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III • Informal Contract – because no particular

DEPOSIT form is required for the contract

Chapter I • Gratuitous Contract – generally but it can
o where the depositor does not pay
Art. 1962. A deposit is constituted from the moment a compensation to the depositary
person receives a thing belonging to another, with the o if renumeration is paid by the
obligation of safely keeping it and of returning the depositor, the contract becomes a
same. If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not contract of work or service
the principal purpose of the contract, there is no o GR: a deposit is a gratuitous
deposit but some other contract contract
Definition of contract of deposit ▪ XPNs:
• unless there is an
• Deposit – is derived from the word agreement to the
depositum of Roman Law contrary; or
• unless the
Governing Law
depositor is
• Civil deposit – governed by the: engaged in the
o Old civil code business of
• Commercial Deposit – governed by the: storing goods
o Code of Commerce but is now Essential requisites of the contract
o Now governed by New Civil Code • consent of the contracting parties
• object certain which is the subject matter of
the contract
• Real Contract – it is perfected by the delivery • cause of the obligation which is established
of the subject matter of the contract • delivery of the thing (di to sure pero nakay de
• Unilateral Contract – it gives rise to the leon)
principal obligation, on the part of the o the delivery by the depositor of the
depositary, to safely keep the thing and to thing to the depositary transfers
return it possession of the thing in the
o It is only when the depositor has concept of a deposit
agreed to pay remuneration to the o Without delivery, the depositary
depository that the contract will cannot comply with its obligation of
become bilateral and onerous safely keeping the thing and
o Unilateral not withstanding the returning it.
reimbursement obligations of the o Delivery need not consist of an
depositor as the liabilities of the actual delivery of the thing
depositor may or may not arise
Consent of the contracting parties
o The contingent liabilities of the
depositor do not originally arise • Manifested by the meeting of the offer and
from the contract but arise from acceptance upon the thing and the cause
extrinsic or independent events which are to constitute the contract
• Nominate Contract – because it has been • May be manifested expressly or tacitly
given a specific name by the Civil Code • Must be given by the parties with capacity to
• Principal Contract – because its existence is give consent
not dependent on another contract
Object of the contract
• Only movable things capable of being o If safekeeping is only an accessory
delivered may be the object of the deposit or secondary obligation deposit is
o Contract for custody and not constituted
safekeeping of immovable property • Balance of a commission account remains in
– not a contract of deposit the possession of the agent at the principal’s
o Movable and immovable property – disposal
may be the object of sequestration o The same acquires at once the
or judicial deposit character of a deposit which the
• Within the commerce of men former must return or restore to the
• Determinate and not impossible latter at any time it is demanded
o Issues regarding determinateness o It can only become his loan if so
and impossibility will arise only in a expressly agreed by its owner
contract to deposit; ▪ Who would then be
▪ After delivery, the issue of obligated not to demand it
determinateness and until the expiration of the
impossibility will be moot legal or stipulated period
• Document which embodies the contract
Cause of the contract states that US Dollars in cash were received
• Essentially gratuitous by the bank for safekeeping and the
o A deposit is an onerous contract subsequent acts of the parties also show that
when the depositary is paid fees or the intent was really for the bank to safely
when the depositary is engaged in keep the dollars and return it to the plaintiff
the business of storing goods • GR: Depositary cannot make use of the thing
Deposit as a credit transaction o XPN: 2 instances in Art. 1977
1. by express permission of
• Deposit is a contract of confidence
o The depositor places full faith and the depositor
confidence in the depositary’s 2. when the preservation
probity and zeal of the thing deposited
requires its use, it must
Parties to the contract
be used only for that
• Depositor purpose
o There may be more than one
Extinguishment of deposit
o Need not be the owner of the thing • General modes under Art. 1231
deposited o By payment or performance
▪ Because a contract of o By the loss of the thing due
deposit does not transfer o By the condonation or remission of
ownership of the thing the debt
deposited o By the confusion or merger of the
• Depositary rights of creditor and debtor
o Cannot demand that the depositor o By compensation
prove his ownership of the thing o By novation
deposited • Loss or destruction of the thing deposited
• In case of a gratuitous deposit
Safekeeping, principal purpose of the contract
o upon the death of either the
• Principal purpose – safekeeping of the thing depositor or the depositary
delivered • by the return of the thing deposited
• NOTE: Compensation is not applicable to a Art. 1964. A deposit may be constituted judicially or
deposit. extrajudicially
o Article 1287 – compensation is not
Creation of deposit
proper when one debt arises from
▪ a deposit or from the • Reason why the CC employs the word
obligation of a depositary; “constituted” in defining and classifying
or deposit
▪ of a bailee in o A deposit may be created by virtue
commodatum of
▪ Court order; or
Deposit distinguished from mutuum
▪ Law
Deposit Mutuum
Kinds of Deposit
Principal Safekeeping or Consumption
Purpose mere custody of the subject • Judicial – one which takes place when an
attachment or seizure of property in
Return of the The depositor The lender
litigation is ordered
object can demand must wait until
deposited the return of the expiration • Extrajudicial
the subject of the period o Voluntary – wherein the delivery is
matter at will granted to the made by the will of the depositor or
debtor by two or more persons each of
Object Both movable Only money whom believes himself entitled to
and and other the thing deposited
immovable consumable o Necessary – one made in
thing compliance with a legal obligation
or on the occasion of any calamity
Deposit distinguished from commodatum or by travelers in hotels and inns or
by travelers with common carriers
Deposit Commodatum
Principal Safekeeping Transfer of the Art. 1965. A deposit is a gratuitous contract, except
Purpose use when there is an agreement to the contrary, or unless
Cause May be Essentially and the depositary is engaged in the business of storing
gratuitous always goods.
Object Extrajudicial Both movable Contract of deposit generally gratuitous
deposit – only and
movable immovable • GR: a contract of deposit is generally
(corporeal) property may gratuitous
things be the object • XPNs:
o Contrary stipulation by the parties
▪ Provided it is not contrary
Art. 1963. An agreement to constitute a deposit is
to law, public policies,
binding, but the deposit itself is not perfected until the
good morals and customs
delivery of the thing
o Depositary engaged in business of
Binding effect of agreement to deposit storing goods
o Property saved from destruction
• when there has been no delivery, there is without knowledge of the owner
merely an agreement to deposit which is ▪ Involuntary deposit
binding and enforceable upon the parties ▪ During a calamity
• contract of future deposit – consensual
▪ The owner is bound to pay with a third person, who shall deliver it in a proper case
the person who saved the to the one to whom it belongs
property just
Voluntary deposit

