Our Town October 27, 1949

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t A Red Feather Service Pro-Bonus RaDy, Missar Family in Hawaii IFiremen to Help Miller Explains .Wh y I .

• Planned Nov. 1 Decorat~Borough He~II Oppose· Duer

By Veterans Posts For Christmas. . .
Speakman Post Urg~s Will Put Up Lights On:. Democrat Slate
-Residents to Vote And L:lUrel, Business Says Majority
"Yes" on Proposal Couned Hears
'. The Harold D. Speakman Post Members of the Narberth Fire
Company will aid, in Christmas
Favors Qis Move;
356, .American Legion, issued a decorating this year,. it was an- Duer Replies
statement this week. urging all nounced at a meeting 'of the Nar-
persons to vote "yes" for the pimn- berth Business Council on Tuesday Richard L. MilIel-, unsuccessful
sylvania State bonus for World I night. candidate for the Republican nom-
. Charles Sauerbrey said that sev- ination as Narberth' tax collector,
War II veterans in the November eral members of the active com- in the September primaries, an-
8 election.. pany had volunteered to put up nounced this week why he was run-
. The Legion is also urging all per- and take down th'e lights and to tie ning on the Democratic ticket l,n
sons to attend the Bonus Rally to laurel. opposition to Otto Duer.
be held Thursday, November ~, in II In the past outsiders have been He said:
the Ardmore Junior High School. hired to do the work, but this year "Since the September 13 Primary
(Jatharl'ne Clancy, grn'luate
registered nurse from the Health M Sl p. ha·rm n f the bonus I
ax e In, c I a 0 I
the Council plans to save the extra
'money usually expended, for this.
many citizens who voted for me,
and many who voted for other
, and ,Civic Associatiori, Ardmore, gives professional care in the
. k . . d
committee epal' men 0 t t f P enns)' - i t hThe Council also agreed a t mer- candidates, have urged me to op- ", ~
·home. This service recorded 19,800 visits to homes of the SiC In vania, American Legion, will chants who didn't pay their dues pose MI'. DUel' in the General Elec- "

this area last year. speak. Legion Posts, VFW posts would not have any Christ.mas tion on November 8.
• and legion auxiliaries of the Main lights placed in front of their "My analysis of the Primary re-

Narberth Quota Set Line will participate in the pro-

The Legion statement said, ,

"Bonuses have been paid to veter-'

stores. Marios Chios was appointed
to collect the dues.
President Roger Burke named
the following persons to a nomlI1- . RICHARD L. MILLER
sUIts shows that 1823 Republican
ballots were cast for Tax Collee-
tor, of which 728, or less than four
out of every ten, were for Mr.

At $5500 for Red •

ans after all previous wars as both I
a token of gratitude and as reCOIn-
pense for time and money lost
atl'ng committee: Joe Adelizzi, John
Miller, Howard Cotter, Ralph
Dunne and Joe Whiteside. "
Warns A· gains·t
I Duer. The remaming . votes were
cast for the other three candidates,
inclUding 576 for me and 452 for

Feat her Ca--.----:.=-----T-----'

mpa'gn while in the service of our country.
"We feel that in 1945 the citizens
of this state would gladly have
paid a bonus had it been fitting or
Sauerbrey and Joseph AdelIzzl'
will represent the Council at the
next meeting of the Main Line
Chamber of Commerce.
EIect-Ion Apathy
MI" Griswold, who has withdrawn
from the contest. Since 1095 votes
were cast in favor of other candi-
dates, it is clear that Mr. tiuer riid

Goal Increased necessary. In 1949 it is both fitting Congressman c onne not receive the endorsement of a

$300' Volunteers ,
MIssionary eam and necessary."
The letter pointed out that many
Play'ers Open Urges Heavy Turnout majority of Narberth RepUblicans.
"Furthermore, many voters have
A warning against apa~hy in this expressed to me decided disapproval
Now at Work Attends Banquet veterans have also lost years of
experience in civilian occupations geason Frl-da'y year's election was issued by Con- of the action of the committeemen
The Narberth quota for the 1950 Men From Far East that can never be regained. It gressman Samuel K. McConnell, Jr. and committeewomen in the Sec-
Red Feather campaign has been k said that nine veteran organizations G "L M" Although no great contest is ex- ond District in engaging in a Pri-
Spea ers representing a membership of 800,- ive . ove or oney pected, he urged a heavy turnout mary Election contest. They be-
·et at $5,500. This is $300 more than Among 000 h ave en d Ol'se d I. 't I n T wo N°Igh t S tan d at the polls in November to insure Heve that the voters of Narberth
last. year. The 13th annual congregational The bonus has been unanimous- a Republican victory for 1950 prefer independent choice of Bor-
M;s. C. T. Nevins, of 401 Wood- banquet of the Narberth Presby- ly approve.d by two sessions of the Mrs. Joseph C. Missal', daughter of ·Mrs. Catherine Dunphy, The Main Line Playhouse will "Occasionally because of a nat- ough officials, and that they op-
:Ilide Ave., is district. director of the with its week-long missionary con- State Legislature and the Gover- of 2002 Woodbule Ave., Narberth, shown on her arrival in Pearl open its third season w.ith "For ural tendency to coast during cer- pose any attempt to dictate, based
.) I I t 6 30 F·d nor. Harbor with her children, Dorothea and Joseph. They joined Love or Money," on Friday and tain off-year elections, we were re- on narrow political motives.
campaign. Working wit. 1 ler as ference, will be held a : 1"1 ay The Legion statement saId in ~farine Major Missar, who is assistant operations. and training Saturday, October 28 and 29. at minded that a comparatively qUiet "Still more voters believe that
associate directors are Mrs. Milton tel'ian Church, held in conjunction closing, "It is fitting that a great officer of headquarters, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. Lower Merion High School. Curtain election was actually the forerun- Mr. Duel' placed his personal politi-
Pan·an, of 220 N, Essex Ave.; Mrs. at the .church. state such as Pennsylvania should time is 8:30 ~. M. ner of a great political battle the cal advantage above the best in-
Robert Cameron, of 105 S. Nar- In charge of the banquet pro- not fai~ to foll?\y the lead of oth.er
berth Ave., and Mrs. Wesley Ayars, gram will be members of the ~:~~~:~~ prOVIdIng a bonus to Its
Narberth Girl Scout Troops Many favorites of Playhouse au- following year, and therefore we terests of the Borough, by his last-
diences and several newcomers should not relax too mUCh," Con- minute circulation of marked sam-
of 224 Avon Rd. missionary team of Princeton The- Plan Banquet on Wednesda'" .y
will make up the cast of this.c?m- gressman McConnell said at a pIe ballots in the First District,
edy by F. Hugh Herbert. WIllIam meeting on octOber 11 of the Lower 'knifing' Councilman William ~.
Mrs. Chester McKibbin, of 223 ological' Seminary. It includes Cotters Market Marks . Gallagher and Elaine Myrelius will Merion-Narberth Council of Re- Thompson, who was a candidate
Essex Ave., will serve as secretary. Christy Ara~garden, 0f B a,Ilga 35
lor'e ' Y • N b th Narberth's seven Girl Scout under the direction of Mrs. E. A. take t h e Idea ·mg par t s. Th ey WI·11 publican Women and the Merion- for renomination.
Assistant secretaries are Mrs. India, ASSOCiate General Secretary ears In ar er . troops are completeing plans forlRusselh be supported by Mary Gene Mea- Narberth Coun~y Committee. "Those who :know Mr. Thomp-
.... Franklin C. HutChinson, of 24 of the National Mission Society of Over 300 persons packed ~nto the Mother..Daughter Banquet to Sixteen girls in the troop have gher, Geraldine Fleming, J. Carey He said that at first glance the son ·and who are familiar \vith the
Woodside Ave.; Mrs. E. Lee Golds- India; Chulin Toktaeny, of Thai- ;ott:r~r~::k:~ 0~5I~urSd~y mght be held Wednesday, November 2, completed their World Neighbor Thomas, Mrs. Mae Kent,. Jack Dav~s rather listless election may not ap- conscientious and splendid service
borough, 9 Narbrook Park, and . b t.· 0 c e a e anmversary at the Community Building badge under the direction of Mrs. and Andrew Wollershelm, who IS pear very important, but a closer he has rendered as chairman of the
Mrs Clayton Rich of 209 Chestnut land, pastor ot ,he Pre y eIlan of the store. . ... . . ' . b' ct was also directing the play. look would reveal that it is the highway committee, resent this in-
. , Church, Petchaburi, Thailand; A t?tal ~f, 50 prizes were given Janice Krug, of To:op 368, w~ll J. S'. DeFrates, whOse su Je Dorothy Bil~s is in charge of the preliminary of the vital contest of troduction of the brand of politics
,A~~ speaking to members of the Robert Jacoby, of Carlisle, Pa., who out, Isclud~ng two turkeys. Mrs. represent Narberth Girl Scouts 11l MeXICO. , s c e n e r y . committee, Ann Potterfield, 1950. which has no place in a community
Business Council on Tuesday ni"ht,' preparing for service in China, Robert J. N~sh, of ~ Iona Av.e ., was the Strawbridge and Clothier Fash- The Scouts are: Bonme Board- propertIes, and Jane Supper, the In speaking of the government, like Narberth.
in behalf of the campaIgn, . "IS d TI
Mrs. Moffett of Tyeng- fipresented With a gift for k beIng
th Ithet ion Show Ardmore on Saturday, man, ' Ellenh Boney, Cynt'la CI , ay- pro du c·e r' . . he said, ' . I y, we are I·IV-
"Fortunate "Aft er, care f u 1 conSI'd era t·IOn 0 f
Nevins pointed out that the:-e are an lomas.. . . '. d·.·· t r rst h custo~er : m~d eF·· ~ t/s , 0 i b" . 2;" '_... . . ion-Susan· Coririor' Mary' E 1COO- The Lions Club of Cynwyd plans Ing in a township and a . county all aspects of the ,situation, I de-
67 pl~ces of business in Narberth. yang, Koreo; \'I'ho is ·stu YlIig 0 purc ase w len· owar . 0 er, coer . ' . ' ets r ~~Mil a theater party for the Friday where good government has pre- cided to accede to the wishes of
• She urged members of the Council service in the Near East. Sr., .opened in 1914. And she h:S She has been sele~ted as a flag per, Patsy Jaml~son, B ~ . : night performance. vailed for many years. It is our what I believe to be the majority
to aid in the solicitation of these The Rev. Robert J. Lamont, pas~ contmued to be a steady, custom I' bearer for the opemng ceremony. lan, Mary McTighe, Patsy Mll1el, Tickets may be purchased from privilege and our duty as patriotic of Narberth voters, and become a
Places' She said that if 20 persons tOI' \v'lll preside and musical selec- for 35 Yt . fDave Mel~lck stervthed In observance of Girl Scout Week,jLynn Wychoff, Jill Morrill, Judy Playhouse members or at the door. citizens to work enthusiastically candidate on November 8."
. ' as mas er 0 ceremomes a e . . .
would make five calls the quota tions will be provided by Mr. and party. all the mOdels. used ~Ill be .. ~outs Purring, Ruth Ann Stewart, Nancy and persistently for the mamte- statement bY Duel'
could be met. . . . J Fe.· d b the male Cotter, Jr. and his brother, John sel~cted. from the Philadelphia and Summers, Sally Watts and Janet HE~LTH REPORT . . nance of that fine local govern- Informed of Miller's statement,
Burgess SterlIng M. Chall1. alsO MIS. ames rus an ~ Crist Cotter: now run the market. Mam L l l l e . . 00 . SIX new cases of conta~JOus diS- ment.. . Duel' declared:
asked the support of the Busll1ess quartet composed of Challes Heaps, Th· father cam t Narb th in The Narberth Semor Troop 475 Sherw d . . , eases have been reported m Lower "ThiS year we shall be votmg "We had a primary election. I
Council in the campaign. He said Joseph Kaufman, Raymond Kauf- 190~r d ? k d ef F :rC . t will make posters and decorate the Intermediate Troop 93 With theIr Merion Township bY'" Health Offi- principally for candidates for local won the RepUblican primary apd
that Mr. Nevins walked .into a num- man and F. M. Robb, Jr. and i:~91:~~a:ted~r sto~:nfor ~I~: ?un Cleaners w~ndow in ~arberth leaders, Mrs. E. ~. Bromer a~d cer Robe~t J. Thomas. and count~ office~. Our. ticket is a I'm campaigning for the straight
ber of homes one evenmg without More than I 70 young people ~: self in the old YMCA buildin . The In co~memoratlOn of JulIet Low Mrs. L. ~arle Bro';,n, ha~ their They Include. four cases of good ?ne 10 keepIng WIth t~e fine Republican ticket.
pledge cards and collected $1000 the church are ex~ected to part.1 back part of the present sto ge was and Girl Scout Week. Mrs. Ernest firs.t fall Cook Out Sat~r.day at mumps, one of German measles, tradition of hoonr,able serVIce to "In 1941 the committee people
tor the campaign. cipate in a. hay ride a~d. doggie part of the lobby of the Y I' Pirschner will serve as chairman. QUInce's ~eld. They ,';fere Jomed by and one of Whooping cough. the people," he concluded. took' an active part in electing
Nevins said, "It is often said that roast orgamzed by WillIam. T. • This troop elected the follo~ing another Cook Out group when Richard L. Miller as burgess when
Narberth is self-sufficient and these Moore to be held Saturday evemng.
are oUr neighbors in trOUble. This T~e group will ~eav.e the church, Local Wo~en elp
H new officers at its last meetmg: Mrs. Paul Stewart and her Brown-
Ellen Moss .Hart, ~l·esident; Mar- ies, ~f Troop 572, chose the same
S pea ker Speakman Post Plans
there was opposition and in' elect-
ing other borough officials. ;:
is a challenge. Are we going to do Wmdsor and GI ay\lng Aves., at Plan HospItal Bazaar tha Robb, vice preSident-secretary, locatIon. Armistice Day Banquet "Also, in 1945 Sterling M. Chain
.. in Narberth what we are capable 4.30 P. M. en .route for the G l a d - . and Nancy Robertson, treasu~er. . . . was elected to the council with the
of doing?" . wyne Recreal10n Center, \~here ,A ~umber of l.o~al women are aC- Mrs. Raymond A. Krug, assistant Merion Man Named The annual Armistice Day d\n- hel of committee eo Ie. As a
Isupper will be served. Followmg a tIve m the aUXiliary of the Wom- leader of Troop 368 has been work- ner of the Harold D. Speakm~n p ·tt d p ~ d··d 1
• A dW b CI 'Old 'I ride through Valley Forge they en's Homeopathic Hospital for Men, ing with the Sco~ts who at the To School Faculty
'ld 20 d ' .
Post will be held at the Legion comml eehman a~ hatS tan In lVlrtua,
. F'd a person as a rig 0 suppo an
r ~ ynne U sters will return to the home of Mr. an d W omen an d Ch I ren, th an end of the ~ar hope to achieve Appointment of James Eisenberg Room On Wmdsor Ave., 1'1 ay, d f bI'
'en Party Mrs. David Tracey, Fairview Rd., Susquehanna Ave., which is plan- their Curve Bar. L ·M·. t b' November 11, at.7 P. M. reffic0m.~en anyone or pu IC
~ Plan Hallowe
Th A d W Cl b ' . By Penn Valley, for a camp fire.
. b F 'd .
nmg a azaar on rI ay, Decem- These girls are: Sally Felse, Jean
, 2 4 0 Stoneway ane
erlon 0 e
. .. 1 0
Tickets are limited to 0 guests
0 ceo
e l' - ynne u .' ongma bel' 2. Lee Goldsborough Janice Krug, director of the ~rts an cra sec- and may be obtained from Harold •
forme<! for the. recre~tlOn of folks 'Model Classes' Feature Among them are Mrs. William Jean Pat McKen~ie Susan Rey- tion of the religiOUS school of Beth Nordblom. Senft Named PreSIdent
• o~er 65. years, IS haVIng a Hallow- Littleton, 310 Landrillo Rd., C~'l1- nolds, Judy Stephen~ and Barbara David Synagogue, 5220 ~ynnefi.eld The juniol' baseball team was Of M O ° t ° I G
House Celebration
e en party at the Knox Home. 718.0 wyd, chairman of social service and Yowell. They have completed the Ave., was announced thiS week. honored at an open meeting of the IBIS erla roup
't Sussex Rd., Wyn~ewOOd, o~ Satur- CdS h l welfare; Mrs. Walter B. Supplee, first step toward this honor which Eisenberg is head of. the Art De- post on Tuesday. George Ballis, The Rev. Cletus .A: Senft, p~s-
day, October. 29. f~om 7 to 9:30 P.M. ynwy t c 00 Levering Mill Rd. and Lodges Lane, is the Home Nursing Course given partment of Bok Vocational School. state director of athletics, was a tOr of t~e Holy Tnl1lty Lutheran
~he committee In charge.mcl~.des . Model classes were one of the Cynwyd, recording secretary; Mrs. --- guest as well as a group of young Chu~'ch m Nal'bert~, w~s ele~t~d
:IVIIs. Samuel Hen~y, 13~ ?rand\ lew features of the open house held at A. C. Hawkins, 60 Academy Rd., Cf
Rd., Ardmore; MISs LIIl1an Drebe, the Cynwyd Elementary School on Bala-Cynwyd corresponding secre- ",erVlces In
• N ar berth Churc hes
• baseball players from Narberth and pre.sldent of. t~e Main LIne .MInls-
surrounding communities. terlal ASSOCiation at a meetIng on
Knox Home, Wynnewood; .Mrs. Tuesday. tary' and M~s Leon Melcher 4 0 1 · Tuesday.
'. Claude Badgley, 319 E. Lancastel: The fift~l and sixth grades metlStat~ Rd., Cyn~Yd, 2nd vice-presi- Baptist Church of the Evangel, e~eni~g service will be ~nder .the OUR TOWN Other officers ele~ted w~re the
,Ave. ,Ardmore, and Mrs. Howara for ten mmutes each to show the dent and chairman of the maternity Elmwood and Narberth Ave., Nar- directIOn of the Women s Socle~y Rev. Stanley V. Wilcox, vicar of
•. Smith, 258 Hathaway Lane, Wynne- par~mts ~n average school day of department. berth. Rev. Gordon A. Gilbert, pas- of Chris.tian Servi.ce. Mrs. Elsie IS ON SALE EACH WEEK AT the Nevia~ Memo~·ial Church of St.
· wood. their children. The parents also tor. Rowe Will speak, m observance ,of THE FOLLOWING STORES: George, vice-president, and Donald .. 1;
F~I:ks. in the commun.ity over 65 visited the first four .grades during DAVIS IN MIDDLE EAST The Rev. Gordon A. Gilbert will the week ?f prayer and self-demal Davis Store, 224 Haverford G. Archer, Main Line Y secretary, t
are :nvlted t~ ~~rtake m the Hal- the open house, winch was spon- Herbert H. Davis, seaman, USN, speak on "When We ReaUy Pray, of the society. . Ave., Narberth. secretary-treasurer. i
lowe en festl~I~les and r~fresh- sored by both parents and teac~ers. of 203 Essex Ave., Narberth, is a Something Happens," at the 11 A. ~arberth Presby~erIan Church, BYRUM SAAM Narberth News, 238 Haver- Dr. B. ~. Scott, pastor of the !.
ment~ and to Jom the clUb, If they The Ways and Means Commltt~e crew member aboard the hydro- M. service on Sunday. Wmdsor and GraYhn g , Aves. Rev. noted football commentator, ford Ave., Narberth. Lower Menon Baptist Church, pre- I;
so WIsh.
sponsor a square dance in the Cyn- g ~ Maur r
of the Parent Study group Will ra hic surve shi USS Ma
on: of a l'OU
. . Robert J. Lamont, mimster. who will speak at the luncheon
Holy Trinity L~theran Church of Dr. John Coventry Smith, secre- meeting of the Bala-Cynw3'd-
w~'d School gym on Friday, Novem- th e h' y IS. h .11 g . p. Narberth, Woodbme and Narberth tary for Japan, board of foreign
Penn Valley Drugs, 921 sided at the meeting in the absence
Montgomery Ave., Penn Val. 'of the president; Harold D. Flood.
I Mrs. J, E Bertles associate secre-
, 4 8 15 t 11 P M ree SiPS w llC WI remam In Aves Rev. Cletus A. Senft pastor. . . b' Ch h Narberth Rotary Club on Tues- ley. . , {
L?cal delegates to the P~nnsyl- bel' ,fro~. o. ., the Middle East for about eight • R C S 'ft ·U mISSions, pres yte1'lan lJrc, day, at 12:15 P. M. at the Bala Trainers, 238 Woodbine Ave., tary of the Y, served as acting sec- ,:~,.•,.
vania State Nurses' 45th annual Mrs. Miller Merrick, who repre· th The ev. letus A. . en ... WI USA will speak at the 11 A. M. II Narberth retary at the meeting ~
• state convention from November sents the group on the inter-school mon s.
3 to 5 in Reading, Pa., will be Miss exchange, announced the dates of
Gracia Greene, of Bryn Mawr; Miss!the plays to be given by the Salome 500 BIrdLovers _
speak on "Our Protes.tant Heritage" service. The evening service will Golf Club.
ll A M
.a.t ti Ie . . . servlc~ on
Su da
11 y. be conducted by. the Princeton
~t the 9,45 A. M. serVice Mi~s Hat- Missionary team.
Saam will discuss highlights
of the present football season
Guard Trouble PIag"nes L. Merion
• .

tIe Mop·ow, a represen~atlve of St. Margaret's R. C. pburch, 208 and may offer his forecast of
..' Edna Hughes, of Bryn Mawr, and Gaynor players. "Sleeping Beauty"
Miss Chastina Parry director of will be the first. to be presented
the Community Health and Civic Friday, December 2, from 7:30 to
tten eetl-ng .
the Haverford Center, Will speak. Narberth· Ave. Father James F. the outstanding teams and
Narberth Methodist Church, Es- Toner, pastor. players of the year.
For Upper Darby Test Saturday
• Association, Ardmore, Pa. 9 P. M. sex and Price Aves. Rev. Harold Masses on SundaY will be held at Saam, Who recently bought
Houses Exhibited., Flood, pastor. the regular hours: 6:30, 7:30, 9 and a home in Penn Valley, got Line trouble continued to plague And Lower Merion, doggedly de-
]\ ""r _R a bb·.,'
• f t
th R
It s on e un; Installation of Feeders
The Rev. Harold D. Flood will 10:15 A. M. and two masses for the into professional broadcasting Lower Merion High's footballers as termined to avoid its fifth straight
conduct the 11 A. M. service. The upper and lower church at 11 :15. by accident. While a colIege they girded for Saturday's game defeat, went on the march as the

Here Comes L. M_ Rod Gun!

