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\title{Cyberbullying Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques\\

\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{1\textsuperscript{st} Saloni Mahesh Kargutkar}

\IEEEauthorblockA{\textit{Department of Information Technology} \\

\textit{Vidyalankar Institute of Technology}\\

Mumbai, India \\}


\IEEEauthorblockN{2\textsuperscript{nd} Prof. Vidya Chitre}

\IEEEauthorblockA{\textit{Department of Information Technology} \\

\textit{Vidyalankar Institute of Technology}\\

Mumbai, India \\}



Cyberbullying is a disturbing online misbehaviour with troubling consequences. It

appears in different forms, and in most of the social networks, it is in textual format. More than

1.96 billion will undoubtedly are having an inescapable social activity. However, the developing

decade presents genuine difficulties and the online-conduct of clients have been put to address.

Expanding instances of provocation and harassing alongside instances of casualty have been a

difficult issue. Programmed discovery of such episodes requires smart frameworks. Most of the

existing studies have approached this problem with conventional machine learning models and

the majority of the developed models in these studies are adaptable to a single social network at a

time. Deep learning based models have discovered ways in the identification of digital harassing

occurrences, asserting that they can beat the restrictions of the ordinary models, and improve the

discovery execution. However, numerous old-school models are accessible to control the

incident, the need to successfully order the tormenting is as yet weak. To successfully screen the

harassing in the virtual space and to stop the savage outcome with execution of Machine learning

and Language preparing. We propose a system to give a double characterization of

cyberbullying. Our technique utilizes an inventive idea of CNN for content examination anyway

the current strategies utilize a guileless way to deal with furnish the arrangement with less

precision. A current dataset is utilized for experimentation and our system is confirmed with

other existing methods and is found to give better precision and grouping.



Cyberbullying, deep learning, machine learning, content based cybercrime


The advent of internet show manifold of users with their life entirely or in a way dependent on it.
Thus, cyberbullying has been a major worry. With the advancement in technology, the internet has
been a safe and secure sphere of communication, though the arena of social media has been prone
to cybercrimes. Since the social lifestyle surpass the physical barrier of human interaction and
affords inappropriate interaction with unknown people, it is important to analyse and study the
domain of cyberbullying. Moreover, a well-specified law framework for cyberbullying has not been
implemented in majority of the countries, thus the knowledge to defend the problem is uncertain. It
is defined as the use of online communication to bully an individual, typically by sending messages
of an intimidating or threating nature. It is evident that around 87 percent of the today's youth have
witnessed some form of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying can take various forms like Sexual Harassment, Hostile Environment, Revenge, and
Retaliation. Since the offender is hidden to the victim, the problem statement gets complex. This is
the reason cyberbullying is an interesting field of research.

The adverse effect of a cybercrime can be drastic- Cyberbullying was strongly related suicidal
ideation in comparison with traditional bullying (JAMA Paediatrics, 2014). Hence, the need for an
effective system to identify cyberbullying and relieve the plight of distressed users. Since,
cyberbullying can take place without the direct confrontation of the perpetrator, it is lot more
vulnerable. Moreover, the most vicious state of bullying is that it can take place across social
networks which were previously unreachable.Thus, with the proliferation of social media and
internet access, the act of cyberbullying too has increased manifold. Unlike in traditional bullying,
techniques and forms used by cyberbullies change rapidly and is more harmful and harder to detect.
For example, it is easy to anonymously spread rumors about people online, and there is a low risk of
being caught. Thus, it is necessary to detect cyberbullying in order to protect adolescents. Unlike
video and image based methods, text based cyberbullying is the most common form used by
perpetrators. Moreover, other forms are usually combined with bullying text. Thus, we focus on
detecting textual cyberbullying in this study. Automatic monitoring of cyberbullying has gained
considerable interest in the computer science field. The point has been to create proficient systems
that moderate cyberbullying episodes.

The vast majority of the writing believed it to be a paired grouping task, where content is

delegated tormenting or non-harassing. This is accomplished through separating highlights from

content and encouraging them to an order calculation. Many studies have addressed

cyberbullying detection from different perspective, however, all falls under four features

categories: content-based, user based, emotion-based and social-network based features. In this

research, we tend to utilize this vital data and information in the form of texts to improve the

existing cyberbullying detection performance.

