May (1994)

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Conceptual aspects of the quantification of the extent

of biological diversity
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OXJ 3PS, U.K.


1. Introduction: from genes to ecosystems 13

2. How many species have ever lived? 14
3. Estimating contemporary species numbers 15
(a) Terrestrial insects 15
(b) Marine macrofauna 16
(c) Fungi 16
(d) Microorganisms 16
(e) Parasite diversity 16
(f) Differences between biodiversity on land and in the sea 16
(g) Geographical distributions and ranges 17
(h) Sibling species 17
4. Quantifying the 'taxonomic distinctiveness' of a species 17
5. The workforce and the database 18
References 19

This paper begins by asking to what extent numbers of species are an adequate measure of biological
diversity, either locally or globally; both for evolutionary understanding and for practical applications,
biodiversity may often be better quantified at lower or higher levels, from genes to ecosystems. The
subsequent discussion, however, focuses on species, and discusses questions that arise in estimating how
many species there have ever been, how many there currently are in various taxonomic groups, and how
we may quantify the differing degrees of 'independent evolutionary history' or 'taxonomic distinctive-
ness' in different species or groups. I conclude with opinions about how the practical task of identifying
and recording species diversity might be better managed.

'500 rule' was never intended as more than an initial

and crude guess (Lande 1988).
At the opposite extreme, we do not have to embrace
Biological diversity exists at many different levels, the wilder poetic flights of the Gaians to acknowledge
from the genetic diversity within local populations that ecosystems can usefully be regarded as supr:a-
of a species, or between geographically distinct organisms for many discussions of the way biological
populations of the same species, all the way up to and physical processes entwine to maintain the
communities or ecosystems. biosphere as a place where life can flourish. For
Depending on the context, any one of this nested many discussions of the role of plants in cloud
hierarchy oflevels can be of predominant importance. formation and structure, or in water or carbon
At the most fundamental evolutionary level, the dioxide balance more generally, we do best by
genetic diversity within species is the raw stuff upon dealing with functional aggregates. The same is true
which evolutionary processes act. On shorter time- of discussions of soil formation and maintenance,
scales, such genetic variability enables a species to cope where a diverse array of functional communities of
with old and new pathogens, environmental fluctua- organisms (rather than individual species) are the
tions, and so on. We still lack a clear understanding of effective units to be studied.
how the long-term survival of many species is likely to Alongside the sweep from intrapopulation genetic
be affected by recent and severe reduction in the sizes diversity to ecosystem diversity there lies another rich
of their populations, either in the wild or as 'rescued' spectrum of levels, ranging from interpopulation
populations in captive-breeding programmes; Lande's diversity or races within a defined species, through a

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1994) 345, 13-20 © 1994 The Royal Society and the author
Printed in Great Britain 13
14 R. M. May Quantifying biodiversity

