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9 ESS classification :
Figure 3 illustrates the different technologies used in electrical energy storage [13].


Electrical Energy Thermal Energy

Storage Storage

Mechanical Energy Chemical Energy Electrochemical Cryogenic Energy Sensible Heat Thermochemical
Magnetic Energy Latent Heat Storage
Storage Storage Energy Storage Storage Storage Heat Storage

• Hydrogen
• Flywheel • Supercapacitor Liquid Air
• Biofuel • Ceramics • Phase Change
• Pumped Hydro • Batteries Energy Storage
• Biodiesel • Concrete Materials
• Gravity
• Molten Salts (PCM)
• Compressed Air
• Chilled water • Ice
• Liquid Piston

Figure 3:ESS technology classification

3.10 Barrieres to ESS integration :

The main barriers to the integration of more ESS in the grid are the high cost of the storage technology and
the regulatory requirements to adhere the market.

Although there was a significant advancement in electricity storage technologies, still their upfront cost
investment is a hinders small participants from taking advantage from the technology. Even the big players
in the electricity market are very reluctant to invest in ESS due to the mediocre profit they can make
according to many studies. The revenue from ESS deployment is huge but it is eaten up by the high
investment costs. This being said, the future of ESS is exciting to so many stakeholders due to the intensive
ongoing research especially for BESS.

On the regulation side, the services provided by ESS systems are often not properly valued or recognized
within existing energy market regulations. In Ontario for instance, IESO make the necessary changes to
accommodate the full potential services of ESS, which far from being the case currently. Besides, IESO
should adapt the grid to facilitate the integration of ESS systems in future projects [12].


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