~.; W• F or mter
A t A utocar Open H ouse student In Texas, he was called wi~h Upperpar~y High at the Ray- Harry Toy's recovery of a fumbled
to pinch-hit when the regular als Memorial Field, on Lansdowne t Rdl' 40 th A
~ announcer was sick. In subse- Ave. pun on I ey s , e ces
Over 500 perosns attended the quent years he has developed Guard trOUble in particular vex- marched to the 12 before time ran
Small game throughout this area fourth and fifth places, respectively, first fall meeting of the Bird Lov- an enthusiastic following. ed Coach Dick Mattis. The con- out, with Charlie McQuiston and
had better watch out. in the 25-bird shoots. ers Association of Lower Merion dition of Ralph Hicks and Hugh George Salway doing most of the
Strings of ten birds were also held Thursday evening in the Ard- Waters, who have been sidelined .
• For in preparation for the open- . f .
fired at intel·vals durmg the a ter- more Jumor High Au itorlUm.
. d ' uO ur Town" Participates'
by knee injuries, remained un- heavy. hau.ltng.
predictable.' Until Rldler Township finally
, ing of the small game season in noon, with Ted Frick and Raymond The Girl and Boy Scouts. as well In Radio Broadcasts In addition. Bill Kopp, 170-pound scored, ~. M..s sophomore sl?e~d-
, Pennsylvania on November 1, mem- Chain, Sr., of Narberth as winners. as the Bird Lovers, exhibited mod- "Our Town" and other pub- senior transferred to Mercers- ster Russ Carter had been glVll1g
• bers of the Lower Merion Rod and Refreshments were prepared and els of bird houses and bird feeding Hcations of the Tri-County burg AcadelllY this week and his the invaders fits and stars. And
GUn Club are busily improving served by Mi's. Raymond Chain, Sr. stations, which have been made for services were lost. Add to that the Don M~achamfi halfbacl" played
• their shooting skill over the traps Mrs. Sabie Censore and Mrs. J. J. the song birds of the Main Line ,. PUblishing Co. are participat- fact that Tony Scutti, 6-foot senior well untIl he. had three . front teeth .
at the clUb shooting grounds at Whiteside, all of Narberth, and Mrs. section. Coates Walton, Scout lead- ing in a series of five-minute who has been nursing rib injuries, broken durmg, one l?lle-up. Bill
King of Prussia. Howell Dietrich of Upper Darby. er of Bala-Cynwyd, spoke on the broadcasts over WNAR, Nor- still isn't in prime condition and Camp, the Aces offenslye end, "Y as
ristown. you can readily understand why another stand?ut, Interceptmg
y, The traps will be open this Sun- Following a short business meet- building of bird houses and feeders. The programs are broadcast Mattis Is moanin' low. thre.e enemy aerials.
day to give hunters a last-minute ing last Wednesday evening, a tall All persons were urged to Install at 10 A. M., Monday to Friday, So serious was the line situation Ridley completed only four of 12
warmup. Excellent scores were story contest resulted in awarding feeders to take care of the birds during the Ridley Township tussle passes, but one was enough to
·made by several members last Sun- of prizes to G. Earle Thompson, of in the icy and snowy weath('r. It inclusive, at 1110 kilocycles. that Mattis called upon Jerry cause L. M.'s downfall. Quarter-
day. Ardmore; Fred Braun, of Glad- was announced that all public News of Narberth and Lower Daly, 190-pounder and tackle who back Joe McNicholas passed to
.~ High man for the afternoon was wyne; Henry Drum, of Havertown; parks'in the township will be taken Merion Township is fe.atured hadn't previously played; to fill in Larry Scott for eight and the
Chris Summers, Jr. of Wilmington, and Walter Mlesen, John Miller. care of with installations and sup- in the Wednesday broadcasts. when Scutti was sidelined for a touchdown..
whose average of 23 out of 25 clay Sr., Bob Lawrence and Gottlieb plIes. prepared by Ruth Chandler, brief skirmish with a Ridley war- Upper Darby, an upset 19-13
assistant editor. Monday'S pro- riOI'. victor over Abington last week
· pigeons captured top prize. Paul Esslinger, all of Narberth. JUdges Everett E. Burlingame, outlined t b th Daly, 11 ekmost of the Ardmore figures to be no soft touch. Lower
Lothes, of Havertown, and Joseph were: J. Edward Bolich, of Cynwyd; the work of the association In thl! grams are presen ed y e Aces, performed nobly but the Merion routed by the Royals last
White of Cynwyd, tied for second E. C. Griswold and C. H: A. Chain, absence of the president, P. J. Bon- Haverford Township News and Townsbip team in time wore them year, 33-0. Coach Fred Loeb's
''''with 21 each, while Howell Dietrich, Sr., of Narberth; and Victor Sweet, oma. Worcester Bouck, a ' Boy Pupils from Lower Merion and Haverford·High Schools listen Friday's by the City Line News. down by sheer force of numbers. charges will be thirsting for re-
of Upper Darby, was third with 20. of Ardmore. Scout official, told of the work of While an Autocar guide lectures them on the construction of par- National and International It wasn't until late in the third venge, especially over a Lower
Ted Frick, of Narberth, and Ray- A turkey shoot ie being planned the Scouts and how they are taught tleliY'Clompleted chassis on the assembly line. The trip took plaoe news is featured in the Tues- quarter that Ridley scored the Merion foe whom they're rarely
mond Eyler, Jr" of Ardmore took for the Sunday before Thanksgiving. bird and tree life. daring Penllllylvani. Week. . day and Thursday broadcasts. game's only touchdown. able to defeat. .

r_---=:-'_p'_-_"-__= ... -:------:::-,------------.----.--'-:-'--'__
' _' _-=O~U:...::R_T:..::O:...W::....:N~ __
-_· 4...,--------------..:...-------.!T~hu~rsd,ay,?ct~b.~ 27, 1949 "~., ' ..

lleQl'II~1 'N
81 ORAR...'B L WBlGBT ,-Philosop~er,
; : ] Escaplng Fear
The Armchair • ,
• • a

Out Loud Costume Part-y

• e e

Owned and Operated by American Stores Company "Bu'. moth"." th, boy "id with a,,,t; might <von win . - . F., J,ann,tt, w.. I'" pnpular with
• • Igh. "you gotta b"ng a gld'" .h. w.. " p"tty-and bad h" tho oth" glds at tho party. Non' R'..
How happy h. had b"n .untilf h. 0' kn~ ,~d.
y.an ago. whon 'am,d to tb' art"" whom d .1" bad ""n'· moll' of "'.ad to .om. in ond nva•
Chu"b In N.w Yark CIty Iy oomm",ion. .. po.lnt b" po.... Bring big thin.. Into ynU, 1iJe,
t ,hoi"
t nf a dn... ar m......anlifnl 't th.m nd look,d
f ".P"tty. and f th roinatantly I,t go its warld "",own' ""it nad """"U.d bar ' due Thin..
call OUr tha' fu. tho
loyalties Imagl..lin..
develop spiritual
Be Prepared for Your had discovered that, dlstur mg ac. cos umes. I, a , 0 course, none 0 em ed pastor and announced his suc- to Impendlne: hard times. '
'Th". b
. w....hto "Y"
b. Iwo
thi Hailow"""
one "But
"W'ell moth". ,.... my need
,"uOn to
'" ilk.d tho when
id... May" that .xpiain-
taken cessor, the comment on the street Now, the ' poor. artist was more ,",ourea•.
Iy the leastB.u"" poopt. an anything
nnnnal" -,"
HALLOWE'EN far boy'at9 ttoe 12 and on.
partIes s y fare
does anybody ed why
for tho '
the vote was
b"t-Iooking ,,,,tume. w.., , N.v" , b.a'd " of him! To d"ply .uok In gloom. ond
Far tb'" Is "no doubt th.t ""O",ty· .

membe~s un~
12 to 14 and because he was 12 he That was true, as the boy re- Jeannette didn't win. The boY which the answer of the Riverside ed to the inn to \lft his spirits with Is a foil to fear.
FESTIVITIES was qualified to attend both of alized. Sometimes It was hard even thought It was a gyp, and wanted
them. And then he had discovered for the boy to believe that the to say so, but Jeannett~ ~akes
was: "No, but you wlll, the fruit of the vine. Once again Finally, In clOSing, when we
accepted for Riverside Church reat the fatefUl headline stared at him. derstand that fear Is an emotion,
All the fine foods and refresh-
ments you'll need for this spe-
the line at. the bottom of the 12 to talented Jeannette, whose singing the second prize graCIously, a s "
14 invitation. "Each boy will bring and dancing had won her dozens of though it fulfilled her fondest preachers. E~en g one of the most powerfUl, and'. It ' '
so, great congre- So picking It up to read the article takes an emotion ,to' fight an emo- "

a girl." prizes, was the same little kid he dreams. gations make great preachers. in greater detail, he discovered the tlon. Then 'the more powerful emo:.
cial occasion.

a~ ~h.ebo~
"Well 'you know lots of nice had known ever since she was born. And the was such fun tha Discriminating readers make in- paper to be two years old. tion is love. There's no fear in love,

;, MIXED NUTS R~~:=d Ib

45' girls," 'his mother prompted. They still talked about It
"There's Mary--"
"Oh HER!"
the got over. being sore. He dependent newspapers magazines No moral need to be appended for the good, book says, "Love cast-.
boy's house. How' her older sIsters Jomed In the klssmg games as if
. . "
had gone to dancing school and he had played them all his life. of honest 'oplnlOnS, books of lasting to this tal;" We recognize worrIes means of escape.
" eth out fear." Just try these three t.:

I APPLE CIDER Re~p~IT:~I:n 51'

"And Linda." ;Jeannette, milch bigger than a although they did seem a bit silly worth. Music lovers make notable of our own which are just asl ;::::::;::;;:;:;:;::;;::::=a
"I hate her!" minute, had been allowed to trail to him. When the refreshments composers and instrumentalists. An groundless. They appear suddenly,ll
"Well, maybe you'd like to take al?n~. And how, during an inter- were !jerved, he remembered to intelligent pUblic makes superior J;'un cirCles In the mind and in the ANNOUNCEMENT.
59' your
onto the the
and donehad dashed pass
to perfec- some before
Jeannette ice cream and his
taking cakeown.
to stage and .screen and radIO . fare.' . . co~munlty
until they become a


10' The mother thought about it tion the steps tM older children It was a grand party.
some mQre and then suggested: had been struggling, to lea,rn.
"Why don't you take Jeannette?" The teacher had, recognIZed her.
... ... ...
And so It goes everywhere. The thmg of horror. If we can Jaugh at
electorate makes worthy and re- our own fooll.sh fears as we laugh-
lsponsible government officials or ed at the artist, thl! cure is begun.
Rob Roy Pale Dry Ginger Ale 1'1,':" 11c talent and given her special lessons . Uncle Dan called for Jeannette . ' You know that all human beings
On all beverages add bailie deposil and P.nna. tax in Penna, Markets. The boy to;k ttme-+ to think that Costumes were created and cut~ the next morning t~ take. her home, ~rlbes, t~rea~~ns, or. :flatters them are born with but two fears, that
little song and dance routines and the whole famIly enJoyed talk- mto mediocrItIes. It IS well known of falling or loss of support and
Large Washed Brazil Nuts ~~g 57c one over. At
Jeannette a m abe
would sque
a l'ad e party , worked out for her. And soon, at 109
wonderful .' t 0 h'1m, as th ey a'I ways dl'd.. f 01' that the honor of the team, or the the fear of a loud noise. All the' rest
We are opening •
CaUfornia Paper SbeD Almonds ~~g 57C the "amateur nights'! which were UncIe Dan was such fun. He kidded corps makes supermen of its per- are acquired and many of them

CaUfornia Fancy Pecans ~g 41c BARBA'DA
f> ~ 0. DreSi
a weekly feature at the nickelode- so much that you couldn't tell
~~ ons,
Jeannette was wowmg
. h th h e.was k'dd'
the au- weer
he was sel'lOus.
I mg or wether
sonnel. That honor reposes
expectancy of the rootels.
. learned the 'hard way These "n-
the elude the creative .' New Department
fears without
which the race could not survive
Diamond Large Wallluts Ib 47.
,;-1 P
Complete LIne ~ ... ... ... H e h a d seeme dqUIte " SerIOUS We unquestIOnably .do ' receIve Indeed, education, science, religion,. Religious Articles
Next Week. October' 31 st to November 5th i~ l\Iod~ratelY priced ~ The movie would grind to a when he had talked to the boy's about what we deserve whether it and common sense consist in being
~ SkIrts . SJfg~s~;5: Hosler,. ~ flickering halt and the manager ~other about Jeannette, not know- is in gimricks or gover~ments The afraid of the right things. It's the • Rosary Beads
N~ Ilpple 'kJeeIa 1'4 9 CRICKET AVE.
~~ Ardmore MaternIty Wear Ardmore 6818"'"
*1 would announce .that the amateur mg the' boy could hear him.
excellent is permanent and persua-
. fear of the wrong things which
• Religious Pie:tures
,,"~~~~{ showed the big hook, that would "that girl will go far in the theatre. Slve, and has the power to Win over poses
program was gomg to begin. He "Mark my words," he was saying, . . the problem.
It is when fears become phobias,
Tasty, Eastern drag off any entertainer the audi- Not just these amateur nights and trash every time. But it takes time, or obsessive anxieties, or sheer hys-
AII.Purpose Stayman ence didn't like, and ur~d them weeks at the seashore like she's and a show of hands. teria and panic, that we need a
• Religious Medals
to applaUd for ~heir favorites. doing now. I mean real stu~. If the reader of this article is a _ m.eans of escape. H?re are three:
Delicious Apples Fan~ ~~I~:t~OE~5%~~·m3 Ibs Ifle:
Green Cooking Apples Sibs ZfJc
DORFNER So a boy or girl would give some Broadway. The star of the bIg
recitations and get a smattering productions. Her name up in palled by the low level of what out into the open and see them as
of applause. A local favorite would lights,"
p FIrst, when we brmg our fears
goes on around him, and really they really are, rather., than as we
perform, and his family and friends The boy almost snickered when wants to reform things, let him imagine them to be, Hidden fears
Cleaners Since 1890 would applaud him loudly, but boos he heard him. Uncle Dan must b,e begin immediately with himself. are like objects In semi-darkness,
• Crucifixes
• Prayer Books
, ,

De luxe Celery Hearts ~~r~h 1 fJe: would come from tile other side of kidding again, for all his serious. . , they take grotesque shapes. Turn
the hall. A red-faced man would tone. Jeannette was all right. She Let hIm pass up the thmgs which on the lights. Talk them over with
P J Gt·ann·tnt·
California Iceberg Lettuce Ib 1§0 a
sing "Mother Machree," which was cute kid and all that. But to everybody does because everybody the family and friends, see them Your Jeweler
quite likely had broughts tears at expect Jeannette MacDonald to else is doing them, set up some shrivel.
Clancy'S saloon, but this audience ever become famous like Eva Tan- standards of his own and cleave to Second, when we crowd them out
woul~" have ~one of it. ,,"Get the ?uay' a~d I,>eople like that-it was them. That's exactly how trends by bringing into our lives such
STevenson 4-8700 hook. they d shout. Get the Just piam SIlly! . .. large purposes and concerns as to Open Wed. & Fri. Eve••
(illill'Sud Enriched 10-Ib bag 73c r; ...:lhook!" The hook would be brought are started, by the indiVIdual ac- leave no more room for fears.
FLOUR 5 b~~ 38c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1out and the singer drag-ged off
stage, still trying to sing. 'The Legal. countable to himself alone.
But there are so many of us
Empty heads and hearts and lives
Shelled Nuts
Layer Figs
3·" baa 23c
S·" pka 23c
BRACKBILL'S Delicious But after awhile Jeannette came
on the stage, and 'when she had
finished her first song the entire
e fro~
worry and fret about so many un-
necessary things in life. A fable --~ - - - - - - -
the French tells of a certain C. WALLAC' STUARD, SIL c. WALlACf STUARD, 11f..
Pitted Dates 7'/4'" pka 23c
PURE audience demanded an encore. And artist who went to the village inn
Raisins calif. S••d'''' 11," pka 12c
SWEET when the manager held his hand one afternoon, as was his daily cus- CHARLES M. STUARD & SON
tom, to refl:esh himself ~ith two
Candy Corn B,..h', Ib baa 29c
above the head of each contestant By A SUBURBAN LAWYE&
Marshmallow5 campfire Ib pka 29c
Plain Olives 10'" Jar 47c
CIDER in turn there was no question Q D t . y glasses of wme. As he fimshed the
which ~ne would win When he .- oefs a ve ehran hrecelvett ant first, his eye happened to fall upon
Potato Chips Wile .. e·" bla 25c Made by Us . pre erence w en e a emp 5 a newspa e I ' b
approached Jeannette, the ap- to get a pennsylvania or local Pl'. ymg on a near Y
From Hand-Picked plause was deafening . '1 . T? table, and to hIS horror he read t h e " F I V I GINIRATIONS SINef fl22"
Olivar Stuffed Spanish Washed Apples ... -+ .... CIVI servIce POSI Ion. headlines, "Hard Times are Com- phon.. 104 CRICKET AVENUE
OLIVES 7'{~':'S 43c: ~or
That's why, after he thought A.-Yes. The Act of Assembly of ing," At once he cancelled his order
ARDMOR' 0243 & 0152 ARDMORE, PA.
about it, the boy realized that tak-
ing Jeannette to the party was a
mighty fine idea. And when her,
May 22, 1945, P. 'L. 837 states
that when any veteran shall ~nnkeeper the second glass, telling
that he could not afford I
successfully pass a civil service It, hard times were coming, and he e
• Ii;
1949 Annua' Farr
mother brought her on t.he night appointment or promotional hurried home!
BRACKBILL'S MARKET exa1?ination and shall thus es- Th~ innke~per said to himself
Del Monte Round Up Suburban Square
of the party, radiant in her cos-
tume, the boy was convinced it was
a fine idea.
tabhsh that he possesses the that If hard umes were coming, he
qualifications required by law could not afford the new' addition GIVE HER TIME TO GET
Hurry folkl, and Corral Thele Great fall Values Why she was beautiful, even if for the appointment or pro- he was planning for the inn. So he