hierarchy of taxonomic levels from genus to kingdom. sward with a wildflower mix will establish a weed-
Quantification of diversity at these distinct taxonomic fighting combination that controls and chokes
levels is different from the hierarchy that ascends from troublesome annuals like sterile brome and cleavers
species through communities to ecosystems. Taxo- . . . the border will also harbour insects which eat
nomic hierarchies generally emphasize evolutionary cereal pests' (Anon 1994). This theme is expanded by
origins and relationships, often against the back- Smith et al. ( 1994). The use of currently available
ground of the 600 million year (Ma), or longer, commercial wildflower seed mixtures for these
span of the fossil record; species-community- purposes, and also for distribution along road
ecosystem hierarchies tend to emphasize contempo- margins and so on, is increasingly advocated both
rary ecological similarities and differences in different for the practical purpose of weed and pest control, as
environmental and geographical settings. just noted, but also on general grounds of enhancing
In short, biological diversity can be quantified or restoring biodiversity. Unfortunately, much of this
in many different ways, at many different levels. praiseworthy but nai:ve enthusiasm for biodiversity is
Commonly, however, we choose numbers of species. based on a Victorian-chocolate-box-top vision of
This is sensible, both for practical purposes and for wildflowers in the British countryside. The British
more fundamental reasons. countryside in fact exhibits great local variation, and
Take the practical reasons first. Effective action different regional populations of particular wildflower
needs money, and money ultimately depends on species can show large differences in morphology and
widespread support among the general public. It is genetic composltwn (A. T. Jones, private com-
easier to recognize 'biodiversity' immanent in munication). Restoration programmes need to take
species- especially charismatic vertebrates or colour- account of such local variability, and to ensure it is
ful plants- than in gene pools or ecosystems. conserved. This requires working with local farmers,
At a more operational level, we can preserve using Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI's),
endangered species, either in captive-breeding pro- nature reserves, and rich meadows. Elevated Per-
grammes ex situ or, when possible, in situ. Preserving sonages scattering commercial wildflower mixtures
an endangered species' gene pool is not only a from speeding cars along road margins may make
more abstract concept, but it involves a range of good magazine copy, but whether the long-term
unanswered scientific questions. Today's populations contribution to plant diversity in Britain is positive
of Pere David's deer are genetically greatly impover- or negative is not clear.
ished, yet seem healthy and viable. How would they Another instance of well-intentioned practice,
fare if we could perform the imaginary experiment of guided, however, by visual rather than scientific
reintroducing them into their original, human-free considerations, is the widespread recent planting of
environment? Past whale bottlenecks and present hedges along newly widened roads in Britain. Such
cheetah homozygosity present parallel questions hedgerow preservation is praiseworthy, but usually
which challenge contemporary understanding. uses non-native hawthorns and other alien species,
At the opposite extreme, preserving ecosystems mainly from eastern Europe (where seed-collecting
rather than species is simply more difficult (although costs are significantly lower than in Britain). But there
correspondingly more important, in my opinion). is evidence (Jones 1994) that alien forms perform less
Preserving the Guam rail in captive-breeding pro- well than native ones as hedgerow material, probably
grammes is one thing; preserving Guam's ecosystems owing to poorer ecological adaptations to local
is another. More generally, operational assessment at environments. Here is an example where, visual
the level of species survival is relatively straight- impressions to the contrary, the interests of biological
forward, whereas assessment of the meaning of diversity are not being well-served (and the long-term
observed changes in, for example, the relative costs of preserving these hedges may well offset the
abundances of species in an ecosystem is fraught initial savings).
with uncertainty and ambiguity (witness the continu- The basic message of this extensive introduction
ing controversies about the naturalness or otherwise of is that biological diversity has many dimensions.
Acanthaster outbreaks in coral reef communities, or of Summarizing it by a simple species count, as is done
the role of fire in many ecosystems). in the rest of my chapter, can often obscure
For these reasons, the bulk of this paper deals with conceptual understanding, and can sometimes do
conceptual issues surrounding the assessment of how harm in practice.
many species there have ever been on earth, how
many there are today, and how we might quantify the
relative 'taxonomic distinctiveness' of different species.
In so doing, I follow most of the other authors in this As a background to quantifying present species
volume. Before proceeding, however, I stress some richness, it is useful to examine the fossil record of
concrete examples of practical problems that arise plants and animals over the past 600 Ma or so, since
from too mindless a focus on simple species counting. the Cambrian. Estimates of the lifespans of species in
A variety of factors, including concern for the the fossil record, from origination to extinction, are
conservation of wildflowers and insects, is leading to mainly indirect; the best are based on computer
some changes in agricultural practice in parts of analyses of large numbers of cohorts of fossil genera
Britain. These include wider field margins, where (Raup 1978). May et al. ( 1994) have summarized a
'trials have shown that sowing a 2m perennial grassy variety of such estimates, which suggest the average

