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L: Hello girls

F: Hello, how are you girls?

K: Hi. I am very well and you?

L: Very good, I feel great.

F: I am great and very happy.

K: I tell you girls, that this weekend there is an offer at the cinema for 2 tickets, the third is

L: It will then be a reason to go to the movies.

F: Yes, that would be great. There are good movies on the cineplanet billboard.

L: I heard that the movie Avatar is very good.

F: Yes, it is known for its great special effects, and optical illusions.

K: It is said that they used 3D and 4D projections.

L: omg, we have to go see her.

F: yes. We will go on Saturday. We must agree on what our meeting point will be.

K: It could be at the bus station, on Arequipa street.

L: oh, it would be fine. It is close to everyone.

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