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JHE SPECTATOR , t, Striking ,Scene at 'Narberth School Field Day Colorful Parade' and
'Various Thing~ About Services Here Wi',
v arious ,Newspapers
Last Saturday afternoon, on Haverford Avenue, one Marie Me'mor,·al Day
of the town's substantial citizens was more than a little
upset by a neighborhood jou'l'llal's designation of Narberth
as "Hungrytown." Later on in the day this, telephone
started to ring as other l'esidents expressed similar reac-
tions to the gratuitous slur and they asked that "som&-

L k-
00 InC) C
In Our Town
Ia. -
Bands Provide Music,·
Burgess to Address

thing should be done about it." Assemblage

Here is the silly item which caused the stir, as it Twenty-five Years Ago This Week The Narberth Memorial Day pa-
appeared in a gossip column whose unknown author was Miss Speakman, music teacher rade on May 30 will include bands
evidently hard pressed for something to write about: ' at Narberth
a new Public School, started decorated bikes ' Gi'l
glee club. I Sots
c u, Cu ~
damaged by boys,"LASS
reads in
an window at 102
item listed in a Conway Ave-
recent typed Among those drawn for jUry S cou t s an d base b.a11 t eams.
monthiy report of the Narberth Highway Department. Tish, duty in Narberth were Walter S. The parade Will get under way
tish-what goes on in HungrytowJI'? Lent, Reuben Phlllips, Ernest Jen- at 9.30 A. M. in front of the Com·
By this time the Editor of the offending newspaper is kins and Charles C. Mason. munity Building. Guy F. Mostel-
no doubt as sorry as anyone else that the nasty insult (no bO~~~e~~~i:;aY~~m~C:;;~t~IU~:ig:; ler, commander of Harold D.
lesser description will answer) was allowed to be printed. ' the Reciproclty Meeting. ' Speakman Post 356, wlll be parade
, .. His paper and the people of Nal'berth are the victims of Three of
concert soloists to play
the Main at the
Line final marshal.
Orches- A police escort will lead the pa-
an inexperienced and unbridled person who needs to learn , , I e -staff Photo bv James E. Ad.dlson tra were from Narberth. The,y rade followed b.v the marshal, the
that only harm and ill-feeling can come from such asinity Hol~ing American flags, these boys gave a patriotic; touch to the sports program held May 19 at the Narberth were Frederick C. Patton, trum- color guard and firing squad,
and smart-aleck behaviour. Commumty playground. ": ' pet; Fred
and L. Fletcher
Wayne Arny,Patton,
cello •violin, American Legion
ans, Hegeman and other
String Band, veter-
The stupid epithet, of course, is not a new one. E~peri-
ence proves it is used only ignorantly or with maliCious 440 S.
eOlors W.D
Narberth School Children NarberthRaises .. + ..
Fifteen Years Ago This Week
Star mothers, junior baseball team,
Narberth Public School, St. Mar-
x.~:;~ca:Ch~~~ ~~~~~ate~ar~~~~
intent. Neither reason is justifiable in a newspaper category.
~ trainman emplo!ed it. some ago as the tr.ain pUll~d
mto Narberth statIon. HIS superIOrs heard about It and laId
Get Diplomas ., Crown . King
'; and Queen
Jack Eidenberg and Irma Hall grade boys pushball contest was
School Tax Rate Mrs. W. p. Dunningham was
elected president of the Narberth
PTA, a~d
Italian-American Citizens Club
Mrs.. W. A. Fox was
Girl Scouts, Lower Merion Rod and
'him off· for
. thirty daysf without
l}Jay.' Perhaps
h the same kind
f h At Commencement crown~d Queen~ R~ds..Rees were King and won by the
of Sports at the annual Narberth The wrestlmg wmners were To Meet Costs name~ vlce.-presldent.Gun
LeglOnnalre Art Cooke, of theClub,
Business Cub Scouts,
Council, Narberth Narberth
of me~lCme would be 0 some v~ ue m t e case 0 t e present School field Day on Thursday, May' Wally Graham, Bob Webb, Bill Harold D. Speakman Post, an- teer Medical Corps, Northern Lib-
culpl'lt. In any event, the gUIlty young person should be Lower Merion Exercises 19. Kellerman, Bill McDermon, ,and Adopt $162,995 Budget; n.o?nced that nE!ver before had the erty Cadets and Narberth Fire
regarded as a problem until there is a great deal more evi-
, Will Be Held June 3 In their court were
Cl to Pat Cl k Fa th LilliS
Jack Piercy.. .
Deck tenms wmners were Irma Per Capita ,Levy
of Narberth had an oppor- Company.
tumty tao see a parade like the The color guard and firing
dence that the talents (and common sense) needed really ay n, sy aI', on.e p.lanned for Memorial Day. He squad, Legl'on officers and Gold
accompany the task lDvolved. . At Pennypacker F'IeId I , ' ,
Kathryn Nelson, Bette- Lou Obel'- Rees an~ KatI1ryn Nelson.
dorfer, George Barclay, Ronnie Winners of the spring board con- I W II C
• •
onbnue , d
sal It would start at the League Star mothers will form around the
- B' H hI F d M'l t t D' k M C 11 fi t Island Navy Yard when a state World War l' memorial for serv-
+ + + About 440 Lower Merion seniors H arrlson,
ler, and BobIII Webb.
oesc e, re es, ~ere.1C
1- Ronme c onne,
Harrison, second; and Irs;
Bob N arb r th sch 00l i rectors Iast F' I w~ ~scor t WOUId'
1'1- n'gh . pick up a ices immediately following the pa-
The recent advance in bus and trolley fares in the city will receive .diplomas at commence- Flag bearers were Charles Webb, third. . day night raised the tax rate from load of sailors and br~ng them to rade. All other units will line up in
ment exercises to be held June 3 Nevins and James Jordan and In the archery contest Faith 19 to 23 mills and voted to continue th~flre~o~se t~t~e~~ It off. the Ball Park.
~ay or may not be warranted by the facts. Those who at 8 P. M. on PenJl3Tpacker field. crown bearers were Roger 'Chain Lillis won, Annabelle Clayton took the $5 per capita talC. At the same elec~~d seacr:~ary I~f t~C: ;:r~e;:; The ~ev. FIO~, o~ the Narbe~th
lived before the trolleys came to }Jass know how filthy the Four members of the gr,aduating and Betsy Tingle. Mifflin Bunting second, and Jeanne McClintock time a budget of $162995 was for- School Board Meth<;>dlst ChurcH, will give t?e ~n-
') Philadelphia traction background was and they well realize class wlll speak and Frank A. Du- was trumpeter. took thir? mally adopted.' Miss Marg~ret
Squirer, of Nar- ~:~:~~~ns~~~n~':r~~~;~: :~~g~~;
the need of closely examining any new demands which trace bois, superintendent of schools, will '[he Graty ttep~h won the a~n~;~ Bean F~:gt.G~~n~::ltSBarbara Although the new bUdget is only berth, held a recital of her puplls of Borough of Narberth who will
.. t . 0 th th' h d h t k' d present the awards. Dr. L. W.
bofacka to such a b ar-slms el.. n e 0 e: an, waIn Zimmerman, president of the school
co or con es WI a score 0
to the 141 points collected by the Bahmermann,
" .
Pet~r Boenche, $3,449 more than last ~ear, the ad- at the Holy Trinity Lutheran
Church. Among those who played then ad?ress the group.
case eould, the Bulletm and InqUIrer make out for board, will present the diplomas. Red team. C?arles Merkle; Second, B~?s ~aPtaln.Jame~
ditional four mills will bring in ap-, solos were Jean Senft, Shirley
B. Donnelly, USN,
themselves if the same spotlight were put on their own If it should rain, the exercises I In 1930 Mrs. RObdert J. NaSh't4 Rpltztm]an, proximately $20,000 more to the Whiteside, Martha McFadden, Will deliver the message of
. d' h -II b h Id' D . . ana Ave., presente a trophy 0 ar lemore, Ir, ue eVI, borough Th d f dd't"al Bruce Mo d" nd H Id B'ddl ""'\1'
operating statements and If they were challenge 111 t. e WITh e t e dTm 1owns gymnasIum_ th N b th S J I S· th t Tommy Caulwell Joe DeFrates.. . e nee or a I IOn 0 "a
+ + +aro I e. Donnelly is a graduate of the
.e r~ IlOna vy ay cere U. S. Naval Acade~y, class of 1919,
. I D _ e, ar er C100. mce a '. mcome was made necessary it was
same manner as they are now calhng the transportation time the Nash trophy has been Marble and spoon: Wmners, Bar- 'd b b J '
't? momes Will be held Wednesday be- cO'ID!Jeted for annually by the Red bara Bahmermann Peter Boeriche, $sa191 0'00 ebcaluse y uly, 1949, the Ten Years Ago This Week ,and served continually until his re-
. ' t 0 s t ern. . accoun . . . . 'fore graduation
. . ~,"
t 10 A M A lead- . and <Gray. The Gray team • has now Philip
• • Parthemore;' Second, Carol " a been
will have ance reduc
on handd July' 1.~9 A 4resolutIOn
8· was ..adopted at t1reme~.In
. t' 1947 . ' H" .
e IS nOw servmg
For the fact IS that when the Bulletm and the InqUlrer m~ participant In the ceremomes won the trophy ten times and the Smedley, George Gray, Buddy Tea- t e to approxi council meeting to defend the as admlmstratlve officer of the Re-
decided pn the 662/3% advance in the retail price of their Will be Bob Godley, orator.. Red team nine. ' ford; Third, Marian Metzgar, m~c~~ ~6d9\ . t I . equity of the $250,000 assessment search Institute at Temple Univer-
Other students who Will take . '1 M . 1 d B tt P t Sa 00 IS ric sa anes take up d M t sity
. . ' they tugged at the public purse . for
. an. extra. . six part are Mort.Gross, read'mg 0 f ThiS year s fie d day was under
the direction of Allan B. Weather- brey.alt an 0 oms, e er uer- the major portion
newl ado ted bud of N b
ar e rth' ma e
s Apartmentson and on gomery
which Court FollOWing
the owners . . . address the post
nulhon dollars per annum on the baSIS of the dally edItions the Iv.y Poem; Bill Buck, presenta- all physical education teacher Hopping races' Winners Bar- ~ p get. Set at ap- are trying to have reduced commander will announce the
alone. Let somebody else calculate the additional sum which ti?n of the Student C~uncil award; The seventh and eighth g~ade bara Kerns, Pete~ MacAvo;, Chip rroxl~altedlY $82'160~, the appropria- W. D. R. Ev,ans, of N~rberth winners of the best decoraoted bi-
_~\ has, to
Dick Okada class gift presenta- . . S d L' d D . T IOn mc u es sa arIes for te,achers, h d b ' t d . ' ycles
. . be paid for the Sunday
. papers
' said to be more . than,tJ?n,. T ed Ad' ourIan, mantle orat or, Grays,
girls tug-of-war was' won
and the seventh and by the Smith;
eighth econ, onInPage
(Continued a aVIS,
Eight) om- superintendent
and 'an't of schools' cl er~,
k tee a ofeen
ten appoIn
men toeselect
to the commlt-
players for c .
Evelyn . lead In
Fleck WIll . tbe
a mIlhon and a half copIes weekly, or perhaps 75,000,000 Dlc~ Gord~n, r e s p o n s e . - _ _
':>""'~1!6'Pie,g-'per .year. .
, - o. -,
: •
.f'Jck .,o.I:.vel;, 'YUI~nt the Ivy..
• aSSIsted by Nancy Leitch. The 13ac-
B- 'C 't".Ions
• -
-,- -'. CI: b. '
-- --
. ' .-n-e'g'=s-'t-e'r"N'e' ~il->Pt.p- I·ls
. W M
J I ors., . '
a A~ot~er maJor Item. on the, bud- ments.
the National Tennis singles tourna- singing of "America" and the Rev.
, Cletu$ A. Senft, of Narberth Holy
bet IS $48,500 for tUltlO~ for NaI"- Police traced one of seven azalea Trinity Luther,an Church, will
In Narbert"'h 'June 3
Has eIther paper stepped up ItS serVlCe to warrant 111 calaureate service for seniors and
any e ensl'bl e manner t h ese extra mi'11'IOns 0 f d0 11 aI'S.? The their parents, will be held in the
d fspeaks for itself and that -record leaves one cold. In auditorium of the high school, May
Names Offi'
Mer' students
h' h h attendmg
Ion Ig sc 00 S.
Registration of new pupils en- m~re Ithdand ~ast year.
1 Th' . Lower bush es so t Ien f rom A. E. Wohlert lead' in the benedictio n.
IS IS $4,000 to a grave in a Philadelphia ceme- In the event of rain the service.
tery. Three men were fined by will be held in the Legon Hall. j
31 at 8 1> M
view of the way a higher and more needed enterprise has The R~\'. Harold S. Faust, milt- N' upper grades will be held at the $1,000 for textbooks, $300 for li- iO: peO~ice' st~~~:s at ower er- Don Test WI'ns Spe-i:ll'ng ,~
t.ering the kindergarten and nc u e 10 general expenses are W lt B L L M ., ,
U d.
been thwarted, it may have been far better if the Sunday ister of the Christ-West Hope oml!1ees noppose, Narberth Public School office brary b?oks, $2300 for supplies of Edward Snow .will deliver the ~
edition of the Bulletin had never been born. With the P~'esbyt~ria~ Church, Overbrook Election June 15 on li'rida)·, June S, from 9 to 12 instructIOn, and $400 for summer principal address at the Memorial Test at Narberth School ' :
Hills Will give the address A. 1\1. ,school. D' N
Messrs. McLean spending the vast sums they did in order The invocation will be d'elivered . Nominations for new officers .and Children entering the first other major items are $1700 for ay program In arberth. Don Test, a seventh grade pupil.
by the Rev. George C. Lurwick du:ectors of the Bala-Cy.nwyd LIOns ~rade for the first time must be fuel; $1500 for light and power'
to secure a Sunday franchise hope ran high that at long- B C won the annual spelling contest at

usmess ouneiI
. ' h ' . ' Club were made at a dmner meet- $1350 for repa'r d I ' the Narberth School on Friday
last PhIladelphia
would get a Sunday paper worthy of .the Church,
. . . . .
pastor of teSt. LUke Methodist.
Bryn Mawr. Bob Halber- mg as
1 t T d . M 24 six years of age on or before
ues a_y evemng, ay.. February 15, 1950.
. I S an rep acement
of heatmg, plumbing, lighting;
e May 20. '
essential goodness of the CIty, despIte ItS pohtIcal pollutIOn. stadt a member or the graduating Officers nommat~d f?r electlO!l
If d t f t ' 't WI t 't ·t f .
Parents must present vaccina- $1000 for textbooks; $1000 for the
its civic coma and the ugliness of all sorts that had been class: will playa trumpet solo, "r on J~ne.15 are: ChrIS KU'sch, ~I'eSI- tion and birth certificates on p~blic library, .and $2200 for ex-
t I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" by dent, Bill Sansom, st'c~etary, Joe registration day for alI· pupils penses of auxilial"S' agencies such
Wants 'Le ht 0n
Ig S
George Purring won second
,place and Walter took .third
place. They are both In the eighth
a owe 0 ~s. er In 1. la an oppor un~ y or a ru y Rathbun. ' Dolan,. Jr., tre.a5urer; ~Im Stanton, entering school for the first day. as Schoolmen's Week, film library, _ grade.
awakened splrI~ and an honest encounter WIth a decadence ~rst vlce-pr:sldent;. Nicholas Fro- journeys, assemblies, police pen- Group Seeks to Brighten The seventh grade contestants
that was everywhere visible.
l t d f th t I t f . '1 f th . d
N -b h
ar ert Ir onore G- I H d ~IO, ~eco~d Vlce-presld:nt, ~nd Be~- Former Narberth Man
Jamm Clancurullo, third vlce-presI-
sion fund, and the medical corps.
Narberth school tax rate has
Sh .
opPlDg enterC were Don Test, Mifflin Bunting.
Sal~ Watts, Charles Stevens,
e ma e- A "H D "E - D· . T rb NC
ey ayy xercises Di~ectors nominated are Joseph les In a'B oro, . ' few ~~aers c~~~~e;~~: ;~ {~:/~: urBg:~mt~ssk:eentOhfeiNartbereth :-V d be Eighth gr:de contestants wer~
ns ea 0 a comes an amos aCSImI e 0 dent fluct t d 'd" ill Mary Coope and Suzanne Conner
quate evening edition, stuffed with a horrendous pulp t
. '
'magazme" \
hall-marked by Hearst and an emaSCUlated Jane Austin ' 21 '.of 521 Ess?,-' e A Andrews , Marple Euler and Ar- Atherton . Lane ' of T a.r'b or
rate o18
was ' mllls p'us a $2 per cap- lighted at night p r s brighte
to or Win ows the F re d MI'11 er, George Purrmg,
. K ath·
. "T . " . . Ave., Narberth, a semor at the UnJ- thur Orson.
I~ s oppmg
N. C., formerly of Narberth, died ita tax The latter was aborsh d - h . ., n ryn Nelson Joanne McClintock
.. copy 0 f t h·e also syndIcated
b h' ff hlsbl Week. The t d' edItorIal
ff versity of Pennsylvania . ' was. sig- Manuel Greenbaum. . was nomi- suddenly Wednesday in Tarboro' 1942 an . d d'd
I no treappear
i euntIl district..
The Narberth Busmess Council . Bill Hoeschie and Walter Gorin . '
eme con t Inues to e t e msu era e same, a e lOUS e ort nally honored FrIda;y at the Um- nated as tailt\vlstel' and George his friends here learned today 1947 when it was raised to $5 at a meet' M d M y 23 I The winners were presented
to be innocuous with the inevitable l'esult that the paper versity's traditional "Hey Day" ex": Gallegher, assi.stant tailtwi5ter.
, ercises The post of hon tamer was chosen A d ' f N b th El " _ In 1942 and 1943 the rat'
gra uate 0 ar er emen . v e r~ oted t I~g ~ ;y,
0 give ou ags 0 some 0 hI" ,a s~ with medals by W. J. Drennen, the
t I
has..madeIt itself
utterly valueless
. It f '
as a platform {)f
f thO public
She' was awarded the Father's for Bud Krider and assistant lion IIary School and Lower Merion ml7aln:ldl a.t 11894m
ml s In 4 ills. It. dropped to
the Narberth Memorial Day sc
and Increased to
;~ rm~~~a
du t d
con c e the
. S real'y SpeCla y 0 countmg noses ' or IS an Trophy
d as
h the"b woman
t 'fIcollege
h stu-
II tamer, Joe Oakes. High School, Mr. Lane had lived 19 mills in 1945 ~nd 1946,and rose
S ' l mem bers WI'11'
evera gIVe t he contest and Misses Taylor' and
that IS merely an accessory of the same dIsconsolate fact. ent w o e s t;yPI es t e. ~ - C. f fer many years at 227 Iona Ave., to 23 mllls in 1947, and then drop-
flags out in front of the Commu- Augsberger were judges.
The parade of the columnists, said to number thirty• arothulnd . cOllege. ~tudt~mt, rechoglmZ1h~g Students Ited or Narberth, before moving away ped to 19 mills in 1948. nity Building before the parade
e t IC par t IClpa lOn, sc 0 Ip
including the bumptious Billy Rose and the immature Mrs. and service."
Senator Smith can be the sub'ect of further comment in A physical education major, Miss
'ROT chievements
Two local. men w.ere awarded
about 14 years ago.
He is survived by his wife,
CynwydAnn~, Man Honored
begms on . M~nday.
9 .66
The CounCil also discussed. ways Payment of $956.66 to Narberth
, . J • Austin is a member of Delta Gam- prizes for their activlties in reserve and a son, Larry, of Tarboro; hiS • they could urge borough reSidents Borough .has been approved by
due course. In the meantime, the space they occupy IS rna .fraternity and for the past ofIicer units at ~he University' of parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lane, At FIDe Arts School to help keep N~rberth clean. State AUdl.tor General Weldon ~,
regarded as news space, along with comics, crosswords; . • three
f years. has served . as ;captain
, Pennsylvania
1 k that c-eremonies
"t held of
t Long Island, who
b k t th M' L'are planning Henry
, M'll R W. Peacock ' 441 Levering R?gherd
WIS e e Iean Bthur~?C'
p, ' amt Up Heyburn,
pI.:esludentp ~aid h~
week. TheItmoney
was announced thiS
represents Nar-
woman's . pages "!etc and that fact should
., be kept In mmd 0 the tenms team. She IS a graou-
ate of Lower Merion High Schoo], They are Henry C. Smith, 3d, of the near future, and two brothers, honorable mention when the Cres- campaign cou d be encouraged 1D be.rth s share of the quar~erlY.~IS-
ast wee on e UnIverSI y campus. 0 move ac {) e aln me 10 I d., Bala-Cynwyd, received . 1 . , .
4 as particularly pertment to the general Issue lDvolved. class of 1945. 516 Homewood Ave" Narberth, ~n Eugene, of philadelphia, and Elmer, son Traveling' Fellowships were Narberth. . . trlbutlon to Pennsy~vama Cities,
+ + .. Army ROTC cadet who was award- of Long Island. awarded last week at the Phlladel- Past preSidents of the clUb. will boroughs and t.ov.:nshlps of a $20,-
. . . ~ . . _ ed the distinguished military musi- phia Academ of h F' be ho~ored ~t the ~une. Busme¥' 000,000 appropriatIOn from .the Mo-
What seems to be the extraordmary mcrease In the advertlsmg Mrs. Ada PO'UTers ,yo , 84 , cI'an medal' ,~"and J~ks A . Corey M
'others and Daughters The s may, eacoc was award- CounCil
a e d yp t e
k me Arts. 1 meetIng.
t· . ThiS will be the tor License Fund, . as prOVIded for
Income of the Philadelphia newspapers is not the text of this piece. S 'b' N b h Jr., of Sussex Rd" Wynnewood, of , •• ed degree of bachelor of fine arts ast mee mg until September. by the 1947 Legislature.
The advertising gentlemen are quite able to look out for themselves uccum S In ar ert the Navy ROTC, who received the Attend HI- Dmner Y through the Coordinated Courses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - -
when it c{)mes to checking up on value received. TQ this tyro how- Mrs. M. Ada Powers died Satur-- Benjamin Franklin Post 405 Amer- Ninety-six mothers, daughters presented by the Academy in con-
ever it seems strange that there is no' place in the entire fra~ernitY day morning at the home of her ican Legion award for leadership. and guests attended the mother and junction with the University of
, . , daughter, Mrs. Walter Sa~er, of daughter banquet of the Lower Pennsylvania.
where one can go to ascertam the respective percentages of news and 404 Haverford Ave., Narberth, SIX JOIN NARBERTH CHURCIIIMerion Girls' Hi-Y at the Viking Eleven Cresson and other travel-
advertising matter printed by American newspapers. That kind of after a brief illness. She was 84. Members of the congregation of Inn last Tuesday evening. ing fellowships were awarded.
Information would appear to be imperative, for who will claim (with Born in McKeesport, Pa., Mrs. Narberth Methodist Church re- Jane Nelson president, was For the first time, the Thomas
due allowance for eqUivalent circulation) that an advertisement P owers is also survived by a son, ceived siix new members at the toastmast~r. Otllers taking part Eakins Memorial prize, and tIle J.
. .
carried· In a paper which has three times more
. advertising
J ohn 1. Powers,
than it has C'f
of Los Angeles
ali ., an d one grandson. Funeral' serv
I S d
ce onare un
M 22
Mr.aYIand ay.
were J. E.
Mrs. Charles Mrs.
ISS Bertles,
mary associate
d' . Henry Schiedt Mem r' I
I e, a secre-
Visor, were awarded at the institution
0 18 prize, at
Narberth Honor Roll
new~ IS as .val~able as .,":oU~d be the case If the paper carrIed more servtc~s were held Tuesday after- B. Darrah, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin tary of the Main Line YMCA; Lois Broad and Cherry sts. They Gave Their .Lives for' Their' Country's Cause
news than iJt did advertlsmg. noon m McKeesport. Yowell, Augustus Klapper and Miss Kime and Marjorie Townsend. En-
What has happened is that, because of the strident priority of Shirley Peters. tertainment was furnished by the Haverford Man EI t d WORLD WAR I
Dominic Caccia Raymond W. Drown
advertising, Philadelphia is getting even the most important kind of Penn yalley Club Women new members. .• ec e Salvatore carbonettl J{)hn McQuiston
news in capsule manner, every piece cut to the bone, except, perhaps, E t t ' d' N b th PLAN GOLF TOURNAMENT Officers for next year were m- PreSIdent of Playhouse Earl Fletcher Smith
n er a1ne In ar er B' h K . k C '1 f Ard stalled as follows' Donna Mc- James H. Compton
when some miserable man kills his wife in Kensington and then the Mrs R G Bennett of Narberth IS op . enrlcof Co
oulnci 0 WI'1-1 D owe,11 presl'den,
t··Barb ara J 0h n- was
D. McDermott, Charles T. Conley Harold D. speakman
· . .. , ,more Kmghts umbus, pr .d t of fHaverford
th M"
story IS spread from page to page in all its gory detail. Here is the entertained the Penn Valley Wo- h~ld 'its Annual Golf Tournament son, vice-president; Mary Ann Mil- L' P eSl en 0 e aID Domenico Corvaro
score of news VS. advertising as culled from the Bulletin of May 5 men's Club with character sketches on Wednesday June 29 at Cheater ler secretary' Ann Nelson treas- ~ne tlatYhhOUSe fori the 1949-50 sen- WORLD WAR II
, , <.. 'at th ir met' W d da " " s n, a e annua report meeting William Cahill Hook, Jr.
1949, and from the Inquirer, New York Herald-Tribune and New xork ' e e 109 on ~ nes y, Valley Golf Club in Frazer. urer. held la'~t Tuesday at the Narberth Frank Aloysius Bonner, Jr.
Charles W. Latch, Jr.
Times of May 6,1949:
, :ar1l2~~i:~S ~~u~~~OWShIP
Mrs. Edward Merkle, Jr., sang
S ervtces
· In• N arberth C'.hurch'es School.
~ther officers elected ~ere ~er-
Justin A. casaveccja
John J. Clements James B. Mackensie, Jr.
James A. McQuiston
several numbers, and she was ac- ' a~~I~e F~eming, of MerIon, vlce- Samuel J. Clevenger, 3rd
George M. Peters
ti~n" at the 11 A. M. ~a~~~~~' ~~:~:e~r~::y'Jo~ Ge~-
Robert Aylet Compton, Jr.
companied by Mrs. Randall R. Baptist Church of the Evangel, Margaret Dempster Ralph K. Rolllns
N Y HERAL ~ of
47'" Strawbridge. Elmwood and Narberth Ave., Nar- service on Sunday. There will be ' ; . 0 n. . Walter L. M. Rossetti
• • D-TRmUN~ -,0 uS-,o , Mrs. Joseph Borden, chairman of berth, Rev. Lawrence P. Fitzg~ nO evening service. Meagher, of Overbrook, ,recordmg John James Dixon
John P, Schenk
N. Y. TIMES 53')'0 47% the "VaHey Fair," announced that ald, interim-pastor. The last mid-week' service will secretary; Mrs. Del Poore, of Cyn- Edward J. Dooner
Charles Sherry
Comics, crosswords, puzzles, etc., are all included in the news over 200 dinners were served at the Dr Fitzgerald will speak on be held on Wednesday at 7:45. wY:, bcorresponding secretary.
Richard A. Ebersole
Joseph. J. Timothy
percentages. Such features are not carried by the daily editions of fail' held Saturday, May 21, at
Th N Y T ' Montgomery County Day School
"Their Yesterdays and Our To-
' '
.. + ... t· o. ert H•.Tdetetr, of Wlyntnedwoodi~'
re Iring presl en , was e ec e a -
Forret Estel .
Dr. Frank Hight Gerard Robert John Timothy
e ew ork imes. Neither does the Times print any syndicated Proc e d ' l l ' . morrows" at a, special Memorial Narberth Presbyterian. Church, rector of the Playhouse for a three- Dr. Frank W. Haywood James Edward Tolan, 3rd
columns. tunde f ~h:~ go V~ th~l ,;elfare Day service on Sund~ at 11 A. M. Windsor and Grayling Aves. Bev. year term. I

