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Quantifying and sustaining biodiversity in tropical

agricultural landscapes
Chase D. Mendenhalla,b,c,1, Analisa Shields-Estradaa,b, Arjun J. Krishnaswamia,d, and Gretchen C. Dailya,b,e,f,1
Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; bDepartment of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; cThe Nature
Conservancy, Arlington, VA 22203; dDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; eStanford Woods
Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; and fThe Natural Capital Project, c/o Department of Biology and Stanford Woods
Institute, Stanford, CA 94305

Edited by Simon A. Levin, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and approved September 27, 2016 (received
for review May 19, 2016)

Decision-makers increasingly seek scientific guidance on investing limitation is a bit ironic, because ecosystem services science was
in nature, but biodiversity remains difficult to estimate across diverse opened originally as a pathway for understanding human dependence
landscapes. Here, we develop empirically based models for quanti- on biodiversity and for motivating efforts to stem biodiversity
fying biodiversity across space. We focus on agricultural lands in the loss (15–17).
tropical forest biome, wherein lies the greatest potential to conserve Here we address two key questions for guiding investments in
or lose biodiversity. We explore two questions, drawing from ecosystems services to benefit biodiversity. We seek answers to
empirical research oriented toward pioneering policies in Costa our questions in the context of Costa Rica, a nation remarkable
Rica. First, can remotely sensed tree cover serve as a reliable basis for its rich biodiversity and for its innovative ecosystem services
for improved estimation of biodiversity, from plots to regions? policies, launched in 1996, that presently pay landowners for ser-
Second, how does tropical biodiversity change across the land-use vices provided by forests ≥2.0 ha in size (18). The first question is
gradient from native forest to deforested cropland and pasture? whether tree cover estimates from satellites can serve as a reliable
We report on understory plants, nonflying mammals, bats, birds, basis for improved estimation of biodiversity, on scales ranging
reptiles, and amphibians. Using data from 67,737 observations of from plots to regions. The second question is how biodiversity
908 species, we test how tree cover influences biodiversity across changes along the land-use gradient from native forest to defor-
space. First, we find that fine-scale mapping of tree cover predicts ested crop and pasture lands, again on scales ranging from plots to
biodiversity within a taxon-specific radius (of 30–70 m) about a regions. We explore biodiversity at three levels: (i) the total
point in the landscape. Second, nearly 50% of the tree cover in number of species across a region (γ-diversity), broadly comparing
our study region is embedded in countryside forest elements, forested and deforested areas; (ii) the total number of species at a
small (typically 0.05–100 ha) clusters or strips of trees on private point or plot on a landscape (α-diversity); and (iii) changes in
property. Third, most species use multiple habitat types, including species and abundances across different habitats (β-diversity). We
crop fields and pastures (to which 15% of species are restricted), draw lessons from an intensively studied region of Costa Rica and
although some taxa depend on forest (57% of species are restricted then generalize our findings through an intensive survey of studies
to forest elements). Our findings are supported by comparisons of 90 across Latin America. We focus on the tropical forest biome be-
studies across Latin America. They provide a basis for a planning cause it hosts most of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity.
tool that guides investments in tropical forest biodiversity similar
to those for securing ecosystem services. Results
To guide investments in biodiversity across previously for-
conservation science countryside biogeography | ecosystem services | ested agricultural landscapes, we first asked what character-
extinctions species–area relationship istics of a region can be remotely sensed using satellite images
to quantify biodiversity across space. We focused on remotely

W hat is the potential of sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem

