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I. E. Sucre - Ipiales Nit: 891.200.


EXAM Página 1 de 2

Topic: Semana Fecha de Entrega Fecha de recepción: Grado

Present Perfect 06 10/03/ 2021 10/03/ 2021 9
Asignatura Inglés Docente Responsable Wilson Nava
Objetivos - To measure my knowledge about present perfect structures and verbs

1. Choose the correct sentence

a. The Coyote never has caught the Road Runner
b. The Coyote has never caught the Road Runner
c. The Coyote never have caught the Road Runner
d. The Coyote has never caught the Road Runner

2. To create present perfect tense you have to use the auxiliars:

......... for singular nouns and ....... for plural nouns
A. has – had
B. have – has
C. has – have
D. was – were

3. Which sentence is the correct in present perfect?

A. He has bought a new cellphone yet.
B. has he bought a new cellphone yet?
C. He already has bought a new cellphone.

4. This question is correct in present perfect: if the sentence is incorrect, do the correction.
How many money have you spent the last few days?
A. True
B. False
Correction: ………………………………………………………………………….

5. Organize the words to find the sentence:

in / visited / yet/ Have / you / your / Cali / ? / relatives
Have you ever visited your relatives cali in yet ?

6. Have your classmates finished the quiz?

A. yes, he has
B. Yes, my classmates have
C. Yes, they have
D. No, they were

7. we use "YET" in Interrogative and negative sentences in present perfect.

A. False
B. True
Correction: ………………………………………………………………………….
I. E. Sucre - Ipiales Nit: 891.200.360-7

Examen Página 2 de 2

8. We use "For" to express a period of time in present perfect.

A. False
B. True
Correction: ………………………………………………………………………….

9. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

Susan has ...... arrived from school. She is eating now?
A. Since
B. never
C. Yet
D. Just

10. Choose the correct sentence according to the picture?

A. He hasn't fix the pipe system yet.
B. He has fix the pipe system.
C. He have fixed the pipe system.
D. He hasn't fixed the pipe system yet.

11. Choose the incorrect question in present perfect.

A. Has Martin ran for three hours?
B. Where has your uncle found that job?
C. What have you done today?
D. has the mayor approved the new decree?

12. Choose the correct sentence in present perfect

A. Daniel has not went to parties lately
B. Has Daniel had fun in the party?
C. I think, Daniel have gotten drunk in the last party.
D. Daniel has danced at the disco since 2 hours.

13. Complete the table with the past participle of the verbs
Present Past participle present Past participle
type typed send sent
Hang up hung up Carry carried
leave leaved choose chosen
quit quitted eat eaten


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