tonality showing that you enjoy it, and it's at least questionable
that you might be joking.

In my case it applies to any time I have to be around my father. He's basically just horrible, I don't
know what else to say. On a level that will never change that's beyond what I seem to hear in most
other people's shitty fathers. It's just constant negativity and trying to bring everyone else down by any
means possible. It's literally his little game he sits around playing constantly. For my entire lifetime it
has been completely draining to be around him. And I recently realized that's because even when I don't
say a word in response to whatever he says or does, that inside my own head I'm always going against
it. Just fighting fighting fighting fighting. He'll just talk for hours with poison at my mother and me
when I'm around, trying to bring us down, even though no one has responded to him or acknowledged
a thing he's said in three hours. This has gone on for decades. He might not get a response for a month
on end. I haven't said a word to him in nearly ten years, so it's ten years that he hasn't really gotten a
response – though sometimes I'll leave the room which I guess is enough. Any other human would give
up after five or ten minutes. Any other animal in fact. Yet he just keeps spewing poison, I suppose
figuring that even in silence it's actually landing. Took me until just a short time ago (partially because
I just never go home largely for this reason) to realize that it WAS actually landing. Inside I was quietly
countering all this bullshit, often even subconsciously. That's why being in his presence is just beyond
exhausting in very, very short periods of time. The key all along was to figure out how to still not
respond at all, but also to internally just take whatever he was putting out there and try to take it a step
further but in a direction that was emotionally provocative in an enjoyable way. It's almost impossible
when he's laying it down in that poisonous, villainous, flat tone of pure negative energy – but that's just
another barrier to getting good at it. If you can do it with the shit he's laying down and how constantly
he does it... you could do it with anything.
Now I'm sure out of everyone who ever reads this book at most one of you will have ever encountered
a human being on his level. But I'd also bet almost all of you have to be around someone kind of like a
mini-me version of that pretty frequently. That's why I went into the point. It applies there too. It
applies in gaming. It applies when your car has issues. It applies absolutely everywhere. It's a total
shift. Just stop going against things. Period. Only if there absolutely positively isn't another way – and
even then, there probably was but you just weren't creative enough in that moment on that topic to
come up with it.

Not only does this allow you to be smooth. And to be hyper-opportunistic in a way that gives you an
advantage over almost every single human being you'll ever encounter. But it ALSO is CONSTANTLY
training your creativity to reframe things, and it's constantly training your game muscles as well. It's a
bit like being able to turn anything into sexual innuendo (I'd sure like to turn writing this book into
some sexual innuendo... Rarrr). The skill of being able to steal and repurpose absolutely anything to
your own desired energy and outcomes, even if it's just quietly inside your own head, is one of the most
critical core skills of game.
Most importantly, it means living forever more on a completely different internal energy. You can
totally shift your experience of life. If you change your default question to “what's emotionally
provocative here?” And stop going against anything and start going with it, then taking it one step
further but in your own direction and making it yours, and finally start sharing all of that energy with
the people in your direct proximity whether it's your family or the cashier, you've just radically altered
your entire experience of life. Your energy state has utterly changed. Really you've just brought out
your best side, your best mood, a lot more often. So it might not feel totally alien. You just suddenly
won't have those shitty sides of yourself or those exhausted, pained moods very often any more. In
some ways the hardest thing is to let go of the addiction to those moods and to feeling like a victim. It's
easy just to turn off the skillset so you can feel shitty for a bit, because that's an addiction in and of

These are truly the totally life changing tweaks you can make that can really change everything for you.
They're also probably the points in this book that people are most likely to ignore. Either seeming
irrelevant to getting girls, too far out there, flying over your head, or just seeming like something you
don't need. But this is about feeling great all the time, and also about using most of every single day as
an opportunity to practice the crucial skills for game (finding what's emotionally provocative, bringing
up the energy of those around you, and going with things and then taking them over and making them
yours). This constant practicing not only dramatically changes your experience throughout life and will
change how you feel more than getting any girl will, but it also is really the only way to practice certain
things hard enough and make them automatic enough to get 'ninja level' game skills. Even if you're
going out every night and practicing things the right way, if the rest of the day before that you're
undoing that practice by having habits that counter what you should do in game, you're never really
going to go full ninja. Trust me, I've done this for years.

What Should You Start With?

You should do a MINIMUM of 6 months full time gaming, every day or 6 days a week, in Vegas. If
you can only manage 6 months, you should do it twice. If you can only do 3 months, you should do it
three times. You could do one stretch of 9 or 10 months like I finished on... But I think it's wise to have
some time to think and adjust in between, then come back wiser for another round.
One thing I should point out is that when you're gaming full time AND studying out of field like you
should, it starts to make game feel like WORK. You have to do two things: Keep finding the enjoyment
and excitement about going in and gaming; and accept that when your execution of all the things
becomes more and more automatic, you can some nights relax a little more, prepare a little less, and
just get excited to go out and game and enjoy it. But you FIRST have to go through a period where
perhaps often it feels like work in order to get yourself trained to automatically execute enough. Just
realize that there's a point and you're getting there.

For those of you who still don't think it should 'be that complicated' or that you should have to train
hard or put in much effort to get high level results... I was just at the post office. And as I'm standing in
line, I'm watching the employees (almost always middle aged women). They're sitting there filling
forms, punching things into a computer, saying very little to clients, then placing envelopes and
packages and running the payment and repeating. They're just acting as robots, all day, every day.
Mindless, soul sucking, boring. Then I realized that IS life for them. They have to do that daily. So I
wondered how they got there... How do you wind up doing that? Clearly no college education, maybe a
high school education with a poor transcript and poor test scores. But there are other jobs you don't
need any of that for that pay a lot – electrician, mechanic, salesman... How did they wind up doing this
of all things? How do you wind up doing NONE of that other stuff? That's when it hit me – they
refused to train at anything OR compete at anything. They didn't have the stomach or willpower or self
control or ambition or foresight or all of the above. They just wouldn't train or compete. The result?
They had no trained skills, and they couldn't get ahead of anyone for any other position or any other
skillset. I'm developing an AI system that might potentially be the first to surpass human intelligence.
Last night I was evaluating what it could do to make money in the early periods. It wasn't exactly
obvious besides a few cases. So I wrote out what humans actually DO. I found that if you took all the
people walking down a street and wanted them to come contribute to doing something valuable... They
couldn't do much at all! On the whole, all humans can only provide value by doing tasks requiring
dexterity, by transporting things, by being able to communicate with other humans, recognizing certain
patterns and interpreting meanings from pictures and text and speech, and some limited decision
making. That's about the only things that ALL adult humans can do that have value. So I realized
almost ALL the value in our world is created by TRAINED humans. Engineers, doctors, lawyers,
salesmen, mechanics, managers, etc. It's the human learning and execution of training that creates
basically all value. Look around you- anything of any value about our world, from your phone to your
house or apartment building to the simplest things like the sidewalk outside or coat hangers in your
closet... ALL of these things were created due to human training and competition. Concrete was
invented only through training and competition to make the best, as well as the methods for making a
sidewalk and the machines to do so and the contract to create it was awarded competitively. The same
with the design of a coat hanger, the creation of the materials in it, its manufacture, its sale, and its
distribution. A 'base' human is pretty much worthless before training, and they don't get far without
competing either. How do you wind up slowly numbing your mind behind a post office counter every
day for the rest of your life? By refusing to train or compete. Now think about game. Probably the
single most fought over resource in humanity – women – and most people think they don't have to train
or compete over it. Like 70% of people think they don't have to train in any way for the opposite sex.
Of the ones that DO think they have to train, they think they need to lift weights and compete in terms
of looks (mostly true for girls, but not fully. As a girl, being really hot and then learning to be cool too
basically opens you to do anything in the world. A really cool 9 is extremely hard to find). So probably
95+% of people don't think they need to train to get the opposite sex in any way outside of for looks.
And I'd say about 65% of people don't think they need to COMPETE for the opposite sex. And then
they get fucking DESTROYED by the 35% of the 5% who think they need to both train and compete.
Usually those come in terms of social circle, positioning in clubs, spending money and being 'cool' and
'funny' and maybe some form of a 'fun asshole.' But those people smash everyone else. The people
thinking they don't have to train and compete in game are exactly the same as those middle aged sad
women working behind the post office desk. They refused to train and compete, and they're sadly
putzing around with shitty results and their brains are slowly shriveling up and dying and becoming
bitter and bored and depressed. An untrained, uncompetitive human can just move things around,
manipulate physical objects, communicate, and do limit interpretation of stuff. That's it. To the point
that I couldn't even figure out a good way to make money through the work of thousands of people at
large – I needed the work of trained people, or the resource donation of people at large. Or to train
them. That's the bottom line. If you want above-baseline results in life, you need to train and compete.
You knew that in school with your grades, you knew it in the job force with your applications. Why
would the most competed-over resource on the planet be somehow different? It's only worse, not better.

And, to put it in perspective, one 10 month stretch of obsessing full time – all day every day – on game,
like the one that I did after 9 years gaming and right before finishing this book... That's exactly equal to
just ONE season of the sport Olympic sport I used to train for full time. Just one season out of a
lifetime of seasons. There were thousands of teenagers that could manage multiple seasons, though
probably 5x as many quit at the age of 15 because they couldn't take the transition into the big league
training in the sport. So if you think the training is too much, you're saying you couldn't hack ONE
SEASON in an Olympic sport. Realistically, this book plus just TWO SEASONS of my sport worth of
work would get you basically all the results in game that you want. Or that you can get, either way.
That's nothing. I spent 7 full seasons and three roughly half seasons in my sport. People that make the
Olympics generally spend about 12-23 full seasons in the sport... So you can spend two. Or you really
don't want it badly and 7.5s will do great for you. It's like the scene in Caddy Shack with Bill Murray
and Chevy Chase, where Bill is the dirty, grungy groundskeeper of the golf course and Chevy is a
millionaire with an inherited mansion- Bill asks Chevy “Hey, you got a pool over there?” in a clearly
leading way, Chevy hesitates, “We've got a pond in the back... We have a pool AND a pond... the pond
would be good for you.” Hilarious. And that sums it up, if you don't like putting in just two seasons of a
serious sport's worth of work to have what you want with women, then “We've got 7s all over... We've
got 9s AND 7s... The 7s would be good for you.” Teasing aside, if that's where you're at, just find really
awesome 7.5s and be thrilled about doing really awesome shit with them.

Throughout the game, ESPECIALLY when you're moving towards mastery, I wound up realizing that
any knew knowledge you get is USELESS unless you GO OUT AND TEST IT right away, and then if
it works, you have to IMMEDIATELY put it into your out-of-field training habit. That's why I wound
up using the programmed study guides, so any new knowledge I got that made a difference could be
stuck right into my habit. It took a shit load of time, but any time I acquired any new information,
techniques, whatever that made a good difference, I took the time to add it to my habit training
IMMEDIATELY. Anything you ever learn but don't regularly execute is nothing but wasted time in
game. The only thing that matters is what you're regularly executing so that you can succeed. This is a
practical, real-world, performance field – not academic study. Your only control is if you immediately,
before you forget about it, find a way to add training for new knowledge into your out-of-field training
habit. Almost everyone who reads this book will neglect this and your process will take 3x longer than
it should and give 60% of the results it should. This is one of the three to five most important points of
this entire book. Adding knowledge into your training habit IMMEDIATELY is the root of evolving
your success forward.
The funny thing is that the executers of the game world are not likely to read all the way through this
book, they will just go out and keep absent-mindedly banging their heads against the wall. It will be the
thinkers of the game world, the intellectually curious, that will read this... and then probably not
execute it. I hope that even one or two will read this and want to become the super humans – those that
can learn high level material AND execute it: Either executers that learn to be intelligent, or thinkers
that learn to be hard executers. The crossover.
After getting very good at your cold approach, you should pick a place to live. Vegas, NYC, Miami,
Phoenix, Stockholm basically. Then you should first start working on getting a squad/crew. You want
two to three other guys. There are two keys, the first is that they should above all be able to play as a
team, and make sure that one of you gets an 8.5+ every night, even if it means they stay with the team
and don't get laid that night. Take turns, and assume that each of you will succeed with a really hot girl
about once a week by playing as a team. The second key is that they should be good at game and
dedicated enough to read this entire book and do some real out-of-field practice and game quite a bit.
Of course out of three people, one will take things a lot more seriously and one will take them a lot less
seriously, but if you can find a three person squad that's good... You're totally set up. If you can't find it
that way, try to find some naturals that already hang out in clubs a lot (including promoters), and find
ones that can play as a team still. No matter what their skillset, they have to play as a team. Guys like
promoters you know are serious about girls and need a skillset, so they can sub in for game guys if
they're cool and play as a team. Expect that you'll have to carry the team and be the best and keep them
together, at any point in life if you won't do something, expect no one else will do it for you. Be the
squad leader, and convince them that playing as a team is far better for everyone's results. If someone
keeps disappearing to get themselves laid or tries to take and get laid every single night no matter the
other people, then just stop hitting them up as much and try to replace them in the squad. They can
hang around you guys when you're out, just don't try to help them out or spend much time around them.
Don't bother having a 'talk' with people showing selfish behavior, selfish people will just think you're
being dramatic or annoying.
While you're assembling a crew, which could take a while, you should also be getting to know
bouncers and the dudes hanging out with the hottest girls in the clubs you go to (promoters, male club
rats, etc.). That's going to give you a social circle and the ability to hang out at different tables. If you or
your group has hot girls with you, introduce them to the promoters and regulars. Don't give them the
girls, just introduce them and then keep gaming yours. If you lose a couple to those guys, don't sweat it
too hard – just pay attention to how they stole them from you and think of it as a donation to creating a
system where you'll get a lot more hot girls. If one particular guy always tries to steal your girls, just
keep the girls away from that guy – he's not helping you anyway. If you hang around people that have a
lot of hot girls around, but somehow you never get one or they always sideline you, then they're subtly
beta-ing you. Either start taking some girls and risk blowing up that part of the circle, or leave it – if it's
not creating results, it's not worthwhile unless the dudes are your homies. And if they are, hang out with
them outside the club, no reason to hang out near the girls you want but never get them.
Now, if you manage to assemble a crew and get to know the regulars in the scene and hang out with
them and introduce girls around, you should start doing well. If you ever have some extra hotties, invite
some of the regulars or promoters to come after party with you guys and try to give them the girls.
Some of them will already have a lot of girls and be cocky and not want yours, that's fine – now they'll
feel like they should give you access to the girls in their crew. The ideal is to get to where your crew
starts holding events and invites the local party dudes and promoters and such. This is easier to do with
money so you can invite them out on a boat or yacht or to a cool house... But assuming you don't have
it, barbecues around someone's pool or pre-parties or other creative shit (Dan Bilzerian does Archer TV
Show 'screenings' and invites people to drink and projects episodes of Archer while they hang out).
Off-road vehicles are good too, if you have ATVs, UTVs, Jeeps, Airboats, etc. Even if you guys can
pool some money and rent a few jeeps or whatever and go throw a little campfire party off road and
invite the dudes or whatever. Just be creative. And look at what other people do, follow some pimp
dudes on Instagram and see what they do with girls, don't be afraid to copy people that are winning.
Ideally if you find something that works, start doing it regularly, like once or twice a month. Watch the
Social Circle Game video from Max's the Natural, there's really good info in there about creating a pre-
party series and branding it and making it regular so that many people over time want to come and it
builds momentum of its own. That's what you want, a regular branded thing where when people have
fun once, they look forward to the next one and invite more people. There's all kinds of good
information in that video about making sure people have fun, getting enough people invited, etc.
Between that and this section and Luke's Social Circle Blueprint, you can really build up a thing.

By playing 'squad' game with a cool crew, getting to know the right dudes that have hot girls around
and the bouncers and hosts/promoters at the right places, then inviting these people to a regular event
series and having your crew play as a team... You should regularly be hooking up with 8.5-9.5 girls.
Probably within 6 months or so of choosing a specific city and getting a crew, or at least one good
Sadly I have gotten to do only pieces of this at different times, I've never done the whole thing, because
I went off and decided to try out all the cool cities in the US and because I had to develop the
underlying game until right before releasing this book. But my next step is to pursue fame game and to
try to do exactly this in NYC, except I want to do it with a budget high enough to have things to invite
people to that they have a harder time passing up. That way I can appeal to the girl's desire to socially
compete in more ways than who will be at the events, and that will cause the guys to inherently want to
bring the girls. But there's no reason you need money to do extremely well if you play things right
socially and can assemble a cool crew. By the way, your inner crew should have zero chodes. You can
say hi to the chodes when you're out, help them out, recommend this book and other stuff, even hang
out with them outside the club – or even help wing with them some. But don't bring chodes to meet the
non-game guys, the social circle you create, or to your table. They'll make a bad impression on one of
the guys or girls and that will reflect poorly on you – sadly you're in the social competition at this point.
And make sure your whole crew not only has good enough game and plays as a team, but they should
all look cool enough. If one looks too chodey, it's going to greatly reduce how much other cool dudes
want you around their group. If the dude that dresses wrong or has his hair wrong is willing to listen,
you might be able to help him look cool enough. Your crew is kind of a branded unit, whether you like
it or not. You can choose if you want to play any kind of fame game on top of this or not. But I told you
I'd solve game for you, so I want to give you a full road map to getting regular 9+ girls in your life, as
well as the best cold approach knowledge and pathways to execution you can possibly get.

By the way, since the basic donations to get the volumes of this book are just calculated to basically
break even, if you have really been impacted by this book it would mean a lot to me if you go on and donate whatever you feel like this was worth to you (or some fraction, since it
ought to be worth tens of thousands of dollars to you). I wound up using ALL my savings to obsess
about game full time for ten months and write this book, so I have made it a little hard for myself to
now start working full time on the tech company I'm currently launching. Even a few hundred bucks
from a couple people could get me a month of rent so I can work for a full month on the company,
which would make as much difference for my life as this book hopefully has for yours! Thanks!


Long Term Relationships

Dun dun dunnnnnnn! Yes, I'm going to fucking go there! Crazy, right? What game book goes into long
term relationships? This one fucking does. That's right. You're welcome.

Like I mentioned wayyyy back at the beginning – (which I wrote like 5 minutes ago actually- that's
how this process actually works) – most of you are here for choice. Usually you come to game because
you don't have choice. And for a lot of you, having choice means dating people who are what you want.
Along your process of getting good with girls, you might decide you no longer want a long term
relationship. But others of you might. I personally want long term relationships. I want to, gasp, marry
for love and be a team with someone and treat them really well and invest in the relationship and all
that mushy stuff. Never cheat, not play games (to the greatest possible extent), all of it. Treat someone
really well. Yeah, I've had some (more than some?) fun along the way, but I've been willing this whole
time to drop it all to invest in the right girl. I hope that if by some crazy off chance my future girlfriend
or wife finds and reads this, that she reads this part. I never wanted to manipulate people and never
have, I never was in it just for sex – I was in it for choice, to have good, attractive girls in my life, to
have good experiences, and to make sure that I got to meet and date enough awesome girls that I could
find the 'right' one to stay with. Seriously. Along the way I learned that reality is real, the world is the
way it is, and people and their emotions work a certain way and can't be changed. Fuck with reality and
you get steamrolled. So yeah, I learned how to be attractive and powerfully demonstrate my best traits
and create sexual tension via eye contact and proximity. But you don't in any way have to be a bad
person or even a questionable person to do ANYTHING in this book, and it CAN all lead to long term

So, let's get started.

First – most people will never in their whole lives succeed at long term relationships. There are
attitudes that will 100 percent, guaranteed, ruin long term relationships and sadly most people have at
least one of them. Here are the ones I can think of right now:
1) “Grass is always greener” people. These are people that no matter what they have, they look at other
things, and want them. They get bored of what they have, and they want to jump across the fence into
the grass that looks greener on the other side. Then they look back at where they just were and it starts
to look good. In some ways, all humans have a bit of this. But some people have it bad, and can't help
but act on it, or at least are emotionally motivated by it constantly. These people will NEVER be happy
in a long term relationship. Eventually they'll always want what they don't have, or just plain something
else. No matter what these people have, eventually they'll want something else.
Don't be stupid, don't date these people.
How can you tell? Listen to their stories and past relationship experiences. Pay attention to how they
view life. Are they constantly changing friends? Close with any members of their family? Do they
constantly want new clothes and cars and so on? Some people will have some of these, but be good at
piecing the puzzle together. And be real, if you really like someone but they do this – they're just a
short term dating/hookup possibility. Sorry.

2) People that don't listen and don't care to understand other people's viewpoints. Guess what? NO
ONE is exactly like you. No one will agree with you more than 80ish percent of the time. That means
long term relationships center around disagreement and... Fixing it. Which requires that you actually
listen to the other person and seek to understand their side of things, and that they actually listen to you
and – most importantly and more rarely – they TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU'RE COMING
FROM. I've had to end multiple otherwise good relationships because of this. If she acts like she's
listening, but you can tell she really doesn't give a fuck what your reasons are because she disagrees
with your reasoning, then she doesn't care to see your side. If two people disagree, they believe
different things. They can try to listen and understand what the other person believes, and why, or they
can just decide that the other person is stupid because their attitudes are different. A long term
relationship requires the former.

3) Someone who values good people, and thinks they don't come along every day. There is a SLIGHT
chance that this isn't fully required, because if someone gets really attached to you/in love with you,
they might value you even if this isn't how they generally view the world. However, on average, people
that go through life thinking “Eh, people are people. They're all about the same. There are always
plenty more fish in the sea” is someone who will throw your ass away if you lose your sparkle, and go
for someone else. These are 'nexters'. They would rather say “You're done. Next!” and hit up Tinder or
a bar and try to replace you than work something out with you. Again, you need to know that there
WILL be problems in any relationship. It can only work out if someone has what it takes to get through
them with you, and at the most basic level this means someone who appreciates you enough to care.
How do you know if she's a nexter? Her attitudes towards people will be really flippant. She won't be
empathetic. She won't think that anything is rare or hard to find in people. She won't get that it's really
hard to find good people in this world, and she won't think that if you find them you should hold on to
them. She might say things like “People come and go” or “Everyone's equal and has good points and
bad” or she might tell stories about a life that's just constantly got people coming in and out of it and
she won't be at all bothered by that. Yes, everyone is equal and has good points and bad, and a girl who
points that out might be an awesome girl, but it's context dependent. If she thinks no one ever really
stands out, then she has no motivation to stay with one person.

4) Someone who has no ability to be logical and override their emotions. Many girls especially are
tugged all over the place by their emotions every day. Some of them can think logically and act in
intelligent ways even if they are emotionally pulled another way. Other girls just act on their emotions
no matter what. Really emotional girls will cheat on you. Because eventually some guy will really turn
them on and they don't have the willpower and logical fortitude to say no. They'll also flip their shit on
you. They might drink like fish and do other drugs. They'll be a pain in the ass. These are party girls,
drama girls, etc etc. A lot of guys get drawn in by these girls because they're passionate and often the
sex is great. That, honestly, makes those guys emotion over logic guys. And they always get burned.
Sorry bro, don't try to bottle lightning. If you find one of these girls you like? Enjoy the passion and let
that shit burn bright, but know from day one that that girl is NOT staying in your life – eventually she
must go. (P.s. Don't tell her that, unless she starts saying that she wants to date you. Then don't be a
dick and lead her on or lie. But most girls know what short term relationships are and they don't have a
problem with that, so you don't have to make her feel crappy by pointing it out)

5) Someone who doesn't value commitment. Committing, honestly, means “It's you and I babe. We're a
team. We're not constantly looking to see if each other are 'meeting our standards'. Instead, we're
constantly trying to have the best possible time together, and we're agreeing that on rough days we'll try
to work shit out instead of just looking for the exit.” Similarly to a couple of the above, you find this
out by listening to how she talks about stuff, stories she tells, and by discussing views on relationships.
I often say how I feel and discreetly observe her reaction to see if she's lighting up and totally agreeing,
or if she's just nodding or even frowning or doesn't seem to agree.

6) Someone who just gets really bored really easily. Someone who gets upset easily. Those kinds of
things. This is similar to a couple of the above. If she gets bored too easily, eventually she'll get bored
of you because you can't be new every day. If she gets upset easily, she'll always be demanding that you
please her and won't care if she pleases you and eventually you won't be doing enough for her and
you'll be tired of her crap.

7) Someone who's selfish. Really good long term relationships have to be a two way street. Everything
has to be pretty even. You probably will even have to silently work behind the scenes to keep it that
way. If she only cares about herself and never pays attention to you or tries to do anything nice for
you... You're eventually going to be unhappy.

8) Someone who has an inherently glass is half full attitude (particularly towards people). Some people
might seem happy and full of life and everything else- but if every time they talk about anyone they
know, they discuss the problems with those people, she's probably going to be really freaking hard to
date. She's only ever going to see your flaws, and everything good about you will go right over her
head. She'll stay with you while things are 'perfect', but a couple small problems will overwhelm even a
bunch of amazing stuff that might have happened. I've dated several of these girls, and they'll drive you
nuts and then leave for no good reason. Or worse, stay, and drag you through hell without clear reason

9) Someone who doesn't respect people. This is really part of the above. But some girls never really
have respect for anyone. I've dated girls who never once expressed any respect towards anyone as long
as I knew them. They found problems with everyone, believed themselves to be superior towards
basically everyone. To be in love and have a solid relationship in that fairy tale type of way, you should
respect the person you're with. They should impress you. On top of liking them and finding them sexy
and fun/interesting to be around.

10) Someone who tells you their life is in disarray and they've been struggling to do anything about it. I
used to think “Oh, well my life is great, these people can join my life and then things will get better for
them and it will be great.” Wrong. I met this 30 year old girl in Charlotte, NC. She'd bailed on being a
newscaster because she didn't want to put in the years climbing to a reputable channel in a good city.
She was bitching about how she has no money, routinely stays up too late, how she starts dating guys
and then they won't stop dating other girls (which is a dead-on sign she goes for assholes that are
emotionally stimulating and shiny, so you need to know she plays that game and responds to it), she
said she was late to everything because she'd wait to get ready until the last minute and then would
spend way too much time doing her makeup until she was late. And she didn't mean 10 minutes late,
she meant 40 minutes late the two times I hung out with her. I figured, “Oh cool, this girl's life will get
better when she's around me.” Logically we seemed like a fit for each other. But I was ignoring all
those signs that she was an emotional leaf in the wind, which means that she was a girl you don't set a
relationship frame with to start, you are emotionally stimulating and use shock humor and push-
pull/love-hate type dynamics, you have to be the shiniest object around, and then you start things off
with her by hooking up. And then you hook up a few times. And then you sort of fall into a
relationship. Except you shouldn't be serious about it because she's a fucking leaf in the wind. I didn't
pick up on all this because I naturally think the best of many people. I took everything she 'wanted' to
do, and the fact that we went to a church event together to mean she valued people and was stable.
After the church event on our second time hanging out, AFTER she'd been back to my house on our
first date, we're all socializing. She starts talking to this guy that sang at the church event. Then
proceeded to turn her back towards me for the next 30 minutes and not even turn around once. I figured
she had good values and I'd let it go for a minute and she'd turn back. Wrong. I wound up tindering,
then going outside and calling another girl, and then just ubering home. She called me half way through
my ride home to (finally, 40 minutes of not noticing me later) ask if I left. Then she gave me an
insincere apology. I said if you actually want to hang out, come over and we'll hang out. She gave me
judgmental BS about not being the type of girl who will come to my house (what? We were there the
night before), and then had the nerves to say she was going to stay out with these other guys. What!?
Crazy ass shit. Now, I brought all that on myself. Had I realized her speech about having a shit show
life meant she was fully governed by emotions, shiny objects, and no ability to control herself, I
would've realized A) she's just a hook up girl and I shouldn't have gone to a church event with her,
which conveys long term dating (but which won't work because she starts relationships through casual
hookups because that's all she knows), B) When she started talking to this other girl she wasn't going to
return to spending time with me. She was going to just stay with the shiniest object. Ie, I had to game
the situation, cut in, be the shiniest object, and take her back. Which is NOT someone you can date
because you can't do that indefinitely. But I could've gotten more hooking up from it, and C) That she's
a drama person and I shouldn't have answered her call later. Though when I answered I did the right
thing, was unreactive and said I got bored and wanted to go home (I probably should've said another
girl called me and so I left her so she could hang with that dude since they were having fun, very
unreactive). The next day I realized she just acted like a girl that wasn't good for anything but a
hookup, and I hadn't handled it like a hookup, so I realized it didn't matter what I did because I wasn't
going to ask her out again, so I told her it was fucked up just in case maybe she learned something from
it. I tell this story because I didn't want to believe that just because a girl's life is in disarray that you
shouldn't necessarily not date her, provided she has values and isn't doing drugs. I want a specific
example for people reading this so you know it isn't true in reality, not just in theory. The reality is, she
said she had values and sounded great, but her life was in disarray at 30 years old because she had zero
control over herself and her emotions. Which means she's going to cheat and be all over the place. If
you know that ahead of time, you can have some good, clean (dirty), not serious fun – but not get
screwed trying to date her seriously.

There are lots of other stuff that makes relationships hard, but any of these will make having a happy
relationship over time virtually impossible. If you have some of these things, you need to work on
yourself before being in a relationship because YOU aren't capable of being happy long term. Sorry. I'd
say probably 70% or more of people have these issues. And they wind up staying in relationships that
just drag them down because of it.

You might be noticing something – it's going to be really hard to find someone who has none of those
things AND is attractive AND who you click with/get along with AND who feels the same way about
you. Yep. Sorry again. There's a reason most marriages fail and most of the ones that stay together
aren't that happy. There's a reason you don't know many people with really good relationships. It's
really really hard to find. And on top of that, you have to learn game to be attractive enough to girls that
you can have a lot of choices so that you can pick a good one. Tall order.

That's why many of us learn game. You need the choice in order to get a good relationship.

That's the most basic lesson in this section. The only way to ensure yourself success is numbers
numbers numbers. You need to talk to a lot of girls so that you can attract a lot of girls so that you can
spend time around a lot of girls who are attracted to you so that you can go on many dates with many
girls who are attracted to you who you are also attracted to so that you can get to know them and so that
they can like you enough that they would consider setting aside time from their lives to continue dating
you so that you can eventually date enough girls to find one that meets all the categories. Yikes. It's a
crazy funnel that by the time you get through it requires many talking to many many girls. Some of you
will get lucky and find a great one quickly. Hopefully most of you have lower standards than me,
because my ridiculously high standards have turned dating into dang near a full time job for me and I'm
not married yet – which means I'm not necessarily even done having to get girls into my funnel. Each
time you pass on a girl, you're nearly starting from square one. You're playing odds. I did some rough
calculations with a friend once. To meet my standards, which are high but not unicorn high. Not
ridiculously impractical. I would need a city of 1 million people and I'd have to at least be around
almost every girl in the city – IF none of the traits that I consider important in a girl go together,
statistically. Luckily some of the things I want are more common in a girl if she has other things that I
want, so that improves the odds. Regardless, if I am ridiculously unlucky and it's the last attractive girl
that I meet that is the right one, the only way that I can statistically more or less ensure myself success
is basically to talk to every attractive single girl of the right age in a city of 1 million people. Which
roughly means like talking to like 5000 girls. Which at a rate of 5 a day is about 3 years. Of 5 a day. 5
ATTRACTIVE girls a day, not 5 “I'm going to practice by talking to this girl a day.” And then when the
girl you wanted rejects you because your game was off...
Basically the point is, you need to meet a lot of girls, you need to be very intentional about it, and you
should probably try not to be as picky as me because it's a fucking curse. It's not a 'good' thing.

Most of your relationships should be short term. If you find an attractive, fun girl that you like being
around and she doesn't meet the standards above – just admit to yourself that you shouldn't ever try to
date her. That you should avoid falling for her. And then just spend time with her, have fun, keep
meeting other people, and let it be what it is. Style, ie Neil Strauss, once said that people can play many
different roles in your life. You'll get burned if you try to force people into certain roles. However, if
you take it easy and let people fall into the roles they fall into, including anything from a couple hot
nights together to short term dating, up to commitment, you'll have more fun along the way and you
won't beat yourself up and drag yourself through the mud. Just don't date a girl that you know should
be short term and fall for her and try to reverse justify it. And when you do, after you get burned
remember that I warned you...

What will also help you is using social circle game. It's really hard to cold approach and get girls. After
learning everything in this book and spending years mastering it you can do it quite well. But it will
STILL be hard. Joseph Dieguez is crazy sick at it but still gets super frustrated by how much effort it
A much more effective strategy, that will pay off long before mastering cold approach, is to make
friends with people that have attractive friends. Then you build attraction and sexual tension with the
attractive girls (careful not to be so intent on the sexual tension in a social setting that you're being
weird and the other people never want you around. I feel like I shouldn't have to say that, but some of
you are probably learning a bunch of social skills at once). Then you can date the attractive girls much
more easily and organically. Some of the girls in your new friend group will have other friends in other
groups, and you can meet them too. And those other groups will have other attractive friends.
Eventually you can get a much higher percentage way of meeting girls you're attracted to, and they're
pre-screened by your friends. So they're more likely to be cool. Basically your friend group is, all told,
meeting more girls than you do just by yourself, and they're screening them and bringing them around
and that work is being done by them in addition to what you do for yourself. Of course, you're a douche
if you just try to make friends and use them for this purpose. But it's an easier strategy on the whole.
Yes, it takes a while to build up and you will get 0 results at first. But a year later you will almost
certainly be doing better that way than you would after a year of learning cold approach.
You also have the opportunity to have people in your social circle trying to set you up with cool girls.
And you get to hang out with people and do cool shit because you have cool, attractive friends. And
hopefully when you're not around your friends say good things about you to the attractive girls. And
your benefit from positive timing – you don't have to meet a girl when she's single and ready to date.
Because she'll be around your group a lot, you'll be there when she is single and decides she might be
ready to date. There's a lot of reasons for many of you, this is your best path to good long term
relationships. You can get better at cold approach on the side as you go, which is the only really great
way to learn to be attractive and build the skills required to get girls (because it gives you the volume of
practice you need, and allows you to screw up without pissing off your friends).

Once you start dating someone, a lot of things come into play. First, you have to remember that if you
stop building sexual tension and having a good vibe and being attractive, you basically become a fat
girl. The way you act keeps you from being 'fat' in the eyes of the girl you're dating. If you get lazy
with how you act and you don't build sexual tension with her any more, and you're not exciting any
more, you basically have done the same thing as if the girl you're dating stopped working out and
started eating tons of donuts and became a fat ass. If you don't want to date a chick who lets herself go,
don't let yourself go either. Keep managing emotions on your dates, keep building sexual tension with
her. Keep your attractive vibe up. Stay cocky. Stay someone who's appropriately dominant for the girl
you're dating. Act like a strong, sexy man. Do all that stuff right. Keep in mind that it's like practice too.
If you practice every time you hang out with your girl, you're improving yourself and if you guys break
up, you'll then be BETTER at getting a new girl. Let yourself go, and you get rusty and will have a
harder time getting a new girl.

You also have a lot of responsibility to manage long term emotions in the relationship. A long term
relationship is composed of a logical timeline and an emotional one. There is a history and an ongoing
thread of logic (like getting to know each other) and emotion (like not being able to wait to see that
person again and feeling safe around them and blah blah). Most people are consciously unaware of the
emotional thread running through their relationship. They let it fall apart and become boring and
uneven and things fall apart.
You can't expect any girl you EVER meet to know enough about relationships to long term properly
manage the emotional thread of the relationship. It's possible you'll hit the dating jackpot and find such
a girl, but I would assume that you won't. What does that mean? It's basically your job to manage the
emotional thread. And you basically have to do it for your entire relationship, silently, without letting
her know what's going on. So you probably have to keep an awareness and do work the entire time
you're ever in a relationship. Sound unfair? Well, most people never get happy relationships. You have
to earn one, and that's part of how you can control your own fate and earn one. Second, you're the man.
You have to do more generally speaking in relationships anyway, and then you have to act like you
didn't try hard and aren't doing anything. Play it off like it's all good and it comes naturally and take no
thanks. That's how it works. And thirds, good relationships require investments. If all that sounds
crappy, don't try to have a long term relationship. That's always an option.

This process can involve a lot of stuff. If she's not acting like she's all that into things right now, don't
play hard games and come home with another girl's panties on your head. That's a douche bag move.
But you might just not text her for days until she texts you. You might decide to go on a trip so she
misses you. Just leave an absence of you – let her miss you and remember why she likes to be around
you, and that will rejuvenate things. I've seen truckers interviewed on TV who were asked how they
have been happily married for 30 years, and they say “Because I'm not there all the time.” Of course,
being a trucker rips apart a lot of other marriages because the person isn't there ENOUGH. But those
are both examples of emotionally managing the long term relationship. In one case missing each other
was required to keep things good, in the other case they didn't get enough of each other and felt like
there was a hole in their life still despite their relationship. (Plus, of course, there are always many
other factors).
Yeah, I know it's a bit of a game to just not talk to someone for a while. But if she's not investing in you
and acting like she misses you and is excited to see you, disappearing for a little while is the best
option. Seriously. Saying something about it WILL make it worse. You can't force someone to want
you more or to miss you. They miss you in the complete absence of you.

Which brings up another point. Girls are inherently flighty. Put pressure on them, and they will run.
Give them a choice between yes or no and they almost always select no unless they have a lot of reason
to want to say yes. Give them an ultimatum and they'll choose against you. Scare them or make them
feel uncomfortable and they'll back off. Try to fix things when they're moving away from you, and
they'll run farther and harder. If she's moving away, guess what the right solution is?! Absence. Silence.
You guessed it. Saying nothing is often the best thing to say. The only right thing. Let her wind herself
down and drop the walls and lose the resistance to you and start missing you and come back. Women
are like cats. Startle one and it will run a little ways away. If you say “No kitty, it's fine. Come here! I'll
show you!” And you chase it and try to pick it up and show it how awesome you are, the cat will
fucking book it and run away and hide until your ass dies. Don't do that. Seriously. Seriously. I've done
it wayyyyyy too many times. All the way back to the first time I really got my heart broken. I've done it
so many times you would think that I was less game genius and more complete retard who never
learns. I've done it recently, on a small scale, until I pried myself away from it. Why? Because guys like
to fix things. I like to fix things. I don't like people to have the wrong idea about me, to feel bad. I don't
like uncertainty. I'm impatient. But trust me, please. Don't repeat the mistake I've made so many times.
Don't hurt yourself when you can hear what I'm saying and avoid it. If she's backing off just do
NOTHING. Nothing at all. How long for? Until she comes back to you. If she doesn't come back to
you, A) she didn't care that much or you really scared her off, and B) after TWO WEEKS you can
reach out. Two weeks. That's the rule. I know nothing like this can have a hard rule that really is true,
but for all intents and purposes, two weeks will pretty much always do it. You need any emotions to
fade and for her to see that you didn't react in a scary way and come chase her and make it worse, and
after about two weeks the reset button will have been somewhat hit and you can reach out. But if you
get to two weeks, don't expect reaching out to go well.

Which suggests yet another rule. Have awareness to the emotional threads going on so you can be
AHEAD of the curve. If you see that she's starting to back off, go silent and be absent BEFORE she
actually backs off. Let her come back to you before it's a problem. If she's being apathetic, disappear
for a bit and let her miss you BEFORE she becomes so apathetic that it's a real problem. Stay ahead of
the curve.

What else goes into emotional thread management? Make sure that she has a good experience with you
every time she sees you, emotionally. To the best of your ability. Until the day you break up or die.
WITHOUT BEING A TRY HARD (guess what, being try hard NEVER stops being unattractive. Sorry.
Putting effort into the relationship can be very attractive, but trying hard and failing is always
unattractive). That means if she likes to laugh, you want to keep having her laugh. It definitely means
you should be building sexual tension for part of the time you see her almost every time you see her –
that's how you stay sexy. (Sadly this gets harder when she grows more accustomed to keeping eye
contact with you and stuff. You need to do it during your conversations and stuff. Don't be lazy). It just
generally means you want to keep showing her good times. Especially for the first couple months, you
don't want to leave many average impressions. You want her to think that every time she sees you it's
awesome, which will help her fall for you and think of you as something completely different from
anyone else she's ever known.
Basically, you have to hope to get a good girl/look for a good girl that does her best and keeps trying to
make you happy over time. But you also need to assume that no girl will ever be good at managing the
long term emotions of the relationship and that you will have to do it.

Does this sound kind of crappy? Maybe. But here's the thing that isn't apparent – when you invest in
keeping the right emotions going, she'll be happier and she'll act like a happy person who likes their
relationship and she'll treat you well and you'll be happy because she's happy and because she acts in
ways that make you happier. Ie, by doing this, you get a lot too. You get a relationship that keeps
making you happy for a long time. Sweet. That's what you want.

Another rule – never text anything serious. Do it in person. If doing it in person is absolutely
impossible (and I mean impossible, don't get lazy or you always regret it later), do it on the phone.
Can't get her on the phone? Wait. Seriously. Definitely definitely never text her anything serious that's
more than 3 lines long. You know what happens? Even the smartest, most logical girl feels the
negativity and then sees the length and their brain shuts down and they stop listening to what you're
saying and they just think “Pressure.” “Pressure. Scary. Drama. Novel. Ahhhhh.” And they shut down.
They won't even hear what you tried to say. You wasted your time typing AND scared them off ALL AT
THE SAME TIME. Congratulations. Don't do it. Even worse, they will often avoid talking to you as a
result. Then you will be left with a girl who feels pressured who is running away from you who didn't
hear what you tried to say and who won't talk to you so you can work it out. Uh-oh. Sound like a
problem? It is. Over a text or e-mail, she can't respond. She can't ask you questions. It's not a back and
forth. She can't clear up misunderstandings. It's just a huge cluster fuck of a mess. So, again, learn from
the mistakes I've made stubbornly dozens of times and just. Don't. Text. Serious. Shit. Ever. And never
ever ever ever more than 3 lines.
(By the way, I don't mean serious like “We need to fix the plumbing in your apartment.” I mean serious
like “It bothers me when you do...” Or “I f**** hate you because _____”)

This one probably is obvious and won't apply to most of you. But don't continue to have a need for
validation from women. Don't think you need to know that you've “Still got it”, don't get numbers or
flirt because it's “Not cheating.” If you feel like you need that validation, you need to work on yourself.
Why do you need that validation? Get to a place where you don't need validation

Here's one that sucks: You HAVE to build missing you into the process until you're official and she
says “I love you” AT LEAST. If she doesn't have enough space to miss you, she doesn't properly think
about how much she likes you and she will start taking you for granted. If she hasn't been initiating any
contact with you, you need to disappear for a little while until she does. If it goes a really long time,
you can re-initiate and then have a good time with her and then wait again. She needs to be initiating
contact with you a decent fraction of the time. Period. Probably at least 1/3. I once tried to shortcut the
rule, thinking that because a girl that I was dating was shy, she would wait for me to initiate more. True.
But I let it dip below 1/3 of the time and she really didn't develop the value for me that she should have,
given the experiences we shared, time we spent together, and how I was many, many times better to her
than any other guy she'd dated. Sorry this is border line 'game' when relationships shouldn't need them,
but the fact is humans aren't really emotionally designed to get into good relationships with each other.
So if you don't consciously help the emotions along, you're fucked.

A related theme is that you need to, somehow or another, make sure that she's trying to make you feel
good when she's with you. If you just constantly try to make her feel good, and she does what she
wants with you but NEVER tries to make YOU feel good – guess what? You're just a play toy and she
will never value your emotions, happiness, or anything else about you. My suspicion is if you read the
book “Why Men Love Bitches,” which is targeted at making men fall for stupid game playing women,
you'll probably find advice on how girls do this. The fact is, as always you don't want to start playing
TONS of games. BUT, if you're not having a great time, you can be like “Hey, I don't want to watch
this movie” or whatever and let her try to find something that WILL make you happy. Things like that.
If you just always try to please her, it very much teaches her to not give a shit about you. I honestly
think I've had a hard time in a number of relationships because I'm not demanding. Most women like to
please men, and they fall for the men that they really try to help. Being a confident, secure man is
attractive at first – but often can make you seem like something to be taken for granted just as much as
the ground underneath your feet. You can say “Hey, I had a rough day. Let's do something and you can
cheer me up” and then make her conscious of your emotion and get her to try to make you feel good.
Things like that. Otherwise you teach her to have no care or awareness for how you feel, which if you
have problems means she'll only think about her emotions and not care about you or your side, and
things will become a pretty big disaster. Also, having an awareness for this will let you see quickly if a
girl is too selfish for a relationship. If you can't get her to try to make you feel good, if she is too
concerned with herself and doesn't care about you, that girl sucks. Move on. What you shouldn't do is
start playing all kinds of uncomfortable games. In fact, if you start trying to game your relationship and
you don't chill and act normal you'll definitely fuck it up. But just keep an awareness. If she never tries
to make you feel good, find ways to get her to do so.

Along with these, be REALLY careful of the “I don't want to be in a relationship right now” girls. Most
of these girls want to sleep around and party – never, ever try to date them. Other girls in this category
were scared off by their last relationship(s). These ones you can try to date, but you have to be smart.
What happens is that you date them, and you think that over time they will develop feelings for you
because they like you and will like you more and more over time. Then eventually you'll wind up in a
relationship. After all, that happens all the time. But here's the thing – if they're in that state of mind and
you're CONVENIENT and they don't have any fear of losing you, then they start to take you for
granted as a play thing when they're bored. And if you spend enough time with you that way, it
becomes cemented in their mind that that's what you are. And you'll get stuck there. It's kind of like
getting friend zoned – but instead it's more like getting “play thing” zoned. Happened to me a bunch
because one of the major things you NEVER want to do is put pressure on a girl... Soooo you keep
dating them keep being awesome, never guarantee that you're seeing only them and wait for them to
get jealous and such. Unfortunately, if you're CONVENIENT, you'll still get in the “play thing” zone,
even doing all of that right. Why? She never misses you. She never learns to value you. So this is when
sometimes you make things really good, and then you just -poof- disappear for a little, until she comes
and finds your ass. Then you're awesome again for a little while, then -poof- disappear for a while
again. Why? Because she has to sit around and think about life without you AS THINGS ARE
DEVELOPING, before you get problems. So that she starts to grow stronger attachments when you're
around. It's like a slot machine in a casino. If it paid out a nickel every time you pulled the lever, you'd
pull it for a while and eventually get tired and bored and you'd stop. After all, what's a nickel at a time?
Maybe someone really logical would do it all night knowing that the math adds up and by morning it
will have been a good venture. Anyone else would say “Ah, I got some nickels. But I'm tired and this is
boring.” BUT, if every 30 pulls it dumps 5 nickels or 30 nickels or 400 nickels... Something weird
happens. People get addicted. They'll sit their all day and all night for an entire week's vacation,
because they want to WIN. Hit it big. It's inconsistent reward. So if she has to work a little, if you
disappear sometimes, if she can't just do something simple and get you every time, then she has to
invest and think about how much she'd really like to win. Each time she pulls the lever and nothing
happens, she has to think about how much she would've liked it if something happened.
I once fucked over what could've turned into a marriage – probably not, but who knows – by letting
this precedent get set. I did reasonably well with it, but not well enough. Sometimes I should've just
ignored her texts altogether, popped up a couple days later. She needed to sit around and feel a little
lonely and want to see me, and not be able to. Because that's the feeling of losing me, and it makes her
want to not lose you. I shouldn't have done it to the point where it drove us apart because we never saw
each other, but to the point where she was trying harder, investing more. You also don't want to do it so
much that they start filling the void with going on other dates and crap, but you should be superior to
other guys anyway. If she goes on a couple crappy dates, it will just help you out. The definition of a
girl who 'doesn't want to be in a relationship right now' is that they don't want to invest. You can't ask
them to invest. And if they don't, they won't value it. No one appreciates shit that comes free. So with
these girls, they're often just going off baggage that has them scared to get attached, but you need to get
them investing so they're scared to lose... All their investment. That's the key. No one wants to lose
their investment.

