Our Town July 14, 1949

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• •
, (

.' Thinking ,:;r~::D&.WBI{mT , Foresee Lively Fight Name Architect Low Sid Awarded
Out Loud
Alas Poor Remmy!. 'h' For Lankenau's

If our column is not up to its seemed one of the world's greatest For 8oroug Posts BUI-Id-Ing Here Contract for Razing
r,mary EIec t ,on 'Tl"ustees Also Select
I n p.
'.." Usual standard this week, it Is eas- Inventions. If we had had to do our ' .

ily explained. Remmy, our faithful stuff In longhand, we would have
friend who has ~elped us bring given up wr~tlng long ago and cer-
these words of WIsdom to you, is talnly no edItor would have strug" , .. ,. Forrest A vee House
temporarily indisposed and we must gled through our hen-tracks. Inso-
perforce do without her services. far as penmanship was concerned,
..' Through the years we have become we were a great di~appolntment to
F C unc-II Vacancl-es
Tax Collector Among
0 Awardeontracts
, .
Groups to Conduct
,CampaIgn for Funds Narberth Cited as Safe
Bids ranging from $400 to $700
were received by the Narberth
For Pedestrians in 1948
deeply attached to her and It Is dlf- our father. He wrote a fine round
Ificult for us to put our thoughts in hand, suc1l as was required of me.n
• order without Remmy to put the engaging in clerical pursuIts n hIS IThose to
r Be Flolled e F N Sch00I
The architect and fund-raising
organization for the proposed new NarberthAutomobile
American was cited Associa-
Borough Council on Monday night
for the demolition of the borough-
by the owned property at 117 Forrest Ave.

words on paper fOr us in proper day; our older brothers and our
... ... ...
Republican voters In Nar etrh
sister took after dad In this re- are due for a lively Primary Elec-
spect. We took after our mother, tion September 13, if all the present
In Peon VaIIey Lankenau Hospital in Lower Mer·
ion Township have been announced
t· f t I .
Ion or no lavmg any pe-
The contract was awarded to
destrian deaths in the borough WlJJiam E. Rossi, Contractors, who
Now that she is away for the ml- who aimed a pen at a piece of contenders for the various Borough • . by Erwin A. Stuebner, president of during 1948. submitted the low bid of $400,
• nor operation that Is expected to paper and h ope d f or th e bes. t "remal
vacancies n 'm the fight . WIII Spend '$1 ,367 ,587 ; the boar d 0 f trustees 0 f t h e h osplta. 1 Burgess Sterling M. Chain Others who entered bids were Sey-
I There are four Councilmanic read the letter at Borough
add many more years to her ife, we
cannot help marveling a~ hOW long We attribute our poor penman-
... ... ... posts fOI' which candidates must be Expect Work Will
Ketchum, Inc., of Pittsburgh, was
selected to conduct the 'fund-rais-
Council meeting on Monday mour Construction Co., DalJas S,
.; and how well she has served us and ship to the fact that in our forma- chosen. Although only one man has Get Started Soon night. He also said that con- Scott, and H. A, and D. M. Frazer.
I rttl J{ h k d f t I
lOW I e seas as e 0 us a any t ve years the sc 00 s were gomg
time. She has been with us since through a revolution In teaching four others are bemg prommently th
1919, which is a long time In thiS
filed his petitions to date, at least

, this subject Our first grade teach- men t'lone d as con t en d el's. Those S h
" C o n t r a c t s totaling $1 367 587 for '
e new i
enn d
V 11
a ey
d t emen ary
' Ito
ing campaig~ in connection: with
the move of the Lankenau .Hospital PhI-II-Ip M.mnls
' th e 0 v el' b roo k G0If CI u b "I't e.
. 1"BILLIP F. MINNIS ~ratulations had been received
from the Automobile Club of
The council voted at the Jun.
meeting to level the property and
Philadelphia for the borough's use it, for a parking lot, if neces-
fast-moving world. That is almost as er insisted ~n lots of curlicues and whose terms expire this year are c °t~ were atwhar e a a MsPtlc.la Stuebner said that the exact date
long as we have known the LI·tt 1e tlourishes' our second grade teach- WI'II'lam S. Th ompson an d J os ePh Tmee mg
Woman, and dates back four years er would' have none of them; no F. Tl'ipician, both of whom plan to ow~s Ip C 00
h' 0S h e1 B ower
d T erlOn d t 0 commence te h '
ues ay as yet been decided, but indicated
D-1es 0 f BUros
h a d no t
Boy, 5,-------
good record.

Twenty-six bids for the construc-
before the Little Woman said, "I wonder we were confused, We tried run for re-election; and W. A. Fox eV~l1nf th h I t that it might be the latter part of tion of the field house were also
do." It is, of course, much longer to write legibly, but couldn't quite and Henry P. Carr, neither of ~a o,r F o~ d ~. n~;, ,scM~~ 'R~ thr. current year.
thanG~e have know~ Our BtoYR and turn the t~ick. After we acquired whom will be canddidates. dOd t wilrY:e ~~ar~:d s~~n e~~e schodi Th: t~rm o~thVinGcent G·MKIEin g: in
Motorcycle Policeman
Was ActlOve IOn FoO.P.
In Parents' Pool opened at the meeting. Previous
bids received were rejected as too

