Chemical Safety in Your Community:: EPA's New Risk Management Program

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Guides to Chemical EPA 550-B-99-010

May 1999
Risk Management

Chemical Safety
in Your Community:
EPA’s New Risk Management Program
The Current Status of the Risk Management
Program Rule
As of the publication date of this backgrounder, key ele-
ments of EPA’s Risk Management Program Rule are still not
final. Public access to the offsite consequence analysis data
continues to be debated. EPA has not officially decided on
how it will respond to Freedom of Information Act requests.
The agency has said that while the offsite consequence
analysis data will not be distributed to the public on the
Internet, it will supply paper copies of the data upon re-
quest. Also, EPA intends to increase the reportable quan-
tity of hydrocarbon fuels (i.e., propane). Concurrently, the
U.S. Court of Appeals granted an interim stay of the Risk
Management Program Rule as it applies to facilities using
propane in a process. For the most current information,

For More Information

The National Safety Council is maintaining the Chemi-
cal Emergency Management Web site at
xroads.htm as a resource supplement to this series of pub-
lications. The site is a directory of Risk Management Pro-
gram-related links to organizations, regulations, chemicals,
rules, and regulations involved in emergency management
and the safe handling of chemicals. A selection of articles
and papers written about the Risk Management Program
Rule and local efforts to identify and analyze risk in the
community is also included. The site will be constantly ex-
panding as industry and communities develop new infor-
mation required under the Risk Management Program Rule.
Other Publications in this Series
Other documents in the Guides to Environmental Risk
Management Series are listed below:

❏ New Ways to Prevent Chemical Accidents

❏ How Safe Am I? Helping Communities Evaluate
Chemical Risks
❏ What Makes a Hazard Hazardous: Working with
Chemical Information
Permission to reproduce this guide is
❏ Evaluating Chemical Hazards in the Community:
granted with the accompanying credit line:
Using an RMP’s Offsite Consequences Analysis
“Reproduced from Guides to Environmen-
tal Risk Management, Chemical Safety in
These documents can be downloaded for free from the
Your Community: EPA’s New Risk Manage-
Chemical Emergency Management Web site at
ment Program with permission from the
National Safety Council’s Environmental
Health Center, May 1999.”
About this Document
The Environmental Health Center produced this guide
under cooperative agreement CX 826604-01-0 with the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. It is part of a series of
publications on the Risk Management Program Rule and
issues related to chemical emergency management.