services in agricultural landscapes? The future of biodiversity
hinges on the answer, given the limited scope for expanding pro-
sensing tree cover because it is a good predictor of biodiversity
in deforested tropical regions (3, 19). Moreover, we start our
approach by identifying tree cover at the finest spatial scales
tected areas. Moreover, the generation and delivery of many vital feasible using satellite images, for two reasons. First, pre-
ecosystem services occurs on local to regional scales in social– vious studies of bats and birds suggest that biodiversity re-
ecological systems where people make their livelihoods through sponds to changes in small areas, such as the area inside a
cropping, grazing, forestry, and other rural activities. The answer circle with a 50- to 70-m radius (3, 19). Second, resampling or
is incomplete, but appears to be “high” (e.g., refs. 1–3). A further aggregating tree cover from smaller to larger scales is simple
question, however, is how can this potential for conservation into with spatial data. To estimate biodiversity for our regional
the Anthropocene can be realized, with land use, other dimen- case study, we created a finely detailed tree cover map for Coto
sions of global change, and rates of extinction intensifying rapidly
worldwide (4–6) and weak institutions for protecting the global
commons (7)? This paper results from the Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of
Efforts to secure biodiversity and ecosystem services in rural Sciences, “Coupled Human and Environmental Systems,” held March 14–15, 2016, at the
National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. The complete program and video
landscapes are expanding and becoming more sophisticated (e.g., recordings of most presentations are available on the NAS website at www.nasonline.
refs. 8 and 9). In the case of ecosystem services, both scientific and org/Coupled_Human_and_Environmental_Systems.
policy support for targeting investments have advanced rapidly (10, Author contributions: C.D.M. and G.C.D. designed research; C.D.M., A.S.-E., and A.J.K.
11). In China, for example, 200 million people presently are being performed research; C.D.M. analyzed data; and C.D.M. and G.C.D. wrote the paper.
paid to engage in conservation and restoration activities; since The authors declare no conflict of interest.
2000 these investments have resulted in many ecosystem service This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
improvements, although not in biodiversity, at a national scale (12, 1
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: or gdaily@
13). By contrast, scientific support for targeting biodiversity in-
vestments remains limited by relatively coarse and underdeveloped This article contains supporting information online at
data, models, practical tools, and implementation efforts (14). This 1073/pnas.1604981113/-/DCSupplemental.

14544–14551 | PNAS | December 20, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 51

Fig. 1. Using tree cover, we spatially modeled biodiversity across a diverse region of Costa Rica. (A) First, we remotely sensed tree cover at a fine spatial
resolution (0.61 m) across the canton of Coto Brus (934 km2). (B) Tree cover is concentrated in protected areas. (C) Nearly 50% of tree cover in Coto Brus is
embedded in smaller countryside forest elements (0.05–100 ha), clusters, or strips of trees. We created models that predict biodiversity at a point in space,
using the proportion of tree cover within a spatial scale specific to each taxonomic group.

Brus, Costa Rica (Fig. 1A) by measuring the surface area of When we used our remote sensing technique to estimate tree
land covered by large tree canopies (≥10 m in diameter). We cover, fully 100% of the 46 randomly selected sites across the
identified all the tree cover across the 934-km2 Costa Rican Coto Brus region agreed with ground observations of habitat
canton (Fig. 1B). classifications of forest and nonforest. Moreover, measurements

A Total number of plant and vertebrate B

1.0 Las Cruces
species from Coto Brus, Costa Rica
0.9 Forest Reserve &
0.8 smaller forest
Propportion of speciies

Las Cruces Forest Reserve &

countryside forest elements sites only elements only
0.6 Both
Crop field &
0.1 pasture sites only
137 249 522 0.0
NF mammals (22)
Bats (40)

Reptiles (39)
Amphibians (28)
Plants (5516)

Birds (2263)

Crop field & pasture sites only

Fig. 2. (A) Of the 908 species recorded at all sites, 58% were observed only in forest sites, and 15% were observed only in crop field and pasture sites.
(B) Taxonomic groups varied in their response to deforestation and use of crop fields and pastures. Overall, the total number of species in each broad habitat
type of forest and nonforest, i.e., the γ-diversity of each habitat, was 771 species from all sites in forest elements (n = 101) and 386 species from all sites in crop
fields and pastures (n = 81). NF mammals, nonflying mammals.

Mendenhall et al. PNAS | December 20, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 51 | 14545
of canopy cover taken inside each 0.05-ha site across the region
showed no differences in canopy cover between forest sites inside A 140 B 14 Las Cruces Forest Reserve
Countryside forest elements
Plants 12 Crop fields & pastures

Modeled species richness (mean ± SD )

a protected area (Las Cruces Forest Reserve) (Fig. 1B) and 120

Observed species richness

forest sites on private property (mean canopy cover ± SD, 84 ± 10
14% canopy cover, n = 23 sites). Sites in crop fields, mostly 8
coffee plantations, and pastures had significantly less tree canopy 80
* 6
cover than sites inside forests (mean canopy cover ± SD, 43 ± 60 Non-flying
34%; n = 23 sites), much of it in the form of banana plants and 4 mammals
trees used for agricultural purposes. 2
According to our remotely sensed tree cover map, nearly 50% 20
of the tree cover in Coto Brus is embedded in rural agricultural 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
land, much of it in small and complexly configured “countryside Crop fields & Countryside forest Las Cruces Forest
pastures (n = 9) elements (n = 27) Reserve (n = 8)
Proportion of tree cover within 70 m
forest elements” mostly on private property (Fig. 1C). These
elements comprise trees lining property boundaries, scattered C 40 Las Cruces Forest Reserve
Countryside forest elements
D 200
across pastures, and in winding, filamentous configurations over