t Bryn Mawr
Our Irl. When we Jlrst me em- our typewl'lter and saw hO.W much Already on recor as a can fl a e board last month a~thorized the aSSOCIa lion wdl eor~e. wm g ,
my we were hardly more than a better we could do by tappmg keys is Howard F. Cotter, Jr., a 10 4 h f dd" I th were se ecte as architects for t e A h high by the council. This time they
youngsteRr. filled wltlh tdhe dreams of we gave uP. longhand as an un- Hampden Ave" fO,rmercPresid,elntEof i~:~s ~~e gr~Unda~djac~~~~~ wh~~: bnc ",: ~aQkend~ut IProtject. They will Phillip F. Minms, o~ 1052 Floyd were broken down into separate
youth. emmy he pe Us express necessary eVIl. the Narberth BUSiness ounCl.· x- th h I '11 t d ' egm Imme la e y 0 prepare pre- Terrace, Bryn Mawr, a member of bids fOl' 'carpentry, masonry, roof-
t h ose dreams an d It ' was throug h ... ... + . d 111
pec~e to I e are
D r. R'IC hard
d N' T e sc 00 WI san.
'Construction of the school and, lIm'n I ary dr awm 'gs. . ' , the Lower f Merion Township police Mother Found B dy 0 ing, wil'ing, and painting. The bids
her that some of them, at least, During the days of tYPlllg out Smith, 206 Elm Terrace, an a- th h f th d ' 1 The L ankenau Hospital was m- force or the past twelve years, were referred to the building com·
• • came true. asdf 'Ikj and similar exercises, a than McClure 7 Shirley Rd.
etpurc aste 0
f h
e g~oun IS on y corporated April 2, 1860, and some died at 9 A. M. Friday as a result Of Christopher Sharples mittee for tabulation. They will be
• • • typewriter seems as contrary as a The hottest' fi ght WI:11 prob ably par h' h 0 'll b e fiexpansIOn d b program
th $2 _ 0 f thEO orlglna " I b UI'Id'mgs are st'll I of burns suffered when he attempt- Vot Cd on a t a f uture mee t'Ing.
All through World War I, Remmy mule. But after awhile typing be- be that for Borough Tax Collector -:OOlgoo w~ de, nance y ~ b' being used, The hospital planning ed to solder the gas tank of his This Morning The council also voted to appoint
worked faithfUlly for the Emer- comes second nature. The ability to succeed John R. Hall, who retir- t ' h' on t Iss~e t a~rov\\ y agency of Philadelphia endorsed the car, on Tuesday. He was 3 9 . , Arthur C, Staples, of 124 Woodside
gency Fleet Corporation, but when to type is a boon to a writer, who ed laGt Spring. The candidates, it o;~s Ip v~ ers ~s t . ~:ml er' move of the Lanl{enau Hospital Mr. Minnis, who was a vice pres- Chl'lstopher Strong Sharples, 5- Ave., as borough auditor to replace
t.he war ended she was given her sees his thoughts taking form much was learned this week, will include R hi e aW~:9 ~~nf r o. a\ F
es ~ from its present site at Corinthian ident of the Lower Merion Town- year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Lau- F. Richard Gifford, who resigned in
rel~ase. That was when we first more qUickly, and with less effort, former Burgess Richard Miller, t~uc~'~~'. N \:'
t Co
s1en~ra M : 1 and Girard Ave. to City Lme and ship Fraternal Order of Police, rence p. Sharples of Dove Lake May, The apoipntment will extend
.iHW her and liked her and brought than if he had to write them out who is now serving as interim ap- ~o. $~38:860 ~;~n~eatinleeand :e:- Lancaster Aves. on December 3, ~as taken ~o the Bryn Mawr Hos- and Black Rock ~ds. Br n Mawr t.<?_ the first Monday in January,
her home wIth us. Perhaps we by hand. pointee' Otto Duer, whose term as na'tin . L E Winter ;d Co I c 1948. pltal suffermg from first and sec- . , ' , Y , . ' .L~;)O
should explain at this time that • ... + justice ~f the peace in the Borough ~15 4;i f~r 'Iumbin aand k:'tc~e~ On March 17 of this year the ond degree burns. He told police was dlOwne,d tl~ls morning In hiS The chairman of the highway
• Remmy is a creature of metal and For routine work, we take P17ide expires this year; E. C. Griswold, $qu" ment. ~a .; 0 tl' I Co Board of Adjust;ncnt of the Lower and hospital attendants he, had parents' SWimming pool on their committee reported that repairs
rubber and celluloid, skillfully put in being able to use any type- Borough as'3essor, and Suzanne ;15~~55 fo ~~~ctri al rw k' :i' lVl;erion Township granted the hos- drained h!s gas tank and was work- estate. have been completed on Wynne-
together to form Ii typewriter. writer in the office, but for o,ur al- Joret Gill. Wei~s and S:ns $18 OO~ for c~rt~i~~ pital a special exception to ereet ing in a grease pit, attempting to The boy's mother told Lower wood Ave" Wynnewood Court, and
... • ... legedly "creative" stuff we !Ike to The race for Justice of the Peace d bl'nd ' , the new Lankenau Hospitlll on the repair a leak. A cigar he thought Merion police that she had told Langden Lane, and that the streets
In a world in which so many hurry home and use Remmy 10. to succeed Duer is expected to an I s. present Overbrook Golf Club site. was unlit was in his mouth at the Christopher to get into his swim- are ready for resurfacing. The
t.hlngs are perishable, it is ~M:ing We know her quirks and she ~n~ws create a great deal of interest in W d M WO Of the 93 acres which the hospital time. The owner of the glls station ming trunks arOund 11 A. M. committee also said that $1,948,28
• ' to th,ink.how long a typewrIter. will ~o,st, of ours and our. thmk~ng RepUblican ranks. Contenders are an Ins
rnn~woo purchased. C'ssentia~ly 43 will be g~ve the alarm when he heard Min- Sometime later, hearing no had been expende~ for la?or and
last If gIVen only the merest bit of Isn t Impeded by wondermg which D. Robert Baker, 214 Dudley Ave., PrIze In Sales Contest used for the erectIOn of hospital ms scream and saw a sheet of fiame sound, she went to look for him and $262.77 for matenals durmg the
care. When Remmy ~as assembl~d button has to be punched to do son-in-law of former ~OP Commit- Richard S. Boutelle, of the buildings, docto~s' ~ffi,ces, nurses' envelop the policeman. was unable to find him in the house. month ?f June.. '
• there was no such thmg as a radiO, what. teeman Joseph P. White, and Mrs. Wynn w d P k A" Wy ne- home. employees bUlldmg and rec- Born in Conshohocken Mr, Min- She went to the pool and found Rtlbelt M. Cameron, chairman of
. th e pr;,se~t se~~e 0 f th e ,word "
... ... ... , R e g i n a L. Hewitt, 201 Price A.ve., wood, ehas 00
wonarsecond p ..s.,
place in n a reational , facilities. nis was educated at public ' schools h"1m IYl11g f ace up On the bottom at th e p~ rIce an d fi re commlt~ee, ' to Id
'I The only Wireless was a thing, of That s Why we were so dl~tur~e~ who is secretary to Lower M.erion nation-Wide sales competition spon- there. During the years he served the deep end, CO~~~11 members that pohce offi·
dots and dashes, ,used for sending When, after,proper preparatlo~ (In Justice of the Peace Franklin P. sored by the Ford Motor Co., it on the police force he took special Mrs, ,Sharples called her chauf- ~E'I~ m ~arbert~ had responded to
messages from ships at sea. I~ any- eluding eatmg lunch and taking .a Kromer. was announced this week. Lookin Back ll courses in traffic and law enforce- feuI', Gibson, and they ~'ushed the? complmnts durmg the last mon~h.
• one had suggested such a thmg as nap) we ~at down to start thIS Candidates for Borough Auditor, Mr Bo t i l ' Ie m an e' of ':J ment at Northwestern University boy to Bryn Mawr Hospital, where fhey also found 31 doors and wm-
television he would have been con- week's column and foUnd Remmy it i" understood will be Clark Ken- th .
'd d t f h' . d Th t' 1 n 'd a d tl'red U!mally ~, e company s
u e ~ IS Csah St
es er
In Our Town
da~tr. t,
IS ric
Pennsylvania State College th~ he was pronounced dead at 11.30 dows in the business district un-
, I d T .
SI ere ou 0 ,IS mm. ere were ac mg a gUI n . nedy, 4 Sabine Ave" and Arthur C. which includes parts of Pennsyl- Pennsylvania School of Traffic En- A. M. " , ,e.
loc wen~y street lights were
a few automobiles on the roads, but when a key or a space bar was Staples 124 Woodside Ave who is a 'a N J se d Mind Twenty-five years ago forcement Hershey Pa In additIOn to hIS parents, Chris- reported out m the Borough.
I t" I' d t h t h d h Id ". tl· m ' ., v III ewer y an ary a ' , . . '" "
~eotP e whOe~eS ~,IITI oldnaCym: 19~8s a~~o i~np~s~ti~~ :o;~:e n~~~~~t:rJUBJ currently completing the ter.m of and ~ll of Delaware. He scored a Senator Fletcher W, Stites and Cited many times for his part in ptoPther 11s4 surv~vedldbY hdlS bro,ther, , TaXt CdOltlhecttor$9R915c8ha517'd hL'dMblller
ge a e. . F Richard Gifford who reSigned k f 919 t f th t tl d t f1ft' e er, yeals 0 ,an a Sister, I epor e a ,. a een
• ' onsidered an "antique" but our today she seemed undecided wheth- . , . mar 0 . percen 0 e quo a Bur"'ess Carl B. Metzger were le con uc 0 aw en orcemen I1l S 9 'old II t I ' t '. t
IS C . ' recently after many years serVIce in the contest placing second to b the township the motorcycle pa- usan, yeals . co ec er m paymen m proper Y
1918 model typewriter has gone er to move over or not. , the post th W h' t ' d' t ' t h' h h d speakers at the Borough's Fourth of t I .' d ' I d His father is an executive of the taxes and $972.50 in per capita
. ht abl t w 't new ... + ... In. e as mg on IS nc w IC a 1'0 men receIVe specla commen - SI l e t 'f f' H II d $647 1 47
ng on, e 0 rl,e any - , ic 1 John A, Miller, 111 Forrest Ave., 97.1 percent. July Celebration, ation in November of last year for, larp es ~n 1'1 ug~1 Manu actur- taxes. C' co ecte , on 9
~~~;~~\:~ds f~~~\~~ ~~: :~~~l~ ge~i~~gw: d:~fde~\oadl~~c:s:nll:d is believed to have no opposition in Along with other Ford sales ex- The Harold D. Speakman Post his part in nabbing the famous mg Co., Phl1adelphla. ta~es a~d $l\~15:n 1948 t~xe~ d
writer manu~acturers do too good treat 'her ailment. The diagnosis his bid for re-election as constable. ecutives who placed among the top of the American Legion called a "Sunday burglar" in Lower Merion • Bvo ,e 0 St ~I~ s ~s ~~ ~n ~
seven na~lonally, Mr. Boutelle will sPllcial meeting because of the Ku T?Wnship, With Patrolman Emil Dro Denma~
MemOrial :~e IB~;Oe~;h c~lu~~fl fo~ hisa;;'ce{.
• a job; if their products last so long, was easy enough-the safety, pin
how do they ever make'new'sales? with which we had fixed he1" the
... ... ... last time had come out of place.
'IIege Wh-Ir'I
Co be guest 10f, the compal'!Y on,an aU~ KJu~ KIlm scare in Ardmore
expense l)ald weekend at Shawnee- , ' ,
PI~uet, he: ~PPtt~d ,:n.d ,('a~tured
Joseph COIVI, of Phlladelphla, at
Fu.nd Growmg 'Steadily'
• • '
lent' work as chairman of- 'the
0 J r '
The present Remmy, known as The treatment was more difficult- on-the-D,elaware, Pa., July 14, 15, ~arb~rth was In top place In the the home of Mau~'ice Binder, 90 ThIrd of Goal ReceIved Furth of uly celeb atlOn.
Remmy 10, was the second type- we couldn't get the safety pin to Dear Dottie: and 16. Malll, Lllle ~aseballleague. ,Bowman Ave., MerIOn. on Nove~- The Dr. Arthur J. Denman fund
• writer in our life, and we can re- accomplish its required mission. ThE! weather has Iinally cooled QUick action of the Narberth Fire bel' 29, More ,than 100 burglaries is growing steadily, according to Highway Dept ReJo ects
port great success and satisfaction Finally, after an hour of futile off enough to make it possible to Geroge Mo Glasgow Dies; Company saved th~ home of Fred were sQlved as a result of the cap- Carl B. Metzger, Jr" treasurer of PI f T ff: LO h
with both of them. The first was fumbling in which we forgot what write. I'm probably the only per- Wid . IE· C; Patten of WoodSIde Ave. ture. " the fund. ea or Ig t ra IC
Remmy 6, which, early in our life, we had intended to write about, we son in Lower Merion Township who as n ustrla , ng~neer FJft~en years a g o . A me~ber o~ the Eplscopah,an The cost of the type of oxygen Permission to erect a traffic light
we bought from an olaer brother decided Remmy deserved a trip to h d that th l' hot very dry George Miles Glasgow, mdustrml Michael F, Haughe)', of Forrest Church m Conshohocken, Mr. Mm- tent for which the fund will be t M t A d M '
Who some years previously had the repair shop ope Ide ve y 'd b t f engineer, died at his home, 3 Union Ave" was presented with a 50-year ,nis belonged to the Masonic Order, u<ed is $650 and approximately a on gomery ve. an erlOn
• bought it second-hand. You can h
+ . ... .. weat
course,er the
wouheatnever isn't en, u, 0 A ve., B a Ia- Cynwy,
too bother- d on T ues d ay. bu tt on by th e P e n nsy Iv a' ma R al'I• R e d men 'L s, 0 d ge N o. 306,the B ryn one-third
' " of the necessary amount" Rd Merion " has been turned down
;udge its age by the fact that we She'll be home again tomorrow h h th'ng to do He was 37. road, Mawr Fire Company and the ha~ been contributed by the State Highway Department,
.1 ' some w en you ave no I , F' d B i d Wh't ' " , .
paid our brother $5 fOl; it. As we folks, so there's no need to send but spend all day swimming and ,A graduate of the West Catholic re euer e r,eopene Ie s Wa'shmgton Fire Company m Con- Friends of the movement are Lower Merion Township commis-
SUbsequently sold it for $10, to a flowers. In the meantime, we've all night in some air-conditioned H~gh School an,d of ,the Drexel In- Sweet Shop on Haverford A~e. sho~ocken, as well as the F. 0, P. hopeful that the entire amount will sioners have announced,
paperhanger who used it for a long tried to peck out our column on d stltute of Engmeermg, Mr, Glas- John Alan Fox left for a SIX week Dunng the war, he served as a be reached by August 1 .
• time after that we felt that it was another typewriter. But it doesn't ren ezvous., gow was with the H. M. Wilson tour of the Rockies. coal administrator with the Office Contributions may b'e sent 1.0 A survey by the Highway Depart-
a reasonably ~oOd investment. seem the same. After all, it couldn't Don't behev:, I've t~ld you that Co., building engineers. Miss Betty Seasholtz entertained of Civilian Defense. Carl B. Metzger. Jr,. treasurer of ment, it was reported, showed too
... + ... be the same. Remmy has become Mary Allen Eisaman IS home f?r He is survived by his wife, Eliz- a few friends at her home, among SurViving, in addition to his wld- the National Bank of Narberth. few cars passing the intersection tb
To us, the t.ypewriter has always part of us. the sum~er after her first year m abeth Shallow Glasgow; four sons them were Lois Shewell, Jane ow, Mrs. Marion Scharff Minnis, warrant the installation The inter-
the JUlllor Colle~e department of and two daughters. Smedley, and Lucil!e Baker. are two daughters, Marion and 0 b k H·II GO I ection is at the front ~f the Wal-
- D t wort
h M ·
ovtng to S u bur b? Penn Hall JUlllor College and Funeral services will be held to- Total tuition receipts to Lower Phyllis.
S. Preparatory School. !"Iary says she morrow at 9 A, M, in his home. Sol- Merion from Narberth were re- Interment was on Tuesday, in
ver roo Ir
Making Tour of Europe
I S ~ d
r~~ t~: ~~~~time traffic lights
~ever had a better time than dur- emn Requiem Mass will be sung at ported as $35,612. (The 1949 Nar- Calvary. Cemetery, Conshohocken, Miss Barbara Doehler daughter are also bein sougl~t at the inter-
Meehan Sa'\ts So in Debate
;~:tii~fi~ear at the Chambersburg the Church of St. Matthias, Bal~- be~~h School board al~ots $48,500 for following a viewing Monday in the of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold
. ,Cy":wyd, at 10 A, M. Interment Will tUition to Lower Menon.) McConaghey Funeral Home.
W, Doehler, sections of g Remington Rd. and
116 Beverly Rd., Overbrook Hills, Lancaster Ave" Wynnewood, and
. Lots of the crowd that J~st grad- be m Calvary Cemetery. Ten years ll!:'O ' . sailed on the Queen Mar last week at Remington Rd, and Haverford
to " end the summ ~ t u'
Richardson Dilworth, crusading Rules of the debate had stipu- gratulated on winning scholarships
leader of the DemOcratic party in lated that nO holds were to be bar- to the institutions they will attend WO
uated from school are being con-
T B led M
a a- ynwy en
The Narberth Commulllty LI-
bral'y announced the installment
of an "International Mind Alcove".
Book DeserebI es
E ~p
urope." '
e 0 rmg Th
Rd Penn W nne
e co~mlssloners. vo
ted t
~ erec

Ut oear PIant
gn f
.. Philadelphia, will move to Wynne- red. and Meehan used up his time in the fall. Will Thompson, n, will Win U. of P. Scholarships The Harold D. Speakman Post H Slhle dWIllBvllsl~ EnglLand, Fbrance, La, stop dSIA at tdhe luntetrseL~tlonRo
woo d t omorrOw I'f a c h il
arge eveie d exammIng " inCi
' den t s In ' D'I I wor th' s take up hiS , study of electnca ' 1 en- Martin H Jansen and Jordan L selected Charles T. Burns, Phllhp " A S 0 'tan 1 d eItglUm I ' d uxem I Fourg h Amwoo d ve. an c 0 n y me r.,
• at him by Austin Meehan, Sheriff past which he cor:.tended cast dOUbt gineering under a regional scholar- Spencer of B"la-Cynwyd hav~ J Curan, and Ed Kohlschreiber to R\~I, zer an ' a'IYI an'l tfle rMenc r more.
'l Iphia' County an d a pow- on t h e c h aracter 0 f t h e D emocra t"IC ship to Massachusetts Institute .of, . . , , Sh
o f Ph lade been awaarded freshman competi- go ' to the, Legion's Keystone Boy's Men materials and machines at IVlera. '11 F e WI' Isalt A rom t far- -------
' Rbi'
er 111 epu !Can po I ICS
1 t' th ere, IS . 1947 It
mayora y can I a e. dOd t D'I ' f
I - Technology. Will graduated rom tive scholarships by the University Camp at Indiantown Gap. , " the Autocar Company's Ardmore sel es
M d" rance ' mae , ugus
' h d b tt 1 '. , " " a e Iterranean crUise, re urnmg
t rue. wor th s speec an re u a were Haverford School In June. And the of Pennsylvania according to an- PrinCipal Drennen announced plant are descnbed in pictures and "d S t b N' f t'
D'Il th 'n t" h' f d t d t lit" r" , home m ml • ep em er me new cases 0 con agloull
'd wor w2131c70nStmuJe IS vpo mg fevo e h' 0 a I!?t~nera dexamonnatrlon high qua Ity of her hl~h school rec- nouncement by William H. Du- that next year a "s~ress on spelhng" text in a boolde,t, "T?ug~l, Tested Miss Doehler is a graduate of the diseases weer reported in Lower
reSl ence at . ames l ace, 0 mac me po I ICS an a c s uc- ord and recommendations and her Barry execuf ive vice-president of would be started III the Narberth Trucks" now bemg dIstrIbuted by " I' I' 'I
• in the city, according to Meehan, tive program for Philadelphia, performance in the scholarship test the U~ive~sity Public School. the cO~1Pany UnIversity of P~nnsy val1la Denta Menon To.wnshlp ast week by
' f" . . , ' . , . School and she Just completed her Health Olllcer Robert .T. Thomas.
W h 0 rna d e th e s t a t emen t as a par t ra th er th an t 0 th e ques t Ion 0 my have won AdelIne Carr an Honor Jansen whose home is at 726 ReSIdents of the northeast section An edition of 10000 copies is be- , " ' . ' f
, of an attack on Dilworth for being integrity and honesty against Dil- Entrance Scholarship worth $840 Stradone'Rd is a graduate of Al- of the borough were asked to sign ing sent out. Acc~rding to Robert mter~eslllp at the Bryn Mawr They Include four new cases 0
1 a "floater," n?t cont.ent to stay in wo:th's integr~ty a.nd honesty" for the University of Chicago. toona Cath~iic High School. He a curfew petition which would re- F. Wood, advertising manager, the Hospital. measles and five of mumps.
One p~ace, durmg theIr debate TU~s- W~IC~ th~ Shenff claimed was the Adeline was a member of th{'! wil enter the College of Arts and quire children under 16 to be home booklet contains information that it
• day mght at the Academy of MUSIC. prmclpal Issue.
T~e debate was a "standoff," a~- Expecte~ Worst ,
dramatic arts club, the senior Sciences at Pennsylvania. Spencer, before 9:30 P,M.
, French club, the literary staff who was graduated from Lower
would take "an Inquisitive visitor'
at least a week to obtain for him-
Services in Narberth Churches
I., c~rdmg !o the thousa~ds ,of Mam QuestIoned later, Ddw~rth said of the yearbook, and the Na- Merion High School, will enrol! in self on a conducted tour of the Baptist Church of the Evan~el, Windsor and Grayling Aves. Rev.
'Lme reSidents W,hO wItnessed the that. he though~ Meehan 5 attack tional Thespian Society before her the Towne Scientific School. He ATTENDS MEETING plant." Elmwood and Narberth Ave., Nar- Robert J. Lamont, mUlister.
verb~l. slugfest, III person, or on on hiS personal hfe could have been rece~t g:aduation from Lower lives at 338 Trevor Lane. Joseph L. Kelley, Narberth post- Possiblity of a heavier working berth. Rev. Lawrence P. Fitzger- James Ferris will speak in Sun-
• teleVISion or radiO. The feelmg that much worse, and that he had ex- Menon High School. Young Clay Both were awarded the scholar- master, attended t~e PennsY~,va~ia schedule by falJ is anti,ci'pat~d by aId, interim-pastor. da School at 9:45 A, M., continu-
the debate was a draw was shared pected a much stronge~ personal Boland, '~r., has been awarded a ships on the basis of the records Chapter of the National ASSOCiatIOn the company, ~h?se .actlvlty IS re- Dr. Fitzgerald will speak at t.he in: a series of studies based on the
by the speakers themselves. attack. Meehan told thiS reporter scholarship t? be .used when he en- theY compiled in the College En- of Postmasters which met at Brad- garded as an mdlcatlon of general 11 A, M, service on "How to Solve ubject "HoW We Got Our Bible."
• Meehan declared after the debate after the debate that he thought tel's the Umverslty of Pennsylva- trance Board examinations. ford Pa., on July 7, 8, and 9. business conditions in this area. Life's Problems" ~ ftl 'strip entitled "The Getting
that "there's no winner in that sort personal attacks were no good, but nia in the fall. His popular father - ' Recently the company was the .. '.... .. m ' I ' '1 I b h
o f th mg an d D'lI wor th ed
agre , a - I that h 0 I'de
e c ns re d th a t Tu d , .
es ay s has wrItten most of the terrific . low bidder On an order for 200 H I T " t L th ... CI ch of of OUI' Bib e' WI 1 a so e sown.
Lower Merion School Board
O "

- t.hough saying that he thought he d,ebate had "cl:are~ up the sit,ua- (Continued on page Five) • trUcks for the New York City De- N : Ythrl~~'y d: erand ~urb th The Rev. Lamo,nt will speak at
had the debate "in the bag" at the tlon" and that It might be pOSSIble partment of Sanitation This to- ar er, o~ l1le ~n {t ar ~ the 11 A. M. service on "The Gos-
end of the prepared 30-minute to have a Later meeting at which • ether with increased ;e ulal: 01'- AV~s. Rev. Cle us A: en , pas or. pel and Fellowship." At 7:45 he
~·spe,eches Which opened the ora- personal discussion would be
torlcal contest. bar~ed.,
N ames Lawes to Fdl Vacancy ~ers, has built up a SPirit of opti- 111~~ ~~\'~e~~~cf: ~~ll"f~~~ ~y~~ will speak ,?n "The Heart That
mism among company executives ' " Pleases God.
(\s a represen~ative of this paper, Dilworth's partls~ns, who mll;de At a special meeting of the Low-Iself with the duties and require- and employees. Since April most of Cl'lte, • • • -+ • •
thiS reporter wltne~sed. the ~ebate up half of the mO,le-than-capaclty er Merion Township School Board ments of a director, I not only as- the men have been working only Narberth Methodist Church, Es- st. Margaret's R. C. Church, 208
from the press section Immediately crowd, rose to theIr feet with ap- h Id T d '. d sure you that I am prepared to de- three or foul' days a week instead I P I A Re Ha Id Narberth Ave. Father Ja.mes F.
• under the microphones, about plause when he closed his rebuttal ~. ue.s aYBe~led~lng m the A - vote whatever time and effort are of a five.day schedule' ex dam t r ce ves.
sFl v. 1'0 Toner pastor.
1 ' th fi t . r l' n . Ith th n m t th t h mmlstratlOn UI mg John F. E . , , . 00 pas or. '
whlere ephUrs Ivhl~ In sehc 10t lIS W died atnnofu cCe.ten a e w~ Hippel was appointed' a member to necessary to dlschar~e th?se dut~e~, Th~ Rev. Flood will conduct the Masses on Sunday will be held at
w en th e a d e p la Orc es ra s a can a e or I y T reasurel' 111 but I shall also conSider It a prlvl- , S d th r gular hours' 6'30 7'30 9 and
"playlng at the Academy. Local resl· November's election for row offices.
· th Pollt' 1 ob t
fill the vacancy created by the re- lege to join you In the commend-
cent death of W. Ralston Rodgers . ,
2 From Narberth Church regUlar 11 A:..M. s.ervlc.c on un aY'10:15eA M and twO0 'm~ss~s for the
. . . . "
d en.s t seat e d fur th er b ac k In e
,~ audience may not have been as for- pnsed by the young attorney's an-
. Ica servers were no sur- J
' able work you are dOing m the ad-
ministration of the school system
Attend Trl-• State Meet·Ing P b ter'an Church upper and lower church at U:15.
Narb:.::e::.rt:.::h=-~re::.s-:y __I_ _
-tunate in hearing everything that nouncement, ,noting that upstate
went on, since the debate was Democrati~ leaders had demanded
.marred by almost constant booing tilat he make the campaign this
Other ~andldates for the interim of our township. My profession IS
appointment were Harold Bost., and has been that of practicing 3.t- will represent the Narberth Presby-
Wick, Lloyd M. Church, Frederick torney for 23 years. I have been a terian Church at the Tri-State
Robert Drennen and Carl Getty
Television Sets 'Too Loud'
and heckling from the crowd.
(Jro~d Unruly
fall If he wished the,ir backlnl?i In
tl:e 1950 gubernatOrial campaIgn.
Gleg and Clinton L. Mellor.
Hippel, a resident of Rosemont, since 1928."
resident of Lower Merion Township Bible Conference at Camp Dela-
ware near Trenton, N. J., from July
I n N ar bert,
h C ounCt.,. T 0 ld lS
... \ Dilworth was on his fe~t much Dilworth made the announcement Is a member of the Philadelphia Hippel Is a member of the Phila- 16 to 23. .
o.r the, time M;eehan was speaki!lg. of his .candidacy atter praising J~- law firm of Edmonds, Obermayel' delphia Bar Association, a member This conference is one of a series The Narberth Borough Council and found t? be 100 percent p~r••
slgnalbng to lils supporters to gIVe seph SIll Clark, Jr., Who, as candl- and Rebmann. He received his A.B. of Its board of governors for three recon:mended to the young peoplt! received its usual quota of com- Another reSident called and said a
-U1e Sheriff an opp.ortunlty to talk, date for City Controller. wllI be his degree from the University of penn- years and of its committee of cen- of the church this summer. There, 'T W It A bOl'Ough garbage truck leaked all
and Me . eh an rnad e a simi "1ar appeal runnl~g . rnat e In th.e f'a. 11 Mee h an, sylvama ' and graduated from its law sOl'S for ' a like period, being chair- IS, , also, a larger church confer;!nce, plaints' dUl'lllg . une, a, oer v . e r the s t ree t 'III f ro nt of her
I .to hIS followers when prolonged early In the debate, had offered the Going Away1 school in H126. man of the latter committee one program for the entire family Fox, preSident. told cotl1lcl11l1en at home, and she was unable to use
booing delayed the opening of Dil- Democrats as a campaign slogan: H h A.lthough he has neVer held any year. He is also a member of the which Includes Bible conferenc~s in their meeting on MondaY night. her living rOom. A. police car was
worth's ,first a~dress. M:eha~ told "'~illy:, and 'Dilly' want to run ave t is paper follow political office, ~Ippel was at ·one Pennsylvania and American Bar Stony Brook, Long Island, N, Y.; He said, however, that Miss Ruth sent to find th~ truck, and it was
the audience It :nas "bemg thor· Phllly. you on your vacation. time president of the Penn Wynne- Associations. Seneca HllJs, Franklin. Pa.; Sand~' Grace, borough secretary, had han- reported that It, was a truck be-
oughly un~~mencan, and said Write to the office, 8 Overbrook HlJIs Civic Association, Among other organizations of his Cove, Md.; American Keswick, died them in her usual efficient longing to a prIVate garbage col-
l~ter that the crowd was unfair 'AIDS DRIVE Cricket Ave., Ardmore, when he was a resident of that profession, he is also affiliated with Keswick Grove, N. J,; did Mill, manner. lecting company. .
'. to both sides," and that he thought or phone Hilltop 3600 or C'ommunlty. the Caveat ClUb, Juristic Society Brandamore, Pa., and Tri-State in Two complaints were received One resident, who works at mght,
the debate would, have cleared up Richard E~ Freeman, 724 Con- Ardmore 5720, and your He is the father of two daugh- and Right Angle ClUb. Hlppel Is Haverford. from residents who said their complained because boys playing
,m.ore had the audience been qUiet. shohocken State Rd., Bala-Cynwyd, subscription will be tel'S, Barbara, a, student at Mt. also a member of the Union League, The second annual church con- neighbors played their teleVision ball In front of his home were 1l1~­
Dilworth, though, clearly displeased is assisting In the 1949 fund drIve of changed to your summer Holyoke CoUege, and Judith, who Philadelphia Country ClUb and ference will be held October 15-16 sets so loudly that they couldn't ing so much noise he couldn t
by the spectators ~ehavlor, merely the Dlinols institute of Technology address. If you are not a is attending the Baldwin School. Bachelor Barge Club. , a t Spring Mountain HOUGe In talk in their own homes and be sleep, Patrolman Potter Was called
,-aald that it -::as a completely p a r - , In submitting his candidacy to The next regular meeting of the Schwenksville. The entire church heard. three times and finally convinced

,,1, an
tls crOWd, with eac;h side rabid· to help 1lnance the Institute s $15,-
supporUng its favorite. 000,000 campus building program.
subscriber, why not start the board, Mr. Hlppel said: "Hav- school board will be held Monday is expected to participate in this A complaint of dirty water was tile boys they should go to the com-
your subscription now? , ing to some extent famlliaiized my- evening, JUly 18. conference. received, but the water was tested munlty playground and play.
Thursday, July 14, 1949
I' •

Haverford Grid Polo Is Returned Women Favorites 'Win,With Ease

Priced Righi..RiglllAloq Practice Set ~ To Main Line by In Middle States Net Tourney
For ,August 24
Maloney's Actl·on Rain halfed play on Tuesday, but and Miss HopkIns wouldn't be a
the favorites in the Middle States surprise.
If Wes Maloney has his way the women's grass court championships Another' faVorite player, Mrs.
Compare - TODAY I Take a Coach Bill Stinson at Haverford noble game 01 polo will retur~ to didn',t seem to mind waiting anoth- Bunny V?ste~s, of Merion, racked
look at thrifty A&P colfee High will be glad to see 15 of his th M· L' ' t· er day or so before going along on up two vIctorIes. She lowered Bar-
C1lstome~rs' pricea. Then taste the rich,
satisfying flavor of bean last year's varsity football team re- e am Ine sec Ions.
Wes, former ~ryn Mawr captain,
their victory schedule. bara Neely, of Germantown, 6-1,
The action in the early matches 6-0, and then defeated Sue Peter-
fresh coffee, custom grolmd port for grid practice August 24.
COrD.8r ,~ to your order for best result. Last season Haverford won only
has been appointed the leader of saw the' top-s\!eded girls push their son, of Cynwyd, 6-1, 6-1.
the Bishop Hollow team that has way into the tater rounds. The Other favorites who came through
~ the way you make coffee. two of 10 football games, but. the a ,practice field set up at the 103rd beautifUl moqel from New York, with victories are: Betty Rosen-'
experience the team members Troop Club Field, one mile south Miss Jean French, won her match quest, of South Orange, N. J.; Syl-
How do you like the gained should be worth the drub- of Newtown Square. from Ruth Marshall, of Norristown, Via Knowl~s, of Newport, R. I., and
fresh fruit and vegetable bings, There the Bishop· Hollow boys 6-2, 3-6, 6-1. . Jane Austm, of Cynwyd.
department in your A&P Of the returning lettermen, the I
And Rhoda Joan HopkinS, who riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
store? majority are regulars, inclUding e~coun~er the. Newtown Square has the favorites biting their finger-
lour backs, a complete line, and an rIders In practice encounters ana nails in fear of an upset had little FOR BETTER

Are the vegetables fresh
and crisp.-: as they should
extra guard and tackle for good
measure. In addition, Ends Bill Car-
ano and Al Wildes, who didn't Win (!iE-TeRAN cow PUNC,;lER
= exhibition matches. The pUblic is opposition in defeating 'Ann Diet-
inVited to come out and watch the rich, of Haverford, 6-1, 6-3. Miss
teams get together on Tuesdays Hopkins, who lost to Miss Dorothy
Are the fruits firm and
letters ·last year, will be ready for
action. ____
' S~NC FOR A :JAWA and Thursdays at 7.30 P. M. Head, the tourney top-seeded play- SONOTONE
ripe-as they should be? In the backfield will be Dick ~O"OI<CYCt..E r Playing for Bishop Holloware er, i.n strai.ght sets last year at Tex- People
Yo,u' see are
with every vear.
Are the displays neat D'Agostino, who was recently elect- Malloney, Al Busch Bill Carroll ~s, IS consl d ered as. one of th~ most hearlnl!:!
and orderly - as they
ed team captain; Fullback Frank , , Improved players m the natlon.,A SONOTONE
Crouse, Quarterback Dave Dilks, and Pat Tarone.. The Newtown final match between Miss Head
should be? and Lou Paulmier, halfback. Square club consists of Ed Yetter,'-_____________ The HOIl~e
ST. Of He:trlnl!'
Mild and Mel/ow ,- 69th OFFICE
Are the' clerks helpful John Cirillo and Bob Hoover will E• I
Jim McHugh, Harman Smith, and 406 Upper Darby Bank Bide.
and courteous - as they EIG..... be at ends, while Kieth Kern and
Gene Mauta will fill the tackle posi- OA
"'~ ,..
Norman Taylor. piscopa Ace Wins BOULEVARD
16th 2240
should be? tions. Ned Hollingsworth and Ro~r "0 TI-IE VEA. Philao Tennis Crown 307 Medleal Art~ BIde:.. Phlla.
We maintain buy in g O'CI.OCK Taylor will be back at the guard
posts, and Tom Agnew, who under- ANc~~tH~;f Phils' Hollml-g ,1; Calvin Place, of Episcopal Acad_I~;:;;;;~;;;~RI;;;6.~97;3~2;;;~t;;;~~~
offices wherever and when-
ever fresh fruits and vege-
tables of top quality are
I Ib
Bag 41 e studied Hal Meyers last season,
will play center.
Found bYLUCk I
emy. won the Philadelphia and Dis-I i
trict boys' tennis singles champion- WOULD YOU LIKE A PET?
ship for players up to 15 years of Will You Give it a Good Homer
available. We rush this :J.La. 'AGo, $t.19 AT THIS age by defeating Dave Biddle. Hav-
produce in refrigerated Haro Id K IIar Is Narne d
0 ~XC111 NG It appears the National League erford School, 6-1, 6-2 in the final at DOGS
trains and trucks to our Drexel Tech Mentor Sr:o~T! is wearing a question mark in its Idle Hour Tennis Club. and CATS
warehouses and stores. We Rich. and Full Bodied Harold J. Kollar, former Drexel collective noggin, which asks Place was seeded second in the Adoption
Tech baseball and basketball star, where in the so-and-so did the draw. He dominated the match
price it to sell quickly and
we inspect it constantly all RED has been named Drexel's head bas-
ketball coach for the 1950 season,
Phillie ev
er Ig up
thO H 11 . throughout, eXhibiting uncanny ac-
IS 0 mIg curacy to wear down his Haverford
along the line for any sign CIRCIrE according to an announcement by
d- N· M· · \Jafeea
L d -~
fellow they're playing in right opponent. MANY TYPES AVAILABLE
of deterioration.
In other words, all our I Ib
45 e
President James Creese.
ministration student at Drexel. Is alntalns field? There is no secret about this In the girls' championship, Anne
husky lad who is slamming base- Dietrich, recent Haverford High Delaware Co. S.P.C.A.
grad~ate, lost .to Ruth ~arshal1•.of Sandv Bank Road
efforts are aimed at offer-
ing you only the finest and
3.la. IAGo, '$i.31
Kollar, who was a business ad-
a graduate of West Philadelphia
High. He played three years of bas-
In M'aln
- L-IDe LSd-
eague tan mgs .. "
hits all over the place.
Nornstown HIgh. PrevIOusly. MISS
A PhIIlles scout, Hap Morse, cov- Dietrich, district squash racquets MEDIA 6-1370
. MedIa

freshest fruits and vege- ketball and two years of baseball in ering the territory, took several champion, had waged an UPhilll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
tables. both high school and college. By HARRY ELLSWORTH long ganders whilst sherlocking the battle to defeat a 13-year-old op-,~
Vigorous and Winey From 1943 to 194~ he. served in Southwest Conference college ball p~nent. Gwenyth Johnson, of Bald-
;;~iiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.'11IT'S GREAT SPORT!
If we ever fail to do this, the USAAF as a pIlot Instructor. Media took a commanding lead host to Narberth. The Stars had . . Win School. .
we will consider it a favor if
you will tell us about it.
BOKJIR During that time he also played In the Main Line League by whip- their four-game winning streak games In the sprmg of 1948. Mr.I-;• • •
service baseball and basketball. ping Wayne last week-end while snapped Saturday by Manoa, but'Morse's perusals of a Texas A. & M.I
Please write: COITEE -.;;;:::::;::::::;:::;;::;;:::;:;::;Ithe Glenolden Stars were losing to will try to keep their jinx "on" the athlete who was belaboring the ball til. 1I••t .•. yes it's fun-

~ Are you a ·ood Driver.. Manoa. The Main Liners now hold Boroughltes as they shoot for win " .. . packed afternoons and
Cllitolllir Rilitions Dlfllrtllltltt, .. th and half game margin number four over Narberth George led him to make entl'1es in hiS llttle
A&P Food Stores,
420 Lexington Avenue,
I lb
Bag 41e
3-ll. IAIi. $'1.39
's Auto Dr·lving
aover ree
ond place
Wayne and ,In sec- Ackleson, who holds two . mound black
wins over Narberth, will pitch for
This w~ek-end, the Main Liners the Stars.
All book
' . h'
,OWing Imse
If t fi 11 b
0 nay e
convinced that here was a y<;»ung .0
"II s
School 69th st. Terminal meet ever-dangerous Ardmore, at Ardmore visits the Stars in Glen- man who shOUld not be. permItted 69TH ST. BOWLING CENTER
New York 1.7, N. Y. Blvd, 0470 Ardmore, on Saturday and play olden on ,Sunday afternoon. The to. enter the fields of agncu~ture or T'AKE OFF EXCESS WEIGHT
1I Les~ons, $11 _ LIcense Test S5 Manoa at Manoa on Sunday. other half of Glenolden's, pitching ~mmg, Mr. Morse. took It upon '"

SMOKED (Short Shank)
\~~~6~a~fe~'~CO~u~rt~eo~U~s~l~n~st~r~u~ct~o~rs~~~1 The Ardmore Eagles hold one of dUO, Tom McLarnon, will get the h mself ,to draw said young man Th. IInllt I. By Joining Your Friends
the three decisions against Media call, against Lou Sposato, Glen-Nor to ~nes~ldei
4 TJ) 8 POIIND H 11 . ed t .ora.o d..... in an Afternoon of
this year. Two weeks ago, the lad who hurls for the Eagles. l o a n ey .0 mIg en~a~ 0'
The Ardmore nine gave Narberth pay baseball With the ~~Illies. I
WRAFPED 0 ol •• lrlo
For Quick Results Eagles deteated Media to end a fln.or.tlp eon. Bowling.
CONSULT seven-game winning streak for the qUIte a run for their money before ;At .th~hmOtme~\~f .wrrtl~g, Ho 1- lral .. an ••' •
iop QUAllTY GRADE nAn ffiWlNG (-4 to 6 Ibs) Delco lads. bowing. 7-6, on Saturday. Gene m!g IS e op I, er 0 e crew, bPOIo
CHICKENS ~ 1ge • •
Suburban Real Estate
Manoa Has Hopes Weinert. Narberth hurler, pitched WIth a mark hovermg around .315.
Manoa, stili in hopes or getting shutout bali until the seventh, when
into the tinal play-offs, holds an Ardmore scoreO two runs.
Ed Walt· k·U N-Ight
",.,,, .

AIJ .J-":;
One of our many servo
CYN 1804 opening 3-1 decision over the Main The Eagles knocked Weinert
Plann d Tues day ~I~
ices for your convenience


RoccO Parisse or John Hast- from the hill with a four-run up-
ings will hurl tor the Manoans. rising in the eighth inning. Ed
Jack Shea, leading pitcher in the linewek relieved Weinert and fan-
PROPERTIES LISTED league with six wins, and Jim Lof- ned Jim Gilboy to end the rally. S eaki a ho ora
e h irma A __ ~A "Air-Conditioned"
LO 36005
land will h,~ndle the mound chores Gnewek. also fanned Bill B!nder, of &e c~mi~tee~or '~d~ieaWai~ C-~
BOD.ED BIlK SLlCIII ~ zte Exclusively with
for Joe I n m . . Joe !,apleve~ and Lou Myers In 01'- ku NiO'ht" Ford Frick president FOR FREE ESTIMATE
69th Street
FRA•a .,.. v_.,S ARMOUR'~, bElay'S 4'C W ayne. 9" 2 Ioser• t 0 M,e d'la, en - del' m the nmth of s,the National
b •
1·1& . '" . . . League, , today said,
01 SWIA'S SKINUS5 p"iJ gages two Impol:tant. foes III Manoa . LOll Sposato, pltchmg In relle,f o~"baseball people the world over will
BOI.OGNn'" ' '1. ., II!c at Wayne on Saturday and Nar-. JIm Doran•.walked fo~r stralg~w be in Shibe Park, at least in spirit, BRADY & ROSENBERG INC
SliCED OR THE ;IECE 110 ~ berth at Narberth Sun?ay. ba~sme1?' to,glve the Davlsmen their when Philadelphia holds its big
I 57 So. 69th St., Upper Darby
Nar~erth. aft,er a dismal, start, sixth wm of the year. 27 SOUTH SIXTH STREET
SWISS CllEESE DOMEmc r.: SSe - - - - - - - - SONS
. art to welcome Eddie home after
has trIUmphed In three of Its last . ~anoa rode ~ack onto the VictOry ihe ~ear-tra ed in Chica 0."
Telephone BOulevard 1233
four ,star~s, and are out to earn a!!rall On th.e aIm ?f Johnny Hast- The celebr~tiln for Wai~kus will Ii
ROUNDER F~~::S '10 5te "The Busy Office"
' posItion In the plaY-.offs. Buddy,mgs. ~astmgs he,i ,Glen~lden to be on Jul y 19 before the Phillies-
Walker has been leadmg the Bor- dive hitS, fanned eight, In a 9-5 Ch' c b c. WALl.ACE STUARD, SR. C. WALLACE STUARD, JR.
oughites' attack. In 12 games Walk- game.
1 d 18 h't . 30 t 'ps to lJreighton Hits Hard
,.~cago u, s, game.
~he Ph~llles are fort~nate In

er las ma e I Sinn , haVing WaItkus on their team" CHARLES M. STUARD & SON
the plate. Jack Creighton belted two dou- F ' k t'
Bob Urbani. released by Media, bles and single for the winners. Bob fa~~ o~o~~fI~~eiphia...:~;andOUble
d 10Th d th

DARBY & EAGLE RDS. and Charlie, Weinert. brother of the I ~~Iett~'s bases-loaded single in the, iortunate that Eddie was spared.r. FUNERAL DIRECTORS

1 II I
OAKMONT l'larberth pitcher, have strengthen- Sixth Iced the game and sent the\ Meanwhile Jud Har S Mc-
NEARBY GOLDEN SWHEr ' HILLTOP 9070 ed Gene Davis' team considerably. Stars' George Ackleson to the Devitt chai~mang~f theryW~itkUS "FIVE GENERATIONS SINCE 1822"
Sf!RVING THE SUBURBS Narberth at Glenolden sho;v~rs. committee, urged that every fan

rresh COrD 1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~l1~s~a~t~uird~a~y~,~G~lie~n~o~ld~e~niiPil~a~yS

- - --- runsEal1to Nolan sla~med tw~
Pace Media to theIr homel"apPOint
tenth ." himself a '
,' of the ARDMORE Phones
0243 & 0752
win in 13 starts-a 9-2 decision over c?mmlttee b~ sending a contrlhu-II~=====::====:::::===~=::====::::::li=::':::='==:::!

6 33 C
STOP AT Wayne. Jack Shea and Bill McClure tlon, of any Size, to .Albert J. Sylk, I
scattered mne hits for the winners. tre~surer, 701 ~elg~tman Bldg.,

For Your Vacation "Smoking Pleasure" Bill Conway was the loser forlPhl!a" 2.. Th~ aim IS to shower YOUR PAY CHECK
ears Special for Tllis Week- I Wayne. IWaltku,s With gifts and ~emo~strate
l\1iddieton Imported Briar Pipes-Value $2.00 Sunday's games were all washed ho~ hlg~ ~e stands In Phlladel- Continues when yon are insured wilh us if an accident or
plus 2 pkgs. Walnut Tobacco ••••.••••.•..... All for 51.50 ~ out by the heavy rains. These games I phla's affectIOns. ~ickne~s disables yon._ Extra bencfit~ whcn ~'ou arc hospital-
wiII probably be played on July 30
-an open date in the schedule.
- - - - .- - - -
Plans are bem~ co.mpleted for
i7.ed plus a generous accidental dealh fealure. The cost is
very reasonable. .
Main Line League Notes the boys of the M~1n Lme YMCA to Investigate the
• lie Look for attempts at having the attend Camp DWight, near Down- CRAFTSMAN "LIBERATOR" PLAN
Media-Narberth game, which was ingtown•. which is one of the :five
rained out on June 19, played under camps owned and operated by the 24 hour a day coverage

ORANGES (California) 2 doz. 5ge

the lights at Narberth ... Manager YMCA's of the Philadelphia area. WRITE, PHONE (RI 6-0351) OR VISIT BRANCH OFFll:E
Joe Irvin" of Media. has contacte<1 Carl Alford, of Havertown, is the
ARCHITECTURAL - MECHANICAL ~he Narberth management regard- executive secretary and overall di- CRAFTSMAN INSURANCE CO.
WAT£8ll1t;£O..' 3fv~~' 4c
~ and half ",.I.nl avallabl.. Also Iced whol. wat.rm.'....
mg such a move ... It would defi-

liOn . . . Three years ago, a MLL
nitely be a move in the right"direc- recWtorllof the c~mps. l' T .1'
e superv!sed ac IVI les WI I I~-I ...
game between Narberth and Glad- clude SWlmmmg, archery, tennIs,
Market Street National Bank Bldg.-Room 1201-Phila. 7 r Pa. o

- - - Frozen Foods - - - Approved under G. 1. Bill of RI~ltts wyne tilled the Narberth· ball park handcrafts, riflery. all sports and
to overflowing . . . Johnny Ballots team games, horseback riding,
. . . . . . . .I!
..... a..... B1RD,S EYE 7]C has been signed by Glenolden and hikes, and overnight trips.


c Manhattan Technical Institute
7038 Garrett Rd., Upper Darby
AI Nohunas, former Temple ath- Boys from the Main Line areas
lete, has been released by Narberth will be attending Camp Dwight
an? signed by Manoa. : . Len Shep- from July 27 to August 10. John B.
PEAS ~~ Z pkgl 45c ~B~I,~V~D~.~1~58~6~~~~~~~~~~(1~B~IO~c~k~f~ro:!m~6~9~th~s~t~. ~T~e~rm~l~n~a~I)~lherd, great Lower Merion sta:, has Austin, Jr., Boys' Work Secretary
45 c
~ F r e e Trial to Test Aptitude been added to the Narberth list. of the Main Line branch 'Y', an- ALL DENOMINATIONS AND FAITHS,
SaturdaY's Results
noUnces that reservations now in
the office indicate camp quota will
CUT 01 FIlENCH STYLI pkll Z5c Narberth 7; Ardmore 6.
Manoa 9; Glenolden 5.
be filled shortly.
1--------------1 can be assured of our high standard
Media- 9; Wayne 2. 1\Iain Line League Pitching
con 43e Sunday's Results
All games postponed; rain.
W. L. Pct.
of service. On our staff are Funeral
Directors thoroughly familiar with

can '17c Media
:standings of the Teams Jack Shea, Media
W. L. Pct. Jim Doran, Ardmore
10 3 .769 Jim Dyson. Glenolden
6 o 1.000
1 o 1.000
1 o 1.000
all religious and fraternal orders.

locif 75 C
. Glenolden
8 6
8 6
.571 Jim Covello, W.ayne
.571 Bill West, Wayne
1 o 1.000
1 o 1.000 •
ball 1ge Your dealer has Prior Beer
in Bottles or Cans
7 7 .500 Tom McLarnon, Glen'en 2 1 .667
6 7 .462 John Hastings, Manoa 2 1 .667
2 12 .143 Rocco Parisse, Manio 3 2 .600

can :lIe Listen to: News of the Day This Week's Schedul
,J~m Lofland, Media
BIll Conway, Wayne
3 2 .600
3 2 .600 1820 CHESTNUT STREET
-WIBG-8:30 A. M. Daily
.,OMATOES FI':A~g:~f'( 19.....
Ian lOe Saturday (3 P. M'>-Ardmore VS. Bill Kaires, Narberth
Media at Ardmore; Manoa at George Ackleson, Glen'en 3 3 .500
Wayne; Narberth at Glenolden.
3 3 .500

Gene Weinert, Narberth 2 2 .500

Telephone RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAIR, President

PEANW B~'!JA~R 12-0.

]]c Sunday (2,30 P. M.>-Media at Don Griffith. GlenOlden 1 1 .500
Manoa; Wayne at Narberth; Ard- Bill McClure, Media 1 1 .500
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, more at Glenolden. Dorman Glancy, Wayne 1 1 .500

KEEBLER aunEilcur
¢OOKIES pkll 17c
I'BEft AIMOUI'S Reduc:ed 12'0_
can 39c School & College Directory •


21~ lie 'rhe scllooU or colle~es Il~ted

here will jtladly send vou detaUed
IDIormation upon request Service Directory 1
BUSiness & SecretarIal •
1420 Plne St. PE 5-2100


No TWO Ways About - SIDING
1211 Chestnut St.. Phlla,r. Pa. RI 6-9535 If your bifocals bother you, perhaps you GENERAL CONTRACTING
need Donat's 3-way Glasses. They give J'I'Olllllt Benlce
ElectronIcs, TelevisIon more comfort, adding arm! 8 length vision :Skilled ~len
All prIces In this advertisement eJrecClve A&P Markets anrl Setf·
ServIce Food stores In Ardmore. Bryn Mawr Brookline and Narbertb S. E, Cor. 20th &
Market sta.. Phlla. 3. Fa. LO 7-7780
to the near and far fields of bifocals. No RellalJle WOl'k
Gel; OUI' Eslllllllte

blur when you look across your desk or
BROOKLINE, PA. ElectronIcs, Television. RelrljteraUon. oU Burner. play.cards.
Brookline Boulevard 17 Myrtle Ave.. Chatllam VUlage
1533 Plne St. Booklet "a" KI 6-1783

ARDMORE, PAo Engravlng-Jewelry Repalrlnjt-Makinr: '" Deslr;n
tl RanHe 2-7020 HlI1top 2:1114

Rittenhouse Place 2028 No. Broad:. S~PhUa. :11. Pa. • PO 5-1.1227 l4 E. Lancaster A.....
933 Montgomery Ave.
1'114 Walnut st.
Omce Tralnln.:

Practlce1 Nursln.:
pJ!l a·0851 G
_ 0_''''
Philadelphia -
."", 1I0Wl1 , I ~.;,,:
lit s.--, , alIW.,
HofMV: ,1:#1 ,. I:JtJ, Ii... _

Gennantown - Ardmore





1800 Sanaom . '.. PhUa., Pa, at ll-CK12 , Jenlcintown ..,. We.t Che.ter lllGHGATE 71'1'0
755 Lancaster Avenue 'J'I'71
Thre. J
· Thursday, J~I~2.~~94~9:-
_-:News_of -Social_ and --Club----:-Ac'tivities
_ I

Owned aadOperated by American Stores Company

Joan Price, Ml
·SS Narberth Juniors
Plan Fall Program
. IJan,.e Seaholtz
Clara Holden OUR TOWN'
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
At home or.on vacation, it will ld F t r Committee chairmen of the Nar- Wed July 2 I Wed June 25 OR 3-'1740 Member Bucks-Montgomery Newspaper PUblls~e!.S_·-~-
to ona
pay you OS e shop berth Junior Women's Community
Club met at the home of Mrs. Kay Bride of Robert Follett Married to Philadelphia f"I'eSlaent ana PuDllsbBr GEORGE A WALKlllt
Mitchell, 200 S. Narberth Ave., on II Editor. NANCY S SEELY ASSociate Editor. SUZANNE '1 WTNGATIl


Bride and Bridegroom
'!'hursday, July 7. In Narberth Church Man; Reception Fo ows Adverttsln~ Manaller
forA the
fall, at program wasallset
which time up
mem- The marriage of Miss Jane Dar- den,
Miss Clara Hol-I
and Mrs. EI- __ BDtered as secpnd clllS9 matter october 1938, at-the
' - -Post
- -Oftlce
You'll find your convenient Acme also
I b
Will Visit Europe For some committee. and Mrs. Harry P. Se.a~oltz, of 232
bers of the club will b,!! placed on lington Seasholtz, daughter of Mr.
hardt Stille, SOn of Mrs. Herbp.rtl----------------------.,...-..:-----~--
mer Holden, of Narberth, to Bern- at Narberth, f'a.. under the Act ot March 3. 1879
at the seashore, so you can a way~ e Summer Months Hampden Rd., Narbeltfi, to Rober t Stille of Philadelphia took place PUhUshed 8very Thursday
sure of popular foods at popular prices. The marriage of Miss Joan Bry- P. Follett, of Ashland Mass., took on S~turday June 25 'at 4 o'clock Deac1llne tor aavert1Blng and news copy' Wednesday, 12 noon.

LOOAkTL'AorNtTh'Ce cA.cTYme at theoseCEVAaNcatcio.TnypoNintJS: ~~~ ~~~~'e:a~;i~~~r o~f:ie~~ld~Ha~~d FIRESIDE" pc2~haUcr~nChontT:h:e.tuR~edav~ He~a~r~eOrldn~Doe~hF:1douio~dt ~hur~~~ T~~r~:~~hR~te~~Sbl~~~~~
Publication om:~b:cr:~::tr::~:~~:o~:::: :aad::o:~ Ardmore 67~O.·
300 Atlantic Ave. 741 Asbury Avenue
, •• the late Mr. Price, to Dona
vey Foster, son of Mr.
Mrs. an~'
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Egmore, of
. . "
the ceremony..
. performe~
performed the ceremony. .
The bride, who was escorted ,to Shakespeare-Montgomery Mrs.
Rhea Montgomery, of

o~ ~g~or~'s fat~er,
1320.26 Atlantic Ave. Somers Point: Shore & Higbe Charles D. Foster, Jr., of Pitman, 207 DUdley Ave., Narberth, are The bnde, who was given In the alter by her father wore a '. ,.' B-adnol, was held Saturday, July
3207 Atlantic Ave. Sea hie City: 19 Landis Ave. N. J., took place Wednesday visiting Mrs. parents, Mr. marriage by her .wore. an gown fashioned with, a 'bodice of The marrIage of MISS Elizabeth 2, at 4 P. M., in Old St. Davids
o CAPE MAY afternoon, June 29, In the Bala- and Mrs. Hmkle, In Ronceverle, afte:noon f~ock of whIte SIlk fa~lle, Chantilly lace having an off-the- M. Shakespeare, daughter of Mrs. Church, .Radnor.
VENTN R 622.24 Washington St. Cynwyd Methodist Church. The W. V.a. fasl~lOned with a rounded neckh!le, shoulder neckline with a yoke of Edward O. Shakespe~re. Jr., of . Followmgldthe ceremon,Y, a r~cep-
Ventnor & Newark Aves. WILDWOOD Rev. Dr. Franklin Duncombe offi- + + + . sholt .sleeves and a b.ouffant sk.lrt. illusion edged in pearls, and a full Wynnewood, to Mr. Richard Rhea lion was hr at the Merion Cricket
.LEASANTVILUe 7.9 S. Main St. 3009 Pacific Ave. ciated. Mrs. R. C. Kennedy, of 4 Sabme Her plc.ture hat of fal~le
was trrm- skirt of white satin which fell into Montgomery, Jr., son of Mr. and Club.
The bride was given in marriage Ave., NarbeIlth, entertained at a med with nylon malme, clnd she a train' Her Cathedral veil of illus- ~'~~,®'~'i§)'~\~'i§)'~~~~~''.,~~~''f;.,~~'~':'~'''~~'~''''''··'·'''~:?'~~Wfu~~~~'<Il
, ,"'" "i, , , " ",~,,,,,,, ,.,"'$i,""".. .,,"-,,~ . ~ ," "'",~
BEACH HAVEN: E. sid. lIay Ave. 4618 Pacific Ave.
by her cousin, John Francis Bry- dessert bridge on Thursday, July 7. wore a c?rsage of red 'roses and ion fell .from a coronet of seed" '"'' '" """'"
son, of Shar?n Hill. S~e chose a Tholje present were~rs. Joseph stephanotis., pf'arls and orange blossoms, and

liSCO CATSUP ::=:'~r l:;'~Z 13C : ~: gc gown of white marqulssette, the Kaufman, Mrs. Henry Simons, Mrs, Mrs. Floyd KKiernan, of Massa- she carried an old-fashioned b6u-
bodice featuring a V-neckline fill:d Richard Walsh, Mrs. Titu.s Stra- chusse~ts, ,;as matron of honor and quet of roses; gardenias and baby.'s
in with illusion, and the full skirt whecker, Mrs. James Anmtt, and her sister s only attendant. She breath. ' VOTERS'REGISTRATION
APPLE BUTTER ~1~a~:S~:: 2~oz19c lor
falling in tiers of ruffles into a wide Mrs. John Hanuff.
circular train, Her fingertip· length , -+. + +
wore ~ ballet-Ie.ngth dre~s Of. aqua Miss Kay Frances Holden was
. marqUissette, with a white PI~t~re her sister's maid of honor. She
veil of illusion fell from a beaded MISs Jean Slmp,son, of .Narbe~th, hat and a corsage of rebrum blhes. wore of pink marquisette made

liSCO TEA o;:~:: 28C: 53c V4·lb

coronet, and she carried a cascade is spending two weeks In Mame. August Clapper, of Narberth, with an off-the-shoulder neckline
bouquet of white roses 'and steph- On July ~O she will return ~o the was best ~an .for Mr. Follett. . and a bouffant skirt, with a mat-
For the benefit of Electors of Montgomery County
who' have not yet registered to vote under the Act
anotis. Presbyterian Camp, at pe~nmgton A reception m. the Church SOCIal ching picture hat, and carried a of 1937, or who may have other Registration busi-
pkg 1SC.• 50pkgin 41C
16 in
Miss Joan C. Staehling, of Mer- Island! N. Y., where she Will teach rooms fO~lowed ~he ceremony. bouquet of pink rosebuds and
ion, attended the bride as maid of handicrafts. Fol.lowm~ their return from .a stephanotis. ness to transact, Registrars from the main office
Enjoy a Good Roast for Dinner honor. She wore a full-skirted ... + + , w~ddln~ tr!p ~r. Follett and hiS Bridesmaids were Mrs. Charles at the Court House will be at
frock of nile green taffeta, with Mr. and Mrs. ~ohns Hopkms and brrde Will live In Ashland, Mass. Devlin, of Philadelphia, sister of
Lean, Tender, Acme Graded "A" Beef matching mitts and picture hat, Mr. Johns Hopkms, Jr., of Wynne- the bridegroom and Miss Edith
and carried a bouquet of white wood, are spending the summer at Northeast H~rbor, Me. Andre of Man~yunk Mrs Devlin

. Boiling Beef Loon Plltl Ib 25c Ground Beef Ib43c
water lilies.
, included Miss
. Jean
W. COWie, of Narberth, MISS Anne Mr. and
P t N k M
rou s ec, e.
M' G
+ ...
Mrs. J. Chfford Rosengarten o f '
Haverford. has opened her
H E 'I home, "Highland Lodge," at Watch n re orc I.
. ar e ' .
K. Kassner, of Harrisburg, and are receiving 'congratulations on Hill, R. I., for the season.
A d h'd B'th
wore blue marquiset.te and Miss
carne d b
quet.s of pink rosebuds and step·

Short Ribs Beef Ib 33c Beef Tongues Ib49c Mrs. Charles D. Foster, 3d, of Pit- the birth of a son, weighing seven ... + + A reception at lhe home of the , Time: 2 p. m. to 9 p. m., D.S.T:
man, N. J. They were gowned in pounds, nine a.nd a half ounces, Miss Joan Armstrong, of Wynne- bride's parents followed the cere-

FRYING CRICKENS ~~:. Ib 39c models similar to that of the ho~or Tuesday night In the Bryn Mawr WOod, and Miss Amy McKay, of any.
attendant in an orchid shade, With Hospital. Radnor, sailed recently on the
matching mitts and picture hats, The mother, Mrs. Jacqueline S. "Queen Mary,'" for a two months' Mr.and Mrs. David: S. Clark, and
Thc final day bcforc the Primary Elcclion 10 Iransact Rcgislralion

ShoulderVEAL ROAST Square 'ut lb 45c and carried bouquets of pink water Earle. who is the former Pennsyl- tour"of Europe. .
lilies. vania governor's second wife, 'fnd ... + +
. their daughter, Miss Anne Clark, of
Haverford, will ha,ve as their guest
Busincss at the Main Office ill Ihc COIU·t Housc,' Norrislown, is

Dr. Charles D. F~ster, 3d, served her son were reported doing well. Mrs. James M. Crowell, of Haver- over the weekend at their summer Salurda,', July 23.
LIVER PUDDING laB~~:d" ( v;l,ib"i'5c ) An;i~::e II. 57c: as best man for hiS brother, and The Earles have a daughter born ford, has ret.urned home after vis- home in Stone Harbor, Miss Deb-
the ushers included Bruc.e Foster, in Septem~er, 1947. Mr.. Earle. iting Miss Mabel A. Leas, of Bryn orah K. Eastwick, daugnter of Mr.
Breast Veal I
I~ 25c Beef Liver Tendtr lb 75c
another brother of the b1'1degrool?' formerly mmister to AU'3tna an~ Mawr, at her cottage in Bay Head. and Mrs. Edward P. Eastwick, 3d, COURT HOUSE OHICE HOURS:
Neck Veal And Shlllk I~ 25c Sliced Bacon Ib SSc
George Hess, of Roxborough; WII- Bulgaria, has four sons by a prevI- + ... + of Wayne.
Ib 73c ! Dried Beef Sliud Leal '/.0 Ib 29c Ham E. Eimer. of Woodbridge, N. ous marriage. ' .. + ... ... nail).: 8:30 a. 111. to 4- p. m" D. S. T.
Rib Veal Chops
Rump Veal To Rout Ib 51 c ICorned Beef v.. Ib 18c J., and Benjamin Foster, of Glou- + + + MISS Margaret Fox, daughtel' of .Miss Bertinia HallowelL daugh-
Nighls: Frida)', July 22, unlil 9 p. m., D. S. T..
cester Cit.y, N. J., cousin of the Henry and Joan Lavine, of 21 E. M.rs. M. Tat~al1 Fox, of ~rdmore, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hallo-
-f COOKED CANNED BAM M91t~a~e~~hl Ib S9c bridegroom. Newfield Way. Bala-Cynwyd, are Will be marned .Saturday, October well, of "Berberrie," Merion, will
The mother of the bride chose spending the summer in Maine as 15, to Mr. EdWin Gallup Fox, of be the guest of honor at a luncheon
Sawrda,.s: 8:30 a. 111. 10 Noon, D. S. T.

DRESSED WHITING ReadyClta~n:~e Ib 15-= a gown of toast-brown lace, with members of the Indian Acres Camp Wynnewood, son of Mr. and Mrs. next Wednesday July 20 to be

Pan which she wore a large matching for boys and Forest. Acres Camp fol' John Hanson Thomas, of Wynne- given by Mrs. Carroll S.' Wright Montgomery County Registration Commission
Ib 29c Lobster Canadian Mele 6'0% '"n 79c hat, gold accessories and an orchid. girls, in Fryeburg, in the White wood and Cooperstown, N. Y. and her daughter, Mrs. C. Grove
Haddock Fillets
I~ 19 c Pet-Agree Dog" 2 ·Ib 33c Mrs. Foster, mother of the bride- Mountains. + + + McCown, of Wynnewood.
Pollock Fillets ca~ FOOd pka groom, wore a gown o( nile green + ... ... Miss!Mercedes Zoller, daught.er of 'The marriage of Miss Hallowell ','OSTER C. HILLEGASS
lace, with a large black hat, silver Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hill, Jr" ~f Mr.. and Mrs. Christian H. Zoller. of to Mr. Omar Bailey, son of D\'. and i RAYMOND K. MENSCH
IIJQ/UI£ 1IJ1U!4It. 6j.1JMii4, I: 'lJ~ accessories and an orchid. Wynnewood, are occupying their Haverford, entert.ained at a house Mrs. MO-3es Bailey, of West Hart--. }'RED Co PETERS
A reception at the Bala Country cottage at Cape May for the sum- party last weekend at her parents' ford. Conn., will t~ke place Septem-\
~"',~"""."'~'''',,, . . . . . '. ' '.,·'. ',,,,,......
' ' ' ':C' ' ': :~.,··,: : ~'>.:"..'.': : 0.'~,,...;
: :-t. , '..\;: : ~: : ~ ':;'.~: :~": :"" ,: :>'."':"'.:"
':.2.~2:>.'::::"~.':';''':'';''~'~:::,',':'''':''''';;'~~'';;;''':;;'':;;'':;;' '':;;'":;"';:;"': ';:"': : "~": : '......
I .'\~=~'~\,~
HONEYDEWS Vi~::'::~:d each 39c Club followed
of_t.own gues t8 the ceremony.
included HerbertOut-

McCauley, of Buffalo, N. Y., Mr. and

J. mer, ' cottage at Mantoloking, N. J. ber 17. " . ',·"·"',.." . ·'C..""'". '

celery DeLux~ Helm ::~~~ 19c \Watermelons Red Ripe Ib 4c Mrs. John L. Wells, of Elizabeth
Limes Idell JuiCY .. lit. pkg 15c Apples N~';';,-:n. 3 lb. 25c City, N. C., S. J. McClung, of Win-
ston-Salem, N. C., Miss Mary. Mar-

LIMA. BEANS Fu~-::~~ed 2 19c: Ibs

tin, of Mont.rose, Pa., Miss Mary
Lou Ritter, of Harrisburg and Mor-
ton Lewi§, of New Rochelle, N. Y.
Cheese Food 2-lb pkg15c
GLENDALE CLUB :ic"gz 23c: Births

Popular FOQd at popular Prices .!


Ideal Fruit C:OCktail ExlraFH~~y;Syrup Z ~~~: ~9c

New Pack Pie Cberries Rj.1,~dr ~~; Z7c
Ideal Halves Apricots Unpeeled N~~~'hZ9C
Red Tal Apricots J:.t;::~:1
Red Ripe Tomatoes Sl=j~'d
Ideal Fancy Sweet Peas
Z ~:~.I Z9c
Z ~~~; ~5c
10c 'jhat old Americanttch o Q
New Pack Green Beans Fa'c~ale Z ~~~: 3~C
Eskimo Flaked Tuna Fisb
Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise :: !:~ ~~
c~~ 33c
l/f~~1 19c ••• IS, TO G~ RICH QUICK I
o & C Fordhook Sometimes it works - and more pUWef' W ftwse

Pasco Oran•• Juice Concent,ated
who can make it WQJ'k.
But the average American isn't going to strike
oil in his back yard, inherit a million dollars from
• '.Snow Crop Orange Juice Z ~~~~ S7c a rich uncle, or win. first prize in the Grand National
LibertyBrand WholeStraw1terriell:k~'39c _ and he knows it, Fcx' him there?s got fO be &
Birds Eye Peas and Carrots I~,:z Z6c ft/,rer, safer way tAl pl'eplJ,re f-or a sec1R'<C aDd finan-

'BAR CAKE Virginia

White Lee
cially :free flltMe •.•
••. and that's by savi1ig .•• regularly.

SUPREME BREAD S:::;;T:~: loaf14C Everyone has this same, sure opportunity to
save for.tomorrow. And saving automatically with
lISCOFine Sauth Ame,ican
~:dlt (. ::::;:: )
Exp.rtly Blended'
~:g 45c
U: S. Savings Bonds ~ which return in 10 years
$4 for every $3 invested - is the safe way to plan
• Coif... 3 for
Win-Crest Brand'Coffee b~g41C:3far$1.1. Sealed bids will be received by the a future of family security and peace of mind;
Board of Scbool Directors of tbe
Ideal Brand CoHee ~:d~ ~n Szc : S fa, $1.5Z School District of tbe BoroU!(h of So, take advantage 'of this wonderful chance to
Narberth at tbe Narberth Publlc
Best Pure Lard (bprinl School, Essex and Sabine Avenues.
Narberth, Pa.. untU 8 P. M. on Thurs- assure yourself and the ones you love of a tomorrow
Farmdale Evap. Milk Z tall day, July 21. 1949. when they wUl be that is bright and certain. Sign up today for the
con' publicly opencd 'and read for:
Venetian Blinds for certain win-
dows In the Prlmal'y BuUdlng, Sabine Payroll Savings Plan where you work; or, if this
------------- --
Avenue, Narberth, pat
Copies of specifications for Venetian
Blinds may be obtalned at the Nar-
berth Scbool Office.
plan is not available to you, for the Bond-A-Month
Plan where you bank.
25-'::, '1.03 : 100- :",'4.00 to The School Board'reserves the right
Fanndale Scratch Grains waive Informalltles In or to reject
Farmdale Laying Mash . 25'~:, $1.15 : 100.1:','4.45' any or all bids.
Farmdale Growing Mash 25''::, '1.15 : 100. :",$4.45 BOROUGH OF' NARBERTH.
Lulu W. McCartney,
Farmdale Starting Be. Growing Mash 25"'::, '1.15 : 100'':..,$4.50 secretl1ry.
Farmdale Chick Grains . 25-'::1 '1.15 : 100"':...'4.50 OT-7-7-3t

late of Borough ot Narberth. Mont-

InvestinUS. Savings ~
gomery County, Pa.. deceased. Letters
testamentary on the above Estate
:,. , 114-18 N. NARBERTH ·AVENUE ~ftVI~:r~'ii~ f~~~~~~ tbt~ u~1arsjfs~:~e
OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. - SATURDAY, 6 P. M. ~~~~e~,~es~~~ tfbO:aktlLvll~~e~~a~
CITY LINE WEST OF fi~lrr~' to present same Without ~e-
OPEN TUESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. ~i~b::ii:~~~. Ave., "
SATURDAY TILL 6 P. M. - PLENTY FREE PARKING l_or_b_e_l'_A_t.,..to_rn_e;;..y: _

'. ' }
News and 'Fetltur~s of I'!terest to Women

~ , button jewelry is the fact that it's COOKING
water in doUble boiler and cook I

Buttons Prove inexpensive. Also It brings out the Sh pp'. ' minutes t<l cook egg yokes. Cool
creative in every woman and she
doesn't have to have any particular
tng Lemons H eIP Add .potquancy and then ~our the iilling int<l the
Very Popular talent along these lines. Once you S II T 0 Many KOInds 0 f F00dS For the meringue, beat the 3 egg

To that old time query, "Button, get started on this you'll find your a y whites until a fine foam mounds

button, \vho has

answer ese
.f. the button," t. the
I t
a concoct
thO lots th
suggests of tdifferent "Dorch. Chairs-----""1 By JUDy BANCROFT gently around the beater. Add 6
ly everyone.
th For, according to La-
d a,Ys, can e prac Ica
only smart mgs·
to wear a are but
yourself not Seems to me none of us can ever These days, when somebody says, onion and 1 tablespoon WoraQster- taBlespoons .sugar, 1 at a time, beat-

Mode, said to be t.he world's larg- which make excellent gifts for have too many chairs for the porch "How about a cool drink?" we shire sauce. ing after each addition. Bake in 350
est makers of fashion buttons, al- friends. or terrace , particularly when almost'I automatically
II I thInk of . a Lemon Favorite
meringue pie IS unques- or degree
light!for b about d10 minutes,
most as many of them are now sold
Here for instance, is a wonderful friends hav~ a habit of dropping in. ong, t.a ass of ~ le~onade ~lth
tionably an universal favorite and Th r y rowne..

wO~derful ~ou ~e~~~ ~aveo ~:a~Yr r~~r~ :nga~e.

in the United States to be made into
way to dress up a pump, and a So be prepared to seat everybodY lots of Ice tInkling agamst the Sides. here's a few ideas to keep in mind , e e you are, try It once and

~ny ~o _-=======--::--
jewelry at' home as are sold as
clever idea to make the foot look comfortably and get in on the un- A thought it is, too, and the next .time make one. Drafts
shorter. To make cut a lece of
functional or decora!ive fashion ac-
.ents for dresses, SUIt.S and coats.
One reason for the popularity of
felt in a triangle three on inche~
usually good bUy the G-B Hard- a gloriOUS cooler-offer.
ware Shop, 14 E. Eagle
Oak-, . J
of kmd wIll cause meringue
But I wonder -if you realize 'ust shrInk and weep so be careful l
where you put your pie to cool.
and eq s a family
_ - - - - - - - - - "..-. I each side. On one point of it sew a mont, is offering. Made of long- h<;lw many other uses the lemon can Egg white must be at room tem-
D metal buckle. The un- wearing, varnished hardwood, they have?
come allFrom the Sunk~st
manner of Ideaskitche?s
you II perature before
a teaspoon they are
of lemon beaten
juice addedand
have date~ repellent ca~vas seats v.: ant
ClImplete LIne
trimmed half of the felt sides down
inside the pump and holds the but-
tqn securely over your slipper.
to try because they add a new them before beating makes a more
and backs m red and white or blue pIquancy to so many foods. For a stable merl·ngue.
and white Stripes. Arms make for new way to serve string beans try For a pleasant variation of lemon
Sklr~s c:i~~~~5: HosIery
Ardmore :ilmore 6818
You can have an earring for
every day in the week and twice
comfortable relaxing and when the this-cut 2 strips of bacon in pie, make individual golden nug-
chairs are not in use they can be squares and fry. To hot."bacon and gets, they're easy and oh! so good.
MaternIty WI'.ar . 0 Su d ' l' t 11 Y . 1 tablespoon of margarIne or but- '1'0 make, fit little circles of Pilstry ARDMORE
~ n n ay m no Ime a a. ou f~lded fi~t and tucked away out of ter, add V2 cup fresh lemon juice made from a package of pie crust Arcf. 4747 GR 3·0200
buy Inexpensive ones to get the Sight. Price, $3.50. an.d 1 tablespoon of sugar. Serve mix over up-side-down muffin pans.
...IIIIli ~llbacks, a little household cement, Baby Needs
thiS sauce over 2 1.. cuP.s hot string Bake according to the directions Ampl. Fr•• Parking
SPENCER Support Shop and that's the extent of the equip- b~ans and see how qUIckly they'll for the pastry and make 12 tart
ment. If you're using a plastic "DEFEAT THE HEAT and keep calm and cool with colognes,"__ 'Zhe Dorothy Shop, 22 E. Eagle dIsappear. shells. The filling consists of 1 cup Starts Friday, July 15
button, pry off the shank with a nail advises Faberge, noted perfumer; Words of wisdom, these, for the Rd., Oakmont, is. one of those places For salad greens, add a little sugar, 5 tablespoons cornstarch ].4
corsets and Brassieres
Indlvlduallv deslJ:ned for cool file; if the shank is metal, snip it lavish use of a lightly scented cologne makes yoU feel like a differ- to keep on your list because here lemon juice to the water ~n
which te.aspoon salt, 2 cups milk, 1 table-
for 7 Days
summer wear.
ELIZABETH n. McCAHAN, R.N. off with household pliers. Attach ent person, so, spray yourself from ~ead to toe.' yOU'll find just about everything for th~y are fres~ened. It revIves and spoon butter or margarine, 3 egg HUMPHREY BOGART
II W. Lancaster Ave.. Ardmore the button to the earring back with ' . Cl'lSPS them, FIsh takes on new zest yolks well beaten, 6 tablespoons
Huurs 10 to 4 or hv appt. BEAUTY
Md. 10Z4 - nome. Hlllton 4458-J a drop of the cement, let it dry and
there you are. This is a wonderful
the new baby and small children. whe.n you put lemon to work. When lemon juice, 1 teaspoon grated
If it's a gift you have to bUy, then bakmg fish, rub fresh lemon juice lemon peel.
"Knock On Any
way to get matches pieces, because
Colognes "Provtede. ConventOent
do see the piggy bank which gives over the inside and outside of the Mix thoroughly, cornstarch, sugar
SUBURBAN you can use similar buttons for
bracelets and lapel ornaments.
forth a very entertaining squeal creature. When using canned. fish and sal.t in top of double boiler.
. .. '. such as. salmon or tuna, sprmkle Add mIlk and blend thoroughly.
each tIme a com IS dropped mto the them With fresh lemon juice before Stir over low heat until thO k d
Way' to Help Keep Cool . back. Nothing like starting the sav- adding the white sauce. Steaks Continue' cooking-let
ing habit early and the youngsters take on new d~ligh! when aJl~wed bubble about 2 minutes-stirring
~i:~~r~ Regular Kiddie Show
Saturday, July 16
By HELEN S. ALBERTSON will be enchanted with the idea of to st~nd ove~ntght 10 the refrlger- constantly. Remove from heat and at 12:15 P. M.
" . ". " ator m a mIxture of: 1-3 cup of add separately. mixing well each
Your surroundiILgs may not be During Caesar's time, at the elabor- the pIggy that squeals thank you. fresh lemon juice, V2 cup salad oil, time, butter, egg yokes and fresh Chapter No. S
air conditioned but you can work up ate banquets which it is said have, The banks are pl~stic, co:n e in col- 2 teaspoons onion juice or scraped lemon juice and peel. Pl~ce over hot
. \
an elegant coolmg system all your never been rivalled in splendor, cents.
ors and are speCIally priced at 95
. '
"Batman & Robin"
own with lavish use of colognes. exquisite scents,were sprayed from Freezer Kit Thts and That want to go ~al'e-legg~d yet d<l find JOHN MACK BROWN
According to Faberge (he's the gen- the ceiling and softly wafted down Something new to simplify life mIghty warm, ~~:htys~~;~.gS "Sheriff of Medicine
TAILORED tleman responsible for such favorite on the assembled guests. It's a for those of you who are being busy People really h.ave more fun than
and favored scents as Straw Hat lovely story but confuses me slight- freezing fruits and vegetables is the anybody!. Now they've brought
and Woodhue, among others,) co- Iy as to how one could avoid, per- carton filler desi~ned to save time, a g~r~~m~g g~~ve ~~d~
Remember +,,-tile + Five Little
WhIte Peppers" of your youth and how
}'OR WOMEN logne absorbs the heat from both f . th WOrk and certamly tempers. The w~s a e eers In WI t e umb a Polly was taught that no lady would
the skin and from the atmosphere umeIn e sou~'. kit consists of two wire fr,ames, bl'l~ht green.. ~reen thumbs for go, on the street" without gloves? Friday, Saturday, July 22-23
as it evaporates and really does But bllCk to thiS busmess o.f keep- one a quart, the other a pint size gardners, get It. Despite all the heat that Philadel-
i' ~ ~
make you cooler. ing cool. Did you know that cleans- and a wide-mouthed plastic fun- phia and New York have suffered DANA ANDREWS
To my way of thinking, an ato- ing creams and skin lotions kept in nel. To use, si~ply slide the cello- It's a to?sy-turvel world, sUJ:e through JUly, the average girl and MAUREEN O'HARA
mizer is quite the most satisfactory the refrigerator are doubly refresh- phane carton lmer over whichev~r enough, w~lle we're sw~lterm~ m woma~ wea:s shortie white gloves.
way to apply any scent and comes ing when applied? Summer calls frame you ~vant
to • .us~,
and thIS the heat, su~mer
edlto:s mightmaga~me ~he
hats, even stock- dl~card
'F 'orbidden Street"
under the head of a good invest- for extr.a care of the complexion, does awa~ wl.th the stIckIng togeth- are. bemg .shown what s. ne~ m m~s, but be'Javers, she trots along

Cleaners Since 1890
ment. When you step out of the with frequent cleansings to rem.we er or
tub, pat your body dry with a the dust and dirt that flies abo~t.
fluffy towel, swish the sprayer over to remove the oil which collects place the fu~n.el on top an.d pour your favonte magazmes next N?-
your body from head to toe and R'me be th l' I
. e m r
f t
of the cellophane. Christmas nbbons and their varIous
Put thIS m the carton to be packed, uses. So you, leaf through -

Ie _ away. No spllhng of anythIng, no vember, you can read all about It.
e u e 0 wo c an t a . fbi' f t · · ..
_ Wvil~t~h~th~e~l~it:t~le~w~h~i~t:e..:s~h~·o~r~t~ie~! _=~~~~~L~g~JIJ~I~I~.~~.~~U~.

step out 10 an air of fragrance. An- ings of the face, the first to remove e rmg 0 . ags, no osm,g 0 em- . " .
olher thing to keep in mind about surface dirt, the second to reach pel's. The ~lt, complete, IS $1.25 at Leslie of Callforma thought of. It,
lELEYIS... colognes, is the fact that their base deep in the pores to fioat' out G·B SupplIes, 24 E. Eagle Rd., by golly ... the Look-In bag whIch
is pure distille~ :alchohol. which clogging particles which will turn Oakmont. take :he hand out ~f. handbag
absorbs excess 011 In the skm, and into black heads if permitted to re- Perfumed Deodorant when It comes to fumb.lIng for ~on-
ARDMORE 0117 gently tightens summer"sublimated main. Keeping dainty through sizzling t.ents. Unde.r the. opemng flap IS a
1324, W. GIRARD AVE. oil glands. A cologne-saturated pad While taking your bath smooth temperatures is no trick at all lIttle plastiC wmdow so. that a
STevenson 4·8700 of cotton will abs~rb. excess oil from on a light film of nourishin'g cream. thanks to Revlon's new Odoleur, a glance sho~s 'you whe~e IS What,
scalp and haIrlIne, thereby ex- This is really extremely important modern perfumed-dendorant that's and reach mSlde gets It for you.

. 'Co.
s~t ... It WIll gobble. up ~he excess your tender skin unmercifully and It's not an anti-perspirant but a '
011 on your back which, If not re- it needs lubrication After YOUI' luxury liquid that neutralizes odor
bumps is inclined to cause unsightly bath ' remove the crea~ with tissue~ and . at the same time scents you well
.. :+- +
not have
lIke long skirtsback
too P L A Z A INN "t'lne I'oods In a Homey
.. .
than pat the face and neck all over With a dehclous, dehcate fragrance. ' _' .
When choosmg a scent, the smart with tingling cold lotion. And every- Odoleur allOWS the pores to bre:!tthe the knee hIgh stockmgs which
thing is to be consi te tad . •
'haven't been around for many a
Good Food - Hospitality

TH s n n carry time you want to come up with a lets all your busy little glands keep d N' f t CATERING "'0 Sl\fAI,L PAR'"'IE8
ut the same one through du S t'lng remark about the heat, don't. Fuss- rIght . ' . normally, plus ·ay. Ice or hose of us who don't 339 N • Lans d owne A ve. LUNCH... and DINNER £
O . on functlOnmg
powder, cologne, sachets. and per- ing abo'lt it does nothing to sena the fact it is non-irritating and I~;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ DREXEL HILL ClearbrOok 9150 DI\JLY & SUNDAY
~ H;;;;'~ Il!-fi-~~~~··~~~~~~:~~:i~~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii:~
You can save 40% on cus-
tom made upholstered fur- fumes. Far summer the hght, fioralthe temperilture down and it doef dries in a flash, Splash it on daily ...
fragrances are the best.. Many wo- seem to make your own rise. and know that your social security . A SHORT
niture and on reupholster-
i~g your present furniture.
men use only cologne In summer
becau~ perfume seems too heavy. L k' P tt (
is more Ihan a number. Comes in
eight fragrances including lemon
Visit our show room and
see. Our beautiful work-
If you are of this school, be sure to
put perfumes away in a drawer or With she~r froc~s bein~
verbena and mountain heath I' n'
so much sells for $1.00 plus tax.
closet becaUse extracts exposed to the summer s fashIOn, you II want to Sun Ray Drug Stores amon oth
At y~U~
Everytiling Cooked to Order
Private Banquet Iloom.
Township Line 81 Burmont Rd.
manship is guaranteed for the sun or artificial light have a ten- fu.rther that look of dainty coolness places. ,g er DREXEL IIILL SUNSE'I.' 9992 No Parkin&: Problems
10 years.
dency to w~aken. It's also a good With Dorothy Gray's "Sheer Ela-·
idea to seal the bottles with tape tion" make up. It consists of Ela-
or wax to help offset possible evap- tion make-up film, a delicate, trans- Sea Dogs Deluxe Get
Slip Covers - Radiator Enclosures • Cornices - Shades
oration. parent powder bace, topped with a Cho' e F d L' Hamilton Room Famous for Fine Food
Storm Windows and Venetian Blinds, Wood or Metal Old Time Legend feather-light dusting of fine Ela- Ie 00 S on lner Our Chef Cateri
If you do use perfume in the sum- tion powder. . "My dogs won't eat chicken with- Cocktail Lounge to your every whiml
mer, do apply it with restraint. An You'll find this look of sheer beau- out watercress!" Chestnut at 39th
Wood Blinds Refinished. Retaped. Recorded old legend I've always loved sug- ty just as lovely and cool looking as "Sorry, .but my Siamese . cat Steaks • Chops • Lobster
gests using six drops of perfume sheer dresses and it will comple- wants rabblt's-head stew on Thurs.. Philadelphia AIR-CONDITIONED
Metal Blinds. Retaped and Recorded . . . "a drop on eacp shoulder for ment them beautifully. The make- days!"
those who pass, a drop on each hand up film rests lightly on the skin, Requests like this from passen- "Your Jeweler"
TERMS IF DESIRED-CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE for those who linger, a drop on the feels soft and dewey, yet gives your gel'S traveling with their pels are 22 E. LANCASTER AVE.
680 Pont Reading Rd. Ardmore 6477 head for a blessing and a drop on complexion the protection it needs. not uncommon to the Keeper of the
the back of the neck for those one Your coloring will come from your Kennels aboard the luxury liner Ile Ardmore, Pa. Ardmore 6860 Be. t The 'in est Fooel CIt All Times
never sees." own skin tones and the shades of de France. Now that the ship has OPEN F,RIDAY EVENING
~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~ Donolhue·.
Perfume today may be more var- face powder and rouge YQu select. been made more elegant than ever SEA FOOD
;; ied and subtle, but there's nothing Elation face powder is available in for her post-war career, the dogs, ; & 62nd WALNUT S15. CHOPS

new about its use. History has it a dozen filmy shades, from fragile cats and occasional other pets
that centuries ago the Greeks, looking Natural to glowing Copper- whi.ch many passengers insist on , "
recognizing the power of perfume, tone, so you'll have no trouble get- takmg along will share the higher
believed its presence indicated the ting the one best suited to you .in- standard of transatlantic living. THE Food That 15 Grand
presence of Gods and goddesses. dividually. A special menu is printed every .!JnCQmparaUe WILLOUGHBY Jllet the Pillce for
day for the !le's Kennels-and all Vacation :Jac;filil6 th. Whole Family
in French too!-presumably for the (ForDlerly Schussler'lI)
French poodles and their reputedly SUllllay 1 P. III. to 9 P M.
A Ime.rt. 1,000 acre 10ort- Township Line at Drexel Ave. Open D8I1y-4:30 P. M. to· II io. II
S·A-V E high I. Q.'s There's even a daily
"chef's special," served table d'hote
In blstoric Delaware Rhor
ValleY. . . all Yours for reO'
Drexel Hili. Pa. Sunset 9807
Closed Monday
ALEX lV. HUGHES, Prop. •
-(for dogs who can't read?)
$200 to $400 ON A HEATING UNIT A dog's life at sea includes
including one or America'.
Ch.mplonahlp Oclf .counes.
~r~~~lJJ, r:r:~ito~~t~~l ~~
plenty of sun, too, since the kennels
are located on the sun-deck, behind
,,« onAdvance
\1'. America" Pl.".
- May to November.

HOME OWNERS-THIS IS WHAT the after stack. If he gets chilly, BOWARD !"1oA'I'BBR. JR.

well-the kennels are heated-a Enjoy the beauty of our s,plendld lawns d d
special 'boon to poodles who get for weddln~ receptions and special functl~:i.s ft~r ens, Idi eal seUinll:
YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR! shaved of everything but their
rooms, Everv
$1.00 dinner· Thursday •.5'30 to 7'3D-Serve
. - urse t - va.lar
vo oulr ous dlnloll:
spats. SWARTHMORE, PA. 'Phone Swarthmore 0680 •
Cat fanciers come out best. It's
only $10 for pussy's passage, fifty '~AWNEE. -ON- DELAWARE SEA FOOD HOUSE, Inc" In the center of town.
PENtU·YI.vANIA Bookbinders the only restaurant owned and operated by mem-
\ SAVE ON for Fido's.
T.l. IltOudsburg 140
215 So. 15th St. bers of the original BOOKBINDERS 'famlly Serv-
ion g the best sea fooct. steaks and chops, NOW
Ph1ladelphla. ~.
Circulator $35.00 Air Conditioned. .
1'10- Valve .. , $ 5.Z5
America's Musical Show-Place, Now-Buddy W1J~
Z75 Gal. Tank
$30.00 CLICK IIams-Nightly Coast-to-Coast :Broadcasts from
'Cafe 'I'heatre-Bar huge revolvinli: stage. Dinner Show 7 P. M. Superb
" Market St. at 16t1l
The Convention City
Food alld :Beverage. Popular prices. Meet your
frlellds at the world's longest bar. .
In the unique and'criendly atmosphere of an old
'tl1l~ge forge, you w1l1 enjoy Phlladelphia.'s finest
510' H. W. Standing Radiation, THE ECONOMICAL AU-Star Review Featuring THE The Forge 00 and drinks. Come' for luncheon cocktal1
Complete with 4 MlnneapoIls-
LANNY ROSS --WINDOW!!! CHANCELLOR IlAl,L . tromhour, dinner, or atter theater su~per. Bar is open
11 A. M. TELEVISION. 'Completely alr-
13th St., Below Walnut, conditioned."

• Year 'Round Ventilationl
Convenient Budget Ter""
Honeywell Controls.
no Gallon pel' 1l0ur Tankless
H.W. Call.
Refractory Lined Combustion
America's Beloved Tenor

1-8>'\'1'. EVE.-DA.NCR~It:-RUN.
BIlrbara Hale - Bobby Drl••oIl

M>o\T. - EVE.~

1309 Walnut st.
Philadelphia's Smartest Night Club
No Cover-No Minimum (Except Fr1. &; Sat.)

• 5-Year Warranty!
• Cools Iand Dehumidifiesl
cur ourS·
Larger Sizes Pl'1eed
Proportionately As Low MODEL B 1 T E X 'B ENE K E ~~IHS rE 5-4ZZ0
l'E 5-4164
Two Shows N1li:htly-8 :30 - 12 :00

Whi!e we d~ no installing, we have a large list of responsible 2. Shows nightly, first show 8:30. Sat, first show
' .
Don't let the sw.ltering days ahud I MORT 'ARI, 119 ,.. 69th St. I Registered mstallers and dealers, who will give reasonable Palumbo's 7.30. A laVish redecorated setting, whether it's din-
.nter your home ••• when the cool aanllam..., P1a~,e .,nd 0 qualiW I . prices. ner for two. a party or a ·banquet, Famous Palumbo
824 Cntllnrlne st.
.omfort of a Philco Alr.condition.r I alr-condltlonl....po.lollII LAST TIME, SATURDAY, JULY 16 Full Course Dinner InclUding cocktail. PrIvate ban-
10 suiV'ir "" . Phlladelllhia quet rooms, show included. Free parkln~. WA 2-5040
pr.mi.... \_
will glv. your family a "new I..s." on I NAME
summer life. A Philco ....r·condition.r I
Come to the Factory and see these BoUers made. This ·is first
olass, well-built merchandise sold at a Real Saving To You! .. "
will ectually inerees. the .Riciency I ADDRESS - - - - - - - - -
throughout the h..t of the working
clay. Installe in • jiRy in any type win. I1.

760 S. 9th st.
Famous for Its Italian Food Since 1900
Fine Beverages Served
All' Conditioned For Your Comfort
Open dally. Including Sunday to 4 A M.
dow, with no spocial wiring ••• and
permanently seals out heat, noiee and
clirt. Priced to fit your budget. '
I •• tevar. 3400 .r
Time .l'ayments arranged, If preferred
AND HIS BAND ** Stage - Radio - Screen Star
1528 Chestnut St.

:g~~~tTO ALL Complete Menus

Phone BI 8-1690: PB 6-0629
, ...
7011·21 Grays Avenue
SAral9ga 9·0685 Barbara Waldron Featuring Salad Bowls. ., and Unusually Dell.
Philadelphia 42, Pa. !lE. Lancaster Avenuo clous Sodas, Sundaes a.ud Sanclwiches. Barbara
ARDMORE. PA. Waldron CancUes.
phone Ardmore 7298 '
, TOW N Five
Thursday, Jul~19~4.:.9 -: , ---------------...,..,--------~....:.:..--.,;,-----------------------,-------------------------
~ College Whirl ~?:.~;:I)J" Safety at Picnics Display of Old-Time Photos
.1, Start 2nd·Half ~u I db C A ttracts Interest at Center '
(Continued from Page One) ,:
nerease yare .

ii", ~~.
Of Dell'Season music which makes Penn's Mask
and Wig shows such hits through
i b tt k
1;\: ~~~~.'"
Should Be Handled taken 0
A quaint collection of photos Palmer calls the display "The Old
more than 50 years ago is and the New." It inclUdes both old-
Rubinstein and Romberg toh our generation t e years, an seven e er nown ;'>'~:--. '< , . With
CautIon, currently attracting the interest of time and modern prints and also
\ \.\\,~";'~,\, ...~.,
for his amusing . passersby at City Line Center. old-fashioned and up-to-date equip-
On Program'Next Week performances awarding the prizes ' .•,'t,-.::.••~.~ "Polsioned Food Prostrates 200 at Displayed in the window, of Bob ment.
Starting the second h~1f of a at many a Junior Bal Masque. Picnic" Palmer's photographic store, the One outstanding item is a mU-
successful season, Robin Hood Dell Winner of a different sort of "Fifty Made nl at Banquet." pictures are the work of William seum-piece plush album containing
-..I .......' 0 "
brings two of America's musical scholarship is Howard H. Roberts, S h h dll fr u tl W. Chambers, 1404 Surrey Lane, pictures which are more than 100
leaders in their respective fields in of Bala-Cynwyd, who is one of 17 "'" MS 1)14T\\' ' S{)E:e.t> • uc ea nes are eq en y Overbrook Hills. years old. The formal, posed por-
. 'I Its Master '. series concerts next juniors at Princeton who 'have bee.n
k ' given awards to do resear$ thiS
O"ER. "OUttA
.. v
~&o) ,~GL.l $ ....
. ~1" ~
, ~f.
seen In the summer. One of the most striking prints traits are a far cry from the can-
At a recent picnil;, more than 200 is titled "Hickory Dickory Dock." did shots in fo~nd
today. ~lbu~s
~,,. C~At«:.ES. t~
nOc.\(., .'.'" .,1: .
~ \JMDu~ pa~t
wee . _, summer pertaining to different as- "15ft... .," men, women and children were It shOWS a three-year-old young- Another Interestmg link the
\(.\\.\..Et) V 'tol
8\Oll~T ~1'd~~~ ~ daguerr~!Otypes,
On Monday nIght, July 18, Artur pects of economics, political and ,f'" stricken soon after eating. Each ster reaching up to a grandfather is a set of old-fashioned
;'D tSAS1'E.Q.·-
\l~' lo~ned
Rubinstein, generally conceded to ;living conditions In Latin-American ACC1DE suffered nausea, abdominal cramps, clock. The youngster, Chambers' well over 100 years
•• o~ ~he ~ovels
be the finest pianist in ,l:heworld's countries. Howard's project is a
.." nOn
co" ~.
II Xc \.\S,:t'EN
weakness, dizziness-and all were son, is nOw 53 years old and is a old, whIch were to Palmer
concert halls, will be the star. On stUdy of Carlos Lovei- 'FATA\.lTtl!L'
" ",n ,'_ ' IIOW'
~_,. ~ ~~1' unable to help themselves: well-known artist. by Mrs. Rae E. ,Miller, of Drexel
ThUrsd~y ~Ight, Slgmu~d Ro~berg, ;~\t:e'<OU
.' ray ChlrlnO 10 Cuba. Food poisoning is seldom fatal The elder Chambers, at 80, is still Hill.' . .
• '5
opere~ta '~~OIN~S 10 ~~Ic:. ~he
Drove past the Westtown School . . .., V 1" except to infants and the aged, and an enthusiastic "shutter bug." He Attractive modern prmts by
til/).'{ at:
~ ~'::""O.--URO~
the nation s kmg, Will pre- recently on my way back from a ORO. those alreadY' ill from other causes, is a. coal company executive and Clyde M: Rust. a member of

4 CAUS~."~' photo~.
sent a program composed mainly of very pleasant, if rather unprofit- V '. the countly Medical Society re- a past president of the Philadel- Community Camera ClUb, prOVide
his own enduring melodies. able, day at Delaware Park, and tA\sc:e\;\..AlieOUS "-- __ ports. phia Cinema ClUb. contrast for the ,Older
Tuesday night, of course, will be was reminded that Margaret G. '2,.:'11 CS The germs causing food poision- His pictures have struck a nos- . Among the eqUipment .on display
Symphonl, olght with Wllli.m Ro.g ood Ed_n1 P. Rieh ",.du- log .•" u,u.lly or tho S.lmon.n. talgl, panooal ooto io .t I.."t ona " • 27-y",-old B,owm•• • o.w
at.. m~ c?mmen~e- ",oup. Th. oogaol=, ""mog Sal- of tho many p.opl. wbo hava ,rea tYPO •"m..... Wh!'b gov.. tb. "'''
., Stolob". I. .diog tM Robio Hood

chestra in a program which Ed tells
or Strauss.
f"om <h. "bool I..t mooth.
that the
ment ex rc e w r qu te th 11
monellosis .grow under favorable the display. One City Line Center a
',circumstances in foods which are shopper sought a copy of the print a tmy modern. camera, ,so small It
prmt 10 60 seconds, an.d

~., PaIm'~'
features many of the melodies of .mg, With : e Dr.
IS s Ralph
e e J.I' Bunche,
rl - 'bland and moist. The germs can showing an old-time scene of the fi ts on t Ile Wl'lS!. .
d.bv"m~ .dd".~ h.~
Th. Rabimtalo ,oo",.t Mood.y wh... d.ught" .moog <h. b• •.,1Iy d_oyad by boiling D.law.... C.o." T.k.a m.ay y"" who" p""d.at of tho
. hi will b. d.vot.d to lh. wo,k, goadu.''', <h. by p.,t.uraation. Tooo=""oo of .go. tho photo 'hOW' • mul. t..m Commumty Cam"". Club. baeo
~n ~IS .~vmdow
~o ~md
tllg , . , Dr. Bunche was actmg UN medla- the germ occurs mainly through plodding along a path while towing devotmg space shop
of Tschalkovsky. The Robm Hood tor for Palestine and 1948 winner contamination of fgod by food han- a barge in the canal. The shopper themes of thiS to stimulate
fan~. prov~des
Dell Orchestra, uJ.lder the baton of of the Spingarn medal for "highest dIers, and rodents. who found the scene so interesting mterest among nelgh?orhOod cam-
Mr. Stemberg, Will play the Rus- achievement" by an American /" .....\ A toxin-induced food poisoning was once a mule team driver in era !t also space for

,.';:-.,~ wm~ow
sian master's. Fou:th ,Symphony, Negro. I known as staphylococcus is .an or- that locality about the time the the exhibitIon of their work:
while Mr. Rubmstem wI.1l play the I ran into Helen Fricke and ". dinary occurrence often so mild picture was taken. ,He usually changes the
aro~sed ~uCh
Fi.rst Piano Concerto III B Flat Donna Kern out at Hamburger the victim does not seek medical Chambers tOOk his old-time pic- display every week, but the current
MlIlor. Hearlh the other night, and cer- aid. Common vehicles for this type tures with an 8x10 view camera, exhibition has. so
lainly envied them the marvelous of poisoning are custard and using glass plates. The were comment that It Will be c.ontmued
fan with which they heralded the cream-filled pastry. printed on the now outmoded a ~or se~ond
week and Will be on
Laura Boyer to Wed fact that they were just back from Botulism is also a toxin-induced platinum-printing-out paper. view until Tuesday.
Henry Robert deSoto the, seashore. Donna has finished typ,e of .polsoning resulting from 'A d H n"d HOd H" LESSON-SERlUON TOPJC If'
Miss Laura Boyer, daughter of her first year at Mount Holyoke eatmg ,Improperly home-canned n e I . 1 e Imse Life is the subject of the Lesson-
MI'. and Mr~. James ~. Bo~&r, of and Helen her freshman year at foods, and is sometimes fatal. New Hedgerow Production Sermon in all Churches of Christ,
Gladwyne, WIll be married thiS Sat- Connecticut College for Women. Food should be prepared from ..,'. Scientist on Sunday, July 17. The
m'day 10 Henry Robert deSoto, son Helen's brother, John Fricke, a Psi safe sources, handled by healthy IgnaZio Silone s dramatic tra- Golden Text is: "This is the life
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. deSoto, U at Wesley.an, will also be a soph- people with sanitary ha?its, pro- gedy "And He Did Hide Himself" eternal, that they might know thee
of Collingdale, in St. Margaret's omore come fall. tected frOm dust and flies, sum- reopened at the Hedgerow Theatre the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
Rectory, Narberth, at 4 P. M. It's "ship ahoy" this week for a cient1y coo,ked, and leftovers kept Wednesday night July 13 with Lee whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)
Her maid of honor and only at- collection of local belles who are refriger,ated until eaten. ." .
~~ ~~
tendant will be Miss Margaret Jane going to spend the summer tour- Latson m the role of Annma.
Maguire, of Rosen10nt. ing Europe. Clntra Carter has aI- Wh M k Z· Z"
Born in Texas, Miss Latson first
LOOK 'U'p'-',-" AMERICA! at a es Ipper' Ip he.ard about the Hedgerow Theatre
James Sims, of Hazleton, Pa" a ready flown to London where she'll - To Those Who Like
cousin of 'the bridegroom's, will meet the rest of the party, which ,Displayed at Institute last summer and her interest

act as best man. includes Roberta McVey and Sabina I The answer to what makes a zip- repertory and what this form of
" ford'friends
t faml'ly reason that nobody can live bye per .Zlp . 'IS. grap.h'lCa11y. provi'd e d . m
. theatre might mean to the theatre :'W. These IIot Summer Days
A small reception and as well as post-debS Ellen
. U p to P ar.. fac ts al one. That I'S w hy eSCI' a
nc n mgemous lIttIedISP1ay w h IC h 11' thO t b ht 'I:~

L ivtn~ ~oun ~ :~
members 0 f th e Imme la e Knmle, Helen McVey and Joedy The Armcha-.r
will be held at the home of the Dexter. H.M.S. Brittanic will never
bride's parents. be gayer than with that group of
After a honeymoon in Ocean girls aboard. They've mapped out
' which deals with facts alone offers takes up only a few inches' Hoor genera y 10
_ space on the ground floor of the h~r
IS ry r?ug
to Pennsylvama for an. mter-
no design for living, only a t,ech Franklin Institute, Museum. Push view. She has been seen With th~ ~ BROOKMEAD t~~
Stop at

Moyl~n ~.~ ~ ~4
t~rs ~~ ~n~. ~ ~
City, N, J., the couple will reside quite an ambitious itinerary for the nique. Not all men of science are a button and the giant teeth slow- grou? one of the mar-

~'~'\\'~':'i"~'~":'~\"~ Th~ An,~I~a i~ ~.~

at the Bernola Apts" Ardmore. summer, with an audience with The word par, from the Latin Time to youth is interminable- men of faith. But they should be, in Iy lock upon each other; push the Shaw s Androc.les the on Lancaster Pike

~ .DlddHldet~lmsle1f
Pope XII as the highspot. Imeanin g equal, is used by physi- tomorrow and tomorrow and to- order to make sense of their own button again and its teeth gradu- LIOn.. role .of In And?: Wa)'nc
~ 30 YEARS Four local boys received athletic cians, financiers, and golfers, to de- morrow. Then come the daYs in findings. And what code of values ally more apart, with the whole He
letters from Drexel just before process plainly visible. maJOr ,rama.lc r? e a
tlsHhder first 'in
e .~erow.
J) The New Snack Bar .~
~ Of Good Main Line Roofing school ended in June, John Bless- note average v~lue
of scores or the earl~
middle years when the do we need? That which brings the It took 26 years to develop the Based .on" Silones .novel .Bread ~ ~
~ :~d i'1~e s~t.1n ith~ tl:~ 0 Ser~ing '~
th~refore ~f suc~essful o~~:rstu~~e~~~Oli:i'~a~t~~~ ~ ~
& Sheet Metal Work in&", a freshman in the civil engi- states of health. People who are pace grows more brisk. And as we greatest good to the greatest num- zipper from a man's imagination 1 and of Brookmead
f1 THE HARVEV ROOFING CO. neering course, won his "D" in la- not up to par are peoPle!cross the meridian the life .span, bel'. And what code is that? Well to its final use on s.ailors' th: "Ieed" Cream, Sandwiehes,
T' Eth' i th 1 tell the d _ %. :~
~P?n ~f~ ~
;; II. J. COOK, crosse, John Miller, a business ad- not equal to the ordmary or aver- the hours come l!'l a ventable primitive man trusts his instinct money belts In the first World Coffee, ele.
,. Phone NARBERT 4040 ministration stUdent, was manager age demands made them, or stampede. ThiS is the period when for survival, relying for survival War. During that quarter century, on lOp a, e p ay s an
cunm~g :~
,;;' of the swimming team, William F. up to the opportumtles open to ambition outreaches accomplish-. . Whitcomb Judson, inverltor; Colo- gerous events of the underground All Brookmead Golden

belie~ed ~udson's a~d ~~ :~

Brooke, who's finished the second them. Not infrequently the phrase ment, when there is so much to be on ..Barbarous man deals nel Lewis Walker, a lawyer who movement. :;: Guernsey Products at Relail
TEL'n'R year of his study of commerce and is used to indicate a spiritual in- done and so little time in which to out rude Justice, an eye for an eye, in idea, a ARDMORE MAN IN ITALY
engineering, was honored for his adequacy, rather than a physical. do it: That is when we grasp eager- P. tooth for a tooth. Civilized man's Swedish engmeer named Gideon
• _ 'I
Expert Watch and
I ...L

performance on the -.J. V. football Such are not called up to be super- ly the day, the hour, even the min- code is to live and let live and help Sundback spent several fortunes Thomas R. Stretch, Jr., seaman ,;I
Opt'/l Daily & Su"day

U"til 11 P. M.

:;:::~:~ ~,:::o:::."::::'I~::t~~::':':;;;~X l~'':';;:';"~n~'I~":~:'~~J'o~~,::::!, :;'::,,":1:' iI~:;~.:~:'~~":,; ~:\~'~~:':;~':';:l''i:'wc;:;:::~;;:,,~ ~'::I ::~don:,:-:::j,.:u~~d :~ ~:;'~I~:';:;:PI~ I~~~ ::.~,;';; :,'~ ;,: ~~
Clock Repair la'm. Md Woh"'" Guldh"g, • m.o. but mu,h oonn.1 0' .v".g. ut., which we" un" tho d"p.'d liva. Tht' " tho "'.d'''' uf hum.o .nd w..t book•• f.w tim... Now .pp"nti". USN. uf '" G".ofi.ld 1
~~::::~::::::::::::::::::~\fOr ~reat ~nd
232 Ave. Cyn, 3250 •.

.~~ .~I
J. V. soccer. IS that. a many men in Kipling's phrase, "we strive to the long run, brmgmg the greatest plane inspection' flaps, and some member of the aircraft carrier USS "
• Docuthy J.m. . who', .0 Alph.
Cbi Omega at Bucknell, is on her
wom.o m th" wo'id ,t,uggl. aloog
with the aid of no more than ordin-
fin ..,h m'ont. with ,ixly aeooo'"
worth of distance run,"
good lu tho .".to,t oomb".
Indeed a man need never give a
wild d..."",,,, h.v. w'lttao the Cocal Sa•. Earliar h. partidp.t.d
manufacturers asking for diamond in intensive .training the Sixth w~th GUERNSEY DAIRIES
way back from representing her a:y tra~ning,.
ordinary talents, 01'- I think you will agree with me conscious thought to a single law zippers and zippers on Whiskey Task Fleet 10 the Mediterranean. ,&'i,'&-~"''''~''''~~~",,-~''::~'ic'~':'''''Ci~''i''~'~~:~'''~~'''~-&.
chapter at a national
the sorority convention
in California. of
If they dmary mcentlves, and They
of a job nevertheless. do a are
up there are success
rules\, for about as
as many
there infallible
are sure al~ the
on books,
to the andby
letter yetthe
observe them
unbending bottles,
In addition to this interesting lit_I.--

work things like my fraternity does, ~o par, tho~gh they may not think cures' for a h,ead cold. But one of practice of this design-to do as tle exhibit, there are many other
the national pays the expenses of It. For par IS the score, so to speak, the first and best lessons on the you be done by. SPECIAL •
working demonstrations of com-

the delegates, which makes a very turned i,n by the mine run of hu- subject is how to extract victory monplace facts at the Museum. The Peronot Sanforized Cloth Sport Shirts-$2098
pleasant vacation for the lucky per- man ~emgs, rather ~han the ac- from defeat. For defeat is an es- , 'M 0 I largest of these is the Fels Plane-
son, who's chosen. I don't know complIshments of gemus. And these sential element in all success. Any- Pretty Penny, USlca , tarium where the familiar stars of • DURATWILL TIES
UPHOLSTERING whether the national's payment of are the p~ople who c~ntent th:~- one can throw out his chest over Opens at Atlantic City heaven are displayed and eXPlain- ,j • WILSON'S OXFORD & BROADCLOTH SHIRTS
In All Branches
expenses would cover the trip selves when the day IS done WIth success But it takes courage and
Dotty made through the Canadian ordinary recognition and appreci- stamin~ to hunt about amid the The fIrst pre-Broadway ~usI~al air.conditioned planetarium, called
Rockies on her way home. Also ation '. .
'. .
ed. During July the show in the
revue to be seen at Atlantic City "Stars of a Summer Night," will
DEN NI S among the peripatetic set is Jack If this is par for most people it wrh~chkafg~tdndtth~l'Udl~hOf a Ptro~~t in more than a decade "Pretty- show the constellations which can,
. w IC al e, 0 n e rna erJ s Penny" opened at the Ocean Play-
Baker' WllO ha s reurne t d to th e IS only because over the long years for a future conquest.
Main Line after two years at the millions of others have done the Ad' , fi t d f .
now be seen from any backyard
house, located on Steel Pier. Tues- and, the legends that have grown

~ :::~~p~h~0~n~e~A~R:D:l\~I:O:R~E~5:3~86~:::~lun.ver , I SI't yo.f W as h'mgon, t wereh h e same. Nor IS ' the

, world lookmg . lor power n ofso will
a manFors the
rs facte eat IS a day for a week's .
of fail- engagement.
, . Per- up around these groups will be re- 243 HAVERFORD AVENUE NARBERTH, PA.
was a SI'gma Chi' . Jack's decI'ded to or III . nee d 0 f super men an d wom- ure is not half. so important as t hformances e. are given
. mghtly,
' m- to ld .
.a . little, nearer home now, and en . It is looking for and in need ques t'Ion. H ow d'd le h t a ke ' It ,and S' eludmgd SundaY, d S Withd matmees
ft on
"fleas Don" Will finish hiS college career at of averages in the general run of h d'd h d t? I t l ' atur ay an un ay a ernoonse· Trumbull-Rel'Iner RI"tes
dthel' Villanova or Penn S t a t e . ' w at I, e 0 nex. n 0 leI Presented by Leonard Field th
Bother Me Since there's no Sig chapter at Vil- ages in the individual The race of
folk. And thiS means better aver- words is the failure a quitter or '
' '
' ,
revue has been staged by George S. At Rose Tree Hunt Club Our expert dry cleaning service
rm Dusted with Ianova, I hope' he chosesLove, Penn State. matnthrJses . f 11 t' th I t ' Is he onlY. beginni?~ to .fight. There Kaufman, who has been co-author
or ka s Ogte. efr. t. IS is somethmg .ins,pu·mg 10 .the spec- and director of such hits as "Of A colorful wedding took place on will make your favorite dress,
PULVEX DDT" BOB no I e pacema
th d ers. ou
th 10b ron
k hor tacle of any ., mdlvidual falling h o n-
Thee '
I Smg", "You Can't Take It Wednesday, June 29, at the' Rose . bl ouse, or suit Iook as bright
e aggar way 10
saves us but the average men and h
e ac w 0 estly while trymg to do his best"
h h r ' With You,
.. "
The Man
ho am" Hale Trumbull, daughter of Mrs.~:
C e Tree Hunt ClUb, when Miss LOUIse t - ",
r ,." , )'- and sparkling as a brand new
women ~vho are a little above the W't~ t den b~~eJ\ t e, 1~.tS a:a~~ to Dinner," "The Royal Family, James Frederic Brown, of Wynne- ~;.
The club House dining room will average, if you get what I mean. WI ,r\~u ~ efm~na 10~'t
~~~ ~n:c~hOesca~ %:trs~~e~~~
e' al- "Dinner at Eight," "The Late Geo- wood, and Denver, COlo.• and the garment.
• • KIllS FLEAS be open for lunch and dinner Mon- You, my readers and friends, I: d rge Apley," "June Moon" and many lale Roscoe Hale Trumbull, was (;)osed All Da:r Saturday
•• KEEPS 'EM OfF days from July 4 to and I'ncludl'ng m ay be p retty su re that th e person heartened by a knockout blow has, other successes. " .
married to Mr. Jackson KIernan --:::; ! During Jul)' and August
CAT OWNERS: To rid you, cat of ftr:os and Labor Day. who d?esn't know where the time surely within him the making of Hellner,- SOn of Mrs. Marcus Ed- 102 Forrest Aveo
Food service will not be available goes, IS ,busy, co~ t en t e, a greatness. And so by a kind of Beneke Band Lann Ross mond Hellner, of Me d'la, an d At-
lice, be: sure to usc vex ROTENONE
dan. dt