A Convolution Neural Network (CNN) popularly

known as ConvNet is a specific type of artificial neural network that use perceptrons, a machine
learning algorithm to analyze data. CNNs apply to image processing, natural language

processing and other cognitive tasks. Our novel idea is 2 to implement the features of CNN used

for image analysis and process the same for text analysis. Since, text can be defined as an

arrangement of pixels in an organized way, the method of CNN is effectively used for


\section{Literature Survey}

\par{\textbf{[1] Vijay, B. Detection of Cyberbullying Using Deep Neural Network. In the 5th
International Conference on Advanced Computing \& Communication Systems (ICACCS),2019}\\

In this work, it used another methodology for the identification of cyberbullying. This

framework utilized convolution neural system calculation which works through numerous layers

and gives exact order. In this manner a progressively astute way, contrasted with the

conventional arrangement calculations was planned.


\par{\textbf{[2] Monirah, A. Optimized Twitter Cyberbullying Detection based on Deep Learning. In

The 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC), 2018}\\

In this proposed methodology, it was investigated the present Twitter cyberbullying

discovery systems, and proposed another order technique dependent on profound learning. The

proposed methodology (OCDD) was assembled utilizing preparing information marked by

human insight administration and afterward word installing was produced for each word utilizing

(Glo Ve) strategy. The came about arrangement of word inserting was later nourished to

convolutional neural system (CNN) calculation for characterization. OCDD propels the present

condition of cyberbullying discovery by killing the hard assignment of highlight

extraction/choice and supplanting it with word vectors which catch the semantic of words and

CNN which characterizes tweets in a shrewder manner than conventional grouping calculations.

CNN demonstrated incredible outcomes when utilized with various content mining undertakings;

notwithstanding, it has not been actualized in cyberbullying identification setting.}


\par{\textbf{[3] Batoul, H. Cyberbullying Detection: A Survey on Multilingual Techniques. In

European Modelling Symposium (EMS), 2016


This work proposed a multilingual cyberbullying detection system. It benefited the

available ML and NLP techniques. This work efficiently detects cyberbullying incidents

happening on the Online social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This system

tackles cyberbullying content in pure Arabic, English and mixed environments which includes Arabish
or Arabizi texts.}


\par{\textbf{[4] Xiang, Z. Cyberbullying Detection with a Pronunciation Based Convolutional Neural

Network, In the 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and

Applications (ICMLA), 2016


It proposed a novel elocution based convolutional neural system for recognizing

cyberbullying. It contrasted the methodology and two gauge CNN models and different

classifiers utilizing two datasets, each with various degrees of commotion and class lopsidedness.
This methodology demonstrated elite on the given datasets. Moreover, three systems

for beating class unevenness have been executed and assessed. The outcomes show that the

PCNN with cost work altering is a powerful arrangement}


\par{\textbf{[5] Sabina, T. A Socio-linguistic Model for Cyberbullying Detection. In the IEEE/ACM

International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining

(ASONAM), 2018}\\

AI models face inborn difficulties from online networking information which can

comprise of short messages with incorrect spellings and slang. Cyberbullying discovery is made

even more troublesome by a dependence on outsider annotators to obtain adequate information

for preparing. It addressed these worries with two classes of models: space enlivened semantic

models and a socio-phonetic model. The space enlivened models battle sparsity by decreasing

the quantity of parameters which must be educated and by misusing relations among words and

archives on the whole. The socio-phonetic model is fit for deriving relationship ties from

restricted online networking information while identifying cyberbullying. As far as it could

possibly know, it is the principal model in this space which together construes harassing content,

printed classes, member jobs and relationship joins. By detailing these errands mutually, it can

gain from social elements to give a measurably huge improvement in both cyberbullying location
and job task}\\

\par{\textbf{[6] Sourabh, P. Cyberbullying Detection and Prevention: Data Mining and Psychological

Perspective. In the 2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies
[ICCPCT], 2014}\\

