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.' -

Out Loud
"'wrrlftl 110

It Doesn't Hurt! • Guest Speakers

Churches List Contest .Expected
After this 'Column is wrItten, we member those war-time signs read-
shall proceed down the hill to the lng: "Sh! Hitler's listening." Occupy Pulpits While
For Borough Officials
barber shop and have our hall' cut.
\We have declde~ on. this course We wicked men used to get a
+ + + Pastors Are Away
after gr,?,ve consideration and with certain enjoyment out of a visit to The Rev. Harold D. Flood, of the
In Primary Election
; cert~mL'tatml °w unt of PhromlPt~ng Tony's by studying his art gallery. Narberth Methodist Church, and
rhOamt if e e dl e t homanitw °t tnsdlsts This consisted of the choicest cal- the Rev Robert J Lamont of the
Only Burgess
t w 0 no ave cu 0 ay d f . h d h b b . . ,
she will t· 't u · 1 _ en ars urms e by tear e~ sup- Narberth Presbyterian Church an-
Ie I p In cur papers. ply houses, who mostly went In f o r . ' And Constable
+ + +. . . pictures of pretty girls in very nounced thiS week the names of the
T~e problem of havmg. hiS hall' skimpy raiment. But several years guest speakers who will preach dur-
cut IS one of the more senous ones . . h' t d . . .
Are .Unopposed
that besets a man and we wish that ago ~ne ?f hflS pahrl.s priests sdtar e mg the month of August In their
thO ld b d ith t commg In or all' cuts an 'poor respective churches The final date for flllng nominat·
the neces~ity of .devoting so the snappiest calendar on the wall In the MethOdIst Church, LoUIS ing petitions for the Primary Ele~
80me mg cou e one w ou Tony was embarrassed. Since then . . .
,,:aluable time to I~. San;son, of B~b- has been that of a group of Boy W. Mitchell, associate superinten- tion on September 13 saw Narberth
:!Jcal fame, had hiS hall'. cut ~hlle Scouts doing their good turn ana dent of the Methodist Hospital in with contests for most of the major
he slept,
th t b t and fby a beautiful
h b girl at bearmg' the a d vel' t'Isement a f a 10- Philadelphia, will speak on August offices for which candidates must be
7, and the ~ev. Fredel'lck L. Peder-
a, u so ar we ave een un- cal unnertaker ' .
able to make any such happy ar- ' I ' ..' , . . named.
rangement. Of course Samson lost + + + sen, associate secretary of the When the courthouse at. Norris-
all his strength when' his hair was To help his customers while away boare;! of home missions, will speak town closed Monday, t.he following
cut, which suggests that maybe we the time, Tony supplies magazines, the remaining thre~ Sundays.
should just let our hair 'grow, and and although they are ~ewer than In the presbyterJ~n Church, the persons had filed petitions:
Grow and GROW but so far we those available at our doctor~s office Rev. Robert J. Rodlsch, pastor of For auditor: Arthur C. Staples,
have 'been unable to sell the Little they fail to keep Us interested very th.e Langhorne Presbyterian Church
Woman, or our boss, on the desir- long. After all, who can be expected Will speak On August
ability of such a precaution. to enjoy reading While sitting up Van Ness, pastor
Dr. Jon
of the
Win R. Clark Kennedy.
For Burgess: Sterling M. Chain.
For constable: John A. Miller.
Of course, there is nothing par- in a straight chair? Everybod! Narberth Presbyterian Church, Au-
ticularly painful about having one's knows the most comfortable pOSI- gust . ~4, and the Rev. Ar.thur L.
]1air cut, Rnd the actual operation tlon for reading is slumped in an Hern~s, pastor of th.e CalvlI~ Pres-
S0 ftb aII Game For Borough Council (four to be
elected).: William S. Thompson and
doesn't take too much time, but the easy chair or fiat on one's back on byterJan Church, Phtladelphla, Au- Jo.seph F. Tripician, incumbents;
unfortunate thing is that We can a davenport with soft drinks and gust 21.
never have our hair get' just the pretzels near at hand. . We~nesday evemng p~ayer meet-
,. '~::. " ~" .... - ..
,.,., ,,". ", ..., , D ea 'D'S oc ml"th'
e f t
H d F C tt
o~ar. 0 er, 1'., IC ar •
J R' h d T
right length for cutting at the mo- + + + m~s m the PresbyterIan Church ....~.~i;:;~?f"C·"j ..~ Tt 13 6 Smith and Nathan McClure.
ment when both we and the barber . Tony's entertainment program WIIJ be conducted by Dr. Joh~ ~an • ,::.~,;.:,
h· )"'.~'. ~~'f!\"-
eam, , • . For justice of t he peace: Charles
have the time available. It is also includes radio, but as Tony Ness, August.3 and 10, and Wdham "':':,;. ,~;~~',;:.;;,;, Jim Ogden s team came from be- V. Westman, Margaret Corson,
s[l'ange how unbusy our barber can rather than the customer chooses E. Shea, assistant to the pastor, A ~ hind to win a thrilling 13·6 victory Rob~rt E. Baker and Regina L.
be much of the week and how busy the station, even that has its limi- August 17 and 24, and Rev. Lamont . over "Doc" Smith's t~am in the HeWitt.
he suddenly becomes just when we tations. Tony's taste in radio pro- on August 31. weekly softball game between For school director (.two to be
decide to submit to his tender min- grams runs largely to news broad- memb f th M ' B'bl CI elected): Donald S. Drain, Paul L.
istratio~s. When we are only a few casts and weather reports and he ers 0 e en s I e ass Caulwell, Margaret G. Town and
days out of his chair, and when the hurriedly tunes out one station Lookjng Back ,and the young people's der/l'tment Lulu W. McCart.ney. incumbent. Dr.
hair on the back of our neck is when its news bulletins have ended of the Narberth Presbyterian Walter C. Steckbeck, whose term
still short and bristly, we can walk In order to hear the same news all
past the barber shop a dozen times over again from another station.
lnOurTown Church. expires this year. will not be a
Smith's team was leading at the candidate for re-election.
without seeing a single customer :rony also likes the soap-box operas end of the second inning, but a For tax collector: Suzanne J. Gill,
inside. ' a n d , whether you like it or not, you Twenty Years Ago home rUn in the third started a Edward C, GriSWOld, Otto B. Duel'
+ + + are obliged to listen to the adven- The newly organized Rose Glen ,. rally which left the Smith team and Richard L Miller
We will say "Hi, Tony" and he, ture of "John's Other Strife." That Canoe Club of Narberth met on the trailing when the game was called For judges' and 'inspectors of
with greater dignity, will answer wouldn't be so bad except that, just Schuykill River near Gladwyne because of darkness at 8.30 P. M. election (in that order) in the vot-
"good morning," "good afternoon," as the climax is reached, your hair station on the property recently with seven innings played. ing districts: No. l-,Toseph H. Me-
(Jr "good evening," as the case may cut is finished and you leave the purchased by 15 Narberthites. TO HER RESCUE . These series of games first started Clay and Barrett C. George; No.2
be, and he has such a neglected look shop still wondering whether John Jeannette E. Gilles and Adele In 1947, when the men of the church -Alexander J. Purring and Ethel
(In his face that we almost feel like married Mary who was really in Carey, of Narberth, left for a weeks __
going in '9.nd having an extra hair love with Bill, who apparently was trip to Boston.
cut just to encourage the an . But somebo~y's uncle or else a war vet- Albert C. Bannes, of the Nar-
- Members N ew S eeret ary S ee,k·tng H ome; felt a need to recaptUl'e the days M. Williams; No. 3-Elizaheth L.
of their youth and a desire to get Williams and Clayton S. Rich.
to know the young people of the Only one Democratic petition wall
let us make up our mmd that eran with a psychosis. Ib; all very berth Fire Company, left for a
·'H Day" has arrived, and that we confusing.
will have our hair cut regardless of .,. .. +
week's trip to Boston.
Fifteen Years Ago
Choose DI
e egat es
S ees Great Pro s p eet s for '¥' . . church on common grounds. But filed in the ent ire Borough. That
constant defeat at the hands of the \vas filed by Helen Gara for minor-
you~g people taught them that dis- ity inspector of elections in Dis-
anything, and when we arrive at Tony is proud of the fact that his Daniel McGary, catcher on the " crehon was the better part of valor trict 3.
his shop it looks as if a convention is a two-chair shop and everyone Narberth Boys Club baseball team Will Attend Annual Two ~roblemsl confro.n~~ Donald Scouts, other yout~ groups, and and consequently they joined forc~s. - -- - ----.-----
is in session. Each chair fs occupied knows that a two-ch~lr shop is more SUffered a compound fracture of C "" P' b h C? Arc er, new y-ai~om eai ex~~u- adult organizations. She said fre- ~his result.ed in the curr.ent prac- N b h G' I F d
and there are a half dozen kids impressive than a one-chair shop the index finger onvenbon In IUs urg live secretary. of ..e M n lI~e q uent requests were received from tlce of plaCing half the men and the ar ert Ir eie
perched on the window-sill. Those of us who have patronized Mr. and Mrs. 'John S. Ketcham Frank Challenger, of 152 Mont- LY!1CAth~n a bkrJef VISit to the Mam men's and women's organizations boys on the one team and half on On Return From Europe
. d W'lr A C d d G me IS wee . the other '
+ + ... Tony for a long While can even re- an son, I lam, of Haverford gomery ve., ynwy, an eorge 0 e t bt' a UI't bl for handball courts and other fa- .' -
Tony maintains a pleasant fiction member w~en he had a second bar- A~e., left for Boston where they B~rgess, of Hardie Apts., Cynwyd, ho:e f~rashi~S~f ~~d fam:I . ath: ciUties completely lacking in the Th.e wmnmg tea~ \~as composed Mrs. Bayard W..Corson. of 2~8
that is intended to keep a pros- bel'. That Was quite a help during sailed on the "Lady Drake" for Will represent the Harold D. Speak- th . d t' t bt' y, 't "Y" now of .Jlm Ogden, Bili Shea, Ralph N. Narberth entertamed al a tea In
'J pective customer from being dis- rush times, but through much of Bermuda. man Post, Narberth, American Le- obi e\ m u; I~he, ~C;;ul - When Archer takes up his duties Heister, Sr., Jo~ Kaufman, Lloyd honol' of her daughter, Miss Cat h-
couraged if he sees others ahead of the day it meant that two barbers Paul Wohlert, of Narbrook, re- gion, at the state ~onvention to be a ,,~, o~e o~ '~J th ~ s:' _ here September lone of his most Hertz~er, Joe Gilfillan, Paul Stew- erine Ten ,Broeck Corson. on Wed·
him. "Won't be long," Tony says were standing around instead of turned from a trip to the Chicago held il! Pittsbur~ August 10 to 13... ,r;tAP ehase WI·dl eftw. 0 evseacI important task. will be to aid in art, Bill He~rd, Jr., Harry Scott and nesday, Jul~, 20.
. . In • . ld' F ' " M~ R th B t
pohtely and he says it witiL ~quaJ ~I!!!:.._ .._, .!:he, depr~SSlO"~,T'.lny:u.9r saIl' ,111,_ tl {llver, at. a cost ,....'~s.'y.u
fervor and sincerity whether the gave up having an' ftSsistlmt and of $3 per day.
UT W'.hlt
e . ,,'\..... ql~n. 0
Cl'ICketi Ave., Ardmoer, Will repre- .
f 149 ,:lon, rc er sal a er se er '
hours'tIt lioti~e hunting Iihd lookirlg the' ' de~16pment" program' under .Th '
th 't H dd d th t way The Main Line YMCA recently
Tom McAuhffe
'. . .-' , - I M' C -~
UlS. .orlWa·, J·e..urn=.~40-·~""Il;

e lOSIng. Side had \Vally country on .July 13 from Frankfurt

" •

. h ha'
only person ahead of you is the cus- ~mce ten. C. 11' No. 2 has been T
tire T ' f th H
sent . llUXl lar:( 0 e aro
ld Dover e commUnI y. e a e a , .
. l1e could ee tremendous possibilities announced plans to sell the property
Graham Ed Gilfillan Robert Dock
, '.
M' G
- on am. ermany. w ere ~ e ,as
h h h
tomer already in the chair or Idle. But It IS very popular with en Years Ago , Speakman Post. . f th "~,, b . f . t at 11(; W Lancaster Ave and to ety, Bucky Roberts, Doc SmIth, Bob been engaged as an economIst v.lth
whether a dozen persons are wait- young children, Who like to get in The Choral, Speaking group was Legion leaders expect this to be f e
e .emg 0 .servlce 0 a erect a n~w building else;"'here in H~rvey, Karl, Bill Keller, the Department of the Army for
jng The amazing thing is that once it and whirl around, while Tony one of the activities started during a record-breaking state conclave. argM aJrea. B tl . t Ardmore Bill Heard, Sr., BIU McKay and approximately t\\'o veat's. Miss Cor-
. ' . th t h J WJlr J L"I . b . rs. ames er ell assocla e s e c - · Aiken " .
he says that, you .are usually calltlons them to be careful lest e pas sc 00 year, lam. The eglOn WI I hold Its usmess t y f th M" L' b h The membership and enrollment . son addressed the guests regardll1~
hooked. You come in quietly and they be hurt. Drennen told School Board mem- sessions in the Syria Mosque, which rehar 0 I e am t Itneth r.antc , drive of the YMCA will get under her experience in Ge-rmany and her
ta k e your place at the end of the + + + b I . e ' s 'IS 1oca t e d'm th e CI't' .. me d'Ica.
y S CIV1C, I w 0 was ah so. presened th a ed fe In er- way m September under the direc- Ch-,d ' E F d t It
rave s h roug h au t E l\l·ope. SIle h as
line, even though simple arithmetic One of the additional complica- ~ candidates filed their applica- and educational center. The Auxil- fVle~l!t:mPShaslz 'd tie ~~Y" orldnebw tion of Robert Brown of Dart- ren mergency s un taken up her duties as an economist
~ou Id prov~ t hat y.ou couldn't pos- tions of trying to get our hair cut ti.ons as c0uncI ' 1 can d'd I a t es. Tey h 'lary WI'11 mee t·In th e W'll' 1 lam
P enn aaCllles.
center fore sal 1e Scouts,
the Boy cou Girl e I mouth Rd., BaJa-Cynwyd.' s peaker W·,I A d' I
I dress WI'th tl1e.epar
D t men t 0 f .
A ' I-
sibly be waited on In less than two is in remembering which day of the \~ere Arthur Staples, John H. Mul- Hotel.

MetbodI·StS H"old SI-sters

ture. Washmgton, D. C.
+ + +
week the barber shop is closed. hgan, T William: Rodgers, George The highlight of the program
Most of the barber shops in our O. Sc~roder, Wlll~am T. Davies, August 10 will be a Memorial nig~t
Provi-de B·C·N Rotary Meeting . Mrs. Corson was assisted in enler-
taining by her daughter. Miss Mar-
In American folk-lore, the neigh- township 'close on one day of the Franklm C: Hutc~l~son. ~rogram and on August 11 the mll-
• borhood barber shop is the place week, but those in the adjoining. George SImons Jomed the pitch- Itary ball.

Where the men-folf gather and <1,is- township are closed on a different mg staff of the Narberth baseball The bands will compete for the
" Youtb Conference M· USIC at
Church . Mrs. Betty M: Jacobs, who IS as- garet Corson, and Mrs. Robert Fel-
slst~nt to the ~Irect~r of the Inter- lows Wood. The guests were Mrs.
natIOnal. Children s Emergency John C. Compton. Mrs. William
cuss politics and other important day. Because Tony's shop is so close team. state championship in Soldiers and . Fund, Will address the BaLa-Cyn- Henderson, Mrs. Thomas H. HufC,
• subjects. ~::1e~ such conditions, the to the bounda.ry, he uses the closing Sa~lors Memorial AUditorium..on Events' Begin August 1 Special Service Planned" wyd-Narberth Rotary Club on Tues- Mrs. Effingham P. E:umphrey, M.rl;.
barber shop might serve as sort of day of the adjoining township rath- N Sh IB L - Fl'lday, Judges for the competitIOn ' day, August. 2. . Cha,rles W. McConnell, Mrs. Grem-
a clUb, and one shouldn't mind er than of our own. One 'group ew c 00 US aw will be leaders of the Army, Navy At Haverford College Other Church News . The ~eetlng Is.sponsore~ by the ing, Mrs. ,Tames Richardson. Mr~.
• spending an hour or two there. But closes Monday and the' other Wed- Goes Into Effect Sept 1 land Marine Corps. Luther W. Hose, ' mt~rnabonal service committee and Herbert Smith, Mrs. Ennis. Mrs. D.
apparently the men who patronize nesday and we can never remember . . •. chairman of the American Legion The Rev. Harold D. Flood, pastor The program for next Sunday for EriC Jo~ns.on, chairman of that St.eel Wagner, Mrs. Finley L. Wal-
~ Tony's shop do not have conversa- which is which. But we have one An advance walDing reg~rdmg department band, drum, and bugle of the Narberth Methodist Church the Lower Merion Baptist Church group, Will Introduce the speaker. ton, MI·s. Robert Fellows Wood.

tional natures. Once in a while if sure way of find in out. If we walk th~ new school bus law was Issued corps committee, will direct t h e . . . _. ., . ?r. R. A. KeIser, guest speaker -
you start off by saying "it's hot," down the hill, de~rmined to have this. week by the Keystone Auto- competition. a~d president. o~ the Methodist In o~ Bryn Mawr ~egl~s With the thiS week, told club members oJf :-----il
somebody' else will say "sure is," our hair cut today, that is the day mobile Club. . The festivities will wind,. up with shtute CommiSSIOn, has announc~d Bible School session In the Lancas- the . ~ood work that - veterinary ~
but that IS the extent of their con- on which the shops in Tony's group O.n and afle~ Septembe~ 1, a huge Legion parade on !;aturday the progra~ for the Methodist tel' Ave. Chapel at 9.30 A. M. At medlcme does for mankmd as well '--' r .
fabulatiOn. Apparently they still re- are closed. vehicles app~oachmg or foll.owmg a in downtown Pittsburgh, with all Youth Conference to be held August 10.45, the Church bus wllI leave as for animals. ~~3i ~~
• ' school bus In Pennsylvania must of the Legionnaires marching and . Dr. KeIser, Who is dean or veter- '.) ~~ .;;<-.
~to~ ten ~eet from the .bus w~en the bands playing. 1-8 on the campus of Haverford the Chapel for ~he Meetl~g House inary medicine at the University of J" .