FIca Powder. Specially formulatcd forars. in the locker house Mondays but w?rk amid congemal surroundmgs..wise provision of nature, the fact ' . y BloII lantlc City, and the late Mr. Heil-
u~happy, ~hose •.ITlme wears leaden shoes for the of failure gives the victim a firmer Head New Steel PIer . nero 228 BALA AVE.
b~~dene.d beyo~d thel~strengt~ ~~ ~_ ~~~~~"~~""~'~~
the lonely, for who foundation for the next attempt Tex Beneke and his band, and The Rev. Dr. Albert C. Kanzin- Cynwyd 0928
ale and the final victory. ,Lapny Ross, star of radio. screen, ge,r officiated.
CLEANING, DYEING. REMODELING • 0: sa y mlscasl. III the, rama 0 "It is defeat," said Beecher, stage and television, will highlight


t~e hfe. For such unfortunate ones "which turns bone into flint and the new program at the Steel Pier,
days seem useless and the gristle into muscle, making men Atlantic City, JUly 17 to 23.

Cleaners 205 8AI.,\ AVE. t~o
nIghts unendU~abl\.B~t",:een these invincible," To which he added in Beneke and his band, rated high
extremes m w IC tIme see.ms substance this-.-do not be afraid in the top ten in the 11th annual THE n'"
......... REPUTATION &!
PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE either to fly or to drag~ accordmg to fail, for it is thep. that you are college poll just completed in June, ~
Let Us Keep You Well Groomed to our m~od" there I.S ~nother nearer success than you know. But will be the big attraction in the If you're planning repairs or re~odeling let
I'tempo ~o thiS stuff that life IS made in going through life there. will Marine Ballroom. WHEN YOU
Atlas give you a free written estimate and
of. It IS. one of. slow but steady come many times when days are Lanny Ross, current star of the
.. accelerat~on. Children and young ,;rowded with conflicting interests Swift television show, has been the
people WIll tell you the ~ays seem and loyalties and it becomes neces- star of virtually all of fhl! major
plan. Atlas is a dependable Builder with the
a~?erience, organization and facilities to do
a quality job at a reasonable price. It is our
to ~rag along. S~ many thmgs must sary to make decisions and choices radio shows.. Lanny has also sung belief that one good job begets another-that
walt ,~pon gro~mg up and such a according to some set values. at Robin Hood Dell in Phlladel-
is the foundation of Our Best Building Job
long tIme growmg up. 'it ptherwise there will .be a confu- phia, and in concerts throughout OF HOME
• • ~" The Atlas Reputation.
.. _, ,_' _ sion of problems, a succession of the country.
crises, and no peace of mind any- Sharkey, the performing seal, is REMODELING
Samuel J. Haskam
where. . just one of the stars in the pier's
Call this code of values on which Outdoor Water Sports and Thrill
Altiminum CombInation WIndows an indiVidual bets his life from day Circus at the ocean end of the
-HeavIest· Gaul:e Extruded A1uml:' to day a. faith, his faith. For is not structure. Other headliners in this
IIUIn Installetl. lnchlltln~ Screens,
anv slzr-$21.00.
Asphalt Drivewavs Reasonable
Call CLEARBROOl\: 8955
faith a living out of conVictions big outdoor carnival are Myriam
and principles, no matter what France. Marion Foster, the 5 Erik
comes? We all need this kind of SOns, Russ Dotson and his Diving
-------·'falth m dally living for the Simple Collegians. and MISS Conchita. REPAIRS OF EVERY SIZE AND DESCRIPTION


.. .8 Dan Convert to Apartments for Life Income

Save" Today For Tomorrow PIYMEIT Interior & Exterior, Cellar to Roof.
No Job to Large or Too Small.

IASY TElliS G [ Heating Systems, R!p~irs • Air condi-t~-o-n-in-g-l

LOW AS $1 iiOI'M KItchens Papering Painting Dutch Halls
Financial problems of the future will be easier to solve if you have Bathrooms Garages Roofing Flooring
YIAISTO PAY PlasterIng Masonry Tiling
ready money in the bank. Put aside some of Today's dollars for Tomorrow's s..ell rev'" Arrllllpd
Electrical Brkfst. Nooks
Shingling Stairways
needs and opportunities. Ie S.it 10.1' 1••- Brickwork Stores Additions
•• WI". . Stral• Carpentry

• Use our convenient banking facilities. A Savings Account will encour-

age the habit of ,thrift. Open your account now and enjoy the satisfaction
THE MORE TELEPHONE c~ yOU MA.ItE, the mole vaiuable
your telephone service beComes.
of seeing it grow with regulal:deposits. NEW HOMES BUILT ARDMORE. 7762
Buy U. $. SrLvings Bonds Small or Large-On Your L.t AFTER' P. M. PHONE M1 4·3600
Today, over Pennsylvania's 2,478,018 Bell telephones. To Your Specifications or From

lIlore people are making more calls than ever before. One of Our Many APproved

Any way you look at it, telephone service', is becoming,

• NATIONAL BANK of NARBERTH Plans. We Handle Everything
From Start to Finish Includ-

lIlore and more .valuable•••• Any way you look at it. ing Com}llete Financing:
telephone service gives you your bloney's worth~ MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION
"Let tire lullder's Reputaflon I. Your First Conslcferatloa"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Thursday, July 14, _1949 -.:. ---, _ - .


__- --_._---
.. HOME iMPROVEMENTS . , FOR SALE , AUluMOBILES Havertown Faces .Garrett ,Hill
, ----
' parm. Mu1Ilers, Springs, Axles,
I11 Recteat·Ion Event T·Ie-Bteaker
Appears in aU the following papers: WHILE YOU ARE
Windshields,' Door Glass, Glass GUARANTEED USED CARS
'. or-. VACATION
Channels, Window Regulators.
Brake L1n~gs, Ignition Parts, '41 CHEVROLET-radio, htr._$795 Havertown and Garrett Hill, tied SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE
HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS ••• OUR TOWN Head &: ,Tail Li~ht, Lens, Wat~r '40 CADILLAe--4 dr. sedan, radio for thc lead in the American Base- .
We will re-upholster your tur- Pumps, Kf!lg Be Pm Bolt Sets, Unl· and heater $895 ball League of the Havertown , ~sults July 6
LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP NEWS niture while you are on vaca- versal ~omtG, Tires, Tubes,
tion at Special Low Summer Everythmg for .Inspection for Pas· etc. '42 PLYMOUTH-4 dr. sedan,ranio Recreation Program will face each Auto Car' 9' Stonehurst 6
ge Cars and Trucks Shank's and heater $745 0 th er 'Mon d ay. Th' e game w ill be H avertown,
" 10,. .'.
Farmers, 9. I
and the CITY LINE "NEWS Prlces. No bare rooms to look
at while your furniture is out. ~:to ~arts, Westtown r~ad. Next: 41 FORD-2 dr., heater .__$865 played at 6:30 P. M. at Field 8. Standing of the Teams
('1'0 Include coverage an Cl'l'¥ LINE NEWS, copy must be received b, Tuesday at Ii P. IlL
For other three papers. deadline Is Wednesday Ii 1'. 1\[.) Large selection of beautifUl, to Greenmount cemetery. WeSt 41 DODGE-Club coupe, radio, AMERIClAN ·P.C.
new fabrics. Chester 1617. heater ..; $895 BASEBALL LEAGUE W. L. 1.000
liS words or less: $1.40; additIonal words: lie .. '41 CHRYSLER-2 door sedan, ra- . Havertown -4 0
Ask abllut special redoced contract rata CU:~~ W6~~~sHIP dio !1nd hea~er and l1uid Results July 6 . Farmers 3 1 .750
Phone: Ardmore 5720-5721, Hilltop 3600, GReenwood 3-7740 REASONABLE PRICES MID-SEASON SALE! drive $845 Shamrocks, 5; Burkes, 3. Penn Staters 2 1
1'00 Dlay lend Dloney order, stamps or personal ehec k. Address aU coDimoDleatiolb to TrI-CollJltJ QUALITY MATERIALS ClOME IN AND SAVE AS '40 FORD-2 door sedan, htr.__$435 Next Week's Schedule Up. Darby Lodge __1 2 .250
. PubUshlDc·CompaDY. 8 Crlell:et An•• A.rdmore. Pa. WAYNE 1496 MUCH AS 50'70 '41 OLDSMOBILE-8edanette, Monday, July 18 (6:30 P. M.) Auto Car 1 3
, radio, heater, hydra- Ardmore Park vs. Stonehurst 0 4 000
~E.~L ESTATE-SALE WANTED TO RENT LEWIS UPHOLSTERING CO. .:iOFAS matic ~ $850 Shamrockll Field 2 Next Week's Schedule
_ _ _ LOST
_. AND fOUND --:---:-1 227 'Lancaster Ave. Wayne, Pa. BEDROOM SUITES '36 DODGE-4.dr. sedan, htr.__$250 Kirklyn Redskins vs, .
COCKER SPANIEL, all black male; UPPER DARBY _ Warner-West PETROLE~M
ENGINEER, .wife DINING ROOM SUITES ,Burkes Field 3 Monday, July 18 (7 P. M.)
vlcmity westgate Hills. Name Corp, offers masterpieces in com- and Child, need unfurnished CARPETS' RAYMOND P. SCOTT. Inc, Keystone A.A. vs. C.W.V. Field 4 Upper Darby Lodge YS.
5 years old. Ear mal- munity planning and architectural apartment or house. Phone, Swarth- VENEnAN BLINDS 265 East Lancaster Avenue Garrett Hill vs. Havertown Field 8 Stonehurst Field 5
FURNITURE INN Farmers vs. Penn Staters F!eld 6
formed. Reward. phone, Hilltop home designs. Secure your home more 3203-R between 8-10 P. M. Wynnewood, Penna. Wednesday, July 20 (6:30 P. M.)
for immediate and future oc- HOME IM-P'R"O'-VEMENTS THE NEW LOOK! 19 Clricket Ave. Ardmore Ardmore 2600 Ardmore Park vs. Burkes Field 2 Havertown vs. Auto Car Field 7
= cllpancy ... Everlasting brick con- FOR YOUR ARDMORE 0910 Opl!'n Evenin s Till 9 Shamrocks YS. C.W.V. Field 3 Wednesday, J,uly 20 (7 P. M.)
strucHon, 6 cheerful rms., tile bath, OLD VENETIAN BLINDS g Havertown vs. Farmers vs.
HELP WANTED garage, large picturesque planted REPAINTED LINCOLN MERCURY Keystone A.A. Field S Upper Darby Lodge . Field 4
FEMALE lawns and rear garden plots. ,BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME! ClOLORS MATCHED
Kirklyn Redskins Ys.
Garrett Hill Field B
Havertown vs. Stonehurst Field 5
Penn Staters vs.
Veterans-No Down Payment WITH FLAGSTONE & SLATE EXCELLENT WORK To Be Sold at Dealer's CQ'"t EVANS CHEVROLET NATIONAL Auto Car Field 6
lllld $58 monthly includes taxes, $29 FURNISHED OR INSTALLED GR4241-53 GR 7-SOU CONSOLETTE &: COMBINA~ON Before you bUy .any used car, any-
7-0765 W. STILF8 STREET Results June 30 Results July 5
YOUNG WOMEN principal savings, net cost only $29 ARDMORE FLAGSTONE CO. This Week Only where, see t~e display of really un- Garrett Hill, 3; Marple Newton, 2. Trinity Luth. 11; Marple Pres" 4.
. . month. Semi-detached homes _ 2527-35 Haverford Rd., Ardmore ARDMORE 5277 usual trade-ms at our show rooms. Results July 5 Manoa United Pres., 6;
We have a few positlO!1s ~valla~le slightly higher monthly payments. ARDMORE 9491-8 to 5:30 VENETIAN BLINP8-Factory to N~"Y ones every day and at new low Bryn Mawr, 4; Wayne, 3. Union Meth., 6.
for those who ca~ qualify ID Phila See your future home today. Apply GR. 3-1798 after 6 you, Cas~ or Terms~-01d blinds WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC prices. Garrett Hill, 6; Penfield, 3. Grace Chapel, 15; Llanerch Pres.,J.
and nearby localities, Warner-West Corp., 7052 Garrett refinished like new. Estunate che~r- RANGE _ Wh·t 4 b 5 Marple Newtown 5; Merwood 4. Ebenezer, 11;' St. Andrews, 3,
Results' Jul Y 7
Com fa tor an interview
D bALI h
a.r y,
4-2070. Open dally & evemngs 7
~g eny 1- Cl .... ~
I-==============Ifully given. Suburban VenetJ1ln,
......- Il v 2931-W
Ie, urner,
Perfect condition. Will sacrlflce. $85.
Evans Chev. Co., Sunset 7840
BUlLDJNi:n. Blind Co. Madison 5591 or DecaturSpeeds, oven. broiler .and 3.drawers. TWP UNE & BURMONT D H P fi Id 9' M
" ' • • en e , , erwoo, ' .
d 1
Resul~s. July
1631 Arch St.. Phila. to 8:30 P. M. . ' Phone, Ardmore 1178-J. Bryn
MarpleMawr, 2; Garrett
Newtown, Hill, O.
6; Wayne, 3. SI:.
Grace Chapel, 7; Marple Meth.,
Andrews, 12, Umon Pres., 1.

