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Where’s my Cheer Bow?

By: Gabby R

I was all cuddled up under my blanket

on a sunny Saturday morning then
suddenly... BEEP BEEP! Went my alarm
clock, I jumped up and raced out of my
room. I had to get everything ready, it
was the last competition of the year! I
asked myself… “ WHERE THE HECK IS
MY CHEER BOW?!” I raced up the
stairs looking left and right and
then...OW!! I fell down the stairs.
I got up and brushed myself off. Then I
stormed into the kitchen and popped a
toaster strudel in the toaster. I went and
found Charley and she said “I think I
saw your bow by the front door,but girl
come on, you lost your stuff again? ” Then
I bolted to the front door but instead of
the bow all that was there was my cheer

Then I went and found Marley. She said

“I think I saw your bow in the coat and
backpack closet,but girl come on, you
lost your stuff again? ” I stormed to the
coat and backpack closet thinking I
the closet and MARLEY for your info all
I found was my stinkin cheer bag.
I darted to Kendal. She said “I think I
saw your bow in your brothers room,but
girl come on, you lost your stuff again? ” I
marched to my brother's room and
barged in. BUT surprise surprise all i
found KENDAL was my brother on his
butt playing video games and then i saw
my cheer skirt.

Then I went and found Nylah. She said

“I think i saw your bow in the living
room,but girl come on you lost your stuff
again? ” I ran all the way to the living room
to see my cheer top NYLAH! So I went to
my room and quickly changed into my:
cheer shoes,cheer skirt,and cheer top.
I went to find Kaisley. She said “I think I
saw your bow in the basement,but girl
come on, you lost your stuff again? ” I
dashed to the bathroom KAISLEY! But
all I found was my cheer makeup. Then I
applied the makeup. I marched out of

Then I saw Addy. She said “I saw your

bow in the basement,but girl come on,
you lost your stuff again? ” I bolted into
the basement hoping and praying my
bow was there… and there it was! I put
my hair up and as I was I said to myself
“Hey I’ma go eat that toaster strudel that
I made 2 hours ago!” so i went upstairs
to see the toaster and the strudel on fire.
So I decided to put it out with some
water but good thing that worked. I
hopped into the car and we drove to the
competition. 2 HOURS LATER… “And
first place goes to… MIST!!!” On the
way home we went to get some
subway,so the whole team could have
lunch. But then my coach said “Where's
my wallet? And my Phone?” then all of
the team said “WE THINK WE SAW
YOUR STUFF AGAIN?! ” Then we all
laughed sooo hard! THE END WELL
Hey wanna read more books like:
The day I got my first pet or my book
The Adventures of Nelly and Shelly:
Where’s Wendy???, And The
Adventures of Nelly and Shelly: COPI!!!,
and more go to to access all of
my books! (Fake Website)

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