Capt. A. Denman' Standish Delivers His It IS takmg on or dlschargmg
passengers. B M ,Th G' tr
.college. w~ere t~e mormng worship service Pennsylvania and a former briga-
Pastors from the Main Line and wlil begm at 11 .A. M. Rev. B. L. dier general in the U. S. Army,
Message in Spite 01 The ru~e ~oes not .apply when ryn awr "ea e roup surrounding communities will be on, ,~ast~r, Will. ~reach ?n th~ spoke of his work in this. field. He
Succee s at er
d F h Ire, F II' R k
F' a lng OC
the b~s .IS m a loading zone or
when It IS on a separat~ roadway
Offers 'Amphltryon 38' the staff
'. ..
tOpiC, . Takln~ Re!lglOn SerIOusly. also paid tribute to some of the fa-
SpeCial musIc Will be provided at mous veterinarians of the ages and
N d M d' I E " The little man had a bUsy day. or on a limited-access highway The Bryn Ma~r C?llege Summer Classes of mstructlon wil be con- the service by three sisters: Vir- their fight against disease.
',' ame e Ica xammer But he delivered his "Message to where pedestrians are not permit- Theatre opened It.S third. week of .the ducted each morning on subjects ginia, Elizabeth and Esther George. "
Of Narberth Schools G' " . t t h '
arcla JUS e same.
ted to cross the roadway. 1949 seas~n .last mght With the Wltt~ relating to Bible study religious A fourth sister, Ruth, will accom-
and sophisticated comedy, "Amphl- . ' pany on the organ.
Boro Gets SafetyAwar
, ~apt. Arthur G. Denman was ap- Standish Smith, summer employe tryon 38," by Jean Giraudoux. The growth, and Christian culture. A During August, the Wednesday
ptomted ~chool medical examiner of this paper, was on his last errand A_1lflOintpd author was this year's winner of the native of India will speak each evening meetings at the Chapel will At Luncheon August 1
a a meetmg of the school directors before going home after a hard day Drama Critics' Award for the best morning at General Assembly. 'The be under the direction of the Board Narberth will be one of eight
• en Thu~sday, July 21. at the office. While waiting for the '. foreign play, "The Madwoman of afternoons will be devoted to serv- of Deacons. Next week, at 8 P. M., muncipalities to be honored on Aug-
He Will fill the post left vacant Philadelpha and Western trolley at :;. Chaillot." Performances will run. . t d f Mrs. Charles L. France will have ust 1 by the Governor's Highway
by the death of his father on June the Ardmore Junction station, he . through Saturday night. JUly 30. Ice proJec s. a,n recrea Ion.. . charge; on August 10, Mrs. J. Wal- Safety Advisory Committee and th'e
1 25. noticed that several of the planks Beginning Wednesday. August.' 3, The e~enmg program Will begIn tel' Matlack; on August 17, Robert Pennsylvania MotOl' Federation. Going Away 1
Dr. Denman is a graduate of on the waiting platform were burn- the theatre will present Tennessee daily at 7 P. M. with a Sunset Serv- L. Shank; on August 24, Frank B. A certificate commending the
N.arberth School, Lower Merion, ing. They weren't fiaming, but they Wililams' "The Glass Menagerie," ice held in the gardens adjoining Espenshade, and on August 31, Mrs. borough for its outstanding record Have this paper follow
HIgh School, The Pennsylvania were ,burnin~.. another Drama Cl:itics' Award play. th~ colle e library. This will be fol. Clayt~n D. Ric~ards. of no pedestrian deaths in 1948 as you on your vacation.
State College, and Hahnemann He called It to the attentIOn of The final production of the season g . A picnic outmg sponsored by the reported in the American Auto- Write to the office, 8
,Med.ical School. ~e .is presently Ithe conductor on the first trolley will be a new comedy by Harold lowed at 7.45 P. M. by a val'lety. of Baptist Youth Fellowship is sched- 'mobile Association's National Ped- Cricket' Ave., Ardmore,
servmg as a captam m the ArmYlto arrive on the scene. But.the con- Lynch, "Mary Lou and the Beasts." programs. On Monday evenmg uled for Saturday. Young people estrian Protection Contest will be or phone Hilltop 3600 or
Medical Corps at Carlisle, Pa. He ductor shrugged his shoulders and opening Wednesday, August 10. there will be a recreational pro- wm gather at the Lancaster Ave. presented at a luncheon at the d
,is married and has two chil!lren, said the operator usually took care The cast of "Amphitryon ~8"
in- gram for the purpose of helping the Chapel on Saturday at 10.30 A. M. Racquet Ciub in Philadelphia. The Ardmore 5720, an your
Robert, 3, and Arthur John, 8 of that. Not knOWing. if the opera- cludes Robert Abernethy, Sherry young people get acquainted with to go in a group to Montgomery Automobile Club of Philadelphia subscription will be
months. tor would be along this week, Stan Abrams, James Adams, Charles An- each other. On Tuesday evening Park, in Green Lane. will be host at the l\lncheon. changed to your summer
Members of the school board called the fire company. They des, William Bishop, Jay Howard there will be the showing of the The Youth Fellowship of the Burgess Sterling M. Chain, is address. If you are not a
also ~ppro~ed the purchase of 23 thanked him and he boarded the. Lanin, Philip Minor, Claire Minton, sound motion picture, "Reaching Bala-Cynwyd Methodist Church has expected to attend to receive the . subscriber, why not start
venetian bhnds for the school build- Norristown trolley. Jeanne Pieri, Betty Reigner, and From Heaven." On Wednesday the eleven representatives attending certificate. your subscliption now'?
ing at a cost of $306.95. The wiring Before the trolley had gone very Jo Anne Sarazan. conference will be addressed by the the Pocono Institute for Methodist ---.-.:.------------=-~=-.::..::..::..::..:......:~-------
of. the school. :V~11 be inve.stlgated far, a rock kn.ocked against the
.. WIth the pOSSibility of gettmg bet- window, shattermg the glass which Dr. Purse Named Head of
lecturer, Dr. Francis HaJ;vey Youth, which is being held this week
Green former headmaster of Pen- on the grounds of the Pocono Pla-
S ervteeS
- tn- N ar berth Chure h es
tel' light~ng.· fell upon the neck of the c~nduc, nlngtdn School for Boys. The Thurs- teau Christian AssociaUon, just be- , .
Two Visitors present at the meet- tor. At the first telephone the con- Osteopathic Pediatricians day evening program will be a tal- yond Mountainhome, Pa. Baptist Church of the Evangel, to the H. C. Gara Men s Bible Class
'lng were J. L. McCreary. a former duct~r stopped the trolley and call- Dr. F. Munroe Purse, of 127 Elm- ent night program, presented by the Those attending are: Josephine Elmwood and Narberth Ave.! Nar- in Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. The
SCh~~1 board m,:mber, and Burgess ed hIS office. . . .wood Ave.. Narberth, has been students and faculty. Anthony, Josephine Bradley, Mary berth. ~ev. Lawrence P. Fanger- you~g peo~le's department .wil~
&Stellmg M. Cham. When Stan arnved m Nor~istown C. DON~D McKELVlE elected president of the American The Llanerch Players will present Jane Carson, Joyce Kavanagh, Lois aid, interIm-Pllstor.. contmue then' study o~ th,~ sUbJect,
The school board will n?t me~t he calle~ the paper ,to that Appointment of C. Donald College of Ost.eopathic Pediatri. a one-act comedy on Friday eve. Zimmerman, Beverly.Sheddy. Geor- Dr. Fitzger~ld wlll.,speak .at . the ",HolV We Got Our BI?le. ,
in August. The next meetmg wlll he hadn t taken the remainder of cians. ning. And on Saturday evening gene VanSciver, George Richards, 11 A .M. service on The G.orlOus The Rev, Lamont IV.11;, pleach on
be held September 22. the afternoon off to .go sWimm~ng, 1\IcKeivie M manager of the The grollp met in connection with there will be the presentation of a Bill Hendrickson and David Mlller. Adventure." "Creeds .a.~d Fell~;vslll(1 at the 1~
but .that he was havmg some dlm- Philadelphia branch office, 1201 the 53I'd annual convention of thE:' pageant, followed by a campfire Thomas Moore, student assistant + + + A. M. sel\ICe a.nd Idols and Heart
,. Metzger Expresses Thanks cuities. Market Street National Bank American Osteopathic Association service. • pastor of the Bala-Cynwyd ChIJrch, Holy TrInity Lutheran Church of at the New Life Hour .at 7.45,
.F " Building, was announced re- which was held in St. Louis JUly The Sacrament of Holy Com- will be the director of the recrea- Narberth, Woodbine and Narberth A mixed quartet composed of
For Denman und GIfts 3 Guest S I' N d 11-15. munion will be administered at 8.30 tlon during the week and will re- Aves. Rev. Cletus A. Senft, pastor. Margaret Robb, Mrs. Alberta Senn,
Carl B. ~etzger, Jr., said this
OISts ame 0 cently by the Craftsman In- Dr., Purse is an associate in pedi- A. M. on Sunday and Mr. Flood will turn with the others on Saturday. . The Rev. Se~ft wil~, speak .at the Charl~s ~eaps and Fre~ ~. Robb,
By Ov rbr ok Chur h
week that In behalf of the friends surance Co., Boston. Mr. Mc- atrics' at the Philadelphia College conduct the 10.30 A. M. service. The At the regular morning worship 11 A. M" service on The Time to ~r., wl!l smg at the mOlnmg serv-
of the Dr. Arthur J. Memorial Fund e 0 C Kelvie previously was connect- of Osteopathy. Rev. C. Lyle Thomas, pastor o~ service of the Ardmore Methodist Begin to Worry." Ice. Amale quar~e~ composed of
'. ",he wis~ed to express his sincere ap- Names of three guest soloists who ed with the AlIen Russell and ~ l!:benezer Methodist Church, Manoa, Church, Lancaster Ave: and Argyle ~ + + Charles Heaps, ~lllIam Shea, Ray
precl~tlon to all of those who have will sing at Sunday morning serv- HONORED AT COLLEGE, will direct ·the Life Work Service Rd., Ardmore, next Sunday, Dr. Narberth Methodist Church, Es- K~uf~an and Fled .M. Rob~, Jr••
contributed. ices at the Overbrook Presbyterian AlIen agency of Hartford, Elizabeth Anne Wheeler,' of 127 at 2.30. Clinton "M. Cherry will preach on sex and Price Aves. Rev. Harold wlll sing at th; evenmg service.
.It is sugge~ted, that those who Church in August and September Conn. He brings with him the Merion Ave.,' Narberth, has been The final service of the week will the sUbject, "Eternal Words." Spe- Flood, pastor. ,. + +
still wish to ~lVe toward th: oxygen were announced this week. experience of ten years &I a named tlb the dean's honor list at be the traditional candlelight serv- clal music will be provided by the The Rev, Flood will conduct the St. Margaret's R. C. Church, 208
tS!nt for Bryn Mawr Hospltal may They arEf Herbert Hawlk, who producer in the accident and William Smith College, Geneva, N. ice at 7.45, at which time the mes- soloist of the morning, C. Byron regular 11 A. M. worship. Narberth Ave. Father James F,
":haw an opportunity to do so dUring will appear AugUst 6 and 13; Rose health Insurance field. Mr. Me- Y., for outstanding work ·during the sage will be brought by the 'Dean Richards. During the Sunday + + + Toner, pastor.
the nex! week. Delmar, August 21 and 28; and spring semester. - of the Institute, the Rev. Harold B. School hour at 9..45 A. M., Cassius, Narberth Presbyterian Ohurch, Masses on Sund~ will be held at
Contrtbutions may be sent to Helen Muller, September 4 and 11. Kelvie and family are resIding Miss Wheeler, a graduate of Boughey, who is pastor of the M. Tracy will teach the' combined Windsor and Grayllng Aves. Rev. the regular hours: 6:30, 7:30. 9 and
C:arl B. Metzger, Jr•• treasurer, Na- Gloria Jerjlsian will be gllest organ- at '720 MillbrOok Rd., Haver- Fl'iends Central School, is a senior Tioga MethOdist Church in 'PhUa- adult class and use as his topIc, Robert J. 'Lamont, minister. 10:15 A. M. and two masses for the
tiona! Bank of Narbetth. 1st during that period. ford for the summer, at William Smith. .delphia. "Psalms of Trust." Dr. Richard T. Smith will speak 'upper and lower church at U :115.
• . • • r:k '5 - £- .--- • •
Thursday, July 28, 1949

If'I A. P'S,· ftIIIUft --' News 01 the Suburban Sports

"'''.1'.... p ..
Cu8tomen'~ ,
ocIace 8th Cub Scout Narberth, Manoa, Meet Twice American Le~on Haverford Twp. Team Registers
Victory Gained In Battle for Fourth Place Stars Will Play 3 More Victories to Total 14
Corner· "i__ . A d ore 74 By HARRY,ELLSWOR'DI In Aug 1 G·
ame Haver~ord Township A. A. ex· colored opponents only three hit..

How do you like ,be layout BY r m Wayne's upsurging baseballers poled three hits apiece for Wayne.
have started their annual.drlve for On Sunday afternoon, Gienolden • ,
tended Its season's' record to 14 .
. wins, one loss and four ties by· In thell' next game, the Cornog-
Ardmore 74 retained first place the top of the Main Line League, scored five runs in thp. last three ThE!' American Legion posts of !l0tchlng three more victories dur- men trailed Hattal-Taylor Post, 5
of your AlP Itore? in the Main Line ~ub Scout Qase- downing leading Media and Glen- Innings to tie Wayne, only to lose Delaware County wi1l sponsor a mg the pas~ week. L a to 1, going into the fourth inning.
hall race by defell;tmg .Penn "{ynne 61?en for a log of t~ree straIght when the Italian-Americans pushed baseball team for the American Haverford ~ victory over the h . bu.t a tingling rally featured by
Planning a laper market is 33, 13 to 3. for Its eighth VIctOry wms. Wayne now trails Media by over a run In the 10th. L' t t d '11 d Blong, of .Vlllanova, allowed lS hits by'Walt Armstro"'g, Mike Ba-
Merion 29 meanwhile remained The Italian-Americans can gain Over In Ardmore the home town their outstanding player& to per- ~
like putting together a jig. in nine starts. one and a half games. Ardmore Upsets Manoa eglon oUJ;namen an WI sen II
silio, Walt Plantz, Hank Henry and
saw puzzle. All departments
California in runnerup position by trouncing spVJe vaiuable ground this weekend Eagles worked their jinx on Manoa form in an all-star game.
w~nne ~ollect- ~hey
HAVERFORD the irrepressible Aigeldinger, en-
AB RHO A abled Haverford to squeeze out a
-dairy, produce, meat, baked !"enn 155, 10 to 5" when engage last-place A!'d- agaIn. Jim Doran limited the de- The game in all' probabilItY wlll .
BARTLETT mg 10 hits from the of mOre m a home-a!ld-home series. fending champs to seven hits, while pit representatives of Legion posts Aigeldinget, ss 4 1 1 2 1 7 to 6 decision.
!Ood, coffee, groceries-must Joe R;0ach. Penn Wynne s Jack Sat.urday, Wayne IS at the Eagles were utlllzing nIne hits, in the upper part of Delaware Plantz, 3b 3 1 0 2 1 The T.ownship team next defeat-
be filted together in a way
that will a.ure you of con~ PEDS hits I!ach an~ Garwl?Od was big to Ra~nor High diamond.
C,ummmgs and Roach rapped t":'o while on Su.nday. the scene shifts five Manoa errprs and a barrel of County against those from the low. Armstrong, 2b
walks for an 11'-0 victory.
gun for the victors With three for While Ardmore. has won oJ.llY Vince Signorelli and Nick Fus- the A's and Phillies, will be man- Edelman, 1b
er sector. The teams, known as Menendez, rf
three of 17 starts, It holds two wms selll . blaste~ home runs as Manoa a ed b bi lea ue coaches In ad- Henry, c
3 2 2 1 0 th.ree .~,ingles, and Manny Menende:ii:
3 1 1 1 0 ed PaolI, 6-1. Ray Edelman, with
3 0 3 3 1 With two' doubles sparked the at-
3 '0 0 9 0 t~ck. Armstrong and Aigeldinger
wnient, efficient shopping.
We try to avoid narrow or
Z ,bs15c three..
Agams: Penn ~ynne ?3, Ard- over Manoa (its latest ~ 11-0 win steamrollered Glenolden, 12-3, on dftion y sev~ral gblg league' scouts Basilio, If
more ,74 s Joe ~ Brien pitched a on Sunqay) and a deCision over Saturday. Fred Allen was the ben- will be in attendance to look over Venuto, cf
2 0 0 1 0 hit homers. It was the eighth vic-
0 1 0 0 0 tory of the season for Ira Harnish.
cluttered aillies. dark corners, NONE PRICED HIGHER four.hltter and Issued four walks. Media. The Eagles have also lost eficlary of the Manoa outburst. most promising players. Turner, If ----~--- 1 0 0 0 0 PROPERTIES LISTED
Caml?bell, P~nn ~ynne, was tag- six games by one run. . Narberth belted Ardmore, 14~2, The game will be played August Blong, cf -------- 1 0 0 0 0
., shelves and
Montana Extra Large ged for 11 hits. Eldenberg, Whelan Manoa and Narberth, battling on' Saturday, Jack Jeffries slapped 1 at the Haverford Township police Harnish, p ------- 3 0 0 2 2 Exclusively with
a~d Murphy. star~ed at bat for the for fourth place and a playoff out four hits for the winners as field, Manoa and Darby Rds., be- - - - - -

jammed up check·out standll.
wmner~, whIle Dick Surbeck blast· bellth, remaIned deadiocked la~t Bill Kalres racked up his fourth ginning at 5:30 P. M. Purpose is Totals ..--------- 26 6 7 21 5
Are we lucc:eeding in your BING ed a triple for the loserS. weekend as both clubs split a pair win of theo year. to pick stars to play in Shibe Park
In another league game,. Nar- of games. . Media slugged Ed Gnewek and for the Legion tournament game, PA0LI
AlP? Can you locate foodl
you want easily? II there
CHERRIES berth 212 nosed out. Ardmol.e 36,
9 to 6, as Rusty Cham and .Jlmmy
Manoa Hit By injurIes . Kaires for, 14 hits to gain a 9-1 where the eastern part of the U. S . '
Manoa, the defending champion victory at Narberth, Sunday. Earle plays the western Mattazzo, cf
AB R H 0:\ A
3 0 1 4 0 II
C Nelso~ shared mound .dutles for and favorite to lI;nnex Nolan belted .one of the longest Three boys from Haverford Lebresco, rf ------ 3 0 0 0 0 .. SONS
good light and ample room
ior comfortable shopping? Ib.29 the victors. Ed Burt hit a home th.e t~tl~ !!gam, has .been r!dden home runs ever hit at the Township, members of the Manoa' Stag, 28. --------- 3 0 0 1 1
run for Ardmore. With mJUrJes all year, but. Will go diamond. It was Nolan's third clr- Legion team-Tommy .Tones, Bruce D. NovellI, If ----- 2 0 1 1 0
The league schedule concludes all out in its two games With Nar- cult smash of the year. Grant and Bill Fallon will par- G. Umbach, 1b ,--- 3 0 0 7 0
liThe Busy 0 ce"