In this work, it surveyed cyberbullying, its effects and qualities in detail. It studied

different endeavours made to dissect and comprehend a domineering jerk's conduct and

approaches to address them by and by. Since the use of information mining and AI is the focal

point of this paper, it talked about the different methodologies using their constituent procedures

to distinguish and at some point avert future cyberbullying. It actualized the assumption

examination strategy to recognize the nearness or nonappearance of cyberbullying with the

assistance of a dataset from a well-known interpersonal organization site and it infer that

however information revelation has taken to a period where the certain significance, and not

simply the unequivocal importance, of a book can be comprehended and these strategies can be

additionally improved with the presentation of dynamic terrible words set, since cyberbullying

happens in an incredibly close to home and defenceless circle, suitable moves should be made in

regards to age of mindfulness and advising so as to kill this social malice}

\par{\textbf{[7] Lin, L. Text classification method based on convolution neural network. In 3rd IEEE
International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), 2017}\\

This work is essentially about the content order technique dependent on CNN, which

doesn't have to remove content highlights ahead of time. The procedure is as per the following:

First, pre-process messages through Word2vec to create word vectors dependent on Chinese

attributes. At that point, weight the word vectors to get the content vector by the produced TFIDF
esteem. At last, use CNN to extricate more significant level highlights and improve arrange

acknowledgment capacity. Simultaneously, keep information from over-fitting in the strategy for

Dropout to improve the speculation limit of the system. The content characterization execution

of CNN is tried in different perspectives including diverse content lengths, emphasis times, etc.

Additionally, it is contrasted and other grouping strategies.}\\

\par{\textbf{[8] B.Sri N. Online Social Network Bullying Detection Using Intelligence Techniques. In

International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications

(ICACTA- 2015), 2015}\\

Department Of The framework centers on recognizing the nearness of cyberbullying action in

interpersonal organizations utilizing fluffy rationale which encourages government to make a

move before numerous clients turning into a casualty of cyberbullying. The framework

additionally utilizes hereditary administrators like hybrid and change for upgrading the

parameters and acquire exact sort of cyberbullying movement which assists government or other

social welfare association with identifying the cyberbullying exercises in informal community

and to characterize it as Flaming, Harassment, Racism or Terrorism and take fundamental

activities to avoid the clients of the interpersonal organization from turning out to be exploited


\par{\textbf{[9] Mohammed, A. Cybercrime detection in online communications. In the Computers


Human Behavior, 2016}\\

It built up a model for recognizing cyberbullying in Twitter. The created model is an

element based model that utilizations highlights from tweets, for example, arrange, movement,

client, and tweet content, to build up an AI classifier for characterizing the tweets as

cyberbullying or non-cyberbullying. It ran a broad arrangement of tests to quantify the exhibition

of the four chose classifiers, in particular, NB, LibSVM, irregular timberland, and KNN. Three

highlights choice calculations were chosen, to be specific, c2 test, data addition, and Pearson

connection, to decide the huge component}\\

\par{\textbf{[10] Rui, Z. Automatic detection of cyberbullying on social networks based on bullying

features. In the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking,


In this work, it proposed a novel portrayal learning strategy for cyberbullying discovery,

which is named Embedding - improved Bag-of-Words. EBoW connects BoW highlights,

inactive semantic highlights and harassing highlights together. Harassing highlights are

determined dependent on word embedding’s, which can catch the semantic data behind words.

At the point when the last portrayal is found out, a straight SVM is embraced to identify

tormenting messages.}\\

\par{\textbf{[11] Elizabeth, W. Cyberbullying via social media. In Journal of School Violence, 2015}\\

Understanding the liquid idea of cyberbullying conduct is at one time a gift and a revile

to guardians and instructors. From one viewpoint, information is control, and the regularly

changing nature of innovation and, in this way, cyberbullying conduct empowers specialists and

teachers from an assortment of orders to cooperate in planning counteractive action and

intercession endeavours to check the conduct. Then again, these equivalent aversion and

mediation endeavours are hampered by an appearing failure to stay aware of the innovative

requests forced by the circumstance. Projects, for example, Radian6, nonetheless, recommend

that innovation can be utilized to assist us with understanding the innovation and cyberbullying

as it really happens and to watch straightforwardly the most well-known scenes by which it is

happening and the most widely recognized focuses for the conduct. For instance, the capacity to

utilize programs, for example, Radian6, to follow cyberbullying has suggestions for the

improvement of applications for announcing occurrences of cyberbullying as they happen.}\\

\par{\textbf{[12] Lu, C. XBully: Cyberbullying Detection within a Multi-Modal Context. In

Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data

Mining, 2019}\\

In this work, it discovered the novel issue of cyberbullying discovery inside a multimodular setting.
To deliver the moves attached to multi-modular internet based life data, it

proposed a creative cyberbullying location structure, XBully, in view of system portrayal

learning. XBully first recognizes delegate mode hotspots to deal with differing highlight types

and afterward mutually maps both credited and ostensible hubs in a heterogeneous system into

the equivalent idle space by abusing the cross-modular relationships and basic conditions. Broad

exploratory outcomes on genuine world datasets verify the adequacy of the proposed structure.