Villanova _ Wayne she was his own cousin. Her hair motion, such veteran's examin- called the builder and ordered a
Del Monte, Halves or Slices 1, a_n_d_M_a_l_v_e_r_" -11 was done up so pretty; there was a~i?n shall be marked an ad- p.ostponement, in view of the hard

PEACHES'N:~V2 25c (DozSI.9!)

a touch of color on her cheek' and
:=~============::;;:Iher costume looked like something
out of a fairy tale. The boy, in
the yap.la yama suit of which
dltlonal ten points above the tImes that lay ahead. The builder,
mark. or ~rade credited for the eqmllly alarmed, told his wife that
exammatlOn, and the total the new dress she had ordered
mark or grade thus obtained from th: dressmaker would have
Del Monte Sliced Peacbes •AI No.cans.303 2.~0
( do. )
2.00 Radiant Health he had been so proud, hardly felt
qualified to be her escort.
shall repres,ent the final mark to b.e gIven up, hard times were
or grade of such veteran, and coml!1g. And the dressmaker on 1l.~~_I-I'tI.tS
• No. 303 410 (
Del Monte Fruit Cocktail . . No.cans2 h 2.~_ ( 2,36 dOl )
comes Naturally with It's ~a'ways ,',

Before they started there was a shall determine his standing hearmg the bad news, rushed over .---
......._ - -
do. ) 1
Del Monte Fruit CocktaU con 4.10
N~, 303 . , _ ( do. )
..,~.. final check-Up to make sure each o.n any eligible or promotional\---------------
Del Monte Sweet Cherries lor . . . . 3,38
4~0 ( 21/2 one had everything he or she need-
Q.-Soon election day will be here wise to , f
Del Monte Fruit Salad
Del Monte Pineapple Crush.d
~ 5,30

.'0( dOl )

dOl )

that Special milk

"Do you have the tickets,
and we will vote on the ques-
tion of whether or not the
Del Monte Plums de lux.
.Del Monte Corn ~.';~~t

No: 303 1'C (
10' 2.18
12·0% ......·C ( do. )
. . cans"''' 1.88
dOl )
with its important minerals.
"Yep," the boy answered, clutch-
ing them. '
veterans of World War II are
to receive a bonus. I should Uwait 10 rings"
body building proteins and "Do you havQ a hanky, Jean- like to know whether or not
14·0% I~C ( do. )
Del Monte Catsup bol 1.70 ~ essential Vitamins, each nette?'" Pennsylvania has given veter-

liC ( do. quart of GOLDEN GUERN- "Oh, I don't think I'll need one," ans of other wars a bonus'"
Del Monte Tomato Sauce ....,. 8·ox cans SOc
SEY gives you a full half- the gil'l answered naively. The .
pint of CREAM-nd The adults, who were hovering around, A.-Yes. yeterans of the Spanish
Save Time and Money Top "WHIPS" thought that was "cute." AmerIcan War and World War
... ... ... I were entitled to receive, $10
Household Delivery for over
SELF-Sit_VICE MEATS Thirty (SO) years The "wolf whistle" was' not in ~or every month of active selV- OCTOBER
" . , People Gan't always "drop everything" to answer
"Visit the New Snack Sar"
polite use at that time, which is Ice, the total sum not to exceed
,. , , ~ 2~Stock. Marbt crash.
Lean Fresh
at the Dairy at Wayne
the only reason none was heard as $200.
the two arrived at the party. And Q.-Are all the opinions handed 0 I"
_ to-longfellow's "Ivafto~
gelln." published.
the telephone the very moment it rings.


as soon as masks were removed,
the boy found himself very popu-
down by the Delaware County
Courts pUblished?
A ~~47.
w-"allowccn 08y.
That's why it payl, when making a call, to wait
about 10 rings before you decide "nobody's home.-
up to
47 57e C •• Loin encl
up to
31/. II"
lar. Older boys, who had never A.-No, all the opinions are not
paid attention to him before, were
introducing their girls and waiting
impatiently for him to introduce
published, but thOSe that are
can be found in the Delaware
County Legal Journal, which ~
.-Postal Monly Order
system established.
By doing S0, you'll often save a second call.

1864. comnmelal ... ~
. Lancast.r Pike. Wayne

Boiling Beef I
Ib27c Chicken Blu,Slor
Ib 35c Pork Sausage
•• lb$1 79
Ib 57c
Slgll 0' Th. C5••rns.y COW Jeannette.
It was Obvious, however, that
is published by the Delaware
County Bar Association.
dlo station openld.

Short Ribs Beef e J-First American ClIo' .
Steer Beef Liver Ib 65c Meaty Scrapple Ib 25c • ualti.. in Franll••

\HEN TURKEYS :i~::CJ~~:~g (~~:~) Ib SSe 4-Mary Todd marrlld

li~otn. 1842.

I ROLLED VEAL ROAST p~:~~~m Ib 63c

" .
•ach 19c

' B~ond
lancas!"r Ib
1 Any 511e Piece


, Scallops Ib 57c IPollock Fillets 19c
\ Cod Fillets
DeeP Sea
Ib 29, Oysters Sel.. FrY'.' 39c t
de. wlten you wall' "- Takes pleasure in Announcing,
Light Meat
Ideal Fancy Their appointment by
L~=t9 ZN:~:~. Z5~ c~~ 23~
,Automatic Gas Water Heater
Ideal Golden Pumpkiu As an authorized dealer for
Mild Cheddar Cheese 8-ox This RUUD 30-gallon model1030R has a smart,
Glendale Club Cheese Food
Appliances * Television * Radio

Princess Oleomargarine pkg

modern appearan,e and poraelite flnish. It is
fully automatilt 'and assure, you plenty of hot
Farmdale POULTRY FEEDS water without a moment's attention. Quality "'
We cordially invite you
ttl see our display at our
Laying Mash 2S· lb bOa $1.19 : 1OO·\b baa $4.65
Growing Mash 2S· lb baa $1.19: 1OO·lb baa $4.65 looks, design and performante are combined showroom.
Scratch Grains 25· lb bOa $1.03 : 1OO·lb bal $4.00
Chick G r a i n s 2 S · l b baa $1.19 : 1 OO·/b baa $4.65
in full measure to make thi5 aA exceptionally
Starting and Growing Mash 25;::g $ll25 : 1OO·n .... $4:90 tine water heatefl. ,A. W. CULIN COMPANY, l~c. •
114418 N. NARBERTH AVENUE subur~an representatives about automClnt: gas RAYEKFORIl. P A.
OPEN FRIDAY Till 9 P. M. - SATURDAY, 6 P. M. water heating~ Ardmore 6823 • 6SU • M42

CITY LINE CENTER ~~E;;~~D WA~~N~: Philadelphia Electric C••,allY




Lower Merion College Whirl Juniors Attend Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
one of the undergraduate member~County Affair
President lind PUbllsher., GEURGE A WALKER
High Notes Dear Dottie:
of Princeton's new "committee of,
Edltol" NANCY S. SEELY • Associate Editor, 8UZANNE i1. WINGATE
MaDliglngEdltor . . • CHARLES A WRIGHT
ByCAROLJ!l LEE STONEY I can rememb er havi ng wrItt en 50" The committee consisting' of F A D I t Mrs. Victor Ridenour, of 92 Wyn- tertained at a dinner party Wed- Advertising Manager • • • • • • • JACK SCHENKM.AN
L. M.'s biggest news this week Is'you once that I thought It was a u~dergraduates, tr~stees, faculty ?Ur re e ega es; dale Ave., Narberth, will entertain nesday, October 26, at their home.
t the announcement of the newly good thing there Is a week between and alumni, was, appointed bY BIble Talk Heard at a cocktail party fllr her guests + + + Entered as second class matter October, 1938. at the Post Olflce
Jelected sophomore class officers, college football weekendS. Now I'm President Harold W. ~odds to con- Four members ,of the Junior attending the buffet supper-dance Mr. and Mrs. Kerro Knox, Jr., of at Narberth, Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1879. '

made public today by Mr. J. bini
Charles Hutton, class sponsor. eg n ng
to wonder how you tell sider undergraduate hfe as it re- Women's' ClUb of Narberth repre- sponsored by the Jeptha Abbott the Brynwood Apts.. Wynnewood,
lates to social and extra-curricular sented the club at a dinner of the ChaPt.er of the D~ughtefS of the recently sailed on the Queen Eliza-
Elections were also held at the when one weekend ends and the activities. Dave is a senior at Montgomery County Federation of Amet'lcan RevolutIOn, on Friday, berth for Cambridge, England,
-------------'-------------- Published Every Thursday.
initial meetings of the senior and next weekend starts? The boys Princeton. Women's Clubs held Tuesday in November 18. where Mr. Knox., who holds a Ful- Deadline for adverlslng and news copy-Wednesday, 12 noon.
juni~r commercial clubs last week. have really been getting in the Herbert L. Clement, of Cynwyd, Not'rlstown. + + + bright F,:llowshtI~, pl~ns to study Subscription rate: $2.00 per year In advance,
Senior commercial students made part' spirit and life is rapidly be- th Those who attended were Mrs Mr. and Mrs. G€orge Masolog- at CambrIdge Unlverstty. Publlcatlon office: 8 CrlckE't Avenue. Ardmore, Pa.
I J C pI' id nt. Julie DeVei- y . is now in his third year at e 1 • ' M M J B H ~ ites, of the Beechwood Apts. Nar- + + + Phones: Ardmore 5720, Hllltop 3600. GReenwood 3-7740
oan .arr es e ,
his, vice-president; Rosie Lee Cot.
coming one continuous party-It's r" H b Gera dIne urphy, rs. . . u ,
DalJas Theo oglcal Seminary. er bicht, Miss Jaaquelin~ MacVeigh, berth, have announced the birth Mrs. Lawrence S. Warren, of
'' ,

" ton,' secretary , tahnld Peggy. Ktaber h 0lrrlibtle ffofr my classes but an aw- is pretty far away from hOme in and Mrs. Raymond Kaufm'an. of a daughter+on+Oc+tober 17. BkrtY~1
Carisbr?oke Rd., ,Navy Captain
Maw r"f WiJI
Looking Back·
entertam at a coc a~ par y rom
treasurer 0 f e l' orgam.za ton. f u 0 0 un. Texas, but some of his classmates Mrs. Sterling M. Chain, a mem- '
1G In Our Town
Miss Helen Kulp, sponsor, satd that Visited New Haven to cheer on comes from as far as Australia, bel' of the Narberth Juniors. and
:future plans of the clUb include a the Big Red from Cornell as it d'
:field trip to a large business office, In la an
d J
apan. ation presided at the meetinO".
A da~ghter wa~ bOI:n to Mr.an~6:30 to 8 p. M. on Friday, Novem-
third vice-president of the Feder- Mrs. Ridgeley 0 Sulhvan, 4 Iona bel' 18, at her home in honor of her
Ave., Narberth, on October 20, guests who will attend the buffet
uest Speaker TW~l1ty-five Years Ago:
to be made s~metim~in Novem~er, romped over Yale. ~Ob .Wens, a Barbara Jean POw~l'II, who en- At' a meeting of the club on . ~~s. Grace, borough secretary, is supper dance at the Philadelphia Former Chaplain Will Victor D. Abel stre~sed Narberth'S
, and two partIes during the Chrlst- Yale graduate now 10 hts second tereif WelJesley a month ago, post- Thursday, ,October 20, Mrs. A. H. vls.ltmg her d~Ughter. and grand- Country Club, sponsored by the . need. for a con:mulllly c~n~er at a
mas, season and in May. In past year at the Yale Law School, gave cards that college life Is even more FelJenbaum a private kindergar- chl1dren In IndIBnapolIs, Md. Jeptha Abbott Chapter, Daughters Address Community Club meetmg of Nalberth JUnIOIS,
years the members have presented . f tt bl t ' , h d I t + 10f the American Revolution J ..r. Cabrey act.ed as t.oastmaster
talent shoWS and skits and will do a faIrly un orge a e pos ·game terrific than she had expected. She ten SChoo~~eac er f a~ B~~I u~:~ Mr and Mrs Ttac:y Dorman O f ' + + + . Capt. Maurice Wit.herspoon, USN, at a banquet t.o honor Narberth's
the same this year, if possible. par~y. Louise McCall, from Agnes repC?tts that fellow Narberthite SP~k:s O~t 'tiVom:r ~h~ ~o~~l~'nlty Erie,' Pa., are ~isiting MI'. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell, retired, will be guest speaker :;It Ivictorious haseb~1l team.
.. The junior commercial club, un- Irwm, was there, and I looked for Joel Perkins is quite happy as a ~h r t e Isa a~dressed the group. William C. Bahmermann, of 8 of 205 Lippincott Ave., Ardmore, the Women's Community Club of· Narberth carrIed home first prize
der the direction of Miss Beatrice Helen Louise Eldredge, who's a freshman at Dickinson and that ~~st~ss~s 'at the meeting were Wynnewood Court, Narberth. became the parents of a daughter Narberth Tuesda in the short story contest spon-
Easter, held a doggie roast at the freshman at CornelJ but didn't
• West Manayunk pumping station h d'
seel G ba 's hard 'at work at M
Harry ra m I l ' s . . '
A H Campbell Mrs J auIs
' · · ! V I r and Mrs Richard W Parks
+ + + on October 18.
+ + +
. on . y. so red by the Montgomery County
Captain Witherspoon, a former Federatin oaf Women's Clubs.
. er aroun . Lebanon Valley. Devaney, Mrs. Henry Moore, M r s . ' , ., . . . ,
yes~erday afternoon to open .ltS Had a letter from WilJ Du1lll, I'm sure there must be absolute- William Borgey, Miss Marjorey of 250 ~ent Rd., WynneWOOd, ha,:e Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleming, Navy chaplain, IS also an educator, ~h~ Lowcl" McrlOn TOlVnshlp
• activities. Futu:-e clu~ plans 10- who seems to have transferred to Iy nothing except Lower Merion Wild and Mrs. Frank DiPaolo. ha~ thell' granddaughter, Claudia 717 Old Lancaster Rd., Bryn Mawr, youth builder, and psychologist'l BUlldmg was torn oOI:n. to be re-
, Cllude a field triP, ~ovtes, and ad- Sarah Lawrence. Win reports that alumni at West Chester State Ehzabeth Henderson, daughter of became t.he parents of a son on He' will speak on "Whither Amer-I placed hy a modern hUlldmg.
dresses on s~ch toptcs as mak~-up he was back to his old alma mater, Teachers College this year. Every Mr. and Mrs. Hug? .r.:r. Henderson. October 22. ican Youth?'" I Elma Ree~e: 214 Hampden Ave"
and groom mg.. Jeanne Nal~bY, Colgate, a week or two ago, and week I hear of a few more people
pres~dent: ~a~row,
LoUIse vlce- saw Russell T. Blackwood III, who who are going there. This week it
EnlYaged t-o
of Atlanta, Ga., vlsltmg ·them for
a few days.
. + + +
Boy and girl tW.inswer~
' . . was t~le pupIl m the freshmen class
born Hostesses at the meetmg Will belto WlI1 $5 donatcd by thl' local
\ preSIdent, Betty ~atll1l, secr.etary, is a graduate preceptor at Colgate was Louise Hoopes, Guy Surer and BARRETT-WAITE +. + + . to Mr. and Mrs. MIChael MItchell, Mrs. N. Earl penholster and Mrs·lbranch of the League" of Women 1
and Anna Fuselll, treasurel, are University for the second year. Marilyn Davies, all of whom are M d M W It I W ·te of MI'. and Mrs. Robert T. Oliphant, of Ithan and Clyde Rds., BrYn Philip Callaghan. IVoters for her essay. What Con-
.the gr0':1 p's new officers. Russ' duties consist of working freshmen and Jean Barsby who's r. an rs. a er. at, of Cherry Lane, 'Wynnewood, en- Mawr, on October 22. The project commit.t~e will hold' stitutes Goad Citizenship."
That L. ~. st~dents are well with a group of freshmen in an gone back for her senior ye~r after Manha~set, Long Island, have a~-
traveled was I)]ustlated ~ctober.20, advisory capacity while he goes on a terrific summer in Maine.
when !?~mbers of the. Journahs~ with courses leading to a master A very classical postcard with a daughter, Virginia Cheney Waite'l·
nounced the engagement of theIr BC Women M'ISS M· heII ltC
a food sale in the Legion ro()m. Fifteen Year sAA"o:
before and after Ihe meeting. Mrs.
,T. Bedforo Wooley. preSident of
A W Ayars chairman of t11(> com- Narberth players, spoke at a lunch-
J dass. Vls~ted t~e Eve~mg :Sulletm of arts degree. The preceptorial picture of ancient ruins at Gren- and Edward D Barrett 4th son of ~itle~ 'has' urged all persons to eon of the Narberth Business Coun-
James t
Ha10 PhiladelphIa
. r r WIthh Mrs . ' to. supplement oble had on Its back a nice message Mr. and Mrs. .Edward "D. Barrett'lll
th' progra"!,. deslgne.d
yfi' Jouhnadlsm ehac bel',. e the trammg receIved III the regu- from Paul Moses, who Is one of 73 45 6 Rd M'
1MeetW ednes dayes
P k
W d Saturd.
ay ' stop and purchase some of the CI'J . ,
home-made foorl. haG. Fox. of 31 Narbrook. I"as
c Iass _ saw rst- an a l I t e ehmd- 1ar cIassroom seSSIons, . lend '
s a AmerIcan students who' are study-' 3d 1 Monroe
. . . '. erlOn ar. ,G S d' > D 1 B M G' 1 W'll Many club members Will . :IUt'nd p lerlg ecI t 0 I""\.ap~a,S·~gma f'la t elnl
. ·t y
t scenes
ubl'sh a la departmentsd II thatp help helping
A-lOga hand in' getting the fresh' t th U· 't f
e Olversl y 0 arls uP . nde l'
The weddmg Will take place SatuI-1 roup en mg e egates ryn awr Ir I t1 t'
1e mee l1lg 0 f tl le M ontgomery al Bucknell Umvcl'sllv
. .'
~ ~ Pfi I dit. rge a y pa er. s man started on his college career, a program sponsored by Sweet day, November 5. I To County Meeting
t erst e ton ~as about to 15.0 to working out the solutions to his Briar College for.its own and other
press, tthey sa~ h~otype ~ach1Oes, problems with his preceptor, and colJege juniors Paul took his first ORR-CONNER
+ +' + I • Mary Ardmore Man County Federation of Women's Ten Yenrs AA"o:
ClUbs at the Abino-ton PreSbytcna~
The next. regular meeting of the Miss Mary Elizabeth Mitchell, Church Dr R~ph Hutchinson stalled as commandcl' of til,' Har-
Francis S. Challcnger was in-