A concept that REALLY helps in managing the emotions you're dealing with starts with realizing what
emotions really ARE. I'm going to start from this end to avoid pissing anyone off, so that you see why
it makes sense before I say what the real lesson is. So emotions are basically our instincts. We feel
certain ways and it tugs with us because genetically we evolved to have certain emotions that are
supposed to help us through life. Any of you that like evolutionary psychology know that that instinct is
basically designed for a bygone world – not one with cities and the internet and modern dating and so
on. Definitely not the internet – it didn't even exist when you were born! (Unless you're young as fuck
and reading this. In which case A) Weird. B) Good for you, you're going to have a better time in your
youth than the rest of us did haha). Anyway, our emotions are our instincts. And what do we know that
acts purely on instincts? Anyone...? Animals! Animals are nothing but walking, meowing, barking
bundles of instinct. So... Anyone ahead of me yet? That's right! Our emotional sides behave just like
animals. In fact, there's a reason humans love being around dogs – because dogs are emotionally very
similar to humans. What am I getting at? Oddly enough, one of the best ways, if not the best way, to
think of handling a anyone's emotional side is to think of it the same way that Caesar Milan thinks of
training dogs. That's the Dog Whisperer, for any of you don't know – one of the very best dog trainers
in the world. A guy who can train dogs that multiple local 'experts' have done everything they can for,
and gotten nowhere. I am NOT, by ANY means saying that women are like dogs. Don't even go there. I
love women, they're great. They're our equals, just a bit crazy and they suck at relationships (despite
what they firmly believe). But, when you're in a relationship, you can use Caesar Milan's dog training
advice pretty well to help you deal with any difficulties. Caesar's basic principal is this [paraphrased as
best I can remember]: “Dogs don't speak English. They don't read books. They can't call you on the
phone and tell you what's going on with them. So you can't use logic with them.” Similarly, a woman's
emotions (or yours, too, to be fair) do not speak English. They don't know logic, they don't read books,
and they can't call you on the phone and tell you what's up. JUST like a dog. How does Caesar
recommend you handle this? Calm, assertive energy. Your ENERGY creates the dog's energy. Almost
all dog owners with poorly behaved dogs have poorly behaved dogs because the OWNER'S energy is
wrong. How do you train a dog? You give it attention only when it's in a calm, submissive state – when
it's giving you love. You don't give it attention or love when it's going nuts or misbehaving. If it acts up,
you tell it “No” and then you put it in timeout. You leave it alone for a bit, you get it to sit still,
whatever. If it bites you, you do the same thing. When it whines and wants attention, if you go and give
it attention, you train it to whine. So, when dealing with a person (in this case the woman you're dating,
but again it is sort of a human thing. Women just happen to be a lot more emotional)- these translate
over to the proper rules. Show her love when she's being calm, showing you love, when she's following
your lead. Yes, men are supposed to be the dominant ones. Don't show her love when she's raging all
around like a crazy person – you'll train her to do that. Don't show her love when she's being insane –
get her to calm down first. Don't give her attention when she's being a dumbass. If she oversteps and
does something you really don't like, tell her “Hey – not cool” and then don't talk to her for a bit.
Whether in person, texting, whatever. Obviously, that doesn't work if you two are just in the first couple
dates and she'll just disappear on you... This is later on advice. Basically, you can just run through Dog
Whisperer shows and learn how to deal with the emotions of the girl you're dating (or just about
anyone). And it starts with you being calm and assertive, and not giving her positive attention when
she's not in a good state, or doing what someone should in a good relationship. Additionally, it means
you have to see the beginnings of a problem before it's a problem. You correct a dog when it's ABOUT
to bark. ABOUT to go to the bathroom in the house. Etc. If it's already barking or already going to the
bathroom, then it's much harder to correct.

A specific important instance is if she ignores you. Sorry to get real, I like to be positive about all
things, but if something happens and you ignore her – DO NOT give her attention. Don't try to get her
attention, don't keep trying to work it out, don't make threats, don't go “But baby, baby, please!”
Ignoring you is extreme condescension and is a huge slap in the face. It should be unacceptable to sit
around ignoring each other in a fight (you shouldn't use it as a weapon either). If she ignores you, just
do nothing. Let her be until she comes back to you. Even go on dates. Then ignore her for a bit (not as a
weapon, but because she needs to really start wanting you to come back. It's an emotional conversation
statement). Then, tell her “If you want to be with me, we talk about things and work them out. We
never ignore each other. If you want to cool off, tell me that specifically and tell me when you want to

There's an important rule – Say and do NOTHING that later will prevent her from being able to trust
you. There is NOTHING worth doing now if it will later prevent her from trusting you.

If a girl's talking about how she doesn't want to be in a relationship, you can always do a bit of a
disqualifier on her. Be VERY gentle. But you can say some version of “Well, some people just aren't
right for relationships and shouldn't try to be in them. If your experiences with past boyfriends have left
too much hurt for you to open up, maybe you should just date and maybe you're not right to be in a
relationship.” Say it when you're NOT talking about anything related to wanting a relationship with her.
That will sit in the back of her mind and eventually she will try to prove to you that she wants one. You
could also say something OVERCOMABLE about why she can't be in a relationship with you. Not
“You're inherently too this or that” but “I think you feel way too much like you need to protect yourself
to be in a relationship with me, and that's fine. I'm having fun with you.”

If she's too focused on her needs and fears, you CANNOT do anything with her. You can't talk logic
with her. She WILL NOT pay attention to your needs in any way, or listen to anything you ask her to
do. A girl who is like this too often is undateable. Leave her alone. If she's not always like that, but you
notice it, just ignore her for a while until she comes back down and seeks you out. Then talk it over
with her. Do not say anything to try and fix it. Don't say anything about how she hurt you while she
was in that state. She simply will not be able to pay attention or care. The only thing you will do is
make it worse, make her get selfish and defensive, then she'll say things she can't take back, you'll say
things you can't take back, and it will be over or on its way out. This is a big reason that girls frequently
date guys that don't care about them and ignore them. Because when they get selfish, those guys are
already prone to ignoring them, so they leave them alone and nothing gets escalated to a worse state.

Again, it's also like dog training. When someone is totally focused on their own needs, you need to
recognize it early and not give them any attention while they're in that state! If you give them positive
attention while they're frantically worrying about themselves, you actually train them to selfishly worry
about themselves and make it okay. Which means that when she's around you, she can ignore your
needs and emotions more and more.

Another way that is helpful to look at it, is when she's in a bad state if you say something – virtually
anything – you basically lock that state in. You make it real. Why? Because you A) Acknowledge it, B)
Make her defend it in her own mind (she almost always will, no woman likes to be told that her
emotions are bullshit or she shouldn't feel them. The only option there is to remind her that we all go
through tough emotions but it's how you deal with them that matters – telling her that her emotions
aren't valid never, ever works), and C) You generally cause her to say things that she can't take back
and feels she has to be consistent with that get her to commit to her state. So if she says something
stupid, or something questioning the relationship, or lashes out at you, or acts out of fears from her
baggage, and you say ANYTHING AT ALL, you basically just locked in that state. It sort of wasn't real
when she said something, it's almost like what she said could have been lost in the ether and you might
have never received the message or heard her say it. In this way, texting is a fucking relationship curse
because she can say things that she wouldn't tell you on the phone or in person – which allows her to
say stupid ass shit that she wouldn't want to commit to otherwise. But if you never respond, never
acknowledge it, never say anything – it's a bit like she thought it but it never became real. After 4 days
or a week or whatever the emotion can go away. If you respond, she has to make up reasons for why
she said what she said and why it was a good idea in her own mind – which makes her to commit to
something she might have just thrown out there in a time of uncertainty (especially if she texted it to
you), and then she's likely to go a step further and say things that are even farther in that direction.
Then you guys get locked on opposite side. You build the strength of her state by resisting it. The best
things you could possibly say are “That sounds like a great idea, go for it” which makes it sound really
stupid that she ever said that (however, it still acknowledges that it was said in the first place. It also
has to be said super non-try hard like that, you can't force saying that), or “That's silly” which is
dangerous because it might work and she might defend her stance which you don't want, or “You're
being childish” which makes her feel foolish but also is a risk because she won't like hearing that and
she might defend her stance. Again, you just don't want her to defend any stance you say. So not even
acknowledging unfavorable things she says, and not saying anything to her when she's in a crappy
state, is often the best way to go. Otherwise, telling her to go for it is next best – just take over the
frame and sarcastically tell her what a brilliant plan it is so she has to do the questioning herself. “This
lashing out at people plan is going really well for you. I think people who don't perfectly fit your view
of life should fuck off. I like where you're headed with this” - that's about the most try hard you could
ever make something like that, and honestly you're pushing it by saying something like that. Much
better to make it as low effort as possible, like “This immature lashing out has gone really well for you,
anyone who ever inconveniences you should fuck right off. I have big hopes in the direction you're
headed”. Of course, you can't say this kind of thing to a girl multiple times, either, so you should really
just try to say “Great plan, go for it” because you can tell her that hundreds of times if you need to.

Here's the thing about all this. I resisted for my ENTIRE twenties the concept that you should ever
intentionally ignore girls to make them want you, or not be available a lot on purpose to play some
game. The most important thing for me has always been (and is still) to treat someone well enough that
they could one day be the mother of your children and you don't regret what you did to them anywhere
along the way. So I absolutely refused to intentionally do anything more than wait a couple hours to
text a girl back. But look through what we've just talked about. There are some really serious, really
practical emotional issues that can only really be dealt with by not giving her any attention when she's
doing and thinking certain things. More importantly, there's a big reason girls wind up in relationships
with dicks who don't care about them and often ignore them. And it's way deeper than what I (and
probably most of us) think – it's not just that girls want what they can't have so the emotional distance
and unavailability of these guys makes them a big pull to girls. No, it's that many of the things that
need to be dealt with in a relationship are best dealt with by ignoring her for a while until the emotional
wrecking ball isn't trying to come take your fucking head off. Do you try to reason with a wrecking ball
that's coming straight for you? No, you walk out of the way and wait until it stops swinging. Then you
can deal with it. So what happens is this – when you do what I did for almost all of my twenties and
refuse to ever ignore girls or disappear and leave them wanting you, all these issues pop up and your
relationship with them explodes and you wind up hurt and not knowing why. Then she goes and dates
some other guy who could give a fuck about her, and he ignores her and she winds up with a complete
fuck head. So by refusing to ever give her some space to miss you and want you and change her crazy
ass mind, you're handing her to douche bags. Period. You're basically fucking her over. This is the real
world. Sadly, the decisions aren't between taking the high road or stooping low to get what you want.
The decisions are between dealing with the reality of the way things are, and letting someone else who
doesn't give a shit how they act win. If you're reading this, you're almost certainly a guy that likes
women and wants a relationship and wants to treat them well. You only get the chance to do that if you
face the emotional realities of human beings and sometimes ignore her and make yourself scarce.

There are other reasons to do this. For instance, a girl wants a guy who has abundance, a guy who has
other options with other girls. You feel bad making her jealous? You don't necessarily have to. But she
can't stop wanting a guy who other girls want. She can't stop it. It's in her DNA, and she's a woman –
she's not strong enough to deal with that. Most people aren't, guys too. She wants a guy that's a little
unavailable. Just like you want a Ferrari that you have to work your ass off, that only the best people
can have, that you can't have remotely easily. It's how people operate. They can't turn it off. You could
play real mind games and do a bunch of shit to make her jealous and flirt with other girls and drop
underwear in your place – dumbass shit. That's not treating her like the mother of your future child,
that's not being respectful. Those are serious games, that's fucked up. But nonetheless, she has
EMOTIONAL NEEDS that must be fulfilled. Not just by love. Things she cannot turn off. This is what
I never wanted to admit to myself – that there are darker, less convenient needs than we would ideally
prefer in women and people in general. But there are. Accept it. If you don't, she'll wind up with
someone who knows it and doesn't care how he gets the results. Furthermore, you can create the
emotions that you're a guy with a lot of options, an inherently attractive guy, by just occasionally not
responding to her. By disappearing sometimes. It's more powerful than anything you can do, except
creating direct jealousy which is really dumb because it will prevent her from being able to trust you in
the future. You'll have tons of problems if you're a guy she can't trust, so while it seems nice today that
it makes her want you, it's stupid. Plus you're not making her stronger and happier in life, you're
making things worse for her and you're fucking with her if you directly create jealousy and that kind of
thing. I leave little implications that I've dated a lot, I let them make comments where they worry about
all the other girls that I thought I told a story to instead of them without saying “No baby, I never talk to
other girls.” But I don't play games. Except to realize that she just has to miss you sometimes. She has
to try to get you and fail sometimes. That's how shit works, that's reality. And doing that implies in a
way that can hardly be rivaled for effectiveness that you have abundance, without the downside of
creating serious lack of trust. It makes you someone that is valuable and not easily available, without
you treating her like dirt or anything. It's really the one exception you have to make to 'not playing
games' in order to get good results. If you want to treat her well, you have to keep her around so that
she's there to be treated well. Don't be like me and refuse to use a lack of availability, because she'll just
leave you and wind up with guys who actually treat her like crap because it satisfies the emotional
needs she has that she can't turn off. Plus, when her emotions are into you, on your side, and not going
as haywire, she'll treat you better and you'll be happier and ultimately she'll be happier.

Girls are always talking about how they 'shouldn't give it up too easy' because then guys won't value it,
and how the guy has to work for it. Female rappers are always saying “I'm gonna make you beg for it.”
But guys don't like those games – I don't know a whole lot of guys who have ever told me “Ahhh, she
was way too easy. I don't want to see her again.” Usually, if the girl was great, the guy wants to see her
again. Maybe he doesn't want to make her his wife if he thinks she's sleeping with everyone, but it has
little to do with how fast things happened with him. So why are girls so obsessed with these
sentiments? And why do guys not care very much? Consider that. What do people always do in every
area of their life? They project themselves and their own view points and attitudes into situations and
onto other people. Guys don't really care how fast she gives it up, they don't really care if they have to
work for it, and making them beg for it is only appealing to some guys. Yet all girls believe these things
are required... Why? Because they firmly have these attitudes. Things that come too easy aren't
valuable to them. Things they don't have to work with they don't care about that much. Girls are always
worried about seeming too interested, too thirsty. Generally I don't see that changing the way guys
think of a girl, unless it comes across as clingy – but the girls are projecting their viewpoints. It is a
huge thing to them. They change their attitude towards a guy wildly based on his availability, if they
have to work for it, etc.
We all value things that we have to work for more. It just doesn't seem to affect guys as much. What
happens is this – you get the girl the first time. Then she seems like she could take it or leave it. She
probably does feel exactly that way. So you keep knocking it out of the park, and she starts liking you.
But it's not official dating yet. Your a pickup guy, you put effort and game and awesomeness into
getting girls. It's what you do. So you keep doing that, the more she likes you, the more she'll stick
around... Welllll. Not exactly. She likes you. So if you weren't as available as she wanted, if she
couldn't get what she wanted with you, she would start trying to get it. In fact, this is when she has
gotten used to needing to work for it, because they have to pull the guy away from the other girls and
so on. If the guy's valuable, they want to get him. Win him. But you keep working to be awesome and
win her over. Even emotional management at this phase can turn into this. What winds up happening is
you smother her chance to chase you. You steal her opportunity to win you. You prevent her from
feeling that she won. You're stealing the chase. She's convinced boys love the chase because that's how
she thinks. She loves the chase. Be super careful about stealing that from her. The pattern is – she
doesn't know who you are or give a fuck. Then she really wants to fuck you, and you make it happen
with game and experience and will power, then you're awesome when she hangs out with you, so you
keep hanging out. This is when a lot of guys will fall into the trap of keeping that up. But now it's time
to realize that she likes you, so you start leaving space, and letting her come get you. You don't play
hard games or anything, no mind games, because that's stupid and you want to be on good terms with
this girl for the long term future. But you give her the opportunity to work for your attention and to
work for getting you. The more on board she is, the more you can just be cool and like her. The more
she 'doesn't want a relationship' or is in and out, the more you need to pretty much one up her. The key
is that she misses you, because that's when she gets to think about how she likes you and that's why
she'd rather you were around. Let's look a little bit more at this pattern and how it works.

So I get a lot of girls that start getting stuck to me and I have to gently let them down somehow.
Obviously, if I really liked a girl that really liked me, I wouldn't be single right now. On the other hand,
I've had a number of experiences now where a girl has been really, really into me and then they've
faded and eventually cut and run. Some of them along the way have even said that they've started
falling for me. And then a little while later they fade and take off. It's been extremely hard to figure out.
I know all this stuff about game, so I know how to keep things exciting and show a girl a good time.
I'm the master of sexual tension, so it's not like the sexual spark is fading – at least not in the moment,
maybe it is in overall context. I know from multiple comments that the actual sexual side of things is
just fine. So what's happening? We're not talking about girls that just didn't like me – we're talking
about girls that had, in some cases, even said that they were starting to fall for me.
Well, most of these girls were the “I'm not ready for a relationship” types, as I mentioned above. I've
been blaming it on that. However, most anyone that knows girls knows that they go on and on about
how they don't want to be in a relationship, and then you turn around and they're in one. I've assumed
that with the girls that I've dated that they're the same. They've all had baggage that has made them
extremely nervous when they feel they're getting really close to someone. I've been blaming that as the
problem, maybe even the sole problem. But part of me doesn't buy that that could be the ONLY reason,
even if it is the main one.
No, there has to be something else. If I think carefully through those circumstances, those girls
generally increasingly let me in on their fears and their issues from their baggage. And I became
protective of them and tried to accommodate their baggage. In effect, I started coming more and more
into their side of things. I was gentle with them. What you would think you would do with someone
who has deep-rooted fears based on people who have treated them like shit in their past. You could
make the argument that people accept the love that they think they deserve, and these girls ultimately
ran because of that. In a way, I think that sounds true – but it still doesn't add up enough. If someone
really wants something, they do sometimes run and sabotage themselves. But they also would tend to
turn around and fight, too, if they really wanted something. You wouldn't think they would sabotage
themselves and run and then never turn around and come back. Girls are great at reverse justification,
So. What the hell is it? Well, in part, as I learned more about their baggage and treated them better,
things started focusing on their issues more. I broke the rule and showed them attention when they were
not in a calm, submissive state, which trained them to act like crap. But also, it allowed things to
become more “me, me, me” and, subtly, allowed them to become the dominant ones. If they were
afraid or had a freak out, I would be understanding and supportive. Ie, even though I picked what we
did every date and led most of what happened, all they had to do was throw a bit of a freakout and they
dictated what happened. They dominated. Which is bad. That could cause a fade from falling in love to
saying “Eh, I don't really want a relationship right now.” But it didn't FULLY describe it.
I keep up good emotions, I bring back sexual tension repeatedly, I take girls to do cool shit that I know
they've never done before. I'm pretty dang good at relationships. What more could a girl ask for? The
only things I don't do, is I previously haven't played the little games most people play, I might not be
conscious enough of who's the dominant one (particularly when it gets subtle), and I'm as physically
good looking as I am, not much changing that. So, realistically it has to be one of those. My old issues
from my past like to say “You're just not good enough looking.” But you see many hot girls deep into
relationships with guys that aren't that attractive, and it seems the longer a girl spends with a guy, the
more she falls for him. Though I've also gotten tired of girls because they weren't quite what I wanted
physically. So it could go either way. But they shouldn't have at one point been falling for me... I've
never found myself falling for someone who wasn't physically attractive enough.
Then, just now, I saw what is probably the final piece of the puzzle in filling in what the hell happens in
these situations. And it's not going to be anything you would expect. They had a guy on TV talking
about the psychology of food. He was giving away brownies. They were different shapes – square,
round, clover, one was foot shaped. They were all the same, except the shape. Then there was one last
set of brownies that was actually made to taste BETTER than the others. But it was kind of shaped like
poop. Unsurprisingly, NO ONE would try it. Then he would mention that they were actually made with
premium chocolate and he thought they tasted better, no one would try it. He could only get one kind of
weird guy to try it. One woman said “I know it's food, but my brain is saying 'don't eat it'.” And that's
when I realized.
You can be attractive. You can treat her great, make every experience great with her. You can even have
great sex with her. But if there are deep seated rules in her brain for what an attractive guy worth
keeping should look like, and you violate those, it doesn't matter. She knows you're food, she might
even know you taste better, but her brain is just overwhelmingly saying “don't do it.” The key? The
“aha” that I had? The realization? Everything she knows to be good about you is irrelevant and means
absolutely nothing if you don't stack up to the expected superficial features. She can't override or ignore
the part of her brain that starts shouting “don't do it, tasty food doesn't look like that!” What are these
things? Well – you being not too easily available, her having to work to get you a bit, you being the
dominant one, these kinds of things. The exact things that most people play stupid, relationship ruining
games to try to communicate about themselves. The kinds of things that I tried my best to ignore and
avoid all these years. I still have no intentions to start playing all those games. BUT, I think it's
necessary to acknowledge that if you don't stay the dominant one (even in cases where your loss of
dominance is as subtle as things revolving around her because you accommodate her weaknesses and
fears too often), if you don't stay a bit less available (at least until you're committed), if she doesn't
have to work for you, if you don't retain some mystery and she doesn't invest in you... Well, she might
know all the experiences you've spent together, she might know the excitement and the fun and the sex,
she might know the size of your bank account and all the rest, but you violate the 'rules' that govern
attractive men that should be clung to. Just like a poop shaped brownie violates the rules for a brownie.
And her brain CANNOT get past that, no matter how hard she tries. And honestly, how hard do you
suppose she'll try?
You have to retain your 'core attractive shape', your 'brownie shaped exterior', for her to value how
delicious you are as the perfect example of brownie. You have to retain the features of an attractive man
worth going after, or her brain will override and tell her to keep looking. I would say that I've lost two
otherwise really great girls at a minimum for this. Granted, the more logical and more suited for long
term relationships a girl is, the more she can value you for just being good at relationships and an
unusually great guy to be with. But don't leave it up to chance, help her brain out and stay brownie

Ultimately, coming together with the girl is about sexual tension. Making her really want you. Getting a
relationship once you're hanging out with her, then, is about making her miss you. MISS you. That
means you're not always there. If she misses you fast and works for your attention and comes up with
ways to see you and win you over, then you don't have to do much. But if she doesn't miss you easily,
or only sort of misses you, your job is to make that happen more and more. Which means you're
fucking awesome when you're with her, and then you're suddenly less available than she wants. And
when she tries to get you, you show up and you're awesome again. Then she has to try a little harder to
get you. She misses you a little more, etc.
You should see a theme here. The most important thing about getting a girl is sexual tension – her
wanting sex with you, but not having it. Hence the 'tension.' So should it be remotely surprising that the
most important thing about getting a relationship would be, in essence, relationship tension? Which, of
course, translates to her missing you. That's her wanting relationship time with you but not having it.
The female psychology hasn't changed at all. It's still the same. So the tension effect should work the
same way for relationships and sex.
You could think of it in the opposite way. If she thought 'maybe I kinda wanted to have sex with this
guy' and then suddenly, like two seconds later with no build up or tension or process, she was having
sex with you and then again and again like 8 times a day every day... Do you think she'd put any effort
into having sex with you again? Do you think that the idea of having sex with you would have much
value left? She might like it, but... No matter how good it was, she wouldn't be willing to sacrifice other
things in your life to get one more. And if she doesn't want to work for one more, why would she work
to keep having it? The mind sort of snowballs in that way. The same thing happens with a relationship
– she thinks maybe she might want to have a relationship with you so she hangs out with you. Then,
suddenly, you're there at every opportunity and she doesn't have to work for it and she never has much
of a break to think about how she'd like to see you any more. She never works for it. Pretty soon, the
thought of doing much to see you one more time, or sacrificing anything of value to see you the next
time doesn't seem like much of a good idea. And if she doesn't want to do anything to see you once,
then there's not much distinction between that and the idea of getting to continue to see you for a while.
Then she realizes that a relationship means not meeting other guys, going on other dates, doing
whatever the fuck she wants. Ie, she has to sacrifice something. But she wouldn't even sacrifice
anything to see you one more time because she already has had plenty of you. Even the fact that you're
amazingly awesome, way better than any other guy she ever has or ever could date, is lost in a maze of
On the other hand, if she pretty much likes hanging out with you. And then she doesn't here from you
for a bit. And she has a slow, boring night (which even the hottest girls usually have quite a few of
since they're rarely social leaders) – then she's thinking about how she'd kind of like to hang out with
you. But you don't call. So she texts you. And maybe she gets you, and the night is fun again. Then the
process pops up again, and she texts you, and you don't reply. And now she's like “What the hell, I
wanted to hang out with him! Where is he! Why can't I get him!” And if you do it too early, she just
texts someone else and replaces you. But with good timing, she wonders. And she starts to think about
how her night would be cooler with you. She gets to sit and evaluate the good things about you. That
process can slowly build until she's worked for you, feels like she's won you, and has had a lot of time
to sit around and think about why you'd be good to have around because... You weren't around at times
when she wanted you there. Plus it fries a girl's brain when she's hot and she wants a guy and he doesn't
seem to want her, at least at times. He at least doesn't jump to see her like everyone else.
Yeah, it sucks that you have to do that. But the cooler the girl is, the more she sees good stuff about
you, then the easier and faster she'll miss you. So you can pretty much do things like normal and not
worry about it. But even the coolest girls will have times where they don't value you as much, and that's
when you need to be aware that they have to miss you. Have to. That's the motivator. And if they're less
cool/aware, you need to more actively make sure they miss you. Though keep in mind that missing
only works when she's into you. If she's fading and you try to make her miss you then to get her back,
you're behind the ball and it might not work.
Unlike with sex, the view is that the girl has to catch you. The girl is supposed to make the guy settle
down. She thinks that she has to make the guy notice her and kind of win him over. So not only should
she miss you, but she should do some stuff about it. She should try to get you. She should invest in
impressing you. But it all starts with missing.

Eventually you'll get into an official relationship and she'll say she loves you. Then at least a certain
amount of doing awesome stuff for her, making her feel good, etc. will be good rather than scare her
away. Putting things into each other will bring you closer and make a great relationship. Though
sometimes she'll still have to miss you to remember why you're awesome.

So that's a lot of avoiding problems, things to avoid in women, and how to maintain things on a good
foot. But how should things be? Well, sadly it seems the reality is that you have to get to a pretty solid
and good footing with a girl before you can really start treating a relationship the way it should be
treated. However, at some point, it should stop being 'you' and 'me' and start being more of a team. You
guys are partners in crime. You're teammates for life. You're stronger together than you are apart. You
don't have to be alone any more, you get to go out and do cool shit together, tackle life together, have
fun together. You by no means have to do everything together, but you always CAN do things together.
You can share life. Honestly, who DOESN'T want a sidekick? You might not want someone around you
all the time, you might not want someone that close to you, the 'teammate' thing might not be your style
– but you probably still want a sidekick. Regardless, the 'teammate' style is the right way to have a
good relationship. You're not adversaries. You're not playing a game against each other. You're not
trying to get things from each other. You don't owe things to each other. Instead, it's all to both of your
benefits. You face things together. You work things out together. And everything you put into her, is
good for you too. This should also lead to the two of you wanting to strengthen your team and enter
and win more games together. You should want to invest in her, knowing she will invest in you.
Because, after all, when she invests in you she invests in herself too – you're a team. The happiness she
gives you, comes back when you give her happiness and also because she cares about you. And vice
versa. That's how it should work.

Keep in mind that it's important to find a girl, then, who will make a good teammate. Someone capable
of investing in you, and trusting that she'll get it back. Someone that doesn't think so selfishly that she
can't be a 'team player.' Someone that works out problems when they come up, and is reasonably good
at it. And definitely not someone who seems to treat you like an adversary to compete against, to be
wary of, or anything of that nature.

If you can find a girl who fits all these things, or can at least grow with you into fitting all these things,
then you've struck gold my friend. If you are interested in a long term relationship and you throw her
away because you're not 'ready', you may never find another girl that can fill the role. Keep that in
mind. Also keep in mind that people don't change much, and the change that they do go through comes
often with great difficulty, through long periods of time, and sometimes at great cost to the people
helping them make it. So be very careful being overly optimistic and trying to hope that a girl that
doesn't really fill these shoes will become one, or trying to coach a girl into the role. It's worth fighting
for good people and working things out, but don't expect much change and definitely don't count on it
to make something work.

Sorry this is all scrambled together in a mess... But an assortment of notes on relationships I've learned:
If she does something you don't like, just DON'T MESSAGE HER AT ALL. If she doesn't hit you back,
wait a solid 10 days if things had been going for a bit, more like 5-7 if they were newer. NEVER tell
her how you feel about her more than about 50% of what she tells you. If she says you have something
special, say something that represents about half that – IF you feel that way, if you don't, don't say
anything you don't feel just to satisfy her... That's harmfully manipulative, even if you don't mean it.
Get her to imagine and get excited about things you're going to do in the future, but don't talk AT ALL
about relationship structures. Just future adventures, activities, sex, whatever. Get her attached/sold to a
future with you (IF you want one with her, don't if you don't... Again that's manipulative in a very
negative way). Try to avoid being attached to a future with her until she BEGS you to be exclusive. DO
NOT propose being exclusive with her. Don't say anything jealous or anything about other guys if she
hasn't begged you to be exclusive. Assume she's hooking up with other guys if she hasn't begged you to
be exclusive, just accept it because you're doing the same and it's not inconvenient. If you want to be
really serious with a girl, she should probably be trying to take you seriously pretty quickly, like inside
of a month. Otherwise you guys spend a lot of time hooking up with other people while seeing each
other, which sets an awful precedent; you can have this type of relationship and it can go on for years,
but you should never allow it to get serious to where you'll be really upset if she cheats because it's
almost inevitable if you spend over a month or so together while still seeing other people. If she really
says or does something that's fucked up, say no more than “Don't ever fucking talk to me that way” or
“Don't ever fucking do that” and then delete the last 5 or 6 digits of her number without looking so you
don't accidentally remember it. That way if and when she hits you back, probably in 5-14 days, you can
recognize her number by the first four digits. But you also can't hit her up. If you guys are friends on
social media, that makes things complicated because if you're not strong enough you can hit her up on
those. The idea is that you take away your own ability to say anything to her, while not blocking her so
she can come to you. If you ever lay down a boundary or say anything like you're not going to talk to
her more, and then you come back in a couple days and message HER, then you lose ALL respect
because you showed that your boundaries aren't stronger than how much you 'need' her. In other words,
you don't have any boundaries that are stronger than your need for her, so she can get away with
anything. Try to NEVER say anything you won't be able to take back, and try to NEVER say that it's
over. Even if you're 100% over it in the moment, just lay a boundary (or better, say nothing) and then
delete her number and if necessary even remove her on social media and just go silent – try also not to
block her on whatever mode of communication you were using. That way you can have a couple weeks
to think about it, and she can get anxious in the void and come back and say sorry and so on and you
can see what she says and if it fixes it for you. If you get mad and say things you can't take back or tell
her it's over, you're acting on a lot of assumptions about what she's thinking or doing, and you're in a
spot where you're emotional and probably trying to protect your ego against whatever attacks or shitty
things she's doing. When you don't feel the 'little me'/ego being hurt/threatened later, you'll
DEFINITELY have a different perspective and seriously wish that you hadn't either laid a boundary
you don't want to enforce (never speaking again/it's over) or said things that make it so you guys can
never be the same again. Remember, too, that IF SHE'S HURLING ANGRY/HURTFUL/NEGATIVE
things, it's BECAUSE SHE CARES and she's defending her ego by trying to make herself feel more
powerful again or trying to alleviate the fear that she really cares about you and that leaves her
vulnerable so she wants to reduce her feelings towards you. As a result, you want to NOT respond to
what you say, cut the interaction off in a powerful way, and just disappear on her (or if it's in person,
just walk out) and let her calm down, miss you, and come back and try to fix things. A great thing to
say is “Hmm, I'm going to have to take a minute to think about your lovely perspective/the wonderful
things you've said/the wonderful things you've done” and then you say NOTHING else. Delete her
number or walk out and wait for her to come back. If she doesn't, wait a MINIMUM of 10 days before
saying anything to her, but if she doesn't come back she doesn't care about you more than her own
ego... Which doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't care, but it does mean there's a problem – because
her ego is a bigger deal than you are, which makes all kinds of things tough. If you respond by hurling
anything at all back at her, you A) risk permanently changing you relationship in a way you can't take
back, to where things will 'never be the same again' and you guys can't be excited about it again, B)
You look weak because you're trying to defend your ego by 'leveling the score' and going 'no, you're
stupider' and ALSO because you're TAKING HER SERIOUSLY which means you've been beta'd
(unless she's like your wife, but even then you really shouldn't be drug into taking her too seriously.
That doesn't mean you don't look after her fiercely, but you can do that without taking someone too
seriously- which will forever leave her chasing you and very into you. If you take care of her, care for
her, but don't take her too seriously. She'll always try to get you to and chase, but in a positive way),
and C) you'll almost CERTAINLY escalate things, which will trigger HER to say worse things, and
now SHE might become the one saying things she can't take back and making it so things can never be
the same again. It doesn't matter which of you says or does it, if either side gets carried away trying to
'win' the argument/disagreement and says or does something that makes it so it can 'never be the same
again', it's fucked no matter what. Don't push her to start saying stupid shit in the moment, she can't
take it back any more than you, and she's FAR more likely to reverse justify that she actually felt a
certain way because she said it. Girls are VERY ego protecting, so ESPECIALLY really attractive ones
never want to say “I didn't mean that.” So instead, just cut it off with the boundary statement or the
“I'm going to need a minute to think about that” and then stop responding or walk out. She MIGHT say
SEVERAL MORE THINGS to try to provoke you because she's trying to make you feel worse so that
she feels you're hurt because she's hurt. That, sadly, is a natural human ego reaction. Set the
boundary/cut off the interaction, EXPECT her to try to get you to react, REMEMBER she's doing this
BECAUSE she cares and she's feeling hurt, and take it as a weird sign of her caring about you – human
nature – like a scorpion in a jar trying to sting the glass because it's scared, and DO NOT REPLY. She
wants you to reply in the moment, but it will fuck things up for you overall. Then wait for her to come
back for days. Try to get excited about different views of the future that don't involve her, and keep
your mind occupied on stuff. Notice when you're looping on thoughts about her or the interaction in
your mind, especially in down moments like when you're driving, and cut it off and think about other
things like solving work problems, entertainment, hanging with friends, or (if you're NOT exclusive
with her) picking up other girls.
Don't post videos of you with other girls on social media she watches if she has told you that she's
starting to care about you. I did this during a disagreement with a girl that I WASN'T exclusive with
once. The girl in the video and I actually were arguing, but I had a video clip of us looking like we
were flirting quite a bit (she was nuts, so we were kind of argue-flirting and there was sexual tension,
but at no point did we get along. In fact I took the video to get her to realize she was being psycho by
having an outside perspective, and then she ran away). Anyway, the video was sure to cause jealousy
and show I didn't need the girl I was seeing but not exclusive with, so I posted it. She didn't see it and
we worked things out – because she came back to me because I did things right. She was vulnerable in
the conversation where we fixed things. I thought she came back BECAUSE she saw the video. Turns
out she hadn't seen it. Then she saw it right after we fixed things and she had been vulnerable. It made
her feel like an idiot – she was vulnerable and let her guard down and came to me to fix things while I
was out meeting and possibly fucking other girls. Worse, it turned out the video included the song she
thought of as our song in the background, which I hadn't noticed because I shot it on Snapchat which
naturally plays songs back without sound. She freaked and said she felt stupid. I didn't qualify as much
as possible, but said that we were arguing and the video was actually me telling her she was insane and
I thought it was funny (all true, though I did post it to show her I didn't need her). She went back to
talking to me like things were fine... Then that night she stopped talking to me and didn't again for
several days. I think she went out and fucked someone else, though she was more or less trying to say
that wasn't true – but she never directly said she didn't. Anyway, I tried to set up a trip to see each other
that same night while she was ignoring me... Which was pretty bad timing that I was trying to set up a
trip while she was either ignoring me or fucking someone else, which made me look extremely beta. I
assumed she was fucking someone else because even though I tried to assume the best case scenario,
that was the only reason to explain why she would ignore me on the weekend (we never ignored each
other even if I stopped talking to her until she came back) and for a couple days. Obviously if I was
trying to set up a trip with her and she was off fucking someone else, she'd reverse justify that I was the
bitch and this other guy was the alpha... Thereby fucking our relationship up for a long time, if not
permanently. Even though I was in another city and hadn't seen her for over a month, so it really meant
nothing about me because if I was there she would've chosen me over that dude. But our brains aren't
evolved to understand cellphones, so the effect on her brain wouldn't be like that. I overreacted and
after trying to ignore her for a couple days, I said we should move on and she should go with the other
guy. That triggered a fight where she said there wasn't another guy, I tried to cut it off and – like I said
above – she kept saying things to drag me into it. I wasn't strong enough to ignore like two messages of
her trying to provoke me into a reaction, and it escalated until I never saw a girl I liked quite a bit again
and we said things that neither of us could take back ever. Which goes back to my earlier rule of
ALWAYS ASSUME the best case scenario – she told me she was hurt and all her friends were out of
town so she was bitter and angry and sitting at home alone not talking to anyone. That might have been
true, or she might have been fucking someone to get even. Either way, we weren't exclusive and I didn't
plan on being exclusive with her, but I did want to keep going on adventures with her. If I had just cut
off contact, she would've missed me and come back and we could've fixed things. Instead, I posted a
video I shouldn't have, she took it much harder than expected, and that triggered her to either be upset
and ignore me, or to try to hurt me back, or both. And that devolved into where we never saw each
other again for no good reason. So don't post the jealousy stuff if a girl said she cares about you (only if
you have girls on the hook but they haven't expressed feelings for you, in which case it's there fault for
not trying to lock you down and they can't do more than get mad at you and see if you qualify in
response). And if there is a fight, cut it off and go silent and don't get sucked back in by her trying to
get you to react, otherwise you're making a decision by not being strong enough to let her sucker punch
your ego that you'd rather defend your ego than allow yourself the ability to keep seeing her and to take
a perspective in the future to see if you really think she was being that bad, or if she just liked you a lot
and was lashing out because she likes you and is hurt. Finally, the one thing you can't accept is her
being condescending to you. There are actual decades-long scientific psychology studies that show if
either party in a relationship becomes condescending towards the other – ESPECIALLY the girl
towards the guy because it's critical the girl keeps seeing the guy as alpha for her attraction to him – the
relationship is broken and won't survive. If she says condescending things to you, either lay the
boundary (“Don't ever fucking say things like that to me”) and disappear, or use the cut off statement
(“I'm going to have to take a minute to think about the lovely things you're saying/you're lovely
perspective”) and then disappear. DO NOT go back to her if she's condescending, even if it's six
months. She HAS to see you as a strong, alpha man with boundaries and COME BACK TO YOU.
That's the ONLY way you can fix a condescending attitude. So if she never talks to you again after this
– guess what? She said condescending things because in the moment she lost respect for you and
thought you were a beta. You laid a boundary properly and stopped talking to her (deleted her number
and depending on how strong you are, also removed her on social media. Whatever it takes for you to
keep yourself from responding no matter how much you miss her, how much you want to say
something or frame things, or how much you want to lash out). That void of you allowed her to step
back and think about things with you, and the fact that you laid a boundary/cut things off and then just
disappeared shows that you're a strong alpha man and you'll move the fuck on if she doesn't realize it.
Trust me, there is NOTHING you can say, no frame you can set, no amount of telling her to never ever
condescend to you that is stronger than saying something once and disappearing. Because that SHOWS
you don't need her if she's going to say shitty things/condescend to you. If she stepped back and with
the loss of you thought about it, and didn't SUBMIT/BETA HERSELF TO YOU and come back and try
to fix it, that means she thinks you need her more than she needs you. In other words, she STILL thinks
of you as a beta bitch, which is what caused her to say condescending things in the first place. You
CANNOT have a relationship with a woman under that frame, she WILL become shitty over time and
cheat on you and it will fall apart – she might even stop fucking you along the way, so there is ZERO
point to saying anything to her. As long as she won't beta herself/submit and come back to you and fix
things, NOTHING you say or do can fix it. After a week or so you can post stuff with you and other
girls on social media, which might trigger her eventually to REALLY realize you don't need her and
come back. Though wait AT LEAST a week to do this, and the more she once said she cared about you
and the less she condescended to you, the longer you should wait. If she really cared about you and
barely condescended, wait at least TEN DAYS or more (that's a pretty serious time for her to not try to
fix things, so at that point it's not going to cause the situation I caused by doing that after about 3-4
days). Just remember, if she condescended to you, you CANNOT fix it. She has to MISS YOU and
then come back and say “Okay, I want you more than you want me. I realize I'm beta to you and I'll
submit and try to fix things.” If she's thinking you're a beta bitch so she can condescend to you, and
then you come back and try to fix things with her, GUESS WHAT?!? You just CONFIRMED your the
beta bitch that needs her more than she needs you, NO MATTER how great what you say is. Similarly
if you keep trying to frame things. And guess what a beta bitch that tries to insist no one can
condescend to him is? A beta bitch that barks like a chihuahua – even sadder. Your ONLY option is to
say ONE thing, not get dragged back in by ANYTHING she says or by missing her or by wanting to
explain or by wanting to lash out. By NOTHING. Which is why deleting (but not blocking) her number
is VERY smart. And then things are OVER in your mind unless she comes back and makes a great case
and betas herself to you again. In your mind you should just come to grips with the idea that things are
over and start getting excited about alternate futures without her (that's why you have a hard time
letting go of a girl – you were excited about your view of the future with her. So start getting excited
about the future without her and you'll feel better. It won't prevent you from getting back with her, but
it might mean things have to restart a bit... But if she's condescending to you, that means she lost
respect for you so things have been set back). Whatever caused her to condescend to you means you
did something that made her lose respect for you and think you're below her. That damage is done, and
there's ONE way to undo it and one way only – to say a single thing and disappear until (and if) she
comes back and re-betas to you. Guess what, you CANNOT undo whatever damage you did to cause
the lack of respect by saying or doing anything. YOU did something that caused that. So accept your
mistake and be strong and go about it the one and only one way it can be repaired. Don't sit around
trying to fix or think of the way you lost respect in the first place (maybe a few weeks later when you're
not emotional you can figure out how you initially lost respect, but if you sit around mentally
looping/dwelling on it, you're likely to try to do something to fix it... Which will DEFINITELY 100%
GUARANTEED make it worse).

As Julien teaches in Transformation Mastery, we often try to cover over hurts and make them worse. If
something happens where you have to disappear on a girl to fix it, that will probably come with hurts
that you can't work out by talking or arguing with her. I recommend NOT trying to cover them over or
ignore them, because you're likely to dwell on them and mentally loop on them repeatedly in your brain
until you make them stronger and stronger. In every down moment of your life you're likely to do this,
and by trying to avoid it and repress it and justify why it doesn't hurt, you'll increase the dwelling and
make it far harder for you to not try to do something or say something to fix it. In other words, you'll
make it really hard not to break your disappearing act, which will create permanent damage. Especially
if you laid a boundary and then broke it... That means she condescended to you (if that's what triggered
the disappearance – if not the situation is better, even if she said fucked up things) because she thought
you were a bitch, you set a boundary and made it clear you were going to disappear until she thought
better and came back, and you then broke your OWN boundary because you felt the need to justify
yourself or missed her so much... which is the ULTIMATE little bitch move, so by breaking your own
boundary, especially if it was in response to her condescending to you, then you made yourself a
permanent and irreparable little bitch and you should just move on because you'll never fix that. Maybe
in six months she'll come back and say she misses you, but the timelines just went from 3-10 days to
probably never and at least months. Anyway, rather than trying to tell yourself it doesn't hurt or ignore
it, I recommend yelling into a pillow and just experiencing and thinking about how much it hurts. Just
let yourself hurt and blow off the steam of the hurt. By going through it and processing it, you'll
prevent yourself from bottling it up, dwelling and looping on it, and making it much stronger and
harder to ignore. That will make it MUCH easier to start being excited about other futures, and to
maintain your silence until she comes back – and be okay with it if she doesn't.

Please be aware that condescending, as I mentioned, means she lost respect for you and thinks you're a
little bitch – at least right now. That fundamentally breaks any chance for her to be attracted to you, and
actually sets her up to hate you and to hate that she spends any time with you (if it is allowed to go on).
It's so bad that it would be MUCH better for her to say “I hate every single thing about you. You're
complete scum. I hope wild animals eat your eyes and leave you for dead” because the nastier things
she says, the more she's saying she cares and is trying to make herself feel better. If she says “Yeah, I
don't care. Quit writing to me, it's not making a difference” that's 1,000,000,000 times worse than the
previous statement because it implies you're a little bitch. Not a man at all. This is so key. If you don't
notice and she does something like that and you keep trying to fix it or talk to her, you're making it SO
much worse. If it's your marriage, you're creating a divorce. You HAVE to head it off with ONE
comment, not break the boundary, not say a fucking thing, not explain anything, and let her spin her
wheels trying to suck you back in. If you say “Don't ever fucking talk to me that way” and you walk
out or stop talking to her, and she starts saying nasty things to try to get you to react, GOOD!!! That's a
MASSIVE improvement because it means she's now either testing you, or you triggered her caring for
you again by acting like an alpha and she's switching to being nasty and trying to get a reaction. Don't
get sucked into reacting, the ONLY thing that works is for her to respond to complete silence by
coming back and trying to fix it. That's the ONLY thing that you can accept if she condescends to you.
I'm repeating this too much for a reason. In the moment you're not going to be thinking well, so you
MUST have this pounded into your head.

That pretty much gives you the tools to even get a relationship with a low self esteem girl that has had a
shitty past with guys. The disappearing whenever she says or does something you don't like works
INCREDIBLY well with all kinds of girls, and when they come back and reinitiate, it's a huge
investment and they'll start to fall more for you. Please be advised that if she's a really low self esteem
girl with a really fucked up attitude or past with guys and she doesn't live by values and have much self
control, this will allow you to get a relationship going for quite a while with her and keep her mostly
under wraps... However, if she's like that she's likely to have increasingly nasty and crazy outbursts to
see if she can get you to react or be a beta. She does this because she has low self esteem and is out of
her own control at times and so she has to lash out when she's feeling badly to try to feel better and feel
more in control. If you always remain alpha and do the right thing, over time she's likely to
increasingly flip out to try to get something out of you. Over months or years this might get kind of
crazy, depending on the girl she might even 'test' you by fucking other guys in crazy ways. So just
because I gave you the tools for handling crazy/low self esteem girls and keeping them into you, don't
start down the road with these girls because once you care about them you're now stuck between a rock
and a hard place where you want things to work out and will be hurt if they don't, and she's likely to act
periodically like a fucked up insane person even if you do things properly. If she does something like
that and you DON'T do things properly, she'll instantly flip over to thinking you're a little bitch and
then you won't be able to fix things or it will be difficult. So you're standing on a landmine with these

Finally, be aware that if she started to care from you under a situation where you knew she had a hard
time taking caring and compliments from guys because she had a shitty father or bad past relationships,
so you didn't express much caring for her or give her many compliments (smart), she's likely to
eventually either tell you she cares about you and/or tell you she wants you to be more communicative.
If you instantly let go and start communicating 50% more or twice as much or three times as much,
guess what? She was digging you under the mysterious, not very communicative guy situation where
she had to drag things out of you. You just broke that and even though she asked for it, she just turned
you into the guys she doesn't know how to handle that are much nicer and you ruined the situation she
was digging. So she might ask for it, but then all of a sudden she thinks you're either scary now because
she can't handle the communication or you expressing you care too, or she starts to think of you as a
little too nice/beta. And then she loses attraction for you and she doesn't even know why.
These relationships CAN be okay if she's not too extreme on the low self esteem/crazy scale, but if she
says she either wants you to communicate more or that she cares about you, ONLY DO LIKE 20%
MORE OF THAT THING. If she says she wants more communication, only respond by
communicating like 20% more and ONLY when it seems important in that situation. If she says she's
cares about you/is falling for you/you guys have something special, respond by saying like 20% of
what she says. If she says “I really think we have something special” say “Yeah, I like being around
you.” That way you don't scare her by making her think you don't reciprocate at all, but based on her
history with a not-caring father and/or bad past relationships with assholes, she also can't take you
expressing on the level she expressed with you. She wants to be free to express with you, and it's likely
she almost never (or maybe never in her whole life) does that with other guys, so you want that and
that's a great thing. You should feel good about that (but NOT get attached to that, or your ego will
jump in and make it hard for you to handle things properly). But if you give her back the same, like
saying “I also think we have something special” the CRAZY thing is that she'll actually start to get
scared and think you care about her too much and so on. This is true to a lesser extent with any girl, but
I'm talking about girls that you know have had rough pasts with men/their father and you know they
don't respond well to compliments or much affection. Ironically, you show your affection to these girls
while having sex with them, but just go slower and be more passionate – remain alpha. These girls
don't KNOW how to be happy with men in their lives, so if you lose a strong alpha presence for them,
it's over. They'll freak and lose attraction to a degree that is vastly disproportionate to what you did.
Just remember, they're used to ZERO caring from men, so 20% of what they show you is infinitely
more than what they're used to and that's about all they can handle. They also may become REALLY
excited that they're opening up and caring about a man, and that he showed a LITTLE back to them but
stayed alpha. You might be giving them something they've never had and never thought they could.
That's great. Just be aware any more than that will freak them out or make them think you aren't alpha.
You can't fight with a lifetime of getting zero caring from men. DO NOT try to be all reassuring and
comforting and tell them the guys in their past were shitty and you're different and so on. Sadly, what
they're used to from a lifetime can't be fixed by your words. Logically they might like you
communicating twice as much, or telling them the same thing back they told you, or trying to comfort
them and saying you'll be there for them and won't leave. They might even TRY TO GET YOU to say
these things. DON'T. NEVER NEVER NEVER. Always stay at 20%. Because as soon as they get what
they logically asked for, it will be so far outside of what they were used to for 20-30 years that
emotionally they either won't be able to handle it, or their extremely skewed version of what an alpha is
will kick in and they'll become incapable of being attracted to you... Even if they logically want to.
I'm going over this because a lot of hot girls fall into this category, some are not too low self esteem or
too crazy to be in a relationship, and some can very very slowly start showing you great caring because
they've been bottling up a desire to care for guys for a lifetime and they actually want to. (Some of
these girls show a lot of attachment/liking for animals, which can show you that if they really like
animals but have some messed up history and attitudes towards men, that they're holding back a lot of
caring they probably want to let out). So these girls can be real diamonds in the rough. If you know that
disappearing when they do things you don't like is how they understand boundaries and that trying to
get you back and apologizing is how they invest and fall farther, then you can avoid getting the
disrespect they feel towards other, beta men they've tried to date, and you can keep their respect and
have great relationships with them. In fact, you can be the little savior towards women many of you
want to be, and even set these girls 'free' and allow them to finally find a guy that treats them fairly well
and care about him. But you do it by speaking THEIR language, not yours, and that's to show that
things aren't alright by disappearing and letting them come back and fix it. Just be very aware, because
if she's also spent a lifetime hooking up with tons of guys and not treating them with much respect
because she couldn't find one that 'spoke her language' and stayed alpha without being a full-on
asshole, she might not know how to not cheat on you eventually. So keep your ears open and if you
hear things that suggest she'll not know how to commit for years, then maybe have a great time and
great experiences with her, and just assume she is and always will fuck other guys. You might have a
cool relationship with her for a while and get to meet other girls. If you fall for one that can have
commitments, you just explain and stop seeing her if the other girl asks you to commit (hopefully
within a month or month and a half, as I mentioned). It's possible the girl will ask you to commit to her
after a while if you're doing everything right. If you're the kind of guy that never wants to get cheated
on, I would stay strong and say no. For me, I'll never cheat on a girl I commit to (I basically never
commit because I either don't think the girl is good enough for that, or because I don't think she can
handle a serious relationship and not cheat), so I'm not going to commit to anyone if they don't live by
strong values and with self control. The best thing for girls that you really like but don't think they'll
ever be able to not cheat for years or a lifetime is just to go in assuming you'll never be together for life
and that she'll keep hooking up with other dudes, and then stay strong and no matter what she tells you
remember that it's just how she is and don't expect she's suddenly commitment-worthy just because she
says she loves you and wants to make it work or something. Some girls do that and then can't hold out
and 10 months later cheat even though they theoretically didn't want to ever do that, so don't set
yourself up by committing to a girl you don't think can handle commitments. There are some girls that
had crappy fathers or bad past relationships, need you to be the mysterious silent type that doesn't
communicate 'feelings' and such a lot, and that just disappears silently if she acts up, but CAN commit.
In that case things will probably progress really slowly, but you can give it a go. Just remember you can
NEVER until the day you die communicate more than 30% of fully open about feelings or whatever
with that girl, and you always have to tell her just a fraction of what she tells you back. She just
NEEDS to be with a hard alpha, mysterious, silent type because her life experience before now makes
it so that's all she can get attachment to. If you change, it's just like if she got comfortable and got fat
because you said you loved her... It'll fall apart.
So ideally, obviously, you want a high self esteem girl with a good father and good past relationships
and then you can communicate like 60-70% and mirror back like 60-70% of what she tells you she
feels towards you. Never more than that, I've learned the hard way over and over that girls DO NOT
WANT you to care as openly and emotionally about them or to speak as openly or emotionally to them
as they do to you, no matter how strong they are. Men are simply 'supposed' to be stronger and more
mysterious and less expressive in terms of what their brain tells them is sexy. It just is. Never break this
with even the sweetest most loving girl even 25 years into a relationship. Just look into older happy
couples you know – are any of them involving really open, expressive men who equal or exceed what
the girl says? If they are, the girl is probably staying with them just because she has this long and is
older now.
How do you wind up in a relationship? You play it like the above until SHE ASKS YOU. And then
you're reluctant at first and she convinces you. Period. With every single girl ever. This is as concrete as
guys having to approach girls. Fuck with it and you'll lose the girl, when all you had to be was patient
and a bit 'sexy and mysterious and hard to wrangle.' Give her the gift of winning a guy, she'll love you
for it. Don't like it? Human nature doesn't fucking care. Do you want to be happy or indignant and
principled about random shit?

