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 Начало  За Проекта   Интелектуални резултати  е-Обучение   Книга  Валоризация  Партньори

 Контакти (/bg/intellectual-outputs-2) (/bg/книга) (/bg/валоризация-с) (/bg/partners-2)


 Pure-H2O Папорт на уменията

5. Дезинфекция
 Pure-H2O Квалификации (/bg/pure-
Страница 6 от 6
Индекс на статията
 Ресурси (/bg/resources-2)
Използвана литература
 Онлайн Книга (/bg/онлайн-книга) 1. Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the Quality 5. ДЕЗИНФЕКЦИЯ (/bg/trainer-in-civil-engineering/lo-5)
 Книга в PDF (/bg/книга-в-pdf) of water intended for human consumption. OJ L 330, 5.12.1998, p.
32–54 5.2. Механизъм на действие на дезинфекцията (/bg/tra
2. Synthesis Report on the Quality of Drinking Water in the EU engineering/lo-5?start=1)
examining the Member States' reports for the period 2008-2010
under Directive 98/83/EC. REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION
5.3.Фактори, влияещи на дезинфекцията на водата (/bg
3. The consolidated version of the Regulation (EU) No 528/2012
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012
concerning the making available on the market and use of 5.4.Важни особености за определяне на CT (/bg/tra
biocidal products (BPR), engineering/lo-5?start=3)
uri=CELEX:02012R0528-20140425&from=EN) 5.5. Стандарти за прилагане на дезинфекция на водата (
4. NSF Guide to the European Standards for Drinking Water in-civil-engineering/lo-5?start=4)
Treatment Units, 2009 (
Използвана литература (/bg/trainer-in-civil-engineering/lo

Всички страници (/bg/trainer-in-civil-engineering/lo-5?sho

5. EU's drinking water standards, LENNTECH,
6. Design of Water Resources Systems. P. Purcell (ed.). Thomas Telford Limited,
Bristol 2003.
7. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. 2011. World Health Organization

 Предишна (/bg/trainer-in-civil-engineering/lo-5?start=4)

 Предишна (/bg/trainer-in-civil-engineering/lo-3) Следваща  (/bg/trainer-in-civil-eng

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