Future work coordinated towards building a more profound comprehension of various modalities

in describing cyberbullying practices won't just improve cyberbullying identification, yet may

likewise reveal insight into practices that are one of a kind to clients with various jobs (e.g.,

unfortunate casualties, menaces) inside cyberbullying communications. Besides, it accepted that

the most encouraging and productive way ahead involves interdisciplinary joint effort among
analysts in software engineering and brain research to address this significant social issue}

\par{\textbf{[13] Cynthia, H. Automatic detection of cyberbullying in social media text, 2018}\\

The objective of the ebb and flow look into was to explore the programmed location of

cyberbullying related posts via web-based networking media. Given the data over-burden on the

web, manual checking for cyberbullying has gotten unfeasible. Programmed recognition of sign

of cyberbullying would upgrade control and permit to react immediately when important.

Cyberbullying research has regularly centered around distinguishing cyberbullying 'assaults' and

thus disregard other or increasingly verifiable types of cyberbullying and posts composed by

unfortunate casualties and spectators. In any case, these posts could similarly also demonstrate
that cyberbullying is going on. The fundamental commitment of this paper was that it exhibits a

framework to consequently distinguish sign of cyberbullying via web-based networking media,

including various sorts of cyberbullying, covering posts from menaces, exploited people and


\par{\textbf{[14] Rui, Z. Cyberbullying Detection Based on Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized

Denoising Auto-Encoder. In the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2009}\\

This work tends to the content based cyberbullying location issue, where strong and

discriminative portrayals of messages are basic for a viable identification framework. By

planning semantic dropout commotion and implementing sparsity, it have created

semanticimproved minimized denoising autoencoder as a specific portrayal learning model for

cyberbullying identification. Moreover, word embeddings have been utilized to consequently

extend and refine harassing word records that is introduced by area information.}\\

\par{\textbf{[15] Rekha, S. Methods for detection of cyberbullying: A survey. In the 15th

International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2015}\\

After comparing the algorithms, it was realized support vector machines have given the

best result. It planned to implement SVM in this project as the primary classifier for the base

dataset. In addition to the algorithm, it also take social features into consideration to increase

accuracy. To further optimize the results, it would like to introduce Hidden Markov models to

Department fust classify the data into a few predefined categories. It would also take the aid of

sense reasoning to do the same. Addition to this, the implementation of support vector machines

to distinguish bullying traces from non-bullying ones gave better result. This knowledge would

be used to prevent bullying at its source. Finally, it introduce a response grading system which

would categorize the bullying instances, thus making it easier to deal with each instance as

deemed appropriate.}\\

\par{\textbf{[16] Rahat, R. Scalable and timely detection of cyberbullying in online social networks.

the Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2018}\\

In this work, it built up a cyberbullying identification framework for media-based

informal communities, comprising of a powerful need scheduler, a novel steady classifier, and an

underlying indicator. The assessment results showed that the framework considerably improves

the adaptability of cyberbullying discovery contrasted with an unprioritized framework.

Moreover, it showed that the framework can completely screen Vine-scale informal communities

for cyberbullying location for a year utilizing just eight 1 GB AWS VM occasions. It found the

point (32 GB) at which including memory never again empowers checking of more media

sessions, and venture that this framework would require 120 32 GB occurrences to completely

screen Instagram-scale traffic for cyberbullying.}\\

\par{\textbf{[17] Elaheh, R. Weakly Supervised Cyberbullying Detection Using Co-Trained Ensembles

of Embedding Models. In the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social

Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2018}\\

It presents a technique for identifying provocation based cyberbullying utilizing

powerless supervision. Provocation recognition requires dealing with the time-changing nature

of language, the trouble of marking the information, and the unpredictability of understanding

the social structure behind these practices. It built up a pitifully managed system in which two

students train each other to frame an agreement on whether the social communication is

harassings by fusing nonlinear installing models}\\

\par{\textbf{[18] Haoti, Z. Content-driven detection of cyberbullying on the Instagram social

network. In the Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on

Artificial Intelligence, 2014}\\

It have considered the identification of cyberbullying in photosharing systems, with an

eye on the improvement of earlywarning instruments for recognizing pictures helpless against

assaults. With regards to photograph sharing, it have pulled together this exertion on highlights

of the pictures and subtitles themselves, finding that inscriptions specifically can fill in as a

shockingly amazing indicator of future cyberbullying for a given picture. This work is a central

advance toward creating programming devices for informal communities to screen


\section{\textbf{Problem Statement \& Objectives}}

Cyberbullying is harassing that happens in the internet through different mediums including on the
web visits, instant messages and messages. It is a major issue via web-based networking media sites
like Facebook and Twitter. Numerous people, particularly teenagers, endure antagonistic impacts,
for example, discouragement, restlessness, brought down confidence and even absence of
inspiration to live when being focused by menaces via web- based networking media. Much is being
done to stop normal harassing in schools. Cyberbullying then again can be hard to distinguish and
stop because of it happening on the web, regularly avoided the eyes of guardians and educators. The
issue we face is to thought of an innovative methodology that can help in programmed discovery of
tormenting via web-based networking media. The methodology we will explore is a framework able
to do consequently distinguishing and revealing occasions of harassing via web-based networking
media stages.

The objective of this undertaking is to produce information on how a programmed framework for
distinguishing harassing via web-based networking media can be built.

To accomplish the objective we will begin by inquiring about cyberbullying. Characterizing the idea
and to what degree it happens via web-based networking media. From that point we will take a
gander at past research regarding the matter of harassing recognition, deciding the best in class
calculations and techniques. With the information from past research and our own investigations we
will think of an appropriate engineering for the framework pursued by executing a model equipped
for distinguishing tormenting on a solitary chose online life stage continuously.\linebreak

\subsection{\textbf{EXISTING SYSTEM}\label{AA}}

A large portion of the current examinations have regular AI models and most of the created models
in these investigations are versatile to a solitary informal community at once. Profound learning
based models have discovered their way in the identification of digital harassing episodes, asserting
that they can defeat the confinements of the traditional models, and improve the discovery
execution. However, numerous old-school models are accessible to control the incident, the need to
viably arrange the tormenting is as yet weak. To successfully screen the harassing in the virtual space
and to stop the dangerous consequence with execution of Machine learning and Language handling.
The parameters required are muddled to adjust and can be sometimes difficult to understand when
bullied in a confusing way.\linebreak

\subsection{\textbf{PROPOSED SYSTEM}\label{BB}}In our proposed system, the notion of CNN

implementation is included. CNN is used with multiple layers which provide a process of iterative
analysis over different layers to provide an efficient and accurate analysis. Inspired by the studies
about the central nervous system of the mammals. A class of neural networks consist of significant
number of layers of neurons, which are capable of learning by themselves is termed as deep
learning. Deep learning in general consist of 3 layers: \\




\caption{Input Layer, Hidden Layer and Output Layer}


\textbf{ a. Data pre-processing}

\par{Data pre-processing is cleaning of the data. It is the first and foremost step required in any
process. It is the conversion of raw form of data into a required form of data for training the model
in a proper manner. For example, in the raw form the data is “You look so ugly and fat
#changethestyle”, after pre-processing the data is like “look ugly fat changestyle”. The pre-
processed data takes out all the unwanted words like as, what, who, with, is, the etc. and special
characters like @ () [] ?/; etc which are not required for training in the model. Data is separated into
sentences and each sentence is made to make equal number of words by padding a common word
which helps in uniformity of the data. The model accepts the data in the form of vector, the process
makes the data into its lowercase format and converts that data into its vector form.}\vspace{1cm}

{\textbf{ b. CNN Model Layers} \\

The crux of the entire process depends upon the CNN layers used for processing. The main layers
used in the model include Sequential Layer. The initial building block of keras is a model and the
simplest model is called sequential model which consists of stack of neural network layers. The
network is dense which means every node from each layer is connected with nodes from other
layers. The perceptron is a single algorithm which takes the input vector x of m values as input and
outputs either 1(yes) or 0(no) mathematically it is defined as f(x)=1 if wx+b>0 and f(x)=0 otherwise
Perceptron is easy dealing with the small amount of data but in case of large data the perceptron is
not helpful. That is, it cannot help in learning data. Since perceptron gives value either 0 or 1 the
graph produced by it is discontinuous. We need something different and smoother. We need a
function that progressively changes from 0 to 1 without any discontinuity.

