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“Grab your pencils grade three!

said Mrs. Barker. So I looked in my
desk but I couldn't find it! “Do you
know where my pencil is Mrs.
Barker?” I asked. “ I think it's in
your backpack” said Mrs. Barker.
When I heard that I marched over
to my backpack outside of the
classroom. All I found was the
cursive page. “ But you've got to
keep track of your stuff!” said Mrs.
I moseyed over to Sky! “Do you
know where my pencil is?” I asked.
“I think i saw it in your bin. But
you’ve got to keep track of your
stuff!” Sky said. But the only thing I
found was my sharpener.
I tried to think of who to ask to help
me. Ohhh yeah. Gabby can help
me. So I ran over to her and
asked… “Do you know where my
pencil is” I think I laid my eyes on it
under the coats.” Gabby said. “ But
you've got to keep track of your
stuff!” I made my way to the coats.
The only thing I found was my
My only hope was Ainsley. So I
walked to her and asked the same
question. She said….. “ I saw it
near your book bin.” “ Ok thanks.”
Then I arrived at my book in. I only
found my pencil case. I thought I
dont need anyone to help me. So i
went through the last place. My
desk. I scoured threw my desk and
finally found my pencil. Now i can
do cursive. But Mrs. Barker cant
find her whiteboard maker.

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