Finally, what do you keep talking about with a girl that maybe has a hard time with men if you're
seeing her? If you can't be expressive and so on, and maybe she's got a history of partying and being a
girly girl or whatever, what do you do? Well, I've very successfully just paid attention to what's
emotionally provocative in my environment and then just sent her little stories, pictures, or short
videos. Like gay men near the beach wearing thongs who are overweight – and I send her a pic of that
disgusting gay man but. And she shrieks and laughs a lot. Or dick jokes. Or funny videos of people
being crazy. And just joke around a lot. Then I use a lot of the 'inverse compliment' theory with these
girls. Like as they fall for you they'll start sending cute pics of themselves and stuff, and I'll be like “Oh
man, disgusting ;)”. And she'll laugh and feel good because she knows that you liked it, but she said it
in a way she can handle and accept. If you said “Wow babe, gorgeous” she'd be like “Ewww, fucking
disgusting beta.” So you just ironically/sarcastically kind of tell her the charged opposite of what you
mean and she'll like it. Be cautious to make it an obvious joke because it's over the top or whatever. I
say stuff like “Man I hate you ;)” because that allows her to know you actually like her, but she can
digest it. I give them a lot of crap in funny ways, tell them their basic bitch percentage just went from
63% to 75% after that comment, that kind of stuff. Innocent crap. They're often really cocky so they
like this stuff. They might try to tell you for days why they're not a basic bitch. You let them win like 2
out of three battles or something like, “Oh wow, you can do that? That's actually pretty cool.” That way
you're not a one trick pony or trying too hard, and you can reinforce what you think is cool. And it's a
little more normal. And just jokes or other things related to dicks, partying, alcohol, emotionally
provocative stuff related to relationships and sex, and just sending her emotionally provocative stuff
from your day and whatever. You basically have fun giving each other crap back and forth and joking
and then sending each other stuff you know hits the other person's buttons. She'll probably send you
nude pics and cute pics and pics of her with snapchat filters and stuff. If she's trying to do things that
push your buttons back, then she's trying hard and being pretty awesome. Don't tell girls like this too
much about your fears, frustrations, your hard day, whatever. Tell your guy friends or non-datable girl
friends these things.
If the girl is high self esteem and has a better past with men, and/or if she likes talking about
intellectual topics more because she didn't just party and hang out a lot in her past, then you can talk a
LITTLE more about your business or things you find interesting in the world that are maybe more
intellectual and so on. You can mix in SOME light compliments (NEVER say “Wow babe, gorgeous”
unless it's like once a year for some truly extraordinarily stunning picture or something). But generally
you still follow the above rules. By doing that I've kept myself as a strong, mysterious alpha to girls
that used to model and get chased by men with yachts and even rap groups like the Far East Movement
(real story), and they've kept chasing me and thinking of me as the guy that 'They can always expect
will make their day better' and so on. I've also let them convince me to communicate more, or
responded by expressing that I cared about them too similarly to what they said to me and watched
them about 12 hours later start acting like they're less into me and more finicky. They don't even know
why. So follow the rules and things can be great. And no matter the girl, like I said, you still have to
more or less follow these rules – you just can express a little more and not be such a strong mysterious

Last, you should try to set cool things up in the future with these girls and then amp them up to get
them excited and looking forward to the thing. Whether it's going camping, mini-golfing, barbecuing,
flying in a helicopter, traveling to southern France, going sky diving, going back stage at her favorite
concert, sitting in the bleachers at her favorite concert, going to a monster truck rally, having a joke
date at Taco Bell, whatever... Always try to have something coming up in around a week and then
maybe a cooler thing in three-weeks to a month and periodically describe how awesome it's going to
be, or the ways you're going to have sex during or after, or how you're going to touch her during, or the
things you'll see or whatever. That way she constantly spends her time being excited about the future
with you. If things are rough, you disappear so she has to come back and can't project that on you. If
she's having a rough time, you mostly listen and don't try to solve it unless she needs something solved
(like her keys locked in her car, also a true story). That way she constantly associates you with
excitement for the future and happiness and sexiness. And guess what – you get that in return! So
you're managing feeling great yourself. Don't bitch about drivers on the highway, your bad day, things
that are hard that are happening, etc. If she drags it out of you, just give a brief description and just let
her go “Oh, I'm sorry” and rub your back and look concerned or whatever. We have friends to talk more
about stuff with, and possibly family. This is the downside of human attraction. You guys can support
each other and do stuff to help each other out and be there to make each other excited and cheer each
other up, but while you listen to her tough things in life, you can't tell her much about yours – and even
if she asks and asks, you play the strong mysterious guy and just tell her a piece. Trust me, this works
great and the reward is long periods of being really excited about what you have with her, possibly a
lifetime, for the exchange of having to keep things to yourself or to your friends and managing things.
It's the guy's job to manage. It just is. Most people don't get happy relationships with hot girls for years
or life. They almost never work. Why? Because most men don't know how and don't do the tasks to
manage the relationship. If it was easy, it would work for everyone. The fact that it doesn't work often
tells you that there's work to be done that someone isn't doing... and it is the men that aren't. Sorry.
Being a man is wicked inconvenient across the board, but it's way better than being an ugly girl.

Because you want to keep things that you'll be excited about coming in the future, you need to know a
lesson I learned the hard way repeatedly: DO NOT BE ATTACHED TO ANY GIVEN THING OR
TIME PERIOD. Whether you're trying to plan a joke date at Taco Bell tonight, or a trip on yachts in
southern France that can ONLY happen one weekend of the year and is on your own birthday, if they
planning is hard because of external reasons OR because she's making it difficult, JUST FUCKING
DROP IT. Do NOT create stress for her or yourself by trying too hard to plan anything. Even if you
know it will be the most epic thing possible. If you start creating stress by trying to plan something
really hard, she won't be like “Oh, this thing would be really amazing and he wants to do it, so let's try
harder to set it up.” She'll just associate you with stress, and associate hanging out with you with the
stress she's feeling trying to set it up. Yeah, it's mega-fucked up and really sucks. But she doesn't read
700 page books about self-awareness and relationship awareness. So by having all this knowledge and
awareness, you get the ability to be successful but you also have to drag the team along. It's like being a
hall-of-fame football quarterback with a team that never go the opportunity to get coaching 1/10 as
good as you. If you're really good, you can all win the super bowl – and then EVERYONE wins. But
you'll have to drag the team. If all teams in the league are like that, which all girls are, you'll just have
to accept that winning the super bowl means you carry the team. Either do it, or don't win the super
bowl. Those are the options, that's reality. So regardless of how awesome what you want to do is, just
let it go if it becomes stressful to plan. Live another day, and create excitement around the next thing
that happens more easily. I lost a girl over getting too attached to seeing her on her birthday – which
was her idea and she was the one incredibly excited about the idea at first... But it became really
difficult to plan in part because of her and in part because of her life aside from any of her
responsibility. I didn't just let it go because I knew how amazing it would be, and because I was
worried she'd want birthday sex and would fuck someone else in my place. By trying to force it to
happen, I created a situation where we got stressed, fought, and wound up never seeing each other
again at all. If I would've just changed plans and accepted seeing her a week later or something, it
would've been fine. The fact that it would've been unreal-amazing, was her idea, and she was more
excited about it than me meant nothing. It just represented the idea that seeing each other was stressful.
She didn't have the awareness from reading this book or something similar to know that wasn't a
realistic feeling. No point in blaming her for it, all we did was lose each other over it.

Finally, it's really hard to remember to and to put the effort into creating sexual tension with a girl
indefinitely. You know you're going to regularly have sex, and it's easy to get carried away in joking,
talking about stuff, doing stuff, whatever. But sexual tension is how hot you are to her. So if you get
lazy or lose awareness and stop building sexual tension with her over time, which is SUPER easy to do,
then even if the sex is good their lacks ANTICIPATION of sex. Which is like her becoming chubby
where the sex might still FEEL great, but you don't anticipate it because when you look at her there's no
desire to rip her clothes off and get to it. In other words, you become like her chubby boyfriend. Not
only do you not get the great feeling of sexual tension, but you stop being really hot to her. Clearly
she'll not want to have sex as badly, she probably won't want to as much, and things will degenerate.
She might still be hot so you might not really notice, but while she's working out and staying hot,
you're not holding up your 'hotness' end of the relationship. So be sure that even if you're married until
you're 95, you still regularly switch on the sexual tension with her and drive it up. She'll love you for it.
I had a girl that I didn't want to date seriously that kept wanting to visit me. I let her come a couple
times more than I probably should've because she'd talk me into it, even though I knew I wasn't excited
about it like she was so it was not healthy to let her come. She'd get really sad and even cry if I didn't
try to fuck her at least once a day, especially when she'd come try to have sex with me and sometimes I
still wouldn't really want to. She was even pretty attractive, but she sucked at being sexy and she had
gotten a little stomach going. I just wasn't excited about having sex with her. I was having a great time
with her on the whole, but it wasn't sexy. Then she'd get really sad. So the last time she visited me, I
realized I was the one who agreed to having her come out, she spent money and was excited about it
and her self esteem was involved, so I needed to be fair to her. So I would make sure to periodically
build sexual tension with her and to give her good sexual experiences. It sounds kind of odd, but this is
so important to a girl, and they feel really shitty and undesirable if you don't. Then when she went
home she'd had a great experience and I could gently let her down next time she wanted to come visit
for reasons she wouldn't take too personally. To have not built sexual tension and blown her off in
person would've been so hurtful and fucked up and self esteem damaging. But if you're dating a girl
and she's really hot and you stop building sexual tension, you're the one building up a stomach and not
being good at being sexy. And now she either has to do the work for you and have sex with you even
though she really doesn't want to, or she won't do that and you won't have any sexuality. And because
sexuality is so important to a girl in a relationship (by important, I mean 100% necessary), either way
it's over. So don't become lazy or lack awareness and even though everything else is great, stop
building sexual tension. I have a friend who's going to lose his awesome loving WIFE who he has kids
with because of this. I tried to call him and discuss it with him once but didn't get him. I need to make
sure that happens. He thinks because he looks after the kids, takes care of the family, and makes good
money for them all that it's all good. But (and I know this due to her oversharing) he's not really having
sex with her, and he also clearly doesn't build any sexual tension with her. She's getting really frustrated
and making half serious jokes about having other boyfriends and stuff. He doesn't realize he needs to
emotionally and sexually provide and manage in the same way he provides a house and finances. He
thinks he's working his ass off for the family and being a good husband and father. But women want a
great emotional and sexual relationship, so everything he's doing is almost lost and he's NOT doing the
thing she needs/wants the most.

Can you find a happy relationship with a hot girl? I dunno. You'll have to put in tons of effort at getting
good at meeting girls, then at actually meeting them, and then you'll have to have sex with and date a
lot (or strictly date ones serious about your religion, which in its own is very hard if they're hot), and
THEN you'll have to get lucky to find one that can work no matter how much you put it (the more you
put in, the less luck). And THEN you'll have to manage the relationship for both of you for years (not
only are men the bread winner, but we're also the emotional experience manager). But if you do all that,
I don't see why not. Hasn't happened for me yet, but if I had this book when I was 23, or 19, or 16, I
honestly think it probably WOULD have happened to me by now. Will it happen to me before I'm too
old to get girls I'll be happy about? Well, I don't know. I guess the chances of that at over 30 are
diminishing. But that's a huge reason I'm trying to empower you fully right now, so your chances of it
are vastly higher.

Sexuality that Keeps a Girl Around

I pulled a girl that was really attractive and traveled for modeling a few years before I met her. To keep
with my kiss and tell rule, I won't say any more about her so I can talk about the sexuality of the
situation without messing with any privacy. We had sex three times in two days. Once the night I met
her, and she was pretty playful and passionate and threw the blanket over our heads so we were in a
little tent, and we kissed and touched very passionately while changing between being a little rougher
and harder, and softer and passionate. Passionate touch and kissing is all about slowing things down
and dragging them out in time, and making them smooth, with the right amount of pressure to stimulate
the nerves you're touching the most. And in line with the vibe you're going with. Like firmer if it's
rougher, very light if you want her hair to stand on end with a bit of a tease. I wouldn't say that, but I've
found that guys that ask me questions don't even know how to be passionate or turn a girl on. Think
about your nerves and skin and things about you – sometimes firm pressure feels good, sometimes very
gentle, like finger nails barely touching your skin as they move around. Try to imagine her nerves and
carefully observe her reactions and play with things to stimulate her in a way she likes.

The second time we had sex was in the morning. She was barely waking up and I started fingering her
from behind and then fucking her from behind. Anyone likes to wake up with sex. Also, if a girl just
awkwardly leaves your place in the morning, she won't want to see you again. If you want to see her
again, it's MUCH better if she stays the night. Then in the morning start giving her a neck massage and
running your fingers through her hair, kiss her, finger her, and have sex again. Then lay there in bed and
joke around, or make breakfast if you can. Or at least joke and have good energy as you walk her out. I
hate mornings and hate talking in the mornings, but once I slept with a girl and in the morning I was
quiet and boring because I didn't even want to be awake. Then she never talked to me again, even
though the night before was great, because the last impression was awkward and low energy. And it
maybe made her feel like it was a party one night stand because I didn't try to have sex again or kiss her
or anything in the morning. We put so much work into getting girls who want to have to chase us that
we forget that once things get sexual, they also want to be wanted. She probably felt slutty because I
didn't want her again in the morning. And because to a girl, even getting fucked hard is strangely sweet
to them if you kiss them after and sit there and talk to them. (Their definition for sweet is not yours,
generally). If I would've done that, and forced myself to be funny and a bit peppy, it would've been
great. So no matter how little you want to be awake, create a good vibe. It'll be fun for you too, despite
being difficult to make yourself do it.

Then we were in my kitchen and her friend went on the balcony for a bit to leave us alone. We were
actually just chilling. But she was out there so long that we started kissing. Then I started fingering her.
And she kept kind of resisting, like “You're bad! My friend is right out there!” with the door open to the
balcony and everything. And us standing in the middle of the kitchen which looks out onto a part of the
balcony. But I could tell she liked it, so I kept fingering her and slowly pulling her pants down.
Eventually she slid her pants down to the floor and we started having sex standing in the kitchen with
her friend on the balcony feet away.
Because of the position we were standing in, it wasn't even like amazing sex. It felt good, but it was
kind of intimate – kissing passionately, looking into each other's eyes, feeling every little thing. It
wasn't like raging hot sex where there were going to be orgasms. But the fact we probably shouldn't
have been doing it in the middle of the kitchen with her friend there, but we couldn't keep ourselves
from doing it – it was hot. It was passionate.

Then she went home from her trip (this was Vegas), and she was texting me she missed me already. So
I flirted a bit, then one day started sexting. I describe things in vivid sensory detail, and try to make it
well written and not clumsy – a bit like the scenes in Fifty Shades of Grey, except I actually think that
the way I write is maybe a tiny bit less clumsy than the way she writes the sex scenes. And I don't
include anything too aggressive like whips or whatever. But I talk about the ways my fingertips will
feel sliding up her inner thigh, and the way the sun will feel warming her skin, or whatever. You really
want to put her there. And I do it in pieces, like three or four sentences. And then usually they fill in the
next part, or you tell them to, and then you fill in more. And I might send sexy pictures of people that
are doing the things we're flirting about, I try to have artistic pics so they feel classy and sexy about it.
Never pornographic and slutty.

The reason this is important is you start becoming their sexual fantasy (and they become yours too, so
it's great. Totally mutually beneficial and positive, absolutely no downside to either of you). They start
fantasizing about you, and your sexuality becomes more vivid and desirable and something they long
for more than that of any other guy. Other guys want to fuck them in a clumsy and blocky way and then
go their way, and maybe ask them for naked shots or send dick pics. You don't even send dick pics
(unless she begs, maybe), but you create this fantasy world.

Then we made plans to visit each other in another city. And I start us talking about locking ourselves up
in a hotel with a view and what that will be like. Then I talk about how she should remind me to bring a
camera so we can have fun with it. And she really liked that. So I sent pictures of couples having sex
with cameras, taking pictures of each other. But artistic ones. She sent one back that she liked. Some of
them had older, classic type cameras in them. So then I started talking about how we'd go shopping for
an old school camera in quirky shops so that we could set up the shots like the ones we found. So now
we have plans to visit each other, shop for props in order to take artistic pictures of us having sex
together. And this is all in the future. So now she can fantasize about this wildly fun, interesting, classy,
but very sexual weekend. A fantasy weekend. In the future. And it's a whole thing, it's a whole setup of
making the sex itself fun and passionate and amazing. And we get to model and see how sexy we are
together. And keep the pictures afterwards. The whole thing is actually really cool, and extremely sexy.
And think of how unique that is.

So think about it- in the club, you're competing for girls that are like 8.5 and up against NFL players
and rich party boys and that work in other clubs and so on. The NFL players can invite a girl to a table
with their whole team, she can snapshot and instagram and brag about it. They have diamond chains,
Lamborghinis, bottles, and are acting fools. They have a whole team. She can have fun with the whole
team scenario, but none of them are particularly amazing at being stimulating individually. You can
compete with them because you are super good at adjusting, super good at leading, you burst and create
powerful sexual tension early, get a kiss, get her investing, lead well, take care of her friends. You keep
her mentally and emotionally occupied. You get her to invest more, then you start building sexual
tension over a longer period of time, using innuendo to make everything sexual. You build sexual
comfort so she's comfortable actually having sex with you, and with the high sexual tension she's very
motivated to. You know how to handle situations and make it all work out in reality. The NFL guys
have a situation you can't match initially, but you can appeal directly to her sexuality in a way that
might be more powerful than any guy she just met ever has. Or at least more than any guy has recently.
So that's how you compete with those guys in the club. Granted, if a girl goes to their table it might be
hard to get her back until the very end of the night – at best. But you can keep her from going there if
you get to her first.

Then, when she's back in every day life and these types of dudes are hitting her up from other times
that she went out, how do you keep her over them? Well, she can have an Instagram and SnapChat full
of the Lamborghinis, chains, bottle service, games, and crazy partying – and she can brag her ass off
and tell everyone that her boyfriend is in the NFL. But the guy actually at best probably has mediocre
game. He probably just invites her over to fuck and goes to get food and to party with her. So she gets
extreme brag factor, but besides that it's probably pretty normal in terms of her actual emotional
stimulation with him. And she can get into bottle service without him anyway. But you create these
really awesome sexual experiences. You have her looking forward to stuff in the future. You can even
plan out these things and create these fantasies. And when she's around you she has this sexual tension
that's unparalleled, and feels so free and turned on in a way maybe she never has before. Plus she might
have an awareness that you're at least capable of being a player and can have more girls like her
without even spending a dime. It is a close call, those are two big time situations that a girl would love
both of. But in terms of daily emotional engagement, you might actually win that battle if you're
playing out that sexuality properly.

And then, ideally, you're also building up your success and freedom so you can take her to travel (if
you want to – never for her), or do other awesome things. And you don't do it to impress her, you
always do it to create these amazing emotional adventures. You can compete. And you can do what
Tyler D talks about and give her the gift of being around your very free, present vibe. You're better with
emotions than any NFL player who has never studied game and psychology a day in his life. It takes
creativity, but that's how it can be done.

Obviously, it's better if you ALSO live the life and have a sick crew and she can brag about the life with
you and show it off on Instagram... But hey, if you can compete with an NFL player and all that shit for
free – at least be in the game – you're not doing terribly. Can you compete with Justin Bieber? Probably
not, but then again, you never know. There are definitely stories of guys like Tyson Beckford, the
world's top male model, losing his girl to a low-end DJ that plays Vegas clubs (granted, the second guy
ALSO has a lot of social value compared to an average dude, but... He's not an internationally famous
model that's on TV).

Now, neither sex nor her ability to brag about you should ever be the glue of a long term relationship.
That's more her becoming attached to other things she wants in a future with you (love is basically
people getting attached to a view of the future that strongly includes the other person). As well as you
two, ideally, being a team that's stronger together than you are apart. And loving the experiences you
share together and so on. Ideally a relationship should be glued together for logical AND emotional
reasons. If it's ever just one, it's got issues. Because at no point can you always have emotions. And if
there's only logic and no emotions, then both of you – and especially the girl – aren't going to feel like
it's a romantic relationship. But that's one very strong way you can be 'better' than all the other high end
options that a girl with as much going on as a 9 has.

First off, no promises a girl says carry any weight until she's in love with you. All you can trust is that
generally if she sleeps with you, she won't want to feel like a slut so she'll see you again. So if you're
trying to date and you're accumulating phone numbers, you better be finding girls that are actively
looking for a boyfriend – otherwise no matter how fervently she insists she'll see you again, you can bet
she won't. What does that mean? Even if you're looking for a girlfriend, you want to try your hardest to
have sex with her when you meet her, and if you can't do that, you at least want her to go to your place,
or go to a couple places, and you want her to kiss you, and you want to share a unique emotional
experience. You might also say things like “I never text people that I meet out randomly. You usually
meet cool people but don't get much of a real connection. But this has been really interesting.” You
DEFINITELY want to get the kiss, because then in retrospect she can't be like “Eh, he was just some
guy” as easily because she kissed you (though kisses don't mean much and they often still think that).
I've spent three hours with a girl and told her that I don't like Texas because people are easy to meet but
then they don't follow up and actually get to know people after they meet, at which point she promised
we'd hang out again and set up a date with me. Then we made out. Then she texted me out of the blue
the next day. And then I never saw her again. I've spent the night at a girl's place naked in bed with her,
fingered her. Not had sex because there was no condom available. Then had her avoid me and never see
me again. But once we've had sex, almost every girl is down to at least see me one more time.

Many of you that want a girlfriend won't believe me on this one. But over time you'll realize I'm right.
Maybe many, many years. If you want to save yourself time, follow all the previously laid out rules,
and get her to invest as much in you as possible the first time you meet (if she kisses you, buys you a
drink, goes different places with you – good. If she has sex with you, perfect). Ideally, you'll be the
“I've never done this before” guy if she's “Not that type of girl” in which case you are 1 of 1, a perfect
stand out in her life history. If she is that type of girl, then you definitely need to close the deal or you'll
be some guy who didn't close it out. An outcast from the group of guys she did sleep with. If you try
absolutely everything and can't make it happen, you absolutely need to make as much happen as
possible (all those investments). And then you need to know that no matter how much you liked her
and how many promises to see you again she made, there's a better chance than not you'll never see her

After that point, we come to dating. There are four major things that I've learned about dating:
1) Silence is golden. Ignore her sometimes. I'm a huge advocate of avoiding playing “games” but I've
been burned so many times by being a reliable good guy that I will tell you there is one thing you
CANNOT avoid if you want a good relationship – you MUST create enough space for her to miss you.
Some days you just need to stop texting her back in the middle of a good interaction and wait for her to
reopen you. Sometimes after you had sex you just need to not text her, let her worry that she was a one
night stand and try to get in contact with you because she's not the “love 'em and leave 'em type.”
Nothing you can do is more powerful than disappearing occasionally. Wait for her to tell you that you
aren't the world's best texter and that she wants to see you more often. Then, don't do what I did once
with a girl I really really wanted to keep and take “I want to see you more often” as “Now make sure
we hang out three times a week every week” - in that case I went from her missing me and wanting
more, to giving her too much. I should have let her keep seeking me out. Give her good times with you,
don't disappear so much that it kills any momentum and good feelings. But keep it so that SHE is
SEEKING YOU. You have to lead and seek pretty hard to have sex with her the first time. From that
point on, you need to flip it and make sure that she's seeking you, it should NOT be you seeking her.
Even if you're seeing each other once a week or you disappear for two weeks sometimes. Every girl has
a different amount of desire to see guys early on. Some of them need to miss you and have to seek you
for months to come around.

The one guarantee is that if you give her too much of yourself, or if she thinks you're more into her
than she is into you, she will push you away and run. She'll feel smothered and her feelings will retreat
and you WILL be fucked. This is NOT optional. You can sit here and think you're too high and mighty
to do this all you want. You can think it's a game. You can think that you're too good for it. But if you
do, here is a 100% accurate prediction of your future: Much pain, many relationships that fall apart for
no apparent reason, relationships that seemingly fizzle for no good reason, and months or years from
now you realizing that I'm right. Period. The ONLY exception is if you settle for a girl that knows you
are too good for her and she clings to you, desperately not wanting you to get away. That's it.

So please please please please please listen to me, and pull some disappearing acts. You're actually not
playing a horrible mind game. You're giving her a gift: That feeling of missing someone and realizing
you want more of them, which in turn makes you realize that you actually like them, which makes the
relationship sweeter.

People can't just be happy with things. Unfortunately. They have to think that what they want might
just be out of reach for a while. They have to worry about it. They have to think it's rare and right on
the edge of their ability. Then they have to feel they've won a victory by finally getting it. I want a
Ferrari quite badly – I love the passion that goes into the cars, the engineering, the company. I love the
national pride that Italians put into Ferrari. I love the racing heritage. I love the performance. They are
fascinating machines. But even with all of that, if everyone in my neighborhood had a Ferrari, I would
want something else. Too accessible. So it doesn't matter WHO you are, if you can't make a girl feel
like you're almost out of reach, then you'll feel a lot like a Ferrari when everyone on the block has one.
So do her a favor, and make her feel like she had to win you to a degree.

2) The process of falling in love is DEEPLY intertwined with investing hopes of a better future in that
person. If you've fallen in love before, you'll know what I mean. If you haven't, just trust me. Falling in
love REQUIRES that she falls in love with some amazing future you COULD have together. That
means you need to ask questions (starting probably a few weeks or more in) and find out what her ideal
future is. Then you need to find a way to make her envision what an even MORE amazing future she
would have with you around. She wants a family and so do you? Why would she love having you in
that role more than anyone else? She wants to travel the world and so do you? Well, isn't it soooo much
better to have a partner in crime to share all of that with?

The girl that asked me to spend more time with her, then I spent too much with her and it fell apart –
we never talked much future. I didn't really know what her ideal future looked like. I didn't really give
her any way to fall in love with the idea of having me in it. I gave her great experiences when we were
together, but she didn't have to miss me because I sought her out more often than she wanted me
around. So she actually started growing against me (keep in mind she had 4 nights a week without me
and had started calling me babe and treating me like her boyfriend. I hardly texted her most of the time.
But that was too much for her in her current state). And she had no reason to be invested in keeping me
around for the future, because she wasn't becoming enthralled with and investing in some great future
with me.

A car salesman searches for what a person wants in a car. They ask questions and probe to find out
what is important. Then they sell in a specifically targeted way to those points. You are in love with
color? They'll sell you only cars of that color. If they DIDN'T ask so they didn't know that color was so
important, they'd be trying to sell you a bunch of white cars when you want a blue one, and you'd wind
up feeling unsatisfied and leaving. If you want a blue car with good gas mileage, they need to find you
out and sell you on those points. They would be amiss to assume that you want a lot of great features
and a car with power and performance like most people do, and they would waste all the time that you
were willing to give them trying to sell you on the wrong things.

Similarly, you need to determine what she wants in your future. Then you need to find the places where
you GENUINELY line up, and think of the creative ways where you can sell her on picturing YOU
AND ONLY YOU as the perfect person FOR that future. Don't believe me? Start watching old seasons
of the Bachelorette (buy them on iTunes or download Adblock for Google Chrome and go to free-tv- I specifically recommend season 9 and then season 8. Watch how the ability of the
Bachelorette to mentally invest in a possible future with a guy is one of the biggest key factors in her
falling in love with him and choosing him. The other factor being 'chemistry' which is largely sexual
tension, but also vibing and humor. Vibing being your ability to go with it, to follow Tyler D's rules of
vibing and not kill vibe, and also a matter of timing and social calibration. It's also your ability to make
her laugh, which, when in doubt, is easiest done with my next trick...

3) Physical humor/playfulness. It's pretty hard to be able to make anyone laugh, at any time. People
have so many different styles of humor. That's why this entire book largely breaks away from reliance
on humor. Humor is great, when you have it, but if it is your cornerstone technique you'll have issues.
But there is ONE trick which few pickup guys use which DOES create very reliable laughter and good
vibes – physical humor. I don't necessarily recommend it when you're first picking her up because it
does work, but it can ruin your sexiness/sexual tension early on if over used (so use carefully).
HOWEVER, once you've slept together, or even on a date in general, it is a GREAT way to make her
feel like she vibes with you and has a great time and energy with you.

Physical humor can be tickling her, it can be nudging her towards a light post as you walk down the
sidewalk (obviously if you actually body check her into a metal object you won't be seeing her again.
Duh), it can be pretending like you're going to spill your water on her so that she grabs your arm and
you guys laugh as you play fight. It's kind of what little kids do when they're playing back and forth.
One key – She HAS to already like you quite a bit. If you pretend you're about to spill your water on
some girl at the bar that doesn't like you or just met you, you better believe she's going to get pissed,
yell at you, and storm off. Same thing if you just sat down for a date and she's not into you yet. But
once she's kinda feeling you or definitely likes you, or has slept with you, that physically playful, play
fighting, tickling, etc. type stuff is BRILLIANT. Single handedly things like that can turn a relationship
where she likes you but doesn't feel like you have enough amazing chemistry to spend a life together,
into a situation where she wants to spend most of her time around you.

If you don't quite get it, watch some romantic comedies and look for it. Watch the Bachelorette and
look for it. Even watch the most recent season of the Real World (the Skeletons one, season 30?) and
watch how they make up handshakes together and they just walk up to each other and start vibing a
dance with no music and so on.
The best part is, you don't have to be that witty or be able to make that many different types of people
laugh. Some girls will never like it if you tickle them. Others will never like you making up handshakes
with them. But if you're creative and have decent calibration, you should be able to make almost any
girl feel a vibe with you via physical humor.

Another thing you can do is to give her a hard time with strangers. There's a video that's pretty funny
where a celebrity breaks up with her boyfriend by singing a song about her fucking his enemy. I
showed it to a girl I was seeing, then spent the whole day quoting it to strangers that walked by. It was
basically to the effect of looking at strangers on the street and going “Hey. She's fucking Gary
Coleman” and then she'd laugh and hit me and be all embarrassed and the strangers would be like

These types of things are what generally makes a girl fall in love with you. If you do them before she
likes you, they probably won't go over well – so keep that in mind. If you're like “Hey that shit
backfired big time!” then you probably did it too early. Also, certain girls are too proud to do certain
things. So don't be all goofy as shit with a proud girl that doesn't let her guard down. Learn to calibrate
it. If she likes to keep a relatively tough and respectable or “high class” exterior, learn where the line of
something she thinks is funny and something she thinks is annoying is. The whole point is to sort of
flirt with the line and give her a hard time, but don't be retarded. You can't just do what I say but out of
a place of no social grace or thought whatsoever and expect it to work.

4) Try to pack as MUCH EMOTION into every moment she spends with you as possible. Take her on
crazy adventures. Be creative. Make her laugh. Be physically playful. Build up powerful sexual
tension. Be her sexual fantasy. Take her to do things she's never done before but you know she'll like.
The more emotionally impactful each moment with you is, the better. Connect deep and have her share
vulnerable things with you at times. Talk about the hard things. Pull a Venture and ask “What's
something not a lot of people know about you?” Then make her laugh really hard, then teasingly
embarrass her in front of a stranger. Then be her ultimate sexual fantasy and build crazy sexual tension
in the restaurant, and push her up against the wall of your place the moment you get in the door
(provided you know she wants to and likes that sort of thing. At no point will I ever advocate
aggressively trying to get sex, especially for the first time. You gotta make her want it duh. Let's be

Avoid negative emotions and fights too. If an argument looms, go silent, walk away, don't let it happen.
Arguments have been scientifically proven not to make the other side see things your way. In fact, they
make the other person become emotionally invested in proving you wrong, which actually reinforces
their stance that is counter to yours. Ie, they will, every time, make things worse.

Another thing to note about arguments is what RSD Julien said: Arguments are usually just people's
deep-seated issues that have nothing to do with you getting triggered, and then them lashing out at you
to try to take power over their hurt and their deep issue. I certainly lost a great girl to this once... I tell
the story elsewhere here, but I think I triggered her unknowingly, at least in part. She lashed out at me
by ignoring me at a time that was sort of meaningful to us. That triggered my issues with things
eventually imploding, which I inherently lash out about by pushing people away to feel like it was my
choice (yeah, never said I was perfect... haha). Then eventually I couldn't resist any longer and I didn't
keep my silence, we lashed out back and forth until we couldn't take back the shit we'd said for no good
reason... and that was it. So keep in mind something probably triggered something in her unrelated to
you, and if you just remove yourself silently, it will die down naturally with time and some part of her
might even realize it wasn't exactly related to you anyway.
Furthermore, most girls don't understand that no relationship is perfect. If she's not in love with you,
one single argument may well make her stop seeing you. If you don't work together or have mutual
friends, it's all too easy for her to just disappear. But if a disagreement starts, and you say “I don't want
to argue, I'll see you later” and you just leave and she has to then miss you... Then she'll come after you
and it will work out.
If she says something you feel is negative and she needs to be talked out of it, say nothing instead. Just
go silent. Or don't text her back. She'll see (sooner or later) that something is wrong and come to you. If
she hasn't said I love you, don't argue. Then once she has said I love you, remember that arguments get
you nowhere and don't try to talk about anything with her if it becomes emotional. Just wait until it can
be discussed. Try to avoid hard discussions before she loves you too. Disappearing is always the best
way, sorry fellas. I know that's not how you handle a marriage and a solid relationship, but it IS how
you get there. Otherwise she'll fall in love with the shitty guy that handles things that way because he
doesn't care about her and she'll have to suffer for months or years or a lifetime with him. Just do things
that way until she's in love, and then you can start being a more responsible, respectable,
communicative human being.

Anyway, if you pack every moment with her with tons of emotion. Then you disappear a bit in
between. You will guarantee she misses you, that other guys that she's dating (and she will be) can't
hold a candle to you, and that she comes back to you. Then if she starts imagining a future with you,
you have a recipe for falling in love. Once she says she loves you, that's when a real relationship can
start. Before then, or before SHE says she wants to be committed to you (don't you bring it up), assume
nothing is remotely solid and the game is very much still afoot.

Many of you will ignore this advice. You will suffer pain and heartbreak. Those of you who say “Well,
that's not what I thought was the ideal way to handle it, but I trust you” - you will follow the advice and
be happy much much much sooner. That is, if you want a relationship. Don't be a dick – don't try to get
girls to want relationships with you if you don't want one with them. We're good at meeting women,
we're not 'players' who fuck with people. Got it? Be a caring human being. Just know when to do it
internally without anyone knowing, and when to do it externally. But don't become an evil fuck, no
matter how badly women treat you (and many will treat you like shit, sorry. Reality is a bitch

The Two Types of People You Must Always Stay Away from – The Sociopath and the Addict

I don't really want to go here, but I think that after a lifetime of banging my head against the wall and
getting shitty experiences over and over, this was a major lesson I had to learn. There are two
categories of people that simply WILL NOT change, and will only drag you through the mud until
you're broken and worn out. You simply have to let them go and accept that their life will be a bit of a
shit storm, but extract yourself from it. You can't care about these two types of people. I'm sorry. You
can like check in with them on Christmas and wish them the best, but that's about it.

The first person is literally incurable and you need to learn to recognize them and run like you've never
run before. This is the sociopath. Sociopaths are actually literally INCAPABLE of caring about others.
The fucked up thing is that they're very smart and good at understanding WHEN they should care about
others, and acting like they do. They often act like total selfish fuckheads right up until someone is
about to break and actually walk away from them, then they'll show just enough caring to give that
person hope and reassurance and they'll stay around. But these people's brains are LITERALLY
incapable of caring about others. The hallmarks are that NOTHING is ever their fault in their world.
Like literally they will find ANY possible way to assert that nothing was EVER their fault. Everyone
else to them is kind of an idiot. They get way too angry about shit that doesn't matter. And you'll sense
if you pay close attention that if they SAY they care about someone, you won't actually feel any true
EMOTION in that. How do you determine a sociopath? Either repeated behavior of NOTHING ever
being their fault and irrational anger over stupid crap, or you can see it in the small moments. You'll
notice that when they know they should express caring about others, they'll SAY it, but you won't sense
that they actually care if you focus. And if anything upsets them, you'll see the way overblown anger
pop up. If you detect this in someone, RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN. This person will NEVER change
until the day they die because their brain is actually physically, genetically broken – AND they create
massive, massive, massive pain for everyone around them. Be aware this is not a “psychopath”, which
is a serial killer type. Psychopaths derive pleasure from the pain of others. Sociopaths simply don't care
about others and have no sense of guilt or responsibility for anything they cause. So the psychopaths
are the rare really dangerous ones that kill cats. Sociopaths will just run your life into the ground, spend
all your money, con you, cheat on you, ruin your business, act like they know they shouldn't have – but
inside they literally will not care. You MUST realize it's actually ZERO percent caring. Zero. That's
key. If you think they care 0.1% you will maintain hope and you might try to fix them or keep them
around or whatever. You must accept that they are LITERALLY broken and they will ALWAYS be.
Trust me, my father is a sociopath. He has just ruined my mom's life, brought down everyone around
him, and every piece of my life that I let him touch he ruined as well. Now I just don't think about him
almost ever and it's all good, I don't really care. My friend's dad was a sociopath and ran up about a
million dollars of debt in her mom's name, then just peaced out, started living with strippers that he was
just paying for (on her mom's tab), and then he actually STARTED ANOTHER FAMILY and didn't
even tell them about my friend's family. Guess what, this behavior is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT
NORMAL for a sociopath. And they are good at being charming when they want – which is why you
tell a sociopath in the moments when they're lazy and DON'T feel like pretending. You'll never fix
them. Run away. This is a lot of strippers and so on, and we don't like to think of gorgeous girls as
being this type of person, so it can be hard to tell. If you sense it, seriously fucking run. Don't try to use
logic, their lack of caring knows no bounds and listens to no logic and NEVER will. They will die that
way. They don't actually love anyone, though sometimes they act like they do.
If you research sociopaths, be aware that mainstream psychology has some weird desire to change their
terms for stuff every five years and they have now lumped sociopaths and psychopaths into some other
term – I think it's antisocial personality disorder – and eradicated the academic existence of the term
'sociopath'. Though you can still go read all about it in older literature/websites. This is a really
annoying process of a fairly misguided field (academic psychology), and in another five years they will
probably have eradicated antisocial personality disorder and created new terms again. And again and
again. But sociopath is a great term and a great definition for what these people actually are, and it very
neatly and accurately defines what they're like in real life. Trust me, I grew up with one, there has been
0% change in him in thirty years despite all kinds of shit. His only son, who he is actually proud of
(they don't love but they do know pride – because it ties back to themselves), hasn't said one year to
him in something like 8 years now and he STILL has changed exactly ZERO percent since the day I
was born. Same with my friend's father. They'll only bring you with them. Step back and have pity that
they're like angry, self destructive cats, but get out of the fucking way and cut all ties. Even if they do
eventually destroy themselves, you wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.

The other person you must avoid is the addict. Now the obvious addict is the substance abuse addict.
Hopefully you know to avoid them. The issue is that there are many types of addicts. In fact, I would
argue that we are all addicted to SOMETHING to some extent. But for the addict, it really defines their
life. The addict is a tough case because where there is exactly, precisely, GUARANTEED 0% chance
for a sociopath – I can tell you right now they will NEVER change, so you simply have to walk away
from them... Well, sadly with the addict there IS a 0.1% chance. Which is really fucked up because we
have all heard about addicts that have turned their life around, we know that some of them CAN do it
with help, and this makes it VERY hard to do the right thing and just get away from them. It's hard to
throw them under the bus. If you KNOW for a FACT that a sociopath is guaranteed to be a fuck their
whole life, you can walk away and not sit around worrying about it. You know when they're 85 they're
still doing the same shit. For an addict, you will have a very misguided and overblown hope for them,
but technically you aren't wrong that there is some hope.

The deal here is that the addicts that will get you are the EMOTIONAL addicts. These people are
heavily, heavily addicted to victim mentalities, negativity, drama, that kind of thing. I don't mean a little
bit, because a little bit of those addictions pretty much defines a woman... That's a joke, but not really.
But you'll see that some people are SERIOUSLY addicted to negativity and drama and so on and they
just can't get away from it. The real thing that will help you know these people are no good is when you
sense that they really deeply don't WANT to get out of it. They'll tell you this long litany of awful
things that happen to them, they might blow up on you and make you feel like an asshole, they'll
probably tell you a lifetime of really bad shit that happened to them. It may actually BE that bad. You'll
feel sorry for them and want better for them, and as a self help aficionado that understands this type of
stuff, you might try to help them. But I'll tell you right now I've only seen maybe two to four people
DEEPLY change in the course of my ENTIRE life, even being around ultra-high performers and people
that are pushing to change themselves my whole life. If you add on top of that epidemic levels of
addiction to negativity, drama, pain, and/or victim mindset, you now have the normal near-
impossibility of deep change (you can do it, but almost none of your friends will) AND you have to add
on top of that the near-impossibility of getting out of addiction.

As with all addicts, these people don't want to admit they have a problem. They often attack anyone
who tries to tell them that their brain is the enemy and they need to work their way out of it. They
constantly defend by attacking. Any bit you help elevate their mood or stabilize them will be quickly
trashed. It will be like trying to live in a tornado if you're around them. Guess what, the 0.1% chance
that they might improve is NOT worth your life and sanity and happiness. You can again wish them
well on Christmas, talk to them for short periods of time, but you need to keep them out of your life.
The only thing you can do is give them something like Julien Himself videos on YouTube, like the
Julien Himself “The Happiness Series”, explain to them, and then just leave. If they're in the 0.1%,
sometime in the next year and a half or two years, they will watch the videos THEMSELVES when
THEY want to. The harder YOU push them to do it, the more they'll push back and NEVER do it.
Then, most of them will dismiss it as stupid. After that, most of what's left will take ZERO action on
the videos and knowledge. If they ARE within the 0.1% they MIGHT take some action on the videos,
and maybe start looking up more. It will take at LEAST 1.5 years for them to have any notable change
happen in their lives, so you pretty much just need to check out on them for a long period of time,
maybe watch their social media to see what's up. Or occasionally wish them a happy birthday or talk to
them on the phone shortly. I'd recommend against even meeting them for coffee because they have a
tendency to suck in people that care about them, but use at your own discretion. Expect that they will
NEVER change. Only hope that they might change if they are basically one in a thousand AFTER at
LEAST a year and a half. So don't keep checking back in hoping something has changed, you'll just go
nuts. If they HAVE changed a year and a half or more later, you will notice three things: A) Their
stories will no longer have constant craziness and victimization in them. B) They will be able to stay in
positive thought patterns for a couple days on end without dips. This is the thing that suckers you in
about addicts, they can manage a couple hours of positivity and so you have a good time and they seem
like they're good... Until they aren't and it's back into that addiction mentality. C) They will have
dramatically shaken up their life. They won't be hanging around the same people, doing the same
things, and they very possibly may have realized they needed to just move entirely and be around
different people and different circumstances. If you don't see these things, they aren't out of it. They
may seem improved a little, but they're still in the addiction and you still don't want them in your life.
It's a hard thing to do, but with addicts you basically just need to write them off and wish them the best.
You shouldn't really even harbor hope for them. Well wishes, sure, but not hope. Take the mindset that
you'd love to be surprised, but that it will be a MASSIVE surprise. Addicts generally need to help each
other, so let them find other addicts who have gotten out of it and let them help each other – don't help
them for them. Keep in mind that as with substance abuse addicts, they may even kill themselves or
other drastic actions. If they call you one night freaking out, DO take that call and try to talk them out
of it because they may actually kill themselves or something else and you won't want to know that you
could've stopped it. But the other times when they're just running around being miserable, leave them
be. About all you can do is help them live another day in their darkest hours, and besides that you can
just give them a link to some material that will help, point out what you think is going on once, and
then walk away and perhaps they'll help themselves. You have to assume that they have cursed
themselves to a life of feeling that way due to the fact that they don't care enough to take action on
what you provided them with. And you have to remember that the more you push it on them, the more
they will resist. So it's not helpful to try to convince them, but it will jack you up.

You will probably notice that addicts tend to gravitate towards sociopaths. Lovely combination, eh?
This is because the addicts are addicted to pain and victimization and trying to 'change' people and so
on. And the sociopaths NEVER change and treat them like shit 95% of the time, while 5% of the time
feeding them just enough positivity and fake empathy to keep them addicted. So these two will swirl
around each other. And guess what? It's like a hurricane. These situations are nightmares, and the
stories I've heard will make your stomach turn. Sociopaths sideswiping minivans on the highway,
sending them flipping over the barrier and then not even turning around or slowing down to see if they
just murdered a family – while the addict dating them freaks out and calls me and asks if that's
'normal'... Then the addict CONTINUES TO DATE the sociopath even though I told them without any
question to RUN like the wind before that sociopath either burns their life to the ground or does
something careless that gets them killed and doesn't even care. Yes that's one of many real stories. The
addict will keep making excuses for the sociopath, and they will storm around like a serious nightmare.

If my father is a sociopath, take a guess what my mother is... Yep. Of a milder form, she's not even
close to the worst I've met, but she's definitely a light emotional addict. The issue is that empathetic
people that have lived around addicts tend to have a soft spot for them and will always go to great
lengths and weight themselves down trying to help addicts. It was a lot harder for me to realize I need
to let addicts storm around and fuck themselves up, after offering them the chance to help themselves
and then letting it be, than it was to realize that sociopaths are just miserable and can't change. I
suppose perhaps I'm like a second-hand addict, because it's hard for me to let the addicts go. But I don't
gravitate towards sociopaths, so I'm not the addict type. I'm kind of the helper. Helpers can be great
people, except they often target their help at those that can't be helped. Anyway, don't let the addict into
your life, run from the sociopath.

