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BSMA 3-2


The term "leadership" refers to "the process by which an individual influences a group of
people to achieve a common goal." Shared cooperation and coherent behavior are used to achieve
the goal. A leader instills optimism in others and guides them toward the desired outcome.
This leadership style questionnaire really helped me in determining what kind of leader am
I, or basically what leadership style I was incorporating and using in leading other people. You
can see the difference of each question and the specific main point each question was leading into.
These questionnaire shows three styles of leadership: the Authoritative, Democratic, and Laissez
faire. Authoritative leadership is a management style in which one person makes all of the
decisions with little input from other members of the organization, wherein leaders make decisions
or choices based on their own opinions and do not seek input or advice from others. These are the
people who sets the goals, determines the processes and oversees all steps it takes to reach those
goals. Second style, is the Democratic, wherein it is a type of leadership style in which members
of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process. Everyone is encouraged
to share their opinions, and ideas are freely exchanged and debated. While the democratic process
emphasizes group equality and free exchange of ideas, the group's leader remains in charge of
providing direction and control. Lastly is the Laissez Faire style of leadership. It is a type
of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions.
This is the complete reverse of autocratic leadership, instead of a single leader controlling all of
the decisions for an organization, group, or team, laissez-faire leaders make few decisions and
allow their members to choose the appropriate solutions based on their own perspective.

Based on the answered questionnaire or the scores, it shows that I am more into Democratic
style of leadership, which was actually true. The meaning of a Democratic leader really define the
way I lead a team and guide them. I am the kind of leader who does not want to extremely control
my members and the way they do their tasks. Since in my perspective, controlling other people is
not the good way to handle them, we should let them perform their work based on their own
strategies and skills. I, as a leader, will just guide him or her to the goals and objectives set by the
team, and the rest will be done by them. In this way, they will be able to give out their best and
exert effort without feeling any pressure from the leader with doing this and that. As a democratic
kind of leader, I also encouraged my members to take part and to be involved in every discussion
and decision making that the team will face on. Since being a leader, does not mean that I have the
privilege and power to decided things on my own without considering my members’ opinions and
thoughts. As for me, we are a team, in every decision that we made, it is either all of us will benefit
from the success or we suffer from the consequences that is why it is important to consider and
hear the voices our members want to say. Therefore, I really do believe that each individual or
person has an ability and capability to excel in their own way, without other people dictating them.
As a leader, it is just my responsibility to push them to work hard, motivate, guide, and to control
them in the right path and direction, but themselves are the main key on their own personal success.

The next style of leadership that I scored high as well, is the Authoritative. I barely used
this way of leading my members. Since I really do not want to dictate the exact things that my
member must do and perform. I want them to show and give me an outcome based on their
capabilities in doing such tasks. The only reason I used this kind of leadership is in the way that I
want my members to always directly communicate with me and relay the things they find hard or
difficult to work into. Since in my perspective, leader must be responsible to monitor the mistakes
done by their members in a way that you will just continuously guide and communicate with him
or her, but they are still the one responsible to correct things out and learn from it afterwards.
Lastly is the Laissez- Faire style of leadership, which I scored the least. I got the lowest
score in here, since I really do not use this style and way of leading my members. I did not become
a leader just to let them work on their own without any supervision or guidance from me. I may
not have direct control over them, but as a leader, it is still my responsibility to look after them,
that whenever they have difficulties or problems in working on with their tasks, they can easily
communicate and relay it to me. Since, I do believe that each member’s outcome and performance
reflects the way their leader handle them.
Therefore, leadership motivates people to pursue new ideas and move into uncharted
terrain, helping them to develop both personally and professionally. You will achieve the team's
confidence and loyalty by providing proper guidance. Wherein the primary goal of leadership is
to remove obstacles so that people can act freely and independently. By innovating in strategy and
decision-making activities, leadership inspires and stimulates colleagues to take action.

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