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SOC/WGS 206: No Más Bebés Film Response

What does the film reveal to us about the relationship between racial and sexual ideologies?
How did the state and medical institution utilize these ideologies to justify control over the
reproductive capacities of Mexican-American women?
Jessica Bamaca
Dr. Pham
Sociology: Sexuality and Society
Sunday, March 7th, 2021
Film Response Paper

The film No más bebés emphasizes the historically oppressive system the United States
has when handling the reproductive rights of female minorities including immigrants, African
American, and Indigenous. Minority women have been sterilized without consent nor knowledge
of what is being done to their bodies. Along with depicting what occurs to female minorities
during and after child birth, the film also strengthens the idea of sexuality being completely
intertwined with race. No más bebés highlights that race, sexuality and politics have always
controlled the female reproductive system through racist and stereotypical ideologies.

1960’s – 70’s
Sterilization of Mexican women . These patients were not to be pregnant again.
Asked if they wanted to “get rid of the pain after 8th contraction because that’s how it was
suppose to be done, under those circumstances.
Dr. Rosenfel - Whistlerblower he would spend in hour typing up letters explaining what was
going on. Involuntary sterilization without consent
Antonia Hernandez- attorney. Dr. Rosenfel told Hernandez about hat was going on. She went on
a hunt to look for these sterilized females with only hospital records.
Dolores Madrigal – the one with th seafood cravings
Melvina Hernandez- the one who wanted a girl
Consuelo Hermosillo – the one who wanted five kids
-These women had no idea they had been sterilized. The females were hearing about it for the
first time when Hernandez (attorney) asked “Do you know you have been sterilized
Dr. Neuman-

Dr. Rosenfeld heard another doctor tell him “All they do is screw drink and drive.”
“Mexican women are having too many kids”
Hermosillo- If you speak English they will treat you one way if you do not they wil treat you
Gloria Molina – Chicano activist – one female understood
Hernandez- was told by the doctor that it was either the baby or her life. He said I will save both
of you . Nurse told her sign these papers so that the doctor can have a c section. Did not find our
until 4 years later
1965 training- population control .
We are saving the planet from keeping these people from having kids
Population bomb
Elena Gutierrez- sociologist
Ehrlich author of population bomb
Joseph levin – civil right attorney –
Alexandra Stern historian – money coming from these programs to give to lower class “poor
peopl;e were having too many babies”
Quiligan Doctor- head doctor at the time. He was loved and an outstanding leader. All female
hospital. . Doctors told him they were not doing forced sterilization. He looked into problem but
he couldn’t believe it.
Karen Becker- nurse, hospital had just gotten huge grant to lower birth rate in A.African
American and Mexican women.
Carlos Velez/ Ibanez- witness expert: worked on case, did interviews.
Some of these females felt that they were not wom,en any more because that was their whole
life. They thought their husbands were going to leave them. Called Yeguas- sterilized horse.
Dolores Madrugal- her husband started to drink and would begin to hit her. He thought
sterilization was done so that females could have sex with other men.
Maria Hurtado- last child is 38 and he is barely finding out
Rise of Civil rights movement in Latino Hispanic community
Gloria Molina –female leader White feminist wanted sterilization upon demand as apposed to
Hispanic wanted a waiting period to sterilize
Reproductive rights being able to terminate childbearing ad having as many kids as she wants
Ten women signed as plaintiffs
Took a year and a half to get case ready. David vs. Goliath
Roe v Wade- women had a n individual right to procreate. Violation of constitutional right to
have children. – this was their case.
Jovita Rivera – one of the plaintiffs
Maria Figueroa- I think they thought they were little gods to repair the world but they can’t do
Dreyfus- journalist . She believes that he did not understand what was going on. He genuinely
thought none of his doctors were ding this
Nancy’s Vaessen- hospital attorney . Got Dr. Quilligan to not be present at law suit. Only actual
doctors who served and were there. Ten plaintiffs suing ten doctors .
Dr. Jerry Newman – busted our butts in order to provide care for a lot of people and got sued for
it. Did not believe any of his colleagues could do such a thing
Theses women were suffering from post traumatic stress.
Maria Figueroa – husband did not want anybody to find out. She could not testify , we’re.
Moving and I do not want to hear anymore about it. Wanted to kill herself .
Rosenfeld- no private doctor would go up to a in labor female and ask if she wanted to get her
tubes tied. He would get thrown out. Filled a complaint to get rid of his license. Giving out
private information to third parties
No doctor wanted to testify . Verdict 1978/9
“Pores Mexicanas van a pervert. Vayanse porque Aquino no pass nada.” Blame women for their
feelings of being sterilized . Subculture the doctors could not have known sterilization could
have hurt them so much .
Hermosillo- dreams she is taking her son/ baby she goes to Mexico . People want to see her baby
but she does not want to show him because its hers and its her miracle and does not want to show

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