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Quantifying biodiversity R. M. May 15

species lifespan is around 5-l 0 Ma. There is, fishes. In short, one of the basic conceptual issues in
however, much variability both within and among quantifying biological diversity is the extent to which a
groups. Thus the characteristic lifespan of mammal 'species' does or does not represent the same unit of
species in the fossil record is roughly l Ma, whereas evolutionary currency for a bacterium, a protozoan, a
there are suggestions that insect species may be mite, and a bird.
unusually long-lived, at least in north-temperate
regions (Coope 1994; Labandeira & Sepkoski 1993).
Even within marine invertebrates, for which Raup
( 1978) assigned an average species lifespan of ll Ma,
there are significant variations from group to group; Other papers in this volume deal with estimates
Mesozoic ammonoids, for instance, have an average of species numbers, either for particular groups
species' lifespan of only l-2 Ma. in particular places, or more generally (see also
Sepkoski ( 1992) suggests that species diversity in the Hammond 1992; May 1994). So what follows is only
fossil record has, very roughly and with severe a sketchy guide to what I see as some of the
fluctuations, increased linearly over the 600 Ma of conceptual problems. I have chosen to list these
the Phanerozoic. If we combine this with an estimated conceptual issues under the heading of particular
species' lifespan of 5-l 0 Ma before extinction, we taxonomic groups, rather than more abstractly.
conclude that roughly 2-4% of all species of plants
and animals ever to have lived are alive today.
(a) Terrestrial insects
Around 95% of the roughly 250 000 species in the
fossil record are, however, marine animals (Sepkoski Erwin's (1982) provocative assessment of numbers
1992; Raup 1976). This contrasts greatly with the of insect species, by a chain of argument anchored to
situation today, where only 15% or so of recorded numbers of beetle species in the canopy of particular
species of plants and animals are found in the sea; tropical tree species, brings several conceptual issues
most (56%) are terrestrial insects. So conclusions into sharp focus.
drawn from average patterns in the fossil record could First, it raises questions about extending compari-
be misleading. Although the fossil record for insects is sons from one geographical location to another. Even
much more fragmentary than for shallow-water if roughly 20% of canopy beetles are effectively
invertebrates, the indication is that insect diversity specialized to Luehea seemannii at a particular study
has risen steadily- very roughly, linearly- over the site, how do we know these same beetle species do not
past 450 Ma or so (Labandeira & Sepkoski 1993). If effectively specialize on other tree species at other
we take l 0 Ma as the average lifespan of an insect sites? Or that L. seemannii has a different effectively
species, from origination to extinction, we would thus specialized beetle fauna elsewhere? Examples which
conclude that at least 5% of all plant and animal illustrates such complications, and cut across any
species are alive today; this figure could be larger simple 'scaling-up', are discussed by Thomas ( 1990)
if average insect species' lifespans exceeded 10 Ma and May (l990a).
and/or if insect species' diversity increased faster than Second, a related question is what we mean by
linearly throughout the Mesozoic (May et al. 1994). 'effectively specialized', and how we assess it (May
To put this in a different (and more trenchant) way, l990a). What proportion (Pi) of the beetle species
the fossil record, being so dominated by marine found on L. seemannii is found on i other tree species?
invertebrates, may be unrepresentative of the history What general guidelines can basic ecological theory
of life on earth over the past 400 Ma or so, when offer us? (Not many!) Even relatively simple,
terrestrial insects may have dominated (Briggs 1994). technical questions have received surprisingly little
In drawing comparisons across geological epochs, attention: to what extent will sampling problems
and- even more- across taxonomic groups, we must obscure efforts to assess Pi from comprehensive field
worry whether we are comparing like with like. There studies, and how large need samples be so that
certainly are problems with 'taxonomic inflation' over ecological signals are not overwhelmed by sampling
the years; what was a genus to Linnaeus might be a nmse.
family, or even an order, today (Sepkoski 1992). These Third, to what extent can we trust figures for
instabilities, applying differently to different groups, canopy beetle species to be broadly representative of,
and depending to some degree on the different say, ants? Hammond discusses these issues more fully
attention given to different groups, create problems elsewhere in this collection (see also Hammond 1992,
when we try to make comparisons or to draw inferences 1994; May l990a).
about the history of particular groups of species from Fourth- and to sound for the first time a tocsin that
their superspecific taxonomy (Patterson & Smith will ring throughout this section- to what extent are
1989). Such methodological differences among taxo- Erwin's extrapolations likely to be consistent with the
nomic groups show up in other fundamental ways. For fraction of species in his collections which are
example, Selander ( 1985) has observed that different previously unrecorded (remember, Erwin's samples
strains of what is currently classified as a single have not yet been 'keyed out')? Erwin's chain of
bacterial species, Legionella pneumophila, have nucleo- argument suggests 30 million species of (tropical)
tide sequence homologies (as revealed by DNA insects. But only around l million insect species have
hybridization) of less than 50%; this is as large as the been recorded. Thus, on average, we might expect
characteristic genetic distance between mammals and only around 3% of Erwin's as-yet-unidentified beetle