tYI?ese tel'S, a~ t e. massive Il'u m- receiving individual attention ac- two' years at' Haverford College. C Bala-Cynwyd Woman's Club will daughter of Mrs Norman S Mitch- presidel~t of Lafayet.te College ~vilj oJd D. Speakman Post ND. 356,
bthe 109 presses 10 actIOn, as we l as cord'ng t h' n d R
societ art associated ress l O I S ~e s. . uss, wh 0 i II Anot h er H averford stu den t 'In oMr. n and.Mrs. A. Cleveland on- , Itake place on Wednesday, Novem- ell, of 823 Summit .Grove . Ave., . speak on . "Struggle for Equality." . Amcri eglOn.
'an Le . . , •
t y" p an LM grad, receIved hiS A.B. from the program is F. O. Musser, Jr. ner, 217 Lmwood Ave., Ardmore, ') Mrs. C. Harold Fisher. program Matt Callahan had lead 111 'Notll-
:~d pho Og~aph ~e~artmen.ts. Th~ Dartmouth In philosophy in 1948. Annis and Barbara Scott picked have announced the engagement ofl ~er 2, at - P. M. at t.he ClUbhouse. Bryn Mawr, and the late Mr. chairman of the Abino-ton Civic ing But the Trut h," produced hy
rip was ex reme y mterestmg an He was on the track team and in two really terrific women's colleges their daughter, Miss KathleenlMrs. Henry Clayton will preside. Mitchell, will become t.he bride of ClUb, will have charge of the nfter- Narherth players.
eniOyedfby al~ II h h the band up at Hanover. at which to matriculate this fall. Connor, to William Robert. Orr, son Music will be provided by John Dewees L. Stuart, son of Mr. and noon program. She will present ,Toan Wools ten lVas appoint en ex-
not sa~l a~ors ~ a Ibt ~se ~ 0 ;;;er.~. Frate:nity and sorority rushing "A" is at Wheaton, in Norton, of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Orr, of Mer- Toroni, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Herman Stuart, of 5 MurraY'sl"Civic Club Capers of '49,"
. e . a ~ SCI' e 0 .e erl, IS keep 109 a lot of local people Mass., while "B" is at Goucher. In tens, Texas. . . .
I ecu~ive secretary of the newly-or-
gal1lzed Montgomrey County HOllS-
ontte dUl'lng ItS first ~ampalgn, Ml. busy at the colleges these days. Maryland. I've never visited Gouch- Miss Conner is a graduate of MISS ROXIe Bahan. Rd., Ardmore, on Saturday, Octo- ing Authority.
Ch~rl:s A. Henne, dIrector of the Just heard that Bette Harper, of er, although I've heard good re- Lower Merion High School and The program will Include a re- bel' 29, at 3 P. M. The ceremony, ,. ----- r
bd~.sm sSh.sthaff, 'llhas tr.eopentehd the Haverford, was pledged to Kappa ports of it, but some of the nicest Cooper Hospital Training School view of current books and plays which wiJI take place In the Lower HI F. STELZER "HINSI BApSEBHAIJL A'd'ARfD 9 E
!lve, week
next w tc Sub WI can
r' ti10ue rough Ka pp a. Gam.ma a t th e U· mversl'ty tImes
. I've ever h a d'10 co II eges h ave for Nurses. She is now hea d nurse by Miss Elizabeth Hill Conrad. Merion . BaptIst. r~hurch, WIll
. be per- Wy e111cnva rl. Rrlammon
W, ' a. d1 . .
. SC Ip ons are now of Wlsconsm' one of 300 girls b"'en hen I' b n . T g f th l' t'n at th Her Expert Watch and . I e\ 0 ~ nnel\ 00 • II as
e Hope ~ II g froHom t
priced at $1.75, not Including back pledged to var'ious ororl't'es there W-h t w M vhe tee I VISI 10 0 e - Twelve delegates from the Bala- formed by the Rev. B. L, Scott. awarded a $10.00 merchandise cer-
.1 • S I , e a on. assac use ts s a popu- mann aspIta 0 ous on, T exas. M' M't 1 1\ .. Clock Repair t'fi t h PI '1 d I .
Issues, by the way I I f th . I . tiM 0 d t f T A Cynwyd Woman's Club will attend ISS I C le , who Will be given I ](:a e y a 11 a e pIlla slore for
232 Bala Ave. Cyn. 3250 I er al 'Iit
~ "P ac l?nsN,whor.. men- Robert Hilbert., of Merion, made lege this year. Cathryn Anne Wen- and M. in engineering, is a physi- the Montgomery County Federa- in marriage by her uncle, Benja-
Comi g attr t' th . ar p ace or e gil'S gomg 0 co - 1'. 1'1', a gra ua e a exas . 10 'd' t h b 11
. .It d' )Iy pet Ie ase a
• theld Ion N ale barents
14 t Ig. t' to be t t wo goo d ch' Olces. F'Irs, t h e enroII e d dler and J oanna Mangan are at CISt . 10. the Research Laboratory of tion meeting on Friday, October 28, mm . G. M't 1 II , 0f Medla,
I Cle . hasl s an II1gs. .
a chance ovem to er meet, their
0 givechildrens'
paren s at Denison Un'v I er Sl't y, W h'IC h IS.
. an P'me M anor, w h'l I e Laura -- .....~ the Sh e II .0'1 I Compa.ny 1o. . H ous t on. at the Abington Presbyterian chosen as her matron of honor PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE
teachers and th U D b excellent small college, and Just has entered Bradford. They wII be married thiS fall. . h Th M' li " and only attendant the sister-in-l
• b I ' e pper ar '! recently he became a pledge of I'm feeling awfuly happy. I'll + + + ,enure. eyare IS. enry C l a y - . • I,XI'ERT REl',\IRING. PRESSI:\G
foot, a 1 game p?ayed on the .uPI- Sigma Chi fraternity.
dah s field Satulday. If there IS as Just learned that ............d p Bit
• much spirit among the spjectators tington, of NarbertbYhas' bee~
telJ you why some day.

Mr. a.nd Mr~. Cyril F. Pessolano,

t.on, Mrs. Gordon Parkhill, Mrs. L. law of the brIdegroom, Mrs. Mar-
. me,
M A'tl H k' shalJ Stuart of Narberth
r~. I lUI', aw lOS, Marshall Stuart, broth~r of the
le d CIeaners'

'!Or, 8ALA A\oE.

and team ~embe~s as was d i ~ - ' BOB. 6 English VIlJage, Penn Valley, Mrs. Rollo PIerce, Mrs. Harold bridegroom, wiII serve as best man.
... played agamst RIdley Township have a~nounced the engagement Backus, Mrs. L. W. Melcher, Mrs. The ushers will be William A. Hut- I,et Us Keep Yon Well GroomNI
last weekend, the game promises Narberth Busm"ess Group of their daughter, Mrs. Mary N. T. Folwell, Mrs. A. J. McCarte, ton, of Ardmore, and Vester C. CLEANING, DYEING. RE~IODELING •

to be one of the best of the season. Louise
Blickle, Slattery, to JohnMd.,
of Silver Spring, Moore
son Mrs. H '
arnet R amsay, M rs. H er- Epps of Waynefor the imm di tel~---
A 'reception - - - - - - - ,,------,-- ------

SCh00INotes Meets Tuesday of ~rs. :William K... Blickle, of ~t- families will be held followin~ ~e
bert Poore and Mrs. Earl Y.
Mrs., Elizabeth Shryock lantlc City, and the late Mr. Bhc- Slaughter. ceremony at the Bit-of-a-Shop,l
' ;Weds in Wynnewood'
.... W'II' I '
By JILL I\IORRILL Women Will Hear kll?..
MI'. Bhckle IS a graduate of Rut-
Telephone bridge will be held
Bryn Mawr.
'4 '8 P M Th
The bridal party will b e t -
ULrs. I lam H. Fo well, of 1917 The fourth grad~rs are bUSy pt'e- Mary Rice Mortow gel'S University and served with Fllday, Novembel ,at . . e
tained thi Frid', . e n er
, Waln.ut st., has announced the paring for their WiJliam Penn pro-
marrIage of her daughter, Mrs. . I . . ,
the U. S. Navy during the war.
. . '.
Ifour highest winners will receive
d' fils.. a)1 eVeIlll1g at a
lOner a owmg t Ie rehearsal by
Elizabeth F. Shyrock, 110 Winches- gram. They spend most of theIr, The Busmess and ProfeSSIonal + + + I pnzes. In addItIon the hIghest Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison
I t.er Rd.• Merion, to Maurice Deitz, time painting scenery, writing in-Iwomen's Committee of the Lower COLL1NS-I\IART~ . . bridge scores at each house wiJI oe Edsall, of 560 Barrett Ave., Haver-
of Philadelphia, which took place vltations and rehearsing the play. Merion-Narberth Council of Repub. Mr. and .Mrs. Wliham F. Martm, rewarded. ford.
on Saturday, October 22, 3:45 Miss White's class made anlucan Women will meet at 8 P. M. 409 Levenng Mill Rd., Cynwyd, At the Reciprocity Luncheon,
P. M., at the home of the bride's .. " have announced the engagement
sister, Mrs. Herbert Adam, 345 exhibit of Indtan Villages, Pueblo'i on Tuesday, November I, at the of their daughter, June A. Martin, held Wednesday, October 19, at the
Wistal' Rd., Wynnewood. Plain, Pacific, Woodland and Cliff. Fellowship House of All Saints and James T. CoJllns, son of Mr. clubhouse, Mrs. Clayton spoke of ,
Kramer A rt
Mrs. Adam acted as matron of Miss Dale's class has been illus- Church, corner of Wynnewood and and Mrs. Robert C. CoIlins, ,SOn of the achievements of Dr. Althea
honor and only attendant for her tratin~ healt~ couplets, which they Montgomery Aves. Narberth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Collins, Krat Hottei of Bala-Cynwyd. who
lister. , made 10 hygIene class. . ' . 414 Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood. Z " " ., .
Mr. and Mrs. Dietz will be at Seven of the eighth grade boy~ Mrs. Mary RIce Mo:row, dll'ec. Miss Martin was graduated fr:om was selected as a DI~tI~gUIS~ed Ardmore Group Lists
home at 110 Winchester Rd. Mer- and girls gave short talks on Nar- tOr of women and chIldren hours Penn Hall Junior College, ,Cham- Daughter of Pennsylvama dl~rmg C . E
j ion, after November 1.
. L' . R'd
' berth in assembly to end the cele- and minimum wages of· the Com- bersburg. Mr. Collins served in the Pennsylvania
bration of Pennsylvania Week. monwealth of Pennsylvania will U. S: Coast Guard during the war. president of the American Asso- Th A d
A' After the talks, a movie picture
• M al~.lne eS! ents Id on the Pennsylvania Railroad was address the group on the work of EVANS.-SIVERSTEN
' + + +
Week. NatIOnal
clation of University Women, Dr.
omlng vents
e l' more
W ., I
oman s C ub has
Hottel was sponsored for the award announced a November exhibition
Matn Lme patrons and patron- shown. the Bureau. The engagement of Miss DOt·of.hy by the Woman's ClUb. Her mother- of oils by Helen Kramer.
~ ess~ of the Sixth annual "County The Reds have won both the Mrs. Morrow has been honored Siversten, daughter of, Mrs. Freda in-law, Mrs. Abraham Hottel, was Mrs. Kramer has exhibited her.
AntIques Fall'," on the roof ?f the hockey games played this season. at several meetings of the Inter- Siversten, of 436 Old Lancaster present 10 receive an~ward on her aintin s at the P I ' I
Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadel- The scores were fOUl' to one a n d .
• Ph la,. h ave .mc1u d e d a coc k"1 ' three 10 two. The varsity
tal party . football
' .
. .
natlonal ASSOCiation of G. ov
Rd., Haverford to James Oliver behalf
e rJr.,
Evans, nson- ' of Mr. and Mrs. J. Presidents
p g ,
. A ca demy a f F'me A·t
from IVOn1el1'~ clubs 1ll
ennsy vania,
I s, tl1e \" 'voo d-,I
and contest for the opening day. team and play Conshohocken on ment OffiCials. She prestded as Oliver Evans, of 841 Anderson other suburban communities were mere Gallery, lhe Sketch ClUb. the' LET US SERVE YOU A FREE CUP OF DELICIOUS
., \ Monday. Tuesday. chairman of the committee of In-lAve., Drexel Hill, has been an- guests of honor. Regan Art. Galleries. and the All- COFFEE MADE FRESH BEFORE YOUR EYES IN THE
~ dustrlal Home Work at the sev- nounced by her mother. Other guests were Mrs, Francis Philadel hla Artists show 'at the
..." ....~..~.....~.~~"""''''''''~'''''~ th N r
__ ~~\\'
I fIb A graduate of Lower Merion Ferris president of the Montgom- p
~ Iona con erence on a orlHigh School, Miss Sivertsen is now ery C~llnty Federation of Wome~'s Friends Central School and the
legislation, and was also a ~emberlemployed by the Bell Telephone Clubs; Mrs. William K. Miller, a Contemporary Art Gallery, all in
Factory representative will be in our store all day to demon~
strate the sensational new Sunbeam products for you. If
' ..../2
C .. "
SERVICE of Ma~, ~.nderson's commIttee on Co. Mr. Evans, who was gra?u- charter member and the first treas- Philadelphia. She studied at thE'
women ~n mdustry. . ated f~om Upper. Darby High urer of the club in 1912, and Mrs. Academy of Fine Arts. '
you'll come in and let us show you, then you'll understand
why we're howling about how wonderful these new labor-

~ Your clothes give a sales talk A natl,:e of Hastings, Pa., Mrs. SchOol, IS now attending. the ~har- Howard Davis, vice-president of A painting entitled "Autumn" saving devices are.
/, ~ to all who see them. Let us Morrow IS a graduate of Vassar ton schOOl. of the Umverslty of the southeastern district of wom- was donated to the club by a mem-
:..l , Coll~ge and she. too~ advanced Pennsylvania. en's clubs. ber, Mrs. Elizabeth Whyte, 168
keep your clothes in A-l stud~es at the UniversIty of Wis- No. date has been set for the John AthElrton, versatile comedi- Idris Rd.,Merion.
r~ shape. consm.
. I She has
. B done
p'tt and
b so-
h weddmg. an ' actor , pianist and impersonator ' A rummag e saIe was h eId yes-
102 Forrest Aye. cta w?rk In . os on, I s urg ,
entertained the group. terday at the clubhouse. Mrs. Eu-
_ ~ and Mmneapolis. • _ ene W Baldwin ')3 Lla f' R
• NARBERTH 2602 Margaret Corson will preside at 4 Mam Lme Women' .g h '. ' - n air d.,
, IDELIZZI. , .•
228 BALA AVE,'
Cynwyd 0928
th.e business meeting of the com- Aid Smith Colle e Fete
m.ltte~ and Mrs. John Y. Huber g
DAR Flower Committee
Guests at Card Party
Conrad' will re-
view current books on Friday, No-
, . .. Mrs. Eugene B. Has k'10s had t e "
the. executive committee of the membet's of her flower committee The annual fall dance, "Rainbow h~U4~~~~u~
Smith ~ol1e.ge Clu.b wh.ich w~ll hold of the Dr, Benjamin Rush Chapter, Frolic," will be held on Saturday,
It I1leettn~ In conjunction w~th the D. A. R., as her guests at the St. Novem.ber 5. ~rs. Harper E. Adams.
75t~ Anntversary Convo~atlOn at Paul's Episcopal' Church card of Plllladelplua, ~nd Mrs.. Lloyd
THE U. S. MARINE BAND Smtth. They ar~ Mrs. Richard D. party. The guests were Mrs. B. Benson, 2914 ~orrls Rd., Ardmore
Case, r e cor dIn g secretary 119 Ross Burritt, Mt's. Harold C. Fen- Manor, and theIr committee will be
liTHE PRESIDENT'S OWN BAND" Chestnut Ave., Narberth; Mrs. J. no, Mrs. John L. Miller, Mt's. Ralph in charge of the dance. Music will
Craig Clark, correspondence sec- Miznet' and Mrs. Carl L. Wells. be by "Lenore,"
etary, 123 Penarth Rd., Bala-Cyn- Mrs. Roland C. Alexander and ------
wyd; Mrs. H. Herbert Parcher, Mrs. Joseph H. Miller, co-chairman LIONS CONTINUE SALE
WILL APPEAR AT THE Jr., treasurer, 305 Landrillo Rd., of the ways and means committee Returns from t.he sale of seals
Bala-Cynwyd; and from the board of the chapter, will meet at 2 P. M. for the blind has been heavy, it\
of directors for the current year, Monday, October 31, at the home lVas announced ~t a meeting of the
Lower Merion Junior High School Mrs. Kenn!lrd G. Keen, Jr., 236 of Mrs. Alexander, Wynnewood Bala-Cynwyd LIOns Club on Tues-
Laurel Lane, Haverford. Court Apartments. ' day. ,

Life Insurance Loans -
SATURpAY, NOVEMBER 19th Loans on life insurance policites can be arranged here promptly and eco-
AFTERNOON 3 P. M. - EVENINC5 8:15 P. M. nomically. Any policy with a cash value may be used as collateral, the
Co'(cemaster coffee is ALWAYS perfect-because every-
insurance remaining in force.
'. thing is automatic. Simply set it an~ forget it. Shuts oU
TICKETS ON SALE AT Our rates on life insurance loans are low, and you have the additional bene- by itsclf when the coHee is done - then re-sets itself lO

fit of quick action and convenient local service. Terms of payment will be keep the coffee hot. 1'011 call't miss - it's allto",,,tie. It is
224 HAVERFORD AVE. 30 W.·LANCASTER AVE. ananged to suit yo~r convenience. your assurance oE. tbesame delicious, clear, full-bodied

• NARBERTH ARDMORE, PA• coifee every time you make it.


'Dressing Gown Popular

90th AN'NIVERSARY' With Famous Women
Have' yoU ever stopped to think pictures and liked it so well she
what Is the favorite costume of the bought it' from the studio. It's
"Is it wrong' for. us to give most famous and' best dressed wo0 paie blue llan~el pajama trousers
you more good food for your men in America? Well, maybe you with a matching crepe top, lO,ng
haven't given it too much thought, sieeves and a flannel bolero wIth
money? but the American negligee industry notched lapels that button at the
'Is it wrong for you to shop did-made themselves a survey waist. Pale blu~ is a pet of Jane's
at our stores if by so doing among well.known women includ. one of her neglIgees is of paie blue r-------~Shop FridClYs 12 Noon to 9--0ther Days 9:30 Ie 5,3
you will make our business ing Margaret Truman and Mrs. chiffon with wide sleeves gathered
g'row? . Eleanor Roosevelt s well as famous tightly at the wrists, a flowing
,"Apparently the anti - trust actresses, writers, singers and so· skirt and small rhinesto~e buttons
lawyers, who are trying to cialites. And they have come up down the front of a qUIlted vest. ,
put' A&P out of business,
think so.
"Apparently the American
people don't agree with the
anti-trust lawyers, for many,
with the answer that the favorite Jane Pickens declares that ~hen i::::",
of all is a soft easy-wrapping dress- she gets home she auto~atlcallY t/
ing gown. F~vorite colors for re- sliP.s out ?f whatever she IS wear-
laxing are white or blue preferred ing and mto a dressing gown of
shades for "perking up,,' for a gay some kind, Her favorit~ mor~ing
r_. "
evening are red or yellow. robes are of flannel In varlOUS
many thousands of them are . shades and all with. three-quarter
writing and saying: "'We The report revealed t,hat 1~0% length sleeves and big, roomy pock-
like A&P and we don't want of the. ~omen. W?O work cr~at~ve· ets. For rehearsing she prefers a VERSATILE FASmON-A
ly-wrltIng, smgl~g or ~eslgnmg, zipped-up dressing gown in prin~ staple.in' the closet of every
them put out of business.' " work at home m negliglees or cess style and with a tight bodice college girl, career girl, and THE MAIN LIN. STORI
lounging clothes. From many other . full SWl'rll'ng skirt These homemaker is the adaptable,
women came t h e repor t , "Th ~ mm· . toppmg
she has ain all '. .
kinds of materials, short-sleeved cotton blouse. It SUBURBAN SQUARE. ARDM,OIU
VISIT' A&P THIS WEEK.END AND GET udte ~ get hO~,e I change mto a including cotton for summer. is one of t~e .fashion world's
ressmg gown. '. Dorothy Kilgallen, columnist most versatile Items.
ACQUAINTED WITH OUR Mrs. Roosevelt and Louella and radio commentator, asserts l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
Parsons confess to a preference for she just cO,uldn't live without a
b,laCk velvet}ea gowns.. M~;"Y Mar- variety of dressing gowns and
'YeII R·bbon' OW 1
Drastically Reduced Egg Prices tm,. star of South paclfi~, has an housecoats, for relaxing, entertain-

- IB from 15- to aac

entire wardrobe of negligees and. d
dressing g~wns of silk jersey and ~~rk~nat ~va~e.wFor Wi~ter, taffeta
Lends Charm'
orking when she

SI . IceS 0 ...... Cut18-1b Hams II>. yy shantung In shades of sky blue" f 't h te gown fabric '
YU... i'(i . H.,'·-l 0 10 14 lb•• cloud white; leaf green and earth IS her aVOrl e os. ss tr' es lain Custom has many interestmg
PlIgr-iID TUl'keya ~JM~~~~~~Hld'Jte. browns because she feels that the anld Sh~n~Sa t se::t~~ s l:rd ta~eta phases and now we hear that In
colors of nature relax her more c~ or~l "A d her~'s an Idea Italy, many years ago, a young
e than than any others. Full skirts, s e oves. n lal robe fo~ man would give an engagement
POI"k .0ClSt Ib.t. RIB &NO
UP to 4 m. long sleeves, sashes but no collars she. always has ~ spe~reakfast in ring and a piece of red ribbon to
are little Miss Martin's choice, for ChrlstI?as mor~I~?d color the girl of his heart. When she
Ib.6te she does not like tailored clothes the brlght~s~Yu e 1 e hen s'uerled wasn't wearing the ring, she'd put
hea.h C.-Db Meat RW~\r of any kind. Margare fruman, w f qd that the ribbon in her hair so that aU
as to her pre erence con esse th th Id k
Adele Astare Douglas actress t h h f w rd- e 0 er young men wou now
Fresh Sh..inlp ~P~~{p~RIIM ,lb. 6te . . ' she does no ave muc 0 a a
and SOCialite, who once danced robe in negligees and housecoats
she was "chosen"
. '
Ivith .her famous brother Fred, is but sal'd that wh en s h e got a l'0und' In thiS h" country
j ' c we t find that a
directly opposite from Mal"y Mar- . g th th 'd ob bl all somew at SImI ar 1 ea was popu-
t'ln in her likes and prefers every- to bUym efm,. keYb pr a tYhat' lar in the United States cavalry in
Fir-sf of the Season! be sha d es 0 pm ecause s t d f h e I d' W A
thing more or less tailored. Pale her favorite shade. he . ays 0 tht . n I~n aldrs. c-
Ftorida Pink , blue and white are her Generally spea k'mg, th e maJorl . 'tY "A'cor d mgd t h0 ell' krousmg 0 song,
choice because pastel tones are 1 d t l'k roun er nec s e wore a ye -
her favorites She reports she has of these famdous peo P ~ l.ok nOt '1 e low ribbon, wore it for her lover

a thin tailored wool lined with
pajamas an very f ew 1 e al or- h
. ed robes except or rave.
ft. 1 N w 0 was 10
. th "
e cava ry.
ew the new movie "She Wore A Yel-
1" T d
0 ay,
SIZES 29« doen
chiffon that she practically
all winter For summer she keeps
lIves m nylon
cool and iOOkS pretty in robes of ~en by a .num er 0 wom en
all-over pattern of flowers or sheer, .
and jersey
Jobs reqUire any amoun 0 rave - . d
f t
cho- ' b ' " .
Who low Rl bon, bUll s part of ItS ac-
d .
sle tion about this custom and has in-
11 nd spIre a new way 0 wearmg a I
. .

