A Faraway Place

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Describe a faraway place that you would like to visit.

You should say:

• Where it is
• Why you want to go there
• Who you would go with

and explain how you feel about this place.

Well that's a tough question because there are so many places I would

like to visit. That said, I would give my right arm to go to Peru.

So, Peru is in South America, it's on the West Coast, it's quite a small

country. It's famous for its Inca sites, and the Inca Empire which was

one of the biggest empires in South America a long time ago.

The reason I want to go there, in fact, there are two reasons I want to

go there. The first is, I used to work in a kitchen as a waiter, and the staff

there were the first people to teach me Spanish. On top of that, not

long ago, I actually used to live near a Peruvian restaurant. The food

was out of this world, a lot of the potato-based which obviously I like,

due to my Irish heritage, and something called ceviche which is a kind

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of fish dish.

Anyway delicious food. So to cut a long story short, both the

language and the food have piqued my curiosity, and I'd like to go and

see Peru.

I think I'd prefer to go alone, to be more independent. I would

like to go and see the capital Lima, but also get into the countryside ,

maybe go trekking in the mountains, just to get off the beaten track, to

get away from it all.

I feel really excited about the prospect of going to Peru, to find out if

it's really an olde worlde kind of place or whether it has modernised and

caught up with the rest of the world.

Words and phrases

I would give my right arm to go to = prepared to give something of

great value for something

It’s not a run of the mill (adj.) destination = common/normal - usually

used in a negative sentence

A popular holiday destination (n.) = a place where people travel to on


Travel in the peak season (n.) = the busiest period

Travel in the off season (n.) = the quietest period

Get off the beaten track = go where few people go

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Get away from it all = escape daily routine

It really was something else (adj.) = it was amazing

It was out of this world (adj.) = it was amazing

Picturesque (adj.) villages / mountains = looking like a picture

Breath-taking (adj.) views = amazing

Stunning (adj.) scenery = amazing

I feel excited about the prospect of (n.) going to = the possibility of

doing something

This has piqued my curiosity = It has got me interested

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