If you're somewhere on the addict scale, like I must be to a slight extent, be aware that you probably
think everyone should care more than they do. This kind of fucks you up because you perpetually want
people to be more engaged with you than they will be, and it can kind of drive you nuts. This is where
you need to learn to ditch being sensitive, care less, and end pointless thought loops about things that
can't be solved and emotions caused by others. If you're on this scale, you probably waste insane
amounts of brainpower looping on emotions caused by others (sensitivity), and on silly things like what
your addict friend just did, or what would happen if airport armrests were removed. If you learn to cut
these loops off, you'll find you have SO MUCH excess brainpower and thinking time it's almost scary.
You can be SO present the world will seem like a new place. It can actually be scary enough you might
want to turn around and run back into your little hole of wasting time and thought power looping on
useless shit. By learning to not be sensitive (which means allowing things you care about to affect your
emotional state. You can care about something logically, and take action on it, without being
emotionally affected by the outcome either way. And it also means allowing others to affect your
emotions/moods), and by learning to care less, you will also have better relationships with the average
person. You'll stop expecting everyone to engage with you to a level that doesn't make sense, and then
driving both them and yourself nuts when they don't. Also, you can continue caring about things on the
macro scale – like your goals – just don't be SENSITIVE to them. Ie, don't tie your emotions to the fact
you care about them. Caring about day to day things really isn't helpful at all. Nor is caring about
people you just met, or what they think about you, etc.

Sorry to bring in this bit of a downer thing, but you can literally lose friendships, marriages, businesses,
hundreds of sleepless nights, your willpower to do stuff, your happiness, your world view, and many
other things by trying to tie yourself to addicts and sociopaths in this world. I'd be pleasantly shocked if
they went out and helped themselves, and I'd be the first one to hug and congratulate them, but they're
like little black holes causing destruction to anyone around them and because they are unfixable (in the
case of the addict, by their own choice and actions), there's no use allowing my life to get fucked up for

How to Move Past or Get Over a Girl

I wasn't going to put this in, but I think it's something that was EXTREMELY hard for me at first and
then has proved to be a more and more and more positive skill over time. It also takes a lot of learning
and insight to break down what's going on and do something about it. So this will help you figure out
why the hell you're so stuck, sad, and/or uncomfortable. And what to do about those things. Note- the
Julien process of letting go is in at least one RSD Julien (or JulienHimself) video on YouTube, I
believe, plus you can check out his paid program Transformation Mastery. A few hundred bucks to not
sit around feeling shitty every day is great – especially when a lot of people spend that drinking or
doing drugs or maybe even developing addictions after they have to separate from a girl.

On a side note, now that I think about it, this has a really POSITIVE aspect to it, as well. If you DON'T
know how to move past/get over girls, then you can become extremely hesitant to ever let go with a girl
and start feeling great about her. HOWEVER, if you

What you get attached to:

-A view of the future. The things you wanted to do with them, you get attached to those.
-Solution: A) Let it go, via a Julien like process (breathe in, focus on that feeling, grow its intensity,
get lost in it... Then breathe out B) Develop NEW AWESOME VIEWS OF THE FUTURE!!
-Bottom Line: You can be excited about ALL KINDS OF SHIT in the world. Our brains just don't
letting go of things we ALREADY WERE excited about, and it takes a minute to build excitement
-The Validation of someone You think is Special thinking You're Special
-Solution: A) Again, let go of the 'specialness' you were feeling because of that person's validation,
through the Julien like process (breathe in, fully experience it, breathe it out). Then let go of the PAIN
OF THE LOSS OF THAT SPECIALNESS you also feel (two sided coin) by the same process. B)
Remember that you don't NEED ANYTHING to relax and feel awesome, your brain over the course of
your life through outside influences just added a bunch of rules. “I have to have approval from
attractive girls. A Lamborghini (almost wrote Porsche, but fuck Porsches lol). And a lot of money
before I can feel good).
-Bottom Line: How could someone you met almost certainly less than 10 or 20% of your life ago
make you special??
-Excitement for the Future
-Solution: A) Let go of the excitement you had about a future BECAUSE OF HER through the
Julien process or similar. B) Remember that YOU WERE PROVIDING most of the excitement in that
future because you're a man and an energy provider. So you were the lynch pin of that, provide yourself
an equally great future – hint, it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE WITH A GIRL!!! (many girls, your guy
friends, or just doing awesome stuff tied to no one at all)
-Bottom Line: You were probably the one making that future exciting, so YOU'RE the excitement.
Create new excitement, and be excited about your ability to craft awesome futures!
-Something to do with Your brain (loop on her a lot)
-Solution: Remember other things that you love, and replace a habit with a habit. Loop your mind
about those things instead. Or about having sex with new girls or whatever.
-Bottom Line: We have a lot more 'mental time' than we think we do. We like to start looping that
time on a girl. Just replace that with looping on something else
-Emotional Engagement
-Solution: A) Let go of the emotional engagement she provided, same Julien process of wallowing in
it and then expelling it. B) Same as the above, go back to the other stuff that really emotionally
engages you.
-Bottom Line: Humans need something to be emotionally engaged in. But many things emotionally
engage you- you just got pretty into one. Just get emotionally engaged in others.


The Game Mastery System-

I believe it was a sales expert that I watched one time that said that people love plug and play systems.
They love to get something that they just follow step by step to results. For many, many years I didn't
think that existed for game. But as I truly learned what was important in game, and how it was a select
few things in particular that mattered most, it became increasingly possible. Then as I learned that there
is a very set group of things that a person must do to create deep, lasting change in themselves and their
performance in anything, it became clear that we CAN actually make a step-by-step guide to mastering

I'm going to provide this here for a few reasons. The first is that I want people to be able to add this
skill to their life as efficiently, quickly, and effectively as possible and to go out and enjoy the results
and then focus on other things. The second is that I want people to master this set of knowledge FIRST
before trying to innovate on it. I more-or-less did that with Mystery Method and then again with the
knowledge from Project Rockstar, but to be honest I was trying to innovate a bit from day one. It
would've been better if I'd mastered something that worked fairly well and gotten some results and
THEN innovated later. You have the opportunity to master something that works EXTREMELY well,
probably better than you need, and then innovate from there. But your journey will be vastly better if
you start by following the steps. Next, I want to provide something that will keep you accountable. If
you don't have a way to hold yourself to the ins and outs and hard work of what it takes to get to the
finish line, you probably won't make it. Subsequently, I want to help everyone that's not good at taking
a lump of hundreds of pages of knowledge and implementing it be able to actually act on this body of
knowledge and permanently change their lives. Both with game and in other areas. Additionally, I want
to give you a roadmap that you can substitute other knowledge into in order to master ANYTHING.

Finally, I want to do one of the most important things I can when teaching anybody in game. I want to
force you to make a decision on how bad you actually want it, and how far you're willing to go. And I
want you to directly relate that decision to your results. The fact is, most people reading this will
NEVER master game. Many of you won't implement more than the tiniest sliver of this information.
The majority of you will only use bits and pieces. Only a few of you will really use most of the material
and really put effort into it. Providing a step-by-step system will certainly increase the number of you
that follow through with most of the material. So that's cool. But there's something more important I
want to do. I want peace for the majority of you that don't want success in game badly enough to really
dedicate to it, push your boundaries, put in the hours and hours and hours over months and years, and
really suffer and work for it. The vast majority of people in this world and even the particularly
motivated individuals who finish this book simply DO NOT HAVE what it takes to master game or any
other high level skill. A lot of other people have what it takes, but will not now and may never want it
badly enough to actually put in the effort and frustration and drive that it requires to actually achieve
high level success in game (or any other particular endeavor). For those people, they can be very happy
as long as they make a conscious choice not to go all the way, and as long as they understand that their
choice comes with reduced results and outcomes – which allows them to be happy with those reduced
results and outcomes.

As I've mentioned a bunch, I grew up in high level individual sports. I saw dozens and dozens of
extremely talented, very motivated individuals throw almost everything they had at our sport, only to
bounce off and fail to reach a professional level. The result was heartbreak, bitterness, and even giving
up at life entirely. They became failures in their mind. They never wanted to work their ass off and risk
failing nonetheless again. It really destroyed a number of close personal friends and more distant
acquaintances. I watched it over and over. The fact was, basically every one of the people I watched fall
short made subconscious or partially conscious decisions to shortcut the process along the way. They
didn't want to watch video after training and working out and maintaining their equipment all day. They
didn't want to spend another thirty minutes every day training. They didn't want to push themselves that
extra little bit. They didn't want to brainstorm ways to improve. They didn't want to maintain their
equipment better. They didn't want to take more risks. They didn't want to obsessively dedicate every
waking moment to our sport. The result was that eventually, after many years of nonetheless trying to a
level that most people will never try at anything in their entire lives, they fell short. They didn't fall
short because they, as people, failed. They fell short because they weren't willing to do it all. Or they
lacked knowledge in what to do. But they took it personally. They didn't feel they had chosen to
shortcut. Instead they just felt that they failed. Or that they got screwed. And the result was a lot of
negativity, sometimes spreading through everything they did in their lives indefinitely.

Had someone laid out every step they had to take, they would've known that when they decided to skip
some that they had made a decision to not do what they should. When they fell short, they would have
known it was because they chose not to do everything. They could have known that had they decided
differently, they might have had a different outcome. They would have understood that they didn't get
screwed by life, and that they weren't human failures. Instead, they would've known that they just
decided that laziness or something else was more important to them than whatever they skipped.

So I'm going to layout the steps in a system that will make you excellent at game if you follow EVERY
step and do not discount, half ass, or skip a single step. The deal is this – most of you do not want
success with women at the highest of levels badly enough to faithfully execute every one of these steps
in full. But that is what's required to have success with women at the highest levels. In other words,
most of you do not want success with women at the highest levels badly enough to actually get it. If
you walk around thinking that you deserve success with women at the highest levels, and then you try
really hard, and then you don't get that success... what will happen? You'll walk around thinking that
you got screwed. Or that there's something wrong with you. Or you'll get bitter. Or you'll give up. Or
you'll be unwilling to try that hard at other things. But if you didn't get that success because you didn't
do everything that you should have, you shouldn't come to those conclusions. You shouldn't feel that

So the deal is this. If you don't execute each and everyone of these steps to the fullest. If you skip any
of them. If you don't do ALL of them within a two week time period (ie, if it's a year and a half later
and you haven't finished them all). If you quit. If you decide to do something else with your time
instead. Understand that you are making a CONSCIOUS DECISION to limit your success with women
because it wasn't a high enough priority for you to follow through with each of these steps in full. Or
because you had moral, ethical, or other viewpoint differences with what is required to have maximum
success with women. As such, if you skip out on or don't fully complete all of these steps, you know
that you had control and that you made a decision to do something else and that as a result you will
have lower success. That is PERFECTLY FINE. BUT, since you now know that was a conscious
decision, you also know that you made the decision to be happy with lower level of success with
women. You decided you don't need to get women all the time. Or that you don't need to get the hottest
women. Or that other things are important to you in life as well. And that's all great! Good for you. Just
know that you made a decision and that your results are a direct consequence of that decision and that
you had control. It was a choice. So be happy with it. Very few actually want it badly enough to see it
through to the highest level. The degree to which you're willing to follow through with the steps in the
system shows you how important success with women truly is in your life, and what level of success
you're going to get. It makes it nice and simple. You can always change it later by following more or
less of the steps.

If you don't even want to go through 7/10 of these steps than cold approach probably isn't for you. My
top recommendation if you still want to date attractive girls is to get a job as a door man or bartender at
a popular bar or club where hot girls go and work. My second recommendation is to get a job at a
restaurant with a lot of hot waitresses. My third recommendation is to start working in music or fashion
and work your way up so you're going to industry parties and meeting other people in the industry. And
my last recommendation if you're unwilling to change your job is to work social circle and try to
befriend guys that hang out with girls you are interested in. If you don't want to do any of that AND
you won't do more than 7/10 of these steps, you need to settle for women. You can get some okay
success online dating. You can use to meet some girls. You can meet girls at coffee shops.
You're going to be dating 6s and 7s, probably more 6s. They will be reasonably infrequent. If that's
where you are, be happy with that level of success because you chose that level of effort and dedication
due to the fact that your priorities lie elsewhere. There's no magic bullet that excuses you from hard
work in pursuit of what you want in life.

What is the highest level of success if you follow every one of these steps directly? If you're a
reasonably good looking guy, dating 8.5s and 9s fairly regularly. Being able to pull these girls from
bars and clubs and go home with them that night and sleep with them, and being able to get them on
dates and sleep with them later. Being able to have sex with at least two of them a month, and being
able to have the choice to at least go on a couple more dates with the majority of the girls you've slept
with. Top level success is NOT going home with five or ten or fifteen 10s a month. That kind of thing
requires being a celebrity, if that's what you want, you need a different strategy. Even the top celebrities
realistically can't go home with fifteen 10s a month unless they focus entirely on finding and going
home with girls. It's just not reality. It's hard to even find that many tens in a month, let alone talk with
them, let alone hook up with them. So we're talking something like two 8.5+s a month, and the ability
to take them home from bars. If you like 7s, you could go home with one 8/10 nights from bars. You
might get 4 or 5 girls that are 8.5+ a month at the highest level, if you really know how to meet girls
and you're in the right city. It's unlikely you'll get more. But you can always add in a slew of 7s if you
so choose. And if you're marriage minded, hopefully some of those cuter girls will stick.
If you're NOT a reasonably good looking guy, I'm sorry to say that all evidence I've ever seen suggests
your level of success even at the highest end will be reduced. You will generally be looking to get 7.6s
and below in cold approach and online dating. You will get some 8s if you're at the highest level.
Sometimes you will do better, but I'd say no more than once a month even at the highest level of game.
Maybe not that often. Game makes up for a lot, but not as much as most people would like to believe. I
want people to have realistic expectations, because you might spend years of your life on a track based
on what information you get. If you want hotter girls than that, I recommend both following every step
of this system, because as a guy without the gift of physical attractiveness you're going to need ace
game even if you're a celebrity. Then on top of that, I recommend working as a door man or bartender
at a popular bar or club where your type of girls go and/or work. That will give you a leg up that you
can combine with excellent game in order to date girls that would otherwise be out of your reach.
Again, secondary to that is working at a restaurant where hot girls work. I recently met an RSD student
who was dating a drop dead gorgeous 9.5 who might have been an actual Playboy model, and if she
wasn't she could've been, despite not really knowing cold approach and not being particularly good
looking. He met her managing a restaurant in Phoenix. Apparently he had been dating hot girls for a
while, which is why he had the game to get her. But I can say from watching him cold approach that he
wasn't at a point where he would've gotten his girlfriend in a million years in a club. For a guy with
very good game, working a career in fashion or music would be even better in many cases. For a guy
without game, a bar or restaurant might be a better choice because you work alongside the same girls
day in and day out, so you can slowly work the situation and get in there. But if you've got great game
and are just not attractive enough to get what you want in clubs and bars in full cold approach, working
in fashion or music can give you the warm introductions and access to parties where people talk for
longer that you need to succeed. You also get the opportunity to work up the ladder until you have
value in those circles and girls will want to meet you and be impressed by you. There are definitely
jobs in those industries for savvy people that aren't talented in designing clothes or making music, so
don't worry about that. Finally, you can also work social circle game – but if you're going to work hard
enough to get sick game and you're less attractive, my guess is you'll want to get more girls than social
circle is likely to bring. For that reason, a change in career is likely your best bet. If you aren't willing
to do that, you can try to become famous. You can buy a bar or restaurant or club (risky, of course). You
can start throwing badass parties and build it until badass people come. You can arrange social get
togethers that women like, such as meetups on Something to give you extra value and a
slightly lopsided opportunity. At least buy a boat and meet dudes that hang with hot chicks and invite
them all out on your boat. Something. Otherwise settle for 7.5s. If you can make yourself more
attractive buy working out, tanning, improving your fashion and hair, do it.

To get to the top in game, you have to have a BURNING DESIRE. It has to border on obsession, or
maybe be obsession. There's no other way. And that has to last for years, and it has to be close to every
day for years. Where you fit on that scale from barely giving a fuck at all to having that level of
motivation and desire will determine what you get.
At the end of the day, if you put in the work, push the envelopes, drag yourself through enough tedious
practice and frustration and getting blown out, keep a cheeky and positive attitude about any and all
negativity, don't take yourself or anyone else or anything else too seriously, then ANYONE can reach
the highest level of game by following these steps. Within that framework, it can damn near be 'easy' –
meaning you'll get there by just waking up and following the steps and putting in the hard work. Not
meaning that it will be easy in that you don't have to put in hard work or that it will happen in the next
few months or that you won't have to push yourself.

Okay. Finally we get to the steps of the system. Again, do ALL of these. I don't care what you think is a
priority. These are ALL necessary, no matter your level (beginner to advanced). The steps that you
think aren't important or aren't actually relevant to you are almost guaranteed to be the ones that you'll
learn the most from. And I'm speaking from my own stubborn, painful experiences in thinking things
weren't relevant to me and later finding out that they were crucial to me and my selective blindspot
towards them was what was holding me back. Do these in TWO WEEKS or less. If you don't, if you
skip them, if you half ass any of them, you've made a CONSCIOUS DECISION to not have top level
results. You can always change that and come back later (and start over and finish the steps in two
weeks). But at least for now, if you don't do all of these completely in two weeks you've made a
conscious decision to have other priorities at the expense of having top level game and results with
women. So be content if that's what you decide to do.

The System:

1) Read this whole book. Skipping parts of this book definitely means you're not all in and you
might be missing crucial information. If you're doing that, you're somewhere in the 1-3 out of
10 range in how bad you want it. For craps sake, I've put everything you need to know in these
pages AND given you twenty steps you can follow right to the top – if you can't just read some
pages that tells you how much you care right there. I wrote this book by pushing myself to get
top level results, and I waited to release the book until I had actually found and overcome any
obstacles in my path to getting those level of results. I continuously added to this book as I
discovered and overcame new obstacles. My point is, each part of the book turned out to be
necessary for my own journey to reaching the top. And there's absolutely no reason that it isn't
identical for you. Arrogance in thinking you're different will NOT help you
2) If there are any parts of the book you didn't like, didn't accept, or took exception to, WRITE
THEM DOWN. These are probably the deepest rooted keys to your success. They are likely to
be your biggest stumbling blocks. Whatever you don't like or don't want to accept is likely to
secretly hold you back. You should evaluate why you don't like them. Then you should save that
information, and each time you get stuck, you should revisit that list and wonder if perhaps I
was right and those things are why you're getting stuck
3) Determine how you want to open, transition, frame yourself so she knows what you are about
and have to offer early on (without trying hard), how you're going to play fight, and how you're
going to build sexual tension. Look up lines, think things up, whatever. Develop a game plan
based around what I've written here
4) Watch Rock of Ages and study the sexual tension of Stacee Jaxx
5) Watch Top Gun and study the cocky smile and frame Tom Cruise has that convey his cockiness
6) Watch a Matthew McConaughey movie and study his use of rhythm and how that affects your
perception of him/his character
7) Make a COMMITMENT, a hard commitment that you really mean, to let go of how you view
yourself, how others view you and how you might currently want others to view you, how you
view women, and how you view the world. This is the pivotal step, and the one most of you will
not want to go through with. It is the one that will halt most of you as well, as it's required that
you change your perceptions of yourself, women, and the world if you want to get past a certain
8) Write down the expectations you need to have
-You will get extreme reactions in the night. Some pretty bad, some very good
-When girls don't like you, they might think you're a bit of an asshole
-You will get more rejections than acceptance, and they might not be nice. It will always be
that way
-Game is a fight. Go in expecting to have to change her position and overcome objections
she wholeheartedly believes, but to keep a fun, cheeky spirit and attitude about it
-You will have to repeatedly risk having your current emotional state knocked down a peg
in order to have a chance at success
-There will be both awkwardness and resistance in every set
-You will probably have to dominate and get rid of her friends
9) Write down the perceptions you need to have
-Game isn't smooth and shiny. It's a struggle, but a beautiful one. You're out there for the
heroic moments where you push through all the obstacles through tenacity and creativity
and brilliance combined to reach the finish line anyway
-You don't care what people's current emotional states are. You're going to stick around and
try whatever you need to in order to change them towards play fighting and sexual tension
-Game requires a few vibe shifts. From opening, to cracking her/loosening her up, to
building sexual tension
-Negativity and frustration and reacting to other people's negativity are anger are all signs of
the weak. You have no need for those emotions or reactions. Like James Bond, you're
cheeky in the face of any negative situation or actions by others
-It's all about sex and the whole point is to create sexual tension. You don't want a little
either, you want to dial it up to a ten at any cost
-You want to control the situation
-You want to blow out whatever emotion she had and direct it the way you want
-Game is about intensity and sexual tension, but it has to start lighter and cheekier and
funnier and with play fighting because you can't jump straight into it. Like meeting a wild
horse, you have to slowly warm it up to you
-Heroism comes from sticking it out, not taking no as an answer unless she tells you to fuck
off (in the bar – never force sex itself if she says no), and making it all the way to the finish
line. Close doesn't cut it
-If she doesn't kiss you, you'll never see her again. Numbers without a kiss are basically
worthless in a bar or club with a hot girl (but always get a number anyway)
-You MUST be cooler than her in a deep sense and on the surface. You'll never hook up
with a girl that's significantly cooler than you at first glance
-You must dominate both her and her friends
-You must go in with a telling frame and not an asking frame. Tell them what to do, don't
ask. If you fail, expect that they'll be unhappy, but when you succeed it will be very good
for you
-If you don't suck it up and do it, some other douche bag will
-At the end of the day, you don't control your results. The world does. You just control the
effort you put in and the number of girls you both approach, and are persistent with and give
100% to
-'Conversation' is useless. 'Opening' doesn't get you any cookies or medals. Going in, giving
it 100%, being persistent, and trying your absolute best to change her emotions towards play
fighting and then sexual tension, and doing your best to be cheeky and cocky and cool, and
doing everything you can to keep going past any nos and change her state until she goes
along with you is what you get credit for. If you do that and fail, it's not a failure at all – it's
success but the world just decided that one wasn't yours

10) Write down your new “I'd Rathers”

-I'd rather have people that don't like me think that I'm an asshole than a nice guy or
-I'd rather go home feeling kind of beat up and like I got rejected a lot and laugh about it
than ever feel like I played safe or tried to preserve my emotional state
-I'd rather get an angry no for telling a girl than a polite no for asking her
-I'd rather fuck something up by trying to control the situation than ever preserve some
theoretical future chance by just letting something go
-I'd rather get blown out for going for a kiss than to be a pussy that takes a number and an
“I'll see you later”
-I'd rather lead hard than try to get her to do something
-I'd rather work my ass off and give it everything I've got and fall flat than ever be a wall-
flower again
-I'd rather be thought of as skeezy for trying to turn things towards sexual tension than wind
up in a 'nice' conversation or an interview
-I'd rather be bored to tears from practicing and repetition and trying to prime and
reprogram my brain than be comfortable or even come close to being lazy
-I'd rather burst into a set of people that are very likely to dislike me very much for doing so
than I would ever like to pass by a hot girl
-I'd rather ignore people's current emotional state to have a shot at improving their state than
be respectful of however they currently feel
-I'd rather assume that my overall plan is beneficial for the people I'm interacting with than
to bow to their lead
-I'd rather be a taker and learn to be generous and humble with what I get in the process than
to sit around wishing I had what I wanted
-I'd rather be viewed as Cheeky and Cocky and Cool than anything else
-I'd rather be thought of in social situations as potentially arrogant than reasonable, smart,
humble or anything else. However in professional or close friend circles, I would rather be
thought of as accommodating, sharp, caring, and humble. I'm perfectly capable of keeping
these straight and understanding the reasons for the separation
-I'd rather internally feel cheeky and cocky all day long than anything else, and show it in
the way I stand, grin, move, and talk
-I'd rather keep the way I treat close friends and family separate from gaming, knowing that
gaming is actually a performance and a fun game, than I would allow my game to become
watered down because I'm worried about the consequences
-I'd rather become cocky and cheeky around even my close friends and family, but in a light
hearted way, than spend even 5 seconds in a less confident and light hearted mindset
-I'd rather be intense and aggressive than a blank slate, neutral, or wishy washy
-I'd rather make sure that I'm seen as never trying hard and that people perceive everything
is easy to me, than I would ever let on how much thought and effort I have put into social
-I'd rather BE and FEEL LIKE a new person, the PERFECT guy with women and socially,
than just about anything else
-I'd rather change and become and constantly feel like the perfect person with women than
have the approval of my friends and family for staying 'who I am', after all people are
comfortable when those around them stay the same
-I'd rather maximize every single thing I say and do in a set and have her walk away from
me for being too into it than 'get to the end' or hurry towards any goal whatsoever
-I'd rather make an ass of myself making sure I do everything in the SPIRIT it's supposed to
be done in, than ever do or say anything half assed just to do it
-I'd rather have my eyes plucked out than do ANYTHING “good enough.” Good enough
makes me sick
-I'd rather have some people hate me for being sexily controlling than to be “easy going” or
flow always
-I'd rather be sexily controlling than smoothly flowing
-I'd rather throw ANYTHING 'good' we have going right out the window to take ANY
chance at getting sexual tension
11) Your strategy is to open, then crack her with some humor but without breaking your tunnel or
shifting your proximity or rhythm to being overly harmless. Your humor should be congruent
with sexual tension, not too goofy. You're to keep your hand on the small of her back or some
other physical control of proximity and the situation firmly, like an immovable wall. Once she
hooks, you're going to start slowing your rhythm and leaving more pauses, and you're going to
use eye contact with pauses and eye contact with close proximity, as well as talking into her ear
so she can feel your breath, as well as the strength of your hand on the small of her back in
order to build sexual tension as high as humanly possible. You're going to get rid of her friends
one way or another. You're either going to take her to sit down, or to get a drink, or slightly out
of the fray. When you have enough sexual tension you're going to kiss her. Then you're going to
try leading her outside, then to walk around a bit, then to your place. You're going to be ready to
go to her place instead. You're going to be ready to think on your feet to find another place to
pull her or to go with her. If she refuses to leave her friends but she kissed you, you're going to
go with all of them and befriend them, but still keep the tension there with your girl, and you're
going to look for a chance to pull her to her place or to a bedroom, etc.
12) Record yourself saying your opener(s), transitions, play fighting, sexual tension material and/or
physical moves, the new expectations listed above and any others you might have for yourself,
the new perceptions listed above and any others you might have for yourself, the I'd Rathers
above and any others you might have for yourself, and your strategy
13) Make a new HABIT of spending at least 45 minutes every single day practicing and priming
your brain and ingraining the new lines and moves, expectations, perceptions, I'd rathers, and
strategies. This, of course, involves listening to the audio you recorded yourself, visualizing
yourself doing what you say in the audio, repeating what you say in the audio, and even acting
it out. It also involves watching movies or TV shows and using them as prompts for
cheeky/cocky/play fight/sexual innuendo responses. Additionally you can sing along with songs
on the radio and try to be as cool as possible singing each (delivery, rhythm, looseness,
emotional expression), and you can read books out loud and try to make them sound cocky or
read them with sexual tension and innuendo. You can opt out no more than 3 days a week (ie,
you MUST do at least 4 days a week. You should shoot for every day). This will be the rest of
your life in game – the more primed you are, the better. Like working out, if you stop, you lose
-FOCUS during these 45 minutes. Don't do anything else or try to multitask. If you really want
it, you have to do it right. Your brain HAS to be sharp and on the ball
-The HABITS you develop are what will actually build your success. The mindsets will create
it. The complete set of mindsets include tactics and specific actions and things to say,
expectations for how things will go and feel, perceptions of the world and the task at hand, I'd
Rathers which dictate which way you subconsciously lean in case things go wrong and which
determine your view of yourself, and the strategy determines which move you take next and
knowing the strategy determines your ability to lead continuously
-The only type of habit you can be sure you'll keep is a daily one. You only have room for about
3 habits in a day, so choose wisely
14) Make a habit of holding yourself to living by your I'd Rathers as perfectly as you possibly can.
Don't just make them hollow words, but turn them into deep beliefs
15) Learn to LOVE your new habits and mindsets. Be EXCITED about your period each day of
habitually practicing and priming. Strive to make it so you CAN'T WAIT for this part of your
day every day. Get out of bed every day stoked to get to that part of your day
16) Go out at least 3 nights a week for at least three different periods of 3 months at a time. Whether
that's 9 months straight, or three 3 month periods over 3 years. Preferably 4 nights a week
-You need these periods of focus to immerse yourself and create the change. If you don't do this
and you don't have the success you want, you know why
-You must create a new habit where you try to make yourself CONSTANTLY
UNCOMFORTABLE while out in the field by pushing right action. If you feel comfortable,
take an action that will push the envelope harder so that you feel uncomfortable. Push into a set
you don't feel comfortable pushing into, control the situation harder so you don't feel
comfortable, control the rhythm more so you don't feel comfortable, steer the conversational
topics more so you don't feel comfortable, be more Tom Cruise cocky so that people are looking
at you as that cocky guy so you feel uncomfortable, and when in doubt try to push the sexual
tension to ABSOLUTELY INSANE LEVELS that are uncomfortable. By making this a habit
that you fulfill constantly, your momentum throughout the night of continuously doing it will
make it easy. It's trying to move from comfort to discomfort that we don't like, but once you're
there it's easy to stay
17) Go out at least 2 nights a week every week. Only exceptions are if you have a super hot date, if
you're on vacation, or if you've been faithful to your schedule and want to do something else for
a weekend or with friends.
18) Learn to LOVE going out. Learn to LOVE trying to create hero sets where you persist through
every objection, every bit of negativity, and overcome every obstacle. Get out of bed in the
morning in order to find the opportunity to go out and to create hero sets and get them to the
finish line. Find excitement in seeking out opportunities to do this and in actually doing it.
Learn to love the fact that game will always be gritty, always be a bit of a fight, always be a
numbers game, and always involve overcoming and motivating yourself and fighting with your
own emotions, and having to change other people's states and move other people from their
current position and stance. Learn to LOVE having a habit of CONSTANTLY making yourself
uncomfortable by pushing right action regardless of what the people around you feel about it
19) Keep pushing yourself to expect and strive for more and to expand your comfort zone and try
new things. Push to do everything in this book 1000%
20) Write down your experiences, thoughts, and lessons after you go out each night. Even if briefly.
If there's anything you routinely struggle with, add it to your audio so that it can be part of your
daily practice and priming habit. Change or re-record your audio as you go to keep up with the
lessons you learn. Try to keep it under 1.5 hours total (yes, it will get that long if you keep
adding to it) so that you listen to the whole thing every 2-3 days or so
21) Want to BE and FEEL LIKE a different person. The PERFECT guy for getting girls. The loose
cocky cool and body language of Tom Cruise in Top Gun. The cheekiness under pressure and in
the line of anything serious of James Bond (particularly Pierce Brosnan). The command of
sexuality and sexual tension of Stacee Jaxx from Rock of Ages. The utmost of certainty and
social situational control (Sean Connery James Bond, but much better, Tyler D from RSD). The
attitude and total lack of trying hard or needing a damn thing of someone who has models
beating down their door constantly (Brad Pitt, Gene Simmons), but still with the
aforementioned cheekiness and cockiness, not with a negatively dismissive attitude. And the “I
find my self worth in giving it more than anyone else could ever imagine” of Rudy Rudiger
from the movie Rudy. Now, don't just want to be this. Want to be it more than ANYTHING in
the world. Be excited about waking up tomorrow to get the opportunity to be this. Be obsessed
with the idea of being able to be this every day. Be excited about being able to buy the clothes
of this guy, have the haircut of this guy. Be excited about having your friends and family say
“Wow, you've changed!” at which point you think “Damn straight! And it's a brilliantly good
thing, because now I'm THIS guy.” Just make sure that that guy is also a very good person, and
always treats the people close to him incredibly well and would help a stranger in need in a
heartbeat too. You get to be whatever you want, no need to have the tragic flaws that drive
movie scripts

And that's really it. Follow 21 steps and you'll be a serious, world class top level master of game. The
most important steps relate to the habits and to changing your perceptions, expectations, and I'd rathers
and to priming your brain for proper action. If you habitually execute the proper actions and habitually
work to ingrain the proper mindsets, view points, and self definitions, you will not be able to avoid
success. If you take this as a serious pursuit, one that is ongoing and will never become 'easy' some day,
and if you love it for its beauty and its grittier points, you will win. You will never control if you win a
given instance, but probability will shine favorably on you and you will win over and over. Just be sure
to stay a good person and try not to become bitter or jaded through the struggle and the frustrations that
are involved in the road

If you have the priming video, use that as much of your daily habit. Watch maybe half of the video
daily and then practice for the rest of your time each day. By the way, the priming video is something
that I give to anyone that goes back to the website and donates 15 dollars. For anyone that drops that
little thank you for the effort to put this out there so that they can change their lives too, I'll send them
the priming video as a thank you. It took YEARS to identify what are the proper movies and videos are
to ingrain to become a true master of game. It took even longer to prioritize what to pull out of those.
Then it takes FOREVER to go through 15 hours of movies and videos and pull out a few seconds at a
time each piece of those. Then it takes forever to organize those in the SAME ORDER as you need
them in field. And then just as long still to cut it down to a reasonable amount of time. But I'll tell you
this, I sat down and did all that for me. Because introducing HABIT to my game is THE most
important thing that turned me from GOOD to GREAT. And because that video alone is THE most
important part of my habit. So go on the site and donate and I'll send you the video as a thank you,
which combined with this book is probably worth, well, a butt load. But hey, this isn't to make me
money – I just need the donations to advertise so that more people wind up benefiting from this.

If you want live, in field training. If you want to talk with a real human being who can help you get
there, watch you actually approach people and help you change. Someone who can even help you get
physically shredded even if you're starting significantly overweight. And someone who can help you
with things like business and confidence too, I highly recommend the very man who taught me a solid
half of what is in this book. While I have goals and a business that prevents me from being able to work
with people to help them achieve the subjects in this book, my good friend Joseph Dieguez loves
nothing more in life. And if you haven't picked up from this book that he fucking kicks ass at this stuff
while also being an excellent teacher, then you haven't been paying any attention whatsoever. So if you
would like a human being to help you out, hit him up. Otherwise, decide where you want to be and
follow my system. If it doesn't work, it ain't the system, it's the adherence to its steps.

For fun, and because I like secret societies and have always wanted my own, if you ever meet a dude
that clearly knows game and seems like maybe he's using this stuff, say “Yeti's are real bro!” and then
the other guy will say “I fucked a yeti once!” Got it? So if someone comes up to you and says “Yeti's
are real bro,” say back “I fucked a yeti once!” Then you two know the other guy NOT ONLY read
Game Solved, but read ALL three hundred and some pages AND REMEMBERED THAT, so the guy
has put a lot of effort into his game and hopefully has a similar level of knowledge. Then you guys can
wing each other and you know you're with a guy that puts REAL effort into his life and values himself
for being a creative grinder and so on. I want you dudes to be friends. Hang out. Do some cool shit
together, like go drive some racing karts. Search “outdoor kart track” in your city and look for
something where they cite speeds of 55mph or more. That shit rocks. Go bro out and help each other
and wing each other and so on. Maybe some day we'll have a small little group of us out there and even
give each other jobs or start companies together or something. Who knows. I fucked a yeti once.

If you meet anyone that wants to learn game, please send them to Don't just e-mail
them the book. That does a couple things. First, it's easier. Second, it's just as free. Third, that means
they might donate, which is cool because as I mentioned I spent an hour and a half of my life JUST on
the health section. Considering I'm doing this for free, I probably won't even get a fair hourly rate just
for a couple sections of this. Fourth, I'd like to advertise the page so that more people can benefit – but
I don't want to subsidize that all out of pocket. So if people donate, I can use the donations to advertise,
which in turn benefits more people and spreads the knowledge farther. So donations are just a way to
pay forward the knowledge. And, finally, that increases the chances people will post about in forums and such, which boosts the page in search engines, and helps spread the

If you want to give credit or say where any ideas from here came from, say “I got this from Game
Solved.” Or “Game Solved says...” That does two things: A) I don't want any name out there. B) It will
drive more people to find this, read it, and benefit from it. If you cite me as a person, then no one will
find this. Plus it sounds cool and mysterious. Thanks! Go fuck some yetis dudes.

If anyone REALLY REALLY wants to learn from me directly:

I will entertain ONLY the following three options-
1) The $9500/week immersion setup – split between as many people as you want. We hang
out as long as you want from afternoon until close each day. You can ask me about game,
business, whatever you want.
2) If you have a centrally located, COOL place with a spare bedroom (or the entire place) in
Manhattan (only SoHo, LES, Meat Packing, and that vicinity), Scottsdale or Vegas and you're
cool and I stay there for free and leave when I want.
3) $10,000/month for non-exclusive training (up to 5 other people may join), or
$25,000/month for exclusive training in Manhattan, Scottsdale or Vegas ONLY
4) If you give at least $50,000 in seed money to my tech startup for EACH MONTH of non-
exclusive training you want – after I explain the company, possible financials, etc. of course – and
yes, you will get equity at the same valuation as the other seed round investors. For exclusive
training, $200,000 seed investment PER MONTH of exclusive training. That means if you give
the entire $1 million seed round, you'll get 5 months of exclusive training, plus most or all of the
seed equity. The startup is in disrupting a significant fraction of the way marketing and
advertising is done- much like credit cards forever disrupted the flow of money from consumer to
seller, this is a platform that will forever disrupt the way product and service information go
from seller to consumer, and is much better at getting consumers to make purchasing choices.
For reference, the idea is even more intelligent, well thought out, and full of potential than this
book, and I have far more fire for it than I even did for creating everything you just read about.
It also relies heavily on my knowledge of psychology and decision making, which you just
experienced for hundreds of pages. I went to one of the world's top universities in a tech capital,
and there's a 95% chance you use an app one of my close college friends created, which is only
one of many high points of my network. Which is to say, this is not a joke. Expected value of a $1
million seed investment is $50 million to $1 billion... Or zero is always possible in a seed
The long term options get you no more than 20 hours a week guaranteed coaching time.
I have ZERO interest in being a pickup coach. I'm only offering these because they help me
launch my startup and focus on it.
However, I can solve your game faster than basically anyone alive. You also cannot get 20
hours/week of one on one time with ANYONE in the world at my level of knowledge, results,
ability to teach and explain, and ability to create drills and get things into your brain and skillset.
No other top game coach will sell you that package. So that is unique.
NOTE: I will have your best interest in mind throughout. You will, as a result, have to 100% trust
that and do whatever I say. If I don't think I can help you or don't like you or you seem resistant,
I will just decline to help you from the start, it won't be good from either of us. I won't let just
anyone invest in my company, so that is not automatically open to anyone with the money.
If you don't like the offering, please seek regular coaching through Joseph Dieguez, RSD Julien (make
sure his bootcamp is about pickup, it sounds like he does mostly happiness coaching now), RSD
Madison, Tyler D, or RSD Luke. I simply don't care to be a pickup coach, so don't call me asking to do
a bootcamp unless you want to pay $10,000 for four days wherever you are and then I might consider
pending how much work I have to do

Appendix – Health, Etc.

Intro to this Section

So I'm just going to give you a few tricks that I learned over 30 years that REALLY made a difference
in my health, in acne, in sicknesses, things like that. This isn't a bunch of bullshit theories, it's just stuff
that bothered me over and over for years until I found solutions that actually stopped certain problems.
I wasn't THAT worried about health when I was younger, just insofar as working out and feeling good
at training when I was a full time athlete. And I'm still not that caught up in it, not like the RSD guys.
But you'll really benefit from this section because it has a few tricks that aren't really out there, but that
took me thirty fucking years to figure out just in terms of how we keep ourselves strong, healthy, sleep
less, don't get sick, etc.

Then we'll also go into the basic overview of how you make a lot of money, which will discuss the
things most people don't know about how you do something like become a billionaire. (That's my next
thing in life, literally- but more because I want to have a big impact. Also I watched one of my personal
friends become a billionaire and have talked to several about their journeys. Mark Zuckerberg even
used to come to our parties in college. So I can actually speak to this). The key on the business front is
most people don't understand a few key underlying dynamics of how money on large scales is
generated, so they simply spend their whole life either hoping or barking up the wrong trees. We'll just
quickly make sure you understand the proper underlying dynamics so that you can make good
decisions from there on, whether you want a little money or tons and tons of success or impact.


The most important thing to your game is sleep. Tyler D says this all the time and I kind of ignored it.
But when I started getting good, I noticed when I was a little tired, I became a little more negative/less
bouyant and optimistic and fun, I became a lot less aggressive, and I physically and mentally tightened
up so that other people read me as a frustrated loser or possibly an angry scary dude, and so I couldn't
flexibly think and be funny and cool and make things epic and so on. Keeping a regular sleep schedule
where you go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time is MOST important to good sleep.
You can take melatonin supplements about 40 minutes before you want to sleep if you need to sleep at
an unusual time. I found that taking a full melatonin gummy supplement caused me to sleep forever,
have weird dreams, and then still not feel rested – so I started biting them in half and that worked great.
Then I could pick a time every night that I was going to go to sleep, and 40 minutes before that I'd bite
a melatonin gummy in half and then I'd fall asleep on schedule pretty much every night. And I'd be
naturally feeling really tired when it was time to go to sleep. Then I would wake up about the same
time every day, and then I'd feel great. And with the melatonin supplements I could do this even if I'd
had some crazy unusual night, which normally would cause me to not be able to go to sleep on time –
which would fuck up my schedule for a while.

If you're eating pretty bland (I have granola cereal, soup, sandwich material and some eggs at my
place), you'll probably wind up with some weird health things. I was sleeping up to 11 hours a night
and not feeling rested for a couple weeks, plus having pretty much perpetual allergies. I was eating
cheese and crackers as snacks, because I love cheese, but the calorie density of cheese caused me to
gain like 2% body fat or something (you could see it, but not horrible). So I decided to not buy more
cheese and switch to fruits for snacks to see what happened. I just didn't buy any cheese so I couldn't
snack on it, and then I got bananas, apples, and Cuties (the little oranges, or maybe technically
tangerines) for snacks. Then I looked through the whole dried fruit section to find something small I
could eat if I was mostly just bored. None of them actually listed that many vitamins except the sun
dried tomato halves. So I bought those, and they were actually pretty good. And then I made sure to
take vitamin D3 every day because I was getting no sun (it was winter and during the few weeks I
couldn't sleep enough I was waking up after the sun went down...). Plus I did the rebounding I talk
about later in this section (or if I don't, it's basically jumping up and down as vigorously as possible to
cause your lymph system fluid to circulate because it doesn't circulate itself). And then suddenly I
could sleep a normal number of hours again and I felt healthy again. Plus waking up when it was still
light out made me feel much better.

The moment you start feeling like you could maybe possibly be sick, like your body is unusually sore,
or you're unusually tired, or whatever – take Emergen-C every 6 hours and take Zicam at least once a
day. Then keep it WARM where you sleep. Even if you have to buy a space heater due to your
roommates. By warm I mean like 74 degrees or so. That might be 'hot' to you, but I don't really care.
Unless you physically can't sleep (in which case turn it down), it's necessary. Your body shuts down its
immune system if it senses a more immediate danger, like possibly freezing to death because your body
temperature is colder than it should be. Which means if it's 65 degrees in your room and your body is
98.6 degrees, your body has to make up 33 degrees to keep you alive. (Sorry Celsius lovers, I won't
translate. Go Google it and then fuck yourself. Kidding. Kind of). By doing this, you'll just about never
get sick. You can get extreme like Tyler D and monitor your diet constantly and so on, but this pretty
much does the trick. Sometimes not sleeping long enough can make you sick.
If you start getting sick ANYWAY, despite the Emergen-C and Zicam, or if you get really sick (which
should almost never happen... But sometimes making out with girls caused this for me), you can go to
the nuclear option:
1) Emergen-C and Zicam, of course
2) Baker's Yeast (this is regular yeast from the store used for bread, etc. Like Red Star yeast),
mixed with water, about a spoonful, and you drink it (Red Star tastes like bacon, weird but
almost good)
3) Selenium
4) Garlic supplement (or if you want to feel like the fire of ten thousand suns is burning your face
off from only 100 yards away, try eating a fresh clove of garlic! Just take a video and snap chat
it to me) (Btw, don't do this the same day you're going out... But if you're sick enough for this,
you probably aren't)
5) Tumeric supplement
6) Vitamin D3 (one of the crucial minerals that almost all doctors agree we rarely get enough of)
7) Multivitamin
8) Probiotics
These are all the things with real science that has repeatedly shown they work. The yeast is the
strangest, I know, but baker's yeast contains some chemicals that generate parts of our immune
response (white blood cells or antigens or something), and actually has been proven to help a lot. The
selenium goes along with the chemical/mineral from the yeast to make the same thing that's key for the
immune system. The active ingredient in garlic has been shown in many studies to help with sickness.
Tumeric has decent studies that show it helps with sickness. And the last two are always necessary for
our body to function properly.
Then you could also add Tyler D's Elderberry syrup from Wholefoods. I haven't tried it, but he swears
by it and he's usually right if he likes something that much. You can also try Matcha green tea, but I
think that's more for general wellness and I didn't notice it helping with sickness. Finally you can use
rebounding and foam rolling to move the lymph fluids around your body. I've also heard that a sauna
can help, haven't tried when I'm sick as they're not always readily available. I recently started getting
sick badly after making out with two or three girls in a row, despite taking Emergen-C and zicam early.
From my whole life experience I knew it was coming on bad and was going to take me out. I went
nuclear and took seven of the above things (I didn't have probiotics at the time), plus rebounding and
foam rolling, and making sure to sleep warm and sleep more (though actually one crucial night I failed
to sleep enough at all). The sickness halted and retreated by the end of the day. The next morning it was
trying to come back, I repeated again and later that day it was gone. I was pretty shocked. I'd never
stopped a sickness coming on that badly that late in the game... Especially when Emergen-C and Zicam
weren't stopping it.

Get a true hepa filter in your room. Mine costs $100 and every 3-4 months I have to spend about $40
on a new filter. Guess what, the air smells better, my sinuses are so much less swollen, my voice is
louder, I'm more comfortable, I get sick less often. Boom.

If your nose/sinuses tend to swell, incline the head of your mattress a bit. I stuffed some blankets and
pillows under it. It's a little uncomfortable compared to a flat bed, but I got used to it and can breathe
well all day every day... Pretty damn awesome tradeoff.
If your sinuses or nose are swollen for a while despite all of this, get a neti pot and use it to clear out
your sinuses. Again Google will show you what this is. I'm writing this section because I'd been doing
everything right and for three weeks my nose was swollen anyway (which makes me less attractive,
btw. Probably you too). Then I remembered that you basically need to use a neti pot every two or three
weeks. Why? Because allergens accumulate in your sinuses. Over time, they just constantly cause
swelling. That keeps your sinuses and nose swollen always. Which can do things from messing up your
voice, to messing up your sleep, to making you look less attractive, etc.

Tyler D actually does all kinds of stuff to reduce systemic chronic inflammation throughout his body,
which is related to all kinds of gnarly health problems throughout life. Like bad stuff. I can't remember
the list off the top of my head, but it's stuff like MS (may not be MS, but stuff like that). And there's a
long list. He does cryo freezes and monitors his diet carefully and so on. A bunch of Hollywood type
stuff. I would, but I'm too lazy and I have good genes. I probably still will in the future.

