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Datsetsave place /home2/n85/MSUEDW/stage/


main_program: Failed to initialize job monitoring. Monitor information will not be generated.

Job Monitor is know to have problems. Set APT_MONITOR_SIZE = 10000

and APT_MONITOR_TIME = 5. It might resolve the problem

Do you get any error if you disable APT_NO_JOBMON by setting it TRUE?

I have set APT_NO_JOBMON to false.

Did you recently stop and start the DS Engine? If yes then you need to explicity start the JobMon by
issueing "./jobmoninit" command. Thats how it works on unix. I am assuming the same is true for

When running a parellel job, I am getting the following warning message:

Failed to initialize job monitoring. Monitor information will not be generated. [osh.C:754].

I have set APT_NO_JOBMON to false.

What would cause this error and how do I fix the problem.

earch the forum. It might be the case, for example, that the job monitor has run out of space for its log

u can enable APT_PM_MONITOR to true , set this to T, it wil show perf stats
We have this problem. Sometime, the JOBMON process ceases to run and must be restarted. It is still
unknown why it stops but to quickly resolve the issue, I get the network admin to run a restart on the
process and the problem is resolved. Before asking for a restart, check friend.kak solution to see if the
monitor is set.

One way is to run "jobmoninit start" from the PXEngine\java directory. In a command window,
type something like:


      set APT_ORCHHOME=c:\ ... <wherever> \PXEngine 


      set APT_ORCHHOME=C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine 

Followed by:


      cd C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine\java
      sh jobmoninit start

You may get a message such as:

Another JobMonApp which was not started from C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine

is using ports in C:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine/etc/jobmon_ports.
Modify jobmon_ports file to select unused ports and run jobmoninit start again.

I think that means it's already started - can't see any specific command to check if its running. If
in doubt you could try:


      sh jobmoninit stop
      sh jobmoninit start
As a temporary work around disabled APT_NO_JOBMON from administrator, but still looking for

Restarted the production server?

If it goes then no problem

I think its a temporary problem.

restart the server. if it comes again then reply with the following settings


You need to go your ../DataStage/PXEngine.751/java directory to re-start the jobmoninit by issuing the
follwong command:
sh jobmoninit start $APT_ORCHHOME

I do this every so often on our Windows servers.

Log into your windows server with admin right then...

Open a command prompt and cd to D:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine\java then execute the


D:\IBM\InformationServer\Server\PXEngine\java>sh (HIT ENTER)

$ APT_ORCHHOME="D:/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine" (HIT ENTER)
$ ./jobmoninit start (HIT ENTER) You will be notified that Job Monitoring has been enabled.

StringToDate(Convert("'", "", inputcolumn),"%mm/%dd/%yyyy")

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