± CI )

± )
Crop fields 160

Modeled species richness (estimate ±SE

Modeled species richness (estimate ±95
complex terrain in interconnected forms that typically cannot 30
be considered isolated forest patches. Collectively, countryside 25 120 Birds
forest elements cover ca. 264 km2, i.e., 40% of the 654 km2 of 20 100
the land outside the protected areas (Fig. 1B). 15 Bats
Taken together, tree cover estimates at a fine scale reveal two 10
40 Las Cruces Forest Reserve
broad habitat types in Coto Brus, where we conducted bio- 5 Countryside forest elements
diversity sampling: (i) forest elements, both inside legally pro- Crop fields
0 0
tected areas (public and private) and on legally unprotected 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
private property, and (ii) crop fields and pastures, virtually all Proportion of tree cover within 60 m Proportion tree cover within 30 m
on legally unprotected private property. To quantify the total
number of species in these two broad habitat types, we sampled E 10
9 Reptiles
F 10
forested sites (in both the Las Cruces Forest Reserve and in 2- to
Observed species richness (mean ± SD )

Observed species richness (mean ± SD )

100-ha countryside forest elements of various ages and shapes, 8 8

n = 101 sites) and deforested sites (crop fields and pastures, n = 7 7

81 sites). 6 6

We made 67,737 plant and animal observations, for a total of 5 5

908 species at all sites. We found 771 species in the forest sites 4 4

(including both the Las Cruces Forest Reserve and the coun- 3 3

tryside forest elements sites) and 386 species in crop fields and 2 2

pastures (Fig. 2A). Only 4% of the 516 plant species were exotic, 1 1

and all vertebrate species were native to the region. (We ex- 0
Crop fields & Countryside forest Las Cruces Forest
Crop fields & Countryside forest Las Cruces Forest
cluded humans, horses, cattle, cats, and dogs from all analyses). pastures (n = 24) elements (n=12) Reserve (n = 3) pastures (n = 24) elements (n=12) Reserve (n = 3)

Overall, 58% of all species were encountered only in forest sites,

Fig. 3. Increasing the proportion of local tree cover generally increases the
15% of species were encountered only in crop field and pasture
total number of species at a point, i.e., the α-diversity. (A) The number of plant
sites, and 27% were observed in both (Fig. 2B). Plant species species was the same in sites located in forest elements (light and dark green)
showed the greatest differences between the two broad habitat but was halved at sites in crop fields and pastures (yellow). (B–D) The number
types in total number of species, with 407 species observed only in of nonflying mammal species at a point responded strongly to the amount of
forest sites, 87 species observed only in crop field and pasture sites, tree cover measured within 70 m of a site (B), whereas the numbers of bat
and 22 species observed in both. Of the 392 vertebrate species, we (C) and bird (D) species at a point on a landscape were explained best by the
observed 115 species only in forest sites, 50 species only in crop amount of tree cover measured within 60 m and 30 m of the site, respectively.
field and pasture sites, and 227 species in both (Fig. 2B). (E and F) The numbers of reptile (E) and amphibian (F) species did not increase
In four of the six taxonomic groups sampled (i.e., plants, significantly in sites with higher amounts of local tree cover, but a trend was
nonflying mammals, bats, and birds) the number of species at a site
(α-diversity) increased significantly as the amount of tree cover at a
site increased. For example, the number of plant species was the
0.001, n = 21) (Fig. 3D and Table S4) for the two different,
same among forest sites located in the Las Cruces Forest Reserve
and countryside forest elements, but sites located in crop fields and overlapping bird communities, as described further in a
pastures contained about half the number of plant species (R2 = β-diversity analysis. The number of reptile and amphibian species
0.40, P < 0.001, n = 44) (Fig. 3A and Table S1). Medium- to large- did not vary significantly across sites, but trends suggest more species
sized nonflying mammal species (>1 kg in size) were the verte- at sites with more tree cover (Fig. 3 E and F) and also show evidence
brates most sensitive to deforestation, never venturing into open of overlapping biological communities in further β-diversity analyses.
areas (i.e. with <15% tree cover within 70 m) over nearly a year of Taken together, these results show that adding tree cover to a
continuous camera trapping, even when bait was present (R2 = tropical forest region generally increases the number of species at a
0.70, P < 0.001, n = 21) (Fig. 3B and Table S2). The number of bat point or plot.
species decreased by about a third in sites with no tree cover within We tested for changes in species and abundances across dif-
60 m (R2 = 0.32, P = 0.008, n = 18) (Fig. 3C and Table S3). ferent habitats, i.e., β-diversity between sites, in two ways, first by
The number of bird species at a site responded differently to comparing the relative abundances of each species from forest
the proportion of tree cover. The area of tree cover within a 30-m and nonforest sites, and second, by comparing abundance-based
radius correlated best with the number of small bird species at community similarity coefficients at forest and nonforest sites.
a given point. However, because 24 bird species live exclusively First, the relative abundances of each species were calculated for
in agricultural land and many species thrive in that habitat, es- sites in the Las Cruces Forest Reserve, forest sites in country-
pecially as tree canopies increase in size (19; Fig. 2), two distinct side forest elements, and sites in crop fields and pastures. After
species–area curves related to tree cover emerge (R2 = 0.67, P < adjusting for sampling effort across multiple sites, a total of 30%