May 1999
Chemical Safety in Your Community:
EPA’s New Risk Management Program
By June 21, 1999, an esti- accidents. The danger to the ❏ First aid, health, hospital,
mated 66,000 facilities—in- public from an unplanned re- environmental, and trans-
cluding chemical plants, oil lease of a toxic chemical is portation workers
refineries, propane retailers, illustrated by the 1984 ❏ Representatives of com-
fertilizer warehouses, am- Bhopal, India, tragedy. munity groups and the
monia users, and water There, a release of 40 tons news media
treatment plants—must of highly poisonous methyl ❏ Owners and operators of
comply with the Risk Man- isocyanate (MIC) killed more industrial plants and
agement Program Rule (RMP than 2,000 people and in- other users of chemicals,
Rule). These facilities are re- jured 170,000, leaving thou- such as hospitals, farms,
quired to identify their haz- sands more to die later. and small businesses
ardous chemicals, analyze Another release involving
the potential risks of these the same chemical occurred Participation of the news
chemicals to the surround- months later in Institute, media is specified by law. In
ing community, develop West Virginia, sending more practice, however, very few
an emergency response than 100 residents to the journalists actually sit on an
program, and submit a sum- hospital. LEPC, believing that such
mary of their risk manage- As a result of Bhopal and participation represents a
ment program to the U.S. similar incidents, Congress conflict of interest. This
Environmental Protection enacted a law to help inform same infrastructure will be
Agency (EPA). EPA will then communities of chemical leveraged to implement the
distribute this information, hazards and aid their emer- Risk Management Program.
making public a new genera- gency planning. The law, (See Key Events Related to
tion of right-to-know infor- known as the Emergency the Risk Management Pro-
mation about hazardous Planning and Community gram Rule.)
chemicals and community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), About 868,000 facilities
hazards. was passed as part of the that have more than 400 ex- 3
Though the RMP Rule ap- 1986 amendments to the tremely hazardous sub-
plies nationwide, the main Superfund hazardous waste stances listed by EPCRA
effect will be at the local cleanup program. report information about
level. Using this powerful in- their chemical inventories to
formation, local authorities Setting The Stage: The LEPCs, SERCs, and local fire
and communities will be able Emergency Planning departments. Under EPCRA,
to identify chemical hazards and Community Right- facilities are required to file
and risks and improve pub- to-Know Act reports if the quantities of
lic safety. EPCRA created State the hazardous chemicals ex-
Journalists reporting on Emergency Response Com- ceed specified thresholds. In
the publicly available risk missions (SERCs) and Local 1987, EPCRA launched an-
management information Emergency Planning Com- other important right-to-
will stimulate communities mittees (LEPCs) to imple- know program, called the
to learn more about the ment the act. SERCs are Toxics Release Inventory,
chemical hazards in the appointed by the governor that reports emissions of
community. Related stories and consist of state emer- hazardous substances into
can help communities evalu- gency, environmental, and the environment.
ate the potential for expo- health agencies; public inter- EPCRA’s reporting re-
sure to risk. And public est associations; and others quirements and emergency
dialogue with local industries with emergency manage- planning and notification
can promote facility safety, ment experience. LEPCs, provisions established a
encourage accident preven- whose makeup is specified by coordinated effort among
tion initiatives, and improve the law, typically consist of— EPA, state governors, SERCs
emergency response plans. and LEPCs, owners and op-
❏ Representatives of elected erators of regulated facilities,
Bhopal: The Trigger state and local officials and local fire departments.
Human error, equipment ❏ Law enforcement offi- LEPCs receive chemical
failure, and natural disas- cials, civil defense work- inventory information,
ters can all cause chemical ers, and firefighters analyze the hazards, and
This information has stimu-
Key Events Related to the Risk Management lated communication be-
Program Rule tween industries and com-
munities and encouraged
1983 The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR industries to store smaller
1910.1200) provides employees a right-to-know about the inventories of hazardous sub-
hazards of chemicals to which they are exposed. stances, discharge less, and
1984 In Bhopal, India, a release of 40 tons of highly toxic methyl substitute less-hazardous
isocyanate kills more than 2,000 people; thousands more chemicals. In addition, the
die later. availability of public infor-
mation about hazardous
1985 In Institute, West Virginia, a release involving methyl chemicals has encouraged
isocyanate sends more than 100 people to the hospital. investigative reporting and
1985 EPA creates its Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program community activism, often
and urges a voluntary program to develop plans that address combining chemical hazard
potential hazardous chemical emergencies at facilities. issues with related issues,
1986 Congress enacts EPCRA to provide the public with information such as environmental jus-
about the amounts of hazardous chemicals present and tice and children’s health.
discharged from fixed-site facilities. The law establishes the
infrastructure of SERCs and LEPCs to develop emergency Picking Up Where
response plans for each community and fosters chemical EPCRA Left Off: The
emergency management dialogue between industry and local Risk Management