• , + + + 0 enn ey u. + .. + Robert J. Lamont, minister. ------- Their comrades-in-arms deeply cherish t"'e memory
Holy Trinity L~tberan Church of R~v. Lamon.t wlll cond.uct. a
of their departed friends who made the supreme sacri-
Should Philadelphia continue to be the 'ournalistic NARBERTH WOMEN ELECTED SELL WYNNEWOOD PROPERTY fice so that freedom 'Would not perish fron'/, the earth.
t h'ld thO k' . . J Two Narberth women have re- Narberth, Woodbme and Narberth specI~1 Memoflal Day serVIce on The remises at 922 Cloverhlll
S epc I 't ' makes It out to be and should
18 llld of busmess cently been elected officers of the Aves. Rev. Cletus A. Senft, pastor. Sund~ at U A. M. Rd " WPynnewoo, d h ave be en soId HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN POST, AMERICAN LtGION
not th e men wh 0 own th e CI y S newspapers, as well as radio Musical Coterie.' Rev. Senft wilLsrak on "Mourn + .. -+: for the Hope Co. builders to E. H.
J"J and television stations, with all the power and profit lurking Mrs. Wesley' P. Dunnington, of the Dead" at the 1 A. M. service St. 1\largaret's It. O. Church, 208 THy. The pro~er{.y consist~ of a (ie-
in such gigantic franchises be expected to be more m' dfu! 70 W~dale Ave., was named pres- on Sunday. Narberth Ave. Father James F. tached stone and frame Colonial
'f t h ' ' '. . In ident, and Mrs. George Woodrow, + + .+ Toner, pastor. ' residence with 13 rooms, two baths,
o e people s needs and of their clear nght to be better of Grayling Ave., was elected cor- Narberth Methodist Ohurch, Ell- Masses on Sunday' will be held at and two-car garage. The sales con-
.erved? . responding secretary at the annual sex a~d Price ,Aves. Rev. Harold the regular hours: 6:30, 7:30, 9 and sideration was $25,000. Willlam H.
THE SPECT'ATOR meeting held at the home of Mrs. Flolld, pll8tor. ' 10:15 A. M. arid two masses for the Wilson and,Co. handled the trans-
- , • George P. Orr, of Paoli. Rev. I Flood will speak on "Chris- upper and lower ehurch at n:15. action.
r, Twe ':"? ... pe
,.':ua:; .. • -. p •• >. - c*",
"xx %
.,L A - Thursday, May 26;'~1949
, '

... --.
!Amusemen(s, Notes and General Features ..
Devon Show Ends - 'Going Abroad? Library Offers True Sophisticate Clothes to We~ on Trip ;~~o~~~~:;:'~;k;o::eeT~r~~; '(
_, Told by Auto Club
~B)' GEORGE Ln.LEl!~
G U ide L':st
.. to Travel I
Books Defined by: Webb burden of too much luggage can

, ' t a k e ?n trips and crui~es have been Hints are presented on. what
Suggestions On what clothes to spoil it."

. Y'· Get Clifton Webb off by him- compiled by the American Automo- clothes to take for a Carrlbbean
Throngs Attended NEW YORK. N.~.-There are 10TH ,ANN'Y FOR "tfENR A suggested reading list for per- lustrations offers practical acquain- d h '11 d 1 th t " bile AS30ciatlon and pUblished in cruise, to Bermuda, Mexico, South
'a!1 t1fes.of qUI~ pr~gram\hn They said it wouldn't last:-But sons planning to travel abroad dur- tance with the various districts self an e ec are a so- a little booklet called "Wardrobe America, Europe, Alaska, Great
Opening Events Tuesday }~r:;{evisi:nl\:~~:~~po~fthuon;Ezra, Stone, 31, tWi~e ~ father, ing the summer months has been ' f a llitie of Paris as phlstlcatlon" is the most ma- Hints." _ Lakes and Saguenty California and
'of the J110re mature. "Who Said still is "Henry Aldrlch"-one 'of prepared by the Ludington Memor- ,and shoppmg c . s 'ligned word in the English lan- The booklet based on advice from Florida. A weather chart is also in-
The 53rd annual Devon Horse ',t'hl\t?" (Saturday: nights, .NBC the most famjliar, ?n e of the ~ost ial Public Library, Bryn Mawr. well ~ characteristiCS, costum~s guage. ~ed travelers points out that eluded.
Show and Country Fair opened to , T V stations) perfectly fitted vOice adaptatIOns M a ny of the new travel books andwmes of the provinces. Suttons H'l d th ' t
sunshine weather and enthusiastic ba~gkS
• - ..
tal'mPeanepleOrf in alll"adio. Stone, a brash young giVe all sorts of useful details "Footloose In France" is up-to-date:
-. actor 0 u t r o. _ '.
al e as e screen s. op ex-
ponent of that very thmg ever
d T da afternoon on sonah~les to Phi.1adelphia, that people gomg to a neW country while Ware's "How to Fll1d O l d . . I .
,crow s on ues y , ide n t1 f ythe . got the role at want to know the Library points • ". ull s since hiS suave portr~a s m AIR CONDITIONED AMPLE
the Ghowgrounds off Lancaster Pike. aufthfrs of co~- 21. When he out An essential help in small com- Paris lS f p • f th "Laura" and "The Razor's Edge,"
The show and fair will continue~ruth rema~,s
't hrough Monday night (Memorial
,news. Nimble
e wee s
went into the pa~. is Fielding's "New Travel Again the various parts 0
Army ('41)
•there was' a Tw'
Guide to Europe." , 0 recent coun ry are c e.
t ov redm' such books
e Clifton departs from drawing room
drama for the second time in his
Day), with all the great troPh~' reporter Rob- mad scramble publications on the .British Isles as the Seine, the Loire, Normandy, t I th If- tId e i- ARD.4747 PARKING
for. a replace- also fall in this class; Cooper'S Provence and Enchanted Brittany curren ro e as . e ~e s y e g n
GR. 3-0200
classes, four-figured stakes an e rht T r 0b,uI'tt,
championship classe'3 listed for the w oBte a I ~ y, ment. 151) ac- "Your Holiday in Britian," a guide 1'_. us, Belvedere, In Mr. Belvedere
week-end. 'Robert Trout t 0 ex empoflze tors were au- . t' 'd by the OaKlej's. .. Sh' I T l'
An overwhelming number 0 bhefore ,a micro'- d i t jon e d. In bOOdk of CPlrackt:ca~'Aslluggthes10Bns tanin The newest book on Scandinavia Goes to . Ir e y . emp e ~s
1 d t t '" • ~ he's asking p one IS a ma~- four years, four Sy ney ar s e e s . co-starred With Chfton in the hl-
youngsters are sate 0 compe e vel of the bU:;I- Ezra Stone fellows played England," is by Sydney Clark, that experlenc-. 'T t' th C t F
in the Children's Classes on Sat- ness, emcees the program. Erudite . th I I II 11 th B st larlous wen Ie en ury- ox
urday morning, which will begin at John Cameron Swayze the single ,". gOll1g strollg e ro Ie, tnolne For the English countl'¥side no ed traveller, cal ed A e e d h' h M y 26 at the
' : : 0 n1 p e e y ., . , " There are also come y w Th
9 A. M. r.egu 1ar, ~nd thr!!e guests '
.face 'suitable to producer and listeners. books could be moremsplring t h an in ScandinaVia. IC opens
t a
The William Potter Woar family,: 1J~ht, sen.ous" trIcky questions. Stone, Who had rehearsed Pakington's "English Villages and by Rother;y "Iceland" and "Fin- Suburban ea reo ,"
of P enllyn, will again compete for Like the pu~zlers. the guest:;, too, "Henry" daily in the service re- Hamlets·" Dutton's "English Gar- d 'h N' N t· '" d "D _ Webb sa,y' too many people con-
are well varIed. Among those re- t r d 'n '45 'rb' 'th' lan, t e ew a Ion an en ,
the Family Class Challenge Trophy, centlY: H V. Kaltenborn Car- (uThne d 1 • ht' NBCIS) month den!" 'Panorama of Rural ErJgland' mark Kingdom of Reason." Oak- fuse sophistication with snobbery.
donated by Mrs. Owen J . T 0 1an, d t ooms . tAl' C app, J oan BI' .ond ~11" lOthurs ay DIg s,shows, Stone
anniversary , on as e b y T urner, "Englis h . Castle" bley's y ' "ScandinaVia . Beckons'"an d when the word really refers to a
Ardmore. The Wears now have two qeorge ,E. Allen, Presldentlal. "Henry" still was going strong. Braun; all profusely Illustrated as other books on Finland by Jackson type whOSe travel and background
out of the necesaary three legs to aide, ~lsa Maxwell. •• is the "Spirit of London" by Cohen- and Rossball. have :fitted him to be at home in
retire this cup. Others slated to TV "CASHES IN". Very Little Thmgs ' . , Portheim, There are individual A new book on the Netherlands all situations. What
compete in this picturesque class..: Se~eral million listeners now ~ucille Bal,r, star of. radio's books on many of the counties, the by Sacheverell Sitwell is splendid "The length of a man's nose,
Which is op.en to three or more see, a~ well as hear, radi.o's N? 1 brlg~; co~ed~ "My FavorIt~ Hus- district through which the Thames on all phases, customs, costumes, and the degree to which he lookS happens .
members of one' family, parents. cash glve~away progra!ll 10 a-:tIon. band (Fn. mghts, CBS),. IS ~Iad River flOWS, the Shakespeare coun- art and architecture the Library over it" sniffs Clifton "has nothing

M~1S~~~~~r!.~ foh"Co
'd d d t l' 'bl "Break the Bank" (Fnday mghts, Easter has passed. The VIvaCIOUs th·t f 0 ford d a de ' ' . '.
chi! ren an gran paren s e Igi e, ABC stations) is being i aired actress doesn't own a single hat t:.y, e CI Y 0 x .an - reports. to tlo with his sophistIcation. As a
are the David M. Gwinn family of simu,lLaneously on television. In -believe it or not ••. Thl're may hghtful volume by CeCil Roberts FOr those who penetrate further matter of fact, not one could be

Gladwyne, and the F. Norton Lock- its third year. be g\?od reason, . entitled "And so to Bath." ill'to Europe there Is a delightful more unsophisticated than a snob."
harts, of Wayne, who acquired their the sJlow f\?l~ for hIgh morale The Edinburgh Music Festival and up-to-date volume on Czecho-
:first leg n the cup I'n 1948 lows ltS. famil- - among the S tl d thO l' d ·b··t ti S OU n appen
o . iar and sucess- male stars at makes co' an a mecca IS sum- s ovakla, eSCrl mg I s roman C Chold 'Fol L"b .- with
In the children's hunter event,j ful for m,u 1 a.
the Deisinger Trophy, presented by The quiz mast-
least -on top-
r~ted Mondai
mer for, which Meikle's "Scotland" past and modern developments.
gives a comprenhensive account of Doing the same thing for Greece Offers Phantasy Movie
I ren S I m I rary ~'l
1 to a coll. ._
Charles F. Deisinger, Ardmore, goes e r is Be r t ~Ight. (C B S) that section of Britian. "The Face are "Classical Landscape with Fig- " ' , ' MAIN LINE CHILDREN'S FILM LIBRARY
into competition for the second Parks; the con- R~dlo The a- of Scotland" by Batsford and "The ures" by Osbert Lancaster and The Mam Lme Children s Film
SAT. MORNING AT 10:15 A. M.-Admission 25c inc" lax
year. testants, mOSlflY Ler.' A r;g~lar Heart of Scotland" by Blaek are Gomme's "Greece." Library will present "Alice in
Tw t th b· toph classe fromout-o- SUPPoItlng . W d Lad" d"T . W' d"
en y- ree Ig r y s; town, wid e - player is Joan worth reading; while the "Tartans For all these countries there is a on er n an enms Izar s .IALICE IN WONDERLAND"

remain to be run off from Friday eyed, 'conta- Meer - , often of the Clans and Families of Scot- wealth of other volumes covering at the Suburban Theatre, Ard- REGULAR KIDDIE MAT. SAT. AT 12:15 P. M.
through Monday night. Saturday giously enthus-' a c c. I a I m e d land" by Innes of Le!trney handles their architectural developments more, on Saturday, May 28.
afternoon the Alfred G. Wilson Tro- iastic. Viewers' .bnice Gilb~t r a d 1.0' S most Joan Meer a special field of interest. and history more thoroughly. "Alice In Wonderland and "Alice Story of the Circus-ULCAGED FURY'·
phy for working hunters, the Mrs.J. o,f '1' Vllo c c a - 0 . ' pay-of! gal tb ealltlflll Ja e -t , •• lucky stars There are several bOOks on Ire- Latin America Is handled in Through the Looking Glass" are
A r duP nt (Newtown Square) siona y get ress .. , ane , b' d' t d to y e
us m 0 a glimpse of the program's "pay- Blair revealed to a studio alldi- land, including "Dublin, Old and Williard Price's "Roving South, Rio co!". me 10 0 one rama s r, r -
trophy for junior hunt teams; the ing teller"-tall. striking actress ence at "Cavalcade of America" New" bY Stephen Gwynn. Grande to patagonia; "CUba" and tammg the phantasy of the book.
Eastern Saddle Horse Trophy for I Janice Gilbert" S~e is no harm (Mon. nights,. NBC) that h~r For the Continent there is no "Guatamela" by Ferguson, "L~ds ~har~ott: H~nry ~s cast as the
three-gaited horse, and the West to the pr~gram s pIcture. Nor, are name reallY IS Laffer~y. ~hc: S more enchanting volume than of the Inner Sea, the West Indies ImagmatIve lIttle girl who ventures
Thorpe Farms Trophy for the the show s pay-outs. Top glve- from Altoona, Pa" whIch IS 1ft " . d h P ." "R b " B ' to the looking glass world
'II away: $9020 in solid cash; average Blair County. From t hat she France, ParlS an t e rovmces, and Bermuda by 0 erts; er- 10 ' , . .' •
show's champion green hunter WI ; winnin&s: ~349 in cash. adopted her professional name-... " which amid a profusion of gay iI- muda Journey" bY Zuill; "Story of The Children s Film LIbrary IS
be contested. . JJ .- • Bermuda" by Hudson Strode. sponsored by the Montgomer;v
Nine of the Devon Horse Show's , , d th Valle, Strode has 'also done a fine volume County Day School, the Episcopal
JIlost spectaCUlarly competitive tro- on Frldll;Y. mghlc::em ~and O~I THE "Now in Mexico" and among a Academy, the Baldwin School, the
phy classes will be run off on Mo~- Forge Mlhtac?M nd hoth after-I shelf of books on this country One Shipley School, the Agnes Irwin
day, the final day, and twelve big Saturday an . 0 ay,
money stakes.. Also on Mon~ay the noon and evemng.
S T ·tme G ard ener
pare of the most practical .is Brenner's School, the Haverfqrd School and
"Your Mexican Holiday" giving the Junior League of Philadelphia.
hunter, workmg ~u~ter, Jumper, general information, addresses, di-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
ladies ~unte.r an~ limit
champIOnship;) WIll be ?eclded. .
th~ee-galted 1100 Will Perform By DOUGLAS EARL
rections for motorists, fiesta dates
and accounts of ancient arts and
SKY -rop • '
0 0

.... In MUSIC Festival The middle of Ma,y! We have had Grass. is showing its "ugly head" modern crafts. DiFIORI·S EAT. DRINK - RELAX
~ , The second annual Upper Darby some good weather on week ends ,and 10 another week should be ------ SHOPPE REAl. ITALIAN SPAGHETTI and
""'..., -.AD
AND COLLEGES Music Festival, to be held on th,e and Daylight Saving Time has sprl\8ed with one of the selective Dell
athletic field at the Up~er DarbY helped us "putterers" (I love' to Crab Grass killers. If your grass , '1 Serving the and RESTAURANT Everything Cooked to Order
LEARN High School, Jun~ 7, wl11 feat~re putter) with our gardening opera- is thin or spotty it is not too late June WIth TIstan 27
0 ,