Finally, if you get a sinus infection – ie your nose is congested or running for more than 7 or 8 days
straight, all medical wisdom is WRONG. I know this because I cure my own now, and I used to get
about 6 a year. I get them, or used to, basically every time I get a cold. So that was a lot of my year I
used to have a sinus infection. Which meant my voice was JACKED up, nose was red and swollen, I
was uncomfortable, and I was sniffling and doing other stuff that grossed out girls. Then one day I
heard a scientist on a Discovery channel show say “Bacteria follow the rule 'If they Dry, they Die.'”
And I was like OH SHIT!!! That's it!
It's true, when bacteria dry out they die. A few have an ability to maintain moisture through relatively
dry conditions, but all of them die if they dry out enough. And bodily bacteria die if they even pretty
much dry out.
And sinus infections are caused by bacteria. With some research and thinking and testing, I realized this
is what happens: A cold or something triggers your nose to run. Then bacteria start using the runny
nose to live off of. They spread in your sinuses. They irritate your sinuses, causing your body to keep
your nose running in an attempt to flush out your sinuses. Your body is trying to flush them out,
because it just knows “there's an irritant.” It thinks there's dust or something in there. This is what the
bacteria WANT. Because it's giving them something to live off of. So they keep living, keep the
irritation going, your body keeps trying to get rid of them, and that keeps supporting them. Vicious
circle that can last months. Online I heard people talking like it had lasted YEARS for them.
In come doctors and medical wisdom to fuck you up. (Keep in mind I have a masters from an ivy
league type school, top three schools yearly in the world in rankings, and I very much love and buy into
medicine. So this is an exception, not me being a hippy weirdo). They tell you “drink a bunch of
water.” Why? Because water supports your immune system. Which helps get rid of ailments, right?
Well, it does... When those ailments are IN your body. Catch is, your sinuses are technically NOT in
your body. Because they aren't accessed by your blood stream. While they are internal, your blood
stream, and thus your immune system, do not interact with the inside of your sinuses. So all that water
your drinking helps your white blood cells fight stuff, but they don't go into your sinuses, and so the
bacteria keep chugging along in there.
The issue is what your body DOES with that water. It uses it to keep your nose running. The VERY
THING supporting the bacteria in your sinuses. Which keeps your sinus infection chronic. So I tried an
experiment – I didn't drink A SINGLE DROP of water for 24 hours. Every time I tell someone this,
they react in horror. YOU'LL DIE!!! That's crazy! You're SUPPOSED to drink water! I once hired an
idiot employee for my business. He dealt with a two month long sinus infection WHILE LIVING
WITH ME even after I explained all this to him. He said “No dude, you don't know what you're talking
about. Everyone says you need to drink water, it flushes it out.” I was like, alright dude – I gave you the
solution and you're making it worse. Suit yourself. Every hour we was in the bathroom hacking up a
lung, just an awful sound. He couldn't sleep at night. He tied grocery bags to chairs and then spit into
them all day long, and I was paying him to live with this. Fucking knucklehead. Two months. I even
got a sinus infection myself and got rid of it during the time he had his, and he STILL didn't listen to
me. Because he was stubborn. Only about a third of the people who have had chronic sinus infections
(three weeks or more) that I've told how to get rid of them have done what I said. All of them had no
sinus infection in a week. The others kept them on average two months. I was dating a girl that had one
and kept telling her how to get rid of it for weeks. It stayed until she FINALLY gave in and listened.
And then it went away.
So, here's the story. You need to DRY OUT YOUR SINUSES. Like they are normally. You need to
stop the runny nose. I've looked into EVERY possible way to stop this. I can't find any way to stop your
nose from running. Smoking pot MIGHT work, but I don't do that. I realized that the same way if your
body gets cold, it shuts down the immune system so it won't die a more immediate death than sickness
– if your body gets really dehydrated it would most likely stop the runny nose so you don't die a more
immediate death. So, as I mentioned, I tried not drinking for twenty four hours. Actually, at first I went
like 12 hours, then had a tiny sip. Then another a few hours later. And twenty four hours in I still wasn't
that dehydrated. I realized that even the TINIEST of sip undoes HOURS of drinking nothing. So
literally NOT A DROP for twenty four hours. I even eat my cereal without milk, or eat something else
entirely. No, you won't die (well, do at your own risk – if you have medical complications who knows.
Disclaimer, I'm not responsible). Your body can generally, provided you're in normal health, go 3 days
without water. So you're two thirds away from that. I found in humid clients I have to go 36 hours (that
was fucking nuts – I didn't even notice how long it had been because I just wasn't dehydrating).
Eventually, your body will basically stop having such a runny nose. About 18 hours (NOT all the way
at the end) use a neti pot to clean out most of the bacteria and junk, to help the rest. You want hours of
drying AFTER this because it will add moisture back into your system. So THEN at 24 hours (or at
least 20ish) you have to get the sinuses dry. So you have to use BREATHING techniques. For a half
hour or so, you need to intentionally breath deeply in a way that you feel the air rushing over your
whole sinus and drying it out. Generally we breathe shallow so the air slows down only an inch or so
into your sinus, and then it has no ability to dry the rest of the sinus. So you modify your breathing. I
often do this while breathing air out of a hair dryer or coming out of the heaters in your car or a space
heater or something. Do it until your sinuses are dry. Like fully dry. And then go about your day and
after twenty four hours (or at least about 20) and getting the sinuses totally dry, you can drink like a
half glass of water. And then a few hours later a full glass. Generally anything you drink is like the best
thing you've EVER had at this point, so you'll start chugging stuff, and then you may have to do the
whole thing again.
What will happen is when you start drinking, the runny nose has 'memory' and will start a little again.
And it will seem like the sinus infection is coming back. Usually in about three days because you
knocked the sinus infection down a lot, it will disappear and your body will win and it will stop. If it
seems like it's coming back, dehydrate again. Or try to drink limited, but not none, liquid for days. And
that's like literally a glass or two of water a day. That is actually enough that your body will keep a
runny nose going, but less. Your body is crazy efficient. Within a week if you do this right the sinus
infection will disappear.
Also, around 18-20 hours, take a decongestant and an anti-histamine. The anti-histamine will block
your body's response to irritation, helping end the loop and making it not want to have your nose run.
The decongestant will reduce sinus swelling so you can more easily breathe and dry out your nasal
passage. I often use Vicks or similar spray decongestant, that shit is powerful and will fully open your
sinuses for almost 24 hours. Just be aware you can only use it for 3 days straight, or your body can get
accustomed and your sinuses can actually wind up permanently swollen. At least so they say.
Quick note- between about 18 and 24 hours you'll be slightly weaker and less clear thinking than
normal. So try to do it going into a day you have to do nothing. It often helps to be most dehydrated
while you're sleeping, so you can drink some water in the morning after getting up, then drink nothing
else until the next morning, after doing your breathing techniques. That's the easiest way.

One newer thing I've been experimenting with and appeared to work once – which doesn't necessarily
mean at all – is using foam rolling and cold showers to prevent and help stop sinus infections. This
sounded ridiculous to me at first, until I heard the science: Our body signals our immune system by
releasing hormones that dictate how the immune system should act. Our hormone system doesn't have
a way to target anything- there is no special circulation system that can deliver hormones where
needed. So our body dumps hormones into the blood and they wind up in all of our tissues. This means
that when you get sick, your body dumps hormones to make your nose run, make you likely to sneeze,
and other immune functions into your body on the whole. The issue is, after you fight off the virus,
these hormones tend to linger in the muscles and tissues and... well your entire body. Then your nose
runs, the bacteria live in that, the running itself and the bacteria cause irritation, the irritation triggers
your body to keep an immune response up – and so your body continues to trigger the runny nose. You
have no way to clear those hormones to stop the nose from running. One option is to dehydrate so your
body halts the nose running due to lack of moisture. I think to some degree this is always necessary. If
you breathe into your nose as fast as you can over and over, with as little gap as possible, for at least an
hour or more, sometimes you can dry out the sinuses completely and make some ground even if you
aren't totally dehydrated. Sometimes this is necessary even IF you're dehydrated. Physical exercise,
including walking fast, releases adrenaline and other hormones that reduce inflammation and reduce
immune response – which can help the congestion in your sinuses go down so you can rapidly breathe
in through your nose and dry out the sinuses. In other words, if you go walk around as fast as you can
for an hour, and take as quick and deep of breaths as you can through your nose as close to each other
as possible, that can really help (I've used this – in the summer. Not sure in the winter being outside in
the cold wouldn't just offset the benefit of walking. But there's treadmills, stationary bikes, jump ropes,
Anyway, the hormones get stuck in your muscles and body and keep triggering an immune response –
including a runny nose and an allergic type response. But if you use a foam roll, especially a knobby
foam roll (“Rumble Roller” - some are available on Amazon and at workout stores, Target, etc.), you
squeeze and massage the muscles and that loosens them up and pushes the hormones around so that
they can be cleared out of the muscles. In other words, foam rolling as many of the muscles in your
body as possible helps you clear the immune response hormones and that goes straight to the root cause
– stopping the runny nose by stopping the signal from the body. If you've never foam rolled, be advised
it's SUPPOSED to hurt because your muscles are very tight and basically need to be beaten up to
loosen up. Especially on the 'corner' of your quads in your legs/thighs – known as the IT band. But your
body ALSO stores a lot of lymph fluids and hormones in that area.
The cold shower, as cold as possible for ~5 minutes, causes your muscles to tighten greatly and causes
you to shiver – which squeezes the hormones out of your muscles and allows them to be cleared.
Further, the cold shower releases massive adrenaline – which suppresses immune response. In other
words, while you have a cold virus a cold shower might NOT be a great idea, because it counters
immune response. But AFTER you think the cold is over when your nose is still runny and you're
worried about a sinus infection (or have one) a cold shower can help a lot. Foam rolling also helps your
lymph fluids and white bloodcells move, so, like rebounding, that will help during the cold too. Finally,
Wim Hof style breathing (Google/Youtube it) releases adrenaline and temporarily suppresses immune
response, which can also help with the sinus infection (but isn't ideal if you have a virus still). In any
case, the last time I started getting a sinus infection, I dehydrated less (15 hours or so) and used foam
rolling and cold showers and breathing and for the first time stopped one without as much dehydration.

Anyway, I don't want to get into other topics too much. But this stuff will help your life out a lot. And it
may prevent you from being in bad shape for weeks on end when you're trying to game. Or do other
things in your life. (Also, it sucks to write about side topics because 30 minutes of my life just
disappeared writing this piece).
For working out I'm going to try to say this in a paragraph. I could bench press twice my body weight
at one point (early goal). I was known as the jacked guy in my frat and on my Olympic track sports
program. People named biceps after me as a muscle group. I've worked out hard since I was TWELVE.
I know my shit and have tried a lot. The BEST workout I've found is to use freeweights in about six
exercises to hit the major groups (biceps, triceps, pecs, shoulders) in a circular exercise. Basically, I get
weights from what I can do about 6-12 reps with, down to 15 pounds. If you're weaker, go down to 5.
In increments so I use about three weights. Then I do each exercise on one arm until I can't lift the
heaviest weight even one more time. Then I put it down and grab the next weight, and go again until I
can't lift it, same arm same exercise. Then put it down and grab the lightest weight and go AGAIN,
immediately, until I can't lift it ONE more time. So basically, I'll do right arm curls 35 pounds until I
can't lift it, put the weight down and grab the 25 and do right arm curls until I can't lift it, then put it
down and do 15 pound curls until I can't lift it. Then I'll switch to the left arm, same exercise. 35 pound
curls to 25 pound curls to 15 pound curls. THEN, I go to the NEXT EXERCISE immediately. Let's say
right arm side raises (I'm partially self taught on working out, so I don't care if I get exercise names
wrong). On that muscle I can't do 35 pounds, so I'll do right arm side raises 25 pounds, then right arm
raises 15 pounds, then left arm raises 25 pounds, then left arm side raises 15 pounds. All this is
IMMEDIATE. The MOMENT you can't lift the weight one more time (go HARD until you
LITERALLY can't lift it), you put it down and take the next lower weight until you can't lift it. You do
this until you do your lowest weight, then switch to the next arm or next exercise, stepping that down.
And so on. NO BREAKS AT ALL!!!! You do this through ALL 6 EXERCISES ON BOTH ARMS!!!!
And THEN you START OVER IMMEDIATELY!!! No breaks!! So you get done with your sixth
exercise on your lowest weight, let's say left arm tricep extensions 15 pounds. And then you START
OVER immediately, right arm curls 35 pounds. And you CYCLE THROUGH AGAIN. And then again
and again until you can't lift the 15 pound weight ONCE on your strongest exercises (for me, curls and
tricep extensions). Then you're DONE. For the DAY. Drink a whey protein shake. You COULD do two
sets of cycling until you can't lift (the second won't last nearly as long), but you don't need to. This will
last you THREE DAYS. And should take about 20 minutes to get to where you can't lift the weight any
more. Your heart will be FUCKING RACING and you'll be breathing like you're doing sprints. You'll
get a runner's high when you're done. This is all great. EVEN IF YOUR GOAL IS TO LOSE WEIGHT,
not to gain muscle. This burst of activity will send your metabolism up. The increased muscle mass will
send your metabolism up. This means all day you'll burn hundreds and hundreds more calories than
normal. So you'll burn away the fat. Not to mention getting jacked up. ALL FROM TWENTY
MINUTES A DAY. And you only need TWICE A WEEK per muscle group. On separate days I do
pecs, because I can't do them standing (and because I use different weights when I'm in shape – up to
50 or even 60 pound flys. Which used to amaze everyone at my college gym, muhahaha). So if you do
two separate sets of muscle groups, you need only 4 days of twenty minutes a day and you can be
SHREDDED. Like jacked like dudes in magazines. And lose tons of weight. Seriously. Like Arnold
said in his book, though, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE LAST REP. Truly getting the last rep to where you
CAN'T EVEN LIFT THE LIGHTEST WEIGHT again, and going more cycles is key. If you do two
sets of cycles a day, props. That's how you'd gain muscle mass. That's still only probably 30 minutes,
because the second will likely last 10 minutes. Maybe 15. Drink a protein shake right after each. I've
found no reason for expensive shit, just whey protein. Personally. Though I do have good genes.

To lose weight, EAT LESS CALORIES THAN YOU BURN. Period. I eat granola cereal and eggs and
shit. But because I don't do a sport full time any more, I burn like NO calories. I started stepping it
down when I noticed I'd gained like four or five percent body fat. First I tried eating half a bowl of
cereal. My goal was just to be slightly slightly hungry all day long. No anorexic shit, just let my body
know that I had a little less calories than I needed, which would mean I was burning fat. When I was a
full time athlete I'd scarf down over 3000 calories daily and STILL feel hungry. I wanted to get back to
that despite being on a computer and phone all day. Half a bowl of cereal turned out to leave me where
I was not hungry almost all day, still. So I stepped down even farther. Now I eat about 1/5th of a bowl of
granola cereal with a splash of milk in the morning. THAT'S IT. I drink quite a bit of fruit juice, which
probably gives me so many calories I barely need to eat. At night I eat TWO eggs. That's it. I BARELY
snack. I stopped eating cheese for the most part (my favorite thing ever, but I can eat more calories in
one sitting in cheese alone that I'll burn all day long). But I do drink tea with tons of honey and drink
lots of fruit juice, again giving so many calories that I need to hardly eat. And then about 1 or two
protein shakes a day. I weigh 150 pounds. That might sound nearly anorexic, but our bodies are SO
efficient that that's ALL I NEED. Literally. I'm jacked right now. I'm not unhealthy at all. If I eat any
more my body fat creeps up.

So even if you weigh 200 pounds and are 6'3”, imagine if you work a desk job or something with little
activity, you only need 1/3 more food than me. That's barely 3 eggs and half a bowl of cereal at best a
day. If you eat THAT LITTLE plus working out, you WILL LOSE WEIGHT. Continuously and
forever. Just keep yourself SLIGHTLY hungry all day long. If you're considerably overweight, you
may have a false impression of how much food you need to eat (by that I mean you do). So you need to
MAKE yourself eat this little food, even though you may be STARVING. You probably will have
trouble thinking quite right (this is for VERY overweight people, if that's not you and you're feeling
that out of it, be careful, maybe eat SLIGHTLY more so you're only a bit uncomfortable). To aide in the
thinking, take a little olive oil and a little fish oil with your stuff, the fats will help your brain. Stay
hydrated with water. If you're really overweight, you need to overcome your body's momentum in
terms of eating too much and storing too much. Your appetite sense is off. They say it takes 60 days to
switch your body's momentum. But it will take years (probably 2) to REALLY fix it. Once you're in a
new momentum for a couple years, that will hold as fiercely as your old momentum! I can regain
muscle and lose fat as quickly as someone really overweight can do the opposite. So don't fear, just like
game if you work your ass off for a couple years, you'll be over a hump and then just have to maintain
it – much easier. We regain muscle SIX TIMES FASTER than we gain it to begin with.

Notice how I didn't say you need to eat a certain amount of fat or protein or avoid carbs or ANY of that.
Because you DON'T. For YEARS I was ripped while eating shit like muffins and pasta. In college I
was so ripped that I later backed off working out so much (I was doing a lot of gymnastics exercises
because I wanted to be able to do the Maltese cross on the rings, which is about the second hardest
move in gymnastics... For fun. I'm nuts like that). At that SAME time, my friends would say “Your
entire plate is white! How do you only eat carbs and stay so jacked!?” The fact is, I was burning SHIT
LOADS of calories by working out like crazy and doing a lot of sports. So I was burning the calories.
And I was getting enough protein from my protein shakes AND THAT WAS ALL THAT MATTERED.
Simply put, if you eat less calories than you burn, you'll lose fat. EVEN IF YOU'RE EATING
MUFFINS like I did daily while I lived in San Diego, much to my overweight roommate's horror, you
can STILL STAY CUT AND JACKED (like I did) if you burn those calories and get enough protein.
And muffins are loaded with carbs, sugar, and fat. Now, you're probably not burning the calories I was
then, so I recommend avoiding muffins because it might be hard for you to burn even ONE muffins
worth of calories in HALF OF YOUR ENTIRE DAY. But literally you can eat anything you want as
long as you get your vitamins necessary for life, and if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you'll lose
fat. You may also lose muscle. If you want to gain muscle irrespective of fat, then you need to get
enough protein and slightly more calories than you burn. If you want to slowly gain muscle while
losing fat, you need to try to eat as many calories as you burn while getting enough protein at the same
time, and your body will consume your fat and produce muscle with the energy imbalance. That's really
hard to do, so usually the easiest thing is to pick which you need more – to lose weight or gain muscle.
If you're rail skinny, eat a little more calories than you burn plus enough protein and work out, gain
muscle, and then if you have too much fat at the end you can cut to below the number of calories you
need and keep working out and the muscle will relatively stay while the fat goes away. If you need to
lose fat more, eat less calories than you burn, stay a bit hungry all day, work out, get protein, and your
fat will go away, your muscles will tone but might not grow a ton, and you'll trim out. Then you can eat
SLIGHTLY more calories and you'll gain muscle while keeping off the fat. If you start gaining fat back,
you're eating too many calories.
That's the tuning process. That's it. You can eat healthier foods and such for other reasons, but YOU

People used to ask me for the most effective diet or workout. I'd always say “Whatever you're going to
stick to.” Fact is, it's better to eat the food you want to eat, just less of it, than to go on a diet you hate
and won't keep up (and where you might well eat too many calories because you don't like the food so
you aren't satisfied so you scarf it... Which my overweight San Diego roommate did for YEARS, while
ALSO working his ass off in the gym. And he LOST NO WEIGHT, but gained bulky muscle, to where
he was a giant with a chubby face. And super pissed, and he hated me for eating muffins and being
jacked. But he ALSO wouldn't listen to me and eat less of his spinach and free range organic chicken so
he could burn off the calories and lose weight. He insisted only WHAT you ate mattered, not how
much. Arguing against the very rules of thermodynamics, saying 'our bodies are complicated and we
don't fully understand them' as though somehow they violated the laws of physics because they're
complicated. Wrong. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. If you take in less energy than you burn,
your body must get it from somewhere – by eating your fat. Period. No arguments. His arguments
proved fruitless as I kept eating muffins and stayed jacked and he kept eating homecooked clean
chicken and spinach, carefully prepared, and stayed overweight. Fact is, stubbornness ALWAYS fucks
you over. So listen to me or don't, but if you don't your experience will be identical to his).

I can guarantee this is right there with the FASTEST and EASIEST truly effective workouts you'll ever
find. Anything claiming to require less than that is likely full of shit. But if I were comfortable posting
pictures you'd be like “Damn bro, you do THAT with twenty minutes a day?” By the way, no, my body
doesn't get me girls. I wear a suit out mostly and girls think I'm a skinny twerp because you can't see
my physique. And I had hardly worked out in three years when I started getting pretty good at game
because for years I was super jacked and didn't get SHIT for girls, so I knew it wasn't getting me
anything. Where it DOES help is it makes my face look better (see below), it makes me feel better, and
girls go CRAZY when they get me naked. So they come back more and they love it. Which are great.
But they're already hooking up with me by the time they know. So that's no excuse. It's not your body
that gets girls, though as I note below it can lose them for you.

For those of you thinking “There's an ENTIRE INDUSTRY around losing weight and working out,
with supplements, all kinds of advice, cold plunges, gadgets, and blah blah blah – there's NO WAY you
just told me how to be ripped and have 7% body fat in a page” - yes, I did. This is EIGHTEEN YEARS
in the making of my own experience, working out up to 3 hours a day five days a week, first of all.
PLUS being in an Olympic track in a sport for about 12 years with FULL TIME DEDICATED
TRAINERS advising me. Second, as I mentioned, my college undergrad and graduate degrees are
world class, so I'm not retarded and speaking out of my ass. I'm an engineer and working out and sports
were a full time job for me for quite a while. Finally, you have to realize that EVERYONE you hear
from MAKES A LIVING off of saying all this complicated shit. Every nutritionist, personal trainer,
fitness guru, and doctor that is outspoken in these fields need to MAKE AN ONGOING LIVING by
continuing to put shit out. If they stop, they stop making a living. So they have to keep adding stuff. A
personal trainer told me once a dirty secret of their industry is they don't want to give clients
EVERYTHING they need for themselves, or they'll stop coming back. That's the whole industry. A
happy, ripped, self sufficient person stops spending money that goes to nutritionists and fitness gurus
and personal trainers. So they have to. Next, BECAUSE it's their job, they think about it too much and
start reading all these scientific reports and tweaking little shit. Basically they get in their own heads.
And, finally, because your body needs SO LITTLE CALORIES, way way way below what most
people eat, virtually NO ONE eats few enough calories and that causes a nearly impossible loop of over
eating for everyone. Which means almost no one gets the results they want because their lives are
simply too sedentary to EVER burn the number of calories they consume in their day, and so no
amount of advice and dieting and controlling what they eat will get them results. Which means that
they need ever better advice because the fact is they simply eat too much and they never fix the true
Quite simply, the ancient fucking Greeks had jacked dudes. And they literally lifted rocks to workout.
And ate a lot of grains and simple meat. They had NONE of today's modern diets and knowledge. They
simply burned enough calories, ate enough protein, and worked out. And you can see from their statues
that they had jacked dudes. So if you believe we need all this modern bullshit, your head is in the sand.
The equation is simple, the whole industry is just self sustaining like a sinus infection because the basic
equation needs changing – people need to eat less than they burn to lose fat. And they need exercise
programs they will stick to for YEARS. Which is why I gave you a twenty minute a day exercise that
ACTUALLY WORKS. Why does that exercise work better than all these fancy ones? Because muscles
are also simple. You need to tear down the fibers so they rebuild stronger. The best way to tear them
down is to kick them while they're down. So basically by cycling quickly and not taking rests, you let
the muscles pull in more ATP so that they have short term 'fuel' to lift more in the short breaks as you
cycle the other exercises, but you don't let them recover fully before hitting them again. Which tears
them down MORE QUICKLY and MORE EFFICIENTLY. Which makes them rebuild more. You're
basically amplifying the Arnold Schwarzenegger “It's all about the last rep” effect by making your reps
tear muscles down more completely and in a shorter period of time. Basically it's all about ripping
those muscles up as quickly and efficiently as possible, then giving your body protein and healthy
conditions to repair them. And it works well to burn fat because you're basically doing a metabolism
increasing sprint exercise, while, more importantly, all that muscle rebuilding and increased muscle
mass increases your metabolism MORE. An hour of RUNNING is said to burn 557 calories. That
likely isn't even one meal that you're currently burning. And people jogging on the treadmill for their
exercises aren't likely doing a full hour of an actual run (that's supposed to be 6 miles). So guess what,
the people trying to aerobic exercise off their fat are getting nowhere because their hour long exercise
barely increases their metabolism throughout the day, and doesn't even erase one of their meals. So they
don't create a calorie deficit, despite all that work. That's why you see so many casual runners that run
DAILY and do 10k races a lot and STILL are chubby. But doing my exercise, you might burn as much
as an extra 1000 calories daily, plus you drastically cut your calorie intake and TUNE it to keep it near
but below your intake (until you have the body fat percentage you want, then you try to match it and
KEEP ADJUSTING IT indefinitely for life). So in only twenty minutes your coming out ahead of the
runners, and gaining muscle mass. Boom baby.

So unless you're quite overweight, just stay a little hungry all day, and then watch your body to see if
it's progressing. If it isn't, eat a little less. And adjust from there. Don't suddenly starve yourself, that
won't help – you'll not gain muscle and it's really really bad. Always watch your health. Again, do this
at your own risk – be smart. It will work for anyone who is HEALTHY otherwise, but know your body
and monitor yourself.
If your body fat is over 15%, you're losing opportunities with girls. Attraction is based on hard straight,
square lines, and sharp triangles in the face, plus muscles and fitness. Particularly the facial part. Over
15% body fat, the fat in your face rounds out your jaw line and other features. That's not attractive.
That creates a worse first impression, then you have to COMPENSATE for that with game. You'd
rather have your looks HELPING you, or at least as much out of the way as possible, than hurting you.
If you're considerably overweight, you're really shooting yourself in the foot. Yes RSD Luke gets hot
girls... By using SOCIAL CIRCLE TECHNIQUES and instructor level game. But if he WASN'T
overweight he'd get MORE hot girls. Because a lot of them are avoiding him due to his weight even IF
they like him, whether he thinks that or not. My guess is even the coolest, richest, most famous girl in
the world isn't someone you want to sleep with if she's fat – and while some girls would anyway
(maybe even a third of girls), most (probably 80%, really) would not. And it doesn't look good to show
that guy off to their friends and so on. So it's REALLY hurting for long term relationships. At best, you
can play the papi card like Tyler D has been with a beard and success and shit. But even that is better
done by a fit dude.

There ya go! That's health in a few pages. Now I spent an hour and a half on this section. Dammit. I
hope you bastards change your lives across the board haha.

Sleeping Too Much

Some of you might find that if you're gaming full time you'll start sleeping TOO MUCH (10.5 – 13
hours a night) and still feeling tired. I did after a while. It even got to the point where it seemed like the
part of your body that wakes you up when you've slept enough just sort of switched off. If my alarms
didn't wake me up, it seemed I could just sleep indefinitely... Which scared me. I can't fully say why,
but I can say it mostly was repaired when I made a few changes:

Even though cheese is my favorite thing in the world, I stopped buying any. Then I couldn't eat it.
Instead I searched through the dried fruits at the local store and figured out that sun dried tomatoes and
dried apricots were the only ones that listed any substantial vitamins on the label (granted they only list
like 6 different vitamins). So I bought those. When I was bored sometimes I just wanted to eat
something, and eating those gave me something to do without many calories, easy, and with some
vitamins that mixed up my otherwise bland diet that probably wasn't helping me.
At one point I figured I'd get a low calorie regular snack to eat when I was bored and watching infield
videos or practicing or whatever. I bought some chips and Cheese-its, two things I'd just about never
bought my whole life. That definitely did NOT help. I would just eat WAY more of them than I wanted,
they made my mouth feel gross, they made my body feel gross, and I gained a few percent body fat.
Total crap. The dried fruit was WAY better. (You can get other dried fruits too, but apparently most
have basically zero of the major vitamins)

I also made myself work out every day. I was trying to focus on game, but when I sometimes had to
sleep 12 hours a night to feel relatively normal. That gave me a solid 3 hours I could've worked out and
if it made me go back to sleeping normally, I'd be ahead. So I figured I was actually GAINING time by
working out daily. I worked out the way I described above. Which was nice because it gave me my
awesome body back, too. And I felt better.

And I set an alarm on an old phone that went off daily several times in a row at a “You have to get up
now” time. If I got to that alarm, I had to jump out of bed and get excited about living no matter how I
felt. If I needed to take a twenty minute nap later, I could, but at that point I was forcing myself to get
out of bed.
I couldn't find much of use online about 'hypersomnia' (sleeping too much), but it definitely sounded
like it causes itself. We start sleeping too much and that causes it to get worse. So getting the fuck out
of bed when you know you have enough hours of sleep is huge. Plus taking the melatonin gummies I
mentioned to make yourself go to sleep at the same time every night (if your schedule is regular
enough, you won't need them most nights. Don't take them out of habit).

Besides that, probably not being outside enough in the sun (it was also winter), and not being awake at
normal times were contributing. (I was on a late night, sleep late pickup guy schedule... But that was
the whole point, too).

The last thing is that it's possible you don't have enough beneficial oil/fat in your diet. Our brains
actually NEED good fats to work properly. My friends who have gone on very lowfat diets have told
me that they feel drained and like their brains aren't working right. When I was sleeping way too much
I was also eating granola cereal with 2% milk, sandwiches with bread and mayonnaise and turkey, and
then shitty snacks and not much else. Very little fat, and almost no good oils in any of that. I'm not
interested in testing things out with my health to the extent that I'll isolate different things and see what
ACTUALLY makes the difference – because I just want to be healthy and feel good so I can do good
stuff. But at the same time I stopped having to sleep so damn much not only did I shift my snacks and
work out every day and make myself wake up by a certain time, which DID fix most of it by
themselves, but when I really started sleeping normally again I ALSO about a week later bought some
good olive oil and started having that again, like I used to. The key with olive oil is it pretty much HAS
to say that it's from Italy on the bottle, 'first cold press'. The reason is that scientists determined there is
a chemical in good olive oil that both fights chronic inflammation and suppresses a type of bad bacteria
in our instestines that they believe is linked to chronic diseases. This is part of why the famous
'Mediterranean diet' with olive oil and red wine has been linked to being way healthier throughout life
(I can't remember the exact diseases, but fewer things like Alzheimer's and heart disease and so on).
Anyway, that good chemical in olive oil doesn't exist in most olive oil's in the US because we heat treat
our olive oil and are actually allowed to blend it with a certain amount of OTHER vegetable oils. So we
ruin the effects. However, SOME Italian imported olive oil DOESN'T have that and is pure, un-heat
treated olive oil. It's generally like $12-20 a bottle, but the bottle will generally last you like two
months so who cares. Preferably get it from somewhere like Whole Foods. The scientists said you can't
read on the label anything that tells you if the beneficial ingredient is there, what you have to do is take
a spoonful and drink it. The only way to tell how much of that chemical is there is that it has a burning
sensation to it if you drink a whole spoonful. (One reason American olive oil doesn't have this chemical
is Americans like a milder flavored olive oil, and the good stuff has a kick to it). If it's really good,
drinking a whole spoonful might burn enough to make you cough. If it sucks, it won't burn at all. I've
found that even Greek and Spanish olive oil are weak as fuck. And I even tried and expensive Mexican
one – same. So go Italian. If what you buy first doesn't have that kick, still use it up but get another
brand and try again. Then stick with a good one. This way you make sure your brain not only gets the
fats and oils it needs, which if you're otherwise eating simply it might not, so that you'll not sleep so
much- but you'll ALSO avoid getting a lot of shitty diseases later in life. Scientifically proven.

And that pretty much took care of it. If it doesn't take care of it, you might need to see a doctor, because
it can be things like thyroid gland problems and chronic illness.

Making Money/Becoming Wealthy

Okay, so I'm going to tell you how to make anything from millions to billions in abstracted terms. This
subject annoys me because a lot of my friends from my university have gotten very, very wealthy
(several $50 million plus, two so far in the billionaire range) – HOWEVER, a lot of my external
friends, especially my game friends, always say they're “Working day and night” on getting rich but
they're spinning their wheels like you wouldn't believe on shit that will NEVER make them rich. And
they're often as vocal and obnoxious about it as crossfit fans or people that wear Affliction Tshirts.

What triggered me to finally write this was I was briefly reading an article about AMC's Better Call
Saul which said Breaking Bad and the 'prequel' Better Call Saul dive into how in a 'cold capitalist
society' those that 'play by the rules are punished' and those that 'don't are rewarded.' That's fucking
retarded. Shut the fuck up right there. Money can be described in multiple ways. The most useful is that
money is effectively a representative of how much value you have created for people – or to generalize,
for society. If you're a doctor, you do a LOT of good for a small number of people, they pay you a lot
each, and you make a good amount of money despite only having dozens of clients a year. If you're an
NFL player, you are on TV entertaining people – about 4 million people tune into every game you play,
every week, and you make their day slightly better... Each individual player makes an individual's day
enough better that that player on average creates about 2-5 cents of value for that one person on that
one day... Multiply that by 16+ games a year, by 4 million fans a game, and suddenly players make
millions a year. By the time you add in playoffs, superbowls, and the fact that quarterbacks are more
valuable to the team than the backup punter on the bench, and certain players can make over $10
million a year. If you ever hear someone bitch about how much money athletes make, they will
NEVER be rich and they don't get the way the world functions. Not to mention they have NO clue how
far away they are from the balls, work ethic, and ability to suffer pain that the professional athlete has –
but that doesn't matter to the economics (except that people who will go through that and have talent
are rare).
Anyway, the amount of total good you do for people equals, roughly, the money you make. A janitor
does a low value job – cleaning a floor – that affects low numbers of people, like tens or a couple
hundred a day. Each person that walks on a clean floor is only slightly benefited over if that floor got
cleaned once a month. So the janitor is creating tiny value for small numbers of people. And anyone
can do his job. So he doesn't get paid much. Whatever jobs you see around work the same way.
In Breaking Bad, Walter White was a highschool chemistry teacher. He's teaching one of dozens of
classes students take in their lifetime, on a subject most of them will never use. Many other people can
also do his job. Most of those students won't make much extra money in their lifetimes or see much
value because of what he does, it's only a small contribution towards them going to college, and he
only teaches around 25 of them at a time. In other words, he's creating a pretty mediocre amount of
value for a small number of people. He then starts cooking meth, and starts making more and more and
more of it. Up to hundreds or thousands of pounds a week. A junkie only uses grams or ounces a week.
There's 454 grams in a pound. Let's say a junkie uses 10 grams a week (I have literally no clue). That
means every single pound supplies 45 junkies for a week. If Walter makes 1 pound a week, he has
affected almost TWICE as many people as he did in his classroom. Junkies are ADDICTED and
dependent on the drug, they'll pay anything they can for it, and it helps them escape whatever misery
they're suffering – so the drug has HUGE value to its customers. It might be awful, amoral value that
hurts them in the end, but to them – it's MORE VALUABLE THAN ANYTHING, and so they'll pay A
LOT for it. That means 1 pound a week allows Walter to not only affect roughly twice as many people
a week as teaching did, but ALSO he's creating 10 or 100 times more value FROM THE POINT OF
VIEW OF HIS CUSTOMERS for each person as he EVER did for his students. So 1 pound a week
allows Walter to create 20 to 200 times MORE VALUE for people/customers/society than teaching
ever did. Then he starts making HUNDREDS of pounds a week as he grows, or scales up. Let's say,
conservatively, 200 pounds a week. That's 4000 to 40,000 times more value per week created by Walter
the meth cook as Walter the teacher ever created. If Walter the teacher was making $55,000 a year, or
about $1050 a week, Walter the meth cook should make between $4 million and $40 million a week.
HOWEVER, Walter doesn't control and create ALL the value of the meth. It has to be distributed to
dealers, the dealers have to sell it to the junkies, Gustavo Fring (the head of the cartel that Walter makes
about 200 pounds a week for) at least for a while controls the process from the top and arranges all of it
and needs a large cut to do so and take that risk, plus the muscle and collections and protection and the
people that source chemicals and so on. In other words, Walter is creating a lot more value, but he's part
of a much larger puzzle as a meth cook as he is as a teacher... So the $4 million to $40 million a week
he's creating isn't just created by him... He needs a ton of HELP making that value, and a lot of other
people are taking more risk and doing a lot of things he isn't... Which means he needs to SPLIT the
profits with other people. That means he gets, say, 10% or 15% of the end street value or so. Let's say
10%. That means Walter gets paid $400,000 to $4 million a week. Which is actually REALLY CLOSE
to what he gets paid on the show. Notice I had NO CLUE what the street value of methamphetamine is,
and I DIDN'T EVEN USE IT in the calculation... I simply compared the value he creates for a meth
addict to that he creates for a student with many classes and the number of people he affects, plus his
teacher's wages he was getting and the piece of the puzzle he represents in the meth empire. And I
Why is making meth illegal? Because society doesn't want people profiting off of things that are bad
for society. While the junkies love the meth, turning people into meth junkies and adding meth junkies
to society is bad for society. So it's illegal.
Walter didn't 'suffer' playing under the rules, then get 'rewarded' when he started breaking them... That's
fucking retarded. That's a poor loser's mindset. Walter switched to something where he could create a
lot more TOTAL VALUE TO PEOPLE (number of people benefited x value per person). That's it. The
illegality of the second enterprise is besides the point.

Here's the thing- I've worked with new ideas for my whole professional career, and I've watched friends
succeed and fail on dozens of things to all kinds of degrees (like I said, twice to billion dollar ranges).
There's two things that decide if you can make more than about $700k-$1M a year- Scale and
Leverage. That's it.
SCALE is how many people you affect. You can try to be a doctor and create a LOT of value for a
small number of people, and then you don't have to affect a lot of people to make a lot of money... But
that's a VERY SMALL number of opportunities. How many people are willing to pay amounts similar
to you saving their life for something you can do almost alone? If you're keeping someone out of jail
(Lawyer), saving their business interests (Lawyer), saving their life (Doctor), or maybe helping very
high value people very significantly (Wealth management, Private investment manager) or creating a
very large value in very high value transactions (Real estate agent, Broker for private jets,
Commissioned business-to-business salesman convincing companies to buy multi-million dollar
contracts), then you create a lot of value in single instances. In any other case, you can't create that
much value for one person or one instance. Period. Plus, almost all of those jobs generally top out
making about $1 million/year. Not too shabby, but nothing crazy.
So you break out of these limits and those narrow opportunities by having a large SCALE. Affecting
many people. What you do in one hour needs to affect a LOT of people. If Walter White spent 40 hours
a week cooking meth in crock pots, maybe he'd make like 3 pounds or something. He'd affect about
135 people/week. How does he make more money? He needs to SCALE. Gustavo Fring, the cartel boss
in the show, sets him up with industrial scale chemistry equipment where he can cook huge batches
precisely and turn out 200 pounds a week while still working 40 hours a week. That's almost 70 times
as much. In other words, he just SCALED 70 times – he affects 70 times more people. He now affects
about 9350 people per week!!! If you affect 9350 people per week, off your 40 hour work week, you're
pretty dang scaled. That's 234 people PER HOUR. As a teacher Walter affected 25 people per hour, 10
times less. But he had the same kids every day and had to teach them every day to create the value... So
he helped 374 times FEWER people per week. That's a LOT less scale. If every junkie needs a weekly
fix amount, then he's on about a weekly cycle with the meth. His work in one hour is supplying meth
heads for a week.
Now think of the janitor's scale. He has to clean the same floor for the same people daily. So he affects
between 20 and 200 people, depending on the floor he cleans, every day. On basically a daily cycle.
Maybe 500 max. He creates very little value per person. So his scale can actually exceed a chemistry
teacher's but it's work like a penny or a few pennies to each person. In other words, he creates about as
much value for each person walking his floors as an NFL player creates for a viewer on Sunday (well,
the NFL player probably creates more... but he's part of a bigger puzzle where he needs camera men,
coaches, investors, marketers for the team and for the TV network, TV personalities, TV feed editors,
cable companies, etc., so the NFL player might create 20 cents of value but takes home 2-4 cents or so).
In any case, the janitor has a pretty low scale and ALSO creates low value. His scale might exceed the
chemistry teacher's, BUT his value created per person is far less. The janitor makes like $18,000 a year.

So you need SCALE. You ALSO need to create a value people NEED as much as possible. Watching
an NFL team on Sunday is something people like a lot, but they don't NEED it anywhere near as much
as a heart transplant. Imagine if someone could scale heart transplants as much as an NFL player has
scale for the entertainment he provides... They'd make hundreds of billions.

Most people who are trying to make money don't have SCALE. Their idea won't help that many people
per week. They also tend to create ideas that people might kind of like, but they don't NEED that badly.
The less someone NEEDS your value, like an NFL player, the MORE SCALE you need to make a lot
of money.

Take Facebook now. Every hour Mark Zuckerberg spent programming, designing, evolving, funding,
staffing, and promoting Facebook created a website that keeps creating value even if Mark goes on
vacation for a week. So Walter White on Breaking Bad has to keep cranking meth out every single
week. But Zuckerberg can create Facebook, and then it keeps creating value even if he leaves for a
little while. So Walter is on a weekly cycle. Mark is on an indefinite cycle – he only needs to keep
working if things break, or if people get tired of things and he needs to update them. This means every
hour of Mark's time can ADD MORE SCALE. In other words, because what Mark created is NOT
cyclical, or has a long cycle time, then each bit of work he does can make it benefit more people. Or
create more value for each person it affects. In other words, he adds more value every hour he works.
Unless he's managing his employees, which is cyclical. But let's say it's 2004 and Facebook is new.
Every hour Mark spent PROMOTING Facebook simply signed up more people. And then the
computers kept creating the value for them – the servers created the value. So if he adds 15,000 users in
one hour, then the next hour he adds 15,000 more. In other words, his scale goes up with
EVERYTHING he does. Every hour he spent programming Facebook created a system that can benefit
billions of people and that allows a non-cyclical increase like that. Or, he could spend an hour making
Facebook BETTER, and then each person Facebook helps gets more VALUE. So he can add 1% more
value to each customer on Facebook in one hour of programming, say. That's 1% more to millions,
hundreds of millions, or eventually billions of people. If Facebook provides 5 cents of value a day to a
user, but Facebook has 1 billion users, that's $50 million dollars A DAY. Or $18.25 BILLION dollars a
year. If you say Facebook is worth 8x the value it creates as a company, that makes it worth $146
billion. I just ballparked that based on how much value it creates per person per day, and how many
users. I just now checked that number by looking up Facebook's value on the stock market - $436
billion. So we weren't far off! It's common in Silicon Valley to value internet companies at 20 times
revenue, which would be $365 billion... which would almost nail their value. I didn't guess 20 because
that's a lot for such a big company, but maybe they create 10 cents of value per person per day, plus I
think they have more than 1 billion users. Anyway, you can see that it's pretty simple to see how these
things play out.
Now enter a lot of my friends NOT from my university working all the time to 'get rich'. They are often
selling silly products on Amazon or creating 'info products' (ebooks and DVDs). People only sort of
benefit from/need/want their ebooks and DVDs. Their products on Amazon are generally different
versions of things that are already available, and they are accessories people want but hardly need. In
either case they aren't creating something people REALLY NEED, so they aren't creating that much
value per person – maybe like $5 worth of value or something. And they also choose competitive fields
where there are alternatives, in markets where there are only hundreds of thousands or millions of
people. In other words, at best they can help tens of thousands of people a year at about $5 per person...
So they can't make more than $500k-$1 million a year. But I have to hear nonstop about how they're
working to 'get rich'. They don't have a chance. They don't have any scale, and their value per person
isn't very high. Plus their businesses could NEVER help tens of millions of people or billions of people,
because they don't have an ability to reach that many people or satisfy that many orders. Let alone there
aren't that many customers. They have no scale. People don't badly need what they do. Generally they
don't even badly want it. It's hopeless.
On the contrary, my friends from university have helped people share things daily with hundreds or
thousands of friends from their phones, have worked towards curing cancer for millions, have helped
people manage their finances right from their phones, have provided millions with clothing they really
like, and have helped business process credit card transactions and manage inventory. Each of these
things can help millions or billions of people, each of them create a pretty substantial value for people
(sharing with their friends from their phone maybe the least, but people got addicted to that one and do
a lot of it, and it is used by hundreds of millions or over a billion people). These are my real university
friends. You can see why they've all made well into the tens of millions, and some a billion.

Now LEVERAGE. As we said, if Walter White cooked meth in crock pots for 40 hours a week, he
might get like 3 pounds or something. But with industrial chemistry equipment he made 200 pounds a
week. What allowed that transition? Much better equipment. But what did the much better equipment
DO? It allowed him to make a lot more meth for every HOUR he worked. In other words, every HOUR
of his time became much more EFFECTIVE. That's LEVERAGE.
Leverage is making every hour of your time create more output. That's it.
Mark Zuckerberg leveraged computers and the internet so that every hour he put into Facebook created
value that would eventually reach billions. How? Because by putting his effort into a computer
network, where the computer network can spread his work to anyone almost for free, he created a way
to spread his work to as many people as want it. That's LEVERAGE. The computer network
LEVERAGED every hour of his work into providing value for over a billion people. If Mark
Zuckerberg create Facebook as a little pop-up version of a yearbook, it isn't leveraged enough to reach
many people. He'd maybe help hundreds. He needed the leverage of a computer network.

Both of these are examples of leveraging your time through TECHNOLOGY. Industrial chemical
equipment is better technology for doing large scale chemistry than crock pots. Computer networks are
better technology for spreading information and pictures than paper books.

You can leverage through four areas that I can think of: Technology, other people (employees,
contractors), systems/practices, and money.
A wall street investor creates a lot of value/impact in one hour because he's leveraging MONEY. He's
investing millions of dollars that other people gave him. Millions of dollars create a lot of value. So one
hour of investing millions of dollars creates a lot of value. His one hour of effort is MUCH MORE
value creating than the janitor's BECAUSE he is leveraging money. The janitor is using a mop, which
only does work in one spot when he directly uses it... That's zero leverage. The janitor has ZERO
leverage for his value creation.
A CEO of a corporation creates rules, decides what his company will do, and tells his employees what
do to. Then in a large corporation, THOUSANDS of people go to work 40 hours a week based on his
rules, decisions, and instructions. So in one hour of the CEO's work, he creates thousands of man hours
of work. So he's leveraged THOUSANDS of times. If his employees average $60,000 a year and he has
5000 employees, then in one year their leverage basically means he creates $300 million of value. Of
course, all those people have to get paid, and so on... But he creates SO MUCH value that if you cut
him off 1% of it, he just made $3 million.

McDonald's created a system for running a restaurant that is SO SIMPLE and SO WELL WORKED
OUT, that teenagers can run the restaurant in almost any city in the world and it will turn a profit. So
when the founders of McDonald's spent one hour creating that system, they ultimately empowered their
franchise owners to make thousands and thousands of restaurants profitable. Each restaurant probably
turns $100,000-200,000 of profit a year. So every hour spent creating the system that is McDonald's,
from the colors to the menu to the food distribution, to the rules the employees follow, to the restaurant
design, to the brand, ultimately created $100k-$200k of value for thousands of locations a year. Of
course, franchisees had to buy property build the restaurants, pay the costs, hire the employees, etc. But
by the time they paid a cut to McDonald's to use that very complicated and very well worked out
system and be part of the brand, McDonald's winds up making billions of dollars a year. Because they
LEVERAGED a system so good that it's better than almost anything else, and because they can give
that system to others and others can create value off of it.

And we discussed how Facebook and Walter White used technology to create leverage.

So you SCALE by using LEVERAGE so that every hour of your time is worth as many hours of
anyone else's as possible. First your idea has to be SCALABLE (there have to be enough people that
really want or need it), and it has to create enough value for each person (they have to want or need it
enough) that the scale matters and actually makes money. Then you ACHIEVE that scale by using
employees and contractors (other people's time), technology, money, and/or systems to leverage your
own time to create all that value. Walter White ALSO leveraged the time of all the dealers, distributors,
enforcers, collections guys, and even the boss of the cartel – Gustavo Fring – in order to create his
value. So he's leveraged by technology AND other people's time. Also, Gustavo was buying millions of
dollars of chemicals for him to use. So they're leveraging MONEY, and Walter is leveraging
SOMEONE ELSE'S money. If Walter had $20, he couldn't make 200 pounds of meth a week even IF
he had the equipment (which he ALSO needed money to buy) because he couldn't by the chemicals.
There needs to be money to leverage. But the leverage of money in this case isn't very high compared
to the technology and other people's time.

So my friends that AREN'T from my university are generally trying to do most things themselves. They
don't have employees, and only lightly use relatively unskilled contractors. They are often not
leveraging technology in any significant way. They aren't really leveraging systems. And they don't
have much of their own money or much of anyone else's to leverage either. In other words, not only do
their ideas not have the POTENTIAL to scale because not enough people want or need them, and the
value to each person isn't really that needed, but they also couldn't reach a large scale if they wanted to
because they have no real LEVERAGE. So when they talk all day long about making it rich, I secretly
roll my eyes because it won't happen. They don't even have the basics.

The last thing that is common to any good way to make money in our economy is BARRIER TO
ENTRY. Because our economy has limited buyers and money and resources, and is competitive, if
anyone can do what you're doing, then competition will reduce how much people are willing to pay for
it. If there was a vending machine on every corner that did heart transplants, they would cost $5, not
$50,000. But because it takes an individual who was unusually smart, unusually dedicated, and spent a
lifetime learning to do heart transplants, there aren't a lot of people willing to do that. So not many can.
So that's a huge BARRIER TO ENTRY (spending a lifetime, being smart and being dedicated). That
barrier to entry keeps the value there because NOT just anyone can do it.
Not just anyone can create and promote Facebook. Now that Facebook is so big, it's hard for anyone to
compete with it.
Not just anyone is willing to break the law, risk getting killed by rival drug cartels, has the knowledge
to create high quality meth, has a cartel to work with that has money and distribution and dealers, and
so on. So not just anyone can be Walter White. So he makes a lot of money.

If you're contemplating an idea to make money, you have to ask why not just anyone can do it. If
almost anyone could do the idea, that's really really bad. If almost anyone could do the idea, almost
anyone could come up with the idea, and you don't see it out there... it's probably because someone
tried it and no one really wanted it. If you think the idea is really clever so other people could do it but
wouldn't come up with it, let's say the early days of Facebook, then maybe you're onto something,
maybe not. You have to TEST the idea in the real world and see if real customers/users WANT it. That's
what Facebook did. But to reach a billion plus people, Mark Zuckerberg not only had to program
Facebook – which a lot of people could do – and come up with the idea for Facebook, which NOT a lot
of people could do, because it was a better version of MySpace and other people's efforts... But
Zuckerberg ALSO then had to raise money from investors, assemble and manage and direct a team, and
create a strategy and promote Facebook and nurture it through TONS of growth. Very FEW people can
do that. To the point that very, very few people could come up with Facebook, start it, and grow it
through all those phases. Even though a lot of people could've programmed the site.
Other ideas, like mining gold, you KNOW have value without testing. But to make a lot of money there
you have to do SOMETHING that not many people can do... Like finding a lot MORE gold than other
people can. If you think you can do that, you must be able to do something that other people mining
gold aren't or can't do – because they aren't capable or didn't think of it. So you have to have a barrier to
entry to HOW you create value, if the value is known like gold. If the value is unknown, like Facebook,
there have to be barriers to entry possibly in the how, but also possibly in the what (the actual idea of
Facebook, having the balls to move forward and make it and test it, etc.).