communities. Program
In 1990, Congress took
1990 Congress enacts the Clean Air Act Amendments. Section 112(r) additional measures to
includes requirements for establishing the Risk Management protect communities from
Program Rule to (1) prevent and prepare for accidental hazardous chemicals by in-
releases of chemicals that could cause immediate, serious cluding accident prevention
harm to human health and the environment and and emergency prepared-
(2) communicate hazard information to the public. ness measures in the Clean
4 1992 The OSHA Process Safety Management Standard is released. Air Act Amendments of 1990
This standard is designed to prevent or minimize the (CAA). Section 112(r) of the
consequences of a catastrophic release of toxic, reactive, CAA authorizes EPA to cre-
flammable, or highly explosive hazardous chemicals from a ate regulations that prevent
process. It serves as a model for Risk Management Program and prepare for accidental
Rule requirements. releases. On June 20, 1996,
EPA issued the RMP Rule (40
1994 EPA publishes its List of Regulated Substances and
CFR 68). Its primary goal is
Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention, identifying
to protect communities from
the Risk Management Program’s regulated substances and
releases of toxic or flam-
threshold quantities. Amendments were published in 1996,
mable chemicals that are
1997, and 1998.
prone to cause immediate,
1996 EPA releases the Risk Management Program Rule serious harm to public and
requirements under section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. environmental health.
Facilities are given three years to comply. This rule also Like EPCRA, the RMP
establishes the obligation to create an independent Rule contains important
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board to right-to-know provisions.
investigate the causes of major chemical accidents and The RMP Rule requires facili-
provide industry with information about conditions that ties to provide EPA with a
compromise safety. summary of their risk man-
1999 Under Clean Air Act section 112(r), RMPs must be agement programs if more
submitted to EPA before June 21, 1999. than a specified threshold
amount can be released by
an incident involving one
process. A process is defined
develop local emergency re- community awareness and as manufacturing, sorting,
sponse plans. They are re- action. distributing, handling, or us-
sponsible for disseminating EPCRA extended right-to- ing a regulated substance.
this information to the pub- know beyond the workplace Chemicals in transit, includ-
lic and serving as a focus for and into the community. ing pipelines, are excluded.
(OSHA’s) standard: Process
Summary of Key RMP Requirements Safety Management of Highly
❏ Develop and implement a risk management program, Hazardous Chemicals (29 CFR
consisting of the following: 1910.119). This regulation, often
n Hazard assessment program referred to as the PSM Standard,
w identity of listed substances and quantities was published in 1992. Although
stored on site both regulations are designed to
w five-year history of accidental releases minimize the potential for and
w worst-case release scenario analysis with effect extent of accidental releases,
on the community there are differences in the
w alternative release scenario analysis (only by chemicals and facilities they
some facilities) regulate. The RMP Rule will ex-
n Accidental release prevention program pand the number of facilities re-
n Emergency response program quired to have an accident
❏ Submit written RMP to EPA before June 21, 1999 prevention program and will
❏ Revise RMP at least every 5 years make information about those
programs readily available to the
community for the first time.
EPA will distribute a Reducing Risk: The accident prevention pro-
summary of each facility’s Accident Prevention gram of many RMPs contains in-
risk management program, as the Key formation on the types of
known as a risk management The accident prevention hazards that may be created,
plan, or RMP, to state and requirements of the RMP Rule process controls that prevent or
local agencies involved with are based on the requirements minimize releases, mitigation
emergency planning and re- of the Occupational Safety systems used to lessen the ef-
sponse. These programs will and Health Administration’s fect of releases, and monitoring
include an accident preven-
tion program, a hazard as-
sessment (which includes an Types of Facilities Regulated by the
offsite consequence analy- Risk Management Program Rule
ses), and an emergency re- 5
sponse program. The RMPs
will provide state and local
agencies with additional in-
formation about chemicals
and facilities regulated by
EPCRA. Since the RMP Rule
regulates some chemicals
not regulated by EPCRA,
state and local agencies will
have access to information
about additional chemicals
The general public will be
given ready access to some—
but not all—RMP informa-
tion through the Internet
and other means, including
SERCs and LEPCs. Informa-
tion made available to com-
munities enables them to
learn more about local
chemical hazards and the Facilities that have more than specified threshold quantities of any of 77 acutely
extent to which risk of ex- toxic substances or 63 flammable substances must submit an RMP. All of the
posure to these hazards is re- listed substances can form gas or vapor clouds that may travel offsite and have
duced through a facility’s risk dangerous consequences if more than the threshold quantity is released. Not
management program. all of the covered substances are regulated by EPCRA. Initially, 44 percent of
the 66,000 facilities affected by the Risk Management Program Rule were
propane distributors and users. This number could change dramatically if pro-