Art. 1966. Only movable things may be the object of a • One wherein the delivery is made by the
deposit depositor

Subject matter of deposit Voluntary and necessary deposits distinguished

• Extrajudicial Deposit – ONLY movable or Voluntary Deposit Necessary Deposit

personal property whether voluntary or The depositor has There is lack of free
complete freedom in choice in the depositor
choosing the depositary
• Judicial Deposit – may cover movable and
immovable property its purpose being to
protect the rights of parties to a suit • Interpleader – the action to compel the
depositors to settle their conflicting claims
Corporeal things contemplated
among themselves
• A deposit can only have as its object movable o Here, one of the depositor is not
corporeal things. the owner
• Art. 1966 does not cover incorporeal or Art. 1969. A contract of deposit may be entered into
intangible property orally or in writing
o Such follows the person of the
owner and is not susceptible of Form of contract of deposit
• Contracts are obligatory in whatever form
o Deeds and documents – may be the
they have been entered into, provided all
object of the deposit
the essential requisites for their validity are
▪ Only the materialized and
representative expression
o No required form of deposit
of rights
• Delivery of the thing perfects the contract
Art. 1967. An extrajudicial deposit is either voluntary o Before delivery, there may be an
or necessary agreement to constitute a deposit
binding to the parties
Kinds of extrajudicial deposit
Art. 1970. If a person having capacity to contract
• Deposit is generally voluntary
accepts a deposit made by one who is incapacitated,
• Deposit becomes necessary when the former shall be subject to all the obligations of s
o Made in compliance with a legal depositary, and may be compelled to return the thing
obligation by the guardian, or administrator of the person who
o On the occasion of any calamity made the deposit, or by the latter himself if he should
o By travelers in hotels and inns acquire capacity