.. ' mg because they pac we a of ribbon to flatter a lovely neck.
Willesap Apples Jib.. 21- P~1~tM&D plam colored .Silks. I don't hold. wrinkles
' All. confessed N ame d t h e P'lXIe - eh 0k er, thOIS
!\Iovle Glamour to lovmg pretty neglIgees-that gay little necklet· is made of one-
Coultland Apples lie ;f~ C~;~~" Jane Greer's favorite lounging goes for "just plain us," too, inch grosgrain ribbon folded into
outflt is one she 'wore in one of her doesn't it? neat little points and sewn to a
.C••lillower ~~IlJ..J~tlf ~-.rm; lie ..
ribbon-covered bicycle' dip. Easy
to make and a wonderfUl way to ,
fill in suit necklines or to give a
NeGJ!by Pa,mpklns s:ttr- 15- dash 'of color to plain dresses.
T asty, SuccuIent Roast f P rk
0 0 Make the Pixie in lots of different
Re.ted Pecan·." ~~~ I,e ~Jt Jle colors.

Ma;kes Perfect Sunday Dinner By JUDY BANCROFT some

Also, since Paris is emphasizing
the bare look for evening, make
of these to wear with the low,
Frozen food Pric-e R-ed,#(.f.ionll off-shoulder 01' strapless dancing
Good news on the food front is people even more than a freshly frocks. Velvet or satin ribbon
PUMPKIN mDS~~ pkg. 15c
the fact meat production during cooked roast. It makes elegant hot would be most effective for these
BIR'DS EYE SUCCOTASH pkg'lle the fall and' winter months in the sandwiches and a barbecue sand- and you can add ~amour by stitch-
pork department will exceed last wich that i~ sure to be a top favorite ig a small pearl or sequin tQ each
LI MA BEANS :~~~o'o~' pkv. 3k year by about five percent. In an with the family. Here's one you point.
pkg average year, according to statis- can whip up in nO time at all.
SNOW CROP PEAS 2 "49c tics from the American Meat In- ,ASSEMBLY LINE SANDWICHES
situate approximately half of the Barbecue SBndwIches When making sandwiches in
STRA\Y}JERRIE.S SNOW QilOP 1:k{~'3'Je meat consumed in this country is Combine 1 cup diced left-over large quantity, use an ice cream •
pork. So, why not give the family pork, 'h cup catsup, 2 tablespoons scoop to put the desired amount
Laye.. "_I.e-
a succulent pork roast this week- brown sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar of filling on enriched bread slices.
.. ~'....
J!NE Mlll<iiR
ltIlOC(j(AlE & S"Wlll end, it's the perfect choice for Sun- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire s a u c e l - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
day dinner and also provides a tas- and heat together in a sauce pan. from anyone of these four but
s...... DODais JAfolE PAIlMtR il."~
lOC ty basis for realIy good left-over Spread on toasted buns a~d serve it's best to stick to apple cide~ and
meals, . .. with carrot curls, celery stIcks and wine vinegars. If cider vinegar is
Pound Cake ".4-- JA~~lL~trill 28-
,a~1 y-
In buymg a pork 10m, Ju~t re- ripe olives.
member that there are two ~rnds- Chop Suey is another way to suc- herb-flavored vinegar for about 25
used, you ean make a quart of

the center cut and the l~m end. cesfully utilize that leftover roast. cents, whereas a pint will cost 30 RADIANT BE.
ScauIw,ic·b Bolls J:AItr.alll lie :~\ Because, the ce.nter .cut mcludes For this cook together in melted to 85 cents if you buy it already
~en?erlom .and IS easier ~o carve, fat until soft, 1 cup of celery, y." prepared. The method is quite

mail Cake *1.2.S P:.~tll 1:~k-:'

It IS consldere~ the choicer. cut. -,up chopped onion; add 1 cup OL simple.
However, the 10m end roast, elth~r bean sprouts, 1% cups boullion, 2 HERB-FLAVORED VINEGAR
F.,. _ C.",,·SWf!pt Se••••'
from th~ ,shoulder or ~am end, IS teaspoons soy sauce, salt, pepper Pour a quart of cider vine-
Potato .Ch,ipsOR 23'c ~~('TO S$;~' Ig~"4Ie tender, JUICY, an~ a wise economy and a cup of !iiced, leftover pork.
bl~y, When buymg a center cut Cover and cook slowly for 30 min-
gar into a pot and set it, to
boiling on the stove. Put a ...
lOin roast. have .the backbone utes Then add-t teaspoon of corn- large teaspoon of the herb you
I_~~~- J~osene? from t~e nbs so that car· . l' d d'W\' ith 2 tablespoons desire <tarragon, basil, rose-
vmg Will be easier. starch
of cold bwater en e stir v until .thIckened
' mary,,. mmt, any othel. kmd . you Jewelteen's .esl frC!mes -
Compore Our Hom Values!
tJudahy or Sunnylielel Tendered Smoked
Easy to Cook .
It's easy to cook a pork 10m roast a I
t d S
. dd'ng more 'soy sauce If desired.'
t Serve over
bOIled nce or 1'le
f . d
. h 0l' an y com b'ma t'Ion 0 f
these) into a quart jar When
. . 'pour it
pretty sub-deb face with CI
portrait-ruff, sinks the bodit:.
t o JUICy en erness. eason mea '. the vmegar is bOlling,
with salt and pepper and place fat noodels, hav~ a tossed sa!ad, and
RliMS side up on a rack in an open roast- watch the. grms o~ appr~clation as
over the herbs in the jar
(meanwhile trying to keep
into a softly foiling, fu" skirt.

10 TO 1 . 4 - '
5:Ie ~~nN lM'~F
ing pan. If you have a meat ther- the steammg portIons dIsappear.
mometer, insert this through the While we're on the subject of breath-taking fumes)
from choking to death on the

it tightly and set it ~side for

. Rayon toffeta in goy red, of COllrSe.
Also block, peacock, green in
REMOVED outside fat into the center of the one of America's favorite meats,
roast, making sure that the bulb let's not overlook pork chops. The about ten days, shaking the
sub-deb sizes 9 to 15.
a.98 .'
Exira Shal'p Cheese 79- lb.
does not touch the bone, Place in important thing to remember about
325F. oven and roast 35 to 40 min- cooking them is that they should __through cloth, rebottle it and
jar once' daily, Then strain

Phillip's String BeGIIS1:~::'IOC utes a pound. The meat thermo- be baked or braised, not fried or
meter should show an internal tem- broiled. Braising or baking pork
cover. If you want to make
garlic vinegar, crush two or
Pinpoint wa1stllne gracefunv
crossed and re·crossed with •
Cl"anbel'lY Sauce zse
PAP"'" 11::~.
perature of 185F. If you have cho- chops is the best way to insure
sen a loin end roast, foUow the same thorough cooking which is very
procedure but cook 45 'to 50 min- necessary in order to bring out the
more garlic' cloves and pour
boiling vinegar over them.
flattering slim ties. Zippered front.
Full-skirted flattery in a dress of •
AacP Apple Sallce 2. 2~~:. :lS utes a pound. This increase In time fine flavor. Be SUl'e to serve apple ways to employ such vinegars will
is due to thc fact that this roast sauce or fried apple rings sprinkled ocCUr to the cook, and recipes fre-
lissue foille. Red, block, navy or
e leo I. Junior sizes 9 to 15. 14.95
dexo s~~~\~~~~~ 1;~~. 28 ~~~. 78 c is chunkier and heat penetration is with a little brown sugar and dn- qu:ntl call f~r them. Garlic vi~e­
' namon, and you'U have a combina- gal probably IS the most. versatile ncorm FL<?OJl
Chicken Rice . 25c J~:
• WI...:.!'••
• cant
Left over pork is liked by some tion that's really something.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ianythmg callIng for Vinegar, and of the. lot. It ~an be used In almost

TIlDa rlakes 23- 6;~.

in a lot of ways for which there
are no recipes.
New fa.hlo" Ilant., t".
utterly simple bodice, the sideo
For instance, put several table-
spoons in a flat dish and swab both drape, bursting into rippling un-
Iw·Uts Pant's Proper Choice of Vinegar sides of a steak in it before frying
for something a bit different in
pressed pleats in a flying pan".
Rayon crepe underscored by •
Adds New Flavor to Meal taste. And that reminds me-you
velvet belt. Red with black belt, .',
6 1'8',75& -
can make a quick flavoring vinegar
la,"3- • canl By BILL WOLF
and wine vinegar. Few stores carry by soaking a couple of bay leaves
more than two kinds, if that many. for several hours in a similar
tan with brown, also in black.
Sizes 10 to 18. 29.95 •
WE ARE gomg to get o.ff o.n a Distilled vinegar is not distilled, amount of plain cider vinegar, and
p 1'10•••
...... $·Ib .IC
_ l . !. . . .
Z" . . . SU.NNVl.lnD
sour n~te today. The consc~entlOus and is purely a synthetic, being brush both sides of a steak with
h0.usewI~e who e~l'nestly tl'les new made from ethyl alcohol which is this. . '

thmgs. m the kltche~ con~tantly converted into acetic acid. It is They are especially useful in
MoIhel"s Oals Z 2.. ~~:: 33 4~-;' C
runs mto ~ferences m. reCIpes to clear, has no fiavor other than the making your own French dressing. Crllply elallle, the dress of
tar:ag0.n vmega:, gal;]rc vmegar, tang of acetic acid, and is useful mayonnaise or other salad dress- rayon-and.wool gabardine by

_-.11_.... s
. . . . . . . . .1II'IIii'
OR 011-
b~sll vmeg~r, ~mt vmegar, herb chiefly when a white vinegar (that ings, giving just that slight differ-
vmegar, wme vmegar and so on. will not discolor whatever It is ence in taste that distinguishes a
Terry Rogers with lines of timeles•
charm, spiced with the HwneSI to·

Apple Cid... 59
C~~K 'I.-~~Ion
35 C gallon
So, what does she do? She goes used with) is desirable.
to the neighborhood store to get Malt vinega1.' is made from pa- should eat. I like a tablespoon of
salad from something that Bossy
of shoulder-pockets, modified
whatever ~Ine~ar the recipe calls tatoes or grain, is dark brown in vinegar (plain cider, garlic, thyme bot wing·sleeves. Red only, misses' •
for, and, nme tImes out of ten, the color has a flavor all its own. or summer savory vinegar) in a
store doesn't have it. Perhaps there Appl~ cider vinegar is made from large dish of bean or pea soup,
isn't sufficient demand for such cider, of course, has the aroma of with boiled hani and beans, or even
sizes. .
vinegars to warra~t stockil1~ them, apples and usually is straw-colored. add:d to sauerkraut.
but I cannot belIeve this IS true Wine vinegar is made from red or DIfferent herbs go with different
and feel that the food dealers make white wine takes on the color of foods, and the right herb-flavored
a m.istake in not carrying them and either type 'of wine, and has a good vine~ar for a particular dish will
callmg attention to them, in ads fragrance.
or in stor posters. I do ~now that All vinegar Is derived from' aleo- the use of such seasonings.
be dIscussed later in a column on Speel.' fJlel&r• • e"r
All price! In thIs advertIsement eff~ctlve A&P Market! and Self- Ir• • eor
ServIce Food stores III Al'ltmore. Bryn Mawr Brookline and Narberth several specialt:i outfits In the Phil- hoI, but the most con1lrmed tee- The moderate' and proper em-
adelphia area make a comfortable totaller need not hesitate to use ployment of herbs is a cooking art •
BROOKLINE; PA. profit selling them at fancy prices, them. all its own, and is rapidly coming PHILADELPHIA SUOP
so there must be conslderabie de- There Isn't a bit of alcohol left back into the culinary picture.
Brookline Boulevard mand. in the finished product. Acetic bac- The modern yarb doctor simply
..t\..RDMORE, PA. However, the average store does teria convert the alcohol into acet- doctors up the products of the Bette... Dresse.
carry the ingredients for making ic acid. ~ 'kitchen with the products of the
Rittenhouse Place such vinegars at home, and the Flavored vinegars can be made garden, misses' sizes 10 to 20
saving will be considerable if youl ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;_ _;;;;_ _;;;;;;~~-~I formerly 39.95 to 69.9f1
brew your own. Therefore, we are I.
BRYN MAWR, PAl going to discuss vinegars. "Call PAPPAS For FLOWERS"
755' Lancaster Avenue ABOUT VINEGARS. It may Now '28 j.'48
come as a surprise to learn"·that Broad St. Suburban Station
NARBERTH, PAl there are four basic kinds of vin- SPru-e 4.0456
egars before any flavorings are .. ·i,
L 933 Montgomery Ave. added.vinegar,
'·.malt These areappledistilled vinegar, 11.
cIder vinegar, Delivery City and Suburbs _
REJECT kitchen equIpment. Cab-
PONTIAC '39-2 door sedan. A1,VETERANS with la~ge van. Etftc1-

- - ' aD th f U . --------:=,,=rT'1"D=----1
a. L.. SlVLua Inet sinks, save $35 to $60. Gas H I' d fine little car' "'I'th heater at a ent, courteous serVIce, reasonable
App -..AD m e 0 oWIng papers: ranges,
W II famous
d b make.>,
abinets $25atto cost$60. ave Hobby
you tr eCraze the new very modest cost and .. guaranteed at rates. 0 ne " piece or entire bouse.
HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS ••• OUR TOWN R O O F I N G · Ki~Che~nEqul;e~t Exchange, 4458 DRESDENET CRAFr? only $495. 12 months GMAC plan. Full or p~rt loads~ cargo insured.
SPOUTING AND GUTTERS Germantown Ave. GL 5-3650. Paint figurines, boxeG, plaques. etc. Day or night serVice. 6043 WOOd-
L OWER, MERION TOWNSHIP NEWS Estimates fumlslled
I - - - - - - - - - - - I t o resemble flne china. No firing
\TENETIAN BLINDS-Factory to required. All supplies and Instruc- Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H. time. Ask.for Sid.
EVANS CHEVROLET land Ave., Phila. BE 6-1703 any


('1' I I d
Re-roofing our specialty you, cash or Terms-Old blinds tions at
820 Montgomery Ave" Narberth rellni&hed like new. Estimate cheer· CHAGNON STUDIO
. SUNSET 7840
o nc u e con~"~ae~I~J1.e~I~:p~~,WJlea~YrJe ~u~e~~::3:~ve5d:" J.resdaJ' at I P. M. NARBERTH 4428 tully given. Suburban Venetian 319 BEWLEY RD., (LLANERCH> WILLYS STATION WAGONS & SUBURBS, ALSO SEASHORE
15 "ords or lell8: $UO; additional "ords: 10 ROOFING-Chimney repairlng- Blind Co. Madison 6·7413 or Madl- HAVERTOWN, PA. El:UCKILS'LIMMEDIATE 410 DELIV- rRIPS. Reasonable rates by
. P AU abeut apedal reduced contract rates. J 0bb'm. g Me llie. 11 N . Fairview son 6· 958L . HIGHGATE 9752 Phil'a. Wph one YS'AL 4-8N8·66.63rd OPEN St., 7007NORTH LI 9-1620 CITY TR SERVICE.
7 9978. CB 1-
hone: Arllmore 5720-5721, HiUtop 3600, GReenwood 3-7740 Ave., Upper Darby. Call Sunset DEEP FREEZE-De luxe model, EVENINGS. ' . -
1'011 mar lend mone, ordeJr, .tampa or personal ebec t. Addreea aU eommunJeaUoll.l to Trf C 5305. 1 year. old, approximately ~OO BARRIS CONVALESOEN'r CHEVROLET-'49 4 door I t LIGHT hauling. Let us solve your
~b1llib1li1 Compau", a Crfcll:et A.ve.. Ardmore, PL Ibs. capacity. Hardly used, movmg HOME d 1 2' , a e 'bl R bl . M
---:=-::::::::::::::----:--;;:;;::;::-::::::::====:------ Recommend. ~o e, eas~na e prices. c-
- OUllty
II ..J
! ===========:="'""==Ito small apartment, Cost $350. Sac- Licensed by State,
PAlN'DNG .. pAPlllBliANGING riflce $190. TR. 7-5567. ed by leading Physicians •.. for equlppe~. 3000 mIles. $1650. PrI- Calty & Son. Hilltop 8101.
tone. deluxe, fu1l1 pro. em.