posed legislation to exempt propane from the RMP or an EPA proposal to raise
the reporting threshold for hydrocarbon fuels become effective.
Areas at Risk Identified in Hypothetical Many facilities must also
Worst-Case and Alternative Scenarios prepare alternative release
scenarios, which are based
on more credible, realistic
factors. For example, the
scenario can assume that
mitigation measures (e.g.,
dikes, shut-off valves, fire
sprinklers) operate as de-
signed and environmental
conditions are typical, rather
than the worst possible. The
scenario may even be based
on the facility’s accident his-
tory. Alternative release sce-
narios represent more likely
events, providing more prac-
tical information to emer-
gency planners and the
and detection systems. away from the release
Worker training, process people or property could be Preparing for
maintenance, compliance harmed—a “distance to Accidents: Emergency
audits, and incident investi- endpoint.” The area that is Response Programs
gation information is re- vulnerable to damage from a Despite prevention mea-
ported also. release will often be repre- sures, accidents do happen.
In addition, RMPs include sented by a circle with its Therefore, the RMP Rule re-
a summary of the accident center at the point of release quires facilities to have an
history for the past five years and its radius equal to the emergency response pro-
of process operation. Past distance to endpoint. Dis- gram if their worst-case re-
6 behavior is a useful indica- tances to endpoint estima- lease scenario can have an
tor of the facility’s safety cul- tions can be either cal- offsite consequence.
ture and commitment to culated from acceptable air The emergency response
accident prevention. dispersion models or ob- program must include a plan
tained from a lookup table for informing the public and
Identifying Hazards: prepared by EPA. local emergency response
The Offsite All facilities must prepare agencies about accidental
Consequence Analyses worst-case scenarios. Worst- releases. The plan must be co-
The RMP must include an case scenarios assume that ordinated with the commu-
offsite consequence analysis the total quantity of the sub- nity emergency response
(OCA) of potential chemical stance is quickly released, plan. In addition, the emer-
accidents. Two scenarios are that atmospheric conditions gency response program must
required of most facilities: a will maximize the effect of also include procedures for
worst-case and an alterna- the event, and that no the use, inspection, testing,
tive case scenario. The main mitigation or response ac- and maintenance of emer-
purpose of the analysis is to tions are taken. Worst-case gency response equipment, as
identify vulnerable popula- scenarios can predict spec- well as training for employees
tions in residences, schools, tacularly long distances— in relevant procedures.
businesses, and other facili- more than 25 miles in some Facilities whose employ-
ties (public receptors) and cases. However, worst-case ees will not respond to acci-
vulnerable parks, wildlife scenarios represent a highly dental releases do not need
preserves, and other natural unlikely chain of events. Al- to develop an emergency re-
areas (environmental recep- though catastrophic releases sponse program if they take
tors). Identifying the scope have occurred, they are very certain measures: Facilities
and needs of the vulnerable rare. Combining these fail- must notify emergency re-
areas is key to planning com- ures with worst-case weather sponders when there is a
munity response to an inci- conditions makes the over- need for response. Facilities
dent (see map above). all scenario even less likely. with regulated flammable
The OCA simulates a re- But such events can and may substances must coordinate
lease and estimates how far indeed happen. response actions with the
local fire department. Facili-
ties with regulated toxic sub- Writing a Story: Questions to Think About
stances must be included in
the community emergency ❏ How effectively has the LEPC or other emergency management
response plan. organizations developed and tested emergency plans required under
The emergency response EPCRA?
provisions of the RMP Rule ❏ How will local chemical emergency planning and response organiza-
build on EPCRA’s emergency tions use RMP information to improve safety (e.g., through emer-
planning provisions, encour- gency response, hazard reduction, or zoning restrictions)?
aging facilities to coordinate
❏ Who would be affected by a release? How would these vulnerable
their plans with community
populations know that an emergency is occurring and how to
emergency planners and re-
❏ How will local officials and the public perceive the risk of accidental
Balancing Right-to- releases? What factors will they consider to determine risk from the
Know and Security: chemical hazards reported on the RMP?
Risk Management ❏ Has the public’s perception of the facility’s safety and environmental
Planning in the record led them to trust the facility?
Information Age
The Clean Air Act man-
❏ Are local facilities with chemical inventories prepared for a major
release? Have they developed emergency response plans? Are the
dated that EPA make RMP in-
plans current and have exercises been conducted to test them? Has
formation readily available
the facility communicated with neighbors and developed working
to the public. Through pub-
relationships with community response organizations?
lic disclosure, Congress in-
tended to save lives, reduce ❏ How many affected facilities are there in the community? What is
accidents, limit pollution, their accident release history?
and protect property. ❏ Has the facility changed its operations to improve prevention and
Initially, EPA planned to response as a result of the need to complete the RMP? Are they