Let's look at why this book isn't designed to make money and wouldn't be a good business. This will
help you understand. How many guys want girls? Nearly all of them, except the gay and asexual ones.
And in theory the married ones/ones in serious relationships. But effectively all of them. How many of
those guys have problems coming together with the girls they want? Nearly all of them, except those
working in nightlife, modeling, music and fashion industries, those who are famous, and those who are
in bottle service and using yachts and so on plus game to get girls. How many of the guys with
problems coming together with the girls they want are willing to ADMIT that and do something about
it? Not very many. Maybe 5 in 100 will do SOMETHING about it other than go to bars or get on
Tinder. How many of those 5 in 100 are willing to spend YEARS working on getting girls, to take the
ego hit of working hard at it – which implies you had an issue in that area – and are willing to go
through that while at first they don't get a lot of results? Probably like 2 in 100 out of those 5 in 100.
That's about 1 in 1000 guys. How many of those guys are willing to face approach anxiety and
approach girls? Maybe 5 out of 100. That's 1 in 20,000 guys. How many of those guys are willing to
read a 700 page book? Probably 5-10 in 100. That's about 1 in 200,000 to 400,000. How many of them
are willing to BUY a 700 page book and read it? Probably 5-10 out of 100. That's about 1 in 2 million
to 1 in 8 million. How many people in the world speak English? 1.5 billion. That's 750 million men.
Let's say 1/3 of them are dating age. That's 250 million men. That gives me an audience of perhaps 30
to 120 men, if I could reach and persuade them all. Now, the reality is that some of these categories
aren't independent and overlap – if someone is willing to do something about their problem with
women, they're more likely to both read a book and face approach anxiety and pay for the book. But I
probably have a market of no more than 300 to 10,000 men. And I can't reach all of them to get them to
buy... And the price of this full book, in both parts, is less than 100 dollars... So all the hundreds of
hours that went into this book, after you consider I can only reach a fraction of my market, will
probably make me somewhere between $1,000 and maybe $80,000 max. If I spent 500 hours on this
book, that's as low as $2 an hour. If I made $80,000 I'd probably spend $40,000 in advertising to get it.
So in the BEST situation I might make $40,000, which is about $80 an hour. And years of effort made
less than one year of income.
Barriers to entry? I had to be creative, have the life experience outside game to look at game a certain
way, incredibly dedicated, willing to write all this down and distribute it, have a problem with girls,
really want to fix that problem with girls, have the resources to take bootcamps and focus on girls, and
more. How many people have all those things? Well, at most just the number of high level instructors
that you see working for the various pickup companies. But you could successfully argue just a couple
of us. Add in the life experience and creativity that it takes to create THIS book on THIS level for THIS
tiny of a market... Well, just me really. So high barriers to entry, tiny scale, marginal value per person in
terms of what people will PAY for it. Though LIFE CHANGING value for the people that read and
execute it. So all I really get is to help people... Maybe 300 or 3000 people's lives will never be the
same again. They'll be happy, empowered, confident, and they'll get to live a life they may never have
until they died.

How else do you make a lot of money? Understand advertising, sales, marketing, persuasion, hiring,
managing, getting investment, testing ideas in the real world, and so on. I think there's about seven
books that make an Entrepreneuer's MBA. I'd say if you have no background, start with Peter Thiel's
Zero to One, because you'll learn what are good ideas and what aren't. Keep in mind you don't need to
make billions, but this book is about that kind of thing. Early on decide how much you ACTUALLY
want to make. A million a year? Half a million? Millions? And decide WHY you want the money. Want
bottle service, a cool pad, and to throw events so you can get girls? You probably need a few million a
year. You don't need hundreds of millions. Want a decent place to after party, the ability to throw more
low key events, and to get in good with promoters and the local nightlife scene and party with them?
You might only need $150k/year. Want a helicopter to invite girls on crazy excursions? You only need
$250k, plus a helicopter license or to pay a pilot. If you want a yacht, bottle service three nights a week
that you pay for yourself, and a mansion... Well you'll need like $10 million/year. Want to be famous?
You'll need a business that can advertise you, not money (we'll talk about that).

Here's the books I'd say will give you a complete background in being an entrepreneur from $150k/year
to creating Facebook and making billions:
1) “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel
2) “Ca$hvertising” (The best overview on advertising and getting people to buy. If you don't read
this, you'll probably sell nothing)
3) “The Storyteller's Secret” by Carmine Gallo (how to use Storytelling in business to better
persuade customers to buy)
4) “The Straight Line Persuasion System” by Jordan Belfort (DVD program) (How to sell. BEST
SALES PROGRAM in existence – you HAVE to use the program to write a script and then at least use
the structure of the script, or you aren't executing his system. The knowledge itself is only 30% of the
value of the system, the structure is 70% of it. Don't bother with any other sales information besides
Presuasion – yes that's spelled right – by Cialdini) (You NEED to know how to sell, if it's getting a
business deal, an investment, or directly selling customers)
5) “Traction” by Gabriel Weinberg (This covers EVERY way you can go about getting
customers/users. This is CRUCIAL)
6) “The Art of the Start 2.0” by Guy Kawasaki (this is how to properly build businesses that are
intended for venture capital business, and how to guide them. Very practical business basics)
7) “Growth Hacking – A How to Guide to Becoming a Growth Hacker” by Jose Casanova (how to
design products to go viral/spread between people. Very valuable)
8) Read a book on PR. I read “The Handbook of Modern PR” but I haven't seen one single book
that is as clearly the best as the rest of these. But you need to understand media coverage

-----After this, the rest of these books HELP A LOT, but aren't COMPLETELY NECESSARY----
9) “Made to Stick” (how to package your message so it hits with people and impacts them)
10) “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell (how things spread between people, how to work
with that)
11) Entrepreneur's Corner Podcasts by Stanford University (Available on the app store/itunes for
free, I think. You can listen to ANY of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world talk directly about how
they did it. We're talking about the real entrepreneurs who started up to hundred billion dollar

How do you come up with a good idea? After working with and watching people's ideas for a long
time, I think you should write down tons of ideas and evaluate them AFTER you write them down
(write down anything that sounds possibly good at first, to not fuck up your creativity by judging it).
You should judge them on: 1) How scalable, ie how many people either NEED or REALLY REALLY
WANT it. Fuck the people that will say “That's a good idea,” lots of experience says they won't take out
their wallet and buy. They have to LOVE it, be able to get it REALLY easily (flipping the channel,
throwing an extra thing into their shopping cart at the grocery store), or NEED it. No one buys stupid
checkout line items by going directly to a website on the internet, and putting in shipping and credit
card info just to wind up with a dumbass thing. 2) How capable of making the idea happen RIGHT
NOW are you? Do you have the resources (money, people, knowledge, technology)? Any resources
you don't have, can you get them pretty easily? How much technology or development that you don't
know how to do is required? Flying cars do NOT fall into this category because there's TONS of
development to do, and unless you have my degree you probably aren't ideal for doing it. 3) How
MUCH will people need it? Just kind of want it? Literally life or death like a heart transplant?
Somewhere in between. Don't lie to yourself, you'll have more ideas. 4) Why aren't other people doing
it? If they are, why can you do it much better than them? Ie, what's the barrier to entry. 5) How easily
can I sell this solution/product/service to one person? How easily can I sell it to many people? If you'd
have to explain or demonstrate for 30 minutes to sell one person, it's going to be really hard to get
many people to pay attention to get them to buy it. That's why you want to think about selling to one
person. How easily can you sell to many means when you think about the concepts you learned in
Traction, Ca$hvertising, Storyteller's Secret, and Straightline Persuasion system, what advertising and
marketing techniques can you use to get a lot of people to buy? How likely is that to work? How easily
can you do it? Can you do it with your skills and the money you have? If not, can you get the skills and
money to do it, realistically? Some ideas are great, but YOU aren't capable of selling them properly.
You wouldn't be very good at selling 40,000 Ferraris per year. You could sell a few, but how are you
going to reach and convince all those buyers... Unless you're basically giving them away. It takes
dealerships, big marketing dollars, and experience you don't yet have and might not be easy to acquire.
6) How much would you LOVE working on the idea? If the idea succeeds, you're probably going to be
doing it for a minimum of the next three years. People don't realize this. If you're stuck working on this
for the next, say, five years – are you going to still love doing it? Is it going to be satisfying your goals
in five years (making enough money, or making you famous, or giving you enough freedom)? Just
assume any idea will either fail or you'll get stuck with it for 5 years minimum. That's because if it
succeeds, you'll depend on it for money and won't likely be able to sell it any time soon (that's reality),
so you will paint yourself into a corner where you can't just walk away. I've done it. So just starting a
temporary business to get by and get to the next one is a bad idea. If you wouldn't want to be doing it in
five years, don't even get started. MUCH better to spend the next year coming up with a much better

You're always going to have to spend time and effort acquiring the skills or money or technology
necessary to make a business succeed. But CAN you do it in a reasonable period of time, and WILL
you? Do you want to? Be realistic.

How do you come up with ideas? You can flip through magazines that show products or technologies
or solutions and let them trigger ideas. However, a better way to do is first come up with PROBLEMS
that people REALLY WANT or absolutely NEED to have solved. Then you can flip through magazines
or the internet to see various products both in that field and in other fields and let them trigger ideas.
You want to brainstorm by writing down ideas first, judging them later, again. You also want to look for
ABSTRACTIONS behind an idea, because you can use abstractions to solve another problem. Like
you might come up with a better way to carry groceries by looking at a clever wine opening device, but
only IF you see the abstractions behind the wine opener that might be applied to carry groceries. This is
your research and study phase. The more scalable and more valuable the problem you solve, the better.
The more elegant, simple, and easy to create your solution, the better. Oftentimes you think of a good
idea, then have to spend days, months, or even a year thinking of how to SIMPLIFY the solution so it
will be cheap enough to make a product, or so you can actually successfully build it without lots of
research or complexity. Whether it's software, a physical product, or a solution. This is ALSO where
your research, creativity, and abstraction skills come in. If you try hard enough, you can learn anything,
but just think if the idea is big enough and you'll love it enough that you actually want to go to the
lengths to make it work, and if you're going to be excited about it still in 5 years.
The more you can abstract the solutions from one thing you see to another problem, the better. The
more you walk around with problems that would be valuable and appealing to you to solve in your
mind, the more you'll come up with solutions to them that might actually work. So it really is better to
find problems you want to solve that are scalable, and then to find practical solutions that you have the
resources to execute, or can realistically get the resources to execute. And to find the leverage you can
use to reach that scale, and how you can realistically sell the thing. Also, always OVERESTIMATE
how hard everything will be. The biggest mistake of new entrepreneurs is they think their scale is
bigger than it really is, that people need it more than they ever will, and that it will be easier to do than
it will. If you think it will be a lot HARDER than it really will, and you STILL want to do it and still be
doing it in five years... Now you're talking. And if you think it will be harder than you imagine and you
still think realistically you can make it happen.

One note- service businesses don't scale well. If the value you're providing is a SERVICE (cutting hair,
performing surgery, serving food, being a tour guide), then you're almost certainly not going to make
more than $150k/year. And in five years you'll still be making that. If you nail it, you might reach
$700k-$1 million/year. There's almost no chance you'll do more unless you're creating a FRANCHISE
like McDonald's. Restaurants are shitty businesses because of scale, value to consumer, lack of barriers
to entry, lack of leverage, etc. Any non-franchised service business is generally a very capped business.
And even though SOME service businesses might make you $1 million a year, don't go “Well, a
million a year would be plenty for me in five years, let's do it” because I promise you, you'll make
$150k/year. If you kill yourself you might scratch above it. If you fail, nothing. And if you sort of
succeed, maybe $50k/year. Only do service if you want FREEDOM and in five years, freedom and
$65k/year are still going to be satisfying you. You also generally can't sell a service business. So unless
you fit in that narrow window, don't start a service business. Have a service business idea that you can
make money off of right now? You know it won't really satisfy you in five years, but you can start it
TODAY though? I did to. I did it and got stuck in it. My customers were assholes and I was capable of
making a decent amount over $150k/year, but not tons and tons more, if I worked full time all year...
And I never wanted to work full time all year because it sucked. I got freedom, but five years later I
couldn't sell it and couldn't drop it. And I'm not just projecting that, it happens to people who start
service businesses ALL THE TIME because they jump into the idea because they can start it sooner.
Service businesses have lower barriers to entry, so you can often do them sooner. Guess what, that's
BAD. My VERY STRONG ADVICE, unless freedom is your only target and will still be in 5 years and
you don't care you'll never make a lot and don't care you can't sell it, BRAINSTORM for a year, work
HARD on coming up with good problems and working out practical solutions YOU can execute to
valuable problems, and just be patient and WAIT to start a business that is scalable, that one day you
MIGHT be able to sell, and that isn't a service business. This can be internet, software, physical
products, or more.
If you want a good job before then, watch the Straight Line Persuasion system and talk your way into a
really good COMMISSIONED sales position. You can easily start making $250k-$1 million a year
soon. You could be making over $250k before the year is over if you work as hard on that as I talk
about working on game. And use these same lessons, mindsets, training, etc. Then you could save up
money and use it to start another business, or take time off. $250,000 in the bank could let you
comfortably take FOUR YEARS off working, if you take it easy. So like 1.5 years of work could buy 4
years of retirement or more in a good commissioned sales job. That's MUCH smarter than getting
yourself stuck in a service business you created that hardly profited for a year, ramped up to getting
$150k a year, and meanwhile you killed yourself creating it.

Also, my experience is that a $150,000/year business isn't a ton easier to start than a $1 billion
business. The $1 billion business just solves a bigger problem and took more creativity, a MUCH better
idea, and a lot more balls to raise money from investors, attack something big, and hire a bunch of
people and command them to help realize the mission. So that in mind, don't think your little business
idea is “easy”. You'll ultimately kill yourself creating ANY business. So ask yourself, if I had to
practically KILL myself to successfully create this business, and in 5 years I'm stuck with it, and it
makes a lot less money than the best case scenario I can imagine (which it will), will I be happy with
it? If not, spend more time brainstorming and researching better problems to solve and better practical
ways to solve them and create a business you can really build, distribute, sell, finance, technologically
succeed at, etc.
In other words, time spent FRONT LOADING THE PROCESS and coming up with great, executable
ideas is MUCH MORE VALUABLE in the long run than diving into something. HOWEVER, don't use
that as an excuse to never start something. I have a lot of friends that have mentally masturbated, telling
themselves they were preparing to start a business – but really they were wasting time and basically
“not approaching.” If you get an idea that solves all the criteria – you can do it, the scale works, you
can sell it, you're willing to kill yourself for it, and in five years you'll still be very pleased with it...
Then fucking do it. Otherwise, take a commissioned sales job and use all this knowledge from this
book and Jordan Belfort to kill it.

And always remember, your little idea isn't a lot easier to start than a much bigger one. It's just harder
to find bigger problems, to solve them, and to have the balls to put a bunch of pieces together to do it.
P.s. EVERY business you will ever consider creating will take MINIMUM three months full time work
to launch. Even selling little trinkets on Amazon for $15k/year will take three months full time work.
There isn't a shortcut. I've researched this pretty heavily. You can't assemble a bunch of tiny side
businesses to make money to live off, unless you assemble four $15k/year Amazon products at three
months each over the next year. Which leaves you making $60k/year if ALL of them succeed after a
YEAR of full time work... which almost certainly could've been work put into making a much better
business. That's the other thing to remember – you could have spent that same time to be 3 months – 2
years farther along in a better business.
Sound complicated to be an entrepreneur? It is. Don't do it if you still don't think “Who fucking cares,
that's for me. That's what I'm doing.” Don't let the modern vibe or your friends peer pressure you into
it, it sucks as often as it's awesome, and most people don't have the balls, creativity, willpower, or
resourcefulness to do it at all... And most of those that DO will put all of that into scraping by or even
failing. Remember every business could FAIL on you too, so it has to be cool enough that you're
willing to work for like a year and a half, killing yourself, and then have it fail. Otherwise take the
commissioned sales job.

Lastly, remember that OBSESSION and DRASTIC ACTION (smashing the problem with the biggest
hammer you can) are the best ways to do ANYTHING. Moving into you mother's basement to work
full time on coming up with and starting a basement with almost no expenses is a MUCH better way to
make a billion dollars than to try to do it in your spare time from your comfortable $60k/year job.
Period. There is no question. What could be done in a year in the first scenario will take a minimum of
5 in the second scenario. But realistically in the second scenario you can't even POSSIBLY do some
things from the first scenario.

To become famous, your business has to ADVERTISE YOU and your face. Think of Dana White and
the UFC. If you don't know about that, go Google it. Dana White as a human being is used as sort of
the logo or recognizable face of the UFC. That means the business and brand are linked to his face. You
see him, you think UFC. You think UFC, you think of him. He's famous BECAUSE he was chosen to
be a human logo for the company, his face on everything. On the contrary, I can't picture Calvin Klein
because his NAME is used for the brand, but not so much his face. Nonetheless, if you were in a club
and someone said “That's Calvin Klein” you'd still feel the effects of fame. Better than nothing.
However, the guys who started Nike neither used their faces nor their names for the brand. You
wouldn't know them if you saw them, you wouldn't recognize their names if they introduced
themselves. They aren't 'famous'. If someone told you they started Nike, you'd feel impressed but not
like if someone said “That's Calvin Klein” or if you followed UFC and saw Dana White.
Further, a lot of girls wouldn't recognize Dana White because girls don't watch UFC as much. And hot
girls even less.

This gives us a couple lessons. If you want fame and to get the hottest girls and the easiest THROUGH
fame, you can do it through a business. But the business ideally will use your FACE as its brand, you
represent the brand in advertisements, in public appearances, in media. At the very least, it should use
your name. But then people won't recognize you often. The more you're in the advertisements, the
greater the SCALE of your exposure to people. In other words, advertising LEVERAGES the
recognizability of your face.
If the business isn't relevant to girls, they don't engage with it, then guys will recognize you. Maybe
even old men, or children. So the business should have hot girls as its primary customers. Hot girls are
customers primarily for fashion, makeup, entertainment, nightlife. So that's fairly limiting. Calvin
Klein, while less recognizable than Dana White, is much more likely to go home with a model because
models care about fashion more than the UFC.
Also, the brand rubs off on you. The UFC's brand is fighting, violence. So Dana White is the picture of
fighting, martial arts. So not only men like him the most, but violent or martial arts men. So if you want
models to think you're sexy, you need a brand most used by hot girls – or at least largely used by hot
girls – and you want it to portray you in an attractive or sexy light.

By the way, I'm giving you years of thought and development on this just right off the cuff for free.
Pretty fucking insane. I don't want a lot of guys to realize this stuff and compete to do it. I'm only doing
it because few people will buy this book and read to the end of it... Keep it to yourself – you deserve it,
others do not.

Also, the number of hours of exposure to you and the more realistic the media you're exposed through,
the better. So a movie star is shown to millions of women for 1.5 hours on end. That's a lot of hours
women spend with a movie star in a fairly realistic way. That's why Ryan Gosling and Leonardo
Dicaprio have more women that want to sleep with them than any male model does. The male model
just has his PICTURE posted in front of women very occasionally. That's only seconds of exposure at a
time, and not as realistic as video. There's some other conclusions here, but I'll keep those to myself.
You can take this further if you want.

This is why musicians and movie stars are the 'most famous' or the most desired by women. Women
can spend hours with songs or movies. In either cases the star's faces ARE the brand (either in the
movie/tv show, or in music videos and concerts). The movie star's face can't be taken AWAY from the
brand (except maybe in a costume in the movie), whereas you don't see a musicians face on the radio.
So movie stars are in the best position. Athletes aren't quite as watched by women, their faces aren't as
tied to the product because there's multiple athletes on the field (except individual sports), and you
don't spend realistic hours with them because they're playing a sport. Nonetheless, certain athletes
make more appearances in commercials, tv shows, etc, and they get more powerful fame.

Steve Jobs is another example of someone that tied his face to a brand that didn't need a human at all.
Hot girls used iPhones and they even had certain sex appeal. If Steve was younger, he might have had a
sexy fame. Even still, I bet if he showed up in a club a lot of women would try to have sex with him.
That's not a bad route for you to explore.

Finally, you can have a business that sells something relevant to attractive women, and that business
can hold EVENTS that attractive women will go to. Then you're in charge of the event, and you get
situational value. That's not the same as fame, but it works well. You can combine a company that can
throw events with tying your face to the brand.

So you can decide if fame is a desired outcome of business, as well as or even more than wealth. You
can also get started in a career in music or acting, but you'll have to treat it as seriously as I treated
developing this book – competition is so high you're foolish if you aren't willing to put in that level of
work. Otherwise you can simply work in an industry where you get invited to 'warm' events with hot
girls, like fashion, music, movies, nightlife, etc. Then you can get situational warm intros to hot girls
and situational value (maybe you have backstage passes, or know the rockstar). Or become someone
who throws events hot girls go to, and get the value of those events. Plus use the stuff in RSD Luke's
Social Circle Blueprint.

And that's an overview that can get you started on making the amount of money you want and also
potentially get famous. Using the same research and experimentation and abstraction and finding
nuances we discussed in how you develop a high level system for game, you could become a famous
musician, actor, or a billionaire. You just have to see the abstractions and how they tie together.

Part 2 – Making Money and Becoming Wealthy

You should really start looking at business ideas based on PROBLEMS. You should start by
brainstorming PROBLEMS that people, businesses, and industries have. The easiest ideas to sell are
generally solutions to big problems that industries have where the solution is VERIFIABLE. If you
have something that solves a big, expensive problem for a certain industry, and it can be tested and
proved that it works and will save money or speed production or whatever, then you have basically
created a commodity. Obtaining a commodity is the EASIEST way to make money, but obtaining
commodities is inherently difficult because they are simply priced on supply vs demand – so profiting
off of commodities simply means you have to be better than anyone else at obtaining them. However,
an industry solution is almost as good as a commodity if you can demonstrate the value, except you can
create them by being clever – rather than true commodities where you mine them or grow them or drill

So first brainstorm PROBLEMS that people, businesses, and industries have. I'd guess that most mid-
million dollar fortunes are probably made by industry insiders that solve industry problems and start a
business around it, followed by people that start local businesses and scale them. Or maybe the other
way around. In other words, those two things probably create the most millionaires. Just my guess,
could be wrong. Scaling a local business is usually a many year process, though, btw. Stay away from
restaurants, my dad worked in a company that serviced restaurants (the better end of the equation is
always to service the risky business) my whole life, and restaurants are a death trap unless your main
love in life is being in and running restaurants.

Anyway, I brought that up mostly because in order to solve industry problems, it usually takes
familiarity with an industry and their processes. You could also obtain this just by studying industries
and their chain from input resource intake to delivery of whatever it is they do. Like you could study
automobile manufacture and look at the process from them receiving sheet metal and glass and
components from vendors through to them delivering cars to dealers. The issue is the valuable solutions
are probably going to come in a SPECIFIC part of that process. So you might need to look at how they
hydraulically press door panels and how they electrostatically paint the bodies and so on. There are
plenty of How It's Made shows you could binge watch and try to identify major problems and
bottlenecks and think about them. But generally if you're an outsider to an industry, it will probably be
difficult. Unless you have familiarity with a complementary industry where you can see a problem they
have in a different way and solve it for them due to your background.
Regardless, industry solutions are just generally the easiest to SELL (unless there's regulations or
bureaucracy in that industry, in which case I'd recommend steering clear because you just added years
to the process at a minimum).

Otherwise you can find problems that people and businesses have. Individual people are usually the
hardest to sell to. Though you get a lot more feedback because you have a lot more data. Businesses
can be easier to sell to, because if you can convince them that you can make them more money without
too much hassle, they tend to like that. It's getting their ear so you can do the convincing, and getting
feedback that takes time. Also, selling solutions to businesses is sometimes difficult because the sales
can sometimes have high dollar amounts which means it takes a lot more convincing. The upside of
that is a few sales means a lot of dollars. So there are tradeoffs for sure. Consumer products seem
easiest, but then you're competing for someone's attention and trying to convince them and they're just
plain fickle. You kind of have to build up experience marketing to people over time, and then you have
to get good at marketing all kinds of different channels for reaching them. From social media, to PR
with standard media, to paid advertising, to content creation on blogs and Youtube and blah blah, to
working with influencers who are already big on certain platforms... It's a big thing.

I can't remember if I said this or not, but the first rule of brainstorming is just to write everything down
without judging it. Stupid ideas can trigger great ideas. So just write them all down and don't judge.
Don't cross any out or say 'that's not good enough' and don't write it down. Also try to resist starring
things too. If you brainstorm with other people, state this rule before starting even if you think they
know it.

So brainstorm problems first. You might even want to stop whatever else you're doing and spend a full
WEEK doing nothing BUT brainstorming problems. This is what you'd do if you were serious. Even
two weeks. And since you can't just think up things that long, you'll have to start researching to come
up with ideas. Read people's blogs in various areas and think of problems they or people like them
have. Look through business case studies. Wander around talking to local business owners. Watch How
It's Made shows. Read Popular Science and Popular Mechanics and look at the problems being solved
for in the products and things you see there. Whatever.

Then rank HOW BAD THE PEOPLE/BUSINESS/INDUSTRY thinks the problem is out of ten. IN
THEIR MIND. Not yours.

Then you'll have to spend a while brainstorming ideas for products that will SOLVE those products.
Any of them that you think you have the money and ability to actually make, develop AND SELL
become legitimate ideas for you.

Then I came up with this little formula. You rank each factor out of 10 and then add it up and you get a
score. The higher the score the better the idea. You can change the weighting – for instance if you want
to become a billionaire, you could drop the weighting to likelihood of a fast $500k down and raise the
market size rating way up.

The formula is: 3 * How easy it is to sell + 2 * How close to developed I already have it + Market size
+ 3 * How fast it could pay off the first $500k realistically if it works + 2 * (200 - Hours to develop it
and then realistically test sell it to a decent number of first customers)/100 + 3 * Likelihood of it
making at least $50k in the first four months (vs failing or making less) + 2 * How much customers
will LOVE the product + 3 * How bad the customer/business/industry thinks the problem is IN THEIR

How easy it is to sell is: how much actual persuasion, convincing, marketing, sales, emailing, video
creation, and on and on it will ACTUALLY take to get someone to ACTUALLY pay you for the
product. Remember we want scalable products, not services. Software can be a product. Anything a
human has to do each time you sell is not a product.
I put how close it is to being developed already in there because when I developed this formula I was
thinking of secondary businesses to make money for a very large startup I wanted to launch. And
because I'd been working on various ideas for years and some of them I already had working
prototypes lying around, one of which already was patented with an issued patent. That may or may not
be useful to you, because there's the hours to develop in there too. You also might change the weighting
on the hours to develop part if you have a lot of time and have the money to take 6 months off straight
and work on a new business or something. The hours part gives these kinds of results so you get that
part: An idea would get a score of 16 for taking 120 hours to develop and test against a real market
(like launch a Kickstarter and see the response). Or something that was developed and market tested
would take 0 hours so it would get a score of 40. Or something that would take 200 hours would get a
so you know if the idea will sell and you should pursue it more. And that involves where you're going
to do that and how.
And you could change the weighting on the likelihood to make $50k in the first 4 months too,
depending on your goals. If something would 100% guaranteed make $50k in four months, you give it
a score of 10 for that (and multiply it by 3 in this case). Like if there's a nearby abandoned mine and
you know for a fact from past experience that you can get $50k of gold out of it after expenses, and you
can always sell gold, then that would get a 10. Basically just about nothing legal would ever get a 10 in
that category. But if it gets a 0, you know it's going to be a while before you're making much money on
it, or that it's a smaller idea. This is a PERCENTAGE CHANCE of that happening, including failure
and other risks. Whereas the part about how fast it could pay off $500k, realistically, is ASSUMING IT
WORKS. So that part of the score ignores chances of failing/succeeding, and instead factors in how
fast it can ramp up. For instance I have a billion dollar plus idea partially prototyped for the military...
But military acquisitions take tons of testing and different rounds of approval and bureaucracy.
Meaning it couldn't make a billion dollars for TEN YEARS I'm quite sure. Maybe 6-7 at a minimum. It
likely wouldn't make $500k for at least 9 months. I have other ideas that could possibly do that in 4-5
months, though there's a lot of probability involved, of course.

Anyway, you can change the weighting around for how much you need money now and how big you
want it to be later. You could even throw in a category for how passionate YOU are about working on
that idea. Again, this formula was something I developed for finding an idea to make fast money to
launch my big, dream startup.

This formula will also force you to evaluate all the right things. How will you actually sell the thing?
How will it be received? How long will that take? Through what channels? What about developing it?
How fast will it scale? How much could it scale? How big is the problem for the
customer/business/industry that will buy it in THEIR minds? How much will they love it? For instance,
someone dying of heart disease has a 10 out of 10 problem in their minds, but they'll probably only
love the heart surgery that saves their life like 6 out of 10 or 7 out of 10. But they'd probably love a
Lamborghini 10 out of 10. The heart surgery isn't a cherished thing for them, despite fixing the biggest
problem they could possibly have. (Well, unless a yeti was trying to eat their entire family or

This is how you REALLY come up with good real world ideas. Based on problems to the customer
FIRST. And then vetted against the realities of execution. You'll probably even have to do some
research on some of your ideas in order to vet them with this formula. As I was just explaining to an
entrepreneurial friend, we want to get you thinking DEEP about a few things, not wide about a million
things. Everyone that thinks they're going to be an entrepreneur thinks really briefly about a million
things. But if you don't actually put something for sale for real in front of real customers and ask for
real money and then deliver real good, you haven't done jack fucking shit. You're just dreaming. You
haven't even tried. That's the basic unit of being an entrepreneur. Put it in front of customers, ask for
money, deliver good. The number of ideas you've done that with is the number of ideas you've actually
tested. Doesn't matter how many ideas you 'have'. Matters how many you've put in front of real
customers, tried to sell, and tried to really deliver. I don't care if you have a fusion generator sitting on
your kitchen counter that could power a city. If you haven't tried to sell it to real customers for real
money and then been ready to really deliver, you haven't done anyone any good – including you. And I
know this because I have real working prototypes sitting around my house that I have tried to sell to
exactly 0 customers, but are pretty awesome.
Brainstorm wide, then narrow down by weighting. By the way, before you even do the scoring process,
you should weed out anything you don't have the ability to do either because of skills or resources. That
doesn't mean that if you don't have the skills or resources right now but you're WILLING to go get
them for that idea that you should weed it out. But it DOES mean if you can't or aren't willing to get the
skills or resources for the idea, you should cross it off. This especially applies to things that require
scientific advancement that you don't know how you'd carry out and you're not going to go figure that
out. Like I've always wanted to sell genetically modified mini animals as pets – like mini rhinos, mini
giraffes, mini elephants, mini great whites, etc. Every person on earth has at least one mini wild animal
that they want as a pet. But I don't even know how to do that science, beyond a brief overview, and I
have no plans to go learn to do that science so that idea doesn't even count as a real idea. (Fuck you if
you steal it, but also please do because it would be aweeesssommmmeee).

Now you're an empowered Entrepreneur.

A key that is only partially answered in our above weighted calculation is how easy the idea is to TEST
against real buyers. And how easy it is to raise money for it. One of the best ways to test ideas and raise
money for them is with crowdfunding. The issue with crowdfunding is that you're selling something
online, individually, and people have to wait for it. We'll go over this again a little later. But people are
more likely to go to the trouble of buying something, entering their shipping and credit card
information, having it shipped, and waiting three months for a pre-sale if they are really excited about
something, if they don't typically buy that thing in stores anyway, and if they're used to the idea that
that thing is purchased online. So the more often people buy something in a store instead of online, the
worse it is for your ability to test against a real market. Though you could have some made and give
them to the local mom and pop shop to sell, as we'll mention again later. For this reason we can ADD to
our weighted score above. The score above is your best bet for ideas on the whole. But because most of
your ideas will probably fail when tested with real customers and really asking them to buy in the real
world, we actually want to test through multiple ideas as efficiently and quickly as possible. Without
half-assing them, but while getting accurate feedback about whether or not you can sell the thing. Thus,
the scores above are accurate for business ideas, but when creating a SYSTEM to create a success and
make you a lot of money, you kind of have to consider which MULTIPLE ideas work together well to
go through testing and find the one that works. If your system is online test-selling to individual
customers (rather than test selling in local stores, or trying to sell to businesses), then you will want to
account for likelihood to sell online – and particularly for likelihood to presell on crowdfunding as
well. To do this, you can add this to the score: Add up to 10 points if PEOPLE BUY THE PRODUCT
ALONE ONLINE, not part of a cart with other stuff. In other words, if they'd go to a website and
actually pay and check out with JUST that product in their cart. Ten out of 10 means they definitely do
all the time. Putting it in with other shit on Amazon doesn't count. Then add a value OUT OF 10 points
for how much people would be EXCITED about it and want to WAIT for it. People aren't excited about
laundry detergent and don't sit around waiting for it, no matter how great the detergent you made is.
People ARE really excited about and willing to wait for a sports car. Add a value out of 7 points if it's
NOT REALLY SOLD IN STORES (so people pretty much EXPECT to get it online). Baking soda is
ONLY sold in stores, basically. Night vision goggles are just about ONLY sold online. So you'd add 6-7
points for night vision goggles, 0-1 points for baking soda.
The resulting list of scores tells you what are your best ideas in order of how well you can test them
online and have a good chance that they'll crowdfund or sell well online.
Finally, I also recommend you subtract UP TO 20 POINTS if people would have a hard time affording
the product. This is relative to what the product is. An $8000 car would be affordable and get a lot of
interest. An $8000 computer would be considered way too expensive and few people would 'be able to
afford it' even if they really wanted it. Many people REALLY want a Ferrari but can't afford it. So if
your product is really unaffordable for most people for what it is, subtract 20 points. If something is
perfectly reasonably priced for what it is, then you're gold. If it's in between, well this factors that in. I
learned this lesson by selling something that I subsequently found out by talking to people on forums
that everyone wanted, but no one could afford or justify paying for.
At this point you pretty much have your order of things to test. You could eliminate or push anything
down that will take a lot of money to prototype or test against the market. And if you're willing to test
sell things to businesses or can get some made and sell them in local stores, you could bring some
things up. But basically it's a matter of getting to work.
What are you looking for in your testing? If 1000 people visit your site after watching your video from
an advertisement, 10 should buy. In other words, 1000 TARGETED people – which they should be if
they watched your video THEN went to your site. Unless you half assed your video or don't know what
you're doing advertising, both of which you should've fixed before even test launching. Also, unless
you've never advertised before, your advertising should start out close to break even or not much
worse. Like if you would make $25 from selling the product, you shouldn't spend more than $25-35 to
get an actual sale at first. I've definitely sold things that got a lot of positive reactions, but I'd spend
$150 and get three sales, which were worth about $45 in profit. That's not going to work. You're not
going to go from $150 for three sales to $25 for three sales to become profitable (at least considering I
was already pretty good at advertising and my targeting was pretty good. If it's your first time and you
don't know what you're doing, you might cut your advertising costs to one third or maybe one quarter
of what they are at first per acquisition. If you're pretty good, you might cut them in half). Those kinds
of numbers tell me that I can sit around optimizing ads all day long and get all the press coverage I
want, but I'll probably still be paying $75 for three sales, which are still only worth $45 in profit. Not
going to work. So then I cut free from that idea.
If, on the other hand, I was getting three sales for $45 and 10 sales for $150, which would be about
break even, that tells me that I might be able to tweak and optimize and drum up coverage from media
and so on and then succeed with that product. If it starts profitable right from the drop, you may have
struck it rich (if it's properly scalable). You're probably going to have to tweak your marketing,
targeting, messaging, etc. Listen to the haters. As much as they're ball lickers, as long as they give some
aspect or reason for hating, then they're probably voicing what ten more people are thinking and not
saying – and rather than taking it personally, you should just think creatively to fix it.

Here's the research that I did into what multiple people behind multiple crowdfunding (IndieGoGo and
the dickheads at Kickstarter – just hate them because they banned me for life for bending their rules a
bit...) campaigns said led to success. By the way, crowdfunding is like a FULL TIME 2.5 month job,
and that's AFTER you have a product developed enough to put in front of customers. That is, if you
want it to have a huge chance of going well. I have launched some things as a full time 3-4 week job
without doing proper pre-launch marketing and press contacting to test ideas out and see the response...
But in that case you're fucking over the idea and it might not fund because you half assed it. It's a fine
line between testing ideas out in front of real customers before you go all in on them, and not going all
in enough to really give them a genuine test. Too half assed a test will never work out, so it isn't a real
test at all. Side note: I wrote these after having two crowdfunding campaigns that only half funded – so
I can't say I've fully tested these out or am an expert, but they do come along with my real world
experience, and they come straight from studying through a shit ton of real world people's comments
on THEIR projects that really did fund (some of them well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars or
more). Also, random bit of trivia that I'm throwing in here because it's my fucking book and I want one
little bit of ego in here – I separately invented the idea of crowdfunding in 2007 and talked about
starting essentially Kickstarter 2 years before they existed (so probably a little ahead of or about the
same time as they had the idea). Though with one difference, we were thinking of offering equity to
backers, not presales – and the presales helps a lot with the laws behind private equity investment. But
regardless, we probably would've thought of that idea. However, we didn't love the idea enough to
actually go out and execute on it and build it. Don't really regret that. I also had ideas similar to
AirBNB (wanted to rent out people's second homes when they weren't using them- didn't think of
people renting out small apartments or spare rooms), and Uber (only thought of their taxi feature.
Basically Uber interface for taxis. Their idea to have regular drivers I doubt I would've thought of, but
maybe in light of AirBNB if I'd actually started it I would have). I'm basically just bragging because I
can, but I'm also making a point. There's three billion dollar plus companies that I had the ideas for and
the ability to execute before their founders did them (or maybe two considering I might not have
thought of the full concept of Uber), but I didn't actually want to go to the trouble of executing any of
them because I didn't love the ideas enough... So if you don't put something in front of real customers
and actually try to get them to buy with real money and then really deliver real good, it doesn't count.
Having those ideas is nothing but an ego stroke and an indication that I have a good eye for what is
needed. Burn that into your brain. I get zero real credit because I decided to not create the good behind
any of those ideas and offer it to any real customers! Anyway, here's the list of things that go into
successful crowdfunding campaigns based on my research.

1) Have a FREE reward people can ask for, and then you send them like an eBook or something
along those lines (this is optional but drives up the appearance of your campaign by allowing
large numbers of backers)
2) TESTIMONIALS help a lot. For that you need to have people BETA TEST your product (the
migraine device is a great example here)
3) Get REVIEWERS and BLOGGERS ways to try out what you're doing
4) Most people find a way to BUILD AN AUDIENCE AHEAD OF TIME
-For many projects this was some previous endeavor that they did for years, like blogging or
previous artistic products.
AND HAVE PEOPLE JOIN AN EMAIL LIST. That way they can spend, say, a year
building a list. If they're putting out content etc, that helps massively.
6) ***They generally create an OVERARCHING BRAND THAT SPANS MULTIPLE
PRODUCTS. Then as they get a little interest in one, that leads to an audience that they
can pay forward into the next.
LIKES: People that like Crowdfunding, Kickstarter or IndieGoGo AND who ALSO like
the product category you're interested in (Can advertise on Facebook to people who have
those intersecting interests, or people who have liked groups in both categories)
-The people behind the successful folding canoe campaign think using a VIDEO in the
advertisement of between 15 and 45 seconds helps greatly.
8) STUDY THE BACKLINKS of similar campaigns, and find out WHO WROTE ABOUT
9) It seems successful campaigns tend to have between 80 and 300 backers, generally. That seems
to be about the number you can convince to back a campaign generally in the appropriate time.
So the numbers for you should work out. Given conversion rates tend to be 1-3% or so, that
means reaching 2500 to 30,000 people. Some campaigns fail because their goals and the
number of required backers just don't add up with the reality of how many people they can
10) Compare the PRICES paid for similar campaigns as well
11) The MyCanoe folding canoe ad text tagline: “ATTENTION OUTDOOR ENTHUSIASTS! Do
you like to go camping, hiking, fishing, and spend time on the water? Don’t want to store &
transport heavy equipment? MyCanoe will be ready for adventure, no matter where you go”
-Their strategy was to capture their audience, get them to say yes in their minds, then get their
attention on the problems with current products/solutions
12) Facebook has LEAD ads that will get you an e-mail and name right there on Facebook for
prelaunches and so on when they click “Learn more”. The form auto-fills, when they click
“Submit” you get the lead, and then they go to your Crowdfunding page (or other page)
13) The canoe campaign sent 5 E-mails in 5 days to get everyone who ISN'T interested to
unsubscribe, so that the e-mail list is ready to buy. You TELL THE STORY IN LITTLE
PIECES, like a TV show (cliff hangers and all)
14) 3 Weeks PRIOR TO LAUNCH they reached out to media, told them what they were doing, why
they were doing it, and why their readers would care. Then they requested the media hold the
story until the launch date, which supposedly is called an 'embargo'
15) Do COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER PROJECTS. Ask them to mention you in their
updates, and you mention them in your updates (similar projects, of course)
16) I guess they put a 'share link' for Facebook in their website and e-mail, using a Googled
Facebook share button and
17) They recommend 8 Weeks for a prelaunch
18) You should look at around 20% of your goal in advertising budget.
19) They advocate spending a good amount of the budget before the launch.
20) For bigger ticket items, they say that an EMAIL CHAIN is needed to slowly persuade people to
that higher expenditure
21) Another source also said that Facebook ads were source #1 for sales
22) Crowdfunding people tend to see themselves as a community, so you have to be careful banging
them over the head with 'salesy' stuff
23) Try using Lookalike Audiences on Facebook ads (mimics buyers, I believe) (can combine this
with interest targeting)
24) Use Facebook REMARKETING to help seal in customers, generally with a 14 day window or
25) Can split test Facebook ads on Interests, as well as content, videos, etc
26) “Better publications have their e-mails available on their Twitter or on their website [because
they want to cover the best stories]” - Not sure if this is accurate, but hey
27) allows you to manage press relations and client relations
28) Other people insist press is the most important thing
MEDIA you want to cover you

Before you ever launch on crowdfunding, you should've brainstormed and narrowed down ideas and
ranked them by something like the formula above or similar criteria. THEN, and this will save you
LOTS of time and money, you should make a prototype that works and a video and find a few
FORUMS for people that buy/use things like your product. Find several because they might delete your
Sign up for the forum. Start a message off by saying “I've been reading the forum for several years, but
haven't actually gotten an account until now, so first time poster. I have an idea I'm thinking about
launching with crowdfunding, and I wanted to get feedback to find out if it's stupid or if people would
like it, and how I could improve it.” That's CRUCIAL because forum people HATE being sold to, and
they HATE first time posters, and they ESPECIALLY loathe first time posters selling anything. Instead
make it VERY clear that you realize you're the hated first time poster but you're RESPECTFULLY
asking for feedback on an idea that is NOT for sale, that you AREN'T a company, and you're just
asking for comments BEFORE you go crowdfund it. People on forums DO love giving opinions.
Somewhere near the end, say “It's totally fine if you hate it – just please say why so that I can get real
feedback. I'd rather find out people think it sucks and either fix the issues, or not waste time and money
on it! Thanks!” And then reiterate that you know you're a first time poster, but you love their forum and
just want some honest opinions.
Then be prepared for every poster to make some kind of snide joke, but some to offer real feedback.
Also be prepared for some to ignore your request and say “That's stupid, go blow dicks.” Because
people are stupid and they want to knock down anyone doing anything besides what they're doing.
Now, take a note from Jeff Bezos, billionaire founder of Amazon, and remember that HATE MAIL IS
FEEDBACK. Just like in game you need zero ego and take nothing personally, do the same here. I
recently got flamed hard by some hard core plumbers for a cool ass idea I had because they didn't like a
couple things about it. That was VALUABLE information, I just had to remove the “eat a dick” and
other wrappings they put it in. I was able to solve those problems, but it also told me I might never
have a market on that issue. In part, I found out that the OBJECTIVE problem they had (wasting time)
wasn't a SUBJECTIVE problem for them – they didn't feel their time was being wasted in that way. If
they don't feel the problem, they won't pay money to solve the problem. (Often you need to open your
video by poking the problem, but often this won't work. The more subtle and 'objective' looking you
can make poking at the problem to make them feel it more, the better).

Here's a CRITICAL realization that I had after pounding my head against a fucking wall for quite some
time launching about 6 different products all of which just got trickles of sales: People don't want to
spend money solving problems for themselves. They want to SAVE money solving problems. No
matter how big a problem you solve for individual people, they are highly unlikely to be excited about
it or love your company. I know this because I launched a well researched device that solved a MAJOR
medical issue for a large number of people for only $29. And 1000 people clicked through to the page
AFTER seeing a video or other pre-information first... And FIVE of them bought. Maybe 6. You need
somewhere between two and five out of 100 to be successful, generally. Of course, this was a presale
product that people had to wait for, you can't tell that it works in a video for sure (we'll get to that in a
second) but I posted a ton of academic journal research with it, and several other issues. But fuck's
sake, this was a DEBILITATING medical problem that's widespread and people wouldn't risk $29 to
try it out... As I was running this campaign my friend sent me a link to a showerhead that saved water
and gave a better shower that had $3 MILLION in presales on Kickstarter.
The thing is, people simply wish they didn't have problems. When you solve them, they just move on.
They're not really ecstatic about it, and if they are – not very long. People want to spend the LEAST
amount of money solving their problems possible, they just want them gone. They pay big money for
doctors simply because they have no other choice. But think about it- every time you have a problem,
you just want to snap your fingers and have it gone, and it breaks your heart every dollar you have to
spend on it.
So if people don't want to spend money solving problems, they want to save it, what DO they want to
spend money on? Things that excite them. They want to save every dollar they possibly can on medical
expenses, fixing their car, saving their computer, paying their utility bill etc. so that they can spend it all
on toys, entertainment, trips, etc. This is crucial for two things: 1) Your customers will just about never
love you if you're fixing problems for them. Unless maybe you saved them when they thought there
was no hope and were really, really down. 2) You are HIGHLY unlikely to crowdfund successfully any
project that is based on fixing problems for people, regardless of how well you do it. People don't want
to put in a shipping address and pay money and wait three months to solve a problem. They want to do
that to create a Christmas morning like effect where they can anticipate in excitement getting
something they are passionate about. This fucked with me for a LONG time. I was trying to figure out
why everything funding on crowdfunding sites was, basically, retarded. Until I realized this. Real world
problem solving things don't do well on crowdfunding UNLESS people can be excited about the thing
AND it solves a problem for them. Tesla and Apple under Steve Jobs are great examples of this. Elon
Musk started Tesla because he wanted to switch people to lower pollution (which is a second
complicated debate, but disregard that). However, he didn't try to sell people on buying expensive and
largely inconvenient cars to save a problem for the world. Instead, he made cars that people would be
EXCITED about, and just so happened to solve the problem he was trying to solve. And THAT worked.
Similarly, Steve Jobs solved problems such as putting the internet and a phone in everyone's pockets.
But he didn't sell them on solving a problem, he sold them on a cool, sleek, even 'sexy' product. He
made people anticipate the cool stuff they could do with it. Hence people love Apple and Tesla. But
they don't love minivans.
And 3) [you probably forgot we were in a list still... Surprise bitches! No publisher! No editors! No
parents!!!] There are really only two arenas to sell products that solve problems: A) Whatever the most
immediate channel is for solving that problem. Like if you're selling stuff to fix flat tires, you want to
sell it at Walmart and auto-parts stores. Not on Because the last time my tire went
flat, I nursed it into the Walmart parking lot and then fixed it there. I had NO desire to go online and
find a slightly better fix. If a particular problem doesn't HAVE a fix at the store, I want the next fastest
thing, like or whatever. The last thing I really want is crowdfunding for fixing problems.
I'm an idiot and I didn't realize this and tried to sell SEVERAL problem solving products on
crowdfunding. Maybe I could have if I made people excited about them, even by side-features/benefits.
But I didn't think to do that, or know to do it. B) The better place to sell things that solve problems are
to OTHER BUSINESSES. Better ways to do things should be sold to BUSINESSES not consumers as
much as possible, and secondarily they should be on store shelves, generally. Businesses DO give a
fuck about solving problems. Because their money and bottom line are at risk. If you can fix a problem
that is wasting time or money or quality for a business, they may be all over it. So if you find ways to
solve problems, sell them to the businesses that have those problems. If you solve consumer problems,
you should probably be selling those solutions to the people that take care of those problems for
consumers, like electricians or something. And, by the way, blue collar workers don't really like
innovative products – from experience.
People simply want to spend no money on their problems, if possible, and then spend it all on exciting
stuff. If you solve a problem for them, you should think outside the box on how you can spin it or
frame it to make them excited about it.

As I mentioned briefly above, if you're selling something online, it should REALLY be something that
you can demonstrate DEFINITIVELY that it works in a video. This doesn't mean that you show it
being USED in a video. This means that you show it WORKING in a video. Like you don't show
someone getting a shot and saying that they then didn't have cancer any more. People don't believe
things like that. You have to show it actually doing the thing. If you CAN'T do that, then you basically
need reviews and possibly certification by some sort of review or governing body. Like in medicine,
the FDA plays that role.