Where the depositary capacitated and depositor

Chapter 2 incapacitated
Voluntary Deposit • If the depositary is capacitated – he is subject
Art. 1968. A voluntary deposit is that wherein the to all the obligations of a depositary whether
delivery is made by the will of the depositor. A deposit the depositor is capacitated
may also be made by two or more persons each of • If the depositor is incapacitated – the
whom believes himself entitled to the thing deposited depositary must
o return the property to the legal 1. To return the thing
representative of the incapacitated; deposited while still in his
or possession
o to the depositor himself if he should 2. If the thing deposited is no
acquire capacity longer in his possession
• Persons who are capable cannot allege the • To pay the depositor
incapacity of those with whom they contract the amount which
• The depositary may be compelled to return o he may have
the thing by the depositor if the depositor benefited himself
should acquire capacity with the thing or
o Depositor cannot be compelled by its price subject
the incapacitated depositor to to the right of any
return the thing to such depositor third person who
• If the depositary learns that the depositor is acquired the
incapacitated – it is best for the depositor to thing in good faith
contact the depositor’s guardian or
SECTION 2 – Obligations of the Depositary
administrator in relation to the return of the
thing Art. 1972. The depositary is obliged to keep the thing
safely and return it, when required, to the depositor, or
Status of contract
to his heirs and successors, or to the person who may
• The CC do not indicate the status of a have been designated in the contract. His
contract where one party to the contract of responsibility, with regard to the safekeeping and the
deposit is incapacitated to give consent to loss of the thing, shall be governed by the provisions of
the contract Title I of this Book
o Voidable
If the deposit is gratuitous, this fact shall be
▪ Applying the general
taken into account in determining the degree of care
provisions of contract law
that the depositary must observe
• Where both parties are incapable of giving
consent to a contract Principal Obligations of the depositary
o the contract is unenforceable
• The depositary has 3 principal obligations
Art. 1971. If the deposit has been made by a 1. the obligation to keep the thing (Arts.
capacitated person with another who is not, the 1962, 1972)
depositor shall only have an action to recover the thing 2. the obligation to not use the thing (Art.
deposited while it is still in the possession of the 1977)
depositary, or to compel the latter to pay him the 3. the obligation to return the thing (Art.
amount by which he may be enriched or benefited 1962, 1972)
himself with the thing or its price. However, if athird • In relation to the obligation to keep the thing,
person who acquired the thing acted in bad faith, the the depositary has these related obligations
depositor may bring an action against him for its 1. The obligation to keep the thing safely
recovery (Art. 1972)
2. The obligation to not deposit the thing
Where depositary incapacitated and depositor
with a third person (Art. 1973)
3. The obligation to not change the way of
• The incapacitated depositary the deposit (Art. 1974)
o Does not incur the obligation of a 4. The obligation to collect interest on
depositary, however, he is liable certificates when they become due and
preserve the value of securities (Art.
5. The obligation to not commingle grain • Liability of the depositary for the care and
and other articles of the same kind and delivery of the thing is governed by the rules
quality if there is a stipulation to the on obligations (Art. 1163)
contrary (Art. 1976) o He is liable if the loss or
• In relation to the obligation to return the deterioration of the thing occurs
thing, the depositary has these related through his fault or negligence (Art.
obligation 1170)
1. The obligation to return the thing with all ▪ Even if the thing was
its products, accessions and accessories insured (Art. 2207)
(Art. 1983) o The loss of the thing while in his
2. The obligation to return the thing closed possession ordinarily raises a
and sealed if delivered in such condition presumption of fault on his part
(except in certain instances) (Arts. 1981 (Art. 1265)
– 1982) o If the contract does not state the
diligence required,
Obligation to keep the thing deposited
▪ that which is expected of a
• Degree of care – the diligence required of the good father of the family is
depositary is that agreed upon by the parties required (Art. 1173)
o they may limit or expand the degree o the required degree of care is
of diligence required greater if the deposit is for
• Ordinary Cases – the depositary must compensation than when it is
exercise over the thing deposited the same gratuitous.
diligence as he would exercise over his ▪ Even when gratuitous, due
property care must still be exercised
o Reasons: • Dominant view – GR: the depositary, when
▪ Because it is an essential the deposit is gratuitous, does not have to
requisite of the judicial obtain insurance for the thing deposited