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16 R. M. May Quantifying biodiversity

species (or less than 40 of his 1100 + canopy beetle 70 000 species of fungi, sensu lato, are recognized. But
species from L. seemannii) to be already known. I will for Britain's comparatively well-studied species of
be amazed if this is the case (and I would chance a fungi and vascular plants, the ratio is around 6: 1. If
guess that 30% is more likely). This form of 'check' this ratio applies globally to the quarter million or so
seems to me to be an important constraint on any plant species, we arrive at an estimated 1.5 million
extrapolation or indirect assessment of species rich- species of fungi. And this estimate is in some ways
ness. Of course, the fraction of a newly studied flora or conservative; for example, it has not allowed for fungi
fauna that has been previously recorded is likely to associated with insects and other animals.
vary greatly from place to place and group to group For one thing, this estimate implies that, on
(Hammond 1992, 1994 and this volume). And these average, about 95% of the fungal species found in a
kinds of crude numerical estimates of fractions newly studied region should be previously unrecorded
previously recorded ignore complications that can ones. In fact, the proportion of new species found in
arise from significant disparities in the relative most of such studies is typically 15-30%, and rarely
abundances of different species. But even so, the higher. This proportion, however, depends to some
most extreme of such figures from recent studies rarely extent on the intensity and length of time over which
exceed 50% new species (May 1994). studies are conducted; Hawksworth ( 1993) cites
tropical examples where 50-70% of even the larger
fungi have proved to be undescribed. Here, again, I am
(b) Marine macrofauna
appealing to the check of any extrapolated estimate
Grassle & Maciolek ( 1992) proposed a global total against secure facts about what fraction of species in
of 10 million or more marine molluscs, crustaceans, previously unstudied areas are new to science.
polychaete worms and other benthic macrofauna. For another thing, Hawksworth's estimate raises
These estimates were extrapolations from 'box-core' questions about extrapolating from Britain, which
samples from the ocean floor. Because fewer than from an Australian viewpoint is a damp and fungal
200 000 such marine species are currently recorded, place, to other regions. This issue is covered more fully
this estimate would seem broadly to suggest 2% or by Hammond (this volume; see also Thomas 1990).
fewer recorded species in samples from really new
places; no such extreme figures have been found (May
(d) Microorganisms
1992, 1993; but see Poore & Wilson 1993). This re-
echoes the point made in the preceding paragraph. The many questions surrounding the biological
Grassle & Maciolek's ( 1992) influential and diversity of microorganisms- a group which created
stimulating paper raises another important concep- the oxygen-rich biosphere, and which plays a crucial
tual issue, relevant to biodiversity assessment. They role in maintaining soils and other ecosystem services
suggest that the underlying cause of the great ocean- - are discussed more fully elsewhere in this collection
floor species richness which they project is, first, that (see also Hammond 1994; May 1990a, 1994). To
the input of nutrients to sediments is inherently my mind, the central conceptual issues are the
patchy and ephemeral and, second, that sediment- operational differences between definitions of a
dwellers themselves create small-scale disturbances species for some groups of microorganisms (especially
which further increase environmental heterogeneity. viral 'quasispecies') versus, say, birds and mammals.
Such spatio-temporal heterogeneity and disturbance
is recognized by ecologists as a powerful promoter of
(e) Parasite diversity
diversity. All this is, they suggest, compounded by the
lack of barriers (compared with terrestrial environ- By the same token, it could reasonably be argued
ments) to long-distance dispersal, which allows distant that for each species of metazoan or vascular plant
migrants to contribute to reshuffling patterns of local there is at least one specialized species of parasitic
diversity. My worry about these ideas is that, if nematode and protozoan, along with at least one
long-distance movement is an important cog in the species of bacterium and virus. Thus any estimate of
machinery maintaining overall diversity, then you plant and animal diversity can be multiplied by five,
cannot extrapolate a 'local' rate of adding species at a stroke. Even if we relegate bacteria and viruses to
with area (as Grassle & Maciolek do) beyond the a different category of biodiversity, we still have a
characteristic distance scale on which the dispersal/ multiplicative factor of three. I am unsure what the
diversity mechanism operates. More generally, any conceptual or practical consequences are. Certainly
kind of scaling-up or extrapolation should be based on there will be no lobby to save threatened nematodes
a clear understanding of the distance scales which and protozoans.
characterise underlying ecological processes. This will
often be an unhelpful counsel of perfection, but it
(f) Differences between biodiversity on land and in
is nevertheless a conceptual issue which I think
the sea
invalidates several estimates based on such scaling-up.
As noted earlier, only 15% or fewer of recorded
species inhabit the marine realm. But the sea is
(c) Fungi
increasingly represented as we move to higher
Another interesting and dramatic upward revision taxonomic levels, from genus to phylum. Indeed, at
is by Hawksworth (1991) for fungi. Currently some the level of phylum, or basic body-plan, diversity is