If not, please let us know. lhis Thursday, when Penn Wynne berth this weekend. _._ _ tiel ate .' Zierzega, 3b ------ 3 r I O 1
33 meets Merion 29 at Penn Wynne, On S~turday, Na.rberth entert.alns The Manoa injury· list includes
We will appreciate any sug·
ptionl you may have that
OLD SOUTH Frozen Orang. Ardmore 36 opposes Penn Wynne its a!!clent ~oe, With Bill Kerrl~an Gil Gekoski, the league's most,
155 at Ardmore, and Ardmore 74 or ~IllKalres sch~duled
to hU~1
valuable player, Freddy Cione,
p •
0 ODla
F .. Novelli, ss ----- 3 0 0 1 5
Dixon, c --------- 3 0 1 g 0
I.'". Coleman, p ------- 2 0 0 0 0
will help make your A&P a
hetter place to shop. SNOW CROP FROlriN
CANS encounters Narberth 212 at Nar- agamst John Hast!ngs. Sunday s Johnny Blong and Bob Coogan.
setto at Manoa Will find Rocco
Parisse facing Narberth's Gene Games of July 17-Media at
. --- IS- M~'
n wlm eet
W. Umbach, If ---- 0 0 0 1 0
Totals ---------- 25 1.4 18 7
- - - -- - OAKMONT
PEAS Z PllGS. 45c Standings of the'Teams Weinert or Ed Gne~ek. These t:-v0 Manoa, Wayne at Narberth and ~ SERVING THE SUBUR'S
PIIIR write: W L Pct contests should VIrtually deCide Ardmore at Glenolden - which ., .. ~
8 1 .8898 which. team . will hold fourth place were rained out'.will be play....
on Colonial VII~age
defeated Martm's Dam m a sWlm- a elan s, 0 f 21s.t an rl D'JaIuon d r~i'iiiiiiiiii;iii;;;iiiiiiiiiii,i;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~
SWlm.mmg qUb S II G' t
MttIMf Relations Department, Ardmore 74 --------- 7 2 .77 at playoff time.. h d d Saturday, August 6. ming meet held at the loser's lake Sts., was a convincing 8-to-1 win.1I
A&P Food Stores,
BEANS PllG. Dc Merion 29 ----~-----­ 6 3.6
Narberth 212 -------- 3 6 .334 67 to Glenoiden, whlc roppe games
Manoa and Wayne last week, MAIN LINE LEAGUE Saturday, It 1~1-101. mar~ed t~e
A pitchers' battie ended in the
sixth inning when the Fords ex, IT'S GREAT· SPORT'
420 Lexington Avenue EVAPORATED MIXED Penn Wynne 155 ----- 2 7 .221 has a tough assignment In meeting ,Saturday's Scores first of a series of m~ets which Will ploded for six runs. Larry Aigel- . •
Penn Wynne 36 33 ------_ 1 8 .112 and hard hitting Media on Saturday be held between these clubs and di k t h' h'ttl t . k • f
New York 17, N. Y. FRUIT ~A~ 1Ic Ardmore
Glenolden on Sunday
T h F'
. Manoa 12; Glenolden 3.
Wayne 10; Media 8 (11 ins.).
the Rose Valley Swimming Club. [{er ep uP. IS .1 .. ng s rea
. Rose .vaHey will oppose Colonial With two boommg trIples. Johnny
••• yes It's un-
packed afternoons and
The :;:~ wo:oghav:~r;;~~ a long Narberth 14; Ardmore 2.
Suburban Softball
earns ear
· d
In up
way tinder 'Mik.e Davis must filce Sunday's Scorelf.
two of the toughest Pit~hers In the Wayne 6; Glenolden 5 <10 mns.). team's pool.
beginning at 10:30 in the Wayne
swimmers this Saturday m o r n i n g , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Y." you'll ftnd pi en IV of large sun·,ipened Elb.rta
'.ach., and at the peak of flavDr, in A & P Markell
tIM. w••k-end. A & P'. thrifty price makes them CI
. Nearing the end of its regular league-Jack Shea and Jim ·Lofland Ard'!10re 11; Manoa O.
season schedule, the Suburban -as they bid to hold their third- Media 9; Narberth 1.
Softball. Leag~e will resume action place spot.
Wally Graham. of Narbl."rth,
starred for Colonial against ·,,-ar-
STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS tin's Dam,. scoring 18 points. ~ra-
2 DrexeITeams S H
W. L. Pct. ham, c!!l?ture~ ~he mt~rmedlate
rea1 bargain. Grand far canning ••• nice for slicing
.... sweet for eating iust 01 it. Como straight to this Fl'1day night when Westgate George Ackleson and Jack Mc- "
A & P far large luscious iuice..filled Elberta Peachll. Hills plays at Ardmore, Penfield Larnon will be Davis' mound Media. 12 4 .750 boys dlvmg, JUnior boys 25-yard Drexel Tech will meet Haverfol'd By Joining Your Friends
North Carolina Elberta Large Downs invades Brookline, and choices, with Dyson and Griffith Wayne 11 6 .650 freestyle and 25-yard br~asthst~oke College football and soccer teams in an Afternoon of
8 .529 ~vents a';ld ~~s second In t e Jun- " . . B r
9 .471 lor boys dlvmg. Arden S~augn- next fall at the Haverford athletIC:
·FREESTONE Merion meets Penn Wynne at the ready for relief. . Glenolden 9 . ,
laUer's field. .Wayne captured t.wo ext.ra-in- Manoa 8 OW '"9'

,PEACHES' Three games also will be J?layed nlng thrillers last weekend. On Narberth
next Tuesday, August 2,. prior. to Saturday, shortstop Bud Lownes, Ardmore ••
the season's finale the followmg former Penn star, blasted a two- Thll Week'. Schedule
7 9 .438 essy, of Bryn Mawr" contributed fields, according
3 U .176 1~ p.oints t<! Colom~l s tC?tal, 50 just released by Dragon athletic I
wmnlng the mterme<ilate girls
- th T
to the schedulesi •
Friday. On Tuesday, Brokline un homer in the 11th inning .to M;ed~a at Glenolden. yard backstroke and freestyle aUHao:~r~~~:d's football team will
3 15c 1bs
meets Penfield Down,S at the
plays at Ardmore, Penn Wynne reak an 8-8 tie and defeat Media, Wayne at Ardmore.
10.8. Jim Covello spaced 12 Media Manoa at Narberth.
c~ntributed point~
la host to Drexel riddel's on
Two other Colonial entrants also bc£ober 15 It \ iii
b~th th'rd
One of our many serv-
ices for your convenience
so- Ib
ltush.1 bask.t
field diamond and Indians hits for the win. while Jim Lofland,
play at Westgate HIIl.s.m a ga~e hurling in relief for Jack Shea, re- Media at Glenolden.
which may have a decldmg beanng ceived the loss for t.he leaders. Dick Ardmore at Wayne.
Sunday (Z:30 P. Mo) 10 each to the ame on the
wmner's total. Bonnie Don~ldson, trsinus will be ~et in the ~pener
of Wynnewood, was' first m the at home October 1 and Gettysburg
on first place. Sweeney and Walt Armstrong Narberth at Manoa. junior girls' 25-yard breast. stroke will be ~et , away' October 8..
freestyle tests. Sally Richards,
d took the 50-yard breast Drexel s soccer team Will play 69th St t
Plenty of Action
Baseball, softball, tennis, and
hYMCA Main ' .Line YMCA Plaus sir~~: i~both
the intermediate and a!l abbreviated
senior girls' divisions.
eight. games, with. the Dragons
of only ree
RIB ROAST !horseshoes are most popular activ-
T - A t-
Aust.i~, b~Ys' eams In cIon'
lilies on playgrounds on the morn- .. . Leagues
. , For SIX Court
seek Court RefereeS
meetmg Haverford In the seventh
contest on November 12. Western 57 S 69th S U D b
ings when John B.
work secretary of the Mam ~me .
A speCial plann!ng meetmg for Young men who are experienced Maryland opens .the
. the fall and wmter basketball referees interested In handling ule at the, Philadelphians field,
sci'ed- o. . t., pper ar y
Telephone BOulevard 1233
'CIIT Ib 59 C "ONE
PRICED HI6HlR l YMCA, is instructing and Games to be played next week was leag~ell
Monday and Wednesday mormngs in the Church _YMCA softball Austin, of the Mam Line YMCA ply to .Tohn B. Austin at the Main
by John B. basketball games next winter, ap_\;OjCit~o~b~er~.~1~5i'ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~
~ ~I-

. & 2'/.10
3'1, Ib,.


Ib 41 C
hE' is at the South Ardmore Ball
Park, on Thursday and Friday league are: Monday,

at Bala-Cynwyd Park.
S P l' staff, on Sunday.
. . au s John Wright, Df Cynwyd, .will
mornings at the Polo Field in Bryn Lutheran-Ardmore Baptist, Ard- reet the Senior League, which Will
Mawr,and on Saturday morning more Presbyterian - Ardm.ore be for boys from 17 through 19 Following the swim at. West

Knights' Wednesday A r d m 0 r e yeal·s of age. JUnIO'rand Cadet Branch Wednesday the girls from
Knights-Ardmore Baptist, Ard- ·Wi~ens and ReCjtor 'Amora, ·of the am me
, ' . LeaFues will be dlree d by James

M' L'
• -
YMCA Girls On Picnic

. .WI ·th Mr . S. .J I '.

2 R I P kIll k .
- egu ar ae·s
I-Hand t.urned HiCkory l)jp~ and
P !

e ory ex I reme Iy nl1'Id P IpI' IIIIxure.

<t':,~~~esults Presb~terian-St. Ar~more. Stu!'-~t dir~ct ~~tl~~rt\~u~a~tf~~m~~f:d~~~f~,
; For
rBANBS 47 C more Paul's.
Gre will
59 W.· Avenne. Ardmore ALL FOR 65c . Ardmore 9431

! p' E CABALLERO In the semor boys baseball league CommumtIes YO,Jlth Assoela- Free Library and the Museum
I •• Gladwyne will meet paoli, Morl· tIoli of ,Bryn Mawr: and manage Natural Science.
l\IERION. PA. day. On Wednesday, these two the! Bryn Mawr '. Jumor and Cadet
SpecIalizing In the Sale of
suburban Real Estate
teams wili meet again, this time Leagues. .
11;;G;R;.~3-;1;8;04;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C;YN~.;;1;8;04~IGarrett Hill. On Friday, Penn gymnasium at Low~r Mer!on High,
at Paoli, while Narberth faces The senior league Will. use .the o· ODOr •. all ,·US
While sports fll.ns from Phlladel-
W •k 1
Wynne will plaY Strafford and Bala·Cynwyd JuntOI'. HIgh and phla and vicinity are going all out
're you a .ood Driver'!' Bryn Mawr will meet the Red Tri- ~enn
lor teams are being contacted. but 0 h onor Edd'Ie WaitkUS .at. Shib
Wynne School. Eighteen, sen- t CONTINUITY Of SERVICE
Z~ Z9
angle u . ' , any teams of senior age interested Park on August 19, the cItIzens of
CORN School 8lvd. 0470
fin~~~G~~~~~~ ~~?isp~~1~~a~;;~~~: contact the Main Line YMCA.
Van's Auto Driving on Thursday. On Saturday, there :
U.i S F,ans
,?Ie~rwater, Fla~, ~a~e of the Phil-
lJes southland trammg, are out to
~ 19
OLEOMARGARINE is a triple-header with Paoli op- fete the first. sacker themselves. for over 70 years we have given
C 69th St. TerlDlnal posing Bryn Mawr, Gladwyne play. p.- tate t~ "We are very a~xlous to hav~
NUTLEY 6 Le~sons. $11 _ License Test $S
Safe, courteoul instructors
ing the Bala Bears and Shawmont Little Nelson (Nelhe) Fox, the Eddie recuperate In Clearwater,'
facing Ardmore. . Philadelphia Athletics' jack-rabbit the committee for Eddie Waitkus
_ ..... _~4<,cond baseman, who played great Night was infQ.t'med. "He has many
uninterrupted serville to this Itom-

munity. The second and third
CHEESE FOOD-PLAIN 01l PIMENTO fill-In ball for the injured Pete Su- friends here. and we can offer many
generations of families tlontinue
CBED·O·BIT 2·1..
del', is going to be honored by his inducements for him to come to
fellow townsmen. Ciearwater and rest." •
Sf :
... to CIa" upon us in time of need.


BEANS ",It"~.,k' 3 "'5-

A- ternat. laue. I-I»

Approved under G. I. Bill of RIght.


Manhattan Technicallnstitute
Mii"PO.K ':;' 39
C P"one. . ra.. CR'CKfT AVENUI Telephone II 6-1581 MARl( A. 8AIR. President

7038 Garrett Rd., Upper Darby
BLVD. 1586 810ck from 69th .st. Terminal) . (1 ARDMORE a243 & 0752 ARDMORE, PA.
~Free Trial to Test ,Aptltud

• 'In .r.lI't. av.ld confusion, aU beverGl1$ are now priced In -our markets Clnd '"
.U' ",;'ortl.lnl Ie ....w tho 10101 ",1.. lndudlnl Penna. Stal. Tax and b.ttr.
..., ••11. hmltK"t o..e story he"',I, S.A·V E
over 16' lon, $200 to $400 ON A HEATING UNIT
New Pack Standard Quality


3 19-0Z.
3 2lc 2 :ate
CIrculator $35.00
Arto, Jersey
or Ri,ley's Dash .'Io-Valve
275 Gal. Tank
$ 5.25
C.tsup Dog rood r

75& School·& College Directory

Ill) 14-01 IIl)]C
. . bottles ... 6 I-LB.
~he scllools or colleges listed here wID lladly send
Information upon request
fOU detailed
l!.10· H. ~v. standlnlt Radiation THE ECONOMICAL
BusineSS & Secretarial Complete wlllt 4 1\Ilnneapolls-
1420 Pine St. . PB 1-2100
:I fun bedrooml-ehoiee of a ."parale dinin, room--ar large
dinin, area off llvinl' room-Itreamlined kilchen-lile bath
-laundr,-18' X 24,' eellar-hu,e auic for storage (slair-
Honeywell Control~.
ZIO Gallon per lIour Tallkles5
H.W. Coli.
way). Refractory Lined Combustlon BOILER
1211 Chestnut 8t.. Phlla. ·1. I'a:...- Rt 8-91111 Choice of all brick or white plaller on block eonslruelion Larger Sizes priced
(Slone-additional), oil heat, electric range; milny other
Proportionately As Low
features found in "Custom" building only.
.ut prlcel In thJlI adnrtllement elledtve A&P Markets and llelf·
Electronics, TeleviSion While we do 'no installiJlg, we have a large list of respon,ible
8erVice Food Stores lD Ardmore. Bryn Mawr, Brooklllle and Narbedh KEYSTONE ELECTRONIC 'CHOOLI An opportunity for your miniature eltate-l10' wide lots, Registered installers and dealers who will give reasonable
S. E. Cor. 20th Market St8:.::..::.•:..:p:.:h11=a::....:3:...:..p:..a. ,;;LO::.:...~'(_-'I'l8~O hi,h ground-Soulh and Welt exposures--eollvenienl to
P.R.R., Phila. A: Western AND only a slonl'. throw from prices.
BROOKLINE, PA. 1$1ectron1cl, Television. RefrJ~ratlon. OU Burnen
lehooll. ' Come to the Factory and see these Boilers made. This is first
class, well-built merchandise sold at a Real Saving To You!

Brookline Boulevard 1533 Pine St. Booklet "K" . KI 8-074.& , Drive out Sunday afternoon;and alk to see the artist', pie-
turel. realiltieally created to enable you to vIiualize thele fine FREE HEA1.'ING SURVEY IF DESffiED
"Cultom" "IIUt homel. Alk to see the actual blue prints.
ARDMORE, PA. Enltravlng-.Jewelry RepalrlnJ:-Mald.Dlf II Destp
PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL 01' BNGRAVING. INC. Take lime to leleet your lot. Only a limited number to be A TELEPHONE CALL WILL BRING OUR ENGINEER
Tlme Paymentl arranged, If preferred
Rittenhouse ·Place 202~road st.• Phlla. .:n, pe,. PO J-OlIlI'l Burted" for late fall occupancy at U3,850.,
Direc:tionl: Lancalter Avenue to Covered Wagon Inn, !!Straf.
ford. Tu~ right % ·mile to "Old Ea,le Eltatel." Turn left
OJII.ce TralnlnJ:
PUU.ADELPJIJA SCHOOL or OFl'lCB PoUNING . op School Lane to olliee. Repreaentalive on premilel • ARTHUR: C. 13AUMANN '"
933 Montgomery Ave. .
1714 Walnut st. n &~1I11
·CHARLE·S E. PUSEY 7011-21 Grays Avenue
l'raet1cal Nuraln*
Philadelphia 42, Pa.
SAratoga 9.0685
755 Lancuter Avenue 1600 Sanaom St.. phUa.• 1'&0 IU '-0fdJ 114 N. W.Y~. Aven..e Wayne 3320


the Wills Act of 1947 so pro-

Q.-Could you please tell me WASH DAYS EASY with an
whelher or not a postal savings

I'!~ .'Z()~
account can be placed in joint
names? Also just what interest
rate does such a savings ac-
count pay?
Automatic washers make washing simple as setting CI
dial: There's nothing to it! Just load the automati£
wCJsher, set the dial, and go your merry way. Your
clothes will ~e thoroughly washed, rinsed, and damp-
dried without a moment's attention from you. See the
new automatic washers at your local dealer's store or
at any Philadelphia Electric store.


Your Health
the County Medical Society reports.
An important part' of surgery is
~ A surglan muste haue handis suture is a surgical stitch and Announcement of the annual fall
suturing, or closing the wound. A
well ~chape, longe smale fnygris, there are many types-the button Young Adult Conference at Cham-
•an~h~ls. body not iUakynge.'" suture, quilt suture, twisted suture, bersburg September 10 and 11
to as
IS IS a qUO!tet rom a textbook continued suture, and interrupted which is sponsored by the Pennsyl-

tum son-in-aw
on surgery wn en b ack around suture. " .
r1380. A. D. ' The statement is still A b u tt on su l ure'IS one passe d vama Stale YMCA has Just been
applicable, espeCially as regards lhe through a bulton-like disk to pre- received. Dr, Charles C. Noble,Dean
hands weII shaped an.d the lo~g, vent the thread from cUlting. of Hendricks Chapel of Syracuse
.~~amll pfirn:c~sr~, For'tshUlgtheons, alsldle The quilt suture is a continuous University, wil! be the principal
h' hi k'll don k WI I e sea pe, sutuI'e J'n \"h'ch
,I eac h SiC
t'l h'IS t'ed
I speaker
) Ig Y s I e nowe?ge of what as' soon as it is formed and the next •
to do, and steady, dehberate tech- stitch passed in the 0 osite dir - .. .. ..
tuque, must have the ability to sew, tion. pp ec The Flying Eagles boys' club will
sutures are of two types-absorb- meet next Friday afternoon at the
able and non-absorbable. An ab- Main Line YMCA to make plans for
sor?able, suture, material is one a special outing.
which dissolves III the body fluids, .. .. ..
such as catgut. A. non~absorbable Josephine McGovern president of
suture, such as Silk, Silver, wire, . .' .
10 ::-~AIN.
cotton, or stainless steel, does not the Radnor Tn-HI-Y clUb, IS co-
become absorbed. chairman with Karl Krisac of West
The purpose of any suture is to Branch YMCA, of the fall Hi-Y offi-
Every Monday and Thunday hold tissues ~ogether until they are eel'S Training Camp. Others from
ON ALL able ~o reumte. the Main Line Hi-Y clubs who have
'PatIents now,aday~ are kept in been appointed to committees were

.. ADULTS - Tal
bed ,for shorle: periods after ab- Mary Ellen Jinkner and Bessie
~ol:ll.nal· operations. The wound or Loomis, of Marple-Newtown; Bar-
m:lslo~ must be properly close,d bara Johnson and Mary Ann Mil-
WIth Wisely selected suture matel'l- IeI', of Lower Merion; Ann Hatton'!
LIFE SIZE @ a1. h .,.. add Jackie Corl, of Radnor, and I
T e surg~o~: With hl~ longe Anita Page, of SeHapKno.
NIGlfTLY ATI smale fyngns. must styche most -------
$~"ec#MIM 1"""•• Install Traffic Light
,s-u,~ GETS ACIDEVEMENT AWARD At Remington Road
Jack Steck'. John McCray, of Windsor-sEsex Residents in the area of Haver-
Apts., Narberth will be honored at ford and Remington Rds., Wynne-
Kiddies' Hour
,. ,
001, ud
_ CryobI
PIC F. ...
Pool w;"";"
a National Achi~vement Conference
in Chicago for his outstanding rec-
WOOd, are resting easier now. A
much-needed traffic light at this in-
ord during the past year for World tersection has been erected and

.' Book Encyclopedia.