post all of the data on the undertaking any hazard reduction actions to lower the quantity and
Internet—freely available to number of chemicals? Has the facility improved accident prevention
all. However, on November 5, design and procedures? How does a facility’s program compare with 7
1998, EPA announced it others in its industrial classification?
would not include the OCA
portion of the RMP data in the
online database because this increase the risk of terrorist est organizations that main-
particular information could attacks.” The Federal Bureau tain right-to-know Web sites
be used by terrorists to iden- of Investigation supported such as the Environmental
tify mass casualty targets. CMA’s position and helped Defense Fund (Chemical
The Chemical Manufac- persuade EPA to reverse its Scorecard) and the Unison
turers Association (CMA) earlier policy of free Internet Institute (RTKNET) have not
took the lead role to prevent access. indicated whether they will
the distribution of OCA data In contrast, public interest distribute the data them-
on the Internet. CMA as- groups argued that full disclo- selves.
serted that a database of sure remains the best option Having RMP data not only
chemical inventories and to safeguard the public. Paul on the public record, but also
OCAs universally available Orum, Coordinator of the easily accessible and search-
on the Internet could make Working Group on Commu- able online, would have
chemical facilities ready tar- nity Right-to-Know, asserted provided reporters an oppor-
gets for terrorists. James “… the need to reduce real tunity to develop local sto-
Solyst, CMA Team Leader for hazards (chemicals) in the ries. Nevertheless, there are
Information Management/ community cannot be ac- alternative sources for locat-
Right-to-Know, remarked complished by withholding ing this essential hazard in-
that while the CMA supports data from the public. Broad formation. As of May 1999,
the RMP Rule, “… making distribution and public all RMP data is still subject
the worst-case scenario data awareness of worst-case haz- to the Freedom of Informa-
available via the Internet is ards through the Internet is tion Act (FOIA)—although
a bad idea, given the times the only effective way to mo- congressional initiatives
in which we live.” Solyst tivate companies.” maybe underway to block
continued that putting this Obtaining OCA data will this avenue. (For more infor-
data on the Internet “… will be a challenge. Public inter- mation on the debate, see
The National Safety Council in an already over-burdened intends to modify the RMP
Environmental Health Cen- agency. Some implementing Rule to be consistent with its
ter’s April 1999 issue of En- agencies address the fund- own requirements.
vironment Writer at the ing issue by charging facili-
NSC EHC Web site) LEPCs ties fees for EPCRA Evaluating Risk: It’s
or SERCs are another activities to offset the opera- Up to Local
source. So are the regulated tional costs. Others rely on Communities
facilities; many, in fact, have industry contributions. The RMP offers commu-
already been communicat- nities information on chemi-
ing their RMPs in a variety Implementing the cal hazards; the frequency
of public forums. CMA is rec- Rule: Variations from and severity of previous
ommending that its mem- State to State chemical releases; and the
bers share RMP data with the EPCRA gives states flex- measures taken to either pre-
community. ibility in the structure and vent, minimize, or respond
Informing the public operation of the SERCs and to an accidental release. It
about risks they face is LEPCs. For example, Califor- does not provide information
something many reporters nia has 5 LEPCs, while New on the risks these chemicals
consider a key part of their Jersey has 587. Just as struc- present to the community;
job. They are often the trans- ture and resources vary, so that is, the probability of an
lators through which techni- does effectiveness. Although accident occurring, its poten-
cal information is compiled, some SERCs and LEPCs tial effect, and what the event
interpreted, and relayed to have established excellent would mean to the commu-
a broader public. RMP data working relationships with nity.
should provide local journal- the facilities that report to EPA believes that identi-
ists with the raw material for them and the community fying risk is best left to stake-
many stories. Open informa- they serve, others have had holders in the community:
tion was a key to the strat- less success.
egy Congress and EPA Many RMP Rule programs Preventing accidental re-
envisioned for improving will actually be administered leases of hazardous
public safety. and enforced by state and chemicals is the shared
8 local agencies. These agen- responsibility of industry,
government, and the
Funding: The cies must request and be
public. The first steps to-
Perennial Problem delegated from EPA the right
ward accident preven-
Although EPCRA estab- to implement the Risk Man- tion are identifying the
lished the infrastructure and agement Program within hazards and assessing
mandate to conduct local their jurisdictions. Other- the risks. Once informa-
emergency planning, the wise, EPA remains respon- tion about chemicals is
availability of resources to sible for implementing the openly shared, industry,
support these efforts some- rule. As of April 1999, government, and the
times limits a community’s Florida, Georgia, Puerto community can work to-
ability to prepare for emer- Rico, and the Virgin Islands gether toward reducing
gency responses. Similarly, had been delegated respon- the risk to public health
and the environment.
the RMP Rule gives emer- sibility for managing the
gency management groups Risk Management Program. EPA, Risk Management