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Quantifying biodiversity R. M. May 17

much greater in the sea (32 of 33 phyla in the sea, scientists who study their alpha taxonomy. They
versus 12 of33 on land, by one classification; or, at the arrive in museums either as colourless corpses in jars of
level of class, 73 animal classes in the sea, 35 in formalin, or as skeletal material alone. The bills are
freshwater, and 33 on land (Nicol 1971)). Possible often delicate structures whose normal shape cannot
reasons for this are listed by May ( 1994), but there is be reliably inferred from preserved material. Growth
no generally agreed understanding. This is a major is often indeterminate, and weather can affect both
'conceptual issue'. the size and shape of the skeleton. Field observations
are generally limited to a few hours a day, and
identification keys, where they exist, generally lack
(g) Geographical distributions and ranges
information on colour pattern and bill shape.
Implicit in several of the questions raised above are Communication between individuals probably occurs
comparisons among the characteristic geographical via pheromones, as there are few auditory or visual
ranges of different species and different groups. displays. Con tact chemicals or micrometereological
Fenchel ( 1993; see also Hammond 1994) has recently conditions appear to shape preferences for nesting and
suggested that- at least in the sea, and possibly feeding sites.' Underlining the consequent problems,
more generally- small organisms (roughly l o- 4 m she asks whether, under these circumstances, we would
and below) may typically have wider geographical not see Darwin's finches or MacArthur's warblers
distributions than those of intermediate size (as as single species, with obvious implications for our
exemplified by insects and mites). He has docu- ecological understanding.
mented this for some marine protozoans and
invertebrates, and conjectures that it might explain
the humped-shape distribution of numbers of species
versus physical size, found in studies of particular
groups and more generally by May (1978). IfFenchel As we move from the furries and featheries, down
is right, this could explain why the total number through the innumerable species of insects, and on
of protozoan species is an order-of-magnitude less down to bacteria and viruses, sentimental concern
than the global number of invertebrate species, yet does not merely wane. It changes sign. We mourn
typically more protozoan species than invertebrate extinction of bird and mammal species, whereas we
species are found in any one pond: the protozoan are about to celebrate the deliberate extinction of the
species have larger geographical distributions than the smallpox virus. These are facts, but they lack any
invertebrate species. conceptual underpinning.
Here again is a central ecological and evolutionary Vane-Wright et al. (1991) were the first to suggest
question, which clearly relates to many of the that, for conservation purposes, we should quantify
questions about scaling-up and extrapolation that the relative values we attach to different species. The
are raised above, and by other authors in this scheme they proposed attempts, in essentials, to assign
collection. Lacking centralized inventories and an objective value to the 'taxonomic distinctiveness' or
codifications of such information about ranges, degree of 'independent evolutionary history' (rEH)
across different taxonomic groups and different that is vested in a given species. Such a weighting is
characteristic sizes of individuals, we are only just made relative to other members of a group. Although
beginning to deal with these questions. currently there is much activity in this area, no one
(to my knowledge) has yet made a start on extending
IEH valuation across disparate taxonomic groups.
(h) Sibling species
The tuatara (Sphenodon), for example, is a large,
Knowlton (1993) has recently surveyed evidence iguana-like reptile which is the sole survivor of a
which suggests sibling species- species which are group that flourished in the Triassic. Today it survives
difficult or impossible to distinguish based on their as two species on a few islets off the coast of New
available morphological characters- are common in Zealand. The tuatara branched off from the main
all major marine groups and habitats. She argues that stem of the reptile's phylogenetic tree so long ago, and
such widespread misidentification of a group of truly is so distinctive, that it comes close to being a two-
distinct species as being a single species arises partly species subclass of its own (Daugherty et al. 1990).
from inadequate study of morphological features and How do we value the tuatara against any other species
partly because such groups diverge in habitat, life of reptile? At one democratic extreme, we could
history, and chemical recognition systems without regard all species as equally important, each a unique
parallel divergence in morphology. As reviewed by evolutionary product; in this view, the tuatara is no
Knowlton, a large number of abundant, well-studied, more important than any other among the roughly
and/or economically important taxa have recently 6000 species of reptiles. At the opposite extreme, we
been shown to be complexes of sibling species. might give equal weight to each 'sister group' in the
The sibling species phenomenon clearly poses phylogenetic tree of reptiles; on this basis, the two
problems both for taxonomic research on certain species of tuatara would be weighed equally with the
groups, and for ecological and evolutionary under- sum of all 6000 other reptile species. Vane-Wright et
standing that is based on such taxonomy. As al. (1991) propose a sensible middle way, based on the
Knowlton ( 1993) writes: 'consider a world where topology of the phylogenetic branching diagram,
birds are only occasionally seen alive by the handful of which seeks to value species according to some