7055 Terminal Square ARONIMINK BUR.T Cl~:=YClASu WINDOW S~ES-VENETIAN(3) CUSHIONS for Bunting chairs, PLtMOUTH '47-8pec!al deluxe 2 Standing of 'the Teams Manoa United P~lin;;'ch
Pres S

Upper Darby 5060 Dermond Road AND SHELVING BLINDS, Linoleum. HOBSON.\ 50c each. Wood clarinet, "Lamy," door tully eqUipped, one owner. W. L. P.C. Ebenezer 8' Trinit Luth 4 "
(South of TOWNSHIP LINE, 2 (A Specialty> OWENS, 1015-1017 Lancaster Ave.. good condition, $75. Child's Kiddie Very clean car. $1150, 24 months Bryn Mawr 5 1 .833 ': y .,.
THE BELL TELEPHONE Blocks West of BURMONT RD.> GENERAL REPAIRS Bryn Mawr. ' C o r n e r table with awning, $10. Crib- financing. Garrett Hill 5 1 .833 iStandmg ot the Teams P.C
This bungalow creation has been NO JOB TO SMALL 1~====~=======~IBassinette, complete, $5. Highgate Evans Chev. Co., Sunset 7840 Marple Newtown _3 2 .600 W. L. .833
_ _ _ _ _OF _ _pENNA.
_ _ _ _ _ Idesigned and built for the express WAYNE L. BURGENTS PLUMBING AND IIEA'DNG 7729-W. Township Line & Burmont Rd. D.H. Penfield 2 3 .400 Ebenezer 5 1 .833
purpose of showing the public what HILLTOP 8617 1 1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1----=---------- ,Hayne 1 4 .200 Manoa United Pres. 5 1 .667
YOUNG WOMEN can be done with a little sound _2429 Wynnefield Dr.. HavertoWD_ REJECT kitchen equipment. Cab-10LDSMOBILE '46-4 door (76) hy- Merwood _: 0 5 .000 Grace Chapel A 2 .667
18 to 25 Years of Age thinking .find planning. PLUMBING &: IlEA.TlNCi inet s~nks, save $35 to. $60. Gas! dramatic sedan, one owner, ~?m- Next Week's Schedule· St. Andrews -4 2 .667
Several desirable positions are No expense has been spared either JOBBING ranges, famous makes, size $25 to pletely eqUipped, perfect conditIOn. I Tuesday July 19 (6 '30 P M l Trinity Luth. .4 2 .333
'1 bl 'n Bryn Mawr and Cyn- in materials or craftsmanship to FRAME OR CINDER BLOCK $~O. Wall an? base cabinets at cost. ~~cellent buy an~ gua,ranteed at Bryn M~w vs. Penfield '. F'ield 1 Llanerch Pres. Ch. 2 4 .000
aval a e I produce the finest house that GARAGES D: J. MeGARRY,.or. Kitchen EqUipment Exchange, 4458,$1~45. 24 months financmg. Marple Newtown VS. Ma.rple Pres. 0 6 .000
wyd for young women who have_ money can buy. We are interested Built on Your Lot 201 Price Ave.' Germantown Ave. GL 5-3650. Evans Chev. Co., Sunset 7840 Garrett' Hill Field B Umon Meth. 0 6
had some high school training. in designing and building a home BUNGALOWS-PATIOS FIRST-$75 -t k tho A d't; _. Township Line & BurmontRd. D.H. Merwood vs. Wayne 'Field E Next Week's Schedule
.. ff
These pOSitIOns 0 er a go
od start- for you in the same manner. In- ADDITIONS-FOUNDATIONS
spectian invited day or evening. .
Narberth. Pa.
Narberth 3648
!l es IS u 10riUm
type Amphtone. Record Player. CHEVROLET '48-Town sedan. We
. Thursday, July 21 (6::10 P. M.)
Garrett Hill VS. Penfield Field 1
Tuesday, July 19 (7 P. M.)
ing salary wi~h frequent increases, VET CONSTRUCTION CO. (Co:Pr?~o~0:n'~rs) Excelle.nt tone, RICh v~lume. Used sold this car new. Has very low Marple Newtown vs. Union Meth. vs. Field 4
pleasant working conditions and a Decatur 1772 Decatur 1887 Ridley Park 2751-M ROOFING very little. Phone MISS Bradley. mileage, fully equipped and guaran- Merwood Field 2
Marple Pres.
cha?Ce ~o: advancement. . ARDMORE PARK , A r d m o r e 0446. teed at $1475. 24 months financing. Wayne vs. Bryn Mawr Field J
Trinity Luth.vs. Field 6
Wl'Ite glvmg age, education. ex- L 100 125 St
. ' d t I h ot
d t
x . one an s ucco smg e 1
. I I O'Y . . . . . nWOOD
FLOORS II. L. SMITH SUMMER RUGS Reduced-8till a Evans.
large selection to choose from at Township Lme & Burmont Rd. D.H.
Co., Sunset 7840 INTERNATIONAL
' .
Field 7
penence, If an,y. an
Ardmore. P a . '
e ep ane house. New rubberized shingle roof.'
number to Box M. L. No. 350, 1st floor has 4 rooms and recep_I~~ yoo tmo~g to
~WD: n:~'
0 •

tion hall, 2~d floor, 4 large corner llittl~ ~~n:::~l'::~ni::St~~seo;ha: SPOUTING AND GUTTERS