Finest of Food Township Line a Bnrmont ReI. Private Banquet Rooms

three talented SOlOists, an 8?0-vOlce tions. to sow some seed. But for "Petes The public sale of tickets for the III ~~D~R~EiXEL~~Hllinii,f.Ia~~SiUN~iSSE~i'~9i9IJZiilS'l~qN31o~p~ar~k"in~z::~Pr~ob~l~emiis",,~~;
choir and 300 Instrum~ntallsts. The seasOn has been an early sake" watch what you bUy, ma~ Robin Hood Dell concerts begins DINNERS
Paulin~ Dengler, Wife of Festl- one, many flowers that usually mixtures this spring show abnor- on June 1, it was announced this SNACKS
Learn a 'Prolltable trade val Co·Dlrector, Dr. Clyde Dengler, bloom the latter part of May are mal percentage of Rye Grass and week. They will be available not FOUNTAIN
now at Amerlea.'s oldest will sol~ an? join the. orchestra and now at their height or through Timothy neither of. which is sUi~~ onl.y at the Dell's downtown head-
~f~e~1tod~e~~'~t:.exclu- chorus 10 h.g~t claSSical and oper- blooming. Seeds that were planted ab!e~ in the Spare Time Garden~r s quarters, 1420 Walnut St., but 535 BURMONT ROAD Hamilton Room Famous for Fine Food
IMMEDIATE ENROLLMENT etta compOSitIOns. A;lso. featured are in late March and earl.y April seem op1Olon, for Lawn p~rposes, Tlm- locally at Fred Dannenhauer's, DREXRHlll, PA. Our Chef Cdters
Both dav a.nd eveninlt classes an- Gene Magowan, plamst, an~ Ed- to have been unusually slow in othy is "ha,y" and while 10 ~r 15%' 215 City Ave., as well as at allll~~~~~~~=~~~~="~"~'11
proved for veterans. Convenient ward Nyborg, tenor. . ' germinating and growing. In some of Rye grass does no harm, It does leading department stores in Phil-I ~
Cocktail Lounge to your every whiml.'·
tuition payment nla.n for cLvUlans. Tickets can be obtamed fro~ cases seeds Sown two or three very little good except in extreme adelphia, Chestnut at 39th
students of, Upper Darby's publiC weeks later are farther advanced shade or for qUiCk e~ect, but un- Meanwhile, mail orders are beingl ..------------~~II Philadelphia Steaks - Chops - Lobster
schools and from mem?ers of the than those sOWn early. One peculi- fortunate~y c)leap mixtures con- taken for the limited number of
Loyal Royal Boosters ~f Upper ar thing the Spare Time Garden- tain as high as 30% of Rye Grass. reserved seat season books for both •
439-41-43 N. 11th Street Dar~, sponsors of the event. er has noticed this spring is that Blue Grass, Red Top, Bent Grass the Master Series of 12 concerts, "~
~P~O~5-~'1~02~S~~~~bfa~~b~1Ili~1J~ecI~I~9Z~t~~~SCH;;~00LS;;;;;;~AND~;:;~OO~I~&~Jl~~~:Ql§~=:1 the normally warm loving plants and Ch~wings Fescue are fine per- and the Symphtlnic Series of 6 con- •
such as green Beans and Corn thl;lt manent Lawn Grasses a~d the ones certs.
.; .
.... t The Fillft' Food at AfIlTu.-

were planted In April have done to look for on- the anal.ys~s tag.. The Dell season Will op~n June

'S ' better than the cool loving plants Go over ~our spraYlI~g equlp- 27, with Lauritz Melchior and STEAKS
MUSIC STUDENT such as Lettuce Carrots and ment and stock of Insecticides and Helen Traubel in the world pre-
, , F ' , h b ttl f
A Imart 1,000 &Oft raort .
,n hiStoriC Delaware 81_
DODO.ha .... SEA FOOD,
Beets. Zinnias are doing nicely unglcldes. T e a e 0 the miere of a concertized version of Vall., .. , all :vours tor Ie- 62nd • WALNU'I S'I'S.
WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR SUMMER? !while Snapdragons and Larkspur "Bugs" is about to begin and it is "Tristan and Isolde." ~:~03e:~M~~u~ CHOPS
DEERWOOD ADIRONDACK MUSIC CENTER seem to be slow. best to be prepared. including one ot Amer!co.'. :
OFFEBB A BALANCED MUSIC AND VACATION PROGRAM Lawns started out with a luxu'ri- See next week's Spare Time Gar- LESSON-SERMON TOPIC ~:'PI~:~ ~uerY.""t'=:
trten~ and ibou~tfUlsert'-
FOR STUDENTS WITH AN INTEREST IN MUSIC ant growth and then stopped. Crab for hints on. "Bug" fighting. "Ancient and Modern Necrom- ~.anX'inerTca"nna~
7-13 Yrs. Juniors 13-18 Yrs. Seniors 11••=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===~IWrltet he Spare Tlm~ Gardener at ancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypno- s....on-Ma:v ~eJIl=. Visit tile MANNA BAR Ii: RES,-AURANTo"

College and Graduate Division
POTTED ROSES 202 North 21st St., PhIla., 3,
TilEY ARE THE FINEST WE II:"-----------~Ies of Christ, Scientist, on Sund8¥,
Pa. tism, Denounced" is .the
the Lesson-Sermon In all Church-
subject of ~


• and see N,ew Bar Room. Renovated Dining
HAVE HAD PAUL BROS., N~RSERIES May 29. The Golden Text is: "The ' .
Rooms and New Restaurant Priceso
Conducting Opera Works h op HEl\ILOCKS RHODODENDRONS
Two private lessons weekly with intemationally famous
ALBRECHT'S Nurseries CEl\IETERY HOLLY __ AZALEAS-ETC. Lord God will help me; therefore
WORK - DRIVEWAYS sball I not be confounded: there-
ARTIST FACULTY Montz::omery Ave., Narberth
NARBERTH 4 3 0 0
fore have I set my face like a
~1i=.~I.~SI:-=J:'= ~l.:.
__ ~ THE

ARTS &: CRAFTS €J\NOE TRIPS AYE.. ARDMORE flint, and I know that I shall not
MOUNTAIN CLIMBS SPORTS PJlONE ARDMORE 14'16 be ashamed." (Isaiah 50:7).
Food That Is Gralld
Philadelphia Bepresentative ~---------------WILLOUGHBY Jllst the Place for
... . - DAVID B. W'n.a.o.&AO<&.."
.... ...-a!UQ .18. DEvonshire S-S665 rr , • • (Formerly ScbussIe~'II) the Whole Family
Sunday 1 P. M. to 9 P. M.

~~;;;;~ ••••••••••••_.~;~;;~JI
'1010 Ditma. St., PhilMelpbia Sf, I."a,

Rhododendron Catawbiens,.

Township liD. at Dre••1 Aft. Open DailY-4:30 P. M. to 9 P. M,
ClOsed Monday

~ 1IIot Broad leaved evergreen
shrub, rosy.purple flowering.
Dre••1 Hill, Pa.. S••set 9107
0 0.....10•••
Open Decoration Day
&LEX W. HUGUES, l>rop.

. .. ,
• b· """'-- ,
_co.ros·· "
..-... $
2 to 3 ft., 25 for 11.50;
100 for $37.50 MAY 28 .2.9- ; I V
COY N Bookhm.·d--,s SEA FOOD HOUBE, Inc•• In the center of toWD,'

0 0 .. the only restaurant owned and operated by mem'
• 3 to 4 ,ft., 25 for" $16.50,' SEVENINATUBDAG:Y ., DA....CING
~.;... ...._ .. .!!2!' 115 110. 15&. IlL bers of the original BOOKIBNDERS family. Servo
lng the best sea fOOd, steaks and chops. NOW
100 for $57.50 AMERICA'S NO. 1 TRUMPElIIl Air Conditioned
Robert Mc:Ewin
It is estimated by J. R. Poppele, Pres., Television Broadcasters'
Ass'n. that 100,000 trained personnel will be needed by 1952 to ful-
Moto-Mowers CLICK
, America's
-NI~htlY Musical ShOW-Place.
Coast-to-Coast Now-Noro
Broadcasts fromMaralet
Caf. i'beltttre-Bar revo vlng stage. Dinner Show, 7 P. M.. SUPeJ'll
fill the requirements of television stations, advertising agencies 1949 Models Route 5 Charlotte, N. C. Market st. at 111&..
FOOd and Beverage, Popular prIces. Meet YOUI
friends at the World's IOD!1;est bar.
and programming companies. DO YOU WANT TO BE ON THE
NOW! Course Includes Television Camera Technique ... Control
Panel Supervision ... Film Commercials and Newsreels, .. Art AND HIS MUSIC MAKERS LAr""i'" ;i;TIN~C;;:;A~SIN~O~========:=r·,":·.
I?lrection •.. Producing, Dix:ellting, Writing, Al}nouncing, Adver- PhllaaelPhla's SmarwBt Night ClUb
tising- and Selling for TeleVISion. StudiO practice at WFIL-TV.
RegUlar productions over local TV stations planned, written and THEY MAY BE ON STAGE ON SCREEN 13o:.EW~~~~ st. NOW-~WFl:°:J1C~L~k:,pER~&i~ RlLEl
produced by students. PB " ....... No Cover-No Minimum (Excent Fri. & Sat.)
J!f ~ --....... Two Shows NightlY-8:30 - 12:00
The Forge In the Unique and friendly atmosphere of an ol~ 1\ '

• Theatre Arts Institute

or they lllay
be ordinary
vfilage forge, yoU wllI enjoy Phlladelphia:s 1lne&;
food and drinks. Come for luncheon. cockta1\
hour. dinner. or atter theater supp,er. Bar Is open
13tb St., Below Wallaat. :trom 11 A. :M. 'l'ELEVlSION. • Completely &irJ

best known flying ants.

name in power 1lI'lID .........
lut wily gam- Famed MerrieStar!!!!Si!!!!iiiiii! Palumbo's 2 ShowlI IUghtly, anrt mow 8:30. Bat. Ilrttt ShOlf
't·30. A lavish redecorated setting. Whether it's din-
Schoo' & College Directory for thirty years
b'e with YOllr 114 CathlUlne tit.. ner tor two. a party or a banquet. Pamous PalumbO
Pull Course Dfnner inclUding coktail. Pl'tvate ban-
Tbe 1CIb00b • U&ted here .....
eeIJeps rea flladJy _d ~
Philadelphia quet rooms, show Included. Pree Parldng. WA 2-5940
, 1Df000000000on IIpDD teqnnt propertyl ============================::11,
RALPH'S RESTAl'm &......
Pamous f\lr Its Italian Food Since 1901
Fine Beveral/:es served
PEIBCI: 8CJ100L OF BUS1N£88 ADIlIINI&......'II011
lUI) Pine St. ' I!'B 5-2100 20" MOTO,BOY $130 del. CALL LOcust 1·1. II~p • g.. • A F II.. _
160 So 9th Se. Air Conditioned For Your Comfort
- OPeD daJJy. inclUding Sunday to tt:.3

22" MOTO·SCOUT 155.50 del. FREE INSPEellDIi
8'1 80, 13th Bt;~
PhlIa_ '1. Pa.
dOL 24" LAWN KEEPER 202 del. St. James Hotel Meet your friends at' the St. Jamee GrlUe an!,
Cocktail Lounge, featuring TeleVision and Musal
.For .An Excelle... Dinner
138 80. 20th st.. PhIla.. PIa.
. BleetroDleII. YdaIaI_
State BeL II Providence Rd.
TS'• •
Nea'by Offlc••: HarrisburIr, ..... " AII•..-.., ...
L.ncall". 'a. ,O.... n CIty, N.J. " T.~ N.J•
Did English Grill and
cocktaU Lounf:ll .
13tb '" Walnut S&ftt:11I
Pbllailelphla PE 5-8400
for your enjoyment. A dUlerent and del~htflJ
new mid-city rendezvous. Air-conditioned. l1ail!
tUl 2 A. :M. The Dew WindBor Ball for privatl



8. B. Cor. 20th'" Karat 8tB•• PhIJa. 3. l"L ID ,.-.,.,.0 Wllml"". . DeL • lalli_. ML
The Wayne Hotel
sA • .... a •• -.. 'l'lIE INN WITll PERSONALITV

WAYNE, PA, WAYNE 3344 Enjo'y the beauty of our splendid lawns and p;ardens. Ideal settlnp;

for weddinlt receptions .and special functlons in our various dlnlnl/:
rooms. Every Thursday. 5:30 to 7:3ll--Serve-yourself-all-you-want-
$1.00 dinner. - ~

Enp.vlnr:-.reweJry Ite1taIrIn&-MaldnIl: '" DaIJ:m 54th Street. Below City Une SWARTHMORE. PA. Phone Swarthmore 0680
2028 No. Broad St., I'blllI. In. Pa.

rca 6-022'1

0I'ftC:II _ 0
Philadelphia 31, p:;:ear Hom
& JlardlIItS)
•• •
OR 3-1817

11528 Chestnut St.
Complete Menus. Phone '-1690: 1'£ 6-0629
1714 Walnut at. l"S &-SI851
Home·Made Rolls and Desserts CO~untn 2 A. II. FOR THAT APTER TJmATRll: SNACK

l!fAftONAL _00._...
...... 1'haI8ttr

For Your Garden Supplies It's
HENRY A. DREER, INC•• 13 5. 1611I St•• Phil.. 'riced' From $1.65
, .... R·oss Scores.Two InBrynYMCA
Mawr Triumphs
Jr. League ,
'Cat Track Wms The schedule
League YMCA Junioris in fullBaseball
Army's track team Heptagonal In recent games, Bryn Mawr de-
.' feated Haverford, 12-4; Paoli won
Games champIon, overwhelmed over Gladwyne, 17-14; Garrett
Villanova and Fordham in a trian- Hill was defeated by Shawmont, 2-
g~lar meet at West PoInt, Satur- 0, and Ardmore defeated Bala "
day, scoring 121 2-3 points and Bears, 5-2. .
:winnlng 11 of 16 events. Harry Oliver, of· Roxborough,
Villanova was a poor second with pitched a nO-hi.t, no-run gam~ for
44 1-3 points and Fordham had Shawmont against Garrett Hill.
seven for third.
Browning Ross accounted for EBENEZER TEAM WINS
two of the Wildcats' four first The twilight games' of the
places, winning the 880 and mile. Church-YMCA Softball League are
The Main Liners' George Th\lmp- drawing man;y spectators. The Ebe-
son also accounted for the day's nezer Methodist team defeated
major upset, edging Army's Jim Trinity Lutherans, 8-1, and later
Thompson by eight yards In the wall defeated by Trinity. 6-5, with
two-mile run. A sparkling sprint Pinkerton as the winning pitcher.
in the final 300 ¥ards won for The Trinity Lutherans also de-
Thompson, competing in the event feated the St. Paul's Lutherans,
for. the first time. 7-5.



Th.. f1n ..t 'I
I.ra.- dauh,
el.ctrl. .r
flna.r.tla eon·
.. anua' A's Will Sponsor BREWED IN
IlIstallatlall Baseball Schools YMCA LEAGUE OPENS
The Main Line YMCA Senior
""7' illl.,/-.=
547.40 Here June 4 & 11 Baseball League wiJI open next
week with a Friday game between
Penn Wynne and Narberth at

The Philadelphia Athletics' base-

South Ardmore field.
7'1 5/8" X 4'2 5/8" - $49.30 ~ LO 3-6005 ball school, conducted bJ: Jack
Coombs, Charles Gault and Ira
8' 5 7/8" x 4"2 5/8" - $51.20 Thomas, will pay two visits to PROPERTIES LISTED
,. A WINDOW OF EVERLASTING BEAUTY this area early next month prior
to touring other parts of Pennsyl-
Exclusively witll
NO NEED, TO PAINT vania, New JersE!3' and Delaware, Your dealer has Prior Beer
27 SOUTH SDl'IH STRED ArthUr Ehlers, head of the· A's in Bottles or Cans
Listen to: News of the Day
farm system announced this week.
1899 1949 The three expert baseball play-
-WIBG-8:30·'A. M. Daily
ers will instruct enthu~sts in
_, 4 0 ~ ~ .~) (~~, I):-~ ; ; : W~ti'~ ,j
IT'S GREAT SPORT! fielding, pitching, batting and slid- f 1

Headquarters for Building Materials "Tlre Busy Office" '~C~;t:~J"'~""'~':" '

ing and will give pointers in other
COR. 8tl) & WASHINGTON AVE, • PHILADELPHIA 47, PA. ••• yes it's fun- baseball fundamentals. ARE SOLD FAST!
Phone HOward 8.2030 Working in conjunction with the CHARLF~ GAULT VISIT OUR MODERN
packed afternoons and Main Line ·YMCA, the baseball Diamond Instructor PICTUIlE GALLERY
school will open June 4 at the!- I

S.erv·lce O·lrecto.ry COOL,e-:I~~~NDITIONED

Bala-Cynwyd Park, Belmont Ave., ball schoOl appeared on the Main
Bala-Cynwyd, and will appear. the Line. At that time,Jimmy Dykes, DARBY & EAGLE RD5.
69TH ST. BOWLING CENTER following Saturday, June 11, at the then a player on the clUb, arranged
So. Ardmore playground, Wynne- for Thomas to conduct the school in HILLTOP 9070
~"-~ ======="i--iii~~~~~;';;JI
wood Rd. Preston, ncar Bryn Mawr, in Hav- SERVING THE SUIUns


Men and Women's sum·
Arrangements were made be- erford Township.
tween Ehlers and John B.
-&-I IRON 8ac11011 _ Wasbers _ v_~ mer Industrial Leagues Jr., boys' work secretary of the
OrnalllellHll RAILlN.S
All C~f~::'dA~~ea

. Being Formed Now.

Main Line YMCA, and Ralph Gar-
rick, program director of Dixon
House, a branch of University cccUoiEi1J You decide which price you desire to pay
and you have a choice from over 70 dif-

Settlement Houses.
Sun~t ~~ FREE BOWLING LESSONS ••• The school at the ~Bala-Cyn­ WITH ferent price ranges. )'here is full opportunity
PLATFORMS I~~~~·~~··~~~x·~~~~··_~_~'-"~~~II ices One of our many serve wyd Park will run from 10 A. M. for choice and comparison and the. same
. FRfE
for your convenience to 4 P. M. This will also mark
the opening of a Main Line YMCA
COLD BEER high standard of service is accorded 10 all.
. Ornamental Iron Worlls
supervised recreational program
under the direction of John Wright,
(Successor to Oscar ScbelJenberrer) "Air-Conditioned" 10 Hampton Terrace, Bala. The
school will be officially opened by BEVERAGES
Best materials and workmansblp
at reasonable prices. orders ac-
cepted from any area. Delivery
69th Street T. Ewing Montgomery, Cynwyd dis-
trict township commissioner. ALL LEADING BRANDS • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO;
service. Fences, step Rail. Grille
Work. Window Gratln~, Cellar
Doors, Fire Escapes, Lamps and
BOWLING CENTER Two diamonds will be available
at South Ardmore. There, the
57 Sa. 69th St., Upper Darby baseball candidates will be wel-
421 DUPONT ST•• PHILADELPBIA' Telephone BOulevard 1233 comed by William F. Whalen.
township commissioner of the West
IVyrldJ:e 3-5935 MARY A. BAIl, Presidod
Covers Cllltolll-I.i1t 1\:===~~~======~I~!!'!!'!~~~!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!II!!'!~IArdmore district, and Herbert J.
FROM $14 I.~'" ~ ~ .
Painter, township commissioner of
AU Steel-In All Colo... FOR A the South Ardmore district.
1325-27 BUTTONWOOD 8'1'.
NEW ROOF JlRISIN1S •• at.. Not since 1935 has the A's base-
ST. 7-3565
Call AL 4-7835
QUick and Efflclent Service WOLFF CYCLE
• CONFORTO "The Bicycle Trading Post"
Television Owners! ROOFING
Has Y·our Service SIDING!
Contract Expired? GENEItAL CONTRACTING We Repair and Supply· Parts for All
Do You Get Prompt, Makes of Bicycles and Carriages
Prompt Service
Efficient Service? Skilled Men-
Call JAMES HUEY Reliable Work
Boulevard 4297 Get Our E:ltimate
For Expert Workmanship
·4311 Lancaster Avenue
at Reasonable Prices H. L. YOUNG &: CO.
One Call or Yearly Contract 17 Myrtle Ave. Chatham Village Store Hours 9 'til 6
792 Garrett Hoad Havertown
Upper Darby Monday and Friday 'til 9
GRanite :&-7020 8i1ltop 2384
(At Bywood Station)
with GAS-FIRED BA 2-2171


MUGGAH and Wilkinson. Inc.
2227 E. DARBY RD.
7771 MEN!
PLAS-TiL Is •.•..•
Be Ready for the Wedding

new Plasticized ••••• "Sparkle
-IT . _.. ~AJfJiIl.I
Dance ••• Banquet

Spray" Car TreClllllent that pre-
SUBURBAN PAINTERS lerves and restores "New Car IzI".,\/~·
PELSTRING, 4808 Chester Avenue
PE 5-7043 ar SA 7-4305
POWfR-sl'ltAYID _
for ........
COlOR'1I» __ Ie ........ GOy _

... RENT
Your formal Clothes now at Dela-
* flni....

a..-y ..,.,
,w. ,.- -
proeection ..... Conversion- ware County's Newest Forma'
HEATING com'. Clothing Rental Store.
Sfeam. Hof Water. Hot Air Sys'"
We will keep your car sparkling BRYANT GAS HEAT
MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. on a yearly contrad at low cast Installed for as low as
We Specialize
in Wedding Parties
Main Liners! ... when we say,
SR 7-~3 of ·$30 a year (4 treatments) or
p er contract.
ft 7-383'
$285.00 We deliver and call for' wedding
clothing at yout request. For ap-
"serving Philadelphia area
GENERAL CONTRACTOR Can be financed for pointments. since ).927,"· we mean YOU!
I. A.. lNGEBRIGTSEN 3 yeers. ,..
I Automatic: Heat, Inc:. ~
," 116'Sutton Rd., Ardmore, (ia.
BUILDER & DECORATOR - HOME REMODBLlNG DI'_'2 Nothing down. .Boulevard 0401 I
4747 N. Broad St•• Phila. 41'. po. I
From 2 to 9 P. M. Daily :1 Without obligation, please 'have your engineer make a I
22 YelJr& on the Main LIne
New Bomes. Additions. Alterations, Becreatlon BooD1& PaneUnlt, Book-
cases. Batbrooms Bnd Kitchens Remodeled, Pa1Dt1nl'. PlekllDJr. Artista'
STours $9.35 Monthly Payments
scientific heating survey of my home and quote !he new.
low cost of installing a Timken Silent Automatic Wall- .
Decoratlons, PaperhBnglng, BcenlCS/_Electrical Work. PlasterlDjt, Plumb-
Ing. Beatlngj. Roollllg, Floors. BrlCJlo stone and C~DleDt Work. TiODP. STUDEBAKER
W. C. StranaCJhan GLAH BROS. : Flame Oil Burner. :

I InSUlation, uBrages, Porebes.

IndlviduaJ. Designs and Drawlop Made 228 S. 69th St.
7'J., S. 69th St. (2nd fir.) Upper Darby I
I .
I .
NAME ..••••• • .. •••·•••••· •••••. ••.••• •••• ••• ••••• •
I .. • ... ..•.. . .