14546 | Mendenhall et al.

forest elements (Fig. 4 C–F). Note the decreasing order of sen-
A B sitivity to deforestation.
Next, to test statistically for changes in species and abundances
across different habitats, i.e., β-diversity, we compared abundance-
based community similarity coefficients at forest and nonforest sites.
All taxonomic groups differed significantly in their abundance-
based community similarity coefficients when categorized into forest
sites and nonforest sites. Permutational multivariate ANOVAs
(PERMANOVAs) detected the strongest differences in abundance-
based community composition between forest sites (including the
Las Cruces Forest Reserve and countryside forest elements) and
crop fields and pastures: plants, F1,42 = 9.60, P < 0.001 (Fig. 5A);
nonflying mammals, F1,19 = 3.57, P = 0.005 (Fig. 5B); bats, F1,249 =
C D 24.65, P < 0.001 (Fig. 5C); birds, F1,607 = 128.76, P < 0.001 (Fig. 5D);
reptiles, F1,36 = 6.67, P < 0.001 (Fig. 5E); and amphibians, F1,36 =
5.60, P = 0.01 (Fig. 5F). Essentially, shifts in abundance and
changes in species composition in all taxonomic groups from forest
to nonforest has resulted in the formation of two overlapping

A Las Cruces Forest Reserve

Countryside forest elements
Plants B Non-flying

Crop fields & pastures

E F Dimension 2

Dimension 2
Stress = 27.5; n = 44 sites Stress = 19.9; n = 20 sites
516 species; 16,257 individuals 22 species; 2,975 observations
Dimension 1 Dimension 1

Dimension 2

Dimension 2
Fig. 4. Plots A–F show changes in abundances for each species across dif-
ferent habitats (i.e., a measure of β-diversity) for 908 species. A total of
67,737 individual plants and animals were recorded in sites distributed across
three broad categories: (i ) Las Cruces Forest Reserve (dark green);
(ii) countryside forest elements (light green); and (iii) crop fields and pastures
(yellow). Most species used multiple habitat types, including crop fields and
pastures. The forest-dependency rank ranges from forest avoidance (on the Stress = 34.8, n = 251 mist nets Stress = 28.1, n = 609 mist nets
40 species; 4,020 individuals 263 species; 40,008 individuals
left side of the x axis) to forest dependence (on the right side of the x axis)
and was determined by comparing relative abundance in the Las Cruces Dimension 1 Dimension 1
Forest Reserve (dark green) with that in crop fields and pastures (yellow). All
proportions of populations account for differences in sampling effort among E Reptiles F Amphibians

the three habitat types.

Dimension 2

Dimension 2

of the 67,737 plant and animal observations were recorded inside

the Las Cruces Forest Reserve, 38% in countryside forest ele-
ments, and 32% in crop fields and pastures (Fig. 4).
Species varied greatly in their dependence on forest, with 54%
of the 908 species found in multiple habitat types (Fig. 4). Of the
Stress = 23.3, n = 38 sites Stress = 24.5, n = 38 sites
516 plant species, we classified 75% as forest dependent because 39 species; 685 observations 28 species; 981 observations
>50% of their population was observed in forest sites, inclusive Dimension 1 Dimension 1
of the Las Cruces Forest Reserve (Fig. 4A). Of the 22 nonflying
mammal species, only three species (a rabbit, an opossum, and a Fig. 5. Significant shifts in community composition across different habitats
squirrel) preferred crop fields and pastures with >50% of their (a measure of β-diversity) occur among all taxonomic groups. Shown in A–F
observations occurring there; these data suggest that 86% of all are nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots that depict abundance-based
nonflying mammal species are dependent on forest elements community-similarity coefficients among all sites (or individual mist nets for
(Fig. 4B). Finally, assuming that a species is forest dependent if this analysis in C and D). Closer proximity represents greater similarity in
sites’ community composition. All taxonomic groups were significantly dis-
>50% of the individuals are observed in forest sites, inclusive of similar in community composition when split into two broad habitat types:
the Las Cruces Forest Reserve, we find that 88% of the 40 bat forest [including the Las Cruces Forest Reserve (dark green points) and
species, 61% of the 263 bird species, 59% of the 39 reptile countryside forest elements (light green points)] and crop fields and pastures
species, and 54% of the 28 amphibian species are dependent on (yellow points).