I~WUTYEilliITNiES~:r;;:-;_:;;~:\_-~H~O~M~E~IM~P~R~O~V~E~M~E:!N~T~S~_ aged, Chronic, Convalescent, Senile 'late party only. Phone SH 7-9583. REGULAR TRIPS
ing roll of bills, on Haverford downe Avenue Section. Low PLEASE! manshlp. reasonable prices. No 30"x28", 21"x28", 30"x18". Kit- 609 GARDINER AVE" COAL & WOOD
Ave., be~ween Essex and Nal'berth rental, cOl?1plete modern equip- job too small. Estimates cheertully chen sinkG,enamel on cast Iron' GLENOLDEN --- --- And All Seashore Points
Aves. Fmder J:!tease call Narberth 1'!1ent. Askmg Price $1950. Will Yes, we are begging you to let given. THOMAS H. BURROWS, with metal cabinet bases, 42", 50" Farragut 9-14~. CORDWOOD-100% OAK Full 01' Part Loads. Return Load
3903.J, or notIfy Apt. D-2, Avon I1ste~ to offer and wll1 assist In fi- save you money. us 136 OAKLEY RD., EUGHLAND and 54'.'. Combination sink & wa$ 2 years old-Well seasonect Rates.-J. C. Stilwell Son-Swarth-
Apts, Reward. nancmg. LeROY WORRELL, 2017 PARK. SUNSET 6161. tub, 42". Floor samples, all reduc'ed DELIVERED 8:, PILED FREE more 0676-Modern Warehouse,
c::o_=-=======""'='===== N. 63rd St. GR 3·4000, SUBURBAN FOLKS WALLSCRAPING, water or steam. W, w,. ~ukett,
9008 West.• Chester K~ IfR~~GH[~ME 739 p~~~~~~~~Y Mawr Separate Rooms-Morton, Pa.
_ _ _ _!H~E~L~P~W'!!.A~N~T~E~D~ I===~;;:::;;;~:;=:;:;~:===:IWhy pay city contractors or Done reasonably. Estimates Pike, Klrkl.yn. Phone Sun"e\ 9176.
Lovely Ground Bryn Mawr 0137-R-Day
Fl!lMALE REAL ESTATE-SALE hom~ Improvement companys ex- given free. 15 years' experience. Open Evenmgs and Saturday to 5. SENILti: - CHRONIC 5731 Market St., Phila,
~:::===_ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - I r e n s l v e travel time? No job too Call anytime. Edward Manzo. VI "'HRYSANT~EMUMS field clumps CONVALESCENT , SH 7-6751-Evening DRESSMAKING
arge or too small. All types of 4-3778.
work from cellar to roof
butterfly bushes, Peony roots, CLEARBROOK 9-413~
CORD WOOD and Kindling, well
" perennials and dahlias (cut flow- G,
YOUNG WOMEN Appealing t.o. a highly specialized W~y not deal where you get a ers). Open Sun. Waterloo Gardens, A::.a~~f~ ~~i~e~~84.305 Parsons BRIDAL GOWNS
taste-com?mlng SOUTHERN CO- WrItten guarantee? GLASS &ND MIRBOBS Lancaster Ave. & Eagle Rd., ARE YOU EMBARRASSED BY _ _ Y Y BRIDESMAIDS' OUTFITS MADE
It. t~~Wtl1~~:lt~~~ ::~ :~:i:~le LONIAL With the last word in lux- IT COSTS NO l\IORE Gla & mirrors for all purposes Wayne. Wayne 1330-1935. HAIR ON FACE, ARMS, LEGS, TELEVISION REPAIR TO ORDER REASONABLY BY
In ury: floor plan a~d
modern con- Over 20. years experience in home Oldstcirrors remodeled &: resilvered. LANTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT ETC. HAVE THEM REMOVED
'lenience _ beaUtifUl hallways _ remodeling, repairing and apart- l' ade to order . BY ELECTROLYSIS OR NEW
LLANERCH stUdy - powder room _ 3 very ment conversions. :f':dYE~Ir~ofu.,;VARD3082 7315 FIXTURE for hall, large, octa- SHORT WAVE METHOD 200 RADIO-TELEVISiON ELING.
ARDMORI! . I large bedrooms - 2 baths _ 2 car '. ' g o n shape, 5 candles, Glass en- HAIRS PER HOUR DR'S AP- .:. LUCILLE
CYNWYD 69th ST. SECt ON garage. $38,500. LOWEST PRICES AND MOST West Chester PIke. close.d, bra~s. finish, size llx20. PROVED. LICENSED. GR '3-3400. REP~ 901 N. 65TH ST. TR 7-4374
WAYNE ~IBERAL FINANCING IN Sacrifice. TrImty 7-1306. VENETIAN BUN A Brides and Bridesmaids Gowns A'
Begin a Career In the Telephone 114 N,
. Business
W:y~~':ve~' P~~~e 3320 PENNA. SANITARY WORK APPLES, Popular Varieties, EI We launder
Ranc.ho Orchards, Providence Rd., paint your blinds ~ith free ser~
tap~ ~rYN~~Yat NARBERm
Speciality - Pictures
Personalized ~ressmaldn~, Dress-
Copied -
Excellent Working Condltlcma Call 01' drop a card today and our Cesspools 1 mIle North o.f Rosetree Hunt vice charge, For driver to pick up, es, C?ats, ~Ults, AlteratIOns, Re-
and estimator will call FREE and Septic Tanks Cleaned Club, Near MedIa. return and hang your blinds, CALL FORREST 8:, HAVERFORD AVES. modelmg. Ltlyan ~eters, 22 Darby
A. Friendly Place to Worlc REAL ESTATE FOR RENT \,:ilhout OBLIGATION. P. S. Ask Odorleas El[eavatlnJ: WASHER, MAYTAG _ DELUXE Lp 3-9353 01' LO 3-5681. NARBERTH 4182 Road. Llanerch, Hilltop 5945-R.
Good Wages With Scheduled - 111m about oUr new plan that will AnyWbere. Anytime - Lowest PrlIlelI square tub model, only 3 years "AHHIMMMMA! Operator I de-
increases RELIABLE CHRISTIAN MIDDLE enable you to get up to $1000 WM. B BICDllN :lId: Very good condition. $60. Call sire to talk to the execu'tives of KNOW YOUR STATE
AGED COUPLE to share home worth of work done free. . Merion 0532. the HERB F. DAVIS Store of 52-
Come In tor an lntervt." In ~uburbs. No drinking. Owner Phone West Chester 1454 000 Items at 320 W. Lancast~r •
1631 Arch Street
re~a~n own room and have kitchen
priVIleges. Cynwyd 5493-M.
PIANO <BABY GRAND) - Like Ave., Ardmore. Please call Ard-
new. Reasonable. RUG, two-tone m?re 2299 as rapidly as possible,"
ZonIng Makes Progress
, • OARPENTRY AND BUILDING BUI'gandy Broadloom, 12x23. Rea- said Mr. Upper Bracketts, one of Local planning and zoning have/percent of our cities, only' 17 per-
7055 Upper
lermlnal square
Darby REAL ESTATE WANTED MADISO' N 6-6 212 sonable. Phone Hilltop ' 7041 Millie
" Oh Wanna
" ' d Savab"t'
th I S nelg . hb ors. come a long way since William cent of our boroughs, and only 57
SUburban office-Secane, Pa. . yes, sal e operator. "That . .
45 Anderson Ave., CARPENTRY SEALSKIN BLACK COAT - Size is a party lirie." "Ahhimmmma! Penn first laid out the CIty Hall percent of our first-class town-
Ardmore. Pa. KARL T. KEHRWlEDER Bun.T IN BOOK CAS1!8 . 14-16. Newly remodeled and re- Operator, dear operator! No, that Ssuare and the rectangular blocks ships now provide zoning protec-
BONDED REALTOR ASPHALT TILE AND SHELVING hned. Full back, small collar. Very Isn't a party line. There is no letter . .. ., . ." .
Needs Reasonable priced properties 18c sq. ft. installed (A Specialty} good condition. Good buy, Hilltop after the 2299!" "Oh yes" said the of PhIladelphia m AmerIca s first tlOn for thell' resldellial and busI-
T"E BELL 'tELEPHONE for sale. Prompt-Courteous and RUBBER TILE GENERAL REPAJIIS 0756-R. ; girl with a smile in her ~oice "but urban plan. Pennsylvania has con- ne'ss property. Even fewer have
COMPANY OF PENNA. Efficient Service. 55c sq. ft. installed NO JOB TOO SMALL it really is a party line. Yo~ see, stant1~ maintained a place among based theil' zoning laws on 11
Our plan through our own office VINYL 'l'lI~E WAYNE L. BURGEN'I'S BRADFORD AUTOMATIC 40 gal- th~ Herb, F. Davis Store sells eve!'Y- those leading states which havelPlanned program for the rut '.,fe
IMMEDIATE OPENING-Special and other co-operating brokers is 40c sq. ft. installed HILLTOP 8611 Ion gas hot water heatl!~, 2 and thmg fOI. a party. '.' from sweeplllg granted power to the local com- development of their own V:.1:-
position for woman over 22 seek- Offered you for QUICK SALES. VENETIAN BLINDS _2429 Wynnefield Dr.• Havertowu_ aplthOanlef YGeRars3_0911d8'Ooperates h~e new. or cleaning or pamting the pl~ce munlties for the establishment O~i ~ulY. .
ing new profitable career. Success- FOR INFORMATION CALL 45c sq. ft. ' be fore th~ party to eyerythmg commissions to study adopt andl By far the worst off in the con-
ful applicant will be- trained as a KARL T. KElmWlEDER LINOLEUM-TABLE TOPS DAVID JOHNSON necessary m the way of TIres Toys .. ' d' . ' .
Counselor under the consultan.t su- Sunset 5115 1225 W. Chester Pk. FREE ESTIlUATES Cabinet Making RUGS-9xI2 all wool face Broad- Tricks 'Trikes and B'k 'E admmlster development plans an tmuillg stl'llggle for growth and
. .
pervlslOn of E'l ml y P os·t 'Hl ll. f U II Manoa H a v e r t o w n\IT - A LTC U R R Y Carpentry 1oom startmg . at $47 "50 L arge se- Kites ... ' for a party ofI any es. kind ven
I" zoning . ord'mances. .ImprOVemelJ, t are t he COmmUl1ltles ..
time (3-9 P. M.) highly paid, digni- ' Boulevard 1253-J, 5-7 P. M. Alterations-Remodeling lectlon from famous manufactur- . There are now 337 civil subdi- which have totally ignored this op-
fied position. Must own and drive Repairs ers. THEGDORE SHIHADEH, 116 visions throughout the Slate with portunity to prepare for the future
car. Have good health, outstatlding· FOR ONE COM1\IISSION CINDER & CONCRETE Game Rooms Cricket Ave., Ardmore 3446. AUTOMOBILE!. either planning or zoning activi-Ilndustr y locates where good living
personality and appe~rance with OVER 500 LlVE-WIRE BROKERS BLOCKS Storm Sash & Doors ties, many having both. All too conditions for management and
successfu.l past I'Cc?rd m ."aIes fi~ld CAN HELP GET A BUYER FOR Certified. Any amount Delivered ,IDLLTOP 2170-& MI$R45RoOPlaAcNrI'fiOce' sPfolnret$19st5Yles,elcleorss GUARANTEED USED CARS often, however, zoning has been workers are amph.' provided.
or experIence
Selected dealmg
applicant, will beco~e
With p"Ubllc. P~l.l't YOU AT TOP PRICE QUICKLY
THROUGH anywhele. . Lowest .prIces.
. REMOLDELING-ALTERATIONS Piano' Co. s 6009 Baltimo~e Ave. LINCOLN adopted without the solid base of ISchools, parks, good housing, ade-
.. of largest and oldest orgamtatIon GEORGE W. RICHARDS JR
of it's kind In America. For:- im- LO '1-7337 REALTOR LO' 7-200~ 2d & FairVieW Ave., Fernwood
.\~I. HAGAN - CARPENTRY - STONE - out of high rent. Open evenings. '
MERCURY a planning program, and as a re-1quate streets and utilities, and
suit, many such ordinances are quiet neighborhoods do not grow
mediate interview, WIRE CHARG- , MADISON 6-3477, DAY BLOCK WORK. PHONE HILL- NEW KIMBALL spmets, $570. New 48 ME~CURY-4 door s~dan, ra- not correlated with the over-all overnight, but are the result of
ES COLLECT, l\IARION WIG- SUNSET 9456-R. NIGHT TOP 2867-M. Weaver consoles, $675. Sellers dlO & heater, overdrive $1375 physical economic and social good planning and ample p otec-
GINS. care of WESTERN UmON, ROOMS FOR RENT Piano C.O., 6009 Baltlmor~
Ave. '46 MERCURY-4 dr. radio, and growth ~f
the community. This can tion. r
WYNNEFIELD : Com for t a bl y f ur-
for UPHOLS _Y · AND .. aUlloLn.uuL'
_.wn.. .
Out of high rent. Open evenmgs.,
heater ----------------.$950Ibe remedied and 's being e m e d i e d l - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
heater door sedan ' radIO &.In .numerous mstances
$935 . I . r the re-
;yOU MAY BE THE ONE WERE Adult family. Phone GR 3-0478. nished room in private home. CABINET
. ' e ers lano. 0., P C 6009 B 1
a- '37 PONTIAC-4 door f J
$175 viSIOn 0 0 d or the a option of d
LOOKING FOR-Avon Cosmet- IN UPHOLSTERING tlmo~'e Ave. Out of high rent. Open '46 MERCURY Convertible _$1075 new, .up-to-date ordinances as an
ics ha~ fine Inexpensive new 0YERBROOK-Attractively furn- TABLE TOP IT'S evemngs. '46 CHRYSLER-Club coupe, ra- integral part of a comprehensive
Christmas Gift line ready now. Ished 2nd floor front room. Bed- Custom Made RADIATOR COVER LEWIS PERSIAN LAMB COAT _ Black. dio and heater -.--- -- __$1175 plan.
Act as our neighborhood Repre- sitting room. Suitable business gen- Reasonabl~ Rates l!PHOLST~~G CO. . Very good condition. Size 18. '46 BUICK-4 dr. sedan, radio and Four counties, thirty-nine cities,
sentative. Full or part time. For tleman. Central plant heat. Adult Free Estimates Furmture RepaIrIng Will sell for $200. Call Ardmore, heater . $1175 one hundred eighty-nine boroughs,
an interview In your home ,"vrite family. Excellent transportation. R. E. RITTERHOFF M tt R d 47 DODGE-4 d d and
to Mrs. Agnes Cliver, Bristol R..F.D. TR 7-4640. mLLTOP 2930-M, Eveningl aaus hre&';;S'ea
es t seats
-5enovate R ecane d 5316. h ea t er ---------------
r, ra 10, $ll 25 one't town
h' and
. be onefit' hundred f four
No.2, Pa. CmMNEYS Slip-Covers NEW LAWSON TYPE COUCH- '36 PLYMOUTH-Business Coupe owns IpS ale. ne mg. rom ?ome
STOCKING l\IENDING TAlTGHT ". R~PAIRED, RELINED, REBUILT Needle Point Mounted Finest quality mohair, beautiful . $150 form of planmng 01' .z?nmg WIth a
FREE APARTMENTS FOR RENT 0)1 soot, coal gas eliminated. Draft EXPERT shade mid-blue. Sacrifice $200. '40 DESOTO-4 door, radio and goal of g~eater amemtIes and more
T f correction. Etc. Chimneys cleaned. CABINET WORKERS Phone Hilltop 9018-J.' heater $585 enjoyable living conditions for
o GIRLS 16 to 20 years 0 age FIREPLACES BUILT AND Estimates CheerfUlly S u b m i t t e d ' '46 HUDSON-4 door, radio and Pennsylvania's greatest commodity
PRE~~~~NF~?:E£~Ap~~ING CORRECTED WAYNE 1496 PIANO (LESTER) - . Mahogany heater ~ $825 -its citizen. .
JOB-POSITIONS GUARAN'l'EED NEWLY COMBpALLEATED EXTRA 17 y,eal"s t d experience.. AIl work 227 E. Lancaster Ave. Wayne, Pa. cellent BabyGra~~,
condition. 4 ft.. 7 mches.
Price verY reas- Ex- '46 FORD-4 radio heaterdr. sedan, 6 cylinder $ 8 7This 5 ' represents substantial . pro-
TO QUALIFIED WORKERS LARGE 3 ROOM APARTMENTS guaran ee . Dampers Installed. ALBERT M. GRIFFITH onable. 5226 Gainor Rd., Wynne- ' ---------- gress m ~hat type of self-Improve-
CALL PE 5-~3U $100 UP. EXCELLENT LOCA~ JOSEPH L. BROWNE Upholsterer field. Phone TR 7-9383 after 6 P.M. BAYMOND P. SOOft, Inc. ment which is the greatest protec-
_ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ TION FOR TRANSPORTATION If1 W. Pomona St. TE 9-8845 Custom Made Slip Covers . 165 East Lancaster Aven tion of local government from any Almost one-fourth of all
HOUSEWIVES. Earn extra 11l0ney AND STORES. GENTILE. CALL MATTRESS BOX SPRiNG AND DOLLS-Imported ·and Domestic. ne form of remote control. It is the pedestrian deaths occur
for Xmas. Opportunity to aver- GR 3-1587. NEED A PAINTER? ? ? PILLOW RENOVATING ~eal Hair, beautifully dressed. Wynnewood, Penna. path which America has always
age $50-$60 per week. 5evel"lings, Or Your FURNITURE 738 BUrlU?nt Rd., Drexel J:lill Priced reasonably. Call CLear- Ardmor.e 2600. I followed in its rise toward the pros- during one-sixteenth of
~~~ ne~ded. W~te, H. P., Box:: No. REFlI\TJSHED-&EPAIRED? For fre~ estimates E,,;emngs brook 9-5532. OPflD Evemngs Till 9 perity and standards of living en-
the year-between 5 and
" , Ar mOl'C, a. WYNNEWOOD-Unfurnished Liv-
YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN-fol' Ing room, two bedrooms, kitchen,
CLearbr k 9-0932 CLearbr k 9-2272 MIRROR-Antique, large, oval, LINCOLN MERCURY vied by all the nations of the world.
8 P. M. in the six months
Restaurant all round work. Ap- bath, Second fioor of spacious Reasonable Rates gold mirror. Call Hilltop 0183. It is, however, far from the all-
• ply in person. Rolling Inn, State home. Private entrance, garage. se- Free Estimates OIL BURNERS GAS HOT WATER HEATER- EVANS CHEVROLET out effort. which t1~e ~ncertainties of Oct'ober tnrollg,h
Road and City Line Ave., D:rexel eluded lawn.. Convenie.n.t. location. SHARON HILL 5 4 3 6 - R , ~ Glass lined. Capacity 30 gallons. Demand for the 1949 CHEVROLET of these t~mes requlre.I.f our State
Hill. $125, Inc1udlllg all utlltl1es. Ard- WINDOW CLEANING and WALL Why Buy When You Can Bent. Call Media 6-3167. and resulting choice of trades, sup- an~ al.1 ItS c?mmumtles are to March.
!==============o:lmOl'e 5721, day, Ardmore 6319-W, WASHING-at reasonable prices. OIL BURNERS. . . plies us continually with a stock of malntam the lugh place they have
evenings and Sunday. Experienced. Call HOward 8-3487, We guarantee heat: C~mplete ~II GRAND PIAN?-'Henry F. MIller' exceptional buys in both late and inherited in the economic anti cul- NAliONAl SAFElY COUNCil
_..:EMP::::..:LO:::YMENT:.:::::::.:..:...:A~G~EN~I~lI~f,l:.:s~_I::_:_==:::=::_'"=:_:_=:_----lafter 6 P. M. Burner Rental Service Installed In Mahogany With bench. Call Ard- older models. A large percentage tural life of our nation. Only 58 L... ......
LAKEWORTH FLORIDA, season your present heater. more 0917-W. are from our own customers and
~,. FEM.ALI!J or year round occupancy, one, ELECTRICAL SERVICE INSTALLATION. $9,75, SAVAGE SPINNER 'WASHER, 3 are cars that we <;pn personally - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . - - - - - - - - -
____:..... ....;.__ 1two, and three bedroom apart- and have complete service for small years old very good condition. recommend.
Meyer Employment Agency ments, excellent location, excep- GRIFFITH cT~~t~r ;;J~~y Washes, rin~es, and sp.ir:s in sa.me EVANS CHEVROLET
tUb, $~O. One half orlgmal prrce. Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H.

6 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardrno:re
STENO., 5 . days .
lionally reasonable. For informa-
lion call -Boulevard 2057-W or
$4()-$45 wl'ite Mrs. Esther Williams, 218 E
ew ouse Wiring
Enterprise 10156 Call Hilltop 2056-J. SUNSET 7840
:·R-j,;-OIO· TELEVISION HOL1vW·'O··'0·····D·o.. '* 1.1
CLERK-TYPIST, 5 days $85-$40 No. Palmway, Lake Worth, Fla. lectric Ranges Installed Westchester 2400 Malvern 2777 AM REDECORATING-Can y O u l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - By GEORGE LILLEY
OVERBROOK- 826 N. 63rd St.
Estimates CheerfUlly Given
Service Cable Installations
use a Davenport, Loveseat, Chairs, , .