Mecray, who is local district man-
agel', will be a guest of the com-
went into operation on Tuesday,
July 28.
Because of the many new homes
pany for banquets, a baseball game, on Haverford and Remington Rds.,

,~r~ii~~ii~~~ii~~~iit~h~e~a~te~r~,~aindiis~ig~h~t~-s~eieiinig~t~o~u~r~s'ii~ dents complained

,traffiC that and
has peen heavy the intersec-
the resi-
tion was dangerous. The state high-
way commission looked into the sit-
uation and 'agreed. Result-one new
• NASH REALTV CO. !traffic light.
Announc. th,e closidg !ALTENPOHN-CoOK
of their NARBERTH pRice Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn E. Cook, or
Overbrook, announce the engage-
AUGUST 1, 1949 ment of their daughter, Miss Helen
In the future all busIness, will b.
Patricia Cook,
enpohl, Jr.. sonand
of William F. AII-
Mrs. Altenpohl,
conducted through their of Overbrook Hills, and the late
Mr. Altenpohl.
OFFICE AT 343 LANCASTER AVE. Miss Cook is a graduate of Mater =
. Misericordia Academy and Rose-
r ~TYNNEWOOD ' mont'·College.
, Mr. Altenpohl is a graduate of
• A~~MORE 2 4 0 0 , GR 3.2494 Villanova ,College: During th~ wat·
'______ :____________
~ Army Air Corps.
he served as a flIght officer In the

Walk In! When your daughter bring:il around that c~rtain young,
back $40 for every $30 you put in them, after only ten
years. And you can buy them through two wonderful,
man, here's a tip:
~-automatic plans:
Ffbe National Bank of Narberth welcomes every opportunity to be Don't just ask him how much he makes. Ask him how 1. Payroll Savings Plan, the only installment-buy-
of service in financial requirements. H you wish to open an account, much he saves out of it.
or to apply for a loan, or to discuss any financial matter in which ing plan.
Because a man who's saving regularly for his future 2. Bond-A-Month Plan, for those not eligible for
we can be helpful, we invile you to call and talk wilh on8 of our security is the kind of husband you'd like for your
officers. Payroll Savings.
daughter. That makes good senseI
,I And if he isn't saving-but seems like a fine Joe any· If your future son-in-law already belongs to-or says
" Buy 11. S. Savings Bonds way-why not tell him about U. S. Savings Bonds? . he'll join-the plan he.'s eligible for, relax. Your gal'.
financial security is set!
U. S. Savings Bonds are 100% safe. They pay you
Auiomati6 salling is sure $ailing ~ U.S. SalJings Bonds

, Four .., $ eMaw_.= ....'.'I. ..,....,....'••l'IIIIl".II1II1.
c....- ......

'p.pal« • pcp.:,. iii.
'«r: -1;;» 'Jc-:-- £ -
................. w'-*' PW, . :
Thursday, July H, 14J49 •

!News and Features of·Interest to Women --Amusements, Notes ..
Look Pretty Dell Concerts
' 4 Career After Long Fight
Many is the girl who turns into
II complete washout ,on the beach
Lard in the Pantry Means n
E dA ugust Fcw of the post-war stars iu
Hol1ywood have made a more last-
because after one dip in the water
-whoops=-no mhkeup. That can
Delicious Foods on Table Steber, Warren, Hilsberg, ing impression than Mark Stevens,
be virtually a tragedy, too, for the By JUDy BANCROFT to each cup of flour, Also, grated Iturbi Are Scheduled who in threc brief years has es-
girl with very light brows and lash- Keep a good supply of iard on orange rind added to the 110ur tablished himself as one of the top 'r.
hand and you've stocked up on real gives an unusual zest, one teaspoon Four more top celebrities in the male attractions at his stUdio,
es which depend On skillful make- value for your money. Lard, the of this for each cup. Cut dough musical world-vocalists Eleanor
up to add to her beauty. all-purpose shortening, wHl come into rounds and spread half of Steber and Leonard Warren, pian- Twentieth Century-Fox.
If this be your probiem, .turn to in handy for the many good things them with melted butter or mar- ist-conductor Jose !tUrbi and Con- ¥ark, whose latest starring role
Aziza to \vaterproof your eye beauty you',ll be making during the garine, Top these with remaining ductor ~Iexander H,ilsberg - will is opposite COleen Gray in Will
warm weeks ahead, biscuits and bake ,12 to 15 minutes be headlined at. RobIn Hood Dell James' "Sand," new Technicolor
with both Fashion Lash mascara They'll be shortcakes, using the in a 425 F. oven. Break biscuits for the s~xth and \ last week of its outdoor drama due for five days at
,and a wonder-working mechanical juicy fruits in the market right apart and put together with filling 20th. anmversary season, the Suburban Theatre, has a solid
eyebrow pencil. Aziza prescribes a now, and what wonderful short- of fruit. Spoon more fruit over the With their cooperation, the Dell string of hit~ to his credit that
pedect eyelash match for playtime cakes! There'll be flaky pie crusts top, add a dollop of whipped cream; will end its most successful sea- ,::::,::,::: stretches bacl< through 1946. 1'11-
in the sun and surf Where ~very j;o hold the the fluffy chiffon fill- if you wish, and what a dish, what sO,n to d.ate .on the same high note 'W:f, cluded are "From This Day For-
Jll1 rt iCle of makeu p shows so clear-
ings which are such a ~rfect end- a dish! With which It beg~n last .June. -ifib:::" ward," in Which he was co-starred
J~', Subtle, yet brilliant, colors fOr)l: ing for a summer meal; biscutts You'll discover, if you haven't At a conservatlv: estIm~te, u P _ I : ; : : : @ t i i w i t h J O a n F o n t a i n e ; " I w o n d e r , . ,
your evenings are equally impor- ' and muffins to team with cold tried it previously, that lard is a wards of 225,000 people Will have :;~;:;:;:; ; ;: " Who's Kissing Her Now," a musical ' "
tant where artificial lights play platters and hearty meat salads. good economy shortening to use in attended !he 19 concetts ,of ~he year with Haver; "The Street With No
havoc with ordinary coloring. But And of course you'll be 'making cake baking. It makes cakes With, by the tIme the curtam IS. rung EI.EANOR STEBER Name," which had Mark and Rich- "
Fashion lash waterproof mascara cookies for the picnic baskets and a fine moist text~e which seems down finaIl~ at the conclUSIOn of ard Widmark exchanging blows
summer nibbling, so be sure to to stay fresh longer, Some lard Thursday mght's (Aug. 4) perIor- Three Suns' Louis Prima and last year's top hit, "The Snake
keep an adequate amount of this packages give directions for mak- manc~.
comes in such an array of tones
you can get just the one for you, , . . ' . Pit," with Mark enElcting the key
to match your own coloring and to snowy product on hand. ing cakes with that paIjicular kind. . Durmg ~llS penod, ~8 top names Featured at Steel Pier role of Olivia de Haviland's hus-
do away with the slightest sugges- Some ty"'es l'
of lard need refrig- In general, however, the, same starred m the m~sICal th world
12 M Will thaveS be.en Th e Th ree S uns, h ea d'mg t 11e new band.
On top of the heap no\v, Mark
ton of the art ificial. I: eration, others have self-keep method of mixing is used as called oncerts Inwhile . e ,til , as er herle.s v,au d eVI'11 e sII ow, an d gravel- th roat- actually had a long hard pllli be-
The- mechanical eyebrow penCilj: q ualities, be sure to read the label. for in your recipe. You' might try concert , I b 0 e ht SIX f symp. d on,
t IC ed L" OUiS PrIma and hiS , orchestra, fore he made it. Mark has worked '1
with its wondl'ous point which al- ! But regardless of the type you bUy, this for a finer cake-add a Itttle . Slave l' ug , ~ur IS m- are the two headline attractions at as a dishwasher, a platteI" J'ocke",
ways stays pointad fOr fine and. all lard has the same high short- of the milk to the creamed lard the gUished gues!
travel WI conductors
and m front
rId f of St eeI P'ler, A t IantIc
' C 'Ity, f or the a bill collector, a shirt salesman, -a
su~e application, comes in the same : en1ng quality-a property which and sugar mixture, This helps to Robin Ho -d ~e]J wo amous week beginning July 31. sign painter, a punch board sales- "
array of true colors so that yo,u can ' produces tender, flaky pie crusts, dissolve the sugar and make a finer The fi;al ~ . k st t M d Prima combines a blend of pleas- man, a gas station attendant, a
match your eyebrows to a hair. biscuits, light-as-air shortcakes and textured cake. It also is a good mg 'ht Augus-t lee \ h e arMS. St on bay ant
. nonsense and rl1ytl1mI'c
: tempos mechanic and even as a depart-,
wonderfully crisp cookies idea to save some of the sugar d' W ,v '11 ISS, e er which have made flIs orchestra a ment store floor-walk \
IK CI.ASS WITH MONKEY Pie crust may be made 'with lard called for and beat this into the ~n Mr. ~~;rf~t two of thedMbet:s consistent favorite with the popu- er.
All animals, except man and water either at room tempera- egg whites before adding them to t~~~n;:~~~~t'v\ s~prano an I arI- lace. His band plays modern swing
ture gr a m wh'lch 1~nelUYd
Co. _ .A
1l10n keys, are color-blind. . or ice cold. When using lard the ,batter. Eas c m a vocal pro - and New Orleans rhythm in a fash-
es many so 0 an d .
WhICh. has been st~red on the shelf Y Going , duet arias from the Verdi and ion that makes for easy dancing as Air·Conditioned
and consequently IS at room tem- An easy way to keep cookies on Puccin operas well as fol' int.eresti·ng listening.
Complete un!'
perature, it is easler to use all hand is to make up a batch of
Itngre lien t s at t h'IS one tempera- rl~f l'1'
d' g era
On Tuesda' n'ght Au
to~· cook'les one day an d Alexander Hilsberg,Y I ,
t 2 The Three Suns have built one
gus COIl~ of the largest radio followings in,
ure. .t was .once thought that ice- l; Ip ~ h em 1I1,to the oven th~ ne.xt. ductor of the Philarlelphia Orches- t.he country. and their success and!
Rlzes 9-52
Skirts _ Blouses . 1I0siery
Fall Out of SlImmer":"'To paraphrase the poet: When summer
comes, can fall be far behind? Designer Toni Owen has fashioned
cold mgredlents made the best Here s a recipe. everyborly \\'Ill hke tra will lead the Dell Orchest.ra in ratingt in the recording field is
pastry but tests have proved that and the cookies are wonderful an aJl-Tschiakowsky symph equally goorl.
Anlmore Ardmore 6818 lard and water at room tempera- with iced drinks, program. ony "The ,Judge Steps Out," a comedy ARDMORE
Maternlt.y Wpar t.his dress 1.0 be equally comfortable under September starlight or
ture result in flakie~ pastry best REFRIG~RATOR ~OOKIES Then, on Thursday night, August romantic motion picture starring Ard. 4747 GR 3.0200
'July parasol. The patio skirt is of JuillIard Featheroy (three ounc-
be~ause less water IS needed, In 4 cups slrted enrIched flour 4, JOse Iturbi, fiery Latin expon- Alexandel' Knox and Ann Southern, Ample Free Parking
es lighter than corduroy), with side zipper and buttoned waistband.
usmg the type of lard that requires 1 teaspoon salt, ent of the keyboard and the baton will be introduced for the first. time II
FOR BETTER Shepherd Knitwear makes the matching l' shirt. The ensemble,
refrigerati~n you might take 1t out 1 ,teaspoon cream of tartar will play the piano and conduct a in SI eel Pier's program, The second
chosen by Cosmopolitan magazin e's Male-Tested Fashion Jury Friday & Saturday, July 29-30
of the r~fn~erator a sh.Qrt time be- 1 teaspoon soda program that will contain many fuJI-length film will be "Alaska Pa-
HEARING- (Kirk Douglas, Robert Sterling and Louis ,Jourdan) comes in red
caviar, taupe and gold, I!s price-about $15 for skirt, $2.25' for shirt fO,re usmg It and let It warm up 2-3 cup lard numbers requested that night by t.rol," with Richard Travis and BING CROSBY
slIghtly, 2 cups brown sugar the audience. Helen Westcott. "A Connecticut Yankee"
SONOTONE -leaves budget room for July ju leps or autumn apple cider.
Super Biscuits \ 2 eggs --------- (Ill teehllleOlor)
You see more Sonotones every vear.
people are happv wtth Sonotone
"What wonderful biscuits!" YOU'll 1 ,cup chopped nutmeats Ins taII More AmpI·f·lers
Change Fels Planetarium Special Kiddie Show Saturday
hearing! FASHIONS hear this many times from the Sift together flour, salt, cream I
SONOTONE family and guests when you make of tartar and soda. Cream lard and For Woodside Television Hours; Show About Sun at 12:15 P. M.
'I'he 1I01lse of Ueal'ina:
Budget-Wise Dressers Hail· your biscuits with lard. Only two sugar thoroughly. Add eggs and Woodside Park has improved the' A permanent change in the hours
tablespoons are needed for each blend well. Combine sifted dry in- sound reception of its free tele- at Fels Planetarium will tal,e place
Cartoons and Sedal
406 UPI}e.. Dal'by Bank Bldg. cup of flour to give tender, light gredients and nutmeats; add to vision shows by the instaJlation of beginning AUgust 1 to permit great- "Mark of The Lash"
BOliLEV,\RD 2240
16\.h & W:\I,N1J1' RTR.
307 l\Iellieal /\rts 81dli:.. Phlla.
Value of Scarfs and Jewelry biscuits. Incidentally, an lmportant creamed mixture and mix t.hor- additional ampiifiers in Sylvan Han. er Usc of the planetarium by pri-
step in making biscuits is to knead oughly. Shape the dough into 2 or Every patron may not only view vate groups, Starting Sunday, July 31,
RI 6·9732 B~' HELEN 8. ALBERTSON . ~he d~ugh slightly after all the 3 rolls, 1% inches in diameter; t.he six by eight screen. but may Reguiarly scheduled evening dem- ' for 5 Days
Yon'\'e heard of a woman's inttli- off, it would be an exceJlent Idea mgredlents have been blended, wrap in wax paper and chill in hear the programs clearly. The in- onstrations will be limited to Wed- Mark Stevens - C"lcen Grav
tion her sixth sense but ha\'e you to stal't building your own "Acces- This improves the texture but refrigerator overnight. Cut into stallation, the first life-size one in nesdays, Frirlays, and Saturdays at. "Sand'"
I 'h I f "A' ?" sosense," for it is this which makes don't over-knead, just about one- Ya-inch slices and bake in a moder- any park in the country has rear 8:30 P, M. The aftcrnoon perform-
,evel' ' eal'( 0 l'cessosense.,.
., Lt ms t'Inclive
' t0 capl't a l'Ize on scarf s h a If mlnu
' t e d oes It.
' at e y hot oven I (400 deg.
6 to 8 ype' proJector an d ' ,
prOVides the anee a,. t 3 P . M "WI' 1eontlllUe
1' as (In 'l'el'hllieolor)
i fhats a brand-new II'Ol'd eomed by which will serve as briyiant color The next time you make short- minutes or until lightly browned, largest pictures in the area, u;~s~u~a~l~e~v:e~r~y~d~a~~~'~e:x~e~e~p~t~M~o~n~d~a~y~,~~"'~~~~~i~_~~~.~~~~~~~'
!Ann Silver Associates and de- contrast for any coslume, to com- cake, add two tablespoons of sugarYield: 9 dozen cookies. E\'ery Monday and Thursday a1l -

""tit ·
!scribed as a compound fashion f1ail"l~o~nd int~rest in p~ck~lS by using of the Park's am~sements h~s been "All/' _
a cann e'e on the budget and a I~ewe,led jllns, 1.,9 pyx amid the Iash- tweed story in beautifully colored
,y ~.
Th"ts an d That :-educed to 1e,n eents each, mclud- VV,,;e,"" .~

knowm g hand With the hudget.
Ion Importance of tweeds by add-
ing one of the new fweed~print squares 0 Sl
f 'Ik
t~ match 01' con-
mg tax for chIldren under 12. Three
cents city and federal taxes are add- r \