Mendenhall et al. PNAS | December 20, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 51 | 14547
biological communities in our study region—a larger, more bio- To generalize our findings beyond the study region in Costa Rica,
diverse community associated with forest and a smaller, less bio- we conducted a literature survey of countryside biogeographic
diverse community associated with agricultural land (Figs. 2 and 5). studies of plants, nonflying mammals, bats, birds, reptiles, and
amphibians in the tropical forest biome across Latin America.
Of 857 reviewed articles, 19 (from Brazil, Costa Rica, Guate-
mala, Mexico, and Panama) met our criteria for study design and
A reporting of data (Table S5). We were able to extract data for 90
100 study comparisons of biodiversity change across different habitats
Countryside forest elements
representing the six taxonomic groups that we focused on in Costa
Crop fields & pastures Rica (Dataset S1). The 90 study comparisons tested for differences
Proportion of study comparisions

80 in the number of species (α-diversity) at sites in countryside forest

(33) elements or at sites in crop fields and pastures compared with the
number of species at sites in minimally altered forest (>100 ha in
(25) size). In total, 29% of the 90 study comparisons reported a signif-
icant loss of species in crop fields and pastures compared with
minimally altered forest, 68% reported no change, and 7% reported
a significant increase in the number of species (Fig. 6A).
40 (15)
Moreover, of the 29 study comparisons that tested for shifts in
abundances and/or changes in species composition between forested
(11) and deforested areas, 25 reported significant changes in β-diversity
20 using various metrics. Finally, data published in 12 studies (20–31) of
(3) (3) five vertebrate taxa (i.e., nonflying mammals, bats, birds, reptiles, and
amphibians) supported the argument that two overlapping biological
communities form with deforestation—one community associated
0 with forest and a smaller, less biodiverse community associated
Decline Same Increase with agricultural land (Fig. 6B). (Tests to determine general
trends between taxonomic groups were not permitted because of
Change in species richness compared to data deficiency.)
minimally altered forest (> 100 ha in size)
Protected areas span only 13% of the global land surface, and in
B Total number of vertebrate species from reality these areas are only partially protected (32), suggesting
that the future of terrestrial biodiversity depends in large part on
12 other studies across Latin America the effect of agricultural use of unprotected lands (33–36). We
developed an approach for quantifying the relationship between
Minimally altered forest (> 100 ha in size) local tree cover and biodiversity (Fig. 3). Nearly 50% of the rural
& countryside forest elements sites only agricultural countryside of Coto Brus, our study region, is cov-
Both ered by trees, much of it in small forest elements of varied ages,
shapes, and sizes along rivers, steep terrain, and property bound-
aries (Fig. 1B). These forest elements, together with the agricultural
land in which they are embedded, support significant dimensions of
biodiversity, whereas the adjacent crop fields and pastures support
a different community (2, 3).
Despite the biodiversity found in deforested habitats, pro-
tected areas remain critical because most species at risk for ex-
100 235 397 tinction in the tropical forest biome require expansive forests.
For example, 9% of 908 species in our study were completely
dependent on the local protected area, occurring only in the Las
Cruces Forest Reserve. Moreover, several local extinctions have
occurred in the region because of habitat loss and poaching (37).
Our approach for modeling biodiversity across a tropical agri-
cultural region can inform conservation policies by quantifying
biodiversity using remotely sensed tree cover to scale from plots to
Crop field & pasture sites only regions. By selecting specific spatial scales to measure the area of
Fig. 6. Across Latin America, the biodiversity of the tropical forest biome is
tree cover for our α-diversity models that predict the number of
experiencing change and loss much in the same way as we report for Coto Brus, species at a site, our approach accounts for forest configuration
Costa Rica. (A) A survey of comparisons of species richness representing 3,041 (38) and operationalizes the universal species–area relationship
species of plants, nonflying mammals, bats, birds, reptiles, and amphibians (39). Finally, the region we use as a case study has >10% natural
throughout Latin America revealed that sites located inside countryside forest habitat for most species; therefore large effects on biodiversity
elements usually support the same number of species as sites located in minimally resulting from habitat fragmentation are not expected (40). Of
altered forest. Comparisons of species richness in minimally altered forests and in course, our approach requires testing and adjustment based on the
crop fields and pastures revealed greater losses in species richness, but 58% of the ecological contexts in which it might be applied. Moreover, our
comparisons between those habitat types were still statistically indistinguishable.
approach relies on high-quality inputs that will come from im-
(B) Community shift statistics from 29 studies and data from 12 studies of species
occurrences throughout Latin America in three broad habitats for species of
provements in tree cover mapping and remote sensing. To repli-
nonflying mammals (47 species), bats (62 species), birds (460 species), reptiles (67 cate our approach, global estimates of tree cover are needed to
species), and amphibians (96 species) confirmed that deforestation is leading to guide investments in biodiversity and ecosystem services, especially
the formation of a novel, less biodiverse community that overlaps with a larger, in the tropical forest biome where biodiversity is concentrated and
more diverse biological community associated with tropical forests. farms are small family businesses.