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18 R. M. May Quantifying biodiversity

rough measure of their taxonomic distinctiveness or Systematic information about how the taxonomic
IEH, and which gives results intermediate between the workforce is deployed among the various taxonomic
two extremes just outlined (the tuatara, on this groups is hard to get. This fact is itself revealing, and
scheme, would represent something like a few percent unfortunate. One survey, based on information from
of the taxonomic distinctiveness found among reptiles, Australia, the U.S.A. and the U.K. (Gaston & May
intermediate between the 0.03% of the democratic 1992), can be broadly summarized as saying that the
extreme and the 50% of the opposite extreme; May, taxonomic workforce in each of these three countries is
1990b). roughly evenly divided among vertebrates, inverte-
Various refinements of these basic ideas are being brates, and vascular plants; microorganisms typically
actively pursued (Faith 1992, 1993, this volume; account for less than 5%. Taking a very conservative
Williams et al. 1991; Crozier 1992). Ideally, if we estimate of 3 million invertebrate species as the global
had some quantitative measure of the branch lengths total, this means the ratio of taxonomists to species is
within the phylogenetic tree of the group in question, an order-of-magnitude greater for vertebrates than for
we could unambiguously quantify the amount of IEH plants, and two orders-of-magnitude greater for
vested in a species, by adding up the lengths of the vertebrates than for invertebrates. These disparities
branches which connect it to the base of the tree and are mirrored in publications per species (May 1988).
appropriately discounting all shared branches (Faith This is no way to run a business.
1992, 1993; May & Nee 1994). Ifwe could preserve Gaston & May ( 1992) also make the indirect
only, say, half the species in the group, the optimum estimate that only about 6% of practising taxonomists
choice would then be found by maximizing the (professionals and serious amateurs) are based in
summed branch length that was preserved. How- developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin
ever, generally we have only the topology of the tree, America. This 6% figure is similar to the corres-
without quantitative measures of the various branch ponding estimates for other scientific subjects. Such a
lengths; in this case, the best procedure would be to similarity is, of course, to be expected, but the figure
assign the branches the lengths that are, on average, has a different significance than it has, for example,
most likely for this particular topology, and then go for numbers of mathematicians or chemists: the
forward on this basis. Such a procedure will, of course, greatest part of the planet's terrestrial diversity-
often in fact be suboptimal, because the underlying both recorded and unrecorded - is in just those
evolutionary tree differs from the statistically tropical countries where only such a small fraction
'expected' one. In general, however, extensive of the taxonomic workforce is based
theoretical simulations of choices made on a topolo- This mismatch between the geographical location
gical basis, from artificially generated trees whose of the workforce and its workload gives special point
underlying branch lengths are known, suggest that to how we organize the information we have.
values assigned in this way are close to the 'true' ones First, we simply need to be moving faster to
(May & Nee 1994). Ultimately, our question is how coordinate the information that already exists, on
much of the IEH within a group will be preserved if we file cards and computers, scattered around the world's
can only save, say, 10 of 20 species? The simulations major and minor museums and other collections. This
referred to above suggest that, for the 10 of20 cases, we requires money, but on nothing like the scale we
can on average preserve 82% of the group's IEH if we currently fund library catalogues or astronomical
have quantitative information about branch lengths, enterprises (the taxonomy and systematics of stars,