Theodore Shihadeh, Cricket Ave- STUDEBAKER '40-4 dr. "Champ,"
~~~6 and School Lane. Ardmore radio and heater. Recently over- Manoa Post, 13; Llanerch, 1.
Results July 5
Llanerch Pres.
Grace Chapel VS.
Manoa United Pres. Field 8
bedrooms, tile bath. 3 rooms on 3rd. . . haUled motor. Inspected and new Manoa B.C., 6; Penfield, 1. Th~rsday, July 21 (7 P. MJ
IMMEDIATE OPENING f?r Exe~- I Automatic oil heat, summer-winter· ~t3~rsS~~E~. e~-to;~~:ra:n Estimates furnished 1 DAV~NPOR'f 1 OIL TANK 1. tires. An exceptional buy. $395. 15 Results Juh' 7 UnI0!l .Meth, YS. Field 4
.utlVe-typ~ woman.. SpeCial posl-,hook-up. Garage. $13,500. equipment with complet instruc- Re-roofing our specialty J}.ITCHEN Sd~K
All th se ~r_lmonths
financing. Manoa B.C., 8; Manoa Post, 2. TrinIty Luth.
bon as pictured m McCALL'S Hilltop 3478 t' ns. e - 820 Montgomery Ave. - ticles in good co~dition. ePhone 1 Evans Chev. Co., Sunset 7840 Llanerch, 4: Penfield, 1. Eb1\~naenzoear uVns'I'ted ·pres :b'ield 6
l\IAGAZINE, page 80, June issue. 10 NARBERTH 4428 Hilltop 4973-J ' Township Line & Burmont Rd D H Standmg of the Teams LI L h P .
If you have good appearance, per- HAVERTOWN DELATE & MORGAN • . .. ,anerc res. VS. Field T
6 0 0 1.000 Grace Chapel-~s.
sonality, car. need for $50-$75 in 227 E. BENEDICT AVE. 4 Central Ave. W. L. r. P.C. Marple Pros
a week, can work evenings 4-9, and" PRIClED FOR QUICK SALE BRYN MAWR 1454 FOR SALE BABY CARRIAGE, "Thayer." ,OLDSMOBILE '35 - 6 c.ylinder, 4 Manoa B.C,.
between the ages of 25-50, write 1 ~m, Enclo~e~ Porch, ~ Bedrooms, ' , ~. -.. Complete. Practically new. EX-' door sedan. A.K.C. registered. A Manoa Post 2 2 2 .500 St Andrews Field 8
KIf<:HEN smks & wan. cabl~ets-Icellent condition. Also Stroller. 1very presentable little car, in tip- L!..tnerch
BUilder overstocke? With ~rtche,';l; Both $30. Phone GReenwood 3-2034. 1top condition. An unusual buy at Penfield
Marian Wiggins, 1546 Powell, Nor- Tile Bath, Fmlshed AttiC, Gas Heat. 2 4 0 .333 .
. tN' t'e Many Extras. ELEUrJUCAL SERVICZ 0 4 2 .000 BASKETBALL LEAGUE
ns own. 0 canvassmg or par I s. INSPEU'l'10N BY APPOINTMEN.... .. . eqUipment-Wall
$1l:l 95-30" 28" cabmets $2195-21"30 x 18
28", -- $ - -2 - - _. - 9 ..-.....- - -5 -; . 12 months financing . N ext \ Veek' s Sc h ed u Ie Standmg . of the Teams
STENOliRAPHER- Woman be- P. R. BECK, Agent GRANT'S $1l:l:95-42" xbase ' cabinet andx sink FIRST $50 TAKES THIS PRAC- , Evans. Ch~v. Co., Sunset 7840 Tuesday. July 19 (6:30 P. M.l Youngsters 3 0 1.000
tween age of 25-35, good salat?'. ARDMORE 1731 RADIO & ELECTRIC -50" base cabinet and sink-the TICALLY NEW T~iOR AUTO-: rownshlp Lme & Burmont Rd. D.H. Manoa Post vs. Manoa B.C, F!eld 2 Oakmont 2 1 .667
above sinks are enameled on iron, MATIC GLADIR:0N With knee co~
pleasant working conditions, In WAYNE-Semi-detached, all con" REPAIRING I Penfield vs. Llanerch Field 3 Belmont ..:__ 1 2
.' LA~ALLE-4 door ~e?an, ex~ep- Thul'sday, July 21 (6:30 P. M.>"
suburban community _ Haverford veniences. Close to '"tation. $6000. TELEVISION All brand new and guaranteed. troI. Phone, Menon 1390-1t. Merion Mud Hens _0 3
--.- - --- : ... -..- - - - I tlo~ally good condition. 4 tires, Llanerch vs. Manoa B.C. ~Ie]d 3
sinks at reduced prices. Warren W. Smger Sewmg Machm~Treadle practically new. Complete motor Wanoa,. Post vs. Penfield
Towl1ship. Hilltop 4570, between l\[ALVERN _ Masonry bungalow. Other special tioor samples and . ,
8:30 and 4 . ' brand new, vacant, all conven- WASIUNG MAClHINES Field F Next Weel(s Schedule
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iiences. $8475. 18 W.R~:::::rE:~~,O~anerch Aukett, 9008 West Chester Pike. PhDornoePBHIVedad5'88g500d condition, $45'0v.erh,al!I. Sealed bea~ lights. Chro- JUNIOR BASEBALL LEAGUE Fdday, July 22
SEAMSTRESS _ Part time, some PAOLI-Lincoln Highway frontage, Sunset 9176. . mlUm m good con.dl.tlOn. Net bat- Results July 5 Youngsters vs.
experience necessary. Good work- about 300 ft. at $6 a foot.
ing conditions. Apply in person. CHARLES E. SHANK
SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE BICYCLE-Girl's. Perfect condi- covers. 346 Llandrillo Rd., Cynwyd.
,tery. New brake hmng. Good seat South At-dmore, 7;
Oakmont Eagles, 0, (lst game)
1\ 1" M
oa~~~~ u~elnlO~t
645 P M
: .'
race, A r d m o r e . "
Ardmore Laundry, 9 Cricket er- Malvern, Pa, Paoli 2624
HATS 44C, ISWU8ES &; SIURTSI TRinity 7-4727.
tion, 26" wheels. Bargain, $18.50'1
HUDSON '48, 4-door Commodore,
S('luth Ardmore, 4;
Oakmont Eagles, O. (2nd game)
\ .
7:10 P. M.
ELECTRIC SERVICE .' 6<lc, DRESSES &; JACKETS $1.01, ' . l:l-cylinder. Excellent condition. Manoa, 8; Havertown Royals, 1. Results Juiy 5
L or U part C R
Do your V E
flicker "
and dip? Hav- COATS &: S~ $3.44. DAVENPORT, Green Mohair, mod- Reasonable offer. Original owner. Re suoIts J III Y 7 Haverford, 4; Taylor Post, 3.
t f . f RANCH HOMES ing a separate circuit installed for ern. $30. Sectional bookcase, AL 4-7842. No games-;-Ram. Di~zy Dames, 19; Mighty
ime , or woman wlth us e 0 car. $13,750 up your refrigerator may correct iLl THE EXUHANGE SHOP $1~.50. Phone, evenings, EV 6-0102. Standmgs of the Team, P.C. Morans, 13. (Girls' Softball)
W rite Box R. R. No.3,
50 Ardmore, CHARLES E. PUSEY
WAY1'I.'E 3820 HILLTOP 4005.M
7036 Terminal Square 2nd 1I00r
(W. Garrett Rd.)
Hrs. 10.5; Friday til' 9 P. M.
WILLYS, 410 N. 63rd St., Phila. S. Aldmore Eagles 3
Royals .3
W. L.
It J I
Resu s u y 7
.750 Girls' Softball-Dizzy Dames, 9; •
FOUNTAIN GIRL OR WOMAN _ Member Phila Elec. Assoc. BOULEVARD 3iS7 MR COLEMAN BUYS SINGER Phone AL 4-8866. Manoa 2 24 .500 The Sluggers, O. Mighty Morans,
18 years or over. Day work, 10 tOI~===~;;;~~;:~===~I_------------ Accepting Daily, Consignment Only MACHINES _ Marble furnl'ture OakmoNnt E t awglesk,_-°Scl d 1 .00016; Jolly Jerks, 2.
FRED P. McCARTHY & SONS BOY'S WASH SLACKS, tit 12-14 Antiques, old fashioned and used WILLYS 47 ~e~p, 10,~OO miles. Tuesday, July 19 (l:30 P. MJ
5.30. Experience not necessary. I. SEASHORE " ex ee s. Ie u e Re It J I 8
Phone,. TR 7.6251.
============~~I THE PARK VIEW
5th Street at Asbury ELECTRICIANS
years, $1.50 pair, also Gabardine furniture, rugs, frames, paintings, Perfect, co.n~l1tlon. Private own1 So. Ardmore YS.
rain coat, size 14, $6.50. Used baby old lamps, clocks, banks, jewelry, er, $800. rRlmty 7-4409. Oakmont Eagles
511 ,; II Y
Manoa American Legion Post, 1;
Field 2 Aldan American Legion Post, O. •
MALE "Cool Rooms-Delicious Meals" cl~thing, blankets, etc. $10 takes all. old gold and silver, tine china, cut ~ .anoa YS. . (Paul Stull pitche~ a no-hitter for
Hot Showers-Housekeeping NARBERTH 3811 Hilltop 3754-M. glass pianos feathers hair DIS- Havertown Royals Field 4 Manoa Amer. LegIOn.)
F 'Ut' TANCE NO' OBJECT' 907'N 7th AUTOMOBILES WANTED Thursday, July 21 (1:30 P. M.) Senior Hor§eshoe Tournament;
GROOM-Married man, with ex- ael 1e5-18th Season- Cynwyd 14.25-W Paoli 2010 FIRST $150 TAKES THIS ONE St LO b d 39332" . .___ Manoa vs. So. Ardmore Field 2 Winner, Dick Gray. Junior Check-
perience with horses. Willing to Moderate Rates ROOM AIR CONDITIONER, one- . m ar - . MO Oakmont Eagles vS. el' Tournament; Winner, Robert
assist with garden work during the Hede GregQry, Owner-Mgr. half tOIl capacity. S-ealed system, WANTED '£0 BUY _ Scrap Iron. FOR CLE:: ~~=~ARS!! Havertown Royals Field 4 Pyott.
summer months. House provided. Phone 1270 GLASS AND MIRRORS Phone, ~I 6-0453. old and wrecked cars. Shank's
Box C. H. No. 350, Ardmore, Pa.
REAL ESTATE f()R RENT . TWO BICYCLES, 1 bOY'S, 1 girl's, Auto Parts. Phone West Chester
Glass Be mirrors for all purposes size 28. Good condition. Priced 1617.
THE ..
MALE APARTMENTS Old mirr~rs remodeled &: resilvered. reasonable. Phone, Hilltop 7270. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 WILL CALL WITH CASH
EXTRA space in comfortable old- Wall mirrors made to o r d e r . .
COLLEGE STUDENT -Engineer- fashioned home if you will give ITAGYE'S, BOULEVARD 3082. 7315 FR.IGIDAIRE-6 cUbl~ ~t, Porce!aln TABLES m. good condltio~, at
Spare Time Gardener
ing major desires full time or responsible care. 3 furnished rooms, West CheSler Pike. lmed.. In good condition. ReaGon- reasonable prices. Phone, Hilltop BOX R. B. No. 350, Ardmore, Pa.
casual work, Drafting, simonizing bath and kitchen rent free to intel-: = _able. Hilltop 5~12. 4570. - - By DOUGLAS EARL
cars caring for lawns, etc. Nar- ligent couple under 40, with hus-I LANDSCAPING PERSONALS HENRY A. DREER. INC.
berth 370!)-J, mornings, 9-12.. band employed
to wife fordaytime,
skillful Part timel______________
assistance The Human Race 1-------
FANNY FLAPAHAMMER, one of The drought continues (July 2) hot, dry weather: it is an excellent
MP OYMEN'I AGENCIES to arthritic lady. Ardmore 2745. Flagstone Walks & Patios I Millie Wanna Savabit's best despite two "Whammies" by the time to kill off dandelions. plan-
E L . _ ...- - - - _ 60DFREY M~GAD6ET SPARES NO ~; friends, said to Millie: "While I writer, although they (the Wham- tains, and crab grass with the neW
a... _

e e' '.
MALE '" FEMALE ROOMS FOR RENT Picket Fencing EXPENSE ON IllS r-OLn-PLAJC, .'1 come from a long line of Flapa- mies) did produce rain in some sec- 2-4D selective weed killers. These
Meyer Employment Agency VICINiTY 62nd&'Meclia 2-unfur- n ~ v hammers, I really didn't just know tions On July 1. If you missed the are hormless to regular lawn gras-
L.;; 0 I7f!l
6 W Lancaster Ave. Ard.more nished rooms (bedroom and kitch- LEE' & COGHLAN IT'5 qOT MORE ACCE5SORIES THAI\l <: which end of a nail to hit until I last article about Whammies drop ses but kill the weeds merely by
. ARDMORE 7761 en). Semi-private bath. Gas and <=iARA 6 E;;. I got in the habit of visiting the us a postal card and we will tell you spraying. Be carefUl though of clo·
~ ~ERB F. DAVIS STORE of 52,000 "what is a Whammie".
STENO.-Sub., 5 days $40-$45 electric included, $35. Business HILLTOP 4916-J A VACUUM CI.EANER FACTORy....
' .l;g~ ;: La~caster Ave.,
vel', as 2-4D will kill it.

Z'" ,..
LERK-TYPIST- woman preferred. TRinity 7-1549. . ~ Items
Ardmore at and
320 he
W. understands what Any way . it's still' dry farm crops Personally
. the . Spare Time Gar-
C -suburban, 5 days $35-$40 OV~RBROOK PARK-Attractively ! PLJRTY' . c!IOLLY! . ~"7f'io ~ '" . you mea'n when you start asking, are suffermg, an~ many lawnf are dener lIkes:o dig the dandehon~ and
furnis~ed si~gle room, private :~. C;' ~~ .d!t v,! fo~ a '''thing-a·ma-jig'' that fits in re~lJy commencmg to look very and plantams out by ha~d. It s an

,:",. ".
DONE IN THIS OFFICE n~~eBU~~~~:~:~lte~antr;r~~~~~~~ GENERAL LANDSCAPING ~ ""'~ ~ ~l a • thing-a-ma-jug". He just knows dried up. We have not mowed our excellent chance to cogitate, you •
.~~1 Plt.VJ''-~r )J~".
/!>ay's Work-Couples-Week's Work Reasonable. GReenwood 7-1715. SERVICE
ALLAN BARR ~ •... r••
~ .L ' 17, __ \ ~ ..:: IWhat ask."I am going to ask for before lawn for three
in spots, but it'sweeks.
still It's
greena bitwhile
long you
get dig down on your here
a dandelion "hunkers", and
and a plan-
MENT AGENCY-Have now on SUitable on.e or two busmess. peo-
MiD Clreek Rd., Gladwyne, .....
ARDMORE 2492-W ":\
0 111_ _ '_ ~(i
"/:;~ ~~'r ~, ·1 1 - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - 1 many lawns that have been mowed tain there and you watch a cloud
YOUR UPHOLSTERY lately, and too closely, are a beau- roll by Or observe an industrious

hand couple for weeks work and pIe. Convement location. Hilltop ----.~ii" !- _ . hl0Y1~ ClAN HAVE A 'NEW LOOK tiful brown color. If other members "ant" (thou sluggard) and no one
weeki housework. Reference. in.I~4~2~8~1.===========~I_-------------1 ,tr,.- _ -- ~,.,... with our of your family insist that the lawn can tell whether you're working or
vestigated. Norristown 3769. REAL ESTATE WANTED SANITARY WORK: E ~- ~r trc l-=- 1#.~'=:::;:;; ~,' ~~. NEW CLEANING PROCESS be mowed, set the blade as high as not. If you are a RepUblican or
H E," ~ ~~':ll P . - .-. I'';;, Newly Invented Electric it will go, which incidentally makes Democrat, you can forget the Re-
TUTORING Attention Property owners:"': T h e ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - PINK, ~ • Lf...@J·1 .~=--- . 'l~ Machine Replaces Hand the mower easier to push. publicans and Democrats and vice-

I~WALl.5...4" ~J ,~ ~
_ _ _ _- - _
tutoring children in all desires
Office of Karl T. Kehrwieder
job 1225
elementary NeedsWest Chester
good Pk. to Sunset
subjects. All summer, any mands of waiting civilian and GI
supply 5115
Septic Tanks Cleaned
Odorless ExcavatinE
time after noon. Phone TRInity buyers, who want fast settlement. UJl\'liere. Anytime _ Lowe,t Prlees
7-5391. We also need rental properties and WM S RICKMAN
-'NY\'\ II

t:Ir .... ~ ~ •- -
..l- ~ _ _.. '.
Normally lawns should have an
application of'fertilizer at this time warning! Be sure 1.0 leave enough
Sofa & Two Chairs-$15
(4-l2-4-Vigoro) two pounds. per dandelions for next weekend-you
100 square feet, or sulphate of am- may need an excuse to be alone.
monia one pound per 100 square Note editors! the writer does not
versa <I like those words). One

__ apartments for an excellent class of . . ~ !Ii HARRIS CONVALESCENT feet. Do not apply )lnles you have care which party you put first.
MOVING AND HAULING tenants. Call Us fcr estimate of sale Phone West Chester 1~4 HOME had a really "drenching" rain or Write the Spare Time Gardener' •
_~ ... or rental v~?'::.no obligation...__ I~~~~~~=======' o..UT IT'~ ALL ON THE ~UD~CI:: ~ Licensed by State ... Recommend- are prepared to water cgpiously, at 202 North 21st St., Philadelphia
G PAINTING PAPERHANGING V '-J ;;;oJ ....rl'\ ~ ed by leading Physicians . . . for say $50.00 worth of water. 3, Pa,
t. KN~W
LIGHT HAULIN FOR ONE COMMlSSWllI . : aged, Chronic, Convalescent, Senile We can say one good word for the 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 ---"I' 1ll-lOSe


a > ' ... ~!
\ ...~~


Farrs$'ut 9-1429
, For Better Lawns
Lovelier Gardens
· ..

:"~ I PRESS 1Jr-

"... ~
C" C. V/~/'-// ~ (I
WITHOUT DRIVER GEORGE W. RICHARDS, tIR Beautify & Preserve Your Home
~I\ (/~, '~
toO 7-73S7 REAL'roR LO .7-Z0lK Prompt Service Free Estimates' . ----
CX'~.~ ,I ,/ III.rvi~1"
, / . +t...
- "'tiC.. '-'I "; PRINTING Th. Cultlvatod 01110.1.
Here Is Your. Opportunityl

GRANITE,4.7424 Mother
b d and daughter desire 1 or 2 ' -' ~.J.
'... / I ~_'-\.
J ;-/
~-9"-, ~~ . "~ -~
_Convenien~ ~ ~J '~..'
e room unfurnished apartment PAINTING A SPECIALTY l\\'l\' ':P- o.d I.COUI'llUO. arowth. Lawn Mower So! Garden Tractor
VETERANS with large vaiL Effici· by September. to train CARPENTRY W R
0 K
~ 1'" • HILLTop 8366 M LO 3-4864'
~8.aJ!! Sales & Service
~ I~olderll.
ent, courteous service, reasonabll' or transportation to tram. Under'- !;II! - _ Ask your Dealer.
rates. One piece or entire house $7,. GReenwood 3-2786. Exterior and interior Write for 113 N. Essex Ave., Narberth
Full or part loads, cargo Insured. BUWSlIsNheEStS ErXEen'tCIUTbIVEdr (wohman) JOS. E. McCABE, JR, t1 ~ Hyper-Humus Co, Narberth 4449
or night
land Ave PhiJa.service.
BE Wood.
6.1703 keepmgsapartment
0 - e , oom
In Cynwyd. orse-
,manent. Excellent references. Rent
Per- HILLTOP 1097.W
:::-:-::-.:==-::-:'",:' '.J...... • _ "'_. ~ ~ ~--::-

about $60 month.:...CynWYd ~3_0._ ~
! .'.
LIGHT HAULING-IN PiiILA. &: LIVING ROM, kitchenette, bed-
PAPERHANGING-Expert· work.'
manship reasonable prices. NO.

..E> . I'
For Your Garden Supplie.s It's
SUBURBS, ALSO SEASHORE room and bath, desired by middle job too Estimates cheertull
TRIPS. Reasonable rates by aged quiet refined widow. VicinIty given. THOMAS H BURRO~, ~~ ELEOrRI(J &: BADIO CO. HENRY A. DREER. INC•• 13 S. 16th St•• Phila.
NORTH CITY SERVICE. CH 7- of Narberth preferred. Phone, WA 136 OAKLEY RD;, BIGHLANDI' .- ~ - FOl'lest and Haverford Aves.
'7007, Ll 9-1620, TR 7-9978. 2·8700, 9 to 5. PARK. SUNSET 6161. --------------------,;,: NABBEBTB 2Z'l1
Becomes Bride In
Donna E~ Clement ~ ....
.' .

'. ,.... I~
'rhur••,Ju)y 14, 1949.
Sally I. Neely,.
Albert B. Nulty

Pittsburgh Rites Marry Saturday

Narberth Ctluple Exchange
Former st. DavidS Girl Is Wedding Vows At Nuptial
Married Saturday After- Mass In St. Margaret's
noon To William Lloyd
Watt Jr.
Miss Sally T. Neely, daughter of
A wedding of important .social Mr. and Mrs. John E. Neely of
interest took place Saturday after- Narberth, became the bride of Mr.
noon in Pittsburgh, when Miss Albert Barnes Nulty, son of' Mr.
Donna Elizabeth Clement, daugh- Albert H.' Nulty of Narberth and
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Theron BaH the late Mrs. Nulty, Saturday
Clement of Pittsburgh, formerly of morning in St. Margaret's Church.
In the Woods, st. Davids, became Mr. John P. Nulty, brother Of the
the bride of Mr. William J.,loyd bride, aerved as soloist.
Watt Jr., son of Mrs. Helena Mac- The Rev. James F. Toner, pas-
Iver Watt of Pittsburgh and Mr.
William Lloyd Watt of New York,
tor, performed the ceremony and 'Marry In J nne N nptials
in the Calvary Church. The 4 p.m.
celebrated a nuptial mass at 10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheble are shown shqrti1 aftel'
a.m. when the altar was ,banked
ceremony was performed by the wi~ White ~ladiolu8 and ferns.
their marriage which took place June 24 in the Br~ Mawr
Rev. Franklin Joiner, rector of St. The bride, who was escorted by Presbyterian Church. The bride is th~ :former MJsl
Clement's Church, Philadelphia, as-
sisted by the Rev. William W.
her father, wore a white summer Martha Claflin, daughte'r of Mrs. William M. Claofl'1n of
satin gown fashioned with a fitted Wynnewood. (Photo by Clarence Myers.)
L u m p kin, rector of Calvary bodice, a scalloped heart-shaped
Church. neckline edged with lace and a
Given In marriage by her father, tiny roll 'collar, modified leg-o-mut- James Evans Jr. To Wed
the bride wore a gown of Chantilly
lace, the bodice featuring an off
shoulder neckline outlined with
pearl beading and the skirt made
ton sleeves with tight wrist bands
and pUffs at the shoulders and a
full skirt that flared to form a
Wayne Girl Plans
train. Her fingertip' veil of illusion
Nov. 19 In Elkins Part
The marriag.e of Miss Margaret
Gage Rhoads, dalrlg.hter of M1\ and
In tiers and ending in a long train.
Miss Margaret Foxall Clement
acted as maid of honor for her
sister and the bridesmaids were
was draped from a, cap of the same
material and her bouquet tied with
white satin ribbons
white roses and white gladiolUS.
Autumn Wedding
Mrs. C. Brewster Rhoads of Chilo
ton, Huntingdon Valle.y~ 1lo Ml'.
James Daniel Evana Jr., son of Mr.
The early fall wedding of Miss and Mrs. Evans ol The She.des.
Mrs. George J.,. Stark, Mrs. George Miss Katherine Neely, who serv- Lavinia Ann Carothers, daughter of HavEtrford, will take place Novem-
Newlyweds Leave Ardmore Church Valentine Smith and Mrs. Charles
Francis Clements Jr., all of Phila-
ed as maid of honor and only at- Mrs. Richard Smallbrook McKinley ber 19 in St. Paul's Chunlh, Elkin.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauser Jones leave the First tendant for her sister, wore a two- of Wayne, to Mr, James Locke Park.
• Presbyterian Church of Ardmore, following their mar-
delphia; Miss Ann Fownes, Miss
Emily Heron of Pittsburgh; 'Miss toned gown featuring a fitted Yount, son of Mrs. Josephine Mc- A reception at Ohi'1ton wil)! folio,,"
flesh-colored lace ,bodice and a Corkle Yount of Washington and the oeremony.
riage June 25. Mr;;. Jones is the former Miss Ellen Mary McCreery Oates, Mrs. Helena bouffant aqua taffeta skirt. Her Newton, N. C., and the late Mr.
Louise Port, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robe'rt A. Port Watt Price and Mrs. Joseph D. half hat combined both materials Frederick Horace Yount, will take
McGinnis, sisters of the bride- and she carried' a. bouquet of yel- place Tuesday, September 6 in the GIRl. BORN TO MADTINS
of Ardmore. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. groom, also of Pittsburgh. Flower
Earl H. Jones, also of Ardmore. The couple are residing .Jaw roses and yellow carnations. Shadyside Presbyterian Church, Mr. and Mrs. Fran·kUn Martill
• girl was Nancy McGinnis•.
·Mrs. Neely. mother of the bride, Pittsbul'gh, instead of September 7, of Cynwyd, announce the birth of
in H;;tvertown. (Candid by Clarence Myers) All the attendants wore pique wore an orchla flowered gown on as originally planned. a daughter, Kathy Jeanne, July ~
dresses, made with off shoulder a white background .with white The bride's attendants will b~ in Women's Hospi1::a>l, :Philadel.
necklines and trimmed with velvet accessories and II. corsage of Mrs. ,John M. Yount at. Newton,-

..Therese Sellers Of Radnor ~

sashes. The honor attendant wore gardenias. Mrs. William Schroeder of Louis- Mrs. Mat'tin is the fomI,&I' Miss
an orchid shade and the brides- Ville, Ky.,' Miss Jean Clark and JllLne Roy Shand, daughtel! Qf MI7.
maids, powder blue. Their short Mrs. GeorgQ G. Hewitt (Photo by Charles V. Smeltzer). Mr. Joseph L. Kelly of Narberth Miss Margery Succop, hath of and MI'B. James Shand at Cynwyd.
served as best man while ushers Pittsburgh.
.Is Bride Of Hugh M. Parrish white tulle veils were arranged
with a velvet bow and they car-
ried bouquets of larkspur in varie- M. Arlene Albrecht Weds
were Mr. Edward Neely, brother Ushers will
of .the ,bride, and Mr. Edward Dix- fong Yount and Mt'. John M.
on, both of Narberth. Following a Yount, brothers of the bridegroom;
Mr. F. Wil-

Old St. Davids Church in Radnor was the scene of the gated colors.
George G. H~witt July 1
The flower girl wore a dress of wedding breakfast a.t the Oynwyd Mr. Harvey Lutz, MI;. Harper Cil-
~fashionable wedding' of Miss Therese Pauline Sellers, daugh- pale blue, featuring pUffed sleeves Lounge, the couple left for a wed- ley, all of Newton, Mr. Porter For AeCUtate
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leste'r Hoadley Sellers of Radnor, and and a trimmilfg of Irish lace. She ding trip. They plan to make their Scott and Mr. James B. Fleming, Prescriptions and
M~ ProD1pt

One of the first of the July brides was Miss Arlene home in Bryn Mawr. The bride is both of Pittsb\lrgh and Mr. Hal'r~
Lieutenant Hugh Morris Parish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh carried mixed flowers.
Mrs. Clement was attired in pale Albrecht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Alb'recht of a graduate of Lowell Merion High C. Yeatman of Columbia, Tenn.

Roberts Parish of Devon. Canon gray chiffon, trimmed with Alen- School, of which Mr. Nulty also is Mrs. John A. Sucoop of Pitf;s-
1Ernest C. Erp read the man:iage for three years before he joined con lace and a gray tuHe hat trim- General Green Farms, West Chester. formefly of Nazareth, a graduate. During World War IJ: burgh wiU entertain for members PhOne
he served for three years with the ~f the bridal party on September
ceremony Saturday at 4 in the the All' Force.·
med with lilies of the vaHey and who was married on the first day
flowers in orchil:!. tones. Her cor-
sage was camellias. Mrs. Watt of the month to Mr. George G. necklines, accordian pleated ber-
coral shade ma.de with off shoulde.r
navy. . 5, following the marriage rehearsal. ~'.i,.\j ~
, The bride, given in mal'l'iage by
her father, approached the altar in
a dainty white organdie gown de-
f;igned with a high neckline edged
Ardmore Couple chose blue
der .blue hat.
lace with a small pow- Hewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. :Harry thas and featuring green velvet
Hewitt of Ardmore in St. Paul's sashes around, the waist. They
Serving as best man was MI'. 'Lutheran Church, Ardmore. The carried cascade bouquets of pladi- Ruth P. Walker STORK VISITS WRENNS
Mi'. and Mrs. John H. Wrenn of
Ann Arbor. Mich., announce the
birth of a daughtel\ Alice Bromer
Shea's Drug Stole
Convenient Stores
Narberth 2-8-38-39
Marry Saturday
• with a rose point lace collar, long Thomas H. Collier. The- ushers nuptials were performed by Dr. can lilies and variegated foliage
sleeves ending on a froth .of 1ace
at her waist, and a bouffant skirt
I flaring into a slight train. Her face
WaS framed with a veil of the
were the Messrs. William J. O'- Albert C. Kanzinger, rector of the and wore matching headpieces.
Dell, Alan y. Clark, John Mohn,
Walter Lovett, Louis G. Klingen- church.
Both Mrs. Albrecht and Mrs.
The bride, who was escorted to Hewitt were attired in Navy blue,
Betty Colaiuta And Edward berg, Joseph D. McGinnis, Dr. J. the altar by her father, wore a the bride's mother with White ac-
Bride Of Doctor Wrenn, June 27.
Mrs. Wrenn is the former Miss
Catherine Brandes Bromer, daugh-
ter of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Brom-
Cynwyd '7950
TRinity '14602
same lace, an heirloom from her
• maternal great-great grandmother,
and she carried a formal bouquet
of White roses. I
DiPaolo Exchange Vows In Van
St. Coleman's
Sweringen Donaldson, Captain wedding gown of candlelight satin, cessories and a. corsage of tuberous
George Knox and Charles Francis fashioned with an off shoulder begonias and Mrs. Hewitt with
Clement Jr. of Philadelphia. neckline, featuring a scalloped ber- blue accessories and lavender or-
A reception at the home of the tha, long sleeves and a full skirt. chids.
In local Rites M.errill H. Woolmington Of
er of Bryn Mawr.

Miss Cynthia Parish, sisler of

n Dll -summer
the bridegroom, served as maid of Ardmore, Miss Betty Colaiuta: many. St.
bride's parents followed the cere-
Her long 'veil was arranged with Serving as best man was Mr.
a tight fitting lace cap and she George We.ber. Ushers were Mr.
Villanova Weds Brookline
Girl Saturday All Summer Apparel
,honor wearing flowered White 01'-
• gandie with a. bateau nec1,line, full
skirt· and an apple green sash ~~!f~~~~t~fo~lr~~~I~r~~~~~~~~ Douglas Wend'ell carried a white prayer book and C. Jay Albrecht Jr.• brother of the
white orchids with stephanotis bride, Mr. Luther M. Burton of
caught on long streamers. Ardmore and Mr. Frederick Martin In the presence of the immediate
matching her taffeta underskirt brIde of MI'. Edward J. DiPaolo
and slippers. Hel' headdress was a
son of Mr. and Mrs. James DiPaol~
Of W Wd Attending the bride as matron of of Ardmore.
honol' was Mrs. Eric J. Arenberg Following a reception at thil
families Miss Ruth Pltnce Walker
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Denzii
green band trimmed with pink' also of Ardmore. Father John
.?oses, the flowers of her forma,1 Ferry performed the marriage serv-
· bouquet. ice at 10 a. m. ayne e s of Stone Harbor, N. J. The Misses Cynwyd Club, Mr. Hewitt and his
Merle K. and Joyce S. Albrecht, bride left for a. wedding trip to the bride of Dr. Merrill H. Wool-
sisters of the bride and Miss Edna the poconos.
F. Walker of Brookline, became
mlngton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Mr. H. McKnight Black of Rad-
nor acted as best man to the bride- wore a gown of white satin styled
• groom, and ushers inclUded Mr. with a high neckline, beaded Peter
The bride, escorted by her f a t h e r , .
Hoffman of Narberth, were ,brides- They are residing at 424 Maple- Woolmington of Villanova, Satur-
maids. All wore faille dresses in a wood Ave., Narberth. day 'morning at 11 in the chapel of
the Bryn ·MawrPresbyteria.n

George Robinette of Wynnewood, Pan collar, fitted bodice with but- Chureh. The Rev. Dr. Rex Stowers ClOlled Saturdays
, Mr. J.,awrance A. Brown Jr. of Mal- atons to the waist, long sleeves and
fuH skirt. Her tuHe veil was Saturday afternoon in Morris-
Clements officiated at the ceremony. During July and August
vern, and Mr. Robert Tuma of held in place by a beaded crown town, N. J. nuptials, Miss Nancy Aceompanied by her father, the
Store Hours: 9:90 to 5:80
New York City. and she carried an old fashioned Bennett Carpenter, daughter of
]y.l:rs. Sellers' chose a flowered bouquet of gardenias.
• gown offset with a red velvet sash
Mr. John Tilney Carpenter of
Miss Jean Cola.luta. attended her Meanders, Morristown, and the late
UUain ..(1ne Chit Chat bride wore an ankle length frock
of delicate pink embroidered 01'-
gandie fashioned with a low oval
l'HONE ARD. 1811
and a large straw hat trimmed sister neckline, tiny puff sleeves and a
as matron of honol·. The Mrs. Ruth Gardiner Carpenter, be- bouffant skirt. A garden party hat II.
with red velvet flowers. The bride-
.. groom's mother selected a blue bridesmaids were Miss Jean Di- came the bride of Mr. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Schultz of Ocean City, N. J., where her sister and mitts of. matching orgal\die II
P~oIO, sister of the bridegroom, Cary Wendell Jr., son of Mr. and Ardmore, have returned to . their Flora is also spending several and a little bouquet of pink and
chiffon ensemble and a blue hat.
Following a reception at the MISS Eleanor Colaiuta, cousin of Mrs. Douglas Cary Wendell of
the bride, Miss Jennie Gianguilo Wayne, in St. Peter's Episcopal home after a vacation trip in
home of the bride's parents for and Miss Nellie Forlano, both of Church. The Rev. Cornelius P. Mexico and California.
the immediate families and a few Ardmore.
• " "
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Smith of
white summer ·bloll.llomll completed
her ensemble.
Mrs. Wil1lam Kennedy of Hart-
friends, the young couple left for
Trowbridge united the couple in • Wynnewood and Mr. and Mrs. ford, Conn., wearing 1J. blue mar-
All wore marquisette dresses matrimony at 3:30.
a honey moon at Cape May. They with low round necklines. featUl'ing
Mrs. Samuel C. Ewing of Cynwyd James J. Ward of Germantown re- quisette gown, served as matron of
The bride, who was escorted to Is spending the month of July at
will make their home at San An- a ruffled border and full skirts ruf- the altai' by her father wore a Ocean City as house guest in the turned !o their home last week fol- honor and only attendant to the
tonio, Texas, where Lt. Parish is fled from the waist. The honor at- gown of White taffeta and a veil of summer home of her sister, Mrs. lowing a 1Q-day motor tri'p of New ·bride, and Mr. William Kennedy
) stationed at Randolph Field. .England and Canada. acted as best man to the bride-
tendant wore a lavender shade, two rosepoint lace held in place by a Helen M. Boone of New York.
The bride is a graduate of Ship- bridesmaids, pink and two aqua. spray of white bouvardia. She car- • • groom. Special For
ley School. Her husband served in Large hats to match their dresses ried a bouquet of Eucharist lilies. • Mr. and Mrs. lames Ewing of Mrs. Walker attended the nup-
. Mr. and'Mrs. Ellwood I. Beatty of tia.ls in a navy blue chiffon model
• the Marines, with overseas .duty, and old fashioned bouquets com- Maid of honor for her sister was Cynwyd were the guests for several Righters MII1 Rd" Gladwyne, have and a blue hat, and the bride-
pleted their outfits. Miss Pen e lop e Carpenter. The days of Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor returned home from several weeks'
Serving as best man was Mr. bridesmaids were the Misses Vir- Chew of Drexel Park at their sum- stay at Cape Cod, Mass.
Romeo Cordone of Ardmore. Ushers ginia Smith, Cynthia SIUith, Ann mer home at Stone Harbor, N. J.
... groom's' mother chose a sheer
gown of pale grey.
were the Messrs. James DIPaolo Wendell, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Beatty is president of the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fa.rrier and At the conclusion of a recep-
and Henry Gianguilo' of Ardmore, and Carroll Winslow of Summit, National Women's Squash Associa- son, Paul Jr., of Kenilworth, Ill.• tion and wedding breakfast at the
will arrive tomorrow to spend sev- Aronimink Country Club the
Bill Hopkins of Virginia and Joe N. J. AH. wel'e attired in pale gray tion.
DiLorenzo of Havertown. gowns With coral picture hats and .. .. .. eral days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. neWly-married pair left for 1J. trip

A breakfast at the home of the carried gladioli.
bridegroom for the families fol-
Mrs. Stoddard Martin of Oakford
Mr. F. Stoddart Smith 3d of Rd., Ardmore, if;' visiting in Jack- Merion Park.
lowed the ceremony. In the after- Montclair, N. J. served as best son, Mich" where she will be join-
C. C. Bowman of Hamilton Rd., to the Adirondack Mountains. On
.. .. their return they will make their
home in Villanova.
as low as 10.00
~ noon at 3 a dinner was held at the man. The ushers were the Messrs. ed by Mr. Martin later in the Miss Amy McKay of Radnorf and The bride is a graduate of Hav-
In All Brancltes bride's house and a reception for Elbert B. Owen Jr. of New York; month. Miss Joan Armstrong of Wynne- erford High School and Simmons
Why not keep cool this Smnmer?
ROBERT H. relatives and friends followed in Bolton Morris, John B. Trout and
the evening at 7:30. Franklin Reeve of Basking Ridge
• "
wood, sailed on the Queen Mary College' in Boston, and her hus-
band, who is at present resident • " • Let us cut and r.eshape J1i)U!I' hair
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Sutcliff and recently for a. two months' tour of
D E If If I S
10 _ 12 SPRING AVE,
Upon their return from a wed- .N. J.
ding trip on the Chesapeake Bay
~f Maryland, the young couple wll1 ed the ceremony.
A reception at Meanders follow-
' daughter, Carol Ann of Ardmore Europe. They will l'eturn in Sep- physician at Wills Hospital in
will vacation shortly at Snow HI11, tember. .. . .
Philadelphia, is an alumnus of
Haverford High School, Cornell $1. 50
Phone ARDl.\'IORE 5886 !lve at 836 E. Spr1ng Ave., Ard- Upon their return fl'Om a wed- Md.
• • . University and the University of
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fur- Pennsylvania School of Medicine. No Appointment Necessary
=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~o~r~e:..... _~ ....:... ding trip, Mr. Wendell and his Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Wolfe long Jr. and their sons, Thomas F.
bride will reside in Bryn Mawr.
formerly of Bryn Mawr, will cele- Furlong 3d and Edward J. Fur-
n • n m • •
rr m brate their 64th wedding anniver- long 2d, will, sail Saturday on the
Dr. and Mrli!. Elwood O. Horne 367 LANCASTER AVE.
Localites Sail sary tomorrow. They are present- Queen of Bermuda for a stay of of Worcester, Mass., announce
ly living wdth their daughter and two weeke at the PrincllSs, Hamil- the birth of a dallghter, Lynne

son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright ton, Bermuda.. Their daughter, Hartwell Horne, June 25.
.. .
Jones of Swarthmore. Miss Barbara Jane Furlong wl11 Mrs. Horne is the former Miss

Partiliularly ul.ful for contemporary Iiv-

For Europe Today Wayne Woman To Chaper- at Lake Shehawken, Pa, and' Rye,
leave tomorrow for Milwaukee, to Dorothy Louise Schock, daughter

. .. .
Mr. and Mrs. S. Earle Reifsnyder spend t)Vo weeks with her great- of Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Earl
of Ardmore, will spend part of July aunt, Miss Agnes M. Furlong. Schock of Overbrook. I

'"9' Por four people when alosed, it .x- on 14 Girls From Younger
N. Y.
• . Milill Joan Harlan. daughter of
tend, to SlOt eight. Solid walnut inl".armly Mr. and Mrs. "William 1. Mac- mont,. will leave tomorrow for a
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roser of Rose- ,.~.~
meUow tone. Set Carter Jr. and daughter, Gloria of month's vacation in Ocean City,

Chaperoned by Mrs. Langdon HlI1brook, Ithan. have opened their Md. .
Caskln of Wayne, 14 girls from lodge, G10marmac at Skytop in
the poconos, where they wl11 re-
.. .. ..
the Main Line .younger set are Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Halber-
sailing today on the S. S. Britannic main until Septembel' ·15.
. . .. stadt and her sons, John and Glen,
for a tour of Europe.

34"x40"x~O'!." H-Cloud
Mrs. J. Clifford Rosengarten of have 'returned fl'om a two-weeks'
The gl'OUP, which will make its Haverford, Is occupying her sum- stay at Ship Bottom, N. J.
first stop in England, includes Miss mer place, Highland Lodge at .. .. .
14"x64·'x301f." H-open
Helen Knode, Miss Cintra Carter Watch Hill, R. 1., .for the season. Miss Janine Braun, daughter of
11115 WALNUT sUtET, PHILA., PA. Miss N. Haviland, Miss JosePhin~ .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braun of Barr ~ ,. --.......,. .,t.IIhd·
May be a,d.,od th,ough your DOIora'", Dexter, the Misses Helen and
___ • • a
Tho Spr.ad Eagl., lincoln Hwy., Slraflo,d, Po.
Roberta McVey, Miss Sabine Mc- Mr. and ~rs. John Hopkins and Lane, Gladwyne, spent the week-
• 00
Clure, Miss Lucy Marsh, Miss Joan John Hopkms Jr. of Wyn!1:ewood, end as the house guest of her ~ !.a e\w(....d . . .IA'~
Robertson, Miss Linda Surr; Miss. are at Prouts Neck, Me., until after cous,ln, Miss Betty Jean Weir,
~,G'<GWIA ~A.
Carolyn Barthol!, the Misses Bar- Labor .Da ...
bara and Ruth Dieble, and Miss
y • "
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron I. Sanson 3d
daughter of
Weir of Hatboro.
Mr. and Mrs.
R. J.,eon

• •

r ;"I"""
. . .'

Betsy Annesly. of Rosemont, are occupying their
After an interlude of sightseeing summer home at Cape May, N. J. ofMr.337andCherry
.. ..
Mrs. M. Milton Connell
J.,ane, Merwood ...·~iJ;·... ~~:'~ ..
alWi social entel'tainment in Lon- Park, With son, M. Milton Connell
don and Oxfoi'd, they wlll leave for Miss Elsie D. Cresswell, daughter Jr., and daugllter, Judy, have 're- . , . "'iiJ':
Switzerland, where they wll1 visit of MI'. and Mrs. Donaldson Cress- ... 8s;J"~I.I':Uea&""to;
_ILL Interlaken, Geneva, Montreux:' and well of Crowden, Bryn Mawr, has
turned from a two week's vaca-
Lucerne. The next schedUled stop sailed to spend the summer in tion in Cresson, visiting Mr. Con- CJD'~~~.
The Terrace is now open for Luncheon,
will be the Italian Riviera, follow- Denmark. :
ed by visits to J.,ake Como, V;enice,
Florence and Rome.
.. • ..
Miss Jeanne Salimeo of Philadel-
In Rome the party will have a phia, formerly of Gladwyne, re-
nell, and other
" " ..
nell's mother, Mrs. James H. Con-
Mrs. Fr"nk J. McGovern. of 300 ...i .";;;;.~

Cocktails, Oinner and' Supp~r. Reservations private aUdience wltll His Holi- turned home recently after a three Cherry Lane, Merwood Park, gave
a surprise stork shower for Mrs.
ness, Pope Plus XII. weeks' vacation in Reno, Nevada,
are suggested for the dinner hour. Two weeks' travel in Italy will where she was the guest of Mrs. James McCoy of 306 Chen'y Lane,
Call Bryn Mawr 9237 . prelude a trip by prviate coach J.,. K. J.,uce and her son, William Merwood Park, a recent. Friday

evening. Guests participating were

to France. where after stops at E. Luce, formerly of Narberth.
.HAVERFORD & CONESTOGA ROADS Nice and Monte Carlo, the girls " " .. the Mesdames. Joseph Barbano,
BRYN MAWR, PA. ~11l be pre-arrangement join many Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Oompton of John Schmidt, Walter Simmons,
of their friends In Paris for eight Merion, entertained at a dinner Thomas Fitzpatrick, Ronald Mo- • au


days of sightseeing and shopping. party on July Ii in honor of their watt, Hugh Colllgan, Eugene
The party wlll sall for home on daughter, Marjorie, who celebrated Compton, WIlli a m
the Mauretanla, August 31, and will her 21st birthday. Marjorie wlll Frank X. Myen Sr., all of Mer-
arrive in New.York, September 6. leave Saturday for a vacation a.t·
wood Park. l.--------------------------------------.

Shop The Suburban ,Way Apd Save' ,

. 4r Thur.day, July 14, 19~9 Contagious Diseases

In Haverford Twp.
Nine new cases ot contagious In Our Mid - Summer
diseases were reported In Haver-
ford township last week, the board
of health revealed,
Included were tour cases of
measles, three of mumps and two
of German measles. This brlI\gs
the total cOIltaglous diseases to
date to 791,

••••• A PLAN '... with the popular shawl collar.

The smartest, coolest, most com- formel'Iy
fortable garment for dinner and
FOR THAT EMERGENCY evening formality. We have them
in frosty white.
x ... In ConftdellC8
Store Ja Salet,
Now 22.50
Important changes in personal aft'airs frequently
requi're special'assistance. If you must store any of
your furniture, or if you are moving to a new home
Many Other Re'ductions on Summer Apparel
nearby or to another city, you are faced with an
immediate ,problem.
But not under the Ryan and Christie plan-our spe- Shuffleboard Captures Debs' Interest At Eagles Mere

~k I
. eialized service which simplifies all moving opera- This sextet of debs of the current season were snapped by the cameraman during
tions, keeps down'costs and saves our patrons much a close match of shufflebonrd, while at a recent weekend party at FO'l'est Inn, Eagles
Mflre, Pa. They are left to right, Carol Horan, Helena Tie'l's, Libby Hill, Joanna Tur-

time and effort.
ner, Ruth Kindt and Sue Wallworth of Bryn Mawr. '
When you. need us, this Company is p're'pared for
. any moving or storage emergency-today or at any COUIlcil.. ItheTheHealth and Welfare Council.
time in the future. Write us, or just telephone Bryn
Mawr 2300. We provide nation-wide or local service.
Agent - Allied Van Lines
Rev. Haney Name AIlnouncement of the appoiIlt-
mont was made by Robert M. My-
ers,. ex.ecutive se~retary of the
Mam Lme Federation of Churches,
Rev.MI'. HaIley. whois
a member of the executive com-

mittee of the Main Line Federation 835 Lancastel' Avenue BRYN MAWR
T0 Advisory Group ,The family division advisory
committee meets to discuss poli-
cies. procedures and standards for
The Rev, James M. Haney. past- family casework agencies through-
of Churches. will serve for a term
of two years on the advisory com-
Open Monday to
For Your
Shopping Convenience
Open Mon.-Wed.·Fri.
or of RadIlor Methodist Church, out Philadelphia, Montgomery and A gift tha.t lasts 52 weeks ••• Eves. Until 9 p.m.
Saturday .. ,9 to 6
bas been elected to membership on Delaware counties. The Main Line
the family divisioIl advisory com- Federation of Churches. a family
a YI.'lJ,r's subscription t~ the
Times. Only $2 In Montgomery
County, $2,59 elsewhere.
mittee of the Health and Welfare I casework agency, is a member of
. ¢tji.! L. •

P!UCBS BBDUCEO TO %' . . . 11M( . . . . . fIf . . ·. . . . . . . . . . . -

lit . . . . ~ WtMat ]1041 tee . .
. . t.r
,..,... kl IftGM
I 'wa . . •
",-,I.,ed ••• yotI1I haM to . . . .
)1041'. not dNa...",,! YCMI •
.. baf90ill oftoer bot'goM-~ pt"k- ..
• We .... intllied eyery floor ..... • ~ 011 tap-**" t.o-c hM' ,.
ecHI ,..,.... houe ~ .....
...... II our store II titis let • • .. . . . . . .....,,( ,..,
.. • fa ..Ai ....... iiiC -..ct..,...
~ tor a .....
hr ....
• _ old lett . . • e¥try deltOn-
......... al kia. of _lil,oes • . OfF REGULAR PRICES JlISt a I4mtted NW of ...... f~
brand nome slllitH! Mode'ft,
mapfe ond other styles. Alt ricMv
uphol5t~red to beautify your home!

139 .
In;., tM _:uri._1 011 . . . , at . . . q. CI
~ fw ~( ~ t8f1m&.

. yoet ~ cit a-'1Gtec' . . .

Oil' Of. . . .
Ia....., .......... ~
)'OM' . . . . . ...,.. 011 CMIf

A real Buy! Prices begin at o"Iy-

Sturdily constructed of tap-grade

, . . __ of either me40l or Smartly upholstered in designs and materials! Your choice of table Clnd
wood "' .... stlOftgly cons-trl6Cted colors that are very eye-pleasing! A four choirs in chrome or in filtely
he! 'VCMI COIl ecMi't¥' afford MwJt wide selection of oomrortable li-Mg finished wood. A real bargain INI,!
~...." bed ftOIIf. Uofited
'-c,· -.I
', ..,......, "'"*-
*' real room cthoiee. Yl)Itf choice ior- Rfodt's low pl'kes stol't eM- •

w- .....
TIIlI ............

Modern oak! Maple! Walnut!

Period! Many styles by many
Here i5 an opportunity for Big Sov-
ings! Comfortable sofa bed or couch
by day ... at night .•• a touch of the
11'I of .........
tobh laMPS ot M",,* dot
Modem, gms, t.roH and ......"
,.....! '.
manufacturers! Each crafted of ha nd and ••• presto! Perfect sleep. ma"¥ for yOll to c~OOte ffOM'!
select woods designed to last for Dual purpose furniture shirting at- At tow prioce I'Oft98I it~ eM-
yea rs! Come-see! On~y-

__"; ' ' ' ' ' ' :' ' ~" .' ' ' ~.' i':'TI~:-. . ;:]~l!1~ !]U.
5 Gliders At AGreat Cl'earanc'e Saving SPECIALl AXMINSTER BROADLOOM Grllt 8IyI II Fine B....om s.les
Beautiful, luxurious,' rich' looktng Nev.r before have we oHered 10

The sweltering days aren't over

~ tiPt to protect thoee items Axminster Broadloom made to lost much for so Ittde. You'll agree too
yo.'" olways eIlerillledllor.P t'OOMY
storoge JPCICL lOIN' choice of
yet! . Rut • • • one of these
gli<lets wil help you to stand the
for years and yeers. Your choice
of Hooked or 18th Century pat-
50 whQIlY04l see the" ~Med
bdt'OOM growpl goMg at· tit. .
fi,,"" -, ,I

1ItOdertI, period or Il1Q9Ie ft..leol' heat•••• Smartly finished in
baked-Oil enamel.
terns, In blue or tan. Cut to your
spe4:ificatMIns from 12 ft. rook. SQUARE YARD
amHiftgty low priGes. As low en-
,..... PftceI-.-
, . . . . S... _fOWM 11 to 25 West Main Street • POTPS'fOWN, IIgh and Charlotte Shets • JIftlltffOWN, . . Jerk ~ • !NIP PIttAYS IImL 9 P. M.
1 ?!
, "

I the various c;1epartments, Mrs. Bible School To Open
"Bible School Plans
was held at the Baptist Church
with the cooperation of the Metho-
dist and Presbyterian Churchea
Whll enrolled their Sunday school
Vacation School Gloria Jean Foster of Hollywood,
Calif., sang The Lord'. Prayer by
Malotte. Dr. Rex Stowers Cle-
ments, mlnls'ter of the Presbyterian
Devotions On Sunday
At Gladwyne Church
Thursday, July 14, 1949
Life and Light of Man u hill .....
'. Closing Exercises members for the sessions.
Attending the exercises will be
the Rev. Frank H. Rose and the
Holds Closing Church, spoke to tre group and Church school at 9:415 a.m. will man text.
the Rev. J. Arthur Younger, pas- open devotion. Sunday In Glad-
tor of the Saints Memorial Baptist wyne at the First Presbyterian Shenandoah National park.

In Gladwyne Monday Rev. Gladstone Holm. Planned for
the evening Is an exhibition of the.
Exercis~s Friday
Church took part In the opening Church of Lower Merion, where
·;i°IA.laS the RAv.. Frank H. Rose, minister,
wl11 occupy the pUlpit during the
In Virginia covers 198;4'72.95
Marc than 50 children, from tod- work accomplished at the classes
• dlers to teen - agel'S, will partici- and recitations and singing by the
morning service. Times classified advertl.inK
83 Out Of 173 Receive Per-
pate in exercises marking the close
. of daily vacatioin Bible school in
Gladwyne at 8 p.m. Monday In the

Carlsbad Cavems, in New Mex~

fect Attendance 'Certifi-
cates At Services In Bryn
Narberth Church Mr. Rose has chosen Jesus, the Ketti resultll! Call Ardmore.4800.

Names Delegates'
Gladwyne Baptist Church. leo, is the largest underground lab-
1 . The school, which has been con- rynth yet discovered.
ducted since July 5 under the di-
l'ectlon of the Rev. Joseph Brehn, Shop the Suburban Way
M~wr Presbyterian Chapel
With a total registration of 173
and certificates for perfect atten-
dance given to 83, the Community
Vacation Bible School sponsored by
the seven churches of Bryn Mawr
To Bible Conf.
and Rosemont, held closing exer- The Narberth Pre s b y tel' ian

clses last Friday evening in the Church wll1 have two representa-
Chapel of the Bryn· Mawr Presby- tives at the Tri-State Bible Con-
COMBINES terian Church. ference to be held at Camp Dela-
Dr. B. L. Scott, dean of the ware near Trenton, N. J., beginning
scho/')I, announced that 21 differ- Saturday alld continuing until July
ent churches were represented in 23. They are Robert Drennen and

CLASSIC BEAUTY' the registration of boys and girls

between the ages of 4 and 17 years
of age. Ardmore, PhlJadelphla,
Wayne, Brookline and Manoa
Carl Getty.
ThIs conference is one of a :Ier-
ies open to the young people of
the church this summer. There is
and churches and church .schools, sent also a larger church conference
students, as did one church in program for the entire family
Washington, D.C. The school, which includes Bible conferences in

MODERN FUNCTION which opened June 20 was held

Monday through Friday .for three
Each of the departments had a
place on the program. The begln-
Stony Brook, L. I .• N. Y.; Seneca
Hills, Franklin, Pa.; Sandy Cove,
Md.; American Keswick. Keswick
Grove, N. J.; Old Mm, Brandamere,
Pa. and Trl-State In Haverford.
10 make Ihe world's finesl

ners, under the supervision of Mrs. The Narberth church uses these
Robert L. Shank, assisted by Mrs. summer conferences as a means

Velletian Blillds!
Clara Matthews, Winnie Ingram to increase the spiritual well-being
., , :.".:.:.."..:..: : '
and Marjorie Shank, had a regls- of its members and friends
Shown above are members .of the Methodist Youth tration of: 44 boys and girls, 4 and throughout the summer months.
Caravan which will visit the Bala-Cynwyd Methodist 5 years of age and 19 perfect rec- The Second Annual' Church Con-
ords., 'the primary group, super- ference wl1l be held October 15 and
Church for a week beginning Satu·rday. They are, back vised by Mrs. E, Foster Hammonds 16 at Spring Mountain House in Have Your Portr.ait Taken Nowl
row, Gene Connely and Decara Adams; front row, Mari- with Ehrlean Parks, Phylls Jones, Schwenksville, Pa. The entire
lu Nashel, Margaret Jones and Nancy Black. Christine Powell and Phylls Bell as church is expected to participate Come see why so many people J_sr ONI Of OM
assistants, was composed of 70 in this conference. CM'e delighted willi oar Jean TYP1CAL SAVINGS

Youth Caravan To Come

youngsters, 6, 7, and 8 years old
had 34 perfect recol'ds. The 'jun-
iors, directed by Mrs. Evans ·L.
This Sunday at 9:45 a.m. James
Ferris, one of the church deacons,
will speak to the young people of
SardolJ portraits! Come take
advantage of the wonderful 2 5x7
Morrison, assisted by MI's. Lyman the Sunday School, continuing a
To B-C Church Saturday M. Hatton, Ehrlean Parks and
Louise Scott had a resgistration of
41 cnildrenbetween the ages of
series of studies based on the sub-
ject, How We .Get Our Bible. A
film strip entitled The Getting of
saving$ we offer this week'

Nltappohltlnettt is·~:.-,~_. . .

Caravan Wee}" six days of worship, study and recrea· 9, 10 and 11 years and a perfect Our Bible will also be shown.
tion, under the joint sponsorship of the Methodist Youth record of 20. The Rev. George C. The Rev. Robert J. Lamont, pas-
Lurwick supervised the Intermed- tor, will preach on The Gospel and
Fellowship and a visiting Methodist Youth Caravan Team, iate department with the aid of the Fellowship at the regUlar Sunday
Strawbridge' & Clothier
will be hela at the Bala Cynwyd Methodist Church, beginning
Saturday and continuing until July 23, according to L.
Rev. James M. Haney and Robert
J. Smith and this group of 18 young
people had 10 perfect records.
Imorning worship at 11. At the New
Life Hour service at 7:45 p.m. his
subject will be The Heart that
Main Line Men's Store - Ardmore
Thomas Moore Jl'., student assist- _:In~~a~d~dl~·t~io~n~t~o~t~h:e~p~ro~g~I::'a~.m~~o~f
~P~l~e~a~se:S~G:o~d:, ~~~~~~~~~~~:::::_=,~_-====-~~~~:::~~~~~~~
ant pastaI' and youth director. the fall, in preparation for the -
The Methodist Youth Caravan Christian ministry; Decara Adams
PI'ogram is a project of Methodist of Rayston, Ga., who is counselor ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOP FRIDAYS 12 NOON TO 9
youth, under the dil'ection of the of the caravan, has taught English
Board of Education of the Metho-
dist ChuI'ch. Since its beginning
lege and Reinhardt Junior College,
in 1938 the program has trained both in Georgia; Marilu Nashel of -
and sent caravans into nearly all Burke, S. Dakota, the intermediate
parts of the United States and also worker of the Caravan is 20 years
into CUba, Hawaii, Poland, Czecho- old and a sophomore at Iowa State
slovakia, Switzerland, Belgium, College, where her major course
Norway, Sweden and North Africa. is Zoology; Margaret Jones of Ma-
In 10 years, 3,323 young people and
adults comprising 699 Caravan
dison, Wis., is a senior in the Mu-
sic School of the University of
teams have served. •
Your choice of a wide range of decorative colors ..• A typical caravan is usually com-
Wisconsin, where she is majoring SUBURBAN SQUARE· ARDMORE
in organ and music. She will stress
posed of two young men, two
beautifully finished ~luminum slats ... so satin;. young women and one adult coun-
the work with the seniors and old-
er youth. The final member of the
selor. Youth members are under
smooth they clean like a dream! Designed to give 24 years of age, have completed at
Caravan is Nancy Black of Clear-
watel', Fla., a senior at Weslyan
you the utmost in light and air control and smooth; least two years of college. or have College in Macon, Ga., where her
had equivalent experience. Adult major subjects are religion and
quiet operation. Foolproof mechanism enclosed in members are experienced in the sociology. She will conduct her
direction of Christian youth work. work during the afternoon work-
matching headbox ... automatic stop. They'll give All serve without pay and go shop. periods and is the one mem-
where they are sent. ber of the group who was privi-
your windows that custom-fitted look you've ad-· Members Of Caravan
ledged to Caravan in Cuba during
mired so much in othe'r homes. Attractive prices on The members of the Bala-Cyn- the summer of 1948.
wyd Caravan are Gene Connely of These young people have recent-
all sizes. Come in today or., .. Parsons, Kan., who is .19 and ex- ly finished ten days of Intensive
pects to enter Baker University In training at the Williamsport Cara-
v~!1 tr~ining, ct;mter. Here, they
Call for FREE Estimate Wanted: Good Home For Pets!
were given baSIC training in all
phases of the Methodist Youth

DOGS ~~~~
Fellowship program and specific
Store Open Mondays and Fridays Until 9 P.M. training in two or more phases.'
te)- They are taught to work with all
Other Days Until 5 P.M. and CATS ~~ ~ . age groups within the Youth F,el-
". ~
lowship. Eaving completed this
training they are sent to local

HOBSON $2.00
Methodist churches, spending one
week in each of seven churches.
To Aid Youth Program


S. P. C. A.
At the Bala-Cynwyd church they
will endeavor to give direction and
leadership to the development of a
The Home of Fine Furnitw·e ... for Your Home youth program which' fulfills the
Sandy· Bank Road Media ideals and purposes of the Metho-
1015·19 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR dist Youth Fellowship. The Cara-
l\Iedia 6-1370 van will make personal Visits, in-
teJ.:pret the youth work of the
charch to ciVic leaders, lead in-
SEMI-ANNUAL S'l'ATEMENT formal stUdy classes and forums
in the afternoons, assist in initiat-
OF ing work projects, give suggestions
f?r worship services, direct recrea-
tIon and explain the churCh litera-
BRYN ~li'\Vlt TRUST t;O~IPANY ture. The counselor will lead the
adults who work With the youth,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. parents and other interested per-
AS OF JUNE 30, 1949 I Mr. Moore, youth director at the
: Bala-Cynwyd church, has carried
the youth program right through
RESOURCES July with meetings scheduled every
Sunday evening. Last Saturday 35 of
the young people were the guests
Cash on Hand and in Banks $2,060,983.18 of MI'. and Mrs. loseph R. Wether-
aId at their summer home in Vent-
U. S. Government Securities 9,144,284.19 nor, N. J. Sunday night a week
ago, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lach-
Other Investment Bonds 337,631.45 man entel'tained the youth at their
home in Bryn Mawl'. One 01' two
Loans and' Discounts 1,012,732.03 other outings al'e being planned
during the Caravan's Visit.
F. H. A. Mortgages 2,238,347.64 At least 10 of the Bala-Cynwyd
Methodist youth will leave for a
Veterans Insured Mortgages 373,512.13 week long institute on the grounds
of the Pocono Plateau Christian
Conventional Mortgages 640,259.72 Ass?ciatlon near. Cresco, Pa., fol-
lowmg the Caravan's visit on JUly
Bank Building 255,000.00
Other Real Estate $1,275,00) None Shadow-eool
Less Reserve
Title Insurance Reserve Securities
1,275.00) None
Special Music Shadow-dark

Uther Assets 54,875.84 Service Sunday
Special music will be provided BLACK SHEERS
$16,229,287.53 by David S. Bahner of the Phila-
delphia Conservatol'y, of Music dUl'-
ing the 11 a.m. worship service
LIABILITIES , this Sunday in the Meeting House A. Maternity dress with top of black shirred rayon chiffon over flesh color. Bejewelled
of the Lower Merion Baptist buttons of mock pearl odd sparkle. The rayon crepe skirt has snap adjustments under
Church of Bryn Mawr.
Capital Stock (Preferred $ 250,000.00 Mr. Bahner, who is a trombonist, the belt. Sizes 10 to 18. 16.95
will play Jerusalem by Parker and
Capital Stock (Common 250,000.00 Somewhere. a Voice is Calling by
Tate. The pasta I', Dr. B. L. Scott, B. Two,piece block sheer rayon crepe dress, exclusively ours. Smart sleek jacket
Surplus, Profits and Reserves 602,235.76 will preach a scrmon entitled This
Matter of Faith and Miss Ruth has hip tucks, flashes of glitter buttons. Sizes 12 to 20, 16.95
Reserve fo'1' Federal Income 'fax . 73,150'.72 George will be at the organ fol-
lowing a short vacation.
Reserve for Retirement of Prefel'1'ed Stock 13'5,000.00 The Bible School, under the di-
rection of Robert L. Shank, gener- C. Junior's dress frosted with white applique flowers front and back an sheerest
Other Liabilities 11,095.90 morning program at 9:30 at the black rayon marquisette and rayon crepe. Sizes 9 to 15'19.95
el superintendent, will open the
Deposits 14,907,805.15 Lancaster Avenue Chapel. Follow- SECOND flOOR
ing this period the church bus pro-
$16,229,287.53 vides transportation to the Meeting D. Cool black rayon sheer dress with ladylike lace in slimming diagonal panels.
During Mr. Scott's August vaca- Perfect foil for every occasion, any accessory. Sizes 14 to 20. 9.98
Joseph J. Esrey Gordon M. Burlingame tion leave,the mid week services
DeHaven De\'elln which are held at. the chapel each THIRD flOOIt
Executive Vice President & Vice Pl'csldent &
President & Trust Olflcer Wednesday evening at 8, will be
Treasurer 'Title Omcer under the direction of the Board E. Mist·thin black rayon chiffon over separate rayon taffeta slip with snap-in straps for
of Deacons. Lcaders' during' the
William R. l\[ooney
month will be Mrs. Chal'lesL. complete wearing-ease. Pretend-jewel buttons, soft hip tucks. Sizes 14% to 24~·19. 95
Chairman of the Board France. Aug. 3; Mrs. J. Walter
Matlack, Aug. 10; Robert L. Shank, SECOND flOOR
Aug. 17; Frank B. Espenshade,
, Member - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Aug. 2.4 and Mrs_ Clayton D. Rich-
'- .-1 ards, August 31.' ..
A Complete, Convienent, Shopping Center Ardmore


'1:::1. $D'8a!ltim~r~::e:uenfng ' : ~

_'$2~ $38 . W,'_
Leave For Wedding Reception II dorothy·r. hullltt, iDe. ,~,: ~~
Mr. and Mrs. Carnes Weeks Jr. are shown in the car
which took them to the reception following their mar-
riage June 25 in the Church of the Redeemer, Bryn
P.~lda. PJa-
an&G•••_ _ A_
:;: :'';::;:
',':'. ~:=

Mawr. The bride is the former Miss Patricia d'Herent I loth shops afr.condffiorted for your rIropping pIea",r. :;, ~; ::;:~
: ~ ..~~:":
Severn, daughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Severn
of The Walled Ga'eden, Haverford. Mr. Weeks is the son
of Dr. and Mrs. \Veeks of Carmel I-lill Farm, Woodbury,
OF' lit
liiiillfi!lillill!llllHl!1lillRlllllltllll!illllllll1lllll!l!lft/lllllilllllllll!ll._il,,;: :~:::::"
_----------.. r"-----------,. · . ;;,,'-.'-~~:
F or I as t rng

Conn. (Candid by Ed Jackson( ,:~~<'. ,~~'

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Reiss of Store D·ISPIays' Oronge Juice Cup • ~ .-'. $3.50
Sterling SIlver Child's Cup •••• $8.50
Sterling Sijver Porringer •••• $10.0()
Baby Spoon and Fork Set. $3.75
'Summer Beauty~:~'
A permanent performed
.,2600 Hirst Terrace and t1.1eir .son,.,
with Perfectionist ..~_.
Steve, went to La Guardia Field,
I·rlshTreasures F.d.r.' r•• lnclud.d

New York City, last week, to meet Pride. . . ,/':3,."" ,~.~.;
The ideal gift for little folks ••• so useful
their daughter, Mrs. James Mich- .....'"

ael Bonner Jr" who flew from 1 today, so treasured tomorrow. Visit our Silver Depart.
Caracas, Venczula. They stayed at ment and see our complete line of baby tableware. There
the New Yorker until Sunday. Loan Exhibit From Dublin
are many pieces to select from in a wide range of prices.
Shop the Suburban Way Museum, Products Of To-
day Feature Display
Flowers ...
Conveniently Located
A display of Irish treasures,
i many old and rare, together with
examples of Ireland's present-day
For the Finest in Tailored Clothes
65 St. James Place
appropriately arra.n~ed
To greet the blessed
. ..
industrial skill, opened yesterday Jewelers Since 1886 Newcomer and to ex-
for a week in Strawbridge & Cloth- press your congrat- ~
ier's eighth floor auditorium. ARDMORE , ulations to the
Most precious of the entire col- Ardmore 5446 39 Coulter Ave. • Shop In Air-Conditioned Comfort
lection proud Mother!
Nationalis Museum
the loan exhibit fromcom-
in Dublin, the I..


Funeral Service prised of such b:easure as the

Kavanagh Charter Horn, a gilt ..
chalice and case, embroidered vest-
1807 Pine street
Watch for
ments, a gold·plated ewer and ba-
sin set with moonstones.
Included also are replicas of

PEmlypacker 5-4971
such world-famous antiquities as
the Moone and Cong Crosses, stone
carvings dating back to 900 A. D.
and the magnificently stone-set
Come in today and fill
your vacation cam era
needs. We have a com-
Home Made
Only Air·Conditioned
Salon Along the Main Line
PEnnypacker 5·4972 Shrine of St. Patrick's Bell. plete supply of "Every- Health Salad
. . . ._ - - - - - - - - _. .
In contrast with the treasures of
yesterday are many examples of
Ireland's products of today, - fra-
thing· P hot 0 graphic"
that you will need ... and Potato Salad
PECK & PECK Shop At Air- Conditioned- Suburban Square
::,. "".!

gile lace, glossy damask, tweeds,

hrooches from Tara, WickloW pot- a superfine finishing and Cole Slaw at NO HEAT ...
tery. There is also a display of the developing service. NO HUMIDITY..•'
coat of arms for an the counties I Macaroni Salad
in Ireland.
The display was flown to Ameri- Chicken Salad IS SHOPPING STUPIDITY!
ca through the facilities of Ameri-
can Airlines. . Chicken Croquettes

Construction Of New
Homes In Haverford
TIMES-MEDICAL UUILDING • ARDMORE Farm Market Lightweight, Durabl~, Handsome Ensemble Luggage'
On Downward Trend
NeW home construction i n
1330 SO. PENN SQ., PHILA. Suburban Square

Haverford Township took a drastic ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ARDMORE

slump in June, David A. Carson,
building inspector, revealed last THERE IS NO CONGESTION ...'. AT PRICE
This lovely basket of gilts is
awaiting you, if you are a
Newcomer to the city. have
;just become engaged, are a
During June five permits were
issued for the construction of new
homes as compared to 46 in June
of '48. Alterations and additions to PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ...•
New Mother. have just moved
to a neW address within the homes made up the bulk of per-
city, or just become Sweet mits issued last month, MI'. Car-
Sixteen. This basket of gilts son said. \1
comes to you as an expres·
:;ton of goodwill from public Two of the larger ones were for
spirited local merchants. alterations and additions to the W.
There's nothing to buy. No
obligation. Phone your WeI·
come Wagon Hostess belOW
Childs Drexel estate on Highland
Lane for $28,000 and to St. Denis 15" 18" 2f' or Train Case •
and arrange to receive these Rectory fOr $58,000.
gilts. The remainder of the 117 permits
consisted of oil burner installations • Tweed Coverings
and !'epairs to homes and garages.
Welcome Wagon
The estimated cost of construction
for June was $225,913.
• Satin Striped Linings
_ _Ir..:.g~RO,NTO
• Stay Hinges . ,,"
• Brass Locks
RO'unded Edges
,, ..."

, J

and ..
I'. 1

Good Grooming is Easy ...• , .f

It's fast and budget·wise, too

Bring us your soiled and rumpled
clothes before 11 a. m•.•• they will
be expertly cleaned and pressed and Open Monday Evenings Until 9:30 P. M,.
26", 29" or
ready for you at five! Closed Saturdays During July and August Hat and Shoe

Montgo~ery Ave. at Level'ing Mill Road
t;. H. ·DAVIS~ • Mail or telephone' "

Bala-Cynwyd Meb'opolitan Phila's Outstanding Television Sales and Service Ol'ganization orders fiUed
33 Coulter Ave. Phone Ardmore 4422 ARDMORE * Subject to tax
Another store on Suburban Square, Ardmore ' ..

• ,- .' •




A Complete, Convienent ~hopp ping Center ARDMORE


Summer' S'pec;:i~l! '. SPECIAL PRICEI

Binge .Butler
, Hilarious Party Apl'on, ... the lowels that do wear longer
':for Bal'becues .. Picnics .. Home Ent~rtaining
iTbe most uproarious "gag" in a decade. It has
;pocketll for, everything! Identification muds, llPstick2
:remover, addresses, phoJle numbers, pencil, hangover
,cures and what have ,you. One for each guest will .. ea
make your party a riot. •
Ca:t;rying Out Cake Tradition
J2itt~E JtOOU~E Sh.oop Mr. and Mrs. William Seifredcatry out the cake cut-
ting tradition at the breakfast following their marriage
V. W. Fitler last month in Sacred Hea'rt Church. The bride is the
former Mis~1 Katherine McCann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter A. McCann of Manoa. Her husband is the son
Plenty of Free Parking of Mr. Frank Seifred of Ardmore. (Candid by Clarence
at the Square
Club President· IFlower Exhibit
f'h·' Plans Underway
Names L airman By Local Club
12" X 9"-,x"S" Vanity" Case For Next Season ,
Plans ,are already under\:ay for
the staging of the Community Fall
Flower Show, an ann.aal event,

Red, Blue, Green, Tan, Brown or' Black Announcement has been made by which made its reappearance last
Mrs. John E. Wiley, president of autumn after an absence of silt
• Washable Lining' Bath Towel were 1.25 the Woman's ClUb of Ardmore, of years because of the war. Two
,I,. Brass-plated lock the appointment of chairmen Ito
direct the activities of the variOUS
June meetings ,have been held and
a third session was held yesterday

95 C
. .' Center mirror ", , club departments during the com- at the home of Mrs.' David W.

! Bottles extra '4 'in a'set .... ~,' ..... , $1:25 22" x 44" now ing season.
Named to head the different de-
The show, staged by the Wo-
;,,1'1' partments are the Mmes. H. T. man's ClUb of Ardmore and headed
* spbject to tax Reynolds, citizenship and legisla- by Mrs. Edwin H. Brown as chair-
man, will run fOI" two days, thil
•, tion; Joseph W: Anderson, garden
Hand Towel were .65
and conservation; Edward O.
Krueger, education; James P. Ban-
ta, motion picture; Elizabeth
year, September'16 and 17.
Members of a committee assist-
ing Mrs. Brown, are the Mmes.

Telephone. ordei's'fille rl

81 Coulter Ave.
Ardmore 0196
16" X 28" , now SOC Whyte, art; Lawrence R. Gardner,
drama; R. W. Haywood. literature;
Raymond T. Ohl, music; Lawrence
R. Gleeson, welfare; James T. Hea-
garty, press book; J. Martin Chad-
wick, publicity; H. K. Bauernfeind,
Alfred C. Brombach, David W.
Coates, John T. DePietro, H. H.
Elliot, Lawrence R. Gardner, Earle
II. Henderson, Raymond A. Hie-
kox. C. Harold Kistler Sr., Edward
O. Krueger, Samuel Lay, Harold L.

...... --------------_.....:
Air-Conditioned for Your Comfort, Wash Cloth now 2S c program; Ralph M. Sprowles,
radio; JohnF. McKee, Red CrosB
and war veteran and Miss Laura
Anderson, International Relations.
Nyc, Thomas C. Reid, Herbert L.
Walters, C. C. Widdicombe and
John E. Wiley, club president

were .35
B. Mawr Moose
The club activities chairmen in-
.. clude Miss Mary E. Heckler, club

Superb Simplicity

day; Mrs. Edwin H. Brown, fall

In New Decorator's Colors: flower show; Mrs. Charle,s W.

Pearl, Sun, New Green,
Chain Jr., hospitality; Mrs. How:
ard T. Lodge, house; Mrs. Earl H.
Henderson, membership'; Mrs. Wil-
liam D. Sutliff, monthly bridge;
Hold 1st Session
·, • Periwinkle, Blue, Turquoise
Mrs. Lydia K. Black, remem-
With New Regent

·, brance; Mrs. William P. Nash,


··, In rental; Mrs. Alfred C. Brombach,

ways and means; Mrs. Kenneth S.

More than 20 members attended
Garrett, transl;o;'tation; Mrs. Har- the first meeting of the Bryn Mawr
f per E. Adams, theater guild, Mrs. Chapter of the Women of the Moose
I H. H. Elliot, grounds and Mrs. E. under the chairmanship of Mrs.
imported -from Sweden 'The Linen Shop of the Main Line
W. Baldwin, rummage sales.
Others appointed clUb positions
Mary E. Falcone, newly-installed
senior regent, Thursday evening in
the Moose Hall.
are Mrs. PaUl Keever, club histor-
ia~; Mrs. Noel F. Wiley, year book Main bUGiness of the session was
29ecOULTER AVENUE' editor; Mrs. Eugcne C. Alder and the appointment by Mrs. Falcone
Mrs. Harold Reese, registrars; Mrs. of committees and chairmen to

10.50 dozen Elmer Cox, Club Chatter editor serve with her during the coming
and Mrs. Harry Keller and Mrs. year.
J. Harold Bach, junior spo~sors. Named to head the alumnae com-

Always, Cool! mittee was Mrs. Maisie Gibson, and
pUblicity will be directed by Mrs.
Mary Hemchel' and a committee of

Always Convenient! 2From Gladwyne three.
Other chairmen include Mrs.
Dorothy Roberts, Mooseheart; Mrs.
Della Flanagan, library; Mrs. Rosa
Always Best Value!

Attend V.F.W. Wright, Moosehaven; Mrs. Mary
Falcone Jr., child care and train-
ing; Lila Stuart, ritual; Mrs.
•, t":"~ ~..:
,AT Gladys ElsieI', social service; Mrs.
State Convention Mary Horgan, homemaking; Mrs.
Florence Stuart, hospital guild,"and
Mrs. Eleanor McNeill, membership.
SUBURBAN SQUARE Mrs. Ella M. VanderVeur and
Mrs. Catherine Althouse were Glad-
wyne delegates at the state con-
The next meeting of the group,
to be held Thursday, will feature
observance of Officers Chapter
vention of Veterans of Foreign Night, and will mark the closing
Wars which held its final sessions of Peanut Friends for the current
Saturday in Philadelphia. year and the selection of new ones
a new low Price! Also participating was Mrs.
Helen K. Reinhart, past president
for the coming months. In charge
will be Mrs. Mary E. Falcone,
of the Gladwyne group, who is gift Mrs. Kathryn Maas, Mrs. Marian
iBeautifully gra~~ful-' Colony Club Sli~ps
fund chairman of the State De- Malloy, Mrs. Hilda Shannon, Mrs.
partment. Sarah Gane and Mrs. Jennie Fat-
The delegates reported that
:this modern designi~
among highlights of the conven-
tion was the presentation of a four
GOP Women Plan
I '
year scholarship at Pennsylvania
: . , " . '~
State College to a boy from Scot-
JHand Blown cl'ystal~ Complementary, land School who had made an ex-


:and Compatible with gl'acio.us Table
- . .'
ceptional spholarship record and
the donation by the state d~part­
ment of $10.000 for the Fred Stover
Cottage at the VFW natiofial
for Xmas Bazaar
At a luncheon meeting yesterday

·~ Setting-in Goblets,- _,She~'bets, Wines,
matchless cl'aftsman
ship quality thl'U and
w home in Eaton Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. Reinhart, presented the
Montgoplery County Council La-
at the home of Mrs. Warner G.
Vaughan of 503 Wynnewood Ave.,
Narberth, plans were discussed for
dies Auxiliary drill team in its first the . annual Christmas Bazaar of
thru official appearance before the as- the Republican Women of Pennsyl-
: Cocktails and Cordials. sembly and also attended a lunch- vania to be held Decembcr 5 &t
eon at the Benjamin Franklin Ho- the Bellevue Stratford.
GILMAN • Bur-Mil rayon crepe tel given for state chairmen by Mrs. Ira L. Conklin of Penfield
Mrs. Rachael Montanye, state Downs is chairman of a committee
1 • Twin Seams presiden t.
A full report of the convention
' working on the Party Booth. She
is being assisted by Mrs. Horace

The Finest China and Glass Store In Suburban America
• Cut fuB and true to
'will be given tonight to members
of the Gladwyne Post Auxiliary
by Mrs. Vandel'Veur and Mrs. Alt-
W. Gordon of Villanova and Mrs.
Drew C. Smith of Philadelphia as
co-chairmen. Honorary chairman

·• • Perfection in Detail house at a meeting In the Baptist of the committee is Mrs. Archibald

Church. Rader of Haverford.

·lace trim or fagotting Among those present at the

·: Chenowah, Council To Lay

luncheon, besides the chairmen
were Miss Dorothy Anneal' of

: ,,;
..~'~ " '
WHITE OR PETAL PINK Plans For October Dance
, Tentative plans for an October
dance wili be discussed Tuesday
Rosemont, Mrs. A. W. Ayars of
Narberth, Mrs. Marion Donaldson,
Mrs. Wright Humphreys, Mrs.

,. ~\,\et\ night by members of the Chenowah

Council of Bryn Mawr at a meeting
in the Redmen Hall.
'Mark J. Igoe, Mrs. George Irwin,
Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller of Nar-
berth, Mrs. C. Leo Sutton, Mrs.
LeWis J. Thomas,' ~iss Florence
,•• Mrs. Ida Payton, acting Poea-
hontas, will preside at the session. Trickel' and Mrs. ~bert E. Win-

Refreshments will be served at the
close of business.
Human interest stories of
terbottom of st. Davids.
The group will hold another dis-
cussion, session on September 21 at
the home of Mrs. Eberhardt Muel-
:I ...... ~ -. I
Main Line residentB? The Times leI' in Narberth. At this time also,
• 'H" 11'1 always Interested. CnJl Md· Mrs. Mueller's collection of Dns-
;, ...: 4lI Coulter Avenue more 4300.editorlal department. den will be exhibited.


.f Rosemont youngster
MAIN LINE TIMES Leah'Mary Faulkner
, Visiting In Michigan Merion's FamousGrass. ,T,~~!}nis Courts Win 46, pay Awarded Bicycle In'
Radio Show Co'ntest LUMBER
Battle Over 1)rought As. ,R.iCfJrl A.i,rives.\ 'O~-: Tuesday
Thursday, JUly 14, 1949 \ '

Leah Mary Faulkner of Rose- Virginia (Ginny) Moore, ll-year- Mouldings • Plywood
Shop the ,Suburban Way, mont Plaza, Rosemont Is spending
the month of July In Birmingham, old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fibre & Insulation Board'
Mich., with Marilyn Hines,' a for- Moore of Rosemont, won a "bicycle
recently in a contest sponsored by ~ustic Lamp Posts
mer classmate at 'Ardmore Junior
High School, who lived In Wynne- the Magic Lady's Supper Club Post & Rail 'Fen'ce'
wood before moving to Michigan. radio program.
During hCI' stay wlth'Mlss Hines,
The prize was given for the win- Shelving
Miss Fal'lkner wll, travel through ning list of, safety rules, sene to Odds & Ends of Har('and
various flarts of Canada. the program, which Is heard at 6
p.m. dally over Station WFIL. Soft Wood fOI' the Hobbyist ~,
Come to chureh this Sunday The bicycle arrived Tuesday but and for repah;s ......
,'""" "
Ginny, who is at Girl Scout Camp "

Indian Run, near Downingtown,

Painting - Decgrating
has not yet learned of thesurpl'ise
which awaits her return home. SHULIJ LUMBEIl COMPANY
., ,
" '

A former safety patr'ol 'member

Expert Workmen - Quality Products Only for the Keystorie Automobile Club, 25 Bala Ave., Bala-CynW,iaJ
.. ,,,' ~.'If":;-::;·,). ...
Ginny completed sixth grade ,work
Cynwy~ 0662;'::,;;:::~,

Day Ardmore 3453-
this year at the Bryn Mawr School
and will enter ~Ardmore ' Junior
High School In the fall.
~' '·~".~:w",:·p.!
0 •• ',_i-w~~'~;._

Evening Washburn 7161

Painting and Decorating vf Di~tinction
For a Clientele of Discrimination

,"I can never thank you enough for per-
suading me to buy our lot, which is almost
plLid for. At the time of purchase I never I
realized anything like this was going to
happen. Many thanks for encouraging
me to secure my lot before need" in
West Laurel Hill remetery
Belmont Ave. above Phila. City Line COMPANY
To obtain literature by mail without obligation
Phone' CYNWYD 1591 - EXTENSION 7 was founded In 1878 by Oliver

Merion Gets Set To Welcome National Stars For State Tournament Next Week H. Bair. It is still owned, and
OJ HEATING Pancho Gonzales" national singles champion; Gussie Moran, ,woman's star, and a host of national aces wm be
on hand starting Monday to compete in the noted Pennsy IV'Mlia tennis championships on the. grass courts of the managed by a member of the
Merion Cricket Club. Far right are the clay courts of Merion, next are the fast drying gravel courts and at the ex-

founder's immediate famil.y.
treme left is the section where the championships will be played. The courts at center are grass. (Aerial Photo by
William Harris) . \
At 10 a.m Tuesday, Albert cool Haverford Center FUNERAL DIRECTORS,
laiuta becan{e one of the happiest Colaiuta and two regular empolyes
men on the Main Line.
It'started to rain. e
Some people can take rain 01' acatlon.
plus three youths from nearby
igh ,schools who work while on Radnor Campers Plans 3 Visits \
On Summer Schedule 1820 CHESTNUT STREET
leave it _ especially the latter, but So when ,you see the famous
like a fal'mer, Colaiuta dotes on a State tournament next week played
generous sprinkling at regular in- on the famous Merion grass, re-
tervals. ' member the grass is not like
Busy Competing A visit to the Main Line Times
building, the Franklin Institute and
an animal hospital is the varied
Telephone RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAIR, President

Up to Tuesday morning, almost :rop~y. It just didn't grow' by

46 days had gone by without a Itselr.
ground-soaking rain. Suburbanites
For Most Points , program for the Girls Club of the
Haverford Community Center,
whose members will be accompan-
The Squeaking Mice are leading ied by their sponsors, Mrs. Irma
. '

fretted about brown patches on the Chasing Cats and the Bugs Fey.
their lawns, tomatoes as big as
Local Midshipmen have a lead on the Panthers The first jaunt, today's to the
marbles and some smaller, beans
than apparently had no intention
to become beans, and the heat.
Sitting in his office Monday In Training Now
among the upper patrols of boys animal hospital, will initiate the
and girls in a race for points at series of three on the following
the Radnor Day Camp, now in its Thursdays.
third successive year. Other activities at the center,
Per Gallon night, the big, burly guardian of Sponsored by the school board directed by Leonard Logan, in-
Merion Cricket Club's precious
lawns looked out on six acres of At Little Creek and directed by Ethel G. Encke, clude the organization of a softball
the camp is putting on a recrea- team, called' the Oldtinlers, by
close cropped grass, 01' 23 tennis mothers and teen - age girls; swim-
Three Main Line midshipinen tional program featuring a division ming instruction at Brookline pool .,
courts and 23 spares. "I'll admit
they don't look bad, considering, are participating in amphibious of attending youngsters into pa- for bOYS, and, baseball for junior
but they could be better," Colaiuta training exercises held at Little trols with three age grQups for the and senior boys.
MOBIL HEAT NO.2 FUEL OIL said. Creek, Va., during July for NROTC b()ys and girls, each patrol being
•tWe have less than one week to midshipmen from 52
Although the Preston Tigers, the
colleges awarded points for its successes in younger ,ni~e, lest their game at

go before the Pennsylvania State throughout the United States. activities during the day. Over 300
children are scheduled to take part Oakmont wlth a score of 6-4. the
championships when Pancho Gon- The three are Joseph Pilling Rea this week, and a rapidly growing senior team won both f:1ames in a ••••
--' LESS - zales, he's the national champion, Welty, son of J. W. Welty of Owen enrollment is predicted.
and Gorgeous Gussie Moran al'e Rd. and Montgomery Ave., Wynne-
here to play. W~'ve got to give wood, a student at the University
them the best,"
double - header with the Berwyn
Tallying the most points 50 far Panthers Saturday.
Next Wednesday night the center
of Virginil',; Lewis Henry Esler Jr. in the other age groups are the is planing a movie, Lil Ahner, pro-
Every' Service job we handle, we
2C7o CASH ,DISCOUNT Now was as good as time as any, of Tunbridge Rd.. Haverford, a, stu- A's over the Wolves, Tigers and vided by the Haverford TO\'!1lship
,the reporter thought, to get some dent at Princcton, and Samuel Phillies for the younger boys; the Recreational Committee,
free adv.ice on the care of his "Ranken Robeas of 1327, Hillside Green Frogs leading the ~utter­
GUARANTEE. And why not? We have •.'
lawn. ' ' Rd., Wynnewood, a student at flies and Cardinals among younger the Finest Equipment and Trained Per-
girls; the Yankees followed by the
If Paid to Driver or Within 10 Days AI?"
"Cut your grass once a week, Dartmouth.
During the exercises these mid- Braves and Eagles in the bOYS'
Margaret Shropshire sonnel available. So at ,the next sig'n of
"Three times during the hot sea- shipmen will receive tl'aining in middle group, and the 13 Stars Wins College Honor
On Charge Account son and five 01' six during spring. the fundamentals of amphibious
trailing the Canaries in the girls' Margaret Ann Shropshire of Ard- trouble, PHONE ...
Roiled at the same time, too," we' warfare under the auspices of Rear middle division. more has been named to the dean's

FARRELL learned. Admiral Jerauld Wright, USN, This week the children will be list at Mary Washington College
That' seemed a lot, eseecially Commander Amphibious Force, US treated to hikes and tournaments of the University of Virginia for
when Colaiuta has no trimming to Atlantic Fleet. in tennis and archery; movies se- scholastic honors during the sec-
69th & CHESTNUT 515.
do, much that is; has a lot of mow- Upon graduation from college the lected to appeal to young tastes ond semester of the current year.
ers hooked up behind a tractor, midshipmen will embark upon a will be shown tomorrow night.
doesn't have to pick up popsickle two - year tour of active duty dur-
Miss Shropshire, a junior major-
Already under way are tourna- ing in economics and business ad-
wrappers, rusted cap guns aI' the ing whi~h their cauabilities as ments in softball, badminton and minsh'ation, was on the dean's BRYN MAWR THEATRE ARCADE, BRYN l\IAWR
Boulevard 5600 AL 4·4711 leavings from the Lone Ranger's Naval officerj will be observed. If tennis, with tennis instruction by list 'the first semester, also. She
afternoon snack from the lawn. they mect the requirements and 50 Jean Crook, former, junior cham- is a member of the Newman Club , BRYN MAWR 4584