relation which involves the o XPN: there is a stipulation to the
depositor’s confidence in contrary
his good faith and Obligation to return
▪ Because the presumption • The depositary has the obligation to return
that the depositor, in the thing deposited to the depositor
choosing the depositary, • GR: the depositary must return the thing
considered the diligence received, with all its products, accessories
which the depositary is and accessions
accustomed regarding hos o XPNs:
own property 1. If the depositary was not
• The depositary cannot excuse himself from prohibited from comingling
liability if rains and other articles of the
o loss occurs by claiming that he same kind and quality
exercised the same degree of care • then the depositary must
towards the thing deposited as he return an article of the
would towards his own same kind and quality
▪ if such care is less than that 2. If the depositary by force
required by the majeure loses the thing and
circumstances receives money or another
thing in its place,
• he must deliver the money • Then the depositor can
or other thing received to terminate the designation
the depositor ▪ If the clause was for the benefit
3. if the depositary’s heirs sells of the party named
the thing sold in good faith (not • The depositor cannot
knowing the thing was merely terminate the designation
deposited) • If the depositor was incapacitated at the time
• he is only bound to return of making the deposit
the price he may have o The property must be returned to his
received ▪ guardian or
4. If the thing deteriorates while ▪ administrator
in the custody of the depositary ▪ If the depositor loses his capacity to contract
• The depositary will return after having made the deposit
the thing to the depositor o The depositary must return the thing to
in the deteriorated state the persons who may have
a. In the absence of fault administration of the depositor’s
on the part of the property and rights
depositary ▪ When there are two or more depositors
o The depositary o If they are not solidary and the thing
cannot be held admits of division
liable for ▪ Each cannot demand more
deterioration than his share
suffered by the ▪ The depositary may deliver the
thing thing to any of the solidary
• To whom returned – the depositary must depositors
return the thing o If any demand, judicial or extrajudicial
o to the depositor, or has been made by any of the depositors
o to his heirs and successors, or ▪ Delivery should be made to him
o to the person who may have been o If the thing is indivisible or there is
designated in the contract solidarity
• Priority between the heir and assignee of ▪ A depositor can request the
the depositor return of the thing and the
▪ If the assignee did not intervene in the depositary is obligated to
contract, but was just appointed to deliver the thing
receive the deposit o The depositary is only obligated to
o The thing must be delivered to deliver to each depositor the part that
the heirs pertains to such depositor
▪ If the deposit was made for the benefit ▪ The depositary must return the thing
of the assignee deposited to the true owner in the case
o The assignee acquires the right contemplated under Art. 1984
to require delivery of the thingo When should the deposited property be returned
deposited ▪ The depositary must return or deliver to the
• With respect to the return of the thing to depositor at all times
the person designated in the contract o he only acts as a custodian in the
o Delivery may be made to such person exclusive interest of the depositor
▪ If the clause was established foro Where should the deposited property be returned
the benefit of the depositor • The depositary must return the thing at the place
designated for its return
o Absent stipulation – at the place where ▪ XPN: but if the depositary
the thing deposited might be receives money or another
▪ Even if it should not be the thing in place of the thing
same place where the original deposited
deposit was made • Then the
• Provided the transfer depositary must
was accomplished deliver the sum or
without malice on the money or the
part of the depositary other thing to the
Breach of obligation to return
Art. 1973. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary,
• Depositary fails to return the thing the depositary cannot deposit the thing with a third
o His liability will be governed by the person. If deposit with a third person is allowed, the
general provisions on obligations depositary is liable for the loss if he deposited the thing
under Title I, Book IV of the CC with a person who is manifestly careless or unfit. The
o the depositary can be held liable for depositary is responsible for the negligence of his
damages (Art. 1170) employees
o the depositary can also be held
criminally liable for estafa Custody must be personal
▪ should he appropriate the
• The depositary’s custody must be personal
o Contract of confidence; before the
• Failure to return the thing in case of mistake
deposit is constituted, the depositor
and force majeure
considered the personal qualities of
o Mistake – the mistake relates to the
the depositary
heirs of the depositary who in good