77% ifwe have only topological information about the in effect): many of the planet's species look to have a
branching structure of the phylogenetic tree, and 63% if shelf life shorter than our richly and carefully
we must choose at random (May & Nee 1994). preserved books, much less the average star. Con-
Real situations will obviously involve many other ceptual questions arise in the design of such
important considerations, including other measures of coordinated databases. They need, where possible,
the relative values of species (for example, in preserving to go beyond basic taxonomic information, codifying
'ecosystem services', or in possessing unusual beha- information about species distributions, vegetation
vioural or ecological properties that are not capt~red types, climate, and the physiographic variables which
by crude measures of genetic distances), and political influence where a species may live. A leading example
and economic constraints on which areas may be of such a database is Australia's Environmental
preserved. Any programme of assessment and quanti- Resources Information Network (ERIN). The result is
fication of biological diversity needs to go beyond mere that ERIN can predict, for example, where new
species counting, and move towards developing a populations of an endangered species with a limited
'calculus of diversity' along the lines just sketched. known range might be expected to be found, or what
regions are likely to become trouble spots of
endangered species in the near future. ERIN has also
been a pioneer in dealing with vexed questions of
No survey of conceptual aspects of the assessment of ownership of data, and who should pay how much to
biological diversity is complete without consideration acquire it, and under what circumstances. I do realize
of how the effort is being deployed, and how the the difficulties here: Stork & Hine ( 1994), for instance,
emerging information will be organized. These estimate that 40% of the roughly 400 000 recorded
questions are, of course, addressed elsewhere, but a species of beetles are known from only one site. But we
few of the conceptual issues deserve emphasis. must do the best we can, using informed guesses (and

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Quantifying biodiversity R. M. May 19

calibrating information with indices to indicate its earth, and even of why it is that number, rather than
reliability; see Hammond, this volume). many more or less. At current rates of advance, it is
Second, these databases must be widely available even conceivable that species identifications and
and 'customer friendly'. We need to accelerate current subsequent taxonomic assignments will be based
efforts for international cooperation and coordination, primarily on automated analyses of appropriately
so that common formats are increasingly agreed and chosen DNA or other molecular material, keyed out
used. against synoptic molecular cladograms. But the
Third, we should be forward-looking in the addition of new species, and the movement toward a
compilation and use of these databases. Using comprehensive account of the treasurehouse of
CD-ROM, we can store images of type-specimens; three- biological diversity that billions of years of evolution
dimensional hologram images should be the norm of have bequeathed us, will, I believe, necessarily
the future. Here is one way partly to remedy the accumulate more slowly.
mismatch between where the information is- in the
collections of the major museums of natural history in
Europe and the U.S.A., legacies of an imperial past- REFERENCES
and where the biodiversity is: in the developing
Anon. 1994 Wildlife-friendly weed control. Eng. Nat. 12
countries of tropical Africa, Asia and America. More (March), 12.
than this, we should be aiming to combine these Briggs, J.C. 1994 The great extinction myth. Nature, Lond.
synoptic databases with computerized keys. In (In the press.)
this way, the laborious and time-consuming task of Coope, G .R. 1994 The response of insect faunas to glacial-
identifying species, and of assessing which species interglacial climate fluctuations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond.
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