Hollywood Single Bed, Chest of CHEVROLET. 47-Fleethne, 4 dr. NEW YORK, N.Y,-The ·popular TELEPHONE HOUR'S 500th
Unfurnished, 4 roorl]s and private HILLTOP 4005-M fOR SALE Drawers, Maple Dinette Buffet, s,edan, b~autlful one owner black "Aldrich Family" is on tele- 'The "Telephone Hour" (Mon-
CORLEY'S DOMESTIC EMPLOY- -bath. Central plant heat. Adult Member Phila. Elec. Assoc. etc. Fine condition, excellent qual- ~ar, you Will be proud to own. See vision this season as well as on
• ~ENT AGEN~Y-Have positions home. ~usiness c~uple, no children. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS-' ity cheap. GR 7-5066. It today. Guaranteed at only $1195. the radio. The television version day nights, NBC), perennial
available for white women. Gener- Convement shopping and transpor- Receptacl s F' t . d MAKE IT- ' 24 months GMAC plan. is Sunday evenings (NBC-TV) award winner among the pro-
, al Housework-sleep In, 5 day tation. TR 7-4640.
week. Norristown 3769.
Better Class Domestic Help. J)ay- business woman. Convenient to 3-0787.
ices Lice~s~d IXF~les sn r se~v- "THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL"
WOMAN will share her home with Sch~idt & We~ger, e~all e~~~fso~ WITH OUR
3 Piece Bedroom suite, complete.
Pair of Torch Lamps. Kitchen Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H.
set \vith Formica top, chrome legs,

and offers a different "Henry" in grams of better music, celebrates
newcomer Bob its 500th broadcast November 21-
Casey. 22 - se- a history that takes it back to,
Week-Part-Time. References in. transportation. Call Ard. 2653-W. DINING ROOM SUITE upholstered in red. Reasonable· I 1 lected .as the April, 19~O. It'si
vestigated. Thomas EmploYlllent INCLUDES- Phone GR 3-4387, CHEVROLET '47 Fleetmast 2 m 0 s tprototype
video likely rW e0cor
r thy dis a,
Agency, 2010 North 18th St. Call BOAR'DING VENETIAN BLINDS BREAKFRONl'- BOY'S MEXICAN TYPICAL - er, 'in a country- Frl'tz Krel'sler,'!
FR 7-5158. CHINA- door sedan. Here's one for the .d
NURSE will give pleasant home DUNCAN PHYFE TABLE CHAR~O OU~FIT-:-Black.bro~d- family with small children. EqUip- WI e search Maggie Teyte,:
=============c:::1 to 1 or 2 active elderly people. L~DIES-Compare the workman- CREDENZA BUFFET- cloth, trImmed In white braid, Size ped with radio and heater, etc. You \ :~~~s~ Th~~~ fie:~~~iio }:f;;
Private home. Balanced meals. ship of the Wilco (Superior) 6 CHAIRS 7-12, $25. Phone CLearbrook can't miss. Guaranteed at only ',program, back brought first to,
BUSINESS SERVICE Good transportation. Call Bryn blind with others. New aluminum COMPLETE $339 9-5453. . $1150. 24 months GMAC plan. / T h u r s day the radio audi-
MAIL and Incoming telephone ser- Mawr 2581. blinds, 48c per square ft.; new THE FURNITURE INN APPLES (Large, Jonothan, Dellci- ~VA.NS CHEVROLET 'At nights. NBC, is en c e by the
vice available. Location Broad & steel blinds,48c per square ft.; Invit~s Your Inspection ous, Staymans WineSapsJ, $1.75 Township Line & BUrmont Rd. D.H. Jackie Kelk . rounding out program and
Chestnut Sts., Phl'la, References new wood' d blinds,
fi 65c per square A d 19 Cricket 0910 Ave., Ardmore GR 37177 th half bushel.11 kPure Dapple Icider by SUNSET 7840 •.. double duty a itsh allOfthh
- ouryeafrea- as .. n ;
T·a· g··I·l··a·.··va h a v e bee
Telephone Hourn
required. Call PEnnypaclcer 5-2631 ft . BI In S re nished just like new, r more - e ga on, ego ay 0 d eggs, 1 I ture and stars, as usual, Ezra .... I'
e?, c us I ~ e s
or 0232. - - - - - - . . . _ - - - - - - - - 1 3 5 c pel' square ft. Built to your large, 88c dozen. Potatoes, No.1, Stone as "Henry." Two veteran • , . come 11
• BUILDERS ATTENTION specifications. All work done un- Penna., $1.25 half bushel. Road- CHEVROLET '46-Sedan delivery. members of the cast are appear- Pons, Jascha Heiffz~nMa~ia~~~.
ALL PHASES OF ELECTRICAL conditionally guaranteed. Free est!- THE ORIGINAL stand at. 15 W. Eagle Rd., Oak- Here's a buy for you business ing on both shows: Jackie Kelk derson, Ezio Pinza are others of
INSTALLATIONS DOMESTIC, mates. Call GRanite 2-3430. Sun- EXCHANGE SHOPPE mont. Hilltop 8971. men with light deliveries. Lots of ("Homer"), who looks his role its "regUlars." Tagliavani will
• INSTRUCTIONS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL. set 5617-J, evenings. (same Owner) COCKER PUPS: 11 weeks. Healthy space for advertising. Recondition- ~nd fatherlx House Jameson, long guest on the anniv~rsary pro.
WIRING FOR NEW HOUSE CHlNA.SILVER-GLASSWARE home raised, AKC. Used to chll- ed and guarante(;!d at only $695. 24 Sam AldrIch" of the radio broad- gram, his 11th "TH" appearance.
OPERATIONS THE NEW LOOK! .JEWELRY-HOUSEHOLD ITEMS- dren, Reasonable. Call Swarth- months GMAC plan. cast. Talented American conductorl '
PIANO and VOICE 107 Sherbrook Blvd. Upper Darby OLD VENETIAN BLINDS Accepting Da~ly-Consignment Only CHEST of Drawers, $3S:--Mahog- Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H, "Father may Know Best" • . • program since its incep!ion. 'I
INSTRUCTION . BOULEVARD 5461 COLRoERSPAlNTEMA~no 7036 Termmal Sq., 2nd floor any Dressing Table with bench SUNSET 7840 but only after he learns it from PORTIA'S PROBLEMS
Special Attention To Begin~ers NEW TAPES AND ... "'~
CORDS Hrs. 10-5;(W. Friday
Garretttil Rd.)
9 P. M. $.3 0'
. Antique W .e sh Cupb?ard, I$.65. ' , mo th er.' S uch is t~e situation- Like an old friend, a good radio
1306 Westbury Drive EXCELLENT WORK BOULEVARD 3'37 Alrowback chair, $5. Antique Pme PONTIAC '48-Sedanette equipped probably truer to .life. than most seria.l wears'well. Among the most\
GR 8-4628
.. Desk Book a
' c se op,
T $135 W
. ayne with hydl'amatic
males care to admlt-m the new-
radio and est family radio drama (Thurs successful: NBC's 10·year-old
_____________1 WITH FLAGSTONE & SLATE un-53 W. STILES STREET CUS'l'Ol\1 MADE 2901. heater, etc. One o\~ner and only nit e s, NBC)," - " "Portia Faces Life." "Portia," .star'
FURNISHED OR' INSTALLED GR 7-0765 GR 7-6042 LAMPSHADES 6800 miles. Less than a year old. "Father Knows ~." of the program, is smart dressing,j
Voice and Piano-Opportunitr for ARDMORE FLAGSTONE CO. Pure Silk. Will call and Give Guaranteed at only $1595. 24 Best." The An- . .:- veteran actress Lucille Wall, who,
serious study. TIme now !"Vail· WINDOW SHADES-VENETIAN FR·EE ESTIMATES WANTED TO BUY months GMAC plan. derson Family, has played the
able. Monday 10 A. M. to 9 p, M. 2527-35 Haverford Rd., Ardmore BLINDS, Linoleum. HOBSON & says writer Ed role since the
Call PEnnypacker 5,8025, Monday ARDMORE 9491-8 to 5:30 OWENS, 1015-1017' Lancaster Ave., l\ms. ROTTNER MR. COLEMAN BUYS SINGER ~VA.NS CHEVROLET James, is an av- show's incep-
GR. 3-1798 after 6 Bryn Mawr. EV 2-3275 MACHINES _ Marble furniture, TownshIp Lme & Burmont Rd. D.B. erage American tion. In the last
for appointment. ________________________-=:..:..._-..:.::.::..... 1 SUNSET 7840 :family. "Possi- decade seldom
Antiques, old fashioned and used bly a wee hap- has "her" show
furniture. rugs, frames, paintings, pier than aver- rated out of the
old lamps, clocks, banks. jewelry, PONTIAC '47-5edanette, Black age, but we first three in
old gold and silver, fine china, cut and beautiful with low mileage, strive to draw, ... the Hooperat.,
. from real-life- Robert Youn'" ing5. A bri!-
glass, pianos,' feathers. hair. DIS- radiO and heater, good tires. Here's not carIcature, ." •• 2nd best.. l'ant 1
Iaw yer
TANCE NO OBJECT. 907 N. 7th another car you can't let go with- .A c tor Robert • who would pre-
St. LOmbard 3-9332. out seeing. Guaranteed at on~ Young, himself father of four fer to be a hap-
-=--=-__----------- $1345. 24 months GMAC plan. girls, plays Father, "James Ander- py housewife. Lucille Wall
WANTED TO BUY-Scrap Iron, EVANS CHEVROLET son," who thinks he is ,head of "Portia" is cur- ." less sunshine
old and wrecked cars, WE ALSO Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H. the household. But he invariably rently far away from her goal..
SELL NEW AND USED AUTO SUNSET 7840 is best«:d by mother; James, Jr., She is defending husband "Walter'
PARTS. SHANK'S AUTO PARTS, 15 (nicknamed "Bud" to avoid the Manning," in court charged with
PHONE WEST CHESTER 1617. STUDEBAKER President, '41 de- dreaded possibility of being called murder: son "Dickie" has run
luxe with many extras. O!dsmo- "Junior"); Betty, 17, whose dream away from home. A sort of 10th
WANTED-Rifles, Shotguns, Bin- bile early '48 De Luxe, many ex- .world is peopled by Clark Gables anniversary climax, these clouds
ocul~rs, knives and other War h'as. Low mileage. Will sacrifice and Perry Comos-oreven Kathy, promise to grow darker before
130uvemrs. Write Box 9355, Phila., due to death in famHy. Wayne 9. It is. .crf!;p, plausible comedY4 the!'e: is sunshine.
39, Pa. Or Call SHerWOOd 1-2136, 1912.


Overbrook Hills Mother

News of the Suburban Sports World =' .
fs Author of New Play

'1. Scores
"'_w--,; ,* '

'1ifi."'1V • ~:
Vlellanova Seeks
· ML
· Jr C 0 f C
· the
of a ofteen·age

a branddaughter,
new playIs his
woman, for great music Is equalled only by

bers fondness for attractlvq

of the opposite sex. mem-

nt t ~~ In.
e .
engeance at Seeks DI·strl·ct's
with which the Penn Wynne Play- Teamed with him as Mona his
~ . n er
h I or...IveW ~ JAWA,
ers will open their season. , secretary in the fast-paced

aver If.
(}Ill •

'Boston on Frl·day
Top G·rid Player The play, "Concert Pitch," by
Constace Hall, In collaboration
will be Mrs. Hoag, who was last
seen as Penny. in the Player's

H fEpiscopal Academy's unbeaten

foothall t.eam, roaring toward its CAnL
As t.he 1949 football campaign
with/Ted Nathan, New York play-
wright, will be presented Novem-
Main Line fans will have another bWer 19 at 8:30 A. M. at the Penn
production of "You Can't'Take it
With You."
Directing the show will be Ellza-
~CAr<L'\TH~M06r f;~~~~d ~~I~:~el~~I~~:~:'p~~epa~~~
3rd st.ralght Interacademlc League l\ opportunity this fall to select the ynne School. beth Brinton, of Wynnewood who
'championship, defeated Penn Char- HUSBELl VAW/>SI.E PLA'Iel2" themselves for their invasion of most outstanding football player .Mrs. Hall, in. private life Mrs. studied with Cecil Turner the
i:;~';i~~' :J'.id~f ~~sCi~~eL~heU:c71~ GREATEST SOUTHPAW IN \3~lECe\VeD' Boston, where they will meet a in Main Line schools. Lmcoln Hall, lives at 39 Rock Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts
men's ninth st.raight Interac vic- THE' N.Y.G/ANTS ' Aw/.l.AF( FOR.. st.rong Boston CoIlege team on Fri- The trophy ,awarded .by the Glen Rd." OverbrOOk HllIs. Her in London. She had stock expert-
tory., EVER I-lAt7 , EfNJOYEP THe FIKST' day night, Main Line Chamber of Commerce daughter, Constance M.: 13, .at- ence: in Renne•. N. H. and while
This Friday, Episcopal will take ONE" OF TH~ BIGGEST 'GANE'I1=' The 'Cats, beaten once In six . . tends Bala·Cynwyd JUlOr High servmg as a heutenant In the
a brief respite from league wars, ~AY5 OF HIS, CA~E'E'~ /'3VIER. et> starts will be out to atone for the ea~h year .~o the player who re- School. Beter-known for her short WAVES during the war' wrote and
meeting ~daverford hcollege junior ,!NAMT~~A,'.?rN~I.S-5,..rAUCR.", PITUl, ~~~~ons~~Wstinygearth, ewy hemnadtheeyag~vienrset fCeIvehs. the hlfig~est number of votes sttorIes, Mrs. Hall is a contrIbutor acted in several NaVy, Relief
varsity gI'l del'S at ome.. . \oJ" "".. "" ,... !' • or IS .pro clency as a football, 0 American Magazine and Liberty, Shows.
Episcopal encount.el'ed little dlf- our RurH,G~HRIG6FOXX, upset by the Beantowners, 20-13. player will be presented at a din- a~ well as several Canadian Maga- Sameul Gl'lbert of Pe n W
ficult.y in brushing aside Penn SIMMONS AND C~ Nlt-l In their first four starts, the D b zmes ' n ynne,
Charter. Rogel' Pitldn, Ben Frank- IN SUCCESSION! Main Liners looked as though they ner on ecem er 6. Jim Barr won '.. is the show's prOducer, and the
lin and J. R. Smith featured with were contenders for Eastern su- the trophy for Lower Merion in They play's locale is behind the cast of 14 will include David Hayl-
their line playas Ken Smith and premacy, just one step behind the 1947 and in 1948 the trophy moved scenes of a major symphony or· lar, of Penn Wynne, president of
Jack Kistler contributed three of powerful Army combination. They to Tredyffrln-Easttown when Bob chestra. John Hoag, of Penn the Players,
the Churchmen's four touchdowns. trounced Texas A. & M" 35-0, in Pollock was chosen. ' Wynne,,' who directed "Outward Other officers of the group In-
Smith touched off the scoring by
the opener, then upset Penn
State, 27-6. Following that, the Permanent trophies are present- ~
Bo nd f
, 0;'
th I
e P ayers last cl,ude Rixey Dalgleisn, vice-presi-
ret.urning a punt 60 yards, and Villanovans vanquished the Detroit ed to the most outstanding play- sprIng, WIll take the part of a tem- dent; Florence Higgins, secretary;
Kist.lel' . followed with runs of six Titans, 34-7, and St. Mary's, 28-20. ers in each of the following cata- permanental conductor, whose 10ve and Norman Guenther, treasurer.
and seven yards to top off sustain- Followirfg its unexpected loss to gories: pUblic schools (Tredyffrin-. '
ed drives, George Swan accounted Tulsa, Villanova regained the vic. Easttown, Radnor, Haverford High Tr.-County 'Concerts Group 'In-Law' Relat.·onsh.·ps
for Episcopal's ot.her touchdown tory path last Saturday In Pitts- and Lower Merion); prIvate scnools Off •
on a 20-yard'spin off tack-Ie. Dutch'
Schaeffer added three of t.he four
(G burgh when it defeat.ed Duquesne,
20-0. It wasn't until late in the
(Episcopal Academy, Friends' en 2nd Event Sunday Famdy Broadcast Theme
)~ ~K5
The Main Line Junior Central, Haverford School and Val- The Tri-County Concerts Asso- Th . h
extra points from placemcnt. S08BY " • (AI J game that the Wildcats cl'acked a Chamber of Commerce foot- ley Forge Military Academy); and ' " ., e story of ow an aged man
Although idle in the Interac SONES 6A~~Yf OF 1Hfi NAT~ON'.s MOSr '0-0 tie. ball trophy (shown) is award- Junior Varsity teams at the same clatlOn Will present Its second event found a Family Service Agency
League race, Haverford School SHoT A 68 ~NrHusrASTIC MOTOIZC.YCJ,/: Late in the third period, quar- ed each year to the Main Line schools. of the seasOn Sunday, at 8:30 P. M., helpful in· straightening out his
ON A6,500 ..,.. ~IOE:RS. ,HI: COWMBIA'
came up wit.h a 34-14 decision over
Friends Central at. the Fords' Lan- COUR5!: WHEN I $ A~
terback Steve Romanik tossed a
touchdown pass to Dan Brown,
area's outstanding scholastic
player. Gridders from the dis-
The players among the three at Radnor High S h I W
winners who receives the highest.. c 00, ay~e.. . . . .
relationshIps WIth hiS daughter
'." ..
caster PI{, field. It was Haverford's He; WAS l(f1:lA ~NSCONTlI-:~rAl., Villanova's end and candidate for trict's private, public and jun- nurn~er of votes earns the trophy .Mat.llYn Costello, harp; WIlham and son-in-law will be portrayed
13/ MOTOR(.YCl.6' -rRIP OURII-IG f?r hiS alma ma.t~r, to be held un- Kmcald, flute; and Vladimir Soko-
los~ ~
if.! fourth straight triumph after an All-American honors, Halfback ior high teams are eligible.' over WFIL at 7 P M S d

to~~~i1c~!s~'!~e:t~~ ~~~;eW~;do~lof~~; ~ I CJ::tJiJf::~y~~he ~~I~ee~TI~s ~:~uf~,urf~~~~l~esJg;~~' Little Fords Roll fO.~~W~cft.y~~~·the a:t;st~:ano, pr~s::t~:ai:il:oo~:S:t~~~:~~~St~:
opening t.o Malvern Prep. i;J HI5 VACATJON THIS fAt.I.!" Joe Rogers raced over from the til the competrtlon resmues the I I f " • • • on un ay.
. . .., . , MLJCC Trophy WIll be the performmg
occasions following runs of 10, 44,
26 and 29 yards. Maher Cornell
crashed ovel' from t.he one for Hav-
,t,.j Darby High ace making 11is first
varsity start, sprinted 29 yards for
the final six-pointer.
T0 3d TrlUmp
· h Will be started on its display tour The program will provide a var- F ' y
through the area, .beginning at iety of combinations of the three amll.
. . .
Service ASSOCiation at
Suburban Hardware m Bryn Mawr instruments, inclUding sonatas for Amertca, and locally by the Main
erford's other touchdown. the first ~eek, George Sayers flute and piano by Bach and Plerne Line Federation of Churches a
an~o~u~~i~~~:;y~~~~:~l: ~~~I1S\~e~i Drexel Hill and Abington Fives Townshio Eleven At BaJa-Cynwyd ~~a:~. Sti6~~ I£r~~e;:.~~~ ~t~r~ef~ three compositions by DebUSSY fo~
e k flute ~nd harp, a group of solo harp mumty Chest.
Red .Feather Service of the C~m-
eight yards on a forward-lateral
play to ta y an
from t.he 11three.d B
May Surprlse MLL 0pponentS
·lerIy b tl 11 e dovel' , e T0 PIay M'arpIe - Ardmore during the thi 'd
Haverford Junior High scored its and finally at Ricklin's Hardware.
third victory in foul' tries Frida Store,. Narberth.
1 we, selections' and on e for h arp an d
plano.. . . .
A w~rd o.r kin~ness is seldom
Haverford School will attempt to . . y, Durmg the month of November The pUblIC IS mVlted, There is spoken In vam, whIle witty sayings