'1 I: ...•••
lliiili•••••••••••••••••••• .l=~._ ~.._._._ .. .. ..
FIrst Clalla WorkmansbIp and satlsfaetloD GUuaDteelI 414 Darby Rd., Llanerch -
. CALL. ABDMOBII: 1291 - 4729-M Upper Darby,·Pa. l i• • ADD.RE.SS _~_ _~~ ~._ --
I , . DB7. EweD1Dl: or 8_dlu' .
Boulevard 3807 Phone Hilltpp 1176
..• •
I' ... z'J ~'a , - ' IT Y

News and Features of 1nterest to Women

. Our Faces Are Red- Birthstones
FASHIONS Ham Loaf Recipe Is
I >to
Shopping Too Sweet for Words
For laundress-the soapstone
For architects-the cornerstone
Even Velvet Takes to Water I
wrrH The Delaware County Fede~ation For cooks-the puddingstone
For soldiers-the bloodstone '

As New Swim Suits Appear Sally of Women's Clubs, and the Wom-
en's Club editor of this newspaper,
For polIticians-the blarneyston[
For borrowers-the touchstone_l
hasten to correct an error In last For stockbrokers-the curbstont
week's account of the County Cook For polIcemen-the pavlngstone "
Book. Our faces are red-and If For shoemakers-the cobblestolll
you've tried the ham loaf recipe as For burglars-the keystone
printed in last week's paper, so For tourists-the Yelowstone
is yours. For beauties-the peachstone
. It seems that in the rush of get- For editors-the grindstone
ting into print, the reporter incor- For, motorists-the mllestone
rectly included "¥.z cup of sugar" For pedestrians-the tombstone
where she should have written AnonymouS.
"1% cups of milk." It makes quite '
a difference, according to Mrs. ~
Reuben G.. Henrich, president of
~he Brookline Club, whose recipe
Shop ~
It was. Complete LlDe '
."If anyone tries the recipe l!l.S DRESSES LINGERIE
Sizes- 9-52 ~
prmted, I should hate to be respon- Skirts • Blouses - Hosiery ~
sib~e for the results or for m.Y repu- Ardmore9 CRICKE1' t:;"':nore 61nlli
tatlon as a cook," Mrs. Henrich Maternity Wear •
wrote. ~
The best solution for all of you, me
of course, is to get a copy of the GET IN SHAPE FOR SUMMERI
cook book and try the recipe as LIGHT - FLEXIBLE - SMOOTH
printed there. The books can be
ordered through Mrs. Allen G. Cen-
ter, the editor, at 36 Oak Lane,
Oakmont. . IndividuallY Designed Supports
Doctors' Prescripti"ns Filled
6 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore 1024
Ardmore. Pa. Hilltop 4458-J




~::m r:::;:~ «1350
the New "5'" ..;do .,
the alllClzing Fate- .

fill Fillerl
Easy r . -
P. J. Giannini
Your Jeweler
Open Wed. & Fri. Eves.


IES' GJlA1IlJA.~~~ --
'"'~ SJlllS11101JS...... ---
ser atJae ""'-'-
er• y _. . .re eo-litle.-e .1
a".. -•.
.l'aee., . .p;e, o4el. __ lie Y
prele8Si••at - -nOWWlS1' -

~ to SIIOB" w~--
(or 5 iIItellllifl! ·e::~heS
'Il ..od els for bo"i~lJ·:~O"p::;'so.tassoc:iaiioa ~
l' KyIM • . 10 we e • S . Ity all tile. 0"'"
yOU c:o.·oc:qalre I. t' hi;,;"Iy troiaed foc:u, ort·fl....
mpothe IC:. ." a full or ,
a frleadlY· sy Whether yoa lIec:o me e. d IIora ill'
of a modeU ' ' otly ea".ac: c: It is JicIDII.'r'" .... is -
. I mo e
d I or \lse your gre
. e w"a
t it woat• •eall substi~_GavasA"" '
profesSloaa . I onel home life. ,,,olJllI rt' 5 this sacCltssf1al in briogiag CJQOIiag 0MUf'ad
lIusln ess • SOC:lo sess the neW qua I.:e _ Ito_a" _;,.
In '001 ways t o ./;;"5 time. claft't illst tII.a" a to any ~ Gay, cuJud"
awniDp __ wiadIJws. ....
course offers yo . ,
Household ways, pon:fa ~ ~ add 1D
HONE LO 4_115.5 R FREE the dmm-.I ~ d. ~
P NGE FOlt yotJll ~ Hints ouE--'"
- • ABBA~At;~SJS OF Y01Jll
home. fiad liE-
' tie these iii. -o.r CIIIII&. CIA
Most fruit stail1S will come out:
10 ,.. M. aad t, p" II. or ...... US toeJaT-
dro, ia anyt~~e :et'f~ lIesc:ripti". booklet,'
easily if you pour boiling water on
. or Wflte or UcT CHARM cLASSES

them from a teakettle held sev~ral SUB' URB A N
feet above the stain. If the stain.
does not disappear completely, try-
a drop of lemon juice on it and rinse
RE.UPHOLSTERY 01 a CCrfPlj/xueYlClJ "

~~hf:~~i:I:n~:~~i{~s1~~~ ~DO·\::RF· N="'Es.. . '<$R%i!,

with clear, cold water. css S5
, "NEW....,yo.U
. LO
..• Care. of HaIr '
posfure • Figure Corrt;'I0:i Fashion lKodeling!' Care LINOLEUM
ro"e Plan!'ing • f~rdnta( M
Jr.e-up ApplieafiDn ~ C.ore .
of SIria .iId IndllJl ua • a. Pit lographie Mcdeltng.
the wood surface thoroughly until
all film is removed and the grain l: WINDOW SHADES
01 Hall. 0 d Social EfiqlleUe • '
of the wood shows clear and clean. CleaneD SiQCC 1890
BUSInesS an h' Slaour DRAPERIES
, Olee v:
Cuilure • f as lUll
• trat"... •
'and Graduation- R~gtS. , I ..
Parents of pupils enrolled at the
1.. COULTER AVE. SLIP COVERS As transparent as ice and just as cool,
Wi'fa.Qilr Model Agency. Har Zion Hebrew' School, 2258
Ul AS lOU LUll, pUl Georges Lane ,will observe activ- ARDMORE 011'1 flattering as a young man's whistle, this is
$MIlL..WEEILY ,AI.nlS ities there today, the second of ImH W. GIRARD AftL
/- two Parents Days. Yesterday, visit~ the perfect ,graduation dress that follows
ing parents were entertained at a 8T_Utoa
tea. AL 4-9211 BLVD. 4112 through at every party all summer long.
High-fashion styling in Stoffel's permanent-

a." maUl ,lace..elli barrea.

John H. Schaefer finish Swiss organdier and high-fashion
. ,

details: self-covered buttonsr matching

JUNE Mc:At'AMS. Djrec:~or
Teacher of Singing
500 BroadvieW, Read rayon taffeta slipr all at a purse-pampering
(0 &·1155 • 10 A. M. tt'P." WPPER DARBY, PA.. pricel Magnolia white, bonbon pink, corn-
Member of the Faculty I;,
Clarke Conservatory of Music (fAILORBD
CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON-GOOD FOR 100/0 DISCOUNT' ON REGULAR RATE flower blue, mais. Sub-deb sizes 9 to 15.
. Philadelphia 0L0TIIB8 FAClORyt \
Please Send Me Your Free Booklet on Classes and Rates wlll teach In Ardmore durlnlt FOR WfJIID 8204 MARKBT sr.
the summer 'FHIRD FlOOI
NAME ... : ..' .. '•.•..•.•... " • • • • • • • • • • • 'f •••••••••••••••••• " " " •• " " ••• 39, PA.
55 Chatham Road U f t.. IAIIES n.
ADDRESS ..... .. . ... ".'" ..
" " " " " " " " '. " . " .. " .. " " " . " " " " " " " " " " " " . " . " " " .. " ... Ardmore 6889-.1 II
" .


.Thursday, May 26, 1949

News of Social and Club Activities

------:--------- - - '
Engaged Methodist WSCS Group
.. Le~gue to Urge Red Feather Gr~up Plan Drive Ruth Edgar 'to Plans Strawberry Festival
Wed J. Malone
A Strawberry Festival will be
Lead A9ain witIt Ratification of sponsored by the Evening Circle
of Women's Society of Christian

FOOD VALUES ITO Resolution Ser.vice of the Ardmore Methodist

Church. Sat.urday, June 4, ,from 5
To Call on Connell for Social Editor Becomes to 8 P. M. The festival will be held
You'll find your convenient
Acme chock-full of attractive 'Support of Bill Now Bride at Drexel Hill on the church lawn, Ar~le Rd.
food values far this long
Pending in House Ceremony and Lancaster Pike! or in the event
weekend. The marriage of Mrs. Ruth Ed- , of min, in the Parish Hall.
Members of the League of Wo- gar Alderfer, daughter of Mrs. Har- In general charge are: 'Mrs.
CLOSED W. DAY I101D1Y --::-' men Voters of Lower Merion
Township were urged this week to
old C. Byram, of Miami, Fla., and
the late Robert Montgomery Edgar.
William Gibson, Mrs. Waldo Yohe
and Mrs. Clinton M. Cherry. They
will be assisted by Mrs. Ernest
to 'James Leland alone, son of
ACME MEATS-A TREAT 'write Congressman Samuel G. Mc-
Connell, in support of House Reso- Mrs. Carror Gillaspie Malone, of
Hutchinson, 'Mrs. Helen Sharp,
Mrs. Anna Kiesel, Mrs. Martha
Anderson, Mrs. Elizabeth Pedrick,
Gir~rd, FeUn or Lancaster Brand lution H. J. 236, which would rati- Carthage, Texas, and the late Rev.
Miss Marg,aret Denton, Mrs. C. C.
Lean, Smoked, Skinned fy the propose-<! . InterJ?,ational
Leland Malone, will take place Bailey, MI's. William Wickersham,

Family Size
Trade Organization.
At a meeting of the League held
ThuI'sday evening, Dr. Mildred
, quietly at the hom,e of the bride's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank "
J. McGuigan, 4031 Berry Ave.,
Miss 'Jerry Willis, Mrs. Maude
Brown, Mrs. Alfred Sears, Mrs.
Maud Hines, Miss Natalie Pollock,
, Miss Elsie Lukens and Mrs. Theo-
Ready to eat, ( None ) Ib £ Northrup talked with members Drexel Hill, on Saturday, May 28. i '
dore Ely.
short shank, Higher about the vital necessity for the The bride, social editor of this
lQ..16lbs Miss Dorothy M. D~nne,
U. S. to ratify the pact. newspaper, will be given in 'mar-
Agar's Ready-to-Eat daughter of Mr. anll ,Mrs. Penn Valley Garc\en Club
"Expanding trade is a necessity riage by her brother, Robert Mont-
CANNED BAMS '" 79ft for world trade," the', professor of gomery Edgar, q,f Lansdowne. She
Ralph S. Dunne, of 9 Shirley Plans Flower Show
All Skin. Excess Fat and Bane Removed
Marked Weight 8-10 Ibs economics at Bryn Mawr College
told her audience. "Since the
Narberth Club will wear a street length dress of
powder blue eyelet batiste, with
Rd., Narberth, whose engage-
ment to Dr, Wi1ham H. Kit-
The Penn Valley Garden Club
will hOld its spring flower shOW
Girard, Felin or Lancaster Brand Ready·to-Eat trell, son of lUr. and l\'1rs. Will on Thursday, June 2, in the parish
United States has already pledged
Installs Officers matching mitts, and carry a shower H. Kittrell, of I\lt. Pleasant,


house of All Saints' Church, Wyn-
itself to a European Recovery Pro- bouquet of pink carnations centered Tenn., was announced this newood, from 3 t.o 9 P. M.
gram and since it is the most pow- Mrs. S. ]. MacCartney with pink gardenias. An arrange- week by her parents. Mrs. Walter Fuller is chairman
, Short Shonk, Well Trimmed. oC-a lb. each. erful nation economically, it would IUiss Dunne is a graduate of for the affair, in \vhich only mem-
ment o'f fresh carnations, will form
Presides at Luncheon bers m1!-Y exhibit, although visitors
the Friends' Central School
be fatal if an ITO treaty were not her headpiece. and Briarcliff Junior College, are welcome to the show. There
, Weight 5-6 Ib-, Very e"momi",,1 ratified." Mrs. Robert M. Cameron, of 105
Dr. Northrup seorved as economic S. Narberth Ave" was installed as
Mrs, Howard A. Wiley, of County
Line Rd., Bryn Mawr, will be ma-
New York.
Dr. Kittrell attended Van-
will be both specimen and arrange-
ment classes, with prizes to be
presented in 27 divisions.
, . advisor at the Havana Conference president of the Women's Com-
on World Trade. munity Club of Narberth at a lun-
The League rec~ntly voted 9-1 cheon Tuesday, May 24, at the
tron of honor. She will wear a dress
of pale tyellow quilted chambray,
Ilerbilt anll Emory universities
was graduated
University College of
from Bay- The Club will hold its annual
business meeting on Tuesday, June
with an arrangement of blue corn- Medicine, HOllston, Texas. He 7, at the home of Mrs..John A. La-
I .. 49£ in favor of the North Atlantic Merion Cricket Club.
Pact. Other local Leagues through- Mrs. Samuel .J. McCartney, a
flowers in. her hair, and carry a
bouquet of talisman roses and corn~
is now interning at the Phila-
delphi:t General Hospital.
Fore, of "Penn Valley Farm." A
box luneheon will follow, and en-'
. out the country have simi- past-president of t.he club, install- flowers.
The wedding will take place
in October.
tertainment will be featured dur-
ing the afternoon session.
, larly studied and voted on this ed the new oflicers. They are Mrs. Jack Love Hart, of Carthage,
! question. As a result of overwhelm- Harold GI'iest, lirst vice-president; , Texas, will be best man lor Mr.
I ing membership opini.on, Dr. Kath- Mrs. George R. Lee, second vice- Malone. OUR TOWN
Ib49c ryn I-I. Stone, lirst vice president of president; Mrs. E. M. Parran, sec- A small reception will be held Founded in 1914 bY the Narbel·th Civic Association
Braunschweiger· v. Ib 15c Ib35c the National League, testified this retary, and Mrs. Howard Zeigler, immediately after the ceremony. GR 3-7740 Member BUcks-Montgomery Newspaper Publisheri\' Ann.
Corned Beef ~'b18c
Cole Slow or~_f.. sar.d Ib27c 1lJ49c month before the Senate Foreign Mrs. George Gilpin and Mrs. Henry MRS. ROBERTM. CAMERON After their return from a wedding
• Cheese Faad
Glendale Cia ~ Z4c
Relations Committee in favor of Dever, directors.
early ratifICation. Mrs. E. M. Parran presided at
' trip to the New England States,
Mr. and Mrs. Malone will lh-e in
PreSIdent and PUblisher
Editor. NANCY S SEELY Associate Editor. SUZANNE Y WINGATI:
Lee ~
De"iI's Food Decorette
Baby Goudas eacb 45c
While urging this North Atlantic the meeting in the absence of Mrs.
Treaty as a necessary interim Ellsworth B. Clark, retiring presi-
SOCIAL Drexel Hill.
Advertising Manager
Entered 'as second class matter Octob~ 1938, at the Post OMce

Gruyere :ling, ImllG<fed II-oz Uk, 59c measure t.o further regional se- dent, who was not present because at Narberth, Pa., under the Act or March 3. 1879.
BAit CAD Margarine Pr~: 2· lb Ukg 41 C curity, she emphasized the impor- of illness. NOTES.
VonUla Iced
c~t~c~I~:: each
lISaJ Margarine
Princess Mustard
Lemon Juice
Ib Pkg 26c
Ib Jlr 13c
tance' of continuing t.he effort to- Honored guests at the luncheon Miss Patricia Ann Jones, daugh-
ward universal security and inter- were members active in clUb pro- tel' of Dr. and Mrs. Harold W. At Bryn Mawr Hospital
2 s·/Z·•• can. 19c national economic and social co- jects for the past 30 years. Also Joncs. of Wynnewood, and Miss
Births Published Every Thursday.
ueadJlne for advertlslDg and news copy-Wednesday, 12 IIQOD.
SUbscriptlon rate: $2.00 per year In advanre.
Half Moon , Tea Bags Id... lined 111·az Pkg 15c . d th U't'd N honored were members who had Martha Simpson Claflin daughter To Mr. and Mrs. Gardmer War- Publication oOlee: 8 CrIcket. Avenue. ''Ardmore. Pa. Phone Anllllore li'l20;
POUND CAKE Gvape Juice AI.. lit bot 33c operatiOn
. un er e me anot -. mIssed any meetmgs . durmg' of Mrs. Wilham .Claflin,
' also o nel' f ' 373 W . L anc a s t er Ave., H av-

.. Bolo Club
hons. the past year. Wynnewood, wiII entertain at crford, a daughter born May 16.

BEVERAGES I::e 10c September Wedding

Gertrude Neidlinger, of the con- luncheon on $aturday, June 11, at To Mr. and Mrs. Donard Craig,
cert stage, entertained with a pro- thc home of Miss Jones, in honor of 149 Truit Rd., Overbrook Hills, a GIFTS OF JEWELRY

~ ~ IIJ~.& 'IJ~1e4
Plus depOSit and Penna. T_ ,..
Penno. M.orlr:els.
Ann Bookmyer
J' h Rob ts Clausen Jr
. rs. osep er
I wlll'be matron of honor at t h e .
gram of "Musical

, " Picnic Luncheon Listed

Mishaps." Mis.> Henrietta Underwood of Mr. and Mrs. Rawson
Lizars, daughter, May 16.
To Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas, 214
Goodsir Lizal's, of Bryn Mawr. The Sheas Termce, Ardmore, a daugh-
marriage of Miss Lizars to Jacob tel', May 17.

,marriage of her sister, Miss Ann By ,Menon Chapter, DAR Hursh Va:tine: 3rd, son of Mr. and 'To' Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mc-
~amous Cannonball SWeet Red . Taylor Bookmyer, daughter of Mrs. The Merion Chapter, D?-ughte~'s V~stme, 2nd, of Wynnewood, Mahon, 208 Cynwyd Rd., Bala-Cyn- BULOVA and Others

Fresh 'Califonda Greea Peas

LONS P::il. Z Ibs 25c
Curtis Bookmyer, of Cynwyd, to of the American RevolutIOn, WIll ~Ill take ?Iace Wednesday, June 15, wyd, a son, May 13-

.T. Fritz, of
Horace Harper Fritz, son of Mrs.
be guests at a picnic luncheon on In All Samts Church, Wynnewood.
t d
Sa ur ay, une • a
J 4 t th h
verbrook, Miss Sara E . Shupert , of." "Bonne- and
whIch WIll take place, Saturday, brow" Wynnewood, at 1 o'clock.
' [ n Saturday June 4 Mi"s Lizars
e orne 0
<' ,
Mr. ' Vastinc
0 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barry,
Ithan Ave and Clyd Rd B
. .will be '"O'uests of Mawr, a danghter
onor at a ,PICI1lC followed by a
e 19.
May . , ryn


September 10, at 4 o'clock, in the A 'program of selections from hayride, to be given by Mr. and To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shekel',
Fresh Long Green. CueamIJers Ib I.Oc Church of the Redeemer, Bryn American composers will be pre- Mrs. John Hem'y McCoy, Jr., at the 815 Black Rock Rd., Gladwyne, a
Mawr.' sented by Mrs. Morris IJ. Potts, home of M~'s. McCoy's parents, Dr. daughter, May 20.
Juicy Lemoas or Lillles ldoor Bnmd c~~~. 25c CYNWYD,3250
Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Hyman pianist, and Miss Dorothy E. Burns, and Mrs. Thomas Bell, of 'Penn Val- ? To Mr. and Mrs. John DeFelice, 232 BALA AVE., CYNWYD
SprmgOaioas or Radis'" S buncha I.OC L. Battle, Jr., 'of New York, and soprano. Mrs. Ralph B. Ashenfelter ley. _34 Chestnut Ave., Ardmore, a son,
Mrs, Sidney Scott, ir., of Chatta- will review Robert Marshall's "Lit- ' + + + May 20. I;'~!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!~~!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!~~!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!~~~!!'!'!!!!!!!!!~~!!'!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!~!!!!!'!!'!'!!!~

Makes Your Best Salads Taste Befter nooga, Tenn. tIe Squire Jim." Miss Mary Elizabeth Pent, To Mr. and Mrs. Conway Rulon-
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs..Howard Miller, 110 Church Rd., Ardmore.