To film, you want a SENNHEISER directional lapel microphone and sound recorder, and then you also
want to CAREFULLY tape or glue pieces of microphone foam (Amazon?) or felt over the microphone
holes on your camera, without covering the holes themselves with the tape or glue. This will keep wind
noise out of your camera audio, which will kill so many good shots you'll want to kill yourself,
especially outside. You should watch a YouTube video on best using Sennheiser audio recorders and
lapel mics, and read reviews. Yes you should spend like $500 on your audio, trust me. Just having
audio that doesn't get fucked up 3 out of 4 times you shoot is worth thousands. Why are you recording
sound twice? If the camera mic manages to nail the audio, might as well just use it, rather than syncing
the Sennheiser audio. If the camera mic's audio is fucked up, the Sennheiser will get it. Sennheiser is
what RSD uses, btw. You want to clap your hands before filming shots to get an obvious point to sync
the mic and video audio. You can also clap them if you restart a take without restarting the camera, to
make an obvious cut point.
Then you want either a Sony Alpha NEX camera (like the NEX 5, 6 or 7 – obviously the best you can
afford), or an Olympus PEN camera, or other INTERCHANGEABLE LENS mirrorless cameras.
Unless you can afford a full DSLR camera. You MUST have an interchangeable lense, full 1080p
camera!!!! Lenses are MUCH cheaper for mirrorless cameras than for 'full format' DSLR cameras too!
NOW you want a 'PRIME' lens for your camera, preferably 55mm. Prime means you can't zoom, and
these lens are MUCH higher quality. I have one prime lens and two 'not prime' lenses for my camera,
and despite being the same company and same camera, the prime KICKS THE FUCKING SHIT out of
the other two lenses. The other two lenses make amateur looking vid, the prime makes professional shit
repeatedly as long as the light is good. The Prime lens should have a minimum 'f' or 'f-stop' of 1.8 or
better. That means you get a nice ability to focus yourself and whatever you're shooting in the shot,
where the background artistically blurs away, which looks professional and sick.
Then you want to manually adjust shutter time and f stop and ISO. The ISO is like digitally brigthening
an image, and should be set to the lowest value you can get with your shutter speed still greater than
1/60th of a second (1/60). If your shutter speed is slower than that, you can take pictures, but the shutter
won't keep up with the 60 frames/second you're shooting in and then your shot gets fucked up. (Maybe
you can switch to 29.97 frames per second for low light shooting, I've actually never thought of that
before). The shutter speed is how long the shutter is open for when you're shooting for each frame,
which is how much light you let in. The 'f' or 'f stop' is basically how wide open the camera's 'eye' is.
So the wider open the eye, the more light gets in. But also due to the physics of light and lenses, that
means it changes how blurry the background is compared to the item you're filming (or you). If you
want to get a full landscape, increase the f stop so multiple layers of an image are in focus (you can
change an f1.8 lens to f 14.0 if you want, you just can't take an f3.5 lens below f3.5. The rating is the
MINIMUM, and the lower the f stop minimum, the more expensive it will be, because it captures more
light and gives more badass artistic shots). Adjusting your lighting, background, and what's blurry is
most of your 'art' when shooting videos. Your lens for a mirrorless camera will be about $450. PAY IT,
this is your PRIMARY tool for influencing people and selling your business and it MATTERS and
you'll have it for YEARS. My camera has produced a million dollars in revenue for me by now, and it
cost me like $550 and the primary lens I use for it was like $450. It is the PRIMARY influence and
advertising tool I have used over the years – so in a way it's paid for itself 1000x. And I'm just getting
started. Hopefully I'll make a million in profit in the next two years or less, which will at least initially
be started by funding I raise mostly via my camera as the primary tool.
Try to shoot near sunset, outside, with a cool backdrop to get a nice red-looking light and cool ass
shots. Be aware if you're in a windy or populated place, either people or wind will fuck up your shots
over and over until you want to jump off a bridge. It fucking sucks, trust me. If you have a friend to
help shoot, he (or the girl you're hooking up with) can watch the shot and make sure things are fine).
Check your video and audio back before you leave and go home. Watch Jordan Belfort and get good at
your TONALITY and FACIAL EXPRESSIONS to make cool, compelling, energetic videos. “The
Gospel According to Mac” on ESPN 30 for 30 about football coach Bill MacCartney is also the best
example of powerful speaking in the world, seriously.
Come up with demonstrations to show off your prototype, just like on a TV Pitch commercial, just try
to make them cooler or classier. Keep in mind who your audience is and speak to them. Music in the
background can change the emotions of things a lot, study other Kickstarter videos and movies to
figure this out, and look for free/open license music (there are whole sites full of it). Or find videos you
like and strip it off of those. Anthony Bourdain's parts unknown custom scores music for all the
episodes, you could get some on iTunes or Netflix and watch until you find the right emotion, then try
to use a sound recorder and a cable in your headphone jack to record it or something. Not sure if they'll
go to the trouble of policing just the music from the show? (They definitely police torrents of that
You want to use Adobe Premiere Pro generally to edit. You want to use 'jump cuts' between different
shots or angles mostly (just cutting straight between different shots with no transition), or fades to
black and back in, or cross fades. Google how to do those on Premiere Pro. Shooting with two cameras
from two angles at once allows much easier editing later if you have to put together different takes that
are in the same location. Otherwise you can cut into and out of your demonstrations, and when you cut
back it can be into a different take without looking weird. Otherwise fade to black and back in if you
have to splice together two different parts of the video from two different takes, but from the same
angle in the same position. Or shoot it all the way through from two different angles. I've experimented
with all this. The least time consuming thing to do is just to keep doing takes until you nail ONE
continuously, and then overlay demonstrations. But if you can't, using demonstrations or two angles
helps a lot (but editing more than one take or more than one angle does suck). Editing will take you a
loooong ass time at first, but don't worry – a couple YEARS later you'll be quicker at it. Lol. But
seriously filming, audio, pitching to a camera, and editing ARE YOUR KEY SKILLS along with
advertising and persuasion, brain storming, and drumming up support for an idea for making millions
as an entrepreneur. Possibly coding too, if you have the patience. Or fundraising if you don't.
If you can't engineer prototypes, either learn how to machine and 3D print and make shit, or save up a
lot of money (like $10k per working prototype) to have prototypers do it, or make friends with some
engineer that doesn't know the first thing about business and is too damn awkward on camera to sell
anything. There are things called 'makerspaces' which are like gyms or libraries for machining tools and
3D printers and such. Do some research, find the best rated one around you, pay for a membership if
necessary, and then start going. Talk to some people doing cool shit and go “Hey, I'm trying to become
an entrepreneur and learn to build my ideas, you mind if I just observe how you're building that? It
looks super cool!” Be excited about whatever they're making, even if you're not, and they'll love you.
Because they wouldn't be spending the time to make it if they weren't excited about it... And it's quite
possible that no one in their life thinks whatever they like to make is really cool. You could also make
friends with people who you can work with or who can pitch in to help you do engineering this way to.
Like if you need a programmer, you'll probably be able to meet one there. People that can successfully
launch a product are extremely rare, far moreso than people who can build a product, so they actually
need you if you've studied and gotten good at the advertising and pitching and videos and so on.
Otherwise learn it. You can also start out with 'for dummies' types of books, YouTube and online
tutorials, and then when you're stuck start buying textbooks in your area. There are textbooks for
everything from programming to running CNC machines. Start with the more entry level class
textbooks, Google and Wikipedia shit that doesn't make sense, and teach yourself. Or leverage someone
who can already do it. Either way. I'll probably do this for CNC machining in the future.
Export your video into the HD 1920 H.264 settings on Adobe Premiere Pro, generally. At like 30-40
megabytes/second bitrate and so on. I know that's specific as fuck, but that took me YEARS to learn
and for YEARS my videos looked like SHIT. And then all of a sudden they looked professional as fuck.

When it comes to product photography, I've found that matte black or gloss white FOAM BOARD is a
GREAT backdrop. You can set your products on it, or put it behind your products, or both. Then play
with the LIGHTING and the F stop and shutter time on your camera. Play with the lighting angles, the
color (white, more sunset-like at a cooler temperature color, natural, etc.). The shadows or lack thereof
can change things a lot.
You can make cool layouts with multiple products, or the products and their components, etc.
One GREAT way to come up with amazing product photography is to Google 'Three Star Michelin
restaurants' on Google images. You want to look for dishes that you find gorgeous. Then you can search
in Google Images for individual restaurants you find the dishes beautiful for. Why are you Googling
food? Because modern food is pretty abstracted, basically a bunch of colorful pieces and designs laid
out to look incredible. Kind of like products – just a bunch of components that you need to make look
amazing. So you can take ideas from amazing dishes on how to lay out your product and/or its
components, accessories, etc. to make them look super cool. Also pay attention to the lighting, the
angles, the serving tray (often slate stones or wood or whatever) in the pictures. And even the colorful
little extras like flowers or leaves or whatever. Remember to find the abstractions and nuances of
anything you study. Find the abstractions of the lighting, the angles, the backdrop, what things are set
on, the colors. Find the nuances of how they're laid out, how colors are put next to each other, etc.
Then figure out how to apply these abstractions and nuances to photographing your products. You can
do this with both photographs AND with video. With video you can pan around, zoom in, etc. If you
watch Chef's Table from Netflix, you can study how they use the motion and change of the camera to
show food dishes in ways that look really cool. And again, take the abstractions and nuances for your

This IS why you're making a product business and not a service business. Because you can pour a
bunch of time into things like this and it results in the scaling of your business. If you have
manufacturing and fulfillment taken care of appropriately by other companies, then you can focus on
your product photography, your videos, the metaphorical shots in your videos, the demonstrations of
your product, the lighting, your tonality, your tonality changes, all of it. As well as your paid
advertising campaigns, your remarketing, your targeting, your negative keywords, etc etc. And then
your deals with distributors, with other companies, collaborations. And your content marketing,
reviews, social media presence, etc. (Some of that we'll get more into. Some of it – like review
management and social media – I'm pretty new at using for marketing)

Also, the FONT you use on the website and on the video SETS THE EMOTION AND FEELING. It's
as important or more important than the music. Read Ca$hvertising and realize that READABILITY is
number one and don't use fucked up fonts. But use subtly classy, professional fonts that make the right
emotion and vibe for your audience and project. And stick to a small set of fonts through everything
you do. Fonts are generally the difference between professionalism and looking like an amateur
fucking idiot. Plus camera quality, lens quality, audio quality, lighting, and your own pitching. And
sticking to the simple transitions I stated above.

Then you ask forums what they think. Then you adjust based on their feedback, rather than being
stubborn and thinking they're wrong or assholes. If there isn't much positivity, you should probably
move on to your next idea.
Then you basically set up a page that takes emails and names from interested people and start posting
your video to Facebook groups you join and other things and asking them if they're interested to visit
the site and leave their email and you'll update them. You start this 4-8 weeks before launching for a
proper launch, but considering we're testing out multiple ideas here, maybe 1-2 weeks. If no one is
leaving emails, that means no one is taking actual action, and that's bad. Like in game if you're not
getting kisses you're in trouble, in business if you're not even getting emails at like 1 out of 50 people
who watch your whole video or view your site, you're in trouble. A good average is 1-3 out of 100
people viewing a page should buy.
You also should contact media during this time. Look at the backlinks and media coverage for
SUCCESSFUL Kickstarters and IndieGoGos like yours and reach out to them (go Google how other
Kickstarters and IndieGoGo successes did that, there's some notes in my message above. And/or buy
books about PR and/or talk to a PR firm or friend in PR). You ask them to hold the story until your
intended launch date if they like it. Don't just approach the biggest publications, approach blogs in your
field too (or mostly), because bigger publications now watch smaller publications and blogs for story
ideas and then see if they're popular and then steal them. This way they have someone else doing their
work finding and testing stories for them. Everyone who's smart at business tests everything as much as
they can and as easily and quickly as they can. If no blogs or publications like your idea, that's often
bad too. Though expect zero large publications to like it or even respond, they're dicks. If a large
publication likes your idea, you may have hit a gold mine.
At least a week out, you should start running Facebook Lead Gen ads targeted to people with interests
matching your product AND ALSO who are interested in crowdfunding and Kickstarter and
IndieGoGo. Then you get a bunch of emails you can email when you launch.
Your budget should be 20-33% of your goal. And you should test the shit out of ads, videos, images, ad
copy, demographic targeting and everything else. Learn how to set up and track conversions too. You
just make two or more copies of things, and then watch the numbers between them and compare. You
can use Facebook and YouTube ads for large viewer numbers cheaper. You MUST know how to do this
BEFORE day one of your campaign.
Then you launch, tweak all of this, remind your publications to write about it, and immediately hit up
your list you built ahead of time. Do a 30 day project, divide your goal by 30, and if you don't have at
least 1/6 of that 5 days in, you're probably fucked. Of course testing and adjusting are necessary to
really refine things and light a fire, but if you've got like 10 backers in 5 days, you should pretty much
stop throwing money and time at the project and move on to working on the next. Let it keep going just
in case lightning strikes and some media group finds it and covers it and all of a sudden it starts taking
off. But assume it's dead.
You WANT feedback. Finding 5 ideas that DON'T work is, as fucked up as it is, GOLD because that
means your list is now like half as big. As long as your list doesn't totally suck, you should have a
winner in the second half of it.

You'll also need to ENTER THE MIND of the customer, and see what BENEFITS they buy for.
Whether they buy more on energy and emotion and personality, or if they buy based on some logic too
(never will it be all logic). You'll have to figure out what they find funny, what they hate, what lights
them up, etc. I've made some VASTLY VASTLY different videos and vibes for different projects.
People would be fucking SHOCKED to see the range of stuff that I put out. Depends on the idea, the
price point, the customer, etc.

If you think you can get a patent, talk to me beforehand and I'll help you figure it out and if possible get
a provisional patent on it so that you can protect it through your project. If your project doesn't go well
but you have a patent, you can still possibly sell it to distributors (chain stores) or license it to other
companies. Some projects simply don't sell online. There are some things that people are willing to
individually enter a credit card and shipping address for and wait for, like video games or electronics,
and some things they aren't – like toothpaste. The products they aren't don't necessarily NOT sell, they
just sell on STORE SHELVES when someone is already in the store, already buying other stuff, and
they just have to toss the item into their cart. These are 'add on' items, and you should know when you
have an add on item that won't likely sell online but might sell in stores, and when you have something
that will compel people online. Furthermore, if you're preselling through crowdfunding, they have to
WAIT for the item for a few months (should take at least three), so they have to want it EVEN MORE.
So something that won't sell online presale might sell on store shelves. But then you have to fund a
minimum order from manufacturers out of your own pocket and deliver that to the store that made an
order. If you pitch chain stores and they like it, they will give you a purchase order, and then you can
show that purchase order to investors and some might loan the money to you in order to fulfill the
purchase order. That's a safe investment and investors like safe investments (everyone likes things
tested). I believe to get a purchase order you not only have to have a ready to go prototype that's
already production-ready (plus knowing your costs and having the manufacturing lined up), but I think
you ALSO need to have packaging ready to go. So you have to consult a packaging expert on that. I
haven't done a lot of distribution and purchase order deals, so I'm hazy on the packaging part. But I
don't see why Target would order something if the packaging isn't worked out. That's huge in their
business. Maybe even make or break, because packaging for an item on the shelf IS the marketing. You
can study all about CPG (consumer packaged goods) if you want to go that route. It's easier to get
something into stores if you crowdfund it first (you can show the numbers to the chain, and you have
money for your first manufacturing run), but like I said, some things won't sell online or through
crowdfunding. In part you'll know this if you get a ton of 'likes' on Facebook but no one buys. Though
that could also mean you have a shitty project. How do you test it out? Well if you can put go to a local
non-chain mom and pop store and GIVE them some roughly packaged prototypes to put on their shelf
and let you know if they sell, that's a great test. Otherwise – BE CREATIVE. Creative testing =
successful business.
If you want to license something to big companies, you'll need a pending utility patent and it's all about
getting in touch with the right people and pitching them your product quickly and convincing them
your product will make their business MONEY while realizing they have no time for you. Send me an
email and talk to me, I did that for years for a top University and then after for myself and others, I can
help you get it done (unless I'm full time on my startup when you read this).

Once you crowdfund successfully, you keep running your ads and target them at your web page and
keep manufacturing and selling. You can also put things on Amazon. Get all your friends to review
your item the moment it goes live, even buy it if it's not that much. Hell even give them money to buy
it and review it. You want like 25-50 reviews in the first two weeks to get ranked. Then you'll start
selling better there. You can work advertising and your email list to try to get first purchases and
reviews there. Plus you can try to get into stores. Or you can possibly license the idea.

Keep having forums and crowdfunding and chain stores shoot down your ideas until one hits. If you
spend less on ads then you get back on presales, then you probably have a hit not just in crowdfunding
but beyond (your profitable with people willing to WAIT for your product! That's good).
If you picked something SCALABLE like we discussed, I just showed you how to become a
Each launch you should spend about $500-$1000 on before you pull the plug. If it takes you 10-15
launches to find a success (learning and refining ideas all the time), and you need 20-33% of the goal in
budget for the one that finally DOES work out, then let's say that you need about $20,000 and taking
off six months to nine months pretty much full time in order to get yourself a scalable product business
that could make hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. You should also STUDY everything
about the process, listen to entrepreneurs on Stanford's eCorner podcast, listen to entrepreneurs
interviewed on YouTube, study successful Kicsktarter projects, watch good video and study it (from
movies to ads to Kickstarters), etc. As with game, you want to be a student of the game of business and

One thing that I started doing that's pretty crazy, which I'm not sure a lot of other people would be able
to do – but which has worked very well so far – is to launch crowdfunding campaigns with like the
minimum goal ($500 on IndieGoGo) and then figuring out how I could fulfill the product immediately
as you go. IndieGoGo allows you to get your money if you don't reach your goal, if you select 'Flexible
funding', and then also allows you to keep selling through the same listing AFTER your project ends.
But while keeping a running tally of your sales – which shows preselection and success to future
clients. It's like a review without actual reviews.
In order to pull this off, I wound up having to use off the shelf parts, a 3D printer, and a bit of tooling to
set up a home production line. I don't necessarily recommend this because I have a masters degree in
engineering and it was a bit difficult to figure out how to use a 3D printer to make things that people
would be satisfied with. And it took a LOT of prototypes (I think I made nearly 10 different versions of
one part before it was worked out enough to ship). Then I also had to think of little details like painting
and design to make people happy. And how to print things to be strong enough and to look good
enough for fulfilling. Designing color schemes of the product. I had to make jigs to use tools quickly to
churn out a number of products. Source parts. Etc. All the things that a manufacturer and sourcing
agent would generally accomplish for you. HOWEVER, the 3D prints were like a dollar a piece or less
for parts. Just took time. In 7 hours of printing I could crank out 4 products worth of parts, plus a little
use of a drill press and some tools and a couple off the shelf parts and assembly and painting. It took
less than an hour of my time and 7 hours of printing and like $8 to make four products that I was
selling for $88 (though with about $30-40 of advertising in there). But if you're willing to figure out
how to use a printer and study it and get to that point and be creative about how to send printed parts to
customers that they won't flip the fuck out because they were printed, or break them, it's an option.
ABS is generally stronger and better. I used a FlashForge Creator Pro at least to start off with, printing
in ABS. But a better printer that created smoother parts would definitely be ideal. The bigger the printer
and the finer the resolution, while still printing in ABS, the better. I'll likely get a better printer with the
profits in the future. Eventually you just put the profits towards a manufacturing run through a sourcing
agent and stop shipping orders yourself and put them in a fulfillment center and so on.
Why did I do this? Because I needed several thousand dollars for a manufacturing run and that meant
like $10,000 in revenue. And that was going to take like $3000 in advertising. And if I missed the mark
an spent $3000 in advertising, I might be stuck either partially funding the manufacturing run, or
having lost like $3000 in advertising plus everything else and then having the project fall through. Or
other combinations of issues.
But even moreso, I found customers unwilling to buy even a helpful product and then having to wait
three months to get it. I found they'd buy a lot faster and for more money in order to get their produt
right away. By fulfilling as I went with almost no goal on the IndieGoGo campaign, I started profiting
right away and sold more easily. Then I could put the profits towards a manufacturing run later, and let
the investment in a couple month manufacturing-to-fulfillment process come later. Plus by the time I
invested more in it, I'd already be making a profit and know that it was a sound investment. And I could
also use the profits to show retailers if I wanted to go into retail, or to show licensees (I had a patent
pending) who I could license the product to for selling through chain stores for distribution (while
putting in the licensing contract that they couldn't sell online, or could only sell online in certain
channels and for certain prices).
In this way in theory if you already had a 3D printer and got good with it, you could spend literally a
few weeks developing the product, the videos, the pictures and getting ready to have something that
looked great and would last that customers would love. And then you could launch it and if you were
lucky and good, spend just a couple hundred bucks on early advertising and start profiting almost from
the get-go. Imagine launching a product based business straight to profitability in a couple weeks with
only a couple hundred bucks... Nearly unheard of. In fact, in the future when 3D printers and scanners
are everywhere this probably won't be possible – people will just copy your shit. But right now, it is
possible. It takes a lot of investment in skills (I had to be very good at advertising, video shooting and
production, sales and narrating a video, decent at product photography, a relative beginner with just a
little experience using IndieGoGo, quite good at designing things, pretty dang good at building things –
I can build anything but I didn't have to be THAT good, extremely creative, decent with a 3D printer
but I learned that in about two weeks though that was on top of a lifetime of building things and being
an engineer... Oh, and did I mention creative? Nonetheless someone else could probably learn these
skills in six months to two years of solid effort, practice, researching, studying examples, watching
YouTube, etc. In fact, I've been welding and machining since middle school, but an artistic friend of
mine from high school started welding and making things out of metal about two years ago and is now
better than I am at least in making beautiful things out of metal. I'm sure he used a lot of YouTube and
forums and maybe books and studied and shot past me. He was great at making sculptures out of clay
and paper mache for decades before and was a phenomenal artist with drawing at least. But in two
years he was a professional level metal artist. So you can figure this out, you don't even need to be as
good as him)

Making Money Part 3

I was struggling to find a product that really hit and at the same time had some stuff hit my business
and put me into a very tough spot. I couldn't figure out why I was launching products that solved great
problems that millions and millions faced, that were very clever solutions, that were affordable, and
still I couldn't sell them for much more than a meager profit margin. I was completely exasperated and
left scratching my head.

I left for a trip to Peru that I no longer wanted to take at that time, but had already paid for. I found
myself coasting around the country separated from cell service and WiFi, with nothing but the book
Hitmakers and the time to think about what I was missing. Just as in game, the explanation for a series
of failures is always a misunderstanding you have at the foundation of what you're doing.
I wondered why I wanted to travel. Why did I want to see Peru? Why did people keep buying drones,
which are frivolous as fuck, can generally do nothing but film, and are often kind of expensive? Why
did so many people on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo buy bullshit electronic gadgets and little gardening
toys and other virtual nonsense, but I couldn't sell them things that were literally life changing or could
change someone's daily experience at their job? Why did people spend so much money on concerts,
beers, wine, movies? What was with all this nonsense? In many ways I had started thinking that people
were just useless emotional consumers with rather lame tastes and wanting nothing but to emotionally
drug themselves.
As I read about the Swede behind a large fraction of hit pop songs for nearly the last 30 years, then a
man who had risen to advising Hollywood on what scripts to pick up and which ones not to based on
statistics, something hit me. I had always slightly looked down on musicians or those who made
movies because even though they made a lot of money when they succeeded, they were just creating
temporary emotional drugs. Some of which were quite creative and very cool, but none of which served
any actual purpose. I also looked down on brand businesses, like clothing companies. They were just
selling people fucking fluff. Theoretical connection with a vibe and an image... Nothing real. But as I
sat on a train with the Andes whizzing by, I realized the disconnect between all of this ridiculous
product purchasing, the love of craft beers on a Thursday night, the high consumption of music and
movies, and my mindset. You see, I was thinking that products were real. That they were practical and
solved practical problems and did real things. Surely you buy a phone, computer, or shower curtain
because of its capabilities and quality as a product... right? Products were real, songs aren't. Aren't
I considered my previous realization – that we want to SAVE money fixing problems and SPEND it on
things we are passionate about. Then I considered movies. And songs. And products. And movies. And
songs... When you buy something that you're passionate about, what ARE you buying? What is that
excitement about it that makes you want to work towards it and save up to it? You don't have the
product yet. You may or may not have used it... What's the excitement? What are you really buying?
Why do people love music and whimsical gadgets so much? Why is that all they buy on Kickstarter?

Then it hit me.

It's ALL theater. All of it. Everything. PRODUCTS ARE THEATER TOO.
You see, you don't HAVE the product yet. So what is it that you're buying? The PROMISE of the
product. Your CONCEPTION of the product. What you think you'll do with the product. But in our
brains, how does that manifest? How is that represented?

As a mental movie.

You see, when you go to buy a product you CAN'T possibly be buying the actuality of the product.
You're buying the mental movie of what you're going to do with that product. If it's a screwdriver,
you're imagining it screwing in the screws that you need to assemble your shelves. So that your shelves
are on the wall. So that your books or plates and bowls are nicely stored on the shelf. So that your place
is clean and looks nice and it's not cluttered so you can move around more and use it more efficiently
and more comfortably...
Do you see what just happened? You were going to buy a screwdriver... But suddenly you were buying
moving around your place easily, efficiently, and comfortably. That has virtually fucking nothing to do
with a screwdriver. You didn't buy a screwdriver for its superior ability to drive screws. You bought it
because it appeared to fill the missing link in the chain to comfort in your house and girls hooking up
with you because your place was clean. You hardly cared at all about the screwdriver – you were just
busy putting the pieces together to produce the movie of having a comfortable, clean place where you
got stuff done and girls took their clothes off on your bed. That's also why you bought the shelves, and
wanted to clean up, and, and, and...

What about a drone? You're buying the theater of going outside and doing cool outside things and
having this drone filming you from badass angles and then making YouTube videos that people praise
you on so that your friends and random ass people think you're cool. Or you're buying it imagining
exploring the area around you from the air, seeing everything you couldn't normally, maybe even
feeling like a bird, a spy, or just omniscient. You aren't buying a drone because it has a 3 mile range, 2
pound lifting capacity, 1080p camera, and 30 minute flight time. You're buying a drone WITH those
things because you've determined those things are necessary in order to execute the little mental theater
you have in mind.

I traveled into the jungle. Passing by trees hundreds of years old and hundreds of feet high, I watched
birds, lizards, snakes, monkeys, and spiders fighting each other tooth, nail, and venom to the death.
Everything competed with everything. Everything was poisonous, agile, vicious, camouflaged, or
brightly colored to out compete one another for the opposite sex. Everything was pitched in a battle to
do nothing but survive and maybe, hopefully, reproduce. There was no fluff. It was fucking vicious.
This ain't a scene, it's an arms race. Everything there spent all day every day trying to live and survive,
with the possible exception of the monkeys. That was necessity. That was making choices and taking
actions for practical purposes. It made me realize that humans are no longer in that position in any way
shape or form. We're so far removed from simple survival that it's insane.

In fact, if you start going through it, you don't buy ANYTHING for practical reasons unless it literally
saves your life. Heart transplant? Will it save my life or won't it? That's the only criteria.
But what about your house or apartment? You didn't think “Will this keep me alive or won't it?” You
asked- is this close enough to the bars I like the girls at? Will girls want to come out on the balcony and
then wind up with their panties around their knees? Is it big enough to make me comfortable? Does the
building impress people? Is there a gym here so I can work out conveniently without wasting time, or
with very little effort? Is there a badass pool that makes me feel relaxed but awesome? Where girls will
wind up with their bathing suits around their knees? Are there hot girls here? Etc. Etc.
The same goes for your car. Your clothes. Your computer. Even your hairbrush. Let's face it – if it's why
you buy a damn screwdriver, what DOESN'T it apply for?
Even the things that keep us alive are now decorated, elaborated, and overblown so far beyond just
keeping us alive that we aren't buying them for practical reasons any more. Our housing. Our food.
These things are keeping us alive, but they are a million miles from the bare minimum of what is
necessary to keep us alive- to the point where their ability to keep us alive is simply assumed and
irrelevant nowadays. Literally if you aren't getting some direct life saving medical help, you buy
NOTHING because of its practicality and effectiveness in a direct sense.

A few days later I watched out the window of a bus. I'd paid ten dollars to drive four hours in a
comfortable seat, with movies free at my fingertips and decent snacks provided. The skyscrapers of
downtown Lima gave way to fancy suburbs, which melted into the industrial and mysterious outskirts,
which crumbled into haphazardly stacked, debris strewn slums. Craptastic assemblies of cinder blocks,
corrugated steel, plywood, clothes lines, mud, torn sheets, random pieces of wood, broken windows.
Some were deserted. Some looked deserted but were still inhabited. Soon relief came in the form of
steeply sloping, shockingly barren hills of nothing but dirt. Desert like I'd never seen – not a plant for
miles and miles, despite running right into the sea. Ten foot high cinderblock walls spanned miles
surrounding strange industrial facilities. Elevated guard houses dotted the walls and the hills inside the
compounds. It was like being inside the X Files. What could they have possibly been doing there? It
looked like gravel pits and oil wells. Why did they need military grade security? What was going on in
Peru? Genetic experimentation? Alien communication? Remote testing for the US Military? It was
The industrial facilities and walls gave way to another slum settlement. This one looking purely
apocalyptic, like something out of Mad Max. People were living here? They were being reduced to
animals! How could someone live a lifetime like this? Then more industrial facilities sprang up. And at
the last wall a guard house again sat- overlooking yet another slum. There was a car with no windows,
no wheels, no tires and no paint sitting just inside the wall, next to the guard tower. And I pieced it
together. This wasn't military security. No. The security was for something else entirely... There was a
war of survival going on. Take down the walls, remove the guards, and the inhabitants of the slum
would strip every nut, bolt, piece of scrap metal, pane of glass, and tire off anything and everything
inside every industrial facility for miles. This was the jungle. This was what happens if humans
ACTUALLY have to survive. If they ACTUALLY have to be practical.

You want to sell people things for practical reasons? Go to the slums of Peru. But unless your
customers live in slanted, windowless, arid mud-and-brick slums surrounded by heavily guarded
industrial facilities, your customers aren't buying things just because of what they do practically for
their lives. They're buying them for all the excess theater on top of that. You see, when we transitioned
from hunting and gathering to farming, we suddenly created free time. Before, we had to spend almost
all of our time doing things to keep us alive. Maybe not even all of it – we might have had some free
time since we developed intelligence and tribes in general. But with agriculture, we grabbed ourselves
the ability to sit around and do nothing. As technology and society advanced, so did our free time. This
left highly intelligent animals with the time to sit around and use that intelligence for... Pretty much
nothing useful. We could think about being more comfortable. We could be bored and desire more
stimulation. We could imagine alternative futures. And so we started desiring more than just survival –
we started wanting life to involve theater, additional emotions, whimsy. And at this point, aside from
life saving medicine, those of us that don't live in slums have spread this to absolutely everything we
ever buy.

I wasn't selling things like I wanted because I was trying to sell things that solved real needs for clients.
I thought that's what people bought. But it isn't. Even a hyper-practical product that solves chronic pain
for the customer is STILL selling a theater – the theater of being pain free and enjoying life from now
on. Because they don't HAVE to buy it. They won't die without it, even if their life is shitty. I was
selling square pegs, people are round holes.

And suddenly the 'genius' of Steve Jobs clicked for me. I'd always thought of him as a sort of a genius,
but more like a creative hoodwinking genius that churched things up and created drama in order to
generate an extra wave of sales. I didn't see him as the world's ultimate product genius – he neither
invented nor engineered the majority of anything he ever sold... He just made it cool and understood his
But when I saw the reality of human buying behavior, I realized he truly WAS the genius. Because he
got it. It didn't matter what the fuck people bought, they bought ALL of it because of the theater
surrounding it. A product was NEVER just a product. And so he took the theater end of things and ran
with it as fast and far as he could. In the minds of your average consumer, that made him a hero and a
genius. And because success is all about understanding the reality of things... Well, I'd have to say he
was. He got it better than I had.

It occurred to me that we all shape our lives based on mental movies. We walk through life and start
assembling movies that we want to be part of. We repeatedly visualize and refine how we want our
futures to look. These mental movies define and incorporate our desires, and then we make choices like
directors and producers of our own personal mental movies – all of our decisions go towards building
these mental movies. If a problem pops up, it derails our mental movie. We get pissed off, and we try to
fix it as quickly and cheaply as possible. This is why people want to save money fixing problems, but
spend it on their passions – because they want all their resources to go towards assembling the mental
movies. It's also why people get jaded and give up on life and other such things – because they
repeatedly fail at creating their ideal mental movies until they realize they don't have the strength and
ability to actualize them. And that's the end of that. We are effectively defined by these mental movies
we walk around with. We are constantly trying to actualize them. And we are constantly refining them.
Movies, peers, girls, and advertisements are constantly adjusting and adding to them. The things we
want most in the mental movies stay relatively stable, while we adjust the rest of the mental movie
around getting those cornerstones. If we find out we need to quit our job to get the women we want,
we'll generally adjust the mental movie to incorporate a different job so that the dream girls can remain
in the movie. The movies dictate all. And this is, perhaps, the only good argument I've ever heard for
saying that advertisements, pop culture, and media really are extremely powerful at making us want
certain things. By convincing us that certain experiences or products would be really awesome in our
movies, or are necessary to get what we actually want in our movies, these influential sources can
actually adjust the movies people walk around with in their heads. And that changes their behavior,
because we constantly work to create those movies.
This has all kinds of effects. Generally speaking, a good consumer is someone who's mental movies are
never realized and constantly expand to need more products and services. So our capitalist structure,
while otherwise quite awesome, actually incentivizes all the producers in the system to try to get the
consumers to constantly add things they haven't fulfilled to their mental movies. And so people are
never content.
I'd almost chuckle at this, except that it eventually sucked me in, too. You see, I didn't buy into that and
didn't really give a fuck. I was pretty content. Except I couldn't get the girls I wanted. Only to find out a
decade later that this partially involved the fact that those girls had been sold a series of mental movies
that required me to go through a fuck ton of obnoxious work in order to be part of the mental movies
they had. Primarily, they were sold on socially competing and being wanted by everyone, and so they
started making all of their decisions – including who they hooked up with – around creating those
mental movies. Leaving me with only the options of gaming so incredibly well that I tapped their
emotions into distracting them from relentlessly fulfilling these ridiculous mental movies, or with
posting myself up in such a way that being with me was in their minds contributing to this socially
competitive, wanted by everyone movie in their heads. And so the consumerism drug me in, kicking
and screaming, as well. I partially short circuited it with game, but found that the less I had to short
circuit and the more I actually contributed to the ever-present hot girl mental movie, the easier life was.
Ah well. Adapt or die.

So then I got to considering - did anyone buy ANYTHING for practical reasons? Besides hear
transplants and cancer treatments? I puzzled for just a second, but the answer came pretty readily:
Businesses. Businesses don't buy things because of some charming theater. Businesses buy things
primarily from cold, hard logic. Does this make us more money? Does this streamline our business?
Does this let us scale? Does this save us money? If not, then fuck off.
Sure, some businesses are better at this logic than others, but businesses buy based on real performance
and real logic.

The fact is, businesses ARE still living in the jungle. They ARE in kill or be killed, eat or be eating
realities. They ARE locked in fights to the death. They must make decisions based on real performance
and real traits of products and services. Because another business is always trying to take them down.
So businesses buy somewhat rationally. And they behave like all the poisonous, crafty, camouflaged,
brightly colored, and otherwise hyper competitive organisms in the jungle. That's real survival. It's also
why playing high level sports is such a unique and valuable experience – because it's about the only
way the modern man can experience being locked in life-or-death fights in the modern day jungle with
the all out competition of other people just as savvy and capable.

So if you want to solve real problems and have people buy because you solved an actual problem, then
sell to businesses. B2B is your spot. But otherwise, no matter what problem you solve – unless it's
literally life saving – will require you to create theater surrounding your product and sell people mental

And there it was. The hidden truth behind things that I had been missing all along. The reason people
willingly bought useless and retarded expensive brand clothing, or ridiculous electronic gadgets, or
endless concert tickets. All kinds of impractical shit. Because they were turning their lives into
customized theaters. The great advancement of the modern age... The never ending quest for silly real-
life theaters. And also for watching TV and listening to music to be temporarily involved in fake
I had always looked down on people who sat around self-medicating with drugs or video games
because they couldn't live real life in a cool and exciting way. Recently I had added sitting and
watching television, listening to music, and watching movies to that list as well – provided it wasn't
with people you cared about, or while working. But here was an alternate truth and an alternate reality:
If it's ALL theater, then what's the difference, really? Sure, I loved traveling and had seen most of the
badass shit in the real world... But still that was a needless theater. And who's to say my theater of
seeing the real world was any more useful or 'real' than someone else's theater of smoking weed and
listening to music? I mean, I was taking advantage of the actual physical earth we had. But they were
spending far less money, working far less hard, and still spending their free time living out a theater and
mental movie they enjoyed. Perhaps I wasn't superior after all. In fact, one of the only irreplaceable
theaters we have is sex. I mean, there's nothing like seeing wild elephants in Africa – but if you're just
as happy at a local concert, then you've replaced that experience. But we all want sex, we all want it
with really attractive people. And there currently is no real replacement, because porn is a half measure.
The same can be said with just hanging out with a really sexy member of the opposite sex and doing
things with them. One could argue that if you're doing that, then you can fill in the other theaters
however you individually see fit.
In many ways this means nothing is really all that 'real' or all that superior in life. As far as we're
concerned, it's just experience and emotions. My theater is ACTUALLY going to places and
ACTUALLY doing insane things. But if someone else loves their much simpler theater just as much,
well, there's little difference. Perhaps my theater is more immersive because reality hits all the senses.
But if the ultimate satisfaction is the same, there's little difference. I had simply been encouraged to
have expensive and difficult mental movies I was attached to. That's about it.
In this way you might even argue that religion and some sort of meaning is all that matters. But there's
no real need to talk about that now.
The main thing is that everyone is pretty much playing a video game, unless they're fighting for
survival in a real slum. Even people in the straight up hood are still beyond mere survival and are just
fighting for theater and mental movies. In fact pretty much every war in history could be attributed to
humans aggressively pursuing their mental movies. Unless there was once a war fought over water
supply. Or maybe some of the uprisings caused by famine. The most practical seeming things, like oil,
are still necessary for creating all of this overblown theater around us.

It's enough to damn near cause narcissism. To make you just say 'well fuck it, nothing matters'. But
remember what I just said – we're all pretty much playing a video game. Except if something becomes
life and death. You wouldn't judge someone for playing Grand Theft Auto differently from you. You
wouldn't judge someone for not taking Grand Theft Auto seriously. You wouldn't judge someone for
being selfish in Grand Theft Auto. I mean, I believe in religion and morals... So I think some of that is
wrong. But generally speaking, most things are just people playing their video game their way. So... Let
them. And sell them shit while they do it so you can live out your mental movie. Just create theater and
get them to picture an irresistible mental movie surrounding your product. And don't try to sell things
where you can't create a mental movie powerful enough to justify the price expenditure on your
product and where you can't create a theater good enough to out compete the other things they could
spend their money on.

If you have a great product idea that solves a widespread problem and it's hyperpractical – think of how
you can build a theater around it anyway. If you have a product idea and you DON'T know how to turn
it into compelling theater... Well, you should solve the problem or drop the product. No theater, no sale.
Otherwise you should find out how to sell it to businesses. And you should stop thinking of yourself as
superior to an artist as an entrepreneur – if you're a smart entrepreneur, you'll be just as good a director
as Quentin Tarantino while also making products with practical repercussions. And you'll figure out
how the practicality of your product fits into your customers mental movies. You'll also seek to
UNDERSTAND what mental movies your customers have. And the priorities and details and
competitions in them. That's what Steve Jobs did.
So perhaps people aren't totally amiss by acting so whimsically in life. Maybe it's all a bit of a game,
morals and religion perhaps aside. Either way, if you realize people are living it like a game, it will
enable you to succeed. Whether your success is 'real' or just you winning your own version of that same

All of this made me realize what 'work' is. What a 'job' is. A 'job' is when you're doing something to get
paid in order to help someone else create their movie. Or to help another business which is involved in
a web of helping people make their movies. Or occasionally saving lives. By definition you're working
for someone ELSE'S movie when you're working. You can have a job that you love and that mostly
contributes to your own mental movie, but no job will EVER be 100% aligned with your own mental
movie, because you wouldn't get paid unless it was about the movies or survival of someone else or
another business.

And this made me wonder- what IS a business?

Riding a taxi through the mountainous slums outside Cusco provided the answer. I wondered why the
economy here was such crap, and the US had so much more luxury. What was the difference? I realized
that if the people in these slums were to learn better skills and start doing more sophisticated things for
each other, then they would start improving their surroundings one piece at a time. If someone were to
learn real carpentry in this community, instead of using mud to stick cinder blocks together, then there
might be some semi-attractive shacks. But that person would have to have something traded with them.
So maybe if someone else learned to create proper plumbing, they could make the carpenters nice
house work properly. And the carpenter could make the plumbers properly working house nice. And
steadily you could develop a neighborhood that was markedly better.
The limitation wasn't just skill – but a combination of skill and trade. These people needed to study
something so that they could develop better skills. Then they needed to trade those improved skills with
one another. Want to fix the poor slums of the world? Just find a really cheap way to teach them trades
based on the resources they have available.
Then out of that improved economy, someone needs to learn to do something that people outside their
community wants. That way they can export something. Which allows them to import better stuff. And
then they can get things they can't produce – like better tools to help make the improved carpentry
happen faster and become cheaper and more widespread. Making things more efficient and cheaper
then frees people to focus on still more things. And it compiles. People also might need to learn to
produce tools from resources they have. I saw some ghetto-rigged hacksaws made out of rebar in the
jungle. When someone learned to turn rebar into a hacksaw, they enabled better construction from those
who learned to construct. So some people needed to either learn to produce tools and resources, or
export things that outside communities wanted so that they could import other things.

And this whole web gave me another realization – TRADE is required for a community or society to
improve. And the reason that trade had this effect is it allowed people to SPECIALIZE. Before people
had significant trade, they had to be able to do everything. They had to farm, build their own house,
make their own clothes, cook their own food... And everything they had was pretty marginal because
they couldn't be that good at all these things. But TRADE allowed them to get really good at ONE
thing, and then give off their improved one thing in exchange for other things. And that drove the
improvement of the entire society. Trade allowed specialization, and that allowed things to get better. If
you look at countries and cultures that are still stuck in squalor and poverty, you'll find people that don't
value studying and learning and education and skill acquisition; You'll also find people that have trade
barriers – like they're too remote, or they can't stop fighting everyone around them because they're too
warlike and anger based in order to play nice and trade; and you'll inevitably find people of lower
creativity, which is why they haven't problem solved their way out of what's going on. We shouldn't be
sending vaccines to Africa, nor should we send money or food. We should be sending ultra-low-cost
tablets that have tutorials on how to properly do carpentry and plumbing and purify water and raise
more crops and so on. And encourage them to specialize and trade with each other. And information on
creating resources and/or tools out of what they have, and maybe some things they could export.

So what, then, is a business? I realized this after I returned to the U.S. and was watching an episode of
American Pickers where they trudged through people's massive piles of junk to find collectibles of
value. On one ramshackle property in middle America, there was a large 1800s kiln under a giant roof
on stilts. The kiln, they said, was made by a brick company and was used for creating bricks. And it
was quite large, but small enough that I could imagine the guy in the 1800s starting that brick company.
Likely with a much smaller kiln. This guy had decided that people needed bricks. So he built a kiln,
and he started making and selling bricks. And then he sold enough of them to buy the materials to
create a bigger kiln to make more bricks and make more money. And so it went. He created a business.
He created a business by finding a problem, and then specializing in the solution of that problem and
then using trade to allow himself to survive as a specialist. To execute this, he created a TOOL – a kiln.
In order to create a business, he made a tool that turned him into a good specialist in brick making. And
then he had a business.

So what is a business? A business is a set of tools and/or processes that allow better creation of good
that people are willing to pay for than other people in the trade system. Or at least AS good, if the other
businesses in the trade system aren't fulfilling demand for that type of good. And the way a business
creates good better than others in the marketplace is by SPECIALIZATION. Which is enabled by trade.
So the trade in an economy allows a business to pop up that specializes in something, and because they
specialize in something they can get really good at it – their specialization allows them to get better at it
than anyone else. And also better at it than anyone possibly could if they weren't free to specialize –
thanks to trade. When everyone specializes, they all make their thing better than they could have
without specialization and trade, and then everyone gets better shit than they could've made
themselves. In order to enable the better stuff they create than anyone else can when they specialize, the
business needs tools and processes in order to create that stuff better.
In other words, a business is a set of tools and processes that create a specialized thing better or cheaper
than anyone else – or at least as well if there is a lack of supply.
Why is this important? Why did I write this out for you? Well, because it is why there is no such thing
as get rich quick or easy businesses. In order to actually make money, you have to specialize and then
put time and resources and creativity into a set of processes and/or tools that allow you to produce your
specialized good either better, cheaper, or to fulfill an unmet demand. So first you need a problem – a
lack of supply, costs that are too high, or solutions that aren't good enough. And then you have to
specialize in solving that problem, and you do it by creating processes and/or making or acquiring
tools. Which means any successful business ultimately will require time and/or resources to build the
processes and/or tools. Plus you will have to market as well – unless the good you're creating is a
commodity like gold or bananas.
This is a fantastic thing to know, because it can help you decide if any idea you have is worth your time
or not before you even start. Does you idea involve creating good that people or businesses will
actually be willing to pay for? Does your idea involve specializing and creating better processes and/or
using tools (and probably better tools) to make that good better than anyone else? Or to fill a massive
demand that isn't being filled? Or to create the good far cheaper? Does your idea involve spending
sufficient time or resources on processes and/or tools that you could realistically expect to be the best
specialist as a result of those processes and/or tools? If the answer is no, then you should keep thinking
and not waste time on an idea that doesn't mesh with the real world and real way our economy works.

All the while, if you're selling to people you'll have to create a whole theater around your product (fuck
services) – this can involve videos, pictures, text, stories, music, product design, celebrity
endorsements and all kinds of stuff. Make a great theater that people really want in their mental movies
they have of their lives. OR sell to businesses and help those businesses become more effective
specialists in what they do.

And that's how you succeed at making money. Probably not exactly what you thought, eh?

Jumping on Waves – The Easiest Way to Make Money
My first successful business was like a Geek Squad type of thing where we helped local people with
computer issues, in an area not served by Geek Squad etc. It was my first realization that without
marketing there is no such thing as business. The business was my friend's idea – he was actually a guy
I met on the Mystery Method forums back in the day. We decided to start the business, got a name and
a logo and a bank account and figured out how we were going to do it... And then realized if we didn't
have some type of outreach to prospective clients, we didn't have anything. I actually did all that work,
honestly. But it succeeded. We made reasonable money, but at low hours. I didn't know how to
advertise online.

My most successful business so far, out of probably 10+ launched, was my second or third. A valuable
professional services business. This is where I learned that service businesses suck. I have an entire job
worth of work advertising, marketing, and doing sales and customer service. THEN after I do all that, I
actually have to take care of doing the services. I employ licensed professionals to do some of the
work... but only so much.

Both of those businesses were doing something that had been done before and had a proven need and
value, and then either out-competing others at it, or providing the value in an area not geographically
served by others.

The other businesses I've tried to launch were largely new and innovative. Most have been based on
products that I've even pursued patents on because they were novel concepts.
And I've found that I have to educate the consumer in each case, and THEN persuade them to buy as
well. The job is effectively doubled because of the education burden. Then there's skepticism and many
other factors.

If you look around at multibillion dollar companies past and present, you'll likely notice a trend: Steve
Jobs didn't invent the mp3 player OR the smart phone. He did help, more or less, invent the personal
computer. Bill Gates, correspondingly, did not invent the personal computer. Elon Musk didn't invent
the electric car. Or space launch rockets. Or solar panels (that's his third billion dollar business most
people aren't aware of – Solar City). He did co-invent easy online escrow payments which turned into
PayPal. Mark Zuckerberg didn't invent social networking sites. Kevin Systrom of Instagram didn't
invent posting pictures in a feed. Evan Spiegel invented messages that were deleted, but he didn't
invent video and picture feeds – one of Snapchat's most valuable features. Google didn't invent web
search. Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile. Thomas Edison didn't invent the lightbulb (he actually
made the first one that was long lasting). Dietrich Mateschitz did not create the energy drink Red Bull –
he bought it from a Thai company and changed the name (slightly) and rebranded and marketed it to a
wider audience. George Lucas didn't even fully invent Star Wars, which has pulled in $40 billion in
revenue between all movies and merchandising, but rather combined a number of things including
Flash Gordon and a number of other books, movies, etc. GoPro wasn't the first portable camera. Or the
first digital camera. In fact Kodak invented the digital camera and didn't run with it. Richard Branson
didn't invent virtually anything from his empire of dozens of companies – music labels (Virgin
Records), magazines (his first successful business), airlines (Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America), etc.
Donald Trump (hate him or not, billionaire) didn't invent real estate development. Warren Buffet didn't
invent investment, nor did he invent the media companies he owns. Nor did Ted Turner. Coca-Cola
didn't invent soda type drinks, or 'elixirs' as they were once known. WhatsApp didn't invent calling, or
messaging – they didn't invent internet messaging either (AOL instant messenger, etc.). I don't believe
any of the current mega-oil companies were involved in the origins of oil. Budweiser didn't invent beer.
Patron didn't invent tequila – or Patron for that matter (the cofounder of Paul Mitchell – the shampoo
and hair company – bought it because he liked the tequila, then rebranded).
3M invented the Post-It note, but they had a whole company worth of resources to throw behind it.
Pfizer invented Viagra, but was already a massive company. Xerox sort of invented the copier, as in
they were the first company selling it, but they actually bought the patent off of the guy that invented it.