boost it.s Interac st.anding this Fri- B~' HARRY ELLSWORTH B~' JAMES R. BRADY u~settmg Bala-Cynwyd Juntor ballot.s will be published in thi~ no admission charge, but donations are as easily lost as the pearls slip- '.
da:.:, at " Ger;nantotnl ~c,ade~~, Abin (on and Drexel Hill two of activity in that area, Managed by Haverford Township A. A" han- HIgh, 13-0, ~t Bala. \ newspaper..The ballots. must be cut toward the continued support of ping from a broken string.
Wh~~ ~lleltsM.~~ttra p ~~~ at g. b' f the Main Joe Maginnes and Bill Harley, the dicapped by the absence of four in- Coach BIll McCahan's Lit.tle out, filled In at;d maIled to John the Association will be accepted. -Richard Brooks
An lews, 0 I e.owt, ., the newest mem CIS a Hillers will count heaVily upon juried regulars dropped a 9-0 Fords will meet Radnor Junior R. Graham, chaIrman of the Foot-
home in a Homecommg ay game. Line Basketball. League, may ha~e Upper Darby High gradS and form- decision to a big Bryn Mawr foot- High this Thursday aftern~on at balI Projec: Committee. Be on ~he Rh IUd
· t a t 0 PIaY
unla a raft of SUl'pnses ready for thell' er star~ in t.he Governmen.t League. ball
opponents when t.he league season .Leadmg the Drexel. Hili attack Recreat.lOn Cent~'e,
te~m, Sunday at Ardmore Wayne. Gordon Hutton ace full- lookout fOl further news dUl'1f1g e earsa s n er Way
For Musicrafters Play
Exclusively with
J opens week after next.
back who has been on the injured the next few weeks.
WIll be 6-foot-5 CharlIe Boone, ~n !he Fords. Will return to the list, is scheduled to return to the
BOOSter BOWIers '. .

The Ghosts have a wealt.h. of all-league performer for .NSDS In grId. wars thiS Sunday afternoon, lineup against Radnor. The Mam Lme Muslcrafters,
mat.erial from t.he York Rd. sectlO.n, the Government loop. BIlly Hal'- meetmg Marple-~ewtown at t.he Cashing in qUickly on a Bala- made up of a number of talented H. S. - - - - - - - -
a~ soUtl~
ake Manoa Lead
. while Drexel Hill wiil dcpend upon ley, pla:ier-manager, was all-league Aydmore RecreatIOn field, begm- Cynwyd miscue in the opening 0 .
.Slin si'eklng the season's first ex-Upper Darby High st.ars. Catholic and with the En- nmg <l;t 2:30 P. M, jperiod, Haverford scored fOliowing'T y ung people. mostly local reSl-
\"1('\01,,',. Haverford ~ollege football
e~townel ~vere
Abingt.on has t.he ,nucleus .of a gmeers Jl1 the Government Leagu.e. Agams: Bryn Mawr, the Hav- a fumble rec?very on the loser's dents, has been formed.
team Will meet ..Jul1lata at the 10- good club-a good big man III 6- Former Upper Darby stars m s. un.able to cope 40. Elmer Blanco passed to Dan Rehearsals are under way f - - - - - SONS
ord a ::
touchdo,~n. (~e w~~me
cals' Walt.on Field, Saturday af- foot-4 Ken Spiker. Spiker, an Olney t.he Hillers lineup include Emil Wlt.h the vIctor's vigorous attack Nauman, vet.eran wingman in the. The Boosters too over first place new and original musical' ' I }
"The Busy Office"
sust~me.d m~k.c
t.ernOOl1. High alumnus, has played pro ball Shilick, Doug .Duncan, fr,om last and proved .unable to muster any end zone for the m Manoa Bowling League, de- "Shoot the Moon" whic y,
The Fords, bowed, 13.7, to a with Baltimore and Lancaster and year's team, Bill Thorp, 'lorn Mc- d:'lVes themselves. The Little Fords scored again in featmg Lynnewood Park, 3-1, at it l' m'lere ' h 1 ARE SOLD FAST'
scrappy Hamilton .College eleven is considered an outstanding re- Grath, Don Drake, Hal Burton and Highlightmg the fir:s t half was the second quarter after a long the 69th Street Centre alleys, Wed- S \ p e D
last Sat.urday at CII~lton, N. Y.,. as bound man
at the Radnor Hlgn •
Hamilton e!'ded a nme-year losmg TI GI t ma also have Gorm
Jack Howley. some spectacular passll1g by Bob- run by Dodger McGann. Bianco nesday.
Tom Engemi former Merchant- by Long, Haverfod ace, He com- passed to McCann for 10 yards and Th~ Hoffm~n team dropped formances.
cool ecember I, for three per- VISIT OUR MODERN

streak agamst Haverforl:L It was G t l~ell l~S ,s l' ~emPle tar who ville High and Brown Prep lum- plete? a pass to Bruce ~tartton the score and the former also Amel'lcan Legion "A" keglers to Book, score, and lyrics are the FOil PROOF!
Haverf~rd's. se,cond .st.ralght. loss, ise ~urre'ntt ~~aching H:ddo'nfield inary, has signed with Drexel Hill, late 111 the first quarter whIch wa,s added the extra point. second place by defeating them, work of J?-lia and Augustine Jane- DARBY & EAGLE ROADS
the Main LweI,S hav,m g prevlOU~IY High's unbeaten football team,' as has John M?oseberger from caught. on the ener:n y 40. Howevel, Haverf?~d had two other scoring 3-0. In other matches" Sacred way, of Villanova, and Hugh Han- OAKMONT
been be1;\ten h~, Dre~el Tech, 46 0, Getchell and Spiker would form a Northe~st C:a~holic. the gam was nul!If'ied when H~v, opportunities - once when Floyd Heart ~hu:eh upset Frank s Clean- son, of Wynnewood. Walter Rile
Drexe~ e~s, ~ark be~t W'l~
after tylllg UISll1US m the opener, formidable one-two punch. At thiS wrltmg, HIll plans erfo!d was penalIzed for back-ln- Gage intercepted a partiall blo k- 3-0, RidgeWOOd Bon Strafford is stage dire t .
14-14. .' d f I. J _ to use Upper Darby Fhgh School motion. ed B la y e All', 2-1; Manoa TaIlors trImmed r ' c or.. I SERVING THE SUBURBS
accoun.te~ kiJt~l\~~ ~~~~~~i~l~esc~r~~ O\:~n Lo~g agaiI~ i/fi~~ °rou\~~~ eqn;~Ee:5~v~~~ ~~m~~T~h~o~m~p~so~n~,:.....~v~oc~a~I~~d~lr~e:c~to~r~
Johnny, HUll:e for for ho.me games and will play Fri- . again. was r!ding th.e air American Legion "B"-, 2-1, and •
Haverford ~ only touchd?\\ n 1I1 the Re an Walt Qua' and Lloyd CIif- day I1lghts.. lInes III the third penod and It ap- Nauman caught a ass in th e d Eagle erased Manoa. FIre Co., 2-1. "ifA~'
second penod when !le II1tercepted for~-~l'e also in ihe Abin"ton fold Play dUl'lng the 1949-50 season peared Haverford was finally on zone but was ruled ~ut of b u ed n Ray Stopper, roIling games of
o f?I'\\'dardsoPass 0dn hlbS }o~ldl 20 !!nd Jimmy O'Neill, former 8t. Joe'~IWiII begin the second week of No- its way. However, the BrynhMawr
0 n s. 11h80-l81-t 21t 5] for 5.71 tBotal, had high ,
spl'ln_~e .~ar s .e lin .cr.lsp College playmaker, will be in the vember. Several contests have b:en line at ~hiS ~~nct~lre broke t rough LAFAYETTE I!Ii ACTION ,~e ,?~.' WhI e . ob, Giles, . of
blocklI1.g. Chl'ls Amussen con.,etted. Abington lineup. arranged as preiiminary engag- to 11I.~l'lY hIS thlOW an~ t.h~ pass EASTON, Pa., Oct 26-Gainin ~eglOn B, rolled hIgh smgle WIth
Hamll~on score,d early In th,: Former Abington High players ments to Philadelphia Warrior was ~ntercepted" resul,tmg 111 the momentum with ea~h . ame th~ _39.
;~~e a~~~t\:;:o /~~~~m:in~l ~~lr, in?lude Bob ~leming~ Cortland games <;,-1 t.h~ Arena. game s only touchdown, Lafayet.te Co!lege foot{;a1l t~am Boosters 1V:' L4
the latter n a 20-yard J'\InfoIlow- FliCk, .Bob Stokes, Augle Penecale l\lam L~ne Lea!tue Notes Haverford Bala Elevens shou!d be at ItS peak next Friday Legion "A" 13 5
. . o. , and BIII Hoagg, Ted Odgers. Ger- Drexel HIII has announced the • - even 109 when it meet.s George . ---------------
1I1~. an lI1t.ercept~on of Amussen ~ mantown Friends' star of last year, signing of Jack But.z, former all- Divide 100 125 Tests Washington University in Griffith M~noa TaIlors ------------ 12 6
aellal." .The. Contmentals
lh f urtl threaten u ,t ' and Don Palmer ' feom LaSalle .suburban . forward
'. at Upocr
.. Darby Bala-Cvnwyd, and H a v e Stadium
r f o r dWa ' s hi' ng t on, on th e start L~ nnewood Park --------- 12
Eagle 11 67
erI a,..~lIl In -------------------~
~d\'ancmg to Haverford's one-foot Th~ heavily-populated Upper Narberth's runnerups last year, JunIOr High 100., ~nd l:~.pound Clip see~~ith a f o~ It.S. schedule. Sacred H~art Church ----- 11 7
e 0 1 q al el, High are trying out for the Ghosts. HIgh. . . . Les BlanklI1, starter for . .... of tl d b If .
Ime before the Fords repulsed a Darby section should find Drexel will be back with the Blue and football teams split 111 a, ",rid dou-, Ya k' h'} Olmel Boston Manoa FIre Co. ---------- 9 9
fourth-down plunge. . . .. ddT t
-::=====;,,:::========,JH:.:.:.:Il~l...;.a:......,:.:w..::e:.:lc:.:o::..:m=e-=aI IOn 0 cour 0
I. G Id 1.1'
liS season,
bleheader Tuesday afternoon at n s coac \": 10 took over the Hoffman ----------------- 9
Brookline. Bala's 100-poundel's de- ~afay~tte. coachll1g reins this fall, Legion "B"
feat.ed the Little Fords, 18-7, but IS begll1nIng to get results as the Frank's Cleaners
8 10
5 13 824 Catharine ae.
:I. Shows nightly. first show 8:30, Sat. ftrst Ihow
7.30, A lavIsh redecorated setting, whether It's dln-
ner for two. a party or a banquet. Famous Palumbo
Club Beaten ~llcket,' .6.0, a~d the O\Vlettes up- Haverford's 125-pound team tri- Mar?on squad becomes accustomed Bon Air 2 16 PhDadelphla Full Course DInner including cocktail. Private ban-
MR. & MRS. HOME-OWNER Cynwyd set S,\ al thmole Club, 5-2. umphed, 7-0. on Gray Forcey's to hiS style of play. Ridgewood Park TILLES
2 16 quet rooms, show inclUded, Free Parking. WA 2·50t0
00 you need tund~, and are you
In Field Hockey, 6 to 3 touchdown and extra point. SEA FOOD STFoAKS - SANDWICHES - BAIt
s~t Hav~r- S:~~~I:lS~~~f:~ik~~
f'ontemvlatin&' tlnancinl' or refinane ..
inC' your prODerty? Our office can
dye you reasonable ra.tes, easy P37-
I ment terms and quick, courteous
service. We want to ulaee your loan. straight victim of the, unbeaten seeking
was the sixth SEEK l\nDGET GRID (JAl\IES A, 70-yard
The Lansdowne Boys' Club is ford s 125"pound vICtory,
football gal11es, either Bob Sheridan and Tom Hansell
1528 Chestnut
Open Sundays
Complete Menus. Phone RI 6·1690: PI: 5·0811
F. E, CABALLERO, Realtor Ursinus Colle.ge Alumnae. losing by home or away, wit.h midget class leading the assault. Dick Haly Open UntU :I A. M FOR THAT All"l'ER THEATRE SNACK
In the unique and friendly atmosphere of an old
Call: GR 3-18D4; GR 3-670D: C,.n. 1804 6-3 in a Philadelphia Field Hockey opponent.s. All players must weigh scored all Haverfor~'s points in the The Forae
MeetlnC' Bouse Lane, Merion, Pa.
v1llage forge, you w1ll enjoy Philadelphia'S finest
==============- Association game Sat.urday, less than 100 pounds and be u~der lOO·pound scrap, WIth George Sny- ~ food and drlilks. Come for luncheon, cocktail
Ursinus grads held a precarious 12 years of age. Phone MadIson ~or's 25-yard run to the two pav- CHANCELLOR HALL hour, dinner, or after theater su~per. Bar is open
13th st., Below Walnut, from 11 A. M. TELEVISION. 'Completely air-
3.2 edge at the half, but tallied 6-0394. 109 t.he way. PhUadelphJa conditioned," •
REPAIRS three more goals as play resumed.
Radios, WaShers, Vaeuumll.
Lamps, Clocks, E~.
Shirfey McConnell scored t.wo Cyn-
wyd goals and Do Simons account-
Radio Programs on LATIN CASINO
1309 Walnut St.
PhUadelphla's Smartest Night ClUb
All Electrical Appliances ed for the other.
bought, sold and
Norristown nosed out Merion
Cricket, 3-2, as Mrs, Thomas Bird-
Station WN AR PE 5-4220
PE 5-4164
Two Shows NIRhtly-8 :30 - 12 :00
relll~ired sall, Jr., and Bertie Pew scored for America's Musical Show Place. Now - Gena
SERVICE OF t.he Main Liners. In other league 6:45-1rene MONDAY TlIROUGII FRIDAY
19:00_Local New.
9:10-Bu\1etln Board CLICK Krupa-Nightly Cow;t-to-Coast Broadcasts from
huge revolving stage Pinner Show 7 P. M. Superb
games, the Royals-former Beaver 7:00-WNAR Sunrise Caravan: 9:15-Hebrew Christian Hour
College players who shared the Farlll News 9:30-Pollstown on Parade Cafe Theatre-Bar Food and Beverage, Popular prIces. Meet your
MERRITT 7:IO-National News 10:02-N~w. SummarY Market St.
at 16th friends at the worfd's longest bar.
126 W, Chester Pike 1948 title with Ursinus Alumnae- 8:00-Loeal News ~ 10:0;,-Wmdow Shoppers Guide
:.._,.;;,;, kept' pace a by
straight g a winning their sixth 8:10-"Somethinll
ins t Philadelphia
to Think About"
8:45-Couneil oC Churches
10:32-Cluldren's StorY Teller
10:5;,-Red Book SEA FOOD HOUSE, Inc,. In the center of town.
9:00-Local News 11 :OO-Potlstown youth Center the only restaurant owned and operated by mem-
9:10-Bulletin Board
9:15-Hebrew Christian :Hour
Jl:30-W,llS Meyer. Show
11:45-Billie Boy Walton
bers of the original BOOKBINDERS family Serv-
Ing the best sea food, steaks and chops. NOW

At1antl-c Tree Expert Co. 9:30-"It's a Great DaY," with Jack Day 12:00-Noon Day News
10:OO-Tri-County News program 12:10-Sports Extra

Prunin l":Il _ Toppin tl ":II

• Tree Removal. Sprayin tl
IO:05-Window Shoppers Guide
10:55-Red Book to the Ladies
12:15-Footbal1 Foreeasls
l2:30-Farm and Family
I:OO-Phoenixville News Hour
St James Hotel

Meet vour friends at the St. James Grille and
Cocktall Lounge, featuring TeleVision and Musak

11:00-News Summary I:05-Cote Glee Club No, it's never too late to fulfill your desi~e to play Old English Grill and for your enjoyment, A different and delightful
R easona e
&1 R t a es 1l:05-Sonl!s bY Bing
11:15-Good Fortune Ring
Crosby 1:15-WileY Mission
1:30-Pigskin Preview the piano. Enroll now for COC ktaU Lounl1;e
13t h II: Walnut streets
new mid-cltv rendezvous. Alr-condttloned. Dally
tUI 2 A. M. The new Windsor Hall for private •
PhUadelph!a PE 5-8400 parties
12:00-NoondaY News bail Scoreboard
:30-Don Francisco
12:10-Sports Extra
12 :15-Midday Melodies
4:40-News Summary
Game, Followed bY Fool-
12:15 (Thurs,\--Marine ShOW SUNDAY at your community Hamilton School of Music. Whether
12:30-Farm and Family 1Iour 7:55-News SummarY you go to business or sta~' at home, you will find playing MANNA BAR and RESTAURaNT
NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS i ;gg=~~f.;nm~~IlCI~~ws
1:15-Wiley Mission
8:00-Chureh BulIetin Board
8:15-Sunday Morning Mu,ieale
the piano not only instructive, but relaxing. Serving the Main Line for Over 25 Years
1:30-Radio Church 8:30-Bridgeporl Baptisl Church Try Our Famous Luncheons & Dinners
2:00-Poltslown on l'arade 9:00-Brotherhood Malc Chorus BEGINNERS' AND ADVANCED CLASSES for
:I:00-Norlh Penn New, IO:OO-News SummarY INSTRUCTION. PIIONE ARDMORE 9435 ARDMOltZ, PA..
3:30-Publie Service Program
10:05-Co(e Glee Club
10:30-BiIly Meyers and His Prairie
3:45-Jukebox Jamboree Rangers ' LESSONS FROM $1.00 UP Everyone en.lo)·s a tender well cooked Steakl •
4::l0-The Sandman Suggests g;gg=~~~~"~~~;..~~~.~rnae1e STRATH HAVEN Special week-clld T-bone Steak Dinner $2.00.


12:10-Motoring with the MacEIl'ees
12:30-Polka Party
I:OO-Catholie' News and View.
HAMILTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC, The Inn wltb personality And on MOil day through Jo'rlday Nights
Delicious ClUb Steak Dinners $1.75 •
, 6 :45-1rone Litka 1:30-HapPenings in Washington
1:45-It's Hymn Time Chestnut St~'eet and Glendale Road Upper Darby , Swarthmore, Pa., Also Every Thursday (5:30·7:30)
7:00-WNAR Sunrise Caravan: Farm
WEST CHESTER. PA. 1617 7:IO-National News, News 2:OO-Missionary Hour Tel.: Swarthmore 0680$1.00 Serve- Yourself All·You-Want-Supper
,WESTTOWN RD. 2:30-Brethren in Christ Chureb Boulevard 4147
8:00-Loeal News ' 3:00-Flourtown Tabernacle
8:10-Something to Think About 3:3Q-Wiley Mission
8:45-Couneil of Churches 4:00-Radio Gospel
Good Food-Prepnred II: Served

LOOK! School & College Directory

The schoolll or colleges listed here will l:'ladly send you detailed
Lancaster &< Overbrook Aves.
TS 7-6556
FIlII Course Dinners
Special Platters
Children's Dinners
$1.40 UJ)
$1.10 to $1.35
" .. __Hlllt price
0'8 en Dally 5 P.l\I.-8 p.M. Except !\lon.
pen Sunday 12 Noon to 7.30 P.M.
WHEN THE HERE IS THE ANSWER --------- - - - - - .-:-_------
information upon request.

Business II: Secretarial

1420 Pine st,


PE 5-2100
Food That Is Grand
Just the Plac. for

(ForlDerl, Schulller'l) the Whol. FaMily

1211 Chestnut St., Phlla" Pl'. &I 8-11535 Township Lin. at Drexel Ave.
Drexel Hili. 'a.S.81.t 9107
SundaY 1 P. 1\1. to It p, IlL
Open DaUy-4.:30 P, M. to • • II. · ~.
for ElectronlclI, Television
S. E. Cor. 20th & Market Sts., Phila. 3, Pa. La 7-7780
.. "
Puslt SELF
• Electronics, Television, Refril1;cratlon, Oil Bumer.
Button 1533 PIne st. Booklet "K" KI 8-0745
STORING From 4 P. M. for
THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. Ventilation PlUs Small
Installntlon Char/te
Engravlng-JeWeIry Repaltlnl1:-Makinl1; II: besll:'l1
DIRECTORS O' FUNIRALS :1028 No. Broad St., Phila. 21, Po. • PO 5-0237 SH 7-9837
Heavy Extruded Aluminum Screens 'and Sash
1820 CHESTNUT STIi'IIT Full Course Dinners. $1.00 up
Telephone R16-1581 MARY A. BAIR, Presidelll UNITED WINDOW CO. Omce Tralnlnl:
1714 Waln~r~:WELPIIIA SCHOOL OF OFFICE TR~G PJ: II-D8I1l Weekly Businellsmen's Lunohes from 50e-after Theater Sna.cJo-
209 W. Baltimore Ave. Lansdowne Practical Nurslnr:
Card Party Snacks-All kinds of Sea Foods and Bar Service-

Phone MAdison 6-3479 Dining Room open daily 11:30 A. 1\1. to 1 A.. l\l.-Cocktall Lounge
NATIONAL SCHOOL OF NuRSING open daU31 to 2 A.. M., serving complete line .of Wines and Liquors.
Evenings-Phone MAdison 6-1083 11100 8al1l!lOm st" Phlla.• Pa. ' R! 5-0n«

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