14548 | Mendenhall et al.

In practice, conservation applications of the predictive bio- sites in the Las Cruces Forest Reserve, the last large forest tract at mid-
diversity models we present can be used to insulate protected areas elevation and thus serving as a protected regional baseline; (ii) 14 sites in
and to diversify farmland in once-forested landscapes. Specifically, forest elements of various ages and sizes; and (iii) 23 sites in crop fields and
pastures. In each site we surveyed vegetation to check whether the Google
our models predicting the number of species at a site (α-diversity;
Earth tree-cover map matched the tree cover observed in the field.
Tables S2–S4) coupled with results that describe the kinds of
species at a site (β-diversity) support arguments that increasing tree Biodiversity. To measure biodiversity, we identified and counted the abun-
cover around existing forest reserves will lead to small gains in the dances of plants and all vertebrate taxa: nonflying mammals, bats, birds,
number of species, but the species gained tend to be rare, unique, reptiles, and amphibians. We sampled plants and wildlife using standardized,
and at risk for extinction because of deforestation (2, 3, 41, 42) Our systematic techniques appropriate for each taxon over extensive time periods
results also suggest that conservation efforts to diversify farmland (e.g., 1–5 y), with substantial trapping effort (i.e., ∼95,000 mist net hours and
by increasing tree cover in and around crop fields and pastures ∼15,000 trap nights), and at spatially independent sites across Coto Brus (i.e.,
leads to large gains in the number of species, but the species gained 18–44 sites per taxa). We used sampling in the protected Las Cruces Forest
tend to be common. Our results provide a theoretical basis for Reserve as the regional baseline of minimally altered forest after sampling in
La Amistad International Park (25 km away) revealed no differences in the
aligning conservation strategies to slow extinctions and for boosting
total number of species recorded at that sampling site (i.e., in α-diversity)
some ecosystem services by buffering remaining forests with wild-
compared with sites in the Las Cruces Forest Reserve. We also conducted
life-friendly farmland and regenerating forests where politically sampling in a suite of countryside forest elements of different ages and sizes
feasible, given demands to farm the planet (43). and in deforested crop fields, mostly coffee plantations, and in pastures used
Our work supports valuing farming systems in Costa Rica for grazing. Biodiversity sampling of animals was conducted and approved
and Latin America—including coffee plantations, pastures, and under Stanford University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
remnants of forests— holistically for the provision of biodiversity (IACUC), Assurance Number: A3213-01, Protocol: 26920.
benefits as well as crops, forage, timber, carbon sequestration,
water quality, scenic beauty, and other ecosystem services. In our Understory Plant Biodiversity. We used ground surveys to sample understory
study, remotely sensed tree cover serves as a reliable basis for plants, identifying and counting all plants that fell inside a 1-m2 frame, in-
cluding trees, shrubs, vines, forbs, grasses, and domestic plants. We selected

estimating biodiversity, on scales from plots to regions. Specifi-
sites randomly using Global Information System (GIS) software and repli-
cally, we find that increasing the amount of tree cover on private

