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Echinoderms Webquest (17)

Incredible Echinoderms
Link 1:

Scroll down to the “Record Holders” section of the webpage.

1. What is the largest species of starfish? What is its arm reach? (Insert a picture of this
ANS: Midgardia Xandros, can have a reach of 4 ft 6 in.

2. What is the heaviest species of starfish? What is its weight in pounds? (Insert a picture
of this animal)
ANS: Thromidia Catalai, can weigh 13 lbs and 4 ounces

3. What is the largest species of sea cucumber? What is its length and diameter? (Insert
a picture of this animal)
ANS: Stichopus variegatus, 39 in by 9.5 in

4. Where will you find the smallest species of starfish and sea urchins?
ANS: Southern and eastern australia
5. What is the deepest living echinoderm? At what depth is it found? Where is it located?
ANS: Myriotrochus bruuni, found at depths of 35,130 ft in Mariana’s trench.

6. Select and research one of the record holder species from above. Write a short
paragraph about his species which includes other interesting facts and unique
ANS: The largest species of sea urchin, the sperosoma giganteus, has an average
shell diameter of 12.6 inches. It is found off the coast of Japan at depths of just under
4,000 feet. Sperosoma’s chewing organ, or Aristotle’s lantern, can be larger than a 50
Euro cent coin.

Virtual Echinoderm
Link 2:

7. Describe the pathway of the water vascular system.

ANS: The water vascular system starts at the sieve plate, from which it flows around
the ring canal, which is a circular path that connects all five arms of the echinoderm.
From the ring canal, the system goes up the center of each arm, and each arm has
tube feet which are connected to the system as well.

8. Click continue. What can you find among the spines of a sea urchin?
ANS: You can find pincer like structures and tube feet among the spines.

9. What is Aristotle’s Lantern? (Insert a picture of it)

ANS: Aristotle's lantern is the chewing organ of a sea urchin.

10. Click on the words “sand dollar.” The flattened body of the sand dollar is an adaptation
for what lifestyle.
ANS: Burrowing in the sand.

11. Click continue. In what ways are sea cucumbers different from other echinoderms?
ANS: No spines, reduced endoskeleton, very muscular, modified tube feet around
Starfish Outbreak
Link 3:

12. Read the article. This article is about which species of starfish?
ANS: The Crown of Thorns

13. What is thought to be causing the outbreak?

ANS: Scientist think that poor water quality could be the cause of the outbreak

14. Why is this outbreak such a concern?

ANS: This outbreak is of huge concern because it threatens the diversity of ocean life,
and if reef ecosystems should collapse, it would be terrible overall for life in the oceans
and therefore for life on land as well.

Everlasting Knives
Link 4:

15. Read and write a short summary of this article.

ANS: Scientists discovered that sea urchins have a unique method for keeping their teeth
constantly sharp. Sea urchin teeth have built in “breaking points” where a layer of the
tooth will break off after a certain amount of use, revealing a new, sharper layer of tooth.
The scientists think that it may be possible to replicate this feature in toolmaking to
create “everlasting” knives.

Sea Urchins and Humans

Link 5:

16. Why are sea urchins such an important part of the kelp forest ecosystem?
ANS: They are the main prey of top predators like otters, crabs, lobsters, and fish.

17. Click “Continue on Next Page.” Describe the genetic evidence which supports the claim
that humans and sea urchins are closely related.
ANS: Sea urchins have the same processes that humans do directly after fertilization
of an egg. The echinoderm genome also includes analogs to many essential human

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