I work with new technologies... And I'm struggling to think of billion dollar companies that DID invent
what started them. Apple and the personal computer. Google invented a NEW search algorithm.
GenenTech and several medical startups were started around something they invented. Amazon sort of
invented the online bookstore, or maybe they did. But they didn't invent the online store.

I think you get the point. Listing this out was even eye opening for me. I'm a huge fan of innovation
and invention – but the evidence shows the original innovator rarely is the guy that makes a billion in
that area. The guy that makes billions generally jump into something pioneered by others, see how it
could be done better and how it could be SOLD better, and then they hit it harder.
You also might notice that basically everything listed above was either a product of at least a few
hundred dollars (iPhones, iPods, computers, cars, solar panels, space launch – millions, airline tickets,
real estate, GoPros), platforms (including media platforms), or highly consumable goods (Coca-Cola
and Red Bull and other billion dollar drink and snack companies, medications whichh are a cross
between being in the low hundred dollar range AND highly consumable, oil companies). Post It notes
are not a billion dollar business, at least I don't believe so. So as a side note, if you want to go really
big, you need a product of at least a few hundred dollars, a highly consumable product with a market
size of almost everyone (food, drink, oil, medication), or a platform. No one makes a billion selling $25
non-consumable hard goods.

But there's another big lesson here – because perhaps zero of you as readers are seriously looking to
start billion dollar businesses.
It appears someone who sees an emerging trend and then finds a way to out-compete the emerging
players has a better chance of becoming a billionaire. Perhaps it's because original inventors rarely
have the marketing and business skills or resources to become billionaires, and the latter group rarely
has the mind of original innovators. Or perhaps it's because the eventual billionaires can see the
mistakes of the first comers.
There's something else that's more useful, however, both to the billionaires and to you: When you join
and outcompete the existing players in an emerging wave, you get the benefit of having a PRE-
TESTED opportunity. Instead of having to come up with a long string of ideas and test them against
your market, failing over and over and hoping you hit something – you get to sit back, and choose to
join areas that are already emerging. Furthermore, you get to join at a point in time when the public has
already been partially educated about that product or area and is starting to turn onto it in large groups.
So the very difficult dual-job of educating AND selling has been half done for you when you're joining
a wave. In fact, if a wave is already emerging, that means a lot of customers are excited about the
opportunity and that gives you a great opportunity.

This opens up a MUCH easier way to identify multi-million dollar product businesses than what we
discussed before. Before we talked about creating businesses by finding problems people will be
willing to pay to have solutions to. But now we have an additional method: Find emerging waves
where there ARE no billion dollar players, and figure out what you can do better than the existing
companies/products in that wave. Or find emerging waves and then look for what the problems are
WITHIN that wave that are important, and then join the wave while solving the problem.
Do it all while better selling to the mental movies in the customer's mind, directly testing things with
your customers and listening to their feedback and problems, and simply outselling and persuading the
other companies.
How do you do this? Well, I can think of a few ways: Dig through forums and publications that cover
various technologies or trends or hobbies or businesses. You probably don't have to get in at the stage
where something is really only in forums or very specific-interest magazines and publications. If
something is in a broader publication that prides itself on covering specific stories that are becoming
notable – say Popular Science, Tech Crunch, or Entrepreneur magazine – then you probably have a nice
combination of something being early, but also garnering a lot of interest. Though there could be
something said for things that are creating interest in forums and niche publications and haven't really
garnered interest beyond that. Reddit would be another source for finding waves that are very early. If
something is regularly plastered across the national news, it's probably too late – unless you're seeking
to create a billion dollar business and no one has done so in that area yet.
Another way you might try is to look through for products that appear to have a lot of
positive reviews and a lot of sales, but also appear to be poorly executed. If you think you can out-do
the marketing, packaging, branding, and/or product itself, but it still has a couple hundred positive
reviews and appears to sell quite well, then you might be able to just one-up that product. This is letting
others do the product testing for you, then jumping in.
You also might be able to use Google's search term tools to find things that people are searching for a
lot, and then see what the actual companies and products are like in those areas. More likely, this is a
secondary tool AFTER identifying an opportunity, but you might be able to use it to identify
opportunities in the first place.
You might be able to comb trending topics on social media sites, but I would argue that this is a bit too
whimsical and impermanent to really identify anything.
Certain social media personalities try to identify trends and then review products or talk about them.
Influencers that do unboxing, reviews, or other similar processes would be a good way to find things.

What are you looking for? Well, if your goal is to make millions, you probably want to find earlier
waves where there are a couple companies making a million or more, but the companies are pretty rag
tag. This was the story with BitCoin when I first heard about it in 2013. There were some companies
making millions, but they were incredibly rag tag. I saw that there was an opportunity, but didn't really
want to get into it – because it WAS rag tag, and because I didn't come up with it. I didn't want to be a
follower and it hadn't been proven out... In hindsight, those are great triggers. If people are making
low-millions at it, and it's pretty rag tag, that just means you need to get in and outcompete them and
you'll at least make the same millions that they are. And if the wave really explodes into a big trend,
you might be there for tens or hundreds of millions. If you really play your cards right, perhaps more.
If your goal is to make BILLIONS, then you might be looking for something different. You might be
looking for a wave with a lot MORE coverage, where people are making tens of millions, but where no
one is making billions despite widespread interest.
This is more like BitCoin now. I missed the opportunity, in my opinion, to just buy BitCoin and trade it
and make money. There's a fervor going on about it at this moment, which likely suggests a bubble and
the possibility of an impending implosion. There COULD be some more money to make first, because
the fervor has not yet reached irrationality. But it also might be wise to look for truly irrational fervor
where even late adopters are trying to get in – and then short it.
However, in the BitCoin market despite all of this fervor, I don't think anyone is making billions. The
average person – myself included – has never owned a BitCoin, nor paid in BitCoins. If that's going to
be the future, someone needs to find the way to make it happen. To me, this suggests there could be a
billion dollar opportunity there. Of course, anyone to take a rough trend and make a billion out of it has
to be super savvy, super smooth, and listen to the customers and react quickly and efficiently and
creatively. And be willing to scrap every idea they thought was right and change based on feedback.
Another market that is almost certainly prepped for players from hundreds of millions to billions is the
legalized marijuana market. It's clearly a billion dollar market because the illegal market has been that
large for decades. Yet no contenders are there yet.

A crucial layer to figuring out how to ride emerging trends is that while technologies change and
advance, human nature and psychology don't change. This means that history tends to repeat itself
across different technological waves. If you simply read the stories about the companies that won and
lost in previous waves, and then apply those lessons and even the same strategies and formats to new
waves, you might well be primed for major success. This is most easily seen in entertainment. Every
two decades you can pretty much re-use old band formats, old television shows, and more. You just
have to change it enough that the younger generations don't quite recognize it. American Idol, for
instance, is really just a redo of old battle of the bands live shows as well as I believe there were band
competitions on TV in the 70s. The Backstreet Boys and N'Sync were the first bands to wear the title
'boy band' as far as I know, but what about the Beatles? I could go on and on and on in entertainment,
but basically after people forget about previous hits, you can pretty much just hide them in a slightly
new concept and get a new hit. If you're in media, you could pretty much just look at what was huge
20-30 years ago, and then figure out how to make it work with current pop culture and tastes and make
it seem totally new... But have the same underlying structure.
The same happens in entrepreneurship. It might seem new that marijuana is being legalized. But it isn't.
Prohibition was repealed under a century ago. And now there are multiple billion dollar alcohol
industry players. There are also billion dollar tobacco players. How do you dominate the marijuana
industry? Study the companies that blew up after prohibition and how they did it. Study the big tobacco
companies and how they go where they are. Then learn how to apply it to this new wave. It's so simple
it's ridiculous. You can also look at trends like the rise of Carnegie's steel megalith. Carnegie just kept
buying up and combining his competitors... Why not do that in marijuana? I have a friend whose family
is worth tens of millions because of owning one warehouse liquor store. Why not a marijuana
warehouse store?
Study history and previous waves, see the abstractions and underlying concepts, and then figure out
how to employ them to new waves.
How do you become a billionaire in BitCoin? Well, as new as BitCoin sounds, paper money was once
new. Credit cards were once new. How did paper money gain wide acceptance? How did credit card
companies go from a new idea to being accepted everywhere and creating hundred billion dollar
empires? BitCoin really isn't new, it's just a different version of an old abstraction: People need to
develop trust in a new value representation, it needs to spread, and then it needs to take over
transactions. People haven't changed since the last time these things happened. Just do them again, but
under modern technological and societal circumstances.

These ideas can be more easily applied in early-stage trends. Find trends that are earlier in the process
of emerging, and you can apply simpler abstractions. What packaging, marketing, and product design
has succeeded with things that in an abstracted sense are like these in the past? What marketing,
product design, and packaging are succeeding in other product areas with similar customers? What are
the problems from the consumers standpoint in this emerging trend? What are the movies the customers
in this emerging wave playing in their minds? How are those movies being let down by the current
players? And, finally, the obvious question (which you should save for last in my opinion), how do you
out compete the current players. But also, how can you scale further than current players?

Without being an innovator that can identify major problems, solve them, educate the customer and
then sell to the customer and build your own trend, you can still become a millionaire or even a
billionaire by finding trends where money is already being made but the players are falling short. Then
by being a smarter entrepreneur, and also being able to find links to historical patterns, you can cut out
a lot of the guess work in creating a modern success in the modern wave.
Why don't the existing players take part in new trends having the same abstractions? Beats the hell out
of me. Visa, what the fuck are you thinking? Patron, why aren't you sending a small team to quietly
start a marijuana empire? Separate the ownership sufficiently to cut the liability and just do it. But they
aren't, so you can.
Finally, just be careful of trends where the media is saying the area is going to be the next big thing...
after research. Things like nanotechnology were widely touted as the next big thing. And still haven't
been. You want to find areas where customers are starting to go crazy for something and where
companies are profitably making at least a million or so a year. You can likely expect to beat the
existing players by one or two orders of magnitude if you really dial something in. So if companies are
making a million a year, you're probably looking in the tens of millions a year, and maybe a hundred
million for a stretch. A billion is entirely up in the air. In the case of nanotechnology, there was massive
media hype, but there weren't many companies actually making millions in profit in real world sales.
Just tons of research money and theoretical promise. That's not much of an opportunity for an
entrepreneur without huge resources.

It's ultimately the people who say “There's something to this ____” that make it big. Jeff Bezos looked
at the internet and said “There's something to this internet, now what can I sell on it?” Larry Page and
Sergey Brinn looked at internet search and said “There's something to this internet search, but it doesn't
quite work correctly.” Mark Zuckerberg looked at social networking and said “There's something to
this idea of linking friends on the internet, but it's currently lame.” Henry Ford looked at the car and
said “There's something to automobiles, but most people can't have one.” Steve Jobs looked at big
clunky computers and said “There's something to these computers, but they're useless to the average
person.” All of those people had to take a big bet of their time, money, and reputation on these waves at
a time when the wave could have imploded or been a trend. And then they had to listen to market
feedback until they got to the point of nailing it. That's the path to billions. You can jump on emerging
areas where you can just out-do million dollar players and make millions yourself. It doesn't have to be
as intense and risk-involved as these pioneers. But it's still easier than starting from scratch. And you
never know, at least half of those entrepreneurs didn't think their millions would turn into billions
(though the other half certainly thought that from the start, as most real mavericks are obnoxiously
certain of what they're doing even when no one else is). I used to look down on band-wagoning
entrepreneurs, because they generally just try to hop into something that everyone else is doing and
don't do it with any creativity. But their mistake is they aren't intelligently seeking to out-compete the
other players, and they're getting into things way too late when the trend is extremely obvious. To make
millions or more, there needs to ALWAYS be a couple things: Risk, a barrier to entry or why it is hard
to do what you're doing, the creation of a lot of good that customers are willing to fork over cash for,
scale, successful marketing, meshing with the movies that customers play in their minds or solving
problems for businesses, and a reason you an do these things significantly better than the competition.
This means you have to get into emerging areas earlier than most half-assed entrepreneurs, you have to
spend longer planning and studying and being creative, you have to be doing something customers
really want to buy (either because it goes along with the movies they play in their mind and supports
those, or because it greatly benefits their business), and you have to put in some real work. Nothing is
easy that really makes money- competition in a free market ensures this. The only time you might make
money by doing very little work is if you're taking a lot of risk – like gambling or buying really risky
stock. There is no such thing as an easy, guaranteed multimillion dollar idea. It either has to be hard or
unlikely or both.

Just remember above all that people buy things for the theater, for how it adds to the movie in their
mind. And for the theater that you create around it. Don't forget Steve Jobs took regular boring stuff –
phones – and made an entire theater around them. I'm sure they even paid for that pseudo-study that
said people with iPhones have more sex, then pretended like they weren't involved.
Advertising, marketing, and painting theatrical pictures in the client's mind that carry them away with
the emotion and excitement and imagination of it all are everything. Without that, you just have an idea
no one knows about and no one has been persuaded to want. Ie, you have nothing. It is basically your
job to use artistry and media (pictures, video, hell even Virtual Reality headset video) to create
compelling theater and put emotions and EXCITEMENT into what you sell, even if the product doesn't
on the face of it involve any of that. BE FUCKING CREATIVE. Even with the language, you can say
“we've received a lot of letters from clients” or you an say “we've received a massive pile of letters
from clients” - substituting the word that activates senses (sight, smell, feel, whatever) for the standard
way of saying things is better at creating theater and mental movies. Just don't overdo it and be cheesy.
Also, don't hesitate to collaborate, make deals, and involve others in order to SCALE what you're

Again, BE FUCKING CREATIVE. I can hear some of you reading this right now – 'But I'm not that
creative. I'm not that talented. I don't know how to do most of these things.' Bro, the world is cold as
shit. Remember, we're just in a shiny fucking jungle. I've been on the right and the wrong ends of that
cold, hard, fact. In extreme ways both directions (I've eaten at the fourth and eighth best restaurants in
the WORLD within 24 hours. I've also gotten stranded on the streets with less than $40 in my bank
account and all my cards getting declined without the ability – LITERALLY – to buy a sandwich for
dinner. And walked around feeling like I wasn't human, like I was the same as the homeless people
around me, like I was welcome nowhere. Like I wasn't even allowed to walk into a Starbucks and
interact with other people because I couldn't pay for shit). Find a fucking way to solve the problems.
Creativity is nothing more than searching and finding similar examples in the same field and related
fields, breaking them down into the abstractions and nuances, and then applying those abstractions and
nuances to whatever you're doing. That's creativity. It's also problem solving. If you can't find a way to
do that, fuck you. You deserve to be a worker drone. The reality is if you were intelligent enough to
read this far, you CAN do it – you just won't. You either won't let yourself or won't go through the
trouble and pain. I detailed how you can launch a product business from nothing for $200, a camera, a
3D printer, a few tools, some paint, the internet, and some time. And probably some more money to
launch like 5 other products that fail. So maybe $3000 by the time you're done. But if you're good, just
$200 bucks or so (maybe $500 so you can keep advertising until you get paid). I told you how to find
ideas, how to test them. I told you what camera and lenses and 3D printers you could get. I told you
how to take photographs, what time of day, how to play with lighting. Everything. There's no such
thing as you 'can't' do this. There's only you won't. I'm torn about even putting this out there. This is 5-
10 years of banging my head against a wall in these various subjects to bring you this.

Now a couple quick practical notes:

Don't be afraid to hire other people, that's leverage. Just make sure you hire someone who's passionate
and fire quickly if they're lazy. I once made the mistake of hiring someone and then saying “he'll turn
around, he'll turn around” for months. He was late day one for a 10am start and he was staying in the
same building. I should've fired him right there. Fire easily before someone proves themselves. But
don't be afraid to hire and scale your leverage through good hires. Interview someone and don't just
jump and hire someone because in your mind you decided you should.
In fact, in general never keep going with something because in your mind you were set on it. Take the
feedback and adjust. Flow like wataa. Don't be stuck on stuff.
Never forget this basic thing: A business is something that was allowed by the emergence of trade in
human society. Because of trade, people can now specialize in creating good, and a certain person can
be better at creating a certain type of good that people want than anyone else. Which means that a
business is a set of processes and tools that allow you to make good better than anyone else. But really,
a business is a set of processes for persuasion AS WELL AS a set of processes and tools for creating
good better than anyone else. Tools can be digital like software, they can be a saw, they can be a
building, they can even be employees.
My close friend is a firefighter. Firefighters talk a lot about the fire triangle, that a fire needs fuel, heat,
and oxygen (technically an oxidizer) to burn. Remove one and the fire goes out. A business is the same.
A business needs 1) Persuasion, 2) Distribution for that Persuasion, and 3) a way to fulfill the good
creation for the customer. Remove one, the business dies. And the persuasion centers around creating
theater that makes the customer want the product or service because it adds to their mental movie. Or
around convincing a business that the product or service (again, fuck services) will make them more

Remember – money = the good you create for other people. You have to put it in front of real people,
really give them the good, and really have them want it enough to give you money. That requires both
them having a problem or thinking something is mega badass, and you to do persuasion and advertising
and marketing. And it requires you to test and fail your ass off, just like game. But with like $20k in
budget, this book, studying the game of entrepreneurship and pitching on video and doing videos and
advertising like the hardest core student there ever was of those things, and 6-9 months of time that you
saved up to take off, you should be coming out the other side making a MINIMUM of $150k/year off
of a product that doesn't take you that much time to manage in an ongoing way. You can sell the
business if you want, and if you did your BRAINSTORMING right, your idea should be a lot more
scalable than that and you should make millions. I recommend not even STARTING on an idea that
can't REALISTICALLY make AT LEAST $1 million dollars/year. REALISTICALLY, not in your
warped wishful thinking view of the world we all have. That way if it succeeds and you get stuck doing
it for a while, at least you can make bank off of it. Don't forget, succeeding with a business often sticks
you with it for years. Failing gets you out of a shitty idea a lot faster than success.

Actual Steps to Creating a Scalable Business

What IS making a Lot of Money?

If business is nothing more than specialized processes and tools to create good, along with distribution
and persuasion, then a scalable business has to scale these things.

That begs the question of HOW do you scale each factor?

-Scaling processes involves setting them up so they can scale. It's PROBLEM SOLVING
-Scaling tools involves MONEY, creating better tools (PROBLEM SOLVING), and using TOOLS TO
CREATE TOOLS (compounding – which is a subset of problem solving)

PROBLEM SOLVING (including compounding as a subset of problem solving)

-Scaling distribution can be via several means:

-Using MONEY to pay existing distributors (advertising)
-Using PERSUASION to convince those you've distributed to to distribute to others (virality)
-Building a platform or distribution system of your own (ACCUMULATION of an audience via
creating something they are INCENTIVIZED TO RETURN TO)
-INCENTIVIZING someone who CONTROLS DISTRIBUTION to distribute for you. That's like
getting media coverage, or becoming an actor
-Scaling PERSUASION means making the persuasion distributable and then distributing it. If the
persuasion is digital and doesn't involve a human, then it can be scalable
-This presents an interesting twist. Because it means you could use video games, virtual reality, AI
chat bots, video, images, writing, ANYTHING DIGITAL OR HIGHLY REPRODUCEABLE to carry
out the persuasion

This means that out of billions upon billions of combinations of choices that seem massively
complicated, you actually only have a few choices to make:

1) Digital or not-fully-digital good creation?

-If the good creation is FULLY digital (ie, software, online, etc.) then you have much lower costs
behind scaling the creation of the good
2) IF the good creation is Not fully digital, then do you scale the good creation by MONEY (via
reinvestment of profits or outside investments), or by PROBLEM SOLVING (by creating better
PROCESSES, or figuring out how to COMPOUND TOOLS to make better tools, or just inventing
better tools). Or by some combination therein
-This leads to a QUESTION you must ask: Can you create better PROCESSES OR TOOLS to scale
the good creation? Can you use tools to create better tools to create better tools for good creation?
3) Is it possible to CROWDSOURCE the good creation? (Wikipedia does this. So do platforms like
Instagram, Facebook, or Amazon). This means the scaling is possibly done for you if you create the
properly tool and properly incentivize those using it

In some ways those questions aren't that hard to answer. And you should have a road map but generally
scale the good creation by solving problems as you go. First you must create DEMAND before
worrying so much about supplying it. These ones are a bit harder:

4) Can you make your distribution VIRAL? (ie, Growth hacking)

-This should be your first question, because it amplifies all other distribution, and it is nearly free
-The answer should NOT be simple. You should really delve into many different possible ways to
make this happen
-After BRAINSTORMING ways you might do this and not judging them, THEN consider if any of
them actually make sense to act on (positive ROI, where your investment might be time)
5) Can you INCENTIVIZE someone who controls distribution to distribute for you?
-Can you make a good media story? By being a good story for readers/watchers? By stunt
-Can you PARTNER with someone who has distribution? By creating a mutually beneficial
arrangement, can you make something take off?
6) Can you use MONEY to scale distribution? Either reinvesting into more paid advertising, or using
an outside investment to scale
-This is solved by two factors: Is there somewhere that you can create a positive ROI by paid
advertising (not just Facebook, Google Adwords/Youtube, etc. But ALSO radio, TV, billboards,
magazines, specialty magazines, bloggers, influencers, etc.)
-The second factor is what is the scalability of that paid channel? What's their audience?
7) Can you or should you BUILD DISTRIBUTION?
7a) Can you create something that INCENTIVIZES PEOPLE TO KEEP COMING BACK?
-This shouldn't necessarily be answered with a simple question, like 'no, my product doesn't do
that.' It should be more of a 'HOW can I incentivize people to keep coming back?' And if the answer is
that you can't think of any way to do this that makes sense, then your answer is you probably shouldn't
build distribution
7b) Can you build an audience who hasn't necessarily bought but likes something you're doing? This
could be 'content marketing', which is entertaining people or help-entertaining them (let's face it, people
don't go to things unless somehow it creates a movie they find entertaining or at least better in their
heads). It could also be creating a platform, which could be as simple as a community or forum.
-It could also be tangential. You create something that keeps people that buy the things you sell
coming back, even if the good you're creating to keep them coming back isn't directly tied to what you
sell. Ie, consider the OTHER needs of the typical customer you have
7c) After BRAINSTORMING ways you might do this and not judging them, THEN consider if any
of them actually make sense to act on (positive ROI, where your investment might be time)

Finally, you have the ONGOING process of creating scalable persuasion. You have to START
somewhere, but then you continue adjusting this based on data and feedback and ideas that you have.
You could start by asking what scalable media you want to use, but I think this is BACKWARDS and
not thinking about what's most important.
The MOST IMPORTANT part of the persuasion is the THEATER behind the product. The MOVIE you
want to play out in the customer's mind, and then the EMOTIONS that you want to create. Start with
those, then work towards the actual persuasion. When you get into constructing the persuasion, I think
it makes sense to start with the most effective but harder to pull off types of persuasion, and then work
backwards. Because you can eliminate the harder to execute forms of persuasion more easily, but if any
of them make sense they might actually be best.

8) What MOVIE and THEATER and PLOT LINE do I want to play out in my customer's mind based
around this product? What MOVIE could I FABRICATE (this viewpoint on this question is to break
you out of the obvious) to make this product MOST CAPTURE THE IMAGINATIONS AND
FUTURE MOVIES of my customers?
8a) What ARE the typical future movies of my customers that they are going about trying to create in
their lives? Be as detailed as you can and maybe break them into a few categories.
9) What EMOTIONS are going to be most compelling in this movie?
9a) How can I CREATE those emotions most powerfully? Is there a certain order I should put them
in? Maybe contrast them or springboard one into the next
10a) How can I use tools like SUSPENSE and MYSTERY to draw the user in?
10b) How can I use PATTERN INTERRUPTS to grab the user's attention and keep them involved in
the movie I'm portraying?
10c) How can I use COGNITIVE DISSONANCE to keep the user engaged in the movie I'm
portraying (this is a broader category which suspense and mystery fall under – because they are
wanting to know but not knowing)
10d) How can I use the tricks I took notes on from books like Made to Stick, Storyteller's Secret, and
Hitmakers to enhance this movie and message?

Now that you know the theoretical movie you'd like to make, consider how best to enact it. The best,
obviously, would be to have your customers go through it in real life. That's not digital, so it might be a
great LAUNCH STRATEGY to show off some sort of real world experience (think haunted house for
your product, except playing out whatever movie you desire) – but then it won't scale.
11) Can you use PEOPLE TO PERSUADE PEOPLE about your product?
-Can you get them to tell each other about it and convince each other?
-Can you get testimonial videos?
-Can you get reviews on sites?
-BRAINSTORM this and then see if any of it is actionable. This is the most persuasive thing to our
brains, so check it first
12) Can you use VIRTUAL REALITY (like VR headsets)? And is it SCALABLE enough based on
your audience?
-This might SEEM preposterous, but it's the most powerful scalable way to lead the customer through
your movie. If you can do it, it would be fantastic
-Brainstorm and RESEARCH the possible audience size and if that audience contains your customers
13) Can you create a VIDEO GAME or similar virtual, INTERACTIVE experience to lead the
customer through your movie?
-This ALSO seems preposterous, but think of the power of the movie it creates. Think of how many
teenagers want a certain car because it's the best one in the video game they love playing.
-BRAINSTORM if there's a way to do this and how it might be enacted. It doesn't have to just be a
video game, but it could be a video-game-like virtual experience. Like a virtual test drive of a car that
is a simulation and ACTS like a video game, but is just on one thing
14) If your product is going to be physically distributed in stores, etc. How can you CREATE A
MOVIE with the product on shelves? Like GoPro puts out TV screens looping footage. Or you could
have an interactive display or other things.
-BRAINSTORM ways to do this. Then at the end of generating ideas decide what might actually be
cost effective and practical and scalable
15) How can you use VIDEO to play out the movie? You pretty much ALWAYS can do this, so it's kind
of your last question. And you SHOULD use video
(These same following questions would apply to Virtual Reality advertising and to some extent video
game/interactive simulation advertising)
-How can you use MUSIC to enact the movie and create the emotions?
-How can you use CINEMATOGRAPHY and shots and shot compositions and lighting and camera
movement and such to create the emotions and enact the movie? (I want you to think of this first
because it's ENORMOUSLY powerful, it's the non-verbals of the video. But it's also easiest to
-How can you use METAPHORS and metaphorical representations to create the movie and emotions
and to package them shorter?
-How can you use TONALITY and tonality crescendos and silences, a la Jordan Belfort Straight Line
Persuasion system and also Bill McCartney in 30 for 30 'Gospel According to Mac' to make this most
-How do you add your elements from Made to Stick, Storyteller's Secret, Hitmakers, etc. to the video
or other media?
-How do you use the stuff from Presuasion to better persuade in it?
-How do you disarm the customer's Nos a la Jordan Belfort Straight Line Persuasion system so that
they can actually Listen to the benefits and properly experience the movie (they'll put the brakes on
their experience of the movie if they haven't gotten their Nos addressed yet)
-How do you create suspense, mystery, pattern interrupts, and cognitive dissonance NON-
VERBALLY (via metaphor, cinematography, the way things are cut, etc.)
-How do you most vividly TAKE THE USER THROUGH A SENSORY EXPERIENCE that elicits
the emotions and creates the movie that you want them to go through?
You can't do all of these steps for every idea you have. Or if you do, you'll never execute anything. For
that reason, we have to say that the old adage is wrong. Yes, ideas are worthless without execution. Yes
ideas are a dime a dozen. But GOOD ideas aren't a dime a dozen. Good ideas that can be scaled, that
can be launched and then smoothly scaled with minimal resources, that play out a great movie in the
customer's mind, etc. Execution without good ideas is equally worthless, and most people never
acknowledge that. In fact the world's full of a bunch of executors, maybe not ultra talented ones – but
certainly willing ones, without good ideas.

So your first step (which you should keep doing every time you hit a wall and don't yet have the
business you want) is to brainstorm and research and find inspiration to generate a bunch of possible

Then you should judge and rank the ideas. These are some good questions:
1) Does the idea either EXCITE customers/play out a great theater/inspire their imagination? Or does it
solve an important and valuable problem for a business?
-Note that I didn't ask does it solve an important problem for customers, because that's a bitch to sell
unless you can MAKE it excite the customer and play out a great movie.
2) Is the product over $150? Or is it consumable so people need it over and over? Or is it a platform?
Or is it a digital product with a possible audience in excess of 20 million or so (since you'll never get
ALL of your possible audience)
-If not, can you sell the product through chain stores and can you make that happen? Otherwise it
likely won't make a ton of money by the time you're done advertising online.
3) Do the numbers. Now can you realistically start making a good profit per month in a time frame you
consider acceptable?
4) Can you build and start DELIVERING the product, no matter what it is, for an investment and an
amount of time that you could do like 5 more just like it as well?
-If not, you have to realize that you're likely to fail with 5 products before striking with one. So
going all in on one product only makes sense if it's BIG. Like your dream product. If it isn't that, then
you might want to consider something you can start delivering with less time/investment, so you can
start getting paid, so you can scale off of INCOME and not out of pocket
5) Can the idea make at least $1 million/year in profit if it goes well? But REALISTICALLY? If not,
you're risking getting stuck with something small and wishing it would scale. Also if it COULD
realistically make $1 million/year, it's more likely to take a bunch of effort and then top out at
6) Use the other formula we developed before or something like it to further rank/score the idea.
7) You want to know if a product is REALISTICALLY scalable before you even test it. Which actually
could be helped by some of the questions for HOW to scale that we developed before. Thus ask them
now, about the ideas:
7a) IF the good creation is Not fully digital, then do you scale the good creation by MONEY (via
reinvestment of profits or outside investments), or by PROBLEM SOLVING (by creating better
PROCESSES, or figuring out how to COMPOUND TOOLS to make better tools, or just inventing
better tools). Or by some combination therein
-This leads to a QUESTION you must ask: Can you create better PROCESSES OR TOOLS to scale
the good creation? Can you use tools to create better tools to create better tools for good creation?
-Could you not only afford the money and time to launch five products like this and start delivering
them, but can you ALSO self scale after that initial investment by re-investing the profits up until you
have the capacity to keep going and fulfill orders of any scale you want? Or to a scale large enough to
interest investors and get them to help you blow it up?
7b) Is it possible to crowdsource the good creation for this idea?
7c) Could you make the distribution go VIRAL? Can you think of any ways to GROWTH HACK the
7d) Can you PARTNER with someone who has distribution on the product?
7e) Can you create a great media story on the product and realistically get media coverage?
7f) Can you create STUNTS that would realistically draw media coverage or huge social viewing?
7g) Can you realistically sell for a good ROI through paid advertising, and then ALSO have the ability
to have LARGE SCALE through paid advertising that you can access? (the online market for bread on
Facebook... not so large)
7h) Can you INCENTIVIZE PEOPLE TO KEEP COMING BACK? Either for your product or
something related to it, but people who haven't bought back. OR by doing something else that the same
people who would buy your product would want to keep coming back for? (could be a forum, a tool,
content marketing, another product that's consumable, etc.)
{Basically the hardest parts to launching and early scaling of a product are distribution and affording
the early good fulfillment/delivery and then the early scaling of that. So these questions relate to if you
can launch and scale distribution of persuasion, and can do it realistically, and then also if you can
launch and scale actual fulfillment of whatever good it is}

Once your ideas have passed through these questions and the ones that survive have gotten ranked, you
now need to TEST your ideas against real customers. You probably don't want to go through all the
brainstorming and all the questions above for even every idea that survives. For instance, the questions
regarding creating video or other media to best persuade around the product are pretty involved. You
really want to go through those if you've already got something selling in a profitable manner with
promise of a much larger market

So now you do a real test sell and launch. Like an IndieGoGo with a $500 goal where you have the
ability to somehow manufacture and start delivering immediately. Or a larger goal where you have 1/3
of the goal available for advertising (or a little more... Would be totally shitty to spend 1/3 and not
reach your Kickstarter/IndieGoGo goal and lose it all because you don't have 40% available and need a
touch more).
If this goes well, then you can go through ALL of the scaling questions, brainstorms, and research and
really turn the concept into something. And that's basically how you create a business and a lot of

What's the Meaning of Society, Human Drives – And What does it Mean About Winning in Life?

I was watching a Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman episode about if there is a
purpose/meaning to life? That question wasn't any more answered by that show than by anything else...


They made one tremendously incredible point. From a biological standpoint, the goal of life – if not the
purpose – seems to be to advance the best possible algorithms.

That might be mind-blowing or way overly complex to just hear on the face of it. Let's unpack it.
Think of DNA. DNA is code, it's instructions. Like software code or a how to book. It's just a bunch of
chemicals that say how to do stuff.
Then we have the way biological organisms compete and reproduce: Whatever the most competitive
organisms are, they win and they reproduce more. That passes on their DNA. In other words, it passes
on their genetic code... In yet other words, it passes on their ALGORITHMS. Or their processes for
doing things and their design.
The DNA represents nothing more than instructions for building the organism, ie algorithms for
building the organism. And then instructions for how that organism will behave. And how it thinks, if it
This, then, means that biology winds up representing nothing more than a competition between
algorithms which ultimately just leads to the best algorithms being passed on. Whatever the best
solutions are, they get passed on.

The whole goal of life- whatever the best solutions are, they get passed on. Whatever the best solutions
are, they get passed on.

That's it.

It's insane. It's simple. It's beautiful. It's disturbing. It's surprising. It's all kind of a big solution finding

But in modern society, as we addressed, almost no one is really trying to survive. So what does this
mean to us?

They made a second point. Before agriculture, no one could specialize. Like we addressed before.
Ironically I saw that they discussed this topic three weeks after I realized the same thing myself riding
through Peruvian slums.
But ONCE people could specialize, it kicked off another competition. Now society became a
competition where the best ideas won. Using stone tools spread throughout all societies after one
person first invented them. Then using bronze tools steadily spread around societies everywhere but the
Americas after they were invented. Farming spread. Iron tools supplanted bronze tools. Building
techniques spread. Then written language slowly caught hold. Languages standardized, meaning
superior languages spread. Mathematics spread. More and more. Eventually even the printing press
spread. Then that allowed better spread of ideas. Which accelerated the competition between ideas and
better allowed ideas to spread when they won. That turned into electronic communication and
eventually even the internet.
Whenever an idea came up that better solved problems – like bronze tools over stone tools – its
advantages slowly made themselves obvious. And that concept spread. The bronze tools didn't multiply
themselves, humans multiplied bronze tools when they proved to be a superior idea.
The light bulb supplanted burning lanterns for the same reason. The car supplanted the horse and

Society is a bunch of specialists carrying things out better than a generalist could, and then trading. In
that process, the best ideas gradually compete and then spread. The best ideas that are entered strongly
enough into competition (via persuasion and distribution) eventually win and supplant worse ideas. So
society is over many decades basically a giant idea testing factory that advances and spreads the best
ideas. The best algorithms. If biology is an instructions competition and advancement procedure,
society is an idea competition and advancement procedure. Really, they're the same. In a way you could
argue that different societies are like different organisms. Rather than having tweaks on eyes and ears
and teeth and talons and hunting strategies, they have tweaks in laws and cultures and military
technologies and infrastructures and so on.
But if we're not trying to SURVIVE any more, what goals drive the competition? If there's a
competition that selects the best ideas, there must be a criteria that decides what 'best' is.

There is.

Because humans basically spend their entire lives trying to create the mental movies they are obsessed
with, the essential goal of humans is basically to achieve their mental movies. Societies are some form
of compromise between their members. That can have a different setup and distribution in different
societies, where the compromise is heavily skewed towards certain members in dictatorships, and then
skewed but a little less so in democracies and so on. What this results in is that societies are basically
designed around creating the mental movies of the individuals in them in order of the weighting that
those individuals are given.
In more plain English, a society is a thing that tries to create the movies of as many members of the
society as possible – but its skewed towards the people the society values more.

So now that most people survive in society, societies instead are focused around trying to create a
bunch of people's mental movies. This is why some things are illegal – because illegal things enhance
the mental movie of the doer, but hurt the mental movie of someone else. In almost all cases. There are
some pointless laws. At the same time, there has to be a bunch of compromises in order to try to
advance a bunch of different mental movies.

Why does that matter to us? Well, it means that ultimately this is what business and entrepreneurship
are. Business and entrepreneurship are, at their very core, competing over the best algorithms for
advancing the mental movies of people in society. Be better at advancing a small number of people's
mental movies in major ways, or better at advancing a large number of people's mental movies in a
number of ways, and you'll succeed. Your algorithms will win. They'll be advanced. You'll be
compensated. People vote on algorithms they think will advance their movies by paying money. A lot
of money means a lot of people voting that they think your algorithm will advance their movies. Which
is why distribution and persuasion are so key.

Your job is to advance other people's mental movies, or to help other companies and organizations do
so. That's true if you're an employee in the simplest job there is, or a billionaire entrepreneur. If you're
an entrepreneur or business person, your job is to out compete other algorithms for best creating mental
movies for people. Or, more specifically, for convincing them that you WILL best advance their mental
movies. Entrepreneurship is just a giant competition between algorithms for convincing people their
mental movies will most be advanced.

That's what it takes to win in life. Develop the best algorithms for convincing people you'll best
advance their mental movies. The more they get excited about the advance they think they'll get, the
more they'll spend on whatever you're doing. That's it. That's how you win at life. It's theater. Figure
out the mental movies your customers are obsessed with. Be the best playwright AND the best at
distributing your plays.

Oh, and one small request – don't cut this part of the book out and send it to anyone else. Not even your
best friend. If you want, show them how to do stuff in person – they can't wind up publishing that for
the whole internet. Business is competitive, and everyone who has this info raises the competition. And
then it no longer gives you a leg up. This info should just be to make people who are serious about
game and are motivated enough about changing their own lives into millionaires. Those people deserve
it because they're going all out and are serious about becoming the best people they can be. Other
people could give two shits and just want money. Let's keep a secret leg up over others to ourselves, in
our cool community of people that work hard on themselves. We deserve to be a bit of a secret society
and have a little extra edge. We've put a fuck load into this.

There you go! You came here to get girls and I literally just disclosed most of my deepest secrets and
years of hard won info on how to become a fucking millionaire too. You have noooo fucking idea how
valuable that shit is. I told you what cameras to buy and what lenses and what time of day to shoot!
And what audio gear to use and how to get good audio! That's straight up gangster, GANGSTER
fucking shit. A lot of people don't even WANT to tell others the gear they use for filming because they
don't want competitors to hang and they know it takes YEARS to learn those details. I even told you
how to export your video, the fonts and even the fucking CUTS to use. I literally just gave you 6
fucking years of my life on a platter, not to mention 10 years of game. Mother fucker. I almost don't
even want to put this out there it's not even fucking fair for you to just get this stuff and not realize the
gold that it is. But that's my ego speaking. At this point I've basically enabled you to do everything that
a guy needs to do to get girls and live epically. It's fucking invaluable. If you fail, that's on you for not
trying hard enough, really. Which is okay if you decided you didn't want it badly enough. But really,
you should fucking crush it.
Repay me by donating on the page and by passing this on to others. And by executing on it and living a
baller fucking life.
I need $80,000 to start my next dream. It's been quite difficult to do. I would be incredibly thankful if
we could trade. I haven't asked for hardly anything for this book so that people's lives will change. But
if you can trade with me – my specialization in studying and experimenting and writing to give you
this, in exchange for some money that I can put together to start my dream company – that would be a
dream come true. So if you think this was worth more than you paid for it, and you're willing to help
me out for specializing in this for a while so that you didn't have to, you can go on the website and
donate something. If 400 people give $200, that would be my $80,000 and then I can start my next
dream. I don't anticipate that to happen, but I have both over and underestimated people my whole life.
So who knows! Thanks for taking this ride with me at least!

Since I'm trying to raise at least $80k for my next venture I'll offer this: For 9,000 dollars/month I'll do
up to 15 hours a week of business coaching/assistance for anyone that wants it. You can use that for
help brainstorming, researching ideas, solving solutions, figuring out how to scale, setting up
manufacturing in China, figuring out and setting up your advertising (Google Adwords/Youtube,
Facebook, whatever), help studying and finding ideas... Whatever you want really, except me flying
somewhere. Having a physical engineering masters from one of the best universities in the world
(perennial top 3 and sometimes #1 in the U.S.), I can also help you engineer and prototype if you
choose, I can even do 3D prints for you, machining, etc – but you'll have to pay for the materials of
course. I guess you could even ask me game questions. This offer could change in price if there's too
much demand or if I'm making so much off my own products that it doesn't make sense to do this for
that price. And once I start my tech company I can maybe do this at most with one person, or probably
none. But for the meantime, you've seen my knowledge throughout this book and if you want to speed
up your process dramatically and make sure you're on the track to literally being a millionaire as soon
as possible, I'd be happy to help anyone that's read this far. I won't do less than 2 weeks, though,
because I want to actually make an impact if I'm going to even start. But I can just about guarantee
you'll have a profitable product within 3-5 months if you listen to everything I say, which might take 2-
5 years otherwise. If I could offer this to myself at 25 years old, despite the fact that 9,000 dollars
would've been a decent chunk for me then, it would have been 1000% worth it. I could've compressed
the last 6 years of various trial and error, dead ends, wasting money etc into probably 9 months or less.
And the result would be I'm sure I would've made 5-20x as much money over the last six years. A
serious, serious payout for 9000 dollars. E-mail if you're interested. I'm just
offering this to raise money for my next venture – like I said, you want to be creative about making
things happen and explore any possible avenues. And making money is all about creating good, so I'm
happy to create hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars of benefit for my readers through some

P.s. I can't sell stock to people that aren't qualified private investors... But for anyone that donates more
than 1000 dollars I CAN write your name down, and at a later time I can choose to donate stock to
whoever I choose. And even the guy that got like .1% of stock for graffiti painting Facebook's early
headquarters made something like $25 million or $50 million, because he was in there early enough.
Though you would just be donating as a thank you, perhaps that donation would encourage future
unrelated trade that would have future benefits.

Let me end by saying this: Your “ship will never come in.” You'll never “get lucky.” You'll never win
the lotto. You won't miraculously become a millionaire. You won't somehow meet the girl of your
dreams by total accident if the girl of your dreams looks like a Hollywood actress or a model (if she's a
7, could happen). This isn't the movies. Fuck the movies. You get only what you work 5 times as hard
as you should've needed to in order to get it. That's the truth, that's reality, that pans out over and over
and over again for billions of people the world over. Competition between people for resources is one
of the biggest reasons you'll ALWAYS have to work much harder than you should've needed to.
I've been gaming about 10 years, probably have approached 4,000 to 5,000 women. Do you know how
many times in that period that I just kind of 'wandered into' a girl that I was somewhat pleased with that
worked out pretty easily? I can think of about 4 total girls. And that's WITH me training and WITH me
approaching girls constantly. Every other girl was some level of battle or another. There's no movie
moment. Believing that with hard work on my end to grease the wheels, I'd eventually hit my movie
moment... That just fucked me up for a lot of years and never worked out. I even dated a girl once that
seemed like a movie situation, it also turned into the most viciously hard separation I've ever
experienced, we technically never even dated (just had a 'thing' for six months), and I never talk to her
and she changed completely as a person and sucks entirely. The good things that have come to me? Just
through hard fucking work, grinding, and constantly saving them from vanishing.
At the same time, like Tyler D says, there is no golden, special, happy tomorrow. The golden age is
NOW. What you get in life is determined by what you're doing RIGHT NOW. You won't do it
tomorrow if you wouldn't do it today. You won't get it tomorrow if you weren't doing 5 times more than
what you should have needed to do to get it today. How do you think I got the girls I wanted? I did 5
times as much as anyone probably would've told me would be necessary to get them. The same with
my sports success. The same with my business success thus far. And I'm preparing to do it all over
again with my business success tomorrow. This book even took 5 times longer than it seemed like it
would. So keep that in mind – anything you 'expect' to have happen for you in life, you better be
working 5x too hard to get it right now. And you better start getting it soon, because THIS is the golden
age of your life. Right now. It won't magically come to you tomorrow. Tomorrow you'll just be older,
and some of the readers, possibly you, will die tragically before too many tomorrows. So how do you
feel about your today?
Now that I've smacked you in the face, let me also say this – MANY people live INCREDIBLE lives.
But you first have to learn to be happy with what you have and to get rid of deep issues. You have to
REALIZE that this is the golden age now and have a SPARK FOR LIFE right now. The little things
and the big things, love it. If you want to know what I'm talking about, find and watch the PBS covered
presentation of the Mark Twain award for comedy when it was given to actor Bill Murray – it's an hour
of people describing stories of Bill Murray having a better spark for life than you or I could ever
imagine. If we could all go after life like Bill Murray and work on any of our deep issues, we'll have
lots of AMAZING todays. If you zoom in on the things that you're willing to put 5x too much effort
into to get, and focus on them and creatively and obsessively make it happen, you'll get most of them.
If you carefully decide whether you really want things or not, and make sure to cut out wanting
anything stupid that doesn't actually matter to experience in life, you'll much more easily get what you
really want. And be happy with it. And if you stay ENGAGED in life and present and enjoy it and
change the question you ask yourself on a normal basis about situations and the world, then you'll be
able to live out that spark for life. In other words, you can live an epic, amazing, happy life – if you're
smart about it and work for it, and if you work on yourself and try to provide good energy for those
around you. It's the 'Ifs' that the world doesn't like to tell you, and why most people AREN'T happy. Go
knock 'em dead!

How I'm Going to Structure Teaching if Anyone Wants to Learn from Me

So I'm launching a large tech company that is very serious and won't likely teach for more than a few
months. That means I likely won't teach long or many people. The only reason I'm willing to teach at
all is A) Most of all because I want to help some dudes live the life they really want to, and B) Because
I need to save investment money for that company.

I think the normal bootcamp structure is pretty stupid. You just learn some lessons and whatever and
then have to go off and apply them yourself when you basically just got this intro. I want people to get
a LOT more out of learning if they learn from me.
As such, this is what I'll do: For 9500 dollars I'll teach you and as many people as you want for seven
straight days. Basically Sunday through Saturday night. During that time, we'll start hanging out
sometime in the early afternoon, and then go all the way through a night out. We can address whatever
you want really – day game, night game, business, sports psychology, I don't really care. Probably day
and night game, maybe some online. The point is that I want you to absorb whatever I can give you
over an entire week. We'll grab meals together, I'll answer your questions, we'll game together, etc. That
way you'll really fucking change.
You have to get a group of people together, unless you want a one on one. If you want to bring 10
people for under a thousand each, go for it... but that's 10 ways my instruction will be divided. If you
can only get off work for a weekend, it's still 9500 dollars (10500 dollars most other places out of the
continental US), though you can add a second weekend for 4000 dollars more. Why? Two reasons –
one, I want you to find a way to take the week off so you actually learn. Two, it's not much easier for
me to go to whatever city for three days than for a week. And three, if you want me to stay for a second
weekend, I'm now there about 50% more time. Otherwise we can meet up after you get off work or
whatever too. It doesn't really matter that much.

Also, I'll give 500 dollars to anyone who refers an actual live training to me (whoever the first person
who says that they're referring that person to me is). If you haven't taken one yourself, send an e-mail
saying you're referring someone, then if they sign up and say you referred them, I'll Venmo you the
dollars once they've paid.
If you want standard teaching and a standard bootcamp, I'd highly highly recommend RSD Julien –
though I don't know if Julien teaches game bootcamps any more. Very closely behind them, I'd
recommend RSD Tyler and RSD Madison, as well as Vegas Immersion with RSD Luke. With
Lovesystems I don't think Venture teaches any more, and I'm honestly not sure which of my best
instructors from Lovesystems are still there. You can mix all of us together if you want too, after all
that's what this book is.


Let me End on this: If you enjoyed this book. If you possibly even think it will or has changed your
life, I wrote this with no hopes of making any money off of it – simply because I wanted to HELP
YOU. I wanted to help you have what I wish I had ten years ago. And I want to help as many people as
possible. So please, if you liked this book, tell two or three people that you honestly think would take it
seriously and would benefit from about it. Tell them your honest, honest opinion, and give them a link
to the website. Check back in a month and see if they got it. That's all. That way THEY have the
opportunity to benefit from my work and from something that helped you (hopefully a lot), as well. If
they choose not to read it even after you remind them, that's cool! That's their choice. But you and I
together can help people's lives in very, very deep ways. I once gave my first wing and one of my
closest friends a book on real estate development and took him out to San Diego with me... It changed
his entire life, he kills it now, has an amazing family that loves him (wife, kids, great friends). The
ability to change someone's life so deeply by introducing them to something is really incredible. Trust
me, five years from now one of those people that you get to buy this book might be in a TOTALLY
different place and might remember it for the rest of their lives. It's really fucking cool. If everyone in
this world deeply changed two or three other people's lives for the better, the world would be quite
amazing. One day I hope you will pass on information that changes your life to others as well! That's
why I wrote this, but it's only if you work with me and help other people benefit from this TOO that it
will go anywhere or mean anything. And please have them get the book through the website so I can
use that money to advertise the book to more people! If you can, donate so that I can launch my dream
company and pursue the next level of my dreams. I gave up a shit load of my life that I'll never get
back to figure this out so you don't have to, so it'd be fucking dope if you could help me take back my
life and get on with the next stage. And if you ever drop me the password while I'm partying with
models and bottles, you're invited to join the party. Let's do this!

Oh, and one last thing... You're fucking welcome ;)

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