Once a week is plenty. desire they will be given the op- pion of Eastern United States. and on the editorial staff 'of The
But even- without these duties, a portunity to remain as officers of In the teen '- age league, "directed BUllet, campus weekly. I.

gl'oundkeeper's life is filled with the RegUlar Navy. by Cliff Calvert, the Skookies are
problems and hard work. ahead with a record of two wins
Agricultural life really begins a t ' nnd no losses, with the Bells and
Merion til the fall-,about the sec- Four-Year College Robinsons close on their heels with
one win ea.ch.
and week in September. About 130
tons of, mushroom soil and sand Scholarship Won On Cowans Field in Wayne, a
By Narberth Youth
are spread over the six aCI'es aftel'
they have been spiked and sown.
record attendance is being noted
for the season's tournament" in
The spiking is done by a tubular One of two four - y'ear college' softball. badminton, deck tennis,
machine equipped with sharp scholarships. established in memory, checkers and quoits, staged under

prongs that penetrate two inches of two former officers of the Penn- the direction of Bill Paolantonio.
into the turf. After the soil spread- sylvania Railroad, has been award- Last Friday the field was the scene "~
'ing, the entire area is watered and ed after competitive examinations of a pet show -for neighborhood "
thim groomed daily until the new to a Narberth youth. children.
crop of grass appears. ' A scholarship at the University
Baselines are the big problem. of Pennsylva,J.1ia, established in
Twenty-four hOUl'S of steady play memory of Jobn Clark Sim-s, a for-
can weal' away the grass but be- mel' secretary of the Pennsylvania
fore that occurs, ~he court is shift- Railroad, >\nd Open to railroad em-
Polio Prevention
ed. This gives the worn gras!; a ployes and sons of employes, goes
chance to rest before it is put into to Eugene McM. Musselwhite Jr.
use again. of Narberth, son of E. M. Mussel-
Urged By County
The courts are sown with a mix- white, special agent in the traffic
ture of fescue, Kentucky "blue, bent department, Philadelphia. Heal th Officials
and some red top, all Qf these being 'Young Musselwhite, a graduate Warnings are being issued, to
dissimilar in nature and adapted of Lower Merion High School class parents of Delaware County that
to one partiCUlar job. They are of 1949, will study at the Univer- this is the season for infantile par- ~'
watered from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. sity of Pennsylvania of which Mr. alysis 'and that now is the time

A:::'::"FOR the biggest half ye~i"

when necessary are fussed over by Sims was for many years a trustee. to take all possible measures to
prevent children from contracting
the disease.
In pointing out that the summer
From tOR months consistently show an in-
crease in the number of caseS over
those reported for the rest of thc
year, Dr. John B. Klopp, county
medical director, said that 87 per-
sons in the county were affected
in Studebaker.history!
to bottom
last year, highest toll for ~ny.
county in the, state except phIla-
Dr. Klopp recommended im-
r---------------- T
I You get more for your money
HE Studebaker buying wave that's sweeping the
country grew to huge proportions the past few
You can see the quality in every mediate vac.cination for pupils en- \ I In a Stud~baker I weeks. " "
tering school for the first time, • I
golden drop' of Gretz, ,you Can I By the end of June, so many people had bought
Cars attract dirt aJ,ld, sludge and constant" vigilance for volio's I Studebaker 15 the style star
first symptoms: headaches, nause')" '
I of all today's cars, I new Studeb~kers that the biggest half year in all "
taste the quality in'its real old- at this time of the year. It's' tired feeling, musculal' pains, or I • I
time flavor. Get Gretz-it's great! wise to keep it clean and well lubricated. Be sure you
stiffness and fever. He also ad-
vocated that children, who should
I Studebaker stands out In I
Studebaker history was recorded. .
What's more to the point, America's preferen'ce for

not be allowed to become over- I thrift and solid value I
, Studebaker styling, performance, operating economy
, have 'summer weight oil: tired 01' chilled, should, avoid I .. • I
• better beer __ ~ naturallfJ'iI crowds and be forbidden to swim I Stop In now and see I and value keeps on increasing steadily, week by week.
HERON'S ,DO A' THOROUGH JOEl in polluted waters. I the many fine features of I A new vision of loveliness inside and outside, the
~ the '49 Studebaker' J, 1949 Studebaker brings thrift that counts, new han-

Boal'd Of Health
,'Heron'5 Service Statio•• Discontinues Meetings
Meetings of Sharon Hll! Board of
"'bite 'sidewall tires and wheel trim rings or
di.cs optional al ."tra co.t 00 aU 11I0dels.
dling ease and riding comfort into motoring. '

, Simonizing • Washing Health have been discontinued

until Sept. 20 unless an emergency
arises. Serving on the board are
Dr. Austin Brunner, president;
REILEY ,MOTORS., ,Ine. · "

Malle tla. o,,,.,,."doned OALL FOB AND DELIVERY-CALL
Mrs. Winfield W. Patterson, secre-
tary;, Christian Kopp, health of-
ficer: Edgar Hewlsh, Re'presenta·
"'"11-•••'0""11-.· n.tu.rall~ ARDMORE 9649 ~4f.~ 1110TOIUl<G'
tive of borough council; Hugh
K. Johnston. August Hoerner and
Delno Reading. , .~

:. '

'. .,."
At long last the 'classified section, .

Consult the ads and agencies in the

of the Main Line Times can help
you get that apartment you have
classified section of the Main Line been wanting so long•.
Times or call Ardmore 4300 and
advertise for the desired position. ,'TO'WAYNE . ,. :.. ~;. 1, i
1!lntered as second-class matter.,t the Post-
Vol..19 . No. 38 o,ll!ice In Ardmore under Act of Mr reh 3. 1876

Initial Steps Taken Narberth Lawyer Dr. Denman FundCifizens To Map John Hippel Appointed To Fill .
Appointed Deputy ~:~::~~!~~~ Campa/gn:Plans Vacancy 'On L.M. School Board
I;n Lankenau's Move .Contracts Awarded For Construction On .
Board Of Trustees Selects Fund-Raising
Organization To Conduct Campaign, .
ttorney Gene~al
A. Purring Assigned
:,£~r.?'~ooS'r.: ,t t:'!i. For C~ndiqates .
Committee To' Meet Tues-
l\letzger Jr., treasurer, who re-
Petitions Filed
.Addition To Penn Wynne School; Work '
To Begin This Summer . Here are the latest eiectlon
Lower Merion Township's School Board appointed a~new
Arc~itect To'Draw Plans To State Forests 'And Wa- ported approximately 'on4'"thlrd: .
of the goal was reachejl in the
day Nig' ht
II "
To ., O'iscuss Pro- activities. Up :to noon today the
following had filed petitions:' ,
ters Department; To As- first week. ..:' cedure In Forwarding Its Commissioner membe'r and approved bids for the enlargement to the Penn, .
A fund raising organization and an architect have been
sume New Post Saturday The cost of the new,type of School Board Candidates William F. Whalen-West Ard- Wynne School at a special meeting Tuesday night. '
selected by the board of trustees of Lankenau Hospital in electric oxygen tent for which . . .... more. '
John F. E. Hippel, an attorney, was named to the board"
•• connection with the hospital's move to
the Overbrook Golf George A. Purring, Nar- the fund will be uaed ,IS $650. Plans for procedure in for- Walter B. Lownes Jr.-South
The tent will be presented In . , ., . Ardmore. until January, 1950, when he,' or one of the other candidate.
Club site. berth attorney, has been ap- Dr. Denman's memory for use wardmg ItS' two' proposed Magistrate .
expected to run in the No-'

Announcement of both was made by Erwin A. Stuebner pointed deputy attorney gen-
of Gladwyne, president of the I •
eral assIgned to the State
at Bryn.Mawr Hospital.
"The responle to the memor-
ial fund Is most gratifying to
candidates .for' the Lower Rob
M" . S h . 1" B . d
. erlOn C 00 oa~ WI
'11 b
e l' t RiethmllIer-L 0 w 8 r
e 'Louis Koch-Lower Merlon.
.:., ,,, .·.w·· .
I vembel'election,
four-year unexpired
will fill the
term 'of
I· . . d~scussed ~ m~etmg J~dge of Elections
· board of trustees, who said~D
Ketchum, Inc. of Pittsburgh i erno Itlon Work
Fo'rests and Waters Depart--
ment in Harrisburg, according to
me and to all the friends Inter-
ested In the movement," Mr.
l\letzger said: today, . ;'and we,
CItizens Committee next Tuesday
night. '
of the Theresa. Pickel-Pencoyd 1.
Michael J. Boucher-West Ard-
the late W.
Jr. of Merion.
Ralston Rodgers
has been c~l~sen to' c~nduct For New Borough an announcement
tor Lloyd H'. Wood.
by State Sena- hope that the entire amount
will be reached by AUgust I."
The committe~. will meet
p.m. in the parish house' of the
at 8 more.
Howard W.· Mulvaney 81'.- A practicing attorney for 21'
the fund-raIsmg CampaIgn. • Attorney Purring has received The fund was initiated 1ll8t First Presbyterian Church of Ard- South AI:dmore 2. years, Mr. Hippel will be the only.
t The exact date of the campaign Site To Start Soon notice from AttOl'ney General T. week by patients and!,..frlends morel Montgomery Ave. and Ble~- Inspector lawy~r on the board. He lives on
has not yet been decided. Mr. McKeen Chidsey the appointment of the Narberth physlclan who dy~ Rd., Ardmore. The commlt- Anna. Fryer-Pencoyd 1 • Harl'lton Rd. off Morris Ave., Rose-
Stuebner said, but indicated that
W:ork is scheduled to begin
is effective Saturday. died SUddenly June U at his te~ 8 candidates. are Harold S. B. A. Cassidy Jr.-West Ard- mont, is a graduate of the Univer-'
sity of Pennsylvania in 1926 and·
it may be the latter part of the shortly on the demolition of 117 Th . t'l home, 119 Windsor Ave: He was' Bostwick· of Wynnewood and Mal- more,
year on early in 1950. The next Forrest Ave" Narberth, paving the e new appom ee WI I ~erve un- 61. "-' . calm Preston of. Cynwyd. Helen L. Wood-South Ardmore was formerly president of the
del' another Lower MerlOnite in Cont l'ib u tl ons to the fund The Citizens Committee Penn 'Wynne - Overbrook Hill.
few months will be .devoted to get- way' for new b~rough offices. . II- com 4. .
Civic Association.
ting a campaign organization es- may be sent to Carl B. l\letZ- posed of representatives of ap- Gene E. MUlvaney-South Ard-
Narberth Borough Council, meet- gel' Jr. at Narberth National. proximately 40 township groups, He received his A. B. degree froIn
tablished. ing Monday night at Elm Hall, more 2.'
Bank. inclUding social, civic. veterans, the Univel'sity of Pennsylvania and
Architects Selected approved a low bid of $400 fOl' the parents. church and fraternal ==============~
01'-1 graduated from its law'school in
The fh'm of Vince'nt G. Kling, work, submitted by William E. ganizations. It was organized early 1926. He is a member of the Philn.-'
in association with George M. Rossi. . in' May with the aim of recom- Cordon Of Police delphia Bar ASSOCiation, a member
Ewing were selected as architects
for the new Lankenau project. to

Both firms are from' Philadelphia work on the new building and will
and have had wide experience in confer with the borough
bond' com-
2300 Radnorites mending the "best' qualified can-
,didate possible" for nomination to
the school board.
Candidates BostWick and Pres-
Summoned To Cafe
By Phone Prankster
of its board of governors for three
years and of its committee
sor~ for the same period, beinlr.
chairman of the latter one year. '

the construction ·field, Mr.' Stueb- mittee to hllve the money included
!leI' sai.d. The archite.cts .will begin in a bond issue.
Immediately 'to' prepal;e preIimin~ Arthur C" Staples of 124 Wood-
ary drawings for the new hospital. side Ave., Narberth, was appointed
Sign For Swing
Petitions Being Circulated man
ton' were chosen at a meeting of A telephone, tip kept nearly a
the committee .on June 14, at score of Philadelphia and Lower
Which time' Dr. L. Wilbur Zimmer- Merion Township' policemen on a
and Dr. Joseph W. Anderson, two-hour vigil Sunday at the Tod-
Mr. Hippel is also 8. member of
the Pennsylvania and American'
Bar Association and among other
organizations of his profession he'
, In as mucb as there seems to be borough auditor· to fill the unex- two of three school directors dle House, ,a restaurant at 329 W. is affiliated with the Caveat chUb
& definite need for hospital facili- pired term of F. Richard Gifford For Albert H. Swing, Other whose ternis· expire this year, Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, waiting Juristic Society and Right Angl~
ties in"'and around the Overbrook who has resigned. Township Office Seekers group. were endorsed ,by the citizens for three bandits to stage a. holdup. Club. He i3 also a member of the
area, Mr. Stuebner said, the Hos- A hearing will be held before the
The telephone call was made to Union League, the Philadelt>hia.
pital Planning Agency of Phila- board of adjustment tomorrow More than 2,300 residents of Mr. Preston was chosen to run the Detective Division at City Hall John F. E. Hippel Country Club and the Bachelor'.
delphia on December 3. 1948 en- night in the case of Frederick Radnor Township have already In place of 'J. Herbert Baltz, who by a. woman who informed police Barge Club.
dorsed the move of the Lankenau Cooper of 107 Woodside Ave., signed petitions to place the name stated he will not seek a fourth three young men were to meet at In submitting his candidacy to
Hospital from its present site at whose petition for the construc-
Corinthian and Girard Aves. to tion of a two-car garage was de-
City Line and Lancaster. nied by council.
of Albert H. Swing, township term. A.psychologist and research midnight at the 69th St. Terminal
treasurer, on the ballot for re-ele'c- consultant, Preston is general of the Market Street Elevated,
tion in the September primaries. manager .of the Philadelphia Belt where they were to complete plans
Walter Rosengarten the board, Mr. Hippel said: "Hav-
ing to some extent familiarized my-
self with the duties and require-
89 Years Oid
Lankenau Hospital was incorpor-
The total number of signers' is Line RailrOlld Company. He is a
expected to be considerably .il,1- graduate .of, Girard College and place a short time later.
for the robbery scheduled to take
Addresses Rotarian
ments of a director, I not only as-
sure you that I am prepared to
ated April 2. 1860, and some of the
original buildings al'e still being
used, but the facilities are inade-
quate for the present day speed
Fall From Train creased wh~n the petitions, being the Wharton School of the Uni- 'Nearly 20 policemen were placed
circulat:d throughout the township, ve'rsity of Pennsylvania. His chil- at strategic' positions around the
are tallled at the close of the pe- dren attend the Lower Merion restaurant. At ..2 a.m. they gave up
riod. . . schools and }lis wife is chairman the vigil, convinced the telephone
luncheon Meetlng
devote Whatever time and effort
are necessary'.to discharge these
duties, but I will also consider it a

... of modern medicine, and not in

keeping with the medical and sur-
gical staff of the hospital, it was
Kills Ithafl Man
Richard P. Hendren of Co~estoga George A. Purring
Also being circulated thr~u'gh of the Bali!. Parents Council.
the township are petitions for C; Mr. Bostwick, ·proposed by the
Clark Zantzinger Jr., who is finish- committee as candidate for the un-
call was a hoax.
Walter Rosengarten, township privilege to join you in the com"
engineer, spoke of the Turnpike ex- mendable work you are doing in
tension and the proposed route of the administration of the school
the Schuylkill Highway at a meet- system of our township.
Of the 93 acres Which constitute Rd.. Ithan, was killed Tuesday the Department
the OverbrOOk Golf Club. which
chased, essentially 45 acres will be Railroad b'ain ncar Villanova. Rail-
ing the unexpire4 term of Edgar expired term of the late Mr. Rog-
of Forests and Scott as commissioner from the ers, is a graduate of Lower Merion
Waters as its secretary is Admiral fourth ward and is 8. candidate High School and Drexel Institute
Lankenau Hospital recently pur- night In a fall from a Pennsylvania M. ·F: Draemel of Wynnewood. for the coming full' term; for of Technology. A mechanical engi-
200 Truck Order ing of the Bala - Cynwyd _ Nar- "My profession is and has been
berth Rotary Club Tuesday noon. that of a practicing attorney for
Mr. Rosengarten pointed out that 23 years. I have been a resident of
there will probably be some changes Lower Merion Town'iihip since
Us?d. for the erection of hospital road "police found his body about
home, employees' building and re- lieved to have fallen.
creational facilities.
A graduate
of Lower
been a



candidate for neer, he. has had 15 years' experi-
reelection as justice of the peace, ence i!l private industry.' He is 'job,
buLidmgs. doctors' offices, nurses' 11:15. two hours after he is be- School and Temple University law and for James C. Stewart for' re- co-ordInator of vocational educa-
tion at the Murrell Dobbins Voca-
Goes To Autocar in the route of the Schuylkill River 1928.'"
highway necessitated by englneer-
The Autocar Company has been ing problems at· points in West sored by a sizable number of Rose-
named low bidder on 200 heavy- Manayunk. The road will be a four mont residents who submitted &
Mr. Hippel's candidacy w~s spon-

The body was first seen by crew

The board of adjustment of Low- members of !Y':0ther train. Radnor Association since 1930. He has been Although the RepUblican CO\ln'ty tional School in Philadelphia. His duty trucks for New Y.ork City's lane hig.h",;,ay, according to J;lresent signed petition to the school board ,)
active in Republican circles and two sons are recent graduates of
. er Merion Township granted Lan- police had conducted im unsuccess- Organization has ·as yet made no depal'tilnent of' sanitation . The plans, Sl~lllar ~q the Turnpike. advocating his appointment.
• kenau Hospital a special exception ful search near the Radnor sta- at one time served. as presid.ent of offic~al nominatipns ,to ,its ,ia~e,
Lower Merlon .scbools.. . .
order resulting from this bid WiIl' An iner,:ase, 10': popUlation in the' .. Fl?ur other .l!-PPUcl!-nts for the PQst'
to ..erect the new hospital on the tion. ~,Polir..e. ,said CI'eW membe\'s- the Young RepubIlcan group in predIction has been made' that full amount to $750,000. area :t~rough whIch the' new 'nigh- als~ submitted .'letters. signed by
support will be given to 'Arthur p~
PI'Bsent Overbrook Golf ClUb site saw Hendren on a Paoli-bound Narbert.h.
on March 17 of this year. Attorney and Mrs. Purring the Bretherick,
local which left Suburban Station former Fern Reger, and 'their the new common pleas judgeship.
recently appointed to New Program For The bid did not cover the bodies way WIll pass was-predicted by Mr. their backers. They were Frederick
or any other accessory equipment. ~osengarten, who. based this pre- L. Geig of Rosemont, Clinton L.
All of one model, Autocar's C-50 dIct!on «;>n statistics taken from Mellor' of Haverford, Lloyd M.
at 8:45 p. m.

Color Slides Shown
'At K'
daughter, Fern Louise, 19, 'and for, a Bucceeding term, Also men-
Hendren. ·49, was foriller execu- son, George Jr.,' 14, reside at 3 tioned as a strong probablllty is
. ,...., tlve director of, the Philadelphia Wynnewood Court, Narberth. that petitions will be circuiated in
Refuse Collection the chasse:; have 8. wheelbase of sections m .the State after the ori- Church of Cynwyd and Harold S.
182 inches and are powered by a ginal turnpike was constructed.
119-horse power engine. An~ouncement was made at the
Bostwick of Wynnewood.
Work will start this summer on
IWaniS Meeting Committee for Economic Develop-
Color slides of the Kiwanis-spon- ment and manager of the War' Pro-
~ored country fair, held last month. duetlon Board's regIonal office in Ardmore Youth' Hurt
the near future for Clarence T.
Pepper's nomination as county
In·'Haverford TWp. They are to be fitted with load mee~mg of the Dr. ~enman Me- the addition to the Penn Wynne
packer bodies, for sanitary ash.and morlal Fund of whIch ~arl J;l. School, the board announced. Win-
rubbish collection by Gar Wood Metzger Jr., new club preSident, IS ners of the contracting awards
Haverford Township will
In Bryn Mawr. and o~her club Philadelphia. No informatiol\ has bee~ relea~ed trell;surer. Mr. ~1etzger assumed his were:
events wc~e shown at a meeting ·A former scholastic foot~all In Baseball Game as to who will be named to the begin & new refuse collection Industries.' Autocar officials, who said that duties as preSident at Tuesday's General construction-Charles pr.
of the 'Mam Line Kiwanis Club at star, he was employed in New A 12-year-old boy was treated at offices of register of wills, sheriff, program Aug. 3, township of-
the Conestoga Mill. Bryn ~awr. . York' .City as a foreign relations Bryn MawI' Hospital Monday after clerk of the courts and coroner. ficials' announced last week, New York already has more than meeting. Rohledel', $939,731.
The program was set up to 1000 Autocar truckS in municipal A report was. made ',on the picnic Heating and ventilatlon-Nation-
Wardell Saylor. a ,photographer, counselor ill. the oil business. He he bit his tong'ue while piaying in Independent Republicans in the use, stated that the new vehicles held for 45 patients from the Home al Sheet and Metal Co., $:1038,860. .
and member of the club. who h'as was an engineer by profession. improve and standardize the
a neigh.borhood baseball game.. county have endorsed Joseph Cal- rubbish collection and dispos- are to be delivered before Decem- for In~urables Saturday at the Car- . Electrical work-Harry F. Ort-
kept a record of the club's activi- Surviving are his wife Norma'
ties ov:er .the past two years, show- two daughters, Joyce ~nd Mrs: The boy, Edward McFadden of houn for a. new judgeship and Carl al service in the township. bel' 31 this year: son Simpson farm near Willow lip Co., $155,555. ..
ed the slldes: Mau for the
Patricia Clancy, and a brother, Sheldon Lane, fell over a runner left the balance of their slate open. shrievalty, but have They said it consists of the Starting in September, they will Grove. Curtains and blinds-J. Weiss ell
, A golf outmg has been planned John S., also a former scholastic who had tripped, and struck his following: be produced at a rate of 50 a Sons., $18,000.
for next Tuesday afternoon. football star. ' chin with his knees. Refuse must be separated In- month, officials declared. W.' N. Dz.ckerson Plumbing
-L. and $115,444.
S. Winter, heating equipment
:ffj/s is Ih~
to three distinct groups, burn- The board came to its decision
able rubbish, unburnable rub-
T a lks T R otarzans
Funeral Rites Are Held Tuesday For bish and ashes'. .

78-Year-Old Man On Economic Issues

0 on the contracts after opening 30

M&1m! Earth, sod. stone, sand, build- seale{), bids for the entire job.
ing material waste, industrial
Lower Merion' ,Motorcycle' Patrolman waste and liquids will not be W. N. Dickerson of Amott Baker
and Co. discussed issues at a lunch- Peggy McClatchy
, C"?
Separate containers or bound
bundles must be provided fcit:
. each of the three classes.
Ash containers must be all-
Gets Probation
John W. Smith of Ardmore, a
eon meeting of Ardmore Rotary
Club today at noon at the Viking
Inn, Ardmore.
Speaking on the topic, Whm'e Do
Slightly Injured
When Hit By Auto
It is axiomatic that the form of former dollar-a-year man with the We Go From Here, Mr. Dickerson Peggy McClatchy, 10, daughter
metal and eyery qundle must
government has a vital infiue.nce be securely bound and not· U. S. Government, was placed on stressed the Importance of a li.ound of William McClatchy of PenD'·
on the life of any community. The probation for 23 months yesterday investment program for individuals Wynne, was slightly injured last
oyer three feet in any dimen- by Judge Corson as a result of his and the necessity of "awakening week when she was struck by an'
Main Line is no exception to this sIOn.
rule. It may be doubted however, All containers>' will be taken conviction in Criminal Court last business men to the importance of automobile at 69th and Market
that Main Liners are familiar with :March on a. charge of involuntary playing a part in preserving- the Sts., Upper Darby. -
by the collectors except those American way of life." Police. say Miss McClatchy was
the forms of government under which are metal or metal rein- manslaughter.
which they live. Of course, the The order was accompanied by a Guests at last Thursday's meeting cI'ossing the street when she was'
.forced, wood Or wood-rein- warning that he shall not attempt included Ed Scanlon, J. B. Har- struck by a car, driven by Jack
Federal Government is off there forced.
in Washington and although its to operate an automobile or apply grove. Blil Decker and Ralph Bas- Frazier of Parker Ave., La.ns-
Metal tops should be provid- for a driver's license. ' ler of Bala - Cynwyd - Narberth downe. She was taken to Delaware
, regulations affect every citizen dis- ed for all containers containing
tance "prevents too close an under- Smith was behind the wheel of a Rotary Club; M. McBride of Phila- County Hosp'ltal and treated for
paper to keep the wind from sedan 'on Decembel' 18, 1948 when delphia, F. R. Murray of Jenkin- minor bruises.
standing of how that government blowing it around. Mr. McClatchy is a <lousin of·
works. Aftel' the same fashion the it figured in a collision with a truck town, C. E. Barnes of Eliza.be\h-
state government is up there in at Ridge Pike and Joshua Ro!., town and W. T. Alligan of Houston, Richard McClatchy, Upper Darb,
Harrisburg and that Isn't too close
to the Main Line. While the state
and federal governments alike ex-
Wayne Rotary Club Whitemarsh Township. As a result Texas.
of injuries received. in the crash,
Charles' Esworthy, 35, of Harris-
ercise a great infiuence on what
we do on the Main Line this is
not the place to indUlge in an
Hears Experiences burg, driver of the truck, died next
day in Montgomery Hospital.
Minor Auto Accidents Keep Police
analysis of these two major in-
fiuences on our happiness. So we On Orchestra Tour Baby Strangled By
Busy; Five Are Reported Tuesday
turn to the local governments that An account of his experiences
manage the areas where we make ~ith the Philadelphia Orchestra on Nightgown Tassel In
Minor automobile accidents kept '
our homes. Its . recent triumphant European
There is not in Montgomery tour was given by Carl :McDonald
Haverford Township police on the jump this week as wood Rds., Wynnewood, Tuesday.'
A seven - week - old baby five were reported Tuesday, three J. E. Kearns of Wynnewood told
County a single city. Norristown last night before members of the was strllngled to death Monday Monday and three on Sunda.y.
and pottstown aTe large enough Rotary Club of Wayne at a din- police his taxi was struck by a cal'
morning in his crib when a tas- David H. Seibel, 32, of New dl'lven by Theodore PhlIIips, 40, of
and important enough to be ciUes ner meeting In the Wayne Hotel. sel from his nightgown became
but they prefer to remain as bor- Holland, Pa., was arrested by Carlton St., Philadelphia, after the'
Mr. McDonald, in addition to be- lodged In his throat. Lower Merion police on chal'ges of Carlton cal' was unable to stop for '
oughs. Consequently the Main Line ing manager \>f the orchestra, Is al- He's ,Dudley Salmonsen, son
has no city in Its areas. As one so a well known composer and' is driving too fast for conditions after a cal' turning left and went Into 8.'
of Mr. and Mrs. William Sal- his car struck anothel' driven by skid. Phillips was arrested fur driv-
who frequently receives queries intermission commentator for the
Police, Firemen Honor Patrolman Who Died From Burns about the city of Ardmore, the city Saturday aftllrnoon 0 l' Ch est l' a
monsen of 1308 Warren Ave.,
Havertown. Pollee say the boy
Robert G. Stickney of 1203 Allstone ing too fast for conditions.
Rd., Havertown. on Lancaster Ave.
Members of the Bryn Mawr Fire Company and the Lower Merion Township police of Haverford ~nd the city of Low- broadcasts over CBS. He was in- A four-way crash occurred Tues-
apparentiy Inbaled the tassel in in Wynnewood Tuesday. Seibel had day at Lancaster Ave. at Old Rail-·
" department fOI'm an honor g.uard as the body of Patrolman Philip Minnis is. ca'rried er Me'I'lon the writer could wish troduced by the evening's chair- his sleep and suffocated.
that"this fact might be widely un- man, vice president Louis E. Toro pUlled out from behind another car road Ave., Haverford. A car dt;iven.
to the hearse Tuesday mornmg. (Times Photo by William Harris.) Mr. Salmonsen found his son to pass and struck the Stickney by John R. Mingle of Oakley, Kan-
derstood. 'There are, however, sev- Jr. about '7 a.m. Monday and sum",
eral boroughs In the Main Line car which was pushed into a sas, attempted to pUllout of line
Phlllp F. Minnis, Lower Merion course at Northwestern Univer- dent of Police G. Andrew McLaugh- Last week's meeting featured the moned Dr. John Bender of 329 vehicle owned by Harold Brantz, to pass a vehicle operated by
motorcycle patrolman. was buried sity's Traffic School, Evanston, lin, Lieutenant. George Kramer, area. installation of recently elected of- Brookline Bh·d., Brookline, who 23, of Wilde Ave., Drexel Hill.
Borough government Is a sort of ficers for the 1949-50 season by dis- Samuel Dinhoff of N. 33d St., Phil-
Tuesday morning in Calvary Ceme- 111., in 1945. Patrolmen Howard MlIIer, John miniature city government, The trict g,overnor Ed Dearnley; who pr.onounced tbe boy dead. A car mounted the pavement, adelphia. Mingle struck Dinhoff and
tery, Radnor" following funeral Last year he was commended by tore through a hedge, sheared off the latter's car was driven into an
services at the McConaghy 'Funer- former 'Superintendent of PoUce Kearns, James Miller and Alba head man is the Chief Burgess and prefaced the cercmony with & des-
al Home, Ardmore. Samuel W. Gearhart for his part Lomas. what would otherwise be city cription of the district governors' Vicious Squirrel ' [ an old fashioned pump and finally automobile owned by William H1!m~
crashed into a tree at River and phrey Jr. of 947 Sergent }..-,e., Bryn
The honor guard Inc1uded (fire- councilmen are called burgesses. convention at Lake Placid.
Mr. Mi!lnis, one of the most hi the capture 'of the Sunday
popular members of the pollee de- Night ,Burglar, Joseph J. Corvi. men) Chief Horace W. Parsons There are other appropriate of- Evades Police Trap Monk Rds., Gladwyne, 'i·uesday. Mawr. The latter's car was t~en
pa.rtment, died SUddenly at 9:20 MI'. Minnis, accompanied by Emil Joseph C. Warner. Frank Finley: ficers to carry out the functions of Paoli Motorist Held .' S d Benjamin Blum, 49, of Penns- pushed into the fourth vehicle
. a.m. Friday morning, three days Piquet, were assigned to the case Richard Morgan Jr.. Jesse Moore government. One important Item is I n Menon un ay . grove St., Philadelphia, told police operated by Philip Donaghy of'
Warrington Ave., Philadelphia.' .
after he was burned while repair- and discovered Corvi in a Merion William Fcrguson, Robert Thomp~ that in the borougl;ls and In the
townships to be noted later there
On Driving Charge ion
Another attempt by Lower Mer- he was driVing on Rivel' Rd. and
Township police to trap a Vic- swerved to avoid another car com-
An Ardmol'e-bound bus .struck It
Ing the gas tank of his 'car In' a home. While he stood guard, Piquet son, Joseph Joyce, Clarence SiteI'
is an indepcndent 'school district George F. Hardy, 22, of Paoll parked car owned by Dorothy Hl~
ious squirrel' failed Sunday. il1g Imt or Monks Rd. The damaged
The animal, police said, has' property is owned by Harry Sohn ~iegfried of Wilde Ave., Drexel Hill,'
Bryn Mawr sen'!cc :;t::,UO!l. teiel,honed for additional heip liwl .Tohn McDaid, Michael J. Gavin: was held in $500 ball Monday night
He had suffered first, second and the subsequent arrest cleared up Thomas Hayden. John Kerrigan with taxing power and jurisdiction after Wayne pollce testified before m front of the Lower Merk'D.
third degree burns of the face and one of the most important police and Albert J. ElIinger; (police) over the pUblic schools. Magistrate Thomas Hobson that he frightened children and annoyed of Gladwyne. Township Building Monday. Th&
body but had railied on Thursday. cases in years. Sergeant Charles Barl', Brady Utz West Conshocken, made a 'bor- ha.d been' driving while Intoxicated residents in the vicinity of Lapsley Reeley Faison of Seybert st., bus was operated by John Robinson'
His death came four hours after ough In 1874, definitely belongs to Rd., Merion, with Its belJl~e· ent Philadelphia, was arrested for of 56 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmors;~
he had sUpped into a coma at Bryn At the viewing Monilay night, William McNabb, Wl1liam' Hart: tI;te Main Llt.le. It Is just across when a passenger in his. car was antics. driving too fast for conditions
more than 800 persons, Including Francis Fanning, John Boyd, John the Schuylkill from the borough injured. . Joseph Taddio of 320 Mary
Mawr Hospital. Sparks, Eugene Byers, Jacob Mac- Pollce said John Friel, 27, of De- ,Sunday' it tried to bite several Tuesday after his car went into a Watersfol'd Rd.• Welft 'Manayunk,'
Born in 1908, Mr. Minnis was em- all township' officials, attended. In Keown, Thomas Garrity, James of Conshohocken and thus iIiu- vault had been found dazed at Pop- children who were playing on the skid on Lancaster Ave. east of In- was arrested for falling to give,
ployed a.t the Alan Wood Steel Co., the funeral pl'ocesslon Tuesday, the McCabe. Alfred O. .Mueller· and strates the pecularity by which lar Ave., Devon, after Hardy's auto- lawn of the home of Harry Bron- dian Creek Rd. and struck a car right of waY, after his car shuck:
Conshohocken, until he was ap- cortege was led by a Bryn Mawr Lance Hathway. . two communities virtually one be- mobile .crashed . into a pole. Friel stein of 20 Lapllley Rd. The inci- operated by Ha.rry B. Grum of another driven by JosephDeMare~~·
pointed to the polllle force in Janu- fire truck heaped with, flowers Mr. Minnis is survived by his come subject to' two separate gov- was treated at Bryn Mawr Hospital dent was reported to police, bur Bordentown, N. J .. of 14 Jones st., West Manayunk,
while pall bearers and honor
ary, 1937. He attended the State wife, Marion, of 1052 Floyd Ter- ernments by the mere fact that for head Injurlell. ,Hardy was ex- when thcy arrived the squirrel had A total of $450 damage was at the, intersection of Washingto!l: '
Police, School at Hershey. Pa.• the guards were made of up police and race, Bryn Mawr, and two daugh- a river separates them. But our amln~d by. Dr. Lee Porter, Radnor di~appeared. A two - hour search caused when a Wynnewood taxi Ave. and Springfield on Monday. .'
traffic school at' Penn. State Col- firemen.

. . of the area brought no results. was atruck at Argyle and Wynne-
Pallbearers . were Superlnten- ters, Marlon and Phyllis. Coatinued on Edltorial :r••e. police lurgeon. '.
lege In 19'1 and & three - month'

1, ,

" .
: ... 'i i·'

New,'Books, Films ~~~~, 'LWertha~;:C LLe"tW':E~ ~~t

Cheesecake, Wilson.
Main Line' Engagements, OW A ·'a'b'Ie In
val Projector films-,k'ride and Pre-
Thursday, JUly 14, 1949 N ·lbrary
Juaice, .l\.ustm; The Indigo Neck-
lace, Crane; River's End. Curwood;
The Valley or Decision, Davenport;
and Mrs. David SON
S. Randolph
d M R Y I. Walker of
' Ardxnore, to ,Mr. Frank H. Costa,
son of Mrs. Mary R. Costa of Over-
Harvard and received his 'M.A.
fro,m Harvard Graduate' school of Have.rford L The Robe, Douglas; Tile White
Dress, Eberhart; Drums Along the
of st. Davids, a~e being congratu- Wal~o:, A:'blel'~ an~ounce the brook; has been announced by her Education. During th') war be The Free Library Association of Mohawk, Edmonds;' Mama's :Bank
Haverford Towl',ship has issued a' Account, Forbes; The D. A. Calls
t,' ' lated upon the birth of a son, Dav- engagement of their daughter, Miss paMreints:.,. d t d f Fwoirkedd, uSndeir, thce Amtt eriC8.t n
list of 40 new books noW on its it Murder, Gardner; Give Us Our
,:,., '1dSt0ry Randolph Jr., July 11. Sandra Ann Walker, to Mr. John
Mrs. Randolph is the former M. Johnson, son of Mr. and :Mrs.
ss .=ogan was gra ua: e
Mater Miserlcordlae Academy. Mr.
rom I I' en s erv ce omml ee
North Africa, Portugal and India.
n shelves plUS 19 books in the non- Dream, Coertz~ Rogue River Feud,
•. Rod B J h n of Cynwyd Costa, who is a gr~duate of the At present he is head-master of fiction' class" and 20 of the book Grey: Shadow on the Trail, Grey;
YfBI Hannah W. Sullivan, daugh- ~s nWalke~ ~: graduated 'in U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, Friends' Central School,' Overbrook projector films al'e now available. Lost Horizon, Hilton; Peace of
~7,: tel' of Mr. and Mrs: Upton S. Sul- June from the College of William Kings Point, N .. Y., Is a student at and a directOr of the American The lists are as follOWS: New Mind, Liebman; Green Grass of
~; , livan of Oakland, Stratford. and MarY. Mr. Johnson W,jUl grad- Villanova College. F'rlends' Service Committee. books-Hunter's Horn, Arnow; Del- Wyoming, O'Hara; My' Friend
f STERILIZED uated from Swarthmore College in
ta Girl, Bangert; The Case' of the
Famished Parson, Bellaire; It
Flicka, O'Hara; Prince of Foxes,
Shellabarger; Rue Morgue No.1,
:i;' .____ --_.... Mrs. Edgar Wayne Pow:ell of 'Mrs. Richard L. Cary of Haver- Won't Be Flowers, Berridge; Dead stout; Tap Roots, Street; Ba,bl

.; 0'.
per wHIr ••• for 30'
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bolender
of Haverfol:dj announce the en-
Harrisburg, announces the engage- ford, announc;8B the engagement of
ment of' her daughter. Miss Mary her daughter, Miss Ellen :Brooks
Jo Powell, to Mr. Charles H. Howell Cary arid Mr. Edgar D. Bell Jr.,
Lion, Bonott; Blood and Thirsty,
Bonnamy; The Dark River, Clark;
The Track of the Cat, Clark; :Bar-
Ruth, Weldon.
,. Itt ,., lIIIcllo gagement of their daughter, Miss Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bell' of' M Boss, Clay: It Happens Every James A. Weavers .';0,,","
Spring, Davies; . Cannon HIlI,
..... ...... Ann Marie Bolender and Mr. Harry
Palmer Humes, son of Mr. and
Howell of Haverford.
Miss Powell was graduated from
.... Ingomar.
Miss Cary is a gradu8lte of Bryn Deasy; Before' I Walte, Debrett; Of Manoa Hosts At ........
Mrs. David Humes of Philadelphia.
Miss Bolender is a graduate of
the Pennsylvania State College. Mr. Mawr College and is at present a
Howell is a graduate of Haverford student at Harvard Medical School.
Plunder of the Sun, Dodge; Milk
River Range, Floren; Arabella, Lawn Picnic Supper
Mount Saint Mary On-The-Hudson. School and Princeton University, Mr. Bell was graduated fro Haver,., Heyer; The Hard Riders, Hopkins; Mr. and Mrs. James A. Weaver
Mr. Humes was graduated from the wl'\ere he was a. member of Cap ford College and is also studying Horse Thief Masquerade, Hopson; of "The Homestead" Lawrence
University of Pennsylvania. and Gown. at Harvard Medical School. Valerie Trent, Hurst; Walk the and Darby Rd's., entertained reo
Dark, Streets, Krasner. cently at a picnic supper on the
FUGITT-WOOD KING-BENSON lawn. i Their guests were Mrs.
COSTA-BOGAN The Brave Bulls, Lea; Sil].ister
The engagement' of Mrs. Eric The engagement bas been an- Shelter, Leonard; I Am Afra.id, Lo- Mary Taylor, and Miss Anna. Lee
The engageml!nt of Miss Mar- Fisber Wood Jr. of Wayne, to Mr. nounced of Miss Lois Vivian :Ben- Taylor of Media; Mr. and Mn.
gal"et Ruth Hogan, daughter of Mr. baugh; Sagebrush Bandit, Lomax;
Warren Graves Fugitt, son of Mr. son, daughter of Mrs., Marvin Guy Hilltop House, Lynd; The Eevenmg Harry Lindsay of Collingdale; a.nd
and Mrs. Richard F. Hogan of and Mrs. GeorgB W. Fugitt of Ald- Benson of Penn Wynne and the Wolves, McCall;' Pleasure Island, Mr. Albert Bickley Weaver.
bam Hill, Danboro, Is. announced late Mr, Benson, to Mr. John Ken- Maier; The Man Who Made Friends Mrs. Weaver also entertalned
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Regin- neth King, son of Mr. and Mrs. With Himself, Morley; The Queen Mrs. Ralph Shotwell and Mrs. Jo-
ald J. Wadsworth of Washington, J. Edwin· Flannery of Lansdowne. and the Corpse, :Murray; Barren seph Wallace of Westgate Bill. at

Miss Benson, a gradua:te of Harvest, Nelson; Where the Snow
D. C. a. luncheon· July 6.
Mrs. Wood is' the former Miss Lower Merion High, attended Edge- was Red, Pentec,ost; Blackthorn
Margaret Wadsworth. Mr. Fugitt is wood Park Junior College, Briar
~ --6; BRYN
House, Rhode; Pink Magic, Run-
MAWR,PA. a gradu8Jte of PrincetOn' Univer- Cliff Manor, N. Y. beck; 0 Careless Love, Skidmore; Three Manoa Couples
sity and served as an officer with Mr. King, a graduate of Friends' King of the Panhandle, Stanley;
IDEAL FOR YOUR PERMANENT RESIDENCE the British and French armies Central School, attended the Penn- Lovers Arent Company, Stirling: Enjoy Week-End At
sylvania State College, swarthmore Tomorrow We Reap, Street; Fall'
overseas. AnneX, and spent three years in
the Army, overseas.
Violet, Sweet; The Odds Run Out, Camp In Poconos
Next Time Try Montgomery Inn MIDDLETON-STAUBUS Waugh; Botched Brand, West;
Messrs. and Mesdames George
Lord Johnnie, White,
for Your Bridge or Club Luncheons Mr. and -Mrs. Roscoe Karl Stau- CLARK-TROWBRIDGE Non Fiction-The Victor Book of Dedrick, Lester Sorum, and Stam-
Dining Room Open Daily bus of Clovis, N. M., announce the MI'. and Mrs. C. Firman Trow- the Operas, Blancolli; .With a ford Weiler, all of Manoa, enjoye4
Sunday Dinner Served 1 to S p.m. engagement of their daughter, Miss bridge of Merion, made known the Feather on My Nose, Burke; Who's the weekend at Camp Tamarac in
Phone Bryn Mawr 2181 Frances Ann Staubus, to Mr. Her- engagement of their daughter, Pa- Who in the Major Leagues, Carmi- the poconos where their sons,

!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:lbert Mr. H and
unterMrs. Hel'bert
Middleton Jr., Hunter
tricia Hermina Trowbridge, to Mr.
son of Richard Anvil Clark 2d, son of
chael; The North Star is Nearer,
Eaton; The Heavyweight Cham-
George, Charles, Bob, respectivel"
are vacationing for the summer.
Middleton of Penn Valley.
Miss Staubus will be a senior Mrs. Cora McSaxby of Santa Bar-
Weds In Recent Rites pion, Fleischer; Handbook for
next year at Smith College. Mr. bara. Calif. and Mr. Morris R. Clark Mrs. Jackson K. Heilner, the former Miss Louise H. Spies, F'Oote; The Fateful Years, ,Mrs. Bonner's husband will join


Middleton, who is a graduate of of Washington, D. C., at a cocktail
Germantown Friends School, Is a party given on Saturday at their
member of the class of 1950 at home.
Amherst College. Miss Trowbridge attended Fair-
The wedding will take place next fax Hail, Waynesboro, Va. and Mr.
Trumbull, of Wynnewood, daughter of. Mrs. James Fred-
erick Brown of Denver, Colo. and the late Mr. Roscoe H.
Trumbull of Denver and Philadelphia, became the bride
of the son of Mrs. Marcus E. Heilner of Atlantic City O:D.
Francois-Poncet, Twenty-Five Best
Plays of the Modern American
Theater, Gassner~ Washington,
City of Destiny, HageJ;: Child
Growth and Development, Hurlock;
her during the Christmas holiday••
After a visit with the Keiss family
and Mr. and Mrs. James Michael
:Bonner Sr. of Wynnewood, they
will return by boat. Mr. Bonner'.
month in New Mexico.' Clark is a student at the Univer- The Needlework Library, Mathie- business interests are in Venez-
sity of Virginia in Charlottesville. June 29. (Photo by Bachrach) son; Our Sun, Menzel; How to Be-
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Leister
Commander Walter R. O'Sullivan
come a Doctor, Noon; Music to my

of Cynwyd, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Miss Ruth USNR (Ret.) and Mrs. O'Sullivan
Drusilla Leister, to Mr. Robert of Narberth, announce the engage-
News From The Stork
McCoach 3d, son 0" Mr. and Mrs. ment of their daughter, Miss 1sal ,I
Robert McCoach of Cheltenham, Bevans o'sullivan, to Mr. William
LOBSTERS Pa. T. Blake. son of Mr. and Mrs.
The wedding wlll take place this Thomas W. Blake of Merion.
AT BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL: Mr. and Mrs. George Embick of
Mr. and Mrs. James Morris of Haverford Gables, Haverford, a
summer and thl: couple will return Both Miss O'Sullivan and Mr. 214 Sheas. Terrace, Ardmore, a boy, July 8.
SHIPPED DIRECT TO US FROM to Millersville State Teachers Col- Blake werB graduated from Lower boy, July 4.
ROCKPORT, MAINE lege where they are both students. Merion High School. Miss O'Su1li- Mr. and Mrs. John Spotts of
van is noW attending Rosemont Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ruwell of Lancaster Apts., Ardmore, a girl,
JOHNSON-GILPIN College. Mr. Blake, a student at 527 Ott Rd., Cynwyd, a girl, July 4. July 8.
ROUTE 422 LIMERICK, PA. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gilpin of Drexel Institute of Technology,
Apple Hill, West Chester, announce served in the Army in Germany
Phone Linfield 2933 Dr. and Mrs. Neilson 'M. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heckendorn

_ -------.-------_. __._---
the engagement of their daughter, during the war:
Miss Gay Harington Gilpin, and
'Mr. Eric Warner Johnson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter James John-
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Watson
of VaHey Forge Rd., Devon, a bay, of 305 StrathJllore Rd., Havertown,
July 4.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gough
of 10 Simpson Rd., Ardmore, a
. a. girl, July 9.

Mr. and Mrs. Chl'istian Jensen


son of Penn Ingle, Gladwyne. GRACE TATE HUFF

House of.
Pratt of Ardmore, are receiving
Miss Gilpin is a graduate of the congratUlations boy, July 4. of 122, Walnut Ave" Ardmore a
. boy. July 9. '
Baldwin School and Vassar Col- a son, David upon the birth of
lege. She spent last summer at Le
College Cevenol, La Chamblon, July 6. ,
Tomlinson Pratt,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigham of Mr, and Mrs. Arlington Thomp-
128 poplar Ave., Wayne, a boy, son
Mrs.' Pratt Is the former Miss of 42 Garrett Ave Garrett
France, and is now working with Emilie July 4. Hill, a boy, Jul)" 9. ., BALA CYNWYD, PA.
the American Friends' Service Mrs. J. Ann BostWick, daughter of
Vaughan Bostwick, also of
Committee in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boese of Mill
Mr. Johnson Is a graduate of Ardmore and the late Mr. Bost- Creek Rd., Gladwyne, a boy, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forlanl of
Germantown Friends' School and wick. ____ 52 E" Spring Ave., Ardmore a boy
RANO Mr. and Mrs., Cornelius McGee-
han of 110 Iona Ave., Narberth, a
girl, July 5. ~
Mr. and Mrs. George Floyd of
220 Sabine Ave., Narberth, a boy,
July 5. ____
July 9.


MI'. and Mrs. Robert Warmley of

Rd" Ardmore, a boy,

Mr. and MrS. Orlondo Ferry of

Beginning July 18th
Prices Drastically Redueed on all Summer
Mr. and Mrs. William Hansberr:' 2524 Avpn Rd., Ardmore, a boy, Merchgndise.
of 123 Walnut Ave., Ardmore, a July 10.
TYPES OF CUTS IN REVIEW- girl, July 5. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chester of
Shop Early for the Best Selections
Some, Fall Merchandise Included in This Sale
• NEW LOOK Your Child's Glasses Mr. and Mrs.. Matthew Shippen
of 226 Spring Ave., Ardmore,
Montgomery Court·Apts., Narberth
a girl, July 10. '
$1.00 :and up
Have them made at the Donat store right here in town.
Save time and money, and enjoy the assurance of unhurried
accuracy, the finest quality materials and saving prices.
female twins, July 6. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Zerr of Lan-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Carter caster Ave. and Berkley Rd.. Straf-
~~Pri=~MRd~Huerlow~ f=o~r;d~,~a~g~ir~I~,~J~U~~~l~O~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

girl, July 6. r =

Air Conditioned DONAT CA OPTICIANS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elliott· of
Youngsford Rd., Glad\.,y.ne, a boy,
July 6.
AVENUES -- NARBERTH 4270 24 E. Lancastel· Ave.
Ardmore, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Pratt of
127 S1. Georges Rd., Ardmore, a
boY, July 6. ~

11NC& I'"
H ours-9 to 5 Daily; Saturday 9 to 1
Evening Hours-7,OO to 8.30. 'Mondays and Frii/a,s
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farra of
South Valley Rd., Paoli, a boy,
July 6.
phlJade1phla • Germantown • Ardmore - JenklntoWD •
West Chester Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts of
116 Homestead Rd., Wayne, a boy,
July 7.•
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert DuPee of
5 Maple Ave., W. Manayunk, a boy,
Air Conditioned July 7.
261 MONTGOMERY AVE. Dinner To Honor
CYNWYD PENNA. Couple Planning· -
To Marry Saturday

7I!wA cY(E I
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robert de
Soto of 114 Wayne Ave., Colling-
dale, are entertaining at dinner to-
night in honor of Miss Laura Boy-
er of Gladwyne, whose marriage to
their son, Mr. Henry ,Robel't de
Soto Jr., will take place Saturday
~ e had to do some remodeling .. ,put on a new front, etc., and
. ,Nld_HI ·
at 4 p.m. in the rectory of St.
/ Margaret's Church, Narberth.
Among the other guests will be with business in July always quiet we figul'e now is the time to do
the bride-elect's father and moth-
it. \
er, 141': and Mrs. James H. Boyer
. f of Gladwyne, and Miss Margaret Along with this operation we operated on our stock, too ... and ,
Jane Maguire of Rosemont.
we've really done some tall and fancy cutting . , . on our shoe •
prices. The following are just a couple of the outstanding values
• Mrs. Fred P. Braun
Entertains Mother we are offering in this Sale. Come in today for' the best choice~
DO YOU DREAM of havlnl At Luncheon Friday
Mrs. Fred P. Braun of Ban famous Shoes for Women NOW
· f

For those desiring the Naturally Curly Hair? Lane, ,Gladwyne, entertained FI'I-
day at an al fresco luncheon. in
honor of hel' mother, Mrs. Robert FOOT 'REST Shoes Values to 12.95 7. 95 .,
finest in food and drink ·
8. 95
Your nNt hair CUT may make your dream Weir 'of Hatboro.
come true. The hair is shampooed, tapered
Present at the luncheon were
Mrs. Alfred Warnel" and her chil-
dren, Jimmie. Judy and June, Mrs.
WALK • OVERS Values to 16.95
FULL COURSE DINNERS and' shaped while wet, then processt<l wi.... Leon ,Weir and her children, Don-
the aid of therapeutic lamp50 The ·patented
proC:86' has prov~d an effeative aid ~. iIt.
ald and Betty Jean, and Mrs. John
Growing G.irls \ (
JoehoW, ali of Hatboro, and Mrs.


Marran Dickinson and son, Michael, •
hait' and scalp. Moe, $1.10. of Newcastle, England. '
SEAFOOD ..... II. I • ...,. Oft.
WOMEN'S CASUALS ····,··· ,'.00
Pythian Sisters To Meet
Monday Eve In Gladwyne I .

The Pythlan Sisters of. Gladwyne
for .'10 COMPLETE will meet Monday night at 8 for Your Doctor
a bwilness session in the' Oddfel- Will Reconlmend
FOR RESERVATIONS low's HaU, Gladwyne.
Mrs. Florence Halberstadt will Wallach's
Phone Cynwyd 3002 preside at the meeting, to be fol-
lowed: .by a social 'hour and refresh- Ardmore 6070
WILLIAM EVERHART, Proprietol' .Hours: 9:30 to 6, Fri.-Sat. to 9 P.M.'
U you plan to run an ad in
11.. D~IITIIUT '1...... M L LANIAsTta AVI. .', Ard••fI .2111 the' Times, please, bring or'
.OPEN 4:00 P.M. phone it to the T1m8ll' office w. LANCASTER AVE~, ARDMORE

1111 DHlsnuT It 1·.911 HID MARKIT IT. lI'd• . , 28
before',2 p.m. Wednesday. 311
24 KINIIHIIHWIY, Illddlllltld-FLANDllS, Otlill 0"" II. J. E. Lancuter Ave., Ardmore

, I
...~. ,
Donna E~ Clement Sally T. Neely,
'l'hurs., July 14, 1949_

Becomes Bride In , , ' .. - " "-",,,,


Albert B. Nulty
Pittsburgh Rites Marry Saturday
Narberth Couple Exchange
Former St. Davids Girl Is
Married Saturday After- Wedding Vows At Nuptial
Mass In St. Margaret's
noon To William Lloyd
Watt Jr. Church
Miss SallY T: Neely, daughter of
A wedding of Important .social Mr. and Mrs. John E. Neely of
Interest took place Saturday aftel'- Narberth, became the bride of Mr.
noon in Pittsburgh, when Miss Albert Barnes Nulty, son of' Mr.
Dortna Elizabeth Clement, daugh- Albert H; Nulty of Narberth and
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Ball the late Mrs. Nulty, Saturday
Clement of Pittsburgh, formerly of morning in St. Margaret'e Church.
In the Woods, St. Davids, became Mr. John P. Nulty, brother of the
the bride of Mr. William Lloyd bride, served as soloist.
Watt Jr" son of Mrs. Helena Mac-
The Rev. James F. Toner, pas-
Iver Watt of Pittsburgh and Mr.
William Lloyd Watt of New York, tor, performed the ceremony and 'Marry In June Nuptials
In the Calvary Church. The 4 p.m. celebrated a nuptial mass at 10 Mr. and Ml'S. Robert Sheble are shown shorti1 aftel'
a.m. when the altar was ,banked
cel'emony was performed by the
wi~ white !l"ladiolus and ferns.
their marriage which took place June 24 in the BrYll Mawr
Rev. Franklin Joiner, rector of St. Presbyterian Church. The bride is the foml6t M4s1
Clement's Church, Philadelphia, as- The bride, who was escorted by
sisted by the Rev. William W, ller father, wore a white Bummer Martha Claflin, daughte'r of Mrs. William M. .Cllllflin of
L u m p kin, rector ':)f Calvary satin gown fashioned with a fltted
bodice, a scalloped heart-shaped Wynnewood. (Photo by Clarence Myers.)
neckline edged With lace and a
Given In marriage by her father, tiny roll 'collar, modified leg-o-mut- James Evans Jr. To Wed
the bride wore a gown of Chantilly
lace, the bodice featuring an off
should'er neckline outlined with
pearl beading and the skirt made
ton sleeves with tight wrist bands
and puffs at the shoulders and a
full skirt that flared to form a
Wayne Girl Plans
train, Her fingertip' veil of illusion
Nov. 19 In Elkins Park
The marriage of Miss Margaret

Autumn Wedding
in tiers and ending in a long train, Gage Rhoads, d,a.lolghter of Ml\ and
Was draped from a. cap of the same Mrs. C. Brewster Rhoads of Chilo
Miss Margaret Foxall Clement material and her bouquet tied with
acted as maid of honor for her ton, Huntingdon Valle-y, to Mit.
white satin ribbons combined James Daniel Evans Jr., son of Mr.
sister and the bridesmaids were white roses and white gladiolus. The early fall wedding of Miss and Mrs. Evans of The Shadel,
Mrs. George L. Stark, Mrs. George
Miss Katherine Neely, who serv- Lavinia Ann Carothers, daughter of Haverford, will take place Novem..
Newlyweds Leave Ardmore Church Valentine Smith and Mrs. Charles
ed as maid of honor and only at- Mrs. Richard Smallbrook McKinley bel' 19 in St. Paul's Chureh, Elltin.
, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauser Jones leave the First Francis Clements Jr., all
delphia; Miss Ann Fownes, Miss
of Phila-
tendant for her sister, wore a two- of Wayne, to Mr. James Locke Park.
Presbyterian Church of Ardmore, following their mar- Emily Heron of Pittsburgh; -Miss toned gown featuring a fitted Yount, son of Mrs. Josephine Mc- A reception at ChHton wiW klliovr
riage June 25. Mq;. Jones is the former Miss Ellen Mary McCreery Oates, Mrs. Helena flesft-colored lace ,bodice and a Corkle Yount of Washington and the oeremony.
Watt Price and Mrs. Joseph D. bouffant aqua taffeta skirt. Her Newton, N. C., and the late Mr.
Louise Port, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robe'rt A. Port half hat combined both materials Frederick Horace Yount, will take
McGinnis, sisters of the bride-
of Ardmore. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. groom, also of Pittsburgh. Flower and she carried' a bouquet of yel- place Tuesday, September 6 in the GIRl. BORN' TO MABTINS
,low roses and yellow carnations. Shadyside Presbyterian Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Fran-klin Martin
• Earl H. Jones, also of Ardmore. The couple are residing girl was Nancy McGinnis.
Mrs. Neely, mother of the bride, Pittsburgh, instead of September 7, of Cynwyd, announce the birllh of
in H~vertown. (Candid by Clarence Myers) All the attendants wore pique wore an orchid flowel:ed gown on as originally planned. a. daughter, Kathy Jeanne, JtU11~
dl'esses, made With off shoulder The bride's attendants will be in Womlln's ;Hospit8l1, .Philadel-
• necklines and trimmed with velvet
a white background _with white
Mrs. John M, Yount ot Newton,-

~-Therese Sell~rs Of Radnor'

accessories and a corsage of phia.
sashes. The honor attendant wore gardenias. Mrs. William Schroeder of Louis- Mrs. Mat'tin is the f'()C:!ll&l' Miss
an orchid shade and the brides- ville, Ky., 'Miss Jean Clark and .T1&ne Roy Shand, daughter r;Jf M11.
maids, powder blue, Their short Ml's. GeorgQ G. Hewitt (Photo by Charles V. Smeltzer), Mr. Joseph L. Kelly of Narberth Miss Margery Succop, both of
served as best man While ushers Pittsburgh. and MM. James Shand 01. O,rnwyd.
./5 Bride Of Hugh M. Parrish White tulle veils were arranged
with a velvet bow and they car-
ried bouquets of larkspur in varie-M. Arlene Albrecht Weds
were Mr. Edward Neely, brother Ushers will include Mr. F. Wil-
of the ,bride, and Mr. Edward Dix- fong Yount and Mr. John M.
Old St. Davids Church in Radnor was the scene of the gated colors. on, both of Narberth. Following a Yount, brothers of the bridegroom;

George G. H~witt July 1

wedding breakfast at the Oynwyd Mr. Harvey LUtz, MI:. Harper Cil-
~fashionable wedding- of Miss Therese Pauline Sellers, daugh- pale The flower girl wore a dress of
Lounge, the couple left for a wed- ley, all of Newton, M-r. Porter For Accut'ate

blue, featuring puffed sleeves
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leste'r Hoadley Sellers of Radnor, and and a trimmirt'g of Irish lace. She ding trip. They plan to make their Scott and MI'. James B. Fleming, Prescrip«ons and
One of the first of the July brides was Miss M~ Arlene llome in Bryn Mawr. The bride is both of Plttsb\lrgh and Mr. Harry Prompt Delivery
Lieutenant Hugh Morris Parish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh carried mixed flowers.
Mrs. Clement was attired in pale Albrecht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Alb'recht of a graduate of Lower Merion High C. Yllatman of Columbia, Tenn.

Roberts Parish of Devon. Canon gray chiffon, trimmed with Alen- School, of which Mr. Nulty also is Mrs, John A. Succop of Pitts-
'Ernest C. Erp read the marrJage for three years before he joined con lac~ an~.a gray tUlle hat trim- General Green Farms, West Chester. formedy of Nazareth, a. graduate. During World Wal' U b1Irgh will entertain for members
ceremony Saturday at 4. in the the Air Force., he served for three years with the ~f the bridal party on Septem'ber

med With hiles of the valley and . .
afternoon. -------- flowers in orchil! tones. Her cor- Who was marned on the first day
coral shade ma.de With off shoulder
sage was camellias. Mrs. Watt of the month to Mr. George G. neCklines, accordian pleated ber-
navy. -
5, following the marriage rehearsal. ~/.:\BI ~
The hride, given in marriage by
'hel' father, approached the altar in
a dainty white organdie gown de-
P;igned with a high neckline edged
Ardmore Couple chose blue lace with a small pow- Hewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry thas and featuring green velvet
der ,bl~e hat.
Servmg as best man was Mr. _
Hewitt of Ardmore in st. Paul's sashes around - the waist. They
Thomas H. Collier. The- ushers Luth~ran Church, Ardmore. The carried cascade bouquets of pladi-
MI'. and Mrs. John H. Wrenn of
Ann Arbor, Mich., announce the
Shea's Drug Store
Convenient Stores

Marry Saturday Narberth 28'38-39

• with a rose point lace collar, long birth of a daughtel\ Alice Bromer
were the Messrs. William J. 0'- nuptials were ,performed by Dr. can lilies and variegated foliage
sleeves ending on a froth _of -lace
at her waist, and a bouffant skirt
, flaring into a slight train. Her face
was framed with a veil of the
Dell, Alan .F. Clark, John Mohn, Albert C. Kanzmger, rector of the and wore matching headpieces.
Walter Lovett, Louis G. Klingen- church. .
Betty Colaiuta And Edward berg, Joseph D. McGinnis, Dr. J. The bride, who was escorted to Hewitt
Both Mrs. Albrecht and Mrs. Bride Of Doctor
were attired in Navy blue,
Van Sweringen Donaldson, Captain the ~Itar by her fathe~, wore. a the bride's mother with white ac-
Wrenn, June 27.



Dr. and

the f()rmer
Catherine Brandes Bromer, daugh-
Ralph S.

OynWJ'd 7050
TRinity 7-460Z
same lace, an heirloom from her
• maternal great-great grandmother,
and she carried a formal bouquet
of white roses.
DiPaolo Exchange Vows In George Knox and Charles Francis wed~mg gow~ of candlelight satm, cessories and a corsage of tuberous
St. Coleman's Clement Jr. of Philadelphia. fashl~ned With. an off shoulder begonias and Mrs, Hewitt with
A reception at the home of the neckline, featurmg a scalloped b.er- blue accessories and lavender or-
In Local Rites Merrill H. Woolmington Of
el' of Bryn Mawr.

• Miss Cynthia Parish, sister of In mid-summer nuptials Saturday bride's parents folloWed the ce' _ tha, long sle~ve8 and a fUll sk~rt. chidS.
the bridegroom, served as maid of morning in St. Coleman's Church mon)'.
,honor wearing flowered white or- Ardmore, Miss Betty Colaiuta;
• gandie with a bateau necldine, full daughter _of MI'. and Mrs. Anthony
Ie Her long veil was arranged WIth
carried a white prayer book and
Serving as best man was Mr.
a tight fitting lace cap and she George We,ber. Ushers were Mr.
C. Jay Albrecht Jr., brother of the
Villanova Weds Brookline
Girl Saturday All Summer Apparel
skirt- and an apple green sash T .. Colaiuta of Ardmore, became the
Douglas Wendell white orchids with stephanotis bride, MI'. Luther M. Burton of
caught on long streamers. Ardmore and Mr. Frederick Martin In the presence of the immediate
matching her taffeta underSkirt bride of Mr. Edwal'd J. DiPaolo, families Miss Ruth PI'fnce Walker,
and slippers. Her headdress was a son of Mr. and Mr8. James DiPaolo Attending the bride as matron of of Ardmore.
honor was Mrs. Eric J. Arenberg FollOWing a reception at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Denzil

OfWayn~ Weds
green band trimmed with pink' also of Ardmore. Father John F. Walker of Brookline, became
roses the flowers of her formal Ferry performed the marriage serv- of Stone Harbor, N. J. The Misses Cynwyd Club, Mr. Hewitt and his
'bouq~et. . ice at 10 a. m. Merle K, and Joyce S. Albrecht, bride left for & wedding trip to the bt"ide of Dr. Merrill H. Wool-
sisters of the bride and Miss Edna the Poconos. mlngton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Mr. H, McKnight Black of Rad- The bride, escorted by her father, They are residing at 424 Maple- Woolmington of Villanova Satur-
Hoffman of Narberth, were ,brides-

New Jersey Girl

nor acted as best man to the bride- w?re a gown of white satin styled day morning at 11 in the chapel of
• groom, and ushers included Mr. With a high neckline, beaded Peter maids. All wore faille dresses in a wood Ave., Narberth.
the Bryn 'Mawr Presbyterian

George Robinette of Wynnewood, Pan collar, fitted bodice with but- Church. The Rev. Dr. Rex Stowers
, Mr. Lawrance A. Brown Jr. of Mal- tons to the waist, long sleeves and 010800 Saturdays
Clements officiated at the ceremony.

~ain ..a,ne Chit Chat

Saturday afternoon in Morris- During July and August
• vern, and Mr. Robert Tuma of a full skirt. Her tulle veil was town, N. J. nuptials, Miss Nancy Accompanied by her fatller the
New York City. held in place by a beaded crown bride wore an ankle length ft'ock Store Hours: 9:90 to 5:30
Bennett Carpenter, daughter of
Jl,frs. Sellers - chose a flowered and she carried an old fashioned Mr. John Tilney Carpenter of of delicate pink embroidered 01'- PHONE ARD. 1811
• gown offset with a red velvet sash bouquet of gardenias. Meanders, Morristown, and the late gandie fashioned with a low oval 18 RITTENHOUSE PLACE ARDMORE
and a large straw hat trimmed Miss Jean Colaiuta attended her Mrs. Ruth Gardiner Carpenter, be- neckline, tiny puff sleeves and a
with red velvet flowers. The bride- sister as matron of honor. The came the bride of Mr. Douglas
.. groom's mother selected a blue bridesmaids were Miss Jean Di- Cary Wendell Jr., son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Schultz of Ocean City, N. J., where het' sister and mitts ot matching orgaftdie II
bouffant skirt. A garden party hat I
chiffon ensemble and a blue hat. Paolo, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Douglas Cary Wendell of Ardmore, have returned to -their Flora is also spending several and a little bouquet of pink and
Following a reception at the Miss Eleanor Colaiuta, cousin of Wayne, in St. Peter's Episcopal home after a vacation trip in weeks.
home of the bride's parents for the bride, Miss Jennie Gianguilo Church. The Rev. Cornelius P, Mexico and Californ-ia.
the immediate families and a few and Miss Nellie Forlano, both of Trowbridge united the couple in
• •

• ..
Mr. and Mrs. Henry •. Smith of
White summerblollSoms completed
her ensemble.
Mrs. William Kennedy of Hart-
friends, the young couple left for Ardmore. matrimony at 3:30. Wynnewood and Mr. and Mrs. ford, Conn., wearing a blue mar-
• a honey moon at Cape May. They All wore marquisette dresses
will make their home at San An· with loW round necklines, featul'ing
Mrs. Samuel C, Ewing of Cynwyd James J. Ward of Germantown re- quisebte gown, served as matron of
The bride, Who was escorted to is spending the month of July at
the altai' by her father wore a turned io their llome last week fol- honor and only attendant to the
tonio, Texas, where Lt. Parish is a ruffled border and full skirts ruf- gown of white taffeta and a veil of Ocean City as house guest in the lowing a lO-day motor trIp of New bride, and Mr. William Kennedy
• stationed at Randolph Field. fled from the waist. The honor at- rosepoint lace held in place by a summer home of her sister, Mrs, England and Canada. acted as best man to the bride-
The bride is a graduate of Ship- tendant wore a lavender shade, two Helen M. Boone of New York.
• • groom. Special For
ley School. Her husband served in bridesmaids, pink and two aqua. spray of white bouvardia. She car-
ried a bouquet of Eucharist lilies
• Mr. and Mrs. lames Ewing of Mrs. Walker attended the nup-
• the Marines, with overseas duty, Large hats to, match their dresses -MI'. and'Mrs. Ellwood I. Beatty of Righters Mill Rd., Gladwyne, have tia.ls in a navy blue chiffon model
and old fashioned bouquets com- Maid of honor for her sister wa~ Cynwyd weI'e the guests for several
pleted their outfits.
Serving as best man was Mr. bndesmalds were the Misses Vir- Chew of Drexel Park at their sum- stay at Cape Cod, Mass.
Romeo Cordone of Ardmore. Ushers ginia Smith, Cynthia Sznith Ann mer home at Stone Harbor, N. J.
.. ..
Mi.ss P e.n e lop e Carpenter. The days of Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor returned llome from several weeks' and a blue hat, and the bride-
groom's mother cltose a sheer
gown of pale grey.
wel'e the Messrs. James DiPaolo Wendell, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Beatty is president of the Mr. and Mrs. Paul F8Il'rier and At the conclusion of a recep-

.• and Henry Gianguilo of Ardmore, and Carroll Winslow of Summit National Women's Squash Associa- son, Paul Jr., of Kenilworth, III., tion and wedding breakfast at the
Bill Ho.pkins of Virginia and Joe N. J. All were attired in pale gray tion. will arrive tomorrow to spend sev- Aronimink Country Club the
gowns with coral picture hats and eral days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. newly-married pair left for a trip
DiLorenzo of Havertown. •

A breakfast at the home of the carried gladioli.
bridegroom for the families fol- MI'. F. Stoddart Smith 3d of Rd., Ardmore, if> visiting in Jack- Merion Park.
lowed the cel'emony. In the after- Montclair, N. J. served as best son, Mich., where she will be join- . .. .
to the Adirondack Mountains. On
Mrs, Stoddard Martin of Oakford C. C. Bowman of Hamilton Rd., their return they will make their
home in Villanova.
as low as 10.00
UPHOLSTERING noon at 3 a dinner was held at the man. The ushers were the Messrs ed by Mr. Martin later in the Miss Amy McKay of Radnor~ and The bride is a graduate of Hav-
In All Branches bride's house and a reception for Elbert B. Owen Jr. of New York; month. Miss Joan Armstrong of Wynne- erford High School and Simmons Why not keep cool this SummerY.
relatives and friends followed in Bolton Morris, John B. Trout and
• • wood, sailed on the Queen Mary College - in Boston, and her hus-
ROBERT H. the evening at 7:30. Franklin Reeve of Basking Ridge, band, who iI9 a.t present resident ••• Let us cut and :reshape FOUl' hair
Upon their return from a wed- ,N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Sutcliff and recently for a two months' tour of physician at Wills Hospital in
Europe. They will return In Sep-
DENNIS ding trip on the Chesapeake Bay
of Maryland, the young couple will ed the ceremony.
A reception at Meanders follow- daughter, Carol Ann of Ardmore
will vacation shortly at Snow Hill, tember.
Philadelphia, is an alumnus of
Haverford High School, Cornell
10 • 12 SPRING AVE. live at 336 E. Spring Ave., Ard- Upon their return from a wed- Md, • • • University and the University of
Phone ARDl\IORE 5386
more. ding trip, Mr. Wendell and his • • Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fur- Pennsylvania School of Medicine. No Appointment Necessary
bride will reside in Bryn Mawr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Wolfe long Jr. and their sons, Thomas F.
formerly of Bryn Mawr, will cele- Furlong 3d and Edward J. Fur-
,., m • m • •m m • brate their 64th wedding anniver- long 2d, will.sail Saturday on the PARENTS OF DAUGHTER
Localites Sail sary tomorrow. They are present- Queen of Bermuda for a Iltay of Dr. and Mrs. Elwood O. Horne
ly living wJth their daughter and two weeks at the Princess, Hamil- of Worcester, Mass., _ announce
son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. Albrlgllt ton, Bermuda. Their daughter, the birth of e. dallghter, Lynne HAVERFORD
Miss Barbara Jane Furlong will Hartwell Horne, June 25.

Jones of Swarthmore.

For Europe Today • • • leave tomorrow for Milwaukee, to Mrs. Horne is the former Miss ARDMORE 5566

,. ....
MI'. and Mrs. S. Earle Reifsnyder spend t)Vo weeks with her great- Dorothy Louise Schock, daughter
of Ardmore, will spend part of July aunt, Miss .gnes M. Furlong. of Dr, and Mrs. Harvey Earl

Schock of Overbrook. I
P.rtl.ul.rly uI.ful for contemporary /iv- Wayne Woman To Chaper- at Lake Shehawken, Pa. and -Rye,
• • • I
In9' Por four peopl. wh.n .Iosed, it el. N. '1. MillS Joan Harlan, daughter of II
on 14 Girls From Younger • • •
tend, to lut eight. Solid walnut in l".armly
m.llow ton,. Set
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roser of ROlle-
Mr. and Mrs. William 1. Mac- mont, _will leave tomorrow for a ~
Carter Jr. and daughter, Gloria of month'. vacation In Ocean City,

Chaperoned by Mrs. Langdon Hillbrook, Ithan, have opened their Md.
Caskin of Wayne, 14 girls from lodge, Glomarmac at Skytop in
the Main Line ,younger set are the Poconos, where they will re-
MI'. and Mrs. Charles C. Halber-
sailing today on the S. S. Britannic main until Septembel' 15.
for a tour of Europe. • • • stadt and her sons, John and Glen,
The group, which will make its Mrs. J. Clifford Rosengarten of have returned from a two-weeks'
8(''£?§~#~ is occupying her sum- stay at Ship Bottom, N, J.
34"x40"x301f.. " H-Cloud
first stop in England, includes Miss Haverford,
14"x64"x301l.. " H-open
mer plaee, Highland Lo'dge at
Helen Knode, Miss Cintra Carter Watch Hili, R. I., lor the season. • • •
1515 WALNUT StRUT, PHILA" PA. Miss N. Haviland, Miss Josephin~ Miss Janine Braun, da.ughter of

. -'
Th. Spr.ad Eagl., L1nc.ln Hwy.• Strafl.,d, Po. May b••rrl.rod th,.ugh y.vr D•••ra'or Dexter, the Misses Helen and
Roberta McVey, Miss Sabine Mc-
• • • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braun of Barr
Mr. and ~rs. John Hopkins and Lane, Gladwyne, spent the week-
Clure, Miss Lucy Marsh, Miss Joan John HopkinS Jr. of Wynn.ewood, end as the house guest of her
Robertson, Miss Linda gurr; Miss. are at Prouts Neck, Me., until after cous,in, Miss Betty Jean Weir,
.. Carolyn Bartholf, the Misses Bar- Labor .Day . •
bara and Ruth Dieble, and Miss
Betsy Annesly,
• •
MI'. and Mrs. Aaron 1. Sanson 3d . ..
- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Leon
Weir of Hatboro.

of Rosemont, are occupying their MI'. and Mrs. M. Milton Connell
After an interlude of sightseeing summer home at Cape May, N. J.

of 337 Cherry Lane, Merwood

aJWi social entertainment In Lon-
don and Oxfoi'd, they will leave for
• • • Park, with son, M. Milton Connell
Miss Elsie D. Cresswell, daughter
Switzerland, where they will visit of MI'. and Mrs. Donaldson Cress- Jr., and daughter, Judy, have 're-
Interlaken, Geneva, Montreux' and well of Crowden, Bryn Mawr, has turned from a two week's vaca-
Lucerne. The next schedUled stop sailed to spend the summer In tion In Cresson, visiting Mr. Con-
will be the Italian Riviel'a, follow- Denmark. , nell's mother, Mrs. James H. Con-
HESTAfll/AIIT alii IAN ' ed by visits to Lake Como, Venice, • .. nell, and other relatives.
* • • .
Florence and Rome. I
The Terrace is now open for Luncheon, Miss Jeanne Sollmeo
In Rome the party wlll have a phia, formerly of Gladwyne, re-
of Philadel- Mrs. Fr~nk .T. McGovern. of 300
Cocktails, Qinner and -Supp~r. Reservations private audience with His Holi- turned home recently after a three Cherry Lane, Merwood Park, gave
are suggested for the dinner hour. ness, Pope Plus XII. weeks' vacation in Reno, Nevada, a surprise stork shower for Mrs.
Two weeks' travel in Italy will where she was the guest of Mrs. James McCoy of 306 Cherry Lane,
Call Bryn Mawr 9237 . prelude a trip by prvlate coach L. K. Luce and her son, William Mel'wood Park, a recent, Friday


Nice and Monte Carlo, the girls
W;ill be pre-arrangement join many
.. ..
to France, where after stops at E, Luce, formerly of Narberth.
. evening. Guests p8.l'ticipatlng were
the Mesdames Joseph Barbano,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Oompton of John Schmidt, Walter Simmons, •
of their friends In Paris for- eight Merion, entertained at a dinner Thomas Fitzpatrick, Ronald Mo-
days of sightseeing and shopping. party on July 5 in honor of their watt, Hugh Colligan, Eugene ..
The party will sail for home on daughter, Marjorie, who celebrated Compton, wood Park.
Will i a m Mulhearn,
' ..
the Mauretarlla, August 31, and will her 21st birthday. Marjorie will Frank X. - Myel" Sr., all of Mer-

arrive in New York, September 6. lea.ve Saturday for a vacation at-
MAIN l"INE T1MJ::$ Nine New Cases Of .Shop The SuburbanWay Apd Save'
, ThlU'Jlday, July 14, 19~9 Contagious Diseases
In Haverford Twp.
Nine new cases of contaglouB
diseases were reported In Haver-
In Our Mid - Summer
ford township last week, the board
of health revealed,
Included were four calles of
measles, three of mumps and two
of German measles. This brings
the total contagious diseases to WHITE EVENING
date to 791.
••••• A PLAN '.. ,with the popular shawl collar.
The smartest, coolest, most com- formerly
fortable garment Jor dinner and
FOR THAT EMERGENCY eveni.ng formality. We have them
in frosty white.

llo". In Confidence
Stclre ~ Safety
lmpor,tant changes in personal affairs frequently
Now 22.50
requi're spedal assistance, If you must stol'e any of
your furniture, or if you are moving to a new home Many Other Re'ductions on Summer Apparel
nea:rby or to another city, you are faced with an
But not under the Ryan and Christie plan-our spe-
, cialized service which simplifies all moving opera-
Shuffleboard Captures Debs' Interest At Eagles Mere
This sextet of debs of the current season were snapped by the cameraman during . I'
~k Manlq/for,
tions, keeps down'costs and saves our patrons much a close match of shuffleboard, while at a recent weekend party at Fo'rest Inn, Eagles
time and effort. Mere, Pa. Thh are left to right, Carol Horan, Helena Tie'rs, Libby HilI, Joanna Tur-
ner, Ruth Kindt and Sue Wallworth of Bryn Mawr.
When you need us, this Company is p're'pal'ed for
any moving or storage emergency-today or at any Council. the Health and Welfare Council,
time in the future, Write us, or just telephone Bl'yn
Mawr 2300. We provide nation-wide or local service.
Agent - Allie,} Van Lines
Rev. Haney Name Announcement of the appoint-
ment was made by Robert M. My-
el'S, executive secretary of the
Main Line Federation of Churches.
The Rev. Mr. Haney, who is also
a member of the executive com-
mittee of the Main Line Federation 835 Lancaster Avenue BRYN MAWR
To Advisory Group
of Churches, will serve for a term
51'ORAGR - MOVING - l'ACIHNG - (;RA'l'ING - SlIlf'I'IN(l ,The family division advisory
of two years on the advisory com-
For Your
committee meets to discuss poli- STORE HOURS: Shopping Convenience
cies, procedures and standards for mittee.
The Rev, James M, Haney, past- familY' casework agencies through- Open Monday to Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri.
or of Radnol' Methodist Church, out Philadelphia, Montgomery and A. gift that lasts 52 weeks ••• Eves. Until 9 p.m.
has been elected to membership on Delaware counties. The Main Line a year's subscription to the Saturday .. ,9 to 6
the family division advisory com- Federation of Churches, a family 'rimes. Only $2 In Montgomery
mittee of the Health and Welfare I casework agency, is a member of County, $2.59 elsewhere.
---- ~._----- -------._----" "-_._---_.. _ .. - -_ .. _--------------- .t § Ii

ftlCBS REDUCED TO %' ._ • .".. ••• cs.fI . . _ ~ . . -

.. lit 1M twtt! ~ J04I see . . - .. iat, x.. t"8I
... f.r
~ to moM
~ed ••• yotl'lI hoM to ...-;
)'041''1 not dMo..i",! YOlI . .

see balgOia cr-fter bof9CMn-~ p4'k- ~ ..

• We . . .tuied IVery floor . . . . . • ~ Ott aoWt ~ let JM
fIGf1 , . , . . """ - .....
...... II 8W store ill tltis let · • .. . . . '-It 0lIIlIIlI ,., Ioobtt for CI . . . .
...... $'.' _ito( ~.." ••• .., . .
.. _ old loti • • • every dellOR- LWIII ROOM S,UJTE SEliSAT10llU
~ n.. .. sia:_. fJf ~ at 41 oe-
....... ItIII al kitds of apJliHoes • . OFF REGULAR PRICES
t~ :;:~r:~rt:$
upholstered to becJlIt#y your hOme!
A real Buy! Prices begin at o'lly-
$139· CM. ~ or a'. . . . fur i. .~ 1 b-'tet N""'.
Moa. )'CMM' . ._ "'W 011 ow Ia..,_.., ....". -
, yow ~ at Cliotee' . . .

Sturdily constructed of top-grade
, . e4teiee « lither metoI or Smartly upholstered in designs and materials! Your choice of table ond

.(. J
wood ill .... JtlOft9~Y ,0MtrlolCted
~! YCMl COft eoc1tJ afford Htot
".-0" bed
"..,....." hoM-
*" Uof!t.ed for NlGI
colors that are very eye-pleasing! A
wide selection of comfortoble I~ing
room cftoic-e, YCMtr dtoice ior-
$J9 four choirs in chrome or in finely
finished wood. A real borgoift
RtOCK'S low pl'i¢es s«Ift eM-
"""! '49 •


Here i5 an opportunity for Big Sav- W_ •• ..-of ....
kr9M -, ,....!

StpW to petf.... for yovr Modern oak! Maple! Walnut! tobl. laMPS at
ings! Comfortable sofa bed or couch
Period! Many styles by many .~.
....ping c.omfort! Floral tide.- a.
;J manufacturers! Each crafted, of
by day •. , at night, . , a touch of the Modenl, glus, brats aftd iMII\IJ,
flllll ,Striped aclJn9s ! Your hand and ••• presto! Perfect sleep. mati( for yOll to c~ooteffom'!
. . . . at tM very tow prke! select woods designed to last for
Dual purpose furniture Shirting at- At row prioc.. I'NgeI stofttliftg eM-
For .... belli be 8CH'l¥'1 years! Come-see! Only-



01£ LOT OF CEDAR CHESTS! 5 Gliders At A Great. Clearance Saving SPECIALI AXMINSTER BROADLOOM Grllt Blya II Fine B....om SIlas
Beautiful, htxurious,' rich' looking Never before have we offe,.d 10
'AIortta tiPt to protecr thOle items The sweltering doys aren't over Axminster Broadloom made to lost much for so litt~e. You'lf agree too
, ':
yo.'ye oi")'I efterished, Lo~ I'OCIMf
ItorcI9. tpac;a. YOlIt choice of
....., period or mo,fe Nh. Reol'
,....... ,....ffoM-- 'J9
yet! .But • • • one of these
gliders wil help you to stand the
heat. ••• Smartly finished in
baked-all enamel.
$2'-5. . I
for years and years. Your choice
of Hooked or 18th Century pat-
terns. In blue or tan. Cut to your
spedficotions from 12 ft. rook. SQUARE YARD
whalt you see fjltel!t ~iMed
bedfOOM gro. goiftt at· th...
amcuiwg6y Jo.w priGes. As low 01-

. . . . . , . . . . SfOBJc NORRIIfOWtrI 11 to 25 West Main Street • POm'fOWN, IIgh alld Charlotte Streets • • . . PIttAYS IIftIl. 9 P. Me
---==- -

lJible School To Open MAIN LINE TIMES
I the various ~epartments, Mrs.

,Bible School Plans

was held at the Baptist Church
with the coopel'atlon of the Metho-
dist and Presbyterian Churchea
whll enrolled their Sunday school
Vacation School Gloria Jean Foster of Hollywood,
Calif.. sang The Lord's Prayer by
llalotte. Dr,. Rex Stowers Cle-
ments, minister of the Presbyterian
Devotions On Sunday
At Gladwyne Church
Thursday, July 14, 1949
Life and Light of Man aa his s....
'Closing Exercises Holds Closing

members for the sessions. Church, spoke to the group and Church school at 9:45 a,m. will man text.
Attending the exercises wl1l be the Rev. J. Arthur Younger, pas- open devotions Sunday In Glad-
tor of the Saints Memorial 'Baptist wyne at the First Presbyterian
In Gladwyne Monday the Rev. Frank H. Rose and the
Rev. Gladstone Holm. Planned for Church took part In the opening Church of Lower Merion, where
Shenandoah National Park,
in Virginia coven 198;n2.91
, the evening Is an exhibition of the
More than 50 children, from tod- work accomplished at the classes Exercises Friday ';j:>Jh.Ias the RAv,. Frank H. Rose, mlnlstel',
w!ll occupy the pulpit during the
• dlers to teen - agel'S, wl1l paltici- and recitations and singing by the
pate In exercises marking the close
of daily vacatloln Bible school In
Gladwyne at 8 p.m, Monday In the

Carlsbad Caverns, In New Mex~

83 Out Of 173 Receive Per·
feet Attenda~ce ·Certifi·
Narberth Ch'urch morning .service.
Mr. Rose hall chosen Jesus, the
Times clasllified advertflJinr
gets TetlulbJl Call Ardmore 4800.

leo, is the largest underground lab- cates At Services In Bryn