No worry about getting I

At a recent party at the HO,tel scarfs, and to invest in fill-in neck- trast. For a conversation piece, look
Pierre in New York for, the fashIOn 1aces ' to accen t h'19 hI- ow nec kl'Illes. for th e w e a th er map scarf rea
Fur goodness sakes! Newest idea ed for adults.
' I'1S- in accessories is a leopaI;d bl'acelet Oth e r W 00 d Sl'ct e P ar k a tt rac t'Ions '~ 1, 'l
your watch back when \ press of 1he eount.ry, It was dem- This year look for, and wear, lots tically etched on 27-inch' silk
onstrated on the run\\'~y how a of chains, pearls of all sizes a n d .
d kl
. 'an nee ~ce tc? wear WI
'(h 1 d include spectacular fireworks Fri- ~tAU' "- .
you bring it to us. All
work done in 48 hours, I/~und of ace~ssol'les. IS lIke, money flashing, brilliance
eopar days, Jack Steck's kiddies' Hour
with diamond SqUaI~S, or t,he penmanship doo~les. hat. And It has been rumored that Sundays at 2, new rides, additional I )

unless we must order ill you: fa~hlon bank, ~he. d,l\'ldends appeal. Scarfs have a new look and . Don t whip off and buy WIlly- leopard shoes will be a spot on t.he private picnic gl'Oves for ,outings'lr"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~;;'iiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~iiiiii~~""'~~iiiiiiiii~
special parts. a spec~al IdentIty as II1dlvldual as a host of uses. A tailored black nilly no matter how enthralling you winter horizon, too. and acres of thrilJing amusements'l l
IJ ?,our slgnatu,l'e on your check. Us- frock for daytime can take on eve- find these new accessories-this is + + + Crystal Pool opens daily at 11 and ".'ine Foods In a flomey
P. J. Giannini
"Your Jeweler"
I m g , COl'O Jewel,ry and, G~entex ning airs by the simple expedient where "AccessQsense" comes in. Short hair, very closely cropped offers ,reduced rates after? P. M.,
scalfs, the magl'c of buIldmg a of using one or two colorful s c a r f s '
minimum of costumes into a multi- f f1' I l' k d
" " .
I Look over your wardrobe SituatIOn m the back, IS the newest m cOlf-
" except on weekends and holIdays.
P L A Z A INN Atmosphere"
I d b t or ymg pane s. uC'e secure y fi " ,
Ip1e, g~-ev:rY\\'he~e war 1'0 e me at the waistline, they are most ef- nd What you need for which, take fures and because of thiS, turbans Eugene Ormandy to St~v
Good Food - Hospitality 1lI1'\ING PU;ASURJo;.
Ardmore, Pa. Ardmore 6860 enthUSIastIc acclalm.' fective. stock of new costumes, then, go are expected to be very important. h . 5 339 N. Lansdowne Ave. I,UNCU aM DINNER
Ot'Jo;:>; Jo'IUOAY IWt~lSl~G WIth Ore estra Till 19 4
Novel Notions forth and buy accordingly. What for fall and winter. The tiny Fez , nRf;xm. 1IIr.I. Clearlll'Ook !}]"O DAlI,Y &: SUNDAY
------- - ---- Pockets are making the news fun you'll have and how versatile cap also looms as a favorite, andEugene Ormandy,
conductor of themusic Philadelphia I~ .,1.
this year and some of them are you'll learn to be with the swit h + + + 0 '
iplaced right smack in the back of f f th fl' k . c Where but in New York could rchestra, WI1) remain in his pres- D-I~.IORI·S EAT - DRINK - RELAX
I I k' .t d f l I t 0 a scar,
It 1e S'II -:-a won er u pace, 0
e IC of a pm, ent position until at least 1954, 01'-
this happen ••• the famous and ville H, BuJlit.1, president· of the
" ! tuck a brIght scarf, PO~kets high • fabulous Hope diamond, along with Orchestra Association has annoUnc- COCKTAIL LOUNGE JtA~,ll~)IIClKEN.~'I?;~,KI·ZSZA-CI,IIlEoP8
,on a dress or low on a ,Jficket are Try Tongue DIshes-
I a natural for the many scatter p i n s '
, ' "
millIons of dolI/1-rs worth of dla- ed.
Ever~'lhing Cooked io Order - •
lor coin fobs. When it comes to Rich in Protein monds, was on display at. the House Bullilt sairl that the Orchestra'~ TownShIp Line & Burmont KIl. I'rivafe BaIHlIJet Room.
I success on t he recent tour of Bri- DRF.XJo;I, III1,L 8IlN8.:1' 9992 No Parklnli: Problems
Tremendous sClvings on jewelry, COl'O has adopted the new If the soaring makes of Winston. Out' front were police tain was a personal triumph for I,~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~;g~~~~g~~~~~~ I' •
upholstered furniture cus- wingback fastene~'s for, earrin,gs, menu planning a w~~ry chore, take cars, motor~ycle, polic~men; the Conductor Ormandy, and a tribute
tom made to order, or th~l wonderfu! mvenUon wl~lch a tip from Reba Staggs, noted home place was alIve ~'Ith umforms, ~nd to his talent. anrl leadership. In Hamilton Room Famous for Fine Food
takes all the pmch and pull flOl11 , gUns. But New Yorkers hunymg recognition of his achievements
your present furniture re- carrmgs
, . These you'll find in a economIst, and take advantage . . of home ' from ,work went. blithely
'" on th e B oar d 0 f'D··t Irec ors 0ff ere dO' 1'-
C kt -I Lounl'le
OC GI Our Chef Caters
upholstered like new, Our vn,de variety of style,S, including h~t and cold tongue combmatlOns. theIr way With never a 'What s-up mandy a three-year extension of ~ to your every whiml
workmanship guaranteed
10 years.
ta~lored gold, p,:arl, rhm~stone and DIshes prepared with tongue are out of them.
bl'lght-colored Jewesl. It s forever rich in protein and are high on the
~~~~~~t~"~~l ~flli
colors such as charcoal verdante p en 1 u st,
.' -+ -+ +
his contract through the 1953-54
. season.
med ensembles so much in the
and fashion rose. YOU'll'find pearl For instance, tongue slices can be fashion, Willys of :Hollywood intro-
Chestnut at 39th
Steaks - Chops • Lobster
, ·
"pin cushions" dangling from spread with well seasoned cooked duces a lace heel in 'a sheer nylon
bracelets, bubble pearls, a new size spinach, rolled, fastened with a stocking. And just to mak,e the pic- Bert The Finest Food at All Ti~es
to balance the brief coiffures. wooden pick then cooked with a ture complete, the seam IS of lace,
Fi11-in collars are definItely a zippy horseradish cream sauce, too ... whoops, better not let that .!Jncomparatle Donoghue". STEAKS
"must" for the new necklines, these Served either hot or cold, tongue is get crooked.
Vacation ':Jaci(;ti,s '62nd & WALNUT STS. CHOPS
in tailored gold for day, pearl and good with all vegetables with a + '+ +
stone bibs for evening. And jet is slight preference toward creamed .No s~~rta~e her~ .. " Mr. Ned of A smart 1,000 acre ....'L
;bacl" glorious, glowing ,l'et which, potatoes, green peas and v 'corn, hIS m,aklllg
1 hiS
tl fall gne,ck-1 In historic
ValleY Delaware
.. all &1'"
yours for re- THE
'when twisted with rhinestones, is When it comes to, fruit, piquant th wear eg 1Inc,t es 111 • eng 1 as a ,all1s,
48 h Th L b
Justl.n snd pure enloymenL
EverY desirable outdoor sport
Food That Is Grand
a fashion story all its own, lemons or or,anges make a grand ~ I' U a IOn mc e~. a s e- . ~~':ndlpro~~~: c!J~uA~fu~~~ WILLOUGHBY Just the Place for
Glentex' has some \vonderful sauce in which to reheat I.he whole cause he prefers sof1. W,I.ndnor,J<nots the Whole Family
b food. (Formerly Schussler's) "

d th th e t dd t I h
1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11]J1l1l-1hru cravats in colorful suede or sliced tongue or to serve over;n t' uSd'ff wo \ Ilona mc es Ice, Advance re.erva~.n. Township Line at Drexel An• It OpenSlIlHlay I P. 1\1. to 9 p, t't!.
Dail)"-4:30 P. M. to U P. M,
.:: andjersey, in I'ich velveteen, c~ld sl~ces, Tongue is also gra.nd a~d s~~ I erence etween snazzy ~~.:aS:::'·M~:'~IC:~v.~::''i
_-- ..-..-.-.-.-.-_ SHOP fRIDAYS 12 NOON TO 9 .. which are designed to really fit WIth brIght cherry sauce made With mpy. _ EDWARD PLATHBJ\. 3.
Drenl Hill. Pa. Sunset 9807
Closed Mllnrlay

the neck and to lie flat and smooth. Qrown sugar and cloves. And don't Gen. Msr,
CI d S d Tweed is ~errificaliy important in overlook the uses of tong~e on ,the
'I SPENCER Support Shop ~
ose atur ays through July and August hoth the suit and coat picture for cold meat platter, The SpICY slIces Corsets and Brassieres
fall. 'Glentex repeats the whole can be served alone or combined indiVidually deslJ:lIed for cool
ELIZABJ~~11:~~I~~1¥.AN.R,N. u,,~
1'1I"~ INN \VITII l~f~RSONALI'l'y

S VB URB A N with other cold cuts on a platter
~, UUuu~e ~
garnished with crisp celery curls, Ii W. Lancaster Ave.. Ardmore 'oHAWNEE - ON-DELAWARE MORE THAN A PLACE TO DINE
' t d' h d t' 1. f lIours 10 to 4 or by appt.
ra IS roses an carro stnps. ~e t Al'd. 1024 - IIome. 11IlItoD 4458-J
T.1. Slratldabu.. 140
Enjoy the beauty of our splcndl,d lawns and gardens. Idea' sl'tt./ng
for weddIJ1!( receptIOns and speCial fU11ctlons in our variou; dlninli:
over slices can be cut ~ulienne stYlel~~i~ij~~~j~ij~~i~iiiiiijjijiiiiiiFrll$~~On6sdl~ri~~y ThUrsday, 5:30 to 7:3O-Scrve-vourself-all-vou-wa,nt;..;.'
~tiliiiiiiii1~=Q:Siii~1 a toppmg for vege-I ,~~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~,~P~A~.~~~~~~p~h~0~n~e~s~w~a~r~t~h~m~0~r.~e~0~6~'
8~O= 'I

. . sDss'O·sssRsssFssNsss;O'EssR~' Save! WI"th Thl"s Ad! Bookbinders

215 So. 15th St.
~ft~ o~g,°Pes~~~~· ;~~;;d I~n~h~p~~~~~ g~ ~~~~
bel'S of the original BOOKBINDERS family Serv-
Illg the best sea food, steaks and chaps. NOW
ARDMORE ON STAGE AT::::T~~T~:';;:~. J. ON SCREEN In the untque a:~rf~:::::iOa~:~sPhere
of an old"
Cleaners Since 1890 The Forge
Permanent Hollywood Review featuring
' SUNS 'The JBdge SO'
teps ut
Village forge, you will enjov PhllaCielphia,'s finest
fOOd and driilks, Come for lunchcon, cocktail
hour, dinner. 01' after theatcr su~per, Bar Is opcn
cool, short-sleeve • Waves THE 3FAMOUS Ilf:tl.SICAL TRIO
Alexander Knox. Ann Solhern
l:Ith st., Below Walnut. froln 11 A, M, TELEVISION. 'Completely alr-
conditioned ..
Phlladelphto.'s Smartest Night ClUb

IL·o U"SANpR1M iT. -:i~I

Regular $20 Cold Wave
Sports shirts ARDMORE 0117
STevenson ~8700
$6.60 with ad '
Regular $14.50 Machlneless
1309 Waillut St.
PE 5..422H
No Cover-No Minimum (Except 1"1'1. & Sat.)
Two Shows NI!(lltly-a :30 - 12 :00
$5.60 with ad , I'E 5-411j.!

Regular $12.50 Machine Wave 2 Shows nightly, first shoW 8:30, Sat. first sllow ,
$4.60 with 'ad "JUMBO" l'HE SEAL - THRILL cmcus - WATER,SPORTS falumbo's 7:30, A lavish redecorated settlng.. whether It's dln- "
ner for two. 0. party or a banquet, Famous palumbo
Hair shapIng &: styllnCj complete BBADFORD'S OKEFENOKEE TROPICAL SWAMPLAND 824 Catharine st. Full Course ,Dinner Inchtding cocktatl. prlvl\te ban-
SUPPLY COl\lPANY'S Philadelphia quet rooms, show included. Free parking, WA 2-5040
Shantungs • " • broadcloths! Smartly 760 S. 9th st.
tailored featherweights to take the
simmer out of the hot summer! Favor-
ite solid shades; small, medium, large.
Permanent Wave Salon
- 1021 Chestnut St.
Phone LO 3·6068
Guaranteed ,

Phone Ardmore 4000 for 2 or more. 65 ST. JAMES PL

Complete Satisfaction
Vita Jo'luld Supply Co. 3 l':aDlous Movie Horses - Thunderhead, Flick&, Smoky Barbara Waldron Featuring Salad BowIs. . . and Unusually Dell-
OPEN EVENINGS BY Steel Pier Radio ShQw. Mon. to Sun. on WMID, 12 PM to 1 AM D E. l,aJlelL~ter Avenue cious Sodas, Sundaes aJlll Sandwiches. Barbara'
APpOINTMENT Phone Al'dmore 7298 Waldron Candles.

l'Inlisday,July 2', 1949

Five .

News of Social and' Club Activities


Hundreds 01
Miss Eileen Poe
W ~ds Saturday
~ !'
(? ,
Joci.a .'
n oled
Miss Morgan Is ..En.gaged
.'p ' Brlede
Loretta O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis Teg- Becomes Brie

'II, Be'come BrI'de of
234 WoodbIne Ave., Narberth, are daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Valori, of July 27, by MISS Anne Turner Day, We d s Narb erth Man
leI', of 519 Oxford Rd., Cynwyd an-

nounce ' . the en gagemen t 0 f' t'l·
daughter, Miss Suzanne Michelet
,1elr Marne . d Saturd ay to
THAN YEAR AGO Lt. Richard Stevens receiving congratulations on the Waldelt Day, of 208 Booth Lane, At Overbrook Church Tegler, to William John Mecke, son Carl P, Oswald
Your dollar today "~YI lip ttl Miss Eileen Elizabeth Poe, daugh- birth of a son born July 18 at Bryn Haverford. Our Lady of Lourdes Church, of Mrs. J. Howard Mecke of Bryn Miss Loretta G. O'Brien, daug-h·
'. per cont more than lalt year
many of tho.. Items.

tel' of David L. Poe, of 129 Bentley Mawr 'Hospital.
Ave" Cynwyd, and the late )1rs. ... ... ...
. ' , Overbrook, was the setting Satur- Mawr Ave., Cynwyd and' the late
M1SS Hallowell WIll become the day, for the marriage of Miss Eliza- Mr. M e c k e . '
Poe, will become the bride of Lieu- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, bride of Omar Bailey, sOl! of Dr. beth Nieves Morgan, daughter of ,The date of the I.vedding has not Brien, of 18 Colwyn Lane, Cynwyd,
teJ;' of MI'. and rMs. Frank L. O·

tenant Richard Crosby Stevens, of Narberth Apts., Narberth, are and Mrs. Moses Bailey, of West Mrs. Mark E. Morgan, of 306 Berk- yet been set., became the bride of Mr. Carl P.
USNR, son ,of Mrs. Charles M. Al- receiving congratulations on the Hartford, Conn., on, Saturday, Sep- ley Rd., Merion, and the. late Dr. SPARKS-PRASSE Oswald, of Johnstown, on Saturday,
COMPARE THESE BIG VALUES laben, of BInghamton, N. Y., and birth of a daughter born JUly 18 at tember 17, at "Berberrie."
the late Dr. Orrie Stevens, in a Bryn Mawr Hospital. ... ... ...
Morgan, to Robert DaVIS Tabor, The engagement of Miss Jeanne July 23 at an 11 A M e
Jr., son of Mrs. Beatrice Prior Prasse, daughter 'Of Mrs. Oscar. "., . . c remony
lODAY'S double ring ceremony Saturday at ... ... ... . . " Tabor, of 1236 Montgomery Ave., Frederick Prasse, of Richmond, Va., 111 S1. Matthias Church, Bala. The
BIG SAVilas lOl YOU PIIClS 11 A. M., in St. Matthias' Church, The program chairmen of the Mr. and Mrs.. WIllIam R. K. Mlt- Narberth, and Mr. Tabor, also of to Charles Aplin Sparks, 3d, son of Rev. James Fitzgibbons, of Johns-
B~la. TJ:e Rev. James J .. Meehan Narberth Women's Club met at the chell, of .112 Mdl Creek Road, Ard- Narberth. The Rev. Francis S. J. Mr. and Mrs. C. Aplin Sparks, of town, officiated. _

'iUirCOCITm:.1;,.. 33

c Will offiCiate. home of Mrs. Kay Mitchell, 200 S. more, ~Ill leave on August ~ for Carberry. offiCiated. Waverly Rd., Gladwyne, has been Given in marriage b her fat! er
39c ~~ytop ~hite
abo~t bo~ffant
The bride, who will be given in Narberth Ave., on Monday evening JI1 the Poconos. The::, WIll be The brrde wore a organza announced. . ,. ,y " 1,
marriage by her father, will wear to plan the program for the coming Jorned theft! the middle of gown, featurIng long, tap- ,A graduate of Madison College, the. bride. WOI e a go\\.n of Import.ed
the ~onth by their daughter, ~rs. ermg sleeves, an off-the-shoulder Harrisonburg, Va., Miss Prasse aiso antique Ivory Chantllly lace. Her
, !he only fancy fruit ..detail No.1 .''!It.7C
.. ~ 2/.50c an eggshell satin gown, featuring year.
In .xt", heavy syrup w. . .IL ' .....
long pointed sleeves and an off-the- t ... ... F:.rdmand LaMotte, 3d, a~d ?er son, neckline, and a yoke of French il- attended the Medical College of veil, held in place by a pleated,
PEACHES 'H~~;~P Ho~1f2 25£ 29c: shoulde: neckli~e, the trin:r- Mr~ and Mrs. William Black, of Nicholas LaMotte, of LOUISVIlle, ~y. !usion, trimme? with point de Ven- Virginia.
med With . apphqued white satm ' Montgomery C·"rt Apartments, ... .... ... . Ise
d V· lace. A Juhet
d t . cap, d"
orange-blossom trimmed bonnet,
also of point Mr. Sparks was graduated from \va S 0 f 'Ivory-one 't d I'11 uSlon.
. Her
STRAWIEDt I~ ::. 33£ 39c: leaves With seed pearl centers. Her and Mrs. Black's mother, Mrs, John Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fredel'lck e enlse, an rlmme wlth,orange Frankhn and Marshall College
