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Maulidiyah safitri




Answer the following questions to guide you in writing your personal essay!

1. Why do you want to be a nurse ?

Initially I was not at all interested in the health sector because I was afraid
of the smell of blood. but as time went by my parents told me to study in the health
sector. At first I didn't want to, but because parents have a desire for their children
to become nurses, I just gave up. In my mind, I hope that the blessing is like that
because Allah's blessing depends on the blessing of my parents.

After I lived it all. oh it's true that the job as a nurse is very noble. there I
know the meaning of sincerity without being asked. and I really know, this is not
just a way of the world but a way to the hereafter. I really love my profession which
is a nurse.

2. What do you picture yourself doing once you have graduated ?

I did not imagine what I just thought that after I graduated I could help or
be useful to the surrounding community. and may Allah make it easy for me to find
a decent job.

3. What nursing specialization did you choose?

if to go to specialist nurse I choose specialist maternity nursing. because in

my opinion maternity nursing is very challenging, like a parent who puts her life at
stake for the safety of her child. and there I am touched by mothers who are willing
to sacrifice their lives, and I am ready to help.
4. What are your strengths that would be valuable in care?

I think the most important key is sincere, both patient and accompanied by
therapeutic communication and caring attitudes such as empathy, compassion,
support for all of that is reliable. and flexibility, honesty and trustworthiness, and
time management skills.

5. What are your weaknesses and how will you overcome them?

my weakness is easy emotions. I will be nice if you are kind. it all depends
on how the person reacts to me. but sometimes I also understand. the way to fix it
is usually I just take a deep breath with istighfar.

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