~~~w: t~;a~s~~~~2:t~onc~:~~:, Names Delegates'
Gladwyne Baptist Church.
The school, which has been con- rynth yet discovered.
ducted since July 5 under the di-
rection of the Rev. Joseph Brehn, Shop the Suburban 'Vay
and certificates for perfect atten-
dance given to 83, the Community
Vacation Bible School sponsored by
the seven churches of Bryn Mawr
T B·bl· C f 0 I e on •
and Rosemont, held closing exer- The Narberth Pre s b y tel'l an

clses last Friday evening in the Church will have two representa-
Chapel of the Bryn' Mawr Presby- tives at the Trl-State Bible Con-
COMBINES terlan Church. ference to be held at Camp Dela-
Dr. B. L. Scott, dean of the ware near Trenton, N. J., beginning
schOl'lI, announced that 21 dlffer- Saturday alld continuing until July

ent Churches were represented In 23. They are Robert Drennen and
the registration ot boys and girls Carl Getty.
'f' between the ages of 4 and 17 years This conference Is one of a :Jer-
at age. Ardmore, Philadelphia, les open to the young people of
Wayne, Brookline and Manoa the church thIs summer. There Is
and churches and church .schools, sent also a larger church conference
students, as did one church in program for the entire family
Washington, D.C. The school, which includes Bible conferences in