Hom-de-Lite Creamy "h·~t ju' 19c : lit I... 59c F. Pent, Jr., of 517 Bmrd Rd., a daughter, ,May 21.
Girl Scouts Plan 'Fly-U p~; Merion, entert.ained at a shower


Will March on Memorial Day

ancl supper on Tuesday evening in
11Onor of Miss Kathleen Agnes
DO,yle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FIRESIDE ,

Hom-de-Lite ,Salad DresBia8 '

Del Monte Peaches Hol~ •• or
iar Z5c

can 2ge
Frank E. Doyle, of 7224 Penarth
Mrs. E. Lee Goldsborough pre- Evelyn .Nicholson, 311 So. Juniper Rd.. Bywood. Miss Doyle's mar- Among t hose who will receive at CLfANER$ OK.
Glenside Freestone Peaches No.2';'

can Z3e
No. 2'12 2ge
sided at the last meeting of theISt., .Phl1a..
for the
lhe Neighborhood
Girl Scouts of Nar-
GI.rls D
monal ay para e WI mee a g
M' f f th C
. Hage to James J. Finegan, son of the tea dance to be given Satur-
WhO WIShdto n:lalrch 'tn Mte - 1\11" and, Mrs. Matthew L," Finegan, clay! June 11, at the Barclay, by
't of West Chester, WIll take place .1. an
M . d M' J l'
IS. ames . Dooley, of
One of "DIe o-J;Ys LaZ
(JSCO Fruit Cocktail ~:'1 can A.. : 111 ront 0 e ommum Y on Saturday, October 1. 'tork Lane Manor, Merion, to pre-
Libby's Fruit Cocktail No.1 berth. BUlldmg. . + + + . sent their daughter, Miss Marie RUGS by H. AYJIAN
can Zl.e
Plans were discussed for the George Shuster, cub ~ast,er, haS The marriage of Miss Hopkins Cornelia Dooley, will be the Misses
Ideal Green Aspar~cnlls _- Pack
Cut ~~;.2 SSC Fly-up to be held June 3 on the offere(l to coaC;h t~e Gul Scouts and Dr. Todd will t.ake place on Peggy Ruth Denney, Jean Mary
Sunrise Tomato Juice GrAd. ~:. 21.e ,grounds of Mrs. A. G. Dean's home, how to march m parade, ~nd they Saturday afternoon, June 18, in Glover, Joan' Catharine Glover,
219 North, Wynnewood Rd. 28 bet
. \veen 10 and
II to meet at the Narberth Pub- All Saints' Church, Wynnewood. Barbara Suzanne Leech, Gloria Mc-
I IC S cI1 0 0 I M a~,' Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Biddle, Carter, Mary Joan Meaney, Laura
fjDtdSRDl Yoa'II Need All Extra SupplY
Mrs. ~. L. Clr.yton, Jr., will act 11 />:. M. for mstructlOn. . Jr., of Merion, will entertain at a Lee Pillion, Suzanne Purcell and
Enrich~d Supreme


as chau'man for t~e C~urt of GI.rl Scouts of Troop 9~ wI~h buffet suppel' Friday evening, Abigail Combs Tinney.
I Awards. and the Sc~uts WIll ha~e t~etl.r .. leaders, ,Mrs. Fwnklm June 17, following the r~hearsal Presiding at the tea table will be
as spe.clal. guests Mrs. Geo~ge ~II- hut.clllnson and Mrs. W. H. Romer, for the marriage of Mrs. Biddle's Mrs. Basil R. Beltran, Mrs. J. Gil-

XES lorge14C
'b~rt, chatrman .of the Mam. Lme went on a cook-out to G~l1y Run sister and Dr. McMillan. Dr. and bert DonOhue, Mrs. Norton Downs
. Girl ~co~ts; ::vrISS EveLyn NIChol- Saturday. They had as theIr ¥uests Mrs. Walter W. Baker, of Wynne- Fern, Mrs. Harold D. Glover, Mrs.
. s~n, dlstrH:t dIrector; Mrs.. Robert Mr.s. L. S1!:rle Brown, who WIll act wood, will ent.ertain at a cocktail J. Harry LaBrum, Mrs. Edward
2 45 1
Z C Stock Up for the Long Week.end
Frankfurter or Bar·B~Que
SIgel, preSIdent of the JUnior Wo- as an asslst~nt leatler when the party before the suppel', in honor .J. Leech. Mrs. William J. Mac-
men's Club of Narberth; Mrs. Sam- t.I·OOP mee~s Il1 the fall, and Frank- of Miss Hopkins and Dr. McMillan. Carter, Mrs. Chat'les McCusker,
While. Spice, Devil', Food FRESH ROLLS Z ~llj
29c ue.1 ,H. D. Reed and Mrs. Theodore 1L~ Hutclnnso n ,. who sho\\:ed ~he + + + Mrs. Frank Putlcell, Mrs. Eric

I . a••lie.
or Chiffon
St~eoer. d M E H gll~ hO;' tf ~lIJ~~ an ~U~Sld~ hl'e ,The malTiage of Mbs Eizabet.h Earle Tinney and Mrs. William J.
t was anno~nce b.y rs. " rs., aU . i
ew~r, ea er.o Fulmer, daughter of ¥oun'g.
Outing Needs B.romer at t.lllS meetmg that the t.~oop 572, took her. gIrls on a plC- MI'. and Mrs. Walter W. Wllet.stone, MI'. and Mrs. Lionel Y. Greene,
They coli it crushed Wilson's Mar lZ-ozcan 39c ,~,rls. from Troop ~3 had donated B.IC to the new Girl Scout camp of Mt. Airy, to Charles Kenton of 631 Montgomery School Lane,
but it really isn't. You'll
( like this new slyle Temt Luncb l\'Ie.' lz·•• call 37c 126 ~tems p~ clotlung as a c?m- 'SIte on the Woolman Estate at Booda" ,11'., of Merion. will talw W~'nnewood. have announced t.he
Ideal C.'ushed m\lnJly ser~LCe. to the. AmerIcan Radnor. . place on Saturday, June 18, in t.he engagement of their daughter, Miss
Sardines T.m.,~a~~~e. 2~~:27c Fnends Society. commIttee to be Troop 333 had as theIr .guest last Presbyt.erian Church of the Cov- Nancy Jane Greene, and John H.
~PINEAPPLE Tuna Fish LI~~~te~·t
tlSCO Catsup
2 14·" boll 25c
sent to needy children abroad. wee~ ~rs. B. Ross BurrItt., of the enant, Hala-Cynwyd.
.It was also reque,sted that any Benj'hmm Rush Ch,apter of t.he Mrs. Walter W. Whetstone, Jr., W. Bruce, of Cleveland
Walter, son of MI'. and Mrs.

Peanuts Sailed 7··. .··19c
GIrl Sco:,t who deSires t.o .att~~d D.A.R., who tal~ed to the BrOWnies will be mat.ron of honor and the Heights, Ohio.
c~mp thIs sUJ?m~t fil~ applrcatL?n ~bout the Amel'lcan Flag and what bridesmaids will include Miss Bev-
Hires Root Beer :""lMIt24c WIth the DISh'ICt DIrector, MISS It represents.
Miss Greene was"graduated from
erly Nelsen, Miss Joan 'Haffler, the GrIer School, Birmingham, Pa.,
Nectar :.~~~t;:'~e~~~~~ 21~~21c Miss Kathrinna Rhodes and Mrs. and is no wa unior at Pembroke
Floyd I Carlton. College in Brown University. PICK UP aDd
Crax Edu••,.r cr.oke..
Marshmallows ,10'.'
Ib boX 25c

ukg 17c
Guests at Drexel Play Day + + + Mr. Walter, who is a senior at
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Buzby, Brown University, where is a mem-
One-pound ior Olives ollv.r SIUlled 7 /.'0. Ilr 43c
of "Bide-A-Wee," Merion,- will give bel' of Delta Kappa Epliilon, served
LansdOwne aDd Slate at..
Ideal Brand P_ch a tea-dance in October to present in the armed forces during the
ODives Idell Stull.d 4V..••• lar 37c

and one·lb pkg
Pickles :~~~::I"d
India Relish But BUY 111·.'lar 15c
lUj: 15c Miss Nancy D. England, Miss Eliz-I:""'=-========================--========~=======
to society their granddaughters, \VaT.

abeth A. England and Miss Mar-

Nabiseo ~::c'i:: Potato Chips snyder'l O·.'ba' 27c garet H. England: daughters of

for 45 c
Tritzels Bulter Protz." a·•• pkg 19c
Paper Plates
Paper Napkins
pkQ lOe
,kg 10c
Mrs. Elizabet.h B. England, also
of Merion.
Among those who will assist in
receiving at the tea to b~ given
Paper Cups 'k'10c June 26 by Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Garrison Schnebly, of Ardmore, to
introduce their daughter, Miss Vir-
Farmdale POULTRY FEEDS ginia Montgomery Schnebly, will
be the Misses Emily p'eters, of St.
\ Louis, Mo:; Mary A. Davie, Grace
If you are buying a home it is· important' that you select the plan of

Farmdale Scratch Grains 25"::g$1.03 : lOO·\:'.g54.00 O. Grasselli, Diana Jackson, Mary 1inancing best suited to your neeps and one that will give you the fullest
Farmdahi Laying Mash 25''::. $1.15 : 100'\:'.,54.45 LoU Johnson, Mary Coles Robbins, benefits of economy and convenience,
Anne Carroll Supplee, Laura Eliz·
Farmdale Growing Mash 25'':: $1.15 I 100'':. 54.45
abeth Thomas,· Caroline Wat~on.
Let us expl~in the many attractive features of our home loans. You can
" Farmdale Starting & Growing Mash 25''::: $1.15 : 100.1:':54.50 discuss details with us without obligation and with the assurance of our
Jeah Barr Wike and Frances
Farmdale Chick Grains 25:, $1.15 : 100'':.,54.50 Woodward. readiness to be helpful in every way possible.


• "

114·18 N. NARBERTH AVENUE Guests at Drexel Institute'~ recent Pla.y Da.y, these high school The NATIONAL BAN&: of NARBERTH
students thumb t~ough their class year book before boarding
OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M, - SATURDAY, 6 P. M. buses that took them to Newtown Square for the day's festivities.
Left to right: I:'at Mahon, 221 A.rdmore; Mu.rcia Savill, of MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION
" ' "
Rosemont; Nancy Shutts, of Wayne, Drexel co-eel who directed
the program; Betty Lou Duck, Bll N. 64th st" and Gloria Kent.
623/1 Jefferson St. ~he four high Bchool students attend Lower'
J" ,
o '-

• • Thllrs..ay, May 26,19~9

a-ili;.......- _ = I Dinner S., and

Copyrlthl 1141
many.other letters show, no~

Wllet"er for npicnicienD or "S~o...-s-

The 'Legal
Out Loud ~
. 'BYOBARU:B,A.jf;-Become Too Easy.
Mother packed the lunch in one basket and dad After the lot was ~traightened up pJ'0perly, we ate
packed the geraniums and the trowel aJ!d the sickel our lunch, and then wandered off to see our 'various
• •
only the appreciation of those wilD
have received CARE packages, bUt
the continued need to send more.
:; ,
AI ' r.... 1111 ... .., By A SUBURBAN LAWYER
Q.-I am' going with a. fellow who
in another and we were off.
"Looks like a nice d8¥," Mother said.
relatives who had lots in the same cemetery. That BRYN MAWR
is 22 years of 'age and we wish "Yes," dad agreed, "we shoul'd get a lot done." gave mother and dad a chance to exchange news SUMMER DAY CAMP
t get married At present I My sister and I were dressed in our best and :fliled with our uncles and aunts and gave my sister and
o .. .' . with the excitement of the occasion. for this was me a chance to sample oUr relatives' lum:hes and to BRYN MAWR COLLEGE
Customers' am hVlng With an aunt who IS Decoration Day and we were on our way to the cem-
go off with a couple of cousins to explore the raVine BRYN MAWR, PA.
my guardian.' She does not etery.
Corner think much of the idea of mal'- Da,d carried one' of the baskets and my sister and
b,y the creek. GilLS-I to 12 Years
riage at this time because I I shared the load of the other and In no time at all Awhile later we came back to see if there was a·WEEK SESSION-$30
Honesty and accuracy are
"musts" at A&P. ' am only 18 years of age. She we had ~alked t~e two blocks to the trolIC\V line. anything left in the lunch basket. Dad was dis- June 20th 11Iroagh A_gust 1 ZfII
th'nk ,{ h Id b Id b f- And In another mmute or two, a car clanged along. mayed when he learned we had been in the ravine. SWIMMING INCLUDED
Weare proud of the high J s s ou e 0 er e ore its safety net suspended in front, and we got in and "Lots of poison ivy down there," he said. "You FOR REGISTRATION
quality of our foods and the I marry. Is it necessary for me dad paid a nickel for each of Us and mother watched should stay away from there. Stay around here,
to have her consent in order to to make sure that he got transfers. where ¥ou're safe." • 'ARDMORE 3100
low prices at which we sell
them. be married'?-Bedy. "Lucky we got seats," dad said. "Looks like a lot , We promised we WOUld, but after a bit we heard
of people heading for the cemeteries today." music and wandered off to see the parade. It was

But we prize above all else A.-Dear Bed;y: If you wish to ob- "We'll be luckier if we get seats On the next ear," the old soldiers, just like those who made speeches DR. CII'AJlLl!8 T. LEBER ARE YOU SATISFIED
our reputation for fair, honest tain a marriage license in the mother said. "That line is always crowded on Decora- in schOol the day before, all dressed up In their blue who will be the guest speaker with your HEARING?
dealing. And we exert every State of Pennsylvania it, is tion Day." uniforms and looking v.ery proud. They marched to at the 12th annual Dinner and
elfortto maintain it. necessary for you being' under As usual, ~other was right, for when we changed a part of the cemetery where other War veter- Meeting of the Men's League Tllese 2 NEW
, to the next car, every- seat was taken and women as ans were buried and put an American flag on each of the Ardmore Presbyterian WORKING
A&P prices are plainly the age of 21 ;years, to have Jhe well as men were standing in the aisles. But mother grave. The Spanish war veterans fired shOts over Church this evening. Dr. Leber WONDER ,.'
marked on the goods, shelves consent of your parents· or didn't stand very long. She flounced through the the graves and somebqdy blew "tap's" and everybody is executive secretary of the SONOTONES .t
or cases. A&P scales are guardian, as the case may be. aisle, looking quite young and attractive, and ina felt a bit sad. Then the exercises were over and Board of Foreign Missions of GIVE BETTER

placed where you can read minute g, man had' given her his seat and looked a we began looking for mother and dad. the Presbyterian Chnrch in the
them. A&P cashiers are franlturhr _ Simdwich Q.-I am the owner of a building bit disappointed when dad and the rest of us trailed "Wbere have you been?" dad asked. "I've been U. S. A. Hearing
, looking all over for, you. We've got to start backl-----~--------
traia'ed to check your pur-
chases quicklyand accurately.
lOW lIe
and when it was erected & along behind her.
party wall was constructed as Long before we got to the cemetery, the aisle was home, before the trolleys get mobbed."
one sille of the building. This packed solid, but the motorman would stop and take The walk seemed like miles and our basket, even
CARE ReClplents
with exclusive
You can help us maintain JANE PAUBl INDIVIDUAL was done at my ex ense. The on more ~assengers and the conductor W~ul? shout: though empty, felt heavy as lead, but eventually we ··FlnED POWER'·
our strict standards of accu-
racy if you wiU let us know
Pies -IOe property on the other SIde of everybody would crowd in a bit closer and kid the ~~~~ey~ut of the cemetery again and waiting for a
p. "Move inSide, please; there's lots of room InSIde" and
Praise Packages Sonotone of Phila.
POTATO {I-Odin ?'leI the party wall'is a: vacant lot conductor about packing us in like sardines. Lie . R.
should we ever make a mis-
'take in 'weighing your pur-
chase, or in adding up your
Chips 1=- 45c Lots of other people were waiting, too, and When
at present. Can the owner of It seemed as if we would be crushed to death before the trolley came everybod3 tried to get in at once.
this vacant lot be required to we got to the cemetery, but we weren't, and once,we Elbo:"s jabbed around and, of cou;se, nobody got up Letters From Abroad
oca OmJDlttee ecelves
406 Upper Darby Bank B1d9.
16th & WAr,NUT ST8.
bill or in giving you cbange. SUGAR OR OA,1MEAL th th got out of the car and started walking we felt good to gIve anybody a seat. For a tIme, everyone was 307 Medical Arts BIde.. PIdIa
pa~' part of e expense for e again. ftI6-97=
No matter 'how slight an
Caekies :tz 21c erection of this wall '? He in...
quiet, but then somebody began singing and others Letters received from reciPientsl'~~~iafii~iiiiiiiii1iiiiiiii
More trolleys were arrlvtng. every minute and joined In, and th:' ride didn't seem so terribly long. of CARE ackages overseas werel~~ .aiacaLL
error might 1M; please write SUGAIl.W tends to erect a building some- some people were stopping to bUy flowers, but we After a good mght's sleep, we were all as good as p. .
~: '
Domds time and use the party walI as had our geraniums so didn'~ have ~o ~top. ~art of the' ever, except dad who had a bad case of ivy poison. read at the meeting of the MaID
part of his building.-(). B way to ou.r lot was downhIll, WhICh wasn t bad,. but That was a long time ago and the "old soldiers" Line Comm\ttee for CARE last
MARVa. SANDWICH . after ,_ awhIle we had to start upWll, and my sISter have joined their comrades in some distant Valhalla, Thursday morning) at the Old ,f
Customer ................
A&P Food Stores,
Bread~ IIis :::;-I8c A.-Dear O. B.: An adjoining own- and I got so tired we didn't thInk we could carry our but the years have brought additional veterans to be Buck Inn County Line and Lan-
er is not required to contribute basket another foot. But it was the basket w~th the honored. There are two more graves in our family ,
420 Lexington Avenue., MARVa. VAIIElY* to the cost of a party wall until lun~hes and we simply had .to get. it there. Soon we lot, because mother and dad have joined "little Joe." caster Aves., Haverford.
New York11,N. Y. Bread t:16c h ·t A 1 th It· arrIved and rested for a mInute In the ornamental And with the passing years, we have come to speak
e uses I. song as e 0 IS iron chairs at the next lot.
A young composer in Prague
v-_. s....w
"WIoo!<o . - . Cnsda!4 ~
« Sondi,h Ill- vacant and he does not use the There was only one stone in OUr lot: It was for
of Memorial Day, instead of Decoration Day. wrote: "Yesterday.I recetived a
The years have brought oth~r changes, too. No CARE package from you. When I •
Wils~ Kinglllr, Feli~ or SU~l1eyfie14 wall, he cannot be required to "little Joe" who had died long before my sister and longer is it necessary to ta~e a :ong trolley rid~ to unpacked it I found in addition to
contribute. But if he builds I were born, but when mother and dad stood beside the cemetery. An automobIle WIll travel there m a '

SMOBEDBDIS and uses the party wall he can it you could see that th:y st01 mi~sed Mother jiffy, with modern roads leadIng within a few feet many pleasant and usefUl things
be required to contribute.
, took out her handkerchIef and WIped her C\Ves and of the family lot.
dad took the sickel and started swishing away at the
something which cannot be Ferguson says: 'I

Whole or Full
Shank Half 110
Full' Butt Half
6 '5tc Q.-ean 'a minor bring suit in tall grass.
Pennsylvania to recover [or
damages 9 through the motions.
But a high-powered car hates to make such a short weighed and cannot be felt. I do
t rlp.
It f t k t I'
pre ers 0 eep on rave mg- 0
Then we kids pitched in to help, or at least went shore, or to the mountains or to some other place
t th e sea- not know what to call it, but it was an
thO 1 h
some' lng, very c Ose to wat we
Never before have
Impressive arrav we had Sum-
Of fine such
Dler sllOell' ... and at reasonable
prices! .
NOTE-KO SUc:ES HAlE "_OWED RlQJIlllESE HAMS far away. ' 11' . Choose your favorite stYle from
. .. "Be careful of poison ivy," dad cautioned. '''See,it's We keep saying we must g~t to the cemeter,y ca humanIty. It was somethIng Am.erlca;s f()remost manufaetu-
WiI_. ~ or ~y. 114* fa 18 .1 5mdald A.-Yes, but when a mmor IS a this stuff, with the three-pointed leaves.Be sure not sometime. Maybe on Memorial Day. But we don't. warming, and every small integral ~~~S~~~IO~Il~'daco~J~r:.eason of
.... SHANK
R~ 5Yz 6Y:: I"" 4S&:
BUrr E..'\!D 110 .-
5!Jz io 6 Ibs 5~
part,y to an action he must be to touch it." We promised to be careful.
represented by a guardian.
It's become too easy. ' part of the gift was consecrated
by it. Perhaps it was this some-

· L ·fe, M emory In
thing in, your gift Which cannot be


Ph·1 Armchair
h hY.thmIn t · J u d gment named that pleased me most."
An artist in Athens wrote: "It is
Two local students were among I 050P ~r - impossible to find suitable words. Shoes For The Family
PRIME RIB ROAST 7.fad& CloR • S!Ic the 56 graduates' of Temple U n i - , I send you on1¥ thanks from the
versity Technical Institute on The fact that life's events do not march aloog like essential fears from the needless ones You'll find cracked heart of One ill man to sAuec.esdsor to C. F. Rcartley
BEEF TONGUES ~~ .. 3Ie Tu day Ma 24 .
;:mes' J. y Cr~wford, assistant soldiers in pa~ade, but come in w~ves or 'cycles is one plenty of the former to keep you busy, for sufficient ::~¥: lr~~" gave t e hapPIest day
h' t ",r more's BUSy orner
4 E. Lancaster Ave.
dean of the Community College. that must strike anybody who gIves thought to the unto the day is the evil thereof, according to a Holy' Miss Elizabeth Towle,' chairman Ardmore 2820 ~
presented a television certificate matter. Growth and development generally express Writ. Just why add the burden of imaginary fears to of the committee, said that these ...~ W ' £ _ , .
~ ·SSc to Daniel V. Biles, 112 Grosmere themselves in thrusts and pauses. The process goes these? ----- -
PLAIN OR P1auD & IIMSIlO Rd., Cynwyd, and an award in con- forward for a time' then there comes a slowing down
tracting and estimating to R o b e r t ' ,
I well remember a story of an old farmer who drove ••
Baked .... ~23c
I M. Klinges, 16 Merion Rd., Merion. and what seems an actual reverse of movement. his horse to a small stream that had been swollen by
Life, my friends, has rhythm., The recognition of, the rains to considerable size and swiftness. It was
this phenomenon should help prevent the discourage- only after much coaxing and persuasion that man
ment and the melancholy which at times overcome and beast finally managed to ford the stream. A year,

All Types of Hanel & Power those who see an interruption in their progre'3s. Every or so later the same man and horse came to the'
J.Er.rDa Mowers Sharpened & Repaired good cause, every institution, yes, every individual~ same stream. This time there was but a trickle of
New Pennsylvania is SUbject to this law of cyclical or rhythmic develop- water. Nonetheless, the horse balked and no effort of
Hand Mowers ment. ' the farmer could persuade it to cross.

New Power Mowers- We speak sometimes or things growing by leaps "Old hos3," said the farmer in disgust, "I reckon
Reo - Ec IIpse - Pennsylvania and bounds but between these sudden Gpurts ~here your memory is better than your judgment." INCLUDING THREE CHOICES AT EDGEMONT
Naa 1'ric2lI . . . . . are statIC .perlo
. ds. So in the worId 0f nat ure. PI ants Well, we all have our inhibitions wherein bitter

I.(U;;as =--== :is

have their season of growth and rest from growth. recollections of the past interfere with our common
These moments of pause certainly are not wasted, sense. And some of them are mighty helpful; others, SECTION NO 27 - 62 ACRES - $50.000
{ JUICY LEMONS .we' Lawn !\lower & Gal'den TJ1lCltor
Sales & Service nor are they any sign of weakness or death. They are not so. The burped child avoids the fire, yes; yet fire
simply preludes to increased power and activity., is a fine servant as well as a dreadful maGter and not
This rolling section contains the crown of the hill, with
one of the finest views in Delaware County, which many
113 N. Essex Ave., Narberth People who never make allowance for this law of to be uniformly rejected because it can hurt. Even so. people have endeavored to buy separately. Also includes
Narberth 4449 a business area at West Chester Pike and Providence
15c --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:I
nature and of human nature are inclined to let the with other 'sad and costly experi:ences that tend to
s lightest check to their progress bring with it' a sap- leave deep wounds, each containing a lesson, if we
Road, having a width of 400 feet and a depth of 200 feet.
~ ping of courage and loss of faith. This is not war- can only take our minds off the scar long enough to
SECTION NO. 28 - 1112 ACRES - $5.000
(~~l~: $1.39M~ 70c'~~3Sc
. WOULD YOU LIKE A PET? ranted. The athlete warms Up so that he may be look for it. And seldom is the lesson so costly or so
,Will You Give it a Good Dome? ready for the contest; the engine in your car idles saddening that the same experience may not be About 200 feet of ,business frontage along West Chester
P~ , ,
> Ice CakI W~lc>n A.aiJeIi. ~ All T_ d T... Am DOGS
and CATS
that it may be prepared to deliver power. The fields repeated under better controls and with positive bet-
lie fallow that they may be ready for the sower, and ter results. That is what experience teaches.
man sleeps that he may wake refreshed. Let the reader of this item please examine his own
SECTION NO. 29 - 20 ACRES - $12.000
It may well be that your present setback Is but emotional road blocks. He will find a few, at least. HilliOp aCl'E!age reached by a right-of·way from Provi-
Adoption dence Road, with another superlative panorama of two
YUIIfI. Club· Donation
preparation for enlarged capacity, greater progress. which al'e as needles.> and stupid as that of the horse or more miles.
How often in life do we deliberately let go our hold in the story. It is the function of judgment to size up
in order to take a firmer grip. any and all situations as they now exist; not what it
Yet there are many, many times when fear seems was on some former occasion, or what we wrongly ATRRACTIVE FINANCING ARRANGEMENT ;
• Ginger Ale, Club ScxJ. Z: Manv Pcprlaa- a-- to grip our every thbught and mind, and the very imagine it still to be.