information that better en- Twelve other states and two Planning: Accidental Release
ables them to protect the counties are also seeking del- Prevention—Final Rule:
public. However, the lack of egation to manage their own Clean Air Act Section 112(r),
Office of Solid Waste and
direct federal funding to sup- programs. Check EPA’s Web
Emergency Response, 550-F-
port these activities may site or the Right-to-Know
96-002, May 1996
hamper their ability to use Hotline for the most current
the information. information. Determining the likeli-
Many state and local gov- Both EPCRA and the RMP hood of these scenarios is dif-
ernments see EPCRA and are “minimum rules.” Imple- ficult because the data
the RMP Rule as positive ad- menting agencies have the needed (e.g., rates for equip-
ditions to their public safety option of adding reporting ment failure and human er-
efforts and are incorporat- requirements, chemicals, ror) are not usually available.
ing them into their pro- and threshold quantities. Even when data are available,
grams. Others just do not California’s Office of Emer- significant uncertainties
have the resources to imple- gency Services, for example, remain in applying the data
ment another requirement has already indicated that it because each facility’s situ-
ation is unique. The prob- Annotated List of RMP Links and Documents
ability of an event occurring References and links to documents or Internet sites
is only part of the risk equa- should not be construed as an endorsement of the views
tion. How right-to-know in- contained therein.
formation is communicated
will affect the community’s Federal Information
perception of the risk posed EPA’s Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office
by accidental chemical re-
leases. The perception of EPA’s web page for Chemical Accident Prevention and
risk will be shaped by the Risk Management Planning provides very useful, compre-
community’s ability to un- hensive information. Examples of available information in-
derstand the nature of po- clude fact sheets, questions and answers, newsletters, links
tential hazards; facilities’ to non-EPA sites, the Clean Air Act section 112(r) legisla-
ability to control, mitigate, tion, the List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for
and respond to those haz- Accidental Release Prevention, the Risk Management Pro-
ards; and, the community’s gram Rule regulations, technical guidance documents, and
ability to manage emergen- many other resources. EPA will maintain an online data-
cies. A community’s reac- base of all RMPs—in RMP*Info. However, RMP*Info will not
tion to perceived risk is contain the OCA data.
tempered by other factors,
such as local industry’s re- EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Superfund,
lationship with the commu- and EPCRA Hotline
nity and socioeconomic
factors that are important to This site provides information on how to contact the EPA-
the community. sponsored Hotline that addresses the Risk Management Pro-
In collaboration with gram Rule. Other information resources are also provided,
LEPCs and SERCs, a number including up-to-date information on several EPA programs,
of industries are launching including the RMP Rule.. Many related documents, includ-
public risk communication ing those listed on the EPA site above, can be ordered by
and education programs to calling (800) 424-9346 or (703) 412-9810 in the Washing-
help explain RMP data and to ton, D.C., area. 9
initiate discussions about risk
within the community. (See Nonprofit Organizations
reference section pages National Safety Council
10–11 under Journalism, for
more information on model The Environmental Health Center’s Crossroads Chemi-
programs conducted in cal Emergency Management page is designed to expand and
Kanawha Valley, West Vir- strengthen the network of organizations involved in emer-
ginia, and Augusta, Georgia). gency planning and response, chemical safety, and hazard-
Journalists are a primary ous chemical rules and regulations. This Web page will
source of information that continually evolve to feature a comprehensive risk com-
the community will rely on munication repository focusing on the Risk Management
to determine risk. The story Program Rule. Additional useful resources not included in
is not only about worst-case this document can be found at this Web site.
scenarios, but also about
more probable outcomes. RMP Background and Rule Summary Information
The story includes what fa-
cilities are doing (or failing Papers/Makris.htm
to do) to prevent accidents A history of the evolution of the Risk Management Pro-
and the capabilities of facili- gram Rule is provided by Jim Makris, Director, EPA’s Chemi-
ties and communities to re- cal Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office in his
spond to an incident. The presentation, “EPA Perspective on Advances in Process
probability of chemical acci- Safety.” The presentation was made at the First Annual Sym-
dents occurring compared to posium of the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center,
the probability of other cata- “Beyond Regulatory Compliance, Making Safety Second
strophic events (such as an Nature,” on March 30–31, 1998. Access other presentations
earthquake) also puts the from the symposium and links provided by the host’s home
story into perspective. page.
Position Papers
Too Close To Home: A Report on Chemical Accident Risks in
the United States
U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG). 1998.
Too Close To Home: A Report on Chemical Accident Risks
in the United States. Using non-RMP right-to-know data,
U.S. PIRG presents a national overview and ranking of U.S
areas vulnerable to the effects of chemical disasters and
recommends ways to significantly reduce chemical acci-
dents and toxic pollution.