fingertip veil Of illusion net will be Scott, of Wilmington,. Del., are Schibener, Jr., of the Brynwood blossoms, heid in place by a veil of Lancaster, and served 'as a lieuten~ bouquet was a srlray of white rose,
held in place by a flat crown of seed spending two weeks in Lancaster. Apartments, Wynnewood, whose the. same lace. Her bou~uet was of ant in the U. S. Marine Corps. laced with ivy leaf.

TOMATOES Fu~':'" ~~2 3/. 3/<Uc pearls. She wil c~rry a bouquet of
white orchids and stephenopious.
... ... .... wedding took place recently, are wI~lte 1'OS7 s and bouvardla.,
Mrs. Robert Sigel, of 234 Forrest staying at the Santa Bar~ara Bilt-. fhe. bnd:'s attendant.~ were at- Johnson-Walker ~
,, ... ... ... The bride's sister, Mrs. Therman
B. Brift was matron f h . 11
Miss Barbara Ann Poe, who , will Ave. " Narberth, 'entertained' at a more, Santa Barbara , Calif. , on tlredm white dotted• SWISS dresses, Mr. and·Mrs. Ray• L . ' V \"alkel',o[
. b ou· ff an t" gO'n [ f"0 tonor.t er
be maid of honor for her sister, will bridge' party on Wednesday, July their honeymoon. Mrs. Schibener is worn over pastel slips. They car- Tennis Ave., Ambler, have an- . \I, 0 a llCO ne wal
39c wear green organdy. Mrs. George 27. Those present were Mrs. A. M. the former Miss Ann Van Dyck ried baskets of field flowers. nounced the engagement of their matched hy a lal'ge picture hat. The

Corned lied BasIl
Cr.ted -r- r... Wi'-·. 1:;:z 1_..;S,,-1_e_.l-_33c
~ S7C

E. Mearl, 01 Cleveland, another sis- Bottoms, Mrs. Arthur Baker, Mrs. Thompson, daughter of Mrs. Peters

yellow organdy.
Emerson W. Stevens, of Buffalo, and Mrs. J. H. Egmore.
w~ll ~erve as bes~ man. The ushers
' B~nnett, Mrs. Edward Croecheron, ,
.... ... ..
+' ... ...
Following the ceremony, a re- daughter, Saundra Ann KalkeI', to bl"idesmaids were Mrs. .John F. Con-
teI' of the bride, will be matron of Sterling Chain, Mrs. C. R. Percy, Thompson, of Wynnewood, and Mr. ception for 150 guests was held on John M. Johnson, son of Mr. and nelly, Mrs. John B. Meyers. another
hOnor. She will wear a gown of Mrs Kay Mitchell, Mrs. William Fellowes Thompson, of Bryn Mawr. the lawn of the bride's home. The Mrs. Raymond B. Johnson, 6 E. sister of the bride; Miss Ruth Os-
couple then left on a trip from Cape Newfield Way, Cynwyd.
-'Mr. and Mrs. William K: Shoe- May to ~ape Cod, and will after- Miss Walker is a graduat.e of the Miss Marjorie A. Zurn. Theil' gowns
maker, of 114 Birch Ave;, Bala-Cyn- wards reSide in Merion.
wald, of t.he bridegroom; and

College of William anrl Mary. and wel:e of ice green and apricot, and
!? Poe, ,brother ~:s. L. K. Luce and her son, Mr. wyd, sailed on Thursday aboard the
Will DaVid Mr. Johnson is a gI'aduate 'of Swar- theil' bouqu,ets or harmonizing
321: of the bride; Dr. eVIll B. 0 Malley, WIlham E. Luce, formerly of Nar- 'liner Queen Elizabeth for a six
and Dr. George L. Stark.
V· Iet F. KaIe h '
berth, recently entertained at their weeks' tour of Engla~d and the 10
thmore College. shades of talisman roses.
John B. Meyers served as best
Farmdale . . . l:= r:;,2 S/ZSC 2/29& A reception for 125 will be held home in Reno, Nev., Miss Jeanne Continent.
at the Bala-Cypwyd Woman's Club Solimeo, of Philadelphia. W eds S"at urday '
' •. man, and the ushers were E. B\'ad-
Mrs. Koonce ResIgmng ley Baily, of Baltimore;' Frank .J.
tISaJ 81ue LaW . . . N;;. 1SC 17c following the ceremony. ... .... ... Mrs. J. Homer Koonce, president Lunney, and Frank L. O'Brie.n. Jr.,
After a wedding trip to New York Miss Elizabeth D. Kelley, of 206
and North Carolina, the couple will Price Ave., Narberth, and Miss
H e1en G • Bettle Bride Worked -
of the Bala-Cynwyd Women's Club,l and Thomas J. O'Brien, brothers of
announced on July 13 at a garden I the bride. y
At I d' E b
30c reside in Norfolk, Va.

Janet Baker's Weddin!!:

W ed Sat urday
Helen Marie Ellis, of Drexel Hill,
are spending their vacation in
Miami Beach, Florida. They will re-
n Ian massy
club party that because of her hus-I Following the cere,mon . a large
band's transfer to Scl1l1ectady, N. reception was held at the Philadel-
.A wedding of interest Lo Main Y., it would be necessary for her to i phia Country Club.
Hom-de-Lite Creamy turn home after August 8 . ' LmeI'S w~ll take place on Satuqlay, resign. Aftel' a honeymoon, the couple
25c OJ

MAYODlISE Plans Are Announced ...... + Marriage to W, Baer, 2d, July. 30, 111 th~ Church of the As- .Mrs. Henry Clayton, of 124 Edge- will reside in Ritte,nhouse Square.

~sw ..tCntam
Miss Janet Watson Baker, daugh- MI" and Mrs. Clifford Gerlach, • '
tel' of Mr. and Mrs. A. Morse Baker, Who have just returned from the Take Place In Wyllnewd. MISS VIolet F. Kaleh, daughter of president, will be the club's next r<'Fleas Don't
of Old Gulph Rd., Bryn Mawr, will Monmouth Hotel at Spring Lake, The marriage of Miss Helen G. Mr. & ~rs. Saleeba E. Kaleh, of president.
ce~sIon~ Wash1l1gton" D. C., when hill Rd., Bala, who is first vice- '

Bother Me
' l.

~ Buller .:.n a7e become the bride of Richard Dar- N. J., gave a dinner party Wednes- Bettle, daughter of Mr. Griscom Hy~ttsville, Md.: becomes the bride

den Ziesing, son of Mr. and Mrs. day evening, July 20, at their home, Bettle, of 315 Old Gulph Road, of ·enora OfelIa De Carmona, of CLARKE-KENT
Richard Ziesing, Jr., of Red Leaf Bala-.Cynwyd. The to William G. Baer, 2nd, son San SalvadoI:. Ei Salv,ador, and the Mr. and Mrs. William Kent of
I'm Dusted with
Apartments, Wynnewood, on ~atur- g~ests rn~lu~e.d theIr da~ghter, the of Mrs. Benjamin F. Baer, of of Senor Callos De Carmonoa, son Overbrook,' announce the en T~ e-
• day, October 15, at 4 P. M. m the Misses V\rgmla and LoiS Gerlach, "The Thicket," Gladwynne, and late. Seno.r De Carmona. ment of their daughter GI r? gL
'n;oy One of These Delicious Roasts Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Chtlrch. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Ziegler, law, Mr. and Mrs. Griscom Bettie, T.le brIde attended the Ardmore J(ent to Cadet Joseph 'w ~lla k .
Gr~mmar ~nd \~as CI:~k:'
ACME GlADD "A" BEEr The Rev. Rex S. Clements will per- Mrs. Hildur E: Ziegler, Mr. and Jr., of 331 Statio!1 Rr., Wynnewood. Avenue
form the ceremony.
Mrs, Edward R. Moranz and their The Rev. Dr. Frederick R. Griffin graduat~d flom Lower Menon High of Penn Wynne and Joseph Clarke'
Jr., ;on of Mrs. 'Marion N: .• KfUS FLEAS
• • •• KEEPS 'EM OFF
'Lean (lone In) Miss Martha Ann Ziesing, sister daughter Christine, Mr. and Mrs. officiated. Schooi 111 1942. S~,e has been em- of Philadelphia: '
of the brideg~oom, ~iJl b n:r aid of William A. Wingert and their The bride who was given in mar- pOlye~ at the Indl~n Embassy, in Miss Kent is a gradu;te of Lower CAT OWNERS: To rid your c.t o( A~...nd
honor. The bndesmalds Will 7 melude daughter Suzanne, Sgt. and Mrs. riage by her father, wore a pink Was.hlllgt?n D. C., smce 1947. Merion Riuh School Mr Cl rk " ~
c~osen ~n~t:~
lic~. h~ SlIre to lIS~ Plllv~x ROTI,NONE
Mrs. Claude McGahey, of Manche.s- Wil.liam A. Wingert, Jr., of San An- linen afternoon dress, simply rash-. MISS Kaleh. has a gown of a Second Classman' at the FIt. Powdtr.Specially formulated (or cars, \I
tel', N. H.; Mrs. Malcolm K. LeWIS, tOnIO, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ioned, and her grandmother's veil ~mporte~ white bIldal lace, fash- States Military Academy West
of Junction City, Kan.; Miss Alicia ry H. Claus. of old family lace. She carried a IOned With a sheer yoke, a bertha- Point, N. Y. '
Gobantes, of Havana, Cuba; Miss ... ... ... bouquet of lilies. dra?ed collar of nylon net, a fitted ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;
Frances Nehrbas, Miss Helen Mont- Mrs. Archibald F. Rader, of "Alar- Mrs. Frederick R. Drayton, Jr., bO?lce, long sleeves tapering into CLEANING, 1)\,I;lN(;. RI,MOIlF.I.ING •
gomery, Miss Betty Hass, Miss Hel- den," Haverford, and Miss Eleanorjwas her sister's only attendant. POIPtS ?ver th.e h~nds, and a very • EXI'ER'f REP,UIUNG. t'KESSING
en Louise Thorington, Miss Janice Spangler, left early this week to She wore an afternoon dress of full skirt faIlIng 1I1to a cathedral
Wharton, and Miss Patricia motor to Nort.h Conway, N. H., lavender linen. train. She will carry a white tulle BI
a a-Cynwyd Cleaners
RIB ROAST :~~:.-:-~~.r:: Non.
I" 65£ Parcher.

eannette Sorn Weddin!!:

where they will spend the rest of David Young' of Princeton, N. J. fan, mounted. with white gladioli
the summer.
... ... ...
WliS best man for Mr. Baer. an.d stephanotIs. A. lace mantilla
After a small reception the bride Will complete her bl'ldalcostume. PIIONE CYNWYD 2036 20" ",\LA AVE.
J v . d b "d I ft ' dd' Mrs. George W. Kaleh will be
• ,Preshl,. Oroaad .... ID 4SC , The marriage of Miss Jeannette Mrs. DaVId
Elizabeth Sorn, daughter of Mr. ~Ill be mat~on of honor ~t the wed- 2tI312P MO t ue ec. A ey 'H
. " D. Day of Cynwyd an 11 egroom e
" t Q b Th on a we
'11 r
, mg , f
a t matron o. honor. Her gown IS
" . PICK

Ifve d yellow faille taffeta, made with a ,et Us Keep VOIl Well Groomed
LeaD .lIon KilN Beef ~.. II. SSC and Mrs. William H. Sorn, of 534 dmg of MISS Jean LOUise Ruleff, on gomery ve., aver or. sheer yoke, a bertha of lace
Cynwyd Ci.rcle, Cynwyd, to Olin daughter of Mr.. an~ Mrs. Blayny • taffeta and a very full skirt end-
LeaD Plate-Boilial Beef I" sse Keneth Wllard, son of Mr. and M. Ruleff, of Mt. AIry, to Robert Sara Cook Weddmg
Mrs. M. Wilard, of Pittsburgh, will Gordon Leek, of Phialdelphia, on
ing in a cascade of ruffles at th
• . hemline. She will wear matchin:
take place on Saturday afte.moon, Saturday, August 27. The I cer~- Planned for September 1 gauntlets, and a matching man-
,A.;;;u;;;g;;;u;;;s;;;t=2;;;0;;;,::::;a;;;t=3;;;.3::::;0=P::::;.=M;;;.=1I1=t.h::e mo~y will take place at 3 P: M. rn . M's S a DeWitte Cook daugh- tilla and carry a fan of lavender
Peronot Sanforized Cloth Sport Shirts-$2.95

lE . Church
1 Ch and
h G St. Michael's
t I s ar , '
tel' of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gordon Cook, tulle mounted With lavender and, . o DURATWILL TIES
Breasted 16 1b.s
under plscopa urc, erman own. of 114 Simpson Rd., ,Ardmore, will yellow gladioli. • WILSON'S OXFORD & BROADCLOTH -SHIRTS
30 YEARS ... .... ... become the bride of Colin Lanfear Miss Virginia Hishmeh, Miss Isa- o SPORT SHIRT-MANY COLOR CHOICES
IreastYeaI 11I25c Sliced Bacon A...'. .11 SSe Of Good Main Line Rooft... Mrs. J. M. White, of Merion, and Browne, son of Mrs. Lanfear M. M. bell Carpenter, Miss Pat GirOuz
Neck Veal '"25e Deviled Crabs ..... 19c .. Sheet Metal Work Mrs. Walter H. Tinney, and Miss Browne, of Narberth, and the' late and Miss Mary Matthews wili be 1
• Veal Roall··..I- ·1I4Se Potato Salad '" 27c E.. S. Miller, both of 429 Le~er~ng Mr. Browne, at 3 P. M. Wednesday, bri~esmaids. They will wear gowns \
Veal Roast lleull '"4ge Cole Slaw '" 27c
H. I. COOK, ab:r.
MIll Rd., Cynwyd, are vacatronrng September 7, in St. Asaph's Church, similar to that of the matron of WATWOOD MEN1S SHOP
at Jasper Park Lodge, in Jasper Na- Bala-Cynwyd. The Rev. Richard T. honor, in lavender, and carry fans
Rib Veal Chops . '"73c Dried Beef SII... ....., lAo .11 29c Phone NARBERTH 4040
Pork Roll TQlW'. .IIS5e Corned Beef COO," .....11 lSc 1'~~=.==;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;=~;;;;;:;::;=:ltiOnalPark, Alberta, Canada. Lyford will perfOl'm the ceremony. 01 yellow tulle mounted with laven- 243 HAVERFORD AVENUE NARBERTH, PA.
.. Miss Bertinla Hallowell, daugh- The bride's only attendant wili be del' ahd yellow gladioli.
Expert Watch and
tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hallo- her sister, Miss Nancy D. Cook. Miss Ginger Saah wili be flower
well, of "Berberrie," Merion, was William West wili be best man.
the guest of honor at a, tea and A reception wID follow the cere) similar to that of the other attend-
shower held Wednesday afternoon, mony. ents, and carrying a basket o[ rose
petal~ draped with lavender bows.
girl. clressed in a yellow gownl~~~""~""'''''"~

. ~
=' Our expert dry cleaning service

232 BaJa Avee

C-lock Repair
Cyn. 325' o HOMEM KEn 5~1~d~e~~o~;enK:~~,~eeor~:h~~~r~~
~ Colonel AI~turo Rivas-Mena will
will make your favorite dress,
blouse, or suit look as bright

HINT5 f0n
III SSe -.)' and sparkling as a brand new
'"69c Frederick Fareh, and Wallace / .' garment.
Rivas-Mena. '\ Clos~r1 All Dav Salurday
Director 01 'Women', Femures
A reception at the Admiral Club
will follOW the ceremony. After a
During July a·nd August

M~ .J!tJIIM/t, P. . TODAY'S
(Ruth W'eUu " heard on KYW' Monday, through Frida,-, ar 9 :30 A. M.) wedding trip to New Orleans and 102 Forrest Ave.
1ll lite S~n ~alva.dor. the bride and bride-
Y...r ....
H elM
- Be Pork or
can ~/S9C 2/35c
SN'T it amazing how one remem- Being bored with your lot
bel'S some things for. years .and is a dreadful sentence to endure. Will lIVe In San Sal~ador, El ~al-
. ~ears, while others slip from the But you can do something about vador, where the bl'ldegroom IS a

Ev. . . . . . . IIUk ,...,.,.
Mauta, W•••• Oil
7I. --: 4/51c

UPHOLSTERING mind 111 a matter ,?f
Some it. Now, don't say that. you could civil ,engineer.
- Cy w d 0928,
-• ~
preSSIOns. Others vanish U though had lOts of money or If the chU- .
Ideal, .ard. Red 8eft't ::.
Cril. - SJ-7

In All Branch.s

sponged from a
slate. J. suppose
the answer lies
dren were grown and out from
. under your feet. or It only your
friends were more mteresting or
, ,

- . - ' "
. '
~: -
I'· ~'
10 _ 12 E. SPRING AVE. 111 our needs of it you had a job like mine that was ~
• CraD......~ Saace ~ 0- 16-""
-. 7,/Sse 2/4Oc Phone ARDMORE 5336 the moment, Per- fun. My job 15 fun, but yours can • ~r.:
Ii,_ those we retlun
ideas special
which be, too. a girlthat
knew beds
to I make whoshe
hated so much If you're panning I ~
~ ~..." 4wi1& II 'U.,J.~ WOULD YOU LlKE A PET!
have some
use or value to would have to do something abOut
realized she repairs or remodeling let
Atlas give you a free written estimate and
PLUMS .2 Z9c
Will You Give It • Good Home!' us. while forget- it or she would be bored to death '" plan. Atlas is a dependable Builder with the
10;01:. Ibs and CATS
ting the others.
S 0 m e how
have a vivid ree-
every day making them. So she
•.• mitere,d corners and smooth ~
leal11eCl to make a beautifuL bed
covers and all that. She lound it ~
.' experience, organization and facilities to do
a quality job at a reasonable price. It is our
Lettuce cam. ,
'"15e Celery calli"'. Paul IIIl1k 25c
.11 15c Lemons'- am., Jul.,..1le 20c
ollection of the
5 tor y 0 f the Hlleh Felles became qUite a game. and that
belief that one good job begets another-that
is the foundation of Our Best Building Job

FRESa PEASs::i.:::::rd2.. . 2gc MANl1 ftrES 'AVAILABLIl
2 00
$ •
woman who was instead of beIng bored and feeling
completely bored with her lot in sorry tor herself when she made
!lfe. She was thOroughly unhappy, the family beds, she actually came
The Atlas Reputation.
_• • •

' ,
but seemmgly unable to do anything to the place where she took prIde
I Delaware 'CO. S.P.C.A. about correcting the situation. She In making. a goo~ bed. That may
made no secret of her boredom and sound a lIttle bIt polly-Anna-Ish
Sandy Bank Road in complaining to her husband I'm and if it does, please forgive me.
Soap PIIicM. -AIM ..!.o,....
YODAY'S .Pricu lIed1a
PIIICd Y_r~_