faith sold the thing which he did not Obligations not to transfer deposit:
know was deposited
▪ The heir will not be held • GR: the depositary may not deposit the thing
liable for damages with a third person
• But is bound to o XPN: unless authorized by express
return the price stipulation
he may have • The depositor is liable for the loss of the thing
received; or deposited if:
• Assign his right of o He transfers with a third person
action against the without authority although there is
buyer in case the no negligence on his part and the
price has not third person
been paid to him o He deposits the thing with a third
o Force Majeure person who is manifestly careless or
▪ GR: if the depositary loses unfit although authorized, even in
the thing by force majeure the absence of negligence; or
and he does not receive o The thing is lost through the
money or another thing in negligence of his employees
its place whether the latter are manifestly
• Depositary is not careless or not
bound to return • The depositor is not responsible if the thing
the thing is lost without negligence of the third person
with whom he was allowed to deposit the
o if such third person is not manifestly • If the thing deposited should earn interest,
careless or unfit the depositary is under obligation
• The depositor is not responsible if the o To collect the interest as it becomes
depositor has authorized the deposit of the due; and
thing with another person and has o To take such steps as may be
designated the third person necessary to preserve its value and
• In urgent cases the rights corresponding to it.
o Depositary may deposit the thing • The depositary of a negotiable promissory
with a third person if such is note which has been dishonored by non –
necessary for the preservation of payment by the maker
the thin o Must give notice of dishonor to
Art. 1974. The depositary may change the way of the ▪ Indorsers to whom such
deposit if under the circumstances e may reasonably
notice is not given are
presume that the depositor would consent to the
discharged from liability
change if he knew of the facts of the situation.
• The depositary is bound to collect not only
However, before the depositary may make such
the interest but also the capital itself when
change, he shall notify the depositor thereof and wait
for his decision, unless delay would cause danger
Contract for rent of safety deposit boxes
Obligation not to change way of deposit
• Not an ordinary contract of lease of things
• The depositary may change the way or
but a special kind of deposit
manner of the deposit if there are
o Not to be strictly govern by the
circumstances indicating that the depositor
provisions on deposit
would consent to the change
• In operating a safety deposit box, the box and
o However, the depositary should first
the contents thereof are in the manual
notify the depositor and wait for the
possession of the lessor
latter’s decision.
o However neither the lessor nor the
▪ The requirement may not
renter can be given access to the
be dispensed with unless
contents of the box without the
delay would cause danger
consent and cooperation of the
o It follows the general rule that the
depositary must take good care of
the thing with the diligence of a Art. 1976. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary,
good father of a family the depositary may commingle grain or other articles
of the same kind and quality, in which case the various
Art. 1975. The depositary holding certificates, bonds,
depositors shall own or have a proportionate interest
securities or instruments which earn interest shall be
in the mass
bound to collect the latter when it becomes due and to
take such steps as may be necessary in order that the Obligation not to commingle things deposited if so
securities may preserve their value and the rights stipulated
corresponding to them according to law
• The depositary may commingle grain or
The above provision shall not apply to other articles of the same kind and quality
contracts for the rent of safely deposit boxes • The depositors of the mingled goods shall
own the entire mass in common and each
Obligation to collect interest on choses in action
depositor shall be entitled to such proportion
of the entire mass as the amount deposited
by him bears to the whole
• The depositary cannot commingle goods,
even if they are of the same kind and quality,
if so stipulated

Art. 1977. The depositary cannot make use of the thing

deposited without the express permission of the

Otherwise, he shall be liable for damages.

However, when the preservation of the thing

deposited requires its use, it must be used but only for
that purpose

Obligation not to make use of thing deposited unless


• Deposit is for the safekeeping of the subject

matter and is not for its use
• The unauthorized use by the depositary
would make him liable for damages
• The depositary may make use of the thing
deposited even without the express
permission of the depositor where such use
is necessary for its preservation
o But in such cases the use is limited
for that purpose only

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