MODERN FUNCTION which opened June 20 was held

Monday through Friday for three
Each of the departments had a
Stony Brook, L, r., N. Y.; Seneca
Hills, Franklin, Pa,; San'dy Cove,
Md.; American Keswick, Keswick
Grove, N. J.; Old Mill, Brandamere,
to make the world's finest place on the program. The begln- Pa, and Tri-State In Haverford.
ners, under the supervision of Mrs. The Narberth churCh uses these
Robert L. Shank, assisted by Mrs. summer conferences as a means

Velletiall Blillds! Shown abo~e are members .of the Methodist Youth
Caravan which will visit the Bala-Cynwyd Methodist
Clara Matthews, Winnie Ingram
and Marjorie Shank, had a regis-
tration or 44 boys and girls, 4 and
5 years of age and 19 perfect rec-
ords., The primary group, super-
to increase the spiritual well-being
of Its members and
throughout the summer months.
The Second Annual' Church Con-
terence will be held October 15 and
Church for a week beginning Saturday, They are, back vised by Mrs. E. Foster Hammonds 16 at Spring Mountain House in Have Your Portrait Taken Nowl
row, Gene Connely and Decara Adams; front row, Mad- with Ehrlean Parks, Phylis Jones, Schwenksville, Pa. The entire
lu Nashel, Margaret Jones and Nancy Black. Christine Powell and Phylls Bell as church is expected to participate Come see why so many people J.sr ONI OE Oft
assistants, was composed of 70 in this conference. are delighted with our Jean TYP1CAI. SAVINGS
youngsters, 6, 7, and 8 years old This Sunday at 9:45 a,m. James
Youth Caravan To Come had 34 perfect recol'ds, The 'jun-
iors, directed by Mrs. Evans 'L.
Ferris, one of the church deacons,
will speak to the young people of
Sardou portraits! Come take
advantage of the wonderfuf 2 5x7
Morrison, assisted by Mrs. Lyman the Sunday School, continuing a
To B-C Church Saturday M. Hatton, Ehrlean Parks and
Louise Scott had a resgistration of
41 cnlldren between the ages of
series of studies based on the sub-
ject, How We .Get Our Bible. A
film strip entitled The Getting of
savings we offer this weekf 1lfGUtAR1Y $6

Caravan Week, six days of worship, study and recrea- 9, 10 and 11 years and a perfect Our Bible will also be shown.
tion, under the joint sponsorship of the Methodist Youth record of 20. The Rev. George C, The Rev. Robert J. Lamont, pas-
Lurwick supervised the Intermed- tor. will preach on The Gospel and
Fellowship and a visiting Methodist Youth Caravan Team,
will be held at the Bala Cynwyd Methodist Church, beginning
late department with the aid of the
Rev. James M. Haney and Robert
Fellowship at the regular Sunday
morning worship at 11. At the New Strawbridge' & Clothier
J. Smith and this group of 18 young Life Hour service at 7:45 p,m. his Main Line Men's Store - Ardmore
Saturday and continuing until July 23, according to L. people had 10 perfect records. subject will be The Heart that
Thomas Moore Jr., student assist-
ant pastor and youth director, ~I~n....:a~d~d~it~io~n~t~o~t~h.:e~p~rO~g~l'~8;~m~o~f~p~l~e~a~se:s~G:o~d~. ~~~~~~~~~~~::=:_=._~_=-=-=-::::~~::::~~~~~~~
the fall, in preparation for the ,-
The Methodist Youth Caravan Christian ministry; Decara Adams
Program is a project of Methodist of Rayston, Ga" Who is counselor SHOP FRIDAYS 12 NOON TO 9
youth, under the direction of the of the caravan, has taught English
Board Of Education of the Metho-
dist Church. Since its beginning
lege and Reinhardt Junior College,
in 1938 the program has trained both in Georgia; Marllu Nashel of -
and sent caravans into nearly all Burke, S. Dakota, the Intermediate
parts of the United States and also worker of the Caravan is 20 years
into Cuba, Hawaii, Poland, Czecho- old and a sophomore at Iowa State
slovakia, Switzerland, Belgium, College, where her major course
Norway, Sweden and North Africa. Is Zoology; Margaret Jones ot Ma-
In 10 years, 3,323 young people and
adults compl'lsing 699 Caravan
dison, Wis" is a senior in the Mu-
sic SChool of the University of
teams have served. " Wisconsin, where she is majoring
Your choice of a wide range of decorative colors ... A typical caravan is usually com- SUBURBAN SQUARE· ARDMORE
in organ -and music, She will stress
posed of two young men, two
beautifully finished ~luminum slats ... so satin:- young women and one adult coun-
the work with the seniors and old-
er youth, The final member of the
smooth they clean like a dream! Designed to give selor. Youth members are under Caravan Is Nancy Black of Clear-
24 years of age, have completed at
water, Fla., a senior at Weslyan
you the utmost in light and air control and smooth; least two years of college, or have College In Macon, Ga" where her
had equivalent experience. Adult major SUbjects are religion and
quiet operation. Foolproof mechanism enclosed in members are experienced In the sociology. She will conduct hel'
direction of Christian youth work.
matching headbox ... automatic stop. They'll give All serve without pay and go
work during the afternoon work-
where they are sent, shop. periods and is the one mem-
your windows that custom-fitted look .you've ado, Members Of Caravan ber of the group who was privi-
ledged to Caravan in Cuba during
mired so much in othe'r homes. Attractive prices on The members of the Bala-Cyn- the summer of 1948,
wyd Caravan are Gene Connely of These young people have recent-
all sizes. Come in today or ... Parsons, Kan., who is 19 and ex- ly finished ten days of Intensive
pects to enter Baker University In training at the Williamsport Cara-
v~!l training. center.
Call for FREE Estimate Wanted: Good HODle For Pets!
Here they
were given basic tI'alnlng In all
phases of the Methodist Youth

Fellowship program and specific
Store Open Mondays and Fridays Until 9 P.M. DOGS ,..)- training in two or more phases.

Other Days Until 5 P.M. and C~TS h~:.~ ~

Adoption ~' :-.::- ~)J I
They are taught to work with all
age groups within the Youth F.el-
lowship. Having completed this
~ r./.'~,'I.. training they are sent to local
HOBSON Contribution
Methodist churches, spending one
[ week in each of seven churches
To Aid Youth Program .


S. P. C. A.
At the Bala-Cynwyd church they
will endeavol' to give direction and
leadership to the development of a
The Home of Fine Furniture, . ,for Your Home youth program which fulfills the
Sandy' Bank Road Media Ideals and purposes of the Metho-
1015·19 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR dist Youth Fellowship. The Cara-
l\Iedla 6-1370 van will make personal visits, In-
tel\pret the youth work of the
chtll'ch to civic leaders, lead In-
SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMEN'f formal study classes and forums
in the afternoons, assist in initiat-
OF ing work projects, give suggestions
for worship services, direct recrea-
BRYN I\li\'VR TRUST (:O)IPANY tion and explain the church litera-
ture. The counselor will lead the
adUlts who work with the youth,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania parents and other Interested per-
AS OF JUNE 30, 1949 ! Mr. Moore, youth director at the
: Bala-Cynwyd church, has carried
the youth program right through
RESOURCES July with meetings scheduled every
Sunday evening. Last Saturday 35 of
the young people were the guests
Cash on Hand and in Banks $2,060,983.18 of Mr. and Mi's, jfoseph R. Wether-
aid at their summer home in Vent-
U. S. Government Securities 9,144,284.19 nor, N. J. Sunday night a week
ago, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lach-
Other Investment Bonds 337,631.45 man entel'tained the youth at their

home in Bryn Mawr. One 01' two
Loans and' Discounts 1,012,732.03 other outings are being planned
during the Caravan's visit.
F. H. A. Mortgages
Veterans InstIl'ed Mortgages
I At least 10 of the Bala-Cynwyd
Methodist youth will leave for a
week long institute on the grounds
of the Pocono Plateau Christian
Conventional Mortgages 640,259.72 Association near Cresco, Pa., fol-
lOWing the Caravan's visit on July
Bank Building 255,000.00
Other Real Estate $1,275,00) None Shadow-cool
Less Reserve
Title Insurance Reserve Securities
1,275.00) None
Special Music Shadow-dark
(lther Assets 54,875.84 Service Sunday
Special music will be provided BLACK SHEERS
$16,229,287.53 by David S. Bahner of the Phila-
delphia Conservatory, of Music dur-
Ing the 11 a,m. worship service
LIABILITIES .this Sunday In the Meeting House A. Maternity dress with top of block shirred rayon chiffon over Resh color. Bejewelled
of the Lower Merion Baptist buttons of mock pearl add sparkle. The rayon crepe skirt has snap adjustments under
Capital Stock (Preferred 250,000.00 Church of Bryn Mawr.
Mr. Bahner, Who is a trombonist the belt. Sizes 10 to 18. 16.95
Capital Stock (C~mmon 250,000.00 will play Jerusalem by Parker and
Somewhere a Voice Is Calling by
Surplus, Profits and Reserves Tate. The pastol', Dr. B. L. Scott,
602,235.76 will preach a sermon entitled This B, Two·piece black sheer rayon crepe dress, exclusively OUrs. Smart sleek jacket
Reserve fo'r Federal Income Tax ,. 73,150~ 72 Matter of Faith and Miss Ruth has hip tucks, flashes of glitter buttons, Sizes 12 10 20. 16.95
Geol'ge will be at the organ fol-
lOWing a short vacation.
Reserve for Retirement of Pl'efe1'l'ed Stock 13'5,000.00 The Bible School, un'der the di-
I'ection of Robert L. Shank, gener- C. Junior's dress frosted with white applique flowers front and bock on sheerest
Other Liabilities 11,095.90 momlng program at 9:30 at the block rayon marquisette and rayon crepe. Sizes 9 to 15. 19.95
el superintendent, will open the
Deposits 14,907,805.15 Lancaster Avenue Chapel. Follow- SECOND flOOR
Ing this period the church bus pro-
$16,229,287.53 vides transportation to the Meeting
House, D. Cool block rayon sheer dress with ladylike lace in slimming diagonal panels.
During IIII'. Scott's August vaca- Perfect foil for every occasion, any accessory. Sizes 14 to 20. 9.98
Joseph J. Esrey Gordon M, Bnrllngame tion leave, the mid week services
DeHaven Develln \vhlch are held at the cha.~ each THIRD flOOR
Executive Vice President & VIl;e P~el!lident. &
President & Trust Officer Treasure!' Wednesday evening at 8, wlll be
Title Offtcer under the direction of the Board
of Deacons. Leaders' during the E. Mist-thin black rayon chiffon over separate rayon taffeta slip with snap-in strops for
William R. l\Iooney
month will be Mrs. Charles L. complete wearing-ease. Pretend-jewel buttons, soft hip tucks. Sizes 14H to 24~, 19.95
Chairman of the Board France. Aug. 3; Mrs, J. Walter
Matlack, Aug. 10; Robert L. Shank, SECOND flOOR
, Member - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Aug. 17; Frank B. Espenshade,
Aug. 24 and M.1's. Clayton D. Rich- ,
al'ds, August .31.' "
A Complete, Convienen t, Shopping Center Ardmore


Daytime and fuenfng .
Dresses 't-lO
It',l!Io::'l llg

$18 $38

Leave For Wedding Reception

, $2$ ..
.:-. . .o....-t'"

Mr. and M'l'S. Carnes Weeks Jr. are shown in the car
which took them to the reception following their mar- dorothyr. ballltt, me.
riage ,Tune 25 in the Church of the Redeemer, Bryn
Mawr. The bride is the former :Miss Patricia d'Herent
Severn dalJO'htel' of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Severn
of The'Wall:d Ga'l'den, Haverford. Mr. Weeks is the son
of Dr. and Mrs. Weeks of Cannel Hill Farm, Woodbury,
Conn. (Candid by Ed Jackson (
--------------- Sterling Snver Child's Cup •••• $8.50
For a New Arrival
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh L, Keiss of
2600 Hirst Terrace and t~leir ,son",
Sfore DeISPIays' Orange Juice Cup 0 ~ 0-,,$3.50
Sterling Snver Porringer •• , • $10,00
Baby Spoon and Fark Set. $3,75
'Steve, went to La Guardia Field,
I hT Fede,alTax Ineluded
New York City, last week, to meet
~~~irB~~~~~,te~'r"MI~~h~a~ee\~ ~li,~~~ rls reasures

The ideal gift for little folks ••• so useful

Caracas, Venezula. They stayed at I today, so treasured tomorrow. Visit our Silver Depart-
the New Yorker until Sunday. Loan Exhibit From Dublin ment and see our complete line of baby tableware. There
Shop the Sll-burhl~'''ay Museum, Products Of To- are many pieces to select from in a wide range of prices.
::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;-;;;;;;-;;;;-;;;;--;;~ day Feat ureD ispIay
Conveniently Located A display of Irish treasures,
many old and rare, together with
examples of Ireland's present-day
11\itsingtr '5 For the Finest in Tailored Clothes Flowers., .
appropriately ·arra,nged
industrial skill. opened yesterday
for a week in Strawbridge & Cloth-
ier's eighth floor auditorium.
Jewelers Since 1886 65 St. James Place To greet the blessed
Newcomer and to ex-
Most precious of the entire col- Ardmore 5446 39 Coulter Ave. ARDMORE press your congrat-
lection • Shop In Air-Conditioned Comfort ulations to the
Nationalis Museum
the loan exhibit fromcom-
in Dublin, the t..._ _
Funeral Service prised of such tL'easure as the - i- .. proud Mother 1

Kavanagh Charter Horn, a gilt .----------------------~ ._----------.,

1807 Pine Street chalice and case, embroidered vest-
ments, a gold-plated ewer and ba-

sin set with moonstones.
Included also are replicas of BRACKBILL'S Watch for
such world-famolls antiquities as Come in today and fill
the Moone and Cong Crosses, stone
PEnnypacker 5·4971 ctlrvinp:s dating back to 900 A. D, your vacation cam e l' a Home Made 25 COULTER AVENUE
and the magnificently stone-set needs. We have a com- Only Air.Conditioned
PEnnypacker 5·4972 Shrine of st. Patrick's Bell.
In contrast with the treasures of plete supply of "Every- OF 27 COULTER AVENUE Salon Along the Main Line ;"
Health Salad
yesterday are many examples of
Ireland's products of today, - fra-
gile lace, glossy damask, tweeds,
thing, P hot 0 graphic"
that you will need ... and Potato Salad PECK & PECK Shop At Air· Conditioned' Suburban Square
: ." If

hrooches from Tara, WickloW pot- a superfine finishing and

tery. There is also a display of the
coat of arms for aJl the counties developing service, I
Cole Slaw at NO HEAT ..•
in Ireland . I j\1:acaroni Salad NO HUMIDITY. , "
The display was flown to Ameri-
ca through the facilities of Ameri-
can Airlines.
Chicken Croquettes


1330 so. PENN sQ., PHILA.
Farm Market Lightweight, Durable, Handsome Ensemble Luggage'
New home construction i n Suburban Square
Haverford Township took a drastic ....---------------------~
slump in June, David A. Carson, ARDMORE
building inspector, revealed last
This lovely basket of gilts is
awaiting you, if you are a
Newcomer to the city. have
just become engaged, are a
During June five permits were
issued for the construction of new
homes as compared to 46 in June
New Mother. have just moved
to a new address within the
city, or just become Sweet
of '48. Alterations and additions to
homes made up the bulk of per- 0 •• PLENTY OF FREE PARKING. "

Sixteen, This basket of gilts mits issued last month, Mr. C a r - I . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..
comes to you as an expres' son said.
ston of goodwill from pUblic Two of the larger ones were for
spirited local merchants.
There's nothing to buy. No
obligation. Phone your Wei·
altel'ations and additions to the W.
Childs Drexel estate on Highland

come Wagon Hostess below Lane for $28,000 and to St. Denis
and arrange to receive these
Rectory for $58,000.
The remainder of the 117 permits'
15" 18" 21" or Train Case •
consisted of oil burner installations
Welcome Wagon
and repairs to homes and garages.
The estimated east of construction • Tweed Coverings
for June was $225,913.
_ _I. ..O....
• Satin Striped Linings
Long. Island, off New York, is
118 miles I ng and from 12 to 25 I
Phone' Ardmore 649:5·J miles wide. i • Stay Hinges " .,..'
lllllllllmillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\1\1111" • Brass Locks
during • Rounded Edges



It's fast and budg'et.wise, too ••
Bdng' us ~'oul' soiled and rumpled
clothes before 11 a. m•. , they will 0

be expertly cleaned and pressed and Open Monday Evenings Until 9:30 P. M,.
ready for you at five! 26", 29" or
Closed Saturdays During July and August
Hat and Shoe


Montgomery Ave. at Levering Mill Road
c .. H. OAVIS~ In~., • Free Delivery
• Mail or telephone·
Bala-Cynwyd Metropolitan Phila's Outstanding Television Sales and Sei'vice Organization
orders filled
Another Store on Suburban Square, Ardmore 33 Coulter Ave. Phone Ardmore 4422 ARDMORE
* Subject to tax
I ..

• •
.' "



A Complete, Convienent ~hopp ping Center ARDMORE

Summer' S'pe~i~~! - SPECIAL PRICEI

Binge .Butler
Hilarious Party Apron .... the lowelsthat do wear longer
':for Barbecues .• Picnics .• Home Ent,ertaining
'The most uproarious "gag" in a decade. It has
'pockets for. everything! Identification cluds, lIPstlck2
,remover, addresses, pho.ne numbers, pencil, hangover
,cures and what have .you. One for each guest will '. ea
make your party a riot. •
Catrying Out Cake Tradition
'fh.e.' £ttt~E. J-tOll~£. Shop
Mr. and Mrs. William Seifredcarry out the cake cut-
ting tradition at the breakfast following their mal'l'iage
V. W. Fitler last month in Sacred Heart Church. The bride is the
former Missl Katherine McCann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter A. McCann of Manoa. Her husband is the son
Plenty of Free Parking of Mr. Frank Seifred of ArdmoI'e. (Candid by Clarence
at the Square
Club President· IFlower Exhibit
Plans Underway
Names Chairman By Local Club
12" X 9 n :,x': 5" Vanity Case For Next Season Plans are already underway for
the staging of the Community Fall,
Flower Show, an ann.ual event,
Red, Blue, Green, Tan, Brown or' Black Announcement has been made by whIch made its reappearance last
Mrs. John E. Wiley, president of autumn after an absence of six
• Washable Lining-
':,. Brass-plated lock
Bath Towel were 1.25 the Woman's ClUb of Ardmore, of
the appointment of chairmen Ito
years because of the war. Two
June meetings have been held and
direct the activities of the variOUS a third session was held yesterday
. . ' Center mirror ", , club departments during the com- at the home of Mrs.' David W.

! Bottles extra '4 'in a'set $1.25 22" x 44" now ing season.
Named to head the different de-
The show, staged by the Wo-
; ,(•. /~''''J? partments are the Mmes. H. T. man's ClUb of Ardmore and headed
* sllbject to tax Reynolds, citizenship and legisla- by Mrs. Edwin H. Brown as chair-
•, tion; Joseph W: Anderson, garden man, will run for two days, thil
and conservation; Edward O. year, September'16 an4 17.
Hand Towel were .65 Krueger, education; James P. Ban-
ta, motion picture; Elizabeth
Members of a committee assist-
ing Mrs. Brown, are the Mmes.
..........&'Telephone ordei·s'fille,.i

50 c
..... ~-'..
Whyte. art; Lawrence R. Gardner, Alfred C. Brombach, David W,
FREE DELIVERY 16" x 28" . now C drama; R. W. Haywood. literature; Coates, John T. DePietro, H. H.

, 81 Coulter Ave.
Ardmore 0196
Raymond T. Ohl, music; Lawrence
R. Gleeson, welfare; James T. Hea-
garty, press book; J. Martin Chad-
Wick, publicity; H. K. Bauernfeind,
Elliot, Lawrence R. Gardner, Earle
B. Henderson, Raymond A. Hio-
kox, C. Harold Kistler Sr., Edward
O. Krueger, Samu.,el Lay. Harold 1.
Air-Conditioned for Your Comfort,
Wash Cloth now 2S program; Ralph M. Sprowles,
radio; John .F. McKee. Red Cross
and war veteran and Miss Laura
Anderson, International Relations.
Nyc, Thomas C. Reid, Herbert 1.
Walters, C. C. Widdicombe and
John E. Wiley, club president.

were .35
B. Mawr Moose
The club activities chairmen in-
clude Miss Mary E. Heckler, club

Superb Simplicity In New Decorator's Colors:

Pearl, Sun, New Green,
day; Mrs. Edwin H. Brown, fall
flower show; Mrs. Charle.s W.
Chain Jr., hospitality; Mrs. How-'
ard T. Lodge, house; Mrs. Earl H.
Henderson, membership'; Mrs. Wil-
liam D. Sutliff, monthly bridge;
Hold 1st Session

In Crystal Periwinkle, Blue, Turquoise
Mrs. Lydia K. Black, remem-
brance; Mrs. Willlam P. Nash.
rental; Mrs. Alfred C. Brombach,
ways and means; Mrs. Kenneth S.
With New Regent
More than 20' members attended
Garrett, transr:o~'tation; Mrs. Har- the first meeting of the Bryn Mawr
per E. Adams, theater guild, Mrs. Chapter of the Women of the Moose
H. H. Elllot, grounds and Mrs. E. under the chairmanship of Mrs.
imported -from Sweden 'The Linen Shop of the Main Line
W. BaldWin, rummage sales.
Others appointed clUb positions
Mary E. Falcone, newly-instaIled
senior regent, Thursday evening in
the Moose Hall.
are Mrs. PaUl Keever, clUb histor-
ian; Mrs. Noel F. Wiley, year book Main bUGiness of the session was
29~OULTER AVENUE' editor; Mrs. Eugcne C. Alder and the appointment by Mrs. Falcone
Mrs. Harold Reese, registrars; Mrs. of committees and chairmen to

.-• 10.50 dozen Always. Cool!

Elmcr Cox. Club Chatter editor
and Mrs. Harry Keller and Mrs.
J. Harold Bach, junior spoJ;lsors.
serve with her during the coming
Named to head the alumnae com-
mittee was Mrs. Maisie Gibson, and
pUblicity will be directed by Mrs.

, Mary Hemcher and a committee of
.:;' ~ ... Always Convenient! 2From Gladwyne three.
Other chairmen include Mrs.
DorothY Roberts, Mooseheart; Mrs.
Della Flanagan, library; Mrs. Rose
·, >

~' ~~..:
Always Best. Value!
Attend V.F.W. Wright, Moosehavenj Mrs. Mary
Falcone Jr., child care and train-
ing; Lila Stuart, ritual; Mrs.
Gladys Elsier, social service; Mrs.

State Convention Mary Horgan, homemaking; Mrs.
Florence Stuart. hospital gulld;'and
Mrs. Eleanor McNeill. membership.
SUBURBAN SQUARE Mrs. Ella M. VanderVeur and The next meeting of the group,


., Mrs. Catherine Althouse were Glad- to be held Thursday, will feature

wyne delegates at the state con- observance of Officers Chapter
vention of Veterans of Foreign Night, and will mark the closing
I Wars which held its final sessions of Peanut Friends for the current
, Saturday in Philadelphia. year and the selection of new ones
• a new low Price! Also participating was Mt·s.
Helen K. Reinhart, past president
for the coming months. In charge
wili be Mrs. Mary E. Falcone,
of the Gladwyne group, who is gift Mrs. Kathryn Maas, Mrs. Marian

·~ Beautifully gra~~ful- Colony Club Sli~ps

fund chairman of the State De- Malloy, Mrs. Hilda Shannon, Mrs•
.,' partment. Sarah Gane and Mrli. Jennie Fat-
.. The delegates reported that
among highlights of the conven-
:this modern design in '.
. . tion was the presentation of a four
GOP Women Plan
I .
,year scholarship at Pennsylvania
• . State College to a boy from Scot-
Hand Blown crystal~. Compl~mental'Y land School who had made an ex-

;and Compatible with gl'acio.us Table

ceptional .spholarship record, and
the donatIOn by the state depart-
ment of $10.000 for the Fred Stover
Cottage at the VFW natioWal
For Xmas Bazaar
At a luncheon meeting yesterday
.:·Setting-in Goblets,..Sherbets, WinE:ls,.' ,.
matchless craftsman- home in Eaton Rapids. Mich.
Mrs. Reinhart· presented the
at the home of Mrs. Warner G.
Vaughan of 503 Wynnewood Ave.,
ship quality thl'U and Montgomery County Councll La- Narberth, plans were discussed for
: Cocktails and Cordials.
dies Auxiliary dri1l team in its first
official appearance befot'e the as-
sembly and also attended a lunch-
the .annual Christmas Bazaar of
the Republican Women of Pennsyl-
vania to be held December 5. at
eon at the Benjamin Franklin Ho- the Bellevue Stratford.

GILMAN • Bur-Mil rayon crepe tcl given for state chairmen by Mrs. Ira L. Conklin of Penfield
Mrs. Rachael Montanye, state Downs is chairman of a committee
, • Twin Seams president. ' working on .the Party Booth. She
• Cut full and true to
A fuJI report of the convention
'wi1l be given tonight to members
of the Gladwyne Post Auxiliary
is being assisted by Mrs. Horace
W. Gordon of Vi1lanova and Mrs.
.•.. The Finest China and Glass Store in Suburban America
size by Mrs. VanderVeur and Mrs. Alt-
Drew C. Smith of Philadelphia as
co-chairmen. Honorary chairman

• Perfection in Detail house at a meeting in the Baptist
of the committee is Mrs. Archibald
Radel' of Haverford.

·lace trim or fagotting Among those present at the
.~ luncheon, besides the chairmen
Chenowah, Council To Lay were Miss Dorothy Anneal' of
Plans For October Dance Rosemont, Mrs. A. W. Ayars of
. • • "~'~
\, ; Tentative plans for an October Narberth, Mrs. Marion Donaldson,
Mrs. Wright Humphreys, Mrs.

dance wllI be discussed Tuesday
night by members of the Chenowah Mark J. Igoe, Mrs. George Irwin,
Councll of Bryn Mawr at a meeting Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller of Nar-
in the Redmen Hall. berth, Mrs. C. Leo Sutton, Mrs.
Mrs. Ida Payton, acting Poca- Lewis J. Thomas,' ~iss Florence
hontas, wl11 preside at the session. Trickel' and Mrs. ~bert E. Win-
Refreshments will be served at the terbottom of st. Davids.
close o.f business. The group will hold another dis-
cussion. session on September 21 at
Human interest stories of the home of Mrs. Eberhardt Muel-
Main Line residents 'f The Times ler in Narberth. At this time also,
Is always interested. Call Ard- Mrs. Mueller's collection of Drell-
48 Ooulter Avenue more 4300, editorial department. den will be exhibited.

, i
Rosemont Youngster I ....- - - -..... ~......
Thursday, Jilly 14, 1949
Leah'Mary Faulkner
Visiting In Michigan Merion~s FamousGrass. :T.~~nnis C~urts Win 46, .pay Awarded Bicycle In
Radio ShowCo'ntest LUMBER
, '\1
Shop the,Sub~rban VVay
Leah Mary Faulkner of ROlle-
mont Plaza., Rosemont Is spending
the month of July In Birmingham,
Mich., with Marilyn Hines, 'a for-
Battle Over Drought 'As'·.~:Cfin, .Ar'r~ves" On;;. Tuesday VIrginia (Ginny) Moore, l1-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Mouldings • Plywood
Fibre & Insulation Boai'd'
Moore of Rosemont, won, a.bicycle
mer classmate at Ardmore Junior recently In a conte~t sponsored by .~ustic Lamp Posts,
High School, who lived in Wynne- "
the MagIc Lady" Supj>e!' Club


wood before moving to Michigan, radio program.

, Post & Rail }'en'ce
Dui'lng hel' stay wlth'Miss Hines, The prize was given for the' win- Shelving
Miss Faplkner wn. travel through nIng JIst of safety rules· senv to
various flarts of Canada. the program, which Is heard at 6
Odds & Ends of Hard.:and
Come to church thill Sunday p.m. dally over Station WFIL. Soft Wood for the Hobbyist (
The bicycle arrived Tuesday but and for repair,s ." "
Ginny, Who Is at Girl Scout Camp "
Indian Run, near Downingtown,
Painting - Decgrating has not yet learned of the surprise
which awaIts her return home. SHULL LUMBER COMPANY
Expert Workmen - Quality Products Only A former safety patr'olmen\ber
for the Keys~orie Automobile ClUb,
Ginny completed sixth grade work
25 Bala Ave., Bala.Cyn~if
Cynwyd 0662:':,-,:;:;;:;i;:
this year at the Bryn Mawr School . ,. ~ ".,,;~;~%::~~"
and wlJ1 entel' -Ardmore Junior .f,

High Schaal In the fall. '''.,

iJ I

DltY Ardmore 3453-

- Evening Washburn 7161
Painting and Decorating of Dil!tinction
Make a date to RENOV·AT',·if:~ ~~ .~,~~~


fJ.'f.. Inner Filling Steril.~;!.
For a Clientele of Dlscirlmination
,.,.'(\r- \\~~ O'f.tf. and processed •. ,~l!W~:~:
~Cb~ \'\\~ $'\1t '9 ..~Stj Tic~ing F~rnished ~";~~~~::
~~~ ~1.tf. Sprmg Units GuaranJ~!:~2
Phone WIssahlckoD 7-60%0
~ ,
15 Years. . "'''.01<'
. ..:'~::~;:
,"I can never thank you enough for per- ALLIED MATTRESS RENOVATORS .. :;.,,:';"
suading me to buy our lot, which is almost , 0 0 W. ALL EN' S LAN E .. ! G E B MAN TOW N. P B;I:I:j';:~'
'Il:.,":.l ..•. ~

pa,id for. At the time of purchase I never

realized anything like this was going to • ·r·it1~. '''I''f.'

happen. Many thanks for encouraging

me to secure my lot before need" in

West Laurel Hi-II "'emetery THE OLIVER H. BAIR

Belmont Ave. above Phila. City Line
To obtain literature by mail without obligation
Phone' CYNWYD 1591 - EXTENSION 7
was founded i,n 1878 by Oliver
Merion Gets Set To Welcome National Stars For State Tournament Next Week H. Bair. It is still owned and
G HEATING Pancho Gonzales,. national singles champion;' Gussie Moran, woman's star, and a host of national aces wi1l be
on hand starting Monday to compete in the noted Pennsy lvania tennis championships on the grass courts of the managed by a member of the

Merion Cricket Club. Far right are the clay courts of Merion, next are the fast drying g'rave(courts and at the ex-
treme left is the section where the championships will be played. The courts at center are grass. (Aerial Photo by founder's immediate famil,Y.
William Harris) . \
At 10 a.m. Tuesday, Albert co-I .
laiuta became one of the happiest ColalUta and two regular empolyes
men on the Main Line. p~us three youths from ~earbY
R'adnor Campers
I Haverford Center
NOW It'started to rain. hIgh .schools who work while on

Busy C0mpetIng

Some people can take rain or vacatlon.

leave it - especially the latter, but
So when you see the famous
like a fal'mer, C?laiuta dotes on. it State tournament ne~t
. a On Summer Schedule
A visit to the Main Line Times
For Mcst
' Point,.
week played bUilding, the Franklin Institute and Telephone RI 6-1581 MARY A. BAIR, President
genel'ous sprinkhng at regular In- on the famous Merion grass, re- an animal hospital is the varied
tervals. ' member the grass is not like a
Up to Tuesday morning, almost :rop~y. It just didn't grow' by
program for the Girls Club of the
" Haverford Community Center,
46 days had gone by without a Itselr. ~ whose members will be accompan- ~, (
ground-soaking rain. Suburbanites ied by their sponsors, Mrs. Irma
fretted about brown patches on The Squeaking Mice are leading
the Chasing Cats and the Bugs Fe)'.
their lawns, tomatoes as big as
marbles and some smaller, beans Local Midsh!pmen have a lead on the Pa.nthers The first jaunt, today's to the

Per Gallon
than apparently had no Intention
to become beans, and the heat,
Sitting in his office Monday
night, the big, burly guardian of
In Training Now
among the tIpper patrols of boys animal hospital, will initiate the
and girls in a race for points at series of three on the following
the Radnor Day Camp, now In its Thursdays.
third successive year. Other activities at the center,
Merion Cricket Club's precious
lawns looked out on six acres of At Little Creek Sponsored by the school board directed by Leonard Logan, in-
and directed by Ethel G. Encke, clude the organization of a softball and
close cropped grass, or 23 tennis
courts and 23 spares. "I'll admit
the camp is putting on a recrea· team, called' the Oldtim'ers, by
Three Main Line midshipillen tional program featuring a division mothers and teen - age girls; swim-
they don't look bad, considering, are participating in amphibious of attending youngsters into pa- ming instl'Uction at Brookline pool
but they could be better," Colaiuta training exercises held at Little trols with three age grQups for the for boys, and baseball for junior
said. Creek, Va., during July for NROTC boys and girls, each patrol being and senior boys. TELEVISION
'~We have less than one week to midshipmen from 52 colleges awarded points for its successes in Although the Preston Tigers, the
activities durIng the daY. Over 300 younger nine, lest their game at

go before the Pennsylvania State throughout the United states.
The three are Joseph Pilling Rea children are scheduled to take part Oakmont' with a score of 6-4, the
LESS - championships when Pancho Gon-
zales, he's the national champion, Welty, son of J. W. Welty of Owen this week, and a rapidly growing senior team won both !!fames In a
and Gorgeous Gussie Moran are Rd. and Montgomery Ave., Wynne- em'ollment is predicted.
here to play. W~'ve got to give wood, a student at the University
double - header with the Berwyn
Tallying the most points so far Panthers Saturday.
them the best." of Virginir.; Lewis Henry Esler Jr. in the other age groups are the Next Wednesday night the center

20;0, CASH ,DISCOUNT Now was as good as time as any, of Tunbridge Rd., Haverford, a stu- A's over the Wolves, Tigers and is planing a movie. Lil Abner, pro-
,the reporter thought, to get some dent at Princeton, and Samuel Phi1lles for the younger boys; the vided by the Haverford Township
Every' Service job we handle, we
free adv.ice on the care of his Ranken Robcl:ts of 1327, Hillside Green Frogs leading the )3utter- Recreational Committee. GUARANTEE. And why not? We have •
lawn. . ' Rd,. Wynnewood, a student at flies and Cardinals among younger
If Paid to Driver or Within 10 Days "Cut your grass once a week, Dartmouth. girls; the Yankees followed by the the Finest Equipment and Trained Per-
AI?" During the exercises these mid- Braves and Eagles in the boys' Margaret Shropshire sonnel available. So at .the next sig'n of
On Charge Account "Three times during the hot sea- shipmen wi1l receive training in middle group, and the 13 Stars Wins College Honor
son and five or siX during spring. the fundamentals of amphibious trailing the Canaries in the girls' Margaret Ann Shropshire of Ard- trouble, PHONE ...
RoJled at the same time, too," we' warfare under the auspices of Rear middle division. more has been named to the dean's

FARRELL learned. Admiral Jerauld Wright, USN,

That· seemed a lot, eseeclally Commander Amphibious Force, US
when Colaiuta has.no trimming to Atlantic Fleet.
do, much that is; has a lot of mow- Upon graduation from college the
This week the children will be list at Mary Washington College
young tastes
of the University of Virginia for
in tennis and archery; movies se- scholastic honors during the sec-
ond semester of the current year.
69th & CHESTNUT ST5. ers hooked up behind a tractor, midshipmen will embark upon a will be shown tomorrow night.
doesn't have to pick up popsickle two - year tour of active duty dur-
Miss Shropshire, a junior major-
Already under way are tourna- ing in economics and business ad-
wrappers, rusted cap guns 01' the ing which their cauabilities as ments in softball, badminton and mlnstl'ation, was on the dean's
Boulevard 5600 AL 4·4711 leavIngs from the Lone Ranger's Naval o{ficer~ wiJI be observed. If tennis, with tennis instruction by list· the first semester, also. She
afternoon snack from the lawn. they meet the requirements and so Jean Crook. former· junior cham- is a member of the Newman Club
Once a; week is plenty. desire they wiJI be given the op- pion of Eastern United States. and on the editorial staff 'of The
. BRYN MAWR 4584

But even- without these duties, a portunity to remain as officcrs of In the teen '. age league,directed Bullet, campus weekly. :.
groundkeeper's life is filled with the Regular Navy. by Cliff Calvert, the Skookies are " ; ~ .", ... t.,
problems and hard work. ahead with a record of two wins
Agricultural life really begins at ., llnd no losses, with the Bells and
Merion Pn the fall-:about the sec-
ond week in September. About 130
Four-Year College Roblnsons close on their heels with
one win each.
tons of. mushroom soil and sand Scholarship Won On Cowans Field in Wayne, a
By Narberth Youth
, Great'
are spread over the siX acres after record attendance is being noted
they have been spiked and sown. for the season's tournament'· in
The spIking is done by a tubular One of two four - year college' softball, badminton, deck tennis,
machine equipped with sharp scholarships, established in memory checkers and quoits, staged under

ItS pI'ongs that penetrate two inches of two former officers of the penn- the direction of Bi1l Paolantonio.
Into the turf. After the soil spread- sylvania Railroad, has been award- Last Friday the field was the scene
ing, the entire area is watered and ed after competitive examinations of a pet show' for neighborhood
then groomed daily until the new. to a Narberth youth.
crop of grass appears. A scholarship at the University
Baselines are the big problem, of Pennsylva,pia, established in

Twenty-fOUl' hours of steady play memory of John Clark Sims, a for-

can weal' away the grass but be- mer secretary of the Pennsylvania
fore that occurs, the court is shift- Railroad, l\nd a'pen to railroad em-
Polio Prevention
ed. This gives the worn grass a ployes and sons of employes, goes
chance to rest before it is put into to Eugene McM. Musselwhite Jr.
use again. of Narberth, son of E. M. Mussel-
Urged By County
The courts are sown with a mix- white, special agent in the traffic
ture of fescue, Kentucky plue, bent department, Philadelphia.
a~d so~e r~d top, all Qf these being 'Young Musselwhite, a graduate
Health Officials
dissimilar In nature and adapted of Lower Merion High School class Warnings are being issued. to
to one particular job. They are of 1949 will study at the Univer- parents of Delaware County that
watered from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. slty of' Pennsylvania of which Mr. this is the season for infantile par-
when necessary are fussed over by Sims was for many years a trustee. alysis 'and that now is the time 'St ~J1

~., '.
"'. ...

A"::::A,'FoR the biggest half yem!)

to take all possible measures to
prevent chl1dren from contracting
the disease.
In pointing out that the summer
From tOR months consistently show an in-
crease In the number of ca~es over

in Studebaker history !
those reported for the rest of the
year. Dr. John B, Klopp, county
medical director, said that 87 per- J
sons in the county were affected , ..
last year, highest toll for l7ny .
to bottom \ county in the state except PhIla-
r--------------- T
HE Studebaker. buying wave that's sweeping the

delphia. You get more for your money country grew to huge proportions the past few
You can see the quality in every Dr. Klopp recommended im- ."
mediate vaccination for pupils en- In a Studebaker weeks. "
golden drop of Gretz, you can Cars attrae! dirt aad sludge
tering school, for the first time,
and constant vigilance for polio's

Studeb~ker Is the style star By the end of June, so many people had bought
taste the quality in'its real old. first ~ymptoms: headaches, nausea, of all today's cars new Studeb~kers that the biggest half year in all
at this time of the year. It's·
time flavQr. Get Gretz-it's great!
tired feeling, muscular pains, or
stiffness and fo':er, He also ad- •
Studebaker stands o"t II'!
Studebaker history was recorded.
wise to keep it clean and well lubricated. Be sure you v;:;cated that chilorCil, who should What's more to the point, America's preference for
not be allowed to become over- thrift and solid value
. have 'summer weig'ht oil: tired or chiJIed, should avoid • , Studebaker styling, performance, operating economy
• #letter IIeer _• ~ naturally*
r:row,h and be forbidden to swim'
In ~01l uted waters.
Stop In now and see
the many fine features of
and value keeps on increasing steadily, week by week.

~ Boal'd ~f-'~;~;;h '--
L the '49 Studebakers _I A new vision of loveliness inside and outside, the
1949 Studebaker brings thrift that counts, new han·
..Heron's Service Station Discontinues Meetings
\Vhite'sidewall tires and wheel trim rings or
discs optional at extra &:od on aU models.
dling ease and riding comfort into motoring.
Meetings of Sharon Hill Board of
Simonizing • Washing
Health have been dIscontinued
until Sept. 20 unless an emergency
arises. ServIng on the board are REILEY 'MOTORS, Inc. .I'
Dr. Austin :Brunner, president;
Molle tile oltl.'a_Idolled
211 E. LANCASTER AVE•• ARDMORE Ml'S. Winfield W. Patterson, seet'e- 239 .. 241 E•. LANCASTER AVE. ARDMORE 7180 - TRINITY 7·6681
OALL FOR AND DELIVERY-CALL tarYi' Christian Kopp, health of-
",ag__ • _'offJlg••• lIaturallfl* ficer; Edgar Hewlsh, Re'presenta'
ARDMORE 9649 ~4f..t! )lOTORINU'
t1ve of borough councll: Hugh
K, Johnston, August Hoerner and

" ,

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