MEDIA 6-1310 sure she became equally boring to Perhaps you could put it this way.

Camay,......1I!e,Uh!!~ S/Z5e .: 3/21Jc

IS:::::::::=:==::::==':====~i:.llhim. However, he..heard her out,
i",~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~atientiy-and I think hlSsugges- She sold herself a job making
+ + + DW, .Edt-tltc
% l'J i bons lIre well worth repeatmg. beds and all because they bOred REPAIRS OF EVERY SIZE AND DESCRIPTION

SW!!tJlead, 'Qpwq ....1h
Z/Zk ......2/27c
~ To ThOle Who Like
m ~ Studying a common straight pin her to death and she hated to be
~ she happened to be holding in her bored. It aclueved· two purposes, ot • DECORATING - ADDITIONS ~MfWI
IvOl7w._ _ . . . . S/'UC 3/31c % ~ hand, she asked: "Do you know course. She made better beds for Convert t~ Apartments for Life Incoine

~ what Is behind that pin ..• who her family to sleep on and she no Interior & Exterior, Cellar to Roof.
.. SW• • ....,. ..... ' 1-
7,/Z7- 2/35& ~
~ These Bot Summer Da,.. ~ about 1t?
~ made i~ .•• how it's made ••• aU longer hated dOin,g it: Smart girl, ~
Duz, 0Qd0I, sse
~' ~ "No," she admitted, "but what That busmess of fig!:lUng what ~
wasn't she?

EJipnHW..... ~
~ Stop at i1k could be lllteresting about a pin? you have to do IS a damaging
~;ng System.~_{, Repa;rs~~ A;rC~~dltlo.nlniJ
~,~ It's just a pin, plain alld uninter- experIence an,d since you must do
~ estmg." it, why nat cooperate with your- EASY TERMS AS
Kitc:hens Papering
Bathrooms Garages
Painting Putch Halls
Roof,ing Flooring
~ ~ "Don't be too sure about that," self mstead of wagIng a losing Cementing Plastering, Masonry Tiling
Farmdale POULTRY FEEDS ~ on Laneaster Pike ~ he suggested. "Dig out some infor- fight? If, It sounds like a good idea, ~ LOW AS $5 MONTH Shingling Stairways Electric:al Brkfst. Nooks
~ in ,Wayne f% matlon on it •.. all the informa- why not try it? That is, if you are YEARS TO PAY'" Carpentry Bric:kw6rk Stores Additions
~ ~ tion you can find-and you'll be bored. II you do, I think I can
~~ T"e New Snack Bar ~~ surprised at what you lellrn." p~omlseyou a newer, brighter life ~,
Small Payments ArranC)ed
to Suit Yaur Inc:ome
~ "I
Serving Brookmead
+ .. + WIth Wider vistas and with the sat-
~ Of course it seemed like a silly isfaction of. 'feeling that you're so
~ idea. But the more she thought of bUSy prettylllg up your own grass
Without Strain fKEE ,ESTIMATE

~ celi" Cream, Sandwiches, ~ it, the more her euriousity wu plot that the field across the fence

~ Coffee, etc, ~ aroused. That's one thing about doesn't look half as green as yours. Your Job Insured By
~ AU Brookmead Golden ~ women-we are CurIOUS. So she be- LEGAL NOTICES A Written Guarantee AFTER 6 p~ M. ~HONE M'4~,3'690'"~,'
., PRICES EFFECTIVE IN FOLLOWING MARKETS ~ G ~ gan to find out what was behllld -----:=="...,..,==-"""''''''''==,----
Products at Retail ~ that pin. It led her here and there
~ Uernse,. ~o
114.18' N. NARBERTH AVENUE ~ 0 D
pen airY' &: SundaY' ~ t
and the more she found out the ESTATE OF., ARTHUR J. DENMAN,
~ more In ereste 5 e became. The gomery County, Plio.,
, t d h late of Borough of, deceased.
Narberth. Letters
Sma'I or Larg..-vn
- .... rour Lot "
~ U ," 11 P M !f$l search led her into many by-paths, testamentary on the above Estate
OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P, M, - SATURDAY, 6 P, M. ~ rI " ~ and because she really had a fine havlnj!,' been granted. the underslgned. From One of Our Many Ap-
~ ~ mmd she did a good job on the :~~ P::~~~tei~d~~t~a~es~~~~i:~:
, , , ER IN E WEST OF ~
~ subject. paymen"t, 'and those having -legal
~ The moral of this story is that claims, to present same Without de-
proved Plans.We Handle Every-
thing From Start to Finish~In-
" , '
~ she never was bored any more be- lay t9
cause she discovered that llfe held~
' \
cluding Complete Financing-
113 Cash or Equity Required.
' "Lettltelullder's Repdat/oa.e rour First Conslderatiol
• SATURDAY ,... ... moo", " &0 many fasC1natlngthlngs which ~ ' Ave., ~i~b~i~ds~~
, lti~:I\U,,. ,. IJ'SIlJt'~ she could learn more ab~ut. Or her Attorney: '. • ~ .

.. "


-------,-------_ ..
.---- _._,,------- --- _ -, ..... --.,' -------.,

I BUSINESS OPPOR'WNI'DES IBegm Pla'yoffs' Next Week .-n '

'-- -
partG. Mufflers, Springs. ~es,
AMBITIOUS MAN can earn large'
steady mcome operating local HaverfordRecreatlon,L'eagues e

Appears ill aU the, following' papers: S. OIIlF'F'ENS II SON Windshields. Door Glass, 'Glass WALL WASHING BUSINESS. In-
PAINTING Channels, 'Window Regulators, vestment less than $400 In equip-
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Brake Lin1?-gs, Ignition Parts, ment and supplies. Details R, & 5.,
HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP ,NEWS ••• OUR TOWN . Head &: Tall LIght. Lens, Water 420 OneIda, Syracuse, N. Y. Semi-~nals and final playoffs in St~nding of the Team!l
BeaUUfy & .Preserve Your Home Pumps,.King & Pin Bolt Sets, Uni. - .. '---. -. the va.rl,ous le,agues of the Haver- W. L. Pct.
N. WynnewoodFree Estimates
Rd. versal Joints,
Everything Tires, Tubes,
for Inspection etc.
for Pas. MOVING AND HAULING f 0.1'd 1 owns h ip R ecreation program Havertown Royals ----- 7 1 .875
and the CITY LINE NEWS GR 1-3536 senger Cars and Trucks. Shank's wIll g~t under way next week. So. Ardmore Eagles -- 7 1 .875
II ': O~ Auto Parts, Westtown road. Next SemI-finals will take place in the Manoa ---------------- 2' 6 250
(!J!8 IneJude coverage In CI'r~L1NE NEWS, copy must be received by 'fnesday at I) r. M. to Greenmount Cemetery. West lIGH! HAULING American Baseball League, the Sen- Belmar -------------- 0 8 .000
Fbl:' other three papers. deadline Is Wednelday 5 F. M.)
15 wordl or leu: '1.40; addItional words: Ila PAINTING A SPECIALTY Chester 1617. 'tit lor Softball League, ~he Church Next Week's Schedule (1:30 P. M.o)
Ask abent Ipeclal reduced contract rates. A'TOR F -d' ' - - 6 CHARLES J. COYLE championship playoffs will be held .
CARPENTRY WORK REFRIGER.... .. rig! aue," in the Internat'lona'l Baseball FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP
Phone: Ardmore 5720-5721, Hilltop 3600, GReenwood 3·7740 Exterior and Interior iii Unit
cubic ft. Excellent condition.
6 years old. Price $50. Hilltop TRUCK RENTAL WITH OR League and the Junior Baseball PLAYOFFS
rea III'" ~nd lllJ'ne)' order, ltamp. or personal ebec k, Address aU c:ommunlcaUons to Tri-COlIntJ JOS. E. McCABE, JR. 7005-R. evenings. WITHOUT DRIVER League. ' Monday, August I-Team 1 vs.
rubUlblD& Compan)'. S Cricket Ave., ArdlDore. Pa.

BA<.i-(mostly wooden). Good
PAPERHmGING-Expert work. condition, $25. Phone 7267 Hillt~p
Results and 'schedules follow: Team 2
AMERICAN LEAGUE BASEBALL Tuesday, August 2-Team 1 vs.
Re It if I 1 Team 2
Field 2

Field %
----I/'DIALZ- [ UPPER DARBY..;....Warner.West BEAUTIFY"y U
manship, reasonable prices. No noon, .Monday to Friday. ~efore GRANITE 4-7424 su s u y' 8 Thursday, August 4-T*;am 1 vs.
_ - - - - - - - - - - - Corp. offers masterpieces in com- 0 RHOME!
job too small. Estimates cheertUlly SET-3-way combln- T~LEVISlON Ardmore Park, 5; Shamrocks, 4. Team 2 ' Field 2
GIRLS nmn ty p ill , .. .~ ,',1', WITH FLAGSTONE & SLATE ,Igiven. THOMAS H. BURROWS; aUon 5:!" screen, excellent con- , Burkes, 3; Kirklyn Redskins, 2. SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE
home desIgns. Secure your home 136 OAKLEY RD., HIGHLAND dltion, $350. Hilltop 6652, do not VETERANS with large van. Effici· C. W. V., 15; Keystone A.A., 8 R
YOUNG WOMEN now for immediate and future oC- FURNISHED OR INSTALLED PARK SUNSET 6161. call Sunday or Monday. ent, courteous service, reasonable Garrett Hill, 1; Havertown, 1. (Ti,e) esultli .ruly 18
IsC~rlu"~tl:0~~','6' c'h'~erfUI r'ms:), t~~le( ~~~.~-,I 1
A few Positions a,re available
for those who can qualifY Igarage,
ARDMORE FLAGSTONE CO. . R.C. A. Combination Console Radio,rates. One piece or entire house.
large picturesque planted I' ,2527-35 Haverford Rd., Ardmore , Ul'1l0LS,TEKY AND, BEPAJBING 'water
and phon,OgraPh..
Kent RadIO.Kiehl table,sale.
Quick At-I Full or night servIce.
Day or cargo
6043 insured.
Wooll· p~t load~ Ardmore Park, Results5,' July 20 A,
Up. Darby Lodge, 8; Stonehurst
Farmers, 14;3; I?enn
Havertown, Staters, 6.
Auto Car:2.
I' ,
in jlaWnS and rear garden plots. ARDMORE 9491-8
GR. 3-1798 aftert 0
6 5:30 ,- WHILE YOU ARE Pnone HiJJtop 5351. ,land ~ve.• Phila. call AI.. BE 6-17(.3 Shaml:ocks, 0; C. W. V., O. ,.(Tie), Results JUly 20

I,===~~========I P'<~A. Reds'kin~

ARDMORE LLANERCH I Veterans-No Down Payment COLD SPOT REFRIGERATOR-6!'tIlY time Havertown. 15; Keystone A A 2
, FINANCING CARPENTkY AND BUILDING ON' VACATION ,c.ubic ft. New unit.. Perfect con-' LIGH1' HAULING-nT ..." D-LlJ & Garrett Hill ' 4', Klrklyn ,
Upper Darby3;Lodge,
2'• Havertown, 5; Farmers,
Stonehurst, 1. J.
Begin a Career !n the TelephOne! $58 monthly includes taxes, $29, We wlll re-upholster your fur- dltlon. Rea~nab:e. HIlltop 05~~. TRi~~~R~~as~~?e S~~~OR: Standings of the Teams A~to Car, 9; Penn Staters, 3.
Busmess principal savings, net cost only $29 -----C-ARP--E--NTK-!'---- niture while you are on vaca- AUTOMOBILES NORTH CITY SERVICE. CB T- W. L. T. Pct. Standing of the Teams
. htl h'Semi.detliched
h' thl t BUD..T IN BOOK CASES LINCO'LN ' ME . 7007 LI 9-1620 TR 7-997~ avertown --------- 5 1 1 833 . . Pct•
Excellent Working and Conditions month.
s Ig y Ig er mon y paymen s. homeS-I AND SHELVING lion at Special Low Summer
Prices" No bare rooms to look ' RCURY" H
Garrett Hill 5 1 1 '833 Havertown ------------ W 8 L 0 1.000
A Friendly Place to Work See your future home today. Apply (A Specialty) at while your furniture is out. PERSONAL Burke 4 4 '500 Farmers -------------- 5 3 .625
Good Wages with Scheduled ~:.,rt';;:x:~~r;;,rhl:~~~n;:::~~~ GENERAL REPAIRS ~:g~a~:::~~tion of beautiful, GUARANTEED USED CARS S . C. W. V. 3 3 1 '500 Upper Darby Lodge ---- 5 3 .625
Increases Onen daily and evenings 7 to 8:30., NO JOB TO SMALL 'n CHJ!:VROLET-radio, htr. _$725 ATTENTION CHURCHES AND Klrklyn Redskins --- 3 3 1 :500 Car ----------- ..- .. 2 6 .250
C;;ome in for an Interview P. M. WA~tTO~~~ 42 fi
'40 CADILLA<..;-4 dr. sedan, radlol CHARITY GROUPS.Make extra Shamrocks --------- 3 3 2 .500 s:nn ;taters ------.:.--- 2 6 .250
and heater $895 money now! Order your ChrlSLmas Ardmore Park 3 4 429 one urst ------------ 2 6 .250
J6~h~~~~IP~~~eet _-:-:--=__-=-::-=-~-:----I:-~2~9~W~y~n~n~e:e~l~d~D~r~ ~H:av~e~rt~o~wn:;_1
'42 PLYMOUTH-4 dr. sedan radio Cards today. No charge for "person-, Keystone A. A.
and heater ----------~ $745'~lizing" you~ cards. Finest selection
0 7 :000 Next Week's Schedule (7 P. ,M.)
C~IItO~ ~ard
7055 Terminal Squ:
Upper Darby
'P erlon 0 HARDWOOD FLOORS WAYNE 1496 '41 FORD-2 dr., heater
UPHOLSTERING CO. '41 DODGE-Club coupe, radio,
..$865 m stock. Corner, Openl
'" every evemng tIl 10: GR 7-5035. I Next Week's Sclledule
(6 SO PM) Friday, JUly 29-Team 1 vs. Team
Ii' N S· I S H LEWIS h t $895 :. . . 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3.
ew 1O~ e tone ornes
CH~YSLER-2 r~-
45 Anderson Ave., Are you moving to your own borne? 227 Lancaster Ave. Wayne, Pa. , ea er ----------------- :Dear Fanny Flapanammer. Why, SEMI-FINAL PLAYOFFS Monday, August I-Team 1
Ardmore, Pa. 3 and 4 hedrooms Powder room Why not make work easier for the 41
dl~ door sedan, why, why, why, oh why haven't v••
,place, mod~rn elect~ic kitchen, by floors with an dr~ve
and 2 baths oii heat stone fire- little woman? Refinish those/shab- and heater and flUId you written to me, Fanny? You' (Best out of 3 games) Team 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3.
FOR'SALE " $845 know 1 haven't your vacation ad- Monday, August i-Team 1 vs. TueSday, August 2-Team 1 VII.
THE BELL TELEPHONE Ilarge rooms. $21,500 and up.
9 S~DER.. We r~nt aU 41 OLl)S~OBlLE-Sedanette, !dress. 1 wanted to tell you more Team 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3. Team 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3.
SAMPLE HOUSE equIpment Wlth complete mstruc. radl.o, heater, hydra- about that sojourn to New York Tuesday, August 2-Team 1 vs. CHURCH SOFTBALL LEA
COMPANY Of PENNA. Open Dally 1 to 9 P. M. tions. ' matlc --------:----------$850 ith my Johnny. From the train we T 4 T 2 T GUE
DELATE & MORGAN PLAYHOUSE •• , BARGAIN 41 MERCURY-StatJOn IW walked to 4:!nd Street and near eam; eam vs. eam.
$8~:; Times Square. We were so hot that Wednesday, August 3-Team 1 vs. Marple Pres 10' Un' M th 8
Results July 19
ra~lo St.l~ndr:w,08
YOUNG WOMEN CEDARHROOK & YORK ROADS 4 Central Ave. ' ':Vag-on -:...
18 to 25 Years of Age
Several desirable positions are
available in Bryn Mawr and Cyn_
Wycombe & Marshall Road
Open Evenings
AWR 1454 IAPPROXIMATELY 8'x5'4" and 9' 47 MERCURY-ConvertIble,
L '"
' ,.' '46 PLYMOUTH-4 dr
01< 1, PINE SHEAIHED INSIDE '47 MERCURY-Cl b C------ d'
$985 B "d
we stopped at Grant's for orange- Team 4; Team 2 vs. Te,am 3.
and heater ---------- $1425 ades then off we went riaht ,up NATIONAL BASEBALL LEAGUE Ebenezer 10' Ll
roa way passed Jack Dempsey's
Results July 111
Trinity Luth:, 9;'
' , anerc
Manoa United Pres. 6' Grace
h P

an~ hea:el ---:--------. $1265 for some delicious food at reason- Marple Newtown, 8, Penfield, 4.
, ELEt.'TRICAL SERVICE AND iNSULATED. SHINGLE EX- . . u oupe, ra, 10 stopped at Hector's Cafeteria for '. Cha el 4. "
wyd for young women who have TERIOR 3Vo" WEATHER MOUNT-,. p ,
had some high school training. All stone ~~~rn~o~~ronlminkl GRANT'S ED ON SKID TIMBERS. FRONT 46 BUlCK-ConverlJble, radIO and able prices, then we walked a little; Wayne, 4; Merwood,l. Results July 20

These positions offer a good start-,sectlon, three, bedrooms, 2 tiled l , A N D BACK PORCHES; NEARLY '46 ME~~~~Y--st--;'------W$1500 further on Broadway; Johnny's I Results July 19 Ebenezer, 16; Union Meth" 4.

Ing salary wit frequent increases. ~

b th I d N
s,.p us p0"y er r.oom. ew . . j
agon, faCe Hghted up just like It does
radIO and heater ------ $1325 when he walks Herb F. Davis Penfield. ~;
Bryn Mawr, 3. .,
D_ ul
ts July 21
pleasant working conditions and a ~~In~~~~~ v:~~tJ:~re~~~~s'l'~~~est~r~I' :il:~~;N AL CHILD'S PLAYHOUSE AT 5~,OOO
store of items at 320, West Garrett HIll. 4; Marple Newtown, 1. TrinIty Luth., 18; Union Meth" 2.
chance for advancement. fenced in yard for the kiddies and WASHING MACHINES COST OF MATERIAL. READY TO RAYMOND P. soon, Ine. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore. I saw the Wayne, 7; MerwoOd. 1. Ebenezer, 8; Manoa United Pres., 7,
Write giving age, education, ex-Iclose to schools. Call Mr. Mullin. RJtJFRIGERATORS BE MOVED. 265 Lancaster Avenue reason. for there was a store with Result! J I' 2l Marple Pres., 4; Llanerch Pres.,
perience, if aIJ3, and telephane The price will surprise you! 18 W. Chester Pike, Llanercb' Wynnewood. Penna. all kinds of tricks in the window. P fi d . s u St. Andrews, 6; Grace Chapel, 5.
.... L. No, 350,
o Box ..... W BENHAM-Realtor HILLTOP 3121 Newtown Square 0966-J Ardmore •2600 . Well, when
tually gaspedI saw
and the price,
gasped forI air!
ae- Marple
en el .Newtown,
9; Garrett 6;Hill, 3.
Merwood, 6 Results Jul y 22
Ardmore, pa; t I YCO~::/olE~:~:~1 Rd., Ope-D Evenmgs Till 9 Johnny calmed down too, when he (Tie) Grace Chapel, 5; Trinity Luth., 1.
MADISON 4900 ' GRIFFITH BEAUTIfUL ll-plece aIDIng room LINCOLN MERCURY realized how much we could save Bryn Mawr, 5; Wayne, 2. Llanerch Pres., 11; St. Andrews, 10.

po~i- a~d mirr~r. Ima~y

