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Hackathon &

Open Innovation
A Quick Guide for Enterprise

Rama Mamuaya
DS/innovate - innovation consulting & research

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Hackathon is a sprint-like event; often,
in which computer programmers and
others involved in software collaborate
intensively on software projects.
Two types of Hackathons

1. Internal, for employees, partners, etc

2. External, for startups, developer,

programmer, designer, data scientists
Why do Hackathons?

• Innovation & Exploration

• Ecosystem Engagement

• Corporate Branding

• Talent Acquisition
Innovation & Exploration

Be inspired and discover new

business opportunities or find new
(and more efficient) ways to
enhance you business process.
Ecosystem Engagement
To stay current and connected to the
makers and entrepreneurs that may be
leading innovation, businesses need to
engage with and create an innovation
community of their own, and be involved
in the early stage of next big thing.
Corporate Branding
Associating your brand with a hackathon
can change the public’s perception of your
brand and help acquire innovative
mindshare. Among the innovation leaders,
they will associate your brand with
progressiveness, explorative, youthful
and innovation-friendly.
Talent Acquisition
Hackathon is the best way to identify
the best tech talent. From creativity
(ideation), initiative (planning),
execution (code building) until
marketing (demo presentation).
NASA ISAC (2012)
• Space Apps Challenge is a global event
worldwide with over 18 countries and 32
cities participating. Supported by US
Embassy in Indonesia, the goal was to assist
NASA to organize first global Hackathon
focusing on space exploration, robotics,
space objects, and earth green technology.

• 28 participants from Indonesia, 3rd place in

the global competition
HackJak (2014)
• HackJak or Hackathon Jakarta is the first
innovation event of Pemprov DKI Jakarta,
HackJak focused on 2 main issues: Public
Transportation & Budget Transparency. The
event give birth to Qlue, Apaja and Jakarta
Smart City.

• 200+ ideas submitted, 20 was selected.

TNI AD Hackathon (2016)
• Bringing developer to the front line of
Indonesian Army, to the borders, battlefield,
stations, hospital and headquarters. Far from
Technology, TNI AD as the protector of the
nation, asked for developers help on
developing technological solution that solve
and enhance their operational abilities and

• 238 ideas submitted, 11 was implemented.

Future City Hackathon (2020)
• In response to the pandemic, Jakarta Smart
City supported by Berlin Senate and EU
invited all innovators to create city solution
for battling and rebuilding post COVID-19.
The program only invites well funded startups
and companies to participate.

• 116 ideas submitted, 9 has MoU with JSC.

Open Innovation is an investment
on the ecosystem that will shape
your business’ future growth.
Thank you
Rama Mamuaya

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