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2 LANGUAGE BANK bE 2.1 _ present simple and continuous present simple present continuous spelling with ing forms ‘¢ | Lwork at home im working at home, verbs endingin; rule ple He watches TV. He's watching TV cs eatig theta __| She doesn't study now. | She isnt studying now. SIEGE Wedor'ttextin class. | We've nottextingin lass. | vowel + consonant. ¢Sntonant + ng |" —Funning Does he live with you? | Is he living with you? ae ae ale = aying 7 Where do the workers | Where are the workers having have lunch? lunch? a ing. study ~ studying Use the present simple to describe something that is Form the present continuous with the verb be + the -ing always or generally true. form of the verb. tis common to use these words with the present simple; _It is common to use these words with the present sometimes, usually, every day, often. continuous: now, at the moment, currently, this month. J usually get up at 7am, {'m tving with my parents at the moment. Use the present continuous to talk about: ‘Some verbs are not usually used with continuous tenses: + anactivity happening right now, at the time of be, know, lke, love, understand, want, ete. These are called speaking. ‘state verbs: + a temporary activity happening around now (maybe at___‘/ want to go to bed now. NOT the moment, but maybe not) | eem-werting to go to bed now. 2.2 _ adverbs of frequency Use adverbs of frequency to say how frequently you do Adverbs of frequency can also go at the beginning, middle something, Some of the most common are: never, rarely, or end ofa sentence. occasionally, sometimes, often, usually, atways. Occasionally | go dancing. ‘There are several adverbial phrases of frequency, eg. occasionally go dancing, hardly ever, once in a while, every day/month/year. | go dancing occasionally. With be, put the adverb after the verb, Always and never do not normally go at the beginning or Jam always here. fend of sentences. They were usually early ‘Once in a while and every day/month/year usually go at the We usually put the adverb before other verbs. beginning or end of sentences | sometimes spoke to him. There are other phrases to show how frequently We hardly ever ate there. something happens: With auxiliary or modal verbs, we usually put the adverb every day= one time per day I have a shower every day. after the auxiliary or modal. once a week = one time per week She doesn’t stay here, > She doesn't usually stay here. ‘She writes to me once a week We haven't visited them, > We have never visited them. twice a week = two times per week {can help. | can always help. They go shopping twice a week 2.3. expressing likes/dislikes ‘There are a number of verbs and other phrases to show likes and dislikes, After these verbs and phrases, wwe usually use the -ing form, positive negative ike singing/meat. | ean't stand smoking/computers, L absolutely love swimming/tennis | don't like vorking/rock music. i'm keen on running/beach holidays I hate watching TW/flms V’m not very keen on workingy/frut. Note: We can also use like + infinitive. Like + infinitive means ‘do as a habit’ or ‘choose to do! Note: / don’t mind means ‘Its OK for me. | don't like it or ike to go to bed early dislike it. | don’t mind sleeping on the floor. LaVoie 21 22 23 A Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the present simple or present continuous. eat be wait know work wear play 1A; It takes him ten minutes to get to work. B:IknowHishouse far from the office. 2 A: Isn'tyour son an actor? B: Yes, but at the moment he ina restaurant. 3. A: What is ll that noise? I'm trying to work! Br with the children, 4 A: What. you about the new software program? B: The new software program? Absolutely nothing, 5 A: Why you that jacket in the office? Wes really warm! B: Because I'm cold! 6 A: Would you like some beef? B: No, thanks. meat. Imm a vegetarian. 7 A: Why are you standing there? | for a taxi ‘A Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 1/ dinner /at / weekend / cook / sometimes / the | sometimes cook dinner at the weekend, once/1/ while / go/in/ swimming / / money / waste / never / my Najim / often / tennis / play / doesn't Akiko and Toshi / evening / stay / usually / the / home /at /in why / late / are / always / you? / work / Fridays / rarely /late / on Mary / ever/ hardly / deals / with / customers ‘occasionally / a / team / work/1/ in ‘A Complete the sentences with one word. B Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake in five of the sentences, 1 John works in sales and he is going to the office every day at 8am. 2 The new employee says she’ eighteen, but I'm not believing it. 3 At the moment, 'm doing a task for my boss, Don’t buy a bottle of wine for her. She isn’t drinking alcohol. | can't speak Chinese, but my friend teaches me. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? 1'm taking art classes this term. Hey! what do you do with that knife? S B Underline the correct alternative. 1 Always/Usually/Hardly ever our IT consultant deals with these problems; its his job. 2 I get up early never/rarely/every day and go to work at 6am. 3 You sometimes/every week/once in a while need to risk your life in this job. 4 We often/never/rarely see each other ~ maybe once ayear. 5. We occasionally/atways/rarely work under pressure; we never have a chance to relax. 6 Often/Hardly ever/Once in a while | speak to my boss - maybe once a month, 7 We have a summer party every year/atways/never, 8 I deal with customers rarely/often/occasionally, but only if my boss is out. 1 Vike to music while | study. It helps me concentrate, 21 mind getting up early for my job, I's no problem for me. 3 Stefania is keen travelling so she's studying tourism, 4 Mick like talking to customers. He says i's boring, 5 Lorenzo absolutely, dancing. He's really good at samba. 6 leant ‘working at the weekend, er

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