Activation function can be of many types like sigmoid, ReLu etc. Sigmoid function is defined as 1/
(1+e− x) and can be used to produce continues values. A neuron can use the sigmoid for computing
the nonlinear function z=wx+b where w is the weight of the neuron and b is the biased value.
Activation function ReLu known as Rectified linear unit is also one such activation function which
gives smooth values with nonlinear functions. A ReLu is simply defined as f(x)=max (0, x). The
function is zero for negative values and grows gradually for positive values. In our network we have
converted the input text to a sequence of word indices. For that we have NLTK (Natural Language
Toolkit) to parse the text into sentences and sentences to words. We could have used regular
expression but statistical models for nltk are more powerful than regular expressions. After creating
the sequential model, the word indices are fed into array of embedding layers of a set size (in our
case the longest word sentence) The output of the embedding layer is connected to the 1D
Convolutional layer. This is then pooled into a single pooled word by a global max pooling layer. This
vector is then input to a dense layer which outputs a vector (2) (Yes cyberbully and No Cyberbully). A
SoftMax activation returns a pair of probabilies. The following shows our network model:\\

Embedding-Convolution1D-GlobalMaxpooling1D -Dense}



\caption{CNN Model Layers}


\textbf{ c. Model Prediction}

\par{Once we define our model, we must compile it so that it can be executed by keras backend.
(either Theano or Tensorflow). The model. compile consist of OPTIMIZERS, LOSS FUNCTION,
METRICS. Optimizers are used to update weights while we train our model.

Once our model is compiled it can be trained with the fit() function. The parameters used are:}\\


\item \textbf{epochs -}\\

This is number of time model is exposed to training set. The quantity of epochs is a hyper parameter
that characterizes the number occasions that the learning calculation will work through the whole
preparing dataset. One epochs implies that each example in the preparation dataset has had a
chance to refresh the inside model parameters. An epochs is contained at least one clumps. For
instance, as over, an epochs that has one cluster is known as the group angle plunge learning

\item \textbf{batchsize -}\\

This is number of training instances before optimizer performs a weight update. The batch size is a
hyper parameter that characterizes the quantity of tests to work through before refreshing the
inward model parameters. Think about a batch as a for-loop repeating more than at least one
examples and making forecasts. Toward the finish of the batch, the expectations are contrasted with
the normal yield factors and a mistake is determined. From this mistake, the update algorithm is
utilized to improve the model, for example descend along the error gradient.\\

\item \textbf{validation data -}\\

This is the data that needs to be tested. The error produced by the comparison step is the actual
validation. It needs to be reported to show how well the algorithm is actually learning. This will
happen iteratively until it converges to a local or global minima. At this point the all the epochs
already been processed and the final hypothesis would be stable to the test phase.

\section{ \textbf{Conclusion}}\\

\par{Technology revolution advanced the quality of life, however, it gave predators a solid ground to
conduct their harmful crimes. Internet crimes have become very dangerous since victims are
targeted all the time and there are no chances for escape. Cyberbullying is one of the most critical
internet crimes and research proved its critical consequences on victims. From suicide to lowering
victim’s self-esteem, cyberbullying control has been the focus of many psychological and technical
research. In this paper, we propose a novel idea where any cyberbullying tweet remarks are
identified as cyberbullying comment or not. The system uses a precise method of CNN
implementation using keras and help in achieving accurate results. The proposed system can be used
by the government or any organization- parents, guardians, institutions, policy makers and
enforcement bodies. This can help the users by preventing them for becoming victims to this harsh
consequence of cyberbullying. Since the domain of virtual bullying is a never-ending process, it is
required that the methodologies require constant updating and upgrading to the current scenario.
Our proposed methodology, can come useful in handling crisis situations and can even be enhanced
to provide full-time support. Finally, it can even prevent a potential crisis. Some of the salient
enhancements which can be inculcated soon include.}


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