cated the 1-m2 sampling systematically 20 times in a total of 44 sites, each
property leads to increases in the richness of plant, nonflying measuring 500 m2. We surveyed plants in four major habitat types: cattle
mammal, bat, and bird species at the plot level. Moreover, tree pastures (three sites), coffee plantations (six sites), countryside forest ele-
cover on private property contributes to regional biodiversity by ments (2- to 100-ha forest; 27 sites), and the Las Cruces Forest Reserve (eight
supporting the larger, more biologically diverse communities sites). Understory plant biodiversity was aggregated for each site by pooling
associated with tropical forests. Our survey of Latin American the 20 replicates of the 1-m2 frame inside each site. Plant species richness
biodiversity and similar work on other continents, e.g., in an values for each site were modeled using techniques that account for de-
>2,000-y-old tropical agricultural system in the Western Ghats tection biases (46).
of India (44), demonstrate that it is possible to sustain patterns
of relatively high biodiversity after deforestation when farming Bird Biodiversity. We sampled birds through constant-effort mist netting,
ecosystems are heterogeneous, incorporate elements of naturally using 20 12 × 2.6 m, 38-mm mesh ground-level mist nets in sites that covered
3–5 ha. We conducted sampling between January 25 and May 12 for 6 y
occurring habitats, and grow perennial crops.
(2007–2012) at 21 sites in three major habitat types: coffee plantation (nine
In grasslands and other biomes not dominated by forests or sites), countryside forest elements (2- to 100-ha forest; nine sites), and in the
situated in the tropics, sustaining the conservation values of ag- Las Cruces Forest Reserve (three sites). We primarily captured passerines and
ricultural lands will depend on successfully identifying the fea- other small birds, species that comprise the majority of the avifauna in the
tures of agricultural lands linked with native biodiversity and area. We fitted each captured bird with a unique aluminum leg ring,
local ecosystem services. In the context of Costa Rica, with an recorded the mist net location of capture, and released the bird at the
established program of payment for ecosystem services that has capture site. Bird species richness values for each site were modeled using
incentivized forest conservation and restoration on private techniques that account for detection biases (46).
property for 20 y, our approach of spatially linking tree cover at
taxon-specific spatial scales to biodiversity patterns can be used Bat Biodiversity. We used constant-effort mist netting to sample bats, placing
20 12 × 2.6 m 38-mm mesh ground-level mist nets in a site that covered 3–5 ha.
as a basis for developing spatial planning tools to target invest-
We conducted sampling between January 24 and March 28 for 4 y (2007–
ments in biodiversity and align values with goals to protect water,
2010) at 18 sites in three major habitat types: coffee plantations (six sites),
store carbon, and provide scenic beauty. We share a replicable countryside forest elements (2- to 100-ha forest; nine sites), and the Las
approach for reducing extinctions caused by tropical de- Cruces Forest Reserve (three sites). We sampled birds at all sites where bats
forestation and demonstrate it in the context of an existing policy were sampled. We primarily captured fruit bats; these species comprise the
that pays farmers for ecosystem services and biodiversity on their majority of the bats in the area (3). We fitted all captured bats with a unique
properties. collar, noted the net location of capture, and released bats at the capture
site. Bat species richness values for each site were modeled using a Bayesian
Methods occupancy model that accounts for detection biases.
Study Area. This research is being conducted in the rugged, hilly countryside
of Coto Brus, a canton of Costa Rica, across agricultural landscapes spanning Nonflying Mammal Biodiversity. We sampled medium-sized nonflying mammals
700–1,350 m elevation. The region, originally tropical premontane wet (>1 kg in size) using both passive and baited camera traps. Camera trap pro-
forest, was heavily deforested in the 1960s and early 1970s (45). Today, the tocols involved a motion-triggered camera trap fastened to a tree or post at 21
countryside comprises crop fields (mostly of coffee and diversified gardens), sites in four major habitat types of cattle pasture (three sites), coffee plantation
pasture, and trees scattered through crop fields and pastures, in strips bor- (six sites), countryside forest elements (2- to 100-ha forest; nine sites), and the
dering streams and property lines, and in forest elements of variable sizes Las Cruces Forest Reserve (three sites). We operated camera traps without bait
(typically 0.05–100 ha). The landscape and biogeography are described more for nearly 1 y (September 2014–July 2015) and operated camera traps with bait
fully elsewhere (33, 37). (two bananas and three chicken gizzards, replenished daily) for a total of 14
d at each site. All cameras were at ground level. Species excluded from all
Tree Cover Estimates. We created a finely detailed tree cover map by hand analyses were humans, horses, cattle, cats, and dogs. Observed species richness
digitizing aerial photographs in Google Earth for the 934-km2 canton of Coto of nonflying mammals at each site was used for analyses.
Brus. We used photographs taken in 2014 by commercial QuickBird satellites
at a 0.61-m spatial resolution. We collected ground-truth data at 46 ran- Reptile and Amphibian Biodiversity. We sampled reptiles and amphibians
domly selected plots measuring 500 m2 in three major habitat types: (i) nine using two complementary techniques: diurnal and nocturnal visual-encounter