ASPARAGUS an:;; n;:.- Dc

li Delaware Co. S.P.C.A. phrase, irrational fears, implies that some fears are Always new occasions teach us new duties and in Brokers invited to partieipate; full commission basis

G IIHN '1 Saudv Bank Road Media rational and sensible. They are indeed. The great and all occasions in life we have one definite source we

MEDIA 6-1370
the beneficial fears of mankind lead to effective and can always rely on for help no matter how difficult
_;,;;;;;;;;;;;;!,1lappropria:te action when under control of ,the reaGOn. our problems may be and I feel the lines below will ATWATER KENT PROPERTIES
LANG'S PICKLES DIU. OR 5rIIIR . . . jew 23c
• Irrational fear, on the other hand produces a state of definitely explain just what I mean: Raymond H. Calvert, Representative
- - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - I m i n d which blocks the action that would save us, by I saw God in the,little room where baby learned her 'proul Rd. at Danby CI'eek
paral'yzi~g t~e .will ~nd drying up the springs of
-Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. A LI Uld~
genume InSpIration.
Part of'the ~rr~tion~lity of this kind of fes:r is .that
I heard him say some kindly words, I saw him stroke
her hair' Bryn Mawr 2727
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Newtown Square 0212
q people caught In Its Orlp are not aware of theIr plight. I Gaw him in the little church that struggled to exist
PEACHPRIESERVES~ 2,~ J5c No Special Equipment-Traill_ They are not afraid of anything, they will tell you. I saw him pass the big church, His presence was not I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MARSHMALLOWS CAI'tIfflllE Z 6~~ Z5c ing-Knowledge or Experts No, they just worry day and night; worry about their missed

,SALAD DRESSING ~25c 'li:'45c

MAYONNAISE= 8~r.l~ ~Ue: Qus:'Sk
= Needed - Do a 100% Job
Yourself and Save $ $ $
health, their Q.'iends their future, about what hap-· The Lord I do believe likes men wlio are a common
pened yesterday or the day before, about all the last
troubles they'vt! ever had and all they ever expect to Who though they lack in money, to their ideals still
have and sometimes t\ley just worry over they know hold fast

"The •••• wltb whlcl. TERMITGAS It

OLEOMARGARINE NUIlD 2 .J.:41c .1mli('d :md ittt Jnst antaocoue cffe(~t wake not what, just a vague sense of foreboding which is The Lord I do believe is one who cares not to display
t.he 1111rcbHSA or ON E GALw for $6.00 the itself a form of irrational fear. If such there is, I think he'll sigh and run the other
CJIu.'RIJest rca) Invt'st.ment any home owner
BUTTER :=n~ '::l7c ..:. '10-"'1& &Ie ClU'l make." DIrections wIth eacb lallon.
FOr Deal,r or Other Information Writ.
We have no magic cure-all for this malady, except way.
to point out that an originally beneficial provision of I saw God by the sickbed where a mother kneeled and
CHED-G-IIIT ~...~ :.-: 71e THE LEWIS CO.
232 Canal st., N. Y. CA. 6-7573
nature-the sense of danger-has gone to seed in the prayed
/'IONA TOMATO JUICE 2~ Dc form of phobia. • I saw God wipe the tears away, health came, the baby

Ch.mlcall for Sclenc." IndUlin- oln•• 1909
i . Kellis Term·.tes
If diagnosis is any part of cure then to learn how to stayed
distingui'.>h between sensible fears and nonsensical Oh never felU\ my good friend, that the stretch of life
make a difference
fears is the flrst long step toward the handling of this is wide

, .
, PreIn 1242.
ow -.c II JGORASNEITEPH W. ABRONNZNEEAR &MASRBLE I Your Health :;~~i~: S:~c~:kS~:n:a~:t~:rr=,
UM SEA PlEME '*'RI1E Gall" ON To sit "above the salt" was to herds. !

Tuna F"1ISfI 6.QL

CIlII 29c (Esfablls.ed 1911.
\. be an honored guest in olden times. There'is more than a pound of

12-0Z. Salt has plaY!!d an important sodium chloride, or common salt. !
&1'" JSc
1 c.
Phone Malvern 2113
M I¥


part in health,manners, wars, and in the human bod3.
ceremonies, says the County Med- Much salt is lost from the body
ieal Society. ... 'through perspiring and a consider-

The value of salt to the human able loss of body' :fluid through ex-
machine is taken as a matter of cesslve sweating frequently causes
course.. muscle cramps and prostration.
CHARLES MoSTUARD & SON Although salt Is contained in For this reason, Industrial plants
,most living things, vegetable and supply salt tablets t6 be taken with
FUNERAL DIRECTORS animal, people get some salt in drinking water to maintain the
most anything they eat. salt balance in the body.
Our innate desire for salt Is so Language is fUll of refeences to
"FIVE GENERATIONS SINCE 1822" positive that quantities of the mil1- salt, such as, "With a grain of salt,..
~dediftiJI Phones 104 CRICKEr AVENUE eral are on every dining table for "He's not worth his- salt," or "Ve On party.line telephones.' too, little courtesies maIot
&11... r.1'.~es In this ndvcltlsemcnl e;'l.cll~e Aap J\larlr.ets aoa be!J- ARDMORE 0243 & 0752 ARDMORE, PA. those who crave an added amount. are the salt Of the earth."
lIerv ell "'ood Stores In Ardmore. Bryn Mawl'. Bl'ookUJle _4 Nubertllt : things much smoother!
Animals feel the need of salt and Please pass the so~um chloride-
-, When you hang up ge~tly on finding the line in use, you're
DAILY VACATIqN B~BLE SCHOOL being courteous to your party-line neighbor. You're courteous,
Brookline Boulevard
To Be Held at' the
STAR ROSES too, when you keep calls reasonably brief • • , and when you
space calls so that others can use the line in the intervals.
ARDMORE, PA. CHURCH OF THE COVENANT FULLY GUARANTEED The nice thing about party-line courtesy is that it's returned
Rittenhouse Piace in kind. Thus, everyone on the line gets better telephone service I
Montgomery & Bryn Mawr Avenues • Now Available.ln Many' Varieties And Colors'.
NARBERTH, PA. -AT- The Bell Telephone Compony of Pennsylvanl.
933 Montgomery Ave. June 13 to June 24 V'CK'$WfLD&ARDEN
Daily 9:30 A. M. Until Noon •
BRYN MAWR, PA. All Children From the Ages of 3 to 16 Invited
632 Montgomery Ave., Narberth Narberth 2325 .Advt No. lS99·C-SBRIES 0-2 col•• ,,6 lal.-N,,,,poll...-Group 4 (ex.ept Hi)""urt
TrI.Couoty Ob••rnr, Kulpmont AdYOrti••r, Pillatoll BuII.,tln)-:-Week of May 231 Blyab1lt1
ALWAYS OPIN Tri.Cuunty Ob..rver, KulplIlont Ad••rtiaer IIDd PitbltDn 3uUeUm-W.k of May ;,0; G.-ap
755 Laneaater Avenue 6A2-W••k of May 30; Gronp 6B .... 1-Weft .1 MaY 9,1949.
- 'thursday, May'26, 1949

siZZling stop! Why? And why hi
he been driving llke "mad"? WI
Appears Ia· aD the following papers: Are :JOII moviDc to your OWJI ......? IlAND-P.AINTED PUBN1'DJ8&
Why not make work easier for the OLD FURNITUBI: A Solid Maple Dinette Suite- had he disregarded red lights? W~
little woman? Refinish those shab- ,BE-DECORATED 7 pieces ' '47 FORD-4 dr. sedan, radlo and he wanted to bU3" one of Herb
HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS •• ° OUR TOWN by floors with an easy-to-operate heater $1145 Davis )Store's 52,000 Items and
FLOOR SANDER. We rent alI '40 HUDSON-2 dr. sedan, htr $425 was ;I. minute. of 9 P. M.••• and,
LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP NEWS equipment with complete instruc-
Eo F. Cook
26 Haverford Road
Consisting of--'
Buffet, China Closet, Drop '40 BUICK Convertible -----$84$ know Herb Fifty-Two thousal
ARDMORE na '46 NASH~ dr. sedan, radio Item Davis closed at 9 o'clOCk a.
.. and 'the CITY LINE NEWS .
(:'.1:0 Include coverage In CITY LINE NEWS, COpy IIlUst; be received by 'rilesdill' III Ii !P. . .
For other three papers, deadline Is Wednesday 5 P. ILl
tions. '
4 Central Ave.
Leaf Table, 4 Stunning Chairs
Regularl,y .$249.50
and heater
'46 PONTIAC-4 dr. sedan,
$965 he was cognizant of the fact thl
his wife woul~ not let him in tJ
BRYN MAWR 1451 CLEAN YOUR UPHOLSTERY radio and heater $1395 house if he did not bring hon
25 wordS or less: $1.40; addItional words: ZO II~=============~ ItricNOW, we do it for you the elec- Reduced to '41 CHRYSLER~ dr. sedan, radio the much needed merchandise fra;
Ask abeut speclal reduced contraet rates. way, newly invented machine and heater $865 the 3-2-0 West Lanca~ter Avenu
, Phone: Ardmore 5720-5721, Hilltop 3600. GReeawood 3-'l'140 • 1 rep]~ces hand method. No odor. no $187.50 '41 CHEVROLET-radio. htr._$795 ~rd!l10re stor~. Herb s commer
You may send money order, stamps or personal ebec Ir. Addre8ll aD CllI_ _....U - U ~
muss. Madison 8769-J. '48 FORD STATION WAGON- DrIve Sa~ely.!' "You don't· hal,
Cesspools $19 down Will deliver this suite radio & heater $1635 to pass red lights to get. to th
PubUSblnz: Company, 8 CrleJKft Aftoo ArdDIOn:. ra. Septic Tanlcs Cle....... LEWIS VPBOlBTERlNG. ~ '48 DODGE_Club Coupe, radio store, even tho you arrive aftl
FURNITURE INN and. heater $1595 9 P ..M., you can always knock (
REAL ESTATE-SAlE WANTEDTO~ . OcIor1ellll heavatln« Furniture Bepairin~ the SIde door, where I live, and yj,
HBP WANTED AlQ'Wbere. Anytime - r.owes& l"rkes 19 Cricket Ave., Ardmore
Ardmore 0910 what ;you want .•. I'm the accon
youNG EXECUTIVE AND WIFE WIt. So DICKMAN Porch &: Out Door Furniture .RAYMOND P. SCO'r.r, Inc. • modating type!"
WOULD ENJOY LIVING' I N R e p a i r e d &: Recovered Z6l! East Laneaster Avenae
MAY WE SUBMIT 'DIE FOLLOW- ARDMORE 3-4 room unfurnished Phone West Chester 1454 Expert Cabinet Workers EXCELLENT BUYS Wynnewood, Penna
J ING EXCLUSIVE LlSTlNGS~, apartment. 'Up to $75. Phone, Ard-I=============d Estimates Cheerfully Given MAKE OFFER Ardmore 2600 YOUR FURNITURE
more 5721, ask for Mr. Ingersoll. ~. CAMERA-Welta Weltur. 2 Jk by CAN HAVE A NEW LOOK
and Can be seen by appointment only. Or write Box R. I. No. 350, Ard- WA~ 1496 2lA,. Schneider Xenar f 2:8 lens Open Evenings Till 9 with our
1-------------- MERCURY
51 CHATHAM RD. $11,500
more, Pa.
$ 8,750 1_.:.- 1 R L. SM:lTII
2Z'1 Lancaster Ave. Wayne'" In Compur Rapid Shutter. Coupled
' range-finder and delayed action
I::!'!!=~===============I shutter. With Mendelsohn Model
Newly Invented Machine
Replaces Hand MethOd
t We have a few positions available 221 MARLBOROUGH----- $11,000 REGISTERED NURSE, HUSBAND ROOFING VENETIAN BLINDS E Speedgun; Weston Factory-re- EVANS CHEVROLET NO ORDE&-NO MESS
for those who can qualify in Pbila. 348 LINWOOD RD. $13,250 and 9 month old child, desire 3 SPOUTING AND GUTl'ERS, - - - - I conditioned. Master Model, 715 ex:- Before you buy any used car, any-
and nearby localities. 1510 W. WYNNEWOOD $13,500 room and bath unfurnished apart- LADIES-Compare the workman- posure meter; stainless steel de- PEZZELLA
also men t. NURSING S E R V ICE S Estimates furnished ship of the WiLco (Superior) veloping tank and reel, and com- where. see the display of really un- MADISON 8769-J
Come In for an interview The Corner of Lee· Circle and AVAILABLE AS PART PAYMENT Re-rooflng our specialty blind with others. New aluminum binatIon sunshade and filter holder. usual trade-ins at our show rooms.'
New ones every day and at new low I~_ _- L _
631 Arch St., Phila. Gainor Rd.,. Bryn Ml;\wr. New, ON MODERATE RENTAL. Write. .. 820 Montgome~ Ave. _ blinds, 48c per square ft.; new prices. , AT,LlED Dl!SIGNEI)
1 stone and brICk. ImmedIate posses- Box D. V. No. 350, Ardmore, Pa. NARBERTH 4428 steel blinds, 48c per square ft.; OUTBOARD MOTOR-Brand new,
7055 Terminal Square sion. $13,750 I::~::;:-:=~:;;;::;:::::_==:::_:=;I~=============~ Inew wood blinds, 65c per square Elgin two and a half horSe power. Breakfast Nooks, Recreation Rocm
Upper Darby GRADUATE STUDENT, wife and ft. Blinds refinished just like new, Never used except for run-in. Com- EVANS CHEVROLET Planned by Experts
TWP. UNE & BURMONT, D. H• Also Formica Top Kitchen Tablt
41 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore
ARDMORE 2500-2266
infant, with small dog, desire 2-
bedroom unfurnished apartment.
TR 7-8386 Main Line or suburbs. Convenient
--------------1 lANDSCAPING 35c per square ft. Built to your plete with Instructions, safety
specifications. All work done un- chain, extension arm for steering.
conditionall3' guaranteed. Free esti- CYNWYD 5588 after '4
SUNSET 7840 and Chrome Chaks

COMPoC2.¥'" Sunday & Monday-Ardmore 9692 to transportation. $55-$60. La 7- LAWN & GARDEN mates. Call GRanite 2-3430. Sun-,______________ PERSONAlS Allied Prodocts eo.
5693. MAINTENANCE set 5617-J, e v e n i n g s . ' 1-----=--.:.::=-=..:..:.:.:::::.=---- 126 N. 2ntJ St., PhlIa.
WAYNE VICINITY GENERAL Motors employee wants
to rent unfurnished 6-7 room
SHIHADEH, Cricket Avenue
and School Lane, Ardmore, look
-Before- he steals
YOUNG WOMEN Lovely Colonial home on almost house in suburbs, near schools and • B E R MAN N A D E OLD VENETIAlS BLINDS beautiful longer. Thorough dust- Your home-business-safe-oflice In all Its branches
18 to 25 Years of Age % acre. 3 bedrooms, tile bath. Well transportation. ApprOXimately $75 ST 2-c1Z68 REPAINTED In~ .and washing brings back the -store and valuables with the economically planned
Several desirable positions are planned 1st fioor and ~replace. per month. Phone Mr. Malone, KI COLOBS MATCHED ongInal beaut,}' In your rugs. Phone NEW 'EI • R d AI CONSULTATION SERVICE
tor large or small homes
, B Ma rand Cyn_ Powder room; garage, OIl heat. 6-1400. 1---------------1 NEW TAPES AND CORDS for estimate Ardmore 3446 ectronlc a io arm' INTERIORS
avaIlable in ryn w Especially priced for Immediate EXCELLENT WORK . . Alarm sounds when Intruder mere- tor all budJ;tets
wyd for young women ~~o have sale.-$14,750. t W. D. READING LAWSON LOVE-SEAT custom 1y approaches protected area. Oper- Mary Massey
had some high school trammg. CHEMICAL ENGINEER, wife and GENERAL LANDSCAI'ING 4247-58 W. STILES STREET made, American tape~try, $75. ates by. capacity of body entering Narberth 2278
These positions offer a good start- ~ost ~nusual offering. if purchas~d child. need unf~rnished apart- SERVICE GR 7-0765 GB'I-GOB Club Chair, "Charles of London," electrOnIc field. . Estimates Itladlv submItted
·th frequent increases ImmedIately. AttractIve Colomal ment or house by July 1st. EvceI- ALLAN BARR zimmerman mohair $50 B th . (not an electrIC eye) .
i ng sa Iary Wi . . . • • home with living room, dining lent references. Call Swarthmore MIll C k Rd Gladwyn h. VENETIAN BLINDS-Factory to f ..'. 0 m Unaffected by rain, snow, ice, tem.:...·1- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pleasant workIng condItIOns and a room, streamlined kitchen. An 3203-R, between 8 &: 10 P. M. ~MO_ 2492-We, . you, cash or TeI'IJls-Old blinds per ect condItIon. ~nd excellent perature or power line fluctuations LARGE, comfortable private sub
chance for advancement. large but compactly arranged 31~=====~====~== refinished like new. Estimate cheer- values. Phone TRInIty 7-2402. A. modern electronic development. urban. !I0m~ for elderly ladil1
Write giving age, education, ex- bedrooms, 2 tile baths and powder REAL ESTATE WANTED fully given. Suburban Venetian AYRE 0 OM SIMPLE - RELIABLE and semI-Invalids. Large porch. oJ!
'ence, l'f an", and telephane room-$16,750. Blind Co. Decatur 2313-R, or De- H lL L SHOP-:-Mrs. Fr~k INEXPENSIVE shade. Phone Ardmore 2314•
perl •.., t 2931 W 0 t, ancaster Pike at Sprmg
number. to Box M. L. No. 350. CHARLES E. PUSEY GARDEN PLOUGHING! ca ur. -. Mill Road, Villanova. Old China, YOu'1 MAY BE NEXT!
Ardmore, Pa, FOR ONE COMMISSION Reasonably Done WINDOW , S!JADES-VENETIAN Glass and Furniture. Special this ACT NOW! MOVING AND HAULING
Wa,yne 3320 OVER 500 UVE-WIBE BBOKI:BS SMALL OR LARGE GARDENS BUNDS. Linoleum. BOBSON .Ii: week. Duncan Phyfe Sideboard re- IT COSTS SO LITTLE TO PRO-
WAITRESSES (2). DINER WORK OWENS, 1015-1017 Lancaster Ave.. production, $125. TECT SO MUCH
:t4-mile East of Paoli. Experiencel CAN HELP GET A BUYER FO! Have your o~n grown vegetables Bryn Mawr. 1====---=----------- ONLY $99.50 PLUS SLIGHT IN- LIGHT HAULING
helpfUl, but not essential. Good YOU AT TOP PRICE QmCHL. thIS summer £ STUDIO COUCH, 3 CUshions, $l5. STALLATION CHARGE
working conditions, 48-hour week_ GLADWYNE .THROUGH Hilltop 8912 FOR SALE EUREKA Vacuum Cleaner, with For complete information- CHARLES J. COYLE
Good salary. Apply in person, GEORGE W. RI(:!IIABOS, IlL attaChments, $35. Two Spring TOp-
Twadd~ll Diner, Lincoln Highway, Exclusive all stone, 4 small bed- W 'I-'43S7 BEALTOB LO 'I-IQCIII---------=------liF~ODRRsSi"AAL~E_~:r;Nr.;e~w;-;aiiin~dituj;sed;(i~aiiiutiiiiio pers, 2 winter coats, sizes 12-14, all JOHN E. WAGENSELlER
Paoli. rooms and 1 bath. Automatic heat, LA\VN mowers, band and power, parts. Mu1Ilers. Springs. Axles. for $50. All in excellent condition. REGISTERED RADIO ENG~EER TRUCK RENTAL WITH OR
~====~========,2 car detached garage. Lot 92x145.1~=============1 sharpened and repaired. Foley Windshields, Door Glass, Glass Phone TR 7-1312. R SECANE, P.O., PA. WITHOUT DRIVER
t· = We feel that this is an unusual
""uENT Electrakeen system. Pick up and
Channels, Window Regulators. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - epresenting EI-Tronies, Inc.
buy inasmuch as it adjoins a 21- H0 ME IMPRO '''1I0OI' S delivery. C. W. McCulley, 1813 Bel- Brake Linings, Ignition Parts,. OWNER LEAVING CITY-MUST GARFIELD 5-2026, daytime PICKUP & DELIVERY
acre playground and opposite the evedere Ave., Brookline. Pa., Hill- Head, & Tail Light., Lens, Water SACRIFICE - FIRST $75 takes SWARTHMORE 2682, eves.
;You may be the one we're looking Gladwyne Public School. Selling top 3683-J. Pumps, King &: Pin Bolt Sets, Uni- it: . Beautiful Dark Oak, '10-piece - - - - - - - - - - . - : - - - - GRANITE 4-7424
, for! We require a pleasant wrr due to lllness. Price-$15,600.
man to act as neighborhood Repre-
sentative. Opportunity to earn $2.00 .JOSEPH M. BALTZ & CO.
versal Jointl5, Tires, Tubes. ete. DInIng Room Suite. Practically
HOME!·I====~="""=~~~~~ Everything for Inspection for Pas- new. Complete with wall tapestry.
senger Cars and Trucks. Shank's HIlltop 1109-J.
Licensed by State ... Recommend-
an hour, part or full time. Avon 41 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore Auto Parts, Westtown road. Next 1==-=-----.:.-------- ed by leading Physicians . . . for VETERANS with van. Eflid
Cosmetics. For interview in your ARDMORE 2500-2266 TR 7-8386 ',l'ERRACES to Greenmount Cemetery, West FIRST $80 TAKES IT-MAGIC aged Chronic. Convalescent, Senile ent, courteous servIce, reasonabl,
home, write to Mrs. Agnes Cliver, PLUMBING & III:&'DNG Chester 1617. ' CHEF GAS RANGE. Excellent , . rates. One piece or entire house
Bristol, R. F. D. No.2, Pa.
e============= KIRKLYN: Mociern stone and brick
condition. Phone Cynwyd ~549.
GOLF CLUBS-Lad;y's Set of 8
w_ Full or part loads, cargo insured
Day or night service. 6043 Wooll
18 ft. row homes, 6 rooms, color- 201 Price Ave. Go To The Ritz With Bobby Jones matched irons. $30. Sharon mil 1429 land Ave., Phila. Call AI.. BE 6-1'lOl
_ _~~:::IT::.U.:::.::!i.::TI:::.::O::N::.:S=-W:..:.::ANTED=:;.....::c._-ledtile bath, oil or gas heat. Posse&- FURNISHED OR INSTALLED The Money Saved! Phone Merion' 1614. . PRINTING OF ALL TYPES any tlJna.
_------------!OVERBROOK PABK-Modern all 2527-35 Haverford Rd., Ardmore Narberth 3648 7036 Terminal Sq., 2nd. fir. THE FIRST $100 will bUy a 10 A SPECIALTY LIGHT HAULING-IN PHILA. "
RELIABLE GIRLS-desire work ~o brick row homes, 6 rooms, color- ARDMORE 9491~ to 5:30 (W. Garrett Rd.) piece Dining room set. Walnut. Ask to see OUr sample book. SUBURBS, ALSO SEASHORE
earn funds for worthy cause. Will ed tile baths, gas heat, many ex- GR. 3-1798 after 6 Hrs. 10-5; Friday til' 9 P. M. Good condition. Phone Hilltop 1295. QUICK SERVICE TRIPS. Reasonable rates by
do housework, lawns mowed, all tras, possession. Financed. BOULEVARD 8'87 WILMER COLEMAN NORTH CITY SERVICE. CH 7-
-t,ypes of child care. Reasonable EXl'EBT Accepting Daily, Consignment Only COACH, Twin, Thayer. Very good IULLTOP 8866-1\1 LO 8-48H 7007 LI 9-1620 TR 7-9978
rates. References. Hilltop 14M-M. K E H R W lED E R PLUMBING AND HEATING condition, $20. Phone HIlltop , , .
or Ardmore 3282.
MOTHER and 12-yearold daughter
Sunset 5115
GR 4-2431
11NI'1' HA~::V~L
first Meeting May 31"
F Twp. Rec Program
Haverford Twp.
dU~~~~e t;:~u~:.:~t I
General housekeeping. References.
'th f ·1..
~~l sea~~. Carpenters, Cabinet Makers. Build-
ers, Alterations and Additions. LI ~6tlN
U 90-25l8
Pure silk. Will call and give free
blade; Used one summer. Perfect
condition. Phone Merion 0934-W. First meeting to organize
the Haverford Township Adult
Nlone Is Stronger
Call Ardmore 3482, 6 to 8 P. M. 1411lsAt SCHITaS30~NWRDork•• 'HAGuaraVERntTOeedWN EVergreen 2-3275 GUITAR, Spanish type, like new. Recreation program will be Haverford Township A. A.• which
DEVON 1~=============:!'I~::::-7:"=:;-:;::==;~~-_-==:;:--=::;
I: ' I"'20withC IIcase andMinstruction books. h eld T uesday, May 31, at 8 P. operated as Havertown last sea·
CLEANING-Housework or Rest- BIBBORS PLANTS-Vegetable, Annuals and oj' • a Bryn awr 0151-R. M., in Room 113 at Haverford
aurant, Reliable, references. IIILLTOP ISlI-W GlASS AND Many Varieties of Hardy Plants. High. At the first two meet- son, should be even stronger this
Phone Bryn Mawr 0359, after 1 "DEVONWOOD" is a small com-'~=============+--------------11, 2 and 3 years old. Sweet Wil- 15 foot. Lyman Boat, 22 H. P. Ings, leagues will be formed in ;yeaI' than last, according to Ray
• P M munity of well-spaced country CABI'ENTRY AND B1JIr.D1NU Glass & mirrors fOr all purposes Iiams all colors dwarf and tall, in Johnson Motor. Phone Ard. 0351. b·a eb II d ftb II E
. ., each on a wooded 1L acre Old mirrors remodeled &: resilvered- bud ~nd bloo~. Malvern 2410-R. s a an so a. delman, business manager.
. STENOGRAPHER-1st class, de- or more. At North side of Devon
sires Home T~ping. Phone Hill- station. Fast, comfortable train
Wall mirrors made to or er_ before 2:30 P. M. Quann's Flower
TAGYE'S, BOULEVARD 3082. 1315 Garden, Old Lincon Highwa,y, Mal-
Present to assist with the
Adult recreation program will
be Steve Juenger, Haverford
The Ford nine, holding initial
drlIls under Allie Cornog, who also
" top 2960-J.
commutation to Phila. business
D I It
H will pay you to inspect
(A Specialty)
West Chester Pike. vern. CHEVROLET'48-Fleetline, 4 dr.
ACCORDION-SO base, new, with We sold thl's car new and highly $250 worth of accessories.
basketball coach; Gerald (Doc)
Harter, wrestling coach', Elea-
doubles as Haverford High base-
b· a 11 coac, h WI'11 b e h an d'lCappe d by
isp ay
today. omes at "Devonwood'· . GENERAL REPAIRS .PAlN'.QNG "" pAPJ:BDANGING shift. Special, $89.50. 69th Street recommend and guarantee it at nOr Hess, George
structress, Robert JonesSchool and
in- th e Iass 0 f Ace B e, 11 w h 0 h. as joined
PIANO TECHNIQUE, will take PEARTREE & PASFIELD, INC. _2429 Wynnefleld Dr.. BavertowlL
Music Center, 7012 W. Garrett $1595. Very low mileage. 24 months
Road (Next to 69th St. Theatre). financing.
Boulevard 4785.
Evans Chev. Co.• Sunset 7840
William Rack.
Four baseball cirCUits will be
formed at the :first meeting.
the Cayuga club.
But the Havertowners boast a
wealth of other talent. Among the
limited number of beginners and at Wynnewood Station 1NTERI0B-EXTEBIOB TWELVE HALF SCREENS. Township Line &: Burmont rd. DR The;y are the American (no age likely prospects are Manny Menen-
advanced students. Will instruct Residential Developers 28 years experience-Reasonable BRONZE WIRING _ All sizes. CHEVROLET '4A 'Town sedan. A llmit>; the National <18 and dez, hard-hitting outfielder from
throughout. entire summer. Call Ardmore 6900 or TRinit,y 7-9500 HOMES BUILT TO OBDJ:B prices. Th 44~ x28l,4 t 28~ x20lA, v- under); the International <16 Manoa; Bill Turner, former1y of
evenings after 7 P. M. Narberth CARPENTBY-JOBBING GO ANrWIIERE . ree 2 . ; r-'0' !l ; beautiful one owner car. Strictly and under; and the Junior (14 the .Lancaster Roses, who can
2999-W. ALTERATIONS Prompt Service-Free Estimates SiX, 28l,4x24~, oJ}e 36~x2_~ $1.00 A-1 and only $695. Guaranteed. 18 and under). pitch, play first base or roam the
D S STEPHENS each., Phone Madlson 6 93. months financing. The week of June 20 is outfield, and young Tom Jones,
. INSTRUMENTS LOANED TO ALL O. F. GISEL . BRYN MAWR !18G PIANO-Lindeman & Sons. Con- Evans Chev. Co., Sunset 7840 scheduled for the beginning of Haverford High hurler, who lost
BEGINNER STUDENTS. All in-ARDMORE-Lower Merion TWp. N Lind A sale ~ype mah?gany. Excellent Township Line &: BUI'IJlont rd. D.H. the League games. three Section One games this year

