Review Lesson 3

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Review lesson 3 :

# Chữa reading week 1 :

- Be described as + 1 adj
- There has been … for more than + 1N chỉ time


No rainfall = droughts

Steadily = slowly

Described => description

Lưu ý : những từ ngữ thuộc chuyên ngành sẽ khó bị paraphrase

+Scanning skill :

Tìm key words + their paraphrases  compare with the text  T/F/NG

Thông thg gặp những từ limit như : just, only, minor,… - NG

# Speaking :

Nói về sự thay đổi : have/ experience/ go through,…

I let everything get to me : để mọi thứ ảnh hưởng



Keeping fit : - heal conditions

- Exercise
- Diets

Answer these question :

- How healthy are you?- my health is…..

- How to improve your diet ?- there are a lot of way to….
- What can you do to stay healthy? - diet or excercise
- Do u think it’s a good idea to take exercise regularly?- … do wonder to my health

Tip :Compare past – present  kéo dài tgian đọc

Từ vựng : bảng Mind Map Unit 3 g.v đã cho

*speaking part 2 : describe an activity that you do to stay healthy ?

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