Mendenhall et al. PNAS | December 20, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 51 | 14549
surveys and drift-fence trapping with pitfall and funnel traps. Six surveys for mist net was labeled by habitat type (i) Las Cruces Forest Reserve, (ii) countryside
reptiles and amphibians took place during the wet and dry seasons over 3 y forest elements, or (iii) crop fields and pastures (Fig. 5). Using PERMANOVA tests,
(2002–2004) at 39 sites in four major habitat types: cattle pasture (12 sites), we tested for significant differences and clustering of abundance-based
coffee plantation (12 sites), countryside forest element (2- to 100-ha forest; community similarity coefficients by habitat types.
12 sites), and the Las Cruces Forest Reserve (three sites). We identified cap-
tured individuals but did not mark them and released all animals at the Survey of Latin American Countryside Biogeography Studies. To gather evi-
capture site. Observed reptile and amphibians species richness values for dence to generalize our approach for modeling biodiversity on agricultural
each site were used for further analyses. lands, we performed a survey of biogeographic studies in other agricultural
landscapes where contiguous tropical forest once existed. We created a
Statistical Analyses. To quantify how biodiversity changes along the land-use search term to target countryside biogeography studies in Latin America that
gradient from protected native forests to deforested agricultural plots, we conducted richness sampling of plants, nonflying mammals, bats, birds,
explore biodiversity at three levels: (i) the total number of species in a region reptiles, and/or amphibians (Table S5). All 857 studies returned by the search
of forest and nonforest (the γ-diversity of each habitat), (ii) the total number term were evaluated for inclusion by two independent readers to extract
of species at a point on a landscape (α-diversity), and (iii) similarity in species data (Dataset S1). We considered data only from studies with at least three
and abundances across different habitats (β-diversity). sites in countryside forest elements or three sites in crop fields and/or pas-
To quantify changes in the total number of species at a point on a tures. Moreover, we required that studies consider at least three sites in
landscape, i.e., the α-diversity, we compared observed or modeled species minimally altered forest. We defined sites as minimally altered forest if they
richness estimates for each site and tested for differences among sites with were located in continuous forest or in large forest fragments (>100 ha in
different amounts of local tree cover. Plant and bird species richness was size). Countryside forest elements were defined as small clusters or strips of
modeled using Chao species richness estimates, and bat species richness was trees (0.05–100 ha in size), secondary forests, riparian forest remnants, live
estimated using a Bayesian occupancy model (46). We measured tree cover fences, and agricultural fields left to fallow at least 5 y ago. Sites in crop
at each site in two ways. In the first, we used three habitat categories of Las fields and pastures were located on land that is currently being cultivated
Cruces Forest Reserve, countryside forest elements, and crop fields and for growing crops or rearing animals and included land that had been used
pastures. In the later, more refined approach, we used the proportion of for agricultural purposes within 5 y.
tree cover within a taxon-specific area, defined as the spatial scale at which
species respond most strongly to a habitat variable (47) and hypothesized to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Federico Oviedo Brenes, Jeisson Figueroa
be inclusive of configuration (38). We compared all linear models at differ- Sandí, Paula Mesen Cabezas, and dozens of field assistants for help with
ent spatial scales using corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AICc). Including surveys of tree cover and biodiversity; Luke Frishkoff and Hannah Frank for
spatial structures in linear mixed effects models did not significantly influence modeling bat species richness estimates; Ania Wrona and Leithen M’Gonigle
results and was not done in final analyses. for help with tree cover calculations; the dozens of landowners in
To quantify changes in abundances across different habitats, the Costa Rica who graciously allowed us to conduct field work on their prop-
β-diversity, we calculated the relative abundance for each species in each habitat erty; and Paul R. Ehrlich, Gerardo Ceballos, and Rakan A. Zahawi for pro-
ductive collaboration in the supportive environment of the Las Cruces
type and adjusted by sampling effort in space and time. Additionally, we
Biological Station of the Organization for Tropical Studies. This work was
tested statistically for changes in species and abundances across different
supported by the Moore Family Foundation, the Winslow Foundation, the
habitats (β-diversity) by testing for differences among sites using abundance- Haberfeld family, and Peter and Helen Bing. C.D.M. was supported by the
based community similarity coefficients (46, 48). For each taxonomic group Bing Fellowship in Honor of Paul Ehrlich, a National Science Foundation
we aggregated captures and counts of all species by site and, for finer res- Graduate Research Fellowship, and a NatureNet Science Fellowship through
olution in this analysis, by specific mist net for birds and bats. Each site or The Nature Conservancy.

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