struments taught. 69th Street Mus- 21 single brick Colonials near 218.
ic Center, 7012 W. Garrett Road, Wynnewood Rd. School, opposite
(Next to 69th St. Theatre) Blvd. w.ynnewood Rd. playground. sam_I~==========~=~IDECORATINGPR B
en veo, Upper - -
for begmner or Ideal for recrea-
~ 'YOUR tion room. Ve~~. good condition. CHEVROLET ,'46-% ton panel,
Reasonable. TRlruty 7-7611. 17,000 miles. Never lettered. Ex-
St. D. enlS· Woms by 1-0.
These newcomers, combined with'
the. veterans of last ;year's highly
PLEASURES come your w~ 11. A. ~. to 7 P.~. The lowest
pie house completely furnished.
Open.S at. afternoon. all day Sun..
... _
.,;..... dODe
e_&"" Y
fioor model and hand
Good running order. Reasonable.
cellent tires and guaranteed at
VACUUM CLEANER.-Kenmore, $795. 18 mon th s fi nancmg.
E h C
vans. C ~v. 0., Sunset 7840
R 81 successful club, will make the
Fords the match of any amateur
or. semi·pro team in the. Phlladel·
when your Bridge bidding and Play prIced smgle homes In Lower Mer- Estimates given Phone Hillto 6829-.1. TownshIp Line & Burmont rd. DR ph18 ar~a. Edelma~ claIms. The
are satisfactory; Take a few brush- IOn Twp. Jos. M. Baltz & Co., Ard- RADIO & ELECTRIC DAVID MeFADDEN p . Goo<! control by Ralph Edmis- locals WIll open theIr season Mon~
up lessons now. AL 4-8281. more. 9692; Ardmore 2500. REPAIRING formerJur with Chapman Decorat- ENGLISH SET!ER.-M!l;le. 9 mos. CHEVROLET '47-~ero Sedan. ton, in addition to brilliant support day, June 6, on the Haverford
. Co Black and white. BeautIful mark- One owner, low ml1eage and a afield, enabled St. Denis' baseball High field In Brookline.
er, 5235 Catherine St., W. PhUa,
43 Pa. Teaching all summer. Write Old stone house on % acre. Excel-
SAratoga 'l-MZ8
. Ings, $25. Bo;y's dog. Phone Clear- car we know and recommend. team to score its ninth consecutive
brook 3298-J.
Guara,nteed at $1450. 24 months victory of the- season In a CYA
League game last week.
U cout LOOp
fo~ booklet. Veteran facilities. lent setting. Old shade. On a main 18 w. ~iiio;m:iz~anen:h ROOM SET. Bronze Maple, ex- Evans. Ch~v. Co., Sunset 7840 . S~. Colman's, of Ardmore, fell
~=============Iroad. Needs some repairs. $6,000.
EMPLOYMENT AGENOES swe~~::d~d~~~ern
cellent condition. $200. Hilltop TownshIp LIne & Burmont rd. D.H. VictIm to the Oakmo~t array .bY
6274-W. FORD '47--Station Wagon. Me- 8-1. Johnny S.tretch, WIth two sm-
.. 0pens
MALVERN 17M \ chanically perfect· body like gles and a triple, and Dodger Mc-
MALE & FEMALE GRIFRTH Free Estimates 3-PI~CE upholstere~ .living room new. One owner. Pho~e Bryn Mawr Cann, with two hits In four trips In the CUb Scout League's an-
REAL ESTATE FOR RE~r- ElECTRIC SERViCE ~ 852 N. Wynnewood Rd. SUIte, gOOd . condItion. Almost 4512. to the plate, led the Winners. nual all-star game Saturday at
Meyer Employment Agency House a d Powe Wiring GR '1-3586 new custom-made slip cover. Rea- , 8' 4 ST. DENIS Narberth field, the Merion Pack 29
6 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore APARTMEN'l'S ElectrlcnRangeS ktalled 1 I=so-=n~a_=b:-=le_.-P_:_h-on-e_,_G-R_:_::3""-_:7:_;~c_18:-·-::----IP~~ed::' ra~~In:::'~, h~~f: M h If AB.~. H .. O. A team, defending. champion,
ARDMORE 7761 PAPERHANGING-Expert work- PONY, a beauty, 42" hIgh 3 years Perfect runnn;g order Ardmore uriJ y, 0 0 0 0 4-3 over five rIval teams playmg
STENOS-Suburban $45-50 OVERBROOK _ Wy,nnewood Rd. HILLTOP 4005-M manship, reasonable prices. No old. Well trained. Saddle and 0296 . . McFadden, If 2 0 0 1 0 alternate Innings.
TYPIST, Sub. $35-40 NeWly decorated, 3 large fur- iC?b too small. Estimates cheerfully bridle. Reasonable. 1 Union Ave., . McCann, 2b 4 2 2 5 3 Bobby McAlaine starred for the
HIGH SCHOOL GRADS $30-35 nished rooms, private bath, utili- Member Phila Elec. Assoe. given. THOMAS H. BURROWS, Bala-Cynwyd. qrnwyd 0138. BUICK-'40 Super Sedan, Tor· ~~eltch. c 4 2 3 5 0 winners, retiring 12 via the strIke-
TYPING MAILING SERViCE ties. Suitable for' 2 or 3 nurses,I --" 1136 OAKLEY RD., mGHLAND pedo Bod;y, 4-door. Newly in- !. e ~an, 1b 3 0 1 7 0 out route during the five innings
DONE IN THIS OFFICE :eachel'S or professional men. $90 PARK. SUNSET 616L ALUMINUM BATHINETTE. ~d spected. Radio and Heater. New ~aglIo, 3b 4 1 1 1 4 and starting a dOUble play to re-
Day's Work-Couples-Week's Work:Ionth. TR 7-7759. FRED P. McCARTHY & SONS Pad, BassInette,. IJ:Bd and ImIng tires. Excellent condition. Mak' ~riss.ey~ rf 2, 0 0 0 0 tire the 13th and 14th batters to
~o~plete. Also Chl1d s Walker and offer. Phone Hilltop 8964-R.
:>wmg. GR 7-1470.
'tOSSI, ss
!ys0.n, cf 2
3 0 0 2 3 face him. He had onl;y one bad in.
1 0 0 0 ning, the first, when Ardmore Pac'k
CORLEY'S DOMESTIC EMPLOY SmalI 2 rooni. apartment, unfurn- AND REPAIR WOBK 3INGLE SED _ Solid vermontlWILLYS JEEPS and JEEPSTERS' .dmlston, p 1 0 0 0 0 74 scored all three of the loser's
MENT AGENCY-Have now or ;hed. Private bath, gas and elec- NARBERTH 3811 1N'rEBI0R AND EXTERIOR Maple, with Cable spring, $35. NEW. IMMEDIATE DELIV~Y - runs. I
hand, couple for weeks work ant ric inclUded. Rear entrance. No h. Phone '11S'I IAlMJMter Ave ,}ood condition. Phone· Narberth WILLYS, 410 N. 63rd St., Phill' Totals 25 8 T 21 10 The league season wl1l officially
weekly housework. References in :hlldren or pets. B;llltop 7606.' Cynwyd 1425... Paoli 2010Bryn Mawr Z6&8 BqIa Mawr. PIt.. 2943-W. Phone AL 4-8866. ST. COLMAN open on Thursday, with all six
• vestlgated. Norristown 3769.
APARTMENTS-SEASHORE R1TA1S AD-VENTURES AB. R. H. O. A.. te.ams In action. Penn Wynne 33
Ohll O'Brien, 5S 3 0 2 0 2 WIll play Penn Wynne 155 at the
WANTED TO BUY fLANTIC CITY-Apartment and " 'olano lC 4 1 1 2 0 Penn W~nne Schoolfieid; Ardmore
• rooms for summer. Reservations,
easonablerates. Phone TR 7-1199.
FIX"Tll' COST OF "t't)UR. 1419 A.OVER:TlSING- TI-lA.-rS 5alG+n',VANCE-AND
'aylor, p
:.J 0 0 0 0 36 opposes Ardmore 74 at Wynne-
4 0 0 1 3 wood Rd. Playground, and Nar-
MR. COLEMAN BUYS SINGE: ~===~~~~=:!l:t==1 AOVER:TlSING--'ttJU DO IS PL.ANNED AND AS I WAS TELLING-RITA, -helan, c 3 0 0 9 1 berth 212 tackles Merion 29 at
MACHINES - Marble furnitur, GARAGES CONSISTENT. A.S ANV TIME SPENOING- M :denburg, 1b 2 0 2 :; 0 Merion School.
Antiques, old fashioned and use elley, rf 1 0 0 0 0
furniture, rugs, frames, paintinr rERBROOK - Garage for rent.
Reasonable. Convenient to City
·cCormlck, cf 2
le O'Brien, 2b 2
0 0 1 0 A
0 0 3 1
dm r ore' me eats
N· B
old lamps, clocks, banks, jewel
old· gold and silver, fine china, ( Ie Shopping Center. GR 7-1470. ·nklns, rt 3 T
0 0 0 ~ rinily Lutheran. 4-2
glass, pianos, feathers, hair. D: Totals 27 1 IS 21 7 The Ardmore PresbyterIan baslJoo
'l'ANCE NO OBJECT. 907 N. 7 . Denis 3 3 0 0 1 0 1-8 Jall team defeated TrInity Luther-
St. LOmbard. 3-9332. . Colman 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1n, 4-2, with Hagerman the win-
'ing pitcher.
WANTED 'TO BUY - scrap· Iro B4D1D-T.ELIlVISION Ardmore Baptists won over Ard.
BEPAIBS ~olIer Derby Series :ore Presbyterian, 8-5. and upset
old and wrecked cars. Shan'
Auto Parts. Phone West Chesl • NABBEBm
Thrills, spills and plenty of actIor rlnlty Lutheran, 10-2 before tying
1617. 15 provided at the Philadelphia ·ith St. Paul's.
ELEClTBIC II; RADIO co. rena as the Roller Derb,v opene, . Games are pl~ed at six o'clock
;, BABY S'J;ROLLER, good condltIol•. I'onest and Haverford Ava'
Phone GR 7-4565 between 6 and NABBIlB'JU oaa serles of nightli' games, ~ed I the evening on· fields at SoutJl
nesday, Ardmore, Manoa, and Gladwyne,
• •

SchoolChildren Mattis, Lentz Help Manage Family Routed

Says Chiang Can't (Continued from Page One) Colonial Pool; Opens Sunday In Cynwyd F)-re'
my Campbell, John Hamilton;
Recover China Third, Edna Dougherty, Maitland
Bottoms, David Peoples, Stephen Dog Gives Alarm in
Lost Face W-ith People, Scherer. $15,000 Blaze Sunday
Speaker Tells Lions Dash: Winners, Diane Guthrie,
Sandy Smith, Barry Esslinger,
Fire swept the C"ynwyd home of
Wen~ell B. Stewart, Philadelphia
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek Roger Chain; Second, Kathleen lawyer, early Sunday, routing the
stands little chance of recovering Ervine, Pete~ Rau<j1, Clarke Deal, family and a guest, bringing injury
China from the Communists in the Alicia Lewis; Third, Tom Test, to two firemen and causing damage
()pinion of a Haverford College pro- Jean Anyon, Betsy Tingle, Karl estimated at $15,000.
Heintz. In the house at 20 Radcliff Rd.
fessor recentlJr returned from the
Bean bag: Winners, at the time were Stewart, a partner
Far East.
Crocheran, Doug Shank, Roger in the Philadelphia law firm of
Speaking before' the Main Li!!e Chain, Tommy Johnston; Secon~, ,Cummings, Stewart and Spencer';
Kiwanis Club, at the Conestoga Kathleen Ervine, Nancy Sander, his wife Phebe; their two sons!'
Mill, Tuesday evenlng, Prof. Martin James Dallas, Susan Wanamaker; Harry, 16, and Wenaell, Jr., 12, and
Bruns said the Generalissimo's Third, John Clayton, <' Tom Test. the I~tter's guest, Stephen Boyd,
, policy of siding with big business- Bobby Ruglerri, Alicia Lewis. who lives a short di'stance away at
Hopping races: Winners, Tommy Radcliff Rd. and Lodges Lane.
men while in office weakened his Johns,ton, Sandy Smith, Virginia Mrs. Stewart told police and fire-
prestige considerably. Watson, Karl Heintz; Second, men she heard a dog barking inces-
, He offered the general popula- Betsy Tingle, Robert Baker, Lois santly about 2 :30 A. M" and asked
tion nothing, so that when the Krug, Clarke Deal; Third, Susan her husband to investigate. He
Communist faction entered the pic- Wanamaker, James Eyster,' Cyn- went downstairs, found the living
ture, it was easy for them to win . thia Smith. room ablaze and rousl!d the family
support, Prof Bruns said. Peanut scramble: Winners, and guest.
The speaker described the out- Buddy Rugierri, Lois Drug, Jean DICK MAnIS ' WARREN LENTZ Meanwhile Patrolman \homas A.
:rageous black market operations of Anyon, Barry Esslinger. Lance, making a routine check in
China where medicine bearing Red Third Grade Winners e. R. (Dick) Mattis, head coach the present management on Sun- a police radio car, had noticed
CroSs labels is sold at exorbitant, Bean bag races: Winners, Gloria of football at Lower Merion High day. smoke and called in a' fire alarm.
prices along the city streets, ~ Swanson, Nancy Ann Egmore, School and Lentz coachW~rren Among the life guards selected Lance then rushed into the living
while patients In the hospitals die Charles Senn, Jay Catherman; and teacher at the Ardmor: Junior are Dan Leitch 3.d., 155 ArdmOl,:e room, .where he f~und the flames
because of lack of mellical supplies. Second, Ethel- Watts, Barbara. ' 4 ve., Ardmore; Bill Alexander, 24 spreadmg and cuttmg off the front
Professor Bruns expects the ca- Gensel, David Steven, Larry Flood. High, are two of the three man- Rockhill Rd., Bala-Cynwyd; Earl stairway. He carried the Boyd boy
pitulation of Nationalist China Hopping race: Winners, Et.heI agel's this summer at the Colonial Langley, Jr., 1515 Wynnewood Rd., partly overcome by smoke, down
within a few months, he said. Watts, Susan McClure Millard Village Swimming Club, which Ardmore, and William Clear 219 a back stairway to safety.
Hayden, Dan George; se~ond, Deb- opens for its eighth season under Elm Terrace, Narberth. ' Assistant: fire marshal James
orah Stewart, Nancy Ann Egmore, Mullin, 116 Elm Ave., Ardmore,
College Whirl Franklt-n P Kromer to Ret-
Dear Dottie, John Boericke, Egedio Mestichelli; was treated at Bryn Mawr Hospital
F"om 'II I " " " ,"" I, p"h'""
the only college campus in the
,"un"'y wh"e p"ple , ... doing
Thl,d, Undo Snmm,,', Jnd
D~h, Th=~,
Clain, Judy Esty, Ross Campbell.
Helen MMy Ann
- • After 24 Y earstre
A S J US t tee foo' • d"p ,ut 00 th, dg" hand,
and Rudolph Neely, a member of
]h, Union Fi," ComQ'oy of B,I.·

any woek at ,hi,

tim, of yea'; ,.,. Egmo,", MI,h.., B,,,..t. D'n F,anklln P. Krom", Low" Cynwyd, w", "'ent,d fm ",t. on
po'" of M'Y Day ,,1'h"Uo", ,nd Genega; ,",ond, G]o'" Swan"n, M"ion Town"'ip J"tiee of the ]h, ,ceo< hy poll", ,u'geon D,.
,p,ing pmtl.. ju", ended ood pi,",
for commencement, exercises to
Judy "'ty, MIll.,d H.yden, Jnhn
Caulwell; third, Deborah Stewart,
Pea" foe 'he pMt 24 yen", "
going to retire. ~~~\~~~~i{~~"""\"C-c;~~=:~=~=~=~=,,W!=~-~-
J"n" f" Shnemalre,·. '

come are all that reach me from .John Boerieke, Susan McClure, Squire Kromer announced this 30 YEARS
bur friends at other campuses.
Baldwin Schoo] g,.,dua'e Pat
Egidio MesticheIli.
P'annt ""mbl" W'nne",
week that he will not be a candi-
d,te foe "-,I,,tlnn in the f,lI. Hi,
' Of G~d
M.'n line Raofi. .
PM,h" i, bn<y ,t Smith heing Su"n M,Cln", J"queUno P"th,. p,,"ent teem expi", the fi"t Mon· ,; • Sheet Molal
briefed on her duties as a junior THE SUSPENSE 'IS AWFUL ,- more, Egedio Mestichelli, Miliard day in January, 1950. THE HARVEY ROOFING CO.
u,I,,' ,t th, Smith College ",m. H,""en. "Twenty-I,"' y.." " • long n. ,. COOK. M",.
menremen' ,ext mo,th. Th, on'- Fon'''' G""'e He,ell, time '0 woe" at • jnb 'ha' keep, -, Ph'". NARB"BTU ...,

standing leaders of the junior clas,;

are chosen for this honor, which in:'
Sent·or H:ghI-
Buck to Head Hi-Y Club
Gives $50
Dash: Winners, Wesley Merz,
Jimmy Purring, Roberta Ogdin,
you bUSy practicaiiy 24 hours a
day," the Squire said. "I want to
valves carrying the ivy chain at the
senior Ivy Day procession and
School Notes Naborbood Club To Phlbppmes PrOject
The Lower Merion Hi-Y club
Grace Boney; Second, Jackie Mc-
Clintock, Charlotte Dean, Teddy
take life a little easier and have
time to go fishing: .
ushering at the president's tea h t t 55 f th d Goldsborough, Joey George. "Most peopie think," he added,
and similar traUltional graduation By Pat Compton and was as o. a ers, so~s ~n Hopping: Winners, Jimmy Ren- "that all a justice of the peace
events. Marty Voge,ler Annual Election Held guests at a dmner at the Mam Lme nix, Herb Swarn, Esther Martin. does is to fine people for speeding.
Dorothy James was co-chairman A debate worth debating-How Tuesday in Fire Hall YMCA on May 17. Three-legged raCes: Winners,
I don't believe I've fined anyone I
of the elections commit.tee which many school days are left?, Some A check for $50.00 was presented John Dodge, Donald Ervine, Bar- for speeding in the five years.