Responsible Care® Program
This Chemical Manufacturers Association web page pro-
vides information about the association’s Responsible Care®
Program. Safety Street and other materials on the Kanawha
Valley Demonstration Program may also be available by
calling (703) 741-5000.

CMA, House Leaders Want Chemical Disaster Scenarios Offline
Davis, Joseph A. CMA, house leaders want chemical di-
saster scenarios offline, Environment Writer 11, no. 1 (April

The Augusta Chronicle
(Note: The Augusta Chronicle’s web page provides a search
10 function. Entering “worst-case scenario” provides links to many
article summaries, some of which are listed below.)

Planning for the Worst
Gourley, Meghan. 1997. Planning for the worst, Augusta
Chronicle. October 10, 1997. Ms. Gourley wrote several
articles about a model effort to hold a public presentation
of RMP information. This article includes a description of
some scenarios and provides maps showing worst-case and
alternative scenarios from each.

Richmond Industries to Develop Disaster Scenarios
Pavey, Robert. 1997. Richmond industries to develop
disaster scenarios, Augusta Chronicle (August 15, 1997).

Who Gets Polluted? The Movement for Environmental Justice
Rosen, Ruth. 1994. Who gets polluted? The movement
for environmental justice. Dissent (Spring 1994), 223–230.

The Charleston Gazette

Ward, Ken, Jr. 1994. Many ounces of prevention noted.
The Charleston Gazette (June 14, 1994), 4B. This article is
a commentary on a trial “Safety Street” meeting in Kanawha
Valley, West Virginia
Ward, Ken, Jr. 1994. Disaster possibilities follow set guide-
lines. The Charleston Gazette (June 6, 1994), 6A. Mr. Ward
reports on RMPs provided by 12 industries in Kanawha Val-
ley, West Virginia. (Kanawha’s hazard assessment project
served as a national model for establishing the Risk Man-
agement Program Rule.) Ward’s series, “In Harm’s Way?,”
was based on RMPs and interviews with plant managers,
engineers, and other chemical industry experts

Sources of Environmental Data

EPA’s Envirofacts Warehouse
Information from completed RMPs will be made avail-
able to the public through the Envirofacts Warehouse data-
base, a single point of access to selected EPA data.

Environmental Defense Fund
The Environmental Defense Fund’s “Chemical Scorecard”
can be used by the public to identify which chemical haz-
ards are located in the community, their known or suspected
effects, and actions the public can take.

Right-to-Know Network (RTK NET)
RTK NET provides access to numerous databases, text
files, and conferences on the environment, environmental
“toxics,” housing, and sustainable development. LEPC
information is also available. RTK NET provides information
about specific LEPCs in its database at
www/data/lepc.html and information about SERCs in its
database at
Be advised: not all servers are recognized by the host. 11

Organizational Contacts
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Contact: Carole Macko, Communications Team Leader,
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and
Prevention Office
Address: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW 5104
Washington, DC 20461
Phone: (202) 260-7938

Chemical Manufacturers Association

Contact: James Solyst, Team Leader, Information
Address: Chemical Manufacturers Association
1300 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: (703) 741-5233

Working Group on Community Right-to-Know

Position: Paul Orum, Coordinator Printed on
Recycled Paper
Address: Working Group on Community Right-to-Know
218 D Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 544-9586
Web site:
The Environmental Health Center (EHC) is a division of the National
Safety Council, an 85-year-old nonprofit, nongovernmental organiza-
tion. The National Safety Council is a national leader on accident pre-
vention and home, workplace, auto, and highway safety issues.
The National Safety Council established EHC in 1988 to undertake
environmental communications activities aimed at helping society and
citizens better understand and act knowledgeably and responsibly in
the face of potential environmental health risks. Since that start, EHC
has built a strong record of effective, nonpartisan communication on
environmental health risks and challenges.

May 1999


A Division of the National Safety Council
1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 293-2270

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