IMMEDIATE OPENING for Exec-I_________ __ ELECTRIC SERVICE suite, walnut watertall set, com-I by buying the SAME tricks a n d l ' Standing of the Teams
. utlve-type woman.. Specia! IDo your Ilghts flicker and dip? Hav- plete WIth table pads EVANS CHEVROLET more at the Herb F. Davis Standmg of the Teams W. L. Pet.
tlon as pictured In McCA:LLS ARDMORE PARK .
page 80, June Issue. Lot 100x125. Stone and stucco smgle your refrigerator rna correct it U 'J
It Y0!l have good appearance, pe!- house. New rubberized shingle roof.
ing a separate circuit installed for Must be seen to appreCIate, $1;)0.
y . spring mcluded, $15; Twin beds
\. ,..
stOle. It would pay some of these.
New Yorkers to spend Over $6 for Bryn Mawr --------- 7 2
you buy .any used car. any-, the round-trip train ride to come Garrett Hill
W" L. T. Pet. Eb
7 2
enezel. ------------- 8 2 .800
.750 Manoa United Pres. ---- 7 2 .778
sonahty, car, need fo~ $50-$75 In l~t 11001' has 4 rooms and recep-! HILLTOP 400S-M wilh spring and mattress complete, ,vhe\e, se~ t~e dIsplay of really un- ~o the Davis store emporium. and "'enfield 5 4 .556 Gr~c.e
Chapel -------.-- 6 4 .600
a week, can work evenmgs 4-9, a!ld hon hall, 2!1 11001', 4 large corner $20 each. One large man's ward- ~ua tra e-lI1s at our show rooms. mCldentally, some 6 Brooklynites Marple Newto 4 4 1 500 TrinIty Luth. ---------- 6 4 .600
t~e. bedroom~, d bath. 3 rooms on 3rd. ~w
~arlan 154~
between ages of 25-50, wnte tile Member Phila Elec. Assot:. robe with mirror and 5 drawers, . ones every day and at new low did that very thmg last month to Wa n e wn -- . St. Andrews ---------- 5 5 .500
WIggms, Powell, N.or. Automatic ,oil heat, summer-winter
rlstown. No canvassmg or partles. \hOOk.u . Garage. $13,500.
$20. Each item can be bought sep- mces.
arately. All articles must be sold
Irent bicycles. We inquired how they Me
knew about Herb F. Davis over in 00~
d------------ 3 6
.333 Llanerch Pres. -------- 4 6 0400
0 8 ] .000 Marple Pres. -.-------- 3 6 .333
____ • __ "1 - ----- P Hilltop 3478 FRED P. McCARTHY & SONS as owner is converting home into Evans Chev. Co., Sunset 7840 Brooklyn and were told t:hat they Next Week s Schedule .<6:30 P. M.) Union Meth. ----------- 0 10 .000
WANT $50 a week. DO y~u have apartment. Call at 547 U. 63rd St., l'Wp. Line and Burmont Rd., D. H.,went to a Ncw York public library M?nda , August l-1eam 1 vs. Next Week's Schcdul (7 P M)
work 2 to 3 hoprs each day? T~en PAOLI-Small [arm WIth smgle
a car or the use of one? Can you " _. ELECTRICIANS PhiJa., AL 4-3884.
__;;'. .
-- '--,- _
and asked for a telephone directory ream 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3.
- - of Phila and vicinity. They wrote Tuesday, August 2-Team 1 vs.
e ..
Kl1CH~N SJnks & wall cabinets-ICH~VROLEJ 47 d A~roi 2 b~oo~ to the different dealcrs and they Team 4' Team 2 vs Team 3
~ry, wate~he~t, Wi~~ a~hl::"V~~1 ~~res ~ner.OWI~~;
you can make $50 a week eaSIly, house of 6 rooms;'bath and laun- NARBERTH 3811 Monday, August I-Team 1 vs
pleasantly. Box B. G. No. 350, Ard': hot chicken house, I Builder overstocked with'kitchen liked the Davis answer best ..• and Wednesday August 3":'-Team 1'vs Team 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3. •
I -car dg~rage. rUI~, 3 acre~, fenced., Cynwyd 142S-W
more, Pa.
l.NTJ!:R~STING mme late possessIOn. $16.000. I . $1~.95-30"
Paoli 2010 eqUIpment-Wall cabinets 30" x 18", beautIful car guaranteed e$1295
x 28", $21.95-21" x 28" .,
they were thrilled at the resUlts!
,Smcerely Millie Wanna Savabit,
Team 4' 'Team 2 vs Team 3
• . .
: Tuesday, August 2-Team 1 VI
Te 4' T 2 •
full or part
Malvern, Penna.
$18.95-42" base cabinet and sinklmonths Jinancmg.
-50" base cabinet and sink-the tvans Chey. ~o., Sunset 7840, .I!"RAIDY CAT? WorrIed about
lNTKRNA'!'!ONAL BASJtJBALL am, eam vs. Team 3.
Wednesday, August 3-Team 1 VII.
tIme, for woman with use of car. PAOLI 2624 GLASS &ND MIRRORS above sinks are enameled on iron Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H., Cancer. It IS a dreadful disease. LEAGUE Team 4; Team 2 vs. Team 3.
Write Box R. R. No. 350, Ardmore, 'PAOLI' "'. 1 d
P .-,mg e wei mg WI m
I' .th'----5 1Gl
& m' l'
II' ors
fo all
All brand new and guaranteed' CHEVROL"'T-'40-4 door excellent Get less-than-cost examination this
purposes Oth 1 tt '1' r' ' 'l:<'all b makin re er a1' . ht M
Results Julr 14
B C 4 P fi Id 1
R It J I •
attractive grounds Gara e Aski; Nall mirrors made to order. smks at reduced prices. Warren W. ,anteed at $550.12 months financing. no\y.. In ~all .thele Will be a long
a. I minutes of station. Oil heat lar e Old mirrors remodeled & resilvered. . er specla 00.1' samples and, conditIOn. one owner car. Guar- y g . s .v Ion rig anoa..,; en e • . esu s u. y 22
Results July 19 Youngsters. 57; Merlon Mud Hens 29
RECORD GIRL-Must ~ave k~owl- $16,000. Make offe~. G.

edge of records an~ m!lslc. Re.sldent R It M 1 2231 W

J. V t Ch P'k Sunset 9176.
Highley~ i'AGYE'S, BOULEVARD 3082. 7315 Aukett, 9008 West Chester Pike. Evans eiley. Co., Sunset 7840 I wmtmg 1Ist for thes.e. three h~ur Manoa B. C., 14; Manoa Post, O. Belmont, 60; Oakmont, 44.
TWP LINE & BURMONT D H sP~clahst sponsored chmcal examm- ?enfield 6' Llanerch 1 Standing of th T
of Narberth or vlclruty preferred. ea or, a vern _. , i es ester I e . . . . . , ,atlOns. Total cost $15.00-less, i1 " , . e eams
Apply Fred Dannenhower, Jr., 215 MALVERN-SIn Ie dweIlin on MERCURY '41 Convertible, A-I con-/you're earmng low wages. Call Results. July 2l Youngsters ----------- 5 0 1.000
CIty Line Ave., Merion.
_ __
large lot. Poss;ssion. $500
nance G N Highle Realto'
ft- LANDSCAPING TABLES! TABLES! TABLES I condItiOn and good motor. In- Bouleyard 2394 TODAY and ask the
spected and guaranteed, $695. 15 AmerIcan Cancer Society to arrange onoa Post, 5, Penfield. 4.
B. C., .11, Llanerch, 8. Belmont -------------- 3 2 .600
Oakmont -------------- 2 3 0400
WAITRJ!:SS-:Young lally, 25 years Malve~n 2231-W. y, r" \l End months tinancing. '~ C.ancer Clinic examina~ion for Standing of the Teams Mer.ion Mud Hens ------ 0 5 .000
up. Fou~tam-Luncheonette. Hrs. I Ik Step Evans Chey. Co., Sunset 7840 I YOU at four nearest .hospltal thUl Manoa B. C. 9 0 1.000 DlCk Heylmun, of the Belmont •
10-5. No Sat.urday. No experience, F agstone Wa s & Patios Corner Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H Fall.. (ThIS space contl'lbuted by the Manoa Post -------- 3 3 3 .500 team, won the medal for the one
necessary. HIJJ.tOP 7294 between 6, SEASHORE PI'eket Fenc'lng Console 0'LDSMO-B-ILE '-4'7--(66 d t-:- publIsher). Llanerch ---------- 2 6 .250 scoring the most points in the
and 9 P. M. Friday and __ Saturday.
____1 I Cocktail
Drum hydramatlc .transmission.
) Se aneOne te,'_______ YOUR UPHOLSTERY P en.fie Id -~--------- 1 6 .143 t , '
I Ocean City, N. J. LEE & COGHLAN
P'ROM $9.95 owner, l.ow mileage, fully equipped.
~ beaUtiful buy at $1595. 24 months
WIth our
Next Weeks Schedule (6:30 ~. M.)
ReSUlts July 18
Fl:JRNJ,TURE INN, finanCIng.. I'l"EW CLEANING PROG.ESS PLAYOFFS Haverford Twp A.A., 3; Phila.
5th Street at Asbury
19 Crlcket Ave., Ardmore
Ardmore 0910
evans "hey. Co., Sunset 7840
GD 3-7177 Towns~iP_~~e&BU~on:'Rd., D.H.
Newl~ Invented ElectrIC
MaChIne~eE.I~~es Hand
Tu d A t 2 T
;:a~\. ugus - earn 1 vS'.
Professionals, 3. (Tie)
Results July 19
Automobile Salesman Wanted "Cool Rooms-Delicious Meals" SANITARY WORK I IFORD 41-2 door, radIO and heater. NO ODOR-NO MESS Thursday August 4-T 1 MIghty Morans. 8; Sluggers, "I,
2 live wires for Upper Darby, Drex-
Hill, Lansdowne, Spl'lngtield
Hot Showers-Housekeeping ______________ 1 SAVE YOUR MONEY A very clean little car. A-I motor JUNE SPECIAL Team 2. earn vs. tGirls Softballl
Results Jul~' 20
el Facilities-18th Season-
areas. Men accustomed to earning esspoo s GET SCHOOL CLOTHES NOW and nancingguaranteed, $695. 12 months 11- Sof a & T wo Ch' aJrs-r$15 M on d ay, August 8-Team 1 vs. '
Moderate Rates C I at ', . MADISON 8769-J Team 2 Haverford Twp A.A., 8; Crusaders 2.
between $~OO and $1000 a month.
Very terUle proposition. SEE MR.
Hede Gregory, Owner-Mgr,
Phone '1210 Septic Tanks Cleaned TIlE t}XVHANGE SHOP tvans. Ch~Y. Co., Sunset 7840' " Results July 21 l~

NJ!:WKlRK. Odorless flxcavatlDI 7036 TeyminaJ So .• 2nd floor, Rear :!,ownshIPLI~e_&BUrmontRd. D.H. HARRIS CONVALESCENT JUNIOR BASBEALL LEAGUE Jolly Jerks, 11; Dizzy Dames, 10.
Chester Lincoln Mercury Corp. .\nywhere. Anytime _ Lowest Prices (W. Garrett Rd.) CHEVROLET '48-4 door low mile- HOME Results July 19 (Girls Softballl.
6th & MADISON, CHESTER, PA. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT W Hrs. 10-5; Friday til' 9 P. M. age. We sold this car new Fully Licensed by. State . . . Recommenll- S Results JuU 22
BOULEVARD 3431 equipped and guaranteed at' $1450 ed by leadmg Physicians . . . for o. Ardmore, 15; Belmar, 9. Se .
S'fONEHURS~'-Attractive com-fh~ne West Tournamen~-

Ri!lAL ESTATE SALESMAN Chester 1454 Accepting Daily, Consignment Only 24 months :t:Inancing . aged, Chronic. Convalescent, Senile Havertown Royals, 6; Manoa, 5. 'Wn1?r Box wHOckey. ,
Real J!:state office offers an excel-
furmshed, 6 rooms, bath"
~on-I E .
Ch~v. Result J I mners, aIt Fmkleston, DIck
lent opportunity for a salesman, and garage. R.ow house.
preferably a Main Line resident. ement. transportatJon. Immedlate\ VENETIAN BLINDS inet sinks sa;~ $35 t $~O' ~ TownshIp Lme & Burmont Rd. D.H.
REJECT kitche equlpm t C b-
ranges, fam~us make3, $25 to
Co., Sunset 7840 W. GARDNER AVE..
, s u Y 21
So. Ardmore, 9; Manoa, 6.
unior Shuffleboard Tournament-
Immediate clientele; responsible possession..Coal heat. Must be seen WILLYS JEEPS and JEEPSTERS. Farragut 9-1429 Havertown Royals, 13; Beimar, 2. Winner: Jack Juenger.
position, interesting environment, i to appreclat.e. Phone
permanent conneclio. For a oint_\461:!5-R, or H~l~Op 3010-J.
ment., caU Charles E. Pusey, pP
Wall and base cabinets at cost. NEW. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY.,
Kitchen Equipment Exchange 4458 WILLYS, 410 N. 63rd St., Phila.
Germantown Ave. GL 5·3650. •
TR AD E . --
AL 4 - 8 8 6 6 . '
OLDSMOBILE '39-4 aoo)', radio,
~our OLD rug m on a NEW heater. Excellent condition. $525
WEDDING I N V I T A T I O N S " : ' ;
PRINTING .1' lid ....,' 1 "
la, Art .1.....
•• ~ •
CHAUJ~ ~UR-~xperlenced
_ ,_ . , . . _1____ . ,.___ _ ' REPAINTED R ONE 1 IJ '
b Chaut- 63rd St., 547 N.-Entire 2nd floor
feu l' wlth tirst-class, references. apartment. 5 rooms and bath, un-
Preferably Single or WIdower. For turmshed. :::ieparate entrance hot
UG 01 CARPET at THEODORE full price. Phone Narberth 2626 for
- a good allowance appomtment.
gIven.. Phone. Ardmore 3446, or -"::..:::..:c._ -,-
position near Paoli. Some Handy- water all year round. Gas & el~etric: W. D. READING c01?e III to our Show Room at AUTOMOBILES WANTED - I
man duties expected..Steady posi- Included. $70 month. Available Sep- ,4247-53 W. STILES STREET Cl'lcket Avenue and School Lane, - --- - TELEVISION REPAIR
hon. _WrIte. lull quahtlcatlOns. Box tember 1st. No pets or children. GB 7·0765 GR 1-604Z Ardmore. MORE MONEY
W. C. No. 350, Ardmore, Pa.
' .
YOUNG MAN-over 21 years of age
Phone AL...4-3884.
- - - - you, cash or Terms-Old blinds
MOVING MUS;r-----··--- -
SACH.ll<"ICE, Baby's Bassinette, GET OUR PRICES
for balance of summer to work in WANTED TO RENT retinished like new. Estimate cheer· Bathmette, PlayPen, Various other REPAIRS ,
kitchen and bar. Experience not ' fully given. SUburoan VenetinD baby Items. All in good condition. WILL VALL WITH CASU
necesary. Apply Earlington Park ' Blind Co. Madison 5591 or Decatur Reasonable. Narberth 2180. AT YOUR HOME
Golf Club Darby and Manoa ltd., Mother .and daughter desire 1 or 212931.W ' -. BERMAN M01'ORS NARBERTH I
Havertow~, Pa. b~rOom unfu:nishe~ apartment , . . FU~NITURE M~PLE-?ouble bed GR 3-3149 ELECTRIC & RADIO CO.
__, ,_ _ _ by September. Coqvelllent to trainlWINDOW SHADES-VENETIAl" WIth box sprlllg, mght table, -------,-- ,- Forrest and Haverford Aves.
. or transportation to train. Under BLINDS, Linoleum. HOBSON & knee-h?le desk with bench. Reason-' WANTED TO BUY i
NARBERm 4182 1
Il:MPLOYMENT AGENCD:8 $7, GReenwood 3-2786. OWENS, 1015-1017 Lancaster Ave able. HIlltop 7492-W, after 6 P.M. MR. COLEMAN BUYS SINGER - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tIALE &' FEMALE Young business couple desire one Bryn Mawr.
bedroom unfurnished apartment
Meyer-Employment Agency in Na~berth or viCinity. Call Ard- ROOFING
ANTIQUE CRIBS, Walnut; 2 beds;
upright~rand Piano; Living room
fur~iture wlt~ cov~rs. Tilt top table"
MACHINES - Marble fUrniture,
Antiques. old fashioned and used
furniture. rugs, frames, paintings.
one, .
MISS BRADLEY Service Directory
6 W. L.ancastt!r Avt!., Ararnor" more 2410-W, weekdays, 8 to 10 Antique, chafmg dIsh; trunks; mIS" old lamps, clocks. banks. jewelry
ARDMORE 7761 P. M. . II. L. SMITH ~:~l:~OUS Items. Phone Ardmore old gold and silver. fine china, CUI GR 3-7740-Hilltop 3600 i~w..'~i"''';;~tW-~''lt&'t~~~~'''~'t~~'''~~~' ROOFING
S'1'ENO.-Sub., 5 days_,- $40-$45 PETROLEUM ENGINEER. wif~ - . glass. pianos. feathers, hair. DIS· /~,.!,' REPAIRS
to pla~e your ad
CLERK-TYPIST- and child need unfurnished ROOFING PIANO ACCORDIAN-white ivory TANCE NO ·OBJECT. 907, N. 7th
-SUburban, 5 days $35-$40 apartment or'house. Phone, Swarth- SPOUTiNG AND GUTTERS and Mother of Pearl. Make offe;·, St. LOmbard 3-9332. I'n th 'ffi Radios - Wasllel'S - \'acuums
TYPING, MAILING SERViCE more 3203-R between 8-10 P. M. . ,...
'l:stlmates turnlshed BrYn Mawr O!l34. c ap r n I
W·-AN-T-E-D-T-O--B-UY--S----i-- ... I ese \1;? ' Clocks
All E1ectl'lcal
and Appliances
DONE IN THIS OFFiCE REAL ESTATE WANTED .;po Re-1'ooflng our specialty BABY CARRIAGE "Whitney" Gray. old and wrecked -;ar8~ Sban~'~ CO umns, dSERVICE of MERRITT, Prompt Service
Skilled 1\Iell
Day's Work-Couples-Week'. Work 820 Montgomer8 Ave. steel'omatlc. 6 months old. Like Auto Parts. Phone West Chester ;:.:
126 Chester pIke. 1,:
W. Llanerch
'LEY'S DOMESTIC EMPLOY. Attention Proper.... VJ
Owners _ The NARBERTH '4428 new. Phone TR 7-6251. 1_61_7_· .l-. 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~
sunset 9089
I'd RelIable Work
Get Our Estimate
MENT AGENCY-Have now on Office of Karl T. Kehrwieder
hand couple for weeks work and 1225 West Chester Pk. Sunset 5115 VIR H. L. YOUNG Be co.
weeIdy housework. Refel'encea In· Needs good listings to supply de-t..._;;....;;.;G;;;,;;;;IL;;;;..__....~'III.a PATRONIZE OUR 17 l\1yrtle Ave.• Chatllam VWalte
vestigated. Norristown 3769. mands of waiting civiltan and Gilll • Havertown
1l=:============~lbuyers, who want fast 'settlement.
ADVERTISERS GRanite 2-702U HWtop ¥3114
We also l1eed rental properties and
apartments for an excellent class of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Itenants. Call us for estimate of sale
or rental value, no obligation.
First class dressmaker by the day FOB ONE COMMlS810N
will take care ot all your sewing OVER 500.LIVE-WIRE BROKEBBI~---I
necessIties' In'.sour home, Dress· CAN HELP GET A BUYER FOB MUGGAH and WILKINSON. Inc. suUs" coats-Dresses';'""Al- IOU AT TOP PRICE QUICKLY
. teratlon J:temodeling. Also copIes
of originals. ITHROUGH
GEORGE W. RIOBARD8. .m. l!:227 E: DARBY BD. " ~ , 'HIGHGATE 7770

1lI0BKUSTOWN 11181 loG ""In REALTOB LO 'f-ZOIKLJiiiiit.IIIIIl_~';' ~,~~lii~lL~"::~.'-~~Z;~~E!::==::~! IIAVEBTOWN. FA.. . 1771


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