Buc~nell Uni.versi\~s Spri~g

determined the May Queen for seniors count two, others number by Lewis Thomas, Jr. president of bara Howgate, Carol Grow, .Wesley Most of my work IS. m my ownl
annual Dnt"" seven, claiming that all next week
F .."'" ..,h" thu month. Ihe d,b, tn \ D,. A. J.'Wuh.m"n,
. . Merz, Joey
CUnt"k, George,
Robe" Jackie Mc-
Ogden, office, where
thnugh I sometimes
I'm "nning feel aSI
a "mbination In All B,•••h..
,,,ho's an officer of Alpha Chi haw to get up and go to school
Wl;! chairman of the World Service Wheelbarrow races:. Winners, legal aid service, public relations ROBERT H.
Omega, is taking a medical tech- even if only to practice for gradu ,committee, for the Philippine Jimmy Rennix, Steve Vernon, bureau and employment agency." Bacharach DEN iii I S
nology course when she's not busy aUon. Jealous juniors and sopho "Ca~Ping ' project under the Youth James Purring, and Albert Massey. SCl;uire Kromer's sun-porch oflice FRANIUJN F. KROMER
roo'ing e]e"ion'. mote' have ""n day, toe 11 if World SerVIce . ' Ebersole,
and eRstoratlOn S"k "'''' AlbertWi"e",
Massey; B"b"a
Second, at
home, been33one
Tte,a"" Rd., Cyn·
of the township's 1;F==l'~h:on:e=A~R~D=l\~IO:R~E~'~538~:6==~
10 - 12 E. SPRING AVl'.
. C I ' un . Roland Fleer and Martha Cooper. landmarks for nearly a quarter of candidate for re-election and have - - - - - -
h"""'"'' "
And June Enid Rose, who's study-
,t,tI w"ttn" hee
at ar et?n CO,lIege, ~~rthfield,
friends about the fun she had as
the half days are counted) but
. . '
they don't count. They don't have
the ferocIOUs fmals that the labor-
F d
Oth,,· ,,<Vlee p,.j.." who have Fifth Gea" Wlnn....
received contributions from the Sack races: Tiffy Nevins, Ellen ,~anted
a ,entn". Hero, like lh, poat who no intention " ,.nning I", any
to "live in a house .by the other, political a lIice,:, the Squire

a member of the cast in the May ing seniors have. According to the . . " . . Boney, Robert Dockety, Patsy Side of the road and be a friend to saul Jll announclllg hiS retirement,\ The Dogwoods are over
club thiS yeal ale. The Salvation Purvis' Second Bill Bitetti Dick man," Squire Kromer has listened "I am still a 'Republican and shalt
fete there. The Carleton campus C-V Survey, therefQre, seniors Army, Christ's Home, Care- pack- Furn'lss', JI'11 Pe·den. ' to the problems and troubles of continuc my deep intercst in POli-\ b V II
1h "me L I k ],k", h' hknown" t . havo 'au' ond ona.h.lf "'" ages to Europe, The Bryn Mawr Hopping races: Ricky Weihen- hundreds of men and women. And tit's. We arc blessed with wonderful nt • ey Fe,ge i, ,till
h" .,tlfi,i.1
. Ie nd yman h hes,1h W f'
lS a
IC , I fal.n school remaining (two plus the
s on w IC ,e e ,e I se IS five-half days) and, underclassmen ' °
HU'plta] Bala·Cynwyd Schoo' Soc' msy,", Betty Ogdin, Robeet Doek- none,f th
d' E h
I I ft ,mpty·" I d"., h'"' m
ety Ann Collins' Second HanK handed, for the "Judge's" store of Township and Montgomery County.
. ],,,vo" M"ion beautl'ful • , •
" .
I . Th~
c.ombmatlO hi.cast puts on sorto.nofthe
ballet-ope.ret.ta a have ouraboYut
MOl'e, s math .
senYI'ors, of course. vice an uropean rp ans. '
Mnllln, ,.
Pat McLelster,
Pau" Bn,"" Jill'
Raymond sympa
p,den. th y an d un
baa' gene""" derstandmg
,I,"ted with. all.h as TI didley,oop"'alion,
have alwaysand . I ,hall
given me splen-

P Two (2) Milk Bars
IS ands w nI e the SitS on The baccalaureate serviee will be HARRY A. BEACH Dash: Winners, Ted Horning, Day and night the Kromers' tinue to work with and for them."
the shore watchmg across the held in the auditorium May 31 Harry A. Beach; honorary presi- June Winters, Robert Docl{ety. phone rings-police, lawyers and Squire Kromer has been one of At the Dairy-Wayne
t f I h dent of the Forty Plus of Philadel- Patsy Purvis; Second. Tiffy Nev- socia service agencies now that the outstanding and untiring work-
IUSA It t sounds like a really
ow.I P t C t beau- t II at 8 P. M. for tIle senl'ors' and thel';
parents. The Rev. George C. Lur- I~'
phlo, di,d W,dn""'ay at the i"" Debbie Sldw,n, DI,k Fnani", I,. .". I ,w,y'
' w''11'tng. t 0 k h 'p I am1 "., .m tl " RbI' ,pu' ,,,n "'gan"alion
The New Snack Bar
Sandwiches - Coffee
o~e Wheelbar~ow
no e rom.a omp on e s wick and the Rev. Harold S. Faust h f h' d ht M D ' Ann Collins ' that his advice will be both prac- here for many years. For twPlve
me that Merle SIeber, who gradu- will deliver the invocation and the IlARRY L. BUCK a IS aug er,. rs. aVId races: Winners, tical and sympathetic. years he served as Republican Com- Light Foods
ated from Lower Merion in 1942, baccalaureate address. Bob Hal- Ball·.d Fox, at 613 Zollinger Way, Joe Barone, John Ruggieri, Ricky "Although I'm not going to be a mitteeman in the Cynwyd district.
Dairy Cottage No. 2-
-~eller, •
has receutly been :Iected president berstadt, '49, will playa trumpet Harry L.Buck was nalP- ed presi- Menon. He was 73. Weihenmayer, John Burrees; Sec- anza
= 'W

b Zeta. AlphaT dEpSilon
' hand N has' alsoI solo ' "I Heard the Voice of Jesus dent of the Bala-Cynwyd ,M Neighbor-r . Beach was president of the and, Bill Bitetti, Charles Grow, J oanne McCIm t ocIi, Espel' Branch Ann !-1 anson, Valley Forge
een InlSocietylate Illto of Engmeers
Penn State Merle who was a lieu-
t e. atlOna
° at Say,"
On by
Ivy Rathbun.
Day, June 1, the I v
'11 b B b G dl I
hoody Club' at the annual
and electiOns held Tuesday, at 8.15
Forty Plus organization a job- Harry Jackson, Jim Jordan.'
k' f ' 40 f Sixth Grade Results
Seco de L ucena. . I George Purring, and 1l'lua Recs. Dinners • Snac:ks • Sandwic:hes
Boys dash, won by Ronnie Har- In second place were JerI'''.' F!et- All Brookmead Produc:ts at Retail
tenant m naval aviation
durm~ . ra or WI e 0 0 ey; vy
the Bearer, Nancy Leith; Spade Man, P. M. m Umon Flr~
. . .
Hall. Els~bet
see mg group or men over , or, Girls dash, won by Judy Allyn; rison; second. George Barclay;
a number of years before retiring' second, Fleer. third, Bon- third, Boh \Vebb. Three-legged cher, Judy Allyn, Lynn Cuthbert,

war, was a.member of the National Dick Oliver; and Ivy Poet, Mort Other officel'.> named at the meet- recently because of illness. nie Boardman. Three-legged race, race. won by John Heller and John Sally Watts, Bob Beatty, and
~onor Co~m- a~, :\~cClinto('k,
1, the t
and the rac
k d
Society, the Stud:nt
staff anof the

mg news
Grosser. Junior girls will carry ing included D. Alvin Kime, vice
. . • He was a former

sales manager won
earns, the daisy chain so painstakingly president., DaVI d G. W II son, secre- for the old Victor Talkin Machine Fleer; second, were Eleanor Mar- Co nn:
by Judy Allyn and Elsabet Conners. R e l wmnel.'s,
. D'IC k 1M c- Joanne
ell R onme H ar1'1son, George J<IeI(B onner and DICk McCon-
paper while he was at Lower
M .'
ellon. ....
pte e Y t , "",..
sophomores who alsol tary-treasurer, and T. Ewing Mont-
g m'
Commencement plans and speak- a e y'. s I,CI01.
tin, Cynthia Clayton. Relay won Barcla)', Bob Beatty.
Cn., and a'" nf St"mo"g-C.,'· by JudY Allyn E1"b,' FI...
son, of Rochester, N. Y. Boardm~n,
Bonnie Sher~
J1('1l WOIl t lle
The "venth gead, gi";, high Ch"'" M,ne'mon and noh Beatty
jump, won by .Jednne Mackenzie; took second places, and Chal'les
I Guernsey Dairies
Out at ColumbIa, MISSOtllI, Joyce ers have been announced by Mr. The SIX directors who Will serve Besides his daughter he is sur- 0 d
second Lynn Wycoff' third Mary Blair ancl Rorald Harrison took

f;;;;.;.~~·~'~·---------~;::;~;;:;;:;:=i:i~~=~~=~~~ "
J\[unller .and Joan I d Ruth Kemlall George H . G'lb . , I P au I d urmg
I ert, prmclpa. . the next term are RIchard . vived by two sons Kenneth M of Boys a . dash won by Hugh Mac- Cooper.• Eighth '. . grade ' girls. ' . high
. . third " "
places '
are 00they mg will
a leaea'"to bold next olfee, G
year Alpers
r I' Geneva Grosz
. " and Jane G. L . , .C,itI.,: " . won by J ooon' M'cr " t ee k 'I,I CLEANING. DYEWG. REMODELING •
I,~ e~ts w~o
when 'd I , Ay", W,]it,m F. Beatty, Redwnod C,ty, and Ha"Y A., Lacen; ""oond, T",y Snyde" Jump
I k '1 IC t, S u lave re- Charlton F. Chute Eugene C De- Jr., of Providence, R. 1. Funeral thil'd Rusty Chain. Three-legged second, Irma Rees; third, Patsy • EXPERT REPAIBING. PRESSING
on e s u en counci on occupa- celved all A's In thell' three y e a r s ' ' serv~ces
. . . h eld S a t urday 'm Hrace, ' won Clark .
gr~ o~s
t d t at Stephens Col- at L .M" and 1\10 l' t Grosser, e lect d
B~I~-C'fnw'ld Cleaners
tionalth guidance e Vol, Philip H. Putnam 'and EWallace
l m i r a Nwere Y Eb byI R Jerry IFletcher
b H andh S· th d b h' h .
lege. Joyce has been selected as by the seniors. will speak at the R. Smiles. ' . . enry er e., e ay w0I!: y ug IX e Ig. Jump, won
romotion and publicity chairman e' J 3 t 8 P M Th MacLaren, Dale McClam, Terry by ArthUl Mulhn. Jack Bonner

Pl~:~ent.eT~e p'J'og~~m :11 ~es~lel~

ex rClses, une a . , e Annual reports of the outgoing JOSEPH F HlC S d H M C II' f th th gra de b oys e!l til
for the group and Joan has been R CI t A S ft 'II I b
~ollowed ' " • KEY ny er, arry" c anne .
a~d won or e seven

~he r~sults.
electlO~ J~dY glad~
appointed With the three officers the announcement Solemn Requiem Mass was sung Girls dash. won ?y Sail! Watts; Dick Connell for the 'eighth PUONE CYNWYD 2036 Z05B.u.A AVR.

~~a~~~~~~~~~~cl~~~~R~~~~~~~~m~~a,~~~~~~ br~ad
other senior officers of the execu- either on Pennypacker Field or of
~.~~ ~~ ~h:c:k~:p:~:r:c~y:,~B:o:n:n:l:e~B:o:a:r:d:m:a:n:,~~~~~u~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
tive board, the girls will assist in in Downs Gym if it rains, so cross
in st. Margaret's Church, Nar- second, Purrmg; tlnrd, Jean
prmcipal speaker was Dr. berth, Tuesday morning for Jos- MacKenZIe. Three-legged race, of the
boyS., .
Jump were
Let Vs Keep You WeD Groomed.

li'"'' w~k. G,~n,
.."lee fo> e"h jo"," Stephen< i, th, motto of th.
,'ndenL On the
~ ---=---:::-=~-_._-=
of ""nn"•. D,.
15= -
~ -=--==__.
,; =-- -
'Ide i, the renine knnwn om,teoe m""ntatn dimlte', .--' ; ; = = - - ,=-~~'
a w,ll·
. _-.:, ~.:'
..::::::E di,d ..dden'Y at hi, hnm, nn F,]- Bach'" H,y"en, Judy F.,,]ng,
day. He w"' 66. Shidey aallm"" Sol'y
Have you heard anyt.hing about picnic at Perkiomen park, after ~elivere?
an, illustrated lecture on .A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Boys dash, won by Jaek Bonner; :.·=-_-:::.=E ._-
Barbara Benediet's summer plans? the Ivy Day exercises. Swimming,,~ nes In the Western Moun-
During her last summer vacation eating, and just plain fun will be tams.
from the University of Pennsyl- on the agenda for the lucky sen-
Hickey had been associated with second, Bill Watson; third, Lynn
Hornblower & Weeks, Philadelphia Cuthbert. Three-legged race, won
jnvestment brokers, for 16 years. by George Potter and Bill Me-
Gas Water Heating
vania, Barbara went out to Cali- it'J's. St. John's Auxiliary He started in the investment busi- Derman. RelaY winners, Jack Bon-
fornia and I wonder if she has any- The Junior Prom lived up to all ness in 1897 with Frank F. Bell & ner, Jim LUdwig, Bill Watson, and ,",.
thing as exciting scheduled for this expectations and was a terrific ~rranging Supper
summer. And Diel{ Powell will have success. It was a very nice way of
to go some to have another sum- wishing the seniors good-bye.
Members of the Evening AuxiI-
iary of St. John's Episcopal Church,
Co., later becoming a partner in Jim Ervine.
the firm. Gil'ls dash. won by Irma Rees;
He is survived by a daughter, second, Joanne McClintock: third,
mer as pleasant as he had last Bala-Cynwyd, marked their clos- Mrs. C. L. M.yers, with whom he Faith Lillis. - Three-legged race,
year. Dick toured Europe with a Cynwyd Man Heads ing meeting of the season Tuesday made his home, and a granddaugh- winners, Irma Rees and Faith
~~;;:::hnl~;'::'tl:~~;',~~';::::].., Architects' Society ::;.:"~~v::::: a dione' ,t the Cyn· 'et·, An:: Mye~ 1.111". R.lay, won by P.'" CIa'k,
Next month will mark t.he end John S. Carver, of 110 Mont- At a business session in the
101' many of our friends of what the gomery Ave.. Cynwyd, has been Parish Hall, following the dinner,
~~First 350
Yale Alma Mater calls: "Bright elected president of the Pennsyl- they discussed plans for the aux-
college years with pleasure rife, vania Society of Architects, it was iIiary's participation in the church's
the shortest, gladdest hours of life. announced Saturday. annual supper and lawn fete. The
Bill Perkins will be graduating Carver, who is a partner in the auxiliary will be in charge of the
Takes It"
from Bates for example, and Ann architectural firm, Davis, Dunlap supper at the affair, which is sched-
Seideman ~iIl finish up at Br~n and Carver, 1717 Sansom St., Phila- uled for Thursday, June 9. The sup- And the first $350 did pur- Let this automatic RUUD
Mawr. It must come as quite a delphia, was vice-president of the per will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 chase the dinIng room suite ,
wrench to leave college, and all the state Society last year. P. M. Gas Water Heater provide you •
friends you've made there and He also serves a's vice~pJ;esident Mrs. Karl Beyer wiII succeed Mrs.
have to go out and make a life for of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Phillip Willauer as president of the
advertised recently in the ...""'
yourself. Ed Barnard is another Society and as al:cryitect 'bn the auxiliary, it was announced this papers listed below. with Instant Hot Water
lad who's ending his college career. bo~rd of dir~ctors of the Phila?el- week. Other recently elected offi-
Ed has really had a brilliant rec- p.hla Art AI.hance..Other orgam~a- cers who wiII assume their duties Mrs. A. T. B. wrote
ord at Amherst where he is a tlOns of which he IS a member m- next fall are Mrs. Ernest H. Jor-
DINING ROOM set, 10 piece, ma- • • •
member of Scar~b, a s~nior hon- clude the Philadelphia Sket~h Club dan, vice president; Mrs. Alfred
orary society, Phi Beta Kappa, and and the Bala-CynwYd Nelghbor- Barton, treasurer; Miss Margaret
Alpha Delta Phi. In addition Ed, hood Club. Glasspool, corresponding secretary;
hogany, breakfront Credenza.
Duncan Phyfe table, etc. Original -. .
~ho gradu~ted .from Lower Merioll TAKES RECRUIT TRAINING and Mrs. W. Lennig Travis, record-
m 1946, was editor of the Amherst D v'd S M t
newsp e
ap r.
a I . on gomery, seaman,
. USN, son of David Montgomery, of
Ing secretary. '
cost $650. First $350 takes it.
Moving to apartment. Decatur 0000
"Ou~ ad in your newspaper resulted in selling our dining room
' ...
T~e month of June look~ as If 160 St. Pauls Rd., Ardmore, Is un. PENN VALLEY PLACE SOLD furniture on the first call. We had at least 20 to 25 calls after
it Will ?,~ ga~er .tha~ ever, WIth l~ts dergoing recruit training at Naval S. Worcester Sargent has sold his the sale was made. Many thanks." Mrs. A. I. Barrett. 3823 Plum- This RUUD Automatic Gas Water Heater,
of excltmg l~vltahons alre:ordY Ill. Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. property at Woodbine Ave., Penn stead Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. one of the Ten Hundred Series, offers
The .ten dances f?r Jean Wlke and In the course of his recruit traln- Valley, to John D. Peterson, fOI'
~ane Dooley ~Ill be . among the ing, he will be taught seamanship, $~O,ooo.OO. The improvements con- CALL MISS BRADLEY maximum value in design, material, and
hlghSPO~S, and I m lookIng.forward Navy customs, terms, basic ord- SISt of a stone residence, garage,
to the dmner dances honormg Joan navigation. and two acres of land. It will be Ardmore 5720·5721 workmanship. Full-view controls mean ac-
Humpton and,Bertie McVey. Along occupied by Mr. Peterson for his l..
with the weddings, graduations, BUYS GLADWYNE HOME residence. McMullin & McMullin ~iIItop 3600 cessibility and ease of operation.
and other parties planned for next Robert E. Oberholtzer has pur- were the agents. GR 3·7740 See the ¥w Autom~ic Gas Water Heaters today'
month, they should make for a chased from Anne Loughran the ---------
busy and pleasant time. ' detached dwelling and three-qual'- YMAOA OBBOUS :MEETS TO PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT' ~
But I'll never get away from tel'S of an acre tif land at 1130 The Main Line YMCA Chorus
here unless I ll.~h .up this stupi!l Waverly Rd., GladwYne fOI' $32,- wUI hold a "doggie roast" at the
Honors thesis. ....ove.
000. The sale was made through home of the presIdent Mrs: Jack
Bal!r. next SatUrday ~vemng·•


m~~~~~&~1\;I"iiili"U,~',1:i,H:~,:',~:,j,.:q~lz;;Ji~;;~ii'!l4~j'0~iJI1j,i;;t9~'~~~i~~J'~"~~>'-" ~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~ ................ _iiiIiiiliI_·.

BOB Emlen &: Co. .

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