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Bornea , Richard Christopher C.


The concept of Gender and Sexuality have been interchangeably used and perceived along the
years, resulting to a lot of misconceptions and misusage of the words. The term “gender” may
have been related to “sex” but these terms have a massive difference in terms of definition,
usage and perception. Specifically, ‘sex” is defined as the biological difference between a male
and female individual. An individual’s sex is defined by the genitalia and the genetic make-up
that they possess , thus, making them either male or female. Gender, on the other hand is
much more complex than the latter. It can’t be easily defined by the biological structure of a
person since gender isn’t only dependent on the scientific components of the human body but
also on the psychological, social, cultural and physical aspects of an individual making it harder
to define. The complexity of the term has also brought its difficultness on a higher stage as
society progresses making a wide spectrum of differences on each gender identity. As it says
that gender denotes the social and cultural role of each sex within the society. These denotes a
stereotyping that has been present on a society due to a series of misconceptions. The video
entitled “ the impossible dream” an eight-minute silent animation film tackles a very common
stereotyping on the roles of an individual that was enclosed to their gender identity.
In the surface of where humanity lies and exist , we can never deny the inequality in broad
aspects, we are holistically unjust and deprived our own kind with the right and obligation
because of the mere difference in thoughts, in words and even in the mere biological structure
that we uniquely have. The said video animation, was a very simple yet evident and relevant in
our society especially here in our country. The animation was all about an average family with
two school aged sibling and a baby, both parents were working outside. It was a narrative of
the daily routines of a simple family but depicting the difference of the social that each gender
possess that was implied by the society. It was implicitly presented in the video, the unequal
social norms about the role a woman in the society. The women in the video was clearly
underrated, having the same working hours with men but with lower minimum wage. Also,
difference of the social roles in the household. We may realize that, in that simple animation
interpret a societal issue about the stigma of inequality in genders. We can never deny that
women have much more challenging role in responsibilities, they are entitled to claim heavier
decision makings and sacrifices that somewhat harder than the responsibilities a man possess
as maturing stage in life ascends. This stigma is a very ancient yet still existing in our society
which lead us to define and revision the question of is this stigma implies equality.
Thus, in coherence , we can say that this lingering ideology should already be revised
and cross out because this concept leads us to labelling social roles, of what an individual could
and what they should do. This limits the capacities of every individual regardless of the gender
he/she may have. Nonetheless, these kinds of thinking have only lead us only to indifferences.
We should focus on empowering all the wide scope of spectrum of gender to produce a much
productive environment and a more productive manpower that